The Protestation w ch: the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, in y e Commons house of Parliament, made, y e 3 d of May. 1642.
I. A. B. do in the presence of Almighty God promise, vow & protest, to maintaine & defend so far as lawfully I may with my life, power, & estate, y e true reformed Protestant Religion, expressed in y e Doctrine of the Church of England, against all Popery & popish Innovations within this Realme, contrary to y e same Doctrine, and according to y e duty of my Allegiance, his maiesties royall Person; honour & Estate, as also y e power & priviledge of Parliament; The lawfull rights & Liberties of y e subiect, & every person y t maketh this protestation, in w t soever he shall do in y e lawfull pursuance of y e same, And to my power, & as far as lawfully I may, I will oppose, & by all good waies & meanes endeauour to bring to condigne punishm t, all such as shall either by force, practise, Counsells, Plotts, conspiracies, or otherwise, do any thing to y e contrary of any thing in this present Protestation, contayned. And further, That I shall in all iust & honourable waies endeauour to preserue y e union & Peace between y e three Kingdomes of England, Scot-land, & Ireland, And neither for hope, feare, nor other respect, shall relinquish this promise, vow, & Protestation.
This house doth declare, that by those words, the true reformed Protestant Religion, &c is meant onely the publike Doctrine profess d in y e said Church, so far as it is opposite to Popery, or Popish Innovations, & not y e mayntayning of any forme of Worship, Discipline, or Gouerment, nor any rites or Cerimonijs of y e s d: Church. [...]