[royal blazon or coat of arms]

IT is this day Ordered by the house of Commons, That the Knights, Ci­tizens and Burgesses of the severall Counties, Cities, and Boroughs of this Kingdom, and the Dominion of Wales respectively, shall forthwith signifie unto the Commissioners appointed for the Assessing and Leavy­ing of all summes of money to be raised by an Act of Parliament, Inti­tuled, An Act for the speedie provision of money for disbanding the Armies and setling the peace of the two Kingdoms of ENGLAND and SCOTLAND, That this House doth require them to proceed effectually, impartially, and with all possible speed in the due execution of the authoritie given them by the said Act, whereby the returns of all moneys to be thereby Assessed may be seasonably made, according as the great occasions of this Kingdom require. And that from time to time the said Commissioners respectively, shall acquaint the said Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses with their proceedings herein, and of any difficulty that may occurre to them, whereby an Account thereof may be given to this House.

And further, that all Sheriffes (except of such Counties as by this Act are appointed to make their paiments at the city of York) as soon as they shall have received any considerable sum of money by vertue of this Act, shall speedily convey and pay the same to Sir Edmund Wright, Lord Major of the Citie of London, Sir James Cambell, Sir George Whitmore, Sir Nicholas Rain­ton, Sir Christopher Clitherow Knights, Aldermen of the said Citie, and Robert Bateman Esquire, Chamberlain thereof, or any two or more of them, at, or in the Chamberlains Office in Guild­hall within the said citie of London.

And this House doth further require, That all Collectors and persons whatsoever to be ap­pointed by the said Commissioners by vertue of the said Act for any service in the execution thereof shall faithfully, diligently and effectually attend the same according to the true intent of the said Act.

And it is hereby further Ordered, That there shall be allowed and paid to the Collectors of every Parish the sum of one penie in the pound, for all such sums of money as they shall Col­lect and pay in, according to this Act, and that there shall be likewise allowed for all such Monies as shall be so Collected and paid in, one penie in the pound to the Commissioners Clarks, and others to be imployed by them for writing and ingrossing.

And that there shall be further allowed to the Sheriffes of the severall Counties residing fifty miles distant from the Cities of London or York, or upwards, two pence in the pound, and to such Sheriffes as shall reside within that distance from the said Cities, one penie in the pound for all such sums of Money, as the said Sheriffes shall pay in respectively, according to the said Act. And the Treasurers in the said Act are hereby authorized, to allow one penie in the pound for such sums of Money as shall be paid unto them by such Sheriffes as shall reside within fiftie miles of the said Cities, to such persons as shall be imployed in receiving and paying forth the Monies by them.

It is further Ordered, That this Order shall be forthwith Printed by the Kings Printer.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1641.

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