AN ACT VVith further Instructions to the Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and Register for the Sale of the Lands and Possessions of the late Deans, Sub-Deans, Deans and Chapters, &c. And for the better, and more speedy execution of the former Acts, Ordinances, and Instructions made concerning the same.
BEE it enacted by this present Parliament, and by the Authority of the same; That all and every person and persons, whō by an Act of this Parliament, Entituled, (An Act of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, For the abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and other Offices and Titles, of or belonging to any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappell, within England or Wales) are not disabled to hold or use the Place, Function, Office, Title or Stile of Precentor, or any other Title, Stile, Place, Function, or office, of or belonging to any Cathedrall, or Collegiate Church or Chappell, within England or Wales, the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and Isles of Guernsey and Jersey, or any of them, are, Precentors disabled to hold the office or title. and be from the Nine and twentieth day of March, in the yeare of our Lord, 1649. disabled to hold the same, or any such place, [Page 2] Function, Office, or Stile as aforesaid; And that all Mannors, The Mannors, Lands, Rectories, Parsonages &c. the Trustees are vested in. Lands, Tenements, Rectories, Parsonages, Vicarages, Advowsons, Donations, Nominations, rights of Patronage, and Presentation. Tythes, Parkes, Commons, Annuities, Rents, Reversions, Services, Courts Leets, Courts Baron, and other Courts, Franchises, Liberties, Priviledges, and Immunities, Rights of action and entry, Conditions, and all other Possessions, and hereditaments, with their and every of their appurtenances, of what nature or quality soever they be, which now are, or at any time within ten years before the beginning of this present Parliament of right were belonging to every or any such Precentor, or other person or persons aforesaid; and which they, or any of them had held or enioyed in right, or by reason of his or their said Place, Function, Office, Title, Stile, or imployment respectively; together with all Charters, Deeds, Court-rolles, Accompts, Evidences, and Writings belonging to them, or any of them, which concerne the same premises, or any of them, shall bee, and are hereby vested, and setled, and are hereby adiudged to bee, and shall bee deemed and taken to be in the reall and actuall possession and seisin of Sir John Wollaston Knight, Thomas Noel, William Hobson, Thomas Arnold, Owen Roe, Stephen Estwicke, Robert Titchborne, George Langham, John Stone, Mark Hildsley, John White, William Wyberd, Daniel Taylor, William Rolfe, and Rowland Wilson Esouires (Trustees in the said recited Act named) their Heirs and Assignes; And that they the said Trustees, and the Survivor, and Survivors of them, and his and their Heirs and Assignes, shall from henceforth hold such of the premises (hereby setled and vested in them) and such of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, by the said recited Act, vested in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, as on the eight and twentieth day of March last past, were holden [Page 3] of any Common person, or persons by the same tenures Rents and services, by which the same were then held; And shall from henceforth hold all the rest of the said Mannors, and premises (aswell those which are hereby, as those which by the said recited Act, are vested or setled in the said Trustees and their Heirs) of the Mannor of East Greenwich, The Manor of East Greenwich. in free and Common Socage, by fealty only, and not by any other tenure, or service whatsoever: And that they the said Trustees, and the Survivor and Survivors of them, and his and their heirs shall from henceforth stand seized of all the said Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and other things hereby or by the said recited Act vested in them, and their Heirs as aforesaid (except Rectories, Parsonages, Vicarages, and such other things as in the said Act are excepted) to the uses, intents, and purposes herein, What things are excepted, and the uses and purposes thereof, and hereafter declared, and not upon any other trust, nor to any other use, intent, or purpose whatsoever that is to say) that out of the money which shall be raised by the sale of such of the premises as shall bee sold, and out of the Rents, Revenues, issues, and profits of the premises which shall grow due before such sale: The severall sums of money, which hereby, or by the said Act are, or are intended to be paid and satisfied; together with all charges to be paid or borne, for or by reason of the execution of the trust in them reposed (and not otherwise provided for) may be paid and satisfied; and after the same shall be made and satisfied, They, and the Survivors, and survivor of them, his and their heirs shall stand seised of the residue of the premises, then remaining undisposed of, for the use and benefit of the Common-wealth, as by the Parliament shall be appointed. And it is hereby further enacted, in all things (not hereby otherwise directed) which concern the premises hereby vested or setled in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, and the rents, issues, and profits [Page 4] thereof, or which have reference thereunto, as in and by the said recited Act, and such other Acts and Instructions as have been since that made, or given; It is enacted concerning the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and other things by the said first recited Act vested, or setled in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, or any other thing in reference thereunto; And that the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and Register respectively, and all Purchasers and others whom it doth or shall concerne, shall have the like Powers, Priviledges, and Authorities in all things, and are hereby authorized, and impowered, to have and doe, all such, and the like Acts and things, in reference to the premises hereby vested, or setled in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, and the Rents, Issues and profits thereof, in the like sort, as they have, or may doe by force of the said other Acts and Instructions, in reference to the premises by the said first recited Act, vested or setled in the said Trustees and their Heirs, and the Rents, Issues, and Profits thereof.
And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid; That such of the Contractors, Contractors that have any legall terme in the Premisses may purchase. named in the first recited Act, who on or before the first day of December, 1641. in his or their own right had, and now hath, or which before, or since that, as Executor or administrator to any other had, and now hath, any legall term in any of the premises hereby, or by the said first recited Act vested in the said Trustees and their Heirs, may purchase the Reversion and Inheritance thereof, without incurring any of the forfeitures expressed in the said Act; & shall have and enioy such and the like benefit, discharges, liberties & advantages in reference thereunto, as any other Purchaser of any of the premises may, or ought to have & enioy, any thing in the said first recited [Page 5] Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, in the cases aforesaid; That the Committee of Obstructions, or any five or more of them shall make the Contract, according to the Rules, and values in the first recited Act mentioned: And Provided also, That no Contractor doe procure himselfe to bee an Executor or Administrator, by fraud or Coven, thereby to obtaine an interest of a Reversion or Reversions to become a Purchaser. And it is hereby further Enacted, That the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and Registers named in the said first recited Act, and all other persons, bodies Politique and Corporate, and every of them shall, in reference to the premises hereby, or by the same first recited Act vested, or setled in the said Trustees, and their heires, and in all things touching the same, observe and pursue, and have the benefit of these Instructions following (viz.)
The time enlarged for bringing in the moneys to be doubled.I. That the times formerly limited, and now neer elapsed for bringing in of the moneys to be doubled upon the Credit of the Deans and Chapters lands, shall be enlarged, and have continuance unto the last day of Aug. 1649. for all those who live in London, or within twenty miles distant from the same, and unto the last day of September following for all others of this Nation, or resiant therein.
Monies advanced for purchasing Rebells lands in Ireland admitted to bee doubled.II. That all persons, Bodies Politique and Corporate, whose moneys advanced for the purchase of the Rebells lands in Ireland, are admitted to be doubled upon the Credit of the said Deans and Chapters Lands, who have, or shall within the times hereby before limited, double the same, and bring in their moneys, shall have allowance for the same, after the rate of Eight pounds percent. per annum, from the time of their first advance thereof, and shall have their Bills cast up accordingly.
Moneys advanced in severall Counties admitted of.III. That the Receipt or Certificate of the high Sheriffs of the severall Counties and Cities, who by [Page 6] the Act for the speedy reducing of the Rebells in Ireland, were authorized to receive moneys advanced in their respective Counties, for purchase of the said Rebells Lands, and to give Receipts for the same: As likewise the Receipt or Certificate of the Treasurers at Grocers-hall London,As Iso the money advanced at Grocers-hall.for moneys advanced, and paid to their Treasury upon the purchase of the said Rebells lands, or any two of them shall be a warrant to the said Trustees, to admit to double upon, in like manner as the Receipts or Certificates of the Treasurers of those moneys at Guild-hall, or the Survivor of them are directed or intended to bee.
Merchant Strangers and Mariners admireed to double.IV. That all such Merchant Strangers, Mariners, and others who advanced moneys for the relief and preservation of Ireland, and paid the same into the Chamber of London, in the yeare 1642. and their Assignes, bringing unto the said Trustees a Receipt or Certificate for the same, under the hand of the Chamberlaine of London, or his Deputy for the time being, shall be, and hereby is admitted to double the same, with the interest thereof, upon the credit of the said Deans and Chapters lands, and shall have such allowance of interest, and the like priviledges and advantages as any others admitted to double have, or ought to have.
Those admitted to double that raised and furnished horse for the preservation of the City of London.V. That all such persons who raised or furnished any Horse, with, or without furniture, for the preservation of the City of London, which were listed, and valued by Commissary Thomas Walker, and afterwards sent out into the Publick service, and there continued or lost, and not returned to the owners, shall by themselves, or their Assignes, upon producing to the said Trustees a Certificate thereof, under the hand of the Colonel, or Maior of the Regiment, or Captain, or other chief Officers of the Troope, wherein the said Horses were abroad in the Publick Service, bee admitted to double the monies at which the said Horses [Page 7] and furniture were valued by the said Commissary as moneys owing upon the Publick Faith, upon the credit of the said Deans and Chapters lands; and shall have such Allowances, Priviledges, and Advantages, as other persons admitted to doubling have.
What the Register may make a particular of.VI. That the Register, or his Deputy, or any of his Clerks, shall not make forth any particular upon any Survey but upon such only, as shall be first allowed, and signed by the Surveyor Generall, according to which Surveys so allowed and signed, particulars shall bee made, and not otherwise.
Vpon what particular the Contractors may contract for.VII. That the Contractors or any of them, shall not make any Contract upon any particular but such only, as shall bee first signed by the Register or his sworn Deputy, and every particular so made and signed shall be a good, and sufficient warrant to the Contractors, or any five or more of them, to contract upon for the sale of all or any of the Lands, Lenements, Hereditaments, and other things therein comprized.
Conveyances to be sealed to the purchasers.VIII. That the Contractors, or any five or more of them, after any such Contract made upon any such particular rated, and signed by the Register, or his sworn Deputy, shall thereupon by writing under their hands, to bee subscribed under such particular, attest that Contract, and make request, and give warrant to the Trustees, or any five or more of them to draw up and seal Conveyances thereupon to the Purchasers, whereupon the Register or his Deputy (having first entred the same, and all proceedings thereon) shall deliver the same to the Trustees, or any five or more of them, who are hereby authorized to make and seal Conveyances accordingly.
Trustees to nominate Receivers for the Rents, issues, &c.IX. That the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, shall from time to time by writing, or writings under their hands and seales, nominate and appoint such and so many Receivers, as they shall [Page 8] thinke fit to receive the rents, issues, and profits of the premises, which by this or the said first recited Act are vested, or setled in the said Trustees and their Heirs; and from time to time when, and as oft as they shall thinke fit, remove them, or any of them, and nominate and appoint others in their stead and place; and shall take of every such Receiver such security as they shall thinke fit, for payment into the Treasury, of so much as from time to time shall bee received by every of those Receivers respectively. And the said Trustees,Trustees to give allowances to the Receivers.or any five or more of them are hereby authorized to make, and give such Allowances to every such Receiver for his service therein, as shall bee allowed of, with the approbation of the Committee of Obstructions, or any five, or more of them; And for payment thereof, and of such Fees and Allowances, as the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, are by the first recited Act authorized to give, or make, the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, are hereby authorized from time to time to make Warrants under their hands, to the Treasurers, or any two of them; who are hereby required, and authorized out of the moneys which shall bee paid into the Treasury, to pay the same accordingly; And that the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and Register and every of them respectively, and all others whom it may concerne,Relation to former Acts and relation to the premises, which by this or by the said first recited Act are vested or setled in the said Trustees, or their Heirs, shall have the like powers and Authorities, and are in all things not hereby, or by the said first recited Act, or such other Acts or Instructions, as have been since that made, otherwise directed, to proceed in like sort, and to observe the like [Page 9] Rules and Instructions, as the Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, Register, or other Persons, for or concerning the late Bishops lands, have or may, or might by force or vertue of any Ordinance of Parliament, to have, doe, or observe in relation to those Lands.
ORdered that this Act bee forthwith Printed and Published.
Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliament.