Resolved upon the Question by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament,
THat all and every the Ministers throughout the Kingdoms of
England and
Ireland, Dominion of
Wales, and Town of
Berwick upon
Twede, Do and are hereby required, and enjoyned, in their Publick Prayers, to pray for the Kings most Excellent Majesty, by the Name of our Soveraign, Lord
Charls, by the Grace of God, of
England, Scotland, France, and
Ireland King, Defendor of the Faith,
&c. And for the most Illustrious Prince
James, Duke of
York, and the rest of the Royal Progeny.
Resolved upon the Question by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament,
THat the Ministers who are appointed to officiate before both Houses upon
Thursday next, being the day appointed for a Publick Thanksgiving, and all other Ministers within the Cities of
London and
Westminster, and the late lines of Communication, who in their several Churches, and Chappels, are to carry on the Duties of that day. And also all other Ministers who are on that day fortnight to perform the like duty throughout the Kingdome of
England, and Dominion of
Wales, and Town of
Berwick upon
Twede, shall be, and are hereby enjoyned to return Thanks to Almighty God for his Majesties several Gracious Letters to both Houses of Parliament, and to the Commanders in Chief of the Forces both by Land and Sea, and to the
Lord Mayor, and
Common-Council of the City of
London, together with the Declarations enclosed, and the Iust and Honourable Concessions therein contained, and for the hearty, loyal, and dutiful conjunction of the Lords and Commons now Assembled in Parliament, and the Vniversal Concurrence of all the Commanders and Forces both by Land and Sea, to receive his Majesty into his Dominions and Government, according to their bounden duty, and the Laws of the Land; And that the Ministers upon
Thursday fortnight be enjoyned to read his Majesties Letters and Declarations to both Houses in their several Churches and Chappels at the same time.