A Compleat HISTORY Or SURVEY Of all the Dispensations and Methods OF RELIGION, From the beginning of the World to the Consummation of all things; As represented in the OLD and NEW Testament.
SHEWING The several Reasons and Designs of those different Administrations; and the Wisdom and Goodness of God in the Government of his Church, through all the Ages of it.
In which also The Opinion of Dr. Spencer concerning the Jewish Rites and Sacrifices, is examin'd: And the Certainty of the Christian Religion demonstrated, against the Cavils of the Deists, &c.
LONDON, Printed for Daniel Brown, Ionath. Robinson, Andrew Bell, Iohn Wyat, and E. Harris. M.DC.XC.IX.
To the Right Honourable IOHN Lord SOMMERS, Baron of Evesham, Lord High Chancellor of England.
WE every day behold the Lawyers and Physicians, the Philosophers, the Historians, the Poets, and all Professors of useful Arts, presenting their several Performances to your Lordship, not only as a Judg, but as their Common Patron: Why then may not those of our Order presume to approach your Lordship with their respective Offerings, and hope for a kind and favourable Reception? Especially seeing you have let the World know by sundry illustrious Instances what regard you bear to that Function, and those of that Character. They all admire your capacious and universal Genius, which has given you a profound insight into Theological Studies, as well as all others, Westminster-Hall has now another Hale, that is, one who is a Divine, a Lawyer, and Philosopher, and skill'd in every Science. Your Lordship every day atchieves great and brave things, and with a Spirit that is such. You oblige the Good, and win upon the Bad, and please all Men by [Page iv] the Methods of an unstain'd Integrity. Which brings to my thoughts that Observation of my Lord Coke, that he never knew any Excellent Iudicious Lawyer, but was a faithful honest man. [Pref. to the 2 d Part of Reports.]
But lest this should look too much like Panegyrick (which I know is offensive to your Lordship's Modesty) and lest I should obscure and tarnish the Splendour of your Lordship's Vertues and Excellencies by an imperfect representing of them, I will here check my self, and add no more on this Theme, which is so inviting and charming. Permit me only to lay these Papers at your Lordship's Feet, and humbly to beg of your Lordship that you would be pleased to exercise that Equity and Favour, to which your present Province and High Office prompt you: and then I shall not wholly despair of your Lordship's Acceptance of this poor Oblation, and of your suffering me to have the Honour to profess my self,
I Have undertaken a Great Work, viz. to display all the Transactions of Divine Providence relating to the Methods of Religion, from the Creation to the end of the World, from the first Chapter of Genesis to the last of the Revelation. For I had not met with any Author that had undertaken to comprise them all, and to give us an account of them according to their true Series: nor had I ever lit upon a Writer (either Foreign or Domestick) who had designedly traced the particular Causes and Grounds of them, or settled them on their right and true Foundations. Wherefore I betook my self to this Work, resolving to attempt something, tho it were only to invite others of greater skill to go on with it, and to add the finishing Stroke to it. I acknowledg this Essay to be very mean, and unworthy of its Noble Subject; but however, this I will say in its behalf, and that with great truth, that though I have done but little, yet I never met with any that hath done so much on this Theme, whether [Page vi] [...]e have respect to the full Enumeration of the [...]economies, or whether we speak of the Reasons and Grounds of them.
But more especially as to the Last Oeconomy. I have been very curious in the Distribution of [...] several Parts: though I have, I confess, [...]ented therein from most Writers; but I have [...]deavour'd to treat those with Candor and Re [...]ect who differ in this matter from me. For it [...] certain, that in this case Liberty of Writing is [...] reasonable as that of Thoughts. I shall not [...] angry with any Man for not being of my Opinion [...]out the State of the World before the Close of [...]: I leave every Man to his own Conjectures, and I desire to be left to mine. I do not ask any [...]ne whether he thinks Jansenism and Quietism [...]ll make way for any Change of Religion in France, Spain, or Italy; or whether they will be [...]ite rooted out of those Countreys. I do not ask [...]hether the Moscovite, who seems to be no longer [...]zen, but is entring upon Action, is like to have [...] hand in such Revolutions as will end at last in [...] alteration of Religion in the North-East. I [...] not enquire whether the French Lillies will [...]read themselves further, and take Root in any Protestant Soil. And all other the like Queries [...]hich may be occasion'd by the present Occurren [...]s in the World) I wholly dismiss, and trouble [...] my self or my Reader with the resolving of [...]. In treating of this Last Dispensation I [...], as to the main and substantial Strokes of it, [...] my self close to the Bible; I have positively [...] nothing but what is plainly founded on Divine [Page vii] Revelation, as deliver'd to us in the Writings of the Prophets and Apostles: and even there I have not presumed to fix any certain Time. Those Halcyon Days which I treat of may commence in part very soon, and blaze out of a sudden; or they may be stifled and smother'd till many lusters of Years are expired. I verily believe the Thing it self, but it is the highest arrogance to determine the Season. This is all I have to say by way of Preface.
Errata to the first Volume.
PAge 24. l. 10. read sex. P. 27. l. 4. r. it in. P. 59. l. 15. for Tho r. But. P. 107. l. 1. r. and he. P. 124. l. 23. r. seem'd to run. P. 158. l. 2. r. Minca [...], or. P. 169. l. 26. for and r. had. P. 177. Margin, r. Philo de. P. 179. l. 19. put the Comma after thus. P. 188. l. 26. r. Cherub. P. 194. l. 12. after not insert that all this is significant? P. 201. 1. 22. r. but the latter. P. 217. l. 4. r. his. P. 235. l. 9. r. of any. l. 15. after meant insert not of the flesh of those Animals, but. P. 289. l. antepen. r. as almost all. P. 332. l. 9. after Gospel add, tho it was in part under the other Dispensations. P. 350. l. 10. for you r. them.
- THE great Advantage of the present Vndertaking. A general Distribution of the Work. The State of Innocence. The Folly of the Praeadamitick Opinion. The solemn Consultation of the Sacred Trinity about the making of Man. His Excellency. What God's Image in Man is not. What it is, largely discours'd of. The various Opinions concerning Paradise. It is proved by sundry Arguments that it was in Babylon. An account of its Four Rivers. An Objection fully answered, whereby the Author's Opinion concerning those Rivers is explain'd and establish'd. The Employment of our First Parents in Paradise. Besides the Law of Nature, there were these positive Laws in the State of Primitive Integrity: 1. That of Matrimony. 2. That concerning Propagation. 3. Observing the Sabbath or Seventh Day. It is proved that Adam and Eve kept this Day. 4. Abstaining from the Fruit of a certain Tree in the Garden of Eden. An Account of the [Page ix] Tree of Lif [...], and the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil. The prohibiting of this latter shew'd in several Particulars to be Reasonable and Equitable. 5. The Covenant of Works. Not only the first Man and Woman, but all their Race were under this First Dispensation. Page 1
- The Nature of the Second General Dispensation. The several particular Ingredients of the First Sin. Its Aggravation from the Matter of it. What kind of Creature the Serpent was, whom the Devil made use of in seducing our first Parents. It was not a firy flying Serpent, but an ordinary one. Wherein the Subtilty of this Animal consisted. That Adam and Eve fell not on the same day in which they were made, is proved from Scripture and Reason. The dreadful Effects of the Fall which related to themselves. Others which belong'd not only to them, but to their whole Race. Death was the Penal Consequence of the First Defection. The Inward and Spiritual Evils that attended it are enumerated. How Man became like the Beasts. Eternal Death the Fruit of his Apostacy. The Penalty insticted on the Serpent. Not only our First Parents, but all Mankind were under this Second Dispensation. p. 49
- The Nature of the Third General Dispensation. The first part of which is the Adamick State. The early Promise concerning the Messias, Gen. 3. 15. explain'd. He was expected betimes. The New Testament witnesses that he was to bruise the Serpent's Head. Several positive Laws were under this Occonomy. [Page x] That of Oblations and Sacrifices is especially consider'd. Eucharistical Sacrifices were part of the Law of Nature. Expiatory and Bloody onec were not so. Thence these latter were disapproved of by the wisest Heathens. They are founded upon Divine Institution. The Practice of Sacrificing among the Pagans was derived to them by Tradition from the Jews, or the foregoing Patriarchs. Whether sacrifices were prescribed before or after the Fall of our First Parents. Concerning the Primitive Priesthood. The Distinction of clean and unclean Animals was in respect of Sacrificing, not Eating. Gen. 4. 26. explain'd, and a settled Church founded upon it. Marrying with Infidels seems to be prohibited under this Dispensation. The Rise of Polygamy. The seven Precepts said to be given to the Sons of Adam and Noah. The Improbability of this Jewish Tradition evinced from several Considerations. The Mistakes of Volkelius and Episcopius concerning the Antediluvian Oeconomy. p. 83
- The Noachical Oeconomy. The first Positive Law under it was about eating of Flesh. It is proved that this prevail'd n [...] till after the Flood. Objections against it answer'd. The Testimony of Pagans to confirm it. The Reason of the Prohibition. The second Positive Law was concerning not eating Flesh with the Blood. The Reason of it. The third Positive Law was concerning not shedding of Man's Blood. With the Penalty of it. And the Sanction of Magistracy. Ser [...]itude not introduced under this Dispensation. The Longevity of the Patriarchs was common to all in those Times. The Months and Years were of the same length then that they are now. They were Solar not Lunar Years. The Causes of [Page xi] the long Lives of those that lived before the Flood. The Abrahamick Oeconomy. With its several Steps and Advances. The Nature of the Covenant made with Abraham. Now the Faithful were separated and distinguish'd from the rest of the World. Why they are called Hebrews. The Nature and Design of Circumcision. Vnder this Dispensation Altars were erected, Tithes paid, &c. Of Polygamy, and Concubines, and other Vsages. p. 112
- The Mosaick or Jewish Dispensation seems to be Preposterous. The Law of Grace was veiled for a Season. The Triple Law which this Oeconomy was famous for, briefly display'd. Four Reasons assigned why the World was so long without a Written Law. The Ceremonial Law is part of this Dispensation. The several things which are comprehended in it. Oblations, viz. of Inanimate things. Sacrifices, which were of Living Creatures. An enumeration of those Sacrifices which were Set and Determined. Others were Occasional, viz. 1. Sin-Offerings. 2. Trespass-Offerings. 3. Peace-Offerings. Some Remarks about Sacrifices. The several Ends and Designs of this way of Worship. How the Mosaick Sacrifices are said to Expiate. It is largely proved that the guilt of all kinds of Sins whatsoever was Atoned by them. The Objections to the contrary are answered. The Principal End of the Jud [...]ick Sacrifices was to typifie and represent the Sacrifi [...]e of Christ on the Cross. p. 145
- The High-Priest's Office. His peculiar Attire. The Imployment and Apparel of the P [...]iests. The Levites [Page xii] particular Charge. Whether they might sacrifice, or no. Their Office in the Reigns of King David and King Solomon, differ'd in some things from what it was before. The ordinary and fixed Place of Worship, and particularly of Sacrificing, was the Tabernacle. A particular Account of the three Divisions or Partitions of it, viz. the Outward Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies, with all things contain'd in them. The Mystical and Spiritual meaning of the several Particulars. The Travels and Removes of the Tabernacle and Ark. A distinct Account of the Parts of the Temple, shewing wherein it differ'd from the Tabernacle. Of the Fabrick it self, and its Dimensions. Houses and Chambers belonging to it. The Sacraments appointed by the Ceremonial Law. p. 173
- The Jewish Feasts, Sabbaths, New Moon, Passover. The Parallel between the Paschal Lamb and our Sa [...]iour, shew'd in several Particulars. This Mystical Way approved of. Christ celebrated not the Passover the same Evening that the Jews did, but in the Evening before. This represented in a Scheme. The Feast of Pentecost. The Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Trumpets. Of Expiation. Other lesser Feasts, not commanded in the Law, but appointed by the Jewish Church. Fasts kept, tho not injoin'd by the Law. The difference of Clean and Unclean Animals. Why the latter were forbidden to be eaten. The chief Reason of the prohibition was, to prevent Idolatry. Two Objections answer'd. Vows proper to the Mosaick Dispensation. They were either Personal or Real. The Cherem. p. 205
- [Page xiii]The Reasons of the Ceremonial Rites among the Jews. They were to Try that People. They were to Restrain them. They were injoin'd in opposition to the Idolatrous Customs of the Heathens. Several Instances of this. Dr. Spencer opposes it. His two Parallels of the Jewish and Gentile Rites. His Opinion shew'd to be unreasonable, absurd, and contradictious. He makes the Eucharist an Imitation of a Pagan Barbarous Vsage. Other Writers mention'd who have fallen into the like Notions. The Ceremonial Law was prescribed the Jews because it was sutable to that Age and Disposition of the Church. Particularly it agreed with them as they were Children and Minors. It was serviceable to teach them something of Morality. Those Ritual Observances were design'd to be Types and Representations of Greater and Higher things. More especially they prefigured the Messias. The Contents of the Judicial Law. Some parts of it were in force before Moses's time. What obligation it hath upon Christians now under the Gospel. p. 240
- The several ways and kinds of Divine Revelation under the different Oeconomies. Ordinary External Revelation was by hearing or by seeing. Inward Reve [...]l [...] tion was by Dreams or Prophetick. Inspiration. What Prophecy was. How th [...]y knew to distinguish between True Prophets and False ones. The extraordinary ways of Revelation were, 1. That which was vouchsa [...]ed to Moses alone. The Nature of it. It differ'd from other Revelations as to Degree o [...]ly. 2. That from between the Cherubims. 3. the Urim [Page xiv] and Thummim. These are not the same with the Teraphim. They were not borrowed from Pagan Idolaters. This would be a countenancing of Image-Worship. The absurdity and impiety of their opinion who hold that the Urim and Thummim were of Heathen Extraction. These were no other than those bare words written or engraven on the High Priest's Breastplate. An Objection answer'd. p. 264
- The Gentile Oeconomy. Others besides those of the Family of Abraham were of the Church. Some of these were in Palestine. An enumeration of the several Opinions concerning Melchisedech. He was a Canaanitish King and Priest. Job's Countrey. His Character. His Friends. Several other Pious and Religious Gentiles in other Countreys. Hebrew Prophets sent to the people of other Nations. Malachi speaks of True Worshippers among the Gentiles. The Proselytes of the Gate. The Proselytes of Righteousness. Tho the Nations were generally for saken of God because of their Idolatry, yet some among them professed and worshipped the True God. Those places of Scripture in the Old and New Testament which set forth the peculiar Privileges of the Jewish People are not inconsistent with this. No Nations were d [...]barr'd and excluded from God's Grace and Favour. p. 285
- The Christian or Evangelical Oeconomy. It agrees with the former Dispensations of Grace as to the Designation of the Messias▪ As to the way of Salvation. As to the Conditions and Qualifications of it. This corroborated by the suff [...]ge of the Antient Fathers. It differs from the Mosaick Oeconomy or [Page xv] Law as to the Author in some respect. As to the Actual Discovery of it. As to the Clearness of it. As to its Spirituality. As to its Extent. As to several Circumstances that relate to the Conditions of Salvation; which are largely enumerated. As to the Motives of Obedience. The Doctrine of the Socinians, viz. that there were no Promises of Eternal Life under the Old Testament, confuted. As to the Perfection of its Pattern. As to its Helps and Assistances. This Query, Whether Christ added any new Laws to those which were before under the Old Testament, resolved in several Particulars. It is proved against the Socinians, that Prayer was commanded under the Law. How Love is call'd a New Commandment. p. 306
- An Answer to an Objection from Mat. 5. 17. shewing distinctly and particularly what is the Law, and how Christ came to fulfil it. It is held by some that Christ came to add New Precepts to the Moral Law. In confutation of which Opinion it is proved that Anger is forbid by the Decalogue. So is a Lustful Eye. So is all Rash and Prophane Swearing. So is Divorce, unless in the case of Adultery. So is Resisting of Evil. So is hating of our Enemies. It is largely discuss'd whether it was lawful for the Israelites to hate the seven Nations whom they were commanded to destroy. And whether the Command to destroy them was Absolute. Objections from Deut. 13. 8, 9. & Psal. 139. 21. answer'd. The Nature of the Two Covenants, viz. of Works and of Grace, fully stated. The Conditions, on our part. How [ do this, and live] is applicable to the Covenant of Grace. The Covenant made with the Israelites at the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai was the Covenant [Page xvi] of Grace, tho it seem'd to resemble the Covenant of Works. The Covenant of Grace was completed and perfected by Christ's Coming, and not before. The Mediator, the Terms, the Seals of this Covenant now fully manifested. It is proved that according to the Stile of Scripture the Old and New Covenant are the same Covenant of Grace. p. 340
- Tho we could assign no Reason why the Christian Oeconomy was so late, and why our Saviour arrived no sooner in the World, this is sufficient to satisfie us, that it was God's pleasure it should be so. But for the sake of the Inquisitive, such Reasons and Considerations as these are offer'd: 1. It must be remembred that Christ appear'd in the World even in the early times of the Patriarchs. 2. The Benefits of Christ's Redemption were imparted to the Faithful before he actually appear'd in the flesh. 3. The World was not fit to receive him sooner. 4. He delay'd his Coming to make the World sensible of their Misery. 5. That the Advantages of his Coming might be prized. 6. It was congruous that so great a Prince should not arrive without solemn Harbingers and Heralds of his Coming. 7. The necessities of Mankind call'd for him at that particular time and juncture when he came. The Jewish Church grew worse and worse. An enumeration of the several Sects and Factions which they were divided into, viz. Essenes, Pharisees, Sadduces Herodians, Samaritans, Galilaeans. 8. God proceedeth in a gradual Order and Method. The most perfect things are reserved till the last. p. 379
OF THE Different Dispensations OF RELIGION.
The great Advantage of the present Vndertaking. A general Distribution of the Work. The State of Innocence. The Folly of the Praeadamitick Opinion. The solemn Consultation of the Sacred Trinity about the making of Man. His Excellency. What God's Image in Man is not. What it is, largely discours'd of. The various Opinions concerning Paradise. It is proved by sundry Arguments that it was in Babylon. An account of its Four Rivers. An Objection fully answered, whereby the Author's Opinion concerning those Rivers is explain'd and establish'd. The Employment of our First Parents in Paradise. Besides the Law of Nature, there were these positive Laws in the State of Primitive Integrity: 1. That of Matrimony. 2. That concerning Propagation. 3. Observing the Sabbath, or Seventh Day. It is prov'd that Adam and Eve kept this Day. 4. Abstaining from the Fruit of a certain Tree in the Garden of Eden. An Account of the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil. The prohibiting of this latter shew'd in several Particulars to be Reasonable and Equitable. 5. The covenant of Works. Not only the first Man and Woman, but all their Race were under this First Dispensation.
[Page 2]THE Task which I undertake at present, is to delineate and display the various Dispensations of Religion, which are recorded in the infallible Writings of the Old and New Testament, and are by that means revealed to us, as well as they were heretofore to the respective Persons and People among whom those▪ Sacred Records were first dispers'd. This certainly is a very deligh [...]ful Undertaking, for it cannot but be a pleasant Prospect to see all Ages of the World at once, and to behold the vast differences of them at one view. It must needs be very welcome and entertaining to have before our Eyes the various States of Religion, to observe the whole Chain of its Affairs throughout the World: And it must be yet more pleasing and diverting to behold how it is linked together, to take notice of the excellent Agreement and Harmony of the Universal Scheme of these Administrations which are set before us.
And this [...]ight is as profitable as it is [...]elightful; for by sailing round this Globe, by encompas [...]ing this [Page 3] whole Circle of Religious Dispensations, we shall be able to make such discoveries as will be of singular use and advantage in our lives: We shall hereby avoid that confusion which too often attends the contemplation of these divine Matters; we shall apprehend aright the exact Order of them in the succession of Times; we shall attain to a right understanding of the Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testament where the several Dispensations are mention'd; we shall have an insight into the whole Method and Process of Divine Providence relating to Religion: We shall be convinced of the transcendent Wisdom and Goodness of Heaven in the wonderful diversity of those Oeconomies which are presented to our view, especially of the Evangelical one, which is the perfection of all the rest, and was more signally contrived for the welfare and happiness of Mankind.
Neither have we here a view only of what is past and present, but here is represented to us a prospect of what is to come. For the same [...]acred and Infallible Records which give us an account of the one, are not deficient in setting before us the other. They acquaint us with the Events and Issues of things which shall be herea [...]ter; they foretel the Fate of the World till the very last expiring Period of all: So that our utmost Curiosity as to Futurities may be here fully satisfied. These are the things which I am to offer to the Reader. And because there have been great failures in the handling of these Dispensations, because Authors have not rightly distinguish'd them, but some have made them more, and others fewer than they are; sometimes they have mix'd and confounded those which really differ in themselves, and at other times they have made a distinction between such as indeed are the same; I shall therefore use great caution, and be very careful to avoid these mistakes, both in as [...]igning the general, and the more distinct and particular division or dis [...]ribution of these Dispensations.
[Page 4]To enter then upon this Task, I assert that the more Catholick and Grand Oeconomies are these three:
- 1. The State of Innocency and Felicity, or Adam created Upright.
- II. The State of Sin and Misery, or Adam Fallen. In this State were our first Parents, till they were reconciled to God: and in this are all their Posterity, till they be made partakers of Grace and Pardon.
- III. The State of Reconciliation, or Adam Recovered. In this State our first Parents were after they were received into favour: And in this all the Faithful are.
Thus Man in Integrity, Man Lapsed, Man Restored, are the three Great Oeconomies. The first of these continued from the Creation to Man's Fall: The second from Man's Fall to his being recovered: The third reacheth from Man's Recovery or Restauration to the end of the World: And consequently this last General Dispensation (which may be called the Dispensation of Grace) is the largest of all, and of the longest continuance.
The first General Dispensation is the State of Innocence, which continued from the Creation of Man till his Apostacy. We must know then that God having made the World, and furnish'd it with all Convenience, at last made the most excellent and accomplish'd piece of the visible Creation, Man. And to Man was added Woman, to be a Companion of his Happiness. As the Divine Being would not be without his Creatures, so neither was it his pleasure that Man should be without the Woman, jointly to enjoy the good things of the Creation, which were made for [Page 5] that very purpose. * It was wisely ordered by the Deity, saith the Great Philosopher, that there should be these two distinct Sexes for mutual Communion and Society in the World: yea, and I may add, for keeping up the World it self, which would soon have a period if Human Kind ceased. The first Person of this kind was by God himself named Adam, because he was made of Earth. Adam of Adamah; he had this name given him to remind him of his Original. And for this reason Adam was the name given to Woman as well as Man; Gen. 5. 2. He called their name Adam in the day when they were created. For tho the Man was immediately descended of the Earth, yet the Woman, as being taken out of the Man, was remotely so (for it is said, The Rib which the Lord God had taken from Man, made he a Woman, Gen. 2. 22. where without doubt by a Rib are meant the Bone, and the Flesh and Muscles that go along with it; for that is implied in the closing up the flesh in the stead thereof, ver. 21. and we find Bone and Flesh together, ver. 23.) Whence by the way we may take notice of that mistake of a learned Anatomist, the younger Bartholine, that Adam had thirteen Ribs on each side, and that Eve was made out of a pair of these; which is contrary to the express words of the Text, God took one of his Ribs, Gen. 2. 21. and made the Woman of it. Of a single Rib then she was formed; and that Rib, as the rest of Man's Body, being made of Earth, she was but one remove from the Earth, and therefore might have her name from the Earth in common with Man: tho afterwards for another reason she was named Eve by her Husband, Gen. 3. 20. and the name Adam became appropriated to him, because he was the true [...], that had his first Original [Page 6] out of the Earth. And there never was any but he, whatever the antient Athenians [...]ancied of themselves. He was the only Person that had his rise from the Soil he lived on: tho 'tis true in a remote sense we are all Aborigines, as having our extraction from him, and consequently are descended from the Earth.
And here (before we go any further) we may observe that the [...]olly of the Praeadamitick Opinion is detected. The Sacred History of Moses assures us, that Adam and Eve were the [...]irst Persons that were created on the Earth; and (lest any should question it) our Saviour hath confirmed it, From the beginning of the Creation God made them Male and Female, Mark 10. 6. For it is undeniable that he speaks this of Adam and Eve, because in the next Verse he alledgeth what was said by God presently after the production of this latter; Therefore shall a Man leave his Father and his Mother, and cleave unto his Wife, Gen. 2. 24. Whence it evidently appears, that the Male and Female here spoken of are Adam and Eve, and that these were made from the beginning of the Creation; therefore there were no Men and Women before them.
This is clear from Gen. 3. 20. Adam called his Wife's name Eve, because she was the Mother of all living. This reason of her Name is assigned by Moses, (for when Adam gave her this Name she was not a Mother) she was so call'd, [...]aith he, because she was the Mother of all living; she was the Person that was the Root and Source of all Men and Women that ever are in the World; which plainly intimates that there was no other Woman that was such [...] Mother: She was constituted, by God's appointment, the only Mother of the living, yea of all living, of human kind, that have been or shall be upon Earth: And consequently there was no Race of Men or Women before her. If there were no other Text to be alledged but this one, it were sufficient to consute the vain Opinion of the Author of [Page 7] the Praeadamites, who with a great deal of straining and forcing of Texts, endeavours to prove that there was another Generation besides that of Adam and Eve. He tells us there is a Creation of Man and Woman spoken of in the latter end of the first Chapter of Genesis; and another Creation of the Holy Race of Mankind, of which the first Man and Woman were Adam and Eve, spoken of Chap. 2. v. 2, 22. Whereas the plain, obvious and true Account is, that the first Narrative is general, but the second is particular, that is, it gives a distinct and particular account of the formation of Man and Woman. Notwithstanding this, a late * Writer hath revived the Notion of a double Creation, and attempts to prove it as Dyrerius doth. The most considerable Objection that this latter make [...], is founded on those Passages which imply a great number of People in the World at that time, whereas we read (saith he) of none descended from Adam and Eve but Cain, and Abel, and Seth about that time. But who knows not that the Mosaick History is silent as to several things of the like nature, yea of an higher i [...] portance? It is not to be doubted that Adam and Eve had more Children than are expresly mention'd by Moses; yea, that they had a great many Children and Grand children. If we consider this, we shall discover the vanity of the Praeadamitical Conceit, and answer the Cavils that are rais'd about it by the first Author of it, Dyrerius, who indeed at last was sensible of the folly of his Opinion, and (as we are † told) recanted it.
Besides, to think there was any Man before Adam is groundless, because he is expresly call'd twice by the Apostle the first Man, 1 Cor. 15. 45, 47. It is ridiculous [Page 8] then to imagine that he was not the first of his kind, but that there were Men in the World long before him, even some thousands of years before him. This Text, and the others before-mention'd, must be removed out of the Bible before we can believe such a thing, or that there are others of human Race besides those that descend from Adam, as some Inhabitants in the Moon, or other Orbs of Heaven, as a 1 late Writer and some others fancy.
The fond Conceit of the Praeadamites being justly rejected, let us proceed.
As the forming of this most excellent Creature Man, was the close of the Creation; so it may be observed that this was peculiar to him, to have a solemn Consultation and Decree about his making, which was not about any other Creature. God said, Let us make Man, Gen. 1. 26. 2 Philo the Jew is of the opinion, that Angels were Cooperators in framing Adam's Body, and to them God spake when he said, Let us make Man. This Platonist derived this Notion from his 3 Master, who held that lesser and created Gods made Men, and all other Animals, by the command of the greatest and supreme Deity. But others deservedly explode this Opinion, and think that these words denote God the Father's con [...]erring with the two other Persons of the Sacred Trinity concerning the making of Man. This is the general Sentiment of the antient Writers of the Church, who usually alledg this place to prove the Doctrin of the Trinity. And certainly it is a considerable place for that purpose. But however (abstracting from this) this way of speaking may signify to us, that the making of Man was an ex [...]ellent and noble Work, if it were said only after the manner of Men, who hold a Conference, [Page 9] and seriously consult, and call in Assistance about a Matter which is of great moment and worth. Thus God is represented speaking after the same gui [...]e, to acquaint us what a worthy, excellent and transcendent Work this was. I take Seneca's words to be a good Comment on that place; 1 Be it known to you ( sai [...]h he) that Man is not a Work huddled over in haste, and done without forethinking and great consideration; for Man is the greatest and most stupendous Work of God.
Man hath not only a Body in common with all inferior Animals, but into his Body was in [...]used a Soul, of a far more noble Nature and Make, a rational Principle, worthy of the name of a Soul. Hereby he is enabled to act according to the designs of his Creation, that is, to contemplate the Works of God, to admire his Perfections, and to worship him, to live as becomes one who received his excellent Being from him, to converse with his fellow Creatures that are of his own Order, to maintain mutual Love and Society, and to serve God in Consort. Man is a wonderful Creature, and not undeservedly said to be a little World, a World within himself, and containing whatever is found in the greater. In him is the spiritual and immaterial Nature of God, the Reasonableness of Angels, the sensitive Power of Brutes, the vegetative Life of Plants, and the Virtues of all the Elements: In brief, he is a compound of all. And hence it is that the Life of Man is difficulter than that of others; for other Creatures are ruled by one single Nature, but Man is made up of divers Qualities. But as it is more difficult, so it is more excellent to be a Man. He hath larger Capacities than other Creatures, and moveth in a wider [Page 10] Circumference; he holdeth converse with both Worlds, This and That to come.
Thus Man is crowned with Glory and Honour, he is the most remarkable Workmanship of God. Among the greatest things which Nature boasteth of 1, she hath nothing that she can glory in more than in Man. 2 Man is a great Miracle, a Creature worthy of th [...] highest respect and honour. He is that 3 great and admirable Animal which is more precious to God than all other created Beings whatsoever, and for which the Heaven, the Earth, and the Sea, and the rest of the World was made. Accordingly he was in a more signal eminent manner framed by God, and f [...]rmed by the Advice of the Sacred Trinity, yea (which is yet more wonderful) according to the similitude and resemblance of it; [...]or so we read in Gen. 1. 26. Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness. Some quaintly distinguish between Image and Likeness, following herein St. Augustin in his Retractations, and after him Peter Lombard and other Schoolmen. But waving those Subtilties, I will endeavour to shew you wherein the Image or Similitude (for I take them to be both one) of God in Man consisteth. Negatively;
1. Origen's Opinion concerning this Image is not to be imbraced: for he saith here is meant the Image and Likeness of the Son of God, who is the express Image of the Person of the Father, Heb. 1. 3. But besides that the words in the Hebrew, and this (for it is but 4 one) in the Greek do not exactly answer, it is to be observed [Page 11] first, that it is said in the Plural, Let us make Man after our Image, and consequently it is not restrained to the Image of the Second Person of the Trinity only: therefore there is no reason that we should restrain it. Again, when afterwards 'tis spoken in the Singular, yet 'tis spoken generally of the Godhead; as in the Verse following, God created Man in his own Image, in the Image of God created he him. Still here is no restriction, and therefore we cannot say it is to be understood only of the Image of the Second Person in the glorious Trinity.
2. 1 Philo the Iew, and some of the Fathers that were Pla [...]onically dispos'd, understood this Image of the Idea, according to which God made all things, and particularly Man. For there were ( say they) Eternal Images and Exemplars of things in God's mind, there were Universal Natures of all things, certain Archetypes and Patterns, by looking on which God framed all things; as an Artificer being to build a House, first delineateth in his own mind the whole Frame and Scheme of the future Building, and by this he afterwards proceeds in erecting the Fabrick. ‘God's Idea, saith 2 Philo, is the Image by which Adam was made; and so Man was the fairest Pourtraiture of the fairest Image, a Copy of the Divine Original.’ And 3 Iustin the Martyr (who had been educated in the Platonick Philosophy) followeth this Notion, asserting that the Image of God according to which Adam was made, was the Exemplar of Man in the mind of God. And 4 Clemens Alexandrinus is of the same judgment, and interprets the Text in the same manner.
[Page 12]Now in answer to this I will only say, that the Notion of Ideas, as it is generally meant by the Platonists, is fond and precarious, and some of their own Tribe have no great kindness for it. But if the Notion of the Divine Idea be soberly understood, viz. that from Eternity there were in the Mind of God Images of all things which were afterward to be made, and particularly of Man; I see nothing amiss in this Assertion, yea [...] take it to be a very sound and orthodox Notion, and such as is of great use in Divinity, it being the Foundation of all Truth, as I shall shew in another place, and it being the Basis on which the Doctrin of the Divine Decrees is establish'd. But this then is nothing to our pre [...]ent purpose, for God's making of Man after his Image is meant in the forecited place of some singular and peculiar thing. Neither Beasts, nor Fishes, nor Birds, nor Plants, nor any visible Being in the whole Creation mention'd in that Chapter, are said to be made after God's Image or Likeness. We read that Man alone was created in the Divine Image; as much as to say, no other Creature whatsoever on Earth resembleth God but Man. Therefore it is evident that these words cannot be understood of the Idea according to which God made all things, for according to that he made Beasts as well as Men, and then we might have expected to read in Genesis, not only Let us make Man, but let us make Beasts and all other Creatures in our Image, after our Likeness.
3. The Anthropomorphites held this Image was in the Body of Man, because they conceived that God had a Body; and so they dreamt that the Shape and Figure of human Bodies answer to the same Lineaments and Proportions in God. But I need not stand to con [...]ute so blasphemous and 1 cursed an Opinion. I know [Page 13] 1 some would mitigate it by saying, that man was made after the Image of Christ who was to come in the Flesh, and was to have bodily Parts. But this hath no relation to the Anthropomorphites Doctrin, and consequently can be no mitigation of it. Besides, it is contrary to the words themselves, which speak not of the Image of Christ, either as God or Man, but of the Godhead in general.
Positively then, the Image of God wherein Man was created was something in his Soul chiefly, something in his outward Man, and it also consisted in his D [...]minion over the Creatures.
1. In the Soul of Man is God's Image or Likeness placed. For this part of us is of an immaterial and spiritual Nature; and such is God, he is a Spirit, John 4. 24. Again, the Soul of Man is immortal, and therein is God's Image and Representation. This indeed follows upon the former Quality; it being immaterial and incorporeal, it must needs be in its own Nature incorruptible. Herein we signally resemble the Deity, and therefore it is rightly asserted by St. Augustin, that because of the immortality of the Soul (tho not only for that) Man is said to be made according to God's Image. Moreover, the Soul of Man is of a rational and intelligent Nature, and therein also is like unto God. There was no visible or sublunary Creature before Adam that was of this kind: therefore, saith God, Let us make Man after our Image, let us frame a terrestrial Creature with a reasonable Soul, with an immortal and immaterial Nature, which are Resemblances of the Divinity it self: Let us make him capable of conceiving things aright, of arguing and discoursing, and of making inferences and deductions from things, which no Brutes are able to do. Let us furnish him with all Divine [Page 14] Knowledg, that he may be able to apprehend the things of God, and have an insight into the most sublime and heavenly Truths, and by this means also partake of the Divine Nature and Likeness.
That this Knowledg and Wisdom are part of the Divine Image, is clear from the Apostle's words in Col. 3. 10. where he acquaints us, that the new Man is renewed in Knowledg, after the Image of him that created him. Whence it is rationally to be inferr'd, that God's Image partly consisted in Knowledg and Vnderstanding. 1 Socinus and 2 Smalcius had a very low opinion of the first Man when they asserted that at his being first made, he had no more understanding than a stupid Infant, yea, that Adam was next to a Fool. But may not these Writers be thought to be next to something of that Nature, when they assert a thing so unreasonable and absurd, so wild and extravagant? I do not say that Adam was subtil and scholastical in his Notions, that he had any skill in the quirks of Wit and Logick. I believe Scotus would have baffled him, a knotty Schoolman would have put him to a nonplus; and it would quite have puzzl'd and amus'd his Brain to have reduc'd a Syllogism in Bocardo. For these Subtilties were not the accomplishments of Innocence, and the early attendents of the Spade and Plough. No; these are the Consequents of Apostacy, the Crutches of lame Reason, and Supporters of lapsed Understanding, the Salvo's of Ignorance, and sometimes the greatest increasers of it. Therefore I do not think that Adam's intellectual Happiness consisted in these, but in that which was solid and useful.
What Man of sense and sober thoughts can deny that God indued Adam with a quick Understanding, upon considering this one thing, viz. that he gave Names to [Page 15] every living creature, Gen. 2. 19. and it may be (tho it is not recorded) to the Plants and all Vegetables on Earth, yea, even to the Stars in Heaven, (tho the Names of them are now lost) yea, to all things above and below, which were useful and common in the Life of Man? And those Names then did express and signify the very Nature and Properties of the things, whereas now they are generally ex instituto, merely from custom and the arbitrary will of Men. He that was able thus to give Names to all Creatures according to their Natures, was no Fool or Sot certainly. This was the great Plato's judgment, who tells us it was no ordinary and mean thing, it was not the work of a vulgar Person to impose Names on things: yea, he that did it at first, 1 was master of more than human wisdom and skill. It is reasonable to believe that Adam was a great natural Philosopher, had knowledg of all those Creatures which he named; else he could not have fitted Names to them. And that he did so, is evident from comparing the 19th Verse of the forementioned Chapter, with the 22 d and 23 d Verses. In the former 'tis said, that the Lord God formed every living Creature out of the ground, and brought them to Adam, to see what he would call them; and whatsoever he call'd them that was the Name thereof. In the latter 'tis said, The Rib which the Lord God had taken from Man, made he a Woman, and brought her unto the Man. And Adam said, She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. You see the parallel, the brute Creatures were brough by God to Adam, on purpose that he should bestow Names on them: So was Eve brought to him, that she should have a Name given her by him. Adam gave proper and significant Names to the other Creatures; and so he did to [Page 16] the Woman. We gather the former from the latter. We find that when God brought the Woman to the Man, he fastned a Name on her sutable to her Nature and Original: therefore 'tis reasonably to be concluded, that when the other Creatures of an inferior rank were brought by God to Adam, he con [...]er'd such Names on them as were most expressive of their different Properties and Qualities.
As God had given Adam his Name which was significant, so Adam gave other Creatures Names which carried significancy with them. This argues his Intellectuals to have been very acute and profound, otherwise he could not have perceived the several Signatures and Properties of those Animals which were brought before him. It is not to be question'd then, that he had an insight into the true Nature of all Beings, and was one of unspeakable Sagacity. In fine, whatever some Rabbies extravagantly assert on the one hand concerning the prodigious transcendency of Adam's knowledg, and how meanly soever some of Pelagius and Socinus's Followers on the other hand speak of his Endowments, it is a sober Truth that our First Parents were very knowing Persons. It is not to be doubted that they had especially a perfect knowledg of Divine Truth, from whence all Virtue and Holiness spring.
Which reminds me of another Quality of Man's Soul in the first Creation, viz. its Righteousness or Holiness. For God endued it, not only with Understanding, but with a Will, which he adorned with Divine Graces; and in these also consisteth the Image of God, as we are ascertain'd by an inspired and infallible Writer, who tells us, that the new Man is created after God ( i. e. after the Image and Likeness of God) in Righteousness and true Holiness, Ephes. 4. 24. These give us the perfect resemblance of our Maker, and imprint upon us the Divine and heavenly Image. For these are principally placed in the Will, in the elective Faculty [Page 17] of Man, that noblest part of his Soul, that 1 Sovereign and Ruling Faculty of the mind. Thus I have shew'd how the Soul of Man is justly said to be God's Image and Likeness, namely as it is a Spiritual, Immortal, and Intelligent Being; but chiefly as 'tis capable of Religion, and is indu'd with Divine Virtues and Graces. By these it is that Man most of all resembles God, and is truly bless'd and happy, and is, as 'twere, another God. Princes stamp their Image on their Coin: That which is choicest and most precious, beareth their Effigies. And so here the exactest Lineaments of the Divine Image are to be seen impress'd on this choice Part of Man, which is the Seat of true Grace and Goodness. God, who is the chief Pulchritude, would draw his own beautiful Image on the Soul, that That on Earth might be a kind of Representative of Himself, and a Pourtray of his own Divine Perfections.
2. Tho the Image of God in which Man was made, be seated chiefly in the rational Soul of Man, yet it is imprinted also on his Body, as 2 Ireneus and some other Fathers have rightly asserted. 3 Not that the Body can resemble God, as if God were of human Shape: This we exploded before as absurd and ridiculous. But the Image of God was on the Body of the first Man, first, as it was extraordinarily fair, comely and beautiful. It is true, Adam's Body was made of Earth; but this Earth was marvelously refined and purified. And this is implied, if not express'd, in Adam's Name, and in the word which is used in the Original for the EARTH out of which he was taken. For the import of the Hebrew Verb Adam (whence is the Noun Adamah) is not [Page 18] only rubuit, he was red or ruddy, (and so Adam is as much as Edom, rufus, which was Esau's Name, because he was ruddy when he was born, Gen. 25. 25.) but it is of a larger signification, and is as much as splenduit. That it bears this sense, may be gathered from the word Adamdameth, Levit. 13. 19. where it must be rendred shining or glistering, or else the same thing there spoken of must be very white and very red, as Bochart hath noted, Hieroz. P. 2. l. 5. c. 6. Sometimes Adam is as much as formosus fuit. Thus of the temperate and healthful Nazarites it is said, Lam. 4. 7. [...] they were ruddy, i. e. they were fair; whence Arias Montanus renders it nitidi fuere. And so the word Admoni (which comes from the Verb Adam) is taken in this sense, as in 1 Sam. 16. 12. where 'tis said of David, that he was ruddy, i. e. beautiful, as is explain'd in the following words. Thus Edom, of the very same extraction, is understood in Cant. 5. 10. where the Spouse saith of her Beloved, that he is ruddy, i. e. he is comely, he is one of a beautiful Aspect.
And I could here add, that the Verb Adam in other Languages bears this meaning; thus 1 Bochart acquaints us, that in Arabick it is as much as splendere: And by 2 Ludolphus we are ascertain'd that in Ethiopick it signifies formosum, pulchrum esse. In the Latin I could observe something like this, for rutilare in its more general signification is splendidum esse. So purpureus is the same with splendidus, pulcher; whence 3 purpureus capillus, and 4 purpurei olores. I know no Oriental word that comes so near to this as Chur, which is both albus fuit and erubuit. And the reason I conceive is this, both these colours, white and red, have a great deal of light [Page 19] mixed with them; therefore the signification of them is alike, and they both of them denote that which is fair and bright.
And as it is thus with the Hebrew Verb Adam, so proportionably the Substantive Adamah doth not only signify red Earth (as if it were so called from its red Colour, because it is said, that that was the native hew of the Earth in the East Country: And 1 Iosephus the learned Iew, speaking of Adam's Make, relates, that the natural Mould call'd Virgin-Earth, is of a red or yellow Complexion. So we have a small 2 County in England that carries Red Earth in its Name, because the Soil is generally reddish) but the word is of a larger extent, and signifies that Earth which is bright and shining, and is of the best and purest sort. So that when it is said that Adam was form'd out of Adamah, there is meant by this word, that Earth which was of the purest and finest Composition. And to this purpose it may be further observ'd, that whereas other Animals are said to be made out of aretz, common Earth, Gen. 1. 24, 25. it is particularly recorded, that the first Man was made out of Adamah, a peculiar and choice sort of Ground, ( ex meli [...]re luto, as the Poet speaking of this very thing fitly expresses it) yea, out of the dust of this ground, Gen. 2. 7. i. e. the finest and most agile part of it. All which is an eviction of what I at first asserted concerning the Materials of Adam's Body. This was the true Terra Sigillata, this was the Earth which God set his Mark and Image on, that it might be known whose it was. Adam in his Body, as well as in his Soul, outvied all his Race.
I attend not to the prodigious Stories which some fanciful Rabbies and Talmudick Doctors tell us of the [Page 20] strange Beauty and Elegancy, and of the vast Proportions of Adam's Body. Rabbi 1 Solomon Iarchi avers that Adam was so tall, that standing on the Earth he could touch the Heavens with his hand. And several other such romantick Passages in the Writings of these fond Men, I disregard; (nay, those that are sober among themselves give no credit to it, but understand it in a mystical manner, for 2 some of them tell us, that when it is said, Adam's Stature reached from one end of the Earth to the other, it is to be understood of the Perfection of his Mind, that he knew and comprehended the Nature of all things contained in the World) but it is certain, that as Adam's Soul was made a Transcript of God himself, so his Body was framed in a most exquisite manner, and the Divine Art and Skill were wonderfully discovered in the shaping of it. For as Philo saith, 3 We are begot of Men, but God himself made Adam. The Author being better, the Work must be more excellent. Yea, this must be said, that all of us, having been in Adam's Loins, are part of that excellent Workmanship, and have the same Image stamped upon us that Adam had. We are all marked and sealed by the Divine Hand; his own Impression and Signature are upon us, even upon our corporeal part, tho 'tis true it was much defac'd by the Primitive Aopstacy.
Secondly, The Body of Adam was God's Image as it was made Immortal. He was created in full Strength, and as a Person of 4 a just Age, healthful, sound and flourishing. For his Body was not like those of Beasts, weak and corruptible, but was made to be of perpetual Duration, obnoxious to [Page 21] no Decays, Diseases or Changes. If Man had stood entire, and kept his Innocence, this had been his condition. But this Image was restored to him and us who are his Posterity; and not only our Souls but Bodies shall everlastingly subsist. Thus by their Immortality and eternal Continuance, they partake in some measure of the Divine Nature and Likeness.
Thirdly, In the Body of Man, as well as in his Soul, the Image of God consisteth, because the Soul worketh on the Body, and by it. Hence the Members of the Body are said to be Instruments of Righteousness, Rom. 6. 13. As they are instrumental to so excellent a purpose, as they are subservient to Grace and Holiness, and as the Virtues of the Holy Spirit are exerted by them, they are part of the Image of God. For it is not to be questioned, that the whole Man is God's Image. Therefore tho the Divine Likeness doth not equally shine in all Parts, yet this corporeal Part of Man in some degree, shareth in that Image. For which reason the Bodies of good Men are stiled the Temples of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 6. 19.
Fourthly, God's Image is on the Body of Man, as it is of that particular erect Figure, which no living Creature else partaketh of. Aristotle was so much a Divine as to apprehend and acknowledg this. Man only (saith he) 5 of all the Animals was made upright, because his Nature and Substance are Divine. For this particular Figure represented the inward Uprightness and Rectitude which he was created in. The Frame of the Body was to signify the Quality of the Soul. The outward Man was made an Hieroglyphick of the inward Temper and Disposition of the Mind. Again, this erect Shape represented the Sovere [...]gnty and Power of Man [Page 22] over all other Animals. For being not made in that low and groveling posture which these are in, it is a sign he was to be distinguish'd from them, and to be made a Ruler over them. Which brings me to the next thing I propounded.
3. God's Image in Man consisteth in his Dominion over the Creatures. Observe therefore, that when God had said, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness, it immediately follows, Let him have dominion over the Fish of the Sea, and over the Fowl of the Air, &c. So God created Man in his own Image, Gen. 1. 26, 27. Which intimates to us (as St. Basil, St. Chrysostom, and other Fathers agree on that place) that Man's Dominion over the Creatures was the Image and Representation of God's Principality and Soveraignty. God constituted him Lord of the Earth, and Governour over all things in it; he made him Prince of the whole Creation, Universal Lord and Emperor, and there is nothing but is made subject to him. Which David sets forth thus in Psal. 8. 6, 7, 8. Thou madest him to have Dominion over the Works of thy Hands, thou hast put all things under his feet: All Sheep and Oxen, yea, and the Beasts of the Field, (i. e. Beasts which are untamed and wild) the Fowl of the Air, and the Fish of the Sea, and whatsoever passeth through the Paths of the Sea. Here is part of God's Image and Likeness. And this Power which Adam had over all Animals was exerted and manifested afterwards in a very visible and notable Instance, viz. when he call [...]d them all together, and gave Names to them. 6 The Lord God brought them to him, by giving him this Power to summon them, and to cause them to appear before him at his pleasure. And when they were come. Adam strook a terror into the fiercest of them. At the [Page 23] sight of him they stood astonished; the wildest of them (for some may be said, in comparison of others, to be wild) grew tame and gentle, and adored him as their Lord and Ruler. ‘There is seated in the Nature of Man (faith 7 Cornelius Agrippa) a certain Power of Dominion from that dread which he is able to strike into other Creatures. This remains in Man at this day, and he might exert it if he knew how to make use of it. There is a certain Terrifick Character impress'd on Man by the Creator, by which all Creatures stand in aw of him as the Image of his Creator. If a Man could exercise this Power aright, he might work Wonders in the World:’ So he. But the Power which Adam had over the Creatures was discover'd, not only in making them appear, and stand submissive before him, but also in his giving of Names to them. ‘The Imposition of Names (saith 8 a learned Father) was a Token of his Authority and Dominion over the Creatures, as when Men buy Servants, they change their Names and give them new ones; this shews that they are Lords over them.’ And there is something of this perhaps in Adam's giving the Woman her Name. She shall be called Woman, saith he; which may imply his Primitive Power and Authority over her.
But tho I propound this only as probable, yet the other is past all doubt, viz. that Man had and hath an Empire over the in [...]erior Creatures; and herein the Image of God partly consisteth. Chrysost [...]m (as I have said) imbraceth this Opinion, but therein is mistaken, that the Image of God in Man is 9 nothing else but this Dominion. And he would prove it from 1 Cor. 11. 7. [Page 24] where the Apostle, speaking of the behaviour of Christians in the Assemblies, saith, The Man must be uncovered on his head, because he is the Image and Glory of God. Uncovering was a sign of Liberty and Dominion; so that the Image of God in Man is that Dominion and Superiority which God hath given him over the Woman and all things else. This is but poor proof, and not worth the refuting: Besides that, according to this Father, the Image of God is peculiar to Man, and the other Six is wholly excluded. Which sheweth this to be a fanciful and groundless Opinion: for Man and Woman are both of the same Nature in the considerations of Religion, and with respect to so great and important a thing as the Divine Image is. This Opinion, that God's Image consists wholly or chiefly in Man's Soveraignty over the Creatures, is espoused by the Socinians, and strongly maintain'd by them. You will find 1 Socinus himself, and 2 Volkelius, and 3 others, asserting, in express terms, that the Image of God is placed solely or principally in Dominion. But tho this be apparently false, and asserted by those Men only to uphold a belov'd Doctrin of theirs, yet there is reason to believe that that Power over the rest of the Creatures which God invested Man with, is part of the Divine Image. Man doth eminently resemble God in this Prerogative. In his presiding and ruling over them he is a lively representation of him who is the King and Ruler of all.
Thus you see this Image of God in Man is a complex thing. It is not only in the Soul, or in the Body, or in Power and Dominion, but it is in all of them together; in opposition to those different Parties who place [Page 25] it in one of them singly, as 4 Origen and 5 The [...]doret in perfect Knowledg and Wisdom, 6 Clement of Alexandria in perfect Holines, Chrysostom (as you have heard) and 7 Cyril of Alexandria in Dominion over the Creatures; and maugre the wild Opinion of another 8 antient Writer, who holds this Image of God is neither in Man's Body nor Soul, nor in any thing else that is known to us: it is not, it cannot be determin'd in what it consisteth.
Soon after Adam and Eve were made by God, and thus adorned with his Image, they were placed in the Garden of Eden, ( Gen. 2. 8.) i. e. a Garden of Delight or Pleasure, for so much the 9 Hebr [...]w word denoteth. Paradise is the word used by the Septuagint, and is of 1 Hebrew (some say of Persian) original, and signifieth a place inclosed for Pleasure and Delight; whether it be a 2 Park where Beasts do range, or a spot of Ground stock'd with choice Plants, which is properly a 3 Garden, or curiously set with Trees yielding all manner of Fruits, which is an 4 Orchard. And the word is here fitly applied to the pleasant Plantation wherein our first Parents were placed by God. This was not only a delightful Garden, and a fruitful Orchard, washed with convenient Rivers, (as you shall hear afterwards) but a spacious Park or Forest, where all the Beasts met together, as you have heard already.
[Page 26]Concerning this place there have been different Opinions; yet, it hath been questioned whether it was a Place or no, and when it had its beginning. Paradise was made before the Heavens and the Earth, say some of the Iewish Doctors. And 5 St. Ierom, who was a great admirer of Theodotion and Symmachus, Heretical Iews, and averse to the Translation of the Septuagint, follows them in that Opinion. Some held that Paradise was not Local, but that it was a State rather than a Place; and that this State was not on Earth. This was the high-flown Notion of Philo and Origen, of Basil, Ambrose and Damascen, and sometimes of Ierom, who understood Paradise in a spiritual and mystical Sense, and conceived it to be meant only of some blessed and happy Condition. Some of them seem to refer it to Heaven, others to the Virtues of the Soul, or the Soul's chief and principal Faculties: Tho St. Ierom on Daniel laughs at those who think Rivers, and Trees, and Paradise it self to be Allegories; which is a sign he chang'd his Opinion. And this is not to be marvelled at, for he is not wont to approve of that mystical Strain, and to allegorize after that high rate, which is the way to make void all Scripture-History, and by that to null the whole Bible. Therefore we find that the 6 Manichees were condemned of old for allegorizing of Paradise: And we read * that it was part of the H [...]resy of the Seleuciani and Hermiani, that they denied a visible Paradise. This Opinion hath been revived by some Moderns, and very lately by 7 one, who makes the History of Moses concerning the Terrestrial Paradise (as well as he doth other parts of it) a mere Fable, at least a Parable. [Page 27] That is the result of his disquisition about it. St. * Augustin goes in a middle way, and holds Paradise to be partly Local and Corporeal, and partly Spiritual. Ephraim Syrus grants Paradise to be Local, but placeth it an other World beyond this. It is a place above the whole Creation, saith an 1 Other: It is seated in the Third Heaven by St. Ambrose. Some make it to be the Coelum Empyreum. 2 Others say the Moon was the Paradise wherin our first Parents were created, and from whence they were thrust down to this Earth. Bede and Rabanus Maurus will have it be near the Orb of the Moon. 3 One of the [...]ewish Doctors comes pretty near this, and tells us that Paradise is about the second Region of the Air, and hangs between Heaven and Earth. It was the whol [...] Earth, say Beca [...]us and Noviamagus. Some of old held that it was the whole World, as 4 relates. And Luther of late held the same, asserting that the whole World was call'd Paradise, because it was at first so delightful and pleasant.
Others (and with good reason) assert it to be a par [...] only of this lower World, or the Earth; but they agree not about the particular Place: For some tell us it is seated in an unknown Country, remote from the company of the Wicked, where En [...]ch and Elias inhabit. So Bellarmine thinks, D [...] Grat. primi hominis, cap. 14. And some of that Church follow him, and they derive it from some of the Antients, who had it from Papias. Others assign a known part of the Earth, but among these there is also a difference; some groundlesly placing it in Africa, and in the warmest part there. Thus Maimonides, Aben Ezra, and other Iewish [Page 28] Doctors hold it was seated under the Equinoctial. And Durandus and Bonaventure among the Schoolmen are of that Judgment. Others fancy it to be in America, and in the warmest Country there; for these Men think the Torrid Zone to be the most comfortable part of the World. But those most certainly are in the right who place it in Asia. There is 5 one Man who is singular in imagining Paradise to have been in that part of Asia which is called Palestine, near Iordan in the Land of Sodom; which he gathers from Gen. 13. 10. But any one may see that no such thing can be inferr'd from those words, which only intimate, that the Plain of Iordan where Sodom stood, was a very pleasant and delightful place, and might in some respect be compared with Paradise. But after all the rambling Conjectures and wild Fancies concerning Paradise, and the particular place where it was, this is to be imbraced as the most probable and accountable Truth, that it was situated on those most pleasant and fruitful Fields of Asia, which of old were called Babylon, and afterwards Mesopotamia. In the lower part of this Mesopotamia, taking in also a part of Shinar and Armenia, was this Garden of Eden planted, as a 6 learned Knight hath excellently shew'd. In the Map you may observe it stands 35 degrees from the Equinoctial, and 55 from the Northern Pole. Because Paradise (being of a very great extent) reach'd towards Armenia, Galtruchius placeth it in the Mountains of Armenia the Greater; especially the Mountain Paiarde (saith he) was Paradise. But herein this learned Man was mistaken: for it is evident that Paradise was in Babylon, because Eden was there; as that worthy Knight hath proved from If a. 37. 12. and Ezek. 27. 23. by shewing where those other Countries [Page 29] are found which are joined with Eden. By many Arguments he makes it clear that Eden was part of Babylonia, and Babylonia a part of Mesopotamia. Or rather I am inclined to determin thus, (which doth not alter the main thing, but only gives you a more distinct account of it) Eden, and Babylon, and Mesopotamia, were three Names of the same Country. Eden was the first and antientest: Babylon was the Name it was call'd by afterwards, and Mesopotamia is a Greek Name given to it, and signifieth that it stood in the midst of Rivers; especially it referreth to its being situated between those two Rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, tho I know there is a stricter acceptation (and that not uncommon) of Mesopotamia.
And so you find this place described in Genesis, as famous for its Rivers, Gen. 2. 10. A River went out of Eden to water the Garden, and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads: i. e. the principal River of Paradise had four great Channels. The name of the first is Pison; that is it which compasseth the whole Land of Havilah, vers. 11. This Pison is call'd by some Phasis, or Phasitigris; it runs (they say) by that Havilah whither the Amalekites fled, 1 Sam. 15. 7. and divides it from the Country of Susiana, and at last falls into the Persian Gulf. So Galtruchius is positive that Armenia the Greater, and the Coutries thereabout are meant by Havilah, and that the River Phasis in that Armenia is the same with Moses' s Pison. Str [...]bo places Havilah in the Borders of Arabia and Mesop [...]tamia: And Bochart thinks it is Arabia it self. But (so far as I can judg) there is no reason to recede from the old Opinion of the Christian Writers, who hold that Havilah is India, and Pison the River Ganges. This was first asserted by 1 Iosephus, and from him Eusebius, Ierom, [Page 30] and most of the Fathers receiv'd it. And not without good reason, for Moses here adds, as a Mark to know the place by, that there is Gold, and the Gold of that Land is good, ver. 11. Now it is confes'd by all, that India is the most noted for Gold, and that of the best sort. Further it is added, as a Note whereby to discover that place, that there is Bdellium and the Onyx Stone. There is some dispute about the former; some hold it to be a Tree or a Resinous Gum, but most think it a precious Stone or a Pearl: And this is probable, it being join'd with the Onyx Stone: And India is famous for precious Stones and Pearls.
The name of the second River is Gihon, vers. 13. Galtruchius holds that the River Araxes in Armenia the Greater is meant by Gihon; this as well as Phasis flowing from the Mountain Payarde there. But Moses adding in this Verse, that the River Gihon is the same that compasseth the whole Land of Ethiopia, (or Cush, as it is in the Original) there is reason to believe that this Gihon is the River Nile, as the forenamed Iewish Antiquary, and most of the antient Writers of the Church hold. Which may be confirmed by what you may take notice of in the forenamed place, where the Garden of the Lord, and the Land of Egygt are join'd tother, intimating that Paradise, by the help of the River Nile, did as 'twere border upon Egypt, which is the principal part of the African Ethiopia, which it is most probable is meant here.
The name of the third River is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the East of Assyria, ver. 14. That it was a River belonging to Babylon, is clear from Dan. 10. 4. This is generally concluded to be the River Tigris, which divides Mesopotamia from Assyria, and therefore runs toward the East of it. This commonly goeth along with Euphrates, and so it doth here; for we are told, ver. 14. that the fourth River (which issued out of Paradise) was Euphrates▪
[Page 31]The fourth River, or the fourth Channel of the great River Euphrates, is, by way of eminence, here called Euphrates, this being the great middle Channel that ran thro Eden or Babylon; and it may be thought to take its name from its fructifying quality. For what some have thought, viz. that the word is deriv'd from [...] l [...]tificare; and that in allusion to this it is call'd the River whose Streams make glad the City of God, Psal. 46. 4. it hath little foundation; seeing there is a great probability that its Original is from the Hebrew Perah, which is the world here and in all other places of the Bible for this River, and is from parah crescere, fructificare, because the Country own'd its fertility and fruitfulness of the spreading streams of this River. But how is Euphrates deriv'd from Perah? It is likely that the Greeks made it out of these two words in this Verse, [...] Hu P [...]rath, Perath it self; for they read it 1 Vphrath, and added a Termination of their own, and thence came Euphrates. Nor is it an unusual thing with the Grecians to borrow words from the Hebrew. I will at present instance only in another word which hath relation to the matter in hand, and that is [...], which is used by several Gentile Writers for a Garden or Orchard, and it is the corruption of the Hebrew word [...] pardes, hortus: it is this word transmuted into a Greek form.
These are the Rivers of Paradise mention'd by Moses, of which that Noble Author of the History of the World hath copiously discours'd, and those that are curious may find satisfaction to their Scruples about this matter. We are to think this (and it is a very rational thought) that Paradise is now scarce to be found; because after so many Changes, especially that made by the Deluge, which marr'd the Figure of it, and wash'd away a great deal [Page 32] of its Beauty, it is exceedingly alter'd. Wherefore we must not expect to find in Historians and Geographers the same description of Paradise which Moses gives. Herodotus and Pliny will tell you, that Euphrates hath not the same Channel it had in the Ages of old, it hath several times been put out of its way. And if in so long a time the course of Rivers be changed, the Region may be alter'd as to other things. Besides, the names of Pison and Gihon, two Branches of the River of Paradise, are not very well known to us, because they are not the Names that they are call'd by in profane Authors; for 'tis common in Scripture to use the names of Places (as well as of Men sometimes) which are not used in other Writers. Or, this may be as truly said, that some names of Rivers mention'd by Moses, are long since lost and extinct (as the antient names of several Countries are, which is acknowledg'd by all the Learned. After so many Generations, and changings of Languages, it is no wonder that they are not call'd after the same manner that they once were. But we cannot gather thence that they are not in being; we cannot say (with a late 1 Writer) that of the four Antient Rivers of Paradise two remain, but the other two do not. But this may, and ought to be said, that the altering of the Primitive Names renders it difficult to assign the more particular place of Paradise, and to tell exactly where it was. But from the Account given us in Genesis, and by comparing all things together, there is reason to assert that Paradise was in Babylon, that noted part of the World.
For first Moses acquaints us, that God planted a Garden eastward in Eden, Gen. 2. 8. Which agrees well with that Region of Assyria which it is certain was situate eastward in Asia; besides, that it lay eastward from [Page 33] Canaan, or the Deserts of the Amorites where Moses wrote. Again, from what you read of this place call'd Eden, in 2 King. 19. 12. and Amos 1. 5. (besides those other Texts before mention'd, which Sir W. R [...] leigh takes notice of, and comments upon) you may gather that this Country was the place where Paradise was seated. Next, no part of the whole Earth bids so fair for the Seat of Paradise as that, for all the Antient Historians agree in this, that that Region was the pleasantest in the whole World, and that the Soil of it was prodigiously fertile, and almost fruitful to a Miracle. Moreover, Paradise was a place remarkable for its Rivers; and such is that Country represented by all to be, and particularly it is famous for the great and noted River Euphrates.
But if it shall be objected, that it is improbable Paradise was washed with all these four Rivers, viz. Euphrates, Tigris, Ganges, and Nile; for then it must needs be almost as large as a third part of half the Globe: Especially as to Pison and Gihon, how can we hold that the former is Ganges, and the latter Nile? for then we must take in almost all Asia, and a great part of Africa into Paradise. Therefore this Notion concerning the Rivers of Paradise is very extravagant, and consequently must not look for any reception.
I answer, 1. It is not so extravagant to make a quarter of half the Earth Paradisiacal, as to hold that it was all of it so at first, which yet we find vouched of late.
But, 2. it is a gross mistake in the Objectors to think, that what I have said enlarges Paradise to that wideness which they mention; for when we speak of the Rivers belonging to this place, this must be remembred, that the Heads and Springs of them are meant, not the whole body and current of them. For you read but of a River (Gen. 2. 10.) i. e. one River; but this one River was parted (as you read in the same Verse) into four Branches, or (if you will) into four Rivers, [Page 34] viz. without Paradise, not within it. The one River was in Paradise, and was serviceable to water it, whilst these Arms and Branches of it spread themselves to a vast distance, even on one hand to some Regions of Africa, and further yet on the other hand to some remote parts of India. Here is nothing extravagant in this Assertion, and consequently Nile and Ganges might, and certainly did descend from the capital River of Eden. The River Pison is said to compass the whole Land of Havilah, and Gihon is said to compass the whole Land of Ethiopia; that is, the Waters of these Springs or Fountain-heads which had their rise in Paradise, flow'd as far as Havilah in India, and Ethiopia in Africk, and encompass'd these places with their various turnings and windings. Moses tells us what Regions of the World these derivative Streams and Branches (which in broad Channels made very considerable Rivers) reach'd to: But we cannot conclude thence that Paradise it self was extended so far. This, I think, is very plain and intelligible, and no Man of sense can oppose it; and therefore there is no cause for that outcry which is made against Ganges and Nile's being two of the Rivers mention'd in Gen. 2. Notwithstanding what some late 1 Writers have ingeniously offer'd, I think the old Opinion is the most probable, or at least I take it to have as much probability in it as any of the Modern ones. And so any unprejudic'd Person will be inclin'd to think, if he considers how likely a thing it is, that the Fountains and Springs of Rivers are much alter'd since the Creation of the World; and consequently what these learned Men alledg concerning the rise and spring of Euphrates, &c. which they have met with in some Authors, is to little purpose.
[Page 35]3. I will add this, that Euphrates and Tigris were the only Rivers that were proper to Eden or Paradise; but the other two are mention'd, because they wash'd those Regions which appertain'd to and border'd upon that blessed Ground called Paradise. Paradise strictly taken was not so wide and spacious; but all the whole Country lying about that particular Ground, is in a large sense termed Paradise. We may observe it is said, God planted a Garden in Eden, Gen. 2. 8. not that the Garden was as large as Eden, but rather it is evident from these words that Eden, was that Region of the Earth in part of which God planted a Garden; which was not, and indeed could not be so large as the place he planted it in. Yet without doubt it was of a very considerable length and breadth; the circumference of it was large and specious, and therefore Rivers, or Arms of Rivers at a great distance might belong to it. In short, the Soil thereabouts was in some measure Paradisiacal; but this one part of it was more eminently so, and in a peculiar sense might be call'd Paradise, and the Garden of Eden.
Thus I hope I have given a full Answer to what was objected, and thereby made it very clear and perspicuous that Paradise was planted in that Region which was afterward call'd Eden, and that Babylon (even that which was cursed Babylon afterwards) was the Seat of that blessed Ground. And tho what Tertullian and Augustin, and several of the Moderns (as Aquina [...], Gregory de Valentiâ, Bellarmine, Del Rio, and others) have held, viz. that this happy place is not known to Mortals, may be thus far true, that we are not acquainted with the individual Spot of Ground where Adam and Eve were placed in their Innocence: yet if these Persons aforemention'd meant what they said in a more general sense, their Opinion is false and groundless, for it is evident from the premises that Paradise was in the eastern part of the Continent of Asia; that it was [Page 36] that part of Mesopotamia which was wash'd with Tigris and Euphrates; that it was a kind of an Island made so by these and other Rivers that encompass it; and particularly that Babylon (now a known place in Turky) was afterward the name of the Country, that pleasant and delightful Country where the Garden of Paradise was situated. Here it was that our first Parents were seated by the particular appointment of God. In this happy Region of the World, in this blessed Island they were to spend their days.
But what were they to do here? What manner of Life were they to lead? What Laws were they govern'd by? This we are next to consider, and it is necessary to do so, in order to our being acquainted with the nature of this first Dispensation. God who had given Adam the whole Earth, and all that was in it to possess and enjoy, yet assign'd him this lesser portion of Ground to inhabit in, and to cultivate: and he would not suffer him to be idle and unimploy'd in that happy state of Innocence, but set him to dress and keep that choice piece of Earth, Gen. 2. 15. which would want his care, because it was so luxuriant. Here he was to employ his Mind, as well as exercise his Body: here he was to enjoy God, Himself, and the whole World: Here he was to contemplate and study God's Works; to submit himself wholly to the Divine Conduct; to conform [...] all his Actions to the Will of his Maker, and to live in a constant dependence upon him: Here he was to spend his days in the continual exercises of Prayers and Praises: and it may be the very natural dictates of Gratitude would prompt him to offer up some of the Fruits of the Ground, and some living Creatures in way of Sacrifice unto God. There were thousands of Objects to exercise his Wit and Understanding, to call forth his Reason, and to employ it. But the ultimate perfection of his Life, without doubt, was to consist in the Union of his Soul with the chief Good, the infinite and eternal [Page 37] Being, for it is this alone which constitutes the Happiness of Man. His Mind being of a spiritual Nature, could find no satisfaction but in an Object that was of that kind; for a spiritual and intellectual Being must be entertain'd by its like. But the chief happiness ought to be something that is above us, and far exceeds us in excellency; for the Capacities of the Mind cannot be happy in any thing that is of an inferior nature to them. And the chief Good must be of infinite perfection, otherwise the vast and capacious Faculties of the Soul cannot be satisfied. Hence it follows that God alone was his supreme Blessedness, which he was entirely to possess and enjoy by such a knowledg as was perfective of his Understanding, and by such vehement and ardent Acts of Love, whereby he might be intimately united to the eternal Good, and live in perpetual [...]ruition of it, and that without Satiety; for there is 1 no excess in the chief Good, it cannot be known, desired, loved, or enjoy'd too much. This was the designed Felicity of our first Parents. Neither they nor their whole Race were to be liable to sorrow or misery of any kind, but to be possessed of a constant and never-failing Happiness: and after innumerable Ages and Successions, they were in their courses to be taken up to a heavenly Paradise.
In this Oeconomy Adam had two sorts of Laws to conduct him, viz. 1. The natural Law of Goodness and Righteousness in his own Breast. The Light of Reason was his Guide; and this shone very bright at that time: He had true conceptions of things, he had clear apprehensions of what was Good and Right, Just and Holy. He had a perfect knowledg of his Duty from this Law which God had implanted in his Nature. 2. Besides this natural or moral Law, Adam [Page 38] receiv'd positive Laws from God in this state of his Innocence; and they were these three.
1. There was the Law of Matrimony. That this State of Life was instituted and appointed by God in Paradise, is clear from what we read in Gen. 2. 24. God having made the Woman, and brought her to the Man, he pronounced the Law of Marriage in these words, A Man shall leave his Father and his Mother, and shall cleave unto his Wife, and they shall be one Flesh. Here is the indissoluble Knot of Wedlock. But yet this must be said, that tho the first instituting and appointing of this State was from God, yet the Law of Nature dictated something of it. For this teacheth that two, and no more, agreeing to join in the Fellowship of Marriage, should become one Flesh: the Light of Reason discovers, that a conjugal Union cannot consist of a Plurality. Thus far Matrimony, as 'tis the joining of one Man to one Woman, is a branch of the natural Law. But, as I have shew'd in another place, a Law may be partly natural, and partly positive; and so is this. It was positive, because God himself directed our first Parents to this State of Matrimony. But then Reason approving of the natural Equity of it, it may be said to be a Law of Nature.
2. The Hebrew Masters reckon that an absolute Precept, Gen. 1. 28. Be fruitful and multiply; and they look upon it as the first and the chiefest of all, as out of several of their own Writers, and out of 1 Buxtorf is evident. But others esteem it rather a Benediction, wherein God approves of the propagation of Mankind, as he doth also of other Creatures, ver. 22. Yet this we may grant, that those words had the force of a Precept or Law, as well as a Benediction, with respect to our first Parents; they had the full force of a Command [Page 39] to those two individual Persons Adam and Eve, and indispensably obliged them, because it was intended by God that Mankind should be increas'd and propagated by those two particular Persons. But they are words of Approbation to all others afterwards; that is, they signify the lawfulness, tho not the necessity of Matrimony and Generation.
3. There was a positive Law given to Adam in his Integrity concerning the keeping of the Sabbath, or observing the Seventh Day. God blessed the Seventh Day, and sanctified it, Gen. 2. 3. i. e. he assign'd it for some special purpose; he separated it from the other Days; he dedicated it more especially to Divine Worship: he set it apart to be the Feast of the World's Nativity; to call to mind the Works of the Creation; to magnify the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God in the framing of the Universe; to extol his Providence in the World. In short, this Day was devoted to holy Uses, and the more solemn Service of God: This is blessing and sanctifying of that Day. Indeed we read not that Adam kept this Day after this manner; nor is it said that any of the old Patriarchs did: But we know that many things were done which are not recorded. Moses omits several Matters of Fact, (and he intending brevity in his History, must needs do so) but we may supply them by our own collective Reason. Thus in the present case we find it expresly recorded, that God blessed and sanctified the Seventh Day; here he instituted the celebration of it. We need not then question whether Adam, and the righteous Men that succeeded him, practis'd according to this divine Institution. But if any shall question it, I prove it thus.
First, There was no imaginable reason why this Day should not be celebrated presently after it was instituted. What was it sanctified and set apart for if not for this, to be observ'd? And can you conceive any thing that hindred this? No certainly. Therefore seeing it was [Page 40] instituted, we may conclude it was kept, that is, that it was so from the Creation of the World. If it be objected, that Adam in Innocency lived free from Toil and Labour, and therfore the cessation on the Seventh Day was not necessary or proper for him: I answer, It is true, he was not subject to hard and uneasy labour, and such as was accompanied with fatigue; but it is as true, that he was bid to dress and keep the Garden, and consequently he was not unimploy'd; he had ordinarily some bodily Work to do, and to think of: But there was a certain time set him by God's particular appointment, on which he was to cease from this or any other worldly and corporeal Business, that he might devote himself wholly to the Worship of God. This was the Sabbath Day which he was to keep, and there is no reason to think he did not keep it.
Secondly, This appears from the reason of God's appointing and setting apart this Day. His ceasing from his Works of the Creation on this Day was the ground of it: And what did that infer, but Man's cessation from working on that Day? Gen. 2. 2, 3. And can we think that God would not require this at his hand? Can we think that he would not take care to see this Rest from all labour observ'd? Can we think that Adam and Eve, the last Piece of the Divine Work, did not call their Creation and Formation to remembrance, and praise God for that as well as for his wonderful making of the World? Can we reasonably and on good grounds imagine any of these things, when the very Sabbath was instituted on purpose to perpetuate the memory of the Creation? May we not rather say that it is expresly recorded, that God blessed the Seventh Day before Adam's Fall, to intimate to us what Adam and Eve were to do the next day after their Formation, viz. to sanctify that Day in a solemn commemoration of the Divine Goodness to them?
[Page 41]Thirdly, There are several passages in the Old Testament, whence we may gather the early observation of the Seventh Day. The keeping of it seems to be intimated in Gen. 8. 10. where we find that Noah divides the Time by Weeks, or seven Days: And so he doth again, ver. 12. Which being repeated, seems to tell us that the Seventh Day was then observed in a religious way by Noah in the Ark; who questionless had it from Adam, who receiv'd it from God, who instituted it to be a Commemoration of the Birth-day of the World, of the Divine Blessings that accompanied the Creation. It is not improbably conjectur'd by a 1 Learned Writer, that the Day when the Sons of God (i. e. Iob's Sons and other Holy Men, who are rightly call'd God's Sons or Children) came to present themselves before the Lord (Job 1. 6. & 2. 1.) was the Sabbath Day, the Day when the Professors of Religion met together in the publick Assemblies; for even in the Land of Vz they kept this solemn Day, they living near the Hebrews, who had it deriv'd to them from the Creation. Further, I desire it may be observ'd that there is express mention of the Sabbath Day before the Law was deliver'd on Mount Sinai. To morrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord, Faith Moses, Exod. 16. 23. And when that Day was come, he thus speaks to them, To Day is a Sabbath unto the Lord, ver. 25. And it is plain, that it is meant of the Seventh day Sabbath, because the Day before was the sixth day, as you read in the foregoing Verse; but more expresly in ver. 26. there is mention of the Seventh Day which is the Sabbath. It appears then that this Day was kept before the Decalogue was given, and was antienter than the Laws of Moses.
[Page 42]And indeed the Fourth Commandment which enjoins the keeping holy the Sabbath Day, seems to hint no less to us; for when the Israelites are bid to remember to do this, there is intimated to us in this manner of expression, that it was kept holy before, for remembrance hath regard to things past, and so forgetting respects what hath been heretofore. It might be observ'd also that it is call'd in this Commandment Ha Sabbath, the Sabbath, or that Sabbath which I have enjoin'd you before to keep: The Article here seems to imply so much. But however, from what hath been said it is manifest that there was a day of Rest, a keeping of a Sabbath observ'd before the Law of Moses. And if before it, then it was by virtue of this Primitive Institution which I am now speaking of, and consequently the celebrating of this Day was from the beginning of the World. In Paradise was given the Law of Sanctifying the Seventh Day as a Day of Rest and holy Worship; as some of the 1 ancient Writers of the Christian Church, who search'd into this matter further than others, have freely acknowledged. And therefore those words, Gen. 2. 3. God blessed the seventh Day, are not proleptick as some groundlesly imagine, but acquaint us that that Day was then instituted, and was to be observ'd from that very time, that they might be settled in the Truth of God's creating the World, and not (like Pagans) think it to have been from Eternity. This then must go along with the succeeding Dispensations.
Fourthly, There was a positive Law given to Adam of abstaining from the Fruit of a certain Tree in the Garden of Eden. We must know then, that in Paradise were divers sorts of Trees, but two of them were of more especial not than the rest. The first was the Tree [Page 43] of Life; which was called so, because it was appointed by God to signify, that if our first Parents did obey God's Command, they should live for ever. It was design'd to be a Sacrament of that Immortality which Man should have had if he had retain'd his Innocence. This is clear from what is said in Gen. 3. 22.— lest he take of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live for ever. This Text proves (against the Socinians) that our first Parents should not have died if they had not transgressed the Divine Law; and it proves that the Tree of Life was give them on purpose to perpetuate their lives. The eating of the Fruit of that Tree would have been a means to have kept them from dying, and to have made them immortal. Yea, this Tree was a Symbol of all Happiness, as Life is taken in that sense very frequently. Wisdom is said to be a Tree of Life to those that lay hold on her, Prov. 3. 18. Which is thus explain'd in the next Verse, Happy is every one that retaineth her. As often then as our first Parents had eaten of the Tree of Life, they were to be reminded by it, that all manner of Bliss and Happiness was to be entail'd upon them and their Posterity, if they continued in their Obedience, and broke not the Command of God. As long as they [...]ed on this Tree, they should be void of old Age, Sickness, Pains, Cares, and all troubles of Body and Mind, till at last they should have been translated from the earthly Paradise to those compleat and eternal Regions of Bliss at God's right hand. So that it was a Type of enternal Life and Bliss, and a Sign and Seal of these to them if they had not apostatiz'd. How long a time this particular course of preserving Health and Life should have continued, if Mankind (supposing in a state of Innocence) had increas'd, or whether other Trees of the same nature should have been produced in other Regions of the Earth, or whether there should have been some other way of keeping Mens Bodies from decay, I am not able to determine, nor need we concern our selves about it.
[Page 44]The other Tree in the Garden which was of more note than the rest, was the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil. And they were strictly forbidden by God to eat of This, they were by no means to taste any part of it. It was call'd the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil, because it was to try Adam whether he would do well or ill; or because the observing of that Prohibition was to be follow'd with the perfect enjoyment of Good, and the violating of it with the experience of all Evil of Sin and Punishment. It was to signify what they should know by eating, viz. the difference between the Evil of Disobedience, and the God of the contrary. Or thus, it was the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil, i. e. of the Good they had before, and of the Evil which was to ensue upon eating. They should experimentally find what Good they lost, and what Evil they fell into. So that it is probable this Tree had its name from the Event and Effect of it. It taught them by experience what Good and Evil was; for after Man had sinn'd in eating that forbidden Fruit, he saw and felt what Happiness he had lost, and what Misery he had procured.
Some have been so curious as to enquire, and so bold as to determine what particular Tree and Fruit this was. It was and Apple-tree, say some, and they would make it probable from Cant. 8. 5. It was the Vine, saith Vossius. It was the Indian Fig-tree, saith Goropius Becanus. Most say it was a Fig-tree, with the Leaves of which Adam and Eve covered their nakedness as soon as they had eaten of the Fruit. 1 Theodoret stiffly maintains this Opinion, and saith. This was the reason why Christ cursed the Fig-tree. 2 Athanasius, with 3 others, [Page 45] incline to this belief, but there is no ground for it: it must only pass as a Conjecture. And so that Father grants, in his Answer to that Demand, What Tree was it of which Adam eat the Fruit? 1 No Man, saith he, is able exactly to discover that which the Scripture hath wilfully conceal'd.
The grand thing which we are to mind (and which is the principal thing in this first Oeconomy) is this, that it was God's pleasure that the Fruit of that Tree (whatever it was) should not be meddled with, and therefore straitly charged Adam and his Consort, that they should not dare to touch it. God might reasonably act after this manner: For first (as an antient Writer saith on this Subject) 2 ‘God dispenseth all things sutably to the particular Time, and measureth his Institutions by the Abilities and Powers of Men. Therefore he gave that Command of not eating of this Tree to Adam, as it were to a newborn Babe.’ He dealt with our first Parents as with Infants and Children; he tried them by mean and low things, as most agreeable to their nature. But secondly, tho he was thus pleased to prohibit them the Fruit of one single Tree, yet this was highly accountable if you consider that God gave them the use of all the rest of the Trees in Paradise. Of every Tree in the Garden thou mayest freely eat, Gen. 2. 16. there was only this one Tree excepted and reserved. Here was Liberty and Indulgence sufficient. And they might well have contented themselves in the injoyment of it. Besides, the Creator can lay what Restraints he pleaseth on his Creatures. He that made both them and the Garden, [Page 46] could justly bar them of any thing which that place afforded. Therefore God gave them this Precept to shew his Dominion over them, as he was their Maker and Lord. 1 He would let them see by this little Command his absolute Soverainty over them, as a pious Father speaks.
Again, God having made them reasonable, and indowed them with a power or freedom of choice, he might justly exercise that Faculty, and put them to an actual trial of it: which could not be done but by proposing something to their choice. As they had a rational Nature and free Will given them by God, they were able to keep that Law of Abstinence; and therefore it was not unjust in God, yea it was just and fit to impose this upon them as they were free and reasonable Beings. This shews the reason of this positive Law which was given them to try their Obedience. Likewise, it was very reasonable and equitable Command, that seeing God had con [...]err'd on them so many Benefits and Blessings, they should be limited as to a single one, that thereby they might shew their Thankfulness to God for all the rest. In the next place, consider also that God particularly told them what he expected from them, when he gave them a Prohibition about the Tree. He assured them, that if they ventured to eat of it, it should cost them their Lives, or, more emphatically in the Original, they should die the death. Here was fair warning, and they had time to consider of it; and they were sensible how greatly they were obliged to God, and how just and reasonable a thing it was to observe his first and original Law, (that which was 2 matrix omnium praeceptorum, as Tertullian calls it) [Page 47] yea, to obey God in whatsoever he commanded.
Fifthly, To the revealed Laws under the State of Integrity, we must refer the Covenant of Works: For we may gather from the Sacred Writings, that there was a mutual Agreement or federal Compact between God and our first Parents, wherein he promis'd to them Eternal Life and Happiness, on condition of their perfect Obedience to his Laws; and on the contrary, Death was threatned if they disobey'd, as we have heard already. It is true, it is not expresly call'd a Covenant in Genesis; but it was one, for God gave Man a Law, and back'd it with Threatnings and Promises, and Man agreed and consented to it, which is the formal nature of a Covenant. Not are we to think that those two Persons, and no more, were under this Dispensation. Altho only Adam and Eve were in actual being at that time, yet all Mankind were included in them, and represented by them, and therefore are to be reckon'd as under that Dispensation. For God having created our first Parents without Sin, and with knowledg of their Duty, and strength to do it, he made a Covenant or Agreement with them, not only in behalf of themselves, but of all their Posterity. It was covenanted, that if they and their Race continued in Obedience, they should never die, but be always blessed and happy; but if they disobey'd the Divine Command, they should be subject to Death, and be every way wretched and miserable. It is certain they consented and agreed to this; for in that State of Integrity, what God propounded to them could not but be acceptable. God would offer that which was just and equitable, as he was God: Our first Parents would not disagree to it, as they were indu [...]d with a perfect understanding, and knew that what their Maker propounded was most reasonable. They could not but approve of the Condition on their part, viz. Obedience; and they could not but accept of the Reward promis'd on God's part, viz. endless Happiness. [Page 48] That they fully consented to the Contract, in the name of themselves and their Posterity, is demonstrable from many passages in Holy Writ, as that Hos. 6. 7. They like Adam (for so it is the Hebrew) have transgress'd the Covenant; which refers to God's Covenant with Mankind in the beginning of the World, when Adam was their Representative: And it is certain that he could not transgress it unless he had first agreed to it. And this is abundantly clear from the Epistles of St. Paul., which frequently have reference to this very thing. And the Truth of this may be too manifestly gather'd from the miserable Effects and Consequences of it which we now experience. This Covenant then, and this Dispensation to which it belongs, extend to all Mankind. As being in Adam they were all indued with the Divine Image, they were all possess'd of Life and Happiness; and might have so continued, unless they had in him fallen from their Primitive Integrity.
Hitherto Man was in honour, Psal. 49. 12. being created in God's Image he was placed in Paradise, he was possess'd of all manner of Felicity; and he might have perpetuated it to himself and his Posterity. This is the first State of Man, viz. that of Innocence, which constitutes the first Dispensation.
The Nature of the Second General Dispensation. The several particular Ingredients of the First Sin. Its Aggravations from the Matter of it. What kind of Creature the Serpent was, whom the Devil made use of in seducing our first Parents. It was not a firy flying Serpent, but an ordinary one. Wherein the Subtilty of this Animal consisted. That Adam and Eve fell not on the same day in which they were made, is proved from Scripture and Reason. The dreadful Effects of the Fall which related to themselves. Others which belong'd not only to them, but to their whole Race. Death was the Penal Consequence of the First Defection. The Inward and Spiritual Evils that attended it are enumerated. How Man became like the Beasts. Eternal Death the Fruit of his Apostacy. The Penalty inflicted on the Serpent. Not only our First Parents, but all Mankind were under this Second Dispensation.
THE second General Dispensation is the State of Sin and Infelicity, viz. from Adam's Fall till he was Restored and Recover'd. This State is doubly express'd by the Psalmist, 1 Man understood not, but became [Page 50] like the Beasts. The first represents his Sin and Fall, the second the Effects of it: So here are both his Fault and his Penalty. As among Philosophers there is Physiology, which is the considering of Bodies in their natural Temper, and there is Pathology, which is the consideration of Man's Body, as fallen into a state of Disease; so in Divinity we distinctly treat of these two, the State of Innocence (the primitive temper of Mankind) and the State of Corruption, (which is a degeneracy from that first Temper and Constitution.) Des Cartes imagines this Earth of ours to have been once a glorious Sun, but afterward to have sunk into another Vortex, and to be overcast with Spots and Scum, and so to move slowly, and to be what it now is. It is certain that Man, the best Creature on Earth, was once a bright and glorious Being, and moved in a high Sphere, and cast a most ravishing Light: He had the Image of God, and the Characters of Divine Wisdom impress'd upon him: but he soon lost his Primitive Light and Lustre, he forsook his Station, and was absorp'd into darkness, and overspread with Sin and Misery.
I begin first with Adam's Sin: and here I must enquire into these two things; 1. What this Sin was? 2. Who were the Instruments of it? As to the Sin it self, it was no other than this; Whereas God had commanded our first Parents, that they should not eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil, they wilfully despised that Command, and took of the forbidden Fruit, and did eat of it. This was the Sin of Adam and Eve, and the first Sin that ever was in the World. But this I must insert, that there were many undue Inclinations and vitious Dispositions in their Souls, which made way for this actual and external Transgression, and may be said to be parts and ingredients of this Sin, and which are also great Aggravations of their Crime.
1. Man being in Honour understood not, which may signify that ignorance and senslesness which they had [Page 51] contracted by non-attention. They consider'd not what Honour and Dignity they had, and so discerned not what was their proper Duty in that State. Incogitancy was the first rise and occasion of the Fall of our first Parents, saith the profound Dr. Iackson, and that very rightly. And before him St. Chrysostom had determin'd in the like manner; for he holds that Negligence was the first Fault: they grew heedless and careless, not reflecting on their state and circumstances, not duly thinking what they were, and what they ought to do: thence arose their transgression.
2. Sensuality was the previous cause of the first Apostacy. The sight of the Fruit excited the Woman's Appetite. When she saw the Tree was good for Food, and that it was pleasant to the Eyes, she took of the Fruit thereof, and did eat, Gen. 3. 6. And she might easily prevail with her Husband to do so too, whilst he perhaps was as much taken with her Beauty, as she was with that of the Fruit. There have been several Conjectures about the rise of the first Transgression (and I am now presenting the Reader with them) but if I should say that Lust, among other Incentives, was the first spring of it, I think no considerate Man can disallow what I propound. For tho the new-married couple were created without any tincture of sinful Concupiscence, yet God had planted in them those natural Inclinations which were proper and sutable to the Conjugal State. Tho these were unpolluted and void of all Vice, yet God had placed the Possessors of them in such a mutable State, and had endued them with such Powers and Faculties, both of Soul and Body, that they might make use of them to good or evil, as they pleas'd. And accordingly they enclined to the latter, and turn'd the concupiscible part into that which was evil and vicious, and so their innocent Propensions to one another were chang'd into lustful Amours; and their mutual desires and complacencies, occasion'd by the force of [Page 52] each others Beauty, became instrumental to that Sin which we are treating of. With Adam more especially this had a great sway, for his Wise was a very fair and lovely Creature; and it is probable that he look'd on her more than on the Fruit. This was not so fair as she that handed it to him; and therefore he was more in love with her than with that, because he saw a brightness in that Face which was more charming than what the Tree afforded. But yet he had a love to this for the sake of the other; and thereupon the uxorious Man (after several fits of reluctancy, we may suppose) resolv'd to gratify his Spouse; being beguil'd by her Beauty, and by that amorous propension which it had produc'd in him, he could deny her nothing: Or, to speak in more general terms, his entire love and affection to her prevail'd with him to do as she did, i. e. to violate the Commandment because she did so. Which we may gather from those words of his, Gen. 3. 12. The Woman whom thou gavest to be with me, (and to be my other-self) she gave me of the Tree, and I did eat: For tho he did ill in laying his Fault, and transferring his Guilt on the Woman, thereby only to excuse himself; yet thus far we may believe him, that he was drawn into this transgression by her whom God had given unto him. His passionate regard to her betray'd him to this folly. Thus this desire of his Eyes was one occasion of his misery. By the Inchantments and Sollicitations of a Woman, Man was first ruin'd. Whilst he was alone he did well, but when he saw so fair and Image he was tempted to fall down to it, and to comply with it, and to forget himself and his duty. This was the Origine of Adam's prevarication; the sensitive part was too powerful. Pleasure betray'd him, and ever since all Mankind: the animal and sensual Life gets the better of the Divine.
3. Another previous Sin of our first Parents was, a being dissatisfied with their condition, and an ambitious desiring to know more, and to become greater. It was [Page 53] a vile compound of Curiosity, Discontent and Pride: yea, this latter seems to have the predominancy; whence it was the determination of 1 one of the Antient Fathers, that Adam and Eve's first Sin by which they fell was Pride. The Devil inve [...]gled them with telling them, that their Eyes should be opened, and that they should know Good and Evil; nay, that they should be as Gods in knowledg and perfection, Gen. 3. 5. This was no mean incentive to the breach of the Divine Law; tho indeed it was a strange solecism and absurdity, (and it is an strange that our first Parents should not observe it) viz. that they should be like God by breaking his Law. This was an arrant piece of Nonsence, and yet it was swallowed, the vehement desire of seeing having blinded them, their inordinate longing after Wisdom rendring them so foolish and sottish. Their affection of Knowledg, and their vain Ambition, ruined them. Their desire to arrive to the Partners with God Almighty, made them forget they were his Creatures. Their wishing to be Gods, made them become like Beasts which perish (as you shall hear afterwards): Yea, their desire to be like Gods, made them too like unto Devils.
The 4 th Sin which made way for their actual violating God's Command was Vnbelief. God had himself told him, that in the day they eat of the forbidden Fruit, they should surely die, Gen. 2. 17. But Satan comes and con [...]ronts this, and tells them, Y [...] shall not surely die, Gen. 3. 4. Whereupon they give credit to this Tempter, and disbelieve what God had said. They attend not to the Divine Threatnings, but listen to the Devil's Promises of Impunity. They believe the Father of Lies, but what the God of Truth saith is none of their Creed. This was the cursed Infidelity which [Page 54] was the forerunner of the actual breaking of the Divine Command.
Thus you may be convinc'd, that tho the eating the forbidden Fruit may at first sight seem to be a small matter, a kind of venial Fault, (and some vain Men have labour'd to represent it as such) yet upon a particular and narrow view of it, and by reason of the Circumstances that attend it, it was a most grievous and horrid Crime. That Sin which was usher'd in with so many vile Harbingers, must needs be a capital Offence. Besides, the greatness of the Transgression must be esteem'd and measur'd by the Authority of the Lawgiver; we must consider not so much what was forbid, as who forbad it. God, their Creator and Father, who had absolute Power and Command over them; God, who knew best how to govern them, and what was most for their real Good and Advantage; God, who required the observance but of a small and easy thing, ought to have been obey'd with all exactness. Adam and Eve had no Father but God; how just and reasonable then was it, that they should express all Duty and Obedience to him; that they should observe his Laws, and not dare to break the [...]east Command of his; that they should do nothing without his order, and never listen to any that would attempt to withdraw them from their duty; but that they should continually live in a sense of their dependence upon him; that they should call upon him, trust in him, honour and worship him only; that they should strive to walk worthy of the singular Favours they had receiv'd from him, and that they should endeavor to persevere in their Innocence and Integrity, and to continue in that blessed State wherein God had created them?
And as for the Matter of the Sin, the letter and lighter it is, the greater is the Sinner's contempt of God. This inhances his Fault, that he preferreth so slight a thing before God's Will and Pleasure; that he regardeth [Page 55] not the Divine Anger, tho it be so easy to avoid it. Here we may say, as Cicero doth in defence of the Stoicks Paradox, ( viz. that all Sins are alike) 1 The Matter is small, but the Fault is great. Yea, I may add, the latter is the greater because the former is so small. The Sin of Adam and Eve was the more grievous and inexcusable, because it was in so little a matter as the bare tasting of the Fruit of a Tree. Which was a thing they had no temptation to, if we consider that the whole Garden of Fruit was before them, and there was but one single Tree only forbidden them. But it seems all the rest were insipid without this; no Tree will so content them as the forbidden one. There was no Fruit so desirable as this; and it is likely this had not been desired if it had not been forbidden. This argues great perversness and obstinacy, and consequently aggravateth their Sin, and senders their Offence very heinous.
Say not then, the eating of the Fruit of a Tree is a light and inconsiderable thing. So it might be said, Lot's Wise did only look back to see the miserable ruin of the place she lived in. What! might she not look behind her? It was out of pity that she did this. Did this deserve so sore a Punishment? Abraham 2 look'd on Sod [...]m in its flames, and was not punish'd. It was not criminal in him to do so: Why then was it in this poor Woman? The plain Answer is this, that there are many things from whence Actions are denominated Good or Evil. They are sometimes reputed so by God according to the intrinsick Causes and Reasons of them, sometimes also according to their good or evil Adjuncts; but at all times according to the Will and Command of God, allowing or disallowing of such [Page 56] Actions. By these we must judg of Lot's Wife's Sin [...] Out of an immoderate love of the City, which had been the place of her abode, or from an inward cove [...] ing of the Goods which she left behind her, or from a foolish pitying of those whom God had design'd for Destruction, she stood, and look'd back. Which Example of hers might have produced the like Passions in others: And if it had gone unpunish'd, a great contempt of God's Providence would have been the effect. But the chief thing which made her looking back to [...] be sinful was this, that it was a direct Affront to the Command of God, who had strictly charged them to fly, and not to look back, Gen. 19. 15. 17. And he certainly ought to have been obey'd, he that so graciously deliver'd them from the flames of Sodom, he that rescued them thence out of his mere Mercy and Favour; he that required observance in so easy a matter as this, he surely was not to be repay'd with Disobedience; therefore he acted most justly when he severely punish'd it in this stubborn Woman.
So in the Sin of our first Parents, we have shew'd before that the intrinsick Causes of it were very bad, and the adjoining Circumstances might be prov'd to be as evil and pernicious: but if we consider that it was a wilful violating of the Divine Command (as it most palpably was) it will appear to be yet more sinful and vitious. It was no less than a set and voluntary chusing of Death and Misery, and re [...]using of everlasting Happiness. There can't be imagin'd a greater Sin than this; nothing could speak them greater Rebels against Heaven. For God designing that his new-made Creatures, by conforming to that Prohibition, should testify their acknowledgment of him, and their subjection to him; their acting contrary to it was a high instance of Rebellion, and a downright disowning of God's Dominion and Authority. And tho indeed it was disobedience to the Divine Command in a lesser matter, yet [Page 57] even thence the baseness of the Action is more manifested, and the greater ingratitude and un [...]aithfulness of the Sinners are discovered. Thus you see what the Sin of our first Parents was, you are acquainted with the nature of their Offence.
Secondly, I will in a few words speak of the Pr [...] curer and Instrument of it. Whilst our first Parents were in their happy state of Integrity, they are envied by the Spirits of Darkness, the Fallen Angels, a rank of Creatures that were made by God to enjoy a blessed Immortality, and to be the Attendents and Ministers of the Majesty of Heaven; but they soon 1 revolted from God, and for their Pride and Arrogance were thrust down from Heaven, and divested of that Dignity and Glory which were confer'd upon them. These wicked and reprobate Spirits being thus degraded, maliciously and revengefully resolv'd to disturb the Felicity of Mankind, and to betray the innocent Inhabitants of Paradise into the same misery with themselves. The Prince of these Apostate Spirits (it is most probable) was by general consent of the rest chosen to effect this direful Project, and the method they pitch'd upon was to set upon the Woman first, and that in the disguise of a Serpent. 2 Cyril, and one or two others of the Antients were of Opinion, that he Devil appear'd in the likeness only of a Serpent: but it is more probable that the entred into a true and real Serpent, according to the sentiment of most of the Fathers. And they have the plain History on their side, which saith he was the subtilest of all the Beasts of the Field, Gen. 3. 1. And besides, the Curs [...] denounc'd against this Animal, shews it was a natural Serpent, Gen. 3. 14. 3 One tells us, [Page 58] that this Creature was a Basilisk: 1 Another saith, it was a Viper; and a * third saith, it was a Dragon, (which is an overgrown Serpent). But the Devil appearing in the shape of these Creatures, would have terrified rather than allured the poor Female. Others (on a contrary extreme) think that it was a bright, glorious and winged Serpent that appeared to her. They fancy that a Daemon or Devil came to Eve like some Angel or Saraph: for the Seraphim or Angels appear'd in form of splendid flying Serpents sometimes, as they would prove from Num [...] 21. 6. where the Serpents that God sent among the Israelites are call'd Seraphim. And from this place, and Isa. 14. 29. they gather that these flying Serpents, that were very bright, and shining like Fire, were usual in the Eastern Countries.
I have found lately, that two excellent Persons, of great Name and Esteem in our own Church, favour this Opinion. But, with due respect and deference given first to their Judgment, I make bold to offer these Reasons why I dissent from them in this present matter: 1. We have no certain knowledg or account of the Serpents spoken of in the forenamed Texts; only we know that they were raging, fierce and venomous, and thence it is likely they were call'd Seraphim, burning, because by their venomous Sting they produced an inflammation in that part of the Body which they stung. And they might be said to flie, because of their swift and impetuous motion, wherein they exceeded other Serpents. 2. If I should grant that there were such firy flying Serpents as these worthy Persons suppose, and that they are spoken of in the foregoing places, yet it seems not to me probable that Satan would make use of such an affrighting Creature to deal with our Mother [Page 59] Eve. This sort of Animals, in my apprehension, would sooner scare than entice her. Methinks his fierce and furious motion should strike terror into her; his flaming Wings should make her fly from him, not hold discourse with him. Or at least, 3. this Spectacle was too glittering and dazeling, so that she could not endure the brightness of it. I am apt to conceive that such a sight was fitter to amaze than to tempt. 4. When I find this Serpent reckon'd among the Beasts of the Field, and that twice, Gen. 3. 1, 14. I must needs say, I cannot easily be perswaded that it was of that kind before named; it seems not to me to be a winged Animal moving aloft in the Air. I do not well apprehend, I confess, how such a one can be numbred among the Beasts of the Field, or Earth. Tho the Holy Ghost in Scripture having barely told us that it was a Serpent, it is most natural and genuine to conclude, it was an ordinary Serpent, such as God had lately created, and such as among other Creatures lived on the Soil of Paradise.
Now the Serpent was more subtil than any Beasts of the Field which the Lord God had made, Gen. 3. 1. The subtilty of the Serpent denoteth here to us the gentle, familiar and insinuating nature of this Animal: For the Author of the Iewish Antiquities observes, that this Creature 1 frequently convers'd, and in a familiar manner associated with Adam and his Wife. And so an 2 Antient Father of the Church agrees with this Iewish Writer, telling us, that the Serpent before the Fall was mild and gentle, and more familiar with Man than other Creatures were, that he came to him often, and was pleas'd with his Society, that he did not creep on [Page 60] the ground, but went on his feet. But the same Author goes too far when he intimates, that he was of an erect Figure, for that is proper only to Man. It is very probable that the Serpent did not then grovel and creep on the Earth as he now doth, (for this was the Curse pronounced against him after the Fall) but he was somewhat lifted up from the ground by feet, (tho perhaps they were very short) for you find in the forenamed place, that he is sorted with the Beasts of the Field, which are distinguish'd in kind from creeping things, Gen. 1. 25. Another 1 Ecclesiastical Writer agrees with the former Author, that the Serpent was more sociable and conversant with our first Parents than all the other Creatures were; that he often approach'd to them, and insinuated himself into them with the gentle motions of his Body. I do not think, with Iosephus, that the Serpent (and all other Beasts) naturally spoke in Paradise, (a Dream which Basil also assents to); but this I am ascertain'd of from the inspired Records of Moses, that the Devil spoke by the Serpent, or (which is all one) that the Serpent possessed by the Devil spoke to Eve. So we read afterwards that an Ass by an extraordinary impulse spake to Balaam.
And since that time, several Histories mention the speaking of irrational Animals, yea of inanimate Creatures: Thus a River spoke to Pythagoras, and saluted him as he passed by it, if we may believe Porphyrius in his Life. A Tree spoke to Apollonius Tyanaeus, saith Philostratus. This was the effect of Magick, both those Persons being skill'd in that Art. It will be granted then, that the Devil is able to do what his Agents and Ministers can effect; thus here, the Serpent spake to Eve by the motion of Satan actuating his Body: The Devil moved his Tongue, and inabled him [Page 61] to hold a Discourse with the Woman. And now if you consider that he was by his Nature and Make of a graceful Hew and Figure, and that he was made by God a subtil and insinuating Creature, you will not deny that he was fit to be made use of by Satan to intice and inveigle the Woman. Wherefore the 1 bold Man that laughs at this part of the Mosaick History concerning the Serpent and Eve talking together, and in effect represents it as a mere Fiction, hath as little Reason as Religion on his side. It is certainly agreeable to Reason that the Devil would tempt and seduce her by making use of some familiar and domestick Creature, if he used any at all. The Fox was cunning and crafty, but the Serpent was the most gentle and tractable of all; this was his proper subtilty. It is probable that this Creature was beloved both by Adam and Eve: She especially was delighted with it, and used to play and sport with it; she laid it perhaps in her Bosom, or adorned her Neck with its twistings and windings; or she made it a Bracelet for her Arms.
This is certain, that the enmity between the Serpent and Mankind was not till after Man's Fall, as appears from Gen. 3. 15. I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman, and between thy Seed and her Seed. There could not be an Enmity put between them, unless there had been a Friendship before. Or, if the Serpent used before to ensnare or hurt Mankind, and to shew himself an Enemy, why is it denounced by God as a Threatning and Curse, that he will put Enmity between them? It is evident then, that the Serpent was some goodly lovely Creature, and would needs make himself acceptable to the Woman: And in this Masquerade the Devil soon got the better of her, perswading her that if she did eat of the prohibited Fruit, she should be so far from [Page 62] receiving any harm and damage, that she should thereby mend her condition, and be some Goddess rather than a Woman. She was caught with these fond and flattering Suggestions, and slighted the Divine Injunction, and boldly ventured on the forbidden Dainties. The subtil Ingineer planted his Artillery against the weakest part of the Fort: he began his Batteries against the feeble Sex first, Alas! a silly Woman, and a subtil Serpent acted by the Devil, were not Matches. And as this latter tempted Eve by a Serpent, so he tempted Man by Eve, who was gentle and alluring, familiar and insinuating, and not easily to be repulsed. The weak Woman must needs fall, being sollicited both by Satan and the Serpent: The poor Man could not but fall who had a triple temptation, that of the Devil, the Serpent, and the Woman.
Thus both Man and Woman fell, and that in a short time after they were created. Man being in honour, 1 abideth not. He stood not one night (say some) in integrity, but apostatized in the close of the same day in which he was made; and in the very same day he was cast out of Paradise. So the Iews generally, and many of the Christian Fathers assert. Luther is very punctual: 2 ‘Our first Parents entred (saith he) into the Garden at Noon-day; and the Woman having an Appetite, and taking delight in the Food, eat of it about two a clock.’ But these two things may incline us to think that they did not: 1. What the Sacred History concerning that matter affordeth us. 2. What Reason, and the thing it self will suggest to us about it. 1. The History of the Acts of that Day on which Adam was made, is a sufficient confutation of this Opinion. For Moses in the Book of Genesis acquaints us, [Page 63] that on that Day wherein he was created (which was the sixth day) all these things were done: 1. Being created without Paradise, he was that day 1 brought into it. 2. The Tree of Life, and the Tree of the Knowledg of Good and Evil were 2 proposed to him. 3. A Law concerning 3 abstaining from one of them was given him. 4. All the four-footed Creatures, one of a sort at least, were 4 brought to him, and set before him; and he view'd and observ'd them, and according to the nature and differences of every Species, gave peculiar Names to them. The same he did to all the Fowls of the Air. This would take up a considerable time. 5. After this Adam 5 fell into a deep sleep, and a Rib is taken out of his side, and of it the Woman was made. 6. God, as the Paranymph, 6 brings this Spouse to Adam, who acknowledgeth her to be a part of him, and takes her into intimate familiarity, and made her his Wife. All this was done on the sixth Day; but we do not read that any more was done.
But you will say, If it admitted of so much work, we may as well add the eating of the forbidden Fruit, which did not take up much time. But I answer, we learn not from the History that this was done on that day: Yea, we are sure it was not done, for it is said of the Works of the sixth day, as of the foregoing ones, God saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was very good, Gen. 1. 31. It is not probable this would have been said, if Man had not continued good till then, and if Sin, the greatest Evil of all, was entred at that time. And we are to observe that these words were pronounced [Page 64] concerning what happen'd all the space of that sixth day of the Creation: And all the things beforemention'd (which are the Contents of the second Chapter of Genesis) are suppos'd to be comprehended within this time; for 'tis said immediately after the foregoing approbation in the close of the first Chapter of Genesis, that the Evening and the Morning (which make the Day compleat) were the sixth Day. After this you read that the story of Adam's Fall begins, that Satan attempts the Woman, that there were several Discourses between the Serpent and the Woman, and between her and the Man. Therefore 'tis evident that our Parents did not fall from God on the same day they were [...]reated.
Secondly, Several Reasons may be offer'd why it was not so, viz. first because it is more worthy of God to believe that Adam and his Mate were not baffled so soo [...] after their Creation. It is not congruous to God's Wisdom to create so excellent a Frame, and let it be spoil'd immediately. Then more particularly this may be alledged, that God's proposal of the Covenant of Works to our first Parents, (on which depended the whole result of the present Affair) their mutual consenting to it, and the ratifying it on God's part, and Man's part, in some solemn manner, were a Work which required some length of time. Further, the Parley between Satan and Eve might be of a long continuance, to it is briefly set down by Moses. It is probable that she at first gave a repulse to the Assault; it is likely that several Onsets were made before she yielded. We cannot but suppose a considerable time of tempting, because otherwise it would have been a Surprize, and then it would not have been what it is; that is, the Transgression would not have been of so heinous a nature, and would not have been animadverted on so severely. Again, it is rational to think that Adam and his Wise being created by God in that perfection of Knowledg and Holiness which [Page 65] are acknowledg'd to have been in them, could not suddenly be drawn from their obedience to God. Those high Endowments could not easily be lost, those Divine Gifts could not decay but by little and little. Therefore upon this account we have reason to believe and affirm, that these Persons shrunk back from their Integrity by degrees, and not all at once, and that the space of time between their Temptation and actual Transgression in eating the forbidden Fruit, was of some length, much more than we can reasonably suppose to have been crowded into one single day. Thus both Scripture and Reason induce us to reject that common Opinion, that our first Parents fell from their Primitive Innocence on the very day that they were made.
But when I say this, I pretend not to determine how long Adam and Eve continued in their Innocence, and what time pass'd before they were turn'd out of Paradise. None can positively assert, that they were created and fell upon the same day, because it is no where said so. But then on the other hand, it is as true that none can be positive as to the certain time of their abiding in their Innocence, because we find it not mention'd. As those who say they fell in the very day in which God formed them, are not to be credited; so those Cabalistick Iews, who say they were twenty years in Paradise before they were turn'd out, are to be utterly exploded. The renowned Vsher (in his Annals) holds, that Adam was expell'd out of Paradise on the tenth day from the beginning of the World; according to which timing of it, he fell in the third or fourth day after that of his Creation; for it is not to be thought that he staid there after his Fall. But in my judgment those Hebrew Doctors (for they are not all o [...] them of the same mind) who hold that our first Parents continued both in their Integrity and in Paradise eight days, do approach nearest to the Truth. It is likely that they retain'd their Innocence, amidst many Assaults [Page 66] and Temptations, [...]ill about that time: so that as the first Week in the World ended with the Creation of Man and Woman; so their fatal Seduction and Fall were the close of the second week. However, from the Premises it is eviden [...], that there was a considerable time between their Formation and Lapse.
Hitherto I have consider'd the Sin and Fall of our first Pa [...]ents; now I must speak of the dreadful Effects, of it. Man became like the Beasts which perish. Man was in a happy and glorious condition, but made himself wretched and miserable. Man was in honour; we were once happy. In which sense those words in Gen. 3. 22. may be understood; Behold, the Man was as one of us, for so it may be rendred according to the 1 Hebrew. He was so happy as to be like one of us; he was created after our Image, but now is miserable. It is such a manner of speaking as that of the Poet,
Unless you are rather inclin'd to think those words are spoken ironically, and by way of Interrogation, Is the Man become like one of us? As much as to say, he is not, he is far from it, he is lost and undone, he hath made himself a very lamentable and wretched Creature.
Let us now briefly recount the Particulars of his Misery. First, God who for [...]ad Man to eat of the Tree of Knowledg, now forbids him to touch the Tree of Life. Now Man is turn'd out of Paradise, that Garden of Pleasure; he is sent out of God's Presence, and is become a Reprobate and Castaway. There is a stern Angel with a flaming Sword set at the [Page 67] entrance of Eden, to keep him and his Posterity out for ever. We may in part imagine, but we cannot sufficiently relate how sad and deplorable the condition of Adam and Eve was at this time. They could not but spend their days in languishing Grief, in continual Sighs and Tears; they could not but be filled with Regret and Remorse, when they reflected on their past Felicity, and the loss of it by their Folly; when they look'd forward also, and saw the innumerable Evils which insue upon this their Miscarriage.
To augment their Sorrows, there soon happen'd a dismal effect of their Fall and Depravation. Their dear Son Abel was murder'd by his own Brother, the same Devil that deluded them working on him. And how can the disconsolate Parents bear this and the rest of their Sorrows? The Children had been brought up well, they had been set to honest Imployments. Adam gave unto Cain, Lands to till, unto Abel Sheep to keep; their Callings intimating to them what should be their Allotment and Portion afterwards, the Real Estate being to be assigned to the eldest Son, and the Personal to the younger, as is in use at this day. But the careful Parents might dispose of their Estate, but they could not entail Virtue and Grace upon their Children. Cain most maliciously rose up against his Brother, and neither his Innocency nor his near Relation to him, could divert him from violently pursuing and shedding his Blood. This made th [...] hearts of the distressed Parents bleed afresh, this added new dolours to their former ones, and caus'd them yet more seriously to look back on their vile Apostacy from God, which was the spring of all the Miseries they underwent.
There is nothing said in Scripture of the Repentaonce of these Sinners after their Fall; whereupon some have concluded, that these first Offenders died in Impenitency, and were denied all Mercy and Pardon. But it thust be remembred, that the Sacred History omits many [Page 68] things, being very short and compendious; yea, of this very nature some things are pass'd by, as that Noah repented of his Drunkenness, and Lot of his Incest; so that we cannot draw an Argument in this case from Scripture-silence. But we have reason rather to believe that Adam and Eve did repent, and were saved: for the [...] Promise of the Seed, which was to redeem and save Mankind, was made immediately after the Fall, and so concern'd them as well as others, Gen. 3. 15. Besides, we may piously believe, that God's Mercy would not overpass these poor Offenders at its very first setting out, but rather that it would begin with them, to give an Instance of his present Pity and Kindness, and an assurance of his future Goodness and Clemency. The wise God would not suffer Satan to boast, that his first Conquest and Spoils remain'd entire, and met not with an afterdefeat. This was the Judgment of the most antient, pious and learned 1 Fathers, and they declar'd, that the Tatiani, and others who held that Adam never repented, but was damned, were very unreasonable and absurd in their Assertion. Yea, Irenaeus and Epiphanius reckon this as an Haresy, and con [...]ute it. And this may be observ'd, that the Fathers, both Greek and Latin, do generally agree in this, that Adam was buried on Mount Calvary, where Christ was crucified, intimating thereby that he had the benefit of our Saviour's Sufferings, that his Repentance for his Apostacy was accepted for Christ's sake, that in the great and universal Shipwrack of the World (for it was then all concern'd) he swam safe to shore on this Plank.
But I proceed to consider some larger Effects of our first Parents Apostacy, i. e. what befel their whole Race [Page 69] as well as themselves. We will consider them both together. And these dole [...]ul Effects are both Temporal and Eternal. I begin with the first, the temporal Evils; they are either outward or inward. The outward and bodily Evils, which are the Consequences of Man's revolt, are very many and great. Cursed is the Ground for thy sake, saith God to Adam, Gen. 3. 17. At first its pregnancy and [...]ecundity were exceeding great, so that it yielded its Fruit easily without any toil.
And again,
And the like we find spoken by other Poets concerning the Golden Age, from some broken Notions and Traditions (as a 2 judicious Person of our own hath observ'd) of Man's first Estate in Paradise, and of that Estate wherein the World and all things should have continued, of Man had not fallen. There was nothing noxious in the Earth at first, all things were safe and wholesom, useful and pleasant, serviceable for the Life of Man, and every ways advantageous to him. But Man's Fall introduced a change, the Ground brought forth Thorns and Thistles, Gen. 3. 18. which shews, that the former fruitfulness of it was decay'd, and that now it would require some toil and pains to prepare and manure it, in order to a plentiful Crop.
And therefore I am not forward to assent to what a late learned Writer suggests, that 3 the Pl [...]ugh was of no [Page 70] use till after the Deluge, and was not invented till than: as if the State of Innocence lasted till that time. He confesses himself, that 1 God sent the Deluge [...]o destroy that Constitution of the Earth, which was calculated and contrived for a State of Innocence, and to fashion it anew according to the lapsed and frail state of Mankind: And therefore according to his own concession, the Flood should have come presently after the Fall of Man, whereas it was above sixteen hundred years after i [...]r This Author ingeniously lays hold upon the Sentence of Death, which was pronounced at the same time with this part of the Curse about the Earth's Sterility, and argues from the suspending of that to the suspending of this. But I conceive this is not a good way of arguing, unless he could have proved that neither our first Parents, nor any others, felt the effect of that Sentence of Mortality before the Deluge; for it is of this which he was discoursing, and his Opinion is, that this was the cause which check'd the exuberance of the Earth, and therefore the Curse took not place till this time. But the very words and expressions themselves, by which the Curse of Sterility is set forth, seem to me to put this matter out of controversy: for they respect not only Mankind in general, but the first Man in particular, and more especially, and therefore must have taken place before the Flood. Cursed is the Ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy Life. See here, Adam himself, for whose sake the Earth had its Doom, was to experience the sad Effect of it by eating of the Fruits of the Ground in sorrow, that is, with labour and toil, the Ground not bringing sorth its Fruits with that ease, and in that plenty which it did before. The Curse then was inflicted in Adam's time, [...]nd consequently before the Deluge. And unto Adam [Page 71] himself the following words are directed, Thorns and Thistles shall it bring [...]orth unto thee, and [...]hou shalt eat the Herb of the Field, viz. with hard labour and pains, or (as 'tis express'd in the next Verse) IN THE SWEAT OF THY FACE; and this must continue until he return VNTO THE GROVND, OVT OF WHICH HE VAS TAKEN. And we know he return'd above 700 years before the Flood, and consequently the Commination did affect that generation of Men which lived before that time.
And there is a farther proof of this in v. 23. Therefore the Lord sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the Ground from whence he was taken. This shews that the Curse had actually taken effect, and that Thorns and Thi [...]tles were come up; for Adam here is set on work, by the immediate Order of God himself, to root up those unprofitable Weeds, and other less useful Plants, and to apply himself to laborious Agriculture, this being now become necessary since his Apostacy, and since the denuntiation of the Curse, for unto this the word therefore in the beginning of the Verse re [...]ers: as much as if it had been said to Adam, Seeing the Earth is deprived of its former fruitfulness, seeing it will not for the future bring forth Food for Man without painful [...]illage, and wearisome culture, therefore I send thee [...]orth, &c. Here is a plain Instance of the actual inflicting of the Curse in our first Parents time, even long before the Universal Deluge. Wherefore I hope I shall prevail with this ingenious Author to aker his System of the Earth as to this particular, that he may avoid so considerable an Objection as this is, viz. That it is repugnant to the Sacred Writings, to which I know he pays a great Reverence. And besides, so far as I apprehend, his general Syst [...]m can very well be without this particular Hypothesis. I take the freedom to suggest this to one who seems to be made for great Discoveries in Natural Philosophy; and therefore out of that [Page 72] friendship which I bear to him, and which he is pleas'd mutually to honour me with, I would not have them tinctured with the least disrespect to the Mosaick Writings, for this is enough to blast them in the esteem of those that are wise and sober.
But tho I cannot yield assent to this Gentleman's Hypothesis as he hath laid It down; yet thus far I agree with him, that the Sentence before mention'd took not place in the most effectual manner till the time he assigns; it was not fully accomplish'd and executed till the Deluge. That indeed was the Consummation of the Curse of Barrenness: then there was a more general Restraint and Decay of the Fruits of the Earth, caused by that destructive Inundation. But the Curse commenced before in part, as is clear from the express words of the Mosaick History. And therefore I take it for an impregnable Truth, because it is founded on the Sacred Records, that the Earth was immediately curs'd upon Man's Fall, and that all the Creatures degenerated when he fell. The Earth, and Air, and other Elements became disorder'd, and in some measure unwholesom, and sometimes fatal. Hence proceeded Dearth, Scarcity, Pestilences, Earthquakes, Storms, Tempests, harmful Thunder and Lightning, Conflagrations, and all manner of Evils and Calamities. Man's Body, which was made of the Earth, participated of the Curse; whence floweth such a variety of Diseases and Distempers, that the Masters of Medicks have not yet compleated their Bill of Mortality, and given us a perfect Catalogue of the Maladies which infest us.
Another external Effect of Man's Fall, is the labour and trouble of this Life. Using Diligence and Labour in a lawful Calling is no Curse, for God set Adam to work even in the State of Innocence: but afterwards his Labour was attended with faintness and weariness, with pain and uneasiness, as in that formentioned place. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat Bread. [Page 73] Which seems more particularly and especially to have reference to the great labour which accompanies plowing and sowing, and gathering in of the Fruits of the Earth. For tho, it is true, part of Adam's employment in Paradise was dressing the Ground, yet it cost him not any considerable labour then, it was not like the Husbandry which was afterwards, and is at present, viz. uneasy and toilsome by reason of the barrenness of the Ground. But in a larger and more extensive sense these words denote all the fatigue and pains which Men undergo in this World. It was the eating of the forbidden Fruit which was the cause of this eating in sorrow and sweat. Now innumerable hardships and distresses are the allotment of Man's Life: Now Man is born to trouble, Job 5. 7. All his days are sorrow, and his travel grief, Eccles. 2. 23. Now the Earth is truly the Land of Labourers: Numberless poor people sweat and turmoil in getting a livelyhood, and even their Bodies are bow'd down sometimes with a burden: so the erect Figure of Man is partly impair'd. Who can recount the various Troubles and Afflictions of this mortal State? What a vast number of Calamities and Miseries is a Man liable to daily? How strangely is he beset with Crosses and Disasters at home and abroad, in his private and relative Capacity, in his Body, Mind, and all his Concerns? His Dominion over the Creatures is much diminished: Many of them being hard to be tamed and kept in subjection, many of them proving hurtful and mortal.
He may lament the loss of another Dominion which is more considerable, I mean that which relates to that Sex over which God and Nature had given him a Command and Authority. And on the other side, the undue subjection of the Woman to her Husband, is the Curse and Punishment of the first Woman's Sin. Which I take to be the meaning of those words, Gen. 3. 16. Thy d [...]sire shall be to thy Husband, and he shall rule [Page 74] over thee. It is true, she was under his Rule and Command even in Innocency, as was suggested before: There was then a Power and Preeminence in Man over the Woman, as the Apostle informs us 1 Cor. 11. 7, 8, 9. but they did not dispute this Superiority, they did not contend about it, for the Man did not exert his Power imperiously; and the Woman's subjection (call'd here her desire unto her Husband) was free and voluntary. But afterwards, this Obedience was forced and unwilling, and the Man's Dominion too often degenerated into an arbitrary unreasonable sway. And that this is the meaning of this place is plain from the like words of God to Cain (to pacify his Wrath against his Brother Abel) unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him, Gen. 4. 7. that is, Abel is thy younger Brother, and shall be subject unto thee, and thou shalt have the superiority over him. So then the import of the foresaid words is this, that tho indeed Man, as being first created, had a superiority and preeminence over the Woman, and should have yet had if they had stood in their Intergrity; yet now since the Fall the latter is oftentimes too indecently treated, whilst the former instead of claiming his just Precedency and Power, becomes inhuman and tyrannical.
A farther Curse on Womankind is that which is mention'd in Gen. 3. 16. I will greatly multiply thy sorrow▪ and thy conception: in sorrow thou shalt bring forth Children. Difficulty in Childbearing, bringing forth with pain, is the effect of the first Woman's transgression: Whereas (as 1 Aristotle observes) other Creatures have not that uneasiness and torment in bringing [...]orth their Young.
Thus both Sexes partake of the Evil which accrued by the first Apostacy. And wheresoever you look, you [Page 75] may see the cursed Fruits of it: All things are out of order, and shatter'd by the Fall. That which the Apostles were falsly accused for, viz. that they turned the World upside down, may truly be attributed to our first Parents: they have by their wil [...]ul disobedience perverted the Order of Nature, and disturbed the Course of the World. It is by their means become a Place of Disorder and Confusion, a Stage of Affliction and Misery, a Scene of Sorrows, Losses, Disappointments, Poverty, Reproach, Diseases, Pains, Tortures and Plagues of all sorts. This is Man's portion till he returns unto the Ground; for out of it was he taken, and unto it he shall return, ver. 19.
Death is the last of all outward and bodily Evils: this was threatned in Gen. 2. 17. In the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. Which place alone is sufficient to refute the Socinian Conceit, that 1 Man was mortal in his first state of Innocence, and that th [...] he had not fallen, yet he should have died. We find here Mortality pronounc'd the Effect of Adam's Transgression, In the day that thou eatest of the fo [...]bidden Fruit, and thereby [...]innest against thy Maker, thou shalt surely die, i. e. thou shalt immediately become subject to Death, and afterwards it shall actually be inflicted on thee. So we are to understand these words, according to that of Theodoret, 2 God here call [...]th the Sentence of Mortality Death. And so Chrysost [...]m on the place; ‘Man is said ( saith he) to die, in that the Sentence of Death is pronounc'd against him. It was God's Mercy to reprieve him, that he might have time to repent. But he was a dead Man at first, as a condemned Malefactor is reckon'd a dead Man, tho [Page 76] his Execution be respi [...]ed for a time.’ So is it with the whole Race of Adam, they are obnoxious to Death, they have the Sentence of it upon them, and they daily incur that Penalty by their Sins. The Great Judg is pleas'd to spare them for a time, but at last the Sentence is executed on them. Their Nature being corrupted and poison'd by the Fall, at length the Venom and Virulency of it break forth; the contrary Qualities, which have been long fighting within them, destroy them in the close; or in some other manner their Bodies sink into the Grave, and stench and rottenness are their Portion.
The Inward and Spiritual Evils, which are the Consequences of the Fall, are yet more grievous and direful. Not only the Bodies, but the Souls of all Adam's Race feel the cursed Effects of his Apostacy from God. Hereby the Rational and Divine Moiety of Man (which was the chief and noblest part of his Constitution) was corrupted, its original Rectitude and primitive Righteousness were defaced, and all the Powers and Faculties of his Mind miserably depraved. First, His intellectual Powers are impaired by Ignorance and Error: the Notions of Good and Evil are much obliterated, Reason is weakned, and can hardly do its office. Man understanding not, must needs be like the Beasts, for it is this Faculty which differenceth him from that rank of Beings. It was said of old, 1 that Man is a wise Creature: And he was so questionless in the state of his first Creation, and Primitive Innocency; but since his vile Defection he is sunk into folly and sottishness. He confutes all his Pretences, and baffles all his Boastings of Knowledg and Wisdom; for when he should give experiment of them, he discovers plainly that he is [Page 77] possessor of no such thing, but that his rational part is much enfeebled, and that he hath very [...]alse and erroneous conceptions of things, especially of those which relate to the Kingdom of God. Thus Man's Head is hurt by the Fall.
His Heart likewise, his Will and Affections are exceedingly endamag'd by it. There is a strange Impotency in our elective Faculty; we are not only disabled in a great measure from chusing Good, but we have an aversion in us to God and Goodness, and an inclination on the contrary to comply with Satan, and to do whatever is displeasing to our Marker. We 1 are taken captive by Satan at his will: for we have lost our Liberty, and we have not so much sense as to bemoan our loss. This is our condition by Nature, abstracted from the blessed Remedy which we have by Christ Iesus, and the powerful Influences of the Holy Spirit. As for our Affections and Passions, they are miserably dis [...]orted and dislocated, they continually sally forth to undue Objects, they are unruly and extravagant, and put us into great disorder and dis [...]raction. And indeed we cannot wonder that they are very refractory and headstrong, when they have slipt off that Bridle which right Reason had put upon them. Our Love and Hatred, our Desires, our Fears, our Hopes, our Joys, our Anger, our Sorrows are all unbridled and ungovern'd; they hurry us into mischief, they fill us with perturbation, they make us uneasy, restless, and unquiet, and they end in vanity and vexation of Spirit. These disorders in the Understanding, Will and Affections, make way for more visible ones in the actions of mens Lives. Hence proceed Idolatry, Prophaneness, Blasphemy, Perjury, Injustice, Theft, Rapine, Violence, Slaughter, Murder, Drunkenness, Luxury, Whoredom, and all kind of [Page 78] Lasciviousness; in short, Sins of all degrees, Vices of all dimensions.
Thus it was rightly said by the Royal Prophet, that Man in his lapsed condition is become like the Beasts; he is sunk below his own Species. He that listned to a Brute (the Serpent) is become like one. Man, the Flower and Glory of the Creation, resembleth the Beasts. He is as sly and crafty as a Fox, as lustful and salacious as a Goat, as fierce as a Lion, as savage as a Bear, as ravenous as a Wolf, as gluttonous as a Swine, as angry and barking as a Dog, and sometimes as stupid and dull as an Ass. Thus Man is become like the Beasts. which this Psalmist takes notice of in other places likewise, where you find him representing wicked Men as 1 fat Bulls, 2 devouring Dragons, 3 roaring Lions, 4 ravenous Dogs. And this good King acknowledgeth even concerning himself, that, so far as he had acted sinfully against God, he was not only foolish and ignorant, but even as a Beast before him. So Agur, i. e. as some think, Solomon, who had been a notorious Offender, confesseth that he was more brutish than any one, Prov. 30. 2. The New Testament also speaks after this manner; Christ calls false Prophets 5 ravenous Wolves, and 6 Herod a Fox: And Iohn Baptist stiles the wicked Jews 7 Vipers. St. Paul calls his Adversaries whom he grappled with at Ephesus, 8 Beasts: he stiles false Teachers 9 grievous Wolves, and 10 Dogs: and he thanks God that he was delivered out of the Mouth of the 11 Lion, meaning Nero. And the Apocalyptick Beast is to be understood of the vilest and wickedest Body of Men under Heaven. This too was the Notion and Phrase of [Page 79] the best Moralist among the Platonists and Stoicks. They held that wicked men are a kind of Brutes, that Vice transforms them into mere sensitive Animals. The rectified Mind, said they, is the Man, but the sensitive Appetite is the Beast. This latter they declared to be the Principle which predominateth in all vicious Men: and because they wholly [...]ollow their Sense, and are led merely by a corporeal Appetite, they resemble Brutes. Accordingly Epimenides calls the Cr [...]tians, evil Beasts, as the 2 Apostle takes notice; and for the same reason all Persons that are given to Vice deserve that Denomination. For their Portion, like Nebuchadnezzar's, is with the Beasts. You cannot reckon them in the number of Men, for tho they retain the human Shape, yet they are really degenerated into the nature of Brutes.
Nay, Man is become more irrational by far than the whole Herd of Brutes, who by a natural Instinct or by some certain Laws of Motion, following the Apprehensions of their Senses, discern what is good or hurtful to them, and not only so, but imbrace the one, and avoid the other. Man alone, once the excellentest Creature in the World, but now depraved, knows not his Happiness, or despises it. which in the sacred Stile is expressed after this manner, The Ox knows his Owner, and the As [...] his Master's Crib, but Israel doth not know, my people do not consider, Isa. 1. 3. These are the inword and spiritual Evils which are the effects of Adam's Degeneracy, and they are usually called by Divines by the name of Spiritual Death; for these also were part of that dreadful Threatning, In the day thou [...]atest thereof thou shalt surely die.
But there are not only temporal but eternal Evils which are the fruit of Man's Apostatizing. Man by his Guilt and Pollution contracted by the Fall, and since delighted [Page 80] in, is liable to be excluded from Happiness in another Life, and is obnoxious to eternal Punishment and Misery in the World to come: for Sin of it self can never be expiated, and therefore the Guilt of it must necessarily continue without any Period. Accordingly we read that the Wages of Sin is Death, Rom. 6. 23. i. e. eternal Death; for it being oppos'd in that place to eternal Life, it cannot signify less. It appears then that the Sinner deserves to be [...]ormented both in Body and Soul with endless and eternal pains; which makes his Condition far worse than that of the Beasts, who Perish, and so are made uncapable of all future Sufferings, This is that worst of Deaths, which is another part of that dire [...]ul Threatning denounced against Adam, and which is the most grievous and terrible effect of his Disobedience and falling from God; and from this (as from the other Evils procured by Man's Apostacy) there is no redemption on [...] the merciful and meritorious Undertakings of the blessed Messias, who was afterwards promised.
After all, it might be observ'd, that not only Adam and Eve were threatned to be punish'd for this Transgression, but even the Serpent, which the Devil made use of in order to it: he was rendred the most cursed of all Creatures, and condemn'd to grovel on his Belly, and to feed on the Dust of the Earth, Gen. 3. 14. Which was design'd to be a lasting, as well as a visible Memorial of God's Displeasure against the first Sin in the World. So we read afterwards that God spared not the brut [...] Beasts, whom the Sinners of the old world had abused, but destin'd them no less than the Offenders themselves to Destruction, Gen. 6. 7. which gives us some account of the implacable Opposition of the Divine Nature to all Sin, and even to all that are but instrumental and serviceable to it. He that is of purer eyes than to behold Iniquity, will not suffer it to go unpunish'd wherever he observes it. And this might be added here, that the foresaid Curs [...] on the Serpent hath reference also [Page 81] to the malicious D [...]mon who actuated that Animal. The doom of this impure Spirit is here included; his being not able to raise up himself against the Servants of the most High, so as to hurt them; and his being [...] to Hell, and his being made for ever a curs [...]d Creature, l [...]ath'd and abhor'd of God and Man, are comprehended in this Execration.
Thus I have finish'd the second State of Man. This I call a State as it respects Us, but I call it a Dispensation as it hath respect unto God, because it was his Will and Pleasure to suffer this to be. Out of infinite Wisdom he permitted Man's Fall, designing to make it subservient at last to the Good of Mankind, and to his own Glory, by inhansing his Mercy and Goodness in the [...] and unexpected rescuing of Mankind from the Miseries which they had incur'd by this general Lapse. I say general; for as I asserted before concerning the first State, that of Innoc [...]ncy, that it included all Men in it as well as our first Progenitors, so I must declare the same concerning this second State and Dispensation. It takes in not only Adam and Ev [...] (who indeed were the most consp [...] cuous Persons) but all the succeeding Generations of Men and Women. For by reason of our first Parents wilful sinning and transgressing the Divine Law, all Persons are under the Displeasure of God, the Penalty of his Law, and the Power of Satan: for they are all conceived in Sin, and brought forth in Iniquity; they are naturally averse to all Good, and prone to all Evil, and therefore a Condemnation is justly pass'd on them all.
Here I might cop [...]ously treat of Original Sin, and the fatal Influence of it: but I intend not at present to enlarge on any main Article or Point of Divinity, this Treatise being design'd only as an [...] to so great a Performance. This only in brief is to be remembred, that Adam, as a common Person, sinn'd for himself and his whole Posterity. In him all Mankind were created, and in him they all [...]ell and were corrupted. Adam being [Page 82] the Father and Root of all Successions, by his sinning involv'd himself and his Prog [...]ny into a State of Guilt and Enmity against God. This great Banker broke, and with him all his Race were beggar'd and ruin'd. His particular Fault became the Catholick Crime of all Persons descended from him, even before they knew what was Good and Evil, i. e. before they were born. They were all accurs'd in him, and rendred obnoxious to the Divine Wrath, and no Creature was able to deliver them from it. But God, the merciful Creator and indulgent Father of Mankind, was pleased to contrive their Deliverance. Accordingly he made an early Discovery of his Grace and Love to our first Parents, and to their Posterity, which leads me to the next Dispensation.
The Nature of the Third General Dispensation. The first part of which is the Adamick State. The early Promise concerning the Messias, Gen. 3. 15. explain'd. He was expected betimes. The New Testament witnesses that he was to bruise the Serpent's Head. Several positive Laws were under this Oeconomy. That of Oblations and Sacrifices is especially consider'd. Eucharistical Sacrifices were part of the Law of Nature. Expiatory and bloody ones were not so. Thence these latter were disapproved of by the wisest Heathens. They are [...]ounded upon Divine Institution. The practice of Sacrificing among the Pagans was derived to them by Tradition from the Jews, or the foregoing Patriarchs. Whether Sacrifices were prescribed before or after the Fall of our First Parents. Concerning the Primitive Priesthood. The Distinction of clean and unclean Animals was in respect of Sacrificing, not Eating. Gen. 4. 26. explain'd, and a settled Church founded upon it. Marrying with Infidels seems to b [...] prohibited under this Dispensation. The Rise of Polygamy. The seven Precepts said to be given to the Sons of Adam and Noah. The Improbability of this Jewish Tradition evinced from several Considerations. The Mistakes of Volkelius and Episcopius concerning the Antediluvian O [...]conomy.
[Page 84]THE Third General Dispensation is that of [...] and Recovery through the M [...]ssia [...]. This is the most considerable State of all, and the most lasting: for it extends from Adam's Restauration to the end of the World. Now begins the Law of grace, and the Law of Faith, which makes this a new O [...]conomy. Now God's Will concerning Man's Redemption and the free Pardon of Sins was discover'd. Now, upon the Fall of Adam, and the Corruption of Mankind, and the forfeiture of all Happiness, Life and Immortality are bestowed anew. 1 To him that overcom [...]th, it is given to eat of the Tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. Deliverance here, and Eternal Life hereafter, are freely offer [...]d. Now God treateth with Man de novo, viz. by a Mediator. Now there was a New Covenant made between God and Adam, or rather between God and Mankind in him. The sum of the Covenant was this, that God on his part would shew Mercy unto Adam and his Prosterity for the sake of the Messias, who was to die for their Sins, and that by virtue of his Satisfaction and Merit Man should be accepted. And on Man's part it was covenanted and promised by Adam, that they should believe in this Messias, and rely upon his Undertakings and Merits, and faithfully perform all the other Conditions requir'd of them in those Laws which God publish'd to the World. This Covenant of Grace succeeded in the room of the Covenant of Works made with Man in his State of Integrity: for he by his Fall breaking that Covenant, there was another enter'd into; and it is call'd the Covenant of Grace, because it is the result of the Divine Favor and Goodness: for on the violation of the first Covenant, Man became obnoxious to the Devine Displeasure, and might justly [Page 85] have been left to perish in his Sin; but the Divine Mercy and Philanthropy exerted themselves in favor of Mankind, and graciously submitted to a n [...]w Cov [...]nant through the Mediator and Sponsor Christ Iesus, the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World. This is the Cov [...]nant of Grace made with Mankind, of which I shall speak.
But let me remark this by the by, that tho this grand Revelation and Covenant constitute a new Oeconomy, yet the Administration of the Law of Nature still remained. As natural Religion was of use before in the two other Oeconomies (for they were under the Law of Nature mix'd with some Revelutions) so now it c [...]aseth not. Tho Nature is corrupted, yet this Light is not extinguish'd. The Law of Nature written in Man's Heart at his Creation is still necessary and useful. This was imprinted on Men as they were created with rational Minds, and therefore this must last always, and it was made to do so▪ for it must conduct them as they are M [...]n, i. e. as they are indued with Principles of Reason. This goes through all the Particular Dispensations which I shall mention afterwards.
Having premised this, I come to speak of the [...] O [...]conomy of Grace, which contains in it all those Periods of Time which were from the discovery of the blessed Seed to Adam until the end of the World. This one great Disp [...]nsation of Grace comprehends under it these four particular and p [...]culiar ones 1. The Patriarchal. 2. The M [...]s [...]ical or L [...]gal. 3. The G [...]ntil [...]. 4. The Christian or Evang [...]lical Dispensation.
[...] I begin first with the Patriarchal O [...]conomy, which is call'd so because it prevail'd in the Time when the old Patriarchs lived. Adam, N [...]ah, and Abraham, were the principal of them, and f [...]om them this O [...]conomy may be distinguished into three Periods, viz. the A [...]amical, (for though the two former Dispensations may be [...]ruly call'd Adamick [...] as respecting both the innocent [Page 86] and [...]allen State of Adam; yet here I restrain the term to that particular part of God's Dispensation, which was in this first Patriarch's time, from his blessed Recovery till his leaving the World: and it comprehends whatever things the Holy Scripture hath mention'd as proper to him and his immediate Posterity till the Flood) the Noachical, and the Abrahamick. The first commenceth with the discovery of the Messias made to Adam, and lasteth till Noah: the second begins with Noah, and the Confirmation of the Covenant of Grace made to him: the third takes place from the renewing of it to Abraham.
The first Patriarchal Dispensation, call'd Adamical and Antediluvian, began with that signal Promise concerning the M [...]ssias in Gen. 3. 15. I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman, and between thy Seed and her Seed. It shall bruise thy Head, and thou shalt bruise his Heel. It is true, this may be meant of the natural Brood of Serpents, and of all the Woman's Offspring, namely, there shall be a great Antipathy between those and these. Who seeth not that there is a natural Enmity between the Serpent and Man? The former is ready with his venomous Sting to hurt Mankind; he may be said to bruise their Heel, for this Creature being on the ground, can more easily come at that part, and i [...]jure it. Therefore Man is afraid of him, and f [...]eeth from him; but, if he hath an opportunity, he crusheth him, he bruiseth his Head, he destroyeth him. Thus the Iews generally interpret this Text, viz. of the i [...]bred Antipathy between the natur [...]l Serpent and all Mankind. But tho this be the literal and most obviou [...] Sense of the words, yet it is not the primary one. For there is another and higher meaning of them, and that is this; by the Serpent is meant the Devil, because he enter'd into the Serpent, and appea [...]'d in that Shape when he tempted Eve: and by the Seed of the Woman is mean [...] Christ, who is signally said to be made of a Woman, Gal. 4. 4. [Page 87] in contradistinction to others who are made of Man, and are the Seed of Man. There is an irreconcileable Enmity and Hostility between thes [...] two, Christ and Satan. This latter shews his Enmity in bruising the Heel of the other, in persecuting him and his Followers; but the former shall shew his Antipathy in bruising the others Head, i. [...]. in utterly destroying his Power and Dominion. Here then is the Promise of Christ's coming in the Flesh, of the Son of God assuming our Nature, and thereby redressing the Evils which came by the Fall, and by his meritorious Death making Atonement for the Sins of Men, and reconciling them to the incens'd Majesty of Heaven. And it is here included that even before he was incarnate, the Merit of his future Suffe [...]ings and Death should in all Ages be imputed to those who believe in him, and look for his Coming. For he is the Lamb slain from the beginning of the World, he was appointed from Eternity to redeem and save lost Mankind by the effusion of his precious Blood. This is the purport of this gracious Promis [...] made to Adam in Paradise: this was the fi [...]st dawning of the Gospel-Light, here were the first Tidings of a M [...]ssia [...].
Some of the Church of Rom [...] understand this Promise concerning the Virgin Mary; the Vulgar Latin have render'd it ips [...], she shall bruis [...] thy Head: and hence it is inferr'd by Tiri [...]us and others on the place, that that Pronoun refers to a Woman, and that Woman is the Virgin Mary, who bringing forth Christ, bruised the Serpent's Head. But these Men must be reminded that the H [...]br [...]w word which we translate It, is not hi, but [...], not she but [...] However, being of the Masculine Gender, it must needs re [...]er to the word before, which is of the same Gender [...] and that is Z [...]rang, the S [...]d, viz. the Seed of the Woman, which is Christ. The Law [...] of Grammar forbid us to render it she, and the Laws of the Christian Religion forbid us to apply it to the Virgin Mary, seeing it is the proper Work of the M [...]ssia [...] to [Page 88] bruise and break the Serpent's Head, i. e. to destroy Satan. This Interpretation then we quit, not only as it is ungrammatical, but as it is profane, and blasphemously derogates from the Office and Undertakings of Christ. Of him alone we ought to understand these words, to him only we can with good reason apply them.
Thus without doubt they were understood by our First Parents, and administred unspeakable Solace and Comfort to them. Hence the Messia [...] was daily expected by them, and when Eve was deliver'd of her first-born Son, she thought verily she had brought forth the M [...]ssia [...], who should bruise the Serpent's Head. I have gotten ( [...]aith she) a Man from the Lord, or (according to the Hebrew) 1 the Man the Lord. Not only the Iewish, especially the Cabalistick Doctors, but 2 some worthy Persons of the Christian Perswasion read the words thus, and interpret them concerning the Blessed Seed. Helvicus hath shew'd that Eth is an Article of the Accusative Cas [...], and he doth it in so many Instances in Scripture, that it seems to be the Hebr [...]w Idiom. And besides, it is a demonstrative or [...]mphatick Particle, and points at some Thing or Person in a signal manner. So here it emphatically refers to the M [...]ssia [...], who was [...], both Man and God. Our Grandmother Ev [...] was in hopes that she had born this God-man, that Person who was to bruise Sa [...]an's Head, according to the Promise made to them.
It is not wholly improbable that [...] also perswaded himself that his Son Noah should be the Messias, and take away the Curse of the Fall, and bring a Blessing with him, and comfort the distressed World, and give it Rest and Ease; and therefore he named him Noah, which signifies both Rest and Consolation. There was [Page 89] without question a continual expectation of the Coming of this Person, and of the ful [...]illing of that Promise concerning his destroying of Satan. The seventy Interpreters understood that Text of the Messias, which occasion'd their making the masculine [...] to answer to [...] of the Neu [...]er Gender, as the Apostle also doth, Gal. 3. 16. And all the anti [...]nt Iews understood this Promise of the blessed Seed Christ, tho the Moderns do not. You will find it thus applied by both the Targums.
And the New Testament approves of this, by bearing witness that Christ is the Person who [...]ruis [...]s the Serpent's Head. He took Flesh and Blood, that through Death he might destroy him that had the Power of Death, that is, the D [...]vil, Heb. 2. 14. To this purpose the Son of God was manifest [...]d, that he might destroy the Works of the Devil, 1 John 3. 8. and Luke 10. 18. Iohn 12. 31. and 14. 30. with many other places, declare that this was he who was to bruise Satan under our feet. This is the Scope of the whole Gospel, and this is that Gospel which was preached by God in Paradis [...]. When Adam, and in him all Mankind, aposta [...]ized from God, and could expect nothing but the Reward of their Rebellion, and therefore might have abandon'd themselves to utter Despair, God reviv'd them with this Promise of the M [...]ssias, The Seed of the Woman shall bruis [...] the S [...]rp [...]nt's Head. God the Father so loved the World, that he resolved to give to his Only Son to be their Redeemer; who being the Eternal Wisdom and Word of God, and so truly God, and one in Essence with the Father, was in due time to assume our Nature, and become Man, thereby to transact the Redemption of lost Mankind, and accomplish the Designs of Grace and Mercy to undone Sinners. Which tho it be not expresly on this occasion set down in the M [...]saick History, yet other passages of Sacred Scripture assure us that it was so; and that the Second Pers [...]n in the S [...]cred Trini [...]y undertook to pacify the Wrath of the Dei [...]y, and to reconcile Man unto God, [Page 90] and to accomplish the New Covenant made with Adam and his Posterity, even a Covenant of Grace and Mercy through his Blood. Having thus shew'd the main thing in this Dispensation, I must in the next place acquaint you what other considerable things made up this particular Oeconomy and Administration of the Almighty.
A [...]ter this grand Revelation and Discovery made to Adam and Eve concerning the Messias to come, there were several positive Precepts and Laws given to them and their Children. Some reckon that as one, that the Woman should be subject to the Man, He shall rule over thee, Gen. 3. 16. For these words, they say, may contain, not only a Threatning, but a Command. Here is not only signified the Punishment consequent on the Fall, that the Husband should imperiously rule over the Woman (which we mention'd before) but here is enjoyn'd the subjection of the latter to the former, this being now become requisite in the state that Men and Women are in. And tho it was a Curse to be tyrannically ruled, tho a servile subjection was the Consequent of the Fall, yet now it is a Duty to be freely submissive, and with it goes a Blessing.
That also may be look'd upon as another positiv [...] Law, that Men should labour. For tho those words, In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat Bread, Gen. 3. 19. carry the nature of a Commination and Curse, so far as Man's Labour is with uneasiness, trouble and pain, yet▪ they may likewise be understood in the way of a Precept, in as much as Labour and Diligence in [...] lawful Calling are useful and necessary in this present State, and are indeed of the Law of Nature and Reason, tho they are here made Positive, as I have heretofore shew'd that these two are not inconsistent.
Moreover, under this Dispensation the Marriag [...] of Parents and Children, (which was also against the Law of Nature) was forbid by God, Gen. 2. 24. And it is [Page 91] not improbable that there was a particular prohibition from God, that none who were near by Nature and Blood, should be joined together in Marriage: for altho at first it was absolutely necessary in order to Propagation, that the Brother should marry the Sister; yet when this Necessity was removed, we read that they observed the Laws of Consanguinity and Propinquity.
The next thing I take notice of must be more largely insisted upon, viz. That Oblations and Sacrifices were the Religion of the People of this Adamick Dispensation. Sacrificing and Offering are sometimes [...]aken as synonymous: When they offered up the Fruits of the Earth, and other things, they might be said to sacrifice. Therefore P [...]rphyri [...] 1 distinguisheth between bloody and unbloody Sacrifices: the former were of the Fruits of the Ground, the latter were of living Creatures. Of both these we read in Gen. 4. 3, 4. where it is said that Cain [...]ffer'd of the Fruit of the Ground, Abel of the Firstlings of his Flock. Both these, viz. the Oblations of first Fruits, and the Sacrifices of Beasts were constantly observ'd by the Antediluvian Patriarchs. The question is, Whether this kind of Worship was natural, or by divine Command. As for the offering the First-fruits of the Earth unto God, St. Chrysostom gives his Judgment thus, Cain had no Law concerning these, but 2 merely of himself, and by the incit [...]ment of his own Conscience, offer'd this [...]ort of Oblation. And so others afterwards offer'd their First-fruits unto God as an acknowledgment that they receiv'd those and all other good things from him. They were grateful Recognitions of the Almighty's Soveraign [...]y, and of their [Page 92] dependance upon him. These Annual Oblations were owning the year's Income, and the Mercies of all their Life to be from God. By these first Fruits they acknowledg'd him the Author of all, that particularly he was the Owner of the Soil whence those Fruits came, and that a Blessing and Increase were to be expected only from him. ‘The best and most precious things that God bestoweth on us, [...]aith 3 Porphyriu [...], are the Fruits of the Earth: therefore with these we ought to worship God; and these he calls the Natural Worship of a Deity.’ There needed not a Command of God for these; for the Law of Nature dictated this kind of Oblations, tho it may be there was a Divine Command added to inforce the Natural Dictate.
As for the other sort of Offerings, and which Porphyry calls Bloody Sacrifices, the killing of Beasts, and offering them up to God, there is some Controversy (and that not undeservedly) about these. It is disputed whether Abel and those before Noah offer'd this kind of Sacrifice by any natural Reason moving them to it, or by God's Institution and Command; whether it was done by the mere Light of Nature, or by Revelation. [...] There are Learned Writer [...] on both sides. Iustin Martyr (or whoever was the A [...]thor of the Questions and Answers to the Orthodox) is very peremptory: None of those (saith he) who offer'd Brutes as a Sacrifice to God before [...]he Law, did it 4 by Divine Order. Then according to him all of them did it by some Natural Instinct, and Dictate of Reason. And so say other [...] and several of the Rabbins: So say 5 Be [...]armine, Suarez, Aquinas, and most of the [Page 93] Papists. So say Soci [...]us and his Followers; and for this Reason, that those Sacrifices may not be thought to be the Representations of the Sacrifice of Christ, which without doubt was the chief end of the instituting of Sacrifices. Some of other Perswasions likewise agree in this Tenent, that Sacrifices ( i. e. the killing and offering of Beasts) were by the Law of Nature. But these are contradicted by others, both Papists and Protestants, who confidently aver, that these Sacrifices were by the special Injunction of God, and did not proceed from any natural Notions and Principles which they had.
Now, it is my desire here (as 'tis in all other Cases) to reconcile dissenting and disputing Men: which may effectually be done, by leading them off from their Extremes which they adhere to. In my judgment neither to these Parties are in the right, not those who say all Sacrifices are by the Law of Nature, nor those who assert that all of them must needs be by Divine Revelation. There is a middle way between these, which I take to be the true one, viz. that both Natural Reason, and Supernatural Revelation concur'd here. Reason taught them to offer some Sacrifices, and a positive Word from God (tho not express'd by Mos [...]s) taught them to offer others. I must remind you then, that Sacrifices were either Eucharistical or Expiatory, that is, they were either offer'd to God in way of thankful acknowledgment, or to atone and expiate for their Sins. The former of these, I conceive, were dictated by the Light of Nature, but the latter were wholly or partly from God.
First, I say, the offering of Eucharistical Sacrifices was part of the Law of Nature: for Reason would teach them to offer their Flocks as well as their Fruits to God. These, no less than the other, were Acknowledgments, they were owning of God's Dominion and Soveraignty. As Cain, a Husbandman, offer'd by the [Page 94] mere instinct of Nature the Fruits of the Ground as an Acknowledgment that God was his Benefactor; so the same Principle moved Abel a Shepherd, to offer the first of his Flock in way of Recognition, that God bestow'd those good things upon him. Yea, Abel by the only instinct of right Reason, judged that God was to be worshipped with the best things, and that the Sacrifices ought to be of the fattest of the Flock. I do not think Minutius Felix discourseth and argueth closely, when to the Gentiles, who objected against the Christians that they had no Altars and Sacrifices, he replieth thus; ‘Shall we offer Sacrifices and Oblations to God, which he gave us on purpose for our use and service? It is Ingratitude to return him Gifts again.’ And Arnobius saith the same, in answer to the same Objection, but with as little reason: ‘It is madness ( saith he) to measure God by our Needs, and to give the things that are useful to us, to God who is the giver of them.’ But this was a great mistake; there was no madness in doing this, but a great deal of reason and sobriety: For natural Gratitude directed them to give something to God: therefore Sacrifices are called Gifts in the Holy Scripture, particularly Abel's Offering is stiled a Gift, Heb. 11. 4. and so the Mosaick Sacrifices are call'd Corban, i. e. a Gift, Mat. 5. 23 24. The Law of Thankfulness, which is a Law of Nature, taught the Antient Patriarchs to offer these Gifts as Tokens and Testimonies of their Gratitude. By these they openly proclaim'd, that God was the supreme Giver of all things. Natural Light inform'd them, that it was fitting to make some Returns to God, to give something to him from whom they receiv'd all. They needed not a particular Command from God for this: These were spontaneous, free and uncommanded Offerings, these were dictated by Reason, and the voluntary Motions of their Hearts, which told them that they ought to acknowledg God's Goodness to them by such gratulatory [Page 95] Sacrifices. These were but so many Acts of Thanksgiving to God for Benefits and Favours receiv'd of him, and were but natural Signs of Worship due to him. But,
Secondly, Besides the Eucharistical Sacrifices, there were Expiatory ones: But these were not the Dictates of Natural Reason; for tho the Patriarchs might perswade themselves that those Sacrifices being thankful Acknowledgments and Gifts would be acceptable to God, that he would receive them kindly, and be pleas'd not to shew himself angry and offended for their former Miscarriages; yet this they might as well have thought to have been done by the unbloody Sacrifices, the offering of the Fruits of the Earth: for they being Gifts as well as these, those that offer'd them might expect that God would be pleas'd with them, and that thereby they should conciliate the Divine Favor and Acceptance, and so that there should be an Expiation made for their Sine. Thus the unbloody sort of Sacrifices would have been sufficient, and there is no reason why the bloody ones should be added. No truly, Nature could afford them no substantial Reason why the Blood of Beasts should be shed. Reason doth not tell us that God is delighted in the Blood and Pain of the innocent Brutes. Reason doth not acquaint us that the offering of these is a satisfaction to his Justice, and a means to avert the Judgments of God. there is no Law of Nature that dictates any such thing.
Hence the sacrificing of the Beasts was condemned by the wisest Men among the Heathens. What saith Porphyrius? (and by him you may know what the Pythagoreans thought and held, for he was a principal Man of that Sect;) 6 ‘As for sacrificing of Beasts and Blood ( saith he) that was not from the beginning. [Page 96] but introduced lately by superstitious and wicked Persons. Bloody Sacrifices commenced from Famine and War, when People were forced to tast Blood. When they had tasted of the Blood of Animals, they sacrificed them to the Gods.’ Again, saith he, in the same place, ‘As they sacrificed, so they eat: Flesh was at first not eaten; afterwards that being sacrificed, they eat it, for they reckon'd what was good for their Gods, was good for themselves; so from [...]ating they proceeded to offer.’ Thus this Philosopher was mistaken about the first Original of bloody Sacrifices: and it could not be expected that he should attain to the true Reason of it, which (as I shall shew you) is the grand bottom of revealed Religion. But this Testimony of Porphyrius confirmeth what I am asserting, viz. that bloody Sacrificing was not the Dictate or Precept of Nature. Had it been so, this Person, who was so well versed in the Law of Nature and Reason, would not have inveighed against this kind of Sacrificing, as not becoming God nor Men, as having no Reason nor Religion to justify it. He would not have told us in plain terms, that God is by no means delighted in the Blood of Beasts, and that this manner of Sacrificing was discountenanced and disapproved by the Oracles, as he relateth.
Let us hear what other Heathens thought of the bloody Sacrifices. It is impious to pollute Altars with Blood, saith 1 Plato: Who concurreth with Pythagor [...]s in this as well as in many other things. Varro, quoted by Arnobius, declareth, ‘That the true Gods neither desire nor expect these Sacrifices, and the false Gods made of Brass and Wood do less care for them.’ From Tertullian we learn that the Philosophers had no [Page 97] good opinion of Sacrifices, and 2 never were urgent with the People to offer them. The best Heathen Moralists profess'd, that the only acceptable Offerings were 3 a pious Heart and an upright Will. Some of the Poets have slighted and disparaged the offering of slain Beasts in Sacrifice. 4 Ovid is of this number, and moreover tells us, that 5 bloody Sacrifices were not in the more Innocent and Primitive Ages of the World. Which tho it be false, yet it shews the Sentiment of this and other wise Men, who had no good opinion of this kind of Sacrifices. Among the Egyptians, who were the wisest of the Antient Nations, no Animals were kill'd for Sacrifice to the Gods, saith Macrobius.
Do you think now that the gravest and wisest Heathens would have disapproved of and condemned Sacrifices, if they had been a Dictate of Nature and Morality, if they had been the Natural Worship of God? Would they not rather have defended and maintain'd them? for natural Religion, and the main Offices of it, are extoll'd by none more than them. But as they were bloody Sacrifices, there was no Principle in Nature and Reason to commend them: and thence it is that the wisest Pagans never spoke seriously for them, but generally against them; and they were of the opinion that God was not honour'd by the Blood of Brutes, and the killing of harmless Beasts; and that he took no pleasure in the Smoke that ascended from their slain Bodies. It is evident then, that bloody Sacrificing, as it denoteth Atonement and Propitiating, was not the result [Page 98] of Natural Light, but was by positive and Divine Institution. And from what was known hence, there came to be even among the Pagans a Notion of Expiation by sacrificing, which we find in several of their Writings: but they had not of themselves any such apprehension.
This I prove from the Reason which Moses, or rather the Lord by Moses, giveth of bloody Sacrifices, Levit. 17. 11. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood, and I have given it to you on the Altar, to make an Atonement for your Souls, for it is the Blood that makes Atonement for the Soul. Tho this Reason of offering the Blood of slain Beasts was divulged to the Israelites at this particular time, yet this reason was good at first, and was the true account of the Service of Bloody Sacrifices among the Patriarchs. Now the Reason here given why these Sacrifices are to be used, is, because it is the Blood that makes Atonement for the Soul. And if you ask the Reason of this, it is implied in the beginning of the Verse before recited, the Life of the Flesh is in the Blood: So then when the Blood of the Beast is offer'd in Sacrifice, the Life of it is offer'd; and the Life of the Beast is supposed to be given instead of the Life of the Offender, for whom the Sacrifice is offered: and so the Beast was slain instead of the Person that offended. This was the intent and meaning of Bloody Sacrifices.
But this Divine Significations of them was not the issue of Natural Reason. Did this tell them that the Blood of beasts was an Atonement for the Souls of men, that the blood of slain animals on the altar, signified that men deserved to bleed and die? Did this tell them that the blood of Brutes was poured forth instead of the blood of Men? that Sacrisicing was an Acknowledgment of Demerit and Guilt, and that he that kill'd the Beast did as much as confess he deserved to be so used? It must be from Revelation at first that they had a particular [Page 99] and distinct knowledg of this, that God would accept of a Sacrifice in the place of the Guilty Sinner. Natural light could not make this out: much less could it discover that these Sacrifices were Representations and Types of the Great Sacrifice which was to come; that they shadowed our Christ the Redeemer who was to be sacrificed on the Cross, and to shed his Blood for the Salvation of Mankind. This was the main thing which those Sacrifices represented. God instituted them chiefly to intimate the translating of our punishment on our Redeemer, and to signifie the great bloody Sacrifice of the Messias which is truly Propitiatory. It was then by Divine Revelation discover'd to our first Parents, and to the Antient Patriarchs, that offering the blood of slain Beasts would be an acceptable service to God: and hereupon they constantly used themselves to this service and worship.
But you will say, Expiatory and Bloody Sacrificing hath been in use among all Nations, not only Iews, but Greeks, Romans, Barbarians, and even the whole Gentile World. If they knew nothing of this by the light of Nature, how came they to use this sort of Sacrifice constantly? How came some of them to have this notion, that the Beasts bled in their stead? I answer, it was derived to the Gentiles by Tradition: they receiv'd it from those who had it first by Supernatural Manifestation. Hence they got the notion of Expiatory Sacrifices (as well as of some other things, as I could shew you) they were transmitted to them from the practice of the Iews: or if any of the Gentiles had this perswasion before, they receiv'd it by Tradition from their Forefathers, who had it from the Father of all, Adam, who had it from God by particular Revelation. And this seems to be confirm'd by the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, chap. 11. 4. By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent Sacrifice than Cain. If he sacrificed by Faith (as that word may be well understood here) there was some [Page 100] Warrant and Word of God for it, for Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, Rom. 10. 17. Faith is grounded on some Word, it relyeth on a Divine Command, or Promise. Therefore when Abel offered of the fat of his flock in Sacrifice, he did that which was instituted by God, and consequently that sort of Sacrifices was by Divine Institution, there was a precept for it. Adam and his Sons had a particular Order from God, though it is not recorded by Moses, neither was it necessary it should be in so short an Account as he intended of things.
Take the Sum of all in few words: This Law of Sacrifices, which was in use in the Adamick Oeconomy, was partly Natural and partly Divine. As Sacrifices were tokens of Thankfulness, and Acknowledgments that as they receiv'd the fruits of the Earth and all other inanimate good things from God, so the Animals which they sacrificed, and all other living creatures for the use and benefit of man, were given them by the same Divine hand; thus they were a Service dictated by Natural Reason, and so were natural acts of Worship: but as they carry'd with them the notion of Expiation and Atonement for the Souls of men, but especially as they refer'd to the Messias, and signified the future Sacrifice of Christ, and so were to strengthen and support their faith till that time, thus it is certain they were instituted by God, and the practice of them was founded on a Divine Command: and the Patriarchs knew they would be acceptable to God, because they were of his own Appointment.
It may be asked, (as it is a question among Writers) whether Sacrifices were prescribed before or after the Fall of Adam? Here they are divided (as the manner is) and some say they were instituted before, and others say after the Fall. But I have made way for a more satisfactory Answer to this Query by the distinction of Bloody and Vnbloody Sacrifices, and of Propitiatory and Eucharistical [Page 101] Sacrifices. Unbloody Sacrifices, and such as are meerly Eucharistical, i. e. such as were natural Tokens of Thanksgiving for benefits received, were used, it is likely, by Adam before his Fall: (which I intimated under that Oeconomy) these might begin in Paradise. But these Sacrifices needed not to be prescribed them by God, because they were a part of Natural Religion and Worship. But as for Bloody Sacrifices, I mean such as were Expiatory, they were not instituted by God till after the Fall: For when there was no Sin, there was no need of Expiation.
Priesthood goes along with Sacrificing, and therefore it were pertinent to say something of that here. Adam was the first Priest and Sacrificer: but now under this Dispensation it is expresly recorded, that Cain made an oblation of the fruits of the Earth, and Abel offered the firstlings of his flock to God. The Priestly Office is hitherto but obscure, and no particular Persons are assign'd and appointed by God to act in it. This we know that Abel, the younger brother, was the proper Sacrificer, and acted the part of a Priest, which was to stay and offer Living Creatures unto God; but what the practice was afterwards in the sequel of this Dispensation is not set down by Moses, and therefore was cannot determine any thing. But in the other following Patriarchal Dispensations, we find that the Domestick Sacrifices belonging to the Family (for of publick Sacrificing we read nothing yet) were offered by the Fathers and Masters of Families generally, as by Noab ( Gen. 8. 20.) Abraham (Gen. 12. 7.) Iacob ( Gen. 35. 3, 7.) It is the opinion of Selden, Grotius, and others, that the Sacerdotal Dignity resided in the First-born before Moses's time, and that the Primogeniture and Priesthood went together. Nay, they add Kingship or Magistracy to these, asserting that the First-born among the Patriarchs were Princes as well as Priests. And so indeed Cohen, which is the word for a Priest, signifies also a Prince or Ruler (as in Iob. [Page 102] 12. 19. 2 Sam. 8. 18. & 20. 26.) and such were the Heads and Fathers of Families, and the First-born of old. But though it is true the Priesthood was exercised by the chief Heads and Fathers of Families, and by the First-born Sons, yet we likewise read of Priests or Sacrificers who were younger Brothers, as Abel and Iacob, Gen. 4. 4. & 28. 18. & 46. 1. Whence I gather that was not the sole Prerogative of the First-born before the Mosaick Law: For if the younger Brothers offer'd as well as the Elder, the Office of Priest was not confin'd to the Primogeniture. The Sum then of all is this, that before the Priesthood, was setled by the Law of Moses, the First-born were Priests, that is, generally and for the most part, but not always, for some instances there are of others that offer'd Sacrifices. So that this middle way which I have taken may decide the Controversie that hath been among some Learned Writers, viz. whether the Priesthood at first resided altogether in the First-born?
In the next place, the Difference of Clean and Vnclean Animals was part of this Dispensation. We read of the Distinction between these first of all in Gen. 7. 2. where Noah is commanded by God to put up in the Ark seven pair of Clean, and two pair of Vnclean Creatures. Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female; and of beasts that are not clean, by two, the male and his female. This account of the number of the Beasts taken into the Ark, may seem to differ from what is said in Gen. 6. 19. Of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the Ark; and in Gen. 7. 9. There went in two and two into the Ark, the male and the female. But by comparing the former of these Texts with the foresaid place, we shall find that it is only a general account of bringing the beasts into the Ark, viz. by pairs, a male and a female of every sort of living creatures. But that place which I first produced speaks particularly, and specifics the number of the pairs, i. e. seven pair of clean [Page 103] beasts, and two pair of unclean. For whereas some have thought that of clean animals seven only of a sort entred the Ark, it is evident from the Original that they are mistaken, for the Hebrew word Shibgnah is repeated, to signifie that there were two seven, i. e. seven males and seven females taken into the Ark, that they might have enough for Sacrifice and Food after the flood. And as for the latter place, that also speaks of all the Creatures whether clean or not clean (as you will see in ver 8.) and is to be understood of the manner of their going into the Ark: they went by couples (and here by the way observe, that if there were only seven, they could not go by Couples) but this order of their march contradicts not what hath been said, and is plainly gather'd from the other Text, viz. that 7 males and 7 females in all of the clean Beasts were preserved in that Receptacle. Having thus clear'd the Text (which hath been misunderstood) I come to the matter in hand.
Some think these Beasts are call'd Clean or Vnclean by a Prolepsis: as much as to say, some Beasts went then into the Ark, which now since that time are reputed Clean; and others went in which are now reckon'd Unclean. Moses calls them Clean or Unclean, because there was that distinction of Animals in his time. Thus Rabbi Solomon on the place tells us, ‘that That is called Clean which was afterwards to be Clean: Whence we learn (saith he) that Noah at that time knew the Law.’ For it is a fancy of the Rabbins and Talmudical Doctors, that the Mosaical Law was made, and existed before the World was. But this Historical Anticipation will not serve the turn here (though at some other times I grant it is useful) for you may observe there is a Reason included in the forementioned words, why Noah was to shut up in the Ark more of one sort of Animals than of another, viz. because at that time some were Clean and others Vnclean. Wherefore did God order him to take fourteen of one sort of living creatures, and but four of [Page 104] another? Was there not a reason for this disparity? And what can we imagin it to be but this, that the creatures were of a different nature, i. e. (as 'tis here expresly said) that some of them were Clean, and others not? And this was before Noah's time, for this is supposed here as a thing well known.
But how is this to be understood? No creatures are Naturally Vnclean: they are all Clean, and Pure, and Good from the first Creation. In what sense then are any said to be Vnclean? It is certain this Distinction could not be in regard of Eating, for no Animals were eaten before the Flood (as shall be proved anon) but it is reasonable to think that it was with respect to the Sacrifices, that they were call'd Clean or Unclean: And if you consult Gen. 8. 20. you will see that this is spoken with particular reference to Sacrifices. Noah made use of clean Beasts and Fowls in Sacrificing, and whoever sacrificed then, did so. They did not sacrifice all sorts of Creatures, but some only. They look'd upon some Animals, in respect of others, as unfit for Sacrifice: they offer'd to God the best, or what they thought so, as the Sheep, and not the Hog, &c. This was founded in their natural Reason, as Sacrifices themselves partly were. These Animals which at that time they esteemed the best and choicest, and fittest for Sacrifice, were reputed Clean and Pure, and were call'd so: And on the contrary, the meanest and worst Animals, and which they thought unfit for Sacrifice, were reckon'd as Impure and Vnclean, and were so called. And it is likely there was also a Positive Law for this as well as Sacrifices. By this Law such and such Creatures were determin'd to be Clean our Unclean: and this Law was before that of Moses, yea it was long before the Flood▪ Even then Beasts were call'd Clean or Vnclean in respect of Sacrificing, as afterward they were call'd so in respect of Eating.
We may observe further that there was a Publick Setled [Page 105] Church in the days of those renowned and godly Patriarchs Seth and Enos. Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord, Gen. 4. 26. I know there is a contrary reading of these words, for some think that huchal signifies prophaned as well as began, and accordingly they render the words thus, Then men prophaned by calling on the name of the Lord. So the Iewish Writers generally interpret this place, and particularly the Chalde [...] Paraphrast and Rabbi Solomon Iarchi understand it. Whence 1 Mr. Selden infers that there was Idolatry in those days, and that it was set up then first of all. But these learned persons considered not that the verb Chalal as it is here used, i. e. in the Conjugation Hophal, and with an Infinitive Verb after it, is never us'd in Scripture to signifie prophaning but beginning. Nor did these Writers give themselves time to remember that this place speaks of Seth and his godly Family, and not of any Idolaters (yea it is likely there was no such thing as Idolatry in those days, but that its date was afterwards) and therefore it must be meant of Religious Invoking of God, and the solemn use of it. There are others, who though they are satisfied that the word is to be rendred began (not prophaned) yet understand what follows according to 2 Aquila's Translation, and therefore read the whole thus, Then men began to be call'd by the name of the Lord, i. e. Seth and Enos for their great Piety were the first that had the honour as it were of a Divine Appellation, whence they that were their Offspring were call'd the Son of God; or they were call'd by Gods names, i. e. they were reputed and celebrated as eminent Worshippers of God, as his profess'd Servants and Votaries. But this seems to be a forc'd Interpretation, and is built upon a wrong Translation of the words.
[Page 106]The plain and genuine meaning (both according to the Original, the Seventy, and other Versions which are held to be most exact) is this, that though Adam, Ab [...]l, Seth, and others had called on God in their Houses and Families long before this time, yet now they met together publickly, and the Rites of Religion which God had appointed them were fixed. Here is the first Infancy of the more visible Church. Now Holy Assemblies are set up; and perhaps as Cain then built Cities, so Enos built Temples or Places for Divine Worship. Sacrifices were setled before: Now the way and manner of invoking God aright are established. Or, if you will take Calling on the Lord as a general expression for Religion, then the meaning is, that in the time of these holy men, the true VVorship and Service of God begun to flourish openly. Though Cain and his Seed liv'd atheistically and prophanely, yet those of the Family of Seth and Enos promoted all Piety and Virtue, they generally [...]eared God, and walked uprightly, and Religion was in great esteem among men.
There seems to have been a Law under this Patriarchal Period, not to marry with Infidels. This is implied in Gen. 6. 2. The sons of God saw the daught [...]rs of men, and they took them Wives of all that they chose. The children of Seth were joyned in wedlock with the wicked posterity of Cain, which we have reason to think was forbidden them, because this is reckon'd as the great sin which provoked God's wrath, and brought the devouring flood, v. 3.
Here it may be taken notice of, that whereas Marriag [...] (the joyning of one Man and one Woman only) had prevail'd hitherto by virtue of the Primitive Order and Institution in Gen. 2. 24. now at the latter end of the Adamick Dispensation Polygamy began to be introduced. Lam [...]ch took unto him two Wives, Gen. 4. 19. and was the fir [...] person that transgress'd against that Conjugal Law. I find a very Reverend and Worthy [Page 107] 1 person [...]avourable to him, and thinks his [...]arnest desire of seeing that Blessed Seed which was promis'd to Eve, might induce him to take more Wives than one, hoping by multiplying of his posterity, some or other of th [...]m might prove so happy as to produce that Seed. This is a very Learned and Pious Account of the Original of Polygamy.
Here I might mention the Seven Precepts which the Iews much talk of, and say w [...]re given by God to the sons of Adam and N [...]ah before Moses's time. But Rabbi Maimon is more distinct, and [...]aith six of these Precepts were given to Adam, and those that immediately came of his loins (and so they fall in under this Patriarchal Dispensation) and afterwards these six with another added ( i. [...]. of Abstaining from blood) were delivered to Noah and his Sons. Of the Seventh I am not to speak in this place, it belonging to the Noac [...]ical Dispensation: but it is proper to give you some account of the other Six. Both the Talmuds and other Writings of the Hebrew Doctors recite them in this order: the first Precept was of Iudgments, of Politick and Civil Government, of Administration of Justice in publick Tribunals and Courts of Judicature; and that those who offended in the kinds after named ought to be severely punished. The Second was of Cursing the most Holy Name, or Blasphemy; that God's Name is not to be prophaned. The Third was of strang [...] Worship or Idolatry; that they should not worship Id [...]ls. The Fourth is of uncovering of Nakedness, or unlawful Copulation, as Adultery, Incest, and the like: that these are absolutely unlawful. The Fifth is of sh [...]dding of Blood, or Homicide. The Sixth is of Thef [...] and Rapine: Clandestine or open stealing; taking away what is anothers: that none of these [Page 108] are to be practised. Those that would see these Precepts largely commented upon may consult the Learned 1 Seld [...]n, who hath almost fill'd a whole Volume with them. That which I am to inquire into at present is, whether it be reasonable to give credit to the common Assertion of the Iews, who say that these Precepts were given by God himself to Adam and the Patriarchs before Noah.
First, I might take notice that the Iews agree not fully about the number of the Precepts given to Adam: for though Seven generally be said to be the number of them, yet there are 2 those who dissent here, and so in some sort bring the giving of the Precepts, as well as th [...] number of them, into question.
Secondly, We read no where in Genesis (nor in any of the inspired Books afterwards) that any of these Precepts were given by God to Adam, or his immediate children. We meet with nothing like them before Noah and Moses, and therefore we cannot with any certainty and confidence assert, that God deliver'd these before that time. I know it is said, and that by the Learnedest, that all Facts are not mention'd in the Bible; the Scripture refers to some as known and acknowledg'd, though no where expresly recorded: Thus these Precepts are refer'd to in Acts 15. 20. But I answer, though one thing done at this time, and another at another may be omitted in Scripture-History, as Adam's observing the Seventh day, and God's Injunction about Bloody Sacrifices, &c. yet it is folly to think that a Whole Body of Precepts should be given to Adam and his Sons, and that they should be openly divulg'd (as the Iews say there was a formal Promulgation of them) and yet not one of them be mention'd, nor so much [Page 109] as hinted at in the History, which purposely treats of those things. Credat I [...]da [...], &c. And as to what some say, that these Precepts are referr'd to in the Decree of the Apostolical Council at Ierusalem, it is but a surmise, and there is no real ground for it: only the matter or substance of two or three of those Precepts is there enjoyn'd (as we find in some other places) and that is all.
Thirdly, Not only the Writings of Moses and other books of Holy Writ were silent concerning the giving of these Precepts, but Ioseph, the Learned Iewish Antiquary, who comments upon the Mosaical Writings, and is wont to insert and add what he thought was left out, saith not one word concerning these.
Fourthly, These Precepts are all of them the Laws of Nature, or most easily reducible to them: They are Prohibitions against Injustice, Blasphemy, Idolatry, Uncleanness▪ Bloodshed, Rapine: All which are general Dictates of Nature and Reason, and written in man's Mind originally. Therefore it may be rememb [...]red that these Precepts obtain'd not only among the Hebrews, but among all Nations whatsoever. It is not likely then that God did orally deliver these to the Patriarchs before the Flood; for in that early time of the World it was not requisite. Tho afterwards some of thes [...] Precepts were given to Noah, viz. after the corruption and gross degeneracy of the People of the Old World, and when a New World of Men was to be set up: And tho these and the like Precepts were made up afterward into Ten Commandments, and given to the Iews, i. e. when the World was more corrupted, and the Dictates of Reason and Morality were almost lost; and when it was as necessary to rouse mens Minds, and to keep Religion from decaying, and when God was erecting a New O [...]conomy, and chusing a peculiar People to himself; tho in these Circumstances the giving of such Precepts was necessary, yet now, in the Patriarchs days, [Page 110] there was no need of delivering them, they having them fresh on their minds. There is no ground then for us to credit the Hebrew Doctors when they tell us, that those six Precepts were deliver'd solemnly to the Sons of Adam. It is only a Tradition of the Iews: and of what truth and reality their Traditions generally are, is known to those who are sober and unprejudiced Persons; they are usually mere Fancies and Conceits, Dreams and Dotages, Lies and Forgeries.
Thus you see how it went with the World from Adam to the Flood, which is reckon'd to be about sixteen hundred Years. You see how the State of Religion stood, what Communications the World had from God. And here by the way I cannot but take notice of the groundless assertion of that 1 Socinian Writer who declares, ‘That before the Flood there was no General Precept given to Men by God: they had only some Injunctions, which appertain'd to certain particular Persons and particular▪ Affairs. Nor had they any general Promise made to them,’ he saith. 2 Episcopius is more large, telling us, ‘That they lived almost 2000 Years without any Law, without any Promises, without any Precepts from God.’ And he further adds, ‘That the Religion from Adam to Abraham was merely Natural, and had nothing but Right Reason for its Rule and Measure.’ All which are mistaken Notions; for from what hath been deliver'd concerning this Oeconomy before the Flood, it is evident that there was a Divine Pr [...]cept (which was general) concerning Sacrifices; and there was a Promise (and that a general one) concerning the Blessed Seed; and there were other Laws and Prescriptions besides those that were founded on mere Reason: for it appears that [Page 111] this Antediluvian Dispensation was mixt, partly guided by the Light and Law of Nature, partly by Revelation. Religion consisted both of Natural Principles, and Positive Commands. These were all along interwoven with one another. Thus the Old World was govern'd: In which Period there were these ten Patriarchs who were all long-liv'd but one; Adam was the first, who (when Abel was dead) begat Seth: whose Son was Enosh, who begat Cainan, and he Mahalalel; and this Iared, whose Son was Enoch, who was translated. Then Methusala [...], the longest liver of them all, ( Adam and he took up all the time between the Creation and the Flood); then Lamech (not he of that Name who was of Cain's Race); and Noah was the last of the ten Antediluvian Fathers.
The Noachical Oeconomy. The first Positive Law under it was about eating of Flesh. It is proved that this prevail'd not till after the Flood. Objections against it answer'd. The Testimony of Pagans to confirm it. The Reason of the Prohibition. The second Positive Law was concerning not eating Flesh with the Blood. The Reason of it. The third Positive Law was concerning not shedding of Man's Blood. With the Penalty of it. And the Sanction of Magistracy. Servitude not introduced under this Dispensation. The Longevity of the Patriarchs was common to all in those Times. The Months and Years were of the same length then that they are now. They were Solar, not Lunar Years. The Causes of the long Lives of those that lived before the Flood. The Abrahamick Oeconomy. With its several Steps and Advances. The Nature of the Covenant made with Abraham. Now the Faithful were separated and distinguish'd from the rest of the World. Why they are called Hebrews. The Nature and Design of Circumcision. Vnder this Dispensation Altars were erected, Tithes paid, &c. Of Polygamy, and Concubines, and other Vsages.
[Page 113]THE Second Patriarchal Dispensation, or the Noachical O [...]conomy began in Noah's days, and lasted till Abraham. Immediately after the Flood, the Covenant which was made with our first Parents was renewed to Noah: the Law of Grace which had been given to them, was now confirmed to this eminent Person, and to the [...]est of Mankind in him: and the [...]ow in the Cloud was made a Sign of the Covenant, Gen. 9. 9. It is to be believ'd, that a farther discovery of the M [...]ssias was made to Noah, tho the Sacred History saith nothing of it. But this is expresly recorded, that this renewing and confirming of the Dispensation of Grace, were accompanied with some positive Institutions and Laws, which were an addition to those that were before given to Adam. These are the things which make the difference between this and the former O [...]conomy.
The first Positive Law was concerning [...]ating of Flesh. Ev [...]ry moving thing that liveth shall b [...] Meat for you, Gen. 9. 3. The discrimination of Meats is taken away, and Flesh is granted to be eaten: and indeed there was a necessity of it at that time, because the Fruits of the Earth were destroy'd by the Flood. Before the Delug [...] there was not a liberty given to eat Flesh, for they were limited by that Injunction in Gen. 1. 29. which appoints Herbs and Fruits to be their Meat. God said, B [...]h [...]ld, I have given you every H [...]rb bearing S [...]d which is upon the Face of all the Earth, and every Tree in th [...] which is the Fruit of a Tree yielding Seed, to you i [...] shall b [...] for Meat. Here is the Lex Cibaria, Man is confined as to his Diet: Herbs and Fruits are appointed his Food, and no other. But now this Restraint is taken off by the same hand that laid it on; and God permit [...] Noah and his Posterity to eat Flesh as well as Herbs.
But yet it is a Controversy among Writers, whether eating of Flesh was granted just after the Flood, and [Page 114] was altogether prohibited before. The Hebrews generally say, that the People before the Deluge fed only upon what the Earth produced, and abstain'd from all living Creatures. Most of the Christian Fathers hold this, and say, it was by Divine Injunction: But 1 Chrysostom and 2 Theodoret seem to be of another Judgment. The Moderns are divided; some hold that Flesh was eaten before the Flood, and others not till after it. Luther, Peter Martyr, Fr. Iunius, and Musculus, hold the latter: But Calvin, Rivet, Par [...]us, and other Reformed Divines, hold the former, viz. that eating of Flesh as well as Herbs was free from the very Creation. Of this Opinion too are Beverovici [...] the Physician, Bochart, Voetius, Hottinger, and our Wille [...]. But I conceive that these worthy Men fail in this Point, and that the other Opinion is to be prefer'd before this, because there is a plain Text of Scripture to back it, (which the other Opinion is destitute of) Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you: even as th [...] green Herb (which was the only Food allow'd you before, Gen. 1. 29.) have I given you all things, Gen. 9. 3. As much as to say, you have as free liberty now, since the Flood, to eat the Flesh of every living Creature, as you had before the Flood to feed on every sort of Herbs and Fruits, tho you were stinted as to Flesh. This is the clear sense and import of the words; and consequently proves, that eating Flesh before the Flood was unl [...]wful. I do not say, they never ate Flesh, for it's p [...]obable they did transgress sometimes, and made bold to taste of that sort of Food; but this is the thing I assert, that [...]ating Flesh was forbidden them at that time, and that the Prohibition was not taken off till after the Flood; and that then first of all it was lawful [Page 115] to kill Animals in order to the eating of their Flesh; all which appears from clear words of Scripture.
If it be objected that the Antediluvians kept Sheep; and therefore it is to be infer'd thence, that they [...]ade use of their Flesh for Food: I answer, That they kept flocks of Sheep; 1. For their Wool and Skins to clothe them. 2. For Sacrifices, which consumed many of their Sheep and other Cattel: And perhaps, 3▪ for Milk, to sustain them (for, as I suggested before, they ventured to transgress sometimes, and to eat something else besides Herbs and Fruits, tho it was against a Command.) Thus you see the Shepherds Life, or keeping of Sheep, proveth not that they used the Flesh of Sheep for Food. And by what hath been said we know likewise how to answer that common Objection, that killing of Beasts was used by the Patriarchs; therefore eating Flesh was in use. It follows not, because they killed them either for their Skins or Fleece, or to offer them on the Altar. The elder 1 [...] thinks that tho at all other times they abstain'd from Flesh, yet this was their extraordinary repast at Sacrificing. But I do not see any reason to confirm what he suggests; for tho afterwards it was usual to eat of the Sacrifices, yet it doth not follow thence that this was practis'd before the Flood.
Others argue also from the difference of clean and unclean Beasts before the Flood. It is evident, say they, that there was eating of B [...]asts at that time; else some could not be said to be clean, and others unclean. But I have proved before, that the distinction of clean and unclean Animals which was before the Flood, had respect only to Sacrifices, not to Eating. Notwithstanding then these Objections, I assert, that there was no Sarcophagy before the Flood, at least it was not common; and that [Page 116] if any presumed to eat Flesh, it was unlawfully done of them.
This Notion the Pagan Poets and Philosophers had [...]. 1 Virgil intimateth, that eating of Flesh was an impious thing, and not known in the first and purest Ages of the World. 2 Ovid describing those Times, lets us know that they sed on no Flesh, but lived altogether on the Fruits of the Earth.
Which may be English'd thus;
This the Pythagoreans testify, who were great Searchers into the Antient and Primitive Practices of the World. [Page 117] P [...]rphyrius, who was one of that Sect, asserts that in the Golden Age no Flesh of Beasts was eaten: and he is to be pardoned in what he addeth afterwards in the same 1 Book, that War and Famine first introduced this usage. He was not acquainted with Genesis, he knew not that God's Order to Noa [...] after the Flood was, that every living Creature should be Meat for him.
If you enquire into the Reason why God, who had restrain'd Men from eating of Flesh before the Flood, permitted them to do it a [...]ter it; it is likely he did it because the Earth was corrupted by the Deluge, and by the saltness of the Seas; and so the Plants and Herbs, and all Fruits of the Earth were indamaged: The natural Virtue of Vegetables was much impaired, and thereby they could not yield so wholesom and solid a Nourishment as they once did, they were not so sutable to Man's Body as they were before. Hereupon God gave them a Licence to eat Flesh, he indulged this to them out of the Care and Love he bore to them.
The Second Positive Law which Noa [...] receiv'd was concerning the not [...]ating of Flesh with the Blood. Gen. 9. 4. Flesh with th [...] Lif [...] th [...]reof, which is the Blood thereof, shall ye not [...]at. Lud [...]vic [...] de Die [...] is of opinion, that the eating of Creatures that died of themselves is here forbid; but I see no foundation for it. St. Chrys [...] [...]tom thinks, that eating of things strangled is spoken against here. But this doth not reach the full meaning of this Prohibition: for by this Law it was made unlawful to eat any raw Flesh whilst it was yet warm, and had the Blood and Life in it. Thus the Iewish Doctors understood it, and that very rightly, as the famous 2 Mr. Selden hath shew'd. This, they say, was [Page 118] the Seventh Precept given by God to Noah after the Flood. We are sure it was one, for the Holy Ghost by Moses attesteth it here. Tho they had leave to eat Flesh, yet it was with this Exception, that they should not eat it with the Life or Soul, which is the Blood, that is, they were forbid to eat live Flesh with the Blood in it; they were not permitted to eat the Flesh before it was quite dead: or they were not to eat any Limb or Member torn off from an Animal alive. The Reason given, in another place, why they must not [...]at Blood, is, because it is the Soul or Life of all Flesh; that is, it is the chief Instrument of Life; and therefore is properly and significantly used in making Atonement for Souls. Therefore it was designed wholly for Expiation, it was appointed and appropriated to that sacred Use on the Altar: And for this reason it ought not to be used in a common way. Again, God forbad eating of Blood (and that even before the Law) to teach abstaining from Man's Blood. They must eat no Beast's Blood, that they might not thereby learn to delight in Human Blood: as we see (saith 1 an Expositor upon the place) Butchers, who kill Beasts, are generally cruel and bloody to Men; and for that reason the Law suffers them not to be on the Jury of Life and Death 2 The Ath [...]nians, order'd one to be flead alive because he had serv'd a Ram so. 3 The Areopagite Judges condemn'd a Boy to death, because he put out the eyes of Quails; and this is given as the reason, because it shew'd that the Boy was of a cruel disposition, and would prove very hurtful if he lived. So here it was thought that Blood-eating was a sign of and preparative to inhuman Actions, and accordingly was not allow'd of. Therefore this Precept, of not eating the Flesh of Beasts with the Blood running [Page 119] about it, was to restrain this Cruelty. The old Giants of the World before the Flood, generally liv'd on the Blood of Beasts, and so learn'd to be cruel and savage to Men; and thence, as Maimonides and Mr. Selden from him conjecture, this Law had its rise: God therefore commanded those of Noah's Posterity to re [...]rain wholly from Blood, that they might not proceed from cruelty to Beasts, to killing of Men. Besides, this may seem partly to be a natural Law, Blood being a gross Meat, and not fit for nourishment.
A Third Law given to Noah was that in Gen. 9. 5, 6. Surely the blood of your lives will I require: at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man, at the hand of every mans brother will I require th [...] lif [...] of man. Whoso [...]eddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the Image of God made [...] ma [...]. There is indeed a Treble Law comprised in these words: 1. They are forbid to shed mans blood. Noa [...] and his sons are commanded not to be guilty of Homicid [...]. Taking away a mans life was unlawful before, as in C ain; but here it is solemnly denounced to be such: and moreover, the Punishment of it is set down. If shedding of mans blood were not here forbidden as unlawful, it would not be followed with a P [...]nalty, as you see it is. Which is the second Sanction here, the blood of your lives I will require at the hand of every beast, and at the hand of every man. Whether man or beast procure the death of a man, their blood shall be required for it. Death is here made the Penalty of Murder. Yea, the very Beasts that kill'd a man should themselves be kill'd. There was no Law before this for the punishing of Bloodshed. And thirdly, here is also signified the Aut [...]ority of th [...] Magistrate, whose particular and peculiar work it is to require the life of man at the hand of every mans br [...]th [...]r. Whoso sheddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed. [Page 120] Here the manner of punishing bloodshed is set down, and appointed; it must be done by the Magistrate. A publick Minister of Justice is here ordered and appointed to punish the guilty: Here is the first Institution of that Political Order. Here is the first injunction for erecting Courts of Judicature.
Some of the 1 Socinian party will allow this to be a Commination, but not a Precept given to Magistrates. But herein they separate what they ought to have united, for these words are both a threatning of Punishment, and also an Order or Warrant given to the Magistrate to execute that Punishment. It is to be done by Man (Adam) which word sometimes is appropriated to one of Eminency and Power, and therefore here not unfitly denotes the Magistrate, the Ruler, him that hath Authority and Power above others. This is the person that is commission'd here not to suffer Bloodshed to go unpunish'd, but to return blood for blood: which is a practice grounded on the Law of Reason and Equity, which in such a case as this requires a just and equal Retribution. But this and other places those of the Rac [...] vian way distort, to serve their own end, viz. to patronize their opinions concerning Magistrates, who according to them are not to use any Capital Punishment, not to [...] War, &c. But any unprejudic'd and considerate person cannot but see that the power of the Sword is here given to the Civil Magistrate. Upon this one Charter depends the Execution of Justice against all Crimes: upon this is founded the power of executing judgment upon Offenders, and of cutting off of Malefactors. So that you see in this forecited place are contain'd two of those Precepts which were said to be given to Adam, the Titles whereof were of Iudgments, and of not Shedding of Blood, which both were Laws of Nature imprinted [Page 121] in mens breasts; but when after the flood the World began anew, God thought fit to revive the remembrance of these Laws, and made them Positiv [...], and not before, that we know of.
Some think that under this Dispensation was introduced Slavery; that men were all free before the Flood, and that not long after Servitud [...] began, viz. in Canaan the Son of Cham; for which they alledg that Text, Gen. 9. 25. A servant of servant [...] shall he b [...]. Here is the first servant mention'd; and because we read of none before, they conclude that Bondage, which is a great Curse, began in this Cursed Person, the Offspring of cursed C [...]am. But I cannot so easily assert that Servitud [...] had its first rise here; for though Canaan be the first servant mention'd, yet it doth not follow thence that Thraldom had its beginning in him: for silence is no Argument that there was none before. But the main thing which I have to say is this, that if Bondage commenc'd in Canaan, it is to be understood not of himself, but of his posterity. So that we may truly say, it did not begin in this Disp [...]nsati [...]n, but afterwards. And this is plain from the place it self, and the following verses, where 'tis said, Canaan shall be the servant of Sh [...]m; and he was so when his posterity the Canaanit [...]s were overcome and subdued by those of the race of Sh [...]m, viz. the Isra [...]lites. Then it was that this Curse on Canaan was fulfill'd, and not before. But as to common Servitude, we read of it long before that time; A [...]ra [...]am had m [...]n-servants and maid-s [...]rvants, who [...] bo [...]ght with hi [...] m [...]n [...]y, Gen. 12. 16. & 24. 35. so had Iacob, Gen. 30. 43. & 32. 5. And according to the M [...] saick Law they were permitted, in case of extreme poverty, to get money by the sale of their children, Exod. 21. 7. Lev. 39. but when the [...] arrived, Liberty was to be proclaim'd, and Servants were set free.
There is nothing more, besides what hath been said, that is considerable in this Disp [...]nsati [...]n, unless it be the [Page 122] Long [...]vity of those persons who lived both under this and the foregoing Oeconomy. This indeed is very remarkable; and because it is peculiar to this period of time (for we find that soon after the Deluge the Age of men was abridged, and in a short time terminated as ours doth) I think it will not be foreign to our present design to give the Reader some account of it; that is, to inquire into the particular causes of the long Lives of the Patriarchs, to assign the reasons why they arrived to six, seven, eight, nine hundred, yea almost a thousand years. So it is expresly recorded in Gen. 5. 3, &c. Adam lived 930 years, Seth 912, Enos 905, Cainan 910, Mahalaleel 895, Iared 962, Methusela [...] 969, Lamech 777: and Noah's age is said to be 950 years, Gen. 9. 29. Some indeed labour to perswade us that this Vivacity was peculiar only to those Patriarchs that Moses rehearseth. 1 Maimonides goes this way, and 2 Aberbanel agrees with him. None of late have endeavoured the proof of this more ingeniously than Mr. warren in his Geologia, where he tells us that the fifth Chapter of Genesis is the compleat List of those whose lives were thus lengthened in those first times of the world, because these were very Eminent and Vseful persons above others, men of Extraordinary Piety and Honesty, and therefore fitly design'd by God to live so long in the world to instruct and reform it, and carry on other designs of Providence for that time. But there is no manifest proof of this, yea the contrary is very evident; for all the days of Enoch (who is mention'd in the same chapter with those long livers before named) [...] but three hundred sixty and five, v. 23. and yet he was the most Holy, Religious and Exemplary man of them all, which is meant by his walking with God, which is [Page 123] applyed only to the most 3 Pious and Vertuous persons. And on the other side, there is no mark of Eminency set on most of those whose long lives are recorded, as Cainan, Mahalal [...]el, Iared, Mathuselah, &c. This is the Sum total of their lives, that they liv [...]d so many y [...]ars, and b [...]gat s [...]ns and daught [...]rs.
So that it is evident hence, that this length of years was not indulg'd to the Ant [...]diluvian Patriarchs for their singular Vertue and Excellency above others, but that it was common to all, i. [...]. to the greatest part of the persons of those times, as they were people of that peculiar Dispensation, wherein God was pleas'd for several Reasons (which I shall produce afterwards) to prolong their days after this manner, And this which Mos [...]s saith, is back'd and confirm'd by Pagan Testimony, as 4 Ioseph the [...] takes notice, who alledges the Antientest Authors that have writ concerning the Antiquities of the Egyptians, Chald [...]ans, Ph [...]nicians, Grecians, as witnesses to this part of the Mosaick History. They all [...]ver that the measure of the time which the first people of the world lived was exceeding large, and even amounted to a thousand years in some. There is no reason therefore to doubt of what M [...]ses delivers, or to think that those of this Period who are not mention'd by him, lived not so long as these whose names are enumerated in the 5. Chap. of G [...]n [...]sis: for the Mosaick Relation is known and confess'd by all to be brief and concise, and is wont to specifie only a few Instances when the generality is understood.
But others detract from the Mosaick Verity by a more severe way of cavilling, whilst they insinuate a mistake in the Y [...]ar [...] which the Old Testament speaks of. It is not likely, say they, that there should be such a vast [Page 124] disproportion between the Antediluvians and us, between their lives and ours. It may be they then reckon'd a shorter time for a year than we do now, and thence it is that they are thought to have lived so much longer than we. The years of Adam's life were Lunar, i. e. they were but Months, saith a 1 Confident man, without assigning any reason for what he saith. The like was alledged by 2 Pliny long since, who mentioning some that were said to live seven or eight hundred years, tells us that this proceeded from ignorance of those times, and of the accompt or computation they went by; their Years being some of them but half, others but a quarter of a year. And it is true, I grant, that the Arcadian Y [...]ar was but three months; yea, I shall not deny that the Egyptians Y [...]ar was no more than the Moons course, i. e. a month: so that we need not wonder at what Diodore of Sicily saith, that some Egyptian people lived in a thousand years. And here by the way we may know how to solve those several passages in this Author, and Herodotus, and Pliny, and AElian concerning the vast Antiquity which the Egyptians so much boasted of. We find in these Writers that the Egyptian Calculation ran extravagantly high, some making their Kingdom to be above ten thousand, some above twenty thousand years standing. Thus far then I am willing to grant, that the V [...]lgar Year among the Egyptians of old was but a Month (though if we may credit 3 Vossi [...]s, they had other years that were longer; and we learn from a much antienter 4 Author that they had a different computation, and that their Year was not always alike) but it is groundless and ridiculous to conclude hence, that the Years which all other Nations and [Page 125] People reckon'd by were of this small dimension, and particularly that these Years are meant by Moses when he speaks of the Patriarchs. Yet there are some that have taken up this Conceit, and hold that these Years were but Menstruous, i. [...]. they were of no longer duration than the space of the Moon's passing through the twelve Signs, which is done in 28 or 29 days; and hereby they think they give a fair account of the reputed Long [...]vity of those persons.
But this Opinion is soon baffled by considering these following things; 1. There never was any such Computation of Years in use among the H [...]br [...]ws, and those from whom they descended. The Learnedest and Skilfullest Antiquaries, and those who are most conversant in that sort of Knowledg, will assure you of this. 2. Moses himself, who is the person that gives us the Account of the Lives of the Patriarchs, makes express mention of Months as distinct from Y [...]ars, G [...]n. 7. 11. & 8. 13. And if they be really distinct, who can have the confidence to say they are the same? 3. If you carefully peruse the History of the Flood, that will certainly demonstrate that the Y [...]ars in those times contain'd many M [...]nths in them, as in G [...]n. 8. 5, 13, 14. where you read not only of the first and sec [...]nd, but the t [...]nt [...] m [...]nt [...] of that Y [...]ar in which the Deluge was. And that it may appear that the Months were like ours, we read not only of the seventeenth day of the second Month, Gen. 7. 11. but of the twenty s [...]venth day of the same Month, G [...]n. 8. 14. Nay I will prove that the Antediluvians had 30 days in their Months, from those words in Gen. 7. 24. Th [...] waters pr [...]vail'd on the Earth a hundred and fifty days. On the 17 th day of the 2d Month Noah entred into the Ark, as we read in Gen. 7. 7, 11. then the Flood began, and it prevail'd till the 17th day of the 7th Month, as we find it in G [...]n. 8. 4. which space of time is exactly fiv [...] m [...]nths, reckoning 30 days to a Month, for five times thirty is a hundred and fifty. This proves that both their Years and their Months were such [Page 126] as ours, and that they had the same Computation which we have at this day. And this Calculation continu'd till St. Iohn's time, as we may satisfy our selves from Rev. 11. 2, 3. & 13. 5. where forty two Months are [...] thousand two hundred and threescore days. 4. What I assert may be proved from the Absurdity of the contrary Opinion; for if the antient Years were no longer than our Months, then it would follow that some of the Patriarchs begot Children when they were but six or seven Years of Age; which appears undeniably from the History of Moses, for Mahalaleel begat Iared, and Enoch begat Methuselah at the Age of sixty five Years: now if these Years were no other than Months, these Persons were but five years of Age, and a little more, when they begot Children; which is a thing that no Man of sober thoughts will entertain. 5. According to this Calculation the Patriarchs would have been very short-lived. If Years were only so many Revolutions of the Moon, it will follow that some of those Persons mention'd in Gen. 5. lived not so long as we generally do at this day. Nay, Methuselah himself, according to this way of computing, had not arrived to a hundred Years, which is a number that several reach even in this Age of the World. Thus you see what Absurdities ensue upon this Opinion.
Some therefore taking notice of these absured Consequences, are forced to abandon this Conceit; but yet they betake themselves to another, which is this. Lunary Years, say they, are so call'd either because they are but one Month, or because they fall short of the Solar Y [...]ar eleven days, as being reckon'd wholly by the Revolution of th [...] Moon. These latter sort of Lunary Years consist of 354 days, whereas the Solar Year contains 365 days in it. It is by those, and not by these that we are to reckon the years of the Patr [...] archs before spoken of, say the present Objectors: and accordingly their Years and ours now in use; are not the [Page 127] same. I answer, it is true the Antient H [...]br [...]ws held the Y [...]ars in Scripture to be L [...]nar in this sense now mention'd, and there is good ground for it, because the I [...]ws began the Month with the New Moon; so that there could be not above nine and twenty days in one of their Months; for the Course of that Planet is finish'd within that time. And it cannot be denied that the old way of computing the Months among the Antient Arabians, Grecians, and R [...]mans, was from the Phas [...]s of the Moon, and consequently they reckon'd by these Lunar Years. 1 Ios [...]ph Scalig [...]r was the first that denied the Hebr [...] Years to be of this sort, and undertook to prove that they were S [...]lar, i. [...]. that they contain'd 365 Days, and consequently the Months consisted of 30 Days. And herein he was partly in the right; but when he contends that this was the use always among them, and that they had no other Computation, he goes too far. But 2 Petavius, who designedly handles this Controversy, viz. whether they were Lunar or Solar Years which they reckon'd by of old, and are mention'd in the Old Testament, is more exact when he holds that both the Lunar and S [...]lar Y [...]ar were used by the Hebrews: the first was their Civil, the second their Sacred or Ecclesiastical Year. This reconciles all.
But what have the Objectors gain'd by it? They have only brought the Year down from 365 Days to 354 (for this is a Lunar, and the other a Solar Year) and the one is but 11 days shorter than the other. That is all, which is no great matter: It doth not considerably alter the Accompt, and therefore it was to little purpose to alledg it. Besides, this may be said after all, that the Years of the Patriarchs (whom we are [Page 128] speaking of) and those of the Hebrews or Iews, who observ'd the New Moons, and reckon'd their Months by their Appearances, are not altogether the same; and therefore we can't argue from these latter to the former, especially when I have proved before from the Relation of the Deluge, that the Years and Months were then of the like extent with ours. Therefore we have reason to believe that Moses means Solar Years in Gen. 5. and other places which speak of the Lives of the Men of those first times, and consequently that the Length and Duration of them were such as we have represented them to be: which was the first thing I undertook to prove.
But all this time I have been but clearing the way to what I principally intended, which is this, To search into the Causes of the Long Lives of those that lived before the Flood; for to say with Maimonides, that it was a Miracle that they lived so long, will not, I suppose, be satisfactory to the Curious Reader: Wherefore I will enquire whenc [...] it was that they usually lived seven or eight hundred Years, and sometimes almost a thousand, tho we read of none that reach'd to that full number. This will appear very Reasonable and Accountable if you consider,
1. That God gave them a longer space of time that they might multiply Mankind, and replenish the Earth, that (as Theodoret saith) 1 their numbers might be increas'd by their Annosity. Their Lives were lengthned out for the sake of Generation. There was a necessity of the prolonging of their Days, that the World might be peopled the sooner, that the Earth might be stock'd with Inhabitants in a short time. And this is a General Reason, you see; and therefore it is not likely that Longevity was the Privilege of a few only in those days, [Page 129] as 1 Maimonides and som others have thought, but that it was common to the whole race of Men, excepting a few, as Enoch, and two or three more perhaps.
2. As men lived long before the Flood for propagating of Mankind the more speedily, so their Lives were prolong'd, that they might the better propagate Arts and Sciences for the use of Life, that they might find out and discover things the more successfully, and deliver to Posterity the things which they invented. It is 2 Iosep [...]'s opinion that God indulg'd the Autediluvians a long Life, that they might study the Stars, and find out the Nature, Motion, and Influence of the Heavenly Bodies; for they could not attain to a Certainty and an Experience of these things without this. And he adds that the Great Year comes not about till the period of 600 Years, wherefore it was requisi [...]e they should live so long at least. But whether we admit of this particular Conceit of his or no, it is certain that Astronomy and other Arts could not be attain'd at first in a short time. Long Observation was necessary for this purpose, frequent and repeated Experiments being the great Basis of most Arts. These therefore could not be accomplish'd and perfected but by a large term of Years. The persons who lived to a great age were able to convey and entail Knowledg more effectually than w [...] can now: only this is to be said, that w [...] have some other ways and advantages of promoting Knowledg which they had not.
3. Their long Lives were serviceable to a higher and a nobler purpose, viz. for the retaining and preserving of Religion, and the true Worship of God, in a more intire manner: for 'tis to be remembred that there was no Scriptur [...] then, and therefore Religion could not be [Page 130] more advantageously spread and propagated than by a sa [...]e Tradition. And that this was especially aim'd at and designed by the Wisdom and Providence of God is evident hence, that as soon as the matchless Treasure of Religion was deliver'd and secured to the World by committing the Law to writing, the Age of Man was presently stinted, and reduced to a set Period. This shews that one reason why the Dimensions of Mens Lives were far longer in those days than they were afterwards, was, that Religion might be the more surely kept up, they having no Written Laws at that time. Therefore these Living Laws (for such were the long-lived Patriarchs) were requisite, whereby the Will of God was communicated with great ease and advantage to all men. This could be done even by Four Persons for the space of 2000 Years and more; for Adam's Auditor was Methuselah, whom Noah succeeded, and taught Shem, and he those of his Age, even till the Year of the World 2160, or thereabouts: So compendious a way this was of instructing the World, and upholding Religion in it. But of this I shall speak afterwards.
4. Another ground of the Long Lives of the Patriarchs before the Deluge was their Healthful Temper, wherein they much exceeded others that follow'd them. For tho we need not assert (as some have done) that the Earth was not situated before the Flood as it is now, that there were no Summers and Winters, but that there was a perpetual Equinox all over the World; yet this we may with good reason hold that there was a greater Equality of Heat and Cold in those days, and, as the consequent of that, there was a more constant and uniform Temperature of Mens Bodies. For we cannot but think that there was a great change caus'd by that Universal Deluge which cover'd the Earth; this could not but damp and chill the Air, and thereby exceedingly affect Mens Bodies, and contribute towards the shortning of their Lives. But before this general [Page 131] Inundation they were healthful, and lived a long time. And this Account which I give lets us see that this was not a peculiar Donation to those Persons only whom Moses mentions, but that it was vouchsafed to all that lived in those early times.
5. I might add, that their Food was purer and wholesomer than that of the following Ages. The Fruits of the Earth came up more kindly before the Deluge than afterwards; for we cannot but conceive that they were endamaged by the briny Waters of the Seas which were let loose on the Ground. By this means the products of the Earth were not so nutritive as befo [...], not so adjusted to the Constitutions and Tempers of Mens Bodies, and thence the Plenitude of Years was abated.
6. Their Health and Long-living may be ascrib'd to their Temperance and Moderation; for their Diet being more simple and plain (consisting wholly of Herbs and Plants, and such like Products of the Ground) they were not tempted to that Excess which prevail'd afterwards, when several sorts of curious and delicat [...] Dishes were allow'd them. Hereupon follow'd Wantonness, Intemperance, Luxury and Riot; and by these the Hale Temper of Mens Bodies was impair'd, and Diseases bred, and their Days shortned. But as long as they continu'd sober and temperate, they wer [...] bless'd with a sound Constitution, they were strong and vigorous, witness what you read in Gen. 5. 32. Noah was fiv [...] hundred Y [...]ars [...]ld, and b [...]gat Shem, Ham and Japhet.
I could adjoin in the next place, that it is very probable they had greater Skill in Physick than there was afterwards, tho they had seldom occasion to make use of it. The Professors of the Spagyrick Art do indeed tell us that the Longevity of the Patriarchs is to be attributed to their Skill in Chymistry (for it is of that Antiquity they say) but it is to be question'd whether [Page 132] there was any such thing at that time: we may rather content our selves with this belief, that they understood well the Nature of Herbs and Plants, and had more Time and Opportunity to study their Qualities and Operations than Men since have; and thence perhaps they made especial choice of such of them as were great Strengthners of Nature, and upheld the Life of Man.
Again, their quiet and contented way of living contributed much to the lengthning of their Lives. They were generally free from Care and Distraction, they understood not the Intrigues and Perplexities which vain Men are now plagu'd with. In those Golden Times there was more Simplicity and Honesty, Men were satisfied with a little, and could live at a cheap rate. But afterwards the World was disorder'd, Mens Desires and Wishes grew immoderate and extravagant, and their Days were worn out with Troubles and Vexations. This is the best Account I can give of the Long Lives of the Patriarchs of the first Ages, and of the shorter Term of Years of those that succeeded them.
The Third Patriarchal Dispensation, or the Abrahamick Oeconomy, began with Abraham, and continued till the giving of the Law by Moses, which was 430 Years, Ex. 12. 41. Gal. 3. 17. The Person from whom this Period hath its Denomination was a Chald [...]an by Birth, and lived in Vr, the chief City of Chald [...]a. In this Idolatrous Country it is probable he was partly infected with the Vic [...] of the Place, and thence perhaps he is said to be Vngodly, R [...]m. 4. 5. But tho he was not wholly free from the impious Practice of Idolatry which then re [...]gn'd in the World, yet he retain'd his Integrity as to the main, and would not suffer himself to be born down with the wicked Examples of others. Maimonides and other Hebrew Writers tell us that he was cast into the Fire by the Chald [...]ans, because he would [Page 133] not worship it. So the Trial of his Faith was by Fire, in the most strict and limited Sense of the Apostle's Words, 1 Pet. 1. 7. This we are certain of, that it seemed good to God to call him out of that place of so great Temptation, and to command him to repair to the Land of Canaan. When Noah's Family and Race were corrupted, he made choice of this Person above the rest, and rais'd him up to profess the true Doctrine and Worship. He vouchsa [...]ed to reveal his Will to him in an extraordinary and peculiar manner, and to make a Covenant with him, and to constitute him the Father of the Faithful: For Idolatry had invaded the holy Race of S [...]m, and thereby obliterated the Memory of the Covenant made with Adam, and afterwards with Noah; wherefore it was congruous to the Divine Wisdom to call forth Abraham who was of that Offspring, and to renew the Covenant and Promise with him, and further to assure him and his Seed of the Blessings that should accrue to them by the coming of the Messias.
It will not be amiss to take notice of the several Steps leading to this. 1. God appear'd to Abraham in Chald [...]a, hidding him leave that Place, and seek another Country, and he assured him of his Blessing. G [...]n. 12. 1, 2, 3. Th [...] Lord had said unto Abram, Get there out of thy Country, and from thy Kindre [...], and from thy Father's H [...]us [...], unto a Land that I will shew thee. And I will make of thee a great Nation, and I will bless th [...], and make thy Name great, and t [...]ou shalt be a Blessing. And I will bless them that bl [...]ss th [...], and curse him that curs [...]th the [...]: and in [...] shall all the Families of the Earth b [...] blessed. 2. Abraham being come into Canaan, God appear'd to him first at Sich [...]m, and the Promise he then made him was this, Vnto they S [...]d will I giv [...] this Land, Gen. 12. 7. 3. God appear'd again to him at B [...]th [...]l, and renewed his former Promises, telling him that [...] w [...]uld [...] his Seed as th [...] Dust of th [...] Earth, [Page 134] Gen. 13. 16. 4. He appear'd again to him, incouraging and comforting him when he complain'd for want of an Heir. He promis'd him that he should have a Son, and that his Seed should be multiplied, and repeats his Promise also concerning his possessing the Land of Canaan. Only he adds, that his Seed must expect to be strangers in a foreign Land, and to be afflicted 400 Years before they came to settle in the promis'd Country, Gen. 15. 1 to 17. And at the same time God solemnly made a Covenant with him, saying, Vnto thy Seed have I given this Land, ver. 18. 5. God appear'd to Abraham yet again, and renewed the former Covenant, saying unto him after this manner, I am th [...] Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my Covenant between me and thee, and I will multiply thee exceedingly: and thou shalt be a Father of many Nations; and I will establish my Covenant between me and thee, and thy Seed after thee in their Generations, for an everlasting Covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy Seed after thee. Gen. 17. 1, 2, 4, 7. And now it was that his name Abraham was given to him, which signifies the Fath [...]r of a multitude, i. e. of many Nations; for Hamon, which is the word here contracted, is a Multitude. 6. This Covenant is confirm'd with the Seal of Circumcision: Every Man-child among you shall be circumcised, Gen. 17. 10.
This is a particular and distinct Account of God's appearing to Abraham, and of his gracious communicating himself to him. It is all in way of Covenant; and accordingly what hath been said, may be reduced to these two things: 1. What God promiseth to do on his part. 2. What Abraham and his Seed were to do on theirs. God promised in general that he would be a God unto him, and to his Seed; yea, he would be an Almighty or Alsufficient God to him; which comprehends all that can be said. But particularly, God promised him these things: 1. To give him ( i. [...]. his Posterity) [Page 135] the Land of Canaan in due time. 2. To multiply his Seed exceedingly, even as the Sta [...]s of Heaven. 3. To bless all Nations of the Earth in his Seed. And St. Peter in his Sermon ( Acts 3. 25, 26.) interprets and explains this Blessing, speaking thus to the Iews, Y [...] are the Children of the Prophets, and of the Covenant which God made with our Fathers, saying unto Abraham, In thy Seed shall all the Kingdoms of the Earth be blessed. Vnto you first, God having raised up his Son Iesus, sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his Iniquities. Christ Jesus the Messias is the Blessing that was promis'd by God to Abraham. This we learn also from St. Paul, Gal. 3. 8, 9. The Scripture foreseeing that God would justify the Heathen through Faith, preached bef [...]re the Gosp [...]l unto Abraham, saying, In the [...] shall all Nations be blessed. So then they which be of Faith, are blessed with faithful Abraham. And in the 14 th Verse the Apostle declares, that th [...] Blessing of Abraham cam [...] on the Gentiles through Iesus Christ. And to make this more evident, he adds, ver. 16. To Abraham and his Seed wer [...] th [...] Promises mad [...]. He saith not, Vnto Seeds, as of many, but a [...] of one, And to thy Seed, which is Christ.
This was the Covenant on God's part: Now let us see what it was on Abraham's part. He and his Seed were oblig'd by this Covenant to behave themselves answerably to such bountiful Promises made to them, and such great things as were to be done for them. As the Lord had ingaged to be their God, so they by virtue of this Covenant undertook to be his [...], to deport themselves as such in all the actions of their lives, and to do nothing unworthy of this singular Honour and Favour confer'd on them. All is summ'd up in those words, Walk b [...]for [...] m [...], and be thou perfect. To walk before God, is to please him. Enoch walked with God, Gen. 5. 22. which by the S [...]v [...]nty Int [...]rpret [...]rs is rendred, Enoch pleased God. And accordingly [Page 136] the Author to the Hebrews saith, that Enoch, before his translation, had this testimony, that he pleased God, Heb. 11. 5. So Noah walked with God, Gen. 6. 9. [...] ▪ LXX. I will walk before the Lord, Psal. 116. 9. [...], say the same In [...]erpreters. Therefore to walk, and to please God, are joined together by the same inspir'd Writer, in 1 Thess. 4. 1. the latter being the Explication of the former. This is, according to the same Apostle, to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, Col. 1. 10. Thus Abraham and his Seed, by virtue of this Federal Transaction, were ingaged to walk before God, to serve him in that way which was most acceptable to him. This religious and spiritual walking denoteth (as the bodily one generally doth) continued Motion, Progress, Acquaintance, Converse, 1 Friendship. And to walk before God, implieth that the Perso [...]s who do so, consider that they are in God's Presence, and therefore do nothing but what is pleasing to him. The walking before God after this manner, denominates a Man perfect; that is, it is the only Persection which he is capable of in this Life.
We see then what it was that made this a peculiar Dispensation. The Law of Grace, or Covenant made with Adam, and confirmed to Noah, was renewed to Abraham with special and peculiar Promises to him and his Seed, with singular Ingagements on their part. Here were new Discoveries and Manifestations concerning the Messias, viz. That he should be of the Seed of Abraham, and consequently of the Nation of the Iews; and that tho he should spring out of the Herbe [...] Stock, yet he should be an Universal Saviour, and all Nations should be capable of receiving benefit from him, and of being blessed by him: and that they should all be justified by Faith, as we have ground to infer from what is said of Abraham in Gen. 15. 6. He believed in the Lord, and [Page 137] he counted it to him f [...]r Rightcousn [...]ss; and from the Apostle's Comment on it in Gal. 3. 8, 9.
And then, this is peculiar to this Period, that whereas hitherto there had been no diff [...]rence of any Countries and Nations of Men; now there is a palpable difference made. For as God chose a Person out from the rest of the World, so he will now make of him a great Nation and People, which shall be differenced from the rest of Mankind. God seeing the World generally running into Idolatry, and all sorts of Wickedness, set up Abraham's Seed to stem the Torrent of Vice, to keep up Religion pure and entire, and to maintain the true Worship of God upon the Earth. The Church before was not separated, and gathered from the rest of the World, but was in common with it as to Place and Stock till Abraham's time. But now it is distinguish'd from other Nations, and it is confined to one Race of People, among whom there shall constantly be some religious Men, who are true and living Members of the Church, and of whom at length the Messias, the Lord of Righteousness, shall come according to the Flesh.
This Stock and Posterity of Abraham were called Hebrews; but what occasion'd this Name first of all is disputable. The 1 Iewish Antiquary, and from him several 2 others, have thought that the Hebrews were call'd so from Heber, the Son of Salah, the Father of Peleg. Others think it more reasonable to assert, that they had their Name from Abraham. I do not mean it in St. Augustin's sense, i. e. Hebrai, quasi Abra [...]i (which was the Opinion of this Father at first, but afterward he retracted it, and adhered to the foremention'd one): But I mean this, that this Name of the [Page 138] Hebrews (as 3 several have been induced to believe) is derived from Gneber, transiit, viz. from the passing of Abraham and others with him from Vr in Chaldea, through Mesopotamia into Canaan. Thence this Patriarch is called▪ and that emphatically, Abram the Passenger, Hagnibri, Gen. 14. 13. We translate it Abram the Hebrew: But the Septuagint, who well understood the true derivation of the word, render it [...], the Passenger, or the Traveller. The Reader may take his choice of these two Opinions, viz. whether the Hebrews were call'd so from Heber, or from G [...]ibri. But, to speak freely, tho I have no Author on my side, I do not see why they might not have their Name from both, i. e. from Heber, and afterwards from Abraham. For 'tis certain that the Iews were the Progeny of that worthy Man Gneber or Heber, and therefore from him might originally be call'd, and he may be said to be the Father of the Hebrews. But it is as certain that Abraham was also the Father of them; and we cannot but acknowledg that his leaving his Country, and travelling into Canaan (where afterward his Posterity settled) were most famous and remarkable Occurrences, and might deservedly give him the name of Gnibri the Traveller; whence the denomination of the People descended from him is Hebrews. In this Name is recorded the Rise of that Nation, viz. from Mesopotamia, whence the Father of them came. And you may observe that it is particularly and signally mention'd by God himself, Iosh. 24. 2. that he led him over Euphrates to go to Canaan: and therefore I am inclin'd to think that from this Epithet, (tho not wholly) I say, from this Epithet given to Abraham (because he left his own Country, and passed over E [...]phrates, [Page 139] and so came travelling to Palestine) the Posterity of Abraham took their Name, and were call'd Hebrews. Afterwards they were call [...]d Israelites (from Iacob, whose Name was chang'd into that of Israel); and Iews (from Iudah, Iacob's Son). Some think this last Name did not prevail till the Kingdom, upon Solomon's death, was divided into Iudah and Israel. But I see no footsteps of its prevailing then, for these People are not called Iews but once in the Old Testament before the Captivity, viz. in King Ahaz's Reign, 2 Kings 16. 6. Which how [...]ver confutes that of 4 Iosephus, that they were first call'd Iews when they return'd from the Captivity in Babylon.
That they might be known to be a peculiar People, they were distinguish'd from all others by the bloody Badg of Circumcision: which was another thing that contributed towards the making this a new Dispensation. It is true, this Rite was instituted first with relation to Abraham's particular Person; for in my judgment the best Account is given by 5 Iustin Martyr of the primary reason of this practice, viz. because Abraham believ'd in God, even when he was aged and un [...]t for Generation, and when his Wife was decrepid and barren; he then believ'd (I say) that he should be a Father of a Child: for that reason God gave him a Sign of this nature, viz. the Circumcision of the Foreskin of that part of his Body, which then through Age was useless as to Procreation, but through Faith became otherwise. But there are other Reasons (secondary ones, and some of them mystical) which have reference, not only to Abraham, but the People descended from him. 1. Circumcision was intended and appointed to be a Character of Genealogical Sanctity, a special Mark of distinction [Page 140] between the People of God and Infidels, between the true Worshippers and Idolaters, between the holy Seed and the Profane; in short, between the Seed of Abra [...]am and the rest of the World. Therefore all the forty Years the Israelites were in the Desert, they did not make use of this distinguishing Mark, because then they had no converse with other People, and so there was no need of an external Note of distinction to discriminate them from other Nations. 2. Circumcision (as hath been suggested already) was a Sign and Seal of the Covenant made with Abraham and his Seed, a confirmation of the Promises made by God to them. Thence it is called by God himself his Covenant, Gen. 17. 9, 10. i. e. the Sign of it, as you read it explain'd in the next Verse, It shall be a Token of the Covenant between you and me. Thus this bloody Rite is call'd the Covenant of Circumcision, Acts 7. 8. and the Sign of Circumcision, Rom. 4. 11. where the Apostle adds this high Encomium of it, that it is the Seal of the Righteousness of Faith, i. e. of Justification and Pardon of Sin through the free Mercy of God, for the sake of the promi [...]ed Seed, in whom all the Faithful believe. For this Federal Mark in that part of his Body, was to remind and assure Abraham, that Christ should be born of his Seed. 3. It was reckon'd by the Hebrew Doctors as a kind of an Oblation and Sacrifice to God, there being a taking of something from the Body, and offering is to God: yea, it was a bloody Sacrifice. 4. Philo asserts, that the cutting off of that part was a 1 sign of the abscission and casting away of superfluous Pleasures and carnal Delights.
Some have thought it was an artificial Restraint of Lust and Lewdness, and in the nature of the thing it self was some check to Lasciviousness. This is but a [Page 141] Fancy, for it is known that the People of that Nation (and so of others since who use Circumcision) are none of the chastest Men in the World, to say no worse. That is another Rabbinical Notion, that Circumcision was made in that part of their Flesh, to represent they were to be a Holy Seed unto the Lord. But to speak with Sobriety and Reason, Circumcision was appointed for the ends at first mentioned; and lastly, to be a Symbol of the inward and spiritual Circumcision, the Circumcision of the Heart. Accordingly you read in the old Law of circumcising the Foreskin of the Heart, Deut. 10. 16. & 30. 6. and so in Ier. 4. 4. And in the New Testament the Apostle speaks of the Circumcision of the Heart, in the Spirit, Rom. 2. 29. and of putting [...]ff the Body of the Sins of the Flesh by th [...] Circumcision of Christ, Col. 2. 11. Hence observe why Sin is call'd a Body, because it is represented by the Body or Flesh in Circumcision. When the Flesh of the Foreskin is cut off, the taking away of Sin is signified; Sin is as it were cut off by it. And in the 13th Verse of that Chapter the Apostle speaks thus, You being dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickned. Sin and the Pr [...]putium are here put together as the same; and it is plainly signified, that Sin is denoted to be taken away when the Foreskin is cut off. Circumcision then was design'd as the Symbol of a Holy Nation, a religious and [...] People; and thence you read in Scripture, not only of the Circumcision of the Heart, but of the Ears and Lips, to denote the Sanctity which was required in their Words and Convers [...], and indeed in their whole Lives.
As to other Religious Rites and Offices, those that were used in the former Oeconomi [...]s prevailed now also, as 174 Sacrifices, Altars, Priesthood, &c. Tho we [Page 142] read not of Temples or Tabernacles under the Patriarchal Dispensation; yet now their manner was to erect Altars in those places where God appear'd to them: and these were signalized for the future by dedicating them to the publick Service of God. Here they were wont to assemble together, to offer solemn Prayers and Praises to the most High; and they became as it were, Temples and Houses of God, Gen. 28. 17, 22. To the ordinary Sacrifices before used, you will find that Abraham and Iacob added another kind, viz. mere federal ones, which are describ'd in Gen. 15. 9, 18. & 31. 54.
Now also we first hear of Tithes: Abraham paid Tithes of all (i. e. all the Spoils) to Melchisedeck a Priest, Gen. 14. 20. Iacob made this Vow, I will surely give the Tenth of all to thee, i. e. of all that came of his Flock, or of the Fields, Gen. 28. 22. Thus the paying Tithes became a Pledg of Religion, and of subjection to God.
The Patriarchs now also used certain Ceremonial Lustrations and Purifications, as may be gathered from Gen. 35. 2, 3. Jacob said unto his Houshold, Be clean, and change your Garments: and let us arise and go up to Bethel. I might add the Ceremony used in Swearing, viz. of putting the hand under the thigh of the Person they swore to, Gen. 24. 2. Also, you may observe there were at that time Holy Feasts of the remainders of the Sacrifices, Exod. 5. 1. All these were Rites relating to Religion and Worship.
There were other remarkable things in this O [...]conomy, which are reducible to Religion and Manners. At this time began the Ius Leviri, or right of marrying the Brother's Widow. Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy Brother's Wife, and marry her, and raise up Seed to thy Brother, Gen. 38. 8. The surviving Brother was to marry the Relict of the Brother deceas'd, if he died without Issue. But it took not effect at this time. As to the Degrees of Consanguinity in reference to Marriage, [Page 143] they were not all of them observ'd, for Abraham married Sarah who was his Niece, for she was his eldest Brother Haran's Daughter, (tho he call'd her his Sister, and labour'd to make it out, saying, She is the Daughter of my Father, but not of my Mother, Gen. 20. 12. i. e. She was Grand-daugh [...]r to his Father; and such were reckon'd by the Hebrews as half Sisters.) Iac [...]b married his Cousin-German Rachel, the Daughter of his Uncle Laban, Gen. 29. 28.
And as for P [...]lygamy, which was begun by Lamech many Years before, it was now practis'd by Abraham, Esau, Iacob, and others, tho it was against the Primitive Law and Institution, Gen. 2. 24. The Concubines which they took were a secondary sort of Wives, as the Issue they had by them were a secondary kind of Children, for they had Gifts and Legacies, but no Inheritance, Gen. 25. 6. But this must be said, and that with evident truth, that Abraham and Iacob's taking of other Wives or Concubines differ'd from the same custom and practice of that time in three things, which much alters the case. 1. They did not this of themselves, and so it was not their own act properly. It is expresly said, that Sarah brought her Maid Hagar to Abraham, and gave her to him to be his Wife, Gen. 16. 3. So Iacob, upon the motion and persuation of his Wife Rachel, took his Handmaid to Wife; it is in express terms said, she gave him her to Wife, Gen. 30. 4. So Lea [...] did the same with her Maid, vers. 9. 2. 1 Ioseph the learned Jew rightly noteth, that Abraham and Sarah did what they did by the particular direction and approbation of God; for their History informs us, that they were Persons that were under the mo [...]e immediate guidance of Heaven. 3. It is not unlikely that the [...]oresaid Women moved their Husbands to [Page 144] this, and that they consented to it on the account of the Promise which God had made concerning the Blessed Seed which should be of their Family; they were impatient of having it fulfill'd some way or other. And particularly as to Abraham, God having only told him, that he should have a Child, but had not yet said by Sarah, this good Patriarch thought it might be this way fulfill'd, as an' 1 excellent Person suggests.
We read that Whoredom and Adultery were now punish'd with death: thus Iudah sentenc'd Thamar to be burnt, Gen. 38. 24. Unless with 2 some we shall say, that this was no capital Infliction, but a stigmatizing or branding with a hot Iron. Incest was in those times unlawful, for Re [...]ben is reprehended by his Father for defiling his Bed, Gen. 49. 4. and his Birth-right was taken from him, 1 Chron. 5. 1.
The Law of Primogeniture now prevail'd, as appears in the Instances of Esa [...] and Reuben, tho by their own fault they divested themselves of that Privilege. These were the several kinds of Positive Laws relating either to Religion or to Civil Affairs, which were in use among the Patriarchs: (where by the by we may take notice how unskilful 3 Mr. Hobbs was in the Sacred History, when he saith, Abraham had no other Law, except that of Circumcision, whereunto he was obliged but the Laws of Nature.)
This must be added and remembred by us in the last place, that the Precepts and Injunctions which were given in the foregoing Dispensation, are suppos'd to be retain'd here. So much concerning the Primitive State of things before the Law of Moses: which was the Patriarchal Dispensation, or the first Dispensation of Grace.
The Mosaick or Jewish Dispensation seems to be Preposterous. The Law of Grace was veiled for a season. The Triple Law which this Oeconomy was famous for, briefly display'd. Four Reasons assigned why the World was so long without a Written Law. The Ceremonial Law is part of this Dispensation. The several things which are comprehended in it. Oblations, viz. of Inanimate things. Sacrifices, which were of Living Creatures. An enumeration of those Sacrifices which were Set and Determined. Others were Occasional, viz. 1. Sin Offerings. 2. Trespass-Offerings. 3. Peace-Offerings. Some Remarks about Sacrifices. The several Ends and Designs of this way of Worship. How the Mosaick Sacrifices are said to Expiate. It is largely proved that the guilt of all kinds of Sins whatsoever was Atoned by them. The Objections to the contrary are answered. The Principal End of the Judaick Sacrifices was to typifie and represent the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross.
THe Second Dispensation of Grace is that which is known by the name of Iewish, Mosaick, or Legal. Concerning which we may observe this, before we go any further, that though this Oeconomy in some respects was not so perfect as the Abrahamick, [Page 146] yet it was introduced after it. The Promise made to Abraham was of Justification by Faith in Christ Jesus, as the Apostle, who best understood it, expounds it in Gal. 3. where he calls it 1 the Covenant confirmed before of God in Christ, [...], that Covenant whereby the Faithful were engaged to believe in Christ for Salvation. But then comes Moses's Law, and seems to establish Justification by the Works of it. So God was pleas'd to go back as it were. You will find the Apostle taking special notice of this in Gal. 3. 17, 19. The Covenant that was confirm'd before of God in Christ, the Law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot disannul.— Wherefore then serveth the Law: It was added because of Transgressions, till the Seed should come, &c. He acquaints them here with the Reason of this strange and preposterous Transaction, viz. Why Moses succeeded Abraham, why the Mosaick Law came after the Covenant made and confirm'd of God in Christ. There was a necessity of it, as things then were: The Law was added, i. e. it followed the Promise made to Abraham, because of transgressions: as much as to say, though Iustification was then and ever to be had by that Promise to the Father of the Faithful, yet the Mosaick O [...]c [...]n [...]my took place four hundred and thirty years afterwards, to restrain men from Sin, to shew them their Guilt, and to cause them to look for a Remedy. The Law was given so long after the Covenant of Grace renewed to Abraham, because the infinitely Wise Disposer of all things knew that it would be serviceable in discovering Sin and Transgression, and so in preparing men for the Gospel. Thus it was found requisite to go back a little, for the Law of Faith could not have its free course and progress till the Law of Works was as it were brought upon the stage again. There seem'd to be a Representation of [Page 147] this when Abrahams posterity, the holy Patriarch Iacob's childr [...]n, went out of Canaan into Egypt, out of the Promis'd Land to the house of Bondage, and then return'd back to Canaan. This shadowed out this Retr [...]grad [...] Dispensation. The World was not fit for an higher Oecono [...]y, the Law was to do the Office of a S [...]hoolmaster, and to prepare and discipline them against Christ's Coming. So it was necessary till the S [...]d should come to whom the Promise was made, i. e. till Christ himself should appear, and till the spiritual S [...]d of Abraham, the Church of Christ, made up of Iews and Gentil [...]s, should be in the World.
Yet this is not so to be understood as if the Law of Grace were Null'd all the time of the Mosaick Oeconomy. No: it was only in some respects obscured and veil'd for a certain season. Or, it may be said, One was superinduced upon the Other, and they did in a manner take place together, but in different Degrees, and among different Persons. Whilst the I [...]wish Oeconomy was in being, the Former One yet continued: For when a New Oeconomy is introduced, the preceding one is not always abolish'd, but remains partly in force. So here, the Law of Faith, or the Covenant of Grace which was made with Abraham, is still on foot under the Mosaick Administration. Therefore it is ob [...]ervabl [...] that the Law published in the Des [...]rt of Sinai, and receiv'd ther [...] by the people, is call'd a Covenant, [...]xod. 19. 5. And with reference to this M [...]ses tells the Isra [...]lites that the Lord their God made a Covenant with them in Hor [...], Deut. 5. 2. which was no other than the Covenant of Grace made with Adam, and confirm'd to [...] and Abraham (as hath been before shew'd) but now in a more illustrious manner ratified, and also enlarged and augmented, and transfer'd from a Family to a Nation▪ And this Covenant is actually and personally made good to the Iews by their being S [...]parated [...]n a more signal manner than before from the rest of the World, and by [Page 148] their being made a peculiar People, and taken into Grace and Favour. There was a Distinction made between God's Servants and others under the Abrahamick Period, but now it is more Visible and Remarkable; now the Iewish State properly commenceth: now these People are molded into a new Commonwealth, and God is their peculiar Governour. The Church of God was first united into One Politick Body or Society, and grew to be National in Moses's time. Now the Church in the Wilderness (as 'tis call'd by St. Stephen Acts 7. 38.) became a Distinct Body of men known by the name of Israelites.
This Oeconomy is famous for the Delivering of a Threefold Law, Moral, Ceremonial, Iudicial. Tho Moral, Ecclesiastical, Civil may be a better Division of those Laws: for some that are reckon'd among the Ceremonial and Typical Laws (as Tithes and First-fruits) are not such: and some of those call'd Iudicial, deserve not that name. But the Usual Partition shall serve; and by the Moral Law we understand those Precepts and Commands by the observance of which men are madereally Good and Virtuous. The Ceremonial Law is the Iews Canon Law, and directs them in their external Behaviour in Religious Worship, and tells them what Rites and Usages they must observe. By the Iudicial Law we understand the Civil Law of the Iewish Nation, as Ius Civile is taken for the Particular Law of every single State: This contains those Constitutions and Orders which respect Publick Justice, and acquaints men what is Right and Equitable in their Dealings and Commerce▪ with one another. The first of these are such Precepts and Prohibitions as are good in themselves. The Second are indifferent in their own Nature, but are so far good as they are commanded by a Positive Law of God. The third sort are of a mixt Nature, being partly in their own nature good, and partly indifferent.
[Page 149]This Triple Law is thought by the Iewish Writers to be comprised in those three words, Commandments, Statutes, Iudgments, Deut. 6. 1. Mitzoth Praecepta are said to be the Ten Commandments, the Moral Law: Chukkim Statuta are thought to be those Rites and Ceremonies that respect God's Worship, as Circumcision, &c. Mishaphattim Iudicia are suppos'd to be all those Politick Constitutions that concern humane Society. But it is not certain that by these three words are meant those three distinct kinds of Laws, for these are mention'd in Gen. 26. 5. before there was this formal Distinction of Laws. And in Deut. 11. 1. you will find these words transposed, which intimates that those are too nice who understand them in the former manner, for 'tis not likely that the Commandments, i. e. the Moral Law, would be set in the last place. Wherefore I think it more probable that this diversity of words is used only to signifie the whole body of Precepts, of what nature soever, that was given to the Iews. But this is unquestionable, that the Dec [...]logue is the chief and most eminent part of these Laws, and the rest are b [...]t Appendages and Supplements to it. The Cerom [...]ial Injunctions are annex'd to the Precepts of the first Table, and those that are Iudicial to them of the Second. The former are Particular Instances of the Duty which was required of the Iewish people toward [...] God: the latt [...]r of their Duty towards their Neighbours.
The Hebrew Doctors divide all the Commandments of the Law into 248 [...] and 365 Negative, and both [...] into Twelve Houses (as they call them) and under each House more or less Commandments. The [...]mplete Sum is 613▪ which they say is according to the number of the [...]etter [...] in the [...], in which all the Law is virtually and reductively comprised. These Ten Words (as they are called in the Hebrew) and those other Iudicial and Ceremonial Laws (which you may find set down from the 20 th Chap. of Exodus to the end [Page 150] of the Pentateuch) began to be deliver'd on Mount Sinai three months after the Israelites came out of Egypt, Exod. 19. 1. Moses was forty days (or six weeks) in the Mount: or rather (if you con [...]ult the [...]tory) you will find that he was twice or thrice on the Mount so long a time, or a very considerable time; and then it was that he receiv'd these Divine Laws.
First, I will speak concerning the Moral Law, comprised in the Ten Commandments. I call the wh [...]l [...] Decalogue the Moral Law, although the Observation of the Seventh Day, app [...]inted in the Fourth Commandment, be not strictly Moral▪ but because the Devoting some Certain Time to God's Service is Moral, and is contain'd in that Comm [...]ndment, therefore I reckon it part of the Moral Law. You meet with several particular Laws relating to Moral Duties, scatter'd up and down in the four last Books of Moses; but these Ten Words (as they are call'd) are a 1 Summary Account of all those Laws and Rules which are more sp [...]cially and particularly set down. This Law of Morality and Natural Reason was in all the former Dispensations: but that which makes it Peculiar in is this, that this Law, which before was Written in mens Hearts, is now Ingraven on Stone. If I should say that there were no Lett [...]rs at all before these which God used on Mount Sinai: If I should a [...] sert that they had no Books or Writings before the [...], but that the Characters of the Law were the first that ever were in the World, and consequently that now God taught men to write, I do not see how why man can disprove me. But this we are sure of, that from Adam to Moses (which is above 2000 years) there was no Written Word of God to direct the World. The Church was without Scriptures. God's Will which [Page 151] was communicated to them by Revelation, was continued and kept up by Tradition. If it be demanded why God suffer'd the World to live so long without a written Law, and what was the Reason of the writing of the Law at last; I answer,
1. The long Lives of the Patriarchs (as hath been intimated before) were one main Reason why there was no Written Law for so long a time. There was a College and Society of many Seniors living many hundred years together with one another. Adam lived with Seth 800 years, with Enes 695, with Cainan 605, with Mahalaleel 535, with Iared 470, with Methuselah 243, with Lamech 56. Or we may instance in Pious Shem, who was both before and after the Flood: he lived with Methuselah 97 years, with Lam [...]ch 92, with Noah 447, with Arphaxad, Sala and Heber about 430, with Peleg and Regu about 239, with Serug 230, with Nabor 149, with Terah 205, with Abraham 150, with Isaac 50. These therefore could con [...]er Notes with great ease, they could inform themselves truly concerning the Faith and Religion and Practice of the First Man, they could instruct one another concerning thei [...] Duty, and the indispensible necessity of it. Or take it more briefly thu [...], Adam lived to converse with Methuselah, Methuselah lived to see and know Shem, Shem lived till Iacob was born: so that these three Patriarchs, who could give an Account of all that time wherein they lived (which was above 2000 years) were able to keep their Families, and all other People that were near them, in the knowledg of the true Religion, and where they err'd and offended, to correct them. Thus Religion and Divine Worship might be faithfully transmitted from the beginning of the World to above twenty Centuries by three persons only. The Church was then sufficiently taught by Tradition from Father to Son, viv [...] v [...]c [...], because of the Longevity of the Patriarchs, some of whom lived 700 years, others 800, or 900. For this reason [Page 152] the Church was without Scriptur [...] almost five and twenty hundred years. But afterwards when the years of mans Life were shortned, God used another Method, he taught men by a Written Law.
2. The Degeneracy of the World was another Reason why the Law was committed to Writing. The World at first had many Pious as well as Antient Patriarchs, who were (as Philo notes) 2 Living and Rational Laws, and so stood in need of no Written ones: for these are but 3 Commentaries on those Old Fathers Lives. But the Vices of men grew proportionable to their Numbers: and when Mankind was spread wide up and down the Earth, Immorality and Sin were dispersed likewise, and the World became notoriously wicked. The Deluge did not wash away the Contagion, but in a considerable time after men were as bad as ever, and the very Dictates of their Reasonable nature were discarded by them. When they had thus obliterated the Law written on their minds, God thence ingraved it on Tables of Stone. If men had not been wonderfully corrupted, there had been no need of this. So faith the Apostle, speaking of this Law, It was not made for the Righteous, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, I Tim. 1. 9. The same he had intimated before in Gal. 3. 19. The Law was added because of transgression; it was given to be a Check to their notorious Sins, and that they might not offend uncontroul'd. And this may be the meaning of the Apostle's words in Rom. 5. 20. The Law entred, that the Offence might abound, i. e. that men might see how their Sins abounded. God gave his Law in Writing, to shew them their Guilt, to convince them of their gross Miscarriages, and to reduce them to the way of [Page 153] Virtue and Obedience, that when God himself had writ down their Duty with his own hand, they might be inexcusable.
3. The Law was committed to Writing that it might not be forgot. 3 One, reputed to be a Judicious Writer, is of opinion that the Patriarchs were happier without the Written Law than with it; it was a mark of God's love and favour that they had no books and writings, I suppose he means because they did not need them. But afterwards there was occasion for them; for the Impressions of the Law of Nature were almost defaced and obliterated; the Instructions and Traditions of their Fathers were neglected; and the knowledg of God and their Duty could not be kept pure by Oral Tradition, when not only their Lives were short, but corrupted and miserably depraved. Therefore an exact Written Law was wanting, to set before their eyes, and to remind them of what they were to do, to put them constantly in remembrance of what God required of them. Hereupon the Moral Precepts were written by God himself, and delivered to M [...]s [...]s, that the might communicate them to the People, and they to the rest of the World. This was out of kindness to them, it was design'd to be a Remedy against their forgetfulness and negligence. Lastly, (which comprehends all) the Law was written that it might not be corrupted. Tradition was unsafe when the numbers of men were increased, and the World was dispersed, and arrived to a great height of Impiety. Therefore God thought it necessary to preserve and perpetuate the Law by Ingraving it on Tables of Stone, which are Solid and Du [...]able, and by lodging it in the A [...]k as in a safe Treasury, by ordering it to be Transcribed, and to be Read to all the People, and that they themselves should read it continually. This [Page 154] was the best way to prevent all Error and Imposture, all Fraud and Corruption about the Law. This made it a thing impossible to deprave and pervert the Letter and plain Sense of it. For these Reasons that Word, which for near 25 Centuries of Years was delivered and promulged by Tradition, was committed to Writing in Moses's time, and not before. For these Reasons the Common Law of Nature was turn'd into this Statut [...] Law of the Commandments.
I will not here speak particularly of the Ten Commandments, because in the Body of the Work which I intend, I am obliged to insist upon every one of them distinctly and largely: and also because it is the Writing of the Moral Law (of which I have given you an Account) not the Law it self, that is part of this Mosaick Dispensation, as it is different from those which went before. The Ten Command [...]ents were given now, not that they were of no force before this time: but now they were Written on Tables, and more Solemnly Promulg'd. This was it which we were to take notice of as New, and proper to this Iudaical Period. If any man thinketh that these Ten Commandments, because they were deliver' [...] to the Iews, were drawn up for that Body of People only, and are not of universal Concernment, I could silence that surmise, by shewing that these Commandments were in force before the Law given by Moses to the Iews, and that every one of them was a Law before the Mosaick Oeconomy, and that those who lived in all the former Dispensations observed these Commandments. Nay, they are all of them, excepting only the Determination of the Sabbath day, the very Law of Nature, written on the heart of man at his Creation. They are Dictates of Natural Reason, and therefore they ought to be done though they were not commanded. For this Reason likewise it is not proper to insist upon them in this place: for they are no special part of this Oeconomy. But the Cerem [...]nial and Iudicial [Page 155] Laws are the grand things which make this a distinct and peculiar Administration. Of those therefore I will hasten to speak.
The Ceremonial or Ecclesiastical Law is no other than the Precepts given by God to the Iews concerning External Rites belonging to Religion and the Worship of God. Of these Ceremonial Usages several were in use before Moses's time, viz. Priests, Altars, Sacrifices, Oblations, Tithes, Distinction of Clean and Unclean Animals, Not Eating Blood, Circumcision. But now all the former Rites and Ceremonies are digested into One Body, and are become more Fixed and Certain. The Ceremonial Service of the I [...]ws was now precisely determin'd, and there was no varying from it. Agai [...], whereas in some Ag [...]s one Ceremony was used, in another another, Now they are all together, and are observed at the same Time, and by the same Persons. Besides, the Worship of the Patriarchs, tho not wholly void of Ceremonies, was Simple and Plain in respect of what was now. Under this Legal Dispensation the number of Ceremonies was vastly increas'd, and the Worship was all Gay and Pompous by reason of them. Moreover, (as you will have occasion to observe) several of the Ceremonies used by the Iews differ from the same in use among the Patriarchs, as to some considerable Circ [...]stances and Qualifications.
The Cer [...]monial Law of the Iews comprehended in it, 1. The External Worship it [...], which consisted chiefly in Ob [...]tions and Sa [...]if [...]ces, in Offer [...]ng and Consuming [...] to the Honour of God. 2. The things belonging to the Persons who Officiated, as High-Priests, Priests, [...] 3. The Place of God's Worship, viz. the Tabernacle and Temple, with all the Utensils and Instruments employ'd about them. 4. The Sacraments, Circumcision and the Paschal Lamb. 5. The Times and Set Seasons of Worship. 6. Some things that respect the Co [...]ersation of the Worshippers, as the [Page 156] difference of Meats and Drinks, Uncleanness in touching the Dead, Garments, &c. 7. The Religion of Vows. Of these in their order.
I begin with Oblations and Sacrifices, which were the principal Matter of the Ceremonious Worship commanded by the Mosaick Law. These two are distinct things, as we see in Psal. 40. 6. Sacrifice and Offering thou wouldest not. And in Dan. 9. 27. He shall cause the Sacrifice and Oblation to cease. Zebach and Minchah, which are the words here used for Sacrifice and Oblation, are answer'd by [...] & [...] in Heb. 10. 5. And the same Author again makes this division of the Legal Offerings, [...], Gifts and Sacrifices, Heb. 9. 9. The Iewish Writers keep this distinction inviolably in their 1 Treatises relating to this matter.
First, The Mosaick Law enjoined the Minchah, the Gift, or Oblation, i. e. Meal, Flower, Bread, Cakes, Wafers, Salt, Oil, Frankincense, handfuls of green Ears of Corn, and all other Fruits of the Earth. These were brought and burnt before God, or partly eaten and partly burnt. But tho Minchah was the general Name for the Offering and Burning of all inanimate things which were presented to God; yet the Bread, Meal, or Flower that was offer'd, was more signally called Minchah, For which reason I conceive (if I may be permitted to be critical in this matter) Minchah, which we constantly translate in the [...]ent [...] teuch, a meat Offering, should rather be rendred a meal or flower Offering, And the Sacrifices of Fl [...]s [...] might be called the meat Offerings rather, according to our usual way of speaking▪ But the Mincah was a C [...]e made of fine Meal, Oil, and Frankincense, and baked. 2 [Page 157] It was offer'd every Morning and Evening with the ordinary Sacrifices; and at other times it was generally join'd with all bloody Sacrifices. The like kind of Oblation among the Gentiles was called Libum. The Oblations of the things before mentioned, were sometimes, stiled Terumoth, or Heave-offerings, from the manner of offering them, viz. by holding them up, and by shaking them up and down, to signisy (say the Jews) that God was Lord of Heaven and Earth: For Terumah was an Offering to God of something they had received, to acknowledg God's Dominion over the whole Earth, and to set forth his Praise and Honour. It was an honouring of God with their Substance, and a thankful remembrance of the Blessings they enjoyed in so good a Land. The Oblations of these things were sometimes also called Tenuphoth, or Wave-Offerings, because they used this kind of gesture in offering them, they waved them to and fro▪ from the right to the left, East and West, North and South: and this also was to declare, that God was Lord of the whole World. These Offerings were instituted by God as an Acknowledgment, that the Fruits of the Earth which they enjoy'd were from him. The liquid things which were offered to God, were Water, Wine, Oil, and Blood: The way of offering these Liquors was partly by effusion; they poured out the Water, Oil, and Blood, and some portion of the Wine on the ground, and spilt them about the Altar, and upon the Sacrifices. Thence that of the Apostle may be understood, If I be poured forth (for so it is in the Greek) upon the Sacrifice and Service of your Faith, Phil. 2. 17. And part of the Wine they drank, whence you read of Drink-Offerings or Libations: Of which the Psalmist speaks, when he saith, he will take the Cup of Salvation, Psal. 116. 13. which is meant of the Drink-Offering of Praise, which was in use when they sacrificed and feasted in the Temple. These were the inanimate things of which [...] Oblations [Page 158] consisted, which were generally known by the name of Mincahor, Meat-Offering, as we translate it, tho it is true likewise that Mincah (which is a word of a large signification) was the usual term for the daily Sacrifice.
Secondly, Their Worship was accompanied with Sacrifices, which were of living Creatures. Zebach was the bloody Sacrifice, such a one as was always attended with the shedding of the Blood of Beasts. It is usually called by the Greeks 1 [...] i. e. a Slaughter Offering, and sometimes [...], and by the Latins Victima, and Hostia. These Sacrifices, properly so call'd, were Animals kill'd, and then burnt. These Animals used in Scripture were either Terrestrial, or AErial, Beasts or Birds. Of Beasts there were these three kinds only, viz. the Bull, or Cow, or Ox, which made but one kind; the Goat or Kid; the sheep or Lamb; (and this may be observ'd, that a Lamb is applied to the young ones both of Goats and Sheep, Exod. 12. 5.) The Iewish Masters take notice, that these were the only Cattel that were used in Sacrifice, because they are mild and tame Creatures. God made choice, say they, of those Animals that are driven by others, not those that drive and worry others, as the Lion, the Wolf, the Leopard. Whence they make a good moral Observation, that those are the Elect of God, and are fit to be offer'd unto him, who are of a meek and patient Spirit. Tho I believe the true reason why Bulls, Sheep and Goats were the standing Sacrifices, was this, that they were obvious and easy to be had. Of Birds or Fowls, they sacrificed Pigeons, and Turtle Doves, and some add the Sparrow. But this is certain, that if we reckon not this last among Sacrifices, we must put it into the number of Oblations.
[Page 159]The Iewish Sacrifices were either Set and Determin'd, or Vnlimited and Occasional. The former were these that follow, 1. Such as were Anniversary, as that once a year in the Holy of Holies, and those that were offer'd yearly at the Passover and other Solemn Feasts. And the Paschal Lamb it self was a Sacrifice, and often so call'd, Exod. 12. 27. & 23. 18. & 34. 25. Deut. 16. 4, 5. Why then is it not numbred among the Sacrifices by those that write on this Subject? 2. Such as were Monthly, viz. the Sacrifices offer'd constantly at the New Moons. 3. Some were Weekly, offer'd every Sabbath: for we read of Sacrifices proper for this time; God commanded the Iews to offer more on this day than on any other, Num. 28. 9, 10. Two Lambs were sacrificed both in the morning and in the evening, and a double portion of Flower and Wine. 4. There was the Daily Sacrifice, Hatamid, Iuge Sacrificium, Dan. 8. 11. Two of these were offer'd every day, viz. a Lamb in the Morning and a Lamb in the Evening, Ex. 29. 38. but this Lamb is taken in a Large sense, for it might be either of the Sheep or of the Goats. The Morning Sacrifice was offer'd at the Third hour, i. e. Nine a clock in the Morning: and the Evening Sacrifice at the Ninth hour, i. e. Three a clock in the Afternoon. This latter is said to be offer'd 1 between the two Evenings, viz. (as Iosephus expounds it) between the Afternoon-Evening (i. e. when the Sun began to decline) and the Sun-Set Evening, which is reckon'd from the Suns Setting to Midnight. It was offer'd between the Declining and the Setting Sun. These Daily Sacrifices were of that kind of Sacrifices which were call'd Holocausts, or Burnt Offerings, and therefore are call'd Continual Burnt-Offerings, Num. 28. 10, 15, 24. & 29. 11. Ezr. 3. 5. Ne [...]. 10. 33. Now the nature of this sort of Sacrifice was, that it was wholly consumed, [Page 160] and all of it turn'd into Smoke and Flame, to the honour of God: thence it was called Gnolah, i. e. Ascension, because the whole Animal (except the skin and entrails) ascended up in Flames of God. Yet some Learned men, because of those words in Psal. 51. 19 distinguish between a Burnt-Offering and a Whole Burnt-Offering. The G [...]olah or Burnt-Offering (say they) was that of which one part only was burnt, and the other part was given to him that brought the Sacrifice: but of the Chalil, the Whole Burnt-Offering, every part was consumed by fire, even the very Skin; not the least portion being spared either for the Priest, or him that presented it. Concerning the Burnt-Offering we may observe, that it was never offer'd without the Meat-Offering of Flower and Oyl mingled, and never without a Drink-Offering of Wine, Num. 15. 3, 4, 5. So much of the more. Solemn and Stated Sacrifices among the Iews.
The Latter sort of Iewish Sacrifices were Occasional, the precise Time of offering, which was not determin'd by the Law. These were either after the Commission of some Sins against the Iewish Law, or after the Receipt of some particular Mercies. The first, I say, were offered when some Sin against the Law was committed: therefore they were called Sacrifices for Sin, or Sin-Offerings. But here we are taught to distinguish, for these Sacrifices were either for 2 Sin, as it denoteth some lesser Fault, or for 3 Trespass, which signifieth a greater one. The former of these Sacrifices was called Chattah a Sin-Offering, because it was appointed to be offer'd for the Expiating of a Sin of Infirmity and Inadvertency, or of Ignorance and Error. The latter of them is named Asham, a Trespass-Offering, because it was commanded to be offer'd for the Expiating of a Trespass knowingly committed, [Page 161] a Voluntary, Deliberate Sin, and therefore it required a more costly Sacrifice than the other. This is the usual distinction between Chattah and Asham, and it is approved of by that Great and Piercing Critick Monsieur B [...]chart, Hieroz. P. 1. l. 2. C. 33. But Maimonides a Learned Iew held the quite contrary, and was of opinion that Chattah was a Sacrifice that was offer'd for the Expiating of faults of an high nature, and Asham for those of an inferiour sort; More Nev. P. 3. C. 46. There are other Reasons given of the Names of these two Piacular Sacrifices: particularly Mr. Mede (Discourse 49.) thinks that the Trespass-Offering was for sins against the First Table, and the Sin-Offering was for sins against the Second. Some of the Hebrew Doctors distinguish otherwise; and indeed there is no great Certainty here amongst the most Learned Writers that I have met with. I might observe to you further concerning these Sacrifices, that they were partly Burnt, and partly went to the use of the Priests, who in the Atrium of the Tabernacle or Temple sed upon them, i. e. when the Sacrifice was for a particular Person. But if it was for the People or the Priest himself, it was All of it Burnt to Ashes.
The Second sort of Occasional Sacrifices was upon the actual Receiving some particular Mercy from God, or upon good hopes and expectations of the arrival of some singular Benefit and Favour. These were generally call'd Shelamim, Peace-Offerings, or Sacrifices of Peace: and they were either Eucharistical, i. e. Voluntary Sacrifices to return Thanks to God for the benefits they had receiv'd; or they were Euctical, i. e. attended with Wishes and Prayers for New Mercies and Benefits. Both these kinds of Sacrifices were Free-will Offerings, and of Choice. Whereas the Holocaust was all of it consumed in the fire, and nothing was left; and whereas part of the Sin-Offering was burnt, and another part was given to the Priest, here it is otherwise; for these Sacrifices were distributed into three parts, one part, ( i. e. the Fat [Page 162] and the Kidneys and Blood) was burnt to God on the Altar for a sweet favour: another part was the Priests, to him belonged the right shoulder, the breast, the two cheeks or jaws, the tongue, and the maw: the third part, viz. the rest of the flesh, and the skin were for the use of those that gave the Peace-Offering, and such as they pleas'd to call to partake with them: so that always after the Peace-Offering follow'd a Feast made of the remainders of the Sacrifice. Yet there was some difference as to the Peace-Offerings of the Congregation (which were for the whole People) and the Peace-Offerings of particular Persons. In the former the Blood of them was sprinkled, and only the Inwards burnt, and the Flesh not eaten by the persons who offer'd them, but only by the Priests in the Court: but in the latter (which were Private Sacrifices) it was not so. It is to be noted that those parts of the flesh which were not appointed to be consumed on the Altar, but to be eaten by the Priests and the persons that brought the Sacrifices, were not roasted, but sodden, Num. 6. 19. 1 Sam. 2. 13. 2. Chron. 35. 13. Observe also that whereas Males only might eat of the Sin-Offering and Trespass-Offering, Women were admitted to the Peace-Offerings. Note this too, that these Sacrifices were of Beasts of both Sexes, but the Burnt-Offerings were of the Males only.
I might add this, as having relation to the Discourse of Sacrifices, that the Fire which kindled them at first came down from Heaven, Lev. 9. 24. This was perpetually kept, and not suffer'd to go out: and any Fire but this was accounted 3 Strange Fire. It is thought that That Celestial Fire was preserv'd in some Vessel whilst the Israelites were in the Wilderness, and so was continued till Solomon's Temple was finished: and then Fire came down again from Heaven, and consumed the [Page 163] Sacrifices, 2 Chron. 7. 1. This was preserv'd till the Babylonian Captivity, and afterwards renewed, 2 Macc. 1. 22.
Here the Difference between the Patriarchal Sacrifices and the Mosaick ones might be taken notice of. The Patriarchs had no other Expiatory Sacrifices but Holocausts or Burnt-Offerings, as is clear from several places. Besides, there were Anniversary, Monthly, and Weekly Sacrifices among the Iews, but we know not that there was any such thing before the Law. And some other Differences the Reader may gather from the particulars aforesaid.
But the End and Design of these Sacrifices are chiefly to be inquired into: (where we shall also see a further Difference in some things between the Mosaical and Patriarchal Sacrifices) Let us see to What Purpose all those Bloody Offerings were appointed, let us acquaint our selves with the Design of Heaven in it. First, They were (as the Fruits of the Earth) intended as Acknowledgments that God was their Benefactor. He gave these Animals as well as those Fruits, and therefore it was fit to offer these as well as the others. 2. If we speak concerning the Continual Morning and Evening Sacrifices, it is certain they were Symbolical, they were a Token of God's Presence among them. They were instituted as a Testimony of This, as you read in Exod. 29. 38, to the end. They were a Sign that the Lord would be continually with them, and be their God. 3. The Mosaical Sacrifices were to testifie what the Iews deserved for their Sins, viz. Death. By these Bloody Oblations it was signified that the Life of Beasts should expiate for the Life of Men who had sinned, and were become worse than Beasts. Sheep and Oxen were substituted in the room of Offenders: these sinned, and those were slain. Though this could not be evidently discover'd by Natural Light (as hath been said) yet now, upon God's declaring in the Law, the nature of these Sacrifices, it appears [Page 164] that this was one design of them. Those Legal Sacrifices were a kind of Confession of their Guilt. By killing their Beasts they did as 'twere acknowledg that themselves deserved to be used so. 4. The Mosaical Sacrifices were Federal Rites, and design'd to signify the Correspondence and Agreement between God and Man. To which purpose you may observe that as part of the Shelamim, the Peace-Offerings, was burnt on the Altar, so the remainder and greater part were eaten by the People that brought it, to shew that it was truly a Sacrifice of Peace, a Ceremony of Communion and Friendship with God, a Token of Fellowship and Amity between God and Man. As for the Holocaust, that indeed was all of it burnt; but there was a Meat-Offering and Drink-Offering annexed to it, to denote Familiarity and Friendship, to shew that they were Guests in God's House, or rather that they were of his Family, and were fed at his Table, and eat of his Meat (as the Sacrifices are call'd in Mal. 3. 10.) and Houshold Provision.
Again, the great Design of the Mosaick Sacrifices was to Expiate and Atone. Not only Burnt-Offerings or Helocausts, but all Free-will-Offerings were Expiatory, notwithstanding what Crellius affirms, viz. that they were Eucharistical, and therefore were not Expiatory. But we must know that That Epithet doth not respect the End which those Sacrifices were design'd for, but the occasion of their Offering them. As for the name of Peace-Offerings, that was given to this sort of Sacrifices, not only because they were offer'd in way of Return for their Peace, i. e. (as the Hebrew word denotes) their Safety and Welfare which were vouchsafed to them, but because the offering of them did also procure Peace with God, and did assure them of the like Blessing for the future from the same Propitious Hand. And therefore tho in another Dispensation I distinguish'd between Eucharistical and Expiatory Sacrifices, yet there is no reason to do so here, when I am speaking of the Mosaick Sacrifices, [Page 165] all or most of which have on them the evident marks and tokens of Expiation. They were appointed to propitiate and appea [...]e God's Wrath, and therefore might all of them be call'd Pacifick, as well as some. That these Peace-Offerings were Expiatory, is proved from this, that here was putting the Beast to Death, here was Sprinkling the Blood, here was the Consumption of some part of the Beast on the Altar as an Oblation to God, which are the three Ingredients of an Expiatory Sacrifice.
But what was this Expiation which was made by the Mosaick Sacrifices? I answer, It was threesold: 1. In respect of Corporal Punishment. The Sanction of the whole Mosaick Law is express'd in Deut. 27. 26. Gal. 3. 10. Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them. Which Curse imports no less then Death it self, besides all the miseries of this life. But God was pleas'd to mitigate the rigour of this Sanction; and whereas according to the strictness of the Law those who were found guilty of violating it were to Die, this was not put in Execution, but Beasts were appointed to suffer death for the Offenders, and their death was accepted for the death of Sinners. 2. These Sacrifices Expiated as to Legal and Bodily Impurities, which separated them from publick Converse and Worship. Such were Leprosy, Touching the Dead, &c. Hence the Author of the Epistle to the Hebr [...]ws saith, that they Sanctified to the purifying of the Flesh, Heb. 9. 13. 3. These Sacrifices (which is the most considerable thing of all) Expiated for Moral Impurities, viz. all sorts of Sins.
I know it is asserted by some Men of great Learning, when they discourse of Sacrifices, that the Mosaick Law gave no pardon to he [...]ous Sinners, that great Offences were not expiated by Scarifices. This is more especially held by [...], who urges, that the Sacrifices under the Law were available only for lesser [Page 166] Sins, not for 1 great ones. And 2 Volkelius and other profes'd Socinians, insist upon the same thing, and labour to prove, that Sacrifices were offer'd only for expiating of Sins of Lgnorance, Weakness and Error, and that Death was the Penalty of all great and enormous Offences. The same is defended by 3 Smalcius, as the Reader may find it in his Writing. And we are told by 4 one of our own Divines, that ‘the Jewish Religion allow'd of no Expiation but for legal Impurities and involuntary Transgressions, such as proceeded from Ignorance and Inadvertency, but not for Sins of Presumption, and such as were committed with an high hand. If Men sinned wilfully, there was no Sacrifice appointed by the Law for such Sins.’ And 5 another of great repute in our Church agrees with him, saying, ‘The greater Crimes under the Law were no otherwise to be expiated but by the Blood of the Offender himself: whereas for lesser ones the Blood of Beast was accepted.’ And this passes for a general Opinion with us, and not without a great shew of Reason, for it seems to be founded on the Mosaick Law it self: there we see that Idolatry, Murder, Blasphemy, &c. were always punish'd with Death, unless the special Favour of God interposed. There was no Sacrifice permitted to expiate the pro [...]anation of the Sabbath, for it is expresly said, Everyone that defileth the Sabbath shall surely be put to death, Exod. 31. 14. Nor could he that eat the Sacrifice, whilst he was in his Vncleanness, be pardon'd; for this is his Doom, That Soul shall be cut off from his People, [Page 167] Levit. 7. 20, 21. There was no Sacrifice admitted for Adultery, or for disobeying of Parents: In short, Sins of Ignorance only were expiated by the Mosaick Sacrifices, but all Sins of Presumption remain'd unatoned; which they prove from Numb. 15. 28, 30. The Priest shall make an atonement for the Soul that sinneth ignorantly. But the Soul that doth ought presumptuously shall be cut off from among his People. So that Sins of Obstinacy and Malice had no Sacrifice allow'd: the Offenders were either put to death by the Magistrate, or cut off by God.
But notwithstanding all this that is alledged, it seems to me very evident, that the guilt of all Sins whatsoever, if they were heartily repented of, was atoned by the Mosaick Sacrifices. For when those of the other Opinion say there was no Expiation for greater Sins, it must be meant either of Internal or External Sins. Now it is generally confess'd, that God appointed Sacrifices and Expiations for the greatest Sins of the Heart and Mind, as Unbelief, blasphemous Thoughts, idolatrous Imaginations, desires of Murder, uncleanness of the Heart, &c. for even some of the best Men it is likely were not free from these mental Pollutions. Who can imagine that there was no atonement for these under the Law? Can we think that all perish'd who were at any time guilty of these? No certainly; they were pardon'd through God's Mercy upon Repentance, and the appointed means of sacrificing. And as for visible and outward gross Enormities, tho there may seem to be no provision made in the Mosaick Law for their Expiation, because the Offenders were presently punish'd with Death; yet it doth not follow thence, that there was no Expiation for those notorious Crimes, for they might be expiated, tho it was fitting and necessary that they should be animadverted upon by a severe Penalty, le [...]t Impunity should encourage Men in Sin and Vice. When we find then in Moses's Law, that such as were [Page 168] guilty of Adultery, Murder, Incest, &c. were not exempted from Capital Punishment; we cannot thence infer that Sacrifices purg'd none from the guilt of these Enormities, and that the Legal Offerings were design'd only to expiate for smaller Aberrations: for the reason why those great Offenders were punish'd, was not because there were no Sacrifices and Oblations to clear them of their Guilt, but because it was requisite Death should be the Recompence of those Crimes, lest the Commonwealth should be endamaged and ruined by suffering such to go unpunish'd. But even the guilt of these heinous Sins, if those that committed them sincerely repented of them, was expiated by those daily Offerings which were made for the Sins of the People, and by the frequent Trespass-Offerings, notwithstanding the infliction of the corporal Punishment. The Propitiatory Sacrifices were available even to those who suffer'd for their Sins. They were able through God's Appointment, to remove the Guilt, the not the Punishment.
Is it not acknowledg'd (and that because it is manifest from several Instances) that the Crimes of Persons have been forgiven and pardon'd, tho they themselves were not exempted from the Penalty? Moses's Death was the Recompence of his Unbelief, tho none doubts of his expiring in the Divine Favour. David was punish'd with the Death of his Child, tho we read that his Sin was pardon'd. Iosiah was justly snatch'd away in Battel, because he ingag'd in it against the Divine Will and Command; but yet he died in peace, i. e. in the Favour of God, and was transmitted to the place of Everlasting Peace and Happiness. Wherefore I gather hence, that tho Death was made by Moses's Law the penal Consequence of Adultery, Disobedience to Parents, Violation of the Sabbath Day, &c. yet whoever among such Criminals as these turn'd unto God by an unfeign'd detestation of the Sins they committed, had without doubt the benefit of the Legal Sacrifices, which [Page 169] expiated the Offences of all true Penitents tho they were never so great.
And the reason is this, because this Institution or Ordinance of Sacrificing was the standing means of Salvation in the Jewish Dispensation; and therefore it was requisite that the influence of it should extend to all Sinners that were heartily sorry for their Offences, and abhorr'd their past Crimes, yea and themselves for being guilty of them. This we must grant, unless we will say, that no heinous Sinners under the Law were ever pardon'd and receiv'd to Mercy: which is an assertion that is easily baffled by a great many Instances which the Old Testament records. It was in the was of Sacrifices that these Persons had their Guilt remitted and expiated, for there was no other Expedient or Remedy at that time, as we are assured, not only from the End and Design of instituting the Sacrifices, which was to take away Sin, but from those express words of the Apostle, (which refer to this manner of Expiation) without shedding of Blood there is no Remission, Heb. 9. 22. This then being the only way of Remission and Pardon of Sin, it was certainly efficacious; and even those who were cut off from their People, (tho this Doom doth not always signify immature Death, and therefore can't be absolutely made use of here) or were cut off from the Land of the Living, and their Sins atoned by the Law of Sacrifices, supposing (as hath been said before) that they repented from their Hearts of their vile and flagitious Miscarriages.
And this may be further made good from that plain distinction of Chattah and Asham, the Sin Offering and the Trespass Offering, the one being design'd to remove the Guilt of petty Declensions, the other to make satisfaction for gross and enormous Crimes. And moreover, this is plain from Levit. 5. 4, 15. where Sacrifices are commanded to be offer'd for great Crimes, as unlawful swearing and sacrilege. And the A [...]niversary [Page 170] Oblation in Levit. 16. 16, &c. was not only for their Vncleannesses, but for for their Transgressions in all their Sins. But as for the sin of Presumption, or sinning with a high hand, (as 'tis in the Hebrew) Numb. 15. 30. it includes in this place Impenitence and final Obstinacy; and therefore it is no wonder that there was no Atonement for it, for even the Alsufficient Merit of Christ Jesus doth not expiate for this Sin; but all other Sins were atoned by Sacrifices. I see no reason to the contrary, and therefore I beg leave to dissent from those who assert, that these Sacrifices expiated only for lesser Sins and Failings, and not for the greater ones of external idolatry, Murder, Blasphemy, and the like. It is not to be doubted that all kinds and degrees of Sin were expiated by the legal Sacrifices; not only corporal Punishment (in the sense which I have explain'd) and legal Uncleanness, but all moral Impurity and Guilt were taken away by them. But this the Mosaick Sacrifices did not do of themselves, but by virtue only of the Expiatory Sacrifice of the MESSIAS to come, of which they were but Shadows. To speak properly and strictly, they did not really and formally, but typically expiate, i. e. as they were Significations and Figures of that great Sacrifice to be offer'd.
Lastly then, the grand and principal End of the Judaical Sacrifices was to typify and represent the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Socinus denies not that the Anniversary Sacrifice on the Day of Expiation was a Type of Christ' s Death: But as for the other common and usual Sacrifices, he 1 holds that Christ was not prefigured by them, but that the Spiritual Sacrifices of Christians were only typified thereby. This is a gross Error, for the Burnt-Offerings, and Sin-Offerings, and Peace-Offerings, which were common and frequent, [Page 171] were Expiatory Sacrifices (as I shew'd before) and they were as much Expiatory as that which was but once a Year. Now, being Expiatory, they, as such, were Types of the great Propitiatory Sacrifice of the Lamb of God, they prefigured Christ's Death, and the Expiation and Satisfaction which he was to make for Sin. It is a strange thing therefore to me that Socinus, who denies Christ to be a Propitiatory Sacrifice, should grant that the Sacrifice which the High Priest offer'd once a Year, entring into the Holy of Holies, prefigured the Death of Christ; for the same reason he ought to grant, that all the Expiatory Sacrifices of the Law were Types of our Saviour. And he could not but see that the Holy Ghost in Scripture doth, not only speak of that Annual Sacrifice as a prefiguration of Christ's Passion, and apply it expresly to him in Heb. 9. 12. By his own Blood [...]e entred in once into the Holy Place; but the same Infallible Spirit in that Epistle, applieth what is said of the other Sacrifices unto Christ: Therefore the Apostle saith, Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, 1 Cor. 15. 7. Therefore Iohn the Baptist call'd our Saviour the Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of the World, John 1. 29. having respect, without doubt, to the Expiatory Sacrifices of the Old Testament, which prefigured Christ the true Immaculate Lamb, the Lamb that was slain (as the same inspired Writer speaks) from the Foundation of the World, Rev. 13. 8. Christ's Offering was the Idea and Pattern of all the Levitical and Mosaical Sacrifices. To this very end God instituted these, that they might shadow out that to us. A greater and better Sacrifice, and Oblation of a higher nature was to succeed those, viz. the Sacrifice of Christ Jesus, by which God is appeased, and all our Sins are expiated: and therefore the Phrase of a sweet-smelling Savour applied to Expiatory Sacrifices under the Law, is used (and that properly) by the Apostle concerning [Page 172] Christ his giving up 1 himself for us, and pacifying God's Wrath on our behalf. That the Legal Sacrifices were Types and Symbols of spiritual things, is acknowledg'd by 2 Philo; but we who have an infallible information from the New Testament are taught further, viz. that they were Types of Christ the great Sacrifice. And we have the greatest reason imaginable to assent to this, because the Blood of Bulls and Goats was a poor Expiation of it self. That Butchery, that bloody Employment could have no real and intrinsick worth in it, and therefore it must needs have been in order to something else; it was to prefigure the expiatory Death and Sacrifice of the Massias. And all the time that these Mosaick Sacrifices lasted, they did not pacify God's Anger, and satisfy his Justice, and take away Sin, and justify Persons by their own Force and Virtue, or by their own worthiness; but they did all this typically and mystically, as they represented Christ and his Merit, who was the Great Sacrifice; they did it by Divine Order and Institution.
The High-Priest's Office. His peculiar Attire. The Imployment and Apparel of the Priests. The Levites Particular Charge. Whether they might sacrifice, or no. Their Office in the Reigns of King David and King Solomon, differ'd in some things from what it was before. The ordinary and fixed Place of Worship, and particularly of Sacrificing, was the Tabernacle. A particular Account of the three Divisions or Partitions of it, viz. the Outward Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies, with all things contain'd in them. The Mystical and Spiritual meaning of the several Particulars. The Travels and Removes of the Tabernacle and Ark. A distinct Account of the Parts of the Temple, shewing wherein it differ'd from the Tabernacle. Of the Fabrick it self, and its Dimensions. Houses and Chambers belonging to it. The Sacraments appointed by the Ceremonial Law.
HAving spoken of Sacrifices, we will now in the second place speak of the Sacrificers, the Persons that officiated in the Ceremonial Worship under the Law. There were three Orders of these, the first whereof was the High-Priest: For tho there were Priests before the Law, who were Fathers and Heads, and the First-born of Families, yet we read of [...] High-Priest. This [Page 174] Office is now added, and Aaron had it first of all, to whose House it was tied by Divine Institution. But it continued not long there▪ only Eleazer succeeded his Father Aaron, and upon Eleazer's Death three Priests of his Family successively were High-Priests: Then the Office went out of the House of Aaron, and came to Eli of the Family of Ithamar. But generally afterwards the High Priesthood was by succession of Blood, and lineally descended from the Father to the Son: or, if there were no Son, to the next of the Kindred. This High Priest was the great and supreme Ecclesiastical Minister among the Iews: And even according to 1 Philo and some other Iews, was a Type of the Messias. His Office was in common with that of the Priests (of whom afterwards) to pray for, instruct and bless the People: but his peculiar Province was to preside over the Priests and other inferior Officers of the Church, to take care that they discharg'd their Function aright. Whereas these administred daily, he was obliged to officiate only on the solemn Day of Expiation. He differ'd from them in the manner of his Consecration, and was peculiar in some other things. He had the singular honour to be the Metropolitan of the Jewish Church, and the President of the Great Council or Sanhedrim.
To make him more pompous and venerable, the Law took care of his very Attire. I will only shew you this Sacred Wardrobe, (and truly if the Holy Ghost in Scripture was pleas'd to make mention of it, and to describe it, it cannot be improper here to repeat it) and then leave Origen, Ierom, Durandus, Erasmus, and others, to comment upon the several Parts, and to give you the moral and mystical Sense of them. 1. There were Linen Breeches which the High Priest was injoin'd to wear to cover his nakedness, Exod. 28. 42. that is, that [Page 175] his secret Parts might not be exposed, whenever it chanced that the Wind blew up his upper Garments: for the Men in those Eastern Countries wore long Garments hanging down low, without Breeches; whence we read that David was uncover'd in those Parts when he danc'd before the Ark, 2 Sam. 6. 20. That the High Priest therefore might not be liable to this Indecency and Inconvenience, when he administred in Sacred things, or at any other time, he was commanded to wear these Bre [...]ches or Drawers of Linen. 2. There was Ketonah (from whence perhaps [...]) a Tunick or Coat, Exod. 28. 39. It was of fine Linen, and white, and had Sleeves, and reach'd down beyond the Ankles. It was properly the Shirt, for it was that Garment which was worn next to his flesh; only it was closer than a Shirt, and it was curiously woven with artificial Figures. 3. Over these was Mechil, a Robe of Blue, Exod. 28. 31. which answer'd exactly to the Ephod both in wideness and shape, tho not as to length. At the bottom or skirts of this Robe, instead of Fringes, hung 72 Pomegranates of Blue, Purple and Scarlet, and as many golden Bells. 4. The Ephod, which was a short Garment without sleeves, but most artificially wrought with Gold, Purple and broider'd Work in divers figures and colours, and thereby made very beautiful and glorious. It was worn over all the other Garments but the Girdle; it had two holes on the sides to let the Arms come through; and they put it on over their Heads as a Surplice is put on. This imbroider'd Cope was remarkable for these following things; First, On the shoulders of it were set two great Onyx Stones, whereon were grav'd the Names of the Children of Israel, Exod. 28. 9. that is, of the twelve Tribes, six on one Stone, and six on another. These precious Gems were set in Gold, with two Chains of Gold hanging at them. Secondly, On the fore-part of this Garment there [Page 176] was fastned a four-square piece of Cloth doubled; the breadth and length of it were the dimension of a span, imbroider'd with Gold, and adorn'd with twelve precious Stones, Exod. 28. 15. They were of four Classes or Rows, and there were three Stones in each Class; and the name of one of the twelve Tribes of Israel was ingraved in each of the 12 Stones. In this four-square piece there were also contained the Vrim and Thummim, of which I will distinctly speak when I give you a Catalogue of the several ways of Divine Revelation. This fore-part of the Garment was called Coshen, the Pectoral or Breast-plate, and sometimes the Breast-plate of Iudgment; and also by the Vulgar Latin Version Rationale: which answers to [...] in the Translation of the Septuagint. This was fastned to the Ephod with golden Chains and Rings, and might be put on or off on occasion. This Breast-plate was of the same artificial composure and curious work with the Ephod, i. e. it was of fine Linen of divers colours imbroider'd with Gold. Thirdly, This Garment was remarkable for the Girdle or Belt with which it was surrounded, Exod. 28. 39. This was made of the same materials and embroider'd work with the Ephod. This Pontifical Shash (and who knows but this word is originally the same with Shesh, which is the usual word in Scripture for fine Linen, of which the Eastern Girdles were made?) was useful to tie the rest of the High-Priest's Habits close, especially when he was call'd to his publick Work and Ministry, for then it girt them so together, that they were no impediment to him in that Service. 5. There was a Mitr [...]; or Bonnet of fine Linen, which was wrapt up in several folds, and worn about his head, Exod. 28. 39. On the fore-front of which Mitre was tied with a blue Lace a Plate of Gold two fingers broad (call'd a Crown, and the Plate of the Holy Crown, Exod. 28. 36. & 39. 30▪ for the Antients [Page 177] call'd any thing that was tied about the head, a Crown or a Diadem) in which Holiness to the Lord, and the Name of Ieh [...]vah was ingraven. In this gay Attire the Iewish Pentif appear'd as often as he officiated, and at all great and solemn Times. This indeed was an Attire fit to be been only on Holy-days: But especially when he was to enter into the Holy of Holies (which was the peculiar Dignity of the High Priest) to consult and know God's Will, he was seen to shine in this Glorious Array; a great part of which was as to the matter and shape of it such as Kings and Princes wore, as a very knowing 1 Iew expresly testifies. However we are certain that these Vestments were appointed for Glory and for Beauty, Exod. 28. 2. to represent the Person and Office of the High Priest, Glorious and Beautiful, he being a type of him who was the Glory of his People Israel, Luke 2. 32.
Secondly, Priests are the next Order: whose Office was now fixed to a certain Family, whereas before it was executed by any Head of Father of a Family, or by the First-born, as was said before. As the High Priesthood was now confined to the Line of Aaron's first-born, so the Priests were the Successors of Aaron's other Children, Exod. 28. 1. And afterwards the Priesthood was solemnly settled and entail'd on the Family of Levi, Numb. 3. 5. & 25. 13. This particular Tribe was dedicated to the Priest's Office, and so it went by Succession and Birth-right. As to the Imployment or Office of the Priests, it was to offer Sacrifices for the People to God ( Numb. 3 & 4.) to intercede for them with him; to bless the People, Numb. 6. 23. and to expound and teach the Law, Levit. 10. 11. They were the ordinary Instructers of the People, as Prophets were the extraordinary ones▪ The Priest's Lips kept Knowledg, and they sought the Law at his Mouth; for [Page 178] he is the M [...]enger of the Lord of Plosts, Mal. 2. 7. Moreover, the Priests were imploy'd sometimes in the Courts of Judicature, they were Judges in Causes both Spiritual and Civil, Levit. 10 & 13. D [...] 17. 8, &c. Ezek. 44. 24. But tho these things were their chief Imployment, yet they did also, when there was occasion, a [...] in the carrying of the Av [...], and in looking after the Vessels of the Tab [...]nacle. David a [...] wards, when the Ark was settled, appointed 24 Orders or Cours [...]s of Priests: and there was a Chief of every one of those O [...]ders. Both in the Tabe [...]nacle and in the Temple they officiated in their Courses according to the several Ranks they were divided into. In the time of their attendance they watch'd in their turns all night, 1 Sam. 3. 3. whence they are call'd the Servants of the Lord, who by Night stand in the House of the Lord, Psal. 134. 1. It is likely the four and twenty Elders, Rev. 4. 4. have reference to these four and twenty Orders or Class [...]s of Priests. These Priests likewise had Apparel to distinguish them from the People. Some think they had as many Garments, and the very same with the High Priest excepting the Ephod. Not to ingage in this needless Controversy, this we are certain of, that the rich and sumptuous Cope to which the Br [...]st-plat [...] and the Vrim and Thummi [...] belong'd, was peculiar to the High Priest alone. But there was another Ephod which was common to Priest and Levites, 1 [...]. Sam. 22. 18. this was made of white. Linen, and was an ordinary Surplice▪ and this Garments others besides Priests might use in God's Ser [...], as David did. Or it may be, when we read that David was gird [...]d with a L [...] Ephod, 2 [...] Sam. 6. 14. it is not meant of the Sacred Pri [...]ly Habit so call'd, but of any other Garment, for 1 Eph [...] signifies a Covering in general. But the Ep [...] [Page 179] (strictly taken) was proper and peculiar to the High Priest, which he wore as the particular and distinguishing Livery of his Lord and Master.
The Third Order or Rank was Levites, so call'd, because they were of the Tribe of Levi; tho 'tis certain (as hath been said before) that the Tribe of Levi consisted of Priests as well as Levites. The Levites were distinguish'd, according to Levi's three Sons, into Gershonites, Cohathites, and Morarites. Concerning the particular and distinct Office of these Levites, there is some difference among the Learned; for some say it was the proper Work of the Levites to carry and pitch the Tabernacle and Ark, and to carry and take care of all the Utensils belonging to both. Others say it was none of their Office to carry the Ark, but only to carry and take care of the Tabernacle and all its Vessels. And whereas that Text 2 Chron. 5. 4. is alledged against them, where 'tis expresly said, the Levites carried the Ark; they answer thus in Scripture, the Priests are sometimes call'd Levites, (yea, a certain 1 Rabbin tells us, that no less than 24 times they are call'd so) but at other times these are distinct Names: and this may occasion the Controversy. When therefore it is said, the Levites carried the Ark, the meaning is, that the Priests who were of Levi's Race did so; for this was the Priest's Work, as the Levites employment was to carry the Tabernacle, and Utensils of it. But from a due comparing of what is said on both sides. I am bold to affirm this as the truth in this matter, viz. that both Priests and Levites bore the Ark; but it was ordinarily and chiefly the Levites Office. Yet might not those Levites touch any of the Holy things which they carried till they were covered by the Priests, Numb. 4. 15. Vzzah therefore was smitten, not only because [Page 180] he suffered the Ark to be carried on a Cart, (which they should have carried on their Shoulders according to the Law) but because he touched the Holy things contrary to the Law in Numb. 4. 11. or, it may be he touched some part of the Ark, which was forbid to be touched. So then the Office of a Levite in Moses's days, and some time after, was to bear up and down the Ark and the Tabernacle, and to look after the several things appeartining to them. And tho the Priests might do something of this, yet the L [...]vit [...] could not do any thing of the Priest's main Office, which was Sacrificing.
But here we must distinguish, or else we shall not understand this Point aright. We must make a difference between private and publick Sacrificing, and between ordinary and extraordinary Sacrificing, and between Sacrificing and assisting at Sacrifice. On a private Altar others besides Priests might sacrifice: so Samuel did, who was but a L [...]vit [...], 1. Sam. 7. 10. And so Elkanah, who was but of that Order, 1 Sam. 1. 3. And tho it is said he went up to sacrifice at Shiloh, the publick Place of yearly Sacrificing, yet he might sacrifice on a private Altar, and on a private account: or, he assisted the Priest in Sacrificing. Some have asserted, that those who were neither Priests nor L [...]vit [...]s might sacrifice thus, and they say Saul did so; and that Saul is rebuked, not for Sacrificing, but for not staying the full time of God's appointment, 1 Sam. 10. 8. But if you consult 1 Sam. 13. 8. you will see that Saul tarried seven days, according to the set time which Samuel had appointed. Therefore it is clear that Saul invaded the Priest's Office; for Kings cannot sacrifice as Kings. Vzziah incroached on the Priest's Office, and you read the effect of it in 2 Chron. 26. 21. If David before this sacrificed with his own hands, (which is question'd by some) it may be said he was an extraordinary Person, and extraordinarily moved thereto. So [Page 181] Gi [...]n and Elias were not capacitated according to the Law to sacrifice, yet they perform'd that Office themselves, they being in an extraordinary manner stir'd up by God to do it. As for M [...]ses, we read that he executed part of the Priestly Office about Sacrificing, Exod. 24. 5, &c. Levit. 8. 22. but that also was an extraordinary Act, and we always allow for such, and never make them a Rule in the matter we are speaking of. Besides, Moses himself was an extraordinary Person: he was a compound of Priest as well as Magistrate, or else he could not have consecrated Aaron and his Sons, Ex [...]d. 29. 35. Nay, he had the Character of a High Priest, for he went into the Holy of Holies, where none could enter but the High Priest, Exod. 25. 22. In Psal. 99. 6. you find M [...]ses call'd a Priest as well as Aaron. Hence it appears that he was an extraordinary Person, and that what he did was unusual and extraordinary, particularly as to his Sacrificing, But we speak not of the ordinary Sacrificing, which we rightly assert to belong to the Order of Priests only, and not to that of L [...]vit [...]s, or to any other sort of Men whatsoever. Tho Priests were permitted to officiate in some things that respected the L [...]vit [...]s Office, and every Priest might be said to be a L [...]vit [...]s, yet no Levite was a Priest, i. e. could take upon him to sacrifice publickly, ordinarily, and as the chief Sacrificer. But whenever he discharg'd the Office of Sacrificing, he did it on a private account, and in private places: he did it also on some singular and unwonted occasion: he was not the principal Offerer, but only subservient (as D [...]ac [...]ns are with us to Priests) he might be busy in preparing all things for the Priest, and in order to Sacrificing. Whenever you read in Scripture that the L [...] vit [...]s sacrificed, it is to be understood in these acceptions. The short is, the Levites were the Priests Ministers and Servants, and not Priests, which was a higher Office. And that they were inferior to the Priests, appeared [Page 182] in their paying the Tithe of their Tithes to the Priests, as if in respect of the Priests they were a kind of Laymen.
But tho the Levites never mingled the Priestly Office with theirs, yet it is to be taken notice of, that in David's time they were somewhat altered and advanced; for that pious King having settled the Tabernacle, Ark, and Priesthood, appointed the Levites also their Charges and Administrations, and as to some things added to their Office and Imployment. He chose some of them Singers and Musicians, and Officers about the Tabernacle. At last in Solomon's time, when there was no Tabernacle or Ark to carry about, but a Temple was erected, and all things fixed, it must needs follow that that part of the Levite's Work ceased. Now their standing Task was to assist at the Altar in the time of Sacrificing, to help in the Service of the Temple, and openly to teach and instruct the People, and to be Assessors sometimes with the Priests in Courts of Judicature. Thus you see there was some difference and variety in the Function of the Levites, according to the different Times of this O [...]conomy. So much concerning the three Holy Orders of Ministers in the Iewish Church, which seem to have been fitted to the three Divisions and Apartments of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle consisted of the Court, the Holy, and the most Holy Place. Accordingly the L [...]vit [...]s minist [...]red in the Court, waiting there on the Priests, and helping them about their Offerings and Sacrifices. The Priests did Service in the holy Place, for they only were admitted hither to offer Incense daily. And the High Priests alone officiated in the most holy Place. Of these distinct Apartments (whether you respect the Tabernacle or Temple) I am to give you an Account next.
Thirdly, The Place of the Ceremonial Worship among the Jews is to be consider'd. For now under the Mosaical O [...]conomy a certain place of Worship was [Page 183] fixed, and not before, as you may gather from Levit. 17. 3, 4. D [...]ut. 12. 5, 13. They erected Altars, and offered Sacrifice in the Fields, or where they thought good: but a Tabernacle and Temple are proper to the Iewish Dispensation. In these set and appointed Places they were commanded to sacrifice, and not in any other, Levit. 17. 5. yet they did not punctually observe this: there are several Examples in Scripture of Persons who offered Sacrifice in other places besides the Tabernacle and Temple. This then is to be said, that tho the place of ordinary Sacrificing was determined, yet upon extraordinary Occasions it was lawful to sacrifice in any place, as Samuel intimates he might sacrifice in Iesse's House, 1 Sam. 16. 2. And we read that Elijah sacrificed on Mount Carmel, 1 Kings 18. 19, 22. Neither were the High Places forbidden them altogether, as appeareth from 1. Sam. 9. 11, 12. The High Places were used for Sacrifice among the Iews, who were no Idolaters, from the time that the Ark and the Tabernacle were removed from Shilo [...]. L [...] places were not thought so worthy of God's Worship: 1 Altars were named from their height: the Temple at Ierusalem was built on a Hill. Yea the Tabernacle, before that, was placed on Hills, in David's time: whence are those Expressions in Psal. 87. 1. & 121. 1. & 133. 3. unless you will say these Psalms were not penn'd by David, but after the building of the Temple, which will be very hard to prove. The high Places then are condemned in Scripture, and commanded to be destroyed, because they were used to superstitious and idolatrous Worship: and the Gentiles chose these places, because they were nearer Heaven than others, they 2 thought the Gods could [Page 184] hear their Prayers sooner thence than from the low Valleys. Otherwise the Iews were not forbid to worship God on Hills and High places, nor indeed in any places, if there were Vrgent Occasion for it. This liberty you will find granted in Exod. 20. 24. But for the Vsual, Ordinary and Fixed Worship of God, the Tabernacle first was erected: to which afterwards succeeded the Temple, which is sometimes call'd the Tabernacle, Jer. 10. 20. Lam. 4. 2, 6. and the Tabernacle is sometimes call'd the Temple, 1 Sam. 1. 9. & Chap. 3. Ver. 3. The Reason of which interchanging of names was because the Tabernacle was a moveable Temple, and the Temple was a fix'd and immoveable Tabernacle.
The Iewish Tabernacle (which was first erected when they came out of Egypt into the Wilderness, and was the first fixed place for Oblations, Sacrifices, Hearing the Law, Publick Praying, &c.) stood East and West, as appears from Num. 3. 38. The Entrance into it was at the East end, and there we will begin, for I will speak, 1. Of the Court of the Tabernacle. 2. Of the Body of it, or the Holy Place. 3. Of the Holy of Holies. And this I will do not only to give a brief Account of this most Remarkable Piece of Iewish Antiquity, but to clear some passages of Scripture which relate to it, and to rectify some mistakes (and those of no mean Writers) concerning it.
1. There was the Court of the Tabernacle, which was very large and spacious, for it was an hundred Cubits in length, Exod. 27. 9. and fifty Cubits in breadth, ver. 12. This Atrium, or P [...]rch, or Outward Court of the Tabernacle (for it hath these several Names) was that open Place or Yard before it which was without any covering or roof: but it was enclosed or bounded on the sides with Hangings and Pillars, Exod. 27. 9, &c. This Court was divided into several lesser Apartments or Divisions, and thence we read of Courts in the plural, Psal. 65. 5. & 84. 3. one place was for the Priests, another [Page 185] for the People that were Men; a third perhaps for the Women: but there is nothing express concerning this, and therefore I can't be positive here. In general we are certain that in this Court the People met for Divine Worship, hither they brought all their Offerings, and here the Priests took them of them, and here they Prayed, and Heard, and stood all the while the Priests sacrificed. The West part of this Atrium, and which was next the Body of the Temple, was the place where the Priests sacrificed. Here was the Great Altar on which the Beasts were daily slain, and utterly consumed by fire. This Altar of Hol [...]causts or Burnt-Offerings was four-square, being five cubits long, and five cubits broad: but it was but three cubits high. We may take notice here by the by, that Altars were of two sorts. 1. Extemporaneous, Occasional and Extra [...]rdinary: and these were made either of Earth, i. e. Green Turf, Ex [...]d. 20. 24. (Such as these were used upon occasion by Moses, Toshua, Samuel, Elias, and others) or (if they could not have convenient Turf) they might make them of Stone, as they did in the Wilderness, Ex [...]d. 20. 25. But these Altars were not to be made of H [...]w [...]n Stone, and the ascent to them was to be made without steps, i. e. the Earth was to be laid so as that it should rise by little and little, as you learn in this place of 1 Ex [...]du [...]. 2. There were Fixed, Setled, and Ordinary Altars for Sacrifice, such as those in the Tabernacle and Temple; and these were made of Wood overlaid either with Gold or Brass. Of this latter sort was this Altar in the Court of the Tabernacle. Exod. 27. 1, 2. It was made with four H [...]rns, on which they that fled for Refuge were wont to lay hold, and to these Horns the Sacrifices also were tyed. In this Court was the Brazen Laver (as well as the Brazen Altar) in which was contain'd Water for the [Page 186] Priests to wash their hands and feet with before they offer'd Sacrifice, and before they went into the Holy Place, or before they undertook any Holy Work belonging to the Tabernacle. This Laver stood at the entrance of the Court of the Tabernacle, a little on the South side: it had C [...]cks or Spouts at the lower part of it (which are meant by the foot of it, Exod. 30. 18.) to let out the Water for the foresaid use.
2. The Body of the Tabernacle, the Sanctum, the H [...] ly Place, the Tabernacle of Testimony, the Sanctuary (for it hath these different Names) is next to be spoken of. Here was placed the Altar of Incense, overlayd with Gold, on which was burnt Frankincense and other sweet Persumes morning and evening: for as there were daily Burnt-Offerings on the Brazen Altar in the Court of the Tabernacle (of which before) so there was every day Incense, morning and evening, offer'd and burnt on this Golden Altar within the Sanctuary; Exod. 30. 7, 8. There was also a Golden Censer belonging to this Altar, i. e. a Persuming Pan or Dish to transmit and scatter the scent of the Frankincense round about. And indeed there was great occasion for this sweet Incense and Perfumes at the Altar, Exod. 30. 1, 34. and for those Fragrant Ointments and Ar [...]matick Oyls which all Holy Persons and things were anointed and tinctured with, Exod. 30. 23. to cause odoriferous smells, because otherwise the scent of the flesh of the Sacrifices, which was continually burnt, would have been very offensive and ungrateful: but these Sweet Odors were a preservative against that ill smell. This Altar was a cubit long, a cubit broad, and two cubits high, and stood close by the entrance into the Holy of Holies. On one side ( viz. the North-side) of this Altar was placed the Table of Shew-Bread, or according to the Hebr [...]w the Bread of Faces, because it was placed before the Ark where God was present, it was thus set before God's face looking from the Mercy-Seat. This Shew-Bread consisted of six Loaves set in one dish, [Page 187] and six in another piled upon one another. These twelve Loaves were changed weekly, the old ones being every Sabbath day taken away, and new ones put in their place. Frankincense in dishes was placed on the two rows of this Shew-Bread, and was burnt every week to the Lord. On the other, viz. the South-side of the Altar, was the Golden Candlestick with seven branches, which were so many Lamps of Oyl. These were burning all night in the Tabernacle, and put out in the morning, as appears from 1. Sam. 3. 3.
3. There was the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Holy of Holies, or the Holiest of all, as we translate it, Heb. 9. 3. the most Holy Place of the Tabernacle. And it is also call'd the second Tabernacl [...] by the Apostle in Heb. 9. 7. viz. in regard of the other last spoken of, which is stiled by the same Holy Writer the first Tabernacle, Heb. 9. 6. Here was the Ark, wherein were laid up the Pot of Manna, Aaron's R [...]d, and the two Tables of Stone, which last are also called the T [...]stim [...]ny, and the Covenant of the Lord, Deut. 4. 13, 23. 1 Kings 8. 21. because God testifyed his Will by them, and because he made a Covenant with the people when he deliver'd them to them. Hence likewise the Ark which contain'd them was call'd the Ark of the T [...]stim [...]ny, Exod. 25. 22. and the Ark of the Covenant, Jos. 4. 7. Some think that Aaron's R [...]d and the Manna were not deposited in the Ark, but in some place near it, for it is not expresly said in the Old Testament that they were put into the Ark. But it is said of both of them, that they were laid up, and kept before the Testimony, Exod. 16. 34. Num. 17. 10. Now, This [before the Testimony] may signify that they were laid up before the two Tables in the Ark: that is, the two Tables being placed in the chief Apartment of the Ark, the Manna and R [...]d were laid in another place or apartment of the Ark, just before them. This is the plain and obvious sense according to my apprehension: and the Author to the Hebrews confirmeth it, [Page 188] for speaking of the Ark he saith expresly that therein w [...] the golden pot that had Manna, and Aaron's Red that budded, and the Tables of the Covenant, Heb. 9. 4. Some would perswade us that therein refers to the Taber [...]acle and not to the Ark in particular; but such a reference is strain'd and unusual, and therefore we need not admit it, especially when what the Old Testament delivers concerning this matter directs us to another meaning.
The Ark was two Cubits and a half in length, one Cubit and a half in breadth, and one Cubit and a half in heighth. The Covering of the Ark was call'd the Mercy-Seat, and Pr [...]pitiatory. From this Propitiatory the Oracle was given, yea the place it self was call'd the Oracle, Debir, Psal. 28. 2. (which Name it also retain'd afterwards, 1 Kings 8. 6.) because from that place God spake to the High Priest, and gave Answers concerning what was inquired of. We read that these Answers were delivered from the Vppermost part of the Mercy-Seat, that place which was between the Wings of the Cherubims, which hover'd over this Propitiatory.
Of these Cherubims let me give some account, because it is the only thing here that hath any difficulty in it. Concerning these, 1. Some have thought they were Images in the shape of Boys: so the Hebrew Doctors generally affirm. 2. 1 Others say they were Images in the likeness of Oxen or Calves, because Cherubim in Chaldee and Syriack is Bos, and so is taken in Ezek 10. 14. compared with Ezek. 1. 10. And Ier [...]boam's Calves were in imitation of these, they say. 3. There are those that hold them to have been Images not of one Shape, but of many. Thus in Ezek 1. 5. the Cherubims had the faces or shapes of a Man, a Lyon, an Ox, an Eagle. Allusively in Rev. 4. 6, 7. the Angels or Cherubim are represented under the distinct shapes of these four Animal [...] [Page 189] severally. It is probable they had the Face and erect Stature of a Man, four Wings like Eagles, the Backs of Lions, with Mains hanging down, the Thighs and Legs of Oxen or Calves. This is the Opinion of 2 Some. 4 It is thought by Others that the Shape of the Cherubim is not known. Thus the Iewish Antiquary tells us that 3 they were winged Animals of such a shape as never was seen by Men. And in another place he saith, 4 no man can say or conceive what Figure the Cherubims were of. This might be the best Account (if it be any account at all) supposing that were true which some say, viz. that the Cherubims were never seen by any but the High Priest, who only could go into the Holy of Holies: and so they were not known to Others. But this (altho very Learned Writers have asserted it) is a mistake, for the Cherubims were pictured not only in the Holy of Holies, but on the Veil between that and the Holy Place, and on the Walls and Doors and Vessels of the Temple; 1 Kings 6. 29, 32. 2 Chron. 3. 7. 1 Kings 7. 29. Besides, those Images or Pictures were for Ornament, and therefore were to be exposed to Sight; and consequently the Shape of them was well known.
That they were not any of those Shapes before described is probable, if you consider these things: 1. It is likely that those Cherubims described by Ez [...]ki [...]l had no affinity with the Cherubims over the Ark; for the Prophet saw them in a Vision only, they were no real things. 2. The Talmudists and Hebr [...] Rabbies were very fanciful people, and so their Opinion is of little value. 3. It appears that some of them had too great a liking to young Boys faces, and thence perhaps this Notion came into [Page 190] their minds. 4. That God should be so incensed as we read he was, at the making a golden Calf, and yet presently alter set up Calves over the Ark is not to be believed. 5. Calves or Oxen are expresly distinguish'd from Cherubims; 1 Kings 7. 29.
But if you will fix on any thing, the most probable is this, that they were the Images and Representations of Angels, the Heavenly Messengers. For what other is the signification of Cherubim in Gen. 3. 24. and so in the 10 th and 11 th Chapters of Ez [...]kiel? And what is more usual in Sacted Sc [...]ipture than to give the name of the thing signified or represented to that which represents the thing? So here, Cherubim are the Angels of Heaven, and the Images of them over the Propi [...]i [...]ory are call'd Cherubim for this reason, because they represent them. And very [...]itly are Angels, those Ministring Spiri [...]s, placed in the Tabernacle or Temple, because this was God's Palace, the Holy of Holies represented Heaven: therefore the [...] are placed here as the Servants and Attendants of the Heavenly King; they are always near him, and stand round about him.
I have this further to add to the present Account, that the Holy of Holies had no Window to let in Light: nor had the Holy Place any. But they had [...] come in by drawing aside the Veil that was between the Sanctuary and the Outward Court. And they burnt Lamps even in the day time in the Sanctuary, which they did not do in the Holy of Holies, and consequently this latte [...] was quite [...]. Not indeed was there any use or occasion for Light there, because the High Priest visited it but once in a Year; and then upon drawing aside the Vpper Veil, which was next the Holy of Holies, the Light of the burning Lamps might be transmitted into this place. But the Priests officiating every day in the Sanctuary, there was need of Light in that place [...], and accordingly in the very day time (as well as in the night) the Lamps were burning, for this was according [Page 191] to the Prescription, Exod. 27. 20. But how could this be if the Lamps were put out in the morning? as we read in 1. Sa [...]. 3. 3. This is thus reconcil'd by the 5 Iewish Antiquary, who was himself a Priest of the Law, and therefore was no stranger to the Usages of it. Three of the Lamps of the Golden Candlestick, [...]aith he, b [...]nt all day in the Tabernacle, and the others were lighted in the Evening. It appears hence th [...]t though the seven Lamps burnt all might long, yet the Custom [...] to put some of them out in the morning. Again, I [...]ight mention the Veil of the Tabernac [...], of which we re [...]d in Exod. 26. 31. M [...]. 27. 57. Heb. 9. 3. which was a thick Curtain drawn between the Holy of Holies and the Body of the Tabernacle, and parted the one from the other. But there was another Veil (call'd M [...], to distinguish it from the [...] one, call'd [...]) which is not taken notice of by Writers, but is certainly meant by the d [...] of t [...] [...]. 26. 36. and the gate of the Court, Exod. 27. 16. For tho the Tabernaole, when it was brought to Shtlob, and afterwards, had a Building [...] about it, which had Doors to it, and had Lodgings within for the Prieste and Levites, I Chron. 9. 19. yet whilst the Tabemack was in the Wildernese, it had no Doors properly so call'd; but by the Door and Gate in the foremention'd places is meant that Veil or [...] which divided the Come of the People from the Apartment of the Priests, of rather it was the Cartain that hung at the entrance of the Sanctuary, therefore call'd the hanging of the Door of the Tabornacle, Exod. 26. 36. and it was of the fome embroider'd: Work with the i [...] ward Curtains of the Tabernacle. Which gives me occesion to speak of these and the other Covetings belonging to in, and then I have finished my Desorlption of it. It was on the sides and ends hung [Page 192] with ten pieces of Tapestry, very artificially wrought, and with divers colours, Exod. 26. 1. and besides these fine inward Hangings (which are call'd Curtains, because they hung in such a fashion) there were others of Goats hair, of Rams skins, &c. which were course in comparison of the former, and were thrown over them to preserve them from the injury of the weather, Exod. 26. 7, &c. And not only the sides and ends, but the Roof of the Tabernacle was cover'd with rich Tapestry within, but on the outside with stronger Coverings, the same with those beforemention'd: and there were no less than four of these Coverings or Safeguards all particularly specified in the foresaid Chapter. Besides the Curtains or Hangings, there were Boards or Planks on the sides of the Tabernacle, to render the Structure more strong, firm and steady; and these were so artificially fastned together, that they seemed to be all of a piece, and yet they could easily be taken asunder, Exod. 26. 15, to 30.
Now I am oblig'd in the next place to discover briefly the Mystical meaning of all these strange things before mention'd, which appertain to the Furniture of the Tabernacle: for it is reasonable to think that these being so solemnly appointed by God, were not insignificant, but had some Great and Worthy Mysteries couch'd in them. Nay, which is more, we are assured from the Inspired Writings of the New Testament that it was so, for the Tabernacle is said to have been a Figure for the time then present, Heb. 9. 9. i. e. all the time of that way of Service and Worship some great Mystery was represented by it. And the Mosaick Priests are said to serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, Heb. 8. 5. Let us briefly see what these Celestial and Spiritual things were, or at least let us guess and modestly conceive what they were. First, in the Court of the Tabernacle the Altar of Burnt-Offering fitly signified the great Expiatory Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, Heb. 13. 10. And the Laver was a very congruous Symbol of Spiritual Washing and [Page 193] Purifying, Eph. 5. 26. Tit. 3. 5. Then in the Sanctuary, the Altar of Incense and the Golden Censer plainly denoted the Intercession of the Messias: thereby was signified that he should pray for us, and offer our Prayers, and make them acceptable to God through his Merits; for the Incense figures the continual sweet Savour and Acceptableness of the Offering. The Table of Shew bread did not only represent God's Providing a Table and Maintenance for the Israelites whilst they were in the Wilderness, but it teacheth us that God's Church hath his constant Eye and Care, and that he Provideth for it daily, he gives them their Daily Bread: or it signified Christ, who calls himself the Bread of Life, with which the Faithful are nourish'd to eternal life. Or (as things of this nature frequently have divers significations) the Brazen Laver before, and the Shew-Bread here represented the Two Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The Candlestick and Lamps very appositely signify Christ and his Apostles: He is the True Light, and in a secondary sense his Ministers may be call'd so too. The Sacred Oyl belonging to them may set forth the Anointing of the Spirit, the Vnction from the Holy One, whereby the faithful are enlightened and know all things, 1 Joh. 2. 20. Or, the Golden Candlestick with Seven Branches may denote the manifold Gifts and Graces of the Holy Ghost, with that Abundant Light which is the Blessing of the Gospel, Rev. 1. 4. & 4. 5.
Lastly, The inmost part of the Tabernacle into which the High Priest enter'd, and none else, is yet a more lively Representation of the Great Mysteries of the Gospel. The Atonement which the High Priest made by Blood, and his offering it in this most Holy Place, and that but once a Year, are all expresly applied to Christ, our Great High Priest, by the Apostle, Heb. 9. 7. & 12. 24. & 9. 22, 24. But more particularly it is worth our observing on this occasion, that tho the High Priest enter'd this place but once a Year, and that [Page 194] on a set day in the Year, yet he enter'd thrice in that one day. For, first, he went in with the Censer of Coals and the Cup of Incense, and put the Incense upon the Fire before the Lord, Levit. 16. 13. Then he came out, and took the Blood of the Bullock slain at the Altar of Burnt-offering, and went with it into the Holy of Holies, and sprinkled it upon the Mercy-Seat, Levit. 16. 14. Then he came [...]orth and carried the Blood of a Goat which was also slain at the foresaid Altar, and sprinkled it upon, or towards the Mercy-Seat, ver. 15. This was the third time of going into the Holy of Holies. And who sees not that the High Priest's offering of Incense appositely represents the solemn Prayers which our High Priest Jesus offer'd before he became a Sacrifice, which is particularly mention'd Iohn 17. 1, 2, &c? And is it not as plain that the sprinkling of the Blood of the slain Bullock and Goat signified the Blood of Christ crucified apply'd to Believers, to atone for their Sins? For those words of the Apostle, Heb. 13. 10, 11, 12, &c. refer to the Blood of the Beasts brought into the Holy Place to make Atonement, Levit. 16. 27.
In this place was the Ark, the special Symbol of God's Presence, for that carnal People could not believe God was present with them, unless they had some apparent and visible Token of it: Wherefore God was pleas'd so far to indulge their weakness, as to give them this corporeal and sensible Sign of his Presence with them, tho he thought good to remove it sometimes from their sight, to wean them by degrees from that grosser Dispensation. But it is certain that the Ark was a Symbol of mighty import, and represented not only the Divine Presence, but was a Type of Christ Iesus, the incarnate and visible God, in whom the Fulness of the Godhead dwelt bodily. The Oracle from whence God gave answer, was the Figure of the Incarnate Word, who reveal'd the Will of God to us. By the Pot of Manna was signified the hidden Manna vouchsafed [Page 195] to all Believers. Aarons Rod that blossomed, figured that efficacious Blessing which is given to the Labours of Christ's Ministers. The Testimony in the Ark, the Witness or Evidence of God's Presence there, represents to us the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures. The Mercy-Seat, or the Covering of the Ark, was a more particular and signal Representation of Christ, by whom alone the Divine Mercy is conferr'd on Mankind; by whose Merits the Church is cover'd and de [...]ended from God's Wrath. Whom God hath set for [...]h to be a Propitiation, Rom. 3. 25. [...], the very word which the same Apostle uses for the Mercy-Seat, Heb. 9. 5. As the Law in the Ark was cover'd and hid by this, so the Messias covers, hides, shields us from the condemnation which is by the Law, and consequently from the Divine Displeasure. Or, which is the same thing, Sin is covered (as the Psalmist speaks, Psal. 32. 1.) by Christ our Propitiatory. And 'tis observable that the Apostle saith, God hath set him forth, [...], which refers to the Prefigurations of the Law: he was before set forth (as the word signifies) he was of old propounded in the Legal Types, and more signally in this of the Propitiatory.
The Cherubims hovering over the Ark, denote the Angels protecting the Church: and withal it speaks their future prying into the Mysteries of the Gospel, which they desire to look into, as St. Peter saith, 1 Epist. Chap. 1. v. 12. which very words re [...]er to the Cherubims stooping and looking down with bowed Heads toward the Mercy-Seat. And this by the way lets us know, that those Cherubims over the Ark were Angels. The Veil in the Tabernacle (and so that of the Templ [...] afterwards) sets forth the Humane Nature of Christ, if we will give credit to the Apostle, Heb. 10. 10. The V [...]il, that is to say, his Flesh. This was rent at Christ's Passion, to signify, that he by his Death open'd the way into the Kingdom of Heaven: for we learn [Page 196] from St. Paul, in his Epistle to the Hebrews, that Heaven was meant by the Holy of Holies, Heb. 9. 24. Whence it is call'd that within the Veil, Heb. 6. 19. And Christian Hope is said to enter into it, because this Grace looks beyond the Afflictions and Calamities of this Life, into that place of endless Glory. 1 Ioseph the Learned Iew gives his Suffrage here, and declares, that this part of the Tabernacle was a Type of the Celestial Mansions above. 2 Other Learned Jews acknowledg'd this place to be a Typical Representation of Heaven. Yea, the whole Tabernacle was, if we may so speak, God's Heaven here below, for it was the place of his special Presence and Habitation. To which purpose I could observe that Blue or Sky-colour, which denotes Heaven, God's Seat, was very much made use of in the Tabernacle, and all the Sacred Ornaments belonging to it.
To conclude, The Presence of God with his People, the Glorious Undertakings of the Son of God, the Gracious Influence of the Holy Spirit, the State of Christ's Church both here and hereafter, were shadow'd forth by the several things which were contain'd in the distinct Partitions of the Mosaick Tabernacle. I do not pretend to affirm that there are no other Mystical and Spiritual meanings of these things but what I have mention'd: But as I am sure in the general that a mystical Sense was intended by the Holy Ghost, as is evident from the greatest part of the Epistle to the Hebrews; so the particular meaning which I have offer'd may be gather'd by Analogy, as many things in our Holy Religion are; yea, the main part of what I have said is grounded on express Texts in the New Testament, [Page 197] where these Sacred Mysteries are thus unfolded, explain'd and illustrated.
Lastly, Before I take my leave of this old Venerable Iewish Monument, the Tabernacle, I will set down the Travels and Removes of it, and the Ark. First, They were in the Wilderness forty Years; thence they removed to Gilgal, and staid there about fourteen Years. Afterwards their Mansion-place was 3 Shil [...]h a Country of Samaria, a City in the Tribe of Benjamin: hither they were brought in the seventh Year of Ioshua's Government, and continued here till Samuel's time, which was in all about 240 Years, as from the Years of the Iudges may be computed. Hitherto the Tabernacle and Ark were together; now they are parted, for the Ark was taken by the Philistines and carried to Bethsh [...]mesh, and thence to Kirjathjearim, where it remain'd many Years; then it came to Mishphat, then to Gilgal, then to Nob, then to Gib [...], and to the House of Obed Edom, where it staid but three months, and was fetch'd with great joy and triumph to Mount Sion, the City of David, 2 Sam. 6. 17. 1 Chron. 16. 1. where this Pious Prince erected a Tabernacle for it; which whether it was a new one, or the old one preserv'd at Shiloh, and fetch'd thence, I will not dispute. And at last the Ark after all its Travels was fix'd in the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple. And the Tabernacle it self (which was fitted for the foregoing State, their continual removing from place to place) was laid up (as some think) as a Sacred Monument in some part of the Temple; of which I am to speak next. And this I do (as when before I gave an account of the Tab [...]rnacle) to correct some Mistakes about this matter.
The Temple was built answerable to the Tabernacle, [Page 198] for the Front of it was toward the East, and the Holy of Holies was situate toward the West. Thence the East Door of the Temple is call'd Shagnar haithon, Ezek. 40. 15. the Gate of Access or Ingress, because it was the chief Gate whereby they enter'd into the Temple, or that directly led up to the main part of it. And perhaps from this situation of it, and their coming up to it with their Faces and Foreparts towards this East-end and Gate of it, the East is call'd Kedem and Kadim the fore-part, Ezek. 43. 17. The Temple being thus placed, they accordingly worship'd and bowed toward the West: tho afterwards some in imitation of the Idolatrous Gentiles, bowed toward the East, and turn'd their backs on the Holy of Holies, Ezek. 8. 16. The Temple as well as the Tabernacle, consisted of three divisions, viz. the Court, the holy Place, and the Holiest of all. I will briefly shew you what these several Parts contained in them: for tho as to the main the Temple was built proportionable to the Tabernacle, yet it differ'd from it in several things. And for variety sake I will present the Temple to you differently from the Tabernacle, that is, I will begin first with the Holy of Holies, and so pass downward, whereas I went upward before.
In this first part of the Temple was the Ark of the Covenant, wherein were deposited the Two Tables of Stone on which the Law was written. Some think the Temple fell short of the Tabernacle in this, that in the Ark of the Tabernacle were the Two Tables, and the P [...]t of Manna, and Aaron' s Rod: But in the Ark of the Temple there was nothing save the two Tables of Stone, which Moses put there at Horeb, 1 King. 8. 9. Deut. 10. 5. It is implied in these words, say they, that there had been something else in the Ark hereto [...]ore, and that now it was missing, else it would have been barely said, that in the Ark were the two Tables of Stone, without this addition there was nothing else, which intima [...]es [Page 199] that other things were there before, but now are lost, viz. by the Ark's being carried from place to place so often. But all this is false arguing, and groundless surmise; and the true account is this, (which I partly assign'd before when I spoke of the Tabernacle, and on which I have enlarged in a 1 former Discourse) that the Ark in that place of the Kings is taken strictly for the chief Apartment or Division of the Ark, and so it is rightly said it had nothing in it but the two Tables: But in a larger Sense, i. e. as the Ark signifies the whole Body and Compass of the Ark, it contain'd those other things in it. In this part of the Temple were the Cherubims, which were placed at each end of the Ark with Wings spread abroad. But this is to be observed, that whereas in the Tabernacle there were but two Cherubims, in the Temple there were four. Between their Wings were the Propitiatory, and the Oracle whence God gave Answers in difficult Cases; but this latter was much larger than that in the Tabernacle.
The second Part of the Temple was the Body of it, or the holy Place, or Sanctuary, or the outward House of the Lord. Here was the Veil, adorned with Cherubims, which separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place, but was much wider and longer than that of the Tabernacle. Here were the Shew-bread and Golden Candlesticks: the former of these in the Tabernacle was set on one Table only, but in the Temple it was set on t [...]n Tables, five being on one side, and five on the other. In the Tabernacle there was but one Golden Candlestick, with seven Branches; but instead of that in the Temple, there were ten Golden Candlesticks, five on one hand, and five on the other; for the Temple being greater, wanted more Light. The [...], the Altar of Incense [Page 200] was of the same materials and make with that in the Tabernacle.
The third Part of the Temple was that which was called the Court. This part was not covered, but lay open to the Sky; but the Body of the Temple and the Oracle were covered. This East-end of the Temple was divided into four lesser Courts, whereas in the Tabern [...]cle there was but one Area or Court.
1. The Priests Court, which was next the Body of the Temple. In it was the [...], the Brazen Altar of Burnt-Offerings, which were offer'd every Morning and Evening. This was a great deal longer, broader and wider than that in the Tabernacle, for it was 20 Cubits in l [...]ngth, 20 in breadth, and 10 in height. Observe that at first Altars were without Steps; but [...]wards this was dispensed with: And as Religion advanced, so did the Altars, and rose higher and higher, as is evid [...]nt here in this; tho some Abatements are [...]ade in these Dim [...]nsions, by sa [...]ing, this Altar sh [...]uld not be measured by Sacred Cubits, but common ones, which are as short again as the others. In this Court were two Brass Pillars, call'd Iachin and Boaz, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; which are an addition to what was in the Tabernacle, for we read of no such thing there. Here also were ten Lavers of Brass, five on the right hand, and five on the left, whereas there was but one brazen Laver in the Tabernacle. The Beasts for Sacrifice were washed here, being first wash'd in the Sheep-pool. Here was the Sea of Brass, standing on 12 Oxen of Brass: In this the Priests and Levites wash'd their hands and feet before they serv'd at the Altar. Into this Court none generally enter'd but the Priests and Levites.
2. The Peoples Court, i. e. the Court of the Israelites, and all other Circumcised Worshippers. This is that which is call'd the Great Court, 2 Chron. 4. 9. Here they stood to pray, and to see the performance of [Page 201] the Sacrifices. Here were several Porches for the People to repair to in rainy weather, and thence this Court is sometimes call'd the Porch: and it is particularly call'd Solomo [...]'s Porch, Acts 3. 11. & 5. 12. because he stood here when he dedicated the Temple. About the middle of this Court was the brazen Scaffold or Stage which Solomon erected, and where he stood and prayed, 2 Chron. 6. 13. The Gate of this Court is that which was call'd the beautiful Gate, as some think, Acts 3. 10. The King only went in at this Gate, Ezek. 44. 3. but the People went in by two Gates on the North and South, Ezek. 46. 9. This Court was call'd the Peoples Court, because the Jewish People went no further than this Court, and worship'd here. But this Court frequently goes under the Name of the Temple in the New Testament, as in Matth. 21. 12. Acts 3. 1. and other places. Here Christ preached, and here he cast out the Buyers and Sellers.
3. The Womens Court, which was an Apartment distinct from that of the Men. In imitation of which perhaps it is, that among the I [...]ws at this day the Men and Women do not worship together, but are confined to a place that looks into the Synagogue. So among the Turks, none but Males enter the Moschs. And in Russia the Women either stand at the Door of the Church, or are in some place shut up from the Men. In this Court stood the Treasury, from whence this Court is called the Treasury, John 8. 20. It was stiled in H [...]brew Corban, i. e. a Gift, because it contain'd the Gifts and Mony offer'd by the People towards the repairing of the Temple, relieving the Poor, and the providing of Sacrifices. Here Christ saw the Widow casting in her Mite.
4. The Court of the Gentiles, or of the Proselytes of the Gate. Here, as some think, was a Market of Sheep and Oxen, Doves, &c. and here were the Shops and Tables of Mony-changers, for the supply of Oblations. [Page 202] The others think (as hath been mention'd) that the Buyers and Sellers had intruded even into the Peoples Court. This outward Court of the Gentiles, or Uncircumcised Proselytes, is called 1 the House of Prayer to (or for) all Nations, because the Gentiles were admitted to pray in this part of the Temple. But they were not permitted to come into the Inner Court of the Temple: thence St. Paul is impeached for bringing Greeks into the Temple, Acts 21. 28. This Partition was divided from the other Court (where the Iews and Circumcised Proselytes were) by a little Stone-wall but three Cubits high, with this Inscription on Pillars, Let no Alien enter into the Holy Place. To this Wall the Apostle alludeth, saying, Christ hath broken down 2 the middle Wall of Partition between us, i. e. between Jews and Gentiles, Ephes. [...]. 14. This Court is sometimes call'd the Temple, for the Temple is taken either strictly for that part which was covered, into which the Priests only enter'd; or largely for all that space walled in, but not covered, where the People as well as the Priests were: and thus these four Courts may be called the Temple. This may suffice for an Account of those particular things which were contained in the Iewish Temple.
As for the Fabrick it self, I will only say this (which exalts it above all the Buildings in the World) that the Contriver of it was God himself; the Platform was from Heaven. For which reason the Form of it hath been imitated by Christians, who generally built their Churches after that Model. Thence we read, in the Writings of the Greek Fathers, and in the Antient Councils and Historians, of, 1. [...]. 2. [...] or [...]. 3. [...] or [...], which answer to the Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple. Thus the Antient Christians emulated that [Page 203] Divine Pattern, I may truly call it the Pattern in the Mount; for this stately Pile stood upon Mount Sion, a principal part of I [...]rusalem. Here God's Temple and the King's Palace were seated. Here it was that Abraham of old offer'd his Son Isaac, for Mount Sion and Mount M [...]riah are the same, as 3 Ioseph [...]; and so it was a fit place where those Solemn O [...]erings and Sacrifices should b [...], which were to represent and presigni [...]y the Mystical Isaac, the Blessed Messias, the Sacrifice offer'd for the Sins of the World. As for the Dimensions of this Temple built by Solomon, (for that which was erected after the return from the Captivity, and was afterwards repair'd, and in a manner rebuilt by H [...]r [...]d seven Years before our Saviour's Birth, differ'd from this as to its Magnitude) it was just as big again as the Tabernacle, for the one was 60 Cubits long, 20 Cubits broad, and 30 Cubits high; but that was but 30 Cubits in length, 10 in breadth, and 15 in height. But when 'tis said in 1 Kings 6. 2. that the Temple was 30 Cubits high, it must be meant only of the space which reached from the Floor to the first Story; for when it is compared with the Tabernacle, it is consider'd without a Roof or any Superstructure, because the Tabernacle was such. But if you take the whole height of the Temple, it was no less than 120 Cubits, as you read in 2 Chron. 3. 3. Thus then it is, from the bottom to the first Roof were 30 Cubits, from thence to the second Roof 30 more, and from thence to the top 60 Cubits: So the height of the Temple from the Floor to the top of all, was 120 Cubits. Thus the Learned 4 Iewish Antiquary reconciles those Texts in Kings and Chronicles which seem to oppose one another.
I might add, that as the Tabernacle, when 'twas fix'd in Shilo [...], had Buildings about it for the Priests and [Page 204] Levites to lodg in, so likewise it was contriv'd in the spot of Ground where the Temple was erected, there were Houses to receive those Sacred Officers of the Temple, and in them they lodg'd and resided all the time of their Ministry, as our Deans and Prebendaries Houses are round about their respective Cathedrals. And about the Temple there were divers Chambers, some of which were us'd as Storehoses to lay up the Tithes and Offerings, 1 Chron. 9. 26. 2. Chron. 31. 11. Others were Repositories for the Vessels and Utensils, and all things belonging to the Service of the Temple, Nehem. 1. 39. & 13. 5. And some of them were made use of as places of Re [...]ection, Ier. 35. 2. So much of this Magnificent Temple at Ierusalem, which was the Iews Cathedral (as the Synagogues were their Parish-Churches) where their Ceremonious Worship was perform'd with the greatest pomp and splendor.
Fourthly, The Sacraments appointed by the Ceremonial Law are here to be taken notice of. They were Circumcision and the Passover: The former was in use before the Mosaick Dispensation, it being appointed as a Sign of the Covenant between God and Abraham. It was reestablished by God when he delivered the Ceremonial Law to Moses; and it was to continue a Badg and Confirmation of the same Covenant, that the Posterity of Abraham, the Iews, might receive comfort thence. It was also to be a remarkable Token to difference the Iews from other Nations (tho other People afterwards borrow'd Circumcision from the Israelites, as the Idumaeans, the Egyptians, &c.) There were other Ends and Designs of this bloody Rite, which you will find enumerated under the Abrahamick Dispensation, and ther [...]e I will not repeat them here. The other Iewish Sacrament was the Passover; but because I may more properly speak of it among the other Feasts, I refer it thither, and accordingly proceed to the consideration of the set Times of Iewish Worship.
The Jewish Feasts, Sabbaths, New Moon, Passover. The Parallel between the Paschal Lamb and our Saviour, shew'd in several Particulars. This mystical Way approved of. Christ celebrated not the Passover on the same Evening that the Jews did, but in the Evening before. This represented in a Scheme. The Feast of Pentecost. The Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Trumpets. Of Expiation. Other lesser Feasts, not commanded in the Law, but appointed by the Jewish Church. Fasts kept, tho not injoin'd by the Law. The difference of Clean and Unclean Animals. Why the latter were forbidden to be eaten. The chief Reason of the Prohibition was, to prevent Idolatry. Two Objections answer'd. Vows proper to the Mosaick Dispensation. They were either Personal or Real. The Cherem.
IN the Fifth place I am to treat of the Solemn Times and Set Seasons of Worship appointed the Iews by the Mosaick Law. These by a general Name were call'd Feasts; but if you speak properly, some of them were Fasts. But because the word is sometimes taken by the Iews for a solemn Time of Religious Worship, whether it was accompanied with Rejoicing or Mourning, that term is applied to them all. The Design of these Festivals was to commemorate some great Blessing, to maintain mutual Love, Friendship and Communion, and to join together in the Service of God. [Page 206] These Feasts are divided by the Iews into the greater and the lesser. The greater Feasts are these.
1. The Sabbaths. For tho this word be of a larger signification, and is applied to all Feasts and Solemn Times of Worship, yet it hath a restrained Sense, and is particularly applied to these certain Seasons, viz. the Sabbaths of Days, and the Sabbaths of Years. The Sabbaths of Days are the lesser and the greater: the lesser are every seventh Day, call'd the Sabbath by way of eminence, in memory of God's resting or ceasing from the Works of the Creation. But it was commanded now with particular reference to the Iewish People, and to their resting from their Captivity and Bondage in Egypt. I say no more of it here, because I am to insist largely upon it when I come to treat of the Fourth Commandment. The greater Sabbath of Days was, when the Passover [...]ell on the Sabbath-day, as it did that Year when Christ suffer'd, Iohn 19. 31. This was call'd the Great Sabbath by the Iews.
And as there were the Sabbaths of Days, so there were the Sabbaths of Years: These were two; first, Every Seventh Year was a Sabbath of Rest to the Land, Levit. [...]5. 4. and then there was no plowing or sowing, nor making any the like provision, but what the Ground yielded that Year of it self was sufficient, and it was in common to all Persons to eat of it. It was God's Pleasure to deal thus with this People, to bring them to a sense of his Providence in the World, that he was able without their Care and Art to sustain them, that he was Lord of all things, and the Supreme Disposer of them. This was the reason why their Land enjoy'd its Sabbaths. Secondly, There was the Sabbath which was the end of seven times seven Years, that is, 49 Years, Levit. 25. 8. This was the greatest Sabbath of all, and was call'd the Iubilee. But whether it was kept in the close of that 49 th Year, (as Scalig [...]r, Petavi [...]s, Calvisius think) or in the Year after, viz. the 50 th Year ( [...]s [Page 207] those who follow 1 Iosephus determine) I will not dispute at present, having said something of it in another place. This we are certain of, that when the Year of Iubilee return'd, all Debts were to be cancell'd, and mortgaged Lands were to return to their Owners, and every Freeholder repossess'd what was alien'd from him, and all Prisoners and Debtors were set free, and Captives were released, and all Controversies and Suits about Lands, Estates, Possessions and Properties were ended. It is certain likewise, that as on every seventh Year, so in every Year of Iubilee the Iews plough'd not their Ground, but fed upon what came up of it self; which may be attributed to the singular Nature of the Soil, and to God's particular Blessing on that People.
2. Every New Moon, or the first Day of every Month, was another Festival among the Iews. It is disputed whether they kept the Day of the Moon's c [...]njunction with the Sun, or of its appearance, which is two or three days after. But it is most probable that they observ'd the former, because it is most properly the New Moon; and as for the latter, it was uncertain, because the Clouds might hinder it several Days or Nights from appearing, and so the Festival would be uncertain, which we can't well imagine. It is true, there is no express Institution that we read of for the observing this Feast: but it may be gather'd from many places, (1 Sam. 20. 5, 18. 1 Chron. 23. 31. Prov. 7. 20. Isa. 1. 13. & 66. 23.) that they kept this day in a festival manner. On these Hebrew Calends, as on the Sa [...]ath, People repair'd to the Prophets for Ins [...]uction, 2 Kings 4. 23. and it was not lawful to buy or sell, Amos 8. 4. or follow any other Works of their ordinary Calling.
3. The Pesac [...], or the Feast of the Pass [...]ver, kept in the first Month of the Year, according to the Ecclesiastick Order of the Months, (for we must know that [Page 208] the Iews reckon'd their Months two ways, viz. either according to the Political or the Ecclesiastical Year.) According to the Political or Civil Year (which was for Contracts and Business) they began the Year with the Month Tisri or September, and ended it with Elul or August. But according to the Sacred and Ecclesiastical Account (which they observ'd in keeping their Feasts) they began the Year with the Month Abib, Exod. 13. 4. call'd also Nisan, Nehem. 2. 1. which answers to our March, and concluded with Adar or February. This Account was not in use till Moses's Time, and was instituted in memory of their coming out of Egypt, which was in the Month Nisan or Ab [...]b. For it had these two Names; it was called Nisan from Nus, fugit, from the Israelites flying [...] of Egypt (so this is the Iewish Hegira); it was call'd Abib, because that word signifieth a green Ear of Corn, denoting that that was the time when Corn began to ripen. The Feast of the Passover began in this first Month according to the Ecclesiastical Computation, nay indeed according to Divine Institution; for the Month wherein the Israelites were delivered, being the seventh in Civil Account, was for ever after call'd the first Month, by God's Command, Exod. 12. 2. This solemn Feast began on the 15th of this Month, and lasted till the 21st, i. e. seven Days. On the Evening before this Feast, viz. on the 14 th Day, the Paschal Lamb was killed and eaten; and on the seven following Days the Paschal Sacrifices were offered. This was also call'd the Feast of Vnleavened Bread, because this sort of Bread was used at that time, and no other. Therefore two or three days together before the Passover, they used to light up Candles, and to look into every hole and corner about their Houses, to see if any old leaven'd Bread was scatter'd there. This Feast of the Passover was the greatest of all the Feasts which the Iews observ'd; and the first and last days were the greatest days of all. This extraordinary F [...]ast was c [...]l [...]brated [Page 209] in remembrance of the Angel's passing [...], and sparing the Israelites First-born in Egypt, and in commemoration of God's wonderful bringing them out of that place. But this was not the only reason of the instituting this Feast; there was a higher Design, and it was no other than this, that the Paschal Lamb should be a Type of the Lamb of God, who was to be slain, and to take away the Sins of the World. As I have shew'd before how the Jewish Sacrifices, and how several of those things which appertained to the Tabernacle prefigured Christ▪ so here I will let you see how the Jewish Passover did the same.
I will take then those words of the Apostle for the Ground-work of what I shall say on this Subject, Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, 1 Cor. 5. 7. This word Passover is taken in several senses, viz. for the thing it self represented, the Angel's passing over the Houses of the Israelites, and doing no harm. This is the first and original meaning of that term. But it is taken likewise for the Israelites representation of that Act of the Angel's Transition, Exod. 12. 11. for the Feast which was appointed to be kept in remembrance of that Mercy; for the Sacrifices offer'd at that Solemnity, Deut. 16. 4. Lastly, For the Lamb which was then offered and eaten, 2 Chr [...]. 35. 11. And so it is taken here, Christ our Passover, i. e. our Paschal Lamb, is kill'd and sacrificed for us: And all the Rites and Observances of the Jews about their Passover, were but Re [...]resentations of the true Christian Passover. 1 S. Chrysostom expresses it thus briefly, speaking of the Paschal L [...]m [...], ‘It prefigured something to come; that Lamb was a Type of another, viz. the Spiritual Lamb: that was but the Shadow, this is the Truth.’ I will then undertake to shew the Analogy and Resemblance [Page 210] between the one and the other. It is easy for a quick Fancy and a nimble Invention to make more Resemblances than indeed there are: but without doubt these two agree in very many things▪ insomuch that several Writers have composed entire Tract [...]s about it. I shall only mention those things which every sober Mind may at the very first view take notice of.
In the 12 th Chapter of Ex [...]dus, where you read of the first Institution of the Iewish Pass [...]ver, and where you have a particular Account of all Rites and Observances belonging to it, first it is said, They sha [...] tak [...] to them every Man a Lamb, ver. 3. A Lamb then was made choice o [...] for the Pass [...]ver: and by that Christ I [...] [...]us was pre [...]igured; for first he is called by that Name in Scripture, Iohn 1. 29, 36. Rev. 5. 6. and ten times at lea [...] this Name is given to Christ in this Book. And then, as to his Q [...]alities and Virtues, he is a Lamb: he was Innocent, M [...]k, Patient, and Obedient; therefore the Evangelical Prophet saith, He is brought [...]s a Lamb to the slaugh [...]er, and as a Sheep before her [...] is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth, Isa. 53. 7. Thus the Person of Christ is fitly represented under the Type of a Lamb. But every Lamb would not serve for the Passover; the Paschal Lamb was to have these three Conditions and Qualifications▪
First, It was to be without blemish, ver. 5. This [...]gnally points [...]o [...]th the Messias, who was the only Person o [...] all mankind that was sinless. For this Lamb of God who was to take away other mens [...], was not to have any himself. It was necessary that he should be a Lamb without blemish and without spot, (as he is call'd 1 Pet. 19.) who was to present to himself a Church not having spot or wrinkle, Ephes. 5. 27. This was he (and there was none ever like him) who [...]id no [...]in, neither was guile found in his mouth, 1 Pet. 2. 22. Secondly, The Paschal Lamb was to be a Male, ver. 5. Serviu [...] on that place of Virgil,
hath this Note, that the Gentiles thought the S [...]-Sacrifices were most prevalent and acceptable. Whence some conjecture that here is a Male-Sacrifice enjoined in opposition to the custom of the Gentiles; for it is well known that many things were commanded the Iews, because they were contrary to the practice of the Heathen People round about them. And there might be some regard to this here, tho I cannot say with a 2 late Writer, that all the Circumstances here relating to the Passover, were inj [...]ined in opp [...]sition to the practice of the superstitious and idolatrous Gentiles. Others think a Male was to represent Christ, who was Man as well as God. So that this qualification was fulfilled (as the Learned Bochart observes) in the very strictness of the Letter. And this excellent Writer adds, that it was a Male, because the Sacrifice of this kind was reputed more worthy and excellent than the Female Offerings, Mal. 1. 14. But the plainest and most obvious Reason why the Paschal Lamb was a Male, is, because it is the stronger and more vigorous, and so it was fittest to represent him who is the Christians Strength. 3 I can do all things through Christ who strengthn [...]t [...] me, saith the Apostle. God hath 4 laid help on one that is mighty, one that [...] 5 able to save to the uttermost them that com [...] to God by him, one who was indued with sufficient Power to accomplish the great Work he undertook▪ And as the Paschal Lamb was to be a Male; so on the very same account the third Qualification of it was, that it must be of the first Year, ver. 5. for then it was supposed [Page 212] to arrive to its vigour. Such a Lamb was Christ Iesus, he was crucified when he was in the strength of his Years, in the full vigour of his Age, when he was young and lively. Thus you see there is a perfect resemblance in all these Particulars between the Paschal Lamb and the Lamb of God, even our Lord Iesus Christ.
And I may add this too, that the Paschal Lamb was to be taken out of their own Folds, ver. 3. and Deut. 16. 2. So was our Redeemer one of the Flock, taken out of the Fold of Mankind, taken from his Brethren, Deut. 18. 15. Heb. 2. 17. He was one of us, a true Man, of our Flesh, and of our Bone. And, which was yet nearer to the matter, he was taken out of the Fold of the Iews, and he was of the Seed of David. In the next place the Lamb was to be kill'd, and in this also it is a manifest Type of Christ. That without shedding of Blood there should be no remission, was the appointment of Eternal Wisdom, that which Angels admire, and Men must ever stand amazed at. Therefore the Messias was to die for us, to expiate our Sins by his Blood, for his Blood cleanseth us from all Sin, 1 John 1. 7. But before the Lamb was kill'd, it was to be kept in their Houses four days, ver. 3. and ver. 6. You will find, upon perusing the History of the Gospel, that Christ was crucified the 4 th day after his last coming into Ierusalem, the Iews own Home: he was, as it were, all that time kept up before he was slain. Or it may be 226 Bochart's Notion may be acceptable, who observes that this Passage was thus fulfill'd, Christ was taken from his Mother's House (the Fold where he was brought up) at 30 Years of Age, and suffer'd Death the 4 th Year after that. If according to the Prophetick Stile we take a Day for a Year, this is exactly [Page 213] accomplish'd. But this Judicious Author favours rather the other Interpretation, viz. Christ suffering on the fourth day after his coming to Ierusalem; tho I conceive this Learned Man is mistaken in his Reckoning of it, for tho our Saviour rode into Ierusalem on the 10 th day of the Month, yet he return'd to Bethany (whence he came) at the Evening, Mat. 21. 17. and came back to Ierusalem the next day, Mat. 21. 18. and consequently he was not crucified on the 14 th day (as this Author determines) but on the 15 th.
But let us pass to the next Circumstance of Time, and that is, that they were to kill the Lamb in the Evening, at the going down of the Sun, ver. 6. & Deut. 16. 6. Which plainly points at the Time of Christ's Passion and Death, viz. towards the shutting in of the day, at the declining of the Sun. Then did this Sun of Righteousness leave this World. For tho some apply it to the Evening of the Iewish Oeconomy and Government, and others to the Evening of the World, yet I rather pitch upon the most easie and unexceptionable meaning, i. e. the Evening of the Day: then our Christian Passover was sacrificed for us. He was slain in the Evening, or, as 'tis said here of the Paschal Lamb, between the two Evenings, i. e. (as I have shew'd before) between the first declining of the Sun, and its going down, or setting, which was about the Ninth hour, or Three a clock in the Afternoon. Then the Lamb which was slain from the foundation of the World, viz. as to the Decree of God, and as to the virtue and efficacy of his Death (for those that were before Christ's coming, were as effectually saved by him as those that lived at or after it) was really and actually slain in his body on the Cross. And thus He and the Paschal Lamb were slain at the same hour of the day, Mat. 27. 45, 46.
The next thing observable is the Effusion and Sprinkling of the Blood of the Lamb, ver. 7, & 13. The Blood was to be to them for a Token upon the houses where [Page 214] they were, that when the Angel saw the Blood he should pass over them, and the plague should not be upon them to destroy them. Here is the Benefit which came to the Israelites by the Passover, they were kept safe and secure from the Destroying Angel, when Death and Destruction seiz'd upon the Egyptians. Can any thing more evidently set forth the Design of Iesus the Messias, who was to come and shed his Blood for us, that thereby we might be freed from the Vengeance of God, and escape the stroak of the Destroyer, and be rescued from Death and Eternal Misery? Wherefore a 1 Pious Father saith rightly, ‘The Lamb which of old was slain by the Israelites was a Type of the True Lamb Christ our Lord, who was sacrificed for us: for as there the Blood sprinkled on the posts saved those that sprinkled it, so the Blood of the True Lamb Christ our God delivers us from the Curse of the Enemy and from Eternal Death.’ Indeed this is the grand and principal thing signified by the Paschal Lamb, viz. our Redemption by the Blood of Jesus Christ. And the Sprinkling of this Blood is twice expresly mention'd as absolutely necessary for this purpose, Heb. 12. 24. 1 Pet. 1. 1. And the hearts of Believers are said to be sprinkled from an evil conscience, Heb. 10. 22. that is, purged and cleans'd from the defilements of Sin by sprinkling of the Blood of this Lamb. Besides, the sprinkling and striking of the Blood on the posts, denotes unto us the particular applying of the Blood of Jesus and the virtue of his Passion to our selves by a lively Faith. Which that Religious and Pious 2 Critick, whom I have before quoted, expresses thus, ‘The Blood of Christ (saith he) is sprinkled on the posts of our hearts, when with a firm Faith we imbrace the Doctrine of the Cross, being assured that the Son of [Page 215] God poured out his Blood for us, so that every one of us may say with the Apostle, This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Iesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.’ Moreover, at the Celebration of the Passover they were to strike the blood of the slain Lamb on the two side posts of the door within and without, on purpose that they might see it, and take special notice of it (as the Angel did before) and that they might call that Wonderful Mercy to remembrance. This shall be to you for a Memorial, and ye shall keep it a Feast to the Lord for ever, ver. 14. This solemn Feast was instituted on purpose to remind them of their Deliverance: and so the Lords Supper, which succeeds in its room, is a Commem [...]ration of our Deliverance by Christ. Do this in Remembrance of me, saith he; observe this Holy Feast, to help you to call to mind my Death, and consequently the Infinite Benefits and Advantages which you receive by it.
In the next place, we come to speak of the Eating of the Paschal Lamb, and the several Circumstances that were observable in it: and let us see how they agree with that which we are speaking of. First, I say, it was to be Eaten, and so was the Lamb of God. He himself uses this stile and language, he calls unto us saying, Take, eat, this is my Body, Mat. 26. 26. And he assures us that except we eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood, we have no life in u [...]. Whose [...]ateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood, hath eternal life: for my Flesh is meat indeed, and my Blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelle [...]h in me, and I in him. Joh. 6. 53, &c. This I think is sufficient to prove the Parallel between Christ and the Paschal Lamb, as to eating them. Next, we are to observe that this Lamb which was to be eaten, was to be roasted with fire, ver. 8. And therein also is prefigured what be [...]el the Lamb of God. The Holy Ghost in Scripture is pleased to compare God's Wrath to Fire, Deut. 32. 24. Jer. 4. 4. [Page 216] Jer. 15. 14. Jer. 21. 12. Lam. 1. 13. Lam. 2. 4. and in many other places. Therefore Roasting in the fire fitly expresseth the Extremity of Christs Sufferings under the Flames of God's Anger. He was as it were Scorched and Burnt, he underwent the Displeasure of God, who is a Consuming Fire, Deut. 4. 24. Heb. 12. 29. This is thus expressed in other terms by Isaiah, He was wo [...]nded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, Isa. 53. 5. He was oppressed and he was afflicted, ver. 7. It pleased the Lord to bruise him, and to put him to grief, ver. 10. Some Commentators take no notice of this Parallel, but certainly it is not to be omitted, nay it is of very great moment: and the manner of speech very fitly and significantly expresses the Heat, the Height of God's wrath kindled against Sinners. We see this Torrefaction is adapted to the usual language of Scripture, where the Extremity of the Divine Anger against the wicked is set forth by fire, with which (saith the Learned and Pious 3 Bochart) it behoved Christ to be as it were scorched and burnt, who had made himself a Surety for Sinners, that he might undergo the Punishment which they deserved. Nay, besides the Mystical signification, there is a kind of literal fulfilling of the Expression here used, if we may credit an antient and pious 4 Father, who acquaints us that the Roasted Lamb at the Passover was spitted in such a manner that it resembled the figure of a Cross, and he particularly tells us how. If we consider that this Antient Writer of the Church was born and bred in Palestine, and was skill'd in the Iewish (as well as Pagan) Rites and Customs; and likewise if we remember that he spoke these words in a Conference with a knowing Iew, who could and would have contradicted him if he had deliver'd any thing concerning the Iewish practices which was not true, we cannot but look upon this as a [Page 217] very considerable Testimony, and we must conclude that he would not have dared to apply this particular passage of the Roasting of the Lamb to our blessed Savi [...]ur; he would not have compar'd this Cross to the Spit, unless there had been ground for it.
The next thing observable is, that the whole Lamb was to be eaten, ver. 10. Ye shall let nothing of it remain's which may import how Intire and Compleat the spiritual eating of the Lamb of God should be. Whole Christ, or none, must be receiv'd by Faith. Which the forecited Author thus piously descants upon. ‘It is not sufficient to eat Christ in part, as if we were desirous to enjoy his Glory, but not to be partakers of his Sufferings, or as if we would have him for our Redeemer, not for our Lawgiver and Master: as if not attributing enough to the Merits of Christ, we would partly place our confident hope of Salvation in our own Works, or in the Mediation and Intercession of others.’ And further, when it is said that the Lamb must not remain till morning, it doth strangely and marvelously agree with what the Evangelists relate, that Christ was taken down from the Cross on a sudden, contrary to the Custom in such cases, and partly because of the Sabbath on the ensuing day, that thereby the Parallel between our Saviour and the Iewish Passover might be more manifest. It is said further ver. 46. and Num. 9. 12. Neither shall ye break a bone thereof. That Christ Iesus, who suffer'd on the Cross, was presignifi'd and foretold by this, is plain from what is recorded by St. Iohn, who tells us that Divine Providence so order'd it, that tho the Souldiers broke the Legs of those that were crucified with Christ, yet they br [...]ke not his Legs, Joh. 19. 33. A most remarkable completion of the Type, and that by the wonderful disposal of Heaven. Whereupon the Evangelist saith, This was done, that the Scripture might be fulfill'd, A B [...]n [...] of him shall not be broken, ver. 36. Which plainly refers to this passage concerning the Paschal Lamb of the Iews, [Page 218] that they were commanded not to break any bone of it. And if, according to St. Iohn, that particular injunction concerning the Lamb be applicable to Christ, and was fulfill'd in him, there is just ground so believe that the other passages and circumstances relating to that Lamb, are to be apply'd to Christ the Lamb of God, and are accomplish'd in him. This no man of composed thoughts can deny.
And whereas the Iews were to eat their Paschal Lamb with Vnleavened Bread, ver. 8, & 20. the Apostle hath told us the meaning of that; for after he had said, Christ our Passover i [...] sacrificed for us, he immediately adds, Let us therefore keep the Feast, not with old Leaven, neither with the Leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the Vnleavened Bread of sincerity and truth. The corrupt Ferment of Sin, especially of Hypocrisie and Dissimulation, (which our Saviour also calls Leaven, Luks 12. 1.) futeth not with the Bread of Life which we are to eat.
Yea, we must purge out all sin and wickedness, which the same Inspired Author in the same place again calls the Old Leaven, ver. 7. If we would keep the Christian Passover aright, we must abandon every known Vice, which is fitly compared to Leaven, because it spreadeth it self, and soon corrupteth the Soul: a little Leaven leaveneth the whole lump, ver. 6. & Gal. 5. 9. But from what we read in Deut. 16. 3. we may gather that something besides this is shadowed out: there they are bid to eat all the time of the Passover Vnleavened Bread, even the Bread of affliction, because they came forth out of the Land of Egypt in haste. Vnleavened Bread then is the Bread of affliction; but why is it call'd so? I conceive it hath this name, because it is such Bread as the Poor and Afflicted by reason of pressing hunger eat, not staying till it be leavened: This sort of Bread they were to eat. And so we are taught here in what manner we are to eat the Christian Passover, viz. with the Bread of affliction: we must not pamper our carnal part, we must not make provision [Page 219] for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof; we must, according to the Apostles Example, keep under our bodies, and bring them into subjection to our better part.
And this was partly signified by the eating of the Paschal Lamb with bitter herbs, ver. 8. The spiritual meaning whereof is, that we should not indulge our selves in the pleasures of Sin, that we should celebrate our Evangelical Passover with godly Contrition and Sorrow, with hearty Remorse and Repentance, and that with the Penitent Apostle, we should weep bitterly for our Sins. The Crucified Iesus is best entertain'd with a broken Heart.
And moreover, the posture and demeanour which the Israelites were to observe in their celebrating the Passover, viz. with their loins girded, and with sh [...]s on their feet, and staves in their hands, ver. 11. which exprest their readiness to leave Egypt, and to depart out of it at the first warning, represent unto us our duty, which is to be prepar'd to quit our sins, which make us worse than Egyptian Bondslaves. Christ being sacrificed and ascended, we are to fit our selves to follow him, we must gird up the loins of our minds, we must have our feet sh [...] with the Evangelical preparation; we must be constantly in the posture of Pilgrims, whose thoughts are on leaving the place where they are: and we must be willing and ready to follow our Blessed Saviour which way soever he calls us.
This is to be remarked likewise, that no Vncircumcised person was to eat of the Passover, no F [...]reigner or Stranger, ver. 43, 44. Which acquainteth us that none but those who are admitted into Christ's Church, and are True and Proper Members of it, can partake of the Benefits which accrue by the death of our Lord; and also, that Strangers and Aliens from the Covenant of Grace, and those that are Uncircumcis'd in heart, receive no real Advantage by coming to the Lord's Supper: they partake only of the outward Elements, but are excluded from sharing in the Inward Grace and Blessing which [Page 220] are represented by those External Signs.
Thus you see the Parallel between the Iewish and Christian Passover. The Paschal Lamb was a Male, and without Blemish, and of the First Year: It was taken out of their own Fold, and kill'd in the Evening, and the Door-posts were sprinkled with the Blood: It was roasted, and then eaten whole, not a bone of it was to be broken, and nothing of it was to remain. It was eaten with Unleavened bread, and bitter herbs, with loins girt, and in haste: it was eaten not by Strangers and Uncircumcised persons: and in every one of these particulars it was Typical and Representative. For tho it is true, there was this general Reason why these several Observances concerning the Paschal Lamb were enjoyn'd, namely because of their direct opposition to the Heathen Cerem [...] nies then in practice (as you shall hear afterwards) yet there was a more particular reason and distinct ground of the prescribing of these several Rites, viz. because they in some manner were Types and Significations of what our Lord Christ was to do or suffer, and of what is required of us in solemnizing the Gospel-Passover. If any man shall despise these things, and imagine them little, and not worthy of the Spirit of God, he may correct his prophane mistake by looking into the Epistles of St. Paul, especially that to the Hebrews, where he will find that the Apostle takes notice of such passages as these which relate to the Iewish Observances, and by the direction of the Divine and Infallible Spirit applies them to our Lord, and his Blessed Undertakings, and the main things of the Gospel-Dispensation. Let none then be so presumptuous and imp [...]ous as to say that these are Little and Contemptible, seeing they are such as the Holy Spirit was pleased to dictate. Nay, I might add with great reason and truth that this Mystical way of delivering the most weighty matters was heretofore used and approved of by all the Antient Sages and Men of Wisdom, especially by the Egyptians, whose Learning chiefly consisted [Page 221] in Hieroglyphicks. And therefore when we see that some men who have a great esteem of the Egyptian Learning, and admire it at a very high rate, do yet slight and vilifie those Mysterious Representations of the greatest and most important Truths which the Old Testament presents us with, we cannot but observe their wicked perversness, whilst they disregard and even ridicule that very way of communicating Truth in the Holy and Inspired Scriptures which they magnifie and extol in Prophane Writers.
But I have not finished this Parallel yet. To make it every way compleat, Christ our Passover chose to be sacrificed on the very day that the Iews eat their Paschal Lamb. It is remarkable that Christ, who came to abolish the Typical and Ceremonious Service of the Iews, yet just before his leaving the World submitted to this Mosaical Observance, and kept it with his Disciples, which certainly he would never have done if it had not been to signifie this very thing which I am treating of, viz. that He was the True and Real Paschal Lamb, and that before he died he designed to let them know that there was an exact Resemblance and Agreement between one and the other, and more especially as to the Times. This hath been partly proved already; I will now give farther evidence of it. It is a mighty Controversy among some Writers, whether Christ kept the Passover on the same day the Iews did, or the day before? Some are of the opinion that the Lamb according to the Law was to be killed on that night Christ kept his Passover, but was to be eaten the next Evening. Therefore they say Christ eat not the Paschal Lamb, but only celebrated the Passover with Unleavened Bread and Bitter Herbs. But this is only said, and not proved. On the contrary, we know that the Paschal Lamb was to be kill'd and eaten in the same night, Exod 12. 8. Dent. 16. 4. Yea, all of it was to be eaten that very night, nothing was to remain till the morning. Next then, it is to be demanded [Page 222] whether Christ eat the Passover on the same night with the Iews? I answer, he did not keep the Passover on the same night that the Iews did, but on the night before i. e. on the Evening of the day before. Not that Christ anticipated the time of celebrating the Passover according to the Law (as the Greek Church holds) but he kept the true time, he celebrated it according to Moses's Law, i. e. on the 14 th day of the first Month (which answer'd to our March) after Evening, Levit. 23. 5 Mat. 26. 17, &c. But the Jews (contrary to the Law) eat the Passover on the Evening of the day following, being the 15 th day. This they did according to a Custom among them which had obtain'd for a good while. I will at present offer only one Text, as a clear proof of this their practice: In Iohn 18. 28. 'tis said of the jews, that they went not into the Iudgment Hall, lest they should be defiled; but that they might [...] the Passover. Thence it appears that they had not at that time ( viz. on Friday morning) eaten the Passover, which Christ and his Apostles had done; therefore Christ kept the Passover a Night sooner then the Iews did: they eat not theirs till the Evening after Christ was crucified, i. e. on Friday Night or Evening. This following Scheme will represent it to you more clearly; which also will be serviceable to clear some other passages in the Evangelical History, which I find are mistaken by some Persons.
[Page 223]On the 10th Day of the Month [...] (which answers to our March) being the 1st Day of the week according to the Jews, which answers to Our Sunday, or Lord's Day Christ Came from Bethany, and en [...]ed into Ierusalem in triumph, Mat. 21. 1▪ &c. and return'd to Bethany in the Evening, Mat. 21. 17.
On the 11th Day of the Month [...] (which answers to our March) being the 2d Day of the week according to the Jews, which answers to Monday Christ Cursed the Figree as he return'd from Bethany, Mat. 21. 18, &c.
On the 12th Day of the Month [...] (which answers to our March) being the 3rd Day of the week according to the Jews, which answers to Tuesday Christ Foretold the destruction of Ierusalem, Mat. 24. 1.
On the 13th Day of the Month [...] (which answers to our March) being the 4th Day of the week according to the Jews, which answers to Wednesday Christ Was sold by Iudas, Mat. 26. 14.
On the 14th Day of the Month [...] (which answers to our March) being the 5th Day of the week according to the Jews, which answers to Thursday, the day of the Preparat. to the Passover Feast according to the Law. Christ In the evening eat the Paschal Lamb with his Disciples; instituted the Lord's Supper Met. 26. 20. Afterwards was appreheaded and arraign'd, Mat 26. 57. Joh. 18. 13.
On the 15th Day of the Month [...] (which answers to our March) being the 6th Day of the week according to the Jews, which answers to Friday, the day of Preparation by the Jews custom. Christ Was arraign'd again, & condemn'd, crucified and buried, Mat. 27. In the Evening of this day the Jews eat the Passover, Ioh. 18. 28.
On the 16th Day of the Month [...] (which answers to our March) being the 7th (or Sabbath) Day of the week according to the Jews, which answers to Saturday, or Jews Sabbath, on which they observ'd the Passover Feast. Christ Lay in the Grave all this day, Mat. 27. 62, &c.
On the 17th Day of the Month [...] (which answers to our March) being the 1st Day of the week according to the Jews, which answers to Sunday, or Id's D. Christ Rose from the Dead very early, Mat. 28. 1.
[Page 224]Some Writers, because the Jews day of 24 Hours was reckoned from Sun set to Sun-set, take the Evening of the 14 th day of the Month to be the beginning of the next day, the 15 th; for if the day commenc'd from the Evening, then the Evening of the 14 th day belong'd to the next ensuing Day. But this is to be said, that tho 'tis true the Jewish Feasts took their beginning in the Evening, and the natural Day was counted from Evening to Evening, yet the [...] Day of 12 Hours began with Sun-rising, and ended at Sun-set▪ and the sormer part of the insuing Night was added to the account; and consequently the Evening of the 14 th day was reckon'd as part of that Day. However, if you should say that the Evening of the 14 th day belonged to the 15 th which followed, you may make allowance for that in the Scheme, and adjust the foremention'd time by a small alteration: but still it holds true, that the Passover was not killed and eaten by Christ and his Apostles, on the same day that the Jews kill'd and eat their Passover, as appeareth from the place before alledged. And this is very remarkable, for the Jews putting off their Passover a day longer, contrary to their own Law, was not without the disposal of the All-wise God, that hereby the Paschal Lamb, and he that was represented by it, might be slain on the same day. Which shews the Agreement and Resemblance between Christ and the Iewish Passover, which was the thing I here intended.
4. The Feast of Weeks, or the Feast of Pentecost (for it was known by both those Names) was another of those greater Feasts observ'd by the Jews. It was call'd the Feast of Weeks, because it was kept at the and of seven Weeks, i. e. 49 Days, Levit. 23. 15, 16. and it had the Greek name of Pentecost, because the first day of it was the 50 th day after the first day of the Passover, as Whitsunday is 50 days after Easter. This [Page 225] Feast (it is probable) is meant by the 1 second Sabbath after the first, Luke 6. 1. for the day of Pentecost falling then on a Sabbath, is call'd the second Sabbath after the first, or the second Prime or chief Sabbath, because the Passover before being on a Sabbath Day, was the first Prime or chief Sabbath. So then in respect of that, this is call'd the second chief Sabbath, as the Feast of Tabernacles (which come afterwards) may be call'd the third chief Sabbath. Thus Grotius and Hammond; but Scaliger and Lightfoot refer it to the Feast of Vnleaven'd Bread, and make it the first Sabbath after the second day of the Passover. The Feast of Pentecost began on the sixth day of the Month Sivan, which answers to our May: and the Harvest began at this time. Wherefore it is call'd the Feast of Harvest, and the Feast of First-fruits of what was sown in the Field, Exod. 23. 16. Then the first-fruits of the Corn were offer'd to God. So I may call it the Iewish Lammass, Sax. Lafmasse i. e. Loas-Masse or Bread-Masse, so call'd heretofore as a Feast of Thanksgiving to God for the First-fruits of the Corn. But when the Feast of Pentecost is called the Feast of Harvest, we must understand this aright, (and I mention it the rather, because some Writers have mistaken here, and represented the Matter amiss) we must know then that there were two Harvests among the Jews, but not in the same order that they are with us, for their Barley-harvest began first, viz. at the Passover, and their Wheat-harvest was seven weeks after that. It is of this latter that the foresaid Text in Exodus is meant. This Feast was of seven days continuance, but the first and last days were most solemnly kept: it was instituted in memory of the Law [Page 226] given on Mount Sinai fifty days after the Passover, Lev. 23. 15, &c.
5. There was the Feast of Tabernacles, which began on the 15 th day of the 7 th Month, or September, according to the computation of the Sacred Year, which commenced from March, Levit. 23. 34, &c. It continued eight days, in the first seven of which they dwelt in Tabernacles or Booths, made of the Boughs of these Trees especially, Willow, Palm, Mirtle. Whatever weather happen'd, they remain'd in these Tabernacles so many days together. They used at this time to hold in their hands Branches of Trees, which they call'd Hosannas, because when they had them in their hands, it was their custom to cry Hasanna, Save now. The first and last days were the chiefest, as it was in all their Feasts. On the last day they fetch'd Water out of the River Siloah, and brought it to the Temple, which they delivered to the Priest, who poured it with Wine upon the Altar, the People singing that in Isa. 12. 3. Hence our Saviour took occasion on this last day of the Feast to cry, saying, If any Man thirst, let him come unto me and drink, &c. Iohn 7. 37, 38. This Anniversary Feast was kept in remembrance of the 40 Years sojourning in the Wilderness, all which time they dwelt in Tabernacles.
These are they which the Jews call Shalosh regalim, the great Feasts: but more especially they call the three last so, which you find mentioned together in Exod. 23. 14, 15. Three times in the Year shalt thou keep a Feast unto me: thou shalt keep the Feast of Vnleavened Bread, ( i. e. the Feast of the Passover) and the Feast of Ingathering, which is in the end of the Year, ( i. e. the Feast of Tabernacles): these three times in the Year shall all thy Males appear before the Lord, i. e. they were to go from their own Habitations up to Shiloh, and afterwards [Page 227] to Ierusalem on these three principal Feasts. But the other lesser Feasts (which they call'd 1 Good Days) were kept in the Place and Cities where they lived. Of these I am to speak next.
The lesser Feasts are these two: 1. 2 The Feast of Trumpets, or New-years Day; for they made a solemn promulgation of the New Year, by sounding of Trumpets at that time more than at another. As they kept the first day of every Month▪ (of which we spoke before) so likewise of every Year; i. e. they celebrated the first day of the Month Tisri, or September, because it was the first day of the Year, according to the AEra that they computed their Civil Years by. There are some that think the Feast of Trumpets was in remembrance of the Trumpets on Mount Sinai when the Law▪ was given, Exod. 19. 16, 19. 2. The 3 Feast of Expiation: for in a general way it may be call'd a Feast; and so it is reckon'd among the Feasts, Levit. 23. 2. but not strictly and properly, because it was not a day of rejoycing, which is essential to a Feast, but was spent wholly in Repentance, Humiliation, and Mourning. Yet it is call'd a Feast, because it was a day of Resting; on this day they were to do no manner of work, Lev. 23. 31. which is not enjoyn'd concerning any other Feast but the Grand Sabbath, or Weekly Feast (on other Feast-days they were forbid only to do servile Work, Levit. 23. 21, 36.) and so on that account this day may be stiled a Festival. But otherwise it ought to be call'd the F [...]st of Expiation, for it was a great Fast, nay it was the only Fast-day that was injoyn'd the Jews by Moses's Law, tho others were observ'd by their [Page 228] own free choice. It was kept on the 10 th day of the 7 th Month (Tisri) on which the High Priest Solemnly enterd (as hath been shew'd before) into the Holy of Holies, to expiate for his own and the peoples Sins committed the whole Year before. This Fast is meant in Acts 27. 9. and thence it is gather'd, that sailing was then dangerous, that season of the Year being usually boistrous and tempestuous. Concerning the Modern Jews, Buxtorf tells us, that on this day every Man Kill'd a Cock (and a white Cock it was, and of no other colour) and every Woman Kill'd a Hen; and this they thought was expiatory, and satisfy'd for their former Faults, and took away their past Sins.
Besides the Festivals and solemn Days commanded in the Mosaick Law, there were others appointed by the Iewish Church, some of which are recorded in the Old Testament, and on that account belong to the Iewish Dispensation. These were, 1. The Feast of the Law, or of the rejoycing of the Law, on which day was read the last Parasha in the Pentat [...]uch, i. e. the last Chapter but one of Deuteronomy. For the Law was divided into 52 Sections, and on every Sabbath they read one of them; the last reading was on the 23 d of September. The next Sabbath the Law was begun to be read again, and this Sabbath was call'd Sabbath Bereshith, because they began then to read Bereshith, i. e. the beginning of Genesis. They celebrated the foresaid day in thanking of God for his great Mercy in vouchsa [...]ing them the reading of the Law. 2. The Eeast of the Dedication of the Temple, instituted by Solomon, 1 Kings 8. 1. and afterwards observ'd (as some think) by the Jews. 3. The Feast of Dedication, or Encoenia, celebrated on the 25 th day of November, which Month is call'd Ki [...] leu by the Hebrews. It was instituted in memory of that great Hero Iudas Macchabaeu [...], who after the death of his Father Mattathias conquer'd the Greeks and Syrians who had taken Ierusalem, and tyranniz'd over the [Page 229] Iews. He recover'd that City, and dedicated the Temple anew, which the impious Antioch [...] had prophan'd. He commanded this Festival to be solemnly kept yearly eight days together, beginning on the 25 th day of the foresaid Month, 1 Mac. 4. 59. 4. P [...]rim, or the Feast of L [...]ts, Esther 9. 21, &c. in remembrance of the Deliverance in Esther's time. It was kept on the 14 th and 15 th days of the Month Ad [...]r, the 12 th Month, or February. It was called Purim (which is a Persian word, and signifieth Lots) in memory of Haman's throwing Lots, that all the Iews in A [...]asuerus's Dominions should be killed: for this was an old Custom to cast Lots to find [...]it and seasonable times for effecting of any great Business. They writ the Days and the Months, and put them into a Pitcher, and so what they took out (according to the Marks they had set down) was lucky or unlucky. This Feast then of Purim, was celebrated in remembrance of the Massacre appointed by Lot against the Jews.
There were also Fasts among the Jews, which, tho they were not commanded by the Law of Mos [...]s, yet the Jewish Church enjoin'd them to be kept. of these you read in Zech. 8. 19. viz. the Fast of the [...]ourth Month, Tamuz, or Iune, in remembrance of the time when Ierusalem was invaded, and the Tables of the Law broken, and the Book of the Law burnt, Ier. 52. 6, 7. and the Fast of the fifth Month, or Iuly, for the destruction of the Temple, Zech. 7. 3. and the Fast of the seventh Month, Tisr [...], or September, for the ki [...] ling of Gedaliah, 2 Kings 25. 28, and the Fast of the Tenth (in which Month, Thebat, or December, the City began to be besieged) Ier. 52. 4. Thus much of the R [...]ligious Feast [...] and Sacred S [...]asons, wherein the Jewish People used to lay aside Secular Business, and to be imployed wholly in Religious Worship.
Sixthly, There were in the Law of Moses, some particular Obs [...]rvanc [...]s whi [...]h r [...]spected the Convers [...]ion of [Page 230] the W [...]rshippers. They were tied up as to their Commerce with others, they were not at liberty to associate with every one, they were confined as to their Garments, and as to their Diet. There was no such thing as Vncleanness by touching the Dead among the old Patriarchs, (for we read that Ioseph kissed dead Iacob:) This was pu [...]ely Mosaick, and so was that of not coming near any Leprous Person, or touching those who had issues of Blood, and the like. But the main thing remarkable was, the difference of Meats and Drinks: therefore I will speak particularly of that in this place, (and I may have occasion to glance on some of the rest afterwards.) Some have thought (as hath been suggested before) that this usage prevailed before the Mosaick Law, i. e. that some Creatures were clean, and others unclean, in regard of their being permitted or forbidden to be eaten. But I have already shew'd in what sense they were said to be clean o [...] unclean, viz. in respect of Sacrificing, and not of eating. But under the Mosaick Law there is (and never was before) set down the Number of those Creatures which must not be eaten, and we are particularly told what the Cleanness or Uncleanness of them is. The clean Animals were only those that chew the Cud, and divide the Hoof. This was the Sign and Mark of them; and it must be observed, that by dividing the Hoof is meant, dividing it into two parts only, not into more; for some divide the Hoof into more parts, and are not clean, as a Dog, a Lion, a Wolf. And Camels have the Hoof divided, but not quite through, it is pa [...]ted above, but not below; therefore it is said of the Camel, Levit. 11. 4. that he div [...]deth not the Hoof, viz. from the top to the bottom, but only in part, as Na [...]ural Historians have observed. And as parting the Hoof, and chewing the Cud, are two signs of a clean Beast, so Fins and Scales make a Fish legally clean. And as for Fowl, you have a particular enumeration of those that are clean or unclean. Bees [Page 231] also were unclean and forbidden Food to the Jews, but their Honey was not. I might observe further, that Fat is forbidden to be eaten, i. e. the Fat which covers the inward Parts, as the Heart, Liver, Kidneys, &c. Levit. 3. 16. This the Jews might not eat, no not at home when they kill'd a Beast. But it is to be understood of such Beasts as were used to be sacrificed to God, as Sheep, Oxen, Goats, Levit. 7. 23, 25. The Fat of these Creatures was to be burnt, but by no means eaten. And as for the Blood of these, and all other Animals, it was to be poured on the Ground, and by no means to be eaten or drank. I could add, that the Jews stretched this Abstinence from Meats beyond what was injoined, for they would not eat the hinder Legs o [...] Animals because the Angel strained Iacob's Thigh, whereupon the Sinews shrank: But in Italy the Jews cut out these Nerves by Art, and eat the Legs.
If it be asked, What was the Reason that such and such Creatures were forbidden to be Food? Why did not God suffer the Jews to feed on all Animals indifferently? The Answer may be that of St. Augus [...]in in the like case, Quia voluit, because it seemed good to God to do so: it was his Will and Pleasure, and no Reason is to be given. Thus C [...]naeus and Spanhemius resolve it wholly into God's Authority and Sovereignty. But others offer Reason of God's acting thus: 1. Some think that it was God's Pleasure to ins [...]il Lessons of Morality by that Prohibition, according to the Quali [...]ies observ'd in those Creatures. They conceive that so many Sins and Vices are represented by unclean Animals, and so many Virtues and Graces by the clean ones. In a mystical w [...]y God taught the Jews, and Brutes were Symbolical and Hieroglyphical. When God bid th [...]m not eat the Flesh of the Hare, the Swin [...], and the Hawk, he warned them against the Timorousness of the one, the Filthiness of the other, and the Ravenousness of the third. Thus the antient Jewish Commentators, and [Page 232] some of the 1 Fathers of the Christian Church, give moral Reasons why such and such Creatures were forbid to be eaten by the Jews. And more particularly as to unclean Birds, they were forbid because they were Rapacious, or because they were night-Birds, or because they [...]ed upon impure and filthy things: on which considerations they were to teach some useful Matter to the Jews. This is agreed to, not only by some of the Antient 2 Writers of the Church, but by Thomas Aq [...]inas and others among the Moderns, and by Monsieur 3 Bochart of late. But none hath assigned the moral Account of the Law concerning difference of Meats among the Jews more satisfactorily than that worthy and ingenious Writer of this Age I. Wagenseil on Sota. 2. This Jewish Institution is though [...] by others so have been design'd to teach them Temperance and Self-denial, to curb Luxury, to check an immoderate Appetite: therefore some Meats were denied them. So Tertulli [...]n. 3. Iosephus renders this Reason, because some were gross Meat, and would with their feculent Vapours pollute the Mind, and cloud the Soul. 4. Grotius assigns this as another Reason why God forbad the Jews some sorts of Food, because they were not good Nutriment for the Body. To this, it is likely, may be refer'd that Mosaick Command, Thou shalt not seeth a Kid in his Mother's Milk, Exod. 23. 19. For whilst some of the Hebrew Doctors imagine, that by virtue of this Prohibition, no Flesh which is to be eaten ought to be boil'd with Milk; whilst another thinks that it is cruel and unnatural to take away the young One from its Dam before [Page 233] it is wean'd, and consequently that there is good Morality contain'd in these words; whilst others are of opinion, that not Cruelty, but affectation of Curiosity and pleasing the Taste are check'd here; whilst some very strangely and unaccountably understand this place of sacrificing the Paschal Lamb or Kid; whilst others think this to be a Prohibition of a Gentile Custom that had a Smack of Idolatry; and whilst other odd Fancies have been propounded about the meaning of it, which you will find rehearsed by several Commentators on the Text, and by Bochart in his Hieroz [...]icon ( part 1. Book 2. Chap. 52.) I take this to be the easy and plain Interpretation, that the Jews were forbid to eat Lambs or Kids, or Calves before the due time. To b [...]il a Kid in its Mother's Milk, is to dress and eat it whilst it sucks the milk of its Dam i. e. at its very first sucking, before the Flesh is come to any consistency and maturity, and consequently before it is wholesom Aliment. I look upon it as a Pr [...]c [...]p [...] of Health. And so, it is probable, many of those are that make a distinction as to Animals, and forbid the eating of some rather than others, viz. because the Flesh of them is not so good and laudable Food as that of other Creatures. The Great Maimonides was of this Opinion, and positively afferts, that they were unwholefom Meats, and therefore forbidden, M [...]r. N [...]v [...]h. Pag. 3. cap. 48. There was this natural Cause of the Prohibition; God consulted their Health. I do not see sufficient reason to affirm, that any of these, much less that all of them, are false Accounts of the Prohibition, as a late 1 Learned Writer confidently asserts. They are not the chief Reasons; but I cannot aver with him that they are no Reasons. But, 5. one of the Chief and main Reasons of God's appointing [Page 234] the difference of Meats to the Jews was, because he intended this should be a distinction between them and other People. This is the positive Reason given by God himself, in Deut. 14. 2, 3. Levit. 20. 24, 25. The Jews were a peculiar People, and therefore had this as a peculiar Law. 6. With this Reason another is inseparably join'd, viz. that by this means they were kept from occasions of Idolatry: for hereby a familiar Converse with the Gentiles was hindred. They could not eat together, because some Meats were unclean to the Iews: therefore the Iews could not mix with them, but were forced to separate from them, which was a good Expedient to keep them from the Idolatry of the Nations.
Lastly, This Law was given the Jews, to prevent all Idolatry on another account, as thus, God appointed some Animals Clen, and others Unclean, that these People eating the former, and abhorring the latter, might worship neither; for 1 it is the highest madness imaginable to adore what we eat; and there is no likelihood of deifying what we abominate. Thus Theodoret and some other Fathers say, the difference of Clean and Vnclean Animals was set by God, because he foresaw the Jews inclinable to Idolatry. He ordered some to be clean, as Sheep, and Oxen, and Goats, and Doves, these being abstain'd from, and counted as Gods by the Egyptians: therefore the Israelites were commanded to eat these. They must now not only sacrifice, but feed upon that which some of them before worship'd in Egypt. But what the Egyptians eat, that the Iews were to abstain from: Thus God enjoined them to eat no Swines Flesh, because the Egyptians [...]ed on no Flesh of four-footed Animals but this, reckoning other Creatures as Sacred, as Herodotus, Diod [...]re of Sicily, and several [Page 235] other good Authors testifie, and as we may gather from Gen. 43. 32. & 46. 34. which places not only the famous Onkel [...]s and Ionathan, but the chiefest Expositors, antient and modern, interpret this way.
But did not the murmuring Israelites call to mind the flesh-pots they sat by when they were in Egypt? Exod. 16. 3. which seems to argue that the Egyptians (from whom they had these Flesh-pots) did not abstain from the flesh of Animals. To which I answer, 1. This may be understood of the flesh of Sheep, Oxen, and Goats, which it was lawful for the Israelites to eat, and which they did eat in Egypt as often as they could get it. So that this refers not to the Egyptians, but the Israelites only. Or 2. supposing it hath reference to the former, it is meant of the flesh of Fish and Fowl which the Egyptians fed upon, and of which there was very great plenty in that Countrey. And it is to be understood likewise of the Pots and vessels wherein the Egyptians boil'd and kept Hogs-flesh, which was a [...]ood permitted to them. And indeed generally the people of other Heathen Countries, tho they abstain'd from some other Animals out of a certain reverence to them, fed freely on Swines-flesh. Whence, I remember, Dr. Lightfoot gathers that the Gadarens were Heathens, viz. because we read there were Swine among them, Luke. 8. 32, &c.
If it be objected, the Egytians had Cattle, Gen. 47. 6. and flocks and h [...]rds, ver. 17. therefore they eat of their flesh: I answer, that this is no good Consequence, for they bred up these Cattle not for food, but to use in Sacrifices. That they did not make use of them in the former manner. I prove from that forecited place, Gen. 47. 17. where it is said, the Egyptians brought their Cattl [...] (their flocks and [...]erds) to Ioseph, and exchang'd them for Bread. Which they would not have done in the time of Famine, if they had thought Sheep and Oxen were to be eaten by them: for certainly these were as good provision against hunger as Bread. Therefore their battering [Page 236] of those for this, shews that they were not us'd to [...]eed on the flesh of Cattle, but that they reserv'd and sold their Beasts for Sacrifice, as if they were meat for their Gods, and not for themselves. This part then of the Mosaick Law seems to have been instituted on purpose to affront the Idolatry of the Egyptians, who used to adore several Animals. Now G [...]d would shew that they were not to be a [...]ored by his commanding them to be eaten. This Eating was to confute their Divinity: for feeding upon their Gods was not dreamt of then, tho the Papists have introduced it since.
7ly. And Lastly, There were Vows proper to the Mosaick Dispensation. The famous Votaries under the Law were the Nezarites, and these are said to be either Perpetual, as Sampson, Samuel, Iohn the Baptist; or Temporary (i. e. for a certain time only) as Absalom, 1 St. Paul, and others: But if we look narrowly into the matter, we shall find (as I have elsewhere shew'd) that they were all at their liberty to relinquish their vow. As for the Rechabites, theirs was no Religious but a mere Civil Practice, grounded on a National Custom, 1 Chron. 2. 55. The old Kenites were dwellers in Tents from the beginning, and abstain'd from Wine, and they retain'd the same Usage when they came into C [...]naan. And when at length their posterity laid it aside, Ionadab the Son of Rechab a famous K [...]nit [...] renew'd it, 2 Kings 10. 5. Ier. 35. 6. But in the 27 th Chapter of Leviticus we have a peculiar and select Account of the Religion of Vows under the Law. There you will find these Vows (which were voluntary Services tending to the Honour of God) were either Estimat [...]ry, or Vows of Destruction. Of the first of these the Chapter treateth from the beginning to the 28 th ver. Estimatory Vows were either Personal or Real. Of the former, viz. the [Page 237] Vowing or Consecrating of the Persons of Men, Women or Children to God, that Chapter speaketh from ver. 1. to the 9 th. But tho the Persons were Vowed, it was intended that a Valuation should serve the turn, i. e. the Priest was to set a Value on the Person, and then such a Sum of Money was to be paid by the person that made the Vow, which was to be laid out on pious uses, as repairing the Tabernacle, &c. And accordingly you find the Persons are here Estimated, and so were to be redeemed with money. Such Vows as that of Anna, who dedicated Samu [...]l to the Lord, were of another kind: That was a Vow to be actually performed, not to be redeemed. That devoted a person to a particular Function or Service, but this was the solemn promising of giving the Rate of a Person, of Himself, or his Wife, or Servant, or Child to God. And there was a general Law that all the first-born of Men should be set apart for God's Service, Exod. 13. 2. which was occasion'd by God's saving the first-born of the Israelites when he destroy'd those of the Egyptians, Exod. 13. 15. These therefore were to be redeem'd with a certain Sum which was to be paid to the Priest. This is all the meaning of this sort of Personal Vows.
Of the Real Vows the Chapter speaks from ver. 9. to 28. These were Vowings of Things to God, as Cattle, Fields, Houses, Possessions. The giving of Beasts by Vow was to sacrifice them, if they were Clean, (and indeed the First-born males of all Clean Creatures were to be sacrificed, Exod. 13. 2, 12. Num. 18. 17.) if Vnclean, to redeem them, Exod 13. 8. (for here an As [...] stands for all other Unclean Animals) that is, to pay a Price to the Priest for them. Or if they would not do this, they were to break their n [...]cks, they must have no use of them. The vowing of Houses and Poss [...]ssions to God, was bestowing them on the Priests and Levites for their maintenance, or for repairing the Tabernacle or Temple, or for any other Pious uses. But all these [Page 238] might be Redeemed at a certain Price or Rate; i. e. by giving something in lieu of them to the Priests: the particular Valuations are set down in this Chapter. And here it is to be observ'd, that it was intolerable prophaneness to vow and offer things to God that were mean and base, and of a polluted nature. Which is thus express'd in Deut. 23. 18. Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any Vow. Money which Harlots receiv'd for prostitution was to be by no means dedicated to God. The Sacrifices which were bought with the price of their Whoredom were abominable to him. Their Money was adulterate as well as themselves. Not only they but their Gains were detestable. It was the price of Sin, and therefore must not be offer'd. This was a sufficient Caution against the future practice of some of the Pontifs of the Roman Church, who exact a Tribute of the Stews, and pretend to employ it to Religious uses. And so as for money for the sale of any vile Creature, especially of a Dog, it was not to be brought into the Sanctuary or Temple. Nay, whereas the Firstilings of all other Unclean Animals were redeemed with money, this is excepted, as being under the Law a very contemptible and base Creature, and therefore deservedly joyn'd with Harlets. So 1 one tells us that a Tribute on Dogs as well as Prostitutes was used among the Greeks, and he proves it out of Evagrius and Cedrenus. So much for the Real Vows, which concern things Redeemable.
But as there were some Persons and Things Vowed which might be Redeemed, so there was another fort of Devoted Things and Persons, call'd Cherem, which could not be Redeemed. Of these you read in Ver. 28, &. 29. of this Chapter. Here are meant Vows of Destruction, i. e. Devoting Persons to slaughter and death, [Page 239] or destining Things to Desolation and Ruine, as in the case of Iericho, which was pronounced a Curs'd, a Devoted place, with all the persons in it, Ios. 6. 17. And the killing and destroying of the Seven Nations was an Instance of the like nature. The Ch [...]rem, the thing or persons devoted with a Curse, could not be redeem'd, as in the former cases. Some have thought that Iephthah sacrificed his Daughter by virtue of the Vow he had thus made, but I have heretofore disproved this in a Set Discourse, and therefore I need not say any thing of it here. Nor shall I particularly insist on any more of the Religious Usages and Rites (though they are very numerous) which were proper to the Mosaick O [...]conomy.
The Reasons of the Ceremonial Rites among the Jews. They were to Try that People. They were to Restrain them. They were injoyn'd in opposition to the Idolatrous Customs of the Heathens. Several Instances of this. Dr. Spencer opposes it. His two Parallels of the Jewish and Gent [...]le Rites. His opinion shew'd to be unreasonable, absurd, and contradictious. He makes the Eucharist an Imitation of a Pagan Barbarous Vsage. Other Writers mention'd who have fallen into the like Notions. The Ceremonial Law was prescribed the Jews because it was suitable to that Age and Disposition of the Church. Particularly it agreed with them as they were Children and Minors. It was serviceable to teach them something of Morality. Those Ritual Observances were design'd to be Types and Representations of Greater and Higher things. More especially they prefigured the Messias. The Contents of the Judicial Law. Some parts of it were in force before Moses's time. What obligation it hath upon Christians now under the Gospel.
I Will now enter upon another Task: for tho I have already, as I went along, interspersed some Reasons of the particular Rites and Ceremonial Practices which I mention'd; yet, before I proceed to the next main Head propounded, I will yet further produce some general, and some more particular Reasons of those Ceremonies [Page 241] and Observances already mentioned, as also of the rest of the Iudaical Customs and Practices. And these six Reasons I offer,
1. By these Ceremonious Rites God was pleas'd to try and exercise the Jews Obedience. I do not say with Cocceiu [...], and some that have espoused his notions, that the Ceremonies and Observa [...]ces prescrib'd the Iews were impos'd upon them by God as a Punishment [...]or making the Golden Calf; as if the whole Ceremonial Law was given them meerly to chastize them for their Idolatry: This is a groundless [...]ancy, and con [...]ounds the notions of a Law and Punishment, which are two distinct things. But this we may safely and on good grounds assert, that God design'd this Law to be a Tryal of them. As God thought fit to try the Obedience of our First Parents by the Fruit of one single Tree, as it was his Pleasure to choose that particular way, so here it seem'd good to him to make experiment of the Iews readiness to comply with his Will, by imposing these Rit [...]s upon them, and by requiring their submission to them.
2. God thought good to put This Restraint upon the Iewish people. Before Faith came (saith the Apostle) we were 1 kept under the Law, shut up unto the Faith which should afterwards be revealed, Gal. 3. 23. Those that are Critical tell us that he here compareth the Ceremonial Law to a Strict Watch, or Military Guard set upon the Iews. This as it were imprison'd and shut them up, this confin'd and check'd them. This s [...]jag let [...] rah, this Hedg of the Law (as the Iews call'd the Mosaick Rites) enclos'd them, and kept them in. It [was the Wisdom of God to keep that People in Awe by this severe Discipline. If there were no other Account to be given of the Imposing of the Legal Ceremonies but this, this were enough. But there are several others.
[Page 242]3. The primary Reason of the Mosaick Rites was to keep the people from Idolatry. This I had occasion to touch upon when I gave the particular Reason of the Law concerning the Distinction of Meats. But now I apply it more generally to all the parts of the Ceremonial Law. The Observance of these kept them from Idolatry; and this it did two ways: 1. As those Rites held the people in Employment. 2. As they were directly opposite to the Rites and Customs of the Idolatrous Nations [...] First, I say, they serve to keep them Employ'd, and so in some measure hindred them from Idolatry. This is certain, that the Iewish people were strangely prone to imitate the Heathens that lived about them, they used to ape their gross [...]st Idolatries. Wherefore God used this Method, he prescribed them all these various Rites, which he knew would certainly keep them in action, and not allow them leisure to mind the Usages of other Nations. They had their hands full, and could not well apply themselves to any thing else. By busying themselves with their own Rites and Customs they were diverted from following Idolatrous ones. By the multitude and variety of those Ceremonies they were diverted from the Idolatry of the Gentiles who were round about them, and who otherwise would have infected them with their Pagan fashions. St. Chrysostom expresseth it thus: 1 Th [...]se Ceremonies were prescribed to the Jews for a certain Bridle to them, and that they might yield an occasion of Business and Employment. They had work enough to do, and so could not attend to Idolatrous practices. Secondly, The Mosaick Rites and Ceremonies were a good Remedy against these, because they were directly opposite to the Idolatrous Rites of the Gentiles. I have shew'd this already in the Instance of forbidding of Swines [Page 243] flesh, &c. But now I will make it good in other parts of the Mosaick Law: I will let you see that they were instituted in opposition to the Customs and Practices of the Heathen Idolaters.
We must know then that the Eastern Nations, as Assyrians, and Egyptians, and others that were neighbours to the Iews, used these following Ceremonies, viz. Cutting their flesh, Rounding the corners of their heads, Sowing the ground with divers seeds: It was usual for Women to wear the Garments of Men, and Men those of Women; they accustom'd themselves to eating of the blood of Animals, looking towards the East when they Worshipp'd, and Adoring the rising Sun; and some things likewise relating to Sacrifices and Oblations might be mention'd. These and many more were constantly practised by the Zabians and other neighbouring people who were given to Idolatry, and they were used by them in a Superstitious and Idolatrous manner. This you will find proved by the Excellent Selden, Hottinger, and other Learned Writers out of 1 Maimonides. And from him the Learned 2 Dr. Spencer and others shew that even all the Rites and Ceremonies used at the Paschal Feast, which I particularly enumerated before, were in opposition to Idolatrous Customs among the Gentiles. The Paschal Lamb was to be a Male of the first year, i. e. a young Ram, in defiance of the idolatrous Egyptians who counted a Ram the most sacred Animal: this therefore God bids them kill and sacrifice. They must not eat it raw, because the Heathens eat their Sacrifices raw. It was to be eaten in the house, to avoid the Procession used by the Gentiles. A Bone was not to be broken, because the Heathens tore their Sacrifices in pieces. The head with the legs and purtenance were to be eaten, to affront [Page 244] the Pagans who eat the Entrails only. Nothing was to remain till the morning, in opposition to the Heathens who used the relicks of Sacrifices superstitiously. It was not to be sodden in water, but to be roasted, to oppose the custom of the Egyptians and others who boyl'd their Sacrifices.
This Maimonides was indeed the first that opposed and confuted that received opinion of some Iewish Doctors, that there was no Reason to be given of the Ritual Law, but that it was wholly from the Soveraign Will and Pleasure of God. He on the Contrary proves that these Mosaick Rites have Reason to vouch them, and that they were not given as the Arbitrary Commands of an Absolute Empire over mankind. And he came to know this particular Reason, which I now assign of the Mosaick Observances, from his being acquainted with the Rites and Ceremonies of the Zabii. He largely insists on this Proposition, that most of the Jewish Rites were instituted to oppose the Superstitions of those Zabii, an antient sort of Idolaters in the East. The very things which those Heathens practised are particularly forbid by God to the Iews: Hence they are forbid to 3 cut or mangle their flesh, to 3 shave the corners of their heads, to 4 sow the ground with different seeds, because all these were Superstitious Usages of the Zabii. Likewise 5 eating of blood was severely forbidden on the same account, and so was 6 the Womans wearing the Garment of a Man, and vice versa. This changing of Vestments is forbid (saith 7 Selden) that they might not imitate the Worshippers of the Syrian Venus, who had various Rites in worshipping her, and according to the difference of those put on Mens or Womens clothes. And this Learned Antiquary had it from 8 Maimonides, who tells us that by that Mosaick Precept [Page 245] is forbid Idolatrous Worship, and particularly the Worship of Venus Male and Female in use among the Assyrians. The Iews were forbid also 3 to seeth a Kid in his Mother's milk, i. e. to offer a Kid or any Animal in Sacrifice whilst it is immature, and sucking its Dam: It must be kept up seven days with its Dam, Exod. 22. 30. Or, this may refer not only to Sacrifices and Firstfruits, but to Food; they were not to eat a Kid till it was come to a sufficient growth, i. e. till it was fit, by reason of age, to be eaten: so this is applied in Deut. 14. 21. In either of these senses the Precept may seem to be oppos'd to a Heathenish Zabian Rite, and therefore was enjoyn'd the Iews, saith our Learned Gregory. A Dog was the most abominable Animal of all the Creation under the Law (as appears from what was said before) the occasion of which was this, it was the chief Animal and in highest respect among the Egyptians, and was worshipp'd by them. Whence in opposition to this base and idolatrous venerating of it by the Egyptians, it is by the Mosaick Law rendred the most filthy and detestable Creature upon earth. So the Iews were commanded to worship toward the West, and accordingly the Holy of Holies in the Sanctuary and Temple was built West-ward, in opposition to the Sabaan Worshippers of the Sun, who turn'd towards the East. Therefore God would have the Iews turn their backs to the Sun when they worshipped.
And several other Precepts of the Mosaick Law were given in direct opposition to the superstitious Rites and Ceremonies of the Sab [...]ans, Chaldeans, Assyrians, and other Gentile Nations. God would not permit His People to symbolize with the Pagans in their corrupt Customs. To this end, as 4 Theod [...]ret observes, God [Page 246] commanded the Iews to kill and sacrifice those Animals which the Egyptians chiefly held as sacred, that they might not take them for Gods. And with him agrees 5 Maimonides, who saith there was a design in this Command to check the Idolatrous inclination of the Iews, and to condemn the Idolatrous practice of the Egyptians. This very thing was taken notice of by the Gentile Historians; thus Diodorus Siculus saith, of Moses, 6 ‘That he commanded the Rites of Sacrificing, and the manner of the Iews Lives, to differ much from the way and usage of other Nations.’ And Tacitus speaking of this same Law-giver, saith, 7 ‘That the Iewish Nation was set up by him, by his enjoyning them new Rites, and such as were contrary to the Customs of other Mortals. Those things were counted Prophane with them which are held Sacred with us: and again, those things were lawful with them which are reputed abominable with by us.’ Whence it appears that the Mosaick Laws and Rites were given to the Iews because they were repugnant to the practices of the Gentiles, and that one great design of these Laws was to prevent Idolatry for the future, and to keep them at the greatest distance imaginable from it.
But tho this be a very clear notion, yet it hath been strongly opposed of late. 8 One Ingenious Gentleman is bold to say, that God enjoyn'd the Iews the use of Sacrifices (which were the chiefest of their Religious Ceremonies) because they had been used to this kind of Worship in Egypt, and God had no other way to bring [Page 247] them off from their Idolatry but this. Therefore he was forced to comply with them, and indulge them in this Pagan folly. But there is another 9 of very great Learning that outdoth him in this Point, and hath pro [...]essedly and amply maintain'd this Assertion, That most of the Rites and Usages which we read of in the Old Testament, and which were prescrib'd by God to the Iews, were borrow'd from the Gentile Idolaters, viz. worshipping God in a Tabernacle, Purifications, New Moons, the Scape-Goat, Offering of Sacrifices, making Horns for the Altars, Feasts at Sacrifices, or eating what was left of the Sacrifices, keeping of Festival Days, offering of First-fruits, paying of Tithes, the Priest's Vestments of Linen, the Vow of Nazarites, or letting the hair grow for a time, and then consecrating it to God, the Temple, Urim and Thummim, the Ark and Cherubims. In all these Instances he endeavours to shew how God followed the Gentile Worshippers, and accordingly he undertakes to give several Parallels between the Iewish and the Heathen Rites. I had occasion heretofore to offer one of them, and now I will present the Reader with two more.
The first is of the Ark which both the Gentiles and the Iews had. 1. The Gentiles, who were cursed Idolaters, had Arks made of C [...]dar, and covered with Gold. To comply with [...]his time and rich Invention of the Heathens God caus'd an Ark to be made for the Iewish people of the same materials, i. e. of Shittim wood, which passeth for C [...]dar with this Author, and it was to be overlaid with pure Gold; Exod. 25. 10, 11. 2. The Pagan Worshippers call'd these Chests or Arks Holy: accordingly the Ark of the Covenant is stiled so, Num. 4. 20. 1. Kings 8. 8. Thus they were to be like one another as to their title of Sanctity. 3. The Gentile Gods shew'd themselves angry against those that look'd into their Ark, and sometimes struck dead the prophane handlers [Page 248] of it: even so (saith this Writer) the true God punish'd the curiosity and prophaneness of such as peep'd into his Ark, or irreverently laid hands upon it, 1. Sam. 6. 19. 4. The Idolaters placed their Ark in the Temple, and in the chief Apartment of their Temple: thus the Ark of the Testament was set in the Holiest place of the Tabernacle or Temple. Thus they agree as to the place. 5. The Pagans had their [...] men appointed on purpose for the carrying of their Ark. Every one was not permitted to be employ'd in that sacred work: yea they chose persons of the highest Rank among them to execute this worthy Office. Thus the bearing of the Ark among the Israelites was the work of those who were Consecrated to that Employment, and were of the Levitical Race, which was esteemed most Worthy and Noble. 6. Both sorts of Arks agree in their Use and principal End, which was to contain the sacred things belonging to God and Idols. As the Pagans Ark held their magical Instruments, Diabolical Utensils, and prophane Knacks and Trumpery, even so, and just so God appointed his Ark to hold and preserve the Tables of the Law. Is not this playing with Holy Things? The very exposing these particulars is, I think, Confutation sufficient.
The Second Parallel is between the Egyptian Images and the Cherubims: 1. Saith he, those Images were held to be the most sacred things among that people; so the Iews, God's people, knew nothing more Sacred and August than the Cherubinical Images. 2. The Images of Egypt were generally made of Gold: In imitation of which the Cherubims were of the same costly matter.
3. The Egyptians, all the time of their Worship, cast their eyes on their Images; In like manner the Iews look'd towards the Cherubins whenever they pray'd, or sprinkled the Blood of the Sacrifices. 4. The Egyptian Images were the Seat or Throne of their Gods, from whence they gave Answers to those who came to inquire of them; after which Example God placed his Royal [Page 249] Seat or Throne between the Cherubins, and from thence he gave forth Answers to Moses whenever he came to consult upon great occasions. 5. The Images of those Pagans were of a mixt shape, and did not resemble any one Animal: thus the C [...]erubim appointed by God were miscellaneous Images, made up of the likeness of Man and Beasts. 6. He adds that it was the Custom of the Egyptian Priests to bear their Images on their shoulders, and to carry them about with great Pomp. The Iewish Priests were commanded by God to follow this Practice, whence we read that they li [...]ted the Ark and Cherubim upon their shoulders, and carried them in Procession among the people with great Ovations and signs of Rejoycing.
These are the Particulars which make up the two Parall [...]ls; which if this Author had inverted, i. e. had shew'd that the Pagans imitated God's Ark, that their Images were an Aping of the Cherubim, he had undertaken a laudable Work: but the hath taken the quite contrary course, and labours to perswade us that God was punctually observant of every little Idolat [...]ous Ri [...]e of the Heathen Worshippers. He makes the True God most diligently and precisely tread in the steps of the false Gods and Idols. I appeal to the World whether this be Doctrine becoming a Christian Theologer. And moreover, I will appeal to any sober and considerate Man whether it be reconcileable to Sense, Reason, and Truth, that God should make Laws exactly contrary to the Customs of the Chaldeans and Egypti [...]s, and other Pagan Nations (which is freely acknowledged by this very Author) shewing thereby that he hated the very Semblance of their Rites, and that his Will was that his People should avoid the very Appearance of any such practices, and yet that at the same time he should give them Laws exactly complying with the Customs and practices of those Gen [...]iles. Throughout his whole Second Book this Author endeavours to prove that the Mosaick Laws are diam [...]trically opposed to the Gentile [Page 250] Rites, and that therefore God injoined those Laws because they were so directly contrary to the Pagan Rights and Usages. Yet in his whole Third Book he labours to prove that the Iewish Rites were taken from the Gentile Idolaters. He (as well as Maimonides, Scaliger, Hottinger and others) asserts that the Mosaick Institutions were a remedy against Zabiism, i. e. they were given and injoyn'd to the Iews to keep them from Idolatry, especially that practis'd by the Zabii, that is, the Chaldeans and Arabians, yea and Egyptians, whose Idolatrous practices were most known in Moses's time. But you may wonder to find at the same time the great Asserter of this Notion endeavouring to convince his Readers in many places of his Writings, that God in the instituting and framing of the Iewish Laws, borrowed many things from those Zabii, and designedly made his Laws in imitation of them.
What strange Notions are these! God instituted divers Rites me [...]ely and purely in opposition to the Idolatrous Rites of the Heathens; for he would have the Iews to be Antipodes to the Gentiles in their Worship: Yet he appointed several other Rites and Observances, and strictly commanded his people to use them for this reason, because they were such Rites as were observed by the Heathen Idolaters. The Iews were forbid to symbolize with the Pagans, lest they should learn their Idolatry: and yet they were commanded to practise sundry of their Rites, that they might not relapse into Idolatry. What? must we believe that a great part of Moses's Laws were made on purpose to oppose the Rites of the Zabii, and likewise that God takes these Heathens for his pattern, and gives his people several Commandments merely to comply with their Usages? Is it to be credited that God forbad and abhorred the Gentile practices, and yet at the same time appointed his people several Rites which the Gentiles used, yea because they were Gentile Rites, and practis'd by the Idolatrous Nations, as this Author expresly asserts?
[Page 251]He hath no where satisfied these Difficulties, and reconciled these Absurdities and Contradictions, which it was very necessary for him to have done, in order to his gaining belief among Understanding Considerate per [...]ns. But being warmed with this Notion, he keeps on with full career, and attempts to shew (as he imagines) that many Customs Prophane and Diabolical were taken into the M [...]saick Laws by God, he translating them from Satan's service to his own. A great part of his Third Book is spent in this. With those Old Rites the Devil had been served, and now he pretends it is God's turn to be serv'd by them. He labours to shew there that the most Holy and Tremendous things in our Religion are taken from the most prophane and impure practices of the worst of Heathens. In short, he maintains no other than this throughout his whole Third Book, that God raked up all the Vain, Lud [...]crous, Superstitious, Impure, Obscene, Irreligious, Impious, Prophane, Idolatrous, Execrable, Magical, Devillish Customs which had been first invented, and afterwards constantly used by the most Barbarous Gentiles, the Scum of the World, the Dregs of Mankind, and out of all these patch'd up a great part of the Religion which he appointed his own People. If you can credit this (and you must credit it if you assent to what that Author propounds) there is nothing too hard for your Belief and Assent.
Nay, he would make one of the most Solemn Offices of Christianity to be in pure Imitation of a Pagan Usage for 1 he saith, Christ in Celebrating the Holy Sacrament of his Supper, refer'd to the Custom of the Barbarous Scythians and other Savage Nations, who used to drink Blood at their making of Covenants and Bargains: thence it is said, This Cup is my Blood of the New Testament; drink ye all of this. This was the highest and most daring result [Page 252] of his [...]ormer Notion. But I hope the Learned Doctor, before he left the World, corrected his Error, and entertain'd other thoughts of these things, and therefore I will not press them any further: especially because I discours'd of this matter somewhat freely when I made it my business to prove that many of the Pagan Rites and Customs in Religion (as well as in Secular Affairs) were borrow'd from the Iews and their Sacred Usages: which is directly contrary to what this Author asserts, viz. that the Rites and Ceremonies injoyn'd by God himself to the Iews were of Pagan Extraction.
I might here mention that some others have fallen into the same or the like Notion, and have made use of it to ill purpose. Our 2 English Socinians approve of this Doctrine, that God complied with the Idolatrous Nations in the Sacrifices and other Rites which he instituted. And some of the Antienter Racovians run up higher, and refer the method of Man's Redemption and Salvation to the Usages of the Pagan World. Thus a 3 noted Man among them tells us that God sent Christ into the World in compliance with a Custom that was very prevailing, viz. that those who were eminent and celebrated for their Virtue and their serviceableness to Mankind, were after their death Canonized as 'twere, and placed in Heaven as an inferiour kind of Deities: and those that wanted their help used to implore it, and make them their Mediators. Even so God exalted Christ, who had been an Excelle [...]t and Useful Person, and made him a kind of God. And as noted a person of our own seems to have imbibed the same Doctrine, for 4 he asserts that a gre [...] part of the Iewish Religion, which was instituted by God himself, seems to have been a plain condescension to the [Page 253] general apprehension of Mankind (i. e. the Heathen world, as he explains himself afterwards) concerning the way of appeasing the offended Deity by Sacrifices. Nay, he makes the Incarnation of Christ, and his Suffering of death to be a condescension to the Pagans, who (he saith) loved a visible Deity, and had a great esteem of Sacrifices, especially of human Sacrifices, and used to Dei [...]y their Benefactors a [...]d Heroes. That is very strange, which he gives as Reason why Christ was incarnate, 4 that Men (viz. the Gentiles) who were much given to admire Myst [...]ri [...]s in Religion, might have one that is a Mystery indeed. So that all was direct compliance with the Gentiles, and according to this Writer the way of Salvation of Mankind is derived from the impious Customs of the Heathens. But his 5 more Particular words (which are almost too harsh to be mention'd) I shall have occasion shortly to represent to the Reader in a more proper place.
4. The Ceremonial Law and other Mosaick Usages were prescribed the Iewish people, because these were fit and proper for them at that time, because they were most suitable to their present Geniu [...] and Disposition. Thus the Apostle in Gal. 3. 24, &c. very handsomely illustrates the nature of this part of the Legal Dispensation: The Law was our Schoolmaster, saith he. Here is Moses with a Rod in his hand. We were instituted and educated (saith the Apostle) under the Pedag [...]gi [...] of the Law, for being but in our minority, we were not capable then of a higher Institution and Instruction. But this fitted and prepared us by degrees for the reception of that other, and this Schoolmaster of the Law serv'd as an usher to the Gospel. But saith the Apostle in the next verse, After that Faith (i. e. the time of the Gospel) is come, w [...] are no longer under a Schoolmaster: we are then no longer [Page 254] under the lash of the Law; our state and condition do not require it. And God is pleas'd to administer things wisely according to the condition and circumstances we are under. And this Apostle by another fit Allusion in Gal. 4. 1, &c. sets forth the nature of this Oeconomy which he had spoken of before: The Heir as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be Lord of all, bu [...] is under Tut [...]rs and Governors, until the time appointed of the Father. Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: but when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, &c. In which words St. Paul compareth the Iudaical Law to a Tutor or Guardian, under whom the Heir doth not enjoy that freedom of a Son which afterwards he is to come to. This (saith he) was the case of the Iewish people: they were but Minors and Pupils, and so stood in need of a Tutor, i. e. one that is appointed to take care and have the charge of those who by reason of their insufficient age and understanding cannot look to themselves. The Ceremonial Law was the Iews Guardian whilst they were under age: this sowr Governour and Overseer kept them in, and curb'd them, and on that account was very useful to them at that time.
But the Apostle seems here to recur to his former comparison of the Law to a Schoolmaster, when he adds, that the Iews as long as they were Children, were in bondage under the Elements of the world. The Iews were then got no further than their [...], their First Elements, they were but conning their Alphabet. Their Sacrifices and Circumcision were as it were so many plain Letters in Blood; and there were other Fair and Legible Characters: but there were few of the common Iews so good Proficients as to Spell out of them any thing of a future and higher Concernment. These and their other Rudiments were sutable to the mean Capacity and Non-age of the Iewish Church; when they were in this State, such a low and [Page 255] mean Dispensation as this, was good enough for them. Diversity of Ages calls [...]or diversity of Actions and Behaviour, and consequently for diversity of Laws. Parents rule Children after another manner than when they arrive to any ripeness of Years, and are capable of Discourse. So God ordereth his Church: that is fit for it at one time which is not at another. Israel was a Child, Hos. 11. 1. that was the state of the Iews when they were call'd out of Egypt. And the Apostle uses the same Expression, as you have heard. Now, when the Iewish Church was in this lower Form, the First Rudiments were most agreeable to that condition: these Beginners were to be used to their Letters. God dealt with that People according to their Weakness and Shallowness. Wherefore we may observe that he Invited and Allured them, as well as Terrified them: The Promise of a Land flowing with Milk and Honey suited these Children well.
Earthly and Carnal things, and the Conveniencies of this present Life were chiefly propounded to the Iews to encourage them, to draw them on gently, and to win upon them.
Children are taken with a gawdy Outside; accordingly these were brought up with Ceremonies, Fine and Gay things, to please their Childish Fancies. The goodly Garments and pompous Vestments of the High-Priest were a very agreeable Sight to them, the jingling Bells of A [...]ron were a very pleasing Musick. Indeed the whole Mosaick Work was very Curious and Fine, most of the Legal Furniture was Rich and Sumptuous, and [Page 256] therefore a Sutable Entertainment for them. To teach and instruct Children (whose Reason is weak and imperfect) we use Emblems, Pictures, and Representations. Thus Types and Symbols were a sort of Instructions sutable to the Iews: In those dark Times these Shadows served very well. But these Ceremonious Rites and Practices were in order to something else. God call'd the Iews by things Carnal and Sensual to those that are Spiritual, by Temporal Objects to those that are Eternal, and by things Earthly unto those that are Heavenly. The Mosaick Laws were like Frames and Props which support an Arch, till it is finish'd and can stand alone: then the Supporters are removed, and become useless to the Building. When the Evangelical Oeconomy approached, then the Iewish Ceremonies and Observances ceas'd, and were laid aside: for the Ritual Law of Moses was given on purpose to be 2 a Governour and Manager of Childish and Imperfect Souls, and to prepare and train them up to something that is Manly and Perfect, viz. the Administration of the Gospel, which was to succeed. Nor is this unworthy of God, for he wisely alters his methods, in his administring the Affairs of the World, 3 according to the Times and Ages he deals with. Wherefore he is wont to approve of such and such Practices for a season, and then afterwards to change them. Which argues not any mistake or error, or want of foreknowledg in God (as the Deists, who laugh at the Iewish as well as the Evangelical Dispensation, would suggest) but the alteration is prudently made according to the circumstances of Times and Persons.
5. It was the opinion of the Iewish Doctors and [Page 257] Rabbies that some of these Ceremonial Usages were design'd to instruct the Iews in their necessary Du [...]ies and Practices, and to teach them wholesom Lessons of Morality. This Mystical and Moral meaning of the different kinds of Sacrifices, difference of Meats, and all the other Mosaick Observances, is set down by Theodoret in his Questions on Levi [...]icu [...], which I will not h [...]re recite. And 4 Aquinas and others in the Account or Rationale which they give of the Ceremonial Institutions, speak something of this. I know indeed that many of old, and some more lately have most fondly and fantastically interpreted those Ritual Laws: what they deliver is their own conceit, and hath no foundation to support it. They under the pretence of giving the meaning of those Iewish Rites say and write any thing. This is that sort of men who fill all things [...] in Divinity with Allegory and Mystery, and thereby abuse and prophane the Holy Scripture. But yet there may be a Moral sense profitably made of the Mosaick Law which treats of the Ceremonies: wholesom Instructions may be drawn thence for directing our Lives and Manners: and this might be partly, and by the [...] by design'd in the instituting these things.
6. These Ritual Observances and Ceremonial practices were Types and Figures to represent greater things that were to come. God chose out a certain People from the rest of the World, to make them a Spectacle to all others, and by his wonderful dealing with them [...] as in a Type, to signifie to us the admirable method of his gracious Will to Mankind in future Ages. All their Promises and Rewards were presignificative of the Mercy intended to be exhibited to the World afterwards. And the same may be said of their Ceremonial and Ritual Worship. I have shew'd already that the Mosaick Sacrifices [Page 258] and the Tabernacle, and all the things appertaining to it, and the Feast of the Passover signified higher Things: but it is as true that the Other considerable Ri [...]es enjoyn'd by Moses's Law did so too, for there is the like Reason for one as for another. That they were to represent Sublime, Sacred and Heavenly things, we are assured from the Infallible Scriptures, where they are call'd 5 the Example and Shadow of heavenly things, and 6 Patterns of things in the Heavens. And more [...]ully the Apostle declares that Meat and Drink (i. e. the difference of these) and Holy-Days, and New Moons, and Sabbath Days are a Shadow of things to come, but the Body is of Christ, Col. 2. 16, 17. The main design of those things was to prefigure the Messias, and the Benefits of the Gospel: these are the Substance, and the others were the Shadow. Thus St. 7 Ierom, speaking of the Book of Leviticus, saith that all the Sacrifices in it, yea almost all the syllables, and the Garments of Aaron, and the whole Levi [...]ick Order breat [...]e heavenly Sacraments. Thus Iustin Martyr informed the Iew whom he discours'd with, that all the Ordinances and Rites of the Mosaick Law were 8 Figures, Symb [...]ls and Declara [...]ions of the things which were to happen afterwards unto Christ. The 9 Allegorical Interpreters, who apply the Mosaick Rites to the Church of Christ, and to the Messias himself, tho they are sometimes more Ingenious than Solid, and may be thought to strain and force some things, yet as to the main they let us see that those Mosaick and Ritual Constitutions had some reference to the Gospel, and that most of them [...]ypifie and represent the great things of the Christian Dispensation.
[Page 259]Indeed the Mosaick Observances, taken according to the mere Letter, are very odd and strange, and some of them seem to be very light and frivolous, and unworthy of their Author. I am bold to say with 9 Origen that if these Ceremonial Laws of Moses have no other meaning than the literal one, they come far short of the Roman, Athenian, or Lacedemonian Laws. But if you consider that they were serviceable to try the Iews Obedience, to restrain them and keep them in awe, to divert them from Idolatry, and that they were [...]uitable to their present Condition, and also that they were to inform their manners, and Lastly, that they were Images and Types of Spiritual things, that they represented and pointed out the Messias with all his Blessed Undertakings, and the unspeakable Benefits which accrue to us thence, you will not say those Laws were light and ludicrous and unworthy of God, but that they were of great and singular use, and serv'd to most excellent purposes. This is the best account I can give of the true Reasons of this part of the Legal Dispensation, viz. why after so long a time from the Creation these Ceremonies and Observations (some of which were very irksome and burdensome) were imposed by God on the Hebrew People, and lasted till Christ's coming.
It may be expected I should treat, in the next place, of the Iudicial Law, which was for preserving of Civil Peace and Justice among the Iews. This was the Common or Municipal Law of that Nation. It contain'd Precepts concerning the ordering of that People in the matter of Judgement, Punishments, Contracts, Division of Lands and Inheritances, making of War and the like. These Precepts may be distinguish'd according to the different Ranks of Men, and so, 1. they have a regard to [Page 260] the Relation between the Prince or Magistrate and the People: there you have the Injunctions which concern Governours and their Office, and likewise the Duty which is to be paid to them. 2. They have respect to the Relation and Commerce which People have with one another: and there you have Precepts concerning Buying and Selling, &c. 3. They direct the Iews as to their Behaviour towards Strangers▪ here are Rules concerning entertaining of Strangers, going to War against their Enemies, &c. 4. They take notice of Domestick Relations, and accordingly give directions as to the behaviour of Husbands, Wives, Children, Servants, &c.
It is not of this Law that I am concern'd at present to speak, because it is Secular rather than Religious, and so doth not properly fall under my consideration when I treat of the Dispensations of Religion. Only, as we observ'd before of some of the Ceremonies enjoyn'd by the Mosaick Law, that they were in use before that Dispensation, so here it may be noted that some of the Iudicial Laws were in force before Moses's time, as punishing Adultery with death: (only with this difference, that before the Law Adultery was punish [...]d with Fire, but now with S [...]oning) Killing of a Man or Woman was punish'd with death: marrying the Brother's Widow was enjoyn'd: Cutting off from the People was a Sanction among the Patriarchs. The Right of Primogeniture obtain'd before the Law of Moses.
Moreover, I will remark that some things in this juncture pass for Laws, which are rather, and more properly may be call'd Dispensations or Permissions. Thus Poligamy, which was practis'd by Lamech first, then by Abraham and Iacob, is now permitted under the Law, as in Elkana [...], David, Solomon, &c. And thus they permitted a Man to put away his Wife for Fornication or Adultery. As for the Degrees of Consanguinity and Affinity, within which the Iews were forbid to marry, the 18 th Chapter of Leviticus gives us a full account [Page 261] of them, and I shall afterwards have an opportunity of discoursing of them. Therefore I will not insert any thing of them in this place, for what I have said is sufficient for my purpose, which was to give you some account of this distinct Administration, and to let you see wherein it differeth from the rest.
Only here I will inquire what obligation these Iudicial Laws have upon Christians. It was the opinion of Castalio and some others, that these are to be perpetually retain'd in Christian Commonwealths, but it is not reasonable to pronounce this in the gross, for we ought rather to distinguish concerning this matter. I could observe then to you that as Moral Laws, viz. concerning the Poor, Forgiving of Injuries, Equity in Contracts, Duty towards Strangers, were mixed with the Ceremonial ones in Levit. 19. So several Moral or Natural Laws, such as oblige all Nations, were delivered on Mount Sinai mixed with Iudicial ones. Such was the Law against Homicide, the Duty of Men to Widows, and Orphans, the Reverence due to the Magistrate, and others mention'd in the 21, and 22. Chapters of Exodu [...]. These belong not to the M [...]saical Polity or the Iudicial Law, but concern all Persons at all Times, and in all Places. In the inquiry then proposed, there are these two kinds of Laws, 1. Such as have respect to the particular Condition and Circumstances of the Iews, and concern their individual Polity and State. 2. Such as are not appropriated to the State of the Hebrew People, but were given to them as Men rather than Iews, and consequently may be serviceable and useful to other Nations. As to the former of these, they do not oblige Christians in the least, but expired with the State of that People: but the latter are obligatory under the Gospel, so far as they are of common Equity, and as they may be made use of now as well as then. And tho what our Church (in her Seventh Article) saith is to be granted, namely, that the Civil Precepts of the Mosaick Law [Page 262] ought not of necessity to be receiv'd in any Commonwealth, yet where Reason and Equity commend those Civil Constitutions to any Commonwealth or Kingdom, they are to be embraced and made use of. For there is some Reverence to be given to those Politicks which were the Invention and Appointment of Heaven: and so far as they were not appropriated to the condition of the Iewish People, they may be practised among Christians without offence. Thus the Law of Tithes is lawfully adopted into our Constitutions in this Nation.
So likewise if you look to their bodily Punishments, you will see that some of them are made use of in Christian Kingdoms, if not all of them, in one place or other. But here it will be asked, May Christians inflict severer Punishments than the Iewish Law prescribed? To which 1 Sr. W. Raleigh answers thus, Christian Magistrates may abate of the severity of Moses's Law, and mitigate the punishment of Death, but they can't make it more heavy; for it becomes not the Gospel to shew more rigour than the Law. But why then is a Capital Punishment i [...]flicted on Thieves and Robbers not only among our selves but in other Christian Countries, whereas such Offenders were only to make Restitution, or to be Sold, according to the Mosaick Law? I answer, Law-givers have [...]ound that a less punishment than Death is not a sufficient Restraint, and therefore think it necessary to make use of this. And as to what is alledged, we return this, that Thieves sometimes had a greater Punishment than a Mulct even under the Law. We read that they might have been kill'd by those that found them breaking up a house in the night time, Exod. 22. 2. And it appears from that Judgment and Decision of King David in 2 Sam. 12. 5. that Theft in some cases was Capital. And we read that two Thieves were Crucifled [Page 263] with Christ, which was no Punishment for Theft among the Romans, and therefore we may probably think the Execution was Iewish, and had [...]ome foundation in the Mosaick Law, according to which some kind of Theft was Felony: and in this, as in several other things, the Christian Laws diffe [...] not from the Iewish ones. It is probable that the Jewi [...] Cherem or Cu [...]ing off gave occasion to the Christian Church to in [...]oduce Excommunication, which is a Cutting off or Separating from the Communion of the Faithful. A very useful Ordinance in the Church. And there seem to be among Christians several footsteps of other Cons [...]itutions (and those merely Secular) which were among the Iews, as Apprentices generally serving six or seven Years, which may be borrow'd from the Iewi [...] Servants being [...]et free every seventh Year. So from the Law of dividing the Lands to the Israelites by L [...]t, the Custom is re [...]eiv'd in many Christian Countreys of assigning portions of Land in that manner, and in case of Co [...]te [...]tion especially to have recourse to L [...]ts. And in other Instances it might be shew'd, how the Mosaick Laws are imitable by Christians in the times of the Gospel. And it is certain that this may lawfully be done, so far as those Laws are of common Use and Equity, and advance the welfare of the Publick, and promote Charity, good Will, Justice, Innocence, Peace and Tranqu [...]llity in the Commonwealth. It is needless to sally forth to any more particulars here: for my design was to present you with a competent Draught of this part of the Iud [...]ical O [...]conomy, which I hope I have done. Thus much of this Mosaick O [...]conomy.
The several ways and kinds of Divine Revelation under the different Oeconomies. Ordinary External Revelation was by hearing or by seeing. Inward Revelation was by Dreams or Prophetick Inspiration. What Prophecy was. How they knew to distinguish between True Prophets and False ones. The extraordinary ways of Revelation were, 1. That which was vouchsafed to Moses alone. The Nature of it. It differ'd from other Revelations as to Degree only. 2. That from between the Cherubims. 3. The Urim and Thummim. These are not the same with the Teraphim. They were not borrowed from Pagan Idolaters. This would be a countenancing of Image-Worship. The absurdity and impiety of their opinion who hold that the Urim and Thummim were of Heathen Extraction. These were no other than those bare words written or engraven on the High Priest's Breastplate. An Objection answer'd.
BE [...]ore I proceed to the next Dispensation, I look upon this as a proper place wherein to speak of the Several Kinds of Revelations, the various ways of God's Communicating himself to Mankind in the different Dispen [...]ations which we have discoursed of. Here I will recount them all together. God under all his Administrations made known his Will by the Law of Nature and [Page 265] Reason which he implanted in Men: but I speak not of this here, but of Divin [...] and Supernatural Revel [...]tion, as distinct from the Discoveries of natural Light and Reason. There were several ways of this Revelation: for God not only spake at sundry times (as the Apostle saith) i. e. in the days of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Ioshua, the Iudges, David, and of the following Kings and Prophets; (or, as the 2 Greek word signifieth likewise, He spake by degrees, by several parts, not all at once, but now one thing and then another) But He also spake 3 in divers manners, i. e. there was a great variety of Revelations, there were several distinct ways of God's discovering his Will to the World: and as the World was more and more corrupted, the discoveries of God's Will were multiply'd and increas'd.
These supernatural Revelations are divided by Writers into Immediate and Mediate, but they can't well agree in determining which are of the former sort, and which of the latter. Some rank Revelations by Dreams and Visions under those that are Immediate, others again hold that they belong to mediate Discoveries, and in several other instances I could shew how they disagree. To avoid controversy here I will take another course, and I offer this as the exactest Division of Divine Revelations, viz. that they are either Ordinary and Frequent, or Extraordinary and Rare. The Ordinary are either Outward or Inward. The Outward are made to the Bodily Sense, viz. Hearing and Seeing. The Inward are made to the Soul, viz. either to the Fancy, when persons are asleep, or to the Rational mind of Man when he is awake.
God spake, i. e, communicated his Will, 1. In an Outward manner, viz. to the Bodily Senses, and first to [Page 266] the Hearing. This was done first by an Immediate Voice: so God spake to Adam and Eve when he commanded them not to eat of the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil, Gen. 2. 16, 17. (which was the first Revelation we read of) and thus He communicated his Pleasure to them at other times, mention'd in the third Chapter, for 'tis call'd the Voice of the Lord, ver. 8. Thus he reveal'd his Will several times to Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, as we read. By such a Voice [...]ramed by the air, God spake to Moses in the Tabernacle and in the Bush, and to Samuel in the Temple, 1 Sam. 3. 3. And it is probable that at other times in those first ages God convers'd with his Servants by speaking audibly to them. Secondly, God spake by the Voice of an Angel very frequently, as to Adam, it is likely, presently after his Fall: for that Angel who guarded Paradise spoke to him without doubt, and told him roundly of the dire effects of his Apostacy, and warn'd him not to approach the flaming Sword, lest he perish immediately. We read that God spake by Angels to Moses, Lot, Abraham, Isaac, Iacob, Daniel, and several others. Or, when God spake by a Wind or Thunder, or some strange Sound and terrible Concu [...]ion of the Air, it was thought to be by the ministry of Angels. This was call'd by the Iews Bath Kol, the Daughter of a Voice. It was any Voice heard as descending from Heaven, and directing them in any matter or concern whatsoever. The Iews say that by this Voice the Six Precept [...] were given to the Sons of Adam, and the additional one to Noah and his Sons: and by this the Law of Circumcision and the Ten Commandments (which were not written at first) were given to Moses. Many of the Hebrew Doctors assert This Bath Kol to have been the lowest degree of Revelation; and they say this supplied the room of Prophecy, and was frequent after that ceased among the Iews. Thirdly, God spake to his People by the Voice of Pr [...] phe [...]s, Na [...]ijim, Messengers dispatched on purpose to declare [Page 267] his Will. Of these we often read in the Old Testament, but especially about King David's time, and afterwards. For tho Abraham be the first that is call'd by the name of Prophet, Gen. 20. 7. because he was one that was acquainted with God's Will, and was prevalent in Prayer, yet now we are speaking of that particular sort of Prophets who foretold things to come, and denounced the Judgments which were to be executed on Offenders, and were sent forth by God to that purpose very usually, but especially when the Nation of the Iews grew very wicked and Idolatrous. Then these Persons were rais'd up by God to admonish that People, to tell them freely of their Miscarriages, and to declare the displeasure of God against them. And these Envoys of Heaven were sent not only to God's own People, but sometimes to others, as the Ninivites. Thus Revelation was made by Voice: God spake himself, or by others audibly: and this was no uncommon way of divulging and discovering his Will.
Again, God spake, i. e. communicated himself heretofore not only by the sense of Hearing, but by that of Seeing. He was pleased to make known his Divine Pleasure by some visible Appearances, which most vigorously struck on that Sense, and gave more evident Testimony of the Will of Heaven. Thus God discovered himself, 1. by Angels Appearing; for tho it was not the Appearing of these Messengers, but their Speaking to persons which gave them the discovery of God's pleasure, yet the former was no mean Confirmation of what was delivered, because those Glorious Spi [...]ts could not appear to Mankind unless they were commission'd by God. When he thought fit to send them, then (and not else) they descended from Heaven, and shew'd themselves to Men. 2. Writing was another manner of Visible Revelation. Thus the Law was deliver'd to Moses, and afterwards this way of Revelation grew frequent, the Sacred History of Moses, and other Histories and Prophecie [Page 268] being committed to Writing. Thus the Antient Church before Christ's coming had the Written Word of the Holy Scriptures to inform them. 3. God spake to the Sight by those Representations which in Holy Writ are so usually stiled Visions, for these properly belong to the outward Sense of Seeing: they are either Real Spectacles exposed to the eye, as the Burning Bush which Moses saw, Exod. 3. 2. and the Pillar of a Cloud which went before the Israelites in the day, and the Pillar of Fire which conducted them in the night, Exod. 13. 21. and the Cloud in the Temple, 2 Chron. 5. 13, 14. call'd the Glory of the Lord, 2 Chron. 7. 1, 2. And this Expression is used in other places of the Old Testament, to signifie that Visible Glory and Majesty whereby he manifested himself to Mankind in those times. Or else Visions in Holy Scripture are certain Images of things represented by God to the Eye, as those Strange Appearances and Signs mention'd in the Books of Ieremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. Whether these things may be said to be real Objects, or whether they be mere Apparitions, we need not (as some) solicitously inquire. If they be Resemblances caused by God, and there be such an Impression made on the Sense of Seeing that the Organ be affected, as if there were such an Object before it, it is sufficient to denominate it Vision. But this is not to be doubted of, that these external Representations and Figures pointed out Real things, either present or to come. From this sort of Manifestation, call'd Vision, the Prophets who were most conversant in this way of Revelation, were stiled Se [...]rs, 1 Sam. 9. 9, 18. 2 Chron. 35. 15.
Thus I have distinctly spoken of Voices and Visions: but it must be observed also that these two are joyned together sometimes. This you may see in some of the foregoing Instances; and in others not named, the Revelation by Voice was mixed with that by Vision: so in the New Testament Saul saw a Light, and heard a [Page 269] Voice. But I am confined at present to the Old Testament, for I speak now only of the variety of Revelations which were before the Gospel-Dicd\sspensation. It is to be observed moreover that sometimes Vision and Voice were accompanied with an Extasy: tho the persons were awake, yet they were cast into a Trance. Lastly, under this head it is remarkable that all the outward and sensible ways of God's revealing himself, especially those that are visible, are call'd by the Jewish Masters the Shekinah, i. e. the Divine Presence and Majesty, whereby the doth as it were dwell, and is constantly present with his Church (for the word Shakan signifies to inha [...] or dwell) whereby he doth gloriously discover himself to his Servants. With reference to this the Apostle saith, to the Israelites pertaineth the Glory, Rom. 9. 4. i. e. the Glorious Presence and Habitation of God with them, not only by Angels, but all those other ways before spoken of, in which he appear'd and manifested himself in the times of the Law. This St. Paul stiles the Glory, because this Visible Appearing of God is so stiled (as you have heard) in the Old Testament, and because the Seventy Interpreters (whose way of speaking this Apostle is wont to imitate) used the word [...] to express the Glorious Presence of the Divine Majesty in any kind of Sensible and External manner.
2. There are Inward as well as Outward Revelations. These are made more immediately to the Soul, as the other were to the Body. First, God spake or reveal'd himself to the Fancies of Men, by Dreams. He thought good to communicate his Will to persons by a powerful Influence on their Imaginations whilst they were asleep, as well as by presenting things to their Senses when they were awake. Thus God reveal'd himself to 6 Abraham, 7 Abimelech, 8 Iacob, 9 Ioseph, * Pharaoh, [Page 270] 3 Solomon, 4 Nebuchadnezzar. In their Dreams their Fancies were impress'd with such and such Representations, they verily thought they beheld this or that Object, as Iacob thought he saw a Ladder that reached from Heaven to Earth. And because these Representations seem to be offer'd to the eye, therefore they are sometimes call'd Visions in Scripture. I saw a Dream, saith Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 4. 5. And so we read of a Dream of the night Vision, Isai. 29. 7. But if you speak of Visions in the proper sense, then it is certain Visions and Dreams are two distinct Species of Revelation; and so I have made them, having before spoken of Visions strictly so call'd. But this is a thing not consider'd sometimes by Writers on this Subject, and so they confound Visions and Dreams.
Secondly, God speaks to the Soul not only by working on the Imagination in Sleep, but by immediate Inspiring the minds of the Prophets when they are awake. This way of revealing his Will to Men is call'd Inspiration, and sometimes Illumination: but there is a gradual difference between these, the former being of a higher degree than the later, and the later being as it were a Preparative to the former. This Inspiration, which is made by an inward Afflatus and Excitation of the Spirit, is signally call'd 5 the Holy Spirit by the Jewish Writers. A man, say they, is said to have the Holy Spirit when being awake, and having the full use of his Senses, he speaks by the Incitement of the Spirit. Thus the Prophets of old spake as they were stirr'd up, by this Inward Afflation and Instinct. The Jewish Doctors think that this degree of Divine Revelation is especially in the Psalms of David, and the Proverbs of Solomon, and the Book of Iob, &c. the Writers of which are termed by [Page 271] way of Excellency Chetubim Scriptores, by the Hebrews, and their Writings are distinguish'd from other Books of Scripture by the name of Hagiographa. This put Holy Men upon Pious Discourses, and excellent Strains of Devotion, and rais'd them above their ordinary temper. Yea, All the Holy Penmen of Scripture were moved and actuated by this Divine Influx: By this they dictated and composed those Sacred Writings. This is that degree of Prophecy or Prophetick Inspiration which is call'd the Holy Spirit. Tho you may observe too that all those kinds of Revelation beforemention'd, are stiled in the Jewish Writings Inspiration and the Holy Spirit, and sometimes they are call'd Prophecy, and the Spirit of Prophecy. For Prophecy (Nebuah) is taken either strictly or largely: In the strict acception, according to the Jewish Notion of it, it is when any thing is reveal'd to a person when he is asleep, or in a rapture, or besides himself. And others of them say, that Prophecy properly so call'd, is either in the way of Dreams or Visions. Prophecy in Scripture is taken in a restrained sense, for seeing and foretelling things to come: and hence (as well as from what was suggested before) it is probable the Prophets antiently were call'd [...] Seers. This also is that which most usually is call'd Prophecy by the Iews. But Prophecy in the largest acception is the general word to comprehend all kinds of Divine Revelation: it is the way whereby all revealed Knowledg and Truth are convey'd to us. Therefore the Schools of the Prophets were those places where young Men were prepar'd for all sorts of Revelation and Inspiration; and out of these Schools generally the Prophets were chosen. Education and Improvement fitted them for the Prophetick Office, and by these Testimonials they were able to go abroad.
There was a way to know who were True Prophets and who False, and to distinguish one from the other. Indeed when a Prophet foretold things to come to pass hereafter, he could not be convinced of falshood presently, [Page 272] because his Prophecy must be known to be true or false by the Event of his Prediction, Deut. 18. 21. And yet here was some uncertainty, for the thing he foretold might not come to pass, and yet he might be a True Prophet, for God could do otherwise than the Prophet foretold, Ier. 18. 7, 8. But then the Prediction was conditional, not absolute, or rather it was a Commination. But if any one by the Prophetical Spirit dictated such and such things to be done, it was possible to tell, and that presently, or in a very short time, whether he was a true Prophet or no. This might be known first from the Qualifications of a true Prophet: for first he must be no way inclined to Idolatry; secondly he must predict nothing against the Law. If he said any thing derogatory to the Law of Moses, the Moral Law chiefly and the Worship of God, he discover'd himself to be a false Prophet; Deut. 18. 20. Deut. 13. 1, 2, 3. Thirdly, some add, that as he was one who said nothing against the Law, so neither must he do any thing against it. It was a Notion of the Iews that the Spirit of Prophecy was not communicated to any but Holy Men. But there is reason to doubt as to this. Besides the Qualifications, a Prophet might be known to be true, when he was back'd by another Prophet who was certainly known to be true, when this Prophet testified of the other. Further, when God himself testified concerning a Prophet by some manifest Sign, as in 1 Kings 13. Thus they were to judg whether Prophets were counterfeit or no. Add this also, that they were deterred from counterfeiting the Prophetick Spirit, because by the Law a false Prophet was to be punish'd with Death, Deut. 18. 20. Lastly, The true Prophets might be discern'd and distinguish'd from the false ones by this, that they were plain and downright in their Predictions, whereas the others were generally ambiguous and equivocating, as we see in the Example of those false Prophets whom Ahab [Page 273] consulted, The Lord shall deliver it (say they) into the hands of the King, 1 Kings 22. 6. So we render that place, but the Relative it is not in the Hebrew, and so the words have two senses, either the Lord shall deliver Ramoth Gilead into the hands of the King of Israel, or, the Lord shall deliver thee and thy forces into the hands of the King of Syria. This was frequently imitated afterwards by 1 the Heathen Oracles, and was of some advantage; for from the ambiguity of the words mistakes might easily arise, and by that means the credit of the false Prophets was salved. But however this rendred their Predictions uncertain and wavering, whereas those that had the true Prophetick Spirit were sure and fix'd: and thus there could not but be a certainty of Prophecy among the Iews. But at last the Spirit of Prophecy ceased, and (as the Jewish Writers and Christian Fathers agree) ended in Malachi, who was the last Prophet. But this way of Revelation was afterwards restored by Christ, as shall be shew'd afterwards.
To the foremention'd ways of God's communicating his Will and Pleasure, may be added that Impulse whereby persons are stir'd up by God to undertake some extraordinary Enterprize, and to accomplish some very notable Act. Thus 2 Maimonides reckons it among the several kinds of Prophecy, that Moses by a particular intimation from God slew the Egyptian, Exod. 2. 12. So by the same Divine Motion Phineas knew it would be acceptable to God to kill those two notorious Sinners, and he was stir'd up accordingly to do it. By the same Heavenly Impulse Sampson was excited to destroy the Philistines, tho with the loss of his own life. And several other Instances might be produced of this nature in the Old Testament. [Page 274] Thus you see what were the Ordinary ways of Revelation, what was the frequent and usual manner of God's communicating his Will in the several Dispensations before treated of. In the next place I will enumerate the Extraordinary Means of revealing God's Will: As,
1. That way of Revelation whereby God conversed with Moses on the Mount, when he gave him the Law, and whereby he was pleas'd to communicate himself to him at some other times. The Jewish Doctors cry up This for the highest Degree of Revelation that ever was, and some of them talk such strange things of it as are next to Blasphemy. But this we are sure of, that the Sacred Spirit represents this as an Vnusual and Extraordinary Revelation, and such as was peculiar to Moses alone: for it is said, The Lord spake to Moses 3 face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend, Exod. 33. 11. Indeed Iacob testifieth of himself, that he had seen God face to face, Gen. 32. 30. But tho he had seen God so, yet we do not read that he talk'd with him after that manner, which implieth something more. I know Moses tells the people of Israel, that God talked with them face to face in the Mount, Deut. 5. 4. But this he means of himself, viz. that after God had spoken to him in that immediate manner, he imparted God's Will to them, but they were not suffer'd to come near the Mount, as we expresly read. Besides, this is part of Moses's peculiar character, that there arose not a Prophet since in Israel like unto him, whom the Lord knew face to face, Deut. 34. 10. viz. by talking, conversing with him face to face; therefore this was a singular Prerogative granted to him, and no other Prophet partook of it, or was to be compared with Moses as to this. But what you read in Num. 12. 6, 7, 8. is yet more full: If there be a Prophet among you, I the Lord will make my self known unto him in a Vision, [Page 275] and will speak unto him in a Dream. My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all my House (he is a singular person, and I trust him with all my Concerns: therefore I vouchsafe him a greater measure of Revelation than other Prophets have. I make my Pleasure known to them in Dreams and Visions, the ordinary ways of Divine Discovery, but) with him will I speak 4 mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches: and the Similitude of the Lord shall be behold.
Hence it is evident, that the Gradus Mosaicus was not communicable to any other Prophet, and consequently that there was a vast difference between Moses's Prophesying and that of other Prophets. Moses convers'd immediately with God: that is, in that clear and evident manner which no other Prophets were acquainted with, without any disturbing Impressions on his Imagination, as in the usual Dreams and Visions of Prophets. Or, Moses had not that Awe and Astonishment on him which the rest of the Prophets had. Or, face to face, i. e. friendlily (as 'tis explain'd in the place before mention'd; as a man speaketh to his friend) signifieth that he conversed intimately and familiarly with God; he was admitted to the nearest Communion with the Divine Presence and Majesty that ever any mortal Man had. In this he excell'd all former Prophets, as to This he was Singular and Peculiar, and the way of Discovery made to him was the highest Degree that ever was.
But tho I allow this, that Moses experienc'd a more Immediate and Familiar way of Revelation than any others, and that this was the most Exalted Degree of Inspiration, yet I do not see but that we may affirm it was in some of those ways I have before mention'd. As to the Degree it was most Sublime and Transcendent, but yet the way of Conveyance might be the same. It might [Page 276] be by immediate Voice from God, and by the Voice of Angels, by Visions and Dreams, Sleeping and Waking, by inward Illumination and Divine Afflation: in all these ways, and in the height and transcendency of them, Moses, it is likely, receiv'd Communications from God. Thus it differs from all other Revelations, tho as to the substance it is the same.
God's calling to Moses out of the Bush, Exod. 3. 4. is counted by 5 Maimonides one of the highest Degrees of Divine Revelation; for none but Moses, saith he, had the honour to hear God speak to him in a Vision, whilst he was awake. But this Learned Iew seems to be singular here, and therefore I will not reckon this as a distinct and peculiar way of Divine Manifestation.
2. Another way of Revelation was that of the Oracle in the Tabernacle, or Temple. Exod. 25. 22. I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee, from above the Mercy-Seat, from between the two Cherubims which are upon the Ark of the Testimony, of all things which I will give thee in Commandment unto the Children of Israel. And accordingly in Num. 7. 89. we read that God spake to Moses from the Mercy-Seat, and gave Answer to him when he consulted him: and none else had that honour in his time. But afterwards the High Priests had this privilege conferred upon them. Some of the Vncircumcised Doctors tell us prodigious things of this way of Revelation: they talk as seraphically as if they had been the persons that were admitted to that Sacred Oracle. But after all they have said, either we must refer it to some, or all of the ways of Revelation before specified, or else we must fit still, and say we know not what it was.
3. The Answering by Vrim and Thummim was another Extraordinary way of Revelation. By this God [Page 277] gave Answers in great and weighty Affairs, especially about the Kingdom, for it may be reckon'd a Politick Oracle: and some have thought (from what they read in 1 Sam. 30. 7, 8.) that Kings as well as the High Priests were the persons to whom the Vrim and Thummim were committed. But I see no ground for this, for this Oracle had its residence in the High Priests Breast-plate, and therefore was given out wholly by him. And as for what is said in the foremention'd place in Samuel, it is not to be understood of David's personal Act, but of what he did by his Authority. But that this great Oracle of the Iews was consulted chiefly in difficult cases of State, may be gather'd from Num. 27. 21. 1 Sam. 23. 9. & 28. 6. & 30. 7. 2 Sam. 2. 1. Tho I fee no reason to appropriate it wholly to Civil Matters, for the High Priests Pectoral had this general Name given it, Coshen hamishphat, the Breastplate of judgment, Exod. 28. 15. because by the Vrim and Thummim, which were lodg'd here, Iudgment infallibly pass'd; but we do not find that this Iudgment or Decision was restrain'd to one particular sort of Cases. When this Oracle ceas'd, is not agreed among Writers. According to 6 Ioseph the Iew there was no such thing about two hundred years before our Saviour's time. But some of the Hebrew Doctors say, it had its period in the Prophet Haggai's days. Nay, it was never heard of from the day that the Children of Israel were carry'd captive to Babylon, say others of the Iews, who it is probable come nearest to the truth.
As to the nature of the Vrim and Thummim; there have been several Conjectures of Iews and Christians; but the most considerable of late hath been that of the famous Mr. Selden, and some others, who think they were little Images, that were representations [Page 278] of Angels, and that they were the same with the Teraphim. But I have subverted the foundation of this opinion, by shewing that the word Teraphim is not of a middle signification in Scripture, but that it is the word to express Idolatry, 1 Sam. 15. 23. And that in all other places it signifies some unlawful Images, Idols, or False Gods. A Noble 7 Critick strikes in with our famous Antiquary, and would perswade us that Vrim and Teraphim are the same. He hath shew'd a great deal of excellent Reading and Criticism in his undertaking, to maintain the Identity of these two: he hath done great and amazing things in so barren a Subject; his Atchievements are extraordinary, and like himself: but if I may be so free with this worthy Man, and the rest of those Authors that have gone this way, as to deliver my thoughts impartially concerning the Reasons and Arguments which they have offer'd, truly I must pronounce that some of them are slight and frivolous, and they might as well have asserted that the Vrim and Teraphim are the same because they both end in im. This Learned Writer adds, that both the Vrim and Thummim were of Pagan Extraction; but herein he leaves the Judicious Selden, who held not that the Vrim was borrow'd from the Teraphim, but that this was taken from that, for he saith expresly that the Teraphim are call'd Vrim and Thummim, because they aped the fanctity of these.
But this later Author avers that the Iews imitated he Gentiles in their Teraphim and other Idolatrous Rites and Practices. Tho the Iewish Laws were made in absolute opposition (as hath been said before) to the Customs of the Idolatrous Nations, yet (notwithstanding this) he asserts that God borrowed this and most of the Mosaick Rites from those Pagan Idolaters. Did God himself openly declare against the Idolatry of the Gentiles, [Page 279] and yet would he by these Images of Pagan Invention nurse it up? Is it possible for considerate minds to give credit to this? To think that the Iews, who were particularly commanded not to learn the way of the Heathen, Ier. 10. 12. not to comply with the Customs of the Idolatrous Nations, but to avoid them, and act quite contrary to them; to think that these persons were permitted, nay in a particular manner commanded and enjoyn'd to use this Superstitious and Magical Rite, and other the like Customs of the Heathens; to think that God, who had so often declared his hatred and abomination of Idols, and whatever look'd like Idolatry, gave out his Oracles to his own People by a couple of little Pert Waxen Images, and that in complyance with the Talismanical Puppets used by most Pagans, and which were first invented by their Idolatrous Priests, is such a heap of odd and wild Conceits that no unprejudiced and unbyass'd mind can entertain. As for the Thummim, that also is held by the same Author to have been borrow'd from the Gentiles. As Vrim was fetch'd from Serapis an Egyptian Idol, so (saith he) Thummim is of the like Original, for it was an Image set with precious Stones which the High Priests of Egypt wore about their necks. Now, because these Pagans were brave and gawdy, and had a rich Saphire and Truth engraven on it hanging at their breasts, therefore God appointed his own High Priest a Thummim, which was such another fine brave thing. Yea, God gave him Bells to dangle and make a noise at his heels, because the Egyptian Priests were hung about after that manner, for which this Author quoteth Alexander ab Alexandre. This in brief is his conjecture about Thummim. And thus the Vrim were Images, and the Thummim was an Image.
Which it seems was the opinion of A. Castre heretofore (tho he hath not the same particular notion concerning these Images with this present Writer) but hear [Page 280] how a 8 Learn'd and Sober Man of his own Communion censures him for it; As this is a new opinion, so it is very improbable, because such a thing as this would have been of dangerous consequence among that people who were so inclined to Idolatry. If they had seen Images, or heard them speak, and deliver Oracles, they would thereby have been encourag'd and confirm'd in their Idolatrous Service, i. e. worshipping of Images. And truly, if I may speak freely, this assertion that God's most Holy Oracle, whereby he deliver'd his Will to the Hebrew people, was managed altogether by Images, gives too much encouragement to the Image-Worship maintain'd and practis'd by some of the Church of Rome. Accordingly you will find that 9 One who was a well-willer to the Roman Cause and Interest, highly applauds these Notions, and borrows several pages together from Doctor Spencer as sutable to his purpose. He furnish'd himself with materials for his Pamphlet about the notion of Idolatry, from this Writer's conceptions of it.
But that which is the greatest reproach to these Images is, that they were borrow'd from the Idolatrous Pagans, which is the thing this Reverend Gentleman asserts and defends. This makes them unworthy of God and his Worship, and not fit to be used by the People of God. This Opinion makes God to imitate the Pagan in their Customs and usages. But he thinks he salves the absurdity and impiety of this, by adding, that God did this, by reason of the bardness of the Jews hearts. He imputes the use of this Vrim or Teraphim to the morosity of that people, who were to be pleas'd by all means, and therefore GOd indulged them in these Heathen Superstitions. But who can think this to be a satisfactory account of the matter? It is as much as to say, God, to comply with [Page 281] the vain humour of this people, gave them these Little Images, these Pratling Puppets to dance and dandle. The Iewish Nation being Children, must have these Baubles to play with. The froward Israelites cried for the Pagan Gewgaws, therefore God let them have them, that they might Play and Worship at the same time. We must hold that these Pretty Idols wrap'd up in a folded piece of cloth of a span long, were the Famous, Celebrated, and Sacred Vrim of the Iews: these Ludicrous Images were the Holy Oracles whereby God spake to his people on the most serious and eminent occasions: In short, the Vrim were the very same with the Teraphim, which were the Heathens Penates, the Pagans Houshold-Gods, or rather (to speak more plainly) they were the Bodies of those Gods, or (to speak yet more plainly) of the Infernal Ghosts, who came and informed these little Carcases after they were prepared under a certain Constellation: then and not before, they were a Trap to catch Damons, as Mr. Mede pleasantly speaks. These were the Teraphim, as all the Learned know, and consequently they were the Vrim: which if any man can believe, 'tis next to the Faith of Miracles, in my apprehension. If we can perswade our selves that the Holy God of Israel was an exact Imitator of the Pagans Magical Feats, and Diabolical Conjurations, we may then swallow any thing, be it never so incredible and impossible. What is erroneous and absurd, yea what is prophane and blasphemous if this be not, viz. that God's Worship was borrow'd by God himself from the Idolatrous Gentiles?
I have in another place offer'd my particular Sentiment concerning these Vrim and Thummim (so much controverted by the Learned) the Sum of which is this, that they were no other than these two Hebrew words VRIM and THVMMIM written or engraven, and put into the High Priest's Breast-plate. To which purpose it is observable that in Exod. 39. 8, &c. where the High Priests Garments are rehears'd, and are said to be made, [Page 282] the Vrim and Thummim are not mention'd at all, because these were not made of materials of Linen, Gold, &c. as the Garments were, but were only bare words written or engraved, and deposited in the hollow of the Breast-Plate, which was a folded or doubled Cloth, and was capable of holding those written Words: wherefore they are bid to put them in it, not upon it, for upon it were the twelve Precious Stones. I have shew'd the probability of this Opinion from several material Considerations, as well as from the manner of Expression us'd in Exod. 28. 30. Thou shalt put, or (according to the Hebrew) thou shalt give in the Breast-plate the Vrim and Thummim. I have shew'd that giving is apply'd in several places of Scripture to writing: and I will further confirm it by one Instance more, viz. in Ezek. 9. 4. [...], give i. e. write a mark on the Foreheads, &c. for it is spoken to him who had the Writer's Inkhorn, ver. 2, 3. Thus giving and writing are the same. And so in our own way of speaking there is something like it, for to render or give and to ascribe are sometimes synonimous. These written Words (which were of mighty Importance and Significancy) were put into the Rationale, or rather, the Duplicature contain'd in it, and were made use of by the High Priest when Answers were to be given. Those Words may signifie to us the nature of this kind of Oracle, viz. that by consulting it they should be illuminated (that is the import of Vrim) they should have a clear discovery of what they ask'd and enquired after, and they should have not only a Distinct, but a Full and Perfect Answer (that is implied in Thummim) to their Demands.
If it be Objected (as I find it is) that the Hebrew [...] being set before Vrim and Thummim, and the particle the being placed before them in our English Translation, argue the Vrim and Thummim to be things, and not bare words: I answer, it is true that the Hebrew ha which is sometimes a Praepositive Article before Nouns, and is [Page 283] rendred the, is (like the Greek Articles [...] before some words) very significant and emphatical, having the force of a Demonstrative: but at other times you will find that it is of no significancy at all, but is a mere Expletive. So that we cannot infer with any certainty that ha or the being prefix'd to Vrim and Thummim have any Emphasis, or argue them to be Things, and not Words. Again, you may observe that tho it be haurim in Exod. 28. 30. and is translated the Vrim, yet in Num. 27. 21. tho there be the Article ha in the Original, yet in our English Translation it is plain Vrim. And moreover, take notice that it is barely Vrim, Deut. 33. 8. 1 Sam. 28. 6. both in the Hebrew and in our Translation. Whence still you may infer that there is no stress to be laid on either the Hebrew ha or the English the when they are prefix'd to Vrim and Thummim, there is nothing Emphatick in it. Nay, that the is no note of a thing is clear from Hag. 2. 6. (not to mention any other place) where the Hebrew ha and the English the are set before [word] and you'l find almost a hundred times in your English Bible the word, but I suppose you will not thence gather that a word is a thing, taking this latter in the strictest sense. This is the best and plainest account I can give of the Vrim and Thummim, on which I should further have enlarged if I had not prevented my self by a Particular Essay on this subject. I never met with any one that had any thing considerable to object against this Notion, but on the contrary I find that one or two Writers of good Note have shew'd themselves much inclin'd to embrace it. I am not concern'd to satisfie those who ask, how God answer'd by these Words or Letters. It is hard to resolve this Question, but such a Conjecture as this may be probable, that the High Priest was particularly taught by God to understand this Secret, from some difference which he observ'd in the Letters made by God's own disposal. If the Iewish Writers thought such a thing as this was Reasonable and [Page 284] Accountable when they asserted the Responses to be made by the Precious Stones, I do not see why we may not with greater reason make use of the same Solution here. But this we are certain of, that the Divine Responses were given by and from these Vrim and Thummim, and we are sure that they were part of the celebrated Shekinah, the Divine Presence, the Visible and Glorious Appearance of God: for by these in an extraordinary manner (which none is able to relate) he reveal'd his Will to the High Priests, and they imparted it to those who came to inquire of this Oracle.
And so I have let you see what were the Various Revelations, both Ordinary and Extraordinary, under the several Dispensations we have been speaking of. The Mosaick Occonomy especially had the advantage of all these: the Iewish People were most signally honoured with all these sorts of Revelations; Vnto them were committed the Oracles of God, Rom. 3. 2. The High Priest's Pectoral is call'd [...], because Responses in some difficult cases were Spoken and Reveal'd thereby: and so the Revelations of God's Will by that way are call'd [...] by the Apostle here, but that is not all, for this is to be look'd upon as a large word, to signifie all the Various Discoveries vouchsafed by God, the Divers manners of communicating his Pleasure to Mankind. He spoke [...].
It might be expected now that I should pass to the Evangelical Dispensation: but I having said under the Abrahamick Occonomy that there was then a palpable Distinction made between God's Servants and Worshippers, and those that worship'd false Gods; and afterwards in the Mosaick Dispensation there being a more Visible Distinction made, it is necessary here to add something to qualifie what was there said, and to acquaint you with the whole Account of God's Transactions in that affair: it is proper here to say something of God's dealing with other Nations, which makes a Distinct O [...]conomy.
The Gentile Oeconomy. Others besides those of the Family of Abraham were of the Church. Some of these were in Palestine. An enumeration of the several Opinions concerning Melchisedech. He was a Canaanitish King and Priest. Job's Countrey. His Character. His Friends. Several other Pious and Religious Gentiles in other Countreys. Hebrew Prophets sent to the people of other Nations. Malachi speaks of True Worshippers among the Gentiles. The Proselytes of the Gate. The Proselytes of Righteousness. Tho the Nations were generally forsaken of God because of their Idolatry, yet some among them professed and worshipped the True God. Those places of Scripture in the Old and New Testament which set forth the Peculiar Privileges of the Jewish People are not inconsistent with this. No Nations were debarr'd and excluded from God's Grace and Favour.
THerefore in the next place I proceed to the Gentile O [...]conomy: for so I may call it, tho it lies not all together, as the other Dispensations do, but is dispers'd both through the Abrahamick and Mosaick O [...]conomi [...]s. You must know then that tho the Church of God, or the Faithful, were separated from the greater part of the World which were Infidels, and commonly call'd in Scripture the Nations, (for tho sometimes, but very rarely, this word be apply'd to Iews as well as Heathens in the Old and New Testament, yet generally G [...]jim [Page 286] gentes is the word in the Old Testament proper to those that believe not in the true God, and [...] in the New Testament expresses the same. Thence is the common Antithesis in the New Testament of Iew and Greek or Gentile: and this was the perfect dichotomy of all Mankind at that time) and tho the Church were those of the stock of Abraham who retain'd the true Worship of God, and more especially and eminently the Iews were call'd the Church and peculiar People of God; and the Nations were those that invented new Gods, and worshipped them, and lived in all sorts of Wickedness and Lewdness (as Babylon, Sodom, Egypt, and other places) yet the Seat of the Church was not so tied to Abraham's family, or afterwards to the Iews, that Salvation was confined to that People, or that there were no other persons professing Godliness besides them. Altho God in a peculiar way reveal'd himself to Abraham and his Family, and that by Covenant, yet others likewise were favoured by God, and included in that Covenant. Tho God calls himself the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, Exod. 3. 6. that is, he was the God of those Patriarchs and of their Seed in a peculiar manner, as having actually made a Covenant with them, and promis'd that the Blessed Seed, the Messia [...], should arise thence; yet in a larger and extensive sense God was the God of other People besides. For as all were not Good that were in Abraham's Family or of his Posterity (there were Ismael and Esau, Incestuous Reuben, the Bloody Simeon and Levi; and both in the Wilderness and in Canaan there were Murmurers, Blasphemers, Idolaters, and persons every way defiled) so all were not Bad or shut out from Grace and the Covenant of Mercy that were not of the Family or Race of Abraham. There was Shem, Noah's First-born, who lived in Palestine when Abraham came thither out of Babylon, and it is highly probable that he was a Good Man and a Religious Worshipper. Nor must Iaphet be supposed to have revolted [Page 287] form God: this was one of the Sons of the Blessing, and it is likely was a godly Person. Abimelech, one of the Kings of Canaan (it is probable of the Southern part of it, as Melchisedech, of whom I shall speak [...] anon, was King of the Northern parts) was at that time one that feared the true God, and thereby was taught to abstain form Abraham's Wife, Gen. 20. 3, 4. And indeed form several passages in this Chapter it appears that this King was a very Religious and conscientious Man, that he had the knowledg of the true God, and worship'd him. Abraham's asking God to spare Sodom if there were fifty Righteous Men in it, implies that he thought there were so many there: and consequently other Cities of that bigness had at least that number of Righteous Persons: and proportionably in greater places he thought there were more that might be saved. Now it is not probable that he was wholly mistaken, and consequently there were Religious Persons besides those of Abraham's Seed even in the Cities of Palestine. Rahab was a Canaanite, but yet a Religious Faithful Woman, one that acknowledg'd and worship'd the God of Israel, and accordingly is commended for her Faith, Heb. 11. 31. and questionless others there were in that Countrey (tho they are not particularly mention'd) who feared God.
I will instance in one very Great and Eminent Person who was a Canaanite, viz. M [...]lchisedech. I know it is disputed who he was: 1. Some have thought that he was an Angel in the Form of a Man, as St. 9 Augustin tells us. This was the fancy of Origen, as we may gather from 1 one of his Homilies. 2. Others, as Hierax and the Hieracites (a sort of Hereticks in the Third Century named from him) hold that Melchisedech was the Divine [Page 288] Power of God, or (more plainly) the Person of the Holy Ghost in shape of a Man, as 2 Epiphanius reports. 3. Others (as the same 3 Father relates) said he was the Son of God Incarnate. And this Opinion is imbraced by a modern 4 Writer, who would perswade us that Melchisedech and Christ are the same. But these are false and groundless surmises, and have no bottom to support them. As to the last of them, it is incredible that the Type and Antitype should be the same: for this is the case here, Melchisedech was a Representative of our Saviour, according to that of the Apostle, Heb. 6. 20. Iesus was a Priest after the Order of Melchisedech. Which he explains in Chap. 7. ver. 15. After the similitude of Melchisedech there ariseth another Priest: as much as to say, Melchisedech and Christ were like one another in several things, and thereupon one was design'd to be a fit Type of the other. But it is unreasonable and absurd to say that a Person is like himself, therefore we cannot rationally imagine that Christ, who (as St. Paul saith) was after the similitude of Melchisedech, was the same with him. This cannot be admitted by any considerate Man. And this also is to be remembred, that the Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrews (where he particularly treateth of Melchisedech) would certainly have told us this if it had been so.
St. 5 Ierom is of the Opinion that Melchisedech and Shem the Son of N [...]ah were the same Person, and he saith it was the general Tradition of the Hebrews. But this is not the first time that he as well as other Christians have been deceived by Iews. I grant that the Ierusalem Targum (on the Text that speaks of Melchisedech) [Page 289] asserts him to be Shem, and I deny not that Ionathan the Author of this Targum lived before Christ's coming. It was then the Antient perswasion of the Iewish Doctors, and therefore I cannot excuse Iacobus Capellus, who saith it was but a late Device and Fiction of the Iews. If he had said it was an old Fiction of the Rabbies, he had spoken Truth, for it is w [...]ll known to the Learned, that these Men were given to Forgery form the beginning, and that their Writings abound with mere Inventions of their own: and this among the rest may be one Instance of their Abilities that way. Again, it was not universally receiv'd by the Iews that Shem and Melchisedech were the same, for both Iosephus and Phil [...] (two of the most Learned and Judicious Men of that Nation) think otherwise. Further, you will be perswaded of this if you consider the several Arguments which Pereti [...] uses to prove that M [...]lchisedech was not Shem▪ and if you weigh the seven Reasons produced by 6 Bochare to confirm the same. Or, without consulting of these, you may be convinced by that one single Text of the Author to the Hebrews, Chap. 7. ver. 3. where you are told that this Melchisedech was without father, without mother, without descent; i. e. whereas Moses in his Writings hath told the Genealogie and Ped [...]gree of all other Pious Worthies mentioned by him, he saith nothing at all of this Person's Birth or Stock. Whence you may certainly gather that this Person was not Shem, because we know his Genealogy: his Father and Mother and Descent are expresly recorded. Moreover, Melchise [...]ch was not Shem, for Canaan, where he was King, sell to Cham, not to Shem, as all Historians assert. This may suffice to confute those Iews and Christians who think [...] and [...] were the [...]ame. 303
[Page 290]Nor, 5ly, was this Melchisedech (as Monsieur I [...] rieu fancies) the other Son of Noah, viz. Cham: for who can upon deliberate thoughts believe that this cursed Person was the Priest of the most High God, from whom Abraham so joyfully receiv'd the Priestly Benediction that he return'd it with the payment of his Tithes? and much less can we believe that one of so ill a character as Cham was the Type of the Blessed Iesus.
6ly, There are some Arabian Writers, as Elmacine and Patricides quoted by H [...]ttinger, who held that Melchisedech was the Son of Ph [...]leg, but this is exploded for a Fiction.
7ly. Some of the Jews of old (as we are inform'd by that Antient Writer often mention'd on the present Account) had a Conceit, that this was one that was the Offspring of a Harlet, and therefore he is said to be with [...] father and without mother, i. e. his Parents were so infamous that they were unworthy to be named in Scripture. But such stuff as this is not worth mentioning.
In the last place therefore, that which is unquestionanably true (because attested by Sacred History) is, that this Melchisedech was really a King and a Priest in the Land of Canaan. It is expresly said that he was King of Salem, Gen. 14. 18. that is, he was Ruler of that part of Canaan which was afterward called Ierusalem, or else (as some 7 Learned Men have thought) of that place on this side of Iordan, and near to Sodom, which had the name of Salem, perhaps the same with Salim, Joh. 3. 23. The Learned Iewish 8 Historian plainly tells us, that this Melchisedech was [...], a Potentate of the people of Canaan. And with him agree the Christian Fathers: he was not only a Prince among the Canaanites, [Page 291] but he was of their Stock, and particularly of the Sidonians, saith 9 Epiphanins. So * Theodoret delivers it as a thing unquestionable, that as he was a King in Palestine; so he was of the Race of that Gentile People. He was moreover a Priest of the most High God, i. e. of [...], the only True God, Gen. 14. 18. And being such, it is not to be question'd that (in discharge of his Sacred Office) he taught the people to worship and serve God aright. So that if we consider this Person not only as a King but as a Priest, we must grant that he had some influence on the place where he exercised these Offices, and consequently he being a Good and Holy Man did by his Discipline and Example make others so. Some of his People fear'd God, as well as honour'd him: and thus there might be a considerable number of [...] that were Religious and Virtuous at that time, and were true Worshippers of the Divine Majesty.
But not only in Palestine but Arabia and the adjacent parts, there were those that feared God, and were accepted of him. Many of the Race of Abraham's Children not by Sarah, but by Haga [...], or by his second Wife Keturah, were Heirs of the Covenant made with Abraham. The Children of Ismael were circumcised, and some of them may be thought to have attain'd to the Spiritual Circumcision. [...], Moses's Father-in-Law, was a Religious Man tho he was a Kenite by Nation, i. e. an Ara [...]ian, and tho he dwelt in Midian, an Heathen Countrey. He exercised his Priestly Function here, and offer'd Sacrifice to the God of Israel, Exod. 18. 12. And we cannot but think that those of that Countrey that join'd in Sacrifice and Worship with him, had the knowledg of the same True God. If we may give credit [Page 292] to the Hebrew Doctors, whom Mr. 308 Selden quotes, Iethr [...] is expresly call'd a Pr [...]selyte in the G [...]mara, and consequently he was a Worshipper of the True God. And such might some others of that part of Arabia be: it is likely they were Proselytes to the true Religion. We may think as favourably of some of the Sabaans, Inhabitants of part of Arabia the Desart, of the Posterity of Keturah. Job without doubt was a Gentile, and for that reason Ioseph the Iew reckons not his Book in the Canon of Scripture, because it belongs not to the Iewish Nation, whose Antiquities he was writing. And perhaps for that reason his Book is placed in the Bible after all the Iewish History. But there is some dispute whether he was an Arabian (properly so called) or an Ed [...] mite. That he was the former, is the more general belief; but some think he was the same with Io [...]a [...] King of the Idumeans, of the Race of Es [...]u, Gen. 36. 34. And some have thought he was that Iob who was the Son of Issachar, Gen. 46. 13. and who was also called Iashab, 1 Chron. 7. 1. But there is little or no ground for this. His Countrey Vz. was so call'd, say some, from Vz. Nahor's First-born by Milcah, Gen. 22. 21. Others think it had its name from Vz. of the Family of E [...] sau, Gen. 36. 28. 1. Chron. 1. 42. Others say from Vz, of the House of Aram, a Son of Shem, Gen. 10. 23. As to the situation of the place, Sir W. Raleigh is positive that it lay between Palestine and Coel [...] syria, which he gathers from Ier. 25. 20. where those of the Land of Vz. are reckon'd among the Borderers on Iudaa. So 309 St. Ierom of old placed Vz in the confines of [...] and Arabia, and thence it is usually said to be in Ar [...] bia.
I will not now enter into controversie about [...] [Page 293] Countrey, because 'tis the same to my present purpose whether he was an Arabian or an Idumean. If he was either of them, it is certain he was a Gentile; and yet (which is the thing we are now concen'd in) he was a Holy Man and a Right Worshipper. His Character is briefly given him by him who wrote the Book, He was (saith he) perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil, Chap. 1. ver. 1. And God himself gave him this high Encomium, There was none like him, (i. e. for Goodness) in the earth, ver. 8. Whence some would gather that he lived not in the time of any of the Holy Patriarchs, or of Moses, for then it could not be said, that he had not his fellow in the earth. But this Inference is of no weight, because it is most probable that this is spoken of that particular Countrey wherein Iob lived, as the Earth is sometimes taken in that restrained sense in Scripture. So that the meaning is, there was no man like him in the Land of Uz, for the Hebrew word, Eretz, is the same in both places. He was the most eminent Saint in that Region of the World. That which we observe at present is, that he was so, tho he was no Israelite, tho he was not of the Holy Seed. Notwithstanding this, he was a Worshipper of the True God, and a Righteous Person. In Chap. 31. you may hear him making a solemn Protestation of his Integrity as to many grand things of Religion, and particularly his abhorrence of Idolatry, ver. 26. Indeed the greatest part of the Book is a Testimony of his singular Faith, Patience, and Piety. Whereupon St. Augustine saith thus of him, 3 ‘I doubt not but it was particularly order'd by Divine Providence that we should learn from this [Page 294] one Person, that even amongst other Nations there might be those who lived according to God, and pleased him, and belonged to the Spiritual Ierusalem.’
Iob's Friends likewise may be reckoned among the Gentiles, for Eliphaz the Temanite was of Esau's lineage, Gen. 36. 11. and Bildad the Shuite was of the posterity of Shuah the Son of Abraham by Keturah, Gen. 25. 2. and Elihu the Buzite was of Buz the Son of Nahor, Gen. 22. 21. As Iob sacrificed for his Sons, (Chap. 1. ver. 5.) so Eliphaz did for himself and his two friends ( Iob 42. 8) to appease God's Wrath: and all of them shew'd themselves Religious and Pious persons. For tho they were faulty as to their misrepresentation of Iob sometimes, yet they were in their designs upright, and intended only to justifie God, and to assert his Providence, and to check Sin and Wickedness where they thought they espi'd them. And it is not unreasonable to think that Iob and his Companions, who were Persons of such eminent Goodness, and moreover were Rich and Wealthy Men, and of great Authority in the Land of Vz (for as Iob himself was a Great Man, a kind of King in that Countrey, so his three friends were Men of Power and Eminency, and are call'd Kings by the Author of the Book of Tobit) used their Wealth and Authority for the promoting of Religion among the Inhabitants of that place: and so it is probable that there were several that feared God there, and consequently that the Church was not confined to one Nation, but that God revealed himself in a saving manner to other Countreys.
Of this we have further proof, for as there were these Religious People in Canaan, and Arabia or Idumea, so in other places some of those that were Vncircumcised were acquainted with the True Religion. Abraham's Brother Nahor and his Family, tho they dwelt in Mes [...] potamia (an Heathenish Countrey, and which Abraham left for that reason) were not strangers to the True God [Page 295] and his Worship (tho they mix'd it with some Superstition) thus in Gen. 24. 31, 50. the Language of Laba [...] and Bethuel shews that they had a good Sense of Religion, and knew and worship'd Ieh [...]vah. If we pass to Egypt, we shall find there that the Midwives that were Natives of that Countrey (for such they are deservedly thought to be, by the Learned Iewish Historian and Antiquary; and tho they are call'd Hebrew Midwives, ver. 15. yet the Reason of that Denomination was because (as it is explain'd in the next verse) they did the Office of Midwives to the Hebrew Women: and from several circumstances in that part of the Sacred History we may gather that they were of the Egyptian Nation and not Hebrews) feared God, Exod. 1. 17. and gave a remarkable Testimony of it, and accordingly were rewarded by God for it, ver. 21. Hagar, who was originally an Egyptian, was honoured with Divine Apparitions, and favoured by God in a particular manner, Gen. 16. 10, 11, 13.
And afterwards, when the Iewish Nation and Church were set up by God, other persons and people were not excluded from his Grace and Favour, Ruth was a Mo [...]bite, of the Race of the Daughters of Lot, but was converted to the Belief of the True God, and her Virtue and Piety were so signal, that the Holy Spirit hath recorded them in an intire Book. Our Saviour takes notice that the Prophet Elias was sent to the Widow of Sarep [...]a, who was a Gentile, a Sidonian (Luke 4. 26) but shew'd her self a very Good Religious Woman, and believed in the God of the Patriarchs. Naaman the Syrian was a Proselyte, he sacrificed to the God of Israel alone, and carried Earth with him out of Iudea to build an Altar, a Kings 5. 15, 17. and without doubt he propagated the true Religion and Knowledg of God in his own Countrey. Ebedmelech, an Ethiopian, Chamberlain or some such like Great Officer to King Zedekiah, was a Patron of the Prophet Ieremiah, and a Man of singular [Page 296] Zeal and Piety, and was therefore eminently favour'd of God, Ier. 38. 7. & 39. 16. It is not improbable that Hiram King of Tyre was a Prosolyte, 1 Kings 5. 7. And such we have reason to think the Queen of Sheba was, 1 Kings 10. 9. Nebuchadnezzar was of this sort, and became a Convert, as may be partly collected from Dan. 3. 28, 29. Dan. 4. 34, &c. And it may be Cyrus (who is stiled by God his Anointed, Isai. 45. 1.) may be reckon'd in this number. But tho there may be some doubt as to these latter, yet it is certain that the rest, and several others that might be named in Gentile Countreys, were Proselytes to the true Faith, In prosecution of which Subject it may be further observ'd that God sent Hebrew Prophets to the People of other Nations: Isaiah, Ieremiah, and Ezekiest, prophesied almost to all Nations; Obadiah to the Idumeans, and Ionas was dispatch'd to the people of Ninive the Metropolis of Assyria, who believ'd and repented at Ionas's Preaching. This shews that God was kind to Them as well as to the Iews, and that they had the True God and his Will in some measure discover'd to them before: otherwise they would not have been so capable of understanding the Divine Message when it came to them, and of behaving themselves sutably to it. For it is not to be question'd that the Ninivites Repentance was true, it proceeding (as some of the Antients of the Christian Church have observ'd) from a true Faith, Ion. 2. 5. Mat. 12. 41. Their Fasting and Humiliation were so eminent, that the Abyssine Church keeps yearly a Fast of threeday in remembrance of it. And I find it is the Comfortable Note of Rabbi Kimchi, questioning, why the Book of Ionas was rank'd among the Holy Scriptures, it making no mention of Israel, as all other Prophets do, but being wholly directed against the Ninivites, who were Heathens and Strangers to the Commonwealth of Israel, This Book, saith he, was written to shew that God is merciful to those that repent, of what [Page 297] Nation soever they be. This Example makes it evident that the Gentiles were not wholly rejected, altho as to the greatest part they were, but that many of them were accepted of God.
Yea, it seemeth to be plain from Mal. 1. 11. that the Getiles worshipp'd God no less than the Iews. The words are in the present time in the Original. and therefore ought to be so meant, that some of the Gentiles in those days had the true Worship of God among them, in one part or other of the whole World he was Adored and Served. The History of the Iewish Nation, and of God's care of them, was the thing chiefly designed in the Old Testament; and therefore it cannot be expected that it should treat of other Nations, and give a particular account of what was done there. But it makes mention (as you have heard) of some Holy Persons among them, and without doubt there were many more, tho not spoken of. The Gentiles were not deserted of God, but taken notice of by him, and encouraged. The Visible Church did not altogether consist of Abraham's Family and Kindred; but many others that were not of that Stock were true Members of it. Especially among the neighbouring Nations several were converted to God by the Preaching of the Israelitish Prophets, and in part receiv'd the Iewish Religion, and by the Iews were call'd Proselytes. These properly belong to the Gentile Dispensation, because they were first Gentiles, but converted from their Gentilism to the Knowledg and Worship of the True God. These Proselytes or Converts were of two sorts:
1. The Proselytes of the Gate, as the Iews stiled them (because they lived within the Gates of Isreal, and they held free Commerce and Trade within their Houses, the same with the Strangers within their Gates, Exod. 20. 10. Deat. 14. 21.) They were those Heathens that abandoned their Pagan Superstition and Idolatry, and receiv'd the True Faith, and acknowledg'd the True God, [Page 298] but were left to their liberty as to Circumcision. Therefore this Rank of Proselytes remain'd Uncircumcised, neither did they observe the other Mosaick Laws and Rites, but were only tied to the keeping of the Seven Precepts, supposed to be given to Noab's Sons, as Maimonides and other Learned Writers among the Iews inform us. These, tho they were no Idolaters, yet because they were Uncircumcised, were not permitted to worship in the same Court of the Temple with the Iews, but in a distinct Place by themselves, therefore call'd the Court of the Gentiles: and tho they went to the Iewish Synagogues, yet they had a distinct Apartment there. There were many of these Proselytes among the Iews every where in their Cities. Of these you read in the New Testament, where they are call'd 4 Devout, or Pious, or Religious Men, or 5 Worshippers, for the Greek words signifie any of these. I conceive the Roman Centurion of Capernaum, who built the Jews a Synagogue (Luke 7. 5.) was one of these. Cornelius, a Captain of the Italian Band, Acts 10. 2. was another Proselyte of this sort, i. e. a Gentile Worshipper of the True God, but not Circumcised, or counted a Member of the Church of the Iews. And such a one, it is likely, was the Ethiopian Eunuch mentioned in Acts 8. 27. who came to Jerusalem to worship. And such was Lydia of Thyatira, who worshipped God, Acts 16. 14. And hither may be referr'd those devout men out of every Nation under Heaven, Acts 2. 5. and th [...]se that feared God, Acts 13. 16, 26. These were Proselytes from among the Gentiles. And these, it is likely, are meant by the [...], Acts 9. 29. & 11. 10. for tho this be the name for the Grecizing Iews who read the Scriptures in the Septuagint's Version, and pray'd and did other Religious Offices in Greek, whereas others perform'd [Page 299] them in Hebrew, yet here by Heltemists we are to understand those that were converted to the Jewish Religion from Gentilism. But tho they had renounced the Heathen Worship, yet they had not receiv'd all the Jewish Ceremonies and Laws.
2. There were another sort of Pr [...]selytes call'd the Pr [...]selytes of Right [...]eousness, or of the Covenant. These were of a far higher degree than the former, for they were Gentiles converted wholly to Iudaism, and were initiated into the Jewish Church by Baptism and Circumcision, and were tied to keep all the Mosaick Law, and worshipp'd in the same Court of the Temple with the Natural Jews, and so became every way Iews unless in respect of their Birth and Nation. These in the New Testament are simply and absolutely call'd Proselytes.
Thus Persons of other Nations besides that of the Jews imbraced the True Religion and Worship, and were accepted of God, and obtain'd his favour. Here then is the Gentile Oeconomy. Not but that the Nations were generally sorsaken of God, and given up to Idolatry and all manner of Wickedness and Prophaneness, which the Apostle took notice of when he said, 6 God in times past suffer'd all Nations to walk in their own ways; All Nations, i. e. all those Kingdoms which were erected after the Flood, viz. the Assyrian or Babylonian Monarchy, which began soon after the Flood under Nimr [...]d the Son of Cush: the Sicyonian Kingdom, and the Old Germans who began at the same time with the Assyrian Monarchy: next the Egyptian Empire under Cham, and his Successor Misraim or Osiria. About the same time began the Argives Kingdom, under Inachus their first King. Then the Kingdoms of Bactria and Iudia: another Grecian Kingdom, viz. the Athenian, about the middle of the Chaldean Empire: then the Lacedemonian or Spartan Dinasty; the Kingdom of Italy, the Lydian, Corinthian [Page 300] Tyrian, Maced [...]nian Dynasties, besides the Persian, whose King upon the expiring of the Ass [...]rian Empire became Head of the Second Monarchy, which is the boundary of the Sacred History of the Old Testament. These were all left by God to themselves, and Idolatry prevail'd among them all: they worshipp'd the Sun, Moon and Stars, yea all kinds of Beasts tho never so base and contemptible: Nay, Worshipping of Devils was a common practice with them. Thus God suffer'd the greatest part of the World to walk in their own ways until the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: Thus they were (as the Apostle speaks of the Gentiles) without God in the World, till he came into it. But yet even then, when they were addicted to Idolatry (which is also to be observed in this Oeconomy of the Nations) God left not himself without witness, Acts 14. 17. He led them to the knowledg of himself by the Book of Nature: they had sufficient light of God and Religion, i. e. to teach them some general Duties of Virtue and Goodness, and to instruct them in the Nature and Attributes of God, according to that of the Apostle, That which may be known of God was manifest in them: for God shew'd it unto them, Rom. 1. 19. But (as the Apostle there adds) they held the Truth in unrighteousness, and when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, but changed the Glory of the incorruptible God into an Image made like to corruptible Man, and to Birds, and fourfooted Beasts, and creeping things: and were filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, and all manner of Vice and Villany.
But tho it was thus with the Gentiles generally, yet it was not so with them All: there were many that abandon'd Idolatry, and profess'd the only True God. There were excellent Persons even among the Heathens, who were eminent for Grace and Holiness, as the Examples before mention'd testifie. There was a kind of a [Page 301] Church out of the Church. Many of the Gentiles had the knowledg of [...], and of his Covenant with Mankind: for a great part of the Covenant consisted in the Moral Law, which was solemnly proclaim'd on Mount Sinai, and was the principal part of the Mosaick Religion, but appertain'd to all Men: for being the Law of Nature, it had respect to the whole Race of [...], it concern'd every Person of what Nation or Countrey soever. And it might be remark'd to this purpose, that at the promulgation of this Law, there were present not only Israelites but Strangers and Gentiles, Exod. 12. 38. Num. 11. 4. Deut. 29. 11. This intimated that the Church was not shut up within the Iewish Nation: the Covenant of Grace extended farther than Iudea. And thus we see this Dispensation is a Dispensation of Grace: Not only as the whole Gentile World was a sharer in the common Favours and Blessings of Heaven▪ but as some of them were actual partakers of the peculiar and saving Grace of God, upon their owning the God of Israel, and turning unto him. Thus God excluded no sort of People from the participation of his Favour: But that of St. Peter was verified, God is no respector of Persons, but in every Nation he that seareth God and [...] Righteousness, is accepted with him. Acts 10. 34, 35.
And what I have said is not inconsistent with those places of Holy scripture which speak of the Iews as of a peculiar People, and which exast them above all other Nations in the World. What Nation (saith 7 Moses) is there so great, who hath God so nigh to them, as the Lord our God in all things that we call upon him for? As if he had said, Other Nations indeed are great, yea greater as to [...] than the Iews; in this they out do us: but the Nation of the Iews is to be preferred to them all, [Page 302] because God Himself dwelleth with us, he is always nigh at hand, and we converse familiarly with, him daily: whenever we inquire of him, he answereth us; whenever we stand in need of Direction and Assistance, he goes before us as our Guide, He protects and defends us, He helps and delivers us. Again, 8 What Nation is there so great that hath Statutes and Iudgments so righteous? Where he sheweth on another account the Iews Preeminence, viz. their having so exact a Law given them by God. It appears not that the Gentiles had any Special Rules and Positive Laws prescribed them, as the Iews had. The Laws of the Old Testament were revealed only to this People, and to no other Nations. They were peculiar Laws, and therefore the Gentiles were not under the particular Obligation of them. Moses his Law never bound any but the Iews and Proselytes who made themselves Inhabitants of that Land: it obliged no other Nations under Heaven. For it was designed for the Jews only, and not for others; that is, Christ being to be born amongst them, God granted to them Particular and Special Favours, to distinguish them from other people, to Sanctifie and Consecrate them especially. Therefore God separated the Israelites from the rest of the World, and gave them particular Constitutions and Injunctions: he shew'd his Word unto Jacob, his Statutes and Iudgments unto Israel: he hath not deale so with any Nation; and as for his Iudgments, they have not known them, Psal. 147. 19, 20. i. e. the Nations of the World were not govern'd by particular Laws as the Iews, they were not so highly honour'd and blessed. God was not pleas'd to manifest himself to them in a like degree. In this regard the Psalmist saith, Psal. 139. 4. The Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure. And in this respect God [Page 303] saith to Israel, You only have I known of all the Families of the Earth, Amos 3. 2. God knew that People in a manner different from all others: he convers'd with them in a more intimate way than with the rest of the World, he reveal'd himself to them in a particular and special manner: he govern'd and ruled that People by peculiar Laws and Sanctions, and he wrought extraordinary Wonders to support and deliver them: so that in comparison of the Iews God may be said not to have known the Gentiles. The Apostle likewise declareth the Preference and Prerogative of the Iew above other People, in answer to that question, 9 What advantage hath the Jew? or what profit is there of Circumcision? much every way, saith he, chiefly because unto them were committed the Oracles of God. They had singular Discoveries and Revelations of God's Will above others, which was a Sign and Assurance of the greatest Favour imaginable. They had Holy Laws, to make them holier than others, and they carried the Sign and Mark of the Holy Covenant even on their flesh. For this reason God may be said to have been the God of their Nation.
But whilst he shew'd more especial kindness to them, he did not neglect the rest; for besides that all of them lived under the Law of general Grace, many of them were specially favoured, and experienced the distinguishing Grace of God. The Blessings of God's Church reached even to some of those that were not within the Pale of it. A Divine Light was reflected from the Church to those that were not thought Members of it. Some enlightning and refreshing Rays were sent out to them, tho the Sun was not risen on their Horizon. The Sum of all is, that when God made a Covenant with Abraham and his Posterity the Israelites, he did not debar other People from Saving Grace and all Spiritual Benefits. There [Page 304] were, besides Abraham's Family, and the Body of the Israelites who came from Abraham, other Persons in the World who knew and worship'd God in a true and right manner. Some that were at a great distance from the Holy Land, and were Aliens to the Commonwealth of Israel, were Heirs of Eternal life. Some of all Nations were virtually included in the Covenant, altho not mantioned. Tho they were not to enter into Canaan, (and Canaan could not hold them) which was part of the Covenant to the Israelites, yet they were as good as taken in as to other Clauses of it, and as to the Effence and Substance of it, viz. the Spiritual Mercies couched in it. Thus they were comprehended in the Covenant of Life and Salvation, for all (of what Nation soever) were Partakers of the Benefits of it upon their believing and repenting. Not only Iews but Gentiles were interested in it. In the full Meal and Provision which God made for his own People the Israelites, some Portions, some Fragments fell besides the Table, which others gather'd up. This is God's Administration to the Gentiles: and I make it a particular and distinct Dispensation, tho I see those who reckon up the different Dispensations of Religion omit this. The Reason, I suppose, is because this Gentile Dispensation is mixed with the rest of the Dispensations. Because it was concurrent with the Patriachal and Mosaical Oeconomies, and was not a thing by it self, they took no notice of it. But notwithstanding this, it is a peculiar Dispensation, and a very remarkable one too, as the Premises may convince us. And at last our Blessed Saviour perfected this Dispensation, for a little before he left the World he enjoyn'd the Apostles to go and teach all Nations, Mat. 28. 19. to Evangelize the Goyim, the Nations, (for so the Iews call'd all People besides themselves) to propagate Christianity throughout the whole World. And accordingly we read that when the Apostles had continued some time at Ierusalem after Christ's Ascention (only [Page 305] some of them now and then slepping abroad to confirm the neighbouring Churches that were lately planted) 317 they issued out with one consent into several Countries, where by their Travels they spread the Gospel as effectually, as David and Solomon did the Hebrew Tongue, the one by his numerous Conquests, the other by his prosperous Fleets and Commerces: so that even in St. Paul's time the Gospel was Preached to every Creature under Heaven, Col. 1. 23. Thus at length the Gentile Dispensation was swallow'd up of the Evangelical one, which now I will particularly speak of.
The Christian or Evangelical Oeconomy. It agrees with the former Dispensations of Grace as to the Designation of the Messias. As to the way of Salvation. As to the Conditions and Qualifications of it. This corroborated by the suffrage of the Antient Fathers. It differs from the Mosaick Oeconomy or Law as to the Author in some respect. As to the Actual Discovery of it. As to the Clearness of it. As to its Spirituality. As to its Extent. As to several Circumstances that relate to the Conditions of Salvation; which are largely enumerated. As to the Motives of Obedience. The Doctrine of the Socinians, viz. that there were no Promises of Eternal Life under the Old Testament, confuted. As to the Perfection of its Pattern. As to its Helps and Assistances. This Query, Whether Christ added any new Laws to those which were before under the Old Testament, resolved in several Particulars. It is proved against the Socinians, that Prayer was commanded under the Law. How Love is call'd a New Commandment.
THe Christian or Evangelical Dispensation is next to be treated of. God having at sundry times and in divers manners spoken in times past, hath now in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, Heb. l. 1, 2. He was pleased to reserve the utmost Completion of all the Promis [...]s made to the Patriarchs and the Iews till this time: [Page 307] Now by Christ's coming we have the perfect Accomplishment of them all. Christianity comprehends all the other Dispensations, and is the Upshot of them all. This is called the Revelation of the Mystery which was kepe secret since the World began but now is made manifest, Rom. 16. 26, 27. and the Mystery of Christ which in other ages was not made known unto the Sons of Men, but is now revealed unto his holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit, Eph. 3. 4, 5. [...] is properly he that brings forth, and distributes that which was before laid up. This is agreeable to the Oeconomy which we are now to discourse of; the great Things which were hidden and treasured up before, are now brought forth, and discovered, and communicated to the World. This is that Dispensation which brings Everlasting Righteousness with it, this is the Highest and Noblest Exertment of the Covenant of Grace; and all the Mercy and Pardon which former Generations found, were on the sole account of this Period. This Dispensation of the Messias is represented by Iohn Baptist, and by Christ himself, to be the most Glorious State that hath yet appeared in the World, or that ever shall appear; for Christianity, as most perfect, includes all the Laws before named, and all the ways of Discovery that can be made.
1. I will shew the particular Nature of this Dispensation, and how it differs from the others. 2. I will shew why this Evangelical Dispensation took not place in the World before. 3. I must particularly and directly prove the Truth and Certainty of this Oeconomy, and of the Christian Religion. 4. I will discover to you the several Degrees of this Dispensation. All which Particulars are of great use for the right understanding of this last Administration of Religion.
1. I will display the particular Nature and Quality of this Oeconomy, this new Oeconomy of the Gospel. Here I will let you see, 1. That as to the main it agrees with all the other Oeconomies of Grace, viz. from the [Page 308] Restoration of Adam. 2. That tho as to the main it agrees with all the foregoing Dispensations, yet as to sundry particulars it differs from them. First, all the Dispensations agree in the main, i. e.
1. The Divine Designation or Appointment of the Messias reach'd to them all. This Lamb was slain from the foundation of the World, Rev. 13. 8. His Sufferings and Death were decreed from all Ages; Christ was crucified from the beginning, even from Eternity. For tho some interpret this place, as if it alluded to the Murder of Abel, the first holy Person that was slain, and as if it took in the rest of the Martyrs in after Ages, the Lamb here signifying the whole Succession of Saints who were innocent and spotless in their Lives, and invincible in their Deaths (and so Christ as well as others may be said to be slain from the fo [...]ndation of the World, because there was at First, even at the Beginning of the World, this Example of the Wicked's murdering the Just) yet this must be look'd upon as a forced Interpretation of the words: for in the stile of Scripture (excepting those places where the Sense must needs be restrained and limited because of the subject matter) from the foundation of the World is as much as from Eternity, as is plain from Mat. 25. 34. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World; and from Ioh. 17. 24. Thou lovedst me before the foundation of the World▪ for from the foundation or before the foundation are here the same. Or, suppose this Phrase [from the foundation of the World] doth not denote Eternity, yet it is enough for our purpose that Christ, the Lamb of God, was slain from the beginning of the World, for from thence we may gather, that it was designed and appointed to reach to all following Generations.
2. The way and method of Salvation was the same under all the Dispensations of Grace: for Christ instructed his Church in all Ages: the Gospel was preached to them a [...] well as to us, Heb. 4. 2. All the Patriarchs and Prophets [Page 309] and Holy Men of past ages, arrived at Heaven and Happiness by the Conduct of this great Guide. 1 Iesus Christ, the same yesterday, [...] day, and for ever, are words appliable to Christ, nor only as he is King and Priest, but also as he is Prophet and Teacher of his Church. Which Sacred Office he hath faithfully performed in all Ages, and there hath been no Time since the Church was founded, but he hath been the Instructer of it. The Covenant of Grace was made first of all with Adam in Paradise, and God hath from Age to Age renewed that Covenant to his Church: and the Grace of God in Christ was common to the Antient Patriarchs and Iews with us. So that from the Fall of our first Parents to the end of the World, the way of Exp [...]ation and of obtaining Salvation hath been, is, and shall be the same, viz. by Christ and by his Merits. The Virtue of his Death (altho he actually died long after) commenced with the first Promise made to Adam. The 2 Socinians oppose this, and generally hold that the Godly who lived before the time of the Messias were not saved by Him: they assert that they knew nothing of it, and that there were other means of being saved under the Old Testament than there are under the New. But this is a Doctrine deservedly exploded by all Persons who are of the Orthodox Faith, and who own the True Christian Religion. They all agree that the same way of Salvation hath always prevailed, that all who were saved under the Old Testament, were saved by Virtue of Christ's Death and Satisfaction. There was Justification under the Law, tho not by it, or by virtue of it. Those that believed with their whole hearts on God, and faithfully serv'd him, were justified, and obtain'd Remission of their Sins, [Page 310] and Eternal Life by that Grace which was couched in the Law, i. e. promis'd in the Messias, and figured and represented by the obscure Types of the Law. By virtue of the Grace to be exhibited by Christ, even those who were before his arrival, were saved. This is the Doctrine which St. Peter preach'd, Acts 15. 11. We believe that through the grace of the Lord Iesus Christ we shall be saved even as They, i. e. the Fathers before Christ, as is clear from the foregoing verse. The Holy Men then were acquainted with the Substance of this Covenant, viz. the Promise of Restoration by Christ: and consequently the Old Testament Saints were saved by him. Thus we are told by another inspired Author, that by means of Christ's Death there was Redemption for the Transgressors that were under the first Testament, Heb. 9. 15. For tho the Redemption of Mankind was not actually wrought by him till he died on the Cross, yet the Virtue and Benefit of it were in all Ages, as the Sun spreads its light, and illuminates our Region before its glorious Body appeareth above the Horizon.
3. As to the Conditions and Qualifications on our part, all the Dispensations of Grace were the same. All substantial Duties towards God and Man are the same now that they were then. Even Faith in the Messias is as antient as that Promise on which it was first founded, that the Bless [...]d Seed should break the Serpents head, Gen. 3. 15. They who lived before Christ's Incarnation con [...]ided in this Promised Deliverer, by whose Merit they hoped to be reconciled to God. Faith in Christ was a Duty under the Old Testament, because there were Promises concerning the Messias then, as is evident from Luke 1. 72. and what were these Promisessor, but to be credited and relied upon? Therefore it is recorded that Abraham Believed, Rom. 4. 3. Gal. 3. 6. And our Saviour witnesseth, that Abraham rejoiced to see his day, and he saw it, and was glad, Joh. 8. 56. The Reason was, because (as the Apostle saith) God preached the Gospel [Page 311] to Abraham, Gal. 3. 8. and discovered the Messias to him. The just lived by Faith in Habakkuk's time, Hab. 2. 4. which by the Apostle is applied to the Evangelical Faith, in Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 3. 11. Therefore when 3 Socinus tells us that Faith in Christ was not comprehended in the Mosaick Covenant, and when one of his Scholars confidently avers, that 4 it is a gross Error to think that the Fathers under the Old Testament believed in Christ to come, and were justified by that Faith, we know whence to confute these bold Men. That the Evangelical Righteousness and Justification were in the Old Testament is clear, because the Apostle brings Examples of this free Justification out of the Old Testament, Rom. 4. 3, 6, &c. That Salvation by Faith in Christ was no New thing is evident from other places, as Acts 10. 43. To him give all the Prophets witness, that through his Name whosoever believeth in him, shall receive remission of sins. And Rom. 3. 21, 22. The righteousness of God with [...]ut the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Iesus Christ unto all, and upon all them that believe. A [...]d St. Peter (1 Epis [...]. Chap. 2. ver. 6.) proves that Chris [...] is the foundation whereupon all the Saints are built, from Isa. 28. 16. Behold I lay in Sion a chief corner-stone, elect, precious; and he that believeth on him, shall not be confounded. From all which it may be undeniably infe [...]'d, that under the Law they believed in Christ for Justi [...]cation, and that the Fathers before Christ were saved by Faith in him, and (in a word) that all from the beginning of the World have been Justified and Saved the same way, viz. [Page 312] for Christ's Merits, and upon the Gospel-terms of Sincere Faith and Obedience, and of persevering in the same unto the end. Thus in respect of the Designation, the Way, and the Efficacy of Salvation, the Evangelical Dispensation differs not from the preceding ones.
This the Antient Fathers speak of particularly: they defend the Antiquity of Christianity, and prove it to be as old as Moses, yea as Adam. 5 Iustin Mar [...]yr reckons Abraham and Elias (but he goes too far when he reckons Heraclitus and Socrates) among Christians, in answer to that Objection, that those were Christians only that lived within a hundred and fifty Years. This Pious Father in 6 another place argueth from the Antiquity of the Christian Religion, and the Authors of it. That Religion which hath the best Authors, and is oldest, is the truest, saith he. They were Fabulous Poets and Dissenting Philosophers that were the Authors of Gentilism, but both of them are ridiculous; whereas the Doctors and Authors of Christianity are Prophets divinely inspired, and those even in the first Ages of the World. That the Christian Religion is the First and most Antient is designedly shew'd by Eusebius in his Evangelical Preparation▪ and again in his Ecclesiastical History he maintains that 7 the way of Religion and Piety preached by Christ was no Ne [...] and Strange thing. More particularly it is maintain'd by 8 [...] that Abraham's Faith and Ours is the same: and this is asserted by 9 other Fathers. Christianity was on foot always in the Wo [...]ld. It was not only under the Dispensation of the Law, but it was the Religion of the Old Patriarchs, and of those before [Page 313] the Flood, and of our First Parents: for the Christian Religion is the Revelation of God's Will concerning the Redeeming and Saving of Man by Christ Iesus. Now, this Religion was in being presently after the Fall of Adam. Then, and ever afterwards, there was no way of Salvation but this, viz. by Jesus the Messias. Indeed we may in some Sense say, it was all along a Gospel-Dispensation. This is that which was from the Beginning, 1 Joh. 1. 1. The Truths of Christianity which the Apostles preach'd were the first Truths. The Doctrine and Duties taught in the New Testament are the same in substance, which were deliver'd to the Servants of God in the most Antient Ages.
Secondly, tho the Christian Dispensation agrees with the foregoing Dispensations of Grace as to the main, yet it differs from them all, and more especially from the Mosaick and Legal O [...]conomy as to sundry things. As Loving our Brethren is said by 1 St. Iohn to be an Old Commandment, and yet a N [...]w One; so the Gospel Dispensation is both Old and New in different respects. I have shew'd in what respect it is the former: now I will make it appear also that it is the latter, i. e. that it differs on several accounts from the former ones.
1. It differs as to the Auth [...]r. Not as if there were another Author; but this I mean, that the Author was not the same in [...] respect, i. e. he was not Incar [...]ate before. The Son of God was not then the Son of Man, he had not assumed [...]. This [...] therefore is New and Peculiar on the account of Christ's Incarnation: He now appear'd in Human shape. It is worth our notice that this Appearing of Christ is signally and eminently call'd [...] the Dispensation by the Antient Christians. Sometimes it is 2 barely stiled so, and at other [Page 314] times with some Additions, as the 2 Dispensation according to the flesh, 3 the Dispensation of the Word according to Man, 4 the human Dispensation, 5 the Dispensation of the Manhood▪ 6 the Dispensation of the Mediator, 6 the Glorious Saving Dispensation. B [...]iefly, not only Christ's Incar [...]ation, but the whole Mystery of our Redemption by him, and whatever he was pleas'd to submit and condescend to in his human Nature [...]or the good of Mankind, is call'd [...] by the Greek Fathers, and is said to be understood and taken [...]. And some of the Latin Fathers likewise may be observed to use the word Oeconomia in this Emphatical way, as Hilary in his 9th Book of the Trinity: and 'tis said by St. Ierom that the Here [...]ic [...] Apollinaris 7 introduced the half Oeconomy of Christ, i. e. he did in a manner deny the Assumption of the human Nature in Christ. And you may further remark that this word is very singularly applied to the Administration of the Gospel by St. Paul in several places (which was the occasion, it is probable, of the Fathers using it in that way) he calls this the Dispensation of the fulness of Time, Eph. 1. 10. The Mystery of Salvation was decreed by God from Eternity, but he chose out a fit and convenient opportunity to dispense and exert his Eternal Counsels, and this is here in an eminent manner call'd the Dispensation in the full and complete time. The Apostle also calls it the Dispensation of the Grace of God, Eph. 3. 2. and the Dispensation of God, Col. 1. 25. and barely a Dispensation, 1 Cor. 9. 17. It is no wonder then that Christ's Coming in the flesh is more emphatically call'd the Dispensation, and 8 the Incarnate [Page 315] Dispensation; which makes it a peculiar One, and different from all the rest.
2. It differs from all other Dispensations, because now is the Actual Performing and Fulfilling of that which was only foretold and promised under the other Oeconomi [...]s. The Law was a shadow of things to come, Col. 2. 17. The Hebrews have no Present Tense, the Iewish Dispensation look'd forward to what was to be accomplish'd aft [...]wards. But the Christian Dispensation looks backward, and hath an eye to what is al [...]eady done and finished. The Saints before the time of the Gospel were saved by Christ that was to come, but the Saints since are saved by Christ that is already come. There is this different Aspect in these Dispensations.
3. The Evangelical Administration is distinguish'd from the others as to this, that they were dark and [...]bscure, but this is plain and clear; they abounded with mere Shadows and Representations, but this presents us with a distin [...]t knowledg of the things themselves which were shadowed forth. The Salvation by Christ, and his whole Undertaking, Birth, Life, and Death, were obscurely and mystically delivered under the Law. It is granted that that Proposition of St. Peter, 1 There is no other Name under heaven given among men wh [...]reby w [...] must be saved, was no less true before the Birth and Coming of Christ in the flesh, than it is now since his Coming, but it was not so manifestly reveal'd as it is since. God led Israel by a Cloud: they were entertain'd with Shadows, mystical and dark Representations; that is, they were undiscernable by the vulgar sort of Persons, who had not time or opportunity to search into them, and whose minds are taken up with gross and inferiour matters. And as for those Holy and Good Men amongst them who saw through these Shadows, and grasp'd at [Page 316] the very Substance, they could not at that distance understand the things concerning the Messias, which we now have a perfect notice of. The Mosaick Rites were but an imperfect delineating of that which the Gospel gives us a lively Pourtray of. Which is the meaning of that [...] of the Evangelist, The Law wa [...] by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Iesus Christ, Joh. 1. 17. The gracious Dispensation of the Messias under the Gospel, is a True, Real, and Substantial thing, opposed to the Mosaick Shadows and Resemblances. Thus you will find Truth opposed to Typ [...]s and Figures, in Dan. 7. 16, 19. Heb. 8. 2. & 9. 24. Truth then came by Jesus Christ, not as Truth stands in opposition to Falshood and Lies, but to Types and Shadows. Christ in this sense is call'd the tr [...]e Light, and true Bread, Joh. 1. 9. Joh. 6. 32. The Ceremonial Law was but a Figure of the Evangelical Truth. And this is deservedly called Tr [...]th, because all the Ceremonial Types are Verified and Fulfill'd in Christ. All those Iudaick Hieroglyphicks are now unridled, and plainly discovered to the World, and he that runs may read them. The Types and Symbols are gone, and now the Things themselves are present, and are clearly understood by us. This makes the difference between the Mosaick Dispensation and the Evangelical One. The Doctrine of Salvation and the means of Life by Christ, are more intelligible and plain than they were before. Their Conceptions of those things were intricate and obscure, but we have arrived to clear and distinct Notions concerning them. In short, the way of Salvation was before more dark and general, they saw Christ through [...]ertain Perspectives afar off, but now the fulness of time is come, and hath given us a near and more perfect view of those things which they saw but in a glass darkly.
4. The Religion of the Gospel is more Inward and Lively than that of the Law and the Jewish Administration. There is now introduced a Rational and Manly [Page 317] Service: our Religion is chiefly the employment of our Minds and Understandings, and not so much of our Bodies and lower Faculties. We now worship God in Spirit as well as in Truth (of which I spake befo [...]e): we worship in a spiritual manner, opposed to outward and bodily Service, as Sacrifices, Purifications, &c. The Evangelical Righteousness is a Spiritual Administration, a Vital Principle, able to beget a Divine Life; whereas the Law comparatively was an external dead Letter, and did not sufficiently actuate the Minds and Spirits of Men. It is true, the History of the Gospel, or the Doctrin of the Evangelists, as it is merely propounded and written, is as much external as the Law; but the ministration of the Spirit (as the Apostle calls it) going along with the Gospel in a more especial and peculiar manner, is a powerful Principle in the Souls of Men, whereby they are inwardly renewed and transformed. And so the Gospel (compared with the Law) is of greater Power, Might and Efficacy, and is able to produce a heavenly and spiritual frame of Soul, and a sincere performance of the Divine Laws. This is the Law promis'd to be written in the Hearts of Men, and to be put into their inward parts, Jer. 31. 33.
5. This Dispensation of the Gospel is larger and ampler than that of the Law, and of other Dispensations before it: For the Church was shut up in narrow bounds, and confined to a few Families of the Patriarchs: Afterwards it was limited to the Land of Canaan, and to the H [...]brew People, (excepting a few that were without, who knew God's Will, and were graciously accepted.) But after Christ came, the Church was not tied to one Place or certain Nation, but hath been ever since the Congregation of all such as truly know and worship Christ in any part of the World. The Christian Dispensation is not local and temporary, not confined to place or time, not circumscribed by a particular Country. Now not one Nat [...]on only, or a [Page 318] few of others, are honoured with Laws given from God himself; but Gentiles and Iews, Greeks and Barbarians, all Kindreds and Tongues, all Countries and Regions of the Universe have heard the sound of the Gospel, and have had the Divine Laws, which were given by Christ himself, offer'd to them. Our Saviour bid his Disciples 1 go into all the World, and teach all Nations: And accordingly (as was observ'd before) they travell'd into all the World which was at that time known, and proclaimed the Messias to them. Thus Christ came and preach'd Peace to them that were afar off, and to them that were nigh, Ephes. 2. 17. All Places and Countries had the privilege of the Gospel, and might receive advantage by it. This is one remarkable Difference between the Legal and the Evangelical Dispensation: the former was Narrow and Contracted; the latter was Full, Ample, Comprehensive and Catholick.
6. Altho (as hath been said) the Conditions of Salvation are the same now as to the main with those before, yet they vary as to several Circumstances. To begin with Faith, the first and chief Condition of Salvation, the grand Fundamental Grace of Christianity: This is reckon'd by the Reverend Bishop Taylor among the Instances of Duties which are new under the Gospel: But the true account is this, that Faith was not a Precept of the Natural or Moral Law, but was a new Precept added to it by Revelation, when the First Promise and New Covenant were made. But ever since that it hath not been New; for (as I have proved) the Antient Patriarchs were saved by Faith in Christ. He was the Object of Faith then as well as now: the 2 Faith of the first Believers was the same with the Faith of Christians. [Page 319] Yet notwithstanding this, this Grace of Faith hath a different aspect from what it had. The Fathers believed in the Messias that was to come, and we believe in the same Jesus who is come, and hath taken on him our Nature, and laid down his Life, and shed his precious Blood for the redemption of lost Man; and rose again and ascended into Heaven. Thus the believing of Christ's Birth, Passion, Resurrection and Ascension, is in this respect n [...]w, that Faith looks upon them as accomplished. But otherwise, in respect of the things themselves, it is the old Faith, i. e. the same which those that lived before the time of the Messias exerted. Christ that was to be crucified, was the Object of their Belief; and Christ already crucified, is the Object of ours. This is confirm'd [...]rom Isa. 53. Acts 15. 11. 1 Cor. 5. 7. Heb. 9. 11. and abundance of other Texts. St. Augustine having affirmed, that the Saints of old were saved in the same way that we are, viz. by Faith in Jesus, adds 3 this distinction, They (saith he) were saved by Faith in Christ's future Sufferings, and we by Faith in those Sufferings as they are already past. This is that which our Church saith, 4 speaking of the People of God that lived before Christ's Incarnation: Alth [...] they were not named Christian men, yet was it a Christian Faith which they had, for they looked for all the Benefits of God the Father, through the Merits of his Son Iesus Christ, as we now do. This difference is between them and us, that they looked when Christ should come, and we are in the time when he is come. Besides, a more general Belief was sufficient for mens Salvation before the Messias's coming than is now. It was not necessary to Salvation to believe so expresly and explicitly concerning [Page 320] Christ and his Undertakings, as we are obliged to believe since. So that tho there is not now a New Faith, neither are there New Articles of Faith, yet there are New Exertments of Faith, and more clear and express Acts of Belief.
And to Faith I may adjoin Hope, for Hope is founded on Faith; and therefore Faith being more clear and express under the Gospel (as I have said) it follows that Hope is so too▪ it is more stable and firm, more sure and certain than the Hope of those before Christ's coming: and on this account the Gospel is deservedly call'd the bringing in of a better Hope, Heb. 7. 19. Christians having seen the accomplishment of all those things which [...]ormer Ages had no experiment of, their Hope must needs be bettered, i. e. exalted and increased.
And as for Charity, and all the rest of the Virtues, Graces and Duties required of us (for I will speak of them altogether) they differ from what they were under the Mosaick Dispensation as to these following things.
(1.) There are greater measures of every Grace now under Christianity, than there were under the other Dispensations. Christians reach now to higher Degrees and Perfections of Virtue than those under the Law did: And this indeed was the design of the Gospel; this Dispensation came in the last place, to add a greater Perfection than ever any other preceding Models of Religion pretended to.
(2.) A greater stri [...]tness and [...]nactness in all Duties is required now, than was under the legal Dispensation. This you must know, that tho the Rigour of the Law be abated under the Gospel, yet the Evangelical Obedience is stricter than that of the Law; Except your Righteo [...]sness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, yo cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, saith our Saviour, Mat. 5. 20. A more [Page 321] circumspect and accurate way of living is expected from Christ's Disciples, than from those of Moses: A more severe sanctity and conformity to God's Will are required of them, than of these.
But yet I must add in the third place, That whereas the Law (which did in a manner revive the Covenant of Works) required perfect Works and sinless Obedience, the Gospel requires no such thing, but accepts of imperfect, but sincere Obedience, which is made acceptable by Christ's Satisfaction. Under the Gospel Men are not so much obnoxious for offending, as for continuing obstinately in their Offences: And Mercy is now denied, not for Sin committed, but for persisting in Sin without Repentance. This is a grand Difference between the Law and the Gospel▪ that was harsh and rigorous, this is gentle and favourable.
Again, Duties are further extended and enlarged now than they were before: Which must needs be, because the State of Christianity is wider and larger than that of Iudaism▪ There is more Love now, because the former aversness and enmities are removed. 1 C [...]rist (as the Apostle saith) sath abolish'd in his Flesh the Enmity, even the Law of Commandments contained in Ordinances, i. e. the Mosaick Law consisting in Precepts about peculiar Rites and distinct Observances, whereby the Gentiles were differenced from the Iews, which made a breach between them. But a Vniversal Charity breaths in the Gospel, and the Exertments of it are of greater latitude than those heretofore. Elijah call'd for Fire from Heaven upon his Enemies, and was not blamed, but heard by God, 2 Kings 1. 10, 12. but Iames and Iohn, Apostles of Christ, did the same thing, and were severely check'd for it, Luke 9. 54. And we read that St. Peter was commanded to put up his Sword when he [Page 322] drew it in his Master's Quarrel, which certainly was the best in the World. The reason of this is not only because the Evangelical Temper is more mild and loving than that legal one, but because its Laws are more extensive, and more favourable. Nay, whereas the Old Law commanded Love to their Brethren, the Gospel bids us shew that Love by dying for them, if there be occasion, Iohn 15. 12. 1 Iohn 3. 16. And in other Circumstances I might shew that the Evangelical Obedience is larger and more comprehensive than that of the Law.
In the fifth place, this must be said likewise, that some particular Graces and Duties flow more g [...]nuinely from the Spirit of the Gospel, than from the Legal Principles, and are more frequently inculcated, and more closely urged on our Consciences and Lives in the New Testament, than they are in the Old. These special Graces and Exercises of Evangelical Righteousness, are purity of Heart, and inward sincerity, minding the manner of our Duties, and serving of God from an inward love of Holiness; a shunning of secret Sins▪ a constant sense of our Weakness and Unworthiness, of our Inability of our selves to think or do any thing that is good and acceptable to God; a being weary and heavy laden under the sense of Sin, a feeling of the odious Nature of it, and loathing our selves for it; Self-denial and Mortification, an absolute resigning our selves, Souls and Bodies, unto God▪ a subduing all our Carnal Desires, Lusts and Appetites▪ a refraining from the least Sins; making conscience of all Offences, evil Thoughts, idle Words; abstaining from all appearance of Evil; renouncing every Sin, tho against our Profit and Interest; a universal hatred of all Vice, without any reserves▪ a continual watchfulness against all Temptations, and striving by all means to conquer Sin in us; moderation in the use and enjoyment of the good things of this Life; a using this World as not abusing it; a possessing our Souls in [Page 323] patience in the midst of all Afflictions and Tribulations; an entertaining all Occurrences with thankfulness and contentedness, and a preparing for the worst; a quelling of all inordinate Passion, and suffering not the Sun to go down on our Wrath▪ [...]a [...] [...]bstaining from all reviling and bitterness of Speech, ye [...] a praying for our Persecutors▪ Bowels of Mercy, tender-heartedness, pity and compassion; weeping with those that weep, and bearing one anothers burdens; mildness and meekness towards all Men, laying aside revenge, and forgiving those who have done us wrong▪ yea, loving and doing good to our very Enemies; Truth and Faithfulness towards those we converse with, simplicity, openheartedness, sincerity in words and actions▪ a profound humility and lowliness of mind, a preferring others before our selves; a minding not of high things, but condescending to those of low estate; the spirit of Supplication and Prayer, taking delight in communion with God, daily presenting our selves before the Throne of Grace, to ask pardon of our Sins for Christ's sake; peace of Conscience, and joy in the Holy Ghost; contempt of the World, heavenly-mindedness, a Spirit raised above the Earth, breathing and longing for Heaven, and a better State▪ a living on the Life to come, a depending on the unseen Glory hereafter▪ a pre [...]erring Heaven and everlasting Joys before all things here below; a making God the ultimate End, and referring all to his Glory; not fearing Death, but chearfully expecting it; lastly, growing in Grace, daily increasing in Godliness and Righteousness, aspiring to the highest degree of Holiness, and striving for the utmost perfection we are capable of. This is no new Draught of Religion, but such as the most Holy Men before Christ's coming were acquainted with; but these Precepts and Duties are chiefly the result of the Ev [...]ngelical Spirit, and they are mos [...] improved by Christianity, and they are of [...]ner inculcated and press'd upon us in the Evangelical [Page 324] Writings than in those of the Old Testament.
7. The Grounds and Motives of Evangelical Obedience differ from those of the Legal one, as will appear from these three Particulars.
First, There are more deterring Punishments under the Gospel, than under the Law. It is true, the Penalty of Sin unrepented of under the legal Oeconomy, was the Eternal Wrath of God, call'd by 1 Daniel, everlasting sha [...] and contempt; and by 2 Isaiah, everlasting burnings: but there was not so full a discovery, and so great a certainty of these at that time as there hath been since; which should be a mighty disswasive to us from sinning against the Light of the Gospel, especially when we consider that our Guilt is unspeakably aggravated, by sinning in defiance of the extraordinary means vouchsafed to us by the coming of Christ. If the Word spoken by Angels (i. e. if the Law, which was given by the ministry of Angels) was stedfast, and every Transgression and Disobedience receiv'd a just recompence of Reward; how shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation, which was at first spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed afterwards to us by them that heard him? Heb. 2. 2, 3. And to the same purpose, in Heb. 10. 28, 29. He that despised Moses 's Law died without Mercy. Of how much s [...]rer Punishment shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under-foot the Son of God? The Penalty of disobedience to the Gospel is more grievous than that which was inflicted upon Offenders against the Law.
Secondly, There are more prevailing Rewards. The Law dealt in Temporal Blessings and Earthly Promises chiefly, the very mold and make of their Religion being earthly and grovelling; but their terrene and temporal Promises figured a Celestial Felicity, and were [Page 325] Umbrages of a Future Inheritance. Spiritual and Heavenly things were exhibited to the Church of old under Sensual and Earthly Representations, and Eternal Life was included in the Promise of the Land of Canaan. Yea, it cannot be denied that Immortal Life and Endless Happiness were expresly made known, and promis'd by God to the Faithful among the Iews. This is very fiercely contradicted by 3 S [...]cinus, and the generality of his Party. The 4 Rac [...]vian Catechism is positive, that none of the Pious Men and Holy Patriarchs before the coming of Christ, knew any thing of Heaven and Everlasting Life. These were not known, say they, because they were not promis'd to those under the Old Covenant. The same thing is asserted in 5 one of Smalcius's Disputations against Frantzius. Indeed 6 Volk [...]lius grants, that the Iews might have some desire and expectation of Eternal Life, tho there was no promise of it: but he confutes himself in saying before, that such a Discovery was not proper and convenient for that Dispensation. He maintains that it is peculiar to the New Covenant under which Christians are; and that this is one main thing wherein it excels the Old Covenant: To say otherwise, saith he, were to mix and confound the Covenants and Dispensations. And therefore he peremptorily determines that there were no Promises of Eternal Life under the Old Testament: they knew nothing of an Immortal State, they were tied down to the Earth, Canaan was their Heaven. He spends a whole Chapter (and that one of his longest) upon this very thing. The Remonstrants are partly of this Opinion, as you [Page 326] may see in their 7 Apology, and in 8 Gr [...]tius and 9 Episcopius, who hold, that Eternal Life was not promis'd by God to Adam and the Old Patriarchs, neither did they know any thing of it. Tho S [...]crates and Plat [...], who were Heathens, make some mention of a [...]uture and endless State, yet the People of God, the Chosen Generation, to whom were committed the Oracles of God, had no apprehension of any such thing. Abraham, Moses, David, and all the Inspired Soul [...] whom the Writings of the Old Testament speak of, had scarce any notice of it. All the Antient Worshippers of God, all the Religious Patriarchs were ignorant of Future Happiness; poor grovelling Creatures, they look'd no higher, no further than this present Life.
This is the Doctrine of S [...]cinus's Followers and Friends; but certainly he that hath carefully perused the Old and New Testament, cannot but pronounce it false: For God tells the Iews, that if they will do his Commandments, they shall live in them, Levit. 18. 5. Which Promise you will find to comprehend in it Eternal Life, if you compare that place with Rom. 10. 5. and Gal. 3. 12. And that Life Everlasting was known to those of the Old Testament, is manifest from Dan. 12. 2. where it is said, Many of them that sleep in the Dust, shall aw [...] to Everlasting Life. This one place is a sufficient con [...]utation of the Secinian Writers, who deny that there was any such thing revealed and known under the Law. I might take notice how Iob expresses his sense and belief of this Future State, Chap. 19. 25. which without doubt he learnt from the neighbouring Iews. But I will pass to the New Testament, where it is farther evident, that this endless Blessedness was not [Page 327] unknown to the Iews. It was one of that Nation that came to our Saviour, and ask'd him, What [...]e should d [...] that he might have Eternal Life, Matth. 19. 16. Which shews that Eternal Life was made known to that People, and that the M [...]s [...]ick Law promis'd no less to the Keepers of it. Again, this is clear from our Saviour's words in Iohn 5. 39. Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life. He speaks here to the Iews, Ye think and believe (and that most truly) saith he, that there is an Eternal State hereafter, it being revealed in the Sacred Writings which are committed to you. We read, that the Pharisees, a considerable part of the Iewish People, believed a Resurrection to a Future Life, Acts 24. 15. Nay, this was the ground of the hope of the Promise made of God unto the Fathers, Chap. 26. 6. viz. the Promise of Eternal Life founded on the Resurrection from the Dead. And that the Fathers of old rested not in Temporal and Earthly Promises, is evident from that very plain Text, Heb. 11. 14, 16. The Patriarchs, those Holy Pilgrims, sought and desired a better Country, that is, an Heavenly, viz. a State of Immortal Glory and Happiness in the highest [...]eavens. From all these places of Holy Writ we may [...] (in the words of our 3 Church) That the Old Testament is not centrary to the New; for in both of them Everlasting Life is offered to Mankind by Christ. Wherefore they are not to be heard, who [...]eign that the Old Fathers did look only for transitory Promises. This Fiction, as the Learned Dr. Hammond rightly faith, is caused, by 4 not distinguishing between le [...]s clear Revelation, and none at all. It is true, there were not such plain and evident Discoveries to those Antients of a future endless Existence, and consequently [Page 328] a Reward in ano [...]her World, as there have been since the coming of the Messias. It is granted, that the Law dealt in temporal and secular things most of all; but it doth not follow thence that the Iews had no higher Promises than those that were earthly, and respected this Life only. Yea, this also must be further granted, that tho Moses and Daniel, and the Prophets, and the most devout Persons among them were sensible of this; yet it is likely many of the Iews look'd no further than the present Enjoyments of this Animal Life; and indeed most of the Blessings we read of seem to hold forth nothing else.
But under the New Testament, Eternal Life is openly and clearly offer'd, and all Persons may be made apprehensive of it. Hence it is that Christ is said to be the Mediator of a better Covenant, which is establish'd on better Promises, Heb. 8. 6. The Promises under the Gospel are better than those under the Law, because they are clearer and plainer concerning an Immortal State hereafter. Here is one great difference between the Evangelical and the Legal Dispensation: the latter propounds future Punishments without end to terrify Of [...]enders, and endless Rewards to [...]courage the Faithful; but the former adds an Assur [...] of both these. It makes it manifest, evident and undeniable, that there are such things; it demonstrates to us, that there are never-ceasing Torments for the Wicked, and eternal Joys for the Righteous; of which latter Christ hath assured us by his ascending into Heaven, there to prepare perpetual Mansions of Glory for all his Followers. He came from above, and went thither again, that we might have Life, and that we might have it more abundantly, John 1 [...]0. 10. that we might be every way ascertain'd of an Immortal State of Glory, and thereby be effectually moved and excited to Obedience.
Thirdly, There is this Motive peculiar to the Dispens [...]tion of the Gospel, viz▪ the Love of God the Father [Page 329] who sent his Son, and the Love of Christ who died for us. God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son, saith that blessed Disciple whom Jesus loved, Iohn 3. 16. And again, 1 Iohn 4. 9, 10. In this was manifested the Love of God towards us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World, that we might live through him. Herein is Love, not that we (first) loved him, but that he loved us (first.) Now observe how he makes this a Motive to the Duty of Evangelical Love; If God so loved us, we ought to love one another, ver. 11. No former Dispensation affords this Motive. Christ therefore might well say, A New Commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you, John 13. 34. This is a new thing, and is proper to Christianity only. Here the Love of God is shed abroad in our Hearts, Rom. 5. 5. Here the Love of Christ constraineth us, 2 Cor. 5. 14. And then no Duty in Religion comes amiss to us, then we act with vigour and chearfulness, and exert our utmost Powers, and that with ease and complacency. This Principle of Love is contrary to the Spirit of Bondage, which is most proper to the Occonomy of the Law, to the breach of every part of which God hath annexed severe Curses to terrify Offenders, and these generally were the most powerful Motives they had to make them obedient. The promulgation of the Law was with great Terrors and Astonishment: Mount Sinai was another AEtna, it cast out Flames and Smoke, and nothing was seen and heard but what was very frightful: This well represented the terrible administration of the Law, which breaths Severity and Rigour, and is rightly call'd Esh dath, a firy Law, Deut. 33. 2. They were scar'd into their Duty for the most part. But this servile Spirit, this Principle of legal Fear is banish'd out of Christianity: those that are effectually brought under this Dispensation, act by a Principle of Love; for the Spirit of the Gospel is free and ingenuous, sweet and [Page 330] gentle, and needs not to be push'd on by rigour and austerity. God hath not given us the Spirit of Fear, but of Love, 2 Tim. 1. 7. Theref [...]re we may rightly conclude with St. Augustine, 1 that Fear and Love are the grand difference between the Law and the Gospel.
8. As Christianity hath [...] Motives, as our Duty is fastned on us by new Obligations▪ and those the greatest and noblest, so we have the perfectes [...] P [...]tern, the Example of Christ Jesus our Blessed Lord. En [...]ch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Iob, David, and many others, were worthy and eminent Examples of Virtue and Goodness in the former Dispensations: But alas, these were Men of like Failings and Infirmities with our selves, and their Lives were not an exact Rule for us to walk by. But the Blessed Iesu [...], the Founder of our Religion, was without spot and blemish in his Life, he neither spoke nor did any thing amiss, he was every ways blameless and harmless, pure and under [...]led. He gave us a perfect Example of Piety and Devotion, of Justice and Righteousness, of Moderation and Sobriety, of Mercy and Charity, of Humility and Self-denial, of Contentedness and Resignation, of religious Zeal and Courage, of all Virtues and Graces whatsoever which are to adorn the Life of a Christian. Our Saviour was sent on purpose to be a Guide, a Pattern, a Rule to the degenerate World, that by the excellency and transcendency of his Example, he might reduce Mankind to the ways of Religion and Righteousness, that in him they might behold and admire the beauty of Goodness, and the worth of Piety and Holiness; and that by this means Christianity might be commended to the World, and that Men might esteem and love it when it shineth [Page 331] forth so gloriously in this admirable and unparallel'd Example. In this we have an advantage above those who lived be [...]ore our Saviour's time. Therefore this may be reckon'd as one Difference between the Iewish and the Christian Church.
9. We under the Gospel have greater Helps and Assistances toward the performing of our Duty, than those who lived under other Dispensations had. We have greater Light to direct us, we have more effectual Means to make use of; we have all the revealed Knowledg which they had, and we have much more besides. We have the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament to enlighten, to inform, to instruct us, to check and reprove us, to com [...]ort and support us. We are bless'd with the Sacred Ordinances of Christ's own Institution, the sole design of which was to convey Knowledg and Grace, Strength and Establishment to our Souls. God hath set in the Church some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and Teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ; till we all come in the Vnity of the Faith, and of the Knowledg of the Son of God, unto a perfect Man, unto the measure of the Stature of the fulness of Christ, Ephes. 4. 11, &c. To this Perfection and Fulness contribute the Holy Sacraments of Christ's appointment. It is true, the Apostle sheweth that the Israelites had the same Religion, the same Cov [...]nant, and that they might be said to have the same Sacra [...]nts with us, 1 Cor. 10. 1, &c. (and indeed the Covenant being the same, the Sacraments must be so, which are Seals of the Covenant.) But the Evangelical Sacraments were only typified by those; they were never in actual use till Christ's coming. Baptism and the Eucharist, the two Sacraments of the Gospel, may be rightly said to have been virtually in Circumcision and the Passover, and so are not new: but they are new in another respect, viz. as by the former we are [Page 332] initiated and adopted into the Christian O [...]conomy, and by the latter we are confirmed in it. By the pious celebrating of both which the Spiritual Benefits of the Gospel are exhibited and conferr'd, sealed and assured to the Souls of the Faithful, and they are found to be no contemptible Helps to Religion and Holiness. But the assistance of the Holy Spirit in these and all other Duties of Christianity, is the most signal Privilege of the Gospel. For when 1 Christ ascended up on high he gave Gifts unto Men, especially that matchless Gift the Holy Spirit, whereby not only the Apostles and Primitive Christians were enabled to speak and act in a miraculous manner; but in all succeeding Ages, the true Followers of Jesus feel the wonderful influence and operation of it on their Hearts and Lives, whereby they are strengthned to perform what is required of them in a way far surpassing what was in the former Dispensations. This is that which makes Evangelical Grace differ from Moral Virtue and Iudaical Righteousness, viz. that the former is heightned (not only by the Motives of the Gospel, of which I spake before, but) by the Assistance of the Spirit. By this we not only cry, Abba Father, but are enabled to demean our selves as those who are the Sons of God. Thus our Power is mightily increased, which is another great Difference between the Law and the Gospel, between Judaism and Christianity.
This is a brief Account of the Difference between those two Dispensations, the Legal and Evan [...]elical. Tho it was once said by Luther, 2 ‘There never was that Man found on Earth, who could make a right Difference between the Law and the Gospel;’ yet afterwards he gives us to understand, that he thought this was no impossible thing, for he tells us, ‘That [Page 333] whoso can rightly judg between the Law and the Gospel, let him thank God, and know that he is a right Divine.’ There is great difficulty in performing this Task, and therefore I have gone through it with much caution; and the whole I leave to the judgment of the Learned and Judicious. The Manichean Hereticks held 1 there was one God that was the Founder of the Law, and another God that was Author of the Gospel: But this gross and blasphemous Error is baffled by those several Particulars which I have offered to you concerning the Law and the Gospel. The same God, blessed for evermore, wisely appointed both these Oeconomies; and tho they are different, yet they are not contradictory. God made those two great Lights, the one to rule the Night, the other the Day: the former was fitted to those darker times, and the latter is most sutable to the Fulness of time, when a redundant Light overspread the World. The Iewish Oeconomy was narrow, weak and imperfect, and best comported with the People that were under it: but the Gospel-Dispensation is large and ample, compleat and perfect, and therein more adapted to the condition of the Persons who are under this Dispensation, of Christ's Fulness receive, and Grace for Grace, John 1. 16.
Fr [...]m what hath been said, we may know what to think and determine of that great Query, Whether our Saviour hath added any new Laws and Precepts to those which were before under the Old Testament; or w [...]ether his Laws and those are the same? I find this Question is too peremptorily decided on both sides. One positively asserts, that all the Evangelical Commands are the very same with the Laws of the former Administration: The others say, there are New Commands added in the Gospel to those of the Law. But, I conceive, the [Page 334] Question is not to be decided thus in gross, but we ought to be more particular and exact in it. Take it in short thus; First, There were many things of Religion under the Law, which are abrogated under the Gospel, as all Rites and Ceremonies merely Mosaick: Therefore the Gospel is called the Law of Liberty, Jam. 1. 25. because it [...]reesus from observing those Iewish Rites. These were Duties then, but are no Duties now. But, secondly, all things that are our Duty now, were their Duty then. Which I explain thus in these four Propositions.
Prop. 1. There were the same Laws and Commandments in general in the Old Testament that are in the New; tho there are some particular things enjoin'd in the New Testament, which were not prescribed in the Old; as admitting of all Believers into the Church by Baptism (which was never practis'd among the Body of the Iews, tho it was used toward some Proselytes) and celebrating the Lord's Death in the Holy Communion (which could not be done before, because Christ was not come, and therefore could not die.) So there are some particular Precept [...] about the Government and Discipline of the Church of Christ, which were not before in the Iewish Church; and indeed could not be, the state and condition of things being far otherwise. Likewise with the New Dispensation came a New Sab [...]ath; the Seventh day of the w [...]ek was changed into the First. This is very rational to believe, tho there were no express mention of any such thing: for now the Iewish Sabbath being repeal'd, Gal. 4. 10, 11. Col. 2. 16. some other day was to be celebrated in its room; that as the former was set apart from the beginning for commemorating the Creation of the World, so this latter might be in remembrance of the Redemption of Mankind. The change of the Day, and our celebrating of it, are upon weighty grounds, viz. 1. Christ's Resurrection from the Dead, whereby Man's New Creation [Page 335] was perfected. a. Warrantable Authority▪ no less than that of our Saviour himself: for first it is most probable that Christ himself gave particular Order concerning the observing of this day, when (as we read) for forty days together after his Resurrection, he spak [...] to his Disciples concerning the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God, Acts 1. 3. This being of so great concern, and so nearly relating to that Kingdom, and the Occonomy of the Gospel, it is to be presu [...]ed, that our Saviour gave particular directions about it, (tho it is not to be denied that there may be a more restrained sense of the Kingdom of God in this place.) It is granted that we have not an express Command from Christ for this practice, but the Scripture is silent as to many other things, which yet we must suppose to have been [...]aid or done. Again, 3 ly. There is our Saviour's Example and Fact for it, for we find that he set himself in the midst of his Apostles every first day of the week till his Ascension to Heaven, Mat. 28. 18. Mark 16. 14. Luke 24. 36. Ioh. 20. 19. Moreover, his Spirit speaking and acting in his Apostles, taught them to meet constantly together on this day, and in a more solemn manner, to perform the Offices of Divine Worship at this time; Ioh. 20. 9, 26. Acts 17. 7. Acts 20. 7. & 25. 66. 1 Cor. 16. 1, 2. By reason of this divine Institution from our Lord himself, this first day of the week began to be call'd the Lord's Day, Rev. 1. 10. and afterwards it was call'd so by 1 Ignati [...], as well as St. Iohn. 2 Constantin [...] the Great renew'd and revived this Name (which some had laid aside) and caused the Day to be constantly known and call'd by that Appellation, and by 3 Edict commanded it to be solemnly kept by all Persons. The short is, both in the Apostles [Page 336] times (as the Scripture informs us) and in all succeeding Ages, this Day hath been unanimously observed by Christians, as being of Evangelical Appointment. Thus the Gospel may be said to add to the Law in some New Particulars, Christ hath introduced some things peculiar and proper to the state of Christians. But there were the same Constitutions before under the Law in general. There were two Sacraments, the one to admit Infants into the Church, the other to confirm the Adult. There were Laws of Ecclesias [...]ical Discipline, there was a Time set apart for Divine Worship.
Prop. 2. All those things which our Saviour forbids or commands in the Gospel, are comprehended in the Law, if not expresly, yet virtually, and by true consequence and rational deduction. Thus Killing being forbidden, Anger and Wrath which stir up Mens blood, and cause them to thirst after the blood of others, are forbidden. So Christ in his Sermon on the Mount lets them know (as I shall shew you anon) that not only this, but many [...] things were included and contained in the Moral Law, which they acted contrary to, foolishly imagining that they were to go no further, than the bare Letter of the Law.
Prop. 3. The Commandments and Duties of the Old and of the New Testament are the same as to Substance, tho they differ as to Manner and Circumstances. The Faith of the Saints under the Legal Appointment, and of those under the Evangelical one, is (as hath been shew'd before) the very same as to the main, only they differ as to their Relation or Aspect, the one to Christ who was then to come, the other to him already come. So praying to Christ, relying on the mercy of Christ, desiring to depart and be with him, and the like Duties which seem to be new, are so only in respect of the foresaid Relation or Manner. The Messias expected, and the Messias come, solve the difference.
Prop. 4. As the Dispensation of the Law and the Gospel [Page 337] (being the same in Substance) differ as to the Manner, so they differ likewise as to the Degrees. Humility, and that which we call Christian Liberty, are reckon'd by a 4 Learned Writer as New Duties introduced by Christ. But I conceive the Substance of these was before; they are only more Improved and Inhanced by our Blessed Lawgiver Christ Iesus. And this you shall see is made good of several other [...]r Duties mention'd by our Saviour in his Sermon on the Mount. He hath made them more perfect than they were: and therefore in respect of them the Gospel is stiled a Perfect Law, Jam. 1. 25. Thus I have bri [...]fly shew'd you how there are New Laws and Duties added by Christ, and how, not. Some few Particulars are New, because the new State of things required it. Others may be said to be New, because they are more Expresly set down, or in respect of Circumstances, Manner, and Degrees. But still they are not New, but the same in the general, besides that they are virtually the same, and as to the main, and in the Substance of them.
It is scarcely worth taking notice what 5 Episcopius suggests, viz. that there is no express Precept in the Law for Praying unto God, and consequently it was n [...]t a Duty required in the Old Testament, and therefore is a new Commandment of Christ. In which (as in some other things) he agrees with the 6 Socinians, but is therein very palpably mistaken, for there are set Forms of Prayer enjoin'd in the Old Testament: there are determinate Expressions dictated there. Most of the Psalms are Prayers; and particular Prayers of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel are recorded. Praying is exp [...]esly commanded in Psal. 50. 15. Call upon me in the day of [Page 338] trouble. The Temple was call'd the House of Prayer, Isa. 67. 7. and Prayers were mix'd with all the Sacrifices, as appears from Luke 1. 10. How then can any Man have the confidence to say that Prayer is a New Testament Precept only?
But here it may be alledged that Love is call'd a New Commandment both by our Saviour ( Ioh. 13. 34.) and by St. Iohn (1 Epist, chap. 2. ver. 8.) therefore there is this Commandment at least added anew by Christ to what was before. I will reply to this, by explaining to you how Love may be said to be a New Commandment. 1. I have suggested before that it may be call'd New because of the New Motive annex'd to it in Iohn 13. 34. A New Commandment I give unto you that ye love one [...]nother, as I have loved you. This latter Clause is New, tho the former be Old. This is one Reason which a 7 Learned Writer gives why Love is call'd a New Commandment. 2. Another is because it was Ren [...]wed by Christ, and urged on his Disciples afresh as their particular badg. A New Commandment give I unto you that ye love one another, said our Saviour to his Apostles that night when he celebrated the Passover with them, and instituted the Holy Sacrament of his Body and Blood, and when he was taking his leave of them and the World: Now he seasonably presses what he had exhorted them to before, now he calls upon them more especially to exercise the Grace of Love. Thus it is a New Commandment because Christ repeats it anew. 3. Because Christ vindicated it (as you shall hear more by and by) from the false Glosses of the Pharisees, and so made it as it were New. They thought that Love was due only to those that were their Neighbours and Brethren, and that [...]ll who injured them were to be hated; but our Saviour tells them they must love their Enemies, [Page 339] he acquaints them that Iews as well as Christia [...] were obliged to this Duty▪ that the Law required i [...] as well as the Gospel. This was a new Notion to the Pharisees and Jewish Doctors, and therefore on that account Christ might say this was a New Commandment. 4. Altho the same Love of Neighbours was commanded under the Law that is our Duty under the Gospel, yet the same Height of Love was not required then that is now; therefore it is call'd a New Commandment. This is intimated in that place of St. Iohn, 1 Epist. Chap. 2. ver. 8. A New Commandment I write [...]nto you, which thing is true in him and in you (i. e. as I conceive, this Love is elevated to its greatest height by our Saviour, this exalted Charity was verified and exemplified in Christ, who died for us his E [...]emies) because the darkness is past, and the true Light now shineth, i. e. Christianity now prevails, and is in full force; and, among all its Laws▪ this of Love is the most advanced and sublimated, it never was at such a high pitch before; there are greater degrees of it now than there ever were under the Law. But still this is to be said, the Precept of Love was part of the Moral Law, and obliged Per [...]ons in all Dispensations, and therefore is justly call'd an Old Comman [...] ment.
An Answer to an Objection from Mat. 5. 17. shewing distinctly and particularly what is the Law, and how Christ came to fulfil it. It is held by some that Christ came to add New Precepts to the Moral Law. In confutation of which Opinion it is proved that Anger is forbid by the Decalogue. So is a Lustful Eye. So is all Rash and Prophane Swearing. So is Divorce, unless in the case of Adultery. So is Resisting of Evil. So is hating of our Enemies. It is largely discuss'd whether it was lawful for the Israelites to hate the seven Nations whom they were commanded to destroy. And whether the Command to destroy them was Absolute. Objections from Deut. 13. 8, 9. & Psal. 139. 21. answer'd. The Nature of the Two Covenants, viz. of Works and of Grace, fully stated. The Conditions on our part. How [do this, and live] is applicable to the Covenant of Grace. The Covenant made with the Israelites at the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai was the Covenant of Grace, though it seem'd to resemble the Covenant of Works. The Covenant of Grace was completed and perfected by Christ's Coming, and not before. The Mediator, the Terms, the Seals of this Covenant now fully manifested. It is proved that according to the Stile of Scripture the Old and New Covenant are the same Covenant of Grace.
[Page 341]BUt our Saviour's words in Mat. 5. 17. are made use of by many to confront, and (as they think) to confute this Doctrine. They maintain that there is a far greater difference between the Precepts of the Old and New Testament than I have asserted, and that Christ not only explained those Old Laws, but added New Ones to them, for that (say they) is the meaning of Christ's words in that place, Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Because these words and the rest of the Chapter which follows them, are alledged with great earnestness by the Patrons of this Opinion, and because they boast that they are an irrefragable Proof of what they say, I will inlarge upon them, and faithfully present you with the true meaning of them, which you will [...]ee is so far from Patronizing their Cause, that it overthroweth it, and layeth it in the dust. To explain these words then,
1st. By the Law and the Prophets is meant whatever is contain'd in the Writings of Moses or of the other Prophets of the Old Testament (for the whole Scripture of the Old Testament is summed up in these two, the Law and the Prophets) but especially what is contain'd in them concerning the Messias, his Person, his Undertakings, and his Kingdom. Now, Christ was so far from destroying, baffling and nulling of these, that he came to fulfil them, i. e. by his Coming he verified, made good and accomplished whatever was foretold or promis'd concerning him in the Writings of Moses and the Prophets. Thence it is that you so often read in the New Testament that such and such things came to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by this or that Prophet. Christ came to perform and bring into Act, whatever was prophesied in those Antient Writings concerning him: and here in ver. 18. he assured his Disciples [Page 342] and Hearers, that one jot or one tittle should in no wise pass from the Law till all be fulfill'd.
2 ly. When our Saviour saith he came not to destroy but to fulfil the Law, even the Ceremonial Law may be compreh [...]nded here. And that he came not to destroy this, but to fulfil it, is true in these two senses, First, this Law as far as it concern'd our Saviour was obeyed and practis'd by him; that may be the meaning of fulfilling. He was Circumcised the eighth day, he was presented in the Temple, and made his Offering there. When he entred on his Ministry, he exactly complied with the Mosaick Injunctions, for he took not that Employment till he was thirty Years of age, the very time when the Iewish Priests ent [...]ed on their Function according to the Law. But yet more punctually he fulfilled the Law in keeping the Passover; for whereas the Iews by their Traditions had corrupted the Law concerning the Observation of this Feast, and kept it not till the fifteenth day of the Month, our Saviour kept it th [...] day before, viz. on the 1 fourteenth, and so observed the true time which was commanded by God at first, Exod. 12. Thus Christ came to fulfil even the Ceremonial Law, and that with the greatest exactness. On this account he saith himself, it became him to fulfil all righteousness, Mat. 3. 15. Secondly, Christ fulfilled t [...]e Ceremonial Law as he accomplished the Types and Figures of it. Most of the Iudaical Ceremonies and Rites (as I have proved) shadowed forth the Messias, they repres [...]nted some considerable thing which belonged to his Kingdom. Therefore when the Messias came, and did acco [...]ding to what was prefigured of him, those Ceremonies and Types were fulfil'd. Christ who was the Substance and Consummation of those Sh [...]dows, f [...]lly perfected what was before represented and signified by them.
[Page 343]3 ly. When our Saviour faith he came not to destroy the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfil them, it is meant also of the Moral Precepts contain'd in the Writings of Moses and the Prophets. These are they which are called Commandments, ver. 19. and the observance of them is stiled Righteo [...]sness, ver. 20. and the [...]ollowing verses refer (as I shall shew you) to the injunctions of the D [...]calogu [...]. Christ came not to destroy this Law, for he never in the least countenanced the violation of it in any person. But he came to fulfil it, i. e. 1. To Observe and Obey it, and that first in his own Person: He inviolably kept the Law himself, he most strictly observed both the Tables of it all his Life. Again, he obliged others to keep and obey this Law: He always inculcated the use and necessity of it in Mens Lives. 2. He came to fulfil it, i. e. to teach Men to observe the Full Design and Vtmost Intent of the Moral Law. This is first clear from the Context, ver. 19. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments, shall be called least in the kingdom of Heaven, i. e. he shall be a very despised and contemptible Person under the Christian O [...]conomy who shall diminish any of the Precepts of the Moral Law. They must be taken one with another. The Decalogue is full and comprehensive. Anger as well as Murder is prohibited in the Sixth Commandment: and so in the rest the full Virtue and Extent of the Law are to be observ'd. And not only he that breaks the least of these Commandments, but he that teacheth men so to do, (as it follows in that verse) shall be called the least, &c. he shall not be reckon'd a person fit for the Evangelical Administration, he is a piti [...]ul narrow contracted Soul. Such are the Scribes and Phari [...]ees, and the great Doctors of the Law, they cramp the Decalogue, they rest in the Letter and Surface of it, and remember not what David saith, that 2 the Commandments are exceeding [Page 344] broad. But I say unto you, saith our Saviour, except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of Heaven, ver. 20. And then in the remaining part of the Chapter our Saviour proceeds to acquaint his hearers particularly how these. Scribes and Pharisees, and those from whom they receiv'd their Notions, had mistaken the true meaning of the Law, and had perverted the genuine Sense of it by their false Glosses and Interpretations.
But not only the Context but this very word it self which is here used, leads us to this thing which I am now offering to you. The known and common signification of the 3 Greek word which is rendred to fulfil, is to accomplish a thing fully, to bring it to Perfection. The word is properly used when a Man doth as much as he can, and acts his best. Thus the Apostle saith of himself, I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ, Rom. 15. 19. It is the same word which our Saviour useth here, when he saith he came to fulfil the Law. How did St. Paul fulfil the Gospel of Christ? He labour'd abundantly than the rest of the Apostles, he travel'd from place to place, from Ierusalem and round about unto Illyricum (as he saith in the same verse) he went his Circuit, he took extraordinary pains wheresoever he came, he was careful to instruct people in all the necessary Doctrines of Christianity, and to keep back nothing from them. Thus he fulfilled, or fully preached the Gospel. And this is the sense of the word in other places of the New Testament. You will find 4 our Saviour himself, and his 5 Apostles and others applying this word to such things as are fully Accomplished, and are become entire and compleat. And so here Christ saith he came to fulfil the [Page 345] Law, the Precepts of the Moral Law dispers'd up and down in the Books of Moses and the Prophets, and summarily comprehended in the Ten Commandments; he came to fulfil these not only by representing them to us Intire and Perfect, by giving us a full and compleat account of them, but by supplying them and filling them up when they were diminish'd and impaired by the corrupt Glosses of the Iewish Doctors. So that there are no New Commandments added by Christ, but some of the Old ones which were corrupted, and others which were quite taken away, are renewed and restored, and so the Body of Commandments and Moral Precepts is perfected and consummated. This is to fulfil: this is the plain and obvious sense of the word, so far as I apprehend.
But others understand it thus, Christ came to fulfil the Law, i. e. to add some New Moral Precepts to it, which were no part of the Law before, to increase the number of the Commandments, and thus (in a sense different from what was allowed before) to fill up the Law. Accordingly they hold that our Saviour in the fifth Chapter of St. Matthew is a New Lawgiver, and commands things which were not commanded before. Christ, say they, opposed to Moses's Moral Precepts some New and Contrary Precepts of his own, as about Swearing, and Divorce, &c. Some of the 5 Fathers were of this judgment, or at least have utter'd some words which favour it. But it is not to be denied that the Papists generally, as also the Socinians expresly hold this. These 6 latter follow their Master Socinus, who in his Explication of the 5 th Chapter of St. Matthew interprets [...] in the foresaid Sense, and tells us that Christ's Sermon contains New Precepts which never were before. Some [Page 346] Antinomians and Anabaptists (not to mention some others) plainly assert this, and that with much concernedness. These all hold that Christ fulfil'd or perfected the Law not only by a clearer Explication of the Precepts of it, but by an Addition of New Precepts. And this indeed follows on what was asserted by them before, viz. that Christ's Laws in Matth. 5. are opposed to Moses's. If there be an opposition, then that is injoin'd in one which is not in the other, then Christ added to what was commanded by Moses.
But all this is a mistake: for the Opposition which is observable in Mat. 5. is quite of another kind. Christ there opposeth himself to the Scribes and Pharisees, and his Interpretation of the Law to theirs. In this manner he speaks, Ye have heard is hath been said of the 7 Antients, or (as we translate it) those of old time, Thou shalt not do this or that; you attend to the sayings of the Antient Iewish Doctors, who are the Persons that have perverted the Law: and you tread in their steps, you espouse their Opinions, you have learnt of them to misinterpret and corrupt the Law, for you interpret those Commandments, Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit Adultery, of the outward Act only of Killing and of Adultery; and you will not believe that Hatred and Malice are forbidden by the same Commandment which forbids Murder, or that a lustful Eye is a breach of the Commandment against Adultery: and so in other instances you miserably mistake and corrupt the Law. This is the sense of our Saviour in this Chapter. And hence it is plain that here is no such thing as New Precepts, or any kind of Commands contrary to those that were given by Moses. We do not hear Christ say, it hath been said by Moses, or you read it in the Law, but it hath been said by them of old; he quotes the [...] the Antients, [Page 347] i. e. the Masters of Tradition, the Scribes and Doctors of the Law, whom the Phari [...]ees at that day followed. These wilfully mistook and depraved the Moral Law, and our Saviour sets himself against these, and their Doctrine. He doth not oppose one Law to another, but all that he doth is this, he corrects and amends the Law as it was corrupted by the Scribes and Pharisees; or rather, he doth not correct and amend Moses's Law, but the Phari [...]ees Expositions. In this Chapter Christ is not a Legiflator, but an Interpreter, He expounds the Law a [...]ight, and takes off their false Expositions: and gives the true and genuine sense of the Law. He acquaints them that there is a farther meaning of it than they imagined: more is commanded in the Pr [...]cepts of the Law, and more is forbidden than they think. And to convince them throughly of this he proceeds to particulars, instancing in some Duties which seem to be New and Proper only to Christianity; but he acquaints them that they are not New, but Old Commandments: and so likewise he instances in some Actions which are unlawful under the Gospel, and seem to have been made so first of all by the Christian Laws: but the design of this Discourse is to let them know that they were forbidden by Moses, and were sins long before the Coming of Christ, al [...]ho by them of Old (the Antient Depravers of the Law) they were not thought to be so.
1. Anger is Murder by the Christian Law, and so it was by the Law of the Ten Commandments. Ye have heard that it was said by the Antients, Thou shalt not kill (restraining this to the External Act only) and whosoever shall kill, shall be in d [...]nger of the judgment. But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his Brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment, he is interpretatively a Man- [...]layer; Ver. 21, 22. You are to know that tho Imm [...]derate Anger be not in express terms forbidden in the Law, yet it is inclusively and by just Consequence forbidden. Of Cain it is recorded that [Page 348] he was very wroth, Gen. 4. 5. and wer read the Result of it, ver. 8. Cain rose up against Abel his Brother, and slew him. Wrath is the Parent of Murder. He that is excessively incens'd against another is disposed to kill him: and i [...] this inordinate Passion be not check'd, or some obstacle interpose, it will proceed to that height. Therefore if Bloodshed be a sin, Anger is so too, and ought to be suppress'd, with the ordinary concomitant of it, viz. using of reviling Language, as Raca, Fool, and the like.
2. An Vnchast Heart, and a Lustful Eye are Adultery and Fornication by the Law of Christ, and they were no less by the Mosaick Law. And therefore when Christ faith, ver. 28. Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed Adultery already with her in his heart, he doth not declare this as a thing contrary to what the Precepts of Morality require of us, but to what had been dictated by the corrupt Glosses of the Jewish Doctors of old, and of the Pharisees at that time, viz. that there is no such thing as the Adultery of the Eye or of the Heart, and that these are not forbidden in the Seventh Commandment. But our Saviour lets them know that this is a great mistake, and that he had not introduced a New Law, but only revived an old One. To look on a woman to lust after her, was always sinful and unlawful. I made a Covenant with mine Eyes, (saith Job) why then should I think upon a maid? Chap. 31. ver. 1. which argues that it was a sin in those times (even before there was any written Law) to indulge either lustful Thoughts or Looks. And this I take to be the Reason of the Law of Fringes given to the Jews, Num. 15. 38, 39. viz. that these being constantly in their view might be a means to divert their thoughts as well as sight; for so 'tis expresly said, that they were to entertain their Eyes with looking on them, that they might not seek after their own Heart, and their own Eyes, after w [...]ich they used to go a whoring. We read afterwards, [Page 349] that it was the Pious King's Prayer, Turn away mine eyes from beholding va [...]ity, Psal. 119. 37. And that there is a Restraint to be laid upon this outward Sense, and upon the inward Imagination which is wrought upon by it, is the acknowledgment of the Wisest He [...]rew Doctors, among whom it is proverbially said, 8 the Eye is the Inlet to sin; and R. Ben. Mai [...]on saith expresly 9 that evil Thoughts were forbid by the L [...]w.
3. Swearing rashly is forbidden here by Christ, and so it was by the Third Commandment. But this (as well as the other) was misinterpreted by the Scribes and Doctors, and not understood in its full Extent. Whereupon our Saviour corrects their mistakes, saying, Swear not at all, neither by Heaven, &c. ver. 34. As much as if he had said, you make nothing of Swearing by Heaven, and by the Earth, and by Ierusalem, and by your Heads, and this is a very common and frequent thing with you; and you are perswaded that you act not amiss in doing thus, for you think that the Commandment forbids only False Swearing and Perjury: you have been told that these are the only breach of that part of the Law. But I tell you another thing, that Law forbids not only False but Rash Swearing; you violate that Commandment as often as you use any vain and unnecessary Oaths, as often as you prophanely swear by God's Name, as often as you make use of other Names besides God's to swear by, as often as you swear by Heaven, or by the Earth, &c. This is the true meaning of our Saviour here. Some have thought that all Swearing is forbid in this place by Christ, as unlawful under the Gospel, altho it was lawful to Swear under the Law: but if you consider that it is a Religious Act, and is innocent and harmless in its own nature, and sometimes becomes necessary (as in matters [Page 350] of Controversie which can't otherwise be decided) and is an Act of Charity and Righteousness (when it is for the real advantage of the Community, or any of our particular Brethren, and sometimes it is) and is approved of by the Example of St. Paul in the New Testament, you will be induced to believe that Religious Swearing is lawful even under the Gospel, and that there is no New Law given by Christ to forbid it now. That which he forbids is Unnecessary and Prophane Swearing; yea moreover, he commands you to avoid all Swearing in common intercourse and converse one with another, and as much as lies in them to abstain wholly from an Oath. He would have them to be Persons of so holy and strict lives, of such integtity and faithfulness, that no one should have occasion to require an Oath of them, but that they might be credited upon their bare Words and Promises. He would have them shew such Truth and Honesty towards Men, that Swearing might become useless. This is the true meaning of our Saviour.
4. That a Man should not put away his Wife unless for Fornication or Adultery, is a Law of Christ, and yet is no New Law, but an Old one Restored and Renewed by him. This Law was corrupted by the Jews, which Malachi takes notice of, Mal. 2. 14, 15, 16. and he brings them back to the Primitive Law of Moses, Chap. 4. ver. 4. So that our Saviour doth the same which the Prophet Malachi did before. And as to the Law of Divorce in Deut. 24. 1. it was rather a Permission than a Precept or Law: and so saith Christ, Moses suffer'd you for the hardness of your hearts to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so, Mat. 19. 8. This way of divorcing among the Jews was unlawful, being against the Institution of God in the beginning, Gen. 2. 24. They two shall be one flesh. But it was tolerated to avoid a greater Evil among that People, viz. that curst Husbands might not use their Wives inhumanely: It was for the sake of the Women that this was permitted. Therefore [Page 351] it is clear that Christ doth not correct or alter the Law, but only removes the false Interpretations which were made of it. That Matrimony cannot be dissolv'd, is a Christian Law, and it was also a Mosaick one.
5. Resisting of Evil, or Retaliating is [...]orbid by our Saviour in this Chapter, ver. 38, 39. and yet it is no New Commandment, but such as was obligatory under the Law. Publick Retaliation or Revenge, viz. in a lawful way, by the Authority and Help of the Magistrate (who is an Avenger of Evil, and appointed for that purpose) is intended by the Law, An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a T [...]th; but the Iewish Interpreters of it stretched this even to the patronizing of private Revenge, and returning Evil for Evil among themselves. This is that which our Lord here complains of, as a gross perverting of the sense of the Law: and he peremptorily commands his Followers that they resist not evil, that if any one smit [...] them on the right check they turn to him the other also; and that if any tak [...] away their Coat, they let him have their Cl [...]k also, ver. 39, 40. By which he declareth against the Law of Retaliation among themselves, without going to the Magistrate, whose Revenge is. Christ bids them rather suffer wrong than revenge it so. Now▪ this private Revenge you will find [...]orbidden by Moses's Law long before, and consequently it is no New Law. In Lev. 19. 18. Moses expresly forbids it; and the unlawfulness of it may be gather'd from 1 other places of the Old Testament. If it be objected that these words of Sampson authorize private Revenge, As they did unt [...] me, so have I done unto them, Judg. 15. 11. I Answer, he did it not as a private Man, but as a Judg, a Magistrate, a publick Person. Besides, he was divinely inspired, and extraordinarily [...] up, which is a different case from ours. Thu [...] Sampson called unto the Lord [Page 352] that he might be avenged of the Philistines, Judg. 16. 28. This Revenge then is not that which was spoken of in the places before cited, and which our Saviour here speaks against, and which St. Paul forbad, when he left those Evangelical Rules with the Roman Christians, Recompence to no Man Evil for Evil: Avenge not your selves, Rom. 12. 17, 19. The S [...]cinians then and some others who say Revenge was lawful under the Old Testament, but is not now under the New, speak very unadvisedly and rashly, and have no ground at all to make this Distinction: for the Writings of the Old Testament as well as of the New, condemn all private Revenge and Resisting of Evil.
6. Loving our Enemi [...]s is another Command of Christ, ver. 44. and it was always a Command of the Second Table, tho the Iewish Expositors of it thought not so. Mark therefore our Saviour's words, Ye have heard that it hath been said, viz. by them of Old, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thy enemy, ver. 43. Whence it is evident, that Christ both here and in the verses before mentioned, speaks not of what M [...]ses and the Law it self said, but of what the corrupt Doctors and Scribes said. For tho Moses saith, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, Lev. 19. 18. yet he no where saith, Thou shalt hate thy enemy. Therefore we may conclude, that whenever Christ uttereth these words in this Chapter, It hath been said by them of old time, he understands not Moses and the Prophets, but the perverse Teachers among the Iews who falsly expounded them. Moses's Law bid them love their Neighbours, but it was their own false Inference that they should hate their Enemies, I say unto you, therefore saith Christ (and I say no more than what was the Duty even of those who lived under Moses's Laws) Love your Enemies, do good to them that hate you, ver. 44. That this was a Duty before Christ's Coming is proved from Exod. 23. 4, 5. If thou meet thine enemies Ox or his Ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring [Page 353] it back to him again. If thou see the Ass of him that [...] thee, lying under his burden, and would [...] forbear t [...] [...]elp him, thou shalt surely help with him. Tho it is true the doing of these things were kindnesses to the Beasts, yet they were also offices of kindness to the Persons who owned them: which sheweth that the L [...]ve of Enemie [...] was required then. Which may likewise be inter'd from those general words in Lev. 19. 17. Thou shalt not [...] thy Brother in thy heart, thou shalt not hate him be he Friend or Fo, Native or Alien: every one is thy Brother, and therefore thou must use him as such. And that these words of Moses are to be taken thus largely, is manifest from what he saith in Deut. 23. 7. Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite, for he is thy Brother: nay, it is added for the same reason, Thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; tho thou wert made a Bondslave by that People, yet thou must not hate them; yea, being thy Br [...]thren, thou must love them. The words of Solomon are to our present purpose, Prov. 25. 21. If thine En [...]my be hungry, give him Bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him Water to drink, i. e. in his distress and extremity entertain him courteously and lovingly, tho he hath not deserved such usage at thy hands. That Enemies were to be loved is to be gather'd from that Instance of Elisha, who advised the King of Isra [...]l to feast and plenteously entertain the Syrians, who had besieged Samaria, and to send them away in peace, 2 Kings 6. 22, 23. Thus we see that even under the Law they were to be kind and loving to their En [...]mies, and that not only if they were Enemies among themselves, i. e. if they were Isr [...]letes, but they were to shew the like affection to Strangers and Foreigners who had shew'd Enmity and Hostility against them.
But here we are to encounter a very formidab [...]e Objection, viz. that it was lawful for the Isra [...]lites to [...] the Idol [...]rous Nations, which a [...]pears from this that they were commanded to kill them. As for the Seven Nations, [Page 354] who possess'd that Land which was promis'd to them, they were enjoin'd to destroy them utterly without all pity. Destroying and Killing are more than Hatred: If therefore they might kill and destroy those Heathens, they might hate them. How then was the Loving of Enemies a Duty under the Law? To this I Answer, that to make peac [...] (and that sincerely and cordially) with Persons or People, and to bear hatred to them at the same time, are inconsistent: and therefore if I prove that the Israelites would have made peace with those Seven Nations, it will follow that there was no Hatred in the case. I know that some Writers of no mean Rank assert that the Cana [...]nites were utterly and absolutely to be slain, and that the Peace to be offered was to them only who were without the Land of Canaan. But this is a very great over [...]ight, and I will from plain passages i [...] the Sacred History shew that it is so, and convince any Impartial Reader that the Israelites offer'd Peace to the Ca [...]aanites as well as to other Nations farther off. I will first produce those words in Deut. 20. 10, &c. which seem to make against this, When thou comest nigh unto a City, to fight against it, then proclaim Peace unto it: and if it make answer of Peace, all the Peop [...]e that are in it shall be Tributaries. But if it will make no Peace, then thou shalt bes [...]ege it; and when God hath delivered it into thy hands, thou shalt smite every Male with the edg of the sword, but the Women and Children and Cattel thou shalt take to thy self. Thus shalt thou do to [...] the Cities which are very far off from thee, which are not of the Cities of these Nations. But of the Cities of the People which the Lord doth give thee for an Inherita [...]ce, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth, but thou shalt u [...] terly destroy them. Whence some would infer that no Proc [...]amation of Peac [...] was to be made to the Cities of Canaan, for they were utt [...]rly to be destroyed. But you must know that the words are Conditional, and are to be supplied thus, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth, [Page 355] but thou shalt utterly destroy them unless they seek for Peace, or attend to the Offers of it, unless they engage to become Tributary, and unless they renounce their Idolatry: for tho these Conditio [...]s be not express'd in the 16, & 17 verses, yet the two first are mention'd in ver. 11. and all three are intimated or express'd in other places of M [...]ses's History.
First, that the Israelites might make Peace with the Canaanites if they sought for it, is express'd in ver. 11. If any City made answer to them of Peace, and opened to them, they were to make Peace with them. But some say that this was the manner of the Israelites treating the Nations a [...]ar off, but not the Canaanites; for this vast difference which was to be made between them is set down in ver. 15, 16. Thus shalt thou do to all the Cities which are very far off, but of the Cities of these [...] which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. Here it seems to be said that tho the Distant Nations were to be favourably used, and admitted to Terms of Peace, yet the Cities of Canaan and others which were near, were to be denied that favour, and to be utterly cut off without mercy. But these apprehensions arise from the misapplying of those words, thus shalt thou do, which principally refer to what immediately went before, viz. that when God hath delivered a City into their hands, they shall smite [...]very Male thereof with the sword, but spare the Women and the little Ones, and the Cattel. Thus shall they do unto them. But when they came to any City of the Seven Nations, they were to deal otherwise, they were to spare neither Man nor Woman, Old or Young, but utterly to destroy all. Here lies the Antithesis, this was the grand difference which was to be made between their dealing with the F [...]reig [...] Nations and with the Canaanites. This is all the distinction that they were to make between the one and the other. Whereas the one is to be spared in some sort, thou shalt shew no [Page 356] [...]uch favour to the other: thou shalt devote them to utter Destruction. But it is not said, thou shalt not offer Peace to them first, thou shalt fall upon them without any warning. No: the contrary is said, When thou comest nigh to a City to fight against it, then proclaim Peace unto it: which kind Tender reacheth not only to the Cities of the Nations afar off, but to those which were nearer. This may be gather'd from other places, as Ios. 11. 19. There was not a City which made Peace with the Children of Israel save the Hivite, the Inhabitants of Gi [...]eon: all others they took in battel. Which implies that Peace was offer'd to them all, and that their Refusal was the cause of their Ruin: for it would be ridiculous and impertinent (as I apprehend) to register this, that no Cities made Peace, when they could not make Peace if they had had a mind to it.
As to the Instance of the Gibeonites, Ioshua was faulty in making Peace with them rashly, without enquiring who they were, and whence. But as to the thing it self, he was not faulty, for they had leave to make Peace not only with the People that were remote (and such they took these to be) but with the Canaanites. But these Gibe [...]nites had heard that they were to be most severely dealt with, that they were to be utterly destroy'd upon refusal; therefore they seign'd themselves to be of the remoter Nations. What can be more evident than this, that the Command of destroying the Canaanites was not Absolute but Conditional, seeing the Oath made to the Gibe [...]nites (who were Canaanites) was lawful? which may be proved from this, that God was angry, with Saul for the violation of this Oath several years after. Now, if it was lawful to swear to the Gibeonites (tho it was extorted by fraud and dissembling) that they should be spared, then it follows that there was no Command from God to destroy them, without offering Peace and Mercy to them. We read also that Rahab requested of the Spies that she might be spared; and they would [Page 357] not have sworn to her that they would Save her and her Fathers house alive (as they did, Ios. 2. 12.) if they had known that there was no mercy to be shew'd to the Canaanites: but it is plain that they were apprehensive of the contrary, and so engaged to spare Rahab and her Kindred. And if the whole People of Ierich [...] had humbly requested the same Boon, they might have obtain'd it, for the Israelites were not bid to destroy any People unless they were obstinate and refractory. On such considerations as these 1 One of the most Judicious and Discerning Writers among the Iews, declares it to be his Opinion that the Seven N [...]tions had offers of Peace, on condition they would surrender themselves.
Again, that Clause (which contains the Second Condition offer'd to all Cities) belonged to the Seven Nations as well as to the rest, viz. All the People that is found therein shall be Tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee, ver. 11. of Deut. 20. If the Canaanites would have owned the Israelites for their Lords and Masters, they might have escaped Destruction. Which is the import of those words in Ios. 16. 10. They drave not out the Canaanite that dwelt in G [...]zer, but the Canaanite dwelleth among the Ephraimites unto this day, and serveth under Tribute. And the same you read in Iosh. 17. 13. & Iudg. 1. 29, 30. The Third Condition was this, the Iews might make Peace with the Seven Nations if they would turn to the True God of Israel from their Idolatry, as appears from Deut. 7. 3, 4. Thou shalt make no Marriages with them, thy Daughter thou shalt not give to his Son, nor his Daughter shalt thou take unto thy Son, (which by the by, you may observe, supposes that they should not all be destroyed) for they will turn away thy Son from following me, that they may serve other Gods. [Page 358] This is given as the Reason here and in other places why those Nations were to be destroyed, viz. because of their abominable Idolatry, and that they might not Corrupt and Infect the People of God. Therefore the Israelites are often forbid to 2 make a Covenant with them, which signifies to hold Correspondence with them in Idolatry, to make such a League and Alliance with them as to suffer them to use their Altars and Images, and freely to indulge them in their former Abominations.
The short then is, that Conditions of Peace were offer'd to all the Nations foreign and near, their Lives were given them if they would ask them: they might be spared if they would become Tributary: they were not to be cut off if they would turn from their Idolatry to the Living God, and embrace the Jewish Religion, or (as the Hebrews tell us) keep the Precepts of the Sons of Noah. But the Israelites had a Commission to fight all Nations that refused these Conditions, they had a Command to [...]lay them either with a universal Slaughter, viz, the Seven Nations and the Amalekites, or only to destroy the males, as they did to the other Nations. Now if this be the Truth of the Case, if the Israelites were willing to make Peace with All, both Canaanites and Foreigners (as I have endeavour'd to evince, and as several 3 Learned Men have asserted) then the Objection which is pretended to be drawn from the Practice of the Israelites, and from the very Command of God, falls to the ground, and is of no value and weight: then it appears that the Israelites were not bid to hate their Enemies, but that they were to love them, for offering Conditions of Peace was a Sign and Token of Love.
But suppose I have not sufficiently proved what I undertook [Page 359] (which I refer to the Judicious); suppose the seven Nations had no Terms of Peace offer'd them, but they were utterly abolished; yet then I see not how this any ways invalidateth my former Assertion, for they might be commanded to kill all the Canaanites, and yet not be commanded to hate them: nor doth it follow from their killing them, that they bore a hatred to them. Judges and Executioners punish Malefactors with Death, but without Hatred and Malice; or they ought to do so at least.
This Answer will serve to take off other Objections which are made, as that from the 13 th of Deuteronomy, where you read that all Persons who inticed others to Idolatry, were to be put to death, and the nearest Relation or Friend was not to be pitied or spared. Therefore if no kindness was to be shew'd to Kindred and near Relatives in this case, much less was there any to be extended to Enemies, and consequently it was lawful to hate them. And from the Law of Retaliation they would argue after the same manner, viz. that God commanded the Iews to hate those who wronged and hurted them; for if they were bid to punish them, they were bid to hate them, the greater containing in it the lesser. But the answer to these Cavils is the same which I gave before: the Iews might prosecute Offenders, and the Magistrate punish them, and both might and ought to be done with commiseration and love, and consequently without hatred. Indeed they were not to pity them, i. e. so as to let them go unpunish'd, but notwithstanding that they might have a brotherly compassion toward their Souls. So we at this day are bound, by Law and Conscience, to prosecute Malefactors, and to cause them to receive condign Punishment; yet all this may be done without hatred, and it is a wonder that the Object [...]rs have not seen it.
Others make use of those words of David, Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? I hate them with [Page 360] perfect hatred, Psal. 139. 21, 22. Therefore, say they, hating of Enemies was lawful under the Old Dispensation of the Law; and by consequence when Christ bids us love our Enemies, he gives a New Law. I answer briefly, that David's hating of the Wicked is meant, 1. of his hating their Company and Conversation; therefore he frequently declareth how loathing and detestable it was to him to associate with them. 2. Of his hatred of their Vices, not of their Persons. Their ways and actions he perfectly abhorred, but you hear him sometimes praying for their Conversion, which sheweth that he had no Enmity, either against their Souls or Bodies, but loved both. And indeed if we must love our very Enemies, it follows by natural Consequence, that we ought to pray for them, and wish them well; therefore it is added here by Christ, Ver. 44. Pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. These are not New Injunctions, but were obligatory under Moses, and are indeed part of the Moral Law. Thus I have shew'd, that even under the Law hating their Enemies, i. e. their Persons, was not lawful, but on the contrary, they were bound to love them: and consequently Christ's Command concerning loving of Enemies, is not added as a New Precept to those of Moses. We must hate no Man now, and it was sinful to do so then. Vniversal Charity was a Law even at that time. In a word, it appears that Christ came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it, because he established and confirmed this Catholick Love, which is call'd by the Apostle the fulfilling of the Law, Rom. 13. 9.
Thus I have insisted on the Particulars mentioned by our Saviour in this Chapter, and you may be abundantly convinced thence, that Christ's words here are not oppofed to Moses's, that he doth command nothing contrary to the Law, but that he vindicated the Law from the false and corrupt Glosses of the Pharisees; you may be convinced, that Christ is here no New Legislator, [Page 361] but an Interpreter of the Old Law; that he only explaineth and cleareth it, and more fully delivereth it to the World, and consequently that the Precepts of the Gospel are the same in substance with the Decalogue; that Christ enjoineth no New Virtue, as to the kind of it, that he hath made no addition of New Laws and Precepts to the Old ones, unless in those respects which I have before mentioned: and on the account of them it is, that the Legal and Evangelical Dispensation differ so much.
Being now employed in shewing the Difference between the Old Dispensations before Christ, and that which he introduced; I cannot finish what I intend, unless I particularly handle that noted Question, What is the difference between the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace; or between the Old and New Covenant, and why they are called so? I have said something already which may give light to this, but now I will purposely insist upon it. Indeed the Discourse of the Old and New Cov [...]nant might have been inserted in the beginning when I enter'd upon the General O [...]conomy of Grace, when I spoke of the first Discovery made to Adam concerning the Mess [...]as: but then I must have antedated some things which I have mention'd since, and I must have treated of the Evangelical Dispensation long before it came in my way. It is therefore pertinent and most proper to treat of the C [...]venants in this place, and to shew the true difference between them.
We must call to mind then what I said before, that God covenanted with Man: 1. When he was in the State of Innocence. 2. When he was fallen. The former was the Covenant of W [...]rks, the latter was the Covenant of Gr [...]ce. As to the first, it was properly a Covenant▪ for a Covenant is a mutual Agreement betwixt [Page 362] Party and Party, with reciprocal Obligations of each other. So that Covenant was a Contract between God and Adam (and in him with all Mankind,) wherein God promised Everlasting Life and Happiness to Man, if he continued in his Obedience to him. And Man (having a sufficient Ability given him by God) ingaged on his part to perform perfect Obedience, and to persevere in all good Works without sinning, whence it was call'd the Covenant of Works. Upon this Agreement God gave Adam a particular Commandment (as a trial of his Obedience) that he should abstain from the Fruit of a certain Tree in the Garden where God had placed him. But Adam soon broke this Covenant by eating the forbidden Fruit, and so brought a Curse on himself and all his Posterity.
Hereupon the First Convenant, or Covenant of Works, was succeeded by a Second, viz. the Covenant of Grace. This is that Covenant which God made with Adam and his Posterity just after his Fall, when they were in a state of Sin and Misery. Christ was promised forthwith; the Seed of th [...] Woman shall break the Serpent's Head, Gen. 3. 15. As soon as this Promise was given and made, the Covenant of Works expired, then began the Covenant of Grace, and so was in succeeding Generations more and more revealed, till Christ came and fully revealed it. This is called the Covenant of Grace, (as hath been said before) because it proceeded from mere Grace and Favour, and because a more abundant Grace and Love are discovered in this Covenant for Man's restoring, than in the other for preserving him.
Now a Covenant being a mutual Contract and Stipulation of both Parties (as hath been suggested) this Covenant as well as the other, was made up of something on God's part, and something on ours. As God is tied to Man, so Man is tied to God. God promised to send his Son to take our Nature, and to make known to us the Will of his Father (thus he is a [...]), and [Page 363] also to satisfy God for our Sins, and by this means to redeem us from Hell and Eternal Damnation, and to obtain for us forgiveness of Sins, and the favour of God, and Eternal Life and Blessedness. Sinners are justified, pardoned, and restored to what they lost by [...] ▪ they are reinstated in the Right and Privilege they had before their Apostacy. This is done by Chrrist's Death; thus he is our Priest, he offers himself a Sacrifice for our Sins. Further, he inables us to discharge our Duty, by sending his Holy Spirit into our Hearts; he rules and governs us, and so is our King. This is the Covenant on God's part. On ours it is to hearken diligently to our Prophet, and to be desirous and ready to learn his Will; to accept of, rely upon, and apply unto our selves the meritorious Satisfaction of our Priest; and to be ruled by him as our King, to submit to him, and to obey his Laws; which briefly are these, that we acknowledg his Soveraignty over us, that we believe in him, and that we repent and forsake our Sins. These are the Conditions of the Covenant of Grace on Man's part. Or take the whole in a briefer way thus, To give Ability and Power to believe and repent, and perform Acts of Holiness, is the New Covenant on God's part: But personally to do these (by virtue of the foresaid Power) is the New Covenant on Man's part, which yet God alone can make effectual.
It is said by some, that Faith and Obedience are not the Conditions of this Covenant on Man's part, because they are promised in the Covenant; for the Condition of the Covenant must be a distinct thing from the Covenant. But this is a mere Nicety, for tho in the Gospel-Covenant Faith and Repentance are pr [...]mis [...]d, i. e. God hath ingaged to give us strength to exert these Graces; yet so far as they are consider'd as our Acts, and coming from [...] (for God cannot be said to believe and repent) they are Conditions. They are promis'd by [...] upon [...] (as all that we are to do [Page 364] is promis'd); but since we on our part engage and promise to do them, they are rightly stiled, and really are Qualifications, without which we shall never partake of the Divine Favour. Neither do these Condition [...] of Faith and Obedience which are required of us, hinder the freeness of the Gospel-Grace (as is objected,) for God promised pardon of Sin and Eternal Life freely; and it is the same free Grace which first appointed, and afterward accepteth of these Conditions. It is mere Favour and Good-will that God was pleased to give Salvation and Everlasting Happiness by Christ, on condition of believing and obeying him.
But you will say, it is the Language of the Covenant of Works, Do this, and live; whereas the Gospel saith, Believe, and be saved. I answer, The Covenant of Grace (as well as the Covenant of Works) requires doing, and so in effect saith, Do this, and live: But yet there is this threefold difference between them, (which I request may be well weigh'd, because it will be of singula [...] use to rectify our Notions about the matter in hand, and to give us a true insight into the Nature of the Covenants.)
1. The Covenant of Works saith, Do this by thy own natural strength and power; and if thou dost so, thou shalt live. For this is certain, that in [...]he First Covenant the Conditions were to be performed by Adam and Eve (and us in them) by a natural Strength given in the state of Innocency. They were created with a sufficient Power to do what God required of them: By their own Free-Will they might have stood. But the Covenant of Grace saith, Do this by a supernatural Assistance, by that Grace which is given through Christ Jesus. No Man is naturally born with an ability to do God's Will, and to please him. There is a new Birth whereby he is impowred to do this; there is a Divine Principle superadded to his Nature, and by virtue of this he believeth, repenteth, &c. This is the first difference [Page 365] between the doing under the Covenant of Works, and under the Covenant of Grace.
2. The Covenant of Works saith, Do this, and for doing thou shalt live: But the Covenant of Grace saith, Do this, and for Christ's Merits and Satisfaction thy doing shall be accepted of God; for his sake thou shalt liv [...] and be happy. There is another Cause, you see, viz. the meritorious Righteousness of the Son of God, which makes an infinite difference between the one and the other. This we must remember, that the Covenant of Grace is that whereby Man is recovered and restored to happiness by the undertakings of another; whereas by virtue of the Covenant of Works, a Man attain'd to Life and Happiness by his own Works and Obedience. His personal Righteousness entitled him to Heaven by the tenour of the first Compact; but now the terms are otherwise, that which procures Li [...]e and Immortality under the Second Covenant, is the Obedience of Christ. There is nothing we can do, that will be acceptable for our own sakes: but on the account of the Messi [...] the Mediator, we and our Services are accepted. The Covenant of Works required d [...]ing, as a p [...]formance meriting Salvation and Ble [...]edness; but this other Agreement exacts of us doing only, as it is the appointed way and means of Salvation. This renders the Difference very great and wide between the one and the other.
3. The Covenant of Works [...]aith, Do this; but be sure to do it without the least [...]ailing and imperfection, and thou shalt liv [...] if thou dost it thus, otherwise not. For this Covenant made with Ad [...] and his Posterity, was upon condition of sinless Obedience, as we find by the Consequence; and as we can prove from the Law, which was founded on the Covenant of Works, Cursed is he that continueth not in [...] things written in the Book of the Law to do them, D [...]ut. 27. 26. Universal and entire Obedience is absolutely required. But the Covenant [Page 366] of Grace saith, D [...] this; and though it be done on thy part imperfectly, yet thou shalt live. Thou shalt be accepted for the perfect and consummate Righteousness of Christ, altho thy Services be mixed with weakness and sin. The Difference then between the Cov [...] nant of Works, and that of Grac [...], is not doing or not doing, keeping or not keeping the Commandments▪ but the Difference is here, the Covenant of Works requireth the keeping the Commandments without sin [...]ing, whereas by the Covenant of Grace no such thing is required. This is the Difference between the Covenants, and thence it is manifest that the latter of them requires not only believing but acting; tho, it is true, believing is the principal thing under the New Covenant, and therefore we find this chiefly urged by our Saviour and his Apostles. Faith is the main thing inculcated in the Writings of the New Testament, and the contrary is that which is mostly laid to mens charge. On this account it is rightly said, that, Believe, and be s [...]v [...], is the Language of the Covenant of Grace; but yet it is certain, that doing or working is not excluded; for we find in the Evangelical Writings, that both Faith and good Works are made the necessary Conditions in order to Eternal Life: He that believeth shall be saved, Mark 16. 16. Believe on the Lord Iesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, Acts 16. 31. Repent, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, Acts 3. 19. Circumcision is nothing, and Vncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the Commandments of God, [...] Cor. 7. 19. Without Holiness no Man shall see the Lord, Heb. 12. 14. And many other places of Scripture shew that something is required to be done by us under the New Cov [...]n [...]nt: Wherefore we need not be afraid to say, that the Covenant of Grace is [...] Law, viz. on this account, that it commands something to be done. So that one would wonder, that any Men of reason and discourse should assert, and that with much confidence, [Page 367] that the Gospel is not a Law of Faith and Repentance; and that there is no Sanction, there are no Precepts, no T [...]r [...]atnings, no Pr [...]mises belonging to it, as I find some have lately maintain'd, notwithstanding it is stiled a Law by two Apostles, Heb. 8. 6. Iames 1. 25. And we need not be afraid to say, that there are Conditions propounded, and to be performed under this Covenant. For what is a C [...]ndition▪ Doth not every one grant that it is such a thing required of [...], without the performance of which we shall never obtain the thing offer'd and pr [...]mis'd? And is not this applicable to the present Case? Are not Faith and Obedience absolutely requir'd antecedently to our enjoying the Benefits and Privileges of the New Covenant that are offer'd to us? Doth not the word Condition express the manner of our partaking the Benefits of the Gospel-Covenant? Doth it not signify that order and disposition of the Divine Grace, which are to be seen in conferring Pardon and Happiness? God hath appointed, that none shall reap this Fruit of the Covenant of Grace, unless they first believe and repent. This is a fix'd and establish'd Order, and without observing and performing of this latter, we shall never have any Advantage of the former. It is evident then, that believing, and repenting are Conditions, and no Man of correct thoughts can boggle at the truth and certainty of it.
But perhaps it will be said, the Conditionality of the Covenant of Grace was exploded by the first Reform [...]rs; for Calvin and others are quoted for this, that the Gospel promiseth not Eternal Life upon condition of Obedience. But I answer, and that with sincerity and truth, that the Reformers speak thus in opposition only to the Popish Interpret [...]tion of the word Condition; for those of the Church of Rom [...] make Faith and Good Works, such a Condition as gives a right to Eternal Life, and inclu [...]s in it Merit. In this sense they disclaim'd all C [...]nditi [...]ns; and so do we, because it is the [Page 368] Grace of God, and the Satisfaction made by Christ, that give us right and title to Pardon, and Life, and Eternal Glory. But none of the Ref [...]rmed Churches ever doubted whether Faith and Obedience are Conditions of the Evangelical Covenant in the sense above propounded, viz. that they are such things, without the performance of which we shall never obtain the Blessings promis'd to us. And this is ingenuously confess'd by 1 one, who is thought by some to encline wholly to the contrary Opinion; speaking of the true acception of the word Condition in this present matter, he hath these express words, If it be int [...]nded that these things (viz. Faith and Ob [...]dience) tho promised in the Covenant, and wrought in us by the Grace of God, ar [...] ye [...] Duties required of us in order to the participation and enjoyment of the full end of the Covenant, it is the Truth that is asserted, i. e. they are properly conditions. And thus in some respect the Covenant of Grace may be said to be a Covenant of Works, i. e. so far as it requires certain Conditions to be performed by us, tho not in the same manner that the Covenant of Works required them; for they are not to be look'd upon as a meritorious and impulsive Cause, as they were then, but only as an Instrument or Means in order to Eternal Happiness. But otherwise (as hath been said) there is a vast difference between the Covenant of Works and of Grace; for the tenour of the former was, that our First Parents, and in them all Mankind, should, without the least defect and transgression, perform the Law which God gave them; and that upon the sole account of this performance they should purchase Happiness: But if they were deficient in their Duty, they should perish without any hope of Mercy. There was no provision of Forgiveness in case they should break God's Law; there [Page 369] was no promise of being receiv'd into God's Favour again. But the terms of the latter were, that God would not be exact with us, and require an Obedience void of all sin; but that for the worth of Christ's sinless Obedience, for the value of his perfect Righteousness, we should be rewarded with Life and Bliss. And this Covenant allows of hearty Repentance, after we have transgress'd the Divine Law, and assures us that we shall be reconciled unto God, and be restored to his Favour. For the sake of our Blessed Mediator, our Sins and Failings shall be forgiven us, if we sincerely repent of them, and betake our selves to the practice of the contrary Duties. This is the way and method of Salvation under this Covenant: Instead of exact Righteousness, i. e. wholly living without Sin, God accepteth of our doing according to the utmost of our capacity, and our acting with sincerity and uprightness: And the defect of this personal Righteousness and Obedience, is supplied by the meritorious Righteousness and Obedience of Christ Jesus. Thus you see how these two Covenants differ, and that they answer to the different states of Man's Innocence, and of his Fall; and that the Second Covenant was made, because we cannot observe the strict Conditions of the First.
The Second Covenant, or Covenant of Grace, made with Adam first, was a long time after that repeated to [...]ra [...]am, Gen. 22. 18. and afterwards renewed, and in a solemn manner confirmed to the Isr [...]li [...]s at the giving of the Law on M [...]nt Sinai. There was then this 380 Covenant made between God and them; God promised Life, and they Obedience: therefore Moses who transacted this on the Mount, is said to be a M [...] di [...]t [...]r between God and them. It is said, Mos [...]s took, [Page 370] the Book of the Covenant, and read it in the ears of the people, Exod. 24. 7. which refers to all the words of the Lord which Moses wrote, ver. 4. i. e. all those Laws, Precepts and Judgments which God gave to the People, and which they unanimously accepted of, and promis'd Obedience to. But the Decalogue was the Sum of this Covenant, as appears from Deut. 4. 13. God declared to you his Covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten Commandments.
Some hold that this Covenant made with the Israelites, was the Covenant of Works, the same as to the main which was made with Adam before the Fall. I grant there was a kind of a going back (as I have observed before) a seeming reviving of the Old Covenant of Works; and so the Covenant of Works was, as it were, after the Covenant of Grace; or rather the Covenant of Grace and Works seem'd to be at the same time. But this was not so in reality, but only in appearance: There was an Evangelical Promise to Adam and Abraham, viz. that they should be justified by the Messias; and there was a Promise also to the Iews, that they should live, i. e. be saved, if they performed the Law. But these two Promises were not inconsistent, neither did the latter of these abrogate the former, as the Apostle speaketh in Gal. 3. 17. The Covenant of Grace, which was confirmed before of God in Christ, the Law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, could not disannul, that it should make the Promise (or Covenant) of none effect. But, as the Apostle subjoins, The Law (which look'd something like the Covenant of Works) was added to it because of Transgressions, until the Blessed Seed should come, ver. 19. The Law was to be serviceable to the Covenant of Grace, and to be a Schoolmaster to bring them to Christ. Hereby they were to be convinced of Sin, and of their inability to keep the Commandments. And the same [Page 371] Law denouncing Wrath and a Curse, stir'd men up to fly to Divine Mercy, and to beg Forgiveness, and the Assistance of the Spirit, and so prepar'd them for the Gospel. God gave that People Precepts about External Rites of Divine Worship, and also Judicial Laws for their Commonwealth: And besides these, he writ in Tables the Moral Law, and caused it to be promulged. All which he closed with those solemn Sanctions, This do, and live: and cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written. Here was a very great resemblance of the Covenant of Works, and the Law of Faith seemed to be laid aside: Or there might seem to be two Covenants on foot together. But the Design of Heaven was only this, that hereby the Iews might be brought to see their great Guilt and their deplorable State, that they might be sensible that they lay under Wrath and a Curse, and that thence they might be provoked to look for a Remedy; or, when it was of [...]e [...]ed to them, to accept of it. This was the Reason why they were under the Law, which had some affinity with the Covenant of Works. But the Covenant of Grace made with Adam soon after his Fall was not laid aside, but still prevailed, and no other but that. Even under the Law they were not justified by Works, but by Faith; they obtain'd not Salvation by their own perfect Obedience, but by virtue of the perfect Righteousness of the Messias who was to come in the fulness of time. It only seem'd good to the Allwise God to obscure and disguise this Covenant in part, that they might be fitted for the insuing Dispensation of the Gospel, and that this Dispensation might appear more bright and glorious.
Now it was that the Covenant of Grace most signally display'd it self: By Christ's coming, and by the preaching of the Gospel, it was fully and amply manifested, tho it had been in being ever since the Restauration of [Page 372] Adam. Now at last the actual fulfilling of the Grand Promise of this Covenant, viz. the Incarnation of Christ, was accomplished. He came on purpose to perfect that Covenant which had been made and renew'd before between God and Man. Never till this time was there any compleat discovery of this blessed Agreement and Contract between God and us. In the Writings of the New Testament alone we find this set forth. Here is plainly discover'd the Mediator of this Covenant, Iesus Christ the Righteous, the Eternal and only begotten Son of God, who vouchsafed to assume our Humane Nature, to clothe himself with Flesh, to converse in the World above thirty Years, to instruct Mankind by his Heavenly Doctrine, to confirm and establish us in it by his Divine Miracles, to direct us to the practice of it by his Holy Life and Spotless Example, and at length to die for us to satisfy for our Sins. As the publick and most solemn Covenants which we read of in the 1 Old Testament, were made with killing and sacrificing, and effusion of Blood, (by Divine Appointment without doubt): So here the Blessed Messias, who was to compleat the Covenant of Grace, shed on the Cross his most precious Blood, which therefore is call'd 2 the Blood of the Covenant.
Again, in the Scriptures of the New Testament, are plainly and expresly set forth the Terms of the Covenant of Grace, i. e. what God hath promised to do, and what Obligations are upon us. Here Christ and his Apostles, and Evangelists, proclaim Remission of Sins, the peculiar Benefit and Privilege of the Covenant of Grace; and Immortality and Eternal Life are brought to light by this Gospel; and the performance of [Page 373] all the precious Promises which concern this Life and another, is ascertain [...]d to us here. And as it assureth us that God will fulfil his Promises, so it urgeth upon us the performing of our Ingagements. Christianity is an Obligatory Covenant, and this Obligation is mutual. God will discharge his part, we must see that we perform the Conditions which are required on our side. The Gospel acquainteth us, that if our Peace and Reconciliation be not made, it is our own fault wholly; we will not leave our Sins, and thereby we [...]rustrate the Agreement and Contract of the Gospel. This therefore calls upon us to undertake the Counter-part of the Covenant, i. e. to be holy in all manner of Conversation, to deny all Ungodliness and wordly Lusts, and to live Soberly, Righteously, and Godlily in this present World; to adorn the Gospel by a strict and circumspect walking, and to bring forth much Fruit to the Glory of our Heavenly Father. In the Evangelical Writings the Terms on our part, which are Faith, Repentance, and Ob [...]di [...]nc [...], are more distinctly set down than ever; especially the Nature of Faith, and the peculiar Virtue of it are explain'd in that manner which they were never before: for that by Works and Faith we are saved, but that by Faith alone we are justified, is the Doctrine which St. Paul hath abundantly asserted, proved and confirmed, and it is establish'd by the other Apostles: which shews the great discrimination between the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace. The Gospel tells us how we are to find real Advantage by this Covenant and Law of Grace; it ascertains us that we can reap the Benefit of it only by C [...]nv [...]rsi [...]n and R [...]g [...] neration. It is therefore urged and inculcated, that we must be born again, that we must be N [...] Creatures, that there must be a Ren [...]vation of our Hearts and Lives.
[Page 374]Lastly, Christianity informs us what are the Seals of this Covenant of Grace; and accordingly let us know, that by Baptism we are entred into Covenant with God, and into the Church of Christ; and that at the Lord's Supper we repeat and renew that Convenant. Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant, instituted this Federal Ordinance: and this is that Holy Supper at which he gives us his Body to eat, and his Blood to drink, which he assures us is the Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for the Remission of Sins, Mat. 26. 28. The sum then of what hath been said is, That God pitied the Mi [...]ery of Mankind, and was pleased to make a Second Covenant with him and his Posterity after they had broke the First. This Second Covenant, tho it was made with Adam presently after his Fall, yet it arrived not to its height and perfection till the coming of Christ, and the preaching of the Gosp [...]l. Christianity is the Covenant or Law of Grace in the best Edition.
The Answer then to that Problem, How the Old and the New Covenant differ? is easily resolved from the Premises: for if you understand (as some do, but how fitly you will judg from what I shall suggest by and by) by the Old Covenant the Covenant of Works, and by the New one the Covenant of Grace; I have plainly and distinctly set down the Particulars wherein they differ. Or, if you mean by the Old Covenant the Mosaical and Legal Dispensation, and by the New Covenant the Dispensation of the Gospel, (which both are but One Covenant) I have given ample Satisfaction to the Question, by shewing wherein these two differ; and by letting you see that the Covenant of Grace began with Mankind soon after the Fall, and afterward was continued in the Mosaick Dispensation, and at last was compleated by Christ's coming.
[Page 375]And here further to illustrate the Point, I will clear the Acception of these Terms, the Old and the New Covenant, which so frequently occur in Holy Writ; and I will make it evident to you, that in the whole Book of the Scrip [...]ures, the Old Covenant is never applied to the Covenant of Works, but is a part or degree of the Covenant of Grace. This then we are to know, that the Covenant of Grace is twofold, Obscure or Manifest. The first was from Adam's Restauration to our Saviour's coming; the second is ever since. The former is called the Old Covenant, the latter the New Covenant, and yet they are but one Covenant. This you will find to be the stile of Sacred Scripture, if you consult those two famous places, the one in the Old Testament, and the other in the New, which treat of the Old and New Covenant. The former is Iew. 31. 31. Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a New Covenant with the House of Israel, and with the House of Judah, not according to the Covenant I made with their Fathers (the old Mosaick Dispensation); but this shall be the Covenant that I will make, I will put my Law into their inward parts, and write it in their heart; and I will be their God, and they shall be my People.—They shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, saith the Lord; for I will forgive their I [...]iquity, and I will remember their sin no more: by which is meant the Evangelical Dispensation, or the Covenant of the Gospel, which is expresly called here the New Covenant; and the Covenant made with their Fathers is to be understood of the giving the Law to the Iews, and consequently of the Iewish Oeconomy. But this will be morefully made good from the other place, the 8 th to the Hebrews, from the 6 th Verse to the end; where is set forth the true Nature of the Old and New Covenant, as I have represented it. Christ, our Eternal High Priest, saith the [Page 376] Apostle, hath [...]b [...]ained a more excellent Ministry, by how much also [...]e is the Mediator of a better Cove [...]ant, which was established on better Promises, ver. 6. Here the Covenant of Grace under the Gospel is call'd a Better Covenant, because on some accounts it is better th [...]n it was under the Law, and particularly by reason of more evident and certain Promises which Christ hath added. On this Consideration it is called a better Covenant, tho it be the very same as to substance. The Apostle proceeds, Vers. 7, 8. If the first Covenant had been faultless, (i. e. if the Legal Dispensation had not been imperfect) then should no place [...]ave been sought for the second (i. e. there would have been no need of introducing the Evangelical Administration) but finding fault with that, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a New Covenant, &c. The former being found insufficient was taken away, and another brought into its room; tho (to speak properly) it was not another, but the same in other Circumstances. For the Covenant of Grace was under the Law; but because it varied as to some respects when Christ came, it is represented as a Double Covenant, and accordingly the Scripture calls the former the Old Covenant, and the latter the N [...]w on [...]. This Reason likewise may be given, why the Covenant of Grace which was in the time of the Law, is call'd the Old Covenant, and the same under the Gospel is call'd the N [...]w Cov [...] nant, viz. because they are so comparatively, i. e. the Legal Oeconomy in respect of the Christian one, is Old; and this in respect of that, is N [...]w. According to the different Administrations of the Covenant of Grace, this Covenant is said to be Old or N [...]w. In the Old Testament the Covenant of Grace was administred by Sacrifices, Puri [...]yings, and many other Typical Ceremonies and Mystical Observances; and [Page 377] this antient way of God's dealing with his People, is stiled the Old Cov [...]nant: but in the New Testament these things were done away, and so the Covenant of Grace appeared New, and on that account had its denomination. Thus tho the Old and New Covenant differ in the manner, and way, and external Administration, in so much that the latter is eminently call'd the Covenant of Grace, and the former in comparison of that is not the Covenant of Grace; yet really they are the sam [...] in substanc [...], and there is no opposition between them, for in both of them Free Grace, and Remission of Sins through Jesus Christ are held forth to all the Faithful, there [...]ore they are but One Covenant. This is the truest Notion of the Covenants, tho some of the Antient Writers, but more of the Moderns, have mistaken this Point, confounding the Covenant of Works, and the Old Covenant, and making them to be the same, which hath been attended with very gross Errors. For tho it is true, the Covenant of Works may be call'd the Old Covenant because it was first, yet we now confine our selves to the stile of the Holy Scriptures, and are declaring what is call'd the Old Covenant in the Language of those Inspired Writers; and there you will never find it is applied to the Covenant of Works, but always to the Covenant of Grace under the Old Dispensations: and the New Covenant always refers to that Covenant, as it was renewed and made better by the Evangelical Institution. And because the Covenant of Grace under Moses was dark and imperfect, but when Christ came was clear and entire, therefore the Apostle represents them as two distinct Covenant, a First and a Second, a worse and a better. Thus you have the true Reason why the former Dispensation is call'd the Old Covenant, and why the latter is call'd the N [...]w; and on this is grounded the vast Diff [...]r [...]nc [...] between [Page 378] the D [...]sp [...]nsations of the Law and the Gospel. But this doth not argue that there are any new Duties introduced by this means, and that there is a real Addition to the former Precepts and Commands. No such thing can rationally be inferred from the Distinction of the Old and New Covenant. So much concerning the Particular Nature of this Evang [...]lical Disp [...]nsation, and how it differs from the others; which was the first thing I undertook.
Tho we could assign no Reason why the Christian Oeconomy was so late, and why our Saviour arrived no sooner in the World, this is sufficient to satisfie us, that it was God's Pleasure it should be so. But for the sake of the Inquisitive, such Reasons and Considerations as these are offer'd: 1. It must be remembred that Christ appear'd in the World even in the early times of the Patriarchs. 2. The Benefits of Christ's Redemption were imparted to the Faithful before he actually appear'd in the flesh. 3. The World was not fit to receive him sooner. 4. He delay'd his Coming to make the World sensible of their Misery. 5. That the Advantages of his Coming might be prized. 6. It was congruous that so great a Prince should not arrive without solemn Harbingers and Heralds of his Coming. 7. The necessities of Mankind call'd for him at that particular time and juncture when he came. The Jewish Church grew worse and worse. An enumeration of the several Sects and Factions which they were divided into, viz. Essenes, Pharisees, Sadduees, Herodians, Samaritans, Galilaeans. 8. God proceedeth in a gradual Order and Method. The most perfect things are reserved till the last.
II. I Am to acquaint you with the Reasons why the Christian Dispensation, as to the actual exerting of it, took not place in the World before, and (which is the [Page 380] foundation of this) why Christ Iesus the Messias and Saviour blessed not Mankind with his Coming till that precise time wherein we are certified by the Evangelical Records and other Testimonies that he was born, and why he came neither sooner nor later. Indeed I might say here (as before) that we are to rest satisfied with God's managing this matter, altho we were not able to assign a particular Reason. The Wisdom and Equity of God's dealing [...] are undeniable: He must be le [...]t to dispense his Benefits when he pleaseth: and most certainly that is the best time which he chooseth. It is the Glory of God (saith the 1 Wife Man) to conceal a thing, to hide the Causes and Reasons of his Actions from Men, especially of the particular circumstance of Time, which is not of such Concern to us as the Things themselves. Therefore we ought not to be very inquisitive and scrupulous, but finally to resolve all into God's good Will and Pleasure. Thus when the Primitive Christians were asked in a cavilling way by the Pagans, why Christ came so late, they ingenuously answer'd, 2 ‘We deny not that we are ignorant of the Reason of it: we cannot see and tell God's secret Will, and how he orders his Affairs. He alone knoweth What is to be done, and How, and at what Time.’ And again, thus ‘In an Eternal and Infinite course of Ages, where there is no beginning nor end, nothing can be said to be soon or late.’ And St. Augustin's Answer to those that ask'd why Christ came not before, was this, ‘ 3 Because (saith he) the Fulness of Time was not yet come, according to the [Page 381] appointment of Him by whom all Times are: for it was best known to him when Christ ought to come.’ And in another place he gives the like Reason, why Christ came just at that time, and no other, 4 The Lord (saith he) who disposes all things in Measure, Number, and Weight, knoweth when he doth any thing. It may suffice then to answer, that so it pleased God whose Wisdom is infinite. He hath his [...]. his own times (for so it should be rendred) Tit. 1. 3. When these come, he sets such and such a Dispensation on foot. Tho this will not satisfie some, yet it ought to pass for good Divinity with those that are wise to Sobri [...]y.
But yet, tho we must not sawcily pry into the Secrets of Heaven, we are permitted with modesty to enquire how far they may be discover'd to us. Therefore to give satisfaction even to the Curious, I will offer some Considerations wherein are contained the particular Reasons of the Dat [...] of the Christian O [...]con [...]my, why Christ came not into the World till it was about four thousand Years old, and why he came at that time rather than at another.
1. You are to consider that tho Christ was not Born of the Virgin Mary till that very time, yet he appeared long before to some of the Patriarchs and Saints under the Old Testament. The Angel that appeared to Hagar was the Messi [...], the Son of God: therefore M [...]s [...]s calls him the L [...]rd, or Ie [...]ovab, Gen. 16. 13. It was the Opinion of the Antient 5 Fath [...]rs that this Second Person in the Glorious Trinity appear'd in human Shape to Abraham, as he sat in the Plains of Mamre, Gen. [Page 382] 18. 13, &c. where he is stiled Iehova [...], and afterwards the God of Bethel, chap. 31. 21. And he appeared to Iacob in the Form of an Angel, and wrestled with him; he is call'd a 6 Man in the entrance of the Story, and 7 God in the sequel of it; and the Prophet Hosea speaking of him, calls him God, Chap. 12. 3. This is that Angel of the Covenant who appeared Num. 7. ultIreneus, Tertullian, St. Austin, and most of the Antients hold that it was Christ who appear'd as an Armed Man, and Captain of the Lord of Hosts, to encourage Ioshua, when he was to take Iericho, Jos. 5. 13, 14. And many of the Fathers were of opinion that Christ was the Conducter of the Israelites out of Egypt into the Land of Canaan, who led them through the Wilderness of Arabia, and descended on Mount Sinai, and resided in the Tabernacle, and the Temple. And that of Daniel, Chap. 3. 25. the Form of the fourth Person (who was seen in the firy Furnace) was like the Son of God, is interpreted by some of the Eternal Son of God, who used to visit the Patriarchs, and now visibly bore the three Children company in the Flames. And from several other places in the Old Testament it may be gather'd that Christ appear'd to the Holy Men in those days upon extraordinary occasions. So then he appeared sooner than is imagined: his Incarnation was not the first time of his Appearance in the World: he actually manifested and shew'd himself before his Birth. His early visiting of the Patriarchs and Prophets was a Forerunner of his more signal Appearing in the [...]ulness of time, when he took on him our humane Nature, and convers'd with Mankind.
2. If you consider that all the Benefits which accrued [Page 383] to Mankind by a Saviour, were imparted even before Christ was made Flesh, you will not think that his Appearance in the World was late. He (as you have heard) was the Lamb slain from the beginning of the World. The Covenant of Grace, that he who repenteth and believeth shall be saved, was made immediately after Man's Fall: the Merit of the Messi [...] his Undertakings was valid from that very time, and therefore the Promises of Mercy in Christ are contain'd, tho obscurely, in the Books of the Old Testament. The Gospel is antient: the Design of God in all Ages tended to the consummating of this: which may take off our marvelling at its being no sooner. It was in being long before as to the grand Efficacy and Virtue of it. Have then this right Notion of the true Date of Christianity, and you will not ask why Christ appeared not before.
3. Perswade your selves of this, that Christ would have actually appeared sooner, and that in our Flesh, if the World had been fit to receive him before. God acteth according to the Nature of things, according to the Capacities and Faculties of Mankind, according to the Condition and Frame of Men. Hence his dealings with them are different and various, his Administrations and Methods are not alike: but they are always most sutable and agreeable to the present Circumstances. When 1 Solon was asked whether he had le [...]t the Athenians the best Laws he could, he answer'd he had given them the best they were capable of. This is more eminently true of the Laws and Institutions, the Discoveries and Administrations which are from God the Great and Infalliable Lawgiver, they are the most exactly fitted to the Capacities and Dispositions, the Inclinations and Genius of the People who are to make use of them. [Page 384] He prescribes Laws not according to what he is able to do, but according to our Ability to hear and receive them. Hence it is that tho True Religion be but One, yet it hath had Different Discoveries and Mani [...]estations, according to the Different States and Conditions of Men in the several Ages of the World. This argues not any Changeableness in God, but his great Wisdom, and Care of his Church: as a Prudent Master of a Family gives different Orders and Rules according to the diversity of Persons and Times he hath to do with. Thus our Saviour was pleas'd to fulfil all 2 Right [...]ousness, to comport with the present State and Oeconomy, to allow of any thing or Dispensation which God will have to be in the World, tho it may seem to some not to be so fitting and decorous. This is sufficient that God acteth congruously to the nature of things, and that all along he administers every thing for the greatest Good of Mankind, altho in various Ways and Manners. This is one Reason why the Evang [...]lical Dispensation was not introduced till other Dispensations were past. The Indisposition of the former and first Times made Christ delay his Coming: he knew they were not prepared to receive his Doctrine and Miracles. This Reason is given by St. 3 Augustin; and Eus [...]bius agrees with him, for treating of this very Question, why Christ came so late, he renders this Account of it, 4 ‘The generality of the World was become like Beasts, and so were not fit to receive Christ and his Doctrine. It was necessary therefore that the Way should be prepared by Moses's Law, by the Doctrine and Example of Prophets and good Men.’ Before this the World was uncapable of Christ and the Gospel.
[Page 385]4. Christ came not till four thousand Years were expired, that Mankind might see their Misery, and be [...]ensible of it, and desire a Remedy; and in the mean time more strenuously exercise their Faith and Hope. Especially, with respect to the Iewish People, so many Ages had pass'd before the Messi [...] came, because hereby God would let them see their want of a Messias, that they might heartily breathe after, and long for a Red [...] m [...]r and Saviour, that they might earnes [...]ly expect and pray for a Deliv [...]r [...]r to rescue them from that intolerable Yoke which they were under. This seems to be one Reason why God deferred the sending of his Son. Which is implied in those words of the Apostle, Rom. 5. 20. The Law entred (i. e. the Mosaick Dispensation interposed between Abraham and Christ's time, and thereby the Evangelical State was de [...]er'd a long time) that the Offence might abound, that the heinous Transgression of the Law might be the better discern'd to be Sin, and that Men might be throughly apprehensive of it. Then the Apostle adds, where Sin abounded, Grace did muc [...] more abound, i. e. by this means the Grace of God in [...]ending his Son, and his pardoning of Sinners through his Blood are the more fully display'd, and taken notice of. Which leads me to another Account of this matter.
5. So far as we can apprehend the wise Designs and Purposes of God, we may render this Reason why this Benefit was so long delay'd, viz. that it might thereby be Comm [...]nd [...]d to us, and that we might set the great [...]r Value on it. God suffer'd the Darkness for so many hundred years, that he might bring forth a more Glorious Light at last. From the opposition of these two the Divine Wisdom is more manifest, and the Victory of the one over the other is more eminent. Hence Mankind is more eager in embracing the Light of the Gospel, and all the Advantages of it become more welcome and grateful.
[Page 386]6. It was not fit so Great a Prince and Saviour as the Messias should arrive without Harbingers and Forerunners of his Coming. So that Pious Doctor of the Church speaks, 5 ‘Christ was to be foretold many Ages before he came, because it was no little and mean thing that was to come. The greater this Judg was, it was fitting the greater should be his Equipage, and a longer Train of Messengers and Heralds should go before him.’ Observe therefore, after the Types and Shadows were vanished, after the Legal Services were expired, after all the Predictions of the Patriarchs and Apos [...]les were accomplished, after the so often repeated Promises concerning Christ were fulfilled, after the appearances of Angels, and Visions and Revelations, and extraordinary Declarations from Heaven had made way for the arrival of the Messias, after he was generally expected by the Iewish Nation, after all these Preparatives and Forerunners of his Coming were fully past, then he actually en [...]ed on the stage of the World, and manifested himself in the Flesh. The Time appointed by the Father for the sending his only begotten Son, or (as the Apostle calls it) 6 [...]e Fulness of Time happily brought along with it 7 the Fulness of Christ, as the same Apostle speaks. It was Reasonable, Decorous and Congruous that so great a Person, and so great a Blessing should not come on a sudden, but that the World should be a long time prepared for so Glorious a Dispensation.
7. The necessities of Mankind seem'd to call for him at that very Time when he came. This is the Reason which 8 Gregory Nazianzen gives why Christ came not [Page 387] before, but then, because the World was more than [...]ver corrupted, and the Degeneracy was greater; the Disease was at its heighth, and then the Remedy was most proper. So Theodoret compares Christ to those Physicians 8 ‘who reserve their strongest Medicines till the last, for having used Lenitives first, they choose to administer more powerful Medicines afterwards.’ The corruption by Adam having miserably infected the World, God used fit means to stop the growth of it, and to curb Sin and Wickedness. Besides the Law of Nature implanted in Mens minds, which was a constant check to immoral and vicious Actions, the Works of the Creation, which were continually before their eyes, w [...]re servic [...]able to instruct them in the Wisdom and Power of God; and to bring them to reverential Thoughts of him, and to induce them to serve and obey the [...] and Preserver of all things. God swept away the Old World with an universal D [...]luge, to make the poor remainder better, by reflecting on his Severity again [...] Sinners. And when the World increas'd again, and [...]ultitudes of People were spread on the face of the Earth, the Almighty God shew'd his Displeasure against Sin, in confounding the Language of the Babel-Builders, in consuming Sodom and Gomorr [...] with Flames from H [...] ven, and in several other Instances he let Men understand that he was highly incens'd against Sinners; which should have been a Warning to them, and was so designed by God, that they might tremble at his Judgments, and abandon their evil ways. When God beheld the obstinacy of Mankind, he was pleased to make [...]uller Discoveries of himself than before: he chose out a [Page 388] peculiar. People to impart his Will to, that they (whatever others did) might serve and worship him in a more solemn and pure manner, and that their exemplary Lives might have influence on the rest of the World. He writ Laws with his own hand to deliver to them, he rais'd up Seers and Prophets among them who daily admonish'd them of their Duty, and by frequent dispensing of Mercies and Judgments he strove to make them sensible of it, and to keep them firm to it. When for their crying Sins they were sent into Captivity, God restored them again, and placed them in their own Land; but they soon forgot his singular Kindness to them, and this extraordinary Favour of God was not powerful enough with them to restrain them from the commission of the most abominable Sins, and to cause them to have regard to that Holy Religion which strictly forbad all such practices.
In every Age they grew worse and worse, and at last they arrived to the heighth of Impiety, and their Sins seemed to be consummated. In Iudaea, the Seat of this once beloved People of God, all Licentiousness, Lewdness and Villany prevail'd. The greatest Iews were Atheists and Epicures, and not ashamed to profess themselves such, as well as to live like Persons of that Character. And the 399 Talmud might well say, When the Messias shall come, wise Men shall be very rare in Israel, but Impostors, Inchanters and Magicians shall be many; this Sign having been exactly verified before the Coming of Christ, the design of whose being manifested was to destroy those works of the Devil. The Disorders and Wickednesses of the Iewish Clergy were very remarkable before our Saviour's Coming. The Antient Order of Priests being extinguished by Herod, in their places [Page 389] were put none but obscure, contemptible and unworthy Persons, who made Religion a cloak for their Covertousness, and devoted themselves wholly to Gain and Interest. The Temple was turn'd into a place of Merchandize: the High Priests Places were bought, and a couple of that Order at a time were set up because they both had been Simoniacal; which shews likewise that the Iewish Magistracy as well as the Ministry was corrupted. There were great Corruptions among the Iewish Students and Doctors, who neglecting the weighty things of the Law, began to hunt after Niceties and Subtilties, and strove to cherish Disputes and Controversies. Hence were the Noted Schools of Hillel and Shammai, which were divided into two formal Parties, like Scotists and Thomists. Of whose different and disagreeing Decisions concerning the Law of Moses the Mishnah pretends to give an account.
The Iews were divided into three Religious Sects especially, the Essenes, the Pharisees, and the Sadduces. These were unknown before the Babylonian Captivity: but after that, and the building of the Second Temple, they sprang up both Names and Things: but the two latter Sects began especially to appear, and to be taken notice of about a hundred Years before Christ's Nativity; either Sect endeavouring to bring their Kings (as long as the Regal Power was in the Native Jews) to their Opinion, and accordingly great Factions arose by their Dissensions. The Essenes among the Jews were a harmless sort of People, they retired from the World, le [...]t the publick, and betook themselves to a Monastick Life, daily Devotion, and Hours of Prayer: you may call them the Iewish M [...]nks. They came not to the Temple, neither brought Sacrifices thither, but pretended to use at home more Holy Ceremonies, as I [...]s [...]phus speaks. They had no Wives, counting the most peaceable way of Living to be alone. They had no Servants, thinking it to be a [Page 390] reproach and injury to our Common Nature to be in a servile Condition. They were all Equal, and mutually administred to one another. This you will find in the Character which the foresaid 3 Antiqu [...]y (if he be not mistaken concerning the Persons and Things) gives of them. They are not any where mentioned in the Writings of the Gospel, because, 1. They affected a private and recluse Life. 2. They generally inhabited on the Coast of the Dead Sea, remote from Ierusalem. 3. They were no bu [...]ling Zealots, they made no noise in Religion. 4. They were not forward in persecuting of Christ. For these Reasons they are not spoken of by any of the Evangelists.
But the Pharisees, who were a busie Sect, and lived in the heart of Iudea, and were fierce Opposers of our Saviour's Doctrine, are frequently mention'd in the Evangelical Writings. Our Blessed Lord often encountred them, and openly detected their [...] Pride and Hypocrisie, as also their fond Superstition in enjoining Fastings, Washings, and other Ceremonious Practices of their own invention. These were the Men who wretchedly perverted the Law, holding that it enjoyned only external Obedience, and that by that outward Observance of the Law Men merited Remission of Sin, and were just before God, and Heirs of Eternal Life. Their constant Custom was to corrupt the true meaning of the Decalogue by their false Interpretations and Comments, as you may see in Christ's Sermon on the Mount, where he explains the Moral Law, and vindicates it from the corrupt Expositions which they had made of it, whereby they had almost extinguished the true Sense of the Commandments. They had taken away the key of Knowledg by depraving the true Doctrine which was contain'd in [Page 391] the Written Law and the Books of the Prophets, and by adhering to that which they call'd the Oral Law, the Constitutions, Traditions and Expositions of the Rabbies, and by making them the Rules of their Faith and Manners. As to the more particular Opinions, Notions and Practices of these Men, we may satisfie our selves from the Account given of them by 4 One who was of that Sect himself, as he tells us in his Life. The genuine Offspring of these Pharisees (as Buxt [...]rf observes) are now the 5 Rabbanita, Traditionary Iews, or Talmudists, who stick not to the pure Text of Scripture, but are for New Explanations or Old Traditions.
The next Sect was the Sadducees, who ran counter to the Pharisees, and opposed all Traditions. The Iews at this day who answer to these (as before it was observed, there is a sort among them that are the true Race of the Pharisees) are the 6 Karaeans, the Scripturists, who keep close to the written Letter, and reject the whole Oral Law, i. e. the Expositions and Glosses of the Rabbins. They hold only what is expresly deliver'd in the Law; and they are look'd on by the other Iews as Hereticks and Apostates. But as to the Antient Sadducees (of whom I am now speaking) there were but few of this Sect, saith the 7 forecited Author, but they were generally Persons of Wealth and Quality. This was it which was faulty in them, that they curtail'd the Holy Writings, and rejected all the Books of the Prophets but Moses: the only Canonical Scripture with them was the Pentateuch, as Tertullian, Origen, Ierom and other Writers of good Account acquaint us. Tho I [Page 392] find 8 some Men of Note among the Moderns, who endeavour to consute this, and to prove that they received the whole Scripture, but they are not very successful in this attempt. Moreover, they most impiously denied the Resurrection of the Dead, and held that Mens Souls were mortal, yea they generally denied the Existence of Spirits, Mat. 22. 23. These Men won some People to them, because they were contrary to the strict and superstitious Pharisee; they took off the burdensom Rites and Ceremonies which the others laid on. These two prevailing Sects, the superstirious Pharisee and the prophane Sadducee, differing so much from one another both in Opinions and Manners, caused great Feuds and Contentions, and unspeakably hindred the Practice of Religion among that People.
To these famous Sects might be added the Herodians (call'd the Leaven of Herod, Mark 8. 15. by Christ) they were of the Religion of the Sadducees, and therefore on that account (as Doctor 9 Hammond observes) may be said not to be a distinct Sect from them. See Mat. 16. 6. & 22. 16. Mark 8. 15. & 12. 13. But they were singular in this, that they were much devoted to Herod and his Government, and consequently that of the Romans: they were great upholders of Casar's Interest against the Pharisees and other Jews, who look'd upon Casar as an Usurper. Thus they were a different Sect or Faction. Some thought and held that Herod was the promised Messias: these were the Herodians according to Tertullian, Chrysostom, Epiphanius, and other Fathers.
The Samaritans were another Sect among the Iews, and had been a long time: these had their Name from [Page 393] Samaria the chief City of the Kingdom of Israel, which fell off from Rehoboam, and took Ieroboam for their King. When the Iews were carry'd captive into Assyria by Salmanasser, a Colony of Assyrians was placed in this City, who being molested by wild Beasts desired an Israelitish Priest to teach them the Religion of that Countrey where they were planted, whereupon a Priest came and instructed them, and they partly observed Moses's Law, and partly follow'd their own Idolatry and Superstition. From these came the Samaritans, who were reckon'd as rank Schismaticks by the generality of the Iews. Accordingly the Iews had no dealings with them, Joh. 4. 9. but maintain'd an irreconcileable quarrel against them. Several Reasons concurr'd to keep up this Feud and Antipathy, 1. The Samaritans were of the Race of the Assyrians who carri'd the Iews captive. 2. They oppos'd and obstructed the rebuilding of the Temple when the Iews undertook it, after the return from the Captivity, Ezr. 4. 4. 3. They possess'd a part of the Land which of Right belonged to the Jews. 4. They receiv'd only the Pentateuch, and rejected the other Books as Uncanonical; for when the Iewish Priest (mention'd before) was sent to them, the Cannon of the Bible consisted chiefly of Moses's Writings, for all the Historical Books were not extant at that time, and 'tis certain none of the Prophets were. 5. They sacrificed not in the Temple at Ierusalem, but on Mount Gerizim, where they had a king of a Temple peculiar to themselves, and was to them as that at Ierusalem was to the Iews. It was built at first for them by 1 Sanballat, two hundred Years after it was destroy'd by I. Hircanu [...]; Herod, when he rebuilt Samaria, made a Temple in it, but the Samaritans worship'd not in it, but on [Page 394] Mount Gerizim. 6. They were averse to many of the Mosaick Rites and Ceremonies, and differ'd from them in several parts of Worship: Some say they were inclined to Idolatry. 7. They, as well as the Sadducees, held there was no Resurrection or Future Life, which was directly contrary to the firm Belief and Perswasion of the Iewish Church. For these Causes they were extremely hated by the Iews, and were not admitted to Conversation or Worship with them. Whence that common Saying, He that eats Bread with the Samaritans is as if he eat Swines flesh. And another in use among the Jews was this, If a Samaritan pronounce a Blessing, it is not lawful to say Amen after it. They must neither eat nor pray with this People, but look upon them as Accursed.
There were the Galil [...]ans, Luke 13. 1. who were rather a State-Party or Faction than a Sect. Their Principle was, not to submit to the Roman Government, for they held it unlawful to obey a Magistrate that was a Pagan. Some think they were the Followers of Iudas the Galilaean, Acts 5. 37. 2 Ioseph the Iew, after he had reckon'd up other Divisions among the Iews, mentions this, and tells us that they were as to the main Pharisees, but this they had peculiar to themselves, that they most impetuously desired Liberty, believing that God alone is to be esteem'd and call'd a Lord and Prince: they underwent the most exquisite kinds of Punishments, rather than they would recede from this Opinion, and rather than they would give any mortal Man the Name of Lord. It may be observ'd that the Ringleader of this Party is call'd Simon by the foresaid Jewish Writer in his 3 Book of the Iewish War, as well as Iudas in his Book [Page 395] of 4 Antiquities, because perhaps he had both these Names.
Thus and much more was the Iewish Nation divided into Sects and Factions, thus it was disorder'd and corrupted. Their Priests and People, their Church and State, their Doctrine, Discipline, and Manners were all depraved. Religion was decayed every where, Vice and Wickedness were predominant in all places among them. And this was but a Specimen of what was more Catholick and prevailing in the Empire at that time, to which the Iews were Tributary: for with the Empire came in all Vice and Debauchery: nothing was approved of but Sensuality and Intemperance, and all Exorbitancy; and the Virtue, Modesty and Sobriety of Antient Rome were laid aside. When the World was thus out of Order, and was like to be worse, CHRIST the Redeemer arrived: he came to bless us with greater Discoveries of God's Will, to inform and amend the erring and sinful World, to give Rules of exact Holiness, and to commend Religion and Virtue by his own Example. And besides, the World was at that time engaged in Wars and Tumults, and frequent Battels, attended with confused noise and Garments roll'd in Blood; nothing but Disorder, Outrage and Slaughter insested the Earth: and lo! at such a time as this the Prince of Peace visited the World, and brought with him Tranquillity and Repose, and created a great Calm and Serenity in the World. This shews how seasonable the Incarnation of Iesus was, and why he came at that time, and wherefore Christianity was introduced at that very Season, and not before.
8. and Lastly, God hath always discover'd himself to be a God of Order and Method; he proceeds by [Page 396] certain Steps and Degrees. And this may satisfie us why the Christian Dispensation took not place till other Dispensations had gone before. God erected not this huge Fabrick of the World in a moment, but proc [...]eded leisurely and by degrees. The World began with a Chaos and Con [...]usion, the Earth was at first a floating Bog, it w [...]s without form, and void, but in six days time it grew to what it is. So was it with Religion, its first day was in Adam, the second in Noah, the third in Abraham, the fourth in Moses, the fifth in the Gentile Oeconomy, and the sixth and last in the Messias: thus it gradually clear'd up, and had its Consummation in Christ. Observe as God in the Creation proceeded from things more imperfect to those that are perfecter; Trees and Plants and all Vegetatives were created before Beasts that have a sensitive Life; and at last he came to what was perfectest, Man, who hath a reasonable Soul, and is the most excellent of all God's Works in this lower World; Man, the worthiest Piece of the Creation, was made last of all: So there was the like Order and Method observed by God in framing and fashioning his Church; it was set up first with weak and imperfect things. The Laws and Constitutions given to the Sons of Men, were mean and low, and went no further than Natural Religion: it was like their feeding upon Herbs and Plants only. But afterwards Religion was inhanced by extraordinary Revelations and Discoveries, by positive Laws and Precepts: and by the Offering of Beasts, and other such Legal Observances, the Sensitive and Animal Life (as I may so say) the External and Bodily part of Religion was chiefly maintain'd. But at length Religion was inspired as it were with a Rational Soul, it became Manly, Spiritual and Refined: by the Gospel it came to be a Reasonable Service indeed, an inward Principle, a Law of Liberty and Love. Christianity is the last, but is the perfectest Dispensation in this Life.
[Page 397]What the Platonists hold concerning the several Powers and Faculties of Mens Souls, that in due time and place they orderly awaken into act, and when a lower Power is extinguish'd, a more extended and enlarg'd Capacity succeeds it, a more divine Faculty and Life spring up and are envigorated; what these Philosophers (I say) hold concerning human Souls, is true of Religion, and its several Dispensations. There is a gradual Subordination of these [...]everal Oeconomies, and upon the Cessation and Extinction of one that is inferiour, a more Sublime and Perfect one arises in its Room: and it is God's Will and Pleasure that these divers Administrations shall take place in their Order, and that one shall not anticipate the other. It seems good to the All-wise Creator to reveal the knowledg of himself by degrees, to discover his Will as it were by parcels. God dispenseth not all his Favours together, not all at once: but the mani [...]estations of his Will grow greater and greater successively. He gradually instill'd into the World the Notion of a Messias: the Prophetical Promises concerning him were higher and higher: by little and little the Sun of Righteousness arose, and shined more and more unto a perfect Day. This is the Divine Method, he proceeds from imperfect to perfect things, from the Shadow to the Substance, from Types to Realities, from lesser to greater Discoveries. He thought good to train up his Church in this manner, and by meaner Communications to make way for the most compleat delivering of his Will. Still all along one Administration exceeded another, till at last Christianity arrived, which was Highest of all.
Those words of the Apostle to the Hebrews are very remarkable to this purpose: those under the Law, saith he, received not the Promise (i. e. the full extent of it in the Coming of Christ) God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made [Page 398] perfect, Heb. 11. 39, 40. He gives here the Reason why the Iews under the Legal Oeconomy had not the Promise compleated, why Christ came not in those days, viz. because the Church was to be perfected by Degrees. The condition of the Church before Christ was not to be compleat. They had their good things, but we were to have some better thing, that it might be seen that God proceeds in a gradual and successive Way; and that he will have things done in their due Season and Course: that we may take notice of this, that the Frame and Fabrick of Religion shall be reared by little and little to its Perfection, that God intends to reserve the best things till last; in short, that after Christ's Coming, Religion was to be at its full Age, and that this Glorious Dispensation should crown all. Thus by the different Stages and Progressions, the divers Courses and Periods of the Church in successive Ages, God hath thought fit to shew himself a God of Order, and not of Confusion. And so I have finish'd the Reasons why the Christian Disp [...]nsation was deferred so long, and why the Blessed Author and Founder of it came no sooner.
A Compleat HISTORY Or SURVEY Of all the Dispensations and Methods OF RELIGION, From the beginning of the World to the Consummation of all things; As represented in the OLD and NEW Testament.
SHEWING The several Reasons and Designs of those different Administrations; and the Wisdom and Goodness of God in the Government of his Church, through all the Ages of it.
The Second Volume.
In which The Certainty of the Christian Religion is demonstrated against the Cavils of the Iews, Deists, &c.
LONDON, Printed for Daniel Brown, Ionath. Robinson, Andrew Bell, Iohn Wyat, and E. Harris. M.DC.XC.IX.
- THE Truth and Certainty of the Christian Oeconomy, and consequently of Christianity it self, evinced. That the Mosaick Dispensation was not design'd to be perpetual, is proved from, 1. The Prophesies concerning the enlarging of the Church, together with the nature of the Jewish Observances. 2. God's dispensing with the Mosaick Rites and Laws. 3. Their being neglected sometimes by the Holiest Men. 4. God's disregarding them. 5. The Confession of the Jewish Rabbies. An Objection, viz. that it is said the Mosaick Law shall be for ever, dis [...]inctly answer'd. Prophesies which seem to relate to the Jewish Church are to be interpreted concerning the Christian one. It is not necessary that there should [...]e a Formal Abrogation of the Ceremonial Law, because when the Reason of a Law ceases, the Law it self ceaseth. But yet, it is shew'd from sundry places in the New Testament, that the Ceremonial Law is formally and expresly abrogated. We are assured of the Truth of the Christian Religion from Humane Testimony. The Testimony of the Outward and Bodily [Page] Senses is made use of, and appealed to in the New Testament, as an Argument of the truth of Christianity. St. John's Words, 1 Ep. 1 Chap. 1, 2, 3. ver. commented upon. There is no certainty in Religion, especially in the Christian, if the Testimony of Sense be not allow'd of. The Apostles, and those who heard and saw the things done by our Saviour, were Credible Persons. The four Evangelists and other Writers of the New Testament were competent Witnesses of what they relate. Their Personal Qualities (which are particularly reckno'd up) render their Testimony worthy of all acceptation. The Christians that succeeded them faithfully deliver'd things to us. Their Lives are a proof of their Integrity. Their Sufferings and Death are an undeniable Argument of their testifying the Truth to us. An Heap of Evidences that we are not imposed upon by them. The very Jews bear witness to the Truth of Christianity. The manner of their congratulating our Saviour at his riding into Jerusalem particularly consider'd. Heathens attest the Truth of the Christian Religion. So do Infernal Spirits. P. 417.
- All the ways of Divine Revelation under the Mosaick Dispensation were made use of under the Christian one. Voices. The Testimony of Angels. Visions. Dreams. The Holy Spirit. The fulfi [...]ling of the Prophesies of the Old Testament is an irrefragable Argument of the Truth of the New Testament. Prophesies concerning the Birth of our Saviour, Isa. 7. 14. cleared from the Cavils of the Jewish Expositors. It is shew'd how these Words may have reference to something in King Ahaz's days, and yet belong to Christ's Birth. Prophesies in the Old Testament that relate to Christ's Life and Actions. Others [Page] that refer to his Sufferings and Death. Some that foretel his Resurrection and Ascension. Other more general Predictions concerning him. Several prophetick Passages concerning the Branch proved to be spoken of Christ. The Hebrew Word for the Branch is refer'd to in the New Testament. The two Zacharies agree. The Iews Objection, viz. that the Messias was to be another kind of Person than what Jesus of Nazareth was, answered. Another Objection, viz. that the Messias was to bring universal Peace, answer'd. A third Objection of the Iews, viz. that their Sins have hindred the Messias's coming at the promised time, answer'd. The Objection raised from 2 Sam. 7. 13. removed by clearing the sense of the Text. Other extravagant Fancies concerning the Mess [...]as, caus'd by their mistaking the Prophesies of the Old Testament concerning Christ's Coming. The Conclusion; that all the Prophesies concerning the Messias are fulfil'd in Jesus, and consequently are a demonstration of the Truth of Christianity. p. 457.
- The Miracles wrought by Christ. What those Baskets were which were fill'd with Fragments. Christ not only fed, but healed the Bodies of Men. He did other Miraculous Works. The Apostles, as well as our Saviour, exerted many Miracles. An Objection from 1 Tim. 5. 23. answer'd. Five Properties of a true Miracle. Counterfeit and lying Wonders. The Miracles of Christ and his Apostles were accompanied with seven peculiar Circumstances which prove them to be from God. What were the Ends and Designs t [...]ey propounded to th [...]mselves in working of Miracles. An Objection from Mark 11. 14. answer'd. Several Interpretations of [...] [Page] Words [ the time of Figs was not yet.] Why Christ cursed the barren Fig-tree. Another Objection from Mat. 8. 30. answer'd. Two other Ob jections answer'd. The Personal Qualities of the Apostles argue the Miracles which they wrought to be true and real. A Reply to the several Cavils against the Miracles of our Saviour. An account of the wonderful things done by some Pagans, especially Vespasian and Apollonius Tyanaeus. The Miracles which the Church of Rome pretends to are proved to be Counterfeit. It is shew'd from Scripture, the Confession of Jews and Pagans, and the nature of the thing it self, that Miracles are a Testimony of the Truth of Christianity. Miracles were necessary for confirming of the Gospel, on several Accounts. p. 491.
- The wonderful prevailing and spreading of Christianity another proof of the Truth of it. Some of the learnedst and wisest Jews converted to Christianity. A Catalogue of knowing and learned Pagans in the five first Centuries that abandoned Gentilism, and embraced the Christian Religion. Remarkable Instances of the Power of the Christian Truth. The virtue of the Gospel far exceeds that of Philosophy. Examples of great and rich Men converted to the Christian Faith. This prevail'd against the rage of the most powerful Persecutors. The more the Gospel was oppress'd, the more it flourish'd and prosper'd in all Nations. Examples of God's remarkable Judgments on the Enemies of Christianity, especially on the Nation of the Jews. This latter insisted upon, and shew'd to be an Argument of the Truth of Christianity. Particular Inferences from this part of the Discourse, viz. 1. Assent t [...] the Christian Religion. 2. Assert and defend it. More General [Page] Inferences from the whole Christian Dispenpensation are such as these, 1. Admire the transcendent Excellency of it. 2. Be thankful for it. 3. Learn [...]ence our great obligation to Holiness and strictness of Life. This enlarg'd upon. 4. If we live not sutably to this Dispensation, our doom will be more intolerable than that of others under the foregoing Oeconomies. It appears from the general behaviour of Men that this is not thought of. 5. We are to look upon this as the last Dispensation. This is the meaning of Eph. 1. 10. which words are fully expounded. This is infer'd from the Gospel's being call'd the New Testament. And from those Expressions [ the last times] [ the last days]. Wherefore we must not expect any New Dispensation. P. 534.
- The several Ages of Christianity. It was in its Infancy in our Saviour's time. The Apostles knew little concerning his Sufferings and his Resurrection. The effusion of the Holy Spirit was but mean in respect of what it was afterwards. The Church was in its Childhood in the times immediately after our Saviour. There are no Errors and Mistakes in the Writings of the New Testament. Some necessary Points of Christianity deliver'd in the Apostolical Epistles that are not in the Gospels and Acts. Some relicks of Judaism remain'd in the Apostles times. An Explication of the Decree of the Council at Jerusalem. It is particularly proved that the Prohibition concerning the eating of Blood is not obligatory under the Gospel. Yet in the first times of the Church many observed it. The difference of Dispensations as to Abstinence from some sort of Food. Judaism and Christianity were mingled together in the primitive Ages. An enumeration of several [Page] Extraordinary Gifts that were in the Christian Church at first. The Youth or riper Years of Christianity described. The cessation of extraordinary Gifts argues the Progress and Growth of the Christian Church. Miracles no part of this subordinate Dispensation. The non-Appearance of Angels is a Proof of the Improvement of Christianity. The usefulness and necessity of attending to the different Administrations of Religion, especially the Christian. p. 585.
- That Christianity shall arrive to Manhood or Full Age is proved by several Arguments, 1. God's Method in the World. 2. The low ebb of Christianity hitherto. 3. The number of those that perish. 4. The gradual Improvement of all Arts and Sciences. The several Objections concerning the Decay and Senescency of the World, made use of by Jewish, Pagan, and Christian Writers, fully answer'd. That the World decays not as to Learning and Arts, is made good from the Improvements of Navigation, the Inventions of Gun-powder and Guns, of Printing, of Clocks and Watches, the preparing of Sugar, the Advances in Anatomy and Physick, Astronomy, Arithmetick, Chymistry, Mechanicks, the Stile of Writers. It is congruous to the Divine Providence and Wisdom that Religion also should have its Improvements, as well as Arts and Sciences, and accordingly it hath been greatly advanc'd and increas'd by the Reformation. From the Increase it hath had already, we may gather that there will be farther Accessions afterwards. The virile and complete State of the Christian Church prou [...]d from several places of Scripture, Mat. 24. 3. & 19. 28. Acts 3. 21. Rom. 8. 19, 20. Heb. 2. [Page] 5. & 9. 10. 1 Cor. 1. 7. 1 Pet. 3. 8. From those divers Texts that we meet with in the Old Testament which make mention of the Kingdom, and Reigning of the Messias. A five-fold acception of the Kingdom of Christ in the New Testament. The 1 Cor. 15. 25. urged. The Millenary Reign. The Rise of the Antient Opinions about it. It is proved that Christ shall not personally reign upon Earth. The deceased Saints shall not rise again to reign with him here. What is meant by the Souls of them that were beheaded for the Witness of Jesus. What is to be understood by their living and reigning with Christ. Two late Writers take it in a literal Sense, but without any ground. Who are the rest of the Dead that lived not again. What are the first and second Resurrection. The Reign of Christ a thousand Years is to be upon Earth. By a thousand Years we are to understand a certain and definite Number. Some Opinions concerning the Beginning and End of the thousand Years refuted. Mr. Brightman's odd Fancy rejected. We have had some Forerunners and previous Pledges of the millenary Kingdom. Mr. Mede's Opinion, which joins Christ's Reign and the Day of Iudgment together, consider'd. p. 609.
- The Millenary Reign is attended with the Destruction of Antichrist, i. e. Papists and Mahometans. This proved from several Passages in Scripture. How the Papal Antichrist shall be destroy'd by the Spirit of God's Mouth. Another Attendant of the Reign of Christ upon Earth, is the Conversion or Fulness of the Gentiles. An Objection answered. A twofold Calling, or Conversion of the Gentiles, Partial and Total. The Parable in Luke 14. [Page] speaks of this latter. The Occasion and Manner of this Conversion. The Progress of Arts and Sciences hath imitated the Motion of the Sun. The like is observable of Religion. The General Conversion of the Jews is a third Concomitant of the Reign of Christ. Whether the Jews shall be fixed in their own Countrey again. The Author's Iudgment concerning the Texts of Scripture, which are alledged to prove the National Conversion and Return of the Jews. Lev. 26. 38, 39, &c. is meant of the General Return of that People. In Deut. 30. 1, &c. there is a Primary and a Secondary meaning. The latter applied to the Ten Tribes. The future Restoration of the Jews proved, from Isa. 11. 11. from Isa. 60. from Hos. 3. 4, 5. from Amos 9. 14. from Zech. 12. 10, &c. from Luke 2. 30, 31. from Luke 21. 24. from 2 Cor. 3. 14, &c. from several Passages in Rom. 11. What is meant by all Israel. The 26, 27, 28, and 29 Verses particularly consider'd, and shew'd to be Arguments for the Complete Conversion of the Jews. The 7. Rev. 4. speaks of this. The Occasion, Manner, and Means of it (both ordinary and extraordinary) enquired into. p. 673.
- Universal Righteousness is another Attendant of this Last Dispensation. An Objection doubly answered. It is not a Sinless State. Greater Knowledg than ever, shall be at that Time. Religion shall then appear in its Native Purity. The Influence of the Holy Spirit on Mens Lives, shall be more effectual than formerly. Jesus shall in a more emine [...]t manner be exalted. Other Fruits of this happy Reign. How these great things shall be wrought. Civil Magistrates shall be made use of. Christ's [Page] Reign is not inconsistent with that of Kings and Princes. Ecclesiastical and Spiritual Rulers shall be Instruments in this great Work. All Persons are some ways capable of promoting it. Universal Peace is another Blessing that att [...]nds this Kingdom of Christ. On what account it must needs [...]e so. Scripture attests it. An Objection o [...]viated. A Concurrence of all manner of Temporal Blessings in this happy State. More especially Bodily Health, and Long Life. Also a vast Increase of the People of that Time. The Savage Brutes shall become Tame and Gentle. Th [...]se Earthly Blessings are but Appendages of this Dispensation. They are Inconsiderable, in respect of the Divine Blessings which constitute this State. The Author's Doubtings and Reluctances. He is not positive as to Particular Circumstances. He cannot determine concerning the Fore-runners of this Revolution. The Freedom he uses in a Point that is highly probable. He follows not some late Writers in assigning the particular Time when the Millenary Reign shall c [...]mmence. The punctual Date is not to be known. The Thing discoursed of is certain, tho the Time as to us is not so. The Degeneracy of the present times is no obstacle to this. The Author leaves a Testimony of his Wishes and Desires. p. 721.
- The Last part of the Evangelical Dispensation, under the loosing of Satan out of his Prison. Who are Gog and Magog. Not only the Mahometan but the Roman Power shall be revived. The last Days, before the end of the World, shall be extremely Wicked. They shall be exceeding Perillous and Calamitous. Christ comes to Judgment. The Conflagration of the World succeeds this, whatever some [Page] have suggested to the contrary. A Particular Answer to a late Writer's Arguments on this Subject. It is observed how be resembles Origen. A plain Exposition of those Words, Nevertheless we look for New Heavens and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness. A farther Proof from the same Chapter. The Nature and Design of the Final Conflagration. The Sum of the whole preceding Discourse. p. 760.
Errata to the Second Volume.
PAg. 424. l. 28. r. indication. P. 505. l. 31. r. true nature of. P. 510. l. 17. r. were for. P. 518. l. 29. dele and consequently. P. 527. l. 12. r. the most learned Bp. Stillingfleet. P. 536. l. 17. dele that. P. 543. l. penult. before a insert who was. P. 560. l. 16. r. and it. P. 586. l. 16. r. ensuing that. P. 630. l. 8. for on r. no. P. 631. l. 3. from the bottom, after all make a full Stop. P. 675. l. 9. r. intensness. P. 676. l. 16. r. as the. P. 677. l. 17. dele only. l. 18. r. naturally. P. 697. l. 23. place yet after not. P. 770. l. 23. r. s [...]ender. P. 772. l. 4. for Adverb r. Conjunction discretive.
A SURVEY Of the Various Methods and Dispensation
[...] OF RELIGION, &c.
The Truth and Certainty of the Christian Oeconomy, and consequently of Christianity it self, evinced. That the Mosaick Dispensation was not design'd to be Perpetual, is proved from 1. The Prophesies concerning the enlarging of the Church: together with the nature of the Jewish Observances. 2. Gods dispensing with the Mosaick Rites and Laws. 3. Their being neglected sometimes by the Holiest Men. 4. God's disregarding them. 5. The Confession of the Jewish Rabbies. An Objection, viz. that it is said, the Mosaick Law shall be for ever, distinctly answer'd. Prophesies which seem to relate to the Jewish Church are to be interpreted concerning the Christian one. It is not necessary that there should be a Formal Abrogation of the Ceremonial Law, because when the Reason of a Law ceases, the Law it self ceaseth. But yet, it is shew'd from sundry Places in the New Testament, that the Ceremonial Law is formally and expresly abrogated. We are assured of the Truth of the Christian Religion from Humane Testimony. The Testimony of the Outward and Bodily Senses is made use of and appealed to in the New Testament, as an Argument of the truth of Christianity. St. John's Words, 1 Ep. 1 Chap. 1, 2, 3. ver. commented upon. There is no Certainty in Religion, esp [...]cially in the Christian, if the Testimony of Sense be not allow'd of. The Apostles and those who heard and saw the things done by our Saviour were Credible Persons. The four Evangelists and other Writers of the New Testament were Competent Witnesses of what they relate. Their Personal Qualities (which are particularly reckon'd up) render their Testimony worthy of all acceptation. The Christians that succeeded them faithfully deliver'd things to us. Their Lives are a proof of their Integrity. Their Sufferings and Death are an undeniable Argument of their testifying the Truth to us. An Heap of Evidences that we are not imposed upon by them. The very Jews bear witness to the Truth of Christianity. The manner of their Congratulating our Saviour at his riding into Jerusalem particularly consider'd. Heathens attest the Truth of the Christian Religion. So do Infernal Spirits.
[Page 418] [Page 419]111. I Am to shew the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Oeconomy, and therein of the Christian Religion. And here first we must grapple with the tenacious and stubborn Iew, for his Dispensation being so Antient and Authentick, he is loth to quit it. I must prove therefore (before I go any further) that it is nulled, abrogated and superannuated. We need not say much of the Iudicial Law: It is the Ceremonial one which makes Iudaism properly, and is the most opposite to the Christian Administration. The Iudicial Laws, so far as they make for Peace and good Order in the Government, and so far as they are sutable to the present State of Affairs, may be observed still; but then they oblige not as part of the Mosaick Law, but as they are good Rules of Government in themselves. But the main Part of the Iudicial Law is not at this Day practicable amongst the Iews themselves; they being dispersed, and no longer in a Body, that Law cannot be made use of, and consequently doth not oblige them. And any one may see plainly that that Polity and Government was not to last for ever, as they foolishly dream. For it was not fitted for the Tempers of all People, not proper for all Countries, but was in most things calculated for the Iewish Meridian only, and for the present Circumstances that People were in at that time, and therefore it is evident that it was to be changed afterwards.
I do not lay any stress on what may be observed of the different Manner of delivering the three Laws, Moral, Ceremonial, and Iudicial, but only let it be [Page 420] an occasion to suggest to us a right Notion concerning the different Nature of them. The Ten Commandments or Moral Law was delivered on the top of the Mount, in the face of the World, as it were to signify that it was of universal Influence, and obliged all Mankind. But the Ceremonial L [...]w was received by Moses in private, in the Tabernacle, which may hint to us that it was of a peculiar Concern, it belong'd to the Iews only, it was to cease when the Tabernacle was down, when the Veil of the Temple was rent. And as for the Iudicial Law, it was neither so publickly and audibly given as the Moral Law, nor so privately as the Ceremonial, which may intimate to us the Nature of that sort of Law: it is of an indifferent kind, and may be kept up or not according as its Rules sute with the Place and Government. It is then the Ceremonial Law, wherein the Religion of the Iews (as distinct from other People) chiefly consisted, which I am ingaged more especially to speak of at present.
The first thing that I will undertake is this, to shew that the Mosaick Oeconomy was not designed to be perpetuated, but that it was to be changed, and to give way to the Evangelical one. If this be proved, it is a good step towards the main Point, viz. the Truth of the Evangelical Oeconomy.
1. That the Mosaick Dispensation was not to last always, is clear from the many Promises in the Old Testament of inlarging Religion, and of extending the Church to the uttermost parts of the World. Which is no ways consistent with the Mosaick Oeconomy, for according to the Law all the Males were to assemble at Ierusalem, and to worship there thrice a Year. But when upon the Messias's coming all Nations were to imbrace the true Religion, how was it possible for the remotest Nations of the World to come and sacrifice at Ierusalem, and constantly to [Page 421] meet there at solemn Feasts? Ierusalem could not hold them, the Temple would be too little for the Worshippers. This is a Sign that God intended not to confine his Church to Iudea, but that he designed a Religion which should be Universal, and oblige the whole World. According to the Law Sacrifices were to be no where but at Ierusalem: But it is said in Isa. 19. 19, 23. There shall be Altars and Sacrifices to the Lord in Egypt and Assyria: and in Mal. 1. 11. From the rising of the Sun even unto the going down of the same, my Name shall be great among the Gentiles, and in every place Incense shall be offer'd unto my Name, and a pure Offering. Therefore the City of Ierusalem was not to be the only Seat of solemn Worship and Sacrifice, but upon the coming of the Messias Oblations were to be all the World over. God saith of his Church, which is his House, that it shall be called a House of Prayer to all Nations, Isa. 56. 7. Mark 11. 17. That is, the Church shall be open to all without respect of Persons or Countries: which must needs be (and was always acknowledged) a Prophesy concerning the spreading of Christianity, and its being imbraced by some of all Nations under Heaven. Therefore it is said by the same Evangelical Prophet, in the last Days all Nations shall flow unto it, Isa. 2. 2. So in Isa. 56. 3, 4, 5. we find that Strangers and Eunuchs, Persons uncapable by the Mosaick Law of being of the Communion of the Iewish Church, shall be admitted into it.
And that is yet more remarkable which you read in the same Prophet Chap. 66. where after it was plainly foretold that the Gentiles should have a Holy Church, and that there should be an Offering to the Lord out of all Nations, ver. 20. this is added in the next Verse, I will also take of them for Priests and for Levites, saith the Lord. Observe it, there shall be Priests and Levites taken from the Gentiles, which is [Page 422] absolutely against Iudaism, for the Priesthood amongst the Iews was tied to that certain Nation, yea to a certain House and Family amongst them. Therefore it is evident that the Iewish Religion was Temporary, and was to cease. This is obscurely intimated in Ezekiel's Model of the Temple, Chap. 40. &c. There never was any such thing, no such Dimensions and Platforms: it is a vast unwieldy thing: his Temple is as big as all Ierusalem, and the Ground allotted the Priests and Levites equals all Canaan. It is likely therefore that this prefigureth the Christian Temple, or the Church under the Gospel, which was to be capacious and large. But I need not make use of these obscure and mystical Places, after I have produced so plain and evident ones as those before mention'd. It is undeniable that those several Prophesies could not be accomplished if the Old State of the Iews was to be perpetual: Ierusalem was too little, the Land of Iudea could not serve for those purposes which are there spoken of.
Here also it might be observ'd that the Passover, their great and most famous Ordinance, was a Memorial of a particular Deliverance vouchsafed to the Iewish People, and therefore was proper to them, and appertained not to other Nations. Hence it was that the Iews themselves did not require of the Proselites a Conformity to this Law, nor indeed to any other of the like peculiar Nature. Yea, themselves were not obliged to observe some of the Mosaick Laws if they were in other Countries, as those of First-fruits, Tithes, and the Sabbatick-year, the Iubilee. In Canaan only these and other Constitutions were to be kept, as is confess'd by their own Writers. Their Laws concerning Sacrifices, and Incense, and Feasts, are ceas'd at this day amongst them, because they were confin'd to that place, and were not to be observ'd any where else. Thus a considerable part of the [Page 423] Iewish Laws are now abolish'd by their own Confession, they being dispersed into other Countries. This might convince them that Iudaism was to give place to Christianity, which is large and fitted for all the World, which hath God, the Church, Religion, and Salvation all in common. This is a great Prerogative of Christianity that it is Universal, and excludeth no People or Nations, whereas the Religion and Worship of the Iews was narrow and scant, and confined to themselves; which is a Demonstration that it was Temporary, and that there was to be a change of the Mosaick Law and Administration.
2. This appears if you consider likewise that God dispensed with the Mosaick Rites and Ceremonies, and did not always exact the observance of them: which he would have done if they had been perpetual Laws, and were designed to continue to all Ages. Thus God dispensed with Circumcision, not only as to the Time which was punctually assigned by the Law, viz. the eighth Day (for when the Infants were sick, Circumcision was put off till they were well) but he dispensed with the very Act, and Performance it self. All the time the Israelites were in the Wilderness, (which was forty Years) they neglected to circumcise their Children (and indeed there was no occasion for it, because they then needed not to be distinguished from the Nations, being not mingled with them, and besides, it was inconvenient in their Marches and Removals) as may be gather'd from Ios. 5. 2. Circumcise again, &c. and more plainly from what follows, v. 5. The People that were born in the Wilderness by the way, as they came forth out of Egypt, them they had not circumcised. All that time the Celebration of the Passover was omitted in the Wilderness, or it was celebrated but once in those forty Years, Num. 9. 1, 2. Ios. 5. 10. All the Sacrifices and Oblations, tho commanded and appointed them the first Year they came into the [Page 424] Desert, were omitted all the time they were there, excepting some Peace-offerings and Sin-offerings which you read of in Exod. 40. 29. But the daily Sacrifice was not offered, and the constant use of all sorts of Sacrifices prevailed not. And afterwards, when they came into Canaan, God dispensed with the Law * concerning Sacrificing only in the Tabernacle: for Elias sacrificed at Carmel, and Samuel at Mishphat, (unless we shall say that the Law had not reference to these Extraordinary Sacrifices) and more Instances might be produced of that kind. As to the Resting on the Sabbath-day (which was a direct Injunction of the Law) it was not observed when they besieged Iericho on that day. And other punctual and peremptory Commands of the Mosaick Law were not observed.
And I could add, that many things commanded in the Iudicial Law were dispensed with by God, for he who enjoyned them had Power to do it. A Bastard was not to come into the Congregation, Deut. 23. 2. Yet Iepht [...]ah who was of that Character was prefer [...]d, and that by Gods own Order, to be Judge of Israel. So the Judicial Law was violated by letting Saul's Sons, who were hang'd up, remain so long a time on the Gibbets. Hence it appears that the Obligation of the Mosaick Laws is not perpetual▪ for this relaxing and dispensing made way for annulling them, and were a certain vindication that the Iewish Laws were to be laid aside.
3. You may take notice that as God himself dispensed with these Laws, so the best Men were oftentimes very neglectful of them. Thus Gideon, Manoah and David sacrificed not according to the strict direction of the Law. And the last of these eat the [Page 425] Shew-bread when he was press'd with extream hunger: and Hezekiah ordered the Passover to be celebrated otherwise than it was written in the Law, 2 Chron. 30. 18. So careless were they of precisely observing the Cermonial Injunctions. And here it might be observed how the holy Men and Prophets despised the service of Sacrifices, and all the other Duties of the Law in comparison of inward Goodness, Vertue and Holiness, and spiritual Exercises and Performances of Religion. The Psalmist speaks to God after this manner, Psal. 51. 16, 17. Thou desirest not Sacrifice, else would I give it thee; thou delightest not in Burntoffering. The Sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit: a broken and a contrite Heart, O Lord, thou wilt not despise. The Son of this Royal Prophet is plain and downright in this matter, to do Iustice and Iudgment is more acceptable to the Lord than Sacrifice, Prov. 21. 3. Whom Philo that worthy Jew follows, saying, * God is not delighted with the Flesh and Fat of Animals, but with the harmless Disposition and pious Intention of the Worshipper. And not only this Writer, but several † other professed Iews acknowledg that Sacrifices were but a secondary sort of Service, they were not in their own nature good, nor required for their own sake; but the primary and main part of divine Service and Worship, are Prayer, Repentance and Obedience. As for Circumcision, it was not esteem'd to be of absolute necessity, and accordingly was not always perform'd by them. Some Iews lived all their days uncircumcised, yea some of their very Pri [...]sts ministred at the Altar tho they were never circumcised: For if the first, second and third Son died of Circumcision [Page 426] (as sometimes happen'd) the Sons that were born afterwards were not circumcised, and yet were accounted true Israelites and true Priests, as Dr. Lightfoot informs us. For, as one of their Rabbins saith, Israelites are not bound to perform the legal Precepts where Death will certainly follow; for 'tis said, ye shall keep my Statutes and my Iudgments, which if a Man do, he shall live in them, not die in them.
4. Observe how God himself despiseth and vilifieth, rejecteth and hateth these legal Rites and Observances in themselves consider'd, and as abstracted from real Vertue and Piety. The Psalmist brings in the Almighty speaking thus, Will I eat the Flesh of Bulls, or drink the Blood of Goats? offer unto God Thanksgiving, and pay thy Vows unto the most High, Psal. 50. 13, 14. Hear what the Lord saith by the Prophet Isaias, To what purpose is the Multitude of your Sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord.—Who hath required this at your hand? Bring no more vain Oblations: Incense is an Abomination to me, Isa. 1. 11, 12, 13. and so in chap. 66. ver. 1, 3. Thus saith the Lord, He that killeth an Ox is as if he slew a Man; he that sacrificeth a Lamb as if he cut off a Dogs Neck: he that offereth an Oblation as if he offer'd Swines Blood: he that burneth Incense, as if he blessed an Idol. God by another Prophet upbraids the Jews [...]hus, To what purpose cometh there to me Incense from Sheba, and the sweet Cane from a far Country? Your Burnt-offerings are not acceptable, nor your Sacrifices sweet unto me, Jer. 6. 20. and again, chap. 7. ver. 22. I spake not to your Fathers, nor commanded them in the Day that I brought them out of the Land of Egypt, concerning Burnt-offerings and Sacrifices. But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my Voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my People: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you. That in the Prophesy of Hosea may be here inserted, I desired Mercy, [Page 427] and not Sacrifice; and the Knowledg of God more than Burnt-offerings, chap. 6. ver. 6. Acts of Charity and Mercy are prefer'd by God before the choicest Performances of the Mosaick Law. But that in the Prophet Amos is much higher, I hate, I despise your Feast-days, and I will not smell in your solemn Assemblies. Tho ye offer me Burnt-offerings and your Meat-offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the Peace-offerings of your fat Beasts. But let Iudgment run down as Waters, and Righteousness as a mighty Stream, Am. 5. 21, 22, 23. Hither are to be referred the Words of the Prophet Micah, Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow my self before the High God? Shall I come before him with Burnt-offerings, with Calves of a Year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Rams, or with ten thousands of Rivers of Oil? He hath shew'd thee, O Man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love Mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Mic. 6. 7, 8, 9. From all which places it appeareth that the Ritual Service of the Iews was in it self of no Worth and Value: else it is certain God would not have thus slighted and disregarded, yea loathed and abhorred it. And if the Ceremonial Observances had no intrinsick Goodness in them; if Sacrifices, Circumcision, difference of Meats, &c. were not enjoyned for themselves; if the Matter of these Laws were not really good, we may thence arrive to such a Conclusion as this, that there is no such Excellency in the Iewish Religion as to give it a Perpetuity, and that it is most reasonable to believe that these Rites and Constitutions were to be repealed and cancelled in due time.
5. And Lastly, many of the learnedest Rabbies hold that the Law is mutable. All Sacrifices shall cease in the Ages to come, but the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving shall never cease, saith R. Kimchi [Page 428] on the 100 Psalm. It was a Tradition amongst the Jews, saith Abarbanel in Rosh Amanah, that in the times of the Messias the Jews should feed upon Swine, as well as other Animals. The Talmud it self acknowledgeth that the Ceremonial Law is to last no longer than till the Messias's coming, and that then Swines Flesh shall be lawfully eaten. Again, they confess * that all those Precepts which more immediately respect the Iewish Nation (which make up the greatest part of their Law) shall not be observed in any other Country. Further, they say, † There are six hundred and thirteen Precepts of the Mosaick Law, but ‖ David came and contracted them to eleven, then ‡ Isaias brought them down to six, afterwards ** Micah reduced them to three, †† Isaias brought them to two, at last ‖‖ Amos contracted all the Law into one. Thus they were willing to abate of the number of the Laws: they saw there was no need of that Multiplicity of Precepts and Injunctions, especially concerning external Rites and Ceremonies. And many other Sayings and Intimations there are in the Rabbies which confirm this, and which plainly shew that they were of the Opinion that the Mosaick Rites were not immutable, but that the time should come when they shall be abolish'd.
But we are accosted with this Objection, The Sacred Scripture it self declareth that the legal Ceremonies and Rites shall be perpetuated, for of the Circumcision, the Passover, the Sabbath, and many other observances of the Mosaick Law, it is said that they shall be ‡‡ for ever. I answer,
[Page 429]1. That the Hebrew Words which we translate [...] ever do not absolutely and necessarily imply Perpetuity, but sometimes they only signify a long Duration. Thus of the Jewish Servant it is said, he shall serve his [...]aster for ever, Exod. 21. 6. i. e. till the Jubilee come about▪ as it is interpreted in Lev. 25. So Hanna [...] saith she will bring her Son Samuel to the Temple, that [...] may appear before the Lord, and there abide for ever, i. e. all his Life, 1 Sam. 1. 22. The Doors of the Temple are said to be everlasting, Psal. 24. 7, 9. i. e. the Temple it self and its Gates were fixed and permanent (in comparison of the Tabernacle and Ark which were removed from place to place) and they were a Fabrick that were to last a long time. And in many other Texts it might be shew'd that Gnola [...] signifies a Finite, tho a long time. Wherefore those places before refer'd to, which speak of the Mosaick Rites being for ever, must not be understood of an endless Duration, but they only signify that that Administration should last a very considerable time, and so it did.
2. These legal Rites and Ceremonies, as to any alteration from the Iews, were to be for ever. They were not to change them in the least, none but God could alter them, who designed to do so in due time: for he intended those Mosaick Precepts should continue to such a certain period of time, and no longer. These Words of Ieremiah are very observable, Chap. 3. 16. It shall come to pass in those days, saith the Lord, they shall say no more, the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, neither shall it come to mind, neither shall they remember it, neither shall they visit it, neither shall it be magnified any more; i. e. The Mosaick Rites and External Ceremonies of the Law shall not be in request, as they were before, Men shall not prize and value them as they used to do, yea they shall lay the use of them aside: but this they must not do till they have [Page 430] Authority from God. And God revealed to the Prophet Daniel that he would alter the Law after a certain Revolution of Years: The Messias shall cause the Sacrifice and Oblation to cease, Dan. 9. 27. But it was unalterable in respect of the Jews themselves.
3. The Promises and Predictions in the Old Testament (which are very many) concerning the perpetual Duration of Ierusalem, and the Temple, and the Iewish Worship, and their Polity and Government, are to be understood of the Perpetuity of the Church of Christ and his spiritual Kingdom. And to this purpose you may observe that in the Writings of the Old Testament, where the Times of the Gospel are foretold, the Evangelical Worship and Service of God are set forth by sacrificing, and other the like Observances commanded in Moses's Law. By the Ritual Worship of the Jews is express'd the reasonable and spiritual Service of the Gospel; and by those Expressions which seem to denote the Perpetuity of the former, the Duration of the latter is signified and ascertained to us.
This is a most certain Truth, and the observing of it will lead us to a right understanding of a great number of Texts which speak of the Iewish Laws and Government, as if they were to continue for ever, without any Limitation and Restriction. We are to know that those places, especially the Prophesies in Isaiah concerning the glorious things that shall befal Ierusalem and the Iews, are to be interpreted of the State of the Christian Church: they are to be understood of the Spiritual Kingdom of the Messias, and the Times of the Gospel. Sacrifices and the Temple signify Spiritual Oblations and the Gospel-Church: for the Evangelical Prophet is to be understood in an Evangelical Sense. The Angels Words concerning Christ in Luke 1. 32, 33. The Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his Father David, and he shall reign over the House of Iacob for ever, and of his Kingdom there shall [Page 431] be no end, are a plain Comment on all those places in the Old Testament, where the Perpetuity of the Mosaick Laws and the Jewish Oeconomy and Government is promis'd. They shew that they are all meant of Christ and his Kingdom, i. e. his Church both here and hereafter, which was prefigured by David's Kingdom. From what this Heavenly Messenger saith here, we learn that the Prophesies concerning the endless continuance of the Throne of David, of raising up to [...] David their King, Jer. 30. 9. of raising up the Tabernacle of David, Am. 9. 11. of God's setting up his Servant David, Ezek. 34. 23. are all accomplish'd in Christ. And indeed the Jewish Commentators themselves acknowledg that the Messias is often stiled David in these and other Prophesies of the Old Testament: nor are they backward to confess that by David's Throne and Kingdom is meant the Messias's Government, as is plain from Psal. 132. 11. 2 Sam. 7. 12. 1 Chron. 22. 10. where God promised David that Christ should sit on his Throne: which is taken notice of, and applied not only in the forenam'd place in St. Luke, but in Acts 2. 30. For Christ is represented by David, and the Evangelical Dispensation is express'd in Terms which relate to the Iewish Administration and Government. So that it is no wonder this is said to be for ever, for it shall last to the end of the World, and afterwards Christ shall reign in the Kingdom of Glory to eternal Ages. This, if duly considered, cannot but yield a satisfactory Answer to the foregoing Objection, as well as give light to several Prophesies of the Old Testament.
But here it will be asked, where hath God formally abr [...]gated the Ceremonial Law of the Jews? I answer, it is not necessary he should do this, for the Law ceaseth when the Reason of it ceaseth. Now the Reason of the C [...]r [...]monial Law and all its Observances was chi [...]fly to prefigure Christ, and the Gospel of [Page 432] which he was the Institutor: and therefore they are now ceased, Christ being come, of whom they were but Figures and Shadows. The Abrogation then of those Mosaick Rites wherein the Religion of the Iews was placed, may be proved by this one Argument, viz. that Christ was designed by the legal Rites, that the Ceremonial Law was a Prefiguration of the Gospel-Dispensation. Here it might be shew'd that the Evangelical Oeconomy was prefigured by certain Persons, as Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ioseph, Melchisedec (about the last of whom the Author to the Hebrews spends a whole Chapter:) these were Typical Persons as well as Moses and Ioshua, and some others afterwards. And not only Persons but Things were Typical, as the Pillar of a Cloud, the Red Sea, the Manna, and the Rock, which two last were Symbols of the Evangelical Sacraments, the Eucharist and Baptism, 1 Cor. 10. 1, 2, &c. and the lifting up of the brazen Serpent signified Christs Crucifixion, Iohn 3. 14.
But if I should speak of those that are properly Legal Rites and Vsages, it is yet further evident that they were Representations of our Saviour, and of the grand things of the Gospel. As for Sacrifices, I have treated of them already, and made it appear that they foresignified the expiatory Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. As for the Tabernacle and all the appurtenances of it, I have particularly display'd their Typical Nature, and how they all pointed to this Dispensation I am now speaking of. I might proceed to make this good concerning the Ceremonious Washings and Purifications under the Law, that they typified some greater Purity, they signified the Spiritual cleansing and sanctifying of the Soul, and the abstaining from all filthiness of Flesh and Spirit. The Apostle acquaints us that the difference of Meats and Drinks, observing of a Holy Day, or of the New Moon, or of the Sabbath Days, were a shadow of things to come, [Page 433] but the Body (of this Shadow) is Christ, Col. 2. 16, 17. The Truth, the Solidity, the Substance are to be sought for in some higher things than those were, even in Christ Jesus, and in the Benefits of the Gospel. Yea he tells us that the whole Mosaick Law is but a shadow of good things to come, Heb. 10. 1. All the things contained in it are but rude and imperfect Delineations of that compleat Frame of Religion which the Messias was to introduce.
This was the thing designed all along; the Ritual and Ceremonial Law with all its external Rites tended to this pure and uncorrupted Model of Religion. It was appointed that the Law should adumbrate the Gospel, that that Oeconomy should prefigure this. Therefore the Apostle saith, the Law was our School-master to bring us to Christ; which shews the inferiour Nature of the Law, and that it was to indure but for a time, for the Authority of a School-master over those whom he teacheth is but Temporary. The legal Pedagogy was to cease, and Christ was to be the end of the Law to every one that believeth, Rom. 10. 4. It is then evident from the Premises that the Iewish Law is disannul'd: for when the Reason of a Law ceases, that is sufficient to change the Law, because as it commenced upon Reason, so when that is taken away, the Law it self is abolish'd also. This is the present Case: the Ceremonial Rites and Types were designed to represent and foresignify Christ and the Evangelical Benefits: Wherefore Christ being come, and having brought with him those Benefits, the former mystical Representations and Figures ought to have a Period. So that the Reason and Occasion of these Ceremonious Observances being removed, this is sufficient to repeal and reverse those Laws, especially when you consider that Christ's Miracles (of which I shall speak afterwards) were plain Evidences of God's Intention to repeal the Law.
[Page 434]But (to close this Point) we are not destitute of a Formal Abrogation of the Jewish Laws, for such we may justly reckon our Saviour's Words to be in Iohn 4. 21, 23. The hour cometh when ye shall neither in this Mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father. The hour cometh, and now is, when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. Where first he acquaints us that the publick Worship of God shall not be restrain'd to one particular place: which very thing is a cancelling of the Mosaick Law, which gave Directions chiefly concerning the Temple-Worship. They shall not, saith he, be confined to Mount Gerizim where the Samaritans had fix'd the Seat of their worshipping, or to Mount Ephraim in Samaria where Shiloh was, the place where the Tabernacle and Ark rested from the beginning of Ioshua's time till Samuel; nor shall they be confined to Ierusalem, whither the Tabernacle was afterwards brought, and at length converted into a Temple: nor in any other place exclusively shall Men worship God, but every Place and Country shall be alike, and God shall have Worshippers in every part of the World. This utterly makes void the Iewish Ceremonial Service, which was tied to a certain place. And our Saviour adds this (which doth yet further evacuate it) that the Worship under the Gospel must be in Spirit and Truth, in contradistinction to the legal Worship which was made up of carnal Ordinances, and mere Shadows and Types, which were but Representations of that which is true and real. Thus he plainly erases and abolishes the Mosaick Service, and calls those that worship God in the Evangelical Manner the true Worshippers.
Again, the greatest part of the Epistle to the Hebrews is a direct and downright repealing of it. Nay, we want not the formal Words of Abrogation, as in Heb. 7. 18, 19. There is verily a disannulling of the Commandment going before, (i. e. the Legal and Iudaical Oeconomy, [Page 435] which he calls a carnal Commandment, ver. 16.) for the Weakness and Unprofitableness thereof: for the Law made nothing perfect. Here is an express disannulling of the Mosaick Law. And moreover the Reason of it is rendred, viz. because it was weak and imperfect, and had little Power to amend and reform Mens Lives. You will find it also formally repeal'd in Heb. 8. 7, 8, 13. where the Apostle treating of the Old and New Covenant (by which he means the Law and the Gospel, as I have before shew'd) he thus concludes: If the first Covenant had been faultless, then should no place have ben sought for the second. For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold the Days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a New Covenant, &c. In that he saith, a New Covenant, he hath made the first Old. Now, that which decayeth and waxeth Old is ready to vanish away, or (according to the Greek) it is near to vanishing. Certainly this [...] speaks as much, if not more, than Abrogating. And in * another pl [...]ce, where he speaketh of the legal Worship which consisteth chiefly in Sacrifices, and Offerings for Sin, and not in inward Holiness and sincere doings of God's Will, (which is the Evangelical Service) he applieth the Psalmist's, or rather our Saviour's words, Sacrifice and Offering thou wouldest not: Then said I, Lo, I come to do thy Will: this is infer'd, that he taketh away the first, that he may establish the second; i. e. the Messias abolisheth the Iudaical Service, that the may set up and perpetuate the Evangelical one.
It can then be no longer questioned, whether the Iewish Law was abrogated, and that in formal and express Terms. Those carnal Ordinances (as the Apostle speaks, Heb. 9. 10.) were imposed upon them only until the time of Reformation, i. e. of the Gospel. When that came, they were made void, null, and dead: [Page 436] And this Epistle to the Hebrews seems to be the Sermon which St. Paul preached at their Funeral, or the Office of Burial on that occasion. Here is Ashes to Ashes, and Dust to Dust, a fatal Period put to the Iudaical Rites, the Law interred and intombed, never to rise again; but the Gospel springs out of those Ashes, a new and a more noble Dispensation succeeds in its room. And thus I have abundantly proved what I undertook, that the Law of Moses consisting in Ceremonies was not to continue, but was in time to be nulled and dissolved, and that by the coming of Christ they are accordingly nulled, dissolved and abrogated.
Hitherto I have in a more remote manner proved the Certainty and Authority of the Evangelical Oeconomy, and consequently of Christianity it self. But now I will approach nearer, and proceed to a more positive and particular Proof of the Authority of the Gospel-Dispensation. Christ succeeds Moses, the Gospel follows the Law: but quo jure? There must be as great Testimony for the one as there was for the other, or else it cannot be received on good Grounds. Let us see then how this Dispensation will acquit it self. There are two kinds of Evidence, Humane and Divine, the Testimony of Man, and the Testimony of God: The first creates a humane Faith, the second a divine one in us. Both of these we have in the present Matter.
First, we are furnished with Humane Testimony, i. e. we are assured of the Truth of the Christian Religion by a sufficient number of credible Persons, who have been either Ear or Eye-witnesses, or both, of all the Transactions relating to Christ and Christianity. And here I will shew, 1. That this sort of Testimony is frequently made use of and appealed to in the New Testament, as a sufficient Argument and Proof of Christianity. 2. That the Testimony of the Apostles and other Christians who lived in our Saviour's time was the Testimony of credible Persons, and [Page 437] therefore ought to be reckoned by us a valid and substantial Proof of Christianity.
1. The Testimony of credible Persons who have heard and seen what Christ did, is o [...]ten made use of and appealed to as a good Argument of the Truth of Christianity. Thus St. Luke in the beginning of his Gospel, to conciliate a Belief of what he was to deliver, declares he design'd to record nothing but what was delivered to him by such as * from the beginning were Eye-witnesses, and Ministers of the Word, i. e. not only those who saw Christ, and what he did, but were personally and actually concerned in many of those things, as walking on the Sea, casting out of Devils, &c. those who had a part in these great and miraculous Actions, those who were not only Spectators but Actors. These I take to be the † Ministers of the Word here meant, as the Original importeth. So you see this Evangelist lays his Foundation on the Testimony of Sense, he deems it good Ground of Satisfaction, that what he writes concerning Christ and his miraculous Doings is attested by those who were Eye-witnesses of them, and who most sensibly convers'd with our Saviour, and shared in some part of the things done by him. This he knew would cause them to be most surely believed among the Christians, ver. 1. So to the Testimony of Sense St. Peter and St. Iohn appeal'd, Acts 4. 20. When the Rulers of the Iews sent for them, and commanded them to preach no more in Christ's Name, their peremptory Return was this, we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. As if they had said, Gentlemen, what is this that you require of us? It is most strange that you would have us to deny our Senses, and to give no Credit to our Ears or Eyes. All of you, as well as [Page 438] our selves, can attest the things that have been said and done by Iesus of Nazareth. Our Ears have heard his heavenly Doctrine, and our Eyes have seen the Wonders he wrought in Confirmation of that Doctrine. Would you have us believe and act contrary to our Senses? This was never required by any reasonable Men, for they always thought that the Evidence of Sense is valid and fully satisfactory.
St. Peter likewise in his Sermon, in Acts 10. builds upon this Rock, We are Witnesses (saith he) of all things which he (i. e. Christ) did both in the Land of the Iews and in Jerusalem, whom they slew and hang'd on a Tree: Him God raised up the third Day, and shew'd him openly, not to all the People, but to witnesses chosen before of God, even to us who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead, ver. 39, 40, 41. We Apostles accompanied Christ our Master when he went about doing Good, and working Miracles; we were no idle and remiss Spectators of the marvellous things he did in all places where the Jews inhabited. And tho they maliciously put him to death, and thought that then they had made an end of him, and that he should never appear again; yet we are Witnesses that the same Iesus who died on the Cross rose again within three Days, and appear'd publickly to us all: we familiarly convers'd with him, we saw him and we heard him; and when one of our number was backward to believe his miraculous Return from the dead, he bid him approach nearer to him, and feel and handle him, that by that as well as other Senses he might be satisfied of our Saviour's Resurrection. We are certain therefore of it, and by consequence of all the other Doctrines which we preach. We appeal to sensible Demonstration: This clears us of all Imposture. And hear what the same Apostle saith in one of his Epistles, We have not followed (saith he) cunningly devised Fables, when we made known unto you [Page 439] the power and coming of our Lord Iesus Christ, but were Eye-witnesses of his Majesty (2 Pet. 1. 16.) i. e. l, and Iames and Iohn saw such things at Christ's Transiguration which are an undoubted Proof of his Divinity. And in the next Verse but one he adds that they were Ear-witnesses also, for speaking of the Voice which came to Christ from the excellent Glory, he saith, This Voice which came from Heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy Mount, ver. 18. As much as to say, you have no cause, Brethren, to fear any Imposture from us, you may be easily convinced that we come with no Fables and Forgeries, because we give you assurance of what we say from our own Eyes and Ears; we go upon sure Ground, our very Senses report to us what we declare to you: therefore you may be confident of the truth of it. St. Paul, as well as St. Peter, makes his Appeal to the Verdict of Sense, in the matter of Christ's Resurrection. He was seen of Cephas, and then of the Twelve: After that he was seen of above five hundred Brethren at once; after that he was seen of James, then of all the Apostles, and last of all he was seen of me also, 1 Cor. 15. 5, &c. He proves that Christ rose from the dead, because the bodily Sight gave Evidence of it: This is one good Argument, or rather Demonstration of the Certainty of the thing.
Many other places there are to the same effect, but I will mention but one more, and that is of St. Iohn 1 Epist. 1 chap. 1, 2, 3. ver. That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our Eyes, which we have looked upon, and our Hands have handled of the Word of Life (for the Life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal Life which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us) that which we have seen and heard, declare we unto you, that ye also may have Fellowship with us. Take this short Gloss upon the whole, That which was [Page 440] from the beginning, those things that were destined from Eternity, and were of old all along prefigured, shadowed and foretold by Moses [...] and the Prophets, concerning Christ and the Gospel; which we (who are Apostles) have heard from God the Father, testifying and audibly speaking from Heaven, and by the preaching of his Son Christ Jesus; which we have seen with our Eyes, viz. Christ's many Miracles, and all the strange and wonderful things that happen by his coming, these we have beheld with our bodily Eyes, with our own Eyes, not relying on others; which we have looked upon, what we have narrowly pried into, what we have often viewed, and not slightly and perfunctorily; and our Hands have handled: Here the third Sense, the Touch, is concern'd. Before Christ's Death, and after his Resurrection we discern'd him to be a true Man even by the Sense of Feeling: And in many other things which happen'd this Sense was interested, as in the Earthquake at Christ's Passion, and in the shaking of the House where the Apostles were met, and in sundry other Occurrences. Thus our Senses have been exercis'd and employ'd about the Matters which belong to the Word of Life, i. e. Christ, who is called the Word, and the Life, and here ( ver. 2.) he is called the Eternal Life which was with the Father. Or by the Word of Life are meant the things relating to the Gospel, which sheweth us the way to eternal Life. For the Life was manifested, viz. by Christ's assuming our Flesh, and conversing with Men on Earth; and the Grace of God in the Gospel hath appeared, and manifested it self to all Men by his coming. And we have seen it, and [...]ear witness: And again, that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you. By all these ways the Doctrine of the Gospel is cleared and manifested, and proved to be true. We have found it to be so by the Testimony of our Senses, and accordingly we preach, we pro [...]laim, we testify, we [Page 441] declare these things to you, and not only to you, but to all the World, that they may be ascertained of the Truth of the Christian Religion, and come into the same Fellowship with us, and heartily imbrace the Gospel.
Thus the Apostles, tho divinely inspired, appeal'd to the rational Evidence of Sense, for they knew that this was satisfactory to all sober and intelligent Men, and that the highest Evidence that can be desired for Proof of Matter of Fact is the Testimony of those Persons who were Eye and Ear-witnesses of it; and that if the Testimony of the bodily Senses by not allowed, there is no Certainty of Religion, or of Divine Revelation by which Religion was convey'd, for this was by the Ministry of the Senses, especially Hearing and Seeing. Nay, the Veracity and Faithfulness of God may justly be call'd in question if you take away this Evidence, for how can we attain to Truth unless God communicates it to us? But how can he do that if our Senses (being rightly disposed, viz. when the Organ is sound, the Medium fitly qualified, and the distance of the Object duly proportion'd) be deceived, if when we are really perswaded that we see and hear such things, we do not see them or hear them? Must we not hence conclude that God deludes us, and that in a Matter which concerns his Glory and our own Happiness, and consequently that his Sincerity and Truth are impaired? Into this Blasphemy must they needs run who deny the Truth of the Senses given us by God. And upon this it will follow that there are no credible Ear or Eye-witnesses, and so no certain Testimony of Matter of Fact. If the Evidence of our Senses be not to be made use of, and allowed as authentick, then all the Passages recorded in the New Testament, concerning Christ's Birth, Life, Miracles, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension are of no Credit: For these are to be proved, as other Matters of Fact are, by Testimony of Witnesses [Page 442] who heard or saw those things. In short, if our Senses be false, the whole Gospel is a Lie and a Cheat, for ought we know: For it is impossible we should have any assurance of the truth of any thing there unless God hath given Men Senses which are capable of discerning one thing from another, and unless the Persons likewise who attested those things from the Verdict of their Senses were Men that might be credited. And this is the present Case which we are concerned in, as I shall make evident by the next Particular.
2. The Testimony of the Apostles and other Christians who lived when our Saviour was upon Earth, and [...] heard and saw the things done by him, is the Testimony of credible Persons, and consequently is an unquestionable Proof of the Truth and Reality of those things which they attest. That they were credible Persons will appear if you consider;
1. They had sufficient Means to acquaint themselves certainly whether the things which they attested were true or no. This is the main thing which is to be cleared, and therefore I will chiefly insist on this. That they were furnished with sufficient Ability to know what they related, methinks should not be denied by any one who considers that they were no Fools or Children, they were not mad or senseless, they had a share of Understanding as well as others, and their Ears and Eyes were as good as other Mens. The things which they related might evidently be known by them, being Objects of common Sense, and of general Cognizance. Can there be any reason then to think that these Persons were not competent Judges, as well as others, of these Matters? But as they were naturally capable of judging in these things, so I will make it evident that they had all Means and Opportunities of informing themselves throughly concerning those things which they delivered. [Page 443] Some of them were Eye-witnesses, others Ear-witnesses of what they report, and sometimes both: or else they certainly informed themselves of the truth from others who saw or heard those things. What St. Luke professeth of himself is true of all the Evang [...]lical and Apostolical Writers, they had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, Luke 1. 3.
As for the four Evangelists, two of them, Matthew and Iohn, were of the number of the Apostles, who were Persons particularly chosen out by Christ on purpose to be Eye-witnesses of his Actions: and some have infer'd from Acts 1. 21, 22. that it was a necessary Qualification of an Apostle to be an Eye-witness. It is certain that these two forenamed Persons were such: They lived with their Master, and were * present at his Miracles, and saw what they writ. The latter of these especially was made more than ordinarily conscious to Christ's Words and Actions, and was his Familiar and Intimate. The other two Evangelists were not Apostles, but they inhabited and convers'd in the same Regions where Christ did these things, and at the same time when he acted them. Herodotus, Plutarch, and other Historians writ of things done in former Ages, and afar off in other Countries and Kingdoms, which makes their Relations to be suspected sometimes. But these Men lived in the Places and Times, where and when the things were done, and therefore they could easily attain to a true and impartial Account of them. I cannot say, with † I [...] rom, that St. Mark and St. Luke did not see our Saviour, but I grant that most of the things related by them were not within their own sight or hearing. Yet this is certain, that they receiv'd what they writ from those who were both Ear and Eye-witnesses. [Page 444] St. Mark was a Disciple of St. Peter, who was intimately acquainted with Christ's Actions, and could inform him concerning every Particular of his Doctrine, Life and Death. St. Luke had St. Matthew and St. Mark's Writings to direct him. And he professes moreover ( chap. 1. 1, 2.) that he receiv'd all he writ from those very Persons who were Eye-witnesses. Besides, he was a constant Companion of St. Paul, who had all those things revealed to him by God in Heaven, which is as much as if he had seen and heard them. As for the Acts of the Apostles, St. Luke could not but give a full and perfect Account of the Actions related there, because he was an inseparable Attendant and Associate of St. Paul, about whom most of that Book is spent. The Epistles contain chiefly holy Doctrines, divine Counsels, seasonable Reproofs, and pathetick Exhortations, but they are not wholly destitute of Matter of Fact. They were writ either by those that were properly stiled Apostles, as St. Peter, St. Iames, St. Iohn and St. Iude, who therefore could not be ignorant of what they delivered concerning Christ and the things he did: or they were writ by St. Paul, who was an Apostle extraordinary, immediately called and sent by God to preach the Gospel, being first fully instructed in all Matters relating to Christ and it by divine Revelation.
It might be yet further made evident that the Writers of the New Testament had perfect knowledg of what they writ, and that they were sufficient Witnesses of what they relate, because the Matters of Fact were so frequent, and so often repeated, as also because they were done near them, and not far off, and so they could easily know the truth of them: moreover, because they were done publickly, and in the open Light, and not in a Corner: because they were done before so many Witnesses, before Apostles and Disciples, and thousands of the People, who [Page 445] were Spectators and Auditors of what happen'd. I might add that the Evangelists publish'd the Stories of Christ and his Doings when thousands were alive who knew the Facts, and might have oppugned them if they would: but they did not. Especially St. Matthew publish'd his History while yet the Persons lived on whom Christ's Miracles were wrought, and innumerable others who were Witnesses thereof were then surviving. Hence it appears that it was difficult for the Evangelical Writers to conspire and combine together in a Lie, and to deceive the People, if they had had a mind to it. They might soon have been confuted if the things they attested had been false. The Cheat was easily to be found out amongst so many Witnesses, and in things so often acted, and in the Face of the World. Therefore it is morally impossible that there should be a Cheat and Delusion, these things being thus.
2. The Personal Qualities of the Evangelical Writers and other Christians who attested these things argue that they were credible Witnesses, and that their Testimony was worthy of all acceptation. This is clear from such Considerations as these, viz. that most of them were simple and unlearned Men, and so were not fit Persons to devise these things. It is no ways probable that they could invent such high and mysterious matters, yea indeed no humane Wit was able to do it. This shews that they were not deceivers, and that they did not voluntarily deliver a falshood. Likewise, it is to be remembred that they were no idle and loose Persons, but were of an honest condition and way of Life, they were poor Tradesmen and Fishermen that lived on their work and lawful callings, and therefore it is altogether improbable that they were designing Men, and that they made it their business to cheat, and impose upon the World. Again, their Integrity, Candor, and Simplicity, appeared [Page 446] most signally in their Writings, seeing they relate their own failings, and impartially set down the grossest miscarriages of their Brethren, as Thomas's Infidelity, Peter's denying of his Master, the Apostles flying from Christ at his Passion, and many other things: which none but Honest, Plain and True-hearted Men would have recorded and transmitted to Posterity. Further, what they did was not out of Ambition and Love of Honour: for Pride, self-seeking, vain Glory, over-valuing of Men, crying up Paul and Apollos and Cephas were Vices and Practices which they both preach'd and writ against. And to let you see that this was not counterfeit, their Lives answer'd to what they professed: in their Carriage and Behaviour none were more humble and self-denying; which proves that they acted not out of Applause, and Affectation of Honour from the People, but were sincere and faithful in what they did. Nor could they speak or act for Gain and Wordly Profit, for they were Men that despised Riches as much as Honour: They lived meanly and poorly, and were beholden to the Charity of others for a subsistence. Which shews that they had no design to enrich themselves, and to grow great in the World. They foresaw, and knew, and perswaded themselves of this before-hand, that their Profession would expose them to the greatest Dangers and Hazards, and that Bonds, and Imprisonment, and Death it self would attend them; yet notwithstanding this they resolved to preach the Gospel, and to follow their Master whatever befel them. And lastly, to give you an irrefragable Demonstration of their Integrity and Sincerity, most of them laid down their Lives to testify and confirm what they had deliver'd: they sealed the Gospel with their Blood, they died for what they preach'd and writ. This is a sign they were in earnest. Thus if you consider the Personal Qualifications of the Apostles [Page 447] and Evangelists, who were Witnesses of Christ's Actions, you must necessarily grant that they were Persons to be believed, that their Evidence is authentick, and we have no reason to think they were deluded themselves, or deluded us. For the Proof of Fact consisteth chiefly in Witnesses, who must be knowing and honest Men. This makes them to be credible Persons; and such were the Relators of those things which concern our Saviour. Wherefore, to have them attested by a sufficient number of Persons of that Character, is enough to assure the Truth of them. We have no cause to dispute whether those things were so or no: but on the contrary we have good Foundation for a firm Assent to them.
But tho the Disciples and Apostles did not cheat us, yet perhaps we are deluded by th [...]se that came after them. It may be they have not truly deliver'd things to us. How can we depend on their Words? Reports are oftentimes false. There are untrue Representations of things which are very near to us: much more may there be of Actions which are so far off, and were so long ago. How then shall we credit History and Tradition, i. e. the Church's delivering these things to us? I answer, we may and we ought to believe the Persons who receiv'd these things from the Apostles, viz. the pious Teachers, Fathers and Bishops of the Primitive Church, and the Godly and Faithful Christians of those days; we ought (I say) to credit these as well as the Apostles themselves: for we have the most cogent Reasons to perswade us that they truly and faithfully delivered down to us those things. This I will make good from the Consideration; 1. Of the Persons that transmitted these things. 2. Of the Evidence of the Cause.
First, as to the Persons, I will consider both their Lives and their Deaths. Their Lives are sufficient proofs of their Integrity in delivering the Scriptures [Page 448] of the New Testament to us, and of their confident belief of the Truth of all that is contain'd in them. The Primitive Christians lived after another rate than we do now: They did not wrangle and quarrel as we do, they did not [...]ight, and devour one another, as the manner of too many is of latter times, but they were remarkable for their mutual Love and Concord, for their Humility, Meekness and Condescension to one another: and they were admired for their Gravity, Sobriety, Self-denial and Patience; they were eminent for their Piety towards God, and their Innocent and Righteous dealing with all Men. The Ministers practised what they preached, and the People were ambitious to imitate their Preachers; and both were singularly Good and Virtuous. This was it which gain'd so many Proselytes to Christianity in those first times, this brought them to a perswasion of the Truth and Reality of Christ's Doctrine. Therefore when Origen had excellently proved the Truth of Christianity to Alexander Severus, that noble Emperor ingenuously confessed that he was more convinced of the Truth of that Religion by the humble and loving carriage of Christians than by all Origen's Arguments. The exemplary and blameless Conversation of those Primitive Professors argued that the Doctrine and Principles of their Religion were real and certain. For how can it enter into any sober Mans thoughts that such holy and upright Men (true followers of the Apostles and Disciples of Christ) would have constantly confessed and owned the Christian way, unless they had been throughly convinced of the Truth of it, and that it was the very same which was confess'd and acknowledg'd by the Apostles themselves? These Holy and Godly Men made Conscience of a Lie, and counted it a heinous Crime to falsify: yea, they esteem'd it no less than a damnable Sin to disbelieve or misreport those things concerning Christ and the [Page 449] Christian Doctrines. They were really perswaded in their Minds that their Salvation lay at stake, that their Eternal Welfare or Everlasting Ruin were concern'd in these things: And can you imagin then that they would report them falsly, and impose upon the World by delivering things which were counterfeit?
Again, as the Lives so the Suffering and Death of the Saints in the Primitive Days, and in the succeeding Ages are an undeniable Argument of the Truth of what was deliver'd to them, and of what they conveyed to us. They underwent the most exquisite Pains and Torments with ineffable Courage and Constancy, and nothing could prevail with them to renounce the Christian Religion: insomuch that when the Pagan Adversaries in those days would express any thing to be impossible, they did it thus, * Ye may sooner make the Professors of Christ quit their Masters [...] Doctrine. This was a thing not to be effected; for those Persons first of all forsook their worldly Goods, and then parted with their Lives to hold fast their Religion. This patient Suffering and undaunted Dying of so many thousands is an unquestionable Proof of the Truth of Christianity. For those enlightned and sanctified Men would never lay down their Lives to maintain a Falshood, and to perpetuate a Lie. No: they knew whom they believed in, and for whom they suffer'd, and that made them so couragious. We may conclude then that the Christian Doctrine is confirm'd by the Blood of those Worthy Men: those expiring Saints did testify the Truth of Christianity, and therefore they are stiled Martyrs.
Secondly, The Evidence of the Cause is an impregnable Argument of the Reality and Truth of these things which I am speaking of. There is this following heap of Evidences. 1. A great Presumption, arising [Page 450] from just Causes and Circumstances, yea and from a multiplicity of them: which in all Courts of Judicature is of considerable weight and value with understanding Judges. This first, but lowest sort of Evidence the Christian Church since our Saviour hath not been destitute of, for there were never higher Presumptions in any Cause under Heaven than there were in this. But we need not mention this, when we have, 2. The Notoriety of the Facts, i. e. when the things in trial are openly and commonly known, when they are avouched by publick Fame, and the universal Vogue of Men. And that this was the case of Christianity ever since Christ left the Earth, cannot be denied by any Man of Modesty and Truth. 3. The Succession of Christians and Churches in the World is a plain Proof that they verily believed those things which made them Christians and Churches. Hereupon they deliver'd to us those Writings which they receiv'd from the Hands of the Evangelists and Apostles: by their transmitting them to Posterity they shew that they believe them to be sacred and certain Verities. 4. The Succession of Bishops and Pastors is an other Evidence, for it was their Office to read publickly the Scriptures of the New Testament, and to preach the Doctrines contain'd in them, and consequently to own them to be Truth; which is a good Motive to us to do the same. 5. The frequent Disputes which Christians in all Ages have held with those who opposed the Scripture and Christianity, are no mean Testimony in this Cause. 6. To these may be added the famous Writings of the Christians in the several Centuries, their Apologies, Dialogues, Sermons, Homilies, Orations, Commentaries, Histories: All which proclaim their serious and firm Belief of what they have convey'd down to us. 7. All Christian Churches have deliver'd to us certain Symbols or Articles of [Page 451] Belief, which they reckon'd to be the Standards of Evangelical Faith and Truth. 8. The Constant Communion of the Church, and the publick Worship of God in the solemn Assemblies of Christians ever since the days of the Apostles, the setting apart a Day for that Worship, the reading of the Scriptures at such times, the instructing the People out of them, the celebrating the Lord's Supper, the constant custom of openly rehearsing and pro [...]essing the Christian Belief, the Prayers and Praises offer'd to God in the name of Christ, the yearly Commemoration of the Birth, Death, and Resurrection of our Saviour, the Sacrament of Baptism which acknowledgeth the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 9. The sundry Decrees and Canons of Synods and Councils held in the Christian Churches. Lastly, the many Laws and Edicts of Christian Emperours and Princes in defence and confirmation of our most holy Religion.
These and all the rest before-named are clear Proofs and Evidences that the Evangelical Writings, which contain the Doctrine and Actions of our blessed Lord, were rightly and truly convey'd to us, and that we are in possession of the same Faith and Religion which Christ himself founded, and deliver'd to his Apostles and Disciples. The Tradition of these things is true and certain, and we may safely rely upon it. For tho the Authority of divine Truth depends not wholly on the Testimony of the Church (for then the Authority of the Scripture would not be Divine but Humane, and consequently not the Word of God, but of Man) yet the Church doth yield its Testimony to the Scripture, and that Testimony or Tradition is a good Ground of Belief. For Tradition is one way of communicating Matters of Faith and Fact to us. By it we have them transmitted to us, but this is neither the grand Motive, nor the Rule of our Faith: yet it is the Medium or Channel to convey the Belief of such things to us: and [Page 452] we are to use it and prize it as such, and to thank God that we have this (among other Means) to establish us in the Truth of the Gospel.
Hitherto I have consider'd the Testimony of Friends. I will shew you in the next place that even Strangers and Enemies, viz. Iews and Heathens bear witness to the Truth of Christianity.
First, as for the Iews, if Christ had not been thought by them to have been some extraordinary Person, yea to be of the Holy Ghost miraculously, why did they not prosecute Mary for an Adulteress? The Sin of Adultery was severely punish'd by their Law, and it was a very reproachful Crime. You may be sure they would have urged this hard, to the disgracing of the Son through the Mother. But tho Ioseph denied him to be his Son, and consequently she fell under the Law, yet you read no where that the Iews made use of this against her: which sheweth their tacit approving of Christ, and that his Birth was extraordinary and divine. * Suidas tells us that Christ was chosen one of the Priests of the Temple at Ierusalem, upon the death of one of the two and twenty, for his singular Piety and excellent Doctrine. Iosephus his Testimony of Christ is well known; and St. Iohn Baptist, his forerunner, is made mention of by most of the Hebrew Writers with exceeding Praise and Admiration of his Holiness. But I will con [...]ine my self to those Instances which are recorded by the Evangelists. St. Luke observes that when he taught in their Synagogues, he was glorified of all, Luke 4. 15. And in the following Verses he subjoins a particular Instance of his preaching in one of their Synagogues at Nazareth, and then adds, all bare him witness, and wonder'd at the gracious Words which proceeded out of his Mouth, ver. 22. Even some of the Jewish People who believ'd not in Christ, cried [Page 453] out, he is a good Man, John 7. 12. Others said, of a truth this is the Prophet, ver. 40. And others, this is the Christ, ver. 41. And the Jewish Officers who were sent by the High Priests to lay hands on him, admired his wise Deportment and excellent Discourse, and freely declared that never Man spake like this Man, ver. 46. No one ever spoke Matters of greater moment and concern, and with that Simplicity and Plainness, that Authority and Efficacy which he did. When Herod harangued the People, they cried out, It is the Voice of God: But it was only the flattering Voice of the Multitude which made his such. Here it was otherwise, it was the real Voice of the true God, and his very Enemies attest the unparallel'd Efficacy of it.
Christ was confessed and owned by the Iews in a most signal manner when he rid into Ierusalem on an Ass, and when they strewed the way with Palm-branches, and when all the People applauded him, and treated him as some great Conqueror or mighty Prince, Mat. 21. 8, &c. For they were wont to congratulate the coming of such Persons to a place after that manner. So the valiant Simon was receiv'd after his Military Success, 1 Mac. 13. 51. So the Old Grecians in their Olympick Games after Victory wore wreaths of Palms, as a reward of Conquerors. And sometimes they bore the Branches of Palm-Trees in their Hands as the Emblem of Victory, because the Branches of this Tree grow streight and stately, as the * Hand extended; and tho they be loaded with much weight, yet they bear up against it, and shoot upwards. Hence it was that this Honour of bearing Palm-branches (and sometimes Branches of other Trees besides the Palm) was given to Princes in Triumphs. Thus Heliodorus saith that Hydaspes the King [Page 454] sent before him Harbingers of his Victory, shaking Boughs of Palm in token of it. Hence he that was generally applauded, and received publickly with the Acclamations of the People, was called [...], because they did not only strow Boughs but Leaves and Flowers in his way: which sort of Honour was stiled [...] and [...]. Nor were they contented with this sign of Favour, but they used to affix on the Doors of great Men the Boughs of Palm especially: which Honour * Lucian takes notice of, telling us that green Palm-branches were set up at the Doors of the Rhetoricians. Many more Testimonies might be alledged to this purpose. And I could add also that this bearing of Branches was used in the Worship of the Pagans, it being a Testimony of Honour to their Gods. How fitly then did it come to pass by the over-ruling Hand of Providence that the Messias, who was truly God and King, was receiv'd by the People with Palm-branches? He came in this triumphant manner into Ierusalem, and was saluted with Cries of Hosanna, and with that Gratulatory Benediction, Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord (John 12. 13.) to testify that his Kingdom was come, that he was to be victorious over Death and Hell, and that he was to be a mighty Saviour and Deliverer. I will briefly add two or three other Testimonies of the Iews: Caiphas the High-priest prophesied of Christ, John 11. 50, 51. One of the Thieves on the Cross (if he were a Iew, which some have question'd) acknowledg'd Christ, and cleared him; This Man, saith he, hath done nothing amiss, Luke 23. 41. And even Iudas who betrayed our Saviour confess'd his Innocency, I have sinn'd in betraying innocent Blood, Mat. 27. 4. [Page 455] Secondly, Heathens bear witness to Christ and the Truth of the Christian Religion. He was acknowledg'd and ador'd by the wise Men that came from the East. Tho he was condemn'd by Pilate, yet he was first acquitted by him, he declaring that he found no fault in him at all, John 18. 38. And his Wife sent to him, when he was on the Bench, to have nothing to do with that just Man, Mat. 27. 19. When a Title was to be set over the Cross, Pilate wrote Christ the King of the Iews, and would not alter it tho he was told of it, Iohn 19. 22. The Centurion who had at that time the Sheriffs place, and was to see the Execution perform'd, when he saw what happen'd utter'd these words, Truly this was the Son of God, Mat. 26. 54. He being a Pagan did not mean that Christ, the Person who then suffer'd, was the Son of God by eternal Generation. It is not the same Testimony with that of St. Peter concerning Christ, of a Truth thou art the Son of God, Mat. 14. 33. nor of the Disciples, we believe that thou art Christ the Son of the living God, Mat. 16. 16. But he meant he was a brave and excellent Person, a holy and good Man, unworthy of that which he underwent, one who had deserved nothing of what he suffered. And that this is the meaning is plain from St. Luke, who relateth this Passage of the Centurion thus, certainly this was a righteous Man, Luke 23. 47. So he explains St. Matthew.
Pliny, a Heathen Governour under the Roman Emperour, speaks honourably of the Christians, and he hath left a particular Testimony of their fair and peaceable Demeanour, as well as of their early Devotion, in a Letter which he writ to Trajan. The Publick Archives at Rome, and the known Writings and Monuments of the Heathens preserv'd the Memory of many notable things relating to Christ. Therefore Tertullian in his Apologies for the Christians often [Page 456] appeals to these, and bids them consult the Censual Tables and other publick Records which testify of those things. In brief, Profane History relateth many things of our Saviour, his Person, his Actions, his Death, the Prodigies that accompanied it, the great Changes made by that Religion in the World, and many other things appertaining to it, of which I shall largely speak in another place. Thus God directs the Hearts of Enemies to testify the Truth of the Gospel. And certainly this sort of Testimony is very considerable and convincing: * The Confession of Adversaries is ever look'd upon as such, this is deservedly thought to be authentick.
Nay, I could proceed further, and shew you that the Infernal Spirit, who is emphatically stil'd the Adversary, and hath shew'd himself the most implacable Enemy of Christ and his Cause, hath yet born witness to the Truth of them. Our Saviour is attested by Satan: the Devils acknowledg and confess him to be the Son of God, Mat. 8. 29. and at another time they confess they know who he is, the Holy One of God, Mark 1. 24. The very impure Daemons set forth the Praises of Christ's Followers, Acts 16. 17. These Men, say they, are the Servants of the most high God, who shew unto us the way of Salvation. We read that one of the Pagan Oracles owned the Child Iesus: and if that were true which some think, that the Sibyls were acted by an Evil Spirit, there is further proof that the Devil bears Testimony to the Holy Iesus, and that that lying Spirit voucheth the Truth of the Gospel. But here I must confess I have digressed, and not observed the Bounds which I set my self, for I propounded to speak only of Humane and Divine Testimony. The former I hope I have finish'd to the satisfaction of sober and considerate [Page 457] Persons. I have evinced the Truth of Christianity by all these Proofs and Evidences, viz. by the attestation of our Senses, by History, by Tradition, by Tongues and Pens, by Speeches and Writings, by the Church and the World, by Friends and Enemies, and by all things that prove any other Relations, or give Evidence concerning any other matters of Fact. So much concerning Humane Testimony, which is able to create in us a Moral Certainty and the strongest Humane Faith imaginable, and which is very serviceable to sit and prepare us for the Divine Testimony, which I am next to speak of.
All the ways of Divine Revelation under the Mosaick Dispensation were made use of under the Christian one. Voices. The Testimony of Angels. Visions. Dreams. The Holy Spirit. The fulfilling of the Prophesies of the Old Testament is an irrefragable Argument of the Truth of the New Testament. Prophesies concerning the Birth of our Saviour. Isa. 7. 14. cleared from the Cavils of the Jewish Expositors. It is shew'd how these Words may have reference to something in King Ahaz's Days, and yet belong to Christ's Birth. Prophesies in the Old Testament that relate to Christ's Life and Actions. Others that refer to his Sufferings and Death. Some that foretel his Resurrection and Ascension. Other more general Predictions concerning him. Several prophetick Passages concerning the Branch proved to be spoken of Christ. The Hebrew Word for the Branch is refer'd to in the New Testament. The two Zacharies agree. The Iews Objection, viz. that the Messias was to be another kind of Person than what Jesus of Nazareth was, answered. Another Objection, viz. that the Messias was to bring universal Peace, answer'd. A third Objection of the Iews, viz. that their Sins have hindred the Messias's coming at the promised time, answer'd. The Objection raised from 2 Sam. 7. 13. removed by clearing the sense of the Text. Other extravagant Fancies concerning the Messias caus'd by their mistaking the Prophesies of the Old Testament concerning Christ's coming. The Conclusion, that all the Prophesies concerning the Messias are fulfil'd in Jesus, and consequently are a demonstration of the Truth of Christianity.
[Page 458]IN the next place then the Christian Oeconomy and the whole Institution of the Gospel are confirmed by Divine Testimony. We are certain that the Christian Religion is from God, and consequently is undoubtedly true, because it is attested, 1. By all the ways of Divine Revelation used heretofore. 2. By the fulfilling of all the Prophesies of the Old Testament. 3. By the exerting of Miracles. 4. By the strange and stupendous prevailing of the Gospel. 5. By the Judgments which God inflicted on the Enemies of it.
First, I will shew that by all the ways whereby God spoke under the Mosaick Dispensation, he spoke likewise under the Christian one; and this being after that, it will at the same time convince the I [...]ws that [Page 459] their Dispensation is abolished, and confirm Christians in the belief of the Divine Authority of the Dispensation which they are now under. The Revelations, I say, under the Gospel are of the same kind with those before. I will reduce them to these following Heads.
1. The Jews had their Bath Kol, i. e. an Audible and Articulate Sound or Voice from Heaven, and so have we Christians. Our Saviour had this Divine Testimony thrice, first at his Baptism, Lo, a voice from Heaven saying, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, Mat. 3. 17. God the Father again by a Voice bore witness to him when he was on the Mount with Peter, Iames and Iohn, and was there transfigured; Mat. 17. 5. Mark 9. 1. Behold, a Voice out of the Cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased: hear him. Of which you will find St. Peter speaking in Epist. 2. Ch. 1. v. 17. And thirdly, at his Passion, when he was praying to his Father, there came a Voice from Heaven, and testified that his Prayer was heard: and the People that stood by and heard it, said that it thunder'd: others said, an Angel spake to him, John 12. 28, 29. Thus Christ was signally glorified by his Father, and declared by him to be the Messias, the Son of God, by a Voice from Heaven, attended with a kind of Th [...]nder. To this we may annex God's speaking in a rushing mighty wind, on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2. 2. And Christ Jesus himself, being in Heaven, spake to Saul thence by a Voice, saying, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Acts 9. 4. St. Iohn in the Apocalypse makes frequent mention of a Voice speaking to him, and revealing great things to him: where it is observable that Thunders and Voices go together, chap. 4. 5. and 8. 5. Thus the New Testament as well as the Old had the benefit of that Divine Oracle which the Iews stiled the Daughter of a Voice, i. e. a Voice from Heaven declaring the Will of God to Men. Afterwards, we are told in Ecclesiastical [Page 460] History that those who were set on work by Iulian the Apostate, to rebuild the Temple at Ierusalem, were defeated by Thunder, and a TERRIBLE VOICE that accompanied it from Heaven, thereby bearing witness to the Cause of Christianity.
2. The Iews had the Testimony of Angels, and so have Christians to confirm this Oeconomy. By these Heavenly Messengers Zacharias had notice given him of the approaching Birth of Iohn the Baptist, and the Virgin Mary had tidings brought her of the miraculous Conception of the Holy Babe Jesus in her Womb: and these were the Heralds that proclaimed the News of his Birth to the Shepherds. One of this Celestial Order appeared to Ioseph, and warn'd him to flie into Egypt with the Blessed Infant. These glorious Spirits gave notice of Christ's Resurrection: and when he ascended up to Heaven, another of this Celestial Hierarchy address'd himself to the Apostles, and assured them that in the like manner Jesus should come again to Judgment. Another of these Ministring Spirits came to the devout Cornelius, and bid him send for Peter that he might be the great and happy Instrument of converting him to the Christian Faith. The Angel of God stood by St. Paul in the Night, when he was on his dangerous Voyage, and ascertain'd him of his safety, Acts 27. 23. And sundry other instances there are of Angels making known the will of God unto Men in those early times of the Gospel, and thereby attesting the Truth of Christianity.
3. The Iews had the Mosaick Dispensation attested by Visions, and we have the same way of Revelation to ascertain us of the Truth of Christianity. Thus Zachariah saw a Vision in the Temple relating to the forerunner of Christ, Luke 1. 22. The Apostles who were at our Saviour's Transfiguration had the same manner of discovery, Mat. 17. 9. The Lord spake to Ananias in a Vision, Acts 9. 10. You read of St. Peter's [Page 461] Vision, whereby he was taught not to despise the Gentiles, Acts 10. 10, &c. A Vision appeared to Paul in the Night, Acts 16. 9. And again, the Lord incouraged him in a Vision, Acts 18. 9. Of St. Stephen it is said that he looked up stedfastly into Heaven, and saw the Glory of God (the Divine Shekinah) and Iesus standing at the right hand of God, Acts 7. 55. And we read in the Book of the Revelation, that St. Iohn had frequent Visions. And hither may be refer'd those visible representations spoken of in the New Testament, as the Holy Ghost's descending on Christ in the shape of a Dove, after he was baptized: The appearance of Cloven Tongues, like as of fire, over the Apostles heads: The Light from Heaven which shone round about St. Paul at his Conversion. All these appertain to the Shekinah, the Glorious Presence and Lustre of the [...] Heavenly Majesty. And hither may be refer'd the Radiant Presence of Christ, the bright and glorious Manifestation of his Person, which is often mention'd by the Evangelists, Mat. 17. 2, 5. Mark 9. 3. and Rev. 1. 16. He dwelt among us (he was the true Shekinah) and we behold his Glory, as the Glory of the only begotten of the Father, John 1. 14.
4. Dreams were another sort of divine Revelations among the Jews, and these also were not wanting to confirm the Truth of Christianity. For we read that Ioseph was warned once and again in a Dream concerning Mary whom he had espo [...]sed, and concerning the blessed Babe, Mat. 1. 20. chap. 2. 12, 13, 19. And Pilate's Wife suffer'd many things in a Dream because of Christ, who was then standing at the Bar before her Husband, Mat. 27. 19. But because these Operations on the Imagination by Dreams are more liable to mistakes than Visions and other kinds of Revelation, we have but few Instances of this. However, we are not wholly destitute of this Testimony under the Gospel.
[Page 462]5. There was among the Jews that which they signally call'd the Holy Spirit, viz. when Men were wonderfully and extraordinarily stir'd up to deliver the Will of God, to make some divine Discoveries to the World, and to assert their holy Religion. This was in Christ himself, Luke 4. 1. Acts 1. 2. & 10. 38. and in the Apostles, Acts 2. 4. & 5. 8. & 6. 3, 5. & 7. 55. & 11. 24. & 19. 6. and in all the holy Men that were sent by him to preach the Gospel. By this they were enabled to speak without any premeditation before Rulers and Kings, Mark 13. 10, 11. for our Saviour tells them, it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost. With this the Apostles were all fill'd when they met together on the Day of Pentecost, and utter'd such divine and heavenly things. By this Prophetick Afflation or Inspiration the Evangelists penn'd the Scriptures of the New Testament: for tho these Writings may be said to be humane Testimony as they were writ by Men, yet these Persons being inspired by the Holy Ghost, and not speaking of themselves, but by extraordinary Assistance, their Writings and Testimony are Divine. This is part of that more sure Word of Prophesy spoken of by St. Peter, Ep. 2. ch. 1. ver. 19. which in the next Verse he calls the Prophesy of the Scripture. By this Divine Inspiration the Prophets and Apostles saw and foretold what should come to pass afterwards. By this inward Afflation the Apostles, tho mean and illiterate Persons, preached the Gospel with that Authority and Evidence which some of their most implacable Enemies were not able to resist. These are the Divine Witnesses of the Truth of the Gospel-Dispensation and of the Christian Religion.
Yea, even at this Day, and to the Worlds end, this last Testimony, viz. of the Spirit, is useful and necessary. I do not mean any Miraculous gift of the Spirit, but a special and peculiar assistance of it, such as all [Page 463] regenerate Persons have experience of. That we may be throughly certain that this or that was deliver'd by God, that we may assuredly know that such things were of Divine Revelation, there is need of this help of the Spirit, the internal Testimony of the Holy Ghost, such a hidden but powerful Operation of that giver of all Grace whereby a firm Faith and certain perswasion of the Truth of those things are wrought in us. For, that we may be certain of Divine Truth, first it is requisite that we be outwardly helped, that we make use of Moral Arguments and Evidences, that we attend to Reasons and Proofs; that we weigh especially the several particular Testimonies in the Word of God, the Scriptures of Truth. These in a moral way will make it evident to the mind that this or that which is propounded to us is Divinely reveal'd, and can proceed from no other but God. But then besides these outward means, we must have our minds inwardly illuminated by the Holy Spirit: for it is this alone which can inable us effectually to see and discern the Light, and to take the force of the Arguments which prove the several Truths, and to turn the Moral Evidence into Divine Demonstration.
Lastly, as I mention'd among the divers ways of Revelation under the former Dispensations, the Divine Impulse, whereby Persons were instructed and excited to undertake and atchieve great things, so at the erecting of the Gospel there was not wanting this way of communicating the Divine will and pleasure. By such an Impulse as this, Christ himself whipped the buyers and sellers out of the Temple; by this powerful Afflation his Apostles and Followers were stir'd up to do strange and extraordinary things, several of which are mention'd in the Acts of the Apostles, and many more in Ecclesiastical History, which nothing but this Divine Motion could legitimate, it being immediately from the Spirit, whereby they [Page 464] were instructed as well as enabled to effect these wonderful things.
Secondly, The next Divine Testimony of the truth and certainty of the Christian Oeconomy and Religion is the fulfilling of the Prophesies of the Old Testament, which had respect to the New. I have already in another place (when I proved the Authority of the Holy Scriptures) insisted upon the fulfilling of the Prophesies of the Old and New Testament as they are an attestation of the Truth of those Sacred Writings. But at present I am to mention only the Prophesies of the Old Testament, and among them only those that relate to the Messias, and the circumstances which more nearly and peculiarly appertain to him. And the producing of these, and shewing how they were exactly fulfill'd, will be a clear and demonstrative Argument of the Truth of Christianity. For though Spinosa would perswade Men that all the Prophesies in the Bible were the mere result of a brisk Fancy, that there was no foundation in the things themselves, but that Imagination made all, yet surely the bold and impious Man would not have gone so far as to have asserted that the actual fulfilling of the Prophesies is nothing but Fancy. No certainly, he could not have the face to deny that the completion of those Predictions is some real thing, and not founded on Imagination. For here is matter of fact, which carries reality and certainty with it, and therefore is a convincing proof, not only of the Truth of those Prophesies, but of Christianity it self. This then is that which I will now enter upon. The Prophets of the Old Testament speak frequently of the Messias, they have described and characterized him: nothing almost was done by Christ but they predicted it: every particular act, circumstance and accident of Importance that should happen about him was foretold. Now all these were actually verified and fulfilled; as namely [Page 465] what related to his Birth, his Life, his Death, his Rising again. First, what related to his Birth, as that Iohn Baptist should be his Forerunner, and make way for him. Behold! I will send my Messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, Mal. 3. 1. And ch. 4. v. 5. Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord. Compare these places with Mat. 11. 10, 14: Mark 1, 2 & 9. 11. Luke 1. 17 and 76. & 7. 27. and you will not question their Accomplishment.
And the Birth it self, and the Conception which was in order to it were plainly prophesied of many Ages before. As that in Ier. 31. 22. is thought to be a Prophesy concerning the Conception of Christ, the Lord hath created a new thing in the Earth, a Woman shall compass a Man. Some indeed have interpreted it thus, the Church tho weak as a Woman shall compass and besiege her Enemies, and take them Captive. But this is very flat and frigid, especially if you observe the Preface to the Prediction, the Lord hath created a new thing in the Earth. It is no new thing that the Church gets the better of her Enemies: there are many Instances of this in the History of the Israelities. So that something else is justly thought to be the meaning of the words. And what should it be but this, that Christ who was made of a Woman, should be incompassed and shut up by her in her Virgin-Womb? Her compassing a Man expresses the conception of him. The word Sabab circumdedit agrees very well with it, for the Mother encompasses round the Faetus with her Womb. And the Greek [...]itly answers to it, [...], Mat. 1. 23. and [...], Luke 1. 31. The plain meaning then is, that a Woman (Nekebah, not Ishah) one that is no Wife, but a Virgin, shall conceive a Man-child in her Womb. And the Woman here meant is the blessed Virgin Mary, and the Man is Christ, who is God and Man. See [Page 466] Dr. P [...]c [...]ck in Not. Misc [...]l. in Port. Mos. And this Interpretation is the more remarkable by reason of the * Hebrew word which we here translate Man. It denoteth not barely one of the Male kind, in contradistinction to one of the other Sex, but it properly signifies a Man of Power and Might: and so it is fitly applied to the Messias who is Omnipotent. Yea, the antient Iews (as Abarbinel, one of their own Rabbins, † testifies) understood by this word here God himself, to whom Power more peculiarly and eminently belongs. It is no wonder therefore that the Fathers of the Church generally interpret this place of the Virgin Mary bearing Christ in her Womb, in which he may properly be said to be incompassed and infolded by her. This was a new thing indeed, there never was the like before, nor shall ever be afterwards. And therefore a ‖ worthy Writer is here to be blamed, who unadvisedly saith the Iews might justly laugh at this Interpretation.
The Delivery and Birth of the Messias thus shut up in the Womb is expresly foretold in Isa. 9. 6. To us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the Government shall be upon his Shoulder. It is true some of the Jews say Hez [...]kiah is spoken of here: but they are confuted hence that the Epithets here given belong to no mortal Man: for he shall be called the mighty God, the Everlasting Father: and of the increase of his Government and Peace there shall be no end, ver. 7. which is parallel with the Words of the Angel concerning our Saviour, Luke 1. 32, 33.
All th [...] Circumstances relating to the Birth of the Messias [...]re particularly specified in the Writings of the Prophets; as that his Ancestors should be of the Tribe of Iudah, and the Family of David, and consequently that he should be of that stock, Mic. 5. 2. [Page 467] Isa. 11. 10. Ier. 23. 5. And 'tis observable that the Targum on these three places understands them of the Messias. Therefore when Christ asked the Scribes and Doctors of what lineage and race the Messias was to be? They answer'd he was to be the Son of David, Mat. 22. 42. It was a thing, it seems, well known. Accordingly the Genealogy of both Ioseph and Mary is deduced by the Evangelists, St. Matthew and St. Luke, from Abraham along by David. As to the Place of his Birth, it was prophesied he should [...]e born in Bethlehem, Mic. 5. 2. Thou Bethlehem Ephratah, tho thou be little among the Thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be Ruler in Israel. Some obstinate Jews say Zorebabel is meant here: but they are silenced by others more learned of that Nation, who confess that he was not born at Bethlehem, but Babylon. Besides, they contradict the Opinion of the Chaldee Paraphrast, and of the Rabbins, who generally by * the Ruler in Israel here understand the Messias. Wherefore the Jewish Doctors and Scribes being asked of Herod where the Messias was to be born, said without hesitating in Bethlehem Iudah, they having learnt this out of the Prophesy of Micah.
Again, it is foretold in the Old Testament that he shall be born of a Virgin, Isa. 7. 14. Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign, Behold, a Virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call his name Immanuel. The Jews, to evade this place, say that the Hebrew word which we translate a Virgin, signifies a Woman in general: But those that are acquainted with that Language know that they shew themselves very perverse in this, and that the Hebrew word Gnalmah properly signifies a Virgin, i. e. a Maid not [Page 468] known by a Man. For whereas there are * three words in the Hebrew for a Maid or Virgin, this only signifies a pure untouched Virgin, nor is otherwise understood in any Text of Scripture where it is mentioned (as it is to be found but in † six places besides this of Isaiah.) Therefore the Septuagint, who well understood the force and signification of the Hebrew word, translated it by a ‖ Greek one which signifies a Virgin properly so call'd, whereas they might have used ‡ other words. And the Hebrew word is with a ** demonstrative Article before it, which makes it emphatical, and denotes some certain, definite and peculiar thing or Person. It is found but thrice in the Bible with this prepositive Article, viz. in Gen. 24. 43. and in Exod. 2. 8. and in this place of Isaiah. In the two first it points at particular Persons, and signi [...]ies a pure Virgin, not known by Man: Why should we not think it doth so in the third? Moreover, 'tis said, The Lord shall give you a sign, behold! Here is then some strange and wonderful thing spoken of: Therefore it cannot be meant of a Woman conc [...]ving, i. e. of a Woman that is no Virgin. For (as an †† antient Father observes) what wonder had it been for a young Woman, not a Virgin, to conceive? And indeed the Old Rabbins, who believ'd the Messias was to be born of a Virgin, have signalized this word in the Hebrew. In the Cabala, and Ionathan's Targum you will find that it is written with a Men Clausum in the middle, to signify something extraordinary here meant, to intimate that it was [Page 469] a Virgin, shut up, to denote the wonderful Mystery of the Virgin Mary's Conception▪
If it be said (what R. Kimchi and other Modern Jews suggest) that this 7 th Chap. of Isaiah, and this Verse more particularly refer to the Times of King Ahaz, and so belong not to the Birth of Christ which was about 700 Years afterwards, I answer by denying the Consequence: For this Chapter and Text may have reference to King Ahaz's Days, and likewise point at something done a long time after that. The reason of this Assertion is because there is oftentimes a double Sense in Scripture. Any one that is conversant in the holy Book is not ignorant of this, and the Jews themselves acknowledg a literal and mystical Sense of Scripture. So then these words a Virgin shall conceive, were verified in the first and literal Sense in Isaiah's time, a Virgin bringing forth a Child it may be in the presence of the King of Iudah, to be a Sign and Assurance of the deliverance of Iudah from the Oppression of the Kings of Syria and Israel. This Virgin it is likely was afterwards Isaiah's Wife, and at that time betrothed, or to be betrothed to him, and is the same with the Prophetess spoken of in the 8 th Chapter. Of this Child it is said, Butter and Honey shall he eat, that he may know how to refuse the Evil, and chuse the Good. For before the Child shall know to refuse the Evil, and chuse the Good, the Land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her Kings, ver. 15, 16. That is, this Child shall be nourish'd and brought up as Children are used to be (Butter and Honey being the Food of these little ones, to eat these is as much as to be used as a Child: Whence the Antients gave these to Children at Baptism to taste of, as Tertullian and Ierom testify) this Child shall fare as other little ones are wont to do, and we shall all of us in this Land live in Peace and Plenty, and shall not be disturb'd by the Kings of Syria or Israel: for before [Page 470] the Child shall know to refuse the Evil, and chuse the Good, in as short a time as this or any other Child shall be grown up, they shall both of them forsake this Land, which they now threaten, and they shall die in their own Kingdoms. This you shall see happen before the Child comes to Age, or Years of Discretion (that is meant by refusing the Evil and chusing the Good.) And accordingly it happen'd, the two Kings Rezin and Pekah were destroy'd before that Child came to Years of knowledg, 2 Kings 15.
This is the simple and first Sense of the words. But there is also another and mystical Sense (or it may be called a secondary literal Sense) of them, and so they are meant of Christ; and the Holy Ghost intended that this Prophesy should be applied to him, But how could the Birth of Christ, which was some Ages after, be a Sign of that which was to happen then? I answer, the Sign doth not always go before the thing signified, as you may satisfy your selves from perusing Exod. 3. 12. and 37. Isa. 30. 43. Ier. 9. 10. & 51. 63, 64. from which Instances it is undeniably plain that things to come are Signs, and given as so, to encourage Persons to something for the present. It is not necessary then that this Sign should precede the deliverance from Rezin and Pekah: It might come after it; and so it did when a Virgin conceived, and bore Christ. The Virgin then in Isaiah's time was a Type of the Virgin Mary, and her Infant a Type of Christ born of the Virgin: and her being delivered was a Sign and a Type of the spiritual Deliverance by Christ. The Lord shall give you a sign, and behold, a Virgin shall conceive, &c. as much as to say, you think that God is not powerful enough to deliver you from these two Oppressors and Invaders, Rezin and Pekah: but you are deceiv'd; for God will give to your Posterity a far greater Argument and [Page 471] Proof of his Power, for he will bring it to pass by his miraculous and omnipotent Arm that the Messias shall be born of a Virgin, and he shall be a Mighty Saviour and Deliverer, he shall rescue you from worser Enemies than those Kings of Syria and Israel, he shall save you from your Sins, he shall deliver you from Satan, from Death and Hell, and Eternal Destruction.
Secondly, what relateth to Christ's Life and Actions was foretold in the Scriptures of the Old Testament, and exactly fulfill'd in the New, as his flying into Egypt, and his returning thence, Isa. 16. 7. Hos. 11. 1. the Murder of the Infants in Bethlehem, Ier. 31. 15. the presenting of him in the Temple, Mal. 3. 1. his working of Miracles, and particularly his healing of Diseases, Isa. 35. 6. his Preaching and Doctrine, Isa. 61. 1, 2. compared with Luke 4. 21. his riding into Ierusalem on an Ass, Zech. 9. 9. which place * Rabbi Iosua and other Learned Iews interpret of the Messias. Nay † R. Solom [...]n confesses that it is impossible this Prophesy should be interpreted of any but him.
Thirdly, the things relating to his Sufferings and Death were predicted by the Prophets of the Old Testament, and are found accomplish'd in the Evangelical Writings, as those Affronts and Abuses put upon our Saviour by the Iews, Isa. 53. 3, &c. his being betray'd by his Disciple and pretended Friend, Psal. 41. 9. their selling him for thirty pieces of Silver, Zech. 11. 12. the scoffing of him when he hung on the Cross, Psal. 22. 8. Mat. 27. 43. the piercing of his Hands and Feet, Zech. 12. 10. Mat. 27. 35. That of the Psalmist, Psal. 22. 16. can be applied to none but Christ, for in those Days in which David lived there was no such custom of Punishment wherein [Page 472] they pierced the Hands and Feet, from whence David could borrow that Phrase. And as for what Calvin saith, that it is a Metaphorical Expression of David's Sufferings and Calamities, it is not worth attending to. For David here (as in some other Psalms) speaks in the Person of Christ, and utters such things as agree not fully with his own particular Condition: as when he addeth, ver. 18. They parted my Garments amongst them, and upon my Vesture did they cast Lots. Which is a prophetical account of that part of the History of Christ's Sufferings which is recorded by the Evangelists, Luke 23. 34. Iohn 19. 24. This likewise Calvin saith is a Metaphor, and only signifies that David was a prey to his Enemies, and was despoil'd and robbed of all. But this is the usual course of this Learned Writer, as I have observ'd elsewhere: All or most of the places in the Old Testament which are mystically meant of Christ, and which were so understood by the antient Fathers of the Church, are interpreted by him in a literal Sense only, which is a great fault in this learned and worthy Re [...]ormer, for in thus doing he extreamly favours the Iews in those Texts, and is thereby a Patron of Iudaism. Christ's thirsting, and their giving him Gall and Vinegar were foretold, Psal. 69. 21. and St. Iohn particularly takes notice of its being fulfilled, Iohn 19. 30. his being crucified among Thieves was the accomplishment of what was said in Isa. 53. 12. and therefore is particularly taken notice of in Mark 15. 28. that his Legs should not be broken (as those of the Malefactors that suffer'd with him) was foretold in the Law of the Paschal Lamb, Exod. 12. 46. and is accordingly applied in Iohn 19. 36.
The whole 53 d Chapter of Isaiah is a Description of the Messias's sufferings: which though the Jews usually interpret concerning the People of Israel afflicted with Captivity and then delivered, yet any [Page 473] one may see that the expressions cannot agree in any tolerable way to the Jewish People and their Condition. But they are most easily appliable to Christ, and to none else: and it is certain that the Antient Rabbins understood them of the Messias. So all of them conclude that he was to be put to death, from Dan. 9. 26. After the threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself. And that this and other Texts before named foretold Christs sufferings is taken notice of by himself, Luk. 24. 26. Ought not Christ to have suffered these things? and again, v. 46. Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer. Briefly, the Death and Passion of our Saviour were evidently predicted, and as plainly accomplished, according to that of St. Peter in his Sermon, Acts 3. 8. Those things which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his Prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled. And concerning St. Paul, we read that he said no other things than those which the Prophets and Moses did say should come, that Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, Acts 26. 22, 23. Which is the next thing you are to take notice of.
Fourthly, Then, Christs Resurrection and the happy Consequences of it were long since foretold: David speaketh concerning him, thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell, neither wilt thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption, Psal. 16. 10. Acts 2. 25, 27. The Apostle tells us that Christ not only Died and was Buried, but also Rose again the third Day according to the Scriptures (1 Cor. 15. 4.) i. e. according to this place of Scripture now mentioned, and according to the History of Ionas his being three Nights and three Days in the Whales Belly; which was a Type and Presignification of our Saviours lying in the Grave part of three Days. The Ascending of Christ into Heaven, was the consequent of his rising from the Dead, and that also was foretold, Ps. 68. 18. Thou hast asc [...]nded on high, tho [...] [Page 474] hast led Captivity Captive, &c. which you will find applied to our Saviour in Eph. 4. 8. And so his sitting at the right hand of God (which is another effect of his Resurrection) is expresly spoken of by the Psalmist, Ps. 110. 1. The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thy foes thy footstool: which St. Peter takes notice was fulfilled, Acts 2. 34. And indeed the Antient Rabbies generally interpreted the 110th Psalm of the Messias. And that they had reason to do so is plain from Christs Question to the Pharisees, Matth. 22. 43. How doth David in spirit call the Messias Lord? which would have been frivolous and to no purpose if this Psalm were not to be understood of the Messias, yea, if it was not so understood by the Pharisees. They might have denied that Hypothesis of his, and have reproved him for misinterpreting the Psalmist's words. But you see they were so far from doing so that they sneaked away in silence, being not able to answer him a word, ver. 46. they knew full well that they were gravelled with our Saviour's Query, and that that Psalm was one of the clearest Prophesies of the Messias, and his Kingdom and Offices, that is in all the Old Testament. Thus all the remarkable Passages concerning our Saviour were foretold, his Birth, Life, Doctrine, Conversation, Miracles, Death, Burial, rising again, and ascending into Glory: and we cannot deny but that they were as punctually fulfill'd, and thereby the Truth of Christianity is abundantly declared.
Many other Predictions concerning Christ might be mentioned, as that first and most early one of all, in Gen. 3. 15. The Seed of the Woman shall bruise the Serpents Head: which in St. Iohn's Language is no other than this, that the Son of God was to be manifested to destroy the works of the Devil, 1 Ep. ch. 3. v. 8. Afterwards, that Message of the Angel to Abraham (in Gen. 22. 18.) was a Prediction concerning Christ, in [Page 475] thy Seed shall all the Nations of the Earth be blessed, which cannot be understood of any but the blessed Jesus, who is a universal Blessing, a Catholick Benefit to the World. Of his coming Moses his words are to be understood, Deut. 18. 15. The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy Brethren, like unto me, unto him ye shall hearken. There never appear'd any Prophet like unto Moses but Iesus the Messias, the Parallel between which two * Eusebius hath excellently shew'd in sixteen or seventeen particulars. Yea, Christ far exceeded Moses in all great and miraculous Actions, as well as in his Doctrine. This latter is spoken of in Isa. 2. 3. Out of Sion shall go forth the Law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem; signifying that Christ was to change the Law of Moses as to many considerable things, and to establish one which should be more excellent, and more lasting.
That also is a most pregnant place, Hag. 2. 7, 8, 9. I will shake all Nations, and the desire of all Nations (i. e. the Messias) shall come, and I will fill this House (this second Temple) with Glory, saith the Lord of Hosts. The Silver is mine, and the Gold is mine, saith the Lord of Hosts (with these I could adorn and enrich the Temple, but it shall be dignified with some greater thing, viz. the appearing of the Messias in it: upon this account) the Glory of this latter House shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of Hosts, and in this place will I give Peace, saith the Lord of Hosts. Here it is plain that the Messias was to come before the second Temple of Ierusalem should be destroyed by the Romans, for the second Temple is said to be more glorious than the first (though in it self less glorious) because Christ came into it in the days of his Flesh, and honour'd it with his Presence. If you look to the second Temple it self, which was built [Page 476] by Zor [...]babel, and afterwards adorned by Herod, and compare it with the first Temple built by Solomon, it was far less glorious than that. It was not so rich and sumptuous a Fabrick, and it wanted several things which were in the other, as the Ark with the Mercy-seat, and Cherubims, the Holy Fire from Heaven, the S [...]ekinah or Presence of the Divine Majesty, the Holy Ghost, and the Vrim and Thummim. Thus they are reckon'd up in the Talm [...]d: tho others say some of these were not lost in the Captivity, as the Ark and the sacred Fire, but were preserv'd, and were placed in the Temple a [...]terwards. However, (granting this to be true) the loss of those other things rendered this Temple much inferior to the former one. Therefore for this reason alone it is that the Glory of the second Temple is greater than of the first, viz. because of Christ's Presence there. This is expresly mention'd by the Prophet Malachi, the Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his Temple, Mal. 3. 1. And further you may observe that it is said here, the desire of all Nations (i. e. Christ or the Messias) shall come: which denoteth this to us, that the Messias came at that time when he was expected and desired by the Nations, by both Iews and Gentiles: and that was the very time when he was born, as I shall shew afterwards.
Again, those Prophesies are remarkable where the Branch is promised. Thus the Prophet Isaia [...] treating of Christ's Kingdom in the 4 th Chap. of his Prophesy hath these words, In that Day shall the Branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, ver. 2. Or, you may read it, * the Branch the Lord, i. e. the Branch who is the Lord Iehovah, viz. the Messias, who is God as well as Man. Of him the same Prophet speaks again in chap. 11. ver. 1. There shall come forth a Rod [Page 477] [...]ut of the Stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall gr [...]w o [...]t of his Roots. Which it is evident by the Character that follows can be meant of none but the Messias: So likewise I [...]r [...]miah prophesying of the times of the Gospel speaks thus, Behold! the Days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute I [...]dgment and Iustice in the Earth. In his Days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his Name wh [...]r [...]y he shall be call'd, the Lord our Rig [...]teousness, Jer. 23. 5, &c. And with a little variation he repeateth the same in chap. 33. ver. 15, 16. which, if you consult the Context in both places, cannot be understood of any but Christ th [...] Lord. Nor can that of Z [...]chary be taken otherwise, Be [...]old! I will bring forth my Servant the Branch, chap. 3. ver. 8. And again, chap. 6. ver. 12, 13. Behold! the Man whose Name is [...] Branch, and he shall grow up (or branch up) out of his place, and he shall build the Temple of the Lord, even [...] shall build the Temple of the Lord, and he shall bear t [...]e Glory, and he shall sit and rule upon his Throne, &c. which last Clause is according to the stile of the Proph [...]ts in other places, prophesying concerning th [...] Messias, for they set him forth as a King and Rul [...]r, and one that shall bear Dominion. For which reason Abarbanel acknowledges it can't be meant of Zer [...]babel, (as some Iewish Writers had fancied) because [...] was not a King. But supposing it were meant of him, yet it follows not thence that Christ is not also meant. For he was a Type of our Saviour, as Iosuah the High-priest also was. But it is observable that in the Targum of Ionathan the Branch is explain'd by the Messias, for he renders that word by this, to let us understand that this and all the other Prophesies concerning the Branch relate unto Christ. For he was truly the Branch as to his humane Nature, he grew from the Root of I [...]ss [...], he sprung from D [...]id, [Page 478] therefore it is said, The Lord will raise up to David a righteou [...] Branch. And he is properly stiled the Branch as to his Divine Nature, for he is the Branch of the Lord, and he is himself the Lord God, begotten of his Father before all Worlds, very God of very God.
Further, I am to observe to you that the foremention'd Prophesies of the Branch are refer'd to in the N [...]w Testament, and applied to Christ, which is fully to my purpose. Some have thought that St. Matthew's words, he shall be called a Nazarene, chap. 2. ver. 23. have respect to Christ's being so often called the Branch, the Syriack Natzeroth being derived from Netzer, a Branch or Twig. But it is plain that those words in St. Matthew have reference to another thing, viz. Christ's dwelling in the City of Nazareth, and therefore they are foreign to our present Matter. But that which I shall suggest is not so, for this is the thing which I am to observe that in all those places where the Hebrew word used for th [...] Branch is found, it is rendred according to the * Greek Interpreters and the † Latin Version, the East or Sun-rising, or Day [...] spring. The reason of which I apprehend to be this, that the ‖ Hebrew word is derived from a Theme which gives occasion for both Translations, for it signifies both to branch out, and to ris [...]. And so the Greek word [...] is both germinare and oriri. And besides, there is a great Analogy and Affinity in the things themselves, for as Branches are to the Tree, so the Beams and R [...]ys of Light are to the Sun. These latter are as 'twere so many Branch [...]s and [...]ough [...] of Light issuing and springing from that great Luminary. The Septuagint therefore might well translate Tsemach, [...], i. [...]. instead [Page 479] of the Branch use a word which signifies the [...]ising of the Sun or Stars, the spreading of the Rays of Light. And, the New Testament following the Greek Translation of the Seventy, it is no wonder that the Sense of the word which they use is refer'd to in these Evangelical Writings.
Thus Zachari [...] prophesying concerning the coming of Christ, which was then approaching, blesseth God for visiting and redeeming [...]is P [...]ople, and for raising up [...] Horn of Salvation in th [...] House of [...] Servant David, [...] h [...] spake by the mouth of his Holy Prophets: and at last, with reference to some antient Prophecy, he adds, * the Day-spring from on high [...]ath visit [...]d [...], to [...] light to them that sit in darkness, and in the [...] of death, and to guide our feet int [...] the way of peace. In which words I conceive this inspired Person alludeth to those Propheies of the Old Testament, where, according to the Hebr [...]w, Christ is call'd a Branch, but according to the Greek the Day-spring, or the [...] Light. This Zac [...]rias of the New Testament, who calls our Saviour the Day-spring, agrees with the Old Testament Zachary, who saith his Name is the Branc [...], Luke 1. 78. is a parallel place with Zech. 3. 8. & 6. 12. and with that in Mal. 4. 2. Vnto you that fear my Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise, This Sun of Righteousness and the Righteous Branch are the same. And I observe that these two are joined together in one place, Rev. 22. 16. I am the Root and the Off-spring (or Branch) of David, the bright and the Morning Star, which makes way for the Sun. And so St. Peter stiles him, the Day-star which ariseth in the Hearts of the faithful, 2 Pet. 1. 19. All these places are parallel with those Texts of the Branch, which in a larger Sense signifies the spreading forth and branching out of the Light of the rising Sun or Stars, and is rendred [Page 480] according to that acceptation by the LXX; and therefore is properly attributed to Christ, who is God of God, Light of Light.
There is another Prophesy which might be insisted upon, viz. Hos. 3. 4. The Children of Israel shall abide many days without a King, and without a Prince, and without a Sacrifice, and without an Image, and without an Ephod, and without a Teraphim. The Iews shall cease to be a Nation and Body Politick, they shall be without Head and Ruler; both Church and State shall be destroyed, Ecclesiastical and Civil Government shall be dissolved; yea, not only the Mosaick but all Idolatrous Worship (which they were before addicted to) shall cease among them. This is now fulfilled, and hath been several hundred years, and that according to the Confession of * one of their most Celebrated Doctors, who hath these remarkable words on this Prophesy, These are the days of exile in which we live at this day: we have neither King nor Prince of Israel, but we are under the power of the Gentiles, and under the power of their Kings and Princes. There are two other famous Predictions, that in Gen. 49. 10. The Scepter shall not depart, &c. and that other in Dan. 9. 24, 25, &c. concerning the Seventy Weeks, both which are exactly fulfilled in the coming of Christ: but I have heretofore undertaken the Explication of these notable Texts, and I will not now repeat what I said.
Thus I have endeavoured to shew, from the fulfilling of the Predictions and Promises concerning Christ, that he is come, and that he is the true Messias. Moses wrote of him, John 5. 46. and to him give all the Proph [...]t's witness, Acts 10. 43. All things that [...] written by the Prophets concerning the Son of Man ar [...] accomplished, Luke 18. 31. The Prophets of the Old Testament (as St. Peter tells us) prophesi [...]d of t [...]e Grac [...] [Page 481] which should come to us, 1 Pet. 1. 11. and those Prophesies are really performed by the arrival of Grace and Truth by Iesus Christ. All the Descriptions of the Messi [...] in the old Testament agree to him, all the Conditions and Qualifications mentioned there are to be found in this Christ, who was crucified at Ierusalem. And (which is yet further considerable) those very Prophesies and Passages are own'd by the * anti [...]nt Rabbies to be spoken of the Messias, and not of any other Person, as the modern Iews object. Particularly the three Chald [...] Paraphrasts expresly inser [...] the word Messias into the chief of those forecited Places which speak of Christ: especially those that are dark and obscure are explain'd and plainly interpreted concerning that Messias, who is our blessed Iesus. In short then, whatever the Scriptures of the Old Testament so long ago foretold concerning our Saviour are exactly verified and fulfilled, and acknowledged to be so by the I [...]ws, which is an undeniable Argument that the M [...]ssia [...] is come, and that Iesus was that M [...]ssia [...].
But here the Iews come upon us with such Objection [...] as these. 1. The Messias was to be another kind of Person than what Jesus of Nazareth was: he was to be a glorious Prince, he was to come with Royal Majesty and Pomp. For he is frequently stiled a King in the Writings of the Prophets, and particularly Zechary foretels that his Dominion shall [...] fr [...]m Sea to Sea, and from the River even to th [...] ends of the Earth, Zech. 9. 10. And some of the Iews confidently assert that the Messias shall marry, and the Kings of the Earth shall give their Daughters to him: Several Concubines he shall have, and his Children shall succeed him in the Kingdom: Health, Wealth, Prosperity, external Glory and Felicity shall attend him. [Page 482] But Jesus came not in this manner, therefore he was not the Messias.
I answer, as for the Character they frame of the Messias, of being a great Secular King, &c. it is clearly against the Description of the Messias, whose Humility and Sufferings we read prophesied of. The Old Testament represents him as a Person despised, rejected of men, a man of Sorrows and acquainted with Grief, &c. he was indeed a King, but he tells us that his Kingdom was not of this World, it was a spiritual Dominion and Soveraignty which he came to erect; he came to rule in the Hearts and Consciences of Men: And thus his Kingdom reached even to the ends of the World, the Gospel being preached, and he being acknowledg'd in all places under Heaven. But the Jews look only for a carnal Messias, their thoughts run wholly on some great and successful Warrior, some eminent Personage that atchieves mighty things in the World. And therefore (if we may give credit to a * late Writer) the Asian Iews were enclined to take Oliver Cromwel for the Messias, and sent Messengers hither on purpose to enquire of his Extract and Lineage. For he having done strange things at home, and being dreaded abroad, they thought he might be able to do them a kindness, to deliver them from their Pressures, and to restore them to their Land again. If the Great Turk would do this, and make them great and glorious, some of them would be apt to take him for the Messias, and all the Prophesies of the Old Testament should be brought to speak for him. Tho the Jews are dispersed, and are a forlorn People, yet they nourish hopes of a Messias who will inable them to throw off their Rags, and will bless them with Riches and Abundance, and with the Confluence [Page 483] of all worldly Prosperity. The antient I [...]ws before Christ talk'd not after this rate: But People are wont to wish for and fancy what they most want. Their low Ebb and poor Estate make them promise themselves a Messi [...] who shall come with outward Pomp and Magnificence, who shall be great and potent, and prefer them to places of Honour and Profit. But this is dreaming, and therefore is a sufficient Confutation of it self.
2. It is objected by the Jews that the Messias is not come, because it is foretold that universal Peace shall be the fruit of his coming, Is [...]. 11. 6, &c. Isa. 65. 25, &c. but these things are not fulfilled, Quarrels and Divisions have not left the World since Christ appeared, yea rather they have been augmented; therefore the Messias is not arrived. I answer briefly, first these Predictions were literally and historically fulfill'd at our Saviour's coming into the World; for there was an Universal Peace at that time. The Emperour Augustus, under whom he was born, had hush'd and still'd the Civil Wars and Commotions at home; and all Nations abroad submitted to the Roman Empire, Egypt became a Roman Province, AEthiopia sued for Peace, India enter'd into League with Caesar, the Parthians trembled at him; the Cantabrians, Rhetians, Pannonians, Germans yielded to his Arms. When he had thus by Victory or Terror purchas'd Peace, when all the World lay submissively at his Feet, he shut up Ianus's Temple, which was a sign of a general Repose and profound Peace; and then the Prince of Peace came into the World. Yea, in those Countries which at that time were not under the Power of the Roman Empire all was quiet and still. In Denmark and Norway and those other Northern Regions, there were no Wars, no Enemies appear'd. And afterwards T [...]rtullian appeals to the R [...]mans themselves in justification of this Truth, that [Page 484] * since the World hath been blessed with our Saviour's Arrival, Wars and Slaughters have been very much allay'd. With whom another Apologist agrees, telling the Pagans that † Wars and Hostilities were so far from being increas'd since Christ's coming, that they were exceedingly diminish'd and suppress'd. Thus the Prophesies were accomplished. Secondly, the Design of the Gospel which Christ and his Apostles preached was to introduce Peace: The Christian Religion dictated no less, and directed Men how to practise it. Therefore observe the Reason adjoined to the Prophesy concerning Peace, Isa. 11. 9. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy Mountain: for th [...] Earth shall be full of the knowledg of the Lord as the Waters cover the Sea, i. e. the knowledg of Christianity and the excellent Rules of it are in themselves subservient to Peace and Unity, in their own nature they promote this Blessing in the World. Thirdly, the time shall come when this Promise shall be compleately fulfill'd. Tho it is spoken of the time of the Messias, yet it is not said that it shall presently be fulfilled, and that in the heighth of it. Christianity hath brought Peace into many Kingdoms and Countries, and hath expell'd Wars thence. This cannot be denied: there is History enough to make it good; which might be a sufficient answer to the Objection. But moreover, the Gospel of Christ in due time will have a greater and larger Effect; and universal Peace, Amity and Concord shall obtain in all the Churches of Christ, as I shall prove when I come to treat of the last Dispensation.
[Page 485]3. Whereas we have proved, and the Iews themselves have confessed that according to the Prophesies of the Old Testament the Messias was to come before this time, they reply (in way of Objection) that their Sins have hindred the Messias's coming at the time prefixed. It is said in the Talmud, the Messias shall reign two Thousand Years, but because of o [...]r Sins t [...]ose Years are already past; and Rabbi Elias is quoted for it. In answer to which sorry Shift, first I ask what Sins have they committed these Sixteen hundred Years, for which this Promise and Appointment of God are still delayed? They were grievous Idolaters heretofore, and consequently were the worst sort of Sinners, and yet this Guilt did not hinder the accomplishing of other Prophesies and Predictions in Scripture which concern'd them. How comes it to pass that all this time, in which they have not been (in their own opinion) so great Sinners as they were formerly, the fulfilling of the most important Promise that ever God made is defer'd? Besides the Sins of the Jews were so far from being a hindrance of the performing this Promise, that they should rather have hastned it, for the end of the Messi [...]'s coming was to take away Sin, to finish the Transgression, and to make an end of Sins, as that Prophesy in Daniel expresly foretels: Therefore it is groundlesly alledged by the Jews that the coming of the Messi [...] is delayed by reason of their grievous Sins. Again, if their Sins have for so many Ages hindred the Messias's coming, if God hath defer'd that Blessing merely because of their Iniquities, why may he not put it off for ever for the same reason? And by consequence there shall be no coming of the Messias, which some Jews have not been backward to say. Further I add, who ever thought that the Prediction or Promise concerning the Messias was conditional, that is, wholly depended on the Qualifications of the I [...]ws? And yet this is implied [Page 486] plied in the Objection: Nay, the Jews freely confess the fulness of time was come for the sending of the Messias, but God being angry with them for not performing the Conditions of that Promise, viz. Repentance and Amendment of Life, put off his coming. Thus R. * Manasse ben Israel plainly declares that ‘God promised the Tribe of Iudah that the Scepter should not depart from it, but be continued with it till the coming of the Messias; but that he promised this to Iudah in the same manner as he did to David, that his Kingdom should be for ever, viz. if his Posterity did not provoke God by their Sins to put a Period to the Kingdom and Government.’
But this Rabbi is much mistaken in the Interpretation of that Promise made to David; for first, if you consult 2 Sam. 7. 13. (the place whence the Objection was raised) you will find that that Promise was not to be made void by any means, no not by their Sins. † If he commit Iniquity, I will chasten him with the Rod of Men; but my Mercy shall not depart away from him: and thy House and thy Kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy Throne shall be established for ever. And more fully in Psal. 89. 30, &c. If his Children forsake my Law, and walk not in my Iudgments; if they break my Statutes, and keep not my commandments: then will I visit their Transg [...]sstion with the Rod, and their Iniquity with Stripes. Nevertheless, my loving Kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my Faithfulness to fail. My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my Lips. Once have I sworn by my Holiness, that I will not lie unto David. His Seed shall endure for ever, and his Throne as the Sun before me. It shall be established for ever as the Moon, and as a faithful Witness [Page 487] in Heaven. Selah. From all this it is undeniably evident that the Promise made to David concerning the perpetuity of his Kingdom, was not conditional, but absolute; and that it was impossible for David's Posterity to frustrate it by their Sins. For, Secondly, this Promise is to be understood of Christ's Kingdom, who was the Son of David. Thus it is applied by the Angel who brought Tidings to the Virgin Mary of the Conception of Christ, saying, He shall be great, and the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his Father David, and he shall reign over the House of Jacob for ever, and of his Kingdom ther [...] shall be no end, Luke 1. 32, 33. This is the Kingdom which was promised in those foregoing Texts, and therefore the Objection is fond and foolish. It is clear that the Promise of the Messias was no conditional thing: and the contrary assertion of the Ie [...]s is prophane and blasphemous, for they do in effect say that the Promise was grounded on their Righteousness and Worthiness, and that Gods Word and Truth were nulled by their Infidelity and Wickedness. This is the result of the foregoing Assertion, and it is sufficient to disswade us from imbracing it.
When they cannot effect what they design by these foregoing Objections, some of them fly to such extravagancies as these, viz. the Messias is come, according to the Prophesies and Predictions of him, but because of their sins he is not yet revealed, he lies hid somewhere. This is a common Opinion among the Iews, saith Buxtorf. And he adds, that they dispute about the place where he hides himself, some saying he is in Paradise, and others feigning other Fables; but they expect that he shall appear and shew himself in the World in due time. This Opinion of the M [...]ssias's absconding is such a wild and groundless Fancy that it calls for no other Refutation but Laughter and Scorn. Therefore I will pass this by, without indeavouring [Page 488] [...]o give a formal answer to it. * Others tell us that there are two Messiasses, one the Son of Ioseph, of the Tribe of Ephraim, poor and vile, who was to die; the other the Son of David, who is to rule and govern, and shall be a great Conqueror, and lead them into Canaan, and be their King there. Tho the former of these be come, yet the latter Messias, whom they are most concern'd for, is not come: but they daily expect him, and even languish with looking for him so long. This Messias, when he comes, invites all the Jews to a Feast, the greatest and most sumptuous that ever was, and according to their Bill of Fare Behemoth and Leviathan are the two main Dishes. Thus these poor People cheat themselves with the Notion of a double Messias, which hath no Foundation but their own Fancies. And so they will delude themselves by keeping up the imagination and hope of a Messias yet to come.
Sabbatai Sevi who appear'd in the Year 1666, was the twenty fifth Pretender to the Messiaship, as it stands in their own Records. He was the Son of Mordecai Sevi, an Inhabitant of Smyrna, and a Broker to an English Merchant in that place. His Son Sabbatai addicted himself to study, and became a notable Proficient in Hebrew and Metaphysicks, and at length gave out to those of his Nation that he was the Messias, Nathan another Jew having a little before proclaim'd himself Elias. What became of this latter I know not, but we are told that the former threw down his Pretences to the Messiaship, and turned Turk before the Grand Signior. And still the Expectations of these People grow higher, and they are ready to imbrace any bold Impostor who will lay claim to the Title of Messiah. And thus it will be as [Page 489] long as they mistake the Prophesies in the Old Testament concerning his coming, and will not be perswaded that the time of it is past. But shall we take the meaning of Scripture from Them from whom God hath taken away for so many Ages all Understanding and Knowledg? Shall we give credit to them who are blinded and besotted, and have abandoned their Reason, who are most palpably erroneous in Chronology and History, (as the Learned Isaac Vossius hath shew'd) and who in giving the Sense of Scripture are most apparently deluded? No surely, nor are we to mind what they say when they tell us that * no Man ought to be so bold as to compute the time of the coming of the Messias. We know the reason of this; the Iews cannot indure now to have the Prophesies look'd into, and the times of the Messias's arrival reckon'd up. Since Christ is come, they see that the Times spoken of by the Prophets concerning him are past, and therefore they anatbematize all that undertake to compute them. They wish that those who curiously enquire into them may † perish. But the Curse will rather light upon themselves, because they wilfully discern not the Times.
We may then, notwithstanding all the Objections, Cavils, Evasions, and perverse Interpretations of the Iews, hold fast our Proposition, that all the Prophesies in the Old Testament concerning the Messias are really fulfilled. Yea, the Prophesy concerning the Iews not believing these Prophesies is accomplis'd: for it was prophetically set down as ‖ one Mark of the Messias his coming, that the Jewish Nation should refuse and [Page 490] reject him. So that you see the Jews Incredulity and Obstinacy are one great Argument that Christ is the true Messias. We have abundant reason then to acquiesce in the Spirit of Prophesy, which is the Testimony of Iesus, Rev. 19. 10. This bears witness to him, and to the Truth and Certainty of Christianity. This Spirit of Prophesy witnessed concerning Christ four Thousand Years before he came, for so long it was from the first Promise in Gen. 3. 15. Many other things were foretold concerning him three Thousand Years before, some two Thousand, and some a Thousand before he was manifested in the Flesh. Now, our Argument runs thus, he that was so many Years before foretold to come as the Messias or Saviour is certainly the true Messias and Saviour: But Iesus was so foretold, therefore he was certainly the true Messias and Saviour. The first Proposition is built on the Truth and Faithfulness of God, and is granted us by the Iews themselves. The second is that which we have been indeavouring to prove, and I hope I have effectually done it; for I have plainly demonstrated that it was Christ our Lord who was foretold so many Years before in the Old Testament, and that it can be no other than him. Therefore it cannot be question'd by any rational Person whether he was the true Messias who was to bring Salvation to Mankind.
Thus you see Christianity is founded on the Old Testament; here it is prophesied that Christ should come in such a manner; and the very manner we find particularly recorded in the New Testament; Malachi and Matthew join hand in hand, and so do the rest of the Prophets and Evangelists: Therefore we imbrace Christianity. The truth of it is proved from the Prophesies concerning the Messias. If we believe these (as we cannot but do, because they are divine and from Heaven) we must believe Christ is come: [Page 491] for they are an absolute Demonstration of this grand Point, that Jesus, the Son of the Virgin Mary, whom the Jews put to death at Ierusalem, was the Son of God and the true Messias. Whereupon it will irrefragably follow that the Faith and Doctrine which he introduced are from Heaven, and that the Christian Oeconomy wants not divine Attestation.
The Miracles wrought by Christ. What those Baskets were which were fill'd with Fragments. Christ not only fed but healed the Bodies of Men. He did other Miraculous Works. The Apostles, as well as our Saviour, exerted many Miracles. An Objection from 1 Tim. 5. 23. answer'd. Five Properties of a true Miracle. Counterfeit and lying Wonders. The Miracles of Christ and his Apostles were accompanied with seven peculiar Circumstances which prove them to be from God. What were the Ends and Designs they propounded to themselves in working of Miracles. An Objection from Mark 11. 14. answer'd. Several Interpretations of those Words [the time of Figs was not yet.] Why Christ cursed the [...]arren Fig-tree. Another Objection from Mat. 8. 30. answer'd. Two other Objections answer'd. The Personal Qualities of the Apostles argue the Miracles which they wrought to be true and real. A Reply to the several Cavils against the Miracles of our Saviour. An account of the wonderful things done by some Pagans, especially Vespasian and Apollonius Tyanaeus. The Miracles which the Church of Rome pretends to are proved to be Counterfeit. It is shew'd from Scripture, the Confession of Jews and Pagans, and th [...] nature of the thing it self, that Miracles are a Testimony of the Truth of Christianity. Miracles were necessary for confirming of the Gospel, on several Accounts.
[Page 492]Thirdly, MIracles are another Divine Testimony of the Truth of Christianity. Here I will first set before you the particular Miracles of Christ and his Apostles: Secondly, I will prove that these were true Miracles: Thirdly, I will shew that these are an infallible Testimony of the Truth of Christianity.
1. I will set before you the particular Miracles of Christ and his Apostles recorded in the New Testament. Here I might mention his Conception, which was by the Holy Ghost, and by himself as he was God, and his Birth which was of a Virgin, both which are Miraculous; and I might recount how he was usher'd into the World by a Miraculous Star. But I will confine my self to those Miracles which he personally did in his Life, at his Death and afterwards▪ One of the first he exerted was at Galilee, when he turned Water into Wine, Iohn 2. 11. He that could fast forty Days and forty Nights in the Wilderness, ( Mat. 4. 2.) which is to be reckon'd as a Miracle also, thought good to demonstrate his Divine Power at a Feast, and to chear and refresh the Guests with no less than a Miracle. Then (but I shall not observe the exact Order of his Miracles) we read that about [Page 493] Meat (as well as Drink) he exercised his Omnipotent Virtue: for when the multitude which followed him wanted food, he had compassion on them, and satisfied four Thousand Men with seven Loaves and a few Fishes, at which time seven Baskets of Fragments were left, Mat. 15. 34. At another time he fed five Thousand, besides Women and Children, with five Loaves and two Fishes, and after all twelve Baskets full remained of Fragments, Mat. 14. 19, 20.
This was a most acceptable Miracle to those poor hungry half starved Iews, who went up and down with their Baskets, on purpose to pick up any thing they could light on. This beggerly Rabble was known every where by their Coffins or Baskets made of Osiers, an old Relique perhaps of Jewish Superstition, a remembrance of Moses's being exposed on Nil [...], shut up in a Basket of Bull-rushes, which now are imitated by those of Wicker. They used these Baskets, with Hay at the bottom, to put those things in, which any would hire them to carry. Therefore I [...]venal speaking of these poor Iews saith,
It was their custom to go abroad with these, (which they carried in their hands or on their heads, for this latter was the way of old, as we read in Gen. 40. 16, 17.) and therein they lodg'd wh [...] they gather'd up in the Streets of Rags, Chips of Wood, Skins, Straws, perhaps an old badg of their gathering Stubble or Straw in Egypt, to which the word f [...] num (taken in a large sense) may refer. Or, it was a Symbol of their servitude there, when they were compelled to be the worst of Scavengers, when they cleansed the Streets, gathered up all Dirt, Dung [Page 494] and Filth, and carried it away in Baskets, to which some think the Psalmist alludes in Psal. 81. 6. which according to the vulgar Latin is thus, manus ejus in [...]ophin [...] servi [...]runt. Hence the * Epigrammatist taxes a vain proud Dame (who bragg'd of her Birth and Lineage) for marrying a poor Iew, a Basketeer;
It was this sort of begging Iews that ran after our Saviour into the Desert, and according to their old fashion carried their Maunds, their Baskets with them. Both these and their empty Bellies he filled by a prodigious multiplying of the Loaves and Fishes. These grew in their Hands while they were handling them, or between their Teeth while they were eating them. Yea, behold a Miracle upon a Miracle! the very Fragments amounted to more than the entire Provision, they carried away more than was set before them at first. I know not when the Proverbial saying was more fully made good, a part is more than the whole.
And our Saviour did not only Feed but Heal the Bodies of Men in a Miraculous manner. There is a † Writer who maintains that all the Diseases which Christ cured were naturally incurable. Whether they were all so, I will not nicely enquire; but it is probable that most of them were so: for we read that he cured such as laboured under those Diseases which bassled the Art of the best Masters of Medicks, he usually incountred the Opprobria Medicorum, the Distempers which puzled and non-pluss'd the Physicians. Thus, a certain Woman which had an Issue of Blood twelve years, and had suffered many things of many Physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing [Page 495] bettered, but rather grew worse, was sorthwith cured by Christ, Mark 5. 25, 26. Another Woman, which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up her self, was immediately loosed from her infirmity, and made streight, Luke 13. 11, 12.
Nay, the same Omnipotent Arm cured a Man who had an infirmity thirty and eight years, John 5. 5. From which duration of the Disease we may infer that it was naturally past Cure: it was impossible by Art to master an infirmity so Old and Chronical: the Distemper might plead Prescription after so many years. And in the 7 th v. you may observe the poor Mans Case was so much the sadder, because he was not in a capacity to further and promote his recovery, such was his impotency and inability. He lay at the Waters, and was there tantalized, disappointed, and wholly fr [...]strated of hi [...] daily Hopes and Wishes. And there perhaps he lay repining at his Destiny which had given him some hopes, only to make his Infirmities the more insupportable. He was condemned to live, and to bear the Burden of a lingring Disease. You may suppose that oftentimes out of hope of regaining his Health he almost lost his Life in the Press and importunate Crowd. The good Angel that used to trouble the Waters of B [...]thesda would not step aside to take him in: and he had no Friend there that would make way for him to the Pool. His Neighbours, that brought him to the place in expectation of a Cure, proved in the Event cruel to him, and preserv'd him only to torment and vex him. At last he met with the Angel of th [...] Covenant: the blessed Iesus (who came to save Mens Souls and Bodies) pitied his Case, and heal'd his Distemper even when it was thus grown habitual and inveterate, so that no Drug or D [...]vice of Art could reach the Root of it, nor perhaps the sa [...]a [...]ive Streams of [...] wash it [Page 496] away. The holy Iesus, I say, beholding this Person in so forlorn a Condition had compassion on him, bid him rise forthwith, and take up his Bed, and walk; which immediately he did.
Our Saviour likewise restored sight to the Blind (even those that were born so), hearing to the Deaf, sp [...]ch to the Dumb, strength to the Lame. He cured Fevers, Palsies, Leprosies, and all manner of Diseases whatsoever, whether Acute or Chronical. No Distemper overcame his Power, but he heal'd those that were most difficult and obdurate, and that could be removed by no humane Skill. Among his other Miracles, we must not forget his wonderful Dispossessing of Devils, nay of a Legion of them at one time. He cast out Deaf and Dumb and Blind Devils, i. e. those evil Spirits which made the possessed so: and in Mat. 12. 22. 'tis recorded that he [...]cured a possessed Person who was both Blind and Deaf. Thus he expel'd Diseases and Devils together. On the Sea as well as on the Land he displaied his Miraculous Power; he commanded the Inhabitants of that Element to surrender themselves at his pleasure. He sent Peter to fish for Poll-money, and accordingly he found it in a Fishes mouth. Seeing from a Mount, where he was praying, his Disciples at Sea labouring with a Tempest, he came to them walking on the Waters, and gave St. Peter power to walk there safely; and then coming into the Ship, he presently silenced the Wind, allay'd the Storm, hush'd the Tempest which threatned no other than sudden Ship-wrack.
He did things far greater than all these, he raised the dead, which is the heighth of Miracles, and is the most remarkable Attestation of Divine and Supernatural Power. Thus he rais'd Lazarus from the Grave, he call'd to Life again the Daughter of Iairus the Ruler of the Synagogue: Afterwards in the Town of Naim he restored to Life the only Son of a Widow. [Page 497] These Persons, say some Atheists, were not dead, but only in an Extasy. But we say that they were really dead, or else there is no way in the World to know and judg when any are so. And if this be granted (as it needs must) we have more reason to assert the Affirmative than they the Negative. Paracelsus philosophically attributes this Resuscitation to the mixture of a certain heat in the corrupted dead Matter; as Frogs (saith he) are generated of Slime by the heat of the Sun. This is his Blasphemous Nonsense, which all Men of sober Reason deride, and unanimously acknowledg that the restoring of the dead to Life is an Act of Supernatural and Divine Power, and that the Key of the Grave (as the Jews say) belongs to God only.
And now to approach towards our Saviours Death, a little before which he repeated that Act which he had once before done, i. [...]. the driving the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple, which may be justly reckoned amongst his Miracles, for he could not have expell'd so many Men out of that place, which they had made the place of their Merchandize and Gain, without an extraordinary and omnipotent Arm. And by the same Almighty Power he struck to the Ground those that came to apprehend him. Afterwards, when he was on the Cross he converted one of the Thieves even just before his leaving the World, which was a Miracle, and a great one. At the same time he caused a miraculous Eclips [...], for it must be reckon'd as such because it happen'd not after the natural and usual way, which is by the Moons interposing between the Sun and the Earth, which falls out only in the New M [...]on; whereas when Christ suffered it was F [...]ll Moon, viz. the 15 th Day of the Month Nisan, the Passover-day. And at his Death the Earth quaked, the Veil of the Temple was rent asunder, the Graves [...]ere open'd, and the dead arose, which was the [Page 498] forerunner of our Saviour's Resurrection, which followed soon after. He that raised others raised himself from the dead the third Day, which was a Confirmation of all his former Miracles. And after he had visibly convers'd with his Disciples for a time, he ascended up to Heaven, and convey'd himself through all the Regions of the upper World even to the Mansions of Glory. These were some of the Miracles of our Saviour: But there were innumerable more which are not recorded; which occasioned that great Hyperbole used in Iohn 21. ult. Indeed, Christ did so many and so great Miracles, that the Unbelief and Obstinacy of the Iews, notwithstanding all of them, may seem to be as great a Wonder and Prodigy as any thing that happen'd.
Secondly, the Apostles as well as our Saviour himself, exerted many Miracles, the holy Spirit being sent to them, according to Christ's Promise, to inable them to do them. [...]hey cured all manner of diseased Persons that were brought before them; yea, they could cure at a distance, and by proxy. By St. Peter's Shadow and St. Paul's Handkerchief a sanative Virtue was conveyed to the Sick, and their Diseases departed from them, Acts 15. 15. Acts 19. 12. This was a Gift which was equally wonderful and useful, by virtue whereof Maladies were cured without any cost, and the poor Patient needed not to fear a Relapse soon after from the sight of an Apothecary's Bill. If it be objected that St. Paul left Trophimus at Miletum sick, 2 Tim. 4. 20. and he cured not Timothy of his weak Stomach without drinking Wine, 1 Tim. 5. 23. Therefore the Apostles had no absolute Gift of healing: I answer, 1. The Gift of healing was for the Confirmation of the Truth, and for the Conversion of Heathens rather than for the recovering of Christians, and therefore it is no wonder that they could not work this Miracle always, and that [Page 499] some were heal'd, not all. 2. Miracles were not designed to make Men immortal on Earth. Sicknesses and Diseases were not always to be cured, for then none should die: But it was sufficient that sometimes the Power of Healing was exerted, that thereby it might be seen that the Apostles were inabled from Heaven, and that a divine Power went along with them. But it pleased God that at ordinary times Diseases should be cured by the use of Means, and that an extraordinary Power should not be made use of. 3. Those very Instances (or any the like) are a great Proof that God bore witness to the Apostles: for hence it appeared that this Power was at Gods pleasure and disposal, and not at their own, they could not do what they pleased, there was a certain Limitation, which shews it was absolutely a divine and supernatural Power by which they healed Diseases.
Again, another miracul [...]u [...] and extraordinary Gift confer'd on the Primitive Church, to corroborate the Truth of Christianity, and to convince the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles, was speaking with diverse Tongues, which was more especially serviceable to this end; because hereby they could be understood by Persons of diverse Countries and Languages, and so by this Means the Propagation of the Gospel was further'd. Thus by the same way by which the building of the Tower of B [...]b [...]l was hindred, did the Apostles afterwards pull down the strong Holds of Satan, and build up the Christian Church. Of this extraordinary Gratuity the Apostle speaks, 1 Cor. 12. 10. To another, saith he, [...] given diverse kinds of Tongues, to another the interpretation of Tongues, i. e. one had the Ability to speak strange Languages, and another was enabled to interpret them, and make them intelligible. So that it seems these two Gifts did not always concur in the same Person, at least at this time in the C [...]rint [...]ian Church: But, however [Page 500] they were both of them the effects of a supernatural Power. And by this Miraculous way the Apostles frequently dispossessed Devils, who in those days tormented the Bodies as well as Souls of Men. They had power also to raise the dead, which was seen in St. Peter's raising of Dorcas. Nay, the Miracles which the Apostles did were greater than Christ's: and so he himself had promised, Iohn 14. 12. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater Works then these shall he do. The Apostles were able to speak strange Languages which they never learn'd, a Miracu [...]ous Gift which our Saviour never exerted, th [...] he could. But this is the main Reason why the Wonders which the Apostles wrought are said to be greater than those of our Saviour, because they were more large and extensive, they were done in all parts of the World where the Apostles preach'd. Besides, the Fruit and E [...]ect of them were greater, their Converts were more numerous, they won by them far greater Multitudes of Souls to the Christian Faith. Thus you have a sho [...]t account of the various Miracles both of Christ and his Apostles.
2. [...] am to shew that these Miracles of our Saviour and his Apostles were really true, and not counterfeit Miracles. Here I have two things to do. 1. To shew you what are true Miracles, and how they differ from ralse ones. 2. To prove that the Miracles of our Saviour and his Followers were such. First, Let us enquire into the true Nature of a Miracle, These are the five grand Properties of it.
1. It is such an Act as is above natural Force and Abili [...]y, and is done wholly by virtue of an omnipotent Power. There is a Physical Virtue and Agency given to all Creatures at their first Creation: Their natural Properties and Affections are settled in them by God at first, and according to these they constantly act except he who created them changes their course, [Page 501] immediately influencing on them. When the Creator thus alters their natural Course and Agency, and when the Effects are contrary to their natural Power, there is a Miracle wrought: for Miracles are Actions that are against natural Efficiency. This is opposed by Mr. Hobbs, who holds that there are no real Miracles, because all is by natural Causes: only they seem to the Vulgar to proceed from extraordinary and supernatural Causes. On this ground he endeavours to vilify the Miracles wrought by Christ. And Spinosa would fain thrust upon us this Proposition, that whatsoever the Scripture affirms to have been done, did necessarily come to pass according to the Laws of Nature, and no otherwise; and consequently that those things which go under the Name of Miracles have only natural Causes, tho unknown to us. And he conceits this to be a sufficient Reason of what he saith, viz. * that God and his Decrees are unchangeable, and therefore the Laws of Nature can't be alter'd, and so there are no Miracles, because these are said to be Interruptions or Vi [...]lations of the course of Nature. But if the altering the course of Nature be contain'd in the divine Decrees, as most sure it is, then what will become of his Argument? It is a mere Fallacy, and contradicts several Discoveries which God hath made of himself and his doings in the sacred Writ; where we find that there are such Actions as cannot be done by the mere Power and Energy of Men or Angels (either good or bad) or of any created Beings. It is of the Essence of a Miracle to exceed all natural Power: A Miracle always supposes the Virtue by which it is produced to be Divine.
2. This is another property of a Miracle (which follows necessarily on the former) that it is Vnaccountable. We cannot solve it, we cannot shew any reason [Page 502] why it is so. It is above our apprehension, for it being a thing above natural Power, it is impossible that natural Reason should tell how it is done. A Miracle is such a work of which no Physical Cause can be assigned: therefore it is no wonder that it is beyond our Conceptions, and that we cannot apprehend how it is performed.
3. It is also something done rarely and unusually. It is a saying of the Rabbins, and a true one, * A Miracle doth not happen every hour. It is an uncommon thing, and Rarity is of the nature of it. For the design of a Miracle was to beget Faith by its being rare: and therefore if you could suppose it to be perpetual, the end of it would be lost, which is to stir up Men to believe by the uncommonness of what is done. Divine works that are done daily and ordinarily are not Miracles: thus to justify Sinners, to convert them, to save them, &c. are not call'd Miracles. So Gods preserving and upholding the World, is the work of Divine Power only, but it is not call'd a Miracle because it is every moment. † Pliny declares that it exceeds all Miracles that any one Day passes, and all the World is not set on Fire, because of the innumerable subterraneous fires, and by reason of the infinite number of Stars, and the vast heat in the Sun, and the inbred fires in Clouds, &c. But this is no rar [...] and strange thing, and therefore is no Miracle. The gravity of bodies, the strange Operation of the Loadstone, the reciprocal motion of the Sea are Phaenomen [...] that depend (as I apprehend) on the particular and immediate influence of a supernatural cause, and yet, because they are common, are not Miracles. God, the All-wise Governor of the World, hath his usual and ordinary ways, but these oftentimes are neglected and despised because they are common: wherefore [Page 503] he thinks good to use another method, he exert [...] other acts, and these are unusual and extraordinary, and excite a greater regard and reverence in Men, and have the name of Miracles.
4. It is the qualification of a Miracl [...] not only to be supernatural, unaccountable, and rare, but also to be something visible, at least very evident and discernible. The Egyptians saw Moses's Miracles, the Priests of Baal saw what Elijah did. And whatever Miracles are really done, are done in the sight of People, or the effects of them are to be plainly seen. The reason is because they are exhibited to the World on purpose that they may be observed and taken notice of. Wherefore a Miracle is such a Divine Work as is evident and apparent, and thence this kind of Operations are frequently call'd Signs, i. e. outward and open representations of the Almighty Power of God.
5. And lastly, they deserve the name of Miracles because they stir up Mens minds to admire them: they cause amazement and wonder: they are such works of God as create astonishment in all that seriously consider them. And this proves what I said before, viz. that it is against the nature of a Miracle to be constant and lasting, and always continuing: for if it were so, it would not be wondred at, and then it would cease to be a Miracle. These are the inseparable properties and qualification of true and real Miracl [...]s: but the first is the main, and the only essential one; for some other things are unaccountable (we being ignorant of the extent of Nature's Sphere) and unusual, and wonderful, but they are not against and above the power of natural causes, therefore they are not properly Miracles: for a Miracle is a thing that cannot be done but by Supernatural and Divine strength.
[Page 504]Consequently, a Miracle cannot be done by the Devil, or any of his Ministers and Agents. These indeed can do strange and wonderful things, that is, either such as are really so, but then they rise only from occult natural causes and means; or such that seem to be so, they appear only, and are not, and then they are mere Jugglings and Tricks of Art. Thus far evil Spirits and their Agents are able to go, and no further, they can counterfeit Miracles, but they cannot work one true Miracle. Thus the Egyptian Magicians did wonderful things, they did not only make their Rods to appear, like that of Mercury, with Serpents twining about them, but (which is greater) they by their Inchantments turned their Rods into Serpents, or seem'd to do so. That the worst Men may have power to work such signs and wonders is plain from Deut. 13. 1, 2. And the reason why God suffers false Proph [...]ts to work those seeming Miracles is suggested in v. 3. The Lord your God proveth you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your Heart, and with all your Soul. It is to try Men whether they will adhere to God, or forsake him: it is to make an experiment either of their Stedfastness or their Hypocrisy. We have it from the mouth of our Blessed Saviour, that there shall arise false Christs and false Prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, so great that (if it were possible) they shall deceive the very elect, Mat. 24. 24. And St. Panl lets us know that the Man of sin, the Son of perdition, shall come with all power, and signs and lying wonders; which last words lying wonders seem to have a very large signification: for as this may be one meaning of them, that though the actions they shall do shall be real and true, though the things shall be really done, yet they are but lying wonders, because thereby the Devil impo [...]th on Men, and leads them into error and falshood, or because these wonders are to attest a lye, to maintain [Page 505] false and erroneous Doctrines; so it is probable likewise they are call'd * lying wonders, because they are false and counterfeit, and seeming only, although they are pretended to be true Miracles.
So it is foretold in Rev. 13. 13, 14. that the Grand Impostor of the last Times shall do great wonders, so that he maketh Fire to come down from Heaven on the Earth, in the sight of Men, and deceiveth them that dwell in the Earth by the means of those Miracles (or † Signs) which he hath power to do. True Miracles cannot be wrought by Satan or his Instruments, but he can do wonderful Things and lying Miracles; and such are these here mentioned which false Prophets and Seducers are able to effect. They either exceed not the course of Nature, and are the Effects of natural Causes tho they be hid to us; or else they are mere Cheats, Deception of Sight, and Delusions of the Senses, and so they are only seeming Miracles and lying Wonders. This is an undeniable Truth, that tho Evil Spirits and wicked Men are permitted to do things prodigious and strange, yet they cannot work true Miracles: for a Miracle is something above, yea contrary to the course of Nature. Now God alone can alter this established Order: This is proper to him only; no Creature can effect it. The Author of Nature can only change it: He that first made all things of nothing can alter the Propriety of things. Thus, as the Psalmist speaketh, God alone d [...]th gre [...] Wonders, Psal. 136. 4. Miracles are wrought by a divine Power wholly.
Having shew'd you what is the true Natural Miracles, I am to prove that those Acts of our Saviour and his Apostles which we call Miracles are really such, and are not counterfeit, but true. This is evident [Page 506] from what I have said already, for those things which they did were above the power of Nature, as healing all sorts of Diseases, tho in themselves incurable, feeding Thousands with a small Portion of Food, and yet so that they carried away more than was first provided; restoring People to Life after they were really dead, and the like. These things exceeded the Virtue of natural and created Agents, and therefore must be acknowledg'd to be Divine and Heavenly, and by consequence were true and proper Miracles. But moreover, I will prove that these Miracles of Christ and his Apostles were accompanied with such peculiar Circumstances as spake them to be of divine Original. As,
1. The simple and plain way of doing their Miracles is very remarkable. Christ cured some by laying his Hands on them, others by prayer and invoking of his Father, others by a mere touch of his Hand, as the Leper, Mat. 8. 3. Others by their only touching the Hem of his Garme [...]t were made perfectly whole, Mat. 14. 36. Multitudes were cured of their Diseases with a bare word; yea, with a word he raised the Ruler of the Synagogue's Daughter, only saying to her, Maid, arise, Luke 8. 54. He cured a Noble Man's Son, so likewise a Centurion [...] Son at a distance, Iohn 4. 46. Mat. 8. 5. which could not be with application of Medicines, or using of any Means. Other Methods he made use of sometimes, as when a blind Man was to be cured, he anointed his Eyes with Clay macerated with Spittle, and also bid him wash in the Pool of Siloe. The ten Lepers were not presently healed, but he bid them repair to the Priests, and as they went they found their Cure. At the raising of Lazarus he shed Tears, groaned in his Spirit, and call'd him out of his Grave with a loud Voice. But these and all his other Miracles were wrought without Formality and Ceremony, [Page 507] without any superstitious Rites and Observances, without either Natural or Artificial Applications, which is a great Argument that they were true Miracles, and no Impostures; for these latter are always done with Ceremony and Pomp, with strange words, and as strange Gestures and Actions.
2. The Miracles of Christ and his Apostles were not obscure, but evident, not done in a corner, but in the open light; and so if there had been any Cheat and Forgery in them, they might have been observed: and they would most certainly, for Christ and his Apostles had subtil Enemies about them, who were busy in prying into all the Circumstances of their Actions. When Christ cured the Man that had had an Infirmity thirty eight Years, it was at a publick Meeting, at the great Feast, Luke 4. 33. He dispossessed a Man of a Devil in the midst of the Synagogue, Iohn 11. 45. The Man was cured of the Palsy before the Multitude, Mat. 9. 8. the Widow's Son was restored to Life before much People, Luke 7. 12 and most of his other Miracles were wrought publickly, so that there were many Spectators and Observers of them. And it is certain that among these neither Wit nor Malice were wanting to find out the Errors and Deceits, if there were any. Yet we know that the Miracles of Christ were published by the Evangelists, especially St. Matt [...]w, whilst yet the Persons were alive upon whom they were wrought, and whilst innumerable Persons, who were Witness of those things, were surviving.
3. Whereas one or two are said to have been cured in the Heat [...]en Temples, and Impostors have been cried up for a few wonders they have done, it is to be taken notice of and remembred that Christ cured v [...] ry many, and the number of other Miracles which he did was exceeding great. The Multitude of them is an argument of their Truth and Reality, for it shews [Page 508] that it was not a thing by chance; besides, when so many Miracles were done, there can be no suspition of doing them in a fraudulent manner, for it had been easy at one time or other to discover it.
4. Christs Miracles were not only many and various, but often repeated, and done several times over. Both he and his Apostles did those extraordinary things daily, and one Miracle was wrought by them to confirm another: which gives us further Assurance that they were not counterfeit and false, for then by frequent reiterating them they would have been found out.
5. Miracles were done in all parts of the World, and not confined to Iudea only. The Acts of the Apostles relate what Miracles they exerted in several Countries where they went; and afterwards the whole World was visited by one or other of them; and yet we never read that they were proved to be Impostors. But on the contrary, we are credibly informed that their Miracles were owned and approved of not in one place only, but in all places where they came.
6. These Miracles were wrought, these Cures were done, and the strange Languages were spoken amongst them for many years together, whereas * what is counterfeit holds not long.
7. These Miracles were not control'd and check'd by any greater, as the Wonders of the Egyptian Sorcerers were by Moses. You may observe that those Magicians could not plague Men and Cattel with Boils, they could not restore the Waters to their former quality: tho they could gather the Frogs together, yet they were not able to kill them. They could not counterfeit the Miracle of Fleas and Lice, tho they did those of the Serpents, Blood, and Frogs. Here was some restraint; the Devil was overpower'd: [Page 509] But that was not all: They had not been suffer'd to effect so much as they did but that Moses was there ready to countermand them, and to baffle their Delusions. They turned the Rods into Serpents, but Moses's Rod devoured theirs, i. e Moses's true Serpents devour'd the Magicians counterfeit Ones. But Christ and his Apostles wrought Miracles, and there was none to countermand them, which shews that they were real Miracles. Thus true Miracles may be known by their manner and circumstances.
Again, These may be known to be such from the Ends and Designs which Christ and his Followers propounded to themselves in exerting them. First, True Miracles are always for the Confirmation of the Truth, but seeming and counterfeit Ones are wrought on purpose to maintain some false Doctrine. Therefore if a Pretender to Miracles teacheth any thing derogatory to Providence, and to the Nature of God and Religion, we must look on him as an Impostor; for Miracles that are true never contradict the Divine Testimony, and the Truth recorded in Holy Writ. This then you must know, that as Miracles confirm a Doctrine, so they are authorized by the Doctrine. We must not rest in Miracles alone, but to the Word and to the Testimony we must appeal. Christ saith, the Works I do bear witness of [...], John 5. 36. but he adds, ver. 39. [...] th [...] Scriptures: they are they which testify of me. By this then we may ascertain our selves of the Authority of those Miracles which our Saviour and his Apostles wrought when they were upon Earth: They were done to attest a Doctrine, which as it contradicted no part of Moral Religion, nor the natural Notions of Reason, so it was conformable to the written Word of God, and all the Truths in the Old Testament.
In the second place, True Miracles tend to the overthrowing of Satan's Kingdom in the World: they never [Page 510] confirm and abet Sin and Prophanation in those that do them, or in any one else. As we observ'd before from Deut. 13. 1. that God some times permits false Prophets to work Signs and Wonders among his People, so the Verses following tell us how we may know them to be lying Wonders, viz. if the Prophet makes use of them to entice Persons to g [...] after other Gods, and to serve them. If the Signs and Wonders were intended to seduce them to a false Worship, to perswade them to Idolatry, and forsaking the true God, they were not to be credited, they were to be look'd upon as no true Miracles, but counterfeit ones. For it is not a sufficient proof for the truth of Miracles that they are for attesting the Orthodox Faith, unless they also uphold a Holy Life.
In the third place, Our Saviour's Miracles were such as were beneficial to others, and was for the good of Mankind. He procured Food for Multitudes of Persons, when they were almost [...]amished; he cured the Lame and the Blind, he ejected troublesom Devils out of Mens Bodies, he relieved the most impotent and distressed. But the Signs and Wonders which are done by Impostors are rather harmful than advantageous. It is not unworthy of our Remark (what was partly suggested before) that the Egyptian Magicians turn'd the Water into Blood, but they could not reduce it to its Nature again: they brought up Frog [...], but they could not clear the Houses of the Egyptians of them. They could bring Plagues, but they could not remove them. And it may be observed also of Impostors, that if what they do is not harmful, yet it is oftentimes fruitless and unprofitable, it is vain and trifling, and fit only to entertain fond and scrupulous Minds.
But here it may be objected, that all Christs Miracles were not beneficial; for his [...]ursing the Fig- [...]ree, Mark [...]1. 14. and his sending the unclean Spirit into the Gaderens [Page 511] Swine, Mat. 8. 30. were not so. As to the first, viz. Christs cursing the Fig-tree, it was a Symbolical Act figuring the Judgment of God against the unfruitful Religion of the Jews: and being thus consider'd, it was of great use and benefit. Some indeed have thought it strange that our Saviour should do thi [...] when he himself saith, the time of Figs was not yet, v 13. as if it were unjust to blast the Tree for not bearing Fruit before the time of bearing was come: but they mistake the meaning of those words, which is no other than this, that it was not the time of Figs with that Tree, but it was with others. The year was not unseasonable for Figs, but this Tree bore nothing but Leaves; therefore our Saviour dealt thus with it. This I take to be the plainest and clearest Interpretation of the Place, and then the Objection vanishes, for who will be concern'd at the wit [...]ring of a Barren Tree?
I know there are other Solutions of the place, but none of them seem to me to be genuine. That of * Episcopius is not to be allowed of, viz. that when Christ cursed the Figtree, and said, the [...] of Figs [...] not yet, he did not know that it was not time of Figs. A † learned Writer of our own hath this peculiar Notion, that Christ look'd for Figs, and yet saith, th [...] time of Fig [...] is not yet, because he look'd not for any Figs that he thought could be ripe and fit to eat that Spring (it being about that time) but he look'd for those that grew the last Summer, and had hung on the Tree all Winter. But tho Iud [...] was a very fruitful Country, and had in it several things different from other Soils, yet it is to be question'd whether there were Fig-trees in the Field of this nature, and whether the Jewish Writings (which this Author refers to) speak [Page 512] of this sort of Fruit. Besides, if this Tree bore Figs (as the Author supposes) it is not material whether they were old or new, whether they were Figs of the last years growth or of the present one; why then did our Saviour curse it? Some interpret the Words of the time of gathering of Figs, but this makes the bearing of Figs, and the gathering of them to be the same, which is a straining of the words.
A learned Critick reads the Text thus, * Where was the time of Figs? i. e. saith he, there was the time, in that place where Christ then was, viz. near Ierusalem it was the Season of Figs: and because this one particular Tree bore no Fruit when the rest did, Christ deservedly curs'd it. This Interpretation amounts to the same with what I before propounded, but I cannot approve of the Alteration made in the Original † An other late Critick comes somewhat nearer to this, and by changing the Accent, and doubling the Verb reads it thus, ‖ where he was, was the time of Figs. But I conceive this Learned Gentleman is a little too bold here (as well as in some other places) in his changing the Greek Text where there is no occassion for it: and therefore I keep to the received reading, which according to the Greek is exactly thus, for it was not the time of Figs (yet being redundant in our English Translation) i. e. it was not the time of Figs with this Tree. Tho according to the time of year other Fig-trees bore Fruit, yet this degenerated from them, and had no Fruit at all on it, only Leaves; whence our Saviour took occasion to curse it.
[Page 513]And this he did for the sake of the Iews, that they might look on the Tree, and be admonished that they might be sensible of the danger of their Vnfruitfulness at such a Season, when the greatest furitfulness was required of them. Or, according to a 1 worthy Person, the meaning of Christ's cursing the Figtree was, that the acceptable Fruit of everlasting Righteousness was not then found in the Judaical Dispensation: this Tree did not bring forth such excellent Fruit, but only the fair Figleaves of an external and ceremonial Righteousness, and legal Morality. Christ therefore came to exprobrate to them the want of more perfect Fruit, and to put a Period to the Dispensation of the Jews, so that it should quite wither away and be null'd. Thus you see there is ground for what our Lord did: which makes me a little wonder why that Learned Critick whom I named last, and some other Expositors are so much concern'd at Christ's cursing the innocent Tree, as they call it. I do not see any cause why they should be so, for if we could assign no Reason at all of this Action of our Saviour, we ought to be fully satisfied with it, because he was arbitrary as to this, and all other Actions of the like nature: by virtue of his Sovereign Power he could in these matters do as he pleas'd. But we need not insist upon this, because I have offer'd a sufficient Reason why he thought good to shew a Miracle on a fruitless Tree, which had nothing but leaves to be destroy'd by his Curse.
As to the latter Instance, viz. Christ's suffering the Gadarens Swine to be driven by the Devil into the Sea, I answer, 1. It was not so much our Saviour's Act as his Permission, for so the word [...] [Page 514] sometimes imports. 2. It was not done of his own accord, but upon the importunate Outcry of the disturbed Friends, whom Christ saw it was best to lodg in the Deep. 3. The Persons who sustain'd this Loss deserved it, as we may gather from their carriage towards our Blessed Lord. Here then was no unjust thing done by this miraculous Power of our Saviour, nor was it a hurtful thing to punish Offenders according to their deserts.
But further, it may be Objected, If Christ design'd to benefit People by his Miracles, why did he not do them when they most desired them, as in the Case of Herod; and when there was the greatest need of them, as when our Saviour hung on the Cross? For the first, we read indeed that Herod was desirous to see Christ of a long season, because he had heard many things of him, and he hoped to have seen some Miracle done by him, Luk. 23. 8. Yet when Christ came before him, and was question'd by him, he answer'd him nothing, ver. 9. he spake not one word, he did not one Miracle. The Reason was, because Herod had sufficient opportunities before of hearing Christ's Sermons, and seeing his Signs, but he was negligent and careless; yea, he slighted and despised those things. This is evident, because otherwise he would have gone to our Saviour, or sent for him, and treated him with Respect and Reverence. This great Man having thus neglected the Season of Grace, he is justly debarr'd for the future by Christ himself. Miracles are denied him after a wilful refusing both of them and other means.
As for what we read in Mat. 27. 42. that the chief Priests and Scribes declared they would believe in Christ if he would come down from the Cross; and yet our Saviour would not gratifie them by his miraculous descending thence: Here I have these three things to say, 1. We may gather hence that Miracles [Page 515] are a certain and infallible Argument. All Men are agreed to be concluded by this: the Priests and Scribes declare that on these Terms they would believe in Christ, and take him for the Messias: they desire no better Proof than a Miracle. 2. I say this, Miracles (the mighty and extraordinary Works of God) are not lavishly to be thrown away. The Persons had Miracles enough before, but they disregarded them. and the Author of them: they must not therefore now, when they think sit, call for those divine Testimonies from Heaven. It is not meet that Heaven should be thus at their beck, and that Miracles must be done when they please. 3. The main thing I offer is this, that a greater Miracle than this which they now call for was shew'd within a little time afterwards, (for rising from the Dead was more than coming down from the Cross) and yet they were not wrought upon by it. So that if our Saviour had come down from the Cross, they would not have believed: which He who knew all things knew full well, and therefore would not comply with their unreasonable desire. We may then, notwithstanding these Instances alledged, assert that our Saviour intended the Good and Welfare of Men by the Signs and Wonders which he wrought, and that all the exertments of his miraculous Power were for the Benefit and Advantage of the World: which is one Difference between True and False Miracles.
Moreover, if we inquire into the Persons who generally wrought these Miracles, we shall be fully satisfied that they were True. Not to speak now ofour Saviour, the Apostles and Primitive Christians, who were the mediate Authors of them, were Men of great Simplicity: they approved themselves to be void of all secular and [...] de [...]igns, much more of all malicious and mischievous purposes. They were plain honest Men, who did not these things for vain Gloty [Page 516] and Applause, for Credit and Repute in the World, not out of Pride, Arrogance, or Ostentation. And it is as clear that they did not act for worldly Gain and Profit: otherwise they would not have left all, and followed Christ. It is to be consider'd also that the Persons who wrought these Miracles were Just and Charitable, Holy and Good Men; and even by the confession of their Enemies they lived well, and were of exact Conversations: whereas false Boasters of Miracles were infamous for some Vice or other, and by this it might be known and discerned that they were Cheats. Thus from the consideration of the Manner and Circumstances of the Miracles recorded to have been done in the New Testament, and likewise of the Ends and Designs of them, and of the Quality of the Persons who did them, we may conclude that they were True and Real Miracles. Thus you may distinguish between the Wonders wrought by the Infernal Spirits, Magicians, Antichrist, and all sorts of Impostors, and those Wonders and Miracles which were done by Christ, and by his Apostles, and other Christians in the next succeeding Ages of Christianity. Thus you may know the former to be Lies and Forgeries, and the latter to be the sole effects of Divine Power.
By virtue of the Premises we may also correct the Lies and Blasphemies of those Wretches who have defamed the Miracles of Christ and his Followers. The Pharisees could not deny the Miracles themselves; and so afterwards, Porphyrius, Celsus, Hierocles, Trypho, Iulian did not deny the Reality of those Miracles recorded by the Evangelists, they confess'd the Matter of Fact, and pretended not to boggle at it. But tho they acknowledged these things to have been really done, yet they maliciously calumniated them. It was most impiously said by the Pharisees in our Saviour's time that he did his Miracles by Belzebub the Prince of the Devils. And it hath been ever since [Page 517] constantly affirmed by the Iews that Christ wrought those great things 2 by Magick Art. Or, others of them (to mitigate this) attribute his working of Miracles to the Cabalistick Art; for they hold that in the Hebrew Letters, Points, Accents, Numbers, Names, the signification of the greatest things is contained, even the Nature of all things Divine and Human. By this all Wonders are wrought; Moses, and Elias and Elisha did all by virtue of this. Hebrew words include in them all Proprieties of things, and those that are skill'd can tell all things by them: especially the knowledg of the Virtue of the Tetragrammaton is effectual to produce the greatest Wonders in the World; and by the Power of that Name Christ, they say, did all his Miracles. The Calumny of Pagans against Christ's Miracles was something like this, as we learn from an 3 Antient Writer, who acquaints us that the sense of the Heathens was that Christ was a Sorcerer, and performed all by clandestine Arts, that he stole from the Mysteries of the Egyptians the Names of some powerful Angels, and made use of the most abstruse and mystical Rites of that People for the effecting of his Miracles. Celsus (as we learn from Origen against him) attributed the Apostles Miracles to Magick, and pretended that they had Magical Books from Christ to that purpose. Iulian declared that St. Paul was the most skilful Magician that ever was; and St. Peter according to him was addicted to that Art, as we are informed by Cyril of Alexandria, Books 3, & 9. Vaninus, Pomponatius, Cardan, and others Atheistically [Page 518] disposed, impeach not Christ of Diabolical Magick (for perhaps they holding no God, deny all Devils) but they declare that his Miracles were done by natural Magick. Some imputed the Miracles of the Apostles and other Christians to the force of their Imagination, to their exalted Fancy. Thus Avicenna, a great Arabian Philosopher and Physician, was of the opinion that an Intense Thinking operated all. At other times they assert that Christ wrought all his Miracles by the virtue of the Stars and the Heavenly Positions, or by the Power of Herbs and Plants, or of Precious Stones, or by a particular Temper of his Body made to heal; that is, his Body was composed of some particular Ferments, the effluvia whereof restored the Temperament of debilitated parts, envigorated the Blood, dissipated all heterogeneous Ferments, and so the Cure was wrought.
But any unbiassed Person may perceive that all these are mere Fetches and Artifices to give some colour to their Atheism, and to uphold their obstinate prejudices against the Divinity of Christ and the Authority of the Christian Religion. For from what hath been said before it is evident, that the Miracles mention'd in the New Testament surpass all finite Power, not only that of Man but of all other Creatures. And therefore it is plain that the wonderful Things by which Christ did prove his Divinity, and the Truth of the Christian Religion, they being Works not only above, but against Nature, and consequently are not effected by a created Being. And as for those who ascribe Christ's Miracles to Diabolical Magick, our Saviour himself hath answer'd them long ago, Every Kingdom divided against it self is brought to desolation. And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself: how shall then his Kingdom stand? Mat. 12. 25, 26. Christ, as appeared by his Doctrine and all his Actions, design'd the overthrow of Satan's [Page 519] Kingdom, therefore it cannot be believ'd that Satan would joyn with Christ to ruin himself; which certainly he must do if he helped him to work Miracles, which were the great Confirmation of the Christian Religion. Besides, Magical Cures and other such Operations were always done with Charms and Spells, with the use of Herbs and Drugs, with much Ceremony and ridiculous Words and Actions. But our Saviour's Miracles were effected without any of these: they were simply and plainly performed, which evidenceth that they were no Magical Prizes. It might be added that Diabolical Wonders do not use to be done by Men of Holy and Godly Lives, who are Enemies to the Devil and all his Works. And such was our Blessed Master, and such were his Apostles: therefore it is impossible that their Miracles should be from a Diabolical Power, and that they should do those Wonders by familiarity with Evil Spirits. The cursed Daemons will never help and favour such Persons as they were.
The other Objections and Cavils scarcely (even according to the judgment of some Persons who are no Friends of Miracles) deserve any Reply. All sober Men, who are not affected with the Dreams and Dotages of the Iews, look upon the pretence of the Hebrew Alphabet, or even of the Tetragrammaton, as a mere Sham, as having no shew of Reason or probability to support it. For to say that Christ turn'd Water into Wine by the help of some Constellation, or that St. Peter was enabled by the Stars to walk safely upon the Waves, are assertions that are only to be hissed at. As for natural Magick, it is gross folly to alledg that here, seeing I have already proved that True Miracles surpass the Power and Efficacy of Nature. To impute them to Imagination is yet more wild and extravagant, as if Fancy could fill [Page 520] above five thousand hungry Peoples bellies with five Loaves and two Fishes, or as if it were possible to raise the Dead by merely imagining such a thing
From the Premises likewise we may be taught how to return Answer to those Instances of Cures and other wonderful things done by some Pagans, which seem to vie with the Miracles of Christ and his Apostles. Plutarch in the Life of Pyrrhus tells us that he cured some Diseases, especially the Spleen, by touching the respective Parties with the Toe of his right Foot. But what great matter is this? Here is no sign of a Miracle, for the Kings of England, and those of France too, are thought to have a Virtue to cure the Scrophulous humour with a Touch. And with these Royal Touchers may be reckoned the famous Stroker, Valentine Greatareck, who had a Faculty of chasing Pains and Aches out of the Body through the Toes and Fingers ends. Here is something that is Rare and Vnusual, but I have suggested before that this is not sufficient to make a Miracle: it must be something that transcends human Power, and that can be no way effected by it. Which cannot be said of these above named Instances, for in the former sort the Fancy being envigorated by receiving the Honour of a Touch from a Great Commanders Foot, or from the Hand of a Great Monarch; and in the latter a Laborious Friction and Stroking being used, and that for a considerable time, and in some particular Pains only, are sufficient to solve the Phaenomenon without having recourse to a Miracle. Especially if you consider that the Cures reached but to some Persons, and to some Times, as well as to some Maladies: which ought not to be compared with the healing of all Diseases, in all Persons, and at all Times without the least failing.
But stranger things are attributed to Vespasian by [Page 521] 4 Tacitus and 5 Suetonius. These tell us that at Alexandria he cured the Lame and Blind, by the direction of Serapis a famed God among the Egyptians. This makes a great noise among some Men, and therefore we must give some account of it. There are some very worthy Persons who think this Relation of the foresaid Historians is true, i. e. that Vespasian did really do those Cures, and that by an extraordinary and divine Assistance. In those Cures, saith 6 Dr. Iackson, there was the Finger of God pointing out Vespasian to be Christ's Right Hand appointed for some extraordinary and peculiar Service, even to inflict the Plagues foretold by him upon those Iews who had reviled and crucified the Lord of Glory for the like and other infinitely far greater Miracles wrought among them. And 7 another Great Man goes yet further, telling us that Vespasian was a Representative of our Saviour, and thence his Coming to destroy Ierusalem is often called Christ's Coming. And he endeavours to shew in several particulars the Parallel between Christ and Titus Vespasian, and between the Coming of one and the other. And thence it is thought probable, that what the foresaid Historians say of Vespasian's healing the Blind and Lame was really true; for he being such an extraordinary Person, it is not incredible that he was blest with the Gift of Healing.
But, with submission to the Judgments of these excellent Men, I think we need not take this course, and exalt this Pagan Emperor to such an heighth, merely because a couple of Historians, his own [Page 522] Countrymen, tell us such things of him. I rather choose to satisfie my self and others about this matter by such offers as these.
1. It is not improbable that it was in flattery to Vespasian that this was reported of him: for you will find that these very Authors flatter this Prince in as high a strain on another account. They 8 tell us that the Prophecy which was abroad of one to come out of the East, who should rule over all the World, was meant of this Emperor, and Apollonius the Tyanaan (as Philostratus relateth) labour'd to perswade him of the same. And truly they might be pardoned for so doing, when 9 Iosephus the Iew out of servile Flattery did the like, and would in a manner perswade him he was the Messias. Thus you may easily be induced to believe that in a fawning way they gave out that this Great Prince could cure the Blind and Lame: and this would fill the Peoples heads with a Conceit of the Divinity of the Emperours, which they were very ambitious of.
2. Supposing there is some thing of Truth in the matter of Fact, yet there seems to be in it an affected Imitation of our Saviour; for as he restored a blind Man to his Sight by using of spittle, so the Emperour would attempt to heal a blind Man with spitting on his eyes, as Suetonius testifies. This looks like a fond aping of our Lord, which renders the thing suspicious, and shews the Cure to be counterfeit.
3. It is observable that there was only this one blind Man on whom the pretended Cure is said to be wrought: and they tell us but of one lame Man that was heal'd by this Emperour: which shews the vast [Page 523] difference between this and our Saviour's Cures, which were many and frequent, and daily expos'd to view; which is no small Argument of their being real and true: whereas Cheats dare not venture above once or twice for fear of a Discovery.
4. It is to be remembred that Vespasian was a great Favourer and Friend of Apollonius of Tyana; and they were both together present at the same time at Alexandria, when this Cure is said to be done, saith Philostratus. Hence I gather that Apollonius did the Feat, tho it was ascribed to the Emperour for the Reason aforesaid. If any wondrous thing was effected, it was by that Apollonius's Art: therefore of him and his Pranks I will speak next.
This Person, who was a Grecian Philosopher, and of the Pythagorean Sect, is much celebrated in History; and his Exploits are exceedingly cried up by Philostratus, who writ eight Books of the History of this Man, and by Damis who was his perpetual Companion, and wrote his Life. Hierocles took this Apollonius to be as Sacred a Person as Christ, and in his Writings compares him with Him, yea exalts him above Him. But the admirable Eusebius hath learnedly baffled this Hierocles, and those two others who writ the Legend of Apollonius's Life. He freely grants that this Apollonius was a Great and very improved Philosopher, and that he had brave and excellent Notions, and talk'd above the Rate of a common Philosopher. But then he gives him his Due on the other hand, he shews how foolish, absurd, and ridiculous most of his Actions were. In answer to Damis and Philostratus he lets them know that their Testimonies of him are Fabulous and Incredible, as namely when they write that he perfectly understood Languages which he never learn'd, that he cur'd all Diseases, that he knew Mens Hearts and Thoughts, and foresaw all Futurities. They should [Page 524] not, saith he, have said so high things of him, if they would have been believed: they have outdone the thing they undertook, for since they hold Apollonius to be no more than a Philosopher, they had no Reason to ascribe such Great and Prodigious things to him. Whereas it was reported that this Apollonius fetch'd a Woman to Life, as she was carried to be buried, Philostratus himself thinks she was not dead. It is incredible even to him, and therefore he only saith, she 1 seemed to be dead. In brief, Eusebius sheweth that most of the Prodigious and Portentous things related concerning this Man are Cheats and Forgeries, and the rest are the effects of Magick and Witchcra [...]t. Philostratus doth not deny that it was reported he studied Magick, and to that purpose convers'd with the Egyptian Gymnosophists and Indian Bracmans in his Travels. And tho he endeavours to disprove it, yet there is enough in that very History to make it appear that Apollonius gave his mind to that sort of unlawful Study, and was a great Wizard and Necromancer. He was a Person so noted over all the Roman Empire for his Magical Enterprizes, that Grotius and Hammond think These are spoken of in Rev. 13. 11. To his Magick we must impute not only all the great Wonders he did in his Life, but what happen'd in the close of it: for (as those forenamed Authors write) when he was arraigned before Domitian (who hated him as much as Titus loved him) he bragg'd that he was not to be hurt, and that he was Immortal: and soon after that he vanished in the midst of the Court, to the amazement of the Emperour and the rest of his Judges. Thus this great Sorcerer made his Exit. Now, from what I have laid down before, it is evident [Page 525] that these strange and wonderful Actions of his were not True Miracles: for I have proved such cannot be done by the help of Devils and Evil Spirits. Diabolical Wonders are to magnifie the Author of them, the Devil, and to promote Superstition and Idolatry in the World, as these did: therefore they cannot be from God, and consequently they are no Real Miracles, for such are always exerted by a Divine Power.
Lastly, we may from the foregoing Discourse judg of the Miracles which the Church of Rome pretends to. There is great Reason to determine that they are so far from being True Miracles, that they are downright Forgeries and Impostures. For I. Some of them are no other than what Impostors in all Ages were permitted by God to do, as appears from what hath been delivered. 2. Many of them are only Seeming Wonders, and such as Greek and Latin Historians are full of, but never thought them to be the effects of Divine Power. 2 Valerius Maximus hath gathered some of them together. 3. Many of the Popish Miracles are frivolous and impertinent, vain, trifling, and ridiculous; witness the fantastick and Romantick Stories of the Exploits of the Virgin Mary, St. Francis, St. Dominick, and several others. Any unprejudiced Person that reads them will say, that they are unworthy of a Divine Author, and therefore they must be excluded from the number of True Miracles. Once upon a time 3 when St. Francis was preaching in the fields, there came an Ass, and made some disturbance among his Auditors, which caus'd St. Francis to speak thus to the Brute, Brother Ass, be quiet till I have ended my Sermon: whereupon [Page 526] upon the Ass presently came and laid him down very peaceably at the Preacher's feet: to tell the World they must all be such Asses, and come and crouch to the Church of Rome, and lie prostrate at the Priest's Feet. 4. There is ground to believe that several of the Miracles of the Church of Rome are the effects of Diabolical Magick. Platina and others who have writ the Popes Lives tell us very plainly, that some of them studied and practised Magical Arts, and were very great with the Devil: or else some of them had never arrived to the Triple Crown. Whilst that Church lays claim to Simon Peter, they are no strangers to the Practices of Simon Magus. It is well known that sundry of their Priests deal with the Diabolical Spirits, and thence we may justly conclude, that many of their pretended Miracles are Specimens of the Black Art. 5. Let it be remembred that it is foretold in 2 Thess. 2. 9. that their Friend Antichrist shall do Miracles. Such are theirs, yea they are the very same, and are permitted by God to be done among them for the same purpose, viz. That they should believe a Lie, (i. e. their Religion) and that they all might be damned who believe not the Truth, i. e. the Christian Religion in its Simplicity and Purity. 6. Seeing Miracles are for begetting Belief, and they look upon us as Hereticks, who with them are as bad as Infidels, why do they not come among us, and before our faces work Wonders and Miracles? Let them not be done in Spain, Portugal, or Italy, but openly here in England, or in some other Protestant Country, where we may behold what they do. That Miracle-working faculty which operates only at so great a distance from us, will gain little credit. Or, let not a sorry Friar, but the Pope himself do some Great Miracle where he is. Till then we have cause to look upon them as Counterfeits.
Again, 7. This is to be thought of, that their own [Page 527] Authors give them the Lie; as for Example, whereas they talk and write of Xaverius's Miracles in the Indies, 4 Acosta the Jesuit acknowledgeth that they did no Miracles there, and he adds that there was no need of any. Nay, Xaverius himself in his Letters which he wrote concerning his Travels and Undertakings in these Parts, makes no mention of them. So some of the Miracles attributed to Ignatius Loiola are confess'd by those that write his Life to be uncertain and incredible; and by others of the Roman Party they are said to be forg'd after his Death, as Dr. Stillingfleet (now Bishop) shews in his Enthusiasm of the Church of Rome, p. 118, &c. And even St. Francis's Miracle of the Five Wounds imprinted on his Body, was look'd upon as a Fable by Pope Gregory the Ninth. We may then justly disbelieve the Stories of Ignatius and Xaverius and St. Francis's Miracles, and of the rest of that Perswasion, and be convinced that they were Falshoods, to magnify the Cause, and to extol their Church. 8. Many of these Popish Miracles have been actually discovered to be Cheats. It hath been manifestly proved (and there are several Records of it extant) that they were the mere contrivance of their Priests: And such particularly were some of those Miracles which were pretended to be done by the Virgin Mary at Loretto, and by St. Iames at Compostella. I could shew that the Miracles of the Papists are question'd by themselves, their Truth is doubted of by Cajetan de Concept. Virg. Espencaeus in 2. Tim. 4. and others of that Communion. 9. We may with Reason suspect the Roman Miracles, because our Religion was proved and confirmed by Miracles long before. It is not requisite they should be repeated and reiterated afresh. There is no more need [Page 528] of New Miracles than there is of New Revelations. They were wrought to confirm the Truth which we hold at this day: therefore since we have the same Truth that was confirmed by those Miracles of old, what need is there of any farther Confirmation? Lastly, the Popish Miracles are no True Miracles, because they are exerted to maintain a false Religion; for such is that of the Church of Rome, consisting of damnable Doctrines, Superstition, Idolatry, and all manner of Ungodly, Lewd and Prophane Practices. We cannot think then that God will by Miracles attest and allow of such Abominations. If then they still insist on the Miracles wrought by some of them among the Indians, as they pretend, I say this, that if it can be proved they were done among those Infidels, it was to confirm the Christian Religion, not the Popish. Thus you see that these Boasters of Miracles, and who make them a Note of their Church, are found to be but Pretenders, and can lay no claim, as they are of that Church, to those Miracles which are Real, Ge [...]uine and True, and which only are the certain Testimonies of the Truth of Christianity. Which brings me to the
3 d and last thing I undertook, viz. To evince that these Miracles are, and ought to be look'd upon as an Infallible Testimony of the Truth of Christianity. To these Christ himself appealed as a Proof of his Divinity and Messiahship, Mat. 11. 4, 5. To that Question, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? the Answer was, Go and shew those things which you hear and see; the Blind receive their Sight, the Lame walk, &C. So when the Iews were earnest with him to declare who he was; If thou be the Christ, say they, tell us plainly: Iesus [...]nswer'd them, The Works which I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me, John 10. 24, 25. These are a sufficient Attestation of my Divine Authority. Therefore he saith in [Page 529] John 15. 24. If I had not done amongst them the Works which no other Man did, they had not had Sin, i. e. their Unbelief had been no Sin: for if those Works were not a Proof of my Divine Commission, they were not bound to believe me. But on the contrary, those miraculous Works being undeniable Evidences of his acting by a Power from Heaven, it was a grievous and damning Sin to disbelieve him. So the Apostles, when their preaching the Gospel was opposed and contradicted, thought they sufficiently disproved the Gainsayers by shewing that Iesus of Nazareth (whom they preach'd) was a Man approved (or * demonstrated) of God among them by Miracles and Wonders, and Signs which God did by him in the midst of them, as they themselves also know, Acts 2. 22. Christ's Miracles were a Demonstration of the Truth of his Doctrine, and consequently of that of the Apostles, because it was the same. Thus St. Paul argues the Truth of Christianity from the miraculous Indowments and Gifts of the Apostles, and declares to the Hebrews that it is extreme dangerous to neglect that Doctrine, and that Salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord himself, and was afterwards confirmed unto them by them that heard him, God also bearing them witness both with Signs and Wonders, and with diverse Miracles, and Gifts of the Holy Ghost, Heb. 2. 3, 4. Here is the just Method of the Progress and Proof of the Gospel, here is first the Author and Founder of it, the Lord Christ Jesus who at the first began to speak and deliver it: Secondly, the Evidence of its delivery, it was confirmed by them that heard it, i. e. by the Apostles, who were Ear-witnesses of this Divine Doctrine: Thirdly, the Truth and Certainty of the Apostles Testimony concerning Christ and his Doctrine, God bore them witness with Signs and Wonders, and [Page 530] with diverse Miracles, which are as great a Confirmation of what they deliver'd as can possibly be desired.
Yea, Miracles have been always accounted such, even by those who were not very forward to imbrace our Saviour and his Doctrine. The Common People, when they had seen the Miracles that Iesus did, could say, this is of a Truth that Prophet that should come into the World, John 6. 14. This was the reasoning of the Man that was born blind, and was restored to his sight; Since the World began was it not heard that any Man by his own Power opened the Eyes of one that was born blind. If this Man were not of God, were not assisted with an infinite Power, he could do nothing of this nature, Iohn 9. 32, 33. And not only the simple and illiterate, but the wise and learned argued after this manner. Nicodemus, a Ruler of the Jews, came to Christ with this Acknowledgment, we know that thou art a Teacher come from God, for no Man can do these Miracles that thou doest except God be with him, John 3. 2. Here he confesses it as a known Truth that Miracles are sufficient to attest a Person or Doctrine to be from God: and consequently they are good Arguments of the Truth of what our Saviour taught, and they prove him to be the Messias. And the Chief Priests and Pharisees could say, this Man doth many Miracles: if we let him thus alone, all will believe on him, John 11. 47, 48. This strongly implies that Miracles are able to create Belief, and so unawares they acknowledg that the Miracles which Christ and the Apostles wrought are good evidence that their Doctrine was from God, and that it was to be believed and imbraced. The Iewish Rabbins in their Writings speak much of the Miracles the Messias shall do; which is an Argument that those Men were really perswaded that Miracles are a Proof of a Divine Commission, and that they are to seal the Truth of God.
[Page 531]This was the very Notion and Sense of the Pagan World, as is plain from that Passage recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, chap. 14. 8, 11, 12. When Paul cured a certain Man at Lystra impotent in his Feet, being a Cripple from his Mothers Womb, who never had walked, the People of the place seeing this Miracle presently lifted up their Voices, saying, the Gods are come down to us in the likeness of Men. Their natural Reason dictated to them that this was done by Divine Power, and could not be done otherwise. The Workers of Miracles are by these poor Heathens reputed as Gods. St. Paul was taken by them for Mercury; he that could give motion and nimbleness to the Lame Man of Lystra was thought to be the God with the winged Feet. But the Reason assigned in the History why St. Paul was taken for Mercury is because he was so excellent a Speaker. Barnabas said little or nothing, and so pass'd with them for Grave Iupiter, who had his Interpreter. And this was St. Paul, he was Mercurius, a good Spokesman indeed, one of an admirable Tongue that could perswade the Lame to walk, and a Cripple to use his Feet. However these ignorant Heathens were mistaken as to their making Gods of Men, yet in the main they were in the right, viz. that that miraculous Healing argued Divinity, and that none could do such things but those who are authorized by Heaven.
And as this is the sense of Mankind, so indeed it must be thus in the very nature of the thing it self: for what is above created Power proceeds from God, and what is from him is to some great end and purpose, worthy of him; thus Miracles, exceeding the Power of Nature, are the Attestation of God himself, and are design'd to evidence that Truth, and to authorize that Doctrine which is from God, which are very great and excellent Ends, and becoming the Author of them. Accordingly the Miracles which [Page 532] Christ and his Apostles wrought were intended to confirm and establish the Gospel which they preach'd, and to demonstrate to the World that that Gospel is true. For God would not throw away Miracles; much less would he use them to confirm a false Doctrine. We may be assured of this, that God's infinite Wisdom and Goodness would not give up the World to such an unavoidable Deceit, as such a Multitude of Miracles would lead Men into, if they were used to attest an Imposture, to confirm a Lie. If I cannot know the Messias to be sent of God when he raised the Dead, wrought all other sorts of Miracles, and rose himself from the Dead, I have no possibility of knowing who speaks from God, or whether I am deceived or no, or whether there be any truth and reality in things or no. This then we may build upon; there being Truth in the World, Miracles undeniably point us to it, for they being a Testimony from God, they cannot attest Falshood, but must necessarily direct us to and confirm us in that which is true. Our Christianity being founded on Miracles cannot but be of divine Allowance, it is impossible but that it should be from God. Christ and the Apostles could not have had Power to work true Miracles if their Doctrine had not been true; for God would not, and cannot maintain a Lie by a Miracle, for then he is no God. We cannot then expect a more convincing Evidence of Divine Authority than this, viz. that our Saviour spoke great and excellent things, and that he wrought Miracles to confirm what he said. What would you have more? It was necessary, that he should confirm the Truth of his Doctrine by his Miracles: and now they are wrought, there is a necessity, in order to our being Christians, that we heartily believe them.
I say, Miracles were necessary for confirming the Gospel, because the Gospel was look'd upon as a thing new and unheard of, as you may remember the complaint [Page 533] of the Athenian Philosophers against St. Paul was that he delivered a New Doctrine, and brought strange things to their Ears, Acts 17. 19, 20. They were long accustomed to other Notions, and so there was a vast Prejudice on their Minds: Wherefore Miracles were necessary to gain Credit to the Christian Faith, and to bring them off effectually from their former Sentiments. Again, many things in the Gospel were above the flight of Humane Reason, and on that account were not easily entertain'd: which made it requisite that they should be declared to be true by extraordinary Signs and Wonders. Likewise, because the Persons who preach'd and profess'd the Christian Religion were poor inconsiderable Men, it was necessary that they should bring Credentials from God to attest what they deliver'd. When they shew'd this Seal, this broad Seal of Heaven, none could question their Commission. Besides, the World was then full of Idolatry and false Religions, which could not be rooted out but by such a strange and unusual way as this, viz. the working of Mighty Signs and Miracles, even such as outvie the Power of Nature and the Pranks of Magicians.
Lastly, the Mosaick Law and Oeconomy having been before establish'd by Miracles, it was neeessary that the Evangelical Law and Dispensation should be attested in the like manner. God himself had constituted several things before, which now were taken away by Christ; therefore he taking them away ought to shew his Authority, which he did by working of uncontroulable Miracles. And to shew that the Law was to give place to the Gospel, he and his followers wrought far greater Miracles than any that were done before to attest the Mosaick Religion. Therefore he told the Jews that he did among them the Works which none other Man did, John 15. 24. And as they were greater, so they were more in number than those of [Page 534] Moses and the Prophets: which was also necessary to take away all scruple from Mens Minds, and to beget in them a hearty and full Belief of Christ's Doctrine. For this was the end of their being wrought, viz. to confirm the Belief of the Gospel, and to ascertain Men, even us at this day, that God himself bears witness to what Christ and his Apostles delivered. The use of these Miracles, I say, extends to us, and to all Ages of the Church: tho we saw them not, yet their Virtue comes down to us. All the Miracles done by our Saviour and his Apostles are as forcible and convincing now as if they were done in our Days: they are still, and ever will be an infallible Proof, Evidence and Demonstration of the Truth of Christianity. To shut up this head, if the Christian Religion be founded on the Mighty Miracles of our Lord and his Apostles, the Scripture is true, and our Religion is true: but if these are not, take notice (to confound the Folly and Sottishness of such Supposers) it is the greatest Miracle of all (if I may so say) that Christianity was receiv'd and believ'd without Miracles. So much concerning the Divine Testimony of Miracles.
The wonderful prevailing and spreading of Christianity another proof of the Truth of it. Some of the learnedest and wisest Jews converted to Christianity. A Catalogue of knowing and learned Pagans in the five first Centuries that abandoned Gentilism, and embraced the Christian Religion. Remarkable Instances of the Power of the Christian Truth. The virtue of the Gospel far exceeds that of Philosophy. Examples of great and rich Men converted to the Christian Faith. This prevail'd against the rage of the most powerful Persecutors. The more the Gospel was oppress'd, the more it flourish'd and prosper'd in all Nations. Examples of God's remarkable Judgments on the Enemies of Christianity, especially on the Nation of the Jews. This latter insisted upon, and shew'd to be an Argument of the Truth of Christianity. Particular Inferences from this part of the Discourse, viz. 1. Assent to the Christian Religion. 2. Assert and defend it. More General Inferences from the whole Christian Dispensation are such as these, 1. Admire the transcendent Excellency of it. 2. Be thankful for it. 3. Learn hence our great obligation to Holiness and strictness of Life. This enlarg'd upon. 4. If we live not sutably to this Dispensation, our doom will be more intolerable than that of others under the foregoing O [...]conomies. It appears from the general behaviour of Men that this is not thought of. 5. We are to look upon this as the last Dispensation. This is the meaning of Eph. 1. 10. which Words are fully expounded. This is infer'd from the Gospel's being call'd the New Testament. And from those Expressions [the last times] [the last days]. Wherefore we must not expect any New Dispensation.
[Page 535]Fourthly, THE wonderful prevailing of Christianity is another Testimony no less than Divine of the Truth of it. Observe the marvelous [Page 536] spreading and increasing of it; at first Christ began with twelve Apostles and seventy Disciples: after his Death, the number of the Names of the Disciples is said to be about a Hundred and Twenty, Acts 1. 15. Soon after; three Thousand were converted to Christianity, Acts 2. 41. and afterwards five Thousand more, Acts 4. 4. Then we read that a great Company of the Priests were obedient to the Faith, Acts 6. 7. And of honourable Women not a few believed, Acts 17. 12. And several more at other times, till Christianity in a short space of time got a considerable footing in the World. The elder Pliny, who was Proconful under the Emperour Trajan, and therefore knew very well upon diligent enquiry the numbers of the Christians at that time, acquaints us that even then, which was less than fourscore Years after Christ's Passion, that * Multitudes of all Ages, and Orders, and of both Sexes embraced the Christian Religion, and that not only Cities but Country-Towns and Villages were stock'd with the Professors of it. We may well then give credit to what the Christian Writers say afterwards, viz. that all Places and Offices were filled with Christians, as † Tertullian tells the Roman Senate. ‘It is now about two hundred and forty Years since the days of Christ the Redeemer, said ‖ St. Cyprian, and lo, in this time the Church hath spread out her Branches wider than the Roman Empire.’ At last Christ's Gospel broke in pieces Gentilism, and within much less than a Century cast the Empire into [Page 537] the Lap of the Church. This quick Advance of the Christian Church, this strange progress and success of the Faith of the Gospel proclaim it to be from God, and him alone.
This wonderful increase of Christianity in so short a time was signified in our Saviour's Parable, in the 13th of St. Matthew, where the Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a Grain of Mustard-seed, which increases to a Tree in a short time. So the Gospel at first was little and mean, a few contemptible Men came to Christ and owned his Doctrine, but their Numbers grew greater and greater, and in few years the Christian Religion spread it self over the World and all the Kingdoms of the Earth. In the same Chapter the Gospel is compared to Leaven, which spreads it self through the whole Mass: so the Evangelical Doctrine diffused it self of a sudden, and was seen to be dilated into a very spacious Circumference in a little time. Christianity so over-ran the Empire, that those who before were named Ethnicks and Gentiles were now call'd Pagans because they lived in poor Country Towns only. The In [...]idels were now but few and of mean Quality: the chief Cities and Towns were fill'd with those that profess'd the Christian Religion, though (as was said) the Country was not left empty of them.
But by what means was this done? Was it by deep Policy or mighty Force? No. Christianity prevail'd not as Mahomets Sect did: that got up by Military Success, by Sword and War, and force of Arms. But the Christians never struck one stroke for their Cause, unless you reckon that of St. Peter when he cut off the High Priest's Servant's Ear: but then he was commanded by his Master to put up his Weapon, and they never drew it afterwards. Christianity was not acquainted with Martial Discipline and the Law of Arms: there was no use of these harsh Methods in [Page 538] the propagating of it. Again, Mahometism prevail'd in a rude and illiterate Nation: that Impostor was witty, and knew how to cajole the ignorant People. But Christianity grew up in the most civilized parts of the World, where there was the greatest Knowledg and the most Arts: and we have Examples of the profoundest Philosophers and Sages that imbraced the Christian Faith. I wave the mentioning of others besides Mahomet, who had a Martial or a Politick Spirit to help them in their Enterprizes, and to carry on their designs. I only observe to you the marvelous Power and prevalency of Christianity, which is seen in this, that tho it made no use of these Means, yet it daily increas'd, and was every where propagated. From low and mean beginnings it grew up to a vast Proportion, and at length it arrived to the Sway and Soveraignty over the greatest Kingdoms. Here I will insist on these two Heads. 1. That in the propagating of Christianity the Ignorant prevail'd against the Learned and Wise. 2. That the Weak prevail'd against the Strong and Powerful: both which are no mean Arguments of the Truth of Christianity.
First, the Ignorant prevail'd against the Wise. For what were the Apostles? Were they any other than ignorant and unlearned, simple rude Men, not bred up in the Schools of Learning, not acquainted with Arts and Sciences, wholly Strangers to Philosophy and the fashionable Learning of those days? What were the Apostles but poor despicable Mechanicks, who knew nothing but their sorry Boats and homely Cottages? And what were the Men that these illiterate Persons opposed? They were the Learned Doctors and Rabbins, the Scribes and Pharisees, who were the wisest Clerks and Scholars amongst the Iews. Yet we read that some of these knowing Men attended to the Doctrine of the Gospel preach'd by Christ and his Apostles: some of these owned Christ and [Page 539] Christianity. When Jesus was presented in the Temple, Simeon, a Grave and Reverend Person, one of singular Wisdom and Sanctity amongst the Jews, acknowledg'd him publickly to be the Messias and Saviour, foretelling also many things of him. Christianity was favoured by Ioseph of Arimathea a wise Counsellour, by Nicodemus a Doctor of the Jewish Law, and afterwards by Gamaliel another Learned Doctor of the Law, who by the * advice he gave may be thought to have been a Friend of Christianity. Saul, a Man of great Learning and Abilities, brought up at the feet of this or another Gamaliel, and Apollo of Alexandria very knowing and powerful in the Scriptures, were converted to Christianity, and submitted themselves to the Faith of Christ. So in the next Ages, altho the Iews out of malice and hatred to Christianity (as † one tells them to their Faces) sent out their Emissaries, and those of no mean Abilities, into all parts of the World, to perswade People against that Religion, and to make them believe that the Professors of it were guilty of Atheism and all Impiety, yet this had but little effect upon them, and several Men of good Understanding and Knowledg imbraced the Christian Faith, and lived and died in it.
And as some of the learnedest Iews were converted by the preaching of the Gospel which they once counted foolishness, so among the Gentiles some of the wisest Philosophers and wittiest Orators and skilfulest Artists (for the Arts as well as Empire were at their heighth when the Gospel appeared, when Christ came) acknowledged the Truth of Christianity, and heartily espoused it. These Men, who were of considerable Learning and Parts, quitted their beloved Sentiments and Principles, and freely imbraced the [Page 540] Evangelical Doctrine. The early Trophies of the victorious Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ among the Learned Pagans were such as these, Luke the Physician, Zenas a Learned * Advocate of the Civil Law, (for he was no Scribe or Doctor of the Iewish Law, who in other places is indeed stiled [...] But (as our own Learned Annotatour hath made it probable) he was one that practis'd the Primitive Roman Law, which prevail'd not only at Rome but in all places which were under the commands of the Emperour.) Likewise a vast number of Learned Men at Ephesus, † who were Professors of curious Arts, but being converted forthwith committed their Books to the Flames, altho they were valued to be worth fifty thousand pieces of Silver. Dionysius the Ar [...]opagite, i. e. a Learned Philosopher and a celebrated Judg in the highest Court of Judicature at Athens, was ‖ brought to the Profession of Christianity by St. Paul's preaching of the Gospel there, and, as Ecclesiastical Writers report, was made the first Bishop of the Christian Church at Athens. The famous Polycarp bid adieu to his Pagan Rites, and resolutely admitted himself a Disciple under St. Iohn, and afterwards was deservedly constituted Bishop of Smyrna. With him I may rank Ignatius. who abandon'd his former Perswasions, and imbraced the Doctrine of the crucified Jesus, and afterwards arrived to the Episcopal Chair at Antioch, whose antient and godly Epistles are of great Note and Eminency in the Church, and have been justly vindicated by one of our learned'st Prelates. Some would rank here Clement the Roman who became a Convert to the Christian Faith, and manfully undertook the Defence of [Page 541] Christianity, and hath left us many noble Discoveries of Primitive Actions, especially that rare piece of St. Peter's Life.
Who hath not heard of Irenaeus (for now I will step into the second Century) that most eminent and noted Enquirer after Truth, who submitted at last to that of the Gospel, and made it his particular Employment to rehearse, and at the same time to confute the several Hereticks that confronted any Articles of the Christian Belief? Aristides, an eloquent Philosopher of Athens, changed his Religion, and presented an Apology for the Christians to the Emperour Adrian. Athenagoras, another excellent Athenian Philosopher, and famous for all sorts of Heathen Learning, must not be omitted here, who, bidding adieu to his former heathenish Life and Institution, undauntedly maintain'd that of the Christians. Theophilus of A [...] tioch was another converted Philosopher: and so was Tatianus, who, when he had abandon'd the Pagan Religion, writ an excellent Orationagainst the Greeks, wherein he apologizes for Christianity, and confutes Heathenism (tho he mingled some Errors with his Doctrine afterwards.) Pantanus, who was afterwards Catechist at Alexandria, was a Christian Convert from the Stoick Philosophy. I must by no means forget Clement, the great Philosopher of Alexandria, who being converted to Christianity indeavour'd by his Writings to promote that Cause, and accordingly put forth an * exhortatory Oration to the Gentiles, wherein he discovers the Folly and Falshood of Paganism, and earnestly perswades them to imbrace Christianity. And he writ a Body † of Christian Ethicks, in which he informs the Manners of a newly converted Christian: and he adds ‖ another Treatise full of [Page 542] variety of Matter, made out of diverse Authors sacred and profane, wherein he supposes the Convert arrived to some Perfection, and therefore lays him down greater and higher Rules. With this worthy Convert I will rank Iustin, who (as * he tells us himself) had run through all the Families and Sects of Philosophy, having been first a Stoick, then a Disciple of the Peripateticks, afterwards a Pythagorean, and pitch'd at length upon Platonism, and became a profess'd Assertour of it a long time. But at last an antient Christian [...] man, he saith, met him as he was walking by the Sea-side, and gave him some account of Christianity, from which time he had a Fire kindled in his Breast, he felt a Love of the Prophets and Apostles, and Followers of Christ: and seriously reflecting on that Mans discourse, he found (after all his tedious Searches, and the long Risque of Philosophy which he had run) that Christianity † was the only safe and useful Philosophy. Here he found Certainty and Profit, which two things he never met with before. Hereupon he was studious to advance the Christian Religion, and to that end writ and Admonitory piece to the Greeks against Gentilism, and two incomparable Apologies for Christianity, with a Defence likewise of it against Iudaism in a Dialogue with one Trypho a Iew: and at last suffer'd Death for the Christian Cause, and thence justly purchas'd the Sirname of Martyr.
But I will pass to the third Century, and there mention Cyprian, who was converted from Paganism, and afterwards was made Bishop of Carthage. He became the most zealous Assertour of Christianity, and in his Writings acquitted himself with so great a Courage as can never be express'd. He manfully [Page 543] wielded his Pen against the N [...]vatians, and against Apostates from Christianity in time of Persecution: he suffered much, and at last was honoured with the Crown of Martyrdom. I must add Tertullian, a Native of Africa, who of a Civil Lawyer commenced a solid Advocate and Maintainer of Christianity. This is that Tertullianus, according to some, who is mentioned in the Digests, and hath some Consulta of his set down there. And indeed he that observes his stile shall find many Law-terms, as his Prescriptions against Hereticks, &c. which are borrowed from the Civilians, or old Roman Lawyers, though I know the learned Grotius of the same faculty denieth it utterly. But against Grotius I set Eusebius, who tells us that Tertullian * was most accurately skill'd in the Roman Laws, and then it is no wonder that he uses several Forensick words, and particularly Praescriptions, which (as we learn from Quintilian, Vlpian, and the Pandects) were the Defendents Replies to the Plaintiffs Action. Besides, it might be proved that several great Professors of the Imperial Law were well-willers to the Christian Institution, and some of those Iuris sacerdotes (as the R [...] man Law stiles them) became Christian Priests. I have already mentioned an early instance of a Convert of this rank, I mean Zenas; to whom we may now add Minutius F [...]lix, an eminent Roman Lawyer, who afterwards turned Christian. And to him may be joyned Arnobius, and La [...]tantius (his Scholar), notable Rhetoricians, all three witty and solid Defenders of Christianity against Paganism in which they had been bred up. To whom may be added Iulius Firmicus, a Pagan first, and then gave his name to Christ, and writ a Book of the Error of Prophane Religions.
[Page 544]Afterwards in the fourth Century we may reckon Gregory Bishop of Neocaesarea, commonly call'd Thaumaturgus, in the Catalogue of learned Pagans converted to the Christian Faith, as also Nemesius a Philosopher in Gregory Nazianzen's time. Hilary Bishop of Poictiers, was a Heathen at first: so was Victorinus a * learned Rhetorician of Rome (though an Afric [...] by Birth) but in his old Age he renounced the Pagan Religion, and became a zealous Christian: the manner of whose Conversion is set down by St. Augustin. And in the fifth Century there was Synesius, originally of Cyrene in Egypt, first a Heathen Philosopher, and afterwards a Christian, and Bishop of Ptolemais in Africa, known by his excellent Writings. Sulpitius Severus, a learned Frenchman, of a noble Extraction, and famous at the Bar, forsook his Pagan Principles and Practices, and betook himself to Christianity, and was a zealous Defender of it, and in part vindicated it with his eloquent Pen. All these great Scholars, these Masters of Arts and Reason (with many more besides in those first Ages of the Christian Church) fell down before the Simplicity of the Gospel, and were captivated by it. These Persons of great Endowments and Acquirements, and the most zealous admirers and followers of Paganism, became greedy Proselytes to the Christian Faith, which certainly is no small Demonstration of its wondrous Power and Energy. Questionless it was one great and notable Miracle that Christianity was received in the World, and was entertain'd by the Persons we have been speaking of, who had by their Principles and Education the highest prejudices against it.
[Page 545] 1 R [...]finus and 2 Sozomen report that Alexander Archbishop of Constantinople, being present at the Council of Nice, with a word struck Philosophers dumb. But that is a more notable Instance which we meet with in the foresaid 3 Sozomen and in 4 Socrates, viz. that one Spyridion, an old Disciple of Christ, who had suffer'd under Dioclesian for his constant maintaining the Christian Faith, and was grown lame and blind with his Sufferings and with his Age, this weather-beaten Champion lived so long, I cannot say as to see the great Convention at Nice, but as to be present at it, and particularly interested in the Debates of it. More especially it was taken notice of how this tatter'd Confessor, this almost Emerit and disabled Soldier of Christ rallied his Forces afresh, and with a new and as it were a divinely inspired vigour ingaged the Enemies and Opposers of the Christian Faith, that is, some Captious Philosophers who came on purpose to shew their Parts and Wit at that great Assembly. But this antient Worthy grappled with them with a marvellous and almost incredible Vivacity: he beat back their Cavils, he baffled their Sophistries, he defended the Christian Cause, and gain'd upon some of its very Adversaries to own the same. And particularly, when a famous Philosopher disturb'd the whole Council with his Disputes, he only standing up and barely propounding the main Christian Truths to him, and bidding him in the Name of Iesus attend to them, made him become mute, and leave off his Logick and wrangling, and confess before them that he believ'd those things to be true, and that there came Force and Virtue out of the Mouth of this aged Saint and Confessor which [Page 546] he was not able to resist. Here was seen the Virtue and Power of the Christian Truth. By its own native strength and efficacy it gain'd these mighty Conquests. It pretended not to Mathematical Demonstration, it boasted not of skill in Arts and Sciences, and yet it baffled all these, and confounded the wisest Philosophers, and prevail'd upon the Men who were cried up for the most excellent Attainments.
This is wonderful indeed: and therefore you read that when the Jewish Sanhedrim 1 perceived that the Apostles were unlearned and ignorant Men, they marvelled; and well they might when they saw what was done by these silly illiterate folks, void of all Arts and Imbellishments. These sorry Creatures (as they were then deemed by the wise Men) prevail'd upon the World when it was most Learned and Improved, as all History assures us it was at that time. Not only some of the Rabbies of Ierusalem, but the Philosophers of Rome and Athens sat at the feet of the despised Apostles, who were Persons of mean education. The most knowing and cultivated Spirits submitted to the Sermons of the Ignorant and Artless. Which undoubtedly is a proof of the eminency of Christianity above all Philosophy. Which made the Apostle not only start this Interrogatory, 2 Where is the Scribe? i. e. the Man vers'd in the Iewish Law, but demand likewise, Where is the Wise? i. e. where are the Professors of Arts and Sciences, especially the Moral Philosophers, the Dictators of Ethicks, who were signally stiled [...] Wise Men. Where is the Disputer of this World? the natural Philosopher, the Man of Physicks, that acquaints himself with the Fabrick of this World? Where is the [...] the Questionist, the busie Diver into the profound Mysteries of Nature? Or, where is the Politician, that great Searcher into the [Page 547] Intrigues of the World? where are all these? What have they done by all their Lectures? Have they reformed Mens Lives as the Christians have done? Do their Principles make such a Change in Mens Manners as the others have done? Hath not the Gospel effected far greater things than all the Dictates of Philosophy ever did? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this World? Yea, it pleased God by the foolishness of Preaching (i. e. by that Ordinance of Preaching which by so many of the Learned and Wise Philosophers is reckon'd as Foolishness, by this Method and Means it pleas'd the Divine Providence) to save them that believe.
It is true, the Greeks seek after Wisdom, as the Apostle adds, i. e. the Philosophers will have all proved by natural Causes, they judg all by the Verdict of Reason, and run all things up to the strict Laws of Nature: therefore it is no wonder that the Doctrine of Christ was to these Greeks Foolishness. But we, saith the Apostle (in behalf of himself and his fellow-Labourers in the Gospel) preach Christ crucified, to the Iews indeed a stumbling-block, and to the Greeks foolishness, but unto them that are call'd, both Iews and Greeks, Christ the Power of God and the Wisdom of God. And this very Preaching is as great an Instance as can be of this Power, and this Wisdom. Here you may behold and admire the strange Efficacy of the Gospel. Ignorant Men confuted the Philosophers of Grec [...] the very Athenian Sages. And the most illiterate Men were too hard for the sublimest Statesmen, and the most Eloquent Orators in the Roman Empire. They found that Promise of Christ true, that he would give th [...]m a Mouth and Wisdom which all their Adversaries should not be able to gainsay or resist, Luke 21. 15. They let us know that the Success of the Gospel is not to be ascribed to the Skill and Learning of the promulgers of it, for it had no commerce [Page 548] with human Arts and Sciences. Herein therefore the mighty Power of God is most signally declared, the Finger of the Omnipotent is most plainly seen, and at the same time the Authority and Divinity of the Gospel are ascertained to us. To this end Christ chose Ignorant and Untaught Men to be his Apostles, 3 that whatever was excellently said or done by them, should be attributed wholly to the Divine Power and Wisdom. Here then we have an unquestionable Proof of the Efficacy and wonderful Virtue, and withal of the undeniable Truth of the Christian Religion.
Secondly, The Weak prevailed against the Strong and Mighty. For what were the Apostles and Folllowers of Christ but poor weak contemptible Persons? Were they not pitiful Fishermen and Tentmakers, and such sorry Traders as these, who made no Figure in the World? Nay, some of them were taken out of the number of the vile and infamous, as Matthew and Zacheus, a couple of Publicans or Taxgatherers, which was a scandalous Employment at that time, as Celsus 4 objected to the Christians. And what were the Persons who were Enemies to Christ and his Followers? They were Men of the greatest Note, Persons of Repute and Honour; they were Rich and Wealthy, Great and Mighty. But, as I proved before under the former Head, that the foolishness of God is wiser than Men, so now, according to the same Apostle, I will let you see that the Weakness of God is stronger than men. The Son of Man with his poor despised Apostles prevail'd against those who were of the greatest Power and Authority. This [Page 549] was made good in the wonderful Conversion of Persons to Christianity: for as we presented you before with a List of Converted Philosophers, so here we might produce a numerous Catalogue of the Great and Rich Men who were converted to the Christian Faith. For tho the Apostle saith, not many Wise Men after the flesh, not many Mighty, not many Noble are called, 1 Cor. 1. 26. i. e. the Number of these is far short of those who are call'd of another Quality; yet I have shew'd you already that some wise Men after the flesh have been called and converted; and now I will mention some of those Mighty and Noble who were call'd to the same Faith in Christ.
There was Ioseph of Arimathea, an Honourable Counsellor, and Nicodemus a Master in Israel, and Dionysius one of the Iudges of Areopagus, (for these are to be mention'd here as well as before, because they were eminent for their Place and Dignity as well as their Knowledge and Learning) there was the Rich Lazarus, with his Sisters, spoken of in Iohn 11, & 12. who were Persons of Note and Quality. There was Chuza, King Herod's Steward, Luk. 8. 3. (the same perhaps with the [...] the Courtier, the Nobleman, John 4. 46.) and his Lady Ioanna, who with their whole Family believed in Jesus, Iohn 4. 53. If we may credit Baronius and some other Ecclesiastical Writers, the Centurion the Great Officer that attended at our Saviour's Passion, and own'd him to be the Son of God (Mat. 27. 54.) became a compleat Convert, and was a very eminent Asserter of Christianity, and died a Martyr. I might mention the Elect Lady and her Children, to whom St. Iohn writeth; also Theophilus of Antioch to whom St. Luke dedicates his Acts, and the Great Chamberlain of the Queen of Ethiopia, mention'd in Acts 8. 27. Sergius Paulus the Deputy or Proco [...]sul of Cyprus, who was won to the Christian Perswasion notwithstanding the high Place [Page 550] and Authority which he held in that Pagan Country, Acts 13. 7, 12. Some reckon Publius, the Governor of the Island Melita, who shew'd himself extremely courteous to St. Paul as he was on his Voyage to Rome, Acts 28. 7. But we are certain that when the Gospel afterwards spread it self further, the number of the Rich and Mighty who were converted to Christianity was exceedingly increased. In Domitian's Reign Flavius Clemens the Consul, the Emperor's Cousin-German, and his Wi [...]e Flavia Domitilla, nearly related to the Emperor likewise, were Proselites to the Faith, and so was Acilius Glabrio who was also Consul: Dio Cas [...]. 1. 67. In Commodus's Reign several of the first Rank at Rome turn'd Christians. Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 5. c. 21. Not only the common People, the Mob (as some of late phrase it) the poor Mechanicks and inconsiderable Corydons, but the Great Men, Nobles and Potentates, Persons of the greatest Fame and Authority, imbraced the Gospel in the succeeding Reigns, and at last the Christian Cross was set upon Imperial Crowns. Here the Power of Christianity is to be seen, viz. in the Conversion of these Persons who were the most averse to the Religion of Iesus, for they were generally more addicted to Sensuality than others, and therefore it was the more difficult to bring them to so Strict and Holy an Institution. Yet it seem'd good to the Divine Disposer of all things to conquer the indispositions and reluctancies of these Persons, and to win them to the Christian Faith.
But I proceed further to make good my Assertion, that in planting and propagating the Gospel the Weak prevail'd over the Strong. This is abundantly evident from what we learn from the History of the Church, viz. that Christianity prevail'd against the rage and fury of the most powerful Persecutors. From Nero's time to the end of Dioclesian's Reign, [Page 551] abating some Intervals, the Christians in all parts of the World whither the Roman Empire extended, were miserably harassed, severely punished and tortured, and underwent all manner of cruel Deaths; yet all that time the Cause of Christ flourished, and Christianity prevail'd against the Power of Princes and States, against the utmost Violence, Persecution and Bloodshed. The Roman Emperors could subdue the mightiest Kings, and make the Persians, Scythians and Armenians stoop to their Power, and they erected many Trophies as Demonstrations of this their Universal Prowess; yet these great Ones could not baffle the attempts of the poor weak Servants of Iesus: but the more Christianity was persecuted, the more it increased, the more it flourished; and in the midst of all Disadvantages, Oppositions and Oppressions it gained Ground. Thus 5 Tertullian boldly told the Roman Persecutors ‘that their barbarous Cruelties were to no purpose, they were an Inticement rather than a Discouragement to Christianity, and that when they come to take a view they should find the numbers of Christians increas'd by their murdering of them: for the Seed of this wonderful Increase is the Blood of Christians.’ And 6 another very excellently saith, the Blood of the slain Christians is but the watering of the new Plants, i. e. the new Converts to Christianity are daily increased and thrive by the bloody Persecutions which are rais'd against them. Out of the Ashes of the dead Martyrs spring up new Advocates for Christianity. And [Page 552] those elegant Words of 7 another Author are very remarkable, who speaking of the Persecution under Dioclesian, saith thus, ‘At that time the whole World almost was dyed with the sacred Blood of Martyrs, for they strove who should run fastest to those glorious Prizes. Martyrdom by glorious ways of dying was more greedily courted in those days than Bishopricks are now hunted after with wicked Ambition. The World was never more exhausted by all its Wars, nor did we Christians ever conquer with more Triumph than when we could not be conquer'd by ten years bloody Persecutions.’
Here is to be discern'd the Power and Efficacy of Christianity, and from thence we may infer the Truth of it. For, as 8 One saith well, there is not a more powerful and convincing Testimony in the World of the Truth of Religion than dying for it. And this is the Testimony which is abundantly given to Christianity. Thousands of Martyrs have confirmed the Truth of it with their Blood. And that Blood was the Advancement of Christianity; this thriv'd and prospered upon it, and Proselites were continually gain'd to it by their observing the patient Sufferings of the Servants of Jesus. Thus it was even in the very beginning, great multitudes of People flock'd to the Baptismal Waters, and entred themselves into [Page 553] Christianity, because they beheld the undaunted Courage of the Professors of it even at their dying hour, and were moved thence to imbrace the Faith which they saw them so zealously maintain even unto death. These were the baptized for the dead, whom St. Paul speaks of, 1 Cor. 15. 29. as I have shew'd in another place, where I have proved that the words are meant of the Baptism of Water, and that the Preposition [...] which our Translators render for, is as much as because of, or by reason of, or for the sake of; and consequently the genuine purport of the words is, that several were converted to Christianity, and were admitted into the Church by Baptism, by reason of those Martyrs who died in defence of the Christian Cause. They were so far from being discouraged, that they were excited to Christianity by their beholding the deportment of the suffering Saints. And thus it was afterwards, the Blood of the Sufferers brought in great numbers of Converts to the Evangelical Faith, and thereby the Cause of Iesus was mightily advanced. They are remarkable words of one of the Antient Christians, who was afterwards crowned with Martyrdom, ‘ 9 The Torments which the Pagans used, faith he, in hopes of preserving themselves and their Paganism entire, were not only the cause of the destruction of Paganism, but of the establishment of Christianity.’ And in another place, 1 ‘Do you not see, saith he, that the more numerous the Punishers are, the [Page 554] more the number of others increases? which appears to be a thing that is not a human Work, but wholly from God, and demonstrates his Power.’ And certainly it is one of the greatest Proofs of the Verity of the Christian Religion, and therefore is made use of by the generality of the Antient Fathers of the Church: and particularly by St. Chrysostom in 2 several places it is insisted upon and urged most pathetically, that the Church was miraculously establish'd notwithstanding the universal Opposition it met with, and that at last the Patience and Constancy of Christians made a final Conquest, and gloriously triumphed over all. Thus I have shew'd that the Vnlearned and Weak got the better of the Wise and Potent; and we see the Truth of the Apostle's words, God hath chosen the foolish things of the World to confound the wise, and weak things to confound the things that are mighty, 1 Cor. 1. Christianity prevail'd against Policy and Power, against the Wisdom of Statesmen, against the Eloquence of Orators, and the Sagacity of Philosophers; against the Edicts of Princes, the Decrees of Senates, and the Forces of Emperors. The more it was struck at, the stronger it grew; the more furiously it was opposed either by the inward Indisposition and Antipathy in Mens minds to receive it, or by the outward Endeavours of the World to silence it, the more did it prosper and flourish.
No Lawgivers could ever bring it to pass that other Nations should receive their Laws: neither among Greeks nor Barbarians could this be done, tho they endeavour'd what they could to effect it: so Origen discourses in his Philocalia. But the Laws of Christ [Page 555] were receiv'd by many Nations: both Greeks [...] Barbarians renounced their own Laws and [...] and embraced the Institution and Discipline of our Blessed Saviour. And altho the Sacred Script ures, especially those of the New Testament (which contain the Christian Laws) were sought for by the [...] Emperors, especially by Dioclesian (as 2 Eusebius who was an Eye-witness of it testifies) and were brought into the Market-places, and there committed to the Fire (as 3 Antio [...]us before labour'd to destroy the Writings of the Old Testament in the same manner) and altho the Christians themselves were forced to deliver up their Bibles to be burnt, yet these Ho [...]y Writings were not extinguish'd, but were in many places preserved with great care and diligence, and by the Providence of God kept out of the hands of those who design'd their utter extirpation. Yea, the more this Holy Book was hunted after by the Enemies of Christianity, the more it was prized by the Christians, the more its Divine Truths were admired, loved and embraced. And the more Christianity it self was depressed, the higher it rose, and lifted up its glorious Head above all its Persecutors. In a word, like some mighty River, the more it was stopp'd in its course, the higher it swelled, and with its impetuous Waves carried all before it. This wondrous prevalency of the Gospel against the Wit and Wisdom, the Strength and Power of the World, is a Divine Testimony of the Authority and Truth of Christianity, and plainly shews that it is not the Device and Invention of Man, but that it is from God, and from him alone.
Fifthy, Let me add the severe hand of God in remarkably [Page 556] markably punishing the Enemies of Christianity, as another Divine Testimony to the Truth of it. King Herod sirna [...]ed the Great, who sought for the young Child Iesus to d [...]stroy him, and murder'd the Infants at Bethlehem, for his sake, felt a particular Judgment from Heaven upo [...] him; for (as 5 Iosephus acquaints us) he was ulcer'd [...] in his Bowels, and pester'd with Worms, which crawl'd out of his rotted flesh; and in the midst of Con [...]ulsions and exquisite Torments over his whole Body ended his miserable Life, to begin one more miserable. Iudas who had been a seeming Friend, but proved at last a real Adversary to the Christian Cause, and perfidiously betray'd the Lord of Life, [...]as by Divine Vengeance punish'd with a triple Death, as I have shew'd in the Exposition of Mat. 27. 5. The Sacred Records acquaint us that Elymas, a Sorcerer, who opposed the Christian Faith, was struck blind by St. Paul, Acts 13. 11. Clement the Roman, Arnobius, Epiphanius and others, relate how Simon the Magician, an Apostate from Christianity, and one who openly defied that Religion afterwards, was defeated in his bold Attempt of flying in the Air, and was struck down to the ground by St. Peter. Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee, who beheaded Iohn Baptist, and under whom Christ suffer'd Death, was afterwards condemned by Caligula to perpetual Banishment, where he died miserably. Caiaphas was the same time disgracefully removed from the High Priest's Office, and Ionathan was set in his Place. Pilate, who condemned our Saviour, was accused at Rome, put out of his Place, and then banish'd to the Town of Lions, and at length slew himself. Herod Agrippa, Nephew of Herod the Great, who stretch'd forth his hands to vex certain of the Christian Church, [Page 557] and particularly kill'd Iames the Broth [...]r of Iohn with the Sword, and proceeded further to take Peter also and put him in Prison, intending after Easter to bring him forth to the People, to be executed as Iames was; this execrable Man who thus thirsted after the Blood of the Christians, and designed a plentif [...]l effusion of it, was on a sudden cut off by the just hand of God, and that in the midst of those prophane Ap [...]plauses which he receiv'd from the People; the Text saith, he was eaten of Worms, Acts 12. 23. It may be observed that most of the Roman Emperors and Tyrants, who imbrued their hands in the Blood of Christi [...]ans, died violent Deaths: some of them laid hands on themselves, and the rest in some other manner miserably closed their days. Of the twelve first Roman Emperors there were but three that died natural Deaths; and of the forty Pagan Emperors of Rome (for so many were from Iulius Caesar to Constantine the Great) there were few that died in their Beds. See Lactantius de M [...]rt. Persecut. who undertakes to shew that all the E [...]mperors and Tyrants that persecuted the Christians [...]had tragical ends by the visible hand of God upon them: and he particularly recounts the Signal Iudgments which they were deservedly visited with. And as for Iulian, who was a Flatterer of the Christians, and [...]sed a way quite contrary to what the foregoing Caesar [...]s had done (for by Bribes and Preferments he endeavour'd to pervert the Christians, and at other times he attempted to jeer them out of their Religion) this Man in the very beginning of his Reign was taken off in a very strange and surprizing manner. He who vowed to sacrifice to his Gods the Blood of the Christians, when he return'd in Triumph from his Persian Expedition (as St. Ierom, Theodoret, and Orosius relate▪) met with a bloody Stroke which defeated his purposes. Whence the Truth of what a Christian told [...]banius was manifest, viz. that the Carpenter's So [...] was making a [Page 558] Coffin for I [...]lian. Who gave him his wound, is not known to any to this day, said the 6 Ecclesiastical Historian; but (as he adds) whether it was a Man or an Angel that inflicted it, it is certain he was the Minister of the Divine Wil [...] ▪ And the desperate Behaviour of the perishing Emperor is mention'd by the same Writer, viz. that he fi [...]l'd his hand with the Blood that iss [...]ed from the Wo [...]nd, and threw it up into the Air with a [...]. This Author tells us moreover that his Em [...]press, a Pious and Religious Lady, seeing him thus punish'd, seasonably reminded him of his Guilt, and plainly told him, that he would not have known who it was he had so fiercely opposed, unless this Stroks from God had been inflicted on him. I might have observ'd before out of the 7 Life of Constantine the Great, that as soon as Maximian persecuted the Christ [...]ians, the Divine Vengeance seized him, and his sec [...]et Parts and his Bowels were ulcerated. And there likewise we find the Emperor declaring that he had himself taken notice of the strange Exits of some that had troubl'd the People of God (i. e. the Christians) with their wicked Edicts. l. 4. c. 12. I could go bac [...] and observe that 8 Tertullian propounds to Scapula, the African President, several particular Exa [...]ples of the Mischiefs and Plagues that befel certain of his Predecessors and others that vex'd and disturb'd the Christians. But among all the Iudgments of G [...]od on the Enemies and Persecutors of Christianit [...], I may reckon his Vengeance on the Iewish People and Nation as the most observable and notorious. According to our Saviour's Prediction they heard of W [...]ars and rumours of Wars, and soon felt [Page 559] them; there was great distress in the Land, and wrath upon this People: they fell by the edg of the Sword, &c. Nero sent Vespasian to reduce these Rebels, who for six Years together miserably destroy'd them and their Country with Sword and Fire. Then upon Nero's Death Ves [...]asian, who succeeded him, sent his Son Titus thither, who bent all the Force of the War against their Capital City, and closely besieged it. Yet, as the 9 Historian himself acknowledges, this merciful Prince acted this Tragical Part unwillingly: he all the while pitied the Iews, and testifi'd it by his Tears; he deferred from time to time the Destruction of Ierusalem, and kept up the Siege the longer, that the Iews might repent of their Doings, and submit themselves to his Arms. But when he saw they were obstinate, and would by no means make good use of his Forbearance, he resolv'd to punish their Incorrigibleness, and accordingly he fell upon them with an unusual severity, and wofully sack'd and destroy'd the City, and burnt both it and the Temple to the ground. No less than eleven hundred thousand were kill'd by Fire, Sword, Famin, and civil Discord in the time of the Siege; and ninety seven thousand were taken Captives at the sacking of it, there being then a vast confluence of Iews from all parts to celebrate the Passover: for as this was the time when our Saviour was crucifi'd, so at this very Season the Iews were remarkably punish'd for crucifying him. An innumerable company of that miscreant Nation, which sold Christ for thirty pieces of Silver, were exposed to sale at a far cheaper Rate; for (as this Author affirms) the Market ran so low that twenty Iews were sold for a penny. The whole City and Temple were utterly demolish'd to the ground. [Page 560] And this was done by him who was stiled the Darling and Delight of Mankind, as if the Iews were not of Human Race. And further it is remarkable, that this People endeavour'd in the Emperor Adrian's Reign to restore and reedifie their Temple, but were forced to desist from it. And afterwards when Iulian out of hatred to the Christians set them about that Work, as they were laying the Foundation, an Earthquake shatter'd all they had done, and Fire flash'd out of the ground wherewith many thousands of the Iews were destroyed, as is testified not only by several 1 Christian Writers, but by 2 Ammianus Marcellinus who was a Heathen. But (by the way it may be observ'd) when the Christians built a Temple in the same place, they were not molested, but finish'd it, and made it the Patriarchal Seat, and flourish'd five hundred years, till the time that Ierusalem was taken by the Saracens.
This Iewish People now have neither Temple nor Priest, Altar nor Sacrifice; their Rites and Ceremonies are ceas'd, their Tribes are confounded, their Prophets are extinct, they have no certain State or Commonwealth, no Laws, no Prince, no Governor of their own: they are scatter'd over the face of the whole Earth, and are a despised and loathed People. This cannot but be thought to be the just Iudgment of God upon them for their murdering of Christ. And there cannot be a more visible Evidence of the Truth of Christianity than this, viz. the Destruction of the Iewish Poli [...]y, and the miserable Dispersion of that People for these sixteen hundred years. It [Page 561] was observ'd by the Enemies of the Iews heretofore how they prosper'd above all other People: 3 ‘They are a certain sort of Men, saith an Historian, who tho they have been often diminished, yet they have so increas'd that they have been too hard for the Power of the Roman Laws, and they have almost arrived to the Confidence and Liberty of making Laws for the rest of the World.’ But this singular Providence of God towards the Iews is long since changed, and they have been through many Ages the remarkable Example of Divine Justice and Vengeance, such as no Story can parallel. Tully is not to be regarded, when speaking of the Iews he saith, 4 ‘That Nation doth sufficiently declare by its being conquered, and made Tributary, and by being reduced to the utmost Servitude, how dear it was to the Gods.’ He speaks this after his Pagan manner. But Sulpitius Severus, who was a better Judg of Religion, and of the Issues of it, speaking of the Destruction of Ierusalem by Titus, and of the dispersion of the Iews thereupon, gives us this Remark, 5 ‘This last overthrow of the Temple, and Captivity of the Iews, whereby they are banished from their Country, and are daily seen to be scatter'd over the whole Earth, are a Testimony to the World that this Punishment hath befallen them for no other cause than for laying their wicked hands upon Christ▪ for when at other times this People were deliver'd to Captivity for their Sins, they never underwent that slavery beyond seventy Years.’ [Page 562] But now these Persons, who were the Dear Offspring of those that were the Darlings of God Almighty, the Beloved of the Lord, his Chosen People, his peculiar Charge, and the singular Care of Heaven, have been for sixteen Centuries forsaken of God and all Men, and are the very Offscowring of the World. This utter Extermination of the Iews is an unanswerable Argument against them, and shews that they lie under the Curse of God for their rejecting the Saviour of the World, and for putting to Death the Messias. 6 Two of their Rabbies seriously pondering this Argument urged upon them by Luther were convinced of their gross Error and Sin, and were the day after baptized at Wittenberg in the face of the whole University.
And truly this must be said that the total dispersion of the Iews can never in all its Circumstances be reconciled with the Providence of God, his Goodness, Wisdom, and Promises, if they continue the People of God still, and are in favour with him. For can it be imagined that God would leave his Beloved People so long, and wholly disown them? Is it worthy of God, and agreeable to his Wisdom and Mercy, which are interested in the Salvation of Men, to let the True Religion (so they count Iudaism) fall to the ground and be utterly abolished, and to set up another, a False one (so they reckon Christianity to be) in its place? This is plain and convincing, I think: It is harsh and incredible that the God of Order and Righteousness should deal thus, that he should cause this Confusion in the World, and throw down and even break in pieces a Religion which is the only True one, according to them. It cannot enter into any Reasonable Mans mind that God would let his [Page 563] own Religion and People be thus confounded. It is evident therefore that the Iewish Religion was but for a time, and that the Christian Religion was to succeed that, and that this is the True Religion; likewise that God sent this severe Punishment on the Iews for their refusing of Christ the True and Only Messiah, and for their Opposing and Persecuting, and at last Crucifying this Holy One. Thus the Christian Religion is attested and vouched by the dreadful Plagues and Iudgments on the Persons and Nations that opposed it. Vengeance hath pursued the Enemies of the Gospel.
Lastly, from the Excellency of the Christian Religion, and of all the Principles, Doctrines and Truths that belong to it, I gather the Reality and Certainty of it. This is another Divine Testimony which might be enlarg'd upon. Never was Holiness so strictly urged as now, never was there an Institution that was so Heavenly and Sublime as this; never was there any that directed Men to such Noble Ends, and afforded them such Joys and Solaces. Wherefore it cannot proceed from any but God. A Religion that so immediately leads to him must needs come from him. Since Christianity doth fit us for Heaven, we have Reason to believe that it came from thence. But because I had occasion to insist largely upon this Particular when I undertook to assert the Divine Authority of the Scriptures, and afterwards when I demonstrated the Excellency and Perfection of them, I will say no more of this last Argument of the Truth of Christianity.
And thus you see the firm Basis of it. These ar [...] the Testimonials to prove the Truth of our Religion, and that it is a Dispensation different from all the rest. These are the Proofs whereon we found this Oeconomy, and there is no other evidence that a Reasonable Man can desire. I say, no other, becaus [...] [Page 564] here are all kinds of Evidience; Christianity is proved by the Witness of credible Men, and by the Attestation of God himself. It is proved by Natural and Supernatural Arguments, by Reason and by Faith. We have the Certainty both of Human and Divine Testimony, which may be call'd a Demonstration: for a thing is demonstrated when it appears that there is an absolute Impossibility that the thing should not be thus, and when there is a Contradiction involved in the Matter otherwise. So here is a Moral Impossibility that it should be otherwise: take all things together, and it is not possible but that it should be thus; and the contrary implies a Contradiction to Sense, Reason, and Scripture.
I should now proceed to the last Thing I propounded to speak of, viz. the Degrees of the Evangelical Dispensation: but this b [...]ing the Administration which is peculiarly ours, and wherein we are most concerned, I will (before I go any further) offer such Rational Deductions to you as this part of our Discourse naturally affordeth.
1. Assent to the Christian Religion. Which is a very Reasonable Inference, for Assent or Belief naturally follows on the Clearness of Evidence; and the more Clear and Demonstrative the Evidence is, the Firmer and Stronger will the Belief be. For as the Testimony is, such must this needs be: and therefore if the former be not only Human but Divine, and consequently be Infallible, the latter must be proportionable. 7 What is Divine, saith an Excellent Writer, doth by its Excellency conciliate Belief, and by its Truth gain Authority. For this Reason no Art or Science can pretend to that Certainty which is [Page 565] in Divinity. Politicks are fallible, Philosophy goes upon contrary Hypotheses, Medicks guess rather than know the inward Causes and Springs of Diseases. The Lawyer hath his Ieofail, Law it self is very Uncertain and Arbitrary, if you consider the infinite Disagreement of divers Nations even about the same thing. Yea, even Mathematicks (if we may believe those that best understand them) are mixt with Uncertainties and Falshoods: there are Fallacies and Paralogisms in Geometry: all is not plain downright Demonstration, as appears from the Quarrels and Contests among Mathematicians themselves. But Divinity is truly a Science, and surpasseth all others, because the Ground of it is supernatural Light, and the very Testimony of God himself. Particularly the Articles of Christianity are founded on Divine Revelation, and therefore are unquestionable. The Doctrine of the Gospel is built on this Rock, this Stable and Impregnable Rock. The Foundation of God standeth sure, it continues the same, and cannot be moved. Christian Theology is founded on a sure Bottom; Christ Iesus the Son of God (and who is himself God) having fixed it. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but this Word shall not pass away.
With relation to this, Mr. Boyle's Treatise of the Excellency of Theology compared with Natural Philosophy is well worth our perusal. That admirable Person, so well skill'd in the Study of Physiologie, shews the Preeminence of the Study of Divinity above it on this account, that Theological Truths are evidenced by Divine Testimony, and therefore we may firmly acquiesce in them, and require no further or greater Proof (as indeed there can be no greater) tho, as I have shew'd, they are not destitute of other Evidences. The Evangelical Truths especially are the True Theologie (That of Plato and Aristotle and other Philosophers, to which they were pleased to vouchsafe [Page 566] This Name, being but a sorry and ill contrived Rhapsodie) therefore the Christian Church gave the Title of [...] to St. Iohn, because he, above all the rest of the Evangelists, so expresly [...]clared the Divinity of the Son of God, which is the Noblest and Sublimest Point of Christianity, and is matter of pure Faith, and Divine Revelation. Be convinced then of the True Grounds of your Christian Belief, of the solid Foundations and undeniable Evidences which Christianity is built upon. Know this, that God could not have done more for the begetting of a strong Faith and Assurance.
2. Assert and defend, maintain and hold fast your Religion, and let nothing shake your Faith and Confidence. Indeed it is a wonder that such strong Supporters of the Christian Religion should be struck at by any: but so it is, Hereticks, Iews, and Pagans of old, and high-flown Enthusiasts, Deists, Atheists, Lewd and Dissolute Christians of late, have endeavour'd to shake these Foundations. Be you therefore the more Zealous in the defence of Christianity, knowing that it is no Shadow or Phantom, it depends not on Imagination and Conceit, but is certainly True, beyond all the subtile evasions and subterfuges of Sophisters. It is an Excellency in a Man's Life to be upon sure Grounds, and consequently to know what to do. You have this Advantage in the Christian Religion, it being something which is certain and fixed: and therefore this should make you constant in the Profession and Exercise of it: this should make you steady in your Resolves and Actions. Your Religion being so Firm and Certain, you ought to stand to it, and to suffer none to rob you of it, but to part with all for it.
These are the two Particular Inferences from this last thing I have discoursed of, viz. the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Religion. There are more general [Page 567] Deductions to be made from the whole Dispensation, and they are these:
1. Let us take notice of and admire the transcendent Worth of the Christian Religion. I have traced Religion through all its several Stages, I have l [...]t you see the whole intire Progress of it: and you cannot but observe that all the former Dispensations made way for this of Christianity. It must then be a very admirable Thing to which all that went before in God's own Oeconomies was but a Prelude, a Preface, a Preparative. All before were but rude Draughts and imperfect Models. They were a Foil only to set this off, they were but as the dusky Twi-light to the brighter Day. All that went before was but Infancy and Childhood: This is Manhood and full Age. This one Consideration is sufficient to convince us of the Greatness and Majesty of the Kingdom of Christ under the Gospel. Tho the Law (which immediately preceded it, and was the choicest of all the former Dispensations) had some Lustre in it, yet in comparison of the Gospel it had none: its Glory vanished as the Light of the Stars when the Sun appeareth. They saw in a Glass darkly, they had but short and dim Representations of things: they had none of that Clearness and Certainty which we under the Gospel have attained to. Notwithstanding what was said before, that they had many Ways and Rules to judg of True Prophets by, and to know them from False ones, yet this must be added that it was very difficult. Prophecy might be easily counterfeited: Fancy and Imagination made strong Impressions, and deceived many: they frequently had delusive Dreams and Visions. In most of the Differences between the True Prophetick Spirit and the Enthusiastick Impostures of Pseudo-Prophets, as they are set down by the Iewish Writers, I find little satisfaction, nor can any one who looks for Rational [Page 568] and Solid Accounts. But the Prophecies and Revelations under the Evangelical Dispensation are Satisfactory and Certain. We have now a more sure Word of Prophecy. The excellent Discoveries made to the World by the Sacred Oracles of the Gospel are Plain, Evident, and Undeniable.
Let us then be sensible of the Goodness of our Condition, and of the Eligibility of it before that of those who lived before this fulness of time came. Whereas the Jewish and Gentile Religion were defective and corrupted, and Ignorance and gross Mistakes had invaded Mens minds, and the True Worship of God was enervated and destroy'd by Atheism and Superstition, God was pleased to restore and new model Religion, and to give Men a perfect and exact Rule whereby they might reform their Lives, and be conducted to Blessedness. And this is the Christian Institution, which every way surpasses both Judaism and Philosophy; it discovers the most absolute Worship of God, and dictates the most accurate Precepts of Morality, and directs us to the only Means of Salvation. This is the sole Prerogative of Christianity, and we owe it to the immediate Revelations and Dis [...]overies made by God himself. Most Men that stile themselves Christians, know little or nothing of the Excellency and Preheminence of the Dispensation that bears that Name. But let us endeavour to be of the Number of those who both understand and admire the superlative Excellency of the Christian Oeconomy which we are under.
2. Let us not only understand and admire it, but let this most Blessed Dispensation stir up our most thankful Resentments. Behold with grateful minds how our Condition is unspeakably better than that of the Persons who lived under other Dispensations, and particularly than that of the Iews, who were under the Dispensation which was immediately before ours. [Page 569] We have cause to thank the Merciful Lord of Heaven and Earth that our Lot is cast into such Times, that we were reserved for this Best of Dispensations, that we are blessed with a most Excellent and Worthy Religion, a Religion that is in it self Reasonable, and every ways adapted to our rectified Faculties and enlightened Minds, a Religion that hath the most lively Principles to actuate and inform us, the comp [...]eatest Rules to guide and direct us, and affords us the most effectual and powerful helps to Virtue and Godliness: a Religion that holds forth the dreadfullest Punishments to deter us from Vice, and assures us of the Highest Rewards to animate and as it were to bribe us to Virtue: a Religion that comprehends in it all the Excellent Things which the most improved Philosophers talk'd of, and innumerable more not to be parallel'd by any Model of Religion whatsoever: a Religion that contains nothing in it but what is of great Moment and Importance, and is admirably serviceable to the best and most advantageous Purposes. Let us account it an unspeakable Mercy and Favour that we are the Disciples of so worthy and excellent an Institution. Let us la [...]d the Divine Goodness that we have these Infallible Oracles to guide us, that we are taught of God, and that Iesus Christ is our Instructer. This is sufficient to raise our Esteem and Value of this Dispensation. By this we have the Advantage of all that went before us, and this it self is the greatest Advantage. For now the Word hath been made Flesh, and hath pitch'd his Tabernacle on Earth, and hath dwelt amongst us, and all the Benefits and Privileges of his Coming are offered to us. It seemed good to God to confer this singular Honour upon Vs: We see Christ's Day, and hear his Gospel; we have the Completion of all the Mosaick Types and Representations, and all the Prophecies and Promises are fulfill'd before our Eyes. [Page 570] We cannot complain that our Religion is harsh and difficult like that of the Iews, for all those troublesome Observances are removed, and no burdensome Service, no intolerable Homage is required of us. Our Service is perfect Freedom: wherefore we are engaged to stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free. Now since the Woman the Church is clothed with the Sun, she hath the Moon, the old Mosaick Laws and Ceremonies (which shined with a faint and borrowed Light) under her feet. Let us disregard those old dark Types and Shadows in comparison of the clear Light of the Gospel, and let us heartily bless God for so great and matchless a Mercy as the New Dispensation of Christ Jesus.
3. I infer as the Meliority of our Condition, so our greater Obligation to Holiness and strictness of Life. Old things are pass'd away, and behold all things are become New under the Gospel-Dispensa [...]tion. Let not our Lives be the only exception to it. Let the Manners of Christians speak the Transcendency of the Gospel above Philosophy. Let us live better than the wisest Heathens, in as much as our Rules of Living excel theirs. Let it never be said that the Behaviour of Pagans outstript that of Christians, and that the Gentile Religion made better Men than the Gospel doth. It is true, 8 the Pagan Moralists spoke highly against Vice, and always rhetoricated in their Declamations against it; but the Business of Christians is to live those Great things which they discours'd of. Let there be observed not only a great Elogium of Virtue in our Words and Professions, but let us take care that all Men may read the Excellency of our Religion in our Lives, and [Page 571] thereby discern plainly the vast difference that there is between a Christian and a Philosopher. Let us urge it on our Minds and Consciences, as our indispensible Concern, to yield impartial Obedience to our Master's Commands, and to govern our Lives by the unerring Rules which he hath given us. Let us not bear the Noble Title of Christians without the true Badges of Christianity. Let us not prophane this Name by acting contrary to it. Either let us lay aside this glorious Character, or do things worthy of it. We have a Holy Religion, therefore our Conversations should be so too. Here our Saviour's words are to be remembred; Vnless our Righteousness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, of the most strict Pretenders to Judaism as well as Philosophy, unless we live more Heavenly Lives, and under a greater Sense of Religion, we must not expect to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, we shall never attain to Happiness. For the Gospel-Oeconomy requires greater strictness than that of the Law, as well as of any other Dispensation, because the Means of Grace and the Methods of Salvation are much more powerful now: and we ought to find and feel that Power in us.
Let us then think, speak, and live as those who have such clear and plain Discoveries of God's Will, such Divine and Heavenly Truths made known to us, with a prospect of such glorious Things hereafter as may effectually encourage us to embrace those Truths, and to frame our Actions according to them. How shameful will it be that so admirable a Religion should produce nothing but empty Shews and Formalities, fair Words and goodly Appearances? that it should make us Christians only in Title and Profession, and leave us worse than Infidels in our Manners? Is our Religion the best? why are not we so too? If it surpasses all others, why do not our Lives ex [...]el those [Page 572] of others? If we have so Holy a Doctrine, why do we not reduce it to Practice? If our Religion be so excellent, why do we not obey its Laws, and why do we not discern the Advantages we have above all others to do well and worthily? If in the Apostle's time 9 the night was far spent, and the day was at hand (i. e. the times of Ignorance were gone, and the Gospel was come) then surely now the night is vanished, and it is broad Day, and we are obliged to walk as Children of Light. I pray seriously consider of the great Change of Affairs in Religion by the Coming of our Saviour: remember that it is now unspeakably Advanced and Exalted, in so much that that which was reckon'd Religious and Pious in the Jewish Oeconomy, is not accounted the same in this great Alteration of things. If you weigh this you will be convinced that you are obliged to a stricter Life and Behaviour than what would have served under the Mosaick Law. At that time Men stumbled and stagger'd, they made imperfect Discoveries of Truth and of their Duty: they could not see distinctly, and they were excusable because the Medium was defective, the Judaick Shadows and Mists hindred their sight. But the Day-spring from on high hath visited us, all is clear and conspicuous, all Truths as well as Duties are plain and intelligible, all the parts of our Religion are fixed and determined: we cannot mistake unless we will, and if we are Vitious it is not from Ignorance, but our wilfulness and stubborness.
But we who have this redundant Light are concerned to walk worthy of it, and to conform our Lives and Manners to it. Certainly this is our proper Duty, and we must first extinguish our Reason before [Page 573] we can disown this to be our Interest. It is absolutely undeniable that a greater accuracy of Life, a more exact Course of Virtue is required of us than of those who lived under the former Dispensations, and were unacquainted with the Laws of Christianity. A Pagan Historian tells us that those who piously embraced the Christian Faith 1 were presently put into a State free from Sin. However he understood it, it is certain that Christianity ingageth men 2 to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit, and to perfect Holiness in the fear of God, to act according to the admirable and matchless Rules of so Transcendent a Religion, and to live according to that great measure of Grace which is vouchsafed them. A Pious Writer of the primitive times speaking of the Profession of Christianity, and displaying the true Nature of it, lets us know what was then judg'd to be the genuine Efficacy and Power of it, viz. its being effectual to root out all unlawful 3 Anger, Evil-speaking, Licentiousness, Lust, Covetousness, and to implant the contrary Virtues and Graces of the Spirit. And in another place he sums up Christianity in short thus, 4 It consists wholly in this, to live without wickedness and defilement. On which account it is observed by him that Morality came short of Christianity: it had not that Power and Energy on Mens minds that this hath. It smooth'd their Tongues, but reform'd not their Lives. Or, [Page 574] if it in some measure reform'd their outward and publick Actions, yet their more retired and private ones were not taken care of, and their Principles were unsound and corrupt. But this is the singular Benefit of Christianity, that it doth not only rectifie Mens Principles, but teaches them to order their Conversations aright. A Christian is not only a Knowing Man (whence Clement of Alexandria gives him the name of [...] in his Stromata) but he is one of a holy Life and Practice, as that Excellent Person characterizes him: his Manners are answerable to his Knowledg.
This then is the Catholick Concern of us all, to add to our Knowledg and Profession of the Christian Truth a Holy and Religious Life; that our Behaviour may speak the Excellency, and demonstrate the Efficacy of the Evangelical Principles; that it may be seen that those who are bless'd with true and right Perswasions, live better than the deluded and erring World. 5 If we excel Hereticks, Pagans and Jews in the Orthodoxness of our Opinions, it is fit we should also surpass them in the Eminency of our Actions, as one of the Antients religiously speaks. Let us not dare to hold the Truth in unrighteousness, but let our hearts be mightily affected, and our Lives wholly govern'd by the great Truths of the Gospel, by the indispensible Laws of Christianity.
4. Let us assure our selves that if we live not thus, the final Doom of us Christians will be more intolerable than that of all other Men. You know who said it, 6 Light is come into the World (for in respect of [Page 575] the times of the Gospel all the World before was in Darkness, but Christ Iesus brought Light with him, a Light so Great, so Powerful, that tho we shut our Eyes never so hard, yet it glares through our very Eye-lids) but he adds, This is the Condemnation, that notwithstanding this Light is come, Men love Darkness rather than Light, they wilfully indulge themselves in the ways of Sin, and mind not the Discoveries which are made by the Gospel. This, this is that which shall Condemn them: for as their Means are greater, so their Accompts will be higher. Their Reckonings will bear proportion to their Receipts: their Final Sentence will be adjusted to their present Helps and Advantages, according to that of our Saviour, If I had not come and spoken (and spoken so plainly, so evidently, so powerfully) to them, they had not had sin, but now have they no cloak for their sin. John 15. 22.
That this is little thought of in the World we may gather from the Behaviour of Men. How Strangely do they forget themselves and their Duty, the End both of their Creation and Redemption? They run counter to all the Undertakings of Christ Jesus, they confront all his Designs, and labour to undo all that he came to do. They disparage the Wisdom of God in finding out the way of our Salvation, they despise his Goodness in offering them the Means of being happy. They uphold and maintain that which Christ came to destroy; for whereas the purpose of his wonderful Manifestation was to beat down Satan's Kingdom, they set it up as fast as they can. Which is a plain contradicting of Heaven, and a bidding defiance to the Almighty. He that views the Lives and Manners of Men at this day, and takes notice of their open Prophaness and Debauchery, would be apt to perswade himself that they really think that Christ's Coming into the World was for no other end than [Page 576] to indulge them in their Follies and Vices, and to give them a Licence to be as lewd as they pleas'd. So fond and groundless are the Imaginations of a great part of the World, that they fancy a Supersedeas given to a strict and severe life by the merciful Appearing of the Messias: they make bold to turn the Grace of God into wantonness, and abound in all manner of Vice, because the Divine Goodness and Favour have abounded towards Mankind. It pleases them hugely that they are enfranchis'd from the Rigour and Severity of the Legal Dispensation, and that now under the Gospel a Court of Chancery is erected, and nothing but Equity and Mercy, Clemency and Indulgence take place. The bare Name of Christians is, they think, a sufficient Amulet against the Vengeance of Heaven, and the Cross of Christ is a powerful Charm against Hell and the Devil.
O when shall these vile mistakes, these wilful misinterpretations of the Design of Christ's Coming and Appearing in the World be rooted out of Mens minds? When will they understand themselves aright, and be convinced of the heinousness of sinning against the Gospel [...] Dispensation? Why do they not ponder those words of the Apostle which I before mention'd? If every Transgression and Disobedience (under the Law) receiv'd a just recompence of Reward, how shall we (under the Gospel) escape if we neglect so great salvation? Heb. 2. 2, 3. If God did so severely animadvert on those that disregarded the Mosaical Injunctions, what severity will he shew towards them that live in the constant violation of the Evangelical Law? They must needs be inexcusable that wilfully offend against this, because it is a more excellent Institution than the other, because by this we have a greater knowledg of God's Will, and consequently greater Conviction of Sin, because we have [Page 577] greater evidence of God's willingness to forgive our Transgressions through the Merits of the Messias upon our hearty Repentance, because the equity and reasonableness of Evangelical Faith and Obedience are greater than those of any Duties under the Law. Upon these and several other accounts the neglecting this so great Salvation is the greatest Sin (except the unpardonable one) that can be committed against God, and consequently the heaviest Penalty attends it. Heretofore it was said, Tribulation and Anguish upon every Soul of Man that doth Evil, of the Iew first, Rom. 2. 9. but we may now say of the Christian first: for he of all Persons under Heaven is the most grievous Criminal, because there is this high Aggravation of his Guilt, that he sins against the Evangelical Laws. I wish the Christian World would attend to this, and understand their true interest, i. e. to be very exact and circumspect in their Lives, for God expects we should live according to the Dispensation we are under, according to the proportion of that Grace which is bestowed upon us. We must remember that Christianity engages us not only to root out all false Notions, but to banish all vicious and ungodly Practices, and to live according to the admirable Rules of the Gospel. Our Knowledg and Judgments should influence upon our Conversations, and our Manners ought to be proportionable to our Light. Otherwise it is certain our Knowledg will increase our Guilt, and our abundant Light will thrust us into utter darkness.
5. Be ascertain'd that this is Last Dispensation, and expect no other. God spake at divers times, and in sundry manners, he reveal'd himself by degrees, and successively; whereas now he hath discover'd to us all at once, that is, all that is substantial, all that is essential to that Religion which he requires of us; for otherwise (as you shall hear afterwards) this Oeconomy admits of considerable Digrees. Since [Page 578] God hath spoken his Will by his Son, since the Gospel is left on Record, we must not look for any other Discovery of Divine Truth. No more is to be revealed to the end of the World, I mean as to any New Doctrine concerning the way of Salvation: tho Revelations concerning some things which may be for the safety and welfare of the Church, or of some choice Persons in it, may perhaps be communicated by God on great occasions. Besides, I deny not that clearer Discoveries may be made of some Points afterwards: the same Truths which we now have may be more illustrated; but no New Doctrines, no New Precepts are to be thought of. We have so much of saving Truth discover'd as was intended should be sufficient for us till the Consummation of all things. Now our Religion is fixed: the Faith hath been once deliver'd to the Saints, and it shall never be deliver'd again with Additions or Alterations. God added to the Discoveries which he made to Adam, and to Noah, to the Patriarchs, and to the Iews: but now he hath done adding. All our Duty is taught us: All things that are to be believed or to be done by us are revealed by Christ and his Apostles. You hear him thus declaring to his Disciples, All things that I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you, John 15. 15. The Apostle St. Peter peremptorily determines that there is not Salvation in any other: for there is no other Name under Heaven given among Men whereby we must be saved, Acts 4. 12. And the other great Apostle is as definitive when he thus pronounceth, Tho an Angel from Heaven (if you can suppose such a thing) preach any other Gospel unto you than that we have preach'd unto you, let him be accursed, Gal. 1. 8. The same Apostle tells us that the Church is built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Eph. 2. 20. and the Foundation of a Building is not a thing to be removed. Therefore he calls the Gospel the ministration [Page 579] which remaineth or endureth, 2 Cor. 3. 11. This is the Everlasting Gospel, Rev. 14. 6. because it is never to be alter'd, never to be amended by a more complete Body of Laws. So that the Everlasting Gospel answers to Everlasting Righteousness, or the Righteousness of Ages, (Dan. 9. 24.) which shall admit of no Change. Religion was perfected and consummated by Christ: he hath in the Gospel given us all that he ever intended to give. This is the perfectest Rule, this is the last System of Religion.
To this purpose the Apostle's words are remarkable in Eph. 1. 10. That in the Dispens [...]t [...]o [...] of the fulness of time (i. e. in the Evang [...]lical [...]) he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in Heaven and on Earth, even in him. The 1 Greek word which is here rendred to gather together in one is used sometimes in a milit [...]ry Sense, and signifies to gather dispersed Souldiers together into one Troop or Company. This Sense of the word, saith Grotius, sutes best with this place. He who is the Lord of Hosts rallied all dispersed Creatures in Heaven and Earth, Angels and Men, Jew [...] and Gentiles, Bond and Free, and united them in one, even under Christ their Captain. 2 The whole Family in Heaven and Earth (as the Apostle expre [...]eth it) now meets together. The whole World (which is after the Hebrew manner expressed h [...]re by Heaven and Earth) becomes one Family or Houshold as it were: all the Inhabitants of the World, who were scatter'd and divided before, are now brought under one Head and Governour, one Supreme Catholick Ruler, as St. Chrysostom expounds the place. All Nations divided before by false ways, are now united in Christ the [Page 580] Way and the Truth. He brings all the Severals into One, and makes up a full Church, Militant and Triumphant, whereas before there was a dispersion. Thus Heaven and Earth are happily joined. Again, the Greek word sometimes signifies to restore or repair, and accordingly is rendred by the 4 Vulgar Latin: and then the meaning of the Apostle is, that all things in Heaven and Earth are restored and renewed by Christ and his Coming. There is a happy Restauration of Man's Nature by the Incarnation of the Blessed Iesus, the former State of Integrity is now renewed, and Man is in a far better Condition than he was at first. And as for Angels, their State also is much amended, they are now confirmed in their Integrity and Happiness. Thus, according to Theodoret's Interpretation of the place, the things in Heaven and on Earth are Restored, Renewed, Reformed by the Evangelical Dispensation.
But there is a third, and that the most probable Interpretation of the words, which is this, (and the Margin in our English Translation takes notice of it) that in the Dispensation of the fulness of Time, or the Dispensation of the Gospel, God was pleased to sum up all things in Christ. Which may refer to Arithmetical Computation, or bringing all Numbers into One; and so here is signified that all the former Dispensations being cast up and briefly collected, are reduced to this of the Gospel. This is the Sum total, Christ is all and in all, Col. 3. 11. Or it may refer (as St. Ierom on the place thinks) to the way of Orators and Pleaders, who in the close of their Speeches and Declamations briefly repeat and recapitulate all the foregoing particulars, and represent the whole Cause in short. In like manner, what had [Page 581] been spun out and prolonged in divers foregoing Dispensations, is now under the Gospel briefly gather'd and summ'd up in Christ Jesus. This is the time wherein God hath made an [...], he hath drawn into one all that went before. He hath finished the account (for so [...] may be rendred) or the Work, and cut it short in Righteousness: b [...]cause a short Account or Work will the Lord make upon the Earth, Rom. 9. 28. which (as you will [...]ee by consulting the Context, and the place in Isaiah from whence it is taken) is meant of the Gospel. This is that [...] that abbreviated word, or short Account, or (because a word and a thing or work are frequently convertible among the Hebrews, whence this is borrow'd) short work which God hath made upon the Earth. The Law was tedious with its multiplicity of Observances, but Christ comes in a compendious way, and requires none of those long Undertakings which Moses exacted. This, saith 4 one of the Fathers, is the short word that is here meant, the brief words of Faith. Believe in the Lord Iesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, is the concise way of the Gospel. This comprises the greatest things in short: Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, is the Sum and Substance of all the Old Testament, and of all the different Oeconomies from the beginning of the World. The Evangelical Dispensation is the Recapitulation of all the preceding ones. All is to be shut up with this, nothing more is to be expected, this being the Upshot and Conclusion of all the Administrations that are upon Earth.
I might argue likewise from the Gospel's being call'd the New Testament; for the 5 Greek Word signifies [Page 582] both a Covenant and a Testament. Sometimes even when it is rendred a Covenant, in the Margin it is translated a Testament. But by the very import and scope of the Text we are forc'd to render it a Testament in some places, as in Heb. 9. 16, 17. The Chri [...]tian Institution and the New Covenant of Grace therein contained, are the Will and [...]estament of our Saviour, wherein he hath set down what he would have done after his death ( [...]or 6 that is the true notion of a Testament.) Christ the Testator died, and bequeathed us the Gospel: this his Last Will must stand, and that only; therefore no other is to be looked for.
Moreover, I might argue from this, that the time of the Gospel is call'd the last Time. I grant that sometimes the last Day▪ and last Times, and the end of the World are understood of the Day of Judgment; and particularly the last Day is applied no less than four times in the 6 th Chapter of St. Iohn to the time of the last Resurrection, or the Day of Judgment. Some 7 modern Writers understand the last Times, and the end of the World of Christ's coming to destroy Ierusalem: and it is certain they may in some places be understood so. But for the most part they are taken otherwise, and those Learned M [...]n who defend the contrary shew too plainly their Prejudice and Partiality in asserting a Notion which they have once taken up. But nothing is more evident than this, that the last Times, and the last Days (which latter is different from the last Day in the singular Number) are generally meant of the Gospel Disp [...]sation, which is last of all. This I prove from such places as these [Page 583] both in the Old and New Testament, Isai. 2. 2. It shall come to pass in the last days that the Mount of the Lord's House shall be establi [...]ed on the top of the Mountains: and so in Mic. 4. 1. where by the Consent of all Interpreters the last Days signi [...]ie the time of Christ's Coming, the Appea [...]ing of Christianity in the World: and in other Prophets this is express'd after the same manner. The Apostles use the same way of speaking, and all the time from Christ's Coming to the Day of Judgment is call'd by them the last Time and the last Days, as in 2. Tim. 3. 1. Heb. 1. 2. 1 Pet. 1. 5, 20. 1. Pet. 3. 3. 1 Iohn 2. 18. and in other places the Time of the exhibit [...]ng of Chri [...] in the flesh, or of the Reign of the Messias i [...] thus express'd. It is also call'd the end of the World by the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, who saith Christ appear'd in the end of the World to put away sin, Heb. 9. 26. This Consummation of Ages (as according to the Greek it may be most fitly rendred) this Close or Shutting up of the former Dispensations, especially of the Iewish one, is call'd by the same Holy Writer the World to come, Heb. 2. 5. And the very Iewish Writers fre-frequently give 8 this Denomination to the time of the Messias. This according to Daniel is the time of sealing up the Vision and Prop [...]ecy, Dan. 9. 24. i. e. of ratifying and verifying all the Visions and Prophecies concerning Christ and his Kingdom. The Seal is set upon them, there are no other Visions or Prophecies of this nature to be look'd for afterwards.
From all which it appears that the Evangelical Dispensation is the last of all. We have now the perfectest Edition of God's Will, and we must look after no other. Thus Tertullian acquaints us that this was the great and prevailing Rule among the [Page 584] Christians, 9 No more is ever to be believed by us, than what is now deliver'd to us by Christ and his Apostles. We have all our Belief given us, God's whole Will is set down. You see how divine Providence hath as it were gone about in the several former Ages of the World, it hath been all along upon the Reserve. The times before Christ were more or less moving and growing on to Christianity: they all the while look'd toward this, and were Ushers to it, to prepare the way. But when our Saviour came, he sell closely to the business without any further ambages; he alone had the honour 1 to lay open and rev [...]al all those things which were before hidden, to set those things streight which were before dubious, to give us a full discovery of those things which we had but a taste of, and to set before our eyes those Mysteries and Truths which were but told us before, as that Fa [...]her speaks. Therefore they think not aright of the Gospel Dispensation who pretend to bring Tidings of a New Edition of Religion, who talk of New Lights, but despise Old Truths. They are vain Men, and intend nothing but Imposture, who hoise up Sail for the Discovery of an unknown Continent, some new Plantation in Religion. We must expect no Columbus to discover new Worlds and Treasures to us of that kind. Our Religion hath been profess'd in the World very near seventeen Centuries of Years, and it is still the same, and will never be superannuated, and out of Date, but will continue to the end of all things: for it is the Top [Page 585] and Flower, the Crown and Perfection of all Divine Institutions: it is the most Consummate Administration of all that ever were in the World, and for that Reason it is the Last Revelation that God will make to Mankind. But altho this be the Last Dispensation, yet there are great Varieties in it, which brings me to the next thing I propounded.
The several Ages of Christianity. It was in its Infancy in our Saviour's time. The Apostles knew little concerning his Sufferings and his Resurrection. The effusion of the Holy Spirit was but mean in respect of what it was afterwards. The Church was in its Childhood in the times immediately after our Saviour. There are no Errors and Mistakes in the Writings of the New Testament. Some necessary Points of Christianity deliver'd in the Apostolical Epistles that are not in the Gospels and Acts. Some relicks of Judaism remain'd in the Apostles times. An Explication of the Decree of the Council at Jerusalem. It is particularly proved that the Prohibition concerning the eating of Blood is not obligatory under the Gospel. Yet in the first times of the Church many observed it. The difference of Dispensations as to Abstinence from some sort of Food. Judaism and Christianity were mingled together in the primitive Ages. An enumeration of several Extraordinary Gifts that were in the Christian Church at first. The Youth or riper Years of Christianity described. The cessation of extraordinary Gifts argues the Progress and Growth of the Christian Church. Miracles no part of this subordinate Dispensation. The non-Appearance of Angels is a Proof of the Improvement of Christianity. The usefulness and necessity of attending to the different Administrations of Religion, especially the Christian.
[Page 586]THe fourth and last thing I undertook, was to shew you the several Degrees of this Evangelical Oeconomy. This Gospel Period, which began at Christ's Coming, and continues to the end of the World, hath four distinct Partitions, which differ much from one another, 1. The primitive Partition or Period, which is past. 2. The Period ensuing that which is now present. And there are two Periods yet to come. I might divide them according to the several Ages of Man, for there are, as of Man, so of the Christian Religion, four distinct Ages. It had its Infancy and Childhood at Christ's first Coming, and some years after: its Youth since that, to the present times. It shall have its Manhood or full Strength, which is to come in a short time, we hope: and there shall be the Old Age or Declension of Religion a little before the World's end. I have not met with any Writers that have duly observ'd this Distinction in the Gospel Oeconomy: the neglect of which hath caused several [...]alse Notions about this Last Administration of Religion. But the Inquisitive and thoughtful Reader will find that these things which I have suggested, and shall now proceed to explain, are absolutely necessary for the framing of a right Idea of the Evangelical Dispensation.
[Page 587]1. I begin with the first and tender Years of Christianity, in which are comprehended, 1. The Time when our Saviour was on Earth: 2. The Times which immediately succeeded that.
First, it is evident that in the days of our Saviour the Christian Church was in her Infancy and Minority, and that she was not grown up to a sufficient Knowledg and Understanding. When Christ first preached concerning the Calling and Converting of the Gentiles (Luke 13. 29. Mat. 22. 9, 10.) his Apostles and Disciples understood not his meaning. They knew not that both Gentiles and Iews should be preach'd to under the Evangelical Dispensation: and therefore afterwards St. Peter was convinced of it by no less than a particular Revelation, Acts 10. 14. Even the Apostles were ignorant of the spiritual Kingdom of the Messias and look'd for an outwardly glorious and magnificent one. When Christ told his Disciples, as he was on his journey with them to to Ierusalem, what grievous things he was to suffer, they, notwithstanding this Admonishment, thought he was going thither to be made King; and the Sons of Zebedee made their Suit to him by their Mother that they might have the first Place in the Kingdom, which the other Apostles took ill; Mat. 20. 20. Luke 19. 11. St. Peter the prime Apostle, was ignorant of the Method of Man's Redemption by the Sufferings and Death of Christ; which appears from this, that he would fain have prevail'd with him to spare himself, and not to suffer at Ierusalem, Mat. 16. 22. And the rest of the Apostles were infected with the same common error and mistake. They perswaded themselves that they should enjoy Halcyon Days, and that their Master should be a very Great Earthly Prince. You read therefore in Luke 18. 31. that when Christ spoke to them of his Passion, they were at a loss, they understood none of these [Page 588] things; and this Saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken, ver. 34. In so great Darkness and Ignorance were the Disciples for a time, such Prejudices had they on their minds that they could not conceive the meaning of our Lord, and they durst not ask him concerning those things. It was not as yet reveal'd to them by what means the Messias was to deliver them: they dreamt of an Earthly Kingdom (as the blinded Iews at this day) they promis'd themselves much temporal Prosperity and Grandeur in the World.
Neither could the Doctrine of Christ's Resurrection gain assent with them; for we read that when he spake of it to the three Apostles before whom he was transfigured, they questioned one with another what the rising from the dead should mean, Mark 9. 10. And afterwards, when he told the other Apostles as well as these, that he should rise again the third day, they understood not that saying, Mark 9. 31, 32. That our Saviour's Friends believ'd not his Resurrection, appears from their dressing his dead Body with Aromatick Gums and Spices, which were design'd to preserve it. It had been vain to use these glutinous Gums and Persumes if they thought he was in a short time to rise again. And when he was risen, they would not believe it, as appears too plainly from that Speech of Cleophas, one of those whom Jesus talk'd with presently after his Resurrection, tho then he pass'd incognito, We trusted (saith he) that it had been He who should have redeemed Israel, Luke 24. 21. Still he doubted, tho he had heard of the Lord's Resurrection: in saying, we trusted, he discover'd his distrust, and impli'd that Iesus could not be the Messias who was to redeem Israel. Tho the Apostles were certified of Christ's Resurrection by those that saw him, yet their words seemed to them as idle Tales, (Luke 24. 11.) and they would not be perswaded till they themselves [Page 589] saw Christ among them. Nor did they know that he was to ascend; for just before he left them they put this question to him, Wilt thou at this time restore the Kingdom to Israel? Acts 1. 6. Wilt thou repair the Iewish State, and recover its pristine Splendour, yea raise it to a higher Dignity than ever it arrived to, as we expect should be done by the Messias? So likewise it might be proved that some of them were in an Error about the End of the World, for they believed it would be about that time. By these and other Instances, their Ignorance and Mistake were apparently discovered: they had very false apprehensions and conceptions of things, and some of the chief Articles of the Christian Belief were not credited by them.
Here I might add, that in our Blessed Saviour's time there was not such an effusion of the Holy Spirit as there was afterwards: Iohn 7. 35. The Holy Ghost was not yet given, because that Iesus was not yet glorified. For this Reason several things were not disclosed to them, but were reserved till a further communication of the Spirit: for tho Christ had said, All things which I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you; yet he adds, I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot hear them now. Howbeit, when the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all Truth, John 16. 12, 13. As much as if he had said, there is no new Truth or other Doctrine to be preach'd to you than what you have receiv'd from me already; but the time is coming when there shall be a greater Manifestation of those things to you: tho the Truths as to the main shall be the same, yet your Understandings and Capacities shall be greater; you shall then comprehend those matters which before you could not, as the calling of the Gentiles, the Spiritual Kingdom of the Messias, &c. And moreover, the Holy Spirit shall increase your Love and Zeal to God and all [Page 590] Truth, so that you shall be enabled not only to preach it to all Nations, but undauntedly to suffer Pers [...]cution, and even to lay down your Lives in the defence of it. By this it is evident that Christianity was revealed by degrees, as well as the other former Dispensations of Religion. Their knowledg in the Christian Institution was gradual: they were not to know all together: neither were their Zeal and Courage of the same proportion that they were afterwards.
Secondly, in the Times and Ages immediately succeeding our Saviour's being upon Earth, the Church was but yet in its Childhood and State of Infirmity, It is true, they were much increased and advanced in their knowledg of spiritual Truths, this being the Accomplishment of our Saviour's Promise as well as Prediction, that the Holy Spirit should guide them into all Truth. By a more immediate and special Directio [...] of this Holy Guide, the Evangelists and Apostles indited and pen'd the Books of the New Testament, so that there are no Errors and Mistakes in them of any kind. Therefore what a 2 Learned Writer saith on 1 Cor. 15. 51. and 2 Pet. 3. 11. and other places in St. Paul's and St. Peter's Epistles, viz. that these Apostles verily believ'd the day of Iudgment was at hand, and consequently were under a mistake, is not to be admitted, is by no means to be credited; for these Persons (as well as the other Penmen of the New Testament) being immediately inspired by that Infallible Guide and Director, could not possibly commit any Errors in their Writings, whatever their misapprehensions were at other times. When therefore they use those Terms, with respect to the last Day, We and Ye, as if they of that Age should [Page 591] survive to see that Day, we must remember that they speak not of themselves particularly and definitively, but of the whole successive Body of Christians in several Ages, who will be expecting the last Day. This is the meaning of those Expressions, as is plain from their using them on 3 other occasions. We have no Reason then to think that the Apostles were deceiv'd about the Day of Judgment, or any other matter that they writ of and deliver'd to the World. Here is no weakness, no defect as to any thing of this nature.
Nay, there was a great Advance and Accession in respect of what there was before, in the foregoing part of this Dispensation, viz. in the time that our Saviour lived upon the Earth. For the Doctrines of the Gospel (of which I speak now) were gradually deliver'd, and consequently the Apostles attain'd now to more than was discover'd in Christ's time, he having not thought fit then to communicate all in so evident and plain a manner as we find it was afterwards done. Therefore that late 4 Writer is under a great mistake who declares that the Apostles Epistles are only occasional, and that we can find no necessary Points of Divinity deliver'd there which were not deliver'd before in the Gospels and Acts; whereas the Truth is, the Epistles contain the most perfect and complete Doctrines of the Gospel, for by degrees the Evangelical Truth display'd it self. All the necessary and fundamental Articles of Christianity are explain'd here, the grand Points of the Christian Belief are here set forth in a clearer Light than before: they are proved and confirm'd in these Writings. Yea, several great Truths and weighty [Page 592] Doctrines of the Christian Faith are mention'd and illustrated here, which neither the Gospels nor the Acts speak of. Especially St. Paul's Epistles (which are thrice as many as any of the other Apostles writ) are fraught with extraordinary Discoveries of Divine and Heavenly Mysteries. And we could not expect less, for this Apostle was the only Person of them all that had the Privilege to be taken up into the third Heaven, the Seat of Glory, where he was in a more especial manner enlightned, and had those sublime Points of the Trinity, &c. (as his Writings abundantly testifie) reveal'd and open'd to him (so far as the matters were capable of it) which the Evangelists and other Apostles knew but little of: which makes his Writings more eligible and valuable than all the rest. This is so plain and obvious, that it is wonderful that any Man who hath read and perused his Epistles can contradict it, and (which is worse) undervalue them as if they were writ only by the by, and were not designedly indited to instruct us in the most necessary Articles of our Religion. We cannot believe this when we consider the extraordinary Revelations which this Apostle was honoured with, and when we observe the gradual Discovery of the Truths of the Gospel.
But still the Gospel was in its Childhood and Inferior State, which is the thing I have now undertaken to make good. This Dispensation of Christianity, under which the Apostles were, was not arrived to a very considerable Pitch. There were some Relicks of the Iewish Oeconomy still remaining: they had not quite laid aside the Ceremonial Law and Mosaick Rites. St. Paul when he was among the Gentiles, or writ to them, as to the Galatians, declared against all Mosaick Observances whatsoever: but the other Apostles when they were among the Iews, did no such thing: yea St. Paul himself, to comport with the Iews or [Page 593] Gentiles, as he saw occcasion, used or used not the Jewish Ceremonies. Thus he circumcised Timothy, but not [...]itus. And so without doubt the other Apostles behav'd themselves according to the people they dealt with. They kept the first Day of the Week, the true Christian Sabbath, Acts 17. 7. & 20. 7. & 25. 66. 1 Cor. 16. 2. and they observed likewise the Iewish one, Acts 13. 14, 42. & 16. 13. for they found it convenient to comply with some because of their weakness; therefore for the sake of the converted Iews they observ'd the seventh day Sabbath, tho with the converted Gentiles they celebrated the first Day of the Week.
We find that two or three Iewish Ceremonies were kept up by the Apostles when all the rest were abrogated, Acts 15. 28, 29. It seemeth good to the Holy Ghost and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; that ye abstain from meats offered to Idols, and from Blood, and from Things strangled, and from Fornication. Here St. Iames the Bishop of Ierusalem, and St. Peter, and St. Iohn Apostles, and others of the Church determine what the Gentile Christians shall do in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia as touching the Iewish Rites and Ceremonies. They are not to be Circumcised but it is required of them (as of all Proselytes of the Gate) that they observe the Precepts of abstaining from things offered to Idols, &c. This is the Decretal Epistle, or you may call these the Canons of the Apostolick Council. And these things are enjoin'd for no other end but to comply with the believing Iews, that in some Observances those Gentile Converts might agree with them. Besides, as 5 One observes, these things named in the Decree, and forbidden by it, were such as the Pagan Idolaters chiefly observ'd and practised. They are four grand Marks of Gentilism, [Page 594] and therefore those Gentiles who were converted to Christianity ought to renounce all those things as Idolatrous. Especially as to Fornication, they were bid to abstain from this, not as if it were of the same nature, and as indifferent in it self as the other things mentioned, but they are joined together, because the Gentiles thought Fornication or Whoredom an indifferent thing, and they usually allow'd themselves in it.
A 6 Learned Man of our Nation is of Opinion that by Fornication is meant Poligamy, a sort of Fornication (as he calls it) among the Iews which seem'd to them lawful: and marrying within the prohibited degrees is, he thinks, here forbidden likewise. But if we remember that what the Synod decrees here is for the sake of the Converted Gentiles, not the Iews, we shall rather believe that Fornication properly so call'd is here forbid, especially if we consider that the Pagans had no positive Laws among them against this, tho they had against Adultery. Wherefore this Practice which was look'd upon as an indifferent thing among them, is here directly caution'd against, and hence you see the Reason why this is ranked with the rest. And the abstaining from these things is mention'd as necessary; not as if they were all unlawful in themselves and their own nature (for Fornication only was so) but the rest were for that time and juncture necessary. (Otherwise they are call'd a burden, and therefore not morally good, and consequently not Necessary in themselves.) Yet they were, I say, Necessary, tho not to all Christians, yet to all Proselytes of the Gate, and for that time only, because it was requisite to symbolize with the Iudaizing Christians who urged some Ceremonial Observances: and this was the way to unite both converted Iews and Gentiles, who then were mixed together. But when Christianity [Page 595] prevailed, and there was no fear of giving offence to the weak, the Obligation of this Decree ceas'd, and these things were not observ'd in the Church.
But one of these, viz. abstaining from Blood, hath not so soon and so easily been laid aside as the others. The Reason of which I conceive was this, this was an early Prohibition, this was a Law given to Noah, Gen. 9. 4. Flesh with the life thereof, which is the Blood thereof, ye shall not eat: and thus having the start of the Ceremonial Law of Moses, they might think it forbad something which was morally Evil, and that as it obliged before Moses's Law, so it ought to do afterwards, and that therefore there lay an obligation on Christians to observe it. But several things I will here suggest: 1. It should be consider'd there were Ceremonial Laws and Rites prescribed before Moses, that are universally acknowledged to have no obligation under Chris [...]ianity, and therefore this may cease as well as they. 2. It should be remembered that when this Law was deliver'd to Moses, the Reason annex'd to it was this, The life of the flesh is in the Blood, and I have given it to you upon the Altar, to make an Atonement for your Souls; for it is the Blood that maketh Atonement for the Soul, Lev. 17. 11. Now, this Reason ceases under the Gospel, since all the Iewish Sacrifices and Effusions of Blood on the Altar are abolished. The Blood of Animals was made typical and representative of Christ's Blood; but he being come, and having shed his Blood what have we to do with the Blood of any Animals, what reason have we to have regard to it? 3. In the Law which forbids eating of Blood, you may observe that Blood it self is not absolutely forbid, but living Blood, i. e. the Blood of the Beast before it be quite dead: therefore eating of the Blood of a Beast when he is deprived of Life, is not unlawful according to that Law. When the Blood is boiled, or roasted, and any ways so alter'd that the Life is gone from it, it may [Page 596] be eaten notwithstanding that Law. 4. Let the Law be understood of what Blood you please, our Great and Infallible Law giver hath decided the Controversie by taking away all distinction of Meats. There is nothing from without a Man that entring into him can defile him, saith our Saviour, Mark 7. 15. Here the Ceremonial Rite of abstaining from the eating of Blood is abolish'd by Christ; for if no food that enters into a Man defiles him, then Blood cannot, and Consequently 'tis lawful to eat it. But for certain Reasons the Apostles at the Council at Ierusalem order'd this old Rite to be continued for a time, viz. till the greatest part of the Iews were converted; and then it was to be laid down. And that it ought to be so, is not only the Determination of Christ but of his Apostles, I know and am perswaded by the Lord Iesus, that there is nothing unclean of it self, Rom. 14. 14. And the same Apostle declares it lawful to feed even on thing offer'd to Idols, if no weak Brother be offened by it, 1 Cor. 10. 25. Whatsoever is sold in the Shambles, that eat, asking no question for Conscience sake: and ver. 17. The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, i. e. it doth not consist in using this or that particular sort of Food, for under the Gospel all are alike. Therefore he saith in Col. 2. 16. Let no Man judg you in meat or in drink. And again, Every Creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be receiv'd with Thanksgiving, 1 Tim. 4. 4. Thus tho it was not absolutely necessary that we should hav [...] a particular revoking of the Law, for it is enough that the Reason of it ceaseth; yet we find that it is more than once revoked and repeal'd in a very formal and express manner, and that after the Decree of the Synod at Ierusalem. So that now there is no intrinsick Evil and Turpitude, no Unlawfulness and Sin in eating of Blood.
But this was not practised in the Apostles times, nor universally obtained a long [...] after, but they very [Page 597] carefully refrained from eating of Blood for the Reason before mentioned, viz. out of compliance and condescension to the Iews who were turn'd Christians. And for this Reason the Christians in the Second and Third Century generally observed the Canons of this Apostolical Synod, and they were confirmed by several 7 Councils. Particularly, that the Christians of those days abstain'd from Blood and things strangled, is attested by 8 Iustin Martyr, 9 Origen, 1 Tertullian, 2 Minutius Felix, and 3 Eusebius. Tho it appears likewise that this was not a universal Observance, but some did eat Blood whilst others abstained. The Greek and Ethiopick Churches to this day abstain from things strangled, and from Blood, by virtue of the Decree of that first Council in Acts 15. And among the modern Writers 4 some of no mean Learning have espoused this Opinion and Practice, and the Learned 5 Grotius seems to favour them. These Persons were drawn into this Sentiment by having an eye to the Practice of the old primitive Christians, and by not considering the true Reason why that Canon of abstaining from Blood prevail'd in some parts of the Church, viz. because the Christian Church was not wholly gather'd in those Parts, and several Iews (who abhorr'd Blood and things strangled) might have been kept from imbracing Christianity, if there had not been a compliance in this matter. This was the occasion of this Canon of the Apostles, saith 6 St. Augustin, and this he saith was the Judgment of the Christians in his days. He adds, [Page 598] that there were but a few in his time that abstain'd from eating Blood, and they were laugh'd at by the rest as too nice and scrupulous. Nor did those Men attend to the foregoing Reasons and Proofs of the Abrogation of this Decree: which if they had done, they would have found it to be a temporary Injunction, and that it was obligatory so long as any Gentiles were mixed among the Churches, but that afterwards it was to be quite cast off: for the observing of this and other parts of the Decree were kept up only by reason of the Churches Weakness.
To conclude this Subject, let us sum up the difference of Dispensations, as to this particular of abstaining from some Food. At first there was a Restraint as to this, nothing but the Fruits of the Earth were permitted to be eaten, at least generally and usually. But after the Flood their Commons were enlarged, for Flesh was allowed; yet with this Restriction, not to eat Flesh with the Blood or Life in it. Then afterwards, among the Iews, a Law restrain'd them from some sort of Food; some Animals only were permitted, the rest being pronounced unclean. But when Christ came, this Restraint was removed, yet so as the Liberty did not totally prevail, for by an Apos [...]olical Council they were bid to abstain from Things strangled and from Blood. And afterwards, in some Christian Churches this Abstinence was yet observed. But at last, the Christian and Evangelical Liberty took all Restraint away, the Iewish Rites and Usages having had time enough to wear off.
From other Instances in the Christian Church in those first Times it might be proved that whilst they were not all grown up to the like knowledg and perswasion [...], both Iudaism and Christianity were often twisted together. Even in the second Century the Christians in the East, following the Example of St. Iohn and St. Philip, observed Easter on the very time the Iews [Page 599] did their Passover: but those in the West imitating the Practice of St. Peter and St. Paul, kept Easter on the Lord's Day, the Day on which Christ arose. Victor, the Bishop of Rome, endeavoured to bring the Churches of Asia to his Opinion, designing to excommunicate all those who disagreed with the Roman Churches; but he was disswaded at last from prosecuting that Design, and the celebrating of Easter remained free till the Nicene Council, where the Western Churches got the better, and they that refused to keep that Feast on Sunday were branded with the Name of Quartodecimani.
I might further prove this mixture of Iewish and Christian Observances in the first Ages: Tertullian, who flourish'd in the beginning of the third Century, frequently joins Christianity and Iudaism together; and particularly in his Dialogue with Trypho the Iew, he declares there is Salvation in both. There were the Coelicolae, (mention'd in the Code) those that worship'd God as 7 he had commanded from Heaven, i. e. according to the Precepts and Rites of the Mosaick Law, and according to the Precepts of the Gospel: for they held that Heaven, i. e. God was the Author and Institutor of both, and intended that both should be observed. Thus the Mosaick Law and Ceremonies were a good while going off, they gradually and gently vanish'd away: for the Church was then but in its Childhood, and was tenderly to be treated. It is not to be denied that the Iewish Rites were nail'd with Christ to the Cross, they died when he gave up the Ghost. But tho they were dead, and were of no efficacy, yet Men were left free to use or not use them, as they saw fit. After their decease they were not presently buried, but (as one of the Fathers speaks) were to have an honourable Interment. In brief, Iudaism [Page 600] staid some time with Christianity, and then took its leave.
Here it must be observed in the next place that extraordinary Gifts of the Spirit were peculiar to this Period of the Christian Church, which is a certain Argument of the weak State of it, and that it had not outgrown its Childhood, but that Knowledg and Faith were feeble in many, and that Unbelief had wholly possessed others, and there was need of some very great Power, which was in those days exerted in a wonderful manner. Among the extraordinary Endowments of the Holy Ghost which were then bestowed, Prayer was one, i. e. an infused and supernatural Gift of Prayer was given to the Apostles and primitive Christians, which is call'd Praying with the Spirit, 1 Cor. 14. 15. and those who were blessed with this singular Gratuity, had Matter and Words dictated to them by a special Afflation or Inspiration from Heaven. Prophesying was also after an extraordinary and supernatural manner, as the fourteenth Chapter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians will inform us. It was a Power to interpret and explain the darkest Scriptures, to unriddle all sacred Mysteries, to urge with great efficacy the Duties of Christianity on the Consciences of Men, and sometimes to foretel Futurities of great Importance: all which was effected by the immediate Influence of the Spirit. This Gift expired soon after the second Century. After which they tell us there is little or no mention of the Prophetick Spirit in the Christian Church. To which perhaps that passage of the Apostle relates, and is Prophetick even of the expiration of Prophecy, 1 Cor. 13. 8. whether there be Prophecies, they shall fail. And as there were in the first Times inspired Prayers and Prophesyings, so there were inspired Hymns; which is call'd singing with the Spirit, ver. 15.
But the working of strange and wonderful things [Page 601] above the Power of Nature, which is most properly doing of Miracles, was a great part of the Dispensation of those Days. Not only the Apostles, but their Followers in the Ages immediately succeeding, were indued with this Power. Hence Lucius, King of this British Island, hearing of strange things done by Christians in many places, about the end of the second Century sent to Eleu [...]herius, Bishop of Rome, to receive the Christian Faith of him, and was the first Christian King in the World. From Iustin Mar [...]yr, Tertullian, and Cyprian's Writings, it is evident that Miracles were frequently wrought in the Church, and these Persons appeal to them as things that were of common notice, and could not be denied. Gregory Bishop of Neocaesarea (who lived in the third Century) purchas'd the Title of Thaumat [...]rg [...] by the miraculous Acts which he did. Even in the next Age Miracles were done by many, as is testified by Ruffinus, Theodoret and Sozomen. From 8 several passages in Chrysostom's Writings it may be gather'd that they ceas'd in his time, more especially from his 32d Homily on St. Matthew, where he replies to the Objections of the Pagans against the Christians, viz. that they did not confirm their Doctrine by Miracles. And so again in his 40 th Homily on the Acts he gives the Reason of the cessation of Miracles. But tho he doth this, he must be understood of the common and ordinary use of them; for sometimes, and rarely, Miracles were wrought in that Age, or else St. Augustin and other Fathers misrepresent those Times. Particularly 9 St. Augustin (who lived in St. Chrysostom's time) bears witness that Miracles were wrought at the Monuments of the Saints in those days. But yet from this Father's own words in 1 another place we may gather, [Page 602] that Miracles were then at an end in some parts of the Christian Church. The short is this, that for three or four hundred Years, in one place or other, Miracles were generally done in confirmation of the Christian Faith, viz. as long as the Church was in her tender and childish Years.
And it may be observ'd further, that there was a Power in the primitive Times bestow'd on the Church of punishing the Disobedient in a strange and dreadful manner, viz. by in [...]icting sudde [...] Diseases, nay Death it self sometimes upon Offenders, as is evident in the Relation concerning Ananias and Saphira, Acts 5. 1, &c. And some such thing as this it is likely is meant by those [...] done by the Apost [...]les, Acts 2. 43. And indeed it was necessary that in those primitive Times they should have such a power of inflicting extraordinary Judgments on Criminals, if you consider the state of things then; for the Magistrates, being at that time Heathens, did not animadvert on those who offended against the Christian Laws, on which account likewise the Condition of the Church was weak and low. And it may be further observ'd that in order to this Gift or Ability of striking with bodily Maladies or Death those that were gross Offenders, there was another Gift bestowed, viz. Discerning of Spirits, 1 Cor. 12. 10. by virtue of which the Apostles had an insight into the Secrets of Mens minds, and could tell whether their hearts were right towards God. Hereby it was that they could make a discrimination between true and counterfeit Professors of Christianity, and thence accordingly receiv'd or rejected them, and if they saw occasion, punish'd the latter. This was a requisite Gift in those days, because it was suted to the nature of that Dispensation at that time, wherein Christianity was not grown to any perfection, and therefore there was need of these extraordinary Means to nourish and uphold it; it wanted these adventitious [Page 603] Aids to support its weakness.
2. The Christian Church proceeded from Childhood to Youth. This is the Second subordinate Dispensation of the Gospel, or the present Period we are now under. This began when all the Legal Ceremonies and Jewish Observances were laid aside, when the extraordinary Gifts of the Holy Ghost ceased, when immediate Inspirations were withdrawn, and when Signs and Wonders, and working of Miracles were out of use. From the time of the cessation of these we are (as I conceive) to date the Youthful and Stronger State of Christianity. Then it began to be entire, when it was no longer blended with Judaism, when there were no more Typical Ceremonies in the Christian Service. In the place of the Extraordinary Gifts of Praying and Prophesying there succeed now in the Church those Religious Exercises of Praying and Preaching which (tho they are never rightly performed without the help of the Spirit, yet) proceed not from immediate Illapses and Inspirations. The Apostles and first Christians were extraordinarily taught of God: but we must make use of the Means and Helps which are given us in order to attaining the Knowledg of Him and of our Duty. We must arrive to this by God's Blessing on our Studies and Industry. Knowledg is not purely infused now, but the Spirit of God cooperates with our endeavours. Scholarship was not necessary for the first founding the Gospel, because the effusion of the Spirit was then extraordinary. But when this ceas'd, human Learning became necessary in those who are to instruct others, and to confute Gainsayers.
Therefore in the Disputes between us and the Quakers and other Sects about these Matters, we must urge this, that there is now an Oeconomy different from that in the times of the Apostles. When they talk of doing all by immediate Impulse of the Spirit, and despise [Page 604] outward Means and Helps, and cry that they are above Ordinances, we must let them know that they are forgetful of the different Dispensations of times, and thence proceeds their Error. They do not observe that there are subordinate Oeconomies even in this one grand Oeconomy of Christianity; and the want of seriously attending to this, leads them into very extravagant Opinions and Practices. When there were extraordinary Gifts in the Church, a Fisherman, any illiterate Person was as able as any one to preach. For as in that time those were able to heal all Diseases who had never studied Physick, so there were those that could speak to the People with all Tongues who had never been taught any. For the speedier propagating of the Gospel, some of the commonest Christians had Ability to do this. But it is not so since: those supernatural Gifts are ceas'd, and now Learning is requisite in a Minister of the Gospel: Schools and Universities, Skill in Arts and Languages (which can be gain'd only by Study) are become necessary. For, as an antient Writer of the Church saith well, 2 After the Apostles time the Church began to be govern'd by another Order and Management of Divine Providence. As for the Spirit of Prophecy we know it was an immediate extraordinary Gift, whereby Persons were divinely enlightned themselves, and had ability to reveal things in an extraordinary manner to others: which was frequent among the Iews in the Old Testament; but even that fail'd at last, there was not a Prophet between Malachi and Iohn Baptist, (whence it was that the People ran out of all the Regions round about to see the Baptist, a Prophet being a very rare Sight.) But Prophecy was restored by Christ, and by his Apostles in a most eminent Degree afterwards; yea Iustin Martyr, who lived in the middle of [Page 605] the second Century, tells us in his Apology for the Christians that the Gift of Prophecy was then in the Church: but after that there is no mention of it, because it ceas'd. And so as for other immediate of extraordinary Revelations, as Dreams and Visions, and such like ways by which God used to communicate his Will unto Iews and Christians heretofore, they are now laid aside, or are very rare and unusual. And the Reason is, because Christianity is out of its Childhood, it hath gather'd more Strength, it is youthful and vigorous.
I know that others have different Notions of this matter. The Learned 3 Daille expresly saith, Christianity was in its heighth and perfection in the time of the blessed Apostles; tho, so far as I can perceive, he himself soon after partly retracts this Assertion. It is generally thought and said that those extraordinary Endowments before named in the Christian Church, are an Argument of its Manhood and Perfection: and because those Gifts in the primitive Times were so great and venerable, far exceeding what we have at this day, they reckon all Christians since those times to be but puny Christians. But I cannot give my suffrage to this, yea I look upon it as a great mistake; for if a Man rightly considers things, he will find that these splendid Gifts were bestow'd on purpose for the propagating of the Gospel at that particular time, and that the Weakness and Unsettledness of the Church were the only occasion of them. Christianity wanted (at its first Rise) confirming and corroborating by such wonderful Methods and Expedients as these. And therefore if we understand the true Nature of them, we cannot but confess that they were Proofs and Evidences of the imperfect State of the Christian Church in those days. Now those extraordinary Gifts [...] [Page 604] [...] [Page 605] [Page 606] are vanish'd, the inspired Men are gone, but the Holy Scriptures which were written by Divine Inspiration are left with us, to be the great Standard of Truth, and the Rule of our Actions. God hath rais'd up eminent Men to open and explain that Holy Book, and to instruct us in all the great and necessary Points of it. We have now a more setled Knowledg of Religion, and there is a greater Progress in Christianity. The Oeconomy hath receiv'd some Alteration; and we need not extraordinary Helps when God vouchsafeth us those that are ordinary.
And as for Miracles, they are not of this part of the Christian Dispensation, and therefore are not to be look'd for now. Those mighty Wonders are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not, as the Apostle speaks, 1. Cor. 14. 22. Therefore they were proper in the first Ages, to convince the unbelieving World, and for the propagating of Christianity. But now they are become useless, and more regular and ordinary Methods are used. The Gospel being sufficiently promulged among us, and the Authority of it being proved by those mighty Works which have been done, we are not to expect any more of them. Ordinary Means now serve us, tho we have the Benefit likewise of those extraordinary ones which were before. I do not say Miracles are so creased that there shall never be any wrought again: for a Power of doing Miracles is indefinitely promised in Mark 16. 17. It may still remain, so as to be exerted on occasion, viz. when Heathens and Infidels are to be converted. But that belongs not to this Part of the Evangelical Dispensation which I am now speaking of, but to that more perfect one which is to succeed, in erecting of which perhaps God may enable his Servants, in order to the compleat enlarging of the Church, to work Wonders. But at present this way of Divine Attestation is unnecessary, for Christians have sufficient [Page 607] Means, with regard to all the ends of Religion and Salvation, among themselves: there is no need of any greater at present. Nay, the cessation of those extraordinary, visible and sensible Means, is an Argument of the meliority of our Condition. Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed, saith our Saviour, Iohn 20. 29. The meaning is they are more blessed, i. e. their Faith is more excellent and laudable, and they shall have a greater Reward. It is a more blessed and eligible State to believe without such forcible and violent Means than with them.
Other things might be here mention'd; as under the Law and before that time there was scarce any thing done without the ministration of Angels, so in the first times of the Gospel the Appearance of these glorious Spirits was common: but after Christ's Ascension, and to this very time the Church is a Stranger to this particular Dispensation, and is not to expect the Attestation or Confirmation of any Truth in this Way. The Reason is, because the Scriptures of the New Testament being now given us, that former way of Revelation, which was a Sign of an imperfect and weak State, now ceases. There is no need of these Divine Admonitors, seeing we have the Writings of the Evangelists and Apostles which are a certain standing Rule, and an infallible Direction to us. And in several other particulars (if it were requisite) it might be shew'd that the State of Religion is alter'd and improved since our Saviour's time, and the times after the Apostles.
And now in the close of this Head, we cannot but take notice of the Usefulness and Necessity of attending to what hath been suggested concerning the different Administrations of Religion, and particularly of the Christian. We cannot frame right thoughts concerning the Nature and Model of it, unless we carefully observe the several Degrees and various Modifications [Page 608] of it before mention'd: for tho there be the same general Dispensation, yet there is an Alteration as to the particular Scenes of it. That which we are under at present differs much from those which were in the first and early Ages of Christianism: and therefore it is unreasonable to require now the very same things in the Church of Christ that were then. There are some sober and well meaning Persons that, attending not to this, perswade themselves that there ought to be as to every particular the same Face of Administrations at present that there was at first, and thence they look to the primitive State of the Church, and examine every thing by that. But this is not right, for there hath been a Change of things in the Christian Church: and this Change was by the particular Superintendency and Disposal of the Divine Providence and supreme Director. Hence it is that we are not to expect that all things should be now as they were in the Beginning, God himself having been pleas'd to alter the Dispensation in part. Let us then remember the particular Division of the Oeconomy we are under, and let us be concern'd to do what is fitting and proper to it: and thereby we shall help to promote and hasten the next and better one, which I am now to speak of.
That Christianity shall arrive to Manhood or Full Age, is proved by several Arguments, 1. God's Method in the World. 2. The Low ebb of Christianity hitherto. 3. The number of those that perish. 4. The gradual Improvement of all Arts and Sciences. The several Objections concerning the Decay and Senescency of the World, made use of by Jewish, Pagan and Christian Writers, fully answer'd. That the World decaies not as to Learning and Arts, is made good from the Improvements of Navigation, the Inventions of Gun-powder and Guns, of Printing, of Clocks and Watches, the preparing of Sugar, the Advances in Anatomy and Physick, Astronomy, Arithmetick, Chymistry, Mechanicks, the Stile of Writers. It is congruous to the Divine Providence and Wisdom that Religion also should have its Improvements, as well as Arts and Sciences, and accordingly it hath been greatly advanc'd and increas'd by the Reformation. From the Increase it hath had already, we may gather that there will be farther Accessions afterwards. The virile and complete State of the Christian Church prov'd from several places of Scripture, Mat. 24. 3. & 19. 28. Acts 3. 21. Rom. 8. 19. 20. Heb. 2. 5. & 9. 10. 1 Cor. 1. 7. 1 Pet. 3. 8. From those divers Texts that we meet with in the Old Tastament which make mention of the Kingdom and Reigning of the Messias. A five-fold acception of the Kingdom of Christ in the New Testament. The 1 Cor. 15. 25. urged. The Millenary Reign. The rise of the Antient Opinions about it. It is proved that Christ shall not Personally reign upon Earth. The deceased Saints shall not rise again to reign with him here. What is meant by the Souls of them that were beheaded for the Witness of Jesus. What is to be understood by their living and reigning with Christ. Two late Writers take it in a literal Sense, but without any ground. Who are the rest of the Dead that lived not again. What are the first and second Resurrection. The Reign of Christ a thousand Years is to be upon Earth. By a thousand Years we are to understand a certain and definite Number. Some Opinions concerning the Beginning and End of the thousand Years refuted. Mr. Brightman's odd Fancy rejected. We have had some Fore-runners and previous Pledges of the millenary Kingdom. Mr. Medes's Opinion, which joins Christ's Reign and the Day of Iudgment together, consider'd.
[Page 610]THe [...]ird and most eminent Part of the Evangelical Oeconomy, is that which I call'd the Manhood or full Age of the Christian Church. Before I enter upon the Description of this, I will give you some account of the Truth and Reality of such a State; by shewing that Christianity shall arrive to a greater Heighth and Perfection than it is at present. It is very observable what one of the Antient Writers, who [Page 611] was a great Judg of the Nature and Genius of Christianity, saith of this matter. 1 The Vnderstanding, Knowledg and Wisdom of single Persons, as well as of whole [...]odies, of every individual as well as of Churches in general, shall hugely increase, and be exceedingly advanced, according to the gradual Successions of Times and Ages. But, as he explains himself, this Proficiency shall be in the same kind, in the same Perswasions, in the same Sense and Iudgment, so that the Christian Faith shall still remain the same as to its Substance, tho it shall be much better explain'd and known than it is no [...]. And he uses the same comparison that I ha [...]e expres'd this matter by, for he distinguishes between the younger and the riper Years of Christianity: he holds the former to be the first Ages of the Gospel, the latter those that succeed. And yet as it is in the growth of human Bodies, tho the Strength and Stature of them be alter'd, yet the same Nature and Persons remain in the mature Years that were before: so it is here, saith he, Christianity is consolidated by Years, it is enlarged by Time, it is sublimed by Age, but still it continues incorrupt and intire. And afterwards, cap. 29. ‘It is [...]itting, saith he, that the heavenly Philosophy (for so he stiles the Christian Religion) which was sowed in the Church by the primitive Fathers, should afterwards grow up, flourish and be cultivated by the Industry of their Sons, that by process of time it should become more polish'd, but yet that it should retain the same Plenitude, Property and Integrity, that it had as to its Substance at first.’ Thus that excellent Writer. And I was very glad to find my Notion of the last Time▪ [Page 612] confirmed by a Person of so much Judgment and Sagacity, and of so great Repute in the Christian Church. The Sum of what he saith is, that Christianity shall be improved by succession of Time, and at last this Beauty shall receive its finishing stroke.
Now this I will endeavour to make good from Reason and Scripture. It is reasonable to believe that there shall be a better State of Religion, because this is founded on the constant Method of God in the World. We find that it is his Way and Course to proceed in a gradual manner, and that not only in the things of Nature (as at the Creation of all ranks of Beings) but in those of Religion, as I have shew'd in the several Stages of it since it began. Wherefore it is reasonable to conclude that it will be thus in Christianity, that as it hath had already its different Steps, Measures and Gradations, so there is a greater yet to come, and that it shall arrive to the heighth of its Glory in this World.
Again, it is reasonable to believe that great things are to come, because so little is done hitherto. The unbelieving part of the World is very vast and large. The greatest Kingdoms of the Earth are those of the Tartars, the Indians, the Chinoise, the Persians, the Turks, all wh [...]ch are Strangers to the Religion of Iesus. Divide the World into three Parts, and it will appear that two of them are inhabited even by profess'd Pagans. Or, if we divide it into six parts, we shall find that five of them at this day know not Christ, but are either Idolatrous Pagans, (which are the greatest number) or Iews, or Mahometans. And of the sixth Part, how few of those that outwardly make Profession of Christ have true Faith, and deserve the Name of Christians? Popery (which can scarcely be reckon'd as a part of Christianity) hath spread it self through the most flourishing Kingdoms in E [...]rope, and hath got footing in Asia, and is not wholly a stranger [Page 613] in some parts of Africa, and hath found its way even into America. Among the Churches which disown Popery, some of them are grosly ignorant, erroneous, and superstitious, as the Muscovian, Abyssine and Greek Churches generally. And even among the Reformed Churches what Divisions and Dissentions, what unchristian Feuds and Animosities are there? What variety of Opinions is there amongst them? How unsetled are they in their Notions and Apprehensions? How little of the true Virtue of Religion and Power of God [...]iness is to be observed among them? How is the Satanical Kingdom kept up and maintain'd every where? How industriously is it recruited and establish'd?
Whereas Christians should live better than all the World beside, it is sad and deplorable that their Words and Actions bid de [...]iance to every thing which appertains to so Sacred and Honourable a Title. They profess the best Religion in the World, and do things that are the worst. Some that bear this venerable Name are as wicked and pro [...]ligate as any other sort of Men upon Earth: the gros [...]est Enormities of Barbarians are acted by them. It is too apparent a Truth that many who go under the Name of Christians conspire against the Religion which Christ hath set up in the World, as well as Iews, Turks and Pagans. In fine, look where you will, and you will have cause to say, how short is Christianity of its full Arcomplishment? What slender effects are there of it in the Lives and Manners of Men? How little Progress hath it made in so many Ages? How narrow is its Kingdom? How ineffectual are its Laws in most places?
Whence it is rational to infer that there must be some greater Work effected both in the Kingdoms of the World which have no notice of Christ and the the Christian Faith, and also in that part of the [Page 614] World which is already Christian. A farther O [...]c [...] nomy, or rather a farther Exaltation of this Evangelical Oeconomy which we are under is to be [...] hoped for. We should be tempted to think [...] God's Providence, if there be no more to be done, if Christianity attains not to a greater height than hitherto it hath.
It is a very surprizing and amazing Problem (abstracting from the di [...]ine Destinies concerning it, and the Predictions of it in the Holy Writings) that [...] Kingdom of Satan in all Ages of the World [...] greater numbers of Subjects than that of Christ. It [...]ems very harsh and dismal that so many should perish, that among Heathe [...]s, Iews, Mahom [...]tans, and even Christians, Satan should have such a Ha [...]ve [...]t. But now this is soon answer'd by what I have suggested: this which I o [...]fer is a very clear and ea [...]ie solution of the Difficulty, for there will be mo [...]e Saints in the space of the thousand Years whi [...]h I shall afterwards describe, than there were wicked and impenitent Sinners in all the other thous [...]ds [...] preceded this Dispensation. There will be such a [...] of general Conversion and universal Sanctity through all the Regions of the World, that the number of the saved shall at last surpass that of the damned. This will plainly appear from what I shall propound in the s [...]quel of this Discourse, and it will give us a fair and comfortable Idea of the Divine Philanthropy, it will let us see that the Scales of Providence hang even, it will clear up the dark Proceedings of Heaven, and fully satisfie u [...] about the Wisdom of God in the Conduct of the World.
Another Argument that I shall make use of shall be from the gradual Improvement of all Arts and Sciences in the World. It was well noted by one of the Antients, and that with reference to the Dispensations [Page 615] of Religion, that 2 the commencement of Sciences is defective and im [...]rfect, but by little and gradual Additions they come at last to their complete pitch. Nothing is more observable than that Learning hath had its noble Accessions in the several successive Generations of Mankind. Which was foretold by Seneca long ago, who, speaking of the Ph [...]nomena of Comets, and the like Philosophical Disquisitions, prophetically utters these words, 3 The time shall come when a brighter Day, and the Industry of a farther Age shall bring to light those things that now lie hid in darkness. The time will come when our Posterity shall wonder, that we were ignorant of things, which were so plain and intelligible. This Prediction is now fulfill'd; we have a clear Discovery of many Secrets which were kept from former Ages; we have fresh Experiments by which the Stock of Notions is greatly improved and advanced. Diligent Researches at home, and Travels into remote Countries have produced new Observations and Remarks, unheard-of Discoveries and Inventions. Thus we surpass all the times that have been before us; and it is highly probable that those that succeed, will far surpass these in all manner of human Literature. And why a proportionable Improvement in Divine Knowledg, and in Moral and Christian Endowments may not be expected, I confess I don't understand. Can there be any Reason given why God should not prosper Religion as well as Arts? Why we may not look for increase of knowledge in the Church, as well as in matte [...]s that relate only to Nature? Why there may not be a Perfection of Understanding in the one, as well as in the other?
[Page 616] I am sensible that it will be said here, (and that with Truth) that the daily decay of the World as to intellectual and moral qualities, is believ'd and held by some very great Men; yea, they tell us that the natural Frame and Constitution of it wax old. It is certain that the Iews had this apprehension, 4 The World hath lost its Youth, and the times begin to wax old. And again, 5 The World shall be weaker through Age. The Hebrew Doctors and Rabbins cry out that the Generations grow worse every Day, and Knowledg is more and more decreased. And what a vast difference they make between the Antients and Moderns may be seen in another Proverbial Saying, 6 One mail of our Forefather's Fingers, is better than the main Body of them that come after them. And we may learn from another Adage of theirs, how exceedingly they prefer the former days before the latter; The Heart of our Predecessors (say they) was like the Gate of the Outward Court in amplitude, but the Heart of their Successors is like the Gate of the Temple, which was far less: but ours is like the eye of a Needle, least of all. And several 7 other Sayings they have to this purpose, that the World is impair'd and grows worse and worse; and that the further we are removed from the beginning, the more we decline. But who knows not that hath convers'd with these Gentlemen, that they are very fanciful and capricious, and that they either out of prejudice or discontent pronounce what they please of any thing? so that their approbation or dislike is not to be a Standard to any Man's thoughts and sentiments. And as to the Texts before cited, they refer to the Iweish State, which is foretold to be [Page 617] mean and low, and running to decay, and therefore no general Judgment can be made thence.
Among some of the Pagans likewise there was this Notion, that the World was decaying as to Men and Manners.
And they particularly alledg the Stature of Men to confirm their Opinion: thus Lucretius,
According to him all Animals, as well as Man himself, were at first formed out of their Mother Earth, but since that time the procreative Virtue of the Earth is worn out, and the kindly heat and moisture are gone, and Nature is grown feeble, and therefore Men and other Creatures have not that bulk and size, which they were famed for in the days of yore. So 9 Pliny the Naturalist had a Conceit of the Senescency of the World, and the declension of Nature, and he instances in the Stature of Men. The same doth Aulus Gellius, and complains of the 1 Decrescency and Wearing away of Things and Men. This was founded on what they had heard or read concerning Giants heretofore, the notice of whom might be derived to them not only from their own Authors, but from the Sacred Writings, which mention Og King of Bashan, and Goliah of Gath, and the Zummim, Zanzummim, Anakim, Emim, who were of a vast Procerity. [Page 618] Whence they gather that the World is decay'd, because we see no such People now adays.
But such consequences are easily silenc'd, if we consider first that some of their own Authors are of little Credit or Repute, and many reports of Giants are Poetical Inventions. So if you will believe Geoffery of Monmouth, and some other fabulous Writers, Albion (now call'd Britain, the Isle which we inhabit) was kept only by a Remnant of Giants. Secondly, those Writers that we can depend upon, especially the Sacred Penmen, tho they assure us that there were such big and tall Men, yet they represent it as a very rare and uncommon thing; they give us to understand that the number of those huge Persons was very small; whence we gather that tho there were none such now in being, it doth not alter the case of the World considerably. But thirdly, it appears that since those times spoken of by antient Historians there have been, and even at this time are some of that large [...]ize. Modern Travellers of good esteem and credit ascertain us that there are Giants in some particular Countries; which overthrows the vain Conceit of those that found the Decay of the World on a supposal that none but the former Ages afforded Gigantick Folks. But the truth of the matter is this, that tho Countries differ as to their size of Men, nay tho some are in the same Country of a large, others of a lesser Proportion, yet the Stature of Men was not generally higher and bigger heretofore than it is now. All People are for the most part of the same heighth and breadth that they were three thousand Years ago and upwards, as is demonstrated by Doctor Hackwill and others, from the Vrns and Rings and several other Antiquities, which have been derived to after-Ages. There is no Decay then as to this.
I might observe further, that some of the Christian Perswasion, as well as Iews and Pagans, have asserted [Page 619] and defended Nature's universal Decay. Some of the Antient Writers of the Church have inclin'd this way, but Cyprian is very positive, 2 ‘You must know this in the first place, saith he, that the World is now arrived to its old Age, it hath not that force and virtue, that strength and vigour which it was endued with heretofore.’ And he goes on to instance both in natu [...] a [...]d moral things, wherein he thinks this Def [...]ction and Failure may be seen. Among some of the Moderns this Sentiment hath prevail'd, and I will mention only two of them, and they are of our own Nation. The first is that learned Knight who wrote the History of the World; he there, speaking of the Giants in former times, and proving that there were really Men of that Statu [...]e, adds on this occasion, that 3 the great Age of Time hath in [...]ebled, and almost wore out the virtue of all things. We now live in the withor'd Quarter, and Winter of the World. The other Great Man that hath lately espous'd this Opinion, is the Learned Au [...]hor of the Essay on Antient and Modern Learning, whe [...]e he often declares that the World of Learning grows old, and that there is a Decay as to Men and Arts, and brave Accomplishments; and accordingly he laments (but without tears) our Ignorance, and our faint Imitation of the Antients, and our being but an imperfect Copy of that exact Original. These Gentlemen fancy that all things were best at first, and that since all are grown worse and worse. It is something like that Philosophick Dream of a witty Author, that there was at first nothing but Suns and Stars, that there were no Earths or Planets; particularly that this Earth which we inhabit, was once a glorious Sun, but in process of time degenerated, and became [Page 620] what it is, a dull opake Body. After the same rate do these Persons talk, they tell us that Knowledg and Arts were once very bright and gay, and shone forth with a Lustre worthy of Mens eyes, but in these latter times they are over-run with scum and crust, and are miserably absorpt into Darkness and Barbarity. To raise the Reputation of the past Ages, and to depress that of the present, they cry out that we live in the dregs of Time, in Natures Declension, in the old Age and Dotage of the World. All was great and brave heretofore, but now every thing is dwarfish, mean and dwindling. Our Forefathers have exhausted all the generous Wine, and left us nothing but Lees.
But we may justly think that such Apprehensions as these favour more of Prejudice than Truth, and are the Product of Imagination rather than Reason. For let a Man, free from the steams of Melancholy and the Tincture of Prepossession, consider things impartially, and he will find that there is no ground for such Complaints. Indeed as to the Age of Men there is some variation, for they lived much longer before the Flood than they do now: but one would think this is sufficient, that People live as long now as they did in King David's time, (for he confines Man's Life to seventy or eighty Years) and some Mens days are extended to a greater length. Wherefore they that maintain the Hypothesis of Nature's general Declining, must hold that the World grew old betimes, that it was aged in its Youth, which a Rational Man would think harsh and absurd. And besides, if it began to wax old so soon, it would have been quite decrepit before this time, it would have been worn off its legs, and wholly extinct. But seeing the contrary is evident, we have Reason to think that the World doth not decline in the least as to its natural Virtue, tho there is, by the Will of Heaven, some defalcation of Mens years. Nay, if Men can do as great, or greater [Page 621] things now in a shorter time than they did heretofore, this argues they are rather more vigorous now than in past Ages. If any object the Loss of some little Arts and Inventions which were known heretofore; there cannot be a more satisfactory Answer than this, that when any Invention hath been sunk, another of as great usefulness hath succeeded in its place. Pancirol tells us of some things found, as well as of others lost. And we can inform our selves that tho some Discoveries have been unhappily forgot or imbezled, yet, for a compensation, there have been fresh ones that have proved serviceable to the Life of Man. And as for the latter Ages of the World, they have abounded in useful Inventions, which were wholly unknown to former times; and they have marvelously improved those Arts which were but then imperfectly begun.
If I spend some time in offering to the curious and inquisitive Reader a short Demonstration of this, I hope it will be excus'd as a pardonable Digr [...]ssion; if it shall be thought to be a Digression when it is so serviceable and proper to my present, purpose, viz. To shew that there is a great probability of the World's increasing in Knowledg hereafter, because we see it hath done so already. The thing then I undertake now is, to shew that Learning hath been improved in these latter Ages of the World, and that there is no Decay as to ingenious Inventions. Even that very Author before mention'd, who is the latest Defender of the contrary Opinion, is himself a Confutation of it. Whilst he argues on the other side, he pleads for us; for his own vast Learning, flourishing Parts, and all kinds of excellent Accomplishments disprove the Doctrine of the World's Defection. Whilst he defames the Knowledg of the Age he lives in, he is one of the greatest Glories of it himself. And if he had been pleas'd to have look'd off of himself, and to have taken a view abroad, he would have found that [Page 622] as the former Times had their Discove [...]ies, so the latter have not wanted theirs which surpass them: and moreover, we have added others of a different Nature. It cannot be denied that we have been so far from coming short of the foregoing Times in all respects, that we have palpably exceeded them. And because Solomon tells us that 4 Wisdom finds out the knowledg of witty Inventions, it will not be unbecoming the Sons of Wisdom to recount some of them, especially when this comes so directly in our way; to shew that the World decays not as to Knowledg and ingenious Discoveries, and therefore we may rationally thence hope that Divine Learning (which is the choicest of all kinds of Knowledg) will be yet further advanced.
I will begin with the Sea-Compass, and the applying the wonderful Virtues and Use of the Loadstone to Navigation, which was not the Attainment of the Antients; for it was not invented, at least not practis'd till about three hundred Years ago. 5 Some have thought that it was known to the Tyrians of old, who were great Seamen, but I don't see that they give any Proof of it. Others have thought that this was a very antient Invention, because by the help of this King Solomon's Navy sail'd to the Indies, (some say the East, others the West:) but there is no foundation for this surmise, for I have on 6 another occasion made it good that some part of Afric was that Ophir which is mention'd in the Sacred History. They knew no great Sea but the Mediterranean, they travell'd no further than Hercules's Pillars, or the Streights of Gibraltar: and this they might perform without the Invention of the Mariners Compass, for [Page 623] they might coast along by the Shores. Some tell us the Chinois had the use of the Loadstone and Compass for Navigation about two thousand Years ago; but this hath been proved to be false Antiquity, and it is much like their having Writers among them antienter than Moses, as 7 Isaac Vossius reports. If I should grant what some assert, that the Chinois long ago knew the virtue of the Loadstone so far as it directed them to the North Point, and that the Saracens receiv'd this Secret from them a very considerable while ago, yet 'tis certain that the Europeans came not to the knowledg of it till about three Centuries since: and 'tis as certain that by this excellent Invention Shipping and Navigation have been improved to a wonder; and they were never so before in any Countrys of the World. This Mystery was found out and managed, and the Compass contrived by Flavio Goia of Amalphis in Naples about the Year of our Lord 1470.
A most admirable Invention! of great use and advantage to Mankind: for hereby they are enabled to visit the spacious World, and to be acquainted with the Customs and Manners of foreign Cnuntries, and by that Means to furnish themselves with useful Observations for the cultivating their Minds, the augmenting of Sciences, and even making the whole Universe some ways serviceable to every particular part of it. Hereby Trade and Commerce are infinitely increased, all kind of Traffick and Merchandizing is advanced, the Riches and Treasures of the most remote parts of the World are brought home to us, and that Wealth which others knew not what to do with, we convert to proper uses, and benefit Mankind by it. Yea, Religion as well as Trade is promoted by this Art: for hereby we not only come to be acquainted [Page 624] with God's Works over the whole face of the Earth, which administers abundant matter of Praising and extolling the Divine Wisdom, Goodness, and Mercy; but by the help of this Invention we have the Advantage of propagating the Gospel, and spreading the saving Knowledg of the True God, and of his Son Jesus Christ throughout the World. The Improvement of Navigation may be serviceable to this great and excellent End; yea, we hope it is partly so already, the New Voyages and Discoveries being a happy Introduction to the Conversion of the Gentiles. By means of this Art a New World hath been the Invention of the latter Age: for tho the Antients were not altogether ignorant that there was such a Country Westward as this, witness the vast Isle Atlantis which the Egyptian Priests 8 told King Solon of, and that vast Island which the Phoenicians had some notice of on the West of Africa: yet these were but faint Attempts and Essays. The Discovery of the Western World to real purpose, and the being actually acquainted with it, and taking possession of it, were reserv'd to be the Atchievement of these latter times, and accordingly it was first discover'd in the Year of our Lord 1492. by Christopher Columbus a Native of the Republick of Genoua. Tho, to speak the exact Truth, it was (as De la Vega rightly informs us) one Sanchez, a Native of Helva in Spain, that first found out those Regions. He used to trade in a small Vessel from Spain to the Canaries, but it happen'd that by a long and tedious Tempest he was driven upon those Western Countreys: and at his Return he gave Colon or Columbus Information of what he had seen, and died soon after he had done so of a Disease that he had got by his dangerous Voyage. Afterwards, A mericus Vesputius, a Florentine, made a farther Discovery, [Page 621] A. D. 1497. and gave the Country the Name that it now bears. Ferdinando Magellan found out the South Limits, A. D. 1520. Drake and Candish added more: Furbisher and Davis the East Side of it: Willoughby and Burroughs made enquiry into the West. And by the whole, unspeakable Advantages have accrued to Mankind, the World is made open and wide, its State and Condition are well known, Commerce and Traffick are increas'd, Religion is propagated, and the Name and Worship of Iesus are carried to those remote parts which knew nothing of them before. Thus what hath been already found out is very wonderful and surprizing, and we may hope to be acquainted in due time with what is more so; we may expect daily to hear of great discoveries about that vast Continent towards the Antarctick Pole.
From Places I proceed to Things, and here the modern Inventions are very considerable. The first which I will take notice of is that of Gun-powder and Great Guns: which tho 9 some have thought was known in China 1500 Years ago, and 9 others have asserted that the City of the Oxidrakes in India was acquainted with it, yet there is little ground for any such suggestions. It is more probable that it was wholly a late Discovery, and that the use of Gun-powder (the Ingredients of which are Brimstone, and pulveriz'd Charcoal, from whence it takes fire, and SaltPetre, whence come the force and noise) was found out about 300 Years since by Barthold Swartz a German Monk. Some have fancied that this is meant by Fire, Smoke, and Brimstone, Rev. 9. 17. which is foretold to be used in the Turkish Armies; for by the shooting of Gunpowder the Air is as it were set on [Page 622] fire, and becomes of a Iacinth colour (for that also is mention'd there) by reason of the blew Smoke, and at the same time the scent of Sulphur is smelt: wherefore Fire-Guns and Pistols are thought to be meant, and the place is to be understood concerning these latter times, wherein that Invention hath been used. And by the by, here it might be observ'd that it is a kind of an Imitation of Thunder, and that since the Invention of it the Nature of that Meteor (which hath those two properties, Light and Noise) is easily explain'd; as on the contrary an inquisitive Person hath well noted that 1 one Reason why the Antients were so imperfect in the Doctrine of firy Meteors was their Ignorance of Gun-powder and Fireworks, which best discover the Causes of many Phaenomena thereof. Tho Gunpowder and Guns seem to be Instruments of greater Cruelty than those which were formerly used in War, yet if we consider things aright, we shall not find them to be so. There are not so many kill'd in Battel since these were made use of as there were of old. This you may know by the vast Numbers that were brought into the Field then: and the Number of those that were [...]lain was proportionable. They went out to Battel with almost incredible Multitudes heretofore. King Ieroboam brought eight hundred thousand chosen Men into the Field, mighty Men of War, 2 Chron. 13. 3. And King Abijah who fought with Ieroboam slew five hundred thousand of these Men, ver. 17. You read in no Story of such a [...]laughter in one Field. The Ethiopians brought a thousand Thousand against King Asa's Army, 2 Chron. 14. 9. Iehoshaphat had eleven hundred and threescore thousand in Arms, 2 Chron. 18. 14. Darius's [Page 623] Army which came to Battel in the Fields of Marathon consisted of six hundred thousand. But Xerxes's Army which he brought into Greece exceeded all that ever we read of, for it consisted of two Millions of fighting Men. But Herodotus makes the number somewhat less, Seventeen hundred thousand on Land, and two hundred and fifty thousand at Sea. And we read of very great numbers in the Ages afterwards. Tamerlan the Scythian came with nine hundred, some say with twelve hundred thousand Men into the Field against Bajazet the Grand Seignior, who had five hundred thousand on his side; and in this Battel the fortunate Tartar took not only Bajazet, but slew two hundred thousand of his Soldiers. But now there is no need of such vast numbers of Men as heretofore: and the numbers of the slain are not as they used to be of old. We have a more compendious and speedy, a more thrifty and frugal way of killing our Enemies than by Bows and Arrows, by Javelins, Battel-axes and Speers. The modern Mortar-pieces will end the Quarrel sooner than the Roman Battering Rams. A Tempest of Bombs and Granadoes will dispatch the Business more easily than a Shower of Arrows. A Broad Side will do quicker Execution on a Navy than Archimedes's Burning-Glasses did. Yea, we have now the advantage by our late Invention of Gunpowder either to beat down or blow up our Enemies. Seeing then there will be in this World, till it be better, occasion of War, and Controversies cannot be decided but by Blood, it is well that there is now a way whereby Victory may be got with less expence of Time and Blood than formerly: which is the Fruit of this Invention of Gun-powder and the Engines that convey and discharge it. Which things if Wencestaus the German Emper [...]ur had foreseen, he would not have caus'd the [Page 624] ingenious Inventer (as it is said) to be executed. We might add here that the Military Art is in [...]initely improved as to Sieges, Fortifications, &c. which are intirely the discovery of these latter times.
So was the Art of Printing, of which I will speak next. For I attend not to what 2 some have suggested that this Art was known to the Chinois very near two thousand Years ago. That which those People had attain'd to then (tho it was of great use to them) was inferiour to this Typographick Skill, and is not to be the compared with it. Germany and Holland, in the former Mentz, in the latter Harlem, contend for the honour of this Invention. Iohn Guttenberg of the first, and one Koster of the second lay claim to it, but the former generally carries it. Or if this latter first invented it (as some say he did about A. D. 1430) the other was the first that publish'd and practis'd it in the Year 1440. Others ascribe it to Iohn Faustus, a Goldsmith in Mentz, others to Iohn Mentell, and others to Lawrence Ienson. But Guttenberg is the most celebrated; he was born in Stratsburg, and was a Soldier by Profession and Employment: yet it pleas'd God that this Martial Man was instrumental in discovering this peaceable Art, and at that time when it was so seasonable: for Learning then ran very low, and was like to decay yet more and more. All Books being in Manuscript, and the Monks and Friars having the keeping and ordering of them, what could be expected but that they should be corrupted and depraved, as without doubt they had been in great measure already? For before the Invention of Printing, Books used to be transcribed, and the Transcribers sometimes out of mere carelesness and negligence, at other [Page 625] times out of Ignorance, yea sometimes out of Wilfulness left out, or added something to the Originals. They writ not what they found, but what they understood, and whilst they undertook to mend other Men's Errors they shew'd their own. And hence we have had innumerable Errors crept into the Writings of the Fathers, especially since the Controversies were started relating to the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, or to the Points of Popery. Those who Patronized Arianism corrupted several Passages in Books, and those who excessively doted on the Roman Church, and its Universal Bishop, and the Doctrines and Ceremonies maintained by it, did the same by altering, mangling, transposing, inserting, or leaving out some Things in the Copies they transcribed. And if you consider the Variety of MSS. and how many Times, during the Space of several Centuries of Years, they were Copied out, you must needs conclude, that either by Design or Negligence many Errors and Corruptions crept into the Text, and Books varied very much from what they were at first. This was the necessary and unavoidable Effect of Transcribing of Authors, and Copying out their MSS. which is now most happily taken away by the Press. Now, after a little Care taken at first in Correcting and Revising, many Thousands of Copies are dispatched, and sent into the Wo [...]ld, free from Mistakes and Corruptions, and that in a lasser Time than One of those Copies could have been Transcribed. The Seasonableness of this Noble Invention may be discovered from this, That it was so unspeakably Serviceable to the bringing on the Ref [...]rmation: For by the Benefit of Printing the World was blessed with the excellent Labours of Learned and Pious Men who lived in that Time; and thus by this means the Popish Ignorance was laid open, the Errors and Impieties of the Church of Rome were [Page 626] expos'd to view, and whereas before Learning was lock'd up in Cloysters, now it spread it self over all Europe, and the Truth of the Gospel was Propagated almost to a Miracle. Of such great use was this Art, which hath been Improv'd of late to a Wonder: For the first Inventors are not the most exact, they that come afterwards far excell them; for so it is oftentimes, they that are good at Inventing, are not so happy in Improving as others: Thus we see in the Country where Printing was first found out, there is the worst Printing, as well as the worst Paper. But these Latter Times have extremely Cultivated both, for which we have great reason at this day to Bless God. In short, Learning and Victory are now soon acquired, since Printing and Guns have been found out.
That we may the better manage our Studies and all other Business and Affairs, by Timing them rightly, Clocks and Watches were invented. For though Sun-dials and Hour-glasses, whether made with running of Water or Sand, were of great Antiquity, yet these Automatous Organs, or Horologies by Wheels were lately found out, maugre the groundless fancy of those Painters who Picture St. Ierom, who lived in the 4th Century, with a Clock by him. We are indebted to the excellent Mechanick Wit of the Germans for this useful Contrivance, whereby the Time is so Artificially divided that we can know the just and precise Seasons of beginning or leaving off our Work, of what Nature soever it is; and the publick notice of the particular divisions of Time is imparted to the Eye-sight, and at a greater distance communicated to the Ear.
If I would go abroad and observe what hath been found out for the Use and Benefit of Mans Life, I might take notice of that so Pleasant and Profitable Commodity of Sugar. For whereas former Ages [Page 627] knew the use of Honey only as the Universal Sweetner, there is now discover'd a more convenient one, by which a great part of our Food is made more delicious, and many things in Physick are prepar'd, and by which the whole work of Confectioning is maintain'd. It is true † Pliny speaks of Sugar (Saccharum) as it was taken out of the Canes, and saith it was used in Medicines, but it was rare, and in small quantities, and in Galen's time it was scarcely known, and then it was used raw and indigested, and was unserviceable to many Purposes. But at last this useful Condiment was Boyl'd and Bak'd, Dried and Condens'd, and made up as now we see it. This is an Invention not above 200 Years old. And the first Confectioner [...] or Comfit-maker in England was one Baltazar Zanches a Spaniard, A. D. 1596. I might mention the many Ingenious and Artificial Contrivances about Planting, Agriculture, ordering of Bees, Architecture, Painting, which last is in some respects much better and more exact than it was of old, as Monsie [...]r Perault hath shew'd. And in several other things the Moderns have made great and worthy Improvements, and very considerable Additions to what was before.
But I will confine my self to some of the Arts and Sciences, and briefly recount some of the Improvements which have been made in them. To begin with Medicks, unto which Anatomy belongs, it is true, Pliny tells us that the Egyptian Kings caused Dead Bodies to be cut up, to find out the Situation and Structure of the Parts of Man's Body, and the Causes of Diseases. But * another tells us, that Hierophilus was the first that Diffected the Bodies o [...] Men; he was Contemporary with Phalaris, and [Page 628] practis'd this on Malefactors that were sent to him out of the Prisons. Democritus * of old used Dissections, by the same token that he was thought by the Abderites to be made for doing so, i. e. for cutting up Cats and Dogs. But it doth not appear that he or Hippocrates, or Galen, or any of the Famed Physicians open'd Humane Bodies. But we have of late ventured to search frequently into these as well as those of Brutes, and from both we have found out several things worth our search. The Circulation of the Blood may justly pass for a New Invention, even the Discovery of this Age; for though some (and even a † Physician too) have thought that Solomon meant this by the Wheel as the Cistern, Eccl. 12. 6. Though Plato in his Timaeus seems to have had some knowledge of this, according to others; and though a ‖ late Writer, before mentioned, affirms very confidently that the Chinese were no Strangers to it above 4000 Years ago, yet we are not certain that the Wise Man's Words are to be understood with reference to this thing; and Plato's Words can much less be understood so; and that Relation concerning the People of China (as well as their extravagant Computation) is disbelieved by most of the Learned. Or say that this was not first found out by Dr. Harvey, yet if we consider that he was the Person who so plainly Illustrated this matter, and set down the true way and method of it, and clearly demonstrated how this Operation in the Body is perform'd, and fully answer'd all the Arguments and Objections which were brought against it, we may justly stile him the first Inventor of it. Not to speak of the Infusion or Injection of Blood [Page 629] into the Veins of Animals, first used by Dr. Wren, which afterwards was advanced into Transfusion, and first practised by Dr. Lower. I might mention several New Passages and Conveyances in the Body lately found out, as the Valuae of the Veins by Fabricius ab Aquapendente, the Lymphatick Vessels by Bartholine, the Lacteal Veins (dispers'd through the Mesentery) by Asellius, the Common Receptacle of the Chyle (fastned to the Vertebr [...] of the Back, a little above the Reins) and the Lacteal Veins of the Breast, or the Ductus Thoracicus (which go from the Receptaculum to the Subclavian Veins) found out by Pecquet. Glisson hath nobly search'd into the Liver, Wharton into the Glandules, Willis hath discover'd several things in the Brain. And what plenty of useful Inventions do we meet with in the Writings of Sylvius, Bilsius, De Graeff, Diemerbroek, Malpighius, Ves [...]ingius, Densingius, Steno, Highmore, &c. Indeed Physick and Anatomy have had the greatest Improvements of late, of any Faculty whatsoever. Medicks are exceedingly Cultivated, the Nature of Diseases is more narrowly enquired into and understood, the Signs and Symptoms of them are daily more manifested, and the Therapeutick part is infinitely more inlarged and advanced by a mixing of Galenical and Chymical Medicines, by the vast variety of Observations and Experiments, and by the Skill and Sagacity of those that have lately labour'd in that Art; so that this Age is grown Famous for Great and Wonderful Cures, and the Health and Long Life of Man are marvellously promoted.
In Astronomy there are New Discoveries also. The late Ages have been more knowing in the Heavens than those that went before. Now we are acquainted with the Suns Spots, i. e. the Filth and Scum which it sometimes contracts, the Mountains and Shadows of the Moon, the Lunulae or Satellites of Iupiter, [Page 630] mutually Eclipsing one another, and the Ansulae Saturni. So that whereas heretofore there were but Seven Planets known, now Six more are added, 4. about Iupiter, and 2. about Saturn. We have found Mercury and Venus to be Horn'd, and to be subject to the other Aspects of the Moon. The Stars are grown into Suns in our Days, for there are as many Suns as Fixed Lights, and there is on difference between these and that Luminous Body which we call the Sun, but that they are further off from us than this. There are New Hypotheses of the Heavens and the Earth, and of the Rest and Motion of either; which if they be not adjusted to exact Truth, yet serve to illustrate and better set forth the Doctrine of the Celestial Bodies, and their various Phaenomena, and thereby to lead us to admire the Wonders of the Creation, and to extol and praise the Great and All-wise Contriver of this Mundane Fabrick. Nor is Astronomy yet come to its Zenith, to its Meridian: We on good Grounds expect that by the benefit of the Optick Tubes and Telescopes, which are every day growing more perfect, we shall penetrate farther into the Nature of the Heavenly Bodies, and have a more compleat insight into them. And it is not to be doubted that we shall in time have a more correct Account of the Suns Course, and consequently a Reformation of the Calender; and then that Complaint will cease that the present Computation is not exactly agreeable to the Natural Motion of the Sun or Earth.
Arithmetick is mightily advanced of late, for whereas heretofore it was content to be Synthetick, now it is Analytick. Unto the Vulgar way of Numbering is now added Algebra, and the Invention of Logarithm [...]s, and a great many other Accessions, which were either not thought of before, or not explain'd and brought into use and practice.
[Page 631] Chymistry is all New; there was no such thing known to the Generations of Old. This Spagyrick Art, which was set on foot by Paracelsus and Helmont, and by some other searching Heads, hath had Prodigious Additions made to it lately. The Alchymists Retort and Alembick never were furnish'd with such rare and excellent Secrets as they are now; the Laboratories and Furnaces never afforded the like Inventions. It is indeed a rough and violent way of Philosophizing, it is an hectoring as it were of Nature, it is puting her upon the Rack, and on the Fieny Trial, to make her confess what-she never did before. And truly she hath made a very ample Confession and Discovery, whereby the knowledge of Natural Philosophy is much increas'd and imbellish'd, very Noble and Precious Medicaments (consisting of Oyls, Spirits, Tinctures, Salts, &c.) are produced, and the Healthfulness of Men's Bodies, and their Longaevity are procured, and the Almighty Creator thereby Exalted and Honoured.
In Natural and Mechanick Philosophy, and all sorts of Mathematicks who sees not the vast Improvements that these latter times have bless'd us with? Mathematicks among us of Old was thought to be Conjuration: Roger Bacon, a Franciscan Friar of Oxford, was reputed a Necromancer, and accused of Magick to Pope Clement the 4th. though his fault was only too great skill in Mathematical Learning. They shew'd at Rome what Profound Philosophers they were when a German Bishop was Condemned as a Heretick for holding there were Antipodes. It appear'd what regard they had to Anatomy when Excommunication was threatn'd to those that Dissected Humane Corps by Boniface the 8th. The dry and sapless Disputes, of the Schools ingross'd all Physiology was Nice and Speculative, and Spent it self in Trivial and Childish things, but not it is grown Experimental and [Page 632] Practical. Natural Philosophy is become Manly and Grave, and employs it self in matters which may tend to real [...]. Hence are these great Mechanick Rareties, Optick and Dioptrick Glasses, [...]icroscopes to see to Read the lesser Print of Na [...]re, [...]hermometers to discover the unperceivable Variations in the Heat or Coldness of the Air, Barometers to measure all the Degrees of Gravity and Levity in that Element, and the Winds and Clouds, the Pneumatick Engine which the Noble Inventer of it calls the Air-pump for the discovering of the Spring of the Air, the way of taking the height of the Atmosph [...]re, and also a great number of Inventions that relate to Traffick and Commerce, to all manner of Trades and Occupations. In brief, all the Mechanical Artifices which we have, and which tend to the Profit or Delight of Man's Life are in a manner New, and are not the product of the older Times, but of these latter Ones.
I will observe further, that Writing, and the Style of Authors of all kinds, are extremely improved of late. There is a choicer strain of Language, and a better vain of Wit, than were heretofore known among Writers. For abating Burlesque and Travestie (which are the great Corruption of our modern Poesy, because by these idle, frothy, Mock-Poems, the most Grave and Serious Writers among the Ancients are ridicul'd, the majestick and lofty Genius of Poetry is abused and perverted, and a vain and fantastick way of Writing is propagated among us) abating, I say, this, there hath been a great Reformation of the Pens of Authors. They have agree'd to lay aside those little trifling Things, wherein a great deal of time was vainly spent. It is well known that Anagrams were an old Piece of Wit, and were used by the Graecians as well as Latins. The oldest Anagrams among [Page 633] the Greek Poets were made by Lycophron, who changed the Name of his King Ptolemy, [...] into [...]. This Ancient mode of being Witty, seems to have been borrowed from the Hebrews; for the Transposition of Letters, call'd by th [...]m Terumah, was part of their Cabbala: Thus Haadam, homo, is the Metathesis of Adamah, terra; and [...] Noah, is the Transposition of [...] Gratia, because he is said to find Favour, Gen. 6. 8. Acrosticks were another laborious way of being Ingenious heretofore, but they were generally very sorry and contemptible Things. And so were the Leonine and Serpentine Verses; the Knack of them was, that every Word was the very same backward and forwards. They had Verses in the Shape of a pair of Wings, an Egg, an Hatchet, &c. But chiefly their Wit lay in Paranomasia's, or Jingling of Words; which we find often among the Epigrammatists. Yea, the Grave and Serious Tully, disdains not this way of Flash: Speaking of a very Silly Fellow that had cut his Hair close, he saith, Idcirco capite & superciliis semper est rasus, ne unum pilum boni viri habere dicatur. And he Quibbles after this rate in divers Places. St. Augustin was a great Jingler, and Player upon Words, and delights in the Cadencies of Syllables. And so among us, Puns and Clenches were Wit in the last Age, yea, and they passed for such in Sermons. But now the Affectation of Quibble, and Equivokes, is abandon'd, and there are no Remains of it but among old Nurses. Now there is a more Manly and Generous way of embellishing Mens Styles; now there is a better Turn of Fancy, and such as will be Wit in all Languages. And particularly as to the Poetick Wit and Fancy among us, these have surmounted those of former Ages; for it may be observed here, that the Copy proves perfecter than the Pattern. Though Spencer made Cowley a Poet, (for the former's Poems [Page 634] being casually lighted upon by the latter, when he was a Boy, call'd forth his Poetick Genius) yet Cowley hath outdone Spencer, not only in the choice of his Words, but in the quickness of his Dispatch. Nay, he hath outdone his Master Pindar, and (as one saith) is more Pindarick than he. The same is Remarkable concerning some other Poetick Wits, Imitation hath strangely improved, and the Scholar hath exceeded the Master; and there are some now alive, that may (without flattery) be said in some respects to exceed all that went before them. Thus upon a free, unprejudiced, and impartial Examination, we have found, that as to divers laudable Acquisitions we go beyond our Ancestors; for we have not only what they found out, but what we have added our selves, which is much [...]ore considerable. This is a sufficient Confutation of that vulgar Error (as Dr. Hackwell, who opposes it, rightly styles it) that the World waxes old, and is become eff [...]te and barren, and decays in its Intellectuals as well as Naturals. We see the contrary, the World is upon the thriving Hand; it doth not go back and decline, as to the Knowledge of the Arts and Sciences, but is still impregnating, and is still teeming with them.
And shall we think that as to Religion only there is a Decay? There is no Ground for such a Surmise. Shall Divinity, which is the great Art of Arts, remain unimproved? Shall we think that all Knowledge, but that which is the best of all, increases and prospers? No, we can prove the contrary; and thence entertain Hopes of greater Increases yet to come. The First Christians (as hath been observed) did not understand some Parts of their Religion, and the Nature of it, so well as they did afterwards, or so well as it shall be understood. They were not exact in Points, but [Page 635] * Lived better than now. The Ancient Writers, such as Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Athanasius, Ierom, Augustin, Chrysostom, Hilary, Ambrose, Theodoret, Theophylact, and the rest, have done excellently towards the explaining of the Holy Scriptures; but the Moderns, especially since the Reformation, have wonderfully added to them. And yet the greatest Harvest of Truth is yet to come; not for discovering any New Doctrines, but for explaining the Old ones, and penetrating further into difficult Places of Scripture. Who sees not what a vast difference there is between these and the former Times, in point of Divine Knowledge? How little was there of it heretofore, among those who ought to have had a large Stock of it? I mean the Clergy, whose Ignorance in the Holy Scriptures, and in the Doctrines of Christian Theology was scandalous, and even ridiculous. Indeed some of them were versed in School-Divinity; but this was for the most part so far from making them more knowing, in the Useful and Practical Doctrines of Christianity, that it rather darkned and confounded them. In the former Days of Popery, Hebrew and Greek, (the Languages in which the Bible was wrote) were meer unintelligible Jargon, to the Generality of Churchmen. And as for the People, their Ignorance and Blindness were yet grosser, and they were not suffered to make any Enquiry into Religion. Then that Politick Maxim prevail'd, Keep Men in Ignorance, and thereby enslave them. It was an unpardonable Crime for Men to think their own Thoughts, much more to speak or write them. Ramus having published some new Notions of Logick, and particularly against Aristotle, who was at that time in great Credit, was murder'd among the Calvinists in [Page 636] the Parisian Massacre. The poor Man was a Martyr for Logick; it is no wonder then that so many were for Divinity. There was no liberty for Scruples in those peremptory Times; for the Roman Doctors cut out Mens Belief, and then forced it upon them. A strange kind of Casuists, that solv'd all Controversies in Religion, as Alexander did the Gordian-Knot, by the Sword, by meer Violence. Thus Mens Souls and Bodies were injur'd, the former were blinded, the latter enslaved: They might be truly said to be bound in Chains of Darkness.
But we, by the Divine Blessing, are free'd from that Ignorance and Bondage; which we owe to the Reformation, whereby that Darkness was dispell'd, and that Vassallage removed. And now we are no longer tied up in the dark, we both see and walk, and we daily make progress in Divine Learning. An undeniable eviction of which, are the Discourses and Writings of those of the Reformed Churches, especially of Divines; for from these we may gather the vast Improvements in Sacred Knowledge. They generally argue with close Reason, they talk great Sense, they shew a deep Insight into the Inspired Writings, they cloath their Matter with fit Words, they use an intelligible and easy Method, they are happy in applying of Divine Truths; in brief, their Notions are amended, and all the important Doctrines of Christianity are more plainly and clearly delivered than before. And the Peoples Knowledge is proportionable; they hear with Judgment, they discourse with Understanding, they try the Spirits whether they be of God, they are able to confute Gain-sayers. In the Countries where Protestantism hath taken good Footing, there is scarce any difference between the Clergy and Laity, in the knowledge of the Chief and Practical Points of our most Holy Religion. These are understood by the [Page 637] inferior and most ordinary People, as well as by Gentlemen, M [...]rchants, and Tradesmen; yea, the other Sex study, read, and discourse of them. Thus humane Minds are enlightned, and enfranchised. The Elastick Power is restored to them; they act without Restraint, and fill the Earth with Knowledge and Truth.
Judge now, whether the World grows old, and decays, and is sunk into a degenerate Posture. Say rather that it is much amended, and is like to be improved yet further in future Times. For from what hath been already, we may infer what shall be afterwards. We see Divine Knowledge and Learning have been continually in the Increase, (allowing only for some Interruptions that were violent, and lasted not long) and yet we are sensible they are not come to the Full; whence therefore we reasonably conclude, that there are to be farther and greater Augmentations in succeeding Ages. And where the Knowledge of Divine Things prevails, there Religion will get sure Footing, and Vertue and Piety will be powerfully advanced, and the Church edified and inlarged. These are the Grounds I lay of that Expectation which I have of a more compleat and improved State of the Christian Church here on Earth, before the Conclusion of all Things.
But because our Thoughts and Reasonings, concerning this matter may be shallow and vain, or too daring and presumptuous, I will build my Hopes and Belief of that more perfect State of Christianity on the Testimony of the Holy Scriptures. I grant that some are too forward to press Texts to this purpose; they are wont to alledge several Pl [...] ces in the Old and New Testament, which have n [...] relation to this Matter: Especially those that [...] for Christ's Personal Reign on Earth, quote [...] [Page 638] out of every Book of the Bible, several Passages which they interpret in Favour of their Opinion. Whereever they find the Word King, or Kingdom, (if they respect the Messias, and the Times of the Gospel) they presently snatch at them, and apply them this way; in the mean time over-looking the Kingdom of Christ, which hath been all this while under the Gospel, and is spoken and prophesied of so often in the Sacred Writings. But though they are to be blamed for this, that they strive to make all Scriptures speak their Opinion, and accordingly force them to do it; yet it is most certain and undeni [...]le, that this Future State which I am now speaking of, is foretold in many Places of Scripture in plain and intelligible Terms; and particularly in some of those Places where Christ is mentioned as a King, and his Administration under the Gospel is called a Kingdom.
But first I will produce some other Texts, where this New and Last Dispensation is spoken of. It is probable that this is meant by [...], Mat. 24. 3. th [...] Consummation or End of the Age, i. e. of this Age or Dispensation we are now under; for this is the proper Signification of [...]. And accordingly in this Chapter is foretold by our Saviour what shall happen in the End or Conclusion of this Dispensation, and what are the Signs and Forerunners of the following Scene of Things in this World, as well as of the Day of Judgment in the close of it.
Some think this is meant by the [...], Mat. 19. 28. for they join this Word with those that immediately follow, When the Son of Man shall sit on the Throne of his Glory, and read the whole thus; Those who have followed me ( i. e. all Persons who are true Christians and Followers of me) shall in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man shall fit on the Throne of his Glory, fit also upon Twelve Thrones. This [Page 639] shall happen in that last and blessed Dispensation of Christianity, which is fitly called [...], as it was used by the Ancient Philosophers, both Platonists and Stoicks, to signify the Renovation of all Things, their happy Restitution to their former State. In this Time of the Regeneration or Restauration of the World, Christ properly Reigns here on Earth, shewing vengeance on his Enemies, and rewarding his sincere Followers, as you read in the next Verse, Every one that hath forsaken Houses, or Brethren, or Sisters, or Father, or Mother, or Wife, or Children, or Lands, for my Name's sake, shall receive a hundred-fold, viz. in this present Time, as 'tis expounded in Luke 18. 30. the parallel Place to it. Which implies that the former Passage relates to Christ's Reigning upon Earth, or sitting on the Throne of his Glory in this World. But I confess there are some Things that occur in the Context, and in another parallel Text, Mark 10. 30. which may induce us to think, that these Words are not absolutely meant of the matter now before us, and therefore I will not urge them. But the Times of the Restitution of all Things, Acts 3. 21. seem to look this way; for we may observe, that the Times (in the plural) denote several Ages and Successions of Time, and so may be well applied to the Millennium: And moreover it is remarkable, that in those Days there shall be a Restitution of all Things, not only of all Persons, but of all Things; there shall be an universal Restauration of the World, a blessed Change in the whole Creation, which must needs point to that Time which I am speaking of, and not to the Day of Judgment, as some would have it. But it will be Objected that 'tis said here, the Heaven must Receive Christ until those Times, therefore it must be meant of the Last Day. The Answer in brief is, That the meaning of the Place is, that [Page 640] Christ shall not return until those Times of Restitution be come and perfected; till there be [...], an universal, total, and compleat Restoring of the World, and then soon after this follows the Final Judgment.
This is included in that [...], that Revelation (or Manifestation, as our English Translators render it) of the Sons of God which the Creature earnestly expects; longing and groaning to be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption, into the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God, Rom. 8. 19, 20. If you take [...], the Creature, for the Gentile World, (as Dr. Hammond and some others do) it may be fitly applied to the present purpose: For according to what God hath determined, and in the Scriptures foretold, concerning their future Conversion, (of which I shall speak anon) they may be said to expect, and have been long expecting this joyful Revelation; they earnestly look for the Manifestation of the Sons of God; viz. when they and all other Infidels shall be converted to the Faith, and thereby become the Sons of God; or when the Iews particularly (who were originally the Children of God) shall embrace the Gospel. But we may take the Word in a larger Sense; for [...], or Creature, sometimes signifies Man, or Mankind, in the Sacred Style, and so I apprehend it is to be understood in Mark 16. 15. Preach the Gospel to every Creature, i. e. to every Rational Creature, viz. Men. And so in the Talmud, and other Rabbinical Writings, the Word [...] Creature, is as much as Man. But there is yet a more comprehensive Sense of the Word; for [...] here, may be the same with [...], the whole Creation, ver. 22. of this Chapter, the whole created System of the World, and every Thing in it; and so by the e [...]rnest Expectation of the Creature, or the Creation, we may understand the fervent Longing, not only of all [Page 641] Mankind, but of the whole Stock of created Beings: They all in their Way, and according to their Capacity, long and groan for the last Welcome Dispensation; which is fitly call'd by the Apostle, a Deliverance from the [...]ondage of Corruption, i. e. from the Slavery of Sin, by reason of which every Creature is in some sort enslaved. The whole Frame of the Creation groans, and travaileth in Pain; they are as it were in Pangs of Child-birth (which is a frequent Similitude in the Holy Scriptures) ready to bring forth, impatient of being delivered. This is appositely call'd here, the Adoption, v. 23. because it is accompanied with Freedom: And it is styled, the Redemption of our Body; i. e. it is as it were a Releasing us from Captivity, a perfect Deliverance from all Servitude and Misery. There could not be a more congruous Expression to set forth that Dispensation which I am now treating of, as will appear from the particular Account which I shall speedily give you of it.
It is no improbable thought, that this is meant by [...], the World to come, Heb. 2. 5. whereof, saith the Apostle, we speak, viz. in that Chapter, where he speaks of Christ's Kingdom, and in Chap. 6. ver. 5. where it is call'd, [...], the Age to come, that particular Age of the World when Christ and his Apostles appear'd, or more generally that Time whe [...] the Gospel was preached. And I have observed before, that this manner of speaking is borrowed from the Style of the Iews, who were wont to call the Time of the Messias Gnolam habba, the World or Age to come. But as these are general Terms, to signify the Time of the Messias, so they are taken in a more restrained Sense for the last and concluding Part of this Time; viz. when Christianity shall be at its Heighth. That properly and peculiarly is this World to come, that particular State of the Gospel when all Persons, Jews, Gentiles, and Infidels, [Page 642] shall imbrace the Christian Religion; when all the Nations and Kingdoms of the World shall become the Kingdoms of Christ.
This New Evangelical World, this New Kingdom of the Gospel, is likewise comprised in the [...], the Time of Reformation mentioned by the same Apostle, Heb. 9. 10. for he uses this Expression with reference not only to the Mosaick Law, which was to be corrected and retrenched, but in regard of the Gospel itself, which was designed to amend and reform the World, and to set it right. Now this was not to be a Mock-Reformation, but it was to be to Purpose, and throughly to be carried on, which I call the Heighth and Perfection of the Evangelical Dispensation.
This may have been signified when St. Paul would have the Corinthians, and with them all Christians in future Ages, wait for the Revelation of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1 Cor. 17. And when St. Peter exhorted the Converted Iews whom he wrote to, (and with them all holy Men in succeeding Times) to hope for the Grace that is to be brought unto them at the Revelation of Iesus Christ, 1 Pet. 1. 13. He had been speaking in the foregoing Verses of the former Dispensations in the Church of God, together with the Evangelical one which was then present; and now he acquaints them that there is to be a higher Degree of this last Dispensation: The Time shall come when the Effects and Fruits of the Gospel shall be more Conspicuous and Eminent, when the Grace of God which bringeth Salvation shall produce greater Things in the World, to the Astonishment of all the Enemies of the Church, and to the Amazement even of Holy Christians themselves. This is the Revelation of Iesus Christ.
This last Condition of the Church is also expressed by New Heavens, and a New Earth, 2 Pet. 3. 13. [Page 643] For this is the Style of the Evangelical Prophet, Isa. 65. 17. 66. 22. where by New Heavens, and a New Earth, he sets forth the State of the Gospel; and therefore the Heighth of it deserves these Titles much more. Whence it is probable, that this is the New Heaven and the New Earth which St. Iohn saw, Rev. 21. 1. For it is observable, that he frequently makes use of the same Expressions and Phrases which are found in the Prophetical Writers. And though, it is true, some Learned Expositors understand this New Heaven and New Earth, in the Revelation of St. Iohn, concerning the Church Triumphant, the State of the Blessed in Heaven; yet if any [...]an narrowly scans this Chapter, he will not be backward to acknowl [...]dge that this can't be the Meaning of it: For the New Heaven, and the N [...]w Earth, are the same with the Holy City, the New Ierusalem (in the same Chapter) into which the Kings of the Earth bring their Glory and H [...]nour, ver. 24. they come with all their Honourable Retinue to submit to the Scepter of Iesus, to own themselves his Converts, and they are ambitious to be Members of this Glorious Church upon Earth.
Next, I will produce those Pla [...]es of Scripture where this Full and Final Settlement of the [...]hristian Church, in the last Times of the Gospel, is call'd a Kingdom, and set forth by Reigning. It is not to be question'd that David's Temporal Kingdom was a Type and Earnest of this: And those sure Mercies of David, Isa. 55. 3. are the Faithful Promises made by God to David, concerning the Messias and his Kingdom, which are not yet fully accomplished, and therefore are to be in this Reig [...] of Christ which I am speaking of. Of this we often read in the Prophet Daniel; as in Chap. 2. ver. 44. In the Days of those Kings ( viz. the Monarchs mentioned in the Verses before, among whom [...] [Page 644] was one, under whom Christ was born) shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed. That is, Christ's Kingdom then began to be erected, which afterwards shall more eminently deserve that Name; viz. when it shall arrive to its Perfection. It is said here expresly, that it shall break in pieces all these Kingdoms, that is, the Four Monarchies: Of which we are further ascertain'd in the next Verse, for Christ [...] is that Stone which was cut out of the Mountains without Hands, and was to break in pieces the Iron, the Brass, the Clay, the Silver, and the Gold. This Famous Stone was to beat down all the Four Metals; Christ was to destroy the Four Monarchies; that is, when these cease, Christ's Kingdom immediately succeeds. It is true, it did succeed in part when the Pagan Roman Empire expired, (and so in some measure this Prophecy was fulfilled) but there shall be a more illustrious and eminent Succession than this, upon the compleat expiring of the Fourth General Monarchy. Wherefore when we see this quite at an end, we may conclude that Christ's Reign approacheth; i. e. that the happy Condition of the Christian Church in this World draws near. This Fourth Monarchy, the Roman, is now wearing off; being translated to the Germans, it is but a meer Name and Title. The Wings of this Imperial Eagle have been plucked, its Plumes are fallen, its Feathers are gone, its whole Body almost consumed. Rome itself, and Italy, are not so much as the poor Remains at this Day of the Roman Empire. This Image is now on its last Legs, and those are infirm; for the Holy Spirit tells us, that the Feet are of Clay and Iron, which Two Materials will not well cement, and hold together long. Therefore another State of Things is approaching; viz. the Fifth Monarchy or Empire here prophesied of, the Reign of Christ Jesus here on Earth, or, [Page 645] which is the same, a more illustrious Manifestation of Christianity, a more Visible and Glorious Displaying of its Vertue and Power, than ever yet was in the World.
Of this Kingdom of the Son of Man, you have another express Prediction in Dan. 7. 14. There was given him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom, that all People, Nations, and Languages should serve him. His Dominion is an everlasting Dominion, which shall not pass away, and his Kingdom that which shall not be destroy'd. Again, ver. 22. The Time came that the Saints possessed the Kingdom: Agreeably to what was said, ver. 18. The Saints of the most High shall take the Kingdom, and possess the Kingdom for ever. This Kingdom is again delineated, ver. 27.
There is a great Number of Texts in Isaiah, Ieremia [...], Ezekiel, and the Lesser Prophets, which speak of this Kingdom of the Messias, but they are (it is true) generally interpreted by Expositors of Christ's Coming in the Flesh, and the prevailing of the Gospel afterwards, and even to this very Day, but they are not thought by them to reach any further. This, I conceive, is a Mistake from the narrow Thoughts which Men are apt to have of those great Things spoken of by the Prophets; which we shall find, upon diligent comparing of Things, to have a very large and comprehensive Meaning. Most of the Prophetick Expressions of this Nature, have reference not only to the first Times of the Gospel, and these at present, but to those that are to come. Ultimately and completely, and in their highest Signification, they cannot but be interpreted of these last. For if those Prophetick Passages before-mentioned, and several others in the Writings of the Prophets, be expounded only of the past or present Times of the Gospel; it is certain that the Interpretation will not answer the Greatness and Heighth of the Words, [Page 646] much less the Weight and Dignity of the matter spoken of. If we attend to this, we shall discern the full Design and Meaning of those notable Prophecies of the Old Testament, we shall apprehend those many Glorious Things (both with relation to Spiritual and Temporal Blessings) which they foretel shall be in those last Days: But I shall have occasion to alledge, and particularly to consider those Prophetical Passages, when I come to shew distinctly wherein this Dispensation consists, and how it differs from all others.
The Places in the New Testament where this Kingdom of Christ is spoken of, are not a Few. But that we may not mistake, it will be requisite to observe the different Significations of the Word Kingdom, as it refers to the Times of the Gospel; (for we consider not the Word now as it is applied to the future State of Glory in the highest Heavens.) First, By it is sometimes meant the Gospel-Dispensation in general, the whole Time of Christ's Administration in his Church from first to last. Thus the Angel's Words to the Virgin Mary are to be understood, Luke 1. 33. He shall Reign over the House of Iacob ( i. e. his Church, the true Israel of God) for ever, and of his Kingdom there shall be no end; Christianity shall more or less flourish till the World hath its final Period and Consummation. In this large and general Sense those Places are to be taken, Mat. 4 2 [...]. the Gospel of the Kingdom: Luke 8. 1. the Glad-tidings of the Kingdom of God, and many others, especially the Parables, where the Kingdom of Heaven is likened to several Things.
Secondly, We are to understand by it that particular time of the Gospel-Dispensation, which immediately succeeded our Saviours Resurrection, as is evident from St. Iohn Baptist's Words, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, Mat. 3. 2. and from the same [Page 647] Words used by our Saviour himself, Mat. 4. 17. and afterwards by his Apostles, Mat. 10. 7. For none of these Texts could be meant of the time of the Gospel when Christ was on Earth, or before his Passion, but of some other succeeding time; otherwise it could not be said the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, but rather the Kingdom of Heaven is present, or is already come. Whence I infer that Christ may be said not to be in his Kingdom (as it respects the Gospel) he may be said not to Reign all the time betwixt his Nativity and his Resurrection, that being the time of his Humiliation: But as soon as he rose from the Dead, having conquer'd Death and Satan, then he set up his Spiritual Kingdom. This is clear from Psal. 132. 11. compared with Acts 2. 30. Then he sat upon his Throne, as the Apostle here applies it. Wherefore he said to his Apostles, when he was risen, All Power us given unto me in Heaven and in Earth, Mat. 28. 18. And those Words concerning Christ, Sit thou on my Right- [...]and, till I make thy Enemies thy Footstool, Psal. 101. 1. which are mention'd four or five times in the * New Testament, are spoken of his Resurrection and Ascension, whereby he declared himself to be Head and Lord of his Church. Some thus interpret what he saith in Luke 7. 28. He that is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he, i. e. after I am Risen and Ascended, the least Apostle or Preacher of the Gospel shall excell Iohn the Baptist, for then a clearer Light will shine, the Spirit will lead into all Truth. Thus we may understand our Saviour when he saith, I will not drink henceforth of the Fruit of this Vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Fathers Kingdom, [Page 648] [...] which cannot be meant of the [...] [...] in Heaven, because Christ will not [...] drink Wine with them, or at least in a proper [...] it is not true. But it seems more reasonable to take the Words as spoken concerning the time after Christ's Resurrection, when he did Eat and Drink with his Disciples, as is expresly Recorded. This time is Signally and Eminently called the Kingdom of God or Christ, because this Commenced immediately after he rose from the Dead; and it is stiled the Kingdom of his Father, because soon after his Resurrection follow'd his Ascension and Sitting at the Right-hand of the Father, which were his solemn Inauguration and Enstallment. This was the first Year of his Reign, now he enter'd upon his Royal Off [...]ce, having sent his Holy Spirit to rule in an extraordinary manner in the Church, which he had not done before. Thus you see the Date of Christ's Kingdom, as it is more specially and particularly understood. And moreover, from all that hath been said under this Head, the truth of what I before asserted is made apparent, viz. That there are certain Steps and Degrees in the Evangelical Dispensation.
Thirdly, The Vengeance of Heaven on the Iewish Nation in the Destruction and Devastation of their City is call'd Christ's Kingdom, Mat. 16. 28. His Triumphing over those obstinate People, whose Forefathers had been his Murderers, was a considerable Instance of his Glorious Reign: Thence it is that his destroying those his implacable Enemies is said to be his Coming in his Kingdom; and it is call'd the Kingdom of God coming with Power, Mark 9. 1.
Fourthly, Christ's Second Coming, viz. at the Day of Judgment, when he shall visibly and manifestly, in the Face of all the World, exercise his Regal Power, is call'd his Kingdom; thus it is said [Page 649] Christ shall Iudge the Quick and the Dead at his appearing and his Kingdom, 2 Tim. 4. 1.
Lastly, By Christ's Kingdom is meant that peculiar and special time of his Reigning which is the present Subject of our Discourse, when Christianity shall arrive at its height, when the Church shall be in its Meridian. That Petition in the Lord's Prayer, Thy Kingdom come, seems to be meant of this, though not solely of it. Then the Grace of God in the Gospel will shine forth in its greatest splendor, and God's will shall be done then on Earth as it is in Heaven, which may perhaps be one reason why these Petitions are joyn'd together. It may be this is that Kingdom of God, of which, and the things appertaining to it, our Saviour Discours'd to his Apostles before he left the World, Acts 1. 3. But in the Book of the Revelation of St. Iohn there are many clear Passages which relate to this Perfect State of the Christian Church hereafter, and 'tis express'd by a Kingdom, and by Christ's Reigning on the Earth. This New Scene is mention'd after this manner in Rev. 5. 10. and again chap. 7. v. 15. and 17. and more plainly in chap. 12. v. 10. Now is come the Kingdom of our God, which is explained by the next Words, The Power of his Christ, his effectual Reigning, whereby he shews his Power in the Church more than ever. We have not yet seen the Consequences of the Seventh Angel's Sounding, when it was proclaim'd with a loud Voice from Heaven, The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall Reign for ever and ever, Rev. 11. 15. which in v. 17. is call'd his taking to him his great Power, and his Reigning. Which gives us to understand that he doth not at first exert his great Power in the Evangelical Dispensation, he doth not fully Reign, but that he will afterwards, and upon Earth. This is taking to him his, &c.
[Page 650] There is one Text more which I will add, and I request the Reader to consider of it, He (i. e. Christ) must Reign till he hath put all Enemies under his Feet, 1 Cor. 15. 25. The Apostle had mention'd the Resurrection of the Saints at Christ's last coming, v. 23. and thereupon adds in the next Verse, then cometh (or, then * is) the end, viz. of this World, and Present State of things, when he (that is Christ) shall have deliver'd up the Kingdom (the Saints who are the chiefest part of his Kingdom) to God, even the Father, when (i. e. after) he shall have put down all Rule, and all Authority and Power, which oppose him and his Kingdom: For he must Reign (i. e. in his Church) till he hath put all Enemies under his Feet. Now, it is plain and undeniable that this time is not yet come, therefore it shall be hereafter. There must be a time here on Earth, when Christ shall have put all his Enemies under his Feet, when he shall Reign without opposition. And this is the time I am speaking of, viz. the Third Exertment of the Evangelical Dispensation.
But the most Signal, Eminent and Renowned Place on which may be Founded and Built the Future Glorious State of the Christian Church on Earth is the 20th Chapter of the Revelation, where is expresly foretold the Binding of Satan a Thousand Years, and the Saints Living and Reigning with Christ a Thousand Years. I know full well this Chapter hath been miserably perverted not only of late, but at the first setting out of Christianity. † Some from this place [Page 651] asserted a Terrene Millennary Kingdom of Christ consisting chiefly in Corporal Pleasures and Carnal Delights, as if they design'd to revive the Epicurean Happiness, or to antedate the Mahometan Heaven. Cerinthus is said to be the Author of this Opinion, for being a Man addicted to Sensuality and Pleasure, he founded an Happiness here on Earth of such a Nature, viz. abounding with all Delights relating to Meats and Drinks, Concupiscence and Effeminacy. So saith an Antient Ecclesiastical Writer, Dionysius of Alexandria, 1. 2. de. Promis. And Eusebius saith the same, Eccl. Hist. 1. 7. c. 19. But this savours too much of the Flesh, besides that it contradicts our Saviour, who said, His Kingdom was not of this World, John 18. 36. and consequently the Reigning of the Saints is not Worldly and Sensual, but Spiritual and Heavenly, And besides these Men held that * this Reign of Christ here on Earth was to be after the Resurrection, yea and † after the last Iudgment; which renders this Opinion yet more Improbable, if not Absurd, as if the Saints who had enjoy'd the Pleasures of Heaven would count it a Happiness to be entertain'd with those that are Sensual and Carnal.
There were Others of Old who had a more Tolerable Notion of the Millennary Reign, for they placed it not in Sensual and Earthly Pleasures, and mere outward Peace and Prosperity, though they held it was not without these. There Opinion in short was this, that after Six Thousand Years in this World were compleated, the Saints should all rise, their [Page 652] Bodies should ascend out of their Graves, or where ever else they were, and their Souls should come down from Heaven, and Christ also should descend from thence and keep a Jubile with them, and Reign with great joy a Thousand Years here upon Earth, and that all Kingdoms should be made subject to him, and that the Righteous should be Bless'd with an abundance of the Good Things of this World, but without any Intemperance, Excess or Immoderation whatsoever. This they call'd the First Resurrection, from which all the Ungodly are excluded. After this Seventh Millennary of Years is compleated, all Men shall▪ rise from the Dead, which is the Second Resurrection. This was the Sentiment of most of the Ancient Fathers, yea of * all Christians who were accounted Orthodox, as Iustin Martyr acquaints us. He and Irenaeus, and Ierom, and others tell us, that this Doctrine came first from Papias Bishop of Hierapolis, who pretended he had it from St. Iohn (whose Scholar he was) and from the Disciples of the Apostles with whom he was acquainted. So that the Pedegree of the Millennary Opinion is this; It was first broach'd by Cerinthus, then re [...]ined by Papias and others, and afterwards transmitted to the Latin and Greek Fathers.
Or if we will be more exact in the Lineage and Descent of it, we must begin it higher, and say, that the Apostles set it on foot first, for they dreamt of an Earthly Kingdom of Christ in this World, as I have shewed before. Or rather we may trace it up to the Iews before Christ; the Millennium was borrowed from an Antient Tradition and Perswasion among that People, that the Messias should Reign a Thousand [Page 653] Years on Earth in all Pomp and Grandure. The Babylon Talmud, in Sanhedrim, in the Chapter Helek, doth shew this to be the Opinion of the Hebrew Doctors, about the Days of the Messias. And Aruch mentions it as a thing of undeniable certainty; and so speaks R. Eli [...]zer in Midrash Tillim, The Days of the Messias are a Thousand Years. So our Learned † Lightfoot. The Opinion of his Personal Reign in the affluence of all Sensual and Worldly Delights was an old Iewish Error, saith ‖ St. Ierom once and again. And several other Writers testifie that it was a received Notion among them, That the Messias, after Six Thousand Years of the World were expired, should Reign in Person all the time of the next Millennary with his Elect on Earth in perfect Peace and Prosperity; and hence the Christians converted from Iudaism borrow'd and retain'd this Notion. And truly it was kept up a long time in the Church, it was almost universally believ'd no less than the first Three Hundred Years after the Apostles. At last the credit of Papias, who was thought to be the first Broacher of this Doctrine, was call'd in question. Though he was a Man o [...] great Simplicity, Honesty and Integrity, yet he was * one of small Judgment, and mean Learning, saith Eusebius. And he adds in † another place, that this Papias spoke Strange and Fabulous things, and did not understand the Apostles Arguings. St. Ierom and St. Augustin were the first Fathers that writ against this Millennary Reign, and soon after this it was generally Condemn'd by the Fathers of the [Page 654] Roman and Greek Church, and hath ever since been look'd upon as an Heterodox Opinion, excepting that some Anabaptists have made bold to revive it. If we consider things aright we shall see sufficient reason to condemn and explode this Doctrine, for there are these two gross Errors in it, 1. That Christ shall Personally Reign upon Earth. 2. That the Saints shall come from Heaven and Reign with him.
First, The Chiliasts are palpably mistaken in this, that Christ shall come from Heaven, and Personally Reign here, and that before the General Resurrection, and Day of Judgment, as they also hold. This is contrary to express Words of Scripture, which saith concerning our Saviour, That * the Heaven must receive him, until the times of the restitution of all things, i. e. as I conceive, till the finishing of those times of the restitution of all things, which will be a little before the Day of Judgment. We are assured that Christ from his Ascension to that time remains in Heaven; From thence he shall come to Iudge the Quick and the Dead; therefore he shall not come down on Earth before that time, and consequently he will not Reign here in Person, as those Mille [...]naries imagine. It is incongruous and against reason that he should be said to come to Iudge the Men upon Earth, and yet at the same time be on the Earth. Nor is there any thing in this 20th. Chapter of the Revelation which favours this Fancy of theirs. Had a Personal Reign been intended here, it would have been said, that Christ shall Reign with the Saints a Thousand Years, which Words might fairly intimate that Christ would descend from Heaven, and come among them, and Reign in the midst of them so [Page 655] long a time; but instead of this it is only said, that they shall Reign with him a Thousand Years. Or suppose it were expresly said, Christ shall Reign, yet this doth not prove that he shall Reign in Person. How often doth the coming of the Lord in Luke 12. and in other Places signifie Christ's Coming in way of Judgment and Vengeance, not his Personal Coming? Why then may not Christs Reigning be meant not of a Personal Reigning, but of his Reigning in the Hearts and Lives of the Faithful? He is with them Spiritually, and they Reign with him after the same manner, and no other. Therefore the Inquisitive Mr. Mede, who founds the Future Reign of Christ upon Earth on his Chapter in the Revelations, saw no Ground here for his Visible and Corporal Reigning. Whence he hath left us these Words, † ‘The presence of Christ in his Kingdom shall no doubt be Glorious and Evident; yet I dare not so much as imagine that it shall be a Visible Converse on Earth; for the Kingdom of Christ ever hath been and shall be a Kingdom, whose Throne and Kingly Residence is in Heaven.’ I quote this Passage the rather, because some have entertain'd another Opinion of this Learned Author. Besides, in this Chapter, v. 8, 12. we read that Gog and Magog, intervene between the Thousand Years and the Day of Judgment: Therefore the Personal Reign of Christ is not before that Day, for the Heavens retain him till then: Nor is it after that Day, for Gog and Magog, who come after the Millennium, go before the Day of Judgment. I conceive this is an Unanswerable Proof. And as for the several Quotations of Scripture which they bring to assert the Personal Reign, the Answer in brief is this, that theywrest those Places which speak of Christ's First Coming, and others [Page 656] which speak of his Last Coming to Iudgment, and apply them to a Second Personal Coming of Christ before the General Resurrection and Day of Judgment. From this perverting of those Texts they set up the Corporal Reign of our Saviour, which they so much talk of.
Secondly, That is another unpardonable Error, that the Bodies of the deceased Saints shall be raised from below, and their Souls be dismissed from above, and that both shall be united here, that they may Reign with Christ on Earth. First, this is against the constant Discovery which is made to us in Scripture, that Heaven, and signally the Highest Heavens, are the Place of Glory, and the Seat of Blessedness, prepared for the departed Souls of the Faithful. Those Regions above, not this Earth below, are the Receptacle of Glorified Spirits. Yet these Men are pleased to alter the Constitution and Appointment of the All-wise God, and to make the Earth the Habitation of Blessed Spirits, and the Seat of Happiness. This is to abrogate the Laws of God's Kingdom; this is to anticipate the State of Glory; this is to confound Heaven and Earth. Again, How absurd and ridiculous is it to assert, that the departed Saints shall come to be subject (after all the Joys and Ravishments of another World) to Calamities and bodily Evils? For Gog and Magog shall besiege them, (as they must needs grant from v. 9. of this Chapter.) Shall the Saints not only quit their heavenly Mansions, and come down here on Earth, but also turn Soldiers, and put themselves into a Military Posture? For you read there of * the Camp of the Saints. Shall immortal Saints fight after they have been in Heaven? Yet the Chiliasts [Page 657] must hold this, because they assert, that the Reigning of the Saints a Thousand Years is meant here of their leaving of Heaven, and coming down to Reign on Earth.
They pretend to prove this from several Passages in this Chapter; as where it speaks of the Souls of them that were Beheaded, and of their Living and Reigning, and of the first and second Resurrection; which argues, say they, that this Reigning is to be understood of the Saints that were before in Heaven, and that there is one Resurrection a Thousand Years before the Last Judgment, and another when that comes: In the former, the Saints rise to Reign; and in the latter, all other Men shall be raised. But St. Iohn's Words in this Chapter signify nothing of this Nature, as will appear from setting before the Reader the entire Text with a brief Comment upon it. I saw the Souls of them that were Beheaded for the Witness of Iesus, and for the Word of God, and which had not worshipped the Beast, nor his Image, nor had received his Mark upon their Foreheads, or in their Hands; and they lived and Reigned with Christ a Thousand Years. But the rest of the Dead lived not again, until the Thousand Years were finished. This is the first Resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection; on such the second Death hath no Power, ver. 4, 5, 6. It is generally agree'd, that by the Souls of them that were Beheaded, are meant the Persons that were Beheaded; for that is the known way of speaking among the Hebrews, whom St. Iohn (who was one himself) here imitates. And by them that were Beheaded for the Witness of Iesus, we are to understand all Martyrs that were put to Death for Professing Christianity; the same that are mentioned Rev. 6. 9. they that were slain for the Word of God, and the Testimony which they held. This particular manner of Death, B [...]heading, is specified, because [Page 658] it was most in use at that Time. This was the capital Punishment that was frequent both among Iews and Romans, (as * Dr. Lightfoot hath observ'd and proved) and we read that Iohn the Baptist, the first Martyr for Christ, underwent it. And not only those that suffer'd Death, but all other holy Men, that had any other Punishment, of a lesser sort, inflicted on them, are here intended; for one kind of corporal Punishment is mentioned here to denote all the rest, which is a way of speaking very usual not only in the Holy Scriptures, but in other Writings. They who had not worshipped the Beast, nor [...]is Image, nor received his Mark upon their Foreheads, or in their Hands, are those Religious and Holy Persons who keep themselves unspotted from the Pollutions of Antichrist, and do not in any kind whatsoever comply with them, or allow of them. These St. Iohn saw, as well as the others before mentioned.
And they lived, which may refer to this latter sort of Persons only, and not to the former; that is, to those who had not worshipped the Beast, not to the Souls of them that were Beheaded. For you may observe that it is expressed thus; [...], and whosoever; which shews, these are a distinct Company from the others mentioned before. Therefore to the latter must be applied those Words ( they lived) i. e. these Persons were free'd from Persecution under the happy Reign of Christ which was now come. Thus it is not absolutely necessary that we should interpret this concerning the deceased Martyrs, the Souls of them that were Beheaded, but only concerning the Saints then in being, those that worship not the Beast, and consequently here is no [Page 659] ground for the Resurrection of the Martyrs before the Last and General Resurrection, (as a Recompense of their former Sufferings) as some Persons imagine.
Or, suppose that [ they lived] refers here to these Martyrs, yet still we cannot conclude thence their rising from the Dead; for it is only barely said they lived, not they revived, or rose from the Dead. What then was this Living here spoken of, which is the Introduction to the Thousand Years? No other certainly than this; that whereas many of the Faithful Servants of Christ had been put to Death for the Testimony of Iesus, and other Religious and Holy Men had been as it were kill'd in former Times, (in the same Sence that 'tis said, we are killed all the Day long, Psal. 44. 22.) i. e. they were persecuted, injured, and abused, now they shall live, now they shall flourish, now they shall be free'd from Persecution, and enjoy Peace and Rest. Not that the individual Persons that really lost their Lives shall thus live upon the Earth; but the Church is here considered as a successive Body, as is usual in this Book of the Revelation, and elsewhere. The Meaning then is this; though the Christians in the preceeding Ages were cruelly and inhumanly treated by their merciless Persecutors, though the Church in those Times labour'd under great and unspeakable Miseries; yet upon the Entrance of the joyful Millennium, (for there shall be on Earth such a Millennium, though not of that Nature which the Ancient Chiliasts asserted) all these troublesome and afflictive Things shall cease, and the Faithful shall be put into the Possession of an undisturbed Repose and Serenity.
But because not living again is mentioned in the next Clause, some may think that [...] here, is of the same import with [...] there; and therefore they lived must be equivalent with they revived, [Page 660] which is as much as they rose from the Dead. Granting this, it doth not follow that it is to be understood Literally and Strictly, i. e. of a Real living again after Death, or of the rising of their dead Bodies out of the Grave. It is a Figurative way of speaking, and it is probable is an Allusion to Ezek. 37. 11, 14. Behold, O my People, I will open your Graves, and cause you to come up out of your, Graves: And I will put my Spitit (or breath) into you, and you shall live. Which Words speak not of a Bodily Resurrection, (as at the first Hearing they may seem to do) but of Israel's rising out of a low, captivated Condition in Babylon. Your Graves shall be open'd, and ye shall live; i. e. you shall be restored to your own Land again, and there live in Plenty and Prosperity.
There is no Expositor of any Account, but interprets the Words thus. And indeed there are several other Texts which back this Interpretation; for in Psal. 71. 20. 80. 18. Isa. 26. 19. Hos. 6. 2. Reviving and Rising again are used to express a comfortable and prosperous Condition.
So that one would a little wonder how it comes to pass that some Writers, who have made enquiry into the future State of the Christian Church, take this Place in the Revelation in a Literal Sense, and perswade themselves that it speaks of a Bodily Resurrection of the Saints, when it may so conveniently be taken in a Metaphorical and Mystical Sence; nay, when they themselves at other Times are so delighted with this latter. * One of them acknowledges that the killing of the Witnesses, Rev. 11. 7. and their Bodies lying dead, is not meant of a Literal Death, and with great Diligence he labours to prove it, and indeed performs that task very laudably; [Page 661] and in many other Places in this Book he flies to a Mystical Meaning. Why then may not the Living, or Living again of the Saints, be understood here in the same manner? The † other is known to be a great Asserter of an Improper and Figurative Sence in Scripture. But see the Unhappiness of his placing it; he that expounds the Third Chapter of Genesis (which is a plain downright History) in a Mystical and Allegorical way, to the enervating of a great part of Revealed Religion, interprets this Passage in the Revelation (where Mysteries and Figures are so common) in a Literal Sence. But I think I have shew'd from the Tenour of this Place, that a Real, Corporeal Resurrection, i. e. a returning of departed Souls into their Bodies again, is not here meant; but that a Political or Civil Resurrection is the Thing here spoken of; that is, the Christian Church, after its great Troubles and Mortifications, shall revive, shall as it were rise out of its Grave; and (as the Excellent Dr. Hammond Paraphrases on the Place) there shall be such an universal Profession of Christianity, as if all the departed good Christians had been alive again, and were come upon the Stage of this World once more. Or the Reader may make use of the Apostle's Words in Gal. 3. 1. to explain this Place in the Revelation; for as Christ is said to be crucified among the Galatians, i. e. they had been so clearly and fully taught and instructed in the Nature of Christ's Sufferings, as if Christ himself had been crucified in their Sight: So in a resembling sort, the SAINTS are said to live again, i. e. their holy Lives and Actions (whence they are denominated Saints) are as evidently and completely copied out in the Persons then upon [...] [...] [Page 664] a kind of a Resurrection. On such the second Death bath no Power; i. e. those who have the Honour to be reserved to that excellent State of the Church, which is called Reigning with Christ, being Holy and Righteous Persons, they shall be rescued from the second Death, which is no other than Everlasting Destruction. For as there is a Twofold Resurrection, as hath been said, so in the same way of Allusion there is a Twofold Death; a Death of Temporal, and a Death of Eternal Destruction. This latter is called the second Death, because it comes after the other, and is a great deal more terrible than it. Therefore to be free'd from this, is the greatest Mercy imaginable: And this is that which all those who live under the Heighth of the Evangelical Dispensation shall be rescued from. At the end of those Thousand Years, when the Books shall be opened, and the Dead shall be judged out of them, they shall escape everlasting Death and Damnation; and they shall pass from Earth to Heaven, from the happy State of the Church here, to endless Blessedness in the Mansions above.
The short then of all is this, That the Living and Reigning of the Saints with Christ, which is foretold in this Chapter, is to be understood of the most Prosperous and Flourishing State of the Church of Christ here on Earth, which is the Thing that I have undertaken to prove and illustrate. Indeed it is not expresly said, that this Reign shall be on Earth, but we may most rationally infer as much from this Chapter. The Angel who was to bind Satan came down from Heaven, ver. 1. therefore the Scene of these Things spoken of in this Chapter, was to be here below. Afterwards, ver. 3. it is said that Satan was shut up, that he might deceive the Nations no more. Now none can deny but that these Nations were on Earth. And in ver. 9. it is said of Gog and Magog, That they [Page 665] went up on the Breadth of the Earth, and compassed the Camp of the Saints about: The Saints then are upon the Earth, as well as Gog and Magog. And this appears yet further, from what follows in the same Verse, Fire came down from God out of Heaven, and devoured them. Therefore neither they, nor the Saints, were then in Heaven, but on Earth, else the Fire could not be said to come down from Heaven upon the latter. It is out of question then, that this Reigning of the Saints with Christ, is meant of that happy Administration of the Church here on Earth. Though the common Doctrine of the Millennaries, viz. of the Saints and Martyrs leaving Heaven, and coming down to Reign on Earth; and so likewise of the Personal Reign of Christ with them be a groundless Fancy, and built neither on Reason nor Scripture; yet I have in some good measure shew'd, that T [...]is which I am now speaking of, is founded on Both. The former dictates to us, that there shall be a more perfect State of Christianity than ever yet hath been; and the latter, in several Places, speaks of this higher Degree of Christianity. Though Christ will not come in Person, yet he will come in the Spirit, to renew his Church, and to exalt it to a greater Measure of Holiness and Purity: And there shall then be such a joyful, blessed Season, as never was before, and never will be again upon Earth.
It remains now that I speak particularly and distinctly of the Duration of this Spiritual Reign. It shall last a Thousand Years, which * some have thought is to be understood i [...]definitely. As in Iob 9. 3. 33. 23. One of a Thousand, is One of a great Many: [Page 666] And in Psal. 50. 10. A Thousand Hills; and Psal. 105. 8. A Thousand Generations, is as much as very Many Hills and Generations; so they think here, a Finite Number is put for an Indefinite; and accordingly the Reigning of the Saints a Thousand Years, signifies no more than the long Time of the Churches Prosperity. St. Augustin, who takes the Thousand Years in this Indefinite manner, holds, that they began either at Christ's Birth, or his Passion, and last to the Worlds end, or till a little before it, when Antichrist is to come, and appear in the World. Others say, they commence at Christ's Death, and that as the Saints are said to Reign, so the Devil is bound a Thousand Years, i. e. all the Time from Christ's Passion to the Consummation of all Things, excepting only that little Time when he is Loosed. But these are very extravagant Assertions, and no considerate Men have undertaken to make them good. Why therefore should I undertake to confute them? I will only say this, to baffle their Notion who take these Thousand Years Indefinitely, that first it is expres [...]y asserted in this Chapter, that the Godly shall Reign a Thousand Years, and that Satan shall be bound just so many Years, (which indeed are but the same Time.) Again, The Thousand Years are repeated no less than Six-times by St. Iohn here, which clearly makes against and Indefinite and Uncertain Number. Unless a Certain, Determinate Portion of Years were here meant, this Definite and Precise Number would not have been reiterated so often. For this reason both the Ancient and Modern Expositors of this Chapter universally agree, that the Thousand Years here are to be taken in the most obvious and Proper Sence, viz. for that Particular, Determinate Number.
But then, there is a great Disagreement about the Beginning and Ending of these Thousand Years [Page 667] thus precisely taken. Some say they began at Christ's Nativity, and lasted till Pope Silvester the Second, which was about a Thousand Years after; for Idolatry and all Superstitious Rights in the Church broke out, and manifestly appeared under him first of all. So our Wickliff and Bilney, and Aretius a Foreigner thought. But others, as Bede, Primasius, Pererius, fix the Date at Christ's Passion. Others hold the Thousand Years began at the Preaching of the Gospel, or about the Destruction of Ierusalem, and ended when Popery first began Eminently to prevail, which was, they say, about the Year of Christ 1073. when Hildebrand, i. e. Gregory the Seventh invaded the Chair; then Satan also was loosed. This is Dr. Lightfoot's Opinion, as it was also of our Broughton and Vsher, and of Pareus and Iunius abroad. But surely it is harsh to say that the Devil was bound all the time of the Ten Persecutions, when he had Power given him to stir up those Bloody Emperours and Tyrants to commit such Outrages against the Innocent Christians: This is sufficient to confute that Opinion. Therefore Others hold the Thousand Years began under Constantine the Great, when coming to the Empire he caused the Persecutions to cease, and set up Christianity as the Religion of the Empire, which was about the Year of our Lord 310. and they ended at the rise of the Ottoman Empire, and with [...]the Papacy of Boniface the Eight, who made the Sanguinary Laws against the Waldenses and Albigenses, which was about the Year 1300. Thus thought those Great Men Willet, Forbes, Napier, Grotius, Hammond. And Brightman likewise seems to hold that the Reigning of the Saints, and the Binding of Satan were from Constantine the Great to the beginning of the Fourteenth Century of thereabouts.
[Page 668] But this could not be the time of the Saints Reign, for we read in Rev. 12. That the Woman, viz. the Church, as soon as she should be delivered was to be in the Wilderness (a State of Distress) how then could she Reign, which denotes her Prosperity? And she was to be in this State for the space of 1260. Days, i. e. Years. This began according to Mr. Brightman from the time that Constantine the Great was taken up to Heaven, for he is the Manchild caught up to God, v. 5. and to him the Context referreth. Now reckon from the Death of that Emperour, which was A. D. 337. till the time that the 1260. Years are expired, and you will find that the Thousand Years ended later than he had set them, for instead of ending in 1300. they could not according to this Computation have their Period till the Year of Christ 1597. Here you see one Prophecy of the Book of the Revelation is so interpreted as to thwart another, which is an Argument that his Calculation is not right. And indeed what Considerate Person can believe that the Thousand Years of Christ's Reign and of Satan's Imprisonment are part? There hath been nothing yet that hath look'd like it. When was Satan so bound that he seduced not the Nations? Or when was he loosed again, so that we may discern the palpable difference between either? Do we not know that when the Ten noted Persecutions were expired, yet others were raised against the Servants of God in this Period? And all this time either Old Heresies were revived or New ones invented. Therefore I infer that the time of the Thousand Years is not yet come, when the Angel is to cast Satan into the Bottomless Pit, and to shut him up, and set a Seal upon him, that he should deceive the Nations no more. And as for Gog and Magog, who were to appear soon after Satans being loosed, where are they at this time? If by those are meant th [...] [Page 669] Pope and Turk, then they make the date of Popery and Turcism to be before Satans loosing, and the expiring of the Thousand Years of the Saints Reign, which is an Absurdity which they would willingly avoid.
Mr. Brightman hath an odd fancy of his own, that though the Reigning of the Saints a Thousand Years be their Reigning all the Thousand Years in which the Devil was bound ( i. e. from Constantine the Great to the Year 1300.) yet there is another Reigning a Thousand Years, viz. from the Year 1300. till a Thousand Years after that be expired. But if there be any good ground for this, it is in this 20th. Chapter of the Revelation, where the Thousand Years of Christ's Reign are spoken of expresly, and no where else. But here it is manifest that the Reigning and the Binding are in the same Thousand Years, for it is said v. 7. When the Thousand Years (viz. of Christ's Reign, expresly mention's in the verse immediately before) are expired, Satan shall be loose out of his Prison. Therefore the Reigning of Christ and the Binding of Satan shall both expire together, which proves also that they both began together, the same Thousand Years including both. The Opinion then of Mr. Brightman and others, that the Thousand Years, of Christ's Reign are past, hath no Foundation at all, but is a mere imaginary and precarious Assertion. And yet this Assertion was taken up and believed by very Learned and Pious Men; the cause of which I apprehend to be this, they were prejudic'd against the Doctrine of the Old Millennaries, and look'd upon it (and that justly) as a Groundless and Scandalous Opinion, and thereupon were willing to resolve the Thousand Years into some past Time rather than into any that is to come, and thereby quash'd that fond conceit of a Personal Reign. This was an ill method they took, but their great dislike of the other [Page 670] Opinion occasion'd it, and therefore they are on that account excusable. But if they had rejected what is amiss in the Doctrine of the Chiliasts, and had retain'd what is true in the General, viz. that there shall be a Future State of the Christian Church which shall be every ways better than its former one, they had taken the right Course, and had asserted a Truth which is founded on the Sacred Scriptures. Thence any Unprejudiced Person may inform himself that the Thousand Years are so far from being past (as some have thought) that they are not yet come.
Only to assure us before hand that there shall be such a thing, the Christian World hath had some foretasts of it already. I cannot positively say with † some, that the Thousand Years began at the Reformation, and that Luther was the Angel that had the Key of the Bottomless Pit, and bound the Devil. I cannot fix the beginning just here, because Wickliff, Ierom of Prague, and Iohn Huss, and several others before Luther, did something of this Nature; they in some measure restrain'd Satans Power and Jurisdiction by Converting many Persons from the Papal Impieties. So that if we say Babylon began to Fall in those Times, and mean no other than this, that those forenamed Worthies made way for it, I grant the Assertion to be true; but it is to be remember'd that I am not now treating of the Preparatives and Forerunners of the Blessed Millennum, but of that Determinate State and Time it self. I grant that at the Reformation the Souls of those that were Beheaded for the Witness of Iesus, and for the Word of God might truly be said to Live, they were as it were raised from the Dead. When Luther and the rest [Page 671] of God's Faithful Servants appeared, and were active in Restoring and Reforming Religion, the Holy Apostles and Martyrs, and all the Primitive Professors of the True Faith were then as it were revived, and came upon the Earth again. This is a Forerunner and Pledge of that which is call'd the First Resurrection, this is a Previous assurance of the Millennary Reign or Christ here on Earth, in that Sence which I have before explain'd.
Mr. Mede's Conceit that the Thousand Years of Christ's Reign shall not begin till the Day of Iudgment is not worthy of so Learned a Person, and is confuted from what you Read in this Chapter so often made use of, where the * Battel of Gog and Magog, and their Defeat are mentioned. Who doubts that these Enemies of Christ, and of his Servants, shall be subdued before the Day of Judgment? And if so, then Christ's Reign (all which time his Enemies are subdued and disappear) and the Last Judgment cannot be the same. I may add, that according to Mr. Mede's Opinion the Day of Judgment shall be before the General Resurrection, which will hardly be allowed by any thinking Persons: And in this very Chapter you will find that this latter hath the Priority of the other, v. 12, 13. And 'tis no other than what the Apostle St. Paul asserts in 1 Cor. 15. 28. He shall deliver up the Kingdom to his Father, viz. after the Resurr [...]ction, which he had been speaking of all along before. How then can he be said to come, and Reign on Earth, after he hath delivered up the Kingdom? But yet we may understand this Writer in the fairest Sence (and so we ought to do all Authors) and then his Opinion is not to be disliked; for, largely speaking, the [Page 672] erecting of Christ's Kingdom in the 1000. Years Reign may be call'd the beginning of the Last Iudgment, and it is represented so in Dan. 7. 9, 13, 22, 26. For with the Kingdom of Christ on Earth there is as it were a Iudicature set up, and Sentence passes according to the different Qualities of the Persons that are found at that time. The Enemies of God and Religion shall then be openly animadverted upon, but the true Worshippers of Iesus, all the Sincere Professors of Christianity shall be Favour'd, Advanced, Rewarded. Thus the Millennary Reign, and the General Iudgment are Contemporary, or at least we may suppose some part of the Thousand Years Reign to be included in the General Judgment. Thus it is if we take it in the Latitude (as Mr. Mede seems to do) but is cannot strictly be reckon'd as part of the Millennium, for this Chapter expresly tells us that it shall be after is, I saw a great White Throne, and him that sat on it, and I saw the Dead, Small and Great, stand before God, and the Books were open'd, &c. v. 11. 12. There is no reason then to defer the Reign of Christ to that Time: But it is more agreeable to Reason and Revelation to assert that it is not very far off, that the Time is approaching when this Millennary State shall Commence, when there shall be a greater Progress on the Gospel than ever yet hath been, when the Church shall be wonderfully Advanced, and Christianity shall arrive to its Maturity and Perfection. Christ Iesus shall not visibly come in Person (as some have fondly imagined) but he shall come and Reign in the Spirit, he shall Rectifie the Disorders that have been in the Christian World; he shall throw down all False Worship, and establish the True, and he shall raise the Christian Dispensation to its utmost Perfection.
The Millenary Reign is attended with the Destruction of Antichrist, i. e. Papists and Mahometans. This proved from several Passages in Scripture. How the Papal Antichrist shall be destroy'd by the Spirit of God's Mouth. Another Attendant of the Reign of Christ upon Earth, is the Conversion or Fulness of the Gentiles. An Objection answered. A twofold Calling, or Conversion, of the Gentiles, Partial and Total. The Parable in Luk. 14. speaks of this latter. The Occasion and Manner of this Conversion. The Progress of Arts and Sciences hath imitated the Motion of the Sun. The like is observable of Religion. The General Conversion of the Jews, is a third Concomitant of the Reign of Christ. Whether the Jews shall be fixed in their own Countrey again. The Author's Iudgment concerning the Texts of Scripture, which are alledged to prove the National Conversion and Return of the Jews. Lev. 26. 38, 39, &c. is meant of the General Return of that People. In Deut. 30. 1, &c. there is a Primary and a Secondary meaning. The latter applied to the Ten Tribes. The future Restauration of the Jews proved, from Isa. 11. 11. from Isa. 60. from Hos. 3. 4, 5. from Amos 9. 14. from Zech. 12. 10, &c. from Luk. 2. 30, 31. from Luke 21. 24. from 2 Cor. 3. 14, &c. from several Passages in Rom. 11. What is meant by all Israel. The 26, 27, 28, and 29 Verses particularly consider'd, and shew'd to be Arguments for the Complete Conversion of the Jews. The 7. Rev. 4. speaks of this. The Occasion, Manner, and Means of it, (both ordinary and extraordinary) enquired into.
[Page 674] BUT to pass from these Generals to a Particular Account of this Period of the Evangelical Oeconomy; this Glorious State of Christ's Church, which shall be before the Consummation of all Things, comprehends in it these Things. 1. The Destruction of Antichrist. 2. The Fulness of the Gentiles. 3. The Calling of the Jews. 4. Universal Righteousness. 5. Universal Peace. These are the Five Things which are to be expected yet to come, and which constitute the Heighth of the Christian Dispensation.
I. I begin with the Destruction of Antichrist: For that (it is probable) is the first Thing which will be effected when the Thousand Years begin. By Antichrist, I mean the Church and Polity of Rome, and the Impostures of Mahomet. The latter is the Eastern, and the former is the Western Antichrist. For as the Roman Empire was made up of the Western and Eastern Dominions; so proportionably Antichrist, or the Antichristian Power, (signally so styled) which was to succeed in the room of the Roman Emperours, consists of both these Great Powers; viz. The Papacy in the West, and the Mahometan Usurpation in the East. It is well known that both these had their Rise together, and it is probable they shall fall together. To speak of the latter first; Mahometism hath been in the World above a Thousand Years, but it must in due time have its Period; the Cross shall triumph over the Crescent. If it be ask'd, Where there is any particular Place of Scripture [Page 675] that mentions this Catastrophe? I answer, That according to my Apprehension, (leaving every one to judge as they please) the 38 th. and 39 th. Chapters of Ezekiel, plainly foretel the Saracens and Turks invading the Holy Land, and then their Destruction and Extirpation. It is a most Eminent and Remarkable Portion of Scripture, though little taken notice of; but whoever will be pleased to consult the Whole, with great Seriousness and Intens [...]tness of Mind, they will be induced (I question not) to join with me in this Perswasion, That this notable Prophecy hath respect to the Times of the Chiliastick Reign of Christ, when the Turkish Infidels, (the right Gog and Magog) with their Adherents, shall endeavour by all means to oppose it; and in order to that, shall appear with a mighty Force against the People of God, viz. against the Iews; who at that time shall be looking towards the Messias, and shall be ready to own Iesus to be that Person, and against the Faithful Christians, who shall then expect his Reign. And here the final Overthrow, and Slaughter of these Adversaries of the Church, are plainly foretold, and particularly described, with which is immediately join'd the † Gathering of Israel, i. e. the perfect restoring of that Nation: And the next Thing is, The * Vision of the Temple; which (after all the various Conjectures of Papists and Protestants) must needs be meant of this State of the Church which I am speaking of; otherwise you can make nothing of that strange Draught of the Temple. What I have thus briefly hinted, is largely set forth in the Prophecy it self, which is worth the Reader's Perusal. And I do [...]bt not, but after he hath well consider'd it, he will [Page 676] come to this Issue; namely, That this Prophecy hath not yet been fulfilled, and therefore it shall be in Time; and that Time is the Period I am now treating of.
If you say, That by Gog and Magog are meant the Syrian Armies which plagued the Iews, of which the Books of Maccabees give us a particular Account. I reply, That though we grant this, yet those who I have named may be meant here also: For I have in another Place proved, that there is a † Double, Literal, and even Historical Sense, in some Places of the Bible: And so there is here, I doubt not; and I shall afterwards shew, That the Turks have a good Claim to the Names of Gog and Magog.
Again, the Turks Rise was foretold in Rev. 9. 14, &c. So their Ruin and Downfal are mention'd in the same Book, 16. Chap. 12. v. The Vial is poured out upon the great River Euphrates; i. e. the People inhabiting there, the Turks who dwell in that part of the World on the River Euphrates. The Water thereof was dried up; i. e. the Turkish Power and Dominion are impair'd; That the Way of the Kings of the Earth might be prepared; i. e. that some Great and Eminent Persons may be converted, and come over to the Christian Church.
Then in general, we find Seducers and False Prophets threatened in Scripture with Ruin; and shall we not think, That that Vile Miscreant, who gloried in the Title of Prophet, and is signally so styled, by those that adhere to his Principles and Laws, wherewith he hath bewitched so great a part of the World; shall we not think, I say, that that Grand Impostor is concern'd? Can we imagine, or suppose, [Page 677] that the Vengeance of God, which is threatened against Seducers, and False Teachers, reaches not to him? And when we consider what a great deal of Mischief this Mahometan Sect hath wrought in the World, and what vast Regions of the Earth it hath possessed, we shall easily be inclined to believe, that when Christ's Kingdom is set up, and Christianity is come to its Perfection, the World shall be cleared of this Spreading Pest.
As for the Fall of the Roman Antichrist, it is in express Words foretold in many Places of Scripture. Out of the Old Testament I will mention only that Famous Prophecy of Daniel, concerning the Fall of Rome, and the Reign of Christ, (for both these go together;) 7. Dan. 19, 20, &c. to the end of the Chapter. I have else-where commented upon it, but now I shall only make use only of that part of it which is to our present Purpose. How natural is the Character of the other Horn, which arises out of the Fourth Beast; i. e. the Fourth Kingdom, or Empire, upon Earth, appliable to Papal Rome? For it is said, It shall subdue Three Kings; i. e. the Greek Emperour, whose Jurisdiction reach'd to Italy; and the Kingdom of Lombardy, and the German Emperours, who had Dominion in Italy. It is further said, This Horn had a Mouth that spake very great Things, v. 20. and more particularly in the 25 v. He shall speak great Words against the most High, and shall wear out the Saints of the most High, and think to change Times and Laws. And the same Horn made war with the Saints, and prevail'd against them, v. 21. which by the most judicious Protestant Writers, is applied to the Papacy. But now hear the Doom of this Great Speaker and Warrior, The Iudgment shall sit, and they shall take away his Dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the End: And the Kingdom, and Dominion, and the Greatness of the Kingdom under the whole [Page 678] Heaven, shall be given to the People of the Saints of the most High, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and all Dominions shall serve and obey him; v. 26, 27. Which is answerable to what was said in v. 14. concerning the Coming, and the Kingdom of the Son of Man; i. e. Christ, who frequently styles himself so.
If you consider these Things, with many more in this Chapter, you cannot apply them either to the Kingdom of the Seleucidae, or Antiochus, or Mahomet, and his Empire: But you must necessarily understand them of the Roman Power, and especially that which is Papal; and you cannot but see that they are a lively Description of that Bloody Dominion, and of the Downfal of it, and of the Reign of Christ which shall immediately succeed it; that is, of the Flourishing State of the Christian Church, in a more Glorious Manner than ever. Thus the most Eminent and Learned Expositors, who are not Friends to the Roman See, interpret this Prophecy; but none hath comprised the Sense and Import of it in so few, but full Words, as that Reverend * Prelate of our Church: ‘The Seventh Chapter of Daniel, saith he, points at a State of Christ's Church which is not yet come; and when it doth come, will be with a Vengeance to the Roman Church: Whose present State will be utterly overturn'd, to make way for the s [...]tting up of Christ's Universal and Everlasting Kingdom, which is to be erected when the Mystery of God is finished; Rev. 10. 7. 12. 15. and that cannot be till Babylon, i. e. Rome, be thrown down; Rev. 18. 2. 19. 1, 2, 6. And we are so far from thinking this Kingdom will be Invisible, that we believe it will be the most Illustrious [Page 679] Appearance that ever was of Christian Truth, Righteousness, Charity, and Peace among Men.’
In the New Testament likewise this is signally foretold: St. Paul, who was blessed with extraordinary Revelations concerning future Things, acquaints us, That the Reign of Christ, which he calls his Coming, shall begin with the Ruin and Desolation of the Antichrist of Rome; for every unprejudiced and impartial Man must confess, that the Second Chapter of the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians speaks of Him; and that the Man of Sin, and that wicked One, whom the Lord will consume and destroy, is no other than He. It is very strange to see how Grotius bestirs himself, and uses all Artifices imaginable, to perswade the Reader that the Papal Power is not meant here. He is forced to say, that this Second Epistle to the Thessalonians was writ before the First, and several such Incongruities he runs himself into, to maintain his Assertion: Whenas the very Character here given of the Man of Sin, viz. that he sits in the Temple of God, and exalts himself above all that is called God, &c. plainly shews to whom it belongs. And that the Brightness of Christ's coming, whereby this Son of Perdition shall be consumed, is not meant of Christ's last Coming to Judgment, but of his Coming to Reign upon Earth, will appear from what I shall presently add.
St. Iohn, who was honoured with abundant Discoveries from Heaven, concerning the Things which were to come to pass afterwards in the Christian Church, in a most graphical and lively Manner, represents to us in Two whole Chapters, (the Eighteenth and Nineteenth of the Book of the Revelation) the Fall of this Spiritual Baby lon, and the Saints Rejoicing and Triumphing, because of the Vengeance of God upon her: And then immediately, in the next Chapter, he proceeds to speak of the Binding of [Page 680] Satan, and the Reign of the Saints a Thousand Years. In which Chapters, though, it is true, the exact Order of the Time is not observed, (as in the Book of the Revelation is [...]sual, and therefore we must not always insist upon Prius & Post [...]ius here;) yet this is plainly signified to us, that there is a Connexion between these Two, the Reign of Christ, and the Fall of Babylon; and that the one most certainly goes along with the other. But exactly speaking; the Overthrow of Babylon is part of Christ's Reigning, or, you may call it, an Effect of it: For when he Reigneth, he will subdue and destroy this Greatest Enemy of his Kingdom.
If we enquire, How he shall be destroy'd, both St. Paul and St. Iohn will satisfy us. The former tells us, That he shall be consumed by the Spirit of God's Mouth, 2 Thes. 2. 8. Which may signify some immediate way of God's blasting him. God Himself shall fight against him with * the Sword of his Mouth. ‘The Pope shall be destroyed, saith † Luther, without Hands. As he began, so he shall end: He set up at first not by Power, and in the like manner he shall be cast down. That Prophecy in 8. Dan. 25. concerning Antiochus, [He shall be broken without Hand] shall be fulfilled of the Pope. And again he saith, When God speaketh but a Word, and saith, Rome be destroy'd; Sir Pope, come down from your Throne; it shall be accomplished immediately.’ The Phrase here used may denote the Easiness, and Suddenness of the Fall of the Papal Antichrist: It shall be, as it were, with a Word of God's Mouth. Or, the Spirit of God's Mouth, may signify the Preaching of the Gospel. This shall be made the great Instrument of Rome's Fall. As the Prophet [Page 681] of old was said to s [...]ay the Wicked with the Words of his Mouth, Hos. 6. 5. So shall the Evangelical Prophets, the Ministers of Christ, (when they shall be effectually stir'd up for that purpose) slay that wicked One, and all his Adherents, in the same manner; they shall be so powerfully enabled to enlighten and instruct the World, that it shall soon be convinced of the Damnable Errours and Impieties of the Roman Church, it shall plainly see and discern the execrable Impostures of that Society of Men; it shall be made evident from the Word of God, That they are no other than the Synagogue of Satan. Thus the Man of Sin shall be destroy'd by the Brightness of Christ [...]s coming, (as the Apostle expresseth it in the same place) by the Plain and Convictive Preaching of the Word, which shall accompany that blessed State of the Church which is to come.
But Rome shall not Fall by God's Word only: The ensuing Texts of Scripture will bring you to this Perswasion, that her Downfal shall likewise be by humane Force and Power. He that killeth with the Sword, must be killed with the Sword; Rev. 13. 10. Give her Blood to drink; Ch. 16. v. 6. They shall make the Whore desolate, and naked; and they shall Eat her Flesh, and burn her with Fire; Ch. 17. v. 16. All which signify the use of Violent Means. And more fully yet, in Ch. 18. v. 6, 7, 8. Reward her even [...]s she rewarded you, and double unto her double, according to her Works; in the Cup which she hath filled (which was a Cup of Blood) fill to her Double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her; for she saith in her Heart, I sit a Queen, and am no Widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her Plagues come in one Day, Death, and Mourning, and Famine; and she shall be utterly burnt with Fire. Perhaps this last Expression may intimate, that the Papists shall fall out among [Page 682] themselves, that they shall dissent from one another, that they shall contribute towards their Ruin, by their own intestine Quarrels and Combustions; for these are signified by Fire, not only in Luke 12. 49. but in several other Places. But there must be some Fighting on both Sides, Rome and its Opponents, as I conceive. This seems to me very plain, out of Rev. 19. 19, 20, 21. where there are Two Armies, and a formal pitch'd Battle, and a Victory ensuing upon it. To take it wholly in a Spiritual Sense is very harsh, and disagreeable to what we meet with in this, and other Chapters of this Book; where there are several Passages which seem to inform us, That this Bloody Antichrist shall Fall by the Hand and Force of Man (as well as by the immediate Curse of God, and the Preaching of the Gospel, of which I spoke before.) We are told that Hannibal brake through the Alpes with Fire and Vinegar, when he was on his march towards Rome. It is probable that those Warriors and Champions, whom God will stir up to make their way thither, will use a resembling Method; that they will ingage in very Hot and Sharp Service, and with the utmost Force and Violence incounter all Impediments which stand in their way. And as the Old Romans, in great Streights of the Commonwealth, created a Dictator, an extempore Monarch, and Governour; so, it may be, the Person to do this great Thing shall be of that sort; he shall be extraordinarily chosen out, and set up by Providence, on purpose for this emergent Business. And who knows, but that he may be a Dictator as it were from the Plough; i. e. a Person taken from more Private and Low Employments, to move and act in this High and Publick Sphere? But I need not be Inquisitive and Solicitous about the Manner of Rome's [Page 683] Downfal, since we have so good Assurance of the Thing itself, and may acquiesc [...] in that.
II. The Conversion or Fulness of the Gentiles, is another Attendant of the Reign of Christ upon Earth. This was intimated in that Promise of God to Abraham, That he should be a Father of * the Multitude of Nations, 17. Gen. 4. for so it is in the Original. Those Nations which proceeded from Abraham, by Hagar and Ketura [...], should at last contribute towards the making up the Great and Entire Body of Converted Gentiles. And Iacob's Prophecy concerning Ephraim looks this way; His Seed shall become the † Fulness of the Gentiles; Gen. 48. 19. For the Word Gojim, is most properly applied to the Gentiles, not to the Iews. And Our Translation is short, when we render the other Word a Multitude; for the proper import of it is, Plenitudo, Fulness. Now when it was foretold, that Ephraim's Seed should be the Fulness of the Gentiles; the meaning is, that from Ephraim shall proceed Innumerable Nations, who shall imbrace the Gospel, and so fill up the Conversion of the Gentiles. To this Prophecy appertains Psal [...]. 8. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the Heathen for thine Inheritance, and the uttermost Parts of the Earth for thy Possession. The great and wonderful Access of the Gentiles to the Church of Christ from all Regions of the World, is plainly predicted in Isa. 49. 5, &c. 54. 1, &c. 60. 1. to 15. v. 66. 19, &c. The Places are so well known, that there is no need of reciting them. And in several other Prophets there are the like Predictions.
To which questionless our Saviour referr'd when he told the Iews, that such and such Things should [Page 684] be [...]al them until the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled; 21. Luk. 24 until the full Time come, when the Gentiles shall be universally called into the Church. Of this our Lord speaks, Joh▪ 10. 16. Other Sheep from among the Gentiles I have, which are not of this Fold, of the Jewish Church; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my Voice; they shall be Converted, and become obedient Christians; and there shall be one Fold, one Church, agreeing in the same Faith, and Worship, and Religious Practice; and one Shep [...]erd, they shall acknowledge me to be their Head, and Pastor: As it had been foretold concerning the Times of the Gospel, this last Time especially; They shall all have one Shepherd, Ezek. 37. 24. they shall be united into one Body, under one and the same Head. And it may be, that which he saith to the Church of Thyatira, is to be interpreted of This; He that overcometh, and keepeth my Works unto the end, to him will I give Power over the Nations: — and I will give him the Morning-Star. Rev. 2. 26, 28. The most Easy and Natural Sense of which Words is this, That he that is Faithful to the end, shall be honoured with the Conversion of Eastern Nations; I will give him those Heathen People where the Morning-Star ariseth; I will give him the Conversion of Those, as the Reward of his Faithfulness. A Future Calling of the Pagans may be expected at length, as the Recompence of Overcoming, and of Keeping my Works unto the end.
But supposing, say some, that this, and other Texts of Scripture before mention'd, speak of the Conversion of the Gentiles; yet these Prophecies were all Fulfill'd in the Days of the Apostles, when they went out to preach the Gospel to all Nations, and so they have no reference to that Conversion of the Gentiles, which I am speaking of. But to this I answer, That the Prophecies of the Conversion of [Page 685] the Gentiles, were not fulfilled in those Times; for though many Pagans were Converted in the Days of the Apostles, yet that Conversion was not General. Those Persons who were then Called, were but the First-fruits of the Whole and Compleat Calling of the Pagans to Christianity, which is to be a little before the Conversion of the Iews. To this purpose, the Apostle of the Gentiles is very clear, in Rom. 11. 25, 26. I would not, Brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this Mystery, that Blindness in part is happen'd to Israel, until the Fulness of the Gentiles be come in; and so all Israel shall be saved. The Blindness of the Iews, and the Salvation of the Gentiles, are here called by St. Paul, a Mystery: And in this he intimates, that those he wrote to, did not know and comprehend the Design of God in this Matter. Wherefore he unfolds this Mystery, this Great Secret of Providence to them, acquainting them, that God took occasion from this strange Event, to communicate the Gospel to the Gentiles, and to convert them to the Faith; and then by the Calling of these, the Iews should afterwards be provoked to believe, and to accept of the Gospel, and so they should all be saved. But whether this be spoken of a General Conversion towards the end of the World, or only of the Great Numbers, converted by Christ and his Apostles, at the [...]irst preaching of the Gospel, (as some are of Opinion) is now to be considered.
I conceive then, that there is a Twofold Calling or Conversion of the Gentiles; a Partial, and a Total one. The first was, when the Iews were rejected; viz. in the Time of our Saviour, and the Apostles; then the Gentiles were called in to supply their room. This is said to be the Salvation which is come to the Gentiles, ver. 11. of this Chapter, and the Reconciling of the World, v. 15. But there is a second Calling of The Gentiles, and that is named here, the Fulness of the Gentiles, which is something that is Greater and [Page 686] Higher than the other, for it denotes a compleat Body of them. This is set forth in the Parable of the Great Supper, 14. Luke; where the Iews were those that were [...]idden: But upon their Refusal of the Invitation, the Servants are commande to go into the Streets, and Lanes of the City, and bring in the Poor, Maimed, Halt, and Blind: These are the Gentiles, that in the Apostles Times, and ever since, have been converted to the Christian Faith. But after this is done, it is said, Yet there is room, viz. for more Converts to Christianity; and accordingly the Servant is bid to go out into the High-ways, and Hedges, and compel them to come in, that the House might be filled. Here is a plain Distinction between the former and the latter Conversion of the Gentiles: After the first Invitation and Entertainment there was more room; which intimates, in my Opinion, a future Calling of them. And they are to be fetched out of the High-ways and Hedges, to shew that though they be never so Mean and Unworthy, they shall Partake of this Grace, which shall be so Powerful and Effectual in those Days, that they shall seem to be forced and compelled to come in. And what follows is very observable, and much to our present purpose; they are thus compell'd to come in to the Great Supper of the Lord, that his House may be filled; that the Church may be Compleated and made Entire, which it could not be without the Conversion of these Gentiles at last. Many were converted before, but now there shall be a General Imbracing of the Faith: All Nations shall come to the Messias.
And there is another great Difference between that first Calling, and this; viz. That the General Calling of the Iews (which is said to be their Fulness, ver. 12.) shall go along with this second Calling of the Gentiles: For so the Apostle acquaints us, That [Page 687] when the Fulness of the Gentiles is come, all Israel shall be saved; i. e. all the Iews (as well as Gentiles) shall be received into God's Favour. But some think, that Israel is not opposed to the Gentiles here, but signifies the Whole People of God, the Whole Israel of God; (as the Apostle speaks, Gal. 6. 16.) i. e. the Spiritual Israel, All Believers, whether Jews or Gentiles. But if not from this place, yet from a great part of this Chapter, it appears, that after the Fulness of the Gentiles shall follow the Fulness of the Iews: For as some of the Iews, in the Apostles Times, were blinded and harden'd, till they saw the Gentiles imbrace the Gospel, and then they were provoked by their Example to come in; so shall it be at their Last and General Conversion, of which I am next to speak.
But first I will add a few Words concerning the Occasion and Manner of the Gentiles Conversion, so far as I can guess. When the Impostures of Rome are exploded by the Christian World, and her pernicious Doctrines and Practices are loathed by them; and when the Dominion and Tyranny of Rome are laid in the Dust, and that by some strange and amazing Acts of Divine Providence, which shall be known to all the Inhabitants of the Earth; we may easily conceive, that then the Gospel will have its free Course, and God will stir up some Persons to preach it in the remotest Country, where Paganism hath prevail'd; and that the Tidings which have come to their Ears, concerning the Fall of the Roman Babylon, will in some measure prepare them to receive the more welcome Message of the Gospel, and to imbrace the Christian Faith, which they have either been wholly Strangers to, or which they have wil [...]ully refused.
This is to be said also, That the Lives of Christians, will at this Time be very Exemplary, which [Page 688] will be very serviceable for the promoting of the Gospel among the Gentiles. Nothing hath hinder'd the Propagation of Christianity in the World, so much, as the wicked Conversations of Christians. The Story is known of the American, who said he would chuse rather to go to Hell, than live in Heaven with the Cruel and Bloody Spaniards. Some of the Indians, shewing a piece of Gold, have said, Lo here is the Christians God! And their Faithlessness, as well as Avarice, hath been objected to them by the Pagans whom they tra [...]ick with. It is no wonder then that Infidels imbrace not the Christian Religion, when its Professors are so scandalous in their Practices. But the Case will be otherwise in those happy Times which I am discoursing of; the Lives of Christians will be answerable to their Professions; they will commend their Religion by the Strictness and Circumspectness of their Walking; which, when Pagans observe, they will be incited to think well of their Ways, and afterwards to Admire and Love, and at last to Imitate and Practise that Religion, which hath so great Command and Authority over Mens Minds and Manners. Nor shall there be Signs, and Wonders, and mighty Miracles wanting, if there be occasion for them; if that be the most proper Method to reduce some stubborn Infidels, and to bring them to a hearty Confession and Acknowledgment of the Truth: Though these (as I have suggested before) are not properly of this Dispensation, and accordingly shall be soon laid aside.
Where this Work shall first have its Beginning, and in what Order this Great Conversion of the Gentiles shall proceed, is difficult to assign: Therefore I will only submissively offer my Conjecture. It hath been the Observation of some Learned Men, that th [...] Arts and Sciences have imitated the Motion [Page 689] of the Sun. Learning set out first with Adam in the East: He had his Philosophy from God, and by virtue of That gave fit Names to all Creatures. He communicated his Knowledge to those Eastern Countries of Assyria and Chaldaea; whence it came into Egypt, where Moses was skill'd in all the Learning of that Time. He, it is Probable, left his Skill among some of the Israelites, and so it travell'd into Canaan, where Solomon was Famous for this Learning, and with great Success propagated it among the Iews. From the Chaldaeans, Egyptians, and Iews, it found its way to Greece; where it was first entertain'd by Musaeus, Orpheus, Pythagoras; then Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, &c. And here, by the bye, we may remember, That the most Inquisitive Men among the Graecians, as Pythagoras, Plato, Solon, and others, who proved Great Sages, travelled into Egypt, and other Eastern Countries, to bring home with them their profitable Arts and Sciences. Learning past from Greece to Italy, and so to Rome; for with the Graecian Empire their Arts also were transported to Rome, and she dispersed them continually by her Victorious Arms. Passing from Italy they climbed the Alpes, and visited Germany and France, whence we Britains, and others, fetched them over. Thus Learning followed the Course of the Sun, (an Intimation of which seems to be in the Poets, when they made Phoebus the God of Light and Learning,) all humane Arts and Knowledge were derived down to us from the Eastern Parts of the World, where Mankind itself first had its rise.
The like Observation may, in part, be made of Religion, viz. that it imitated the Suns Motion. (I say, in part, for the Progress of Religion doth not exactly answer to that of Learning and Philosophy.) It arose first in Paradise, in the r [...]moter Parts of [Page 690] the East: And Adam, Seth, and Noah, cherished it in those Regions. It was preserved in the Ark by Noah, and coming out thence, it was propagated by him, and his Son Shem, but especially by Abraham the Chaldaean. Having thus escaped the Flood, and liv'd among the Chaldaeans, it sojourned a while in Canaan, and from thence came into Egypt, with Ioseph first, and soon after with Iacob, and the rest of the Patriarchs. From thence it took its way through the Wilderness, and so into Canaan again; where it continued a long time under many Vicissitudes, till it began to go Eastward again; viz. in the Time of the Captivity. But Seventy Years put and end to that Thraldom, and fetched back the True Religion to go on in its way, its Western Road, that it was in before. Observe especially how when it began to be Christian, (though at first it took its Circuit through the whole World, to inform all Mankind of its being Arrived; and afterwards Constantine the Great carried it with the Empire, and settled it more Eastward, yet still) it ran the same Course with the Sun generally; from Ierusalem to Gre [...]ce, to Africa, to Rome, and so to all Italy, to Germany, France, Britain, Spain. Though I do not say, the Gospel went exactly in this very Order successively, yet we find this to be the Progress of the Gospel at last: It began in the East, and it hath travelled Westward. The Church, and the Sun, (as Mr. Herbert hath observed) have observed the like Motion.
And it [...]ath crossed the Western Ocean: The Americans hear of Christ. We have an Essay in those Plantations, to confirm us in the Truth of what is to come afterwards. The true Gospel hath been preached, and is at this Day, in several Places of this New-found World. And though the Roman Priests have planted their Perswasion in many Parts of it, [Page 691] with vast [...]fusion of Blood; yet Popery may make way for a better Religion afterwards, when the Gospel shall be spread even to the utmost Parts of this Western Hemisphere, and so in its direct way step into the East again, and visit the Islands in the Eastern Seas, and then land on the Continent among the Tartars, Indians, Chinoises, Persians, &c. and so finish its Circuit, by returning to the Place where it set out first of all. Thus our Saviour's Words shall be verified, The Gospel shall be preached in all the World, and then shall the End come, Mat. 24. 14. This will be a plain Indication that they are come to the last Period of Time design'd for this World; and that as soon as this is past, the Day of Judgment is at hand. Thus much concerning the Conversion of the Gentiles; by whom, I understand the People of those Nations, and Countries, that have not had the Knowledge of the True God: And therefore they are to be distinguished from the Mahometans, who are not to be reckon'd in the Body of the Gentiles, and therefore not be Converted, but Destroy'd.
III. The Conversion of the Iews, is another Concomitant of the perfect State of Christianity. This being a great Controversy among Divines, Whether the Iews shall be Converted to Christ before the end of the World; I will Inlarge upon it, and endeavour to give Satisfaction in the Point. By this Conversion, we do not mean the Conversion of a Few, but a Great and Remarkable, a General and National Conversion of the Jews, before the Consummation of all Things. This was the general Belief of the Ancient Writers of the Church: The Holy Scripture hath declared, saith * Cyril of Alexandria, [Page 692] that the Jews in the last Times shall obtain Mercy, being justified with us by Grace in Christ. The Jews, saith * another Godly Father, shall turn unto God, and believe in Jesus, at the end of the World, and be saved. And that there shall be this Signal Conversion of that People, was the Perswasion of several † other Christian Fathers. Though I find there is some Disagreement among them about this, Whether the Iews shall return to their own Countrey Iudaea, and there be fixed again, and build and inhabit Ierusalem. Origen, speaking of the Jews, ‖ affirms confidently, that they shall not be restored to their own Land; and with him agreeth St. ‡ Chrysostom. But * Iustin Martyr, and some others of the Ancients, hold, that they shall return to the Land of Canaan, upon their imbracing the Messias, and that they shall be fixed there. To prove which, they quote Jer. 25. 5. Turn ye every one from his evil Ways, and dwell in the Land which the Lord hath given unto you, and to your Fathers for ever and ever. In the 39 Chap. of Ezekiel, there seems to be foretold not only the Destruction of the Turks, (call'd Gog) in the latter Days, (ver. 1. to 23.) but immediately after that, the Return of the Iews to their own Land, v. 23. to the end of the Chapter. All the Circumstances of the Prophecy argue it to be spoken of this last Return from their Captivity, and Dispersion. Which is further evidenced, from those remarkable Words in the close of all, v. 29. I will not hide my Face any more from them; which shews, that the [Page 693] Prediction can't be meant of their Return under Cyru [...] from their Captivity in Babylon, because they have been Captives since, and banished into all Parts of the World. Whence I conclude, that this Prophetick Promise was never yet accomplished, and therefore must be. And other Prophecies (which are very plain) may be alledged out of Isaia [...], Ioel, and Zechariah, which for [...]tel that the Messias shall restore the Israelites to their own Land. Indeed if we duly weigh some of those Passages, we cannot but think it very credible, that these poor Vagabonds shall recover again the Holy Land, and inhabit there, after their long Dispersion. Though I will not designedly concern my self in this Dispute, yet I think I shall render their Restauration extremely probable, whilst I am discoursing of, and proving the main Thing, which is their Conversion. And that this shall be National and General, was the common Opinion of the Ancients; and the Moderns, excepting a * Few, assent to them in it.
I deny not, that some of the Texts usually cited out of the Old Testament, to prove the General Calling and return of the Jews before the last Judgment, are to be understood of the Temporal Deliverance of that People from the Captivity, and their Returning back to their own Land presently after. And other Texts are meant of the Spiritual Deliverance of the Jews, who were Godly and Righteous. (Some of those Prophecies being to be taken in a Mystical and Spiritual Sense, Canaan being a Type of the Church.) And there are some Places also which speak of the Conversion of the Jews, which was to be in our Saviour's Time, when he chose his Disciples and Apostles out of the Jewish Nation; [Page 694] and when afterwards Multitudes of Iews submitted to Ch [...]istianity, and owned Iesus to be the Christ. All this I acknowledge; but yet any unprejudiced Person may take notice of other Places of Scripture, both in the Old and New Testament, which point at the General and National Calling of the Jews, and that towards the end of the World. And it may be taken notice of further, that some of those Texts which foretel their Return from Babylon to their own Land, and others which speak of their turning from Judaism to Christianity, at the first Propagation of the Gospel, are also to be understood of this Universal Recalling of them at the first setting up of the Glorious Kingdom of Christ which we are discoursing of; for there is a Twofold Historical Meaning of such Passages in the Prophetical Writings of the Bible; one is Primary and Chiefly intended, the other Secondary and Included. This I am throughly perswaded of, from the Style and Tenour of Scripture, that there are different Things spoken of in the same Place and Narrative; different Occ [...]rrences are prophesied of at one time. All other Historical Books have but one Sense and Meaning, and no more, because they refer to one Thing only. But it is not so here. Any observing and consid [...]rate Man must needs see this; and it is a Key to a great part of the Bible.
There is an eminent Passage in Lev. 26. which I don't find taken notice of; but, in my Opinion, it speaks home to the present purpose. God, after that long Scroll of Curses and Plagues threatened to the disobedient Israelites, from 15. v. to 40. shuts up all with a merciful Assurance of their being Restored to their own Land at last. Though they should perish among the Heathen, and though the Land of their Enemies should eat them up; and though they that are left of them, shall pine away in their Iniquity, in their [Page 695] Enemies Lands; v. 38, 39. Yet I will remember my Covenant with Iacob, and also my Covenant with Isaac, and also my Covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the Land; v. 42. He promises to perform the Covenant made with their Forefathers; viz. that he would give them the Land of Canaan for a perpetual Possession. When they are in the Land of their Enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my Covenant with them, for I am the Lord their God. But I will for their sakes remember the Covenant of their Ancestors, &c. 43, 44, 45, ver. The Repeating of these Terms, viz. of their being in the Land, and in the Lands of their Enemies, shews, That this refers not only to the Jews being Captives in Babylon, but to all their other Dispersions and Banishments, and particularly that which is at this time, and hath lasted many Ages. And so the Reiterating of those Words, viz. God's remembering his Covenant, plainly refers to the continual performing of his Covenant with relation to the Restoring of the Jews; not only when they were Captives in Assyria, but when afterwards they should be banished into other Lands, as they are at this day; even then God would be mindful of his Covenant, and bring them back again. And, to this end, he would enable them to confess their Iniquities, &c. v. 40. This is that Repentance and Conversion which we expect; this is the Promise which remains to be fulfilled, for hitherto it is not.
Again, it is promised in Deut. 30. 1, &c. That if the Israelites, when they are driven into other Nations, shall call to mind those Blessings and Cursings mention'd in the Chapter before, and shall return to the Lord their God, and obey his Voice, then the Lord [...]od will turn their Captivity, and have Compassion on them, and will return, and gather them from all the Nations whither [Page 696] the Lord God hath scattered them. If any of them be driven out to the utmost Parts of Heaven, from thence will the Lord their God gather them, and from thence will be fetch them: And the Lord their God [...] bring them into the Land which their Fathers possessed, and they shall possess it, and he will do them good, and multiply them above their Fathers, and the Lord their God will circumcise their Heart, and the Heart of their Seed, to love the Lord their God, with all their Heart, and with all their Soul, that they may live. In which Words, without doubt there is that Primary and Secondry Meaning, which I spoke of. The former is not denied by any, and I will now prove the latter. That this Promise extends even to the Vniversal Calling of the Iews, is clear from these Things; First, that it is said, they shall be gathered from all the Nations whither God had scattered them, and if any of them were driven to the utmost Parts of Heaven, from thence the Lord will fetch them. Now we know that the Ten Tribes of Israel, that were carried Captive by Salmanasser King of Assyria, were removed into the utmost Parts of the World. Esdras tells us, That they went forth into a very far Country where never Mankind dwelt; (or at least he thought these Regions were not inhabited before:) They were a Year and a half a going to it, and the Region is called Arsareth, or Ararath; then dwelt they there until the latter Time; i. e. the Time we are at present speaking of, 2 Esd. 13. 41, 45. It is likely this was part of that vast Moiety of the World which is now called America. * Manasse [...] ben Israel, a Learned Jew, is perswaded that these Tribes were not only the first Inhabitants of China, and some Parts of Tartary, but that they went into the West-Indies. [Page 697] However, we are certain that they came ei [...]her into these, or some other Countries, that were at a great distance from Iudaea; because if they had been near it, they would have return'd thither with the rest of their Captive Brethren, when Cyrus gave them leave to do so, and (which is more) encouraged them to it. It is manifest therefore, that they were driven to the utmost Parts of Heaven.
Or if we should suppose, that they were not scatter'd so far, but (as Dr. Lightfoot thinks) were removed to the farthest Parts of Assyria, or (as others have imagined) were dispersed into Egypt, and other Parts of Africa, or (as some have thought) travelled into Syria and Arabia; yet still we can say this, that we no where read of their Return to their own Land. I do not speak of the coming back of a Few, (of which we have some Footsteps in the Sacred History) but of the Return of them in a Body, or as to a very Considerable Part of them, of which this Text speaks. We have not one Syllable concerning this; and it is certain that if they had returned, it would have been mentioned. Therefore I infer hence yet, that this Promise is not fulfilled. And from this Inference I make another, viz. that it is to be fulfilled hereafter, for none of God's Promises fall to the Ground. And hence likewise I gather another, which is this, That if God will be so favourable to them, as to restore them at last to the Promis'd Land, it is most probable that he doth it in order to a Greater Blessing; viz. the turning every one of them from their Sins, and causing them to imbrace that Iesus whom they have so long despised and rejected. Therefore their Returning, and their Conversion, most commonly go together in Scripture; and we cannot think that God would take so much Care of those Out-casts, as to bring them back to their Own Land, unless he intended [Page 698] to extend his Ancient Mercies to them, and to receive them for his Own People again. And then observe also it is added, The Lord will circumcise their Heart, to love the Lord their God with all their Heart, and with all their Soul; which gives us to understand that their Conversion shall be Sincere and Effectual, which without doubt will be the Qualification of that Great and Catholick Conversion of the Jews before the end of the World.
Next I might produce that Prophecy of Isaiah, Ch. 11. v. 11. And it shall come to pass in that Day, that the Lord shall set his Hand again the Second Time, to recover the Remnant of his People which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the Islands of the Sea. It is very reasonable to think, that this Recovering of the Jews the Second Time, is, First, Particularly meant of the Returning of the Posterity of the Ten Tribes, who, upon Salmanasser's invading Iudaea, were either taken by him, or fled into strange Countries. There shall not only be a Return from Babylon and Assyria, but from Egypt and AEthiopia, and even from the most distant Regions. Secondly, more Generally and Comprehensively, it is meant of those Times of the Gospel, when the Jews, dispersed through all Countries, shall be restored to their own Land again, and shall be Converted to the Christian Faith. This is here called the Second, and it is the Last and most Eminent Time of their Conversion; when they shall be so Happy likewise, as to have all the Gentiles for their Fellow-Converts, as it follows in the next Verse of his Chapter: He shall set up an Ensign for the Nations, as well as assemble the Outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Iudah, from the four Corners of the Earth.
[Page 699]The Sixtieth Chapter of Isaiah treats of this very Subject, the Glorious Condition of the Church under the Messias's Reign, when there shall be a General Conversion of the Iews, as well as Gentiles; which is most elegantly describ'd by this Lofty and Poetick Prophet. And the 20th Verse plainly shews, that whatever is said in this Chapter is to be understood not of the First Call of the Iews which is past, but of the Second which is to come: For the Words are these, Thy Sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy Moon withdraw it self: Where is promised the perpetual Grace and Favour of God to this People without any Interruption; but who sees not that this is not yet fulfill [...]d, and therefore is not yet past? The Sun and Moon have gone down upon the Iewish Nation; though the Light shone upon them with great vigour after our Saviour's Coming, and many were converted to Christianity; yet since that time there hath been a miserable Defection, and they have for many hundreds of Years been rejected, and have remained in Darkness, and have been deprived of the Divine Favour. But though the sun and Moon have withdrawn themselves since the first Conversion; yet there is a Time coming when they shall no more go down, for (as it follows) the Lord shall be their everlasting Light, and the Days of their Mourning shall be ended. Therefore this Place of Scripture is meant of the future State and Restauration of this People. In my Apprehension this is a a very remarkable Text to prove it.
And those Words of the Prophet Hosea, Ch. 3. v. 4, 5. may well be thought to refer to this Last Calling of the Iews: The Children of Israel shall abide many days without a King, and without a [...]rince, and without a Sacrifice, and without an Image, and without an [...]phod, and without Teraphim. Afterward shall the Children of Isra [...]l return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their [Page 700] King, and shall fear the Lord and his Goodness in the latter days. We see the former part of the Words verified: Nothing is more evident than that this People have been many days, and are are at this very time, without a King, &c. they are destitute of a Head and Governor, they are debarr'd the Use of Sacrifices which were the main part of their Religion: But yet they do not erect Images, and fall into Idolatry, as they were wont to do. This is the present State of this People, which this Text speaks of, viz. that they have neither the Mosaick nor Heathenish Worship, however the hearts of some of them may be inclined to this latter: But I do not judge them. And as for the latter part of the Words, they shall be verified in due time; the Children of Israel shall return (i. e. shall be converted unto the Lord, as the Chaldee Paraphrast, of Ionathan renders it) and seek the Lord by Repentance and Faith, and David their King, i. e. the Messias (as is acknowledg'd) by that Chaldee Paraphrast, and several of the Iewish Doctors on this Place) because the Messias was of the Stock of David, and because Christ was typified by him; whence he is often called David in the * Holy Scriptures. This fiducial and penitential seeking the Lord, and owning the Messias, shall be accomplished under his Thousand years Reign, which is here call'd the latter days, and in other Places signally the last Days, before the End of the World. And it is impossible it should be meant otherwise, because it is to follow this time of the Jews Exile in which they are at this day, as we heard confess'd before by one of their Chiefest Rabbies. But I found what I say not only on the Concession of this Great Man among them, but upon the Words themselves [Page 701] of the Prophecy, which tells us, that the Israelites shall be without a King or Prince, many days, which in the Stile of Scripture, especially in the Prophetick Writings, usually signifies a very great number of Years, as in Isai. 24. 22. 32. 10. Ier. 3. 7. Ezek. 12. 27. 38. 8. Dan. 8. 26. 10. 14. so that the time of their Captivity in Babylon, whence they return'd as soon as 70 years were expired, is not here intended, but some much longer space of time.
And indeed it could not be the time of their being Captive there, because that did not immediately precede the latter Days, by which in Scripture are frequently denoted the Times of the Messias, the last Age of the World; and the Hebrew Writers and Commentators themselves freely grant this. Here it is said they shall abide many Days without a King, &c. and afterwards, i. e. in the latter Days (as it is explain'd) they shall return, and seek the Lord their God, and the Messias: Which clearly argues, that the time of acknowledging the Messias shall presently succeed after those many days wherein they have abode without a King, &c. This could not be any part of the time between their Return from the Babylonian Captivity, and Christ's Coming in the Flesh, for then they were not without a King, Prince, or Ruler, &c. therefore it must be since, and the Time commenced when Shilo [...] the Saviour came, for then the Sceptre departed from ludah, then the Iews were left without King or Prince. After this particular Period of Time is ended, the Messias's Kingdom shall be erected in a more illustrious manner than ever, and then the Children of Israel shall return, and seek the Lord, and shall have a King again; they shall embrace that Messias whom their Ancestors crucified, and they shall fear the Lord and his Goodness; they shall, with Reverence and Admiration, acknowledge the exceeding Favour and Grace [Page 702] of God to them. This I apprehend to be the genuine Import of this Prophecy, and I leave it to the Reader to judge whether it be not a Proof of the Grand Point now in hand.
I might mention Amos 9. 14, 15. with some of the preceding Verses, which questionless are to be understood of this Kingdom of the Messias which is yet to come. The Close of the Prophecy plainly shews that it is meant of this; for 'tis said, they shall no more be pulled up out of their Land which I have given them. They have been pull'd up out of that Land; that we are certain of, and they are not yet return'd to it: But when God shall bring them again to that Place, they shall no more be pull'd up: they shall remain there 'till the End of the World.
I will add that famous Prediction of the Prophet Zachariab, Ch. 12. v. 10, &c. I will pour upon the House of David, and upon the Inhabitants of Terusalem, the Spirit of Grace, and of Supplications; and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn, &c. That this Chapter is spoken of the Tews, is agreed upon by all; and that this Portion of it is more especially so, appears from that first thing which is said of them; viz. that they shall look upon him whom they have pierced; for it refers to the piercing of our Saviour's side with a Spear, John 19. 37. where, upon this Action, this Scripture is said to be fulfill'd. Upon this Account, their looking upon Christ, and mourning for him, cannot be meant of what they did presently after their return from the Captivity in Babylon (of which some imagine most of the Prophets speak) for Christ was not then come, and therefore they could not pierce him: And besides, this Zechary prophesied after the Captivity and the Restauration of the Iews, and consequently could not speak of these as future things, as here, they shall look, they shall mourn. Nor can this Prophecy be understood (as some conceive) [Page 703] of the Conversion of the Iews in the Apostles Times, when several of them imbrac'd the Christian Faith, and particularly in one day there were added to the Church about three thousand Souls, Acts. 241. some of whom had been Crucifiers of our Saviour, v. 36. for this is far different from a National Mourning and Repentance, which are here foretold. Not only Ierusalem, but the Land shall mourn, v. 12. the whole People of the Jews. Neither is this Prophecy to be interpreted concerning the Day of Judgement, as several Expositors have thought, telling us that then there shall be a General Mourning and Lamenting for the Crucifying of Christ, when they shall look on him whom they have pierced. But this Exposition cannot be admitted, because these Words speak of the true and hearty Repentance and Conversion of the Iews, which no considerate Man can expect shall be at the Last Day. If they have not the Spirit of Grace and Supplications poured on them before, it is too late then to have it. Nor can the Iewish Families mourn apart at that time, as is related here. Therefore I conclude, seeing none of the foresaid Interpretations are well grounded, that the Words are to be understood of the Days of the Millennary Reign, when there shall be a National and Universal Call of the Jews: The whole Land, i. e. all the People shall mourn, and every Family apart, to shew the Sincerity of the Mourning. The Spirit of Grace and Supplication shall be bestow'd on these True Penitents; they shall be effectually moved by the former to hate their past Enormities, and by the latter to beg Pardon for them. They shall in a sincere and saving manner bewail the execrable Wickedness of their Forefathers who put the Blessed Iesus to Death, and as cordially grieve that they themselves cruci [...]ied him by their Sins. This is looking on him whom they pierced. Thus, on all Accounts, this Prophetick Passage is to be interpreted [Page 704] concerning that Last Conversion of the Jews, which is one main Ingredient of the Messias's Kingdom toward the World's End, when the whole Body of that People, disperesed over the several parts of the Earth, shall be brought home to the Flock of Christ. Thus it is apparent that this is one of the most considerable Texts in the Old Testament to this purpose.
I will now pass to the New Testament, which chiefly recounts the wonderful Grace of God in the Conversion of Persons to Christianity in the Times of our Saviour and his Apostles, and therefore speaks but little of this future Call of the Iews; but two or three Places are very Remarkable, which I will Produce. The first is that of Luke 2. 30, 31, &c. where we read that Aged Simeon took the Child Iesus up in his Arms, and blessed God that his Eyes had seen his Salvation, viz. the Saviour whom God had sent into the World, whom he had prepared before the Face of all People; i. e. whom he had from Eternity decreed and appointed to make known in due time to all the Nations and People of the World: And because Gentiles and Iews are a dichotomy of all the People of the World, this Great Blessing is more particularly and distinctly expressed thus, that he shall be a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory of his People Israel. Where we are assured that the Gentiles shall first share in this Blessing of the Messias, and then the Iews, which manifestly shews that this latter is to be understood of the General Conversion of the Iews; for in our Saviour's Time the Iews were first call'd, and then the Gentiles. It shall be otherwise afterwards; the way of Salvation and Happiness shall first be discovered to the Gentiles, and then to the Iews. But observe how differently this is express'd; it is said Christ shall enlighten the former, but he shall be the Glory of the latter. It is a very [Page 705] high Word, and lets us know how great, how renown'd, how glorious the State of the Jews shall be hereafter: For this must necessarily be meant of their future Condition, because they have never since these Words were spoken been a Glorious People; yea, they have been above Sixteen hundred years an inglorious, base, despised People. Therefore there remains a Time when these Words of Simeon shall be fulfill'd, viz. when the Gentiles are converted to the Faith, then Christ shall be the Glory of his People Israel. And it is probable that this is meant by those Words that follow, Behold, this Child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel, that is, the Jewish People shall be rejected, but they shall afterwards be recovered and restored. We have seen the first part of this Prophecy accomplished, and at this very day the Truth of it is manifest; the Jews are fallen, they are cast off, and cease to be a Church or Nation. The second part of the Prophecy is yet to come, when this People shall rise again, and be receiv'd to Mercy and Favour.
The next Text is that which I had occasion to mention partly before, but now I will set it down in full, Luke 21. 24. where our Saviour, after he had been discoursing of the several Fore-runners of those Judgments which were to befal the Iews, foretels that there shall be great distress in the Land, and wrath upon this People, and they shall fall by the Edge of the Sword, and shall be led away Captive into all Nations, and Ierusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the time of the [...]entiles be fulfilled. We are abundantly assured that at the Destruction of Ierusalem by the Romans, the Land of ludaea was in great distress, and wrath was upon that People, and they fell by the Edge of the Sword: And those that remain'd were led Captive into all Nations, and dispers'd over the whole World. But this Captivity and Dispersion, this treading [Page 706] down of Ierusalem by the Gentiles, shall not last always, but only until the time of the Gentiles be fulfill'd, i. e. (as I explain'd it before) till the time of the full Conversion of the Gentile World. So that it is plain from these Words, that the Jewish Nation is to be restored, and that their present Captivity and Banishment shall have an End. There shall be a time when the Iews shall not be any more trodden down of the Gentiles; and this shall be when the Times of these latter are fully accomplished, and run out, i e. when the particular time arrives in which they shall be call'd into the Christian Church, of which I spoke before.
The next Passage to this purpose which I will take notice of, is in 2 Cor. 3. 14, &c. where the Apostle speaking of the Children of Israel, saith, that their minds were blinded, God was pleased not to give them that Light and Knowledge which are common under the Gospel: Their dark Understandings were agreeable to their obscure Administrations, which consisted chiefly of Types and Shadows. Yea, even unto this day, saith he, the Veil (i. e. of Ignorance and Blindness) is untaken away, and is still upon their heart. Nevertheless when it (i. e. Israel, say some; but this is not probable, because though there is mention made before of the Children of Israel, yet not of Israel barely. It is more reasonable to believe that it refers to their heart immediately before-mention'd. When this) shall turn to the Lord, when the Jewish Nation shall be heartily converted, and embrace the Gospel, and the Blessed Author of it, then the Veil shall be taken away, this Ignorance shall be removed, and they shall attain to a compleat Insight of the Imperfection of that Law which they before adhered to, and of the Excellency of the Christian Institution, and the Founder of it. This Veil, whenever it is removed, is done away in Christ, and him only, i. e. by [Page 707] believing in him, and by renouncing their former Infidelity. It is evident that the Apostle speaks of a Time when this shall be, therefore it was not then past when he wrote this Epistle: Though I grant it was partly accomplish'd at that time, because several Iews had received the Christian Faith: And I grant that it was further verified afterwards, when others of that Nation renounced Iudaism, and believed in Iesus. But yet still the Apostles Words, which are a Solemn Prediction, are not compleatly fulfill'd; for you may take notice that he speaks of the Iews in General, and as they are a Body, calling them the Children of Israel, which is always understood in this manner.
And I could observe that the way of speaking here used intimates as much: It, i. e. their heart (in the singular number) shall turn to the Lord; which implies that this Conversion shall be with a General Consent; they shall All turn to the Lord as if they were one Person; they shall do it (as it is in Scripture express'd) with one heart and with one soul; the whole Jewish People shall unanimously repent and believe. The Reader may chuse whether he will attend to this Criticism or no; for I pretend not to prove the Universality of the Jews future Conversion from this Mode of speaking. I know this way of arguing is not convincing, because we do not know but that this may be meerly an En [...]llage of Number: But then, on the other hand, we are not certain but that the Holy Ghost intended something remarkable and peculiar in this manner of Expression, and therefore I could not but offer it to your Consideration. To conclude, the Text assures us that there is a certain determin'd Time when the Children of Israel shall turn unto the Lord, and then the Veil shall be wholly taken away, as it hath been in part already. This is to be fully brought to pass at the Time when the whole [Page 708] Community of them shall own the Messias, and become Subjects of his Kingdom here on Earth.
The other place which I will propound is the Eleventh Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, a most Eminent and Illustrious Proof of the Matter before us. There the Apostle speaking of the Rejection of the Iews, and the Calling of the Gentiles, expresly asserts in the 12. v. the Fulness of the former, (as well as of the latter afterwards in the 25. v.) as much as to say, there shall be a time when the Full Conversion of the whole Body of the Iews (no less than of the Gentiles) shall come to pass. This he Appositely calls Life from the Dead, v. 15. because it is so wonderful, and withal so wellcome a thing. And the Expression is the more Observable, because the * Prophets of the Old Testament express the Restauration and Conversion of the Iews by the same manner of speaking, viz. by Living again, or by Rising from the Dead. And this gives light to Rev. 20. 5. where (as I have shew'd you) the Glorious Reign of Christ with his Saints is call'd the first Resurrection. It is as it were a Living again after Death; and particularly, the Restoring and Calling of the Iews (which is so considerable a part of that Reign) is signalized by these very terms, even by the Inspired Prophets of God in the Old Testament, and by St. Paul in the New. Now then I argue thus from what the Apostle here saith, if there shall be a Fulness of the Iews, their Conversion shall be Compleat and Entire, the numbers of those that are call'd shall be Consummated. I ask now whether this is past, or whether it is to come? It is past, say some, for the Fulness which the Apostle speaks of here happen'd in the first times of the Gospel, when both Gentiles and [Page 709] Iews were Converted by the Preaching of our Saviour and his Apostles. A great many Jews turned to the Lord, and Believed, and became Christians just about the time of the Romans besieging Ierusalem; and soon after the Destruction of that City many were convinced of the Truth of Christ's Prophecies, and owned Christianity. But can any impartial Man perswade himself that all this amounts to the Fulness of the Iews which the Apostle here speaks of? No; the Apostle himself calls it but a Remnant, v. 5. and he makes a plain distinction betwixt this Remnant and the General Calling of the Jews, which he saith is their Fulness: And therefore if we will allow St. Paul to speak Properly and Significantly, we must not mistake one for the other: We may, and ought to grant that very many Jews were called to the Faith in Christ, but we cannot with any shadow of Truth assert that there was a Full and General Calling of that People. Therefore I conclude that this Calling is not past, but is yet to come, which is the thing I design'd.
So I might briefly argue in the same manner from that other Passage of the Apostle in this Chapter, v. 26. where he sets down the result of that Mystery which he had mentioned before about the Casting off of the Iews, till the Conversion of the Gentiles be full. This, saith he, shall at last be the Issue of it, all Israel shall be saved: As soon as the Gentiles are Converted, the Iews shall follow their Example, and repent, and believe in Christ, and receive the Pardon of their Sins; so all Israel, i. e. the Iewish Nation, shall be saved. I know there are some (as Theodoret of Old, and Mr. Calvin among the Moderns) who Interpret the place more generally: They think that All Israel comprehends not only Iews but Gentiles, all true and faithful Members of the Christian Church that shall be gathered from among them [Page 710] both. There shall be in due time a Great and Famous Conversion of all the Pagan parts of the World to Christianity, and this shall soon be follow'd with as Notable and Signal Conversion of those that are Natural Iews, in what parts of the World soever they are. If we should understand the Words thus, they sufficiently assert the Point which I am proving, but the Scope of the Apostle in this place directs us to a stricter meaning of his Words: And so by all Israel here we are to understand, that People which peculiarly have that Name, viz. those that were of the Stock of the Patriarch Israel.
That the Apostle speaks of the Salvation of these particularly, I will prove from what goes before, and what follows these Words. First, you may observe how the word Israel is understood in this Chapter: It cannot be denied that in the 2d. and 7th. Verses it signifies the Body of the Iewish Nation; and so it doth in the Verse just foregoing this. Blindness in part is happen'd to Israel, saith the Apostle, i. e. to the Natural Iews whom he had been speaking of all along: and he tells us, that this Blindness or Hardness (as it may also be render'd according to the Greek) which happen'd to them for a certain time shall be removed as soon as the whole Body of the Gentiles imbrace Christianity, as soon as their fulness is come in; then this very Israel also shall do the same, and so all Israel shall be saved. There is no Considerate Man can seriously refuse this meaning of the Word, for it is manifest that it is not meant here of all the Faithful, but is to be taken in a restrained sense, viz. for that particular People of the Iews who shall hereafter believe; for the Apostle expresly opposes them to the Gentiles. Again, this acception of the Word may be proved from what immediately follows in this Verse, As it is written, there shall come out of Sion [Page 711] the Deliverer, and shall turn away Vngodliness from Jacob. This Prophecy, as appears from the place whence it is taken ( Isai. 59. 20.) doth primarily and directly refer to that peculiar People. We may gather from the preceeding part of the Chapter, and from those terms Sion and Iacob, in the Verse it self, both which signifie here the Iewish People, that this Text speaks of them, and consequently that Israel in the preceeding words is meant of the same People; otherwise the alledging of this Prophecy out of the Old Testament would be impertinent. I think there needs no more to be said to prove what I undertook, viz. that this Text of the Apostle foretells the General Conversion of the Iews. And of this (and nothing but this) many of the Ancient * Fathers and † Others understood the Words.
Now then, if all Israel shall be saved, I demand when this was fulfilled? It could not be in the Primitive Times, for though many Thousands of Natural Jews were then Converted to Christianity, and so were saved, yet far greater numbers persisted in their Judaism, and believed not in the Crucified Iesus, therefore all were not saved. And we hear but of few since that have renounced their Infidelity and received the Gospel. Wherefore there shall be a time hereafter when the Apostle's Words shall be accomplish'd, viz. towards the latter end of the World. For though it is not here expresly said, that it shall be at such a time, yet both this and other places of Scripture speak of it as a Future Event of great Concern: And then by rational Deductions and Inferences, and by comparing of things together (which hath been part of my task) we find when this time [Page 712] shall be, viz. at that happy Revelation towards the close of the World.
And it is observable that the Apostle calls this Conversion a Mystery, v. 25. which he would not have done if it were meant of the Iews that were in those Primitive Days Converted, for that was no Mystery, but apparent and known to all: But it was a great Secret or Mystery, that the whole Body of the Jews should continue in Unbelief and Impenitence till the fulness of the Gentiles be come in, and that then they should all be Converted and Saved. This was a Mystery, he tells them, at that time, but he was pleased to reveal it to them; whence it is evident that he speaks of a Future Conversion.
After all that hath been said, there is yet farther Evidence from the 27th. Verse of this Chapter, which is part of the Prophecy produced from Isa. 59. This is my Covenant unto them, or with them; which without doubt refers to Gen. 17. 7. I will Establish my Covenant betwixt me and thee, and thy Seed after thee, in their Generations, for an Everlasting Covenant; to be a God unto thee, and thy Seed after thee. The Iewish Race, for the sake of their Faithful Progenitors, shall partake at length of Mercy and Favour, for the Covenant is made with Abraham's Seed after him, in their Generations, and it cannot be null'd (though there may be for a time an interruption of the actual exerting of it) it is an Everlasting Covenant. Again, in the 28. Verse of this Chapter, the Apostle lets us know, that not only on this account, but by the tenour of the Divine Election, (whether you take it for the Eternal Decree of Heaven, or only God's singular favour in chosing this People in time out of all others) they shall find Mercy at last▪ As touching the Election, saith he, they are beloved, and that for the Fathers sake, i. e. the sake of Abraham and the other Godly Patriarchs from whom the Jews descended: And this Love and [Page 713] the effect of it, which shall be seen in their being Called, are not to be frustrated, For (as the Apostle adds) the Gifts and Calling of God are without Repentance, v. 29. God having made choice of this People, they cannot totally be Rejected. Though many of them were fallen, and many more afterwards should continue in their Unbelief, yet God hath not, and will not cast off his People whom he foreknew, and whom he Elected: They shall not finally Perish, but be gathered to the Church; for the Gifts and Callings, &c. Such special Favours as these are Unchangable; being once Promised they can't be Revoked. The Apostle founds the Vniversal Recalling of the Iews upon this, that God hath chosen them, according to what we read in Deut. 7. 6, 7, 8. As there was a Remnant (a small number of Jews) according to the Election of Grace (as we find in this Chapter, v. 5.) who at that present time, when the Apostle writ, rejected not the Gospel, but were effectually Call'd and Converted; so likewise hereafter there shall be a vast number of this People, who by vertue of the same Election shall turn unto God; and besides he will not fail to perform the Promise made to their Ancestors, he will not forget his Covenant made with them. The Jews were once the Beloved People of God, and their Posterity shall be beloved for the Fathers sake; which is agreeable to the Faithfulness as well as the infinite and unmeasurable Goodness of God. Thus you see how the Great Apos [...]le argues, viz. from the Election, and from the Covenant, and from the Love of God, and from his Vnchangeableness. All these are concern'd for the restoring of that People, and therefore there is no question of the Truth of it. Though they are laid aside for the present, yet they shall be taken into Favour again, and be of the number of those that are Saved▪ This very thing which the Apostle [Page 714] here asserts was the Ancient Notion of the Iews, who had this Common Saying (though they did not so well understand it) Every Israelite shall have his part in the World to come; which is the same that the Apostle here affirms, All Israel shall be saved, there shall be a General Conversion of that People.
Lastly, to insist upon no other Proofs, I will only add Rev. 7. 4, &c. which gives an account of the number of them that were Sealed, of all the Tribes of the Children of Israel, which I conceive is to be understood of the numerous Company of Iews that shall be Converted in the Latter Days. It is true, Expositors generally interpret the Words otherwise, and fix this Sealing long before this time: Particularly Dr. Hammond thinks this is spoken of the Conversion of the Jews about the time of the Destruction of Ierusalem. But if it be considered that the Subject of this Chapter is under the Sixth Seal (as is evident from comparing the 12. v. of the 6th. Chapter with 1: v. of the 8th. Chapter) and belongs to the close of it, we must be forced to acknowledge that these Words appertain to the Last Times, in which the Signal Conversion shall happen, which is fitly represented by the Sealing of so many Thousands of every Tribe of Israel. Besides, I can't find any time when this hath been already fulfill'd, i. e. when there was such a vast number of Iews Converted together, and therefore this Time is yet to come, and accordingly I am perswaded that this place of the Revelation foretells this Notable Event, and (As I apprehend) refers to Zech. 12. 12, &c. of which I have largely treated before.
From all thse places of Scripture laid together I conclude that there shall be at length a Visible, National and General Conversion of the Iewish People, and that they being joyned to the Converted Gentiles shall make up One Church of Christ. I confess I have [Page 715] heretofore thought the contrary, being strongly enclin'd to believe that those Texts of Scripture had no determinate reference to this affair. But I have since throughly examined them, and more exactly scann'd them, and penetrated into the sence of them; insomuch that I am now perswaded, that a Future Conversion of the Jews in spoken of in them all, or most of them. Particularly, in my Judgment, the Eelventh Chapter to the Romans is a very clear and convincing Evidence of this great change of their Condition, which as it shall be Amazing, so it shall be matter of exceeding Rejoycing and Exultation, and therefore is deservedly call'd (as you have heard) Life from the Dead.
If it be asked, How this General Conversion of the Iews shall be effected, I conceive the first Occasion of it will be this, They will take notice of the Wonderful and Avenging Hand of God upon the Idolaters of Rome, who have so long a time prospered: They will observe the sudden downfall of that Wicked Assembly of Men, who have boasted of their being founded on a Rock, and that they should never be removed. When the Iews shall see how remarkably God hath Defeated and Confounded these Men, it will have a very good effect upon them, and cause them to reflect on their own Stubbornness and Insidelity, and to fear lest the Divine Vengeance may overtake them. And when the Idolatrous Worship of the Papists is removed, which was always so great an Offence to the Iews, and was one main reason why they spoke and thought ill of the Christian Religion, they will then be encouraged to approach nearer to it, to be more familiar with it, and to discern the innate Goodness and Excellency of it, which was before so much clouded with Ceremonies, and corrupted with Superstitious Practices.
[Page 716] And w [...] must suppose likewise, that at that time Christians will lay aside all their former Prejudices against the Iewish Nation. It hath been a Vulgar Opinion that the Iews Stink naturally, and that the whole stock of them have an unsavory Smell. And generally Christians have acted towards that People as if this were really true: They avoid their Society, and keep at a distance from them, as if some unwholsome and fetid Vapours issued from them: They have treated them with Scorn and Contempt, with Contumely and Reproach; which may be more eminently observed in Buxtorf's Synagogue, where he most rudely handles them, grossly and sometimes almost prophanely deriding them and their Services, calling them Beasts, Swine, Mad Dogs and Devils; which certainly is not the way to do any good upon them, which yet that Learned Man pretends to in that Book. But when those happy Days shall shine which I am speaking of, the former Antipathy of Christians against the Race of the Iews shall vanish away, and they shall unfeignedly endeavour to promote the wellfare of their Immortal Souls, which by the Divine Blessing on their Endeavours will end in their Effectual Conversion. It was the Opinion of Tertullian, Chrysostom, Theodoret, and several other Fathers, (in which they are follow'd by the Doctors of the Roman Church, that the Calling of the Jews before Christs Coming to Judgment shall be chiefly Effected by the Preaching of Enoch and Elias. So far we may allow it to be true, that such Holy and Zealous Men as they were shall be the Instruments of this Great Work; and you may be certain it will easily be brought to Perfection, when such Persons are raised up by God to act in it.
And with Pathetick Instructions, Invitations, Admonitions and Convictions shall be joyned most [Page 717] Ardent Prayers; for at such a time the Christian Church will be stired up to pity the forlorn state of this miserable People, and to solicit Heaven with importunate Addresses in their behalf. The Devout Mr. * Herbert may be a Pattern in this particular, who when he had express'd his sense of there Condition, in these (and the like) Words,
Compassionately adds,
Moreover, the wonderful Conversion of the Gentiles, (which shall be a forerunner of that of the Iews) shall be another cause of the coming in of these latter, and of their accepting the Gospel. This is suggested to us by our Apostle, v. 11. of the 14. to the Romans, Salvation shall come (for so we may read it, because there is no Verb in the † Original to determine the time) to the Gentiles, to provoke them (i. e. the Jews) to jealousie. And this is yet more clear from 25, and 26. v. of the Eleventh Chapter before insisted upon, which not only assert the General Calling of the Iews, but that it shall be after the Fulness of the Gentiles, i. e. when the Gentiles are Converted. Blindness in part ( i. e. for a certain time) [Page 718] is happen'd to Israel, untill the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And when this is come in, then the Jews shall no longer be blinded. I take this to be a clear Text for the Priority of the Gentiles Conversion before that of the Iews, though I find it opposed by several, and particularly by our Learned Hammond (who attempts to distort the Words) and by the Author of The State of the Church in Future Ages, Chap. 6. where he contends that the Apostles Words are to be understood in a qualifi'd sense, and that is this, Blindness in part is befallen Israel, for so long as until the time come in which the Gentiles shall come in, in their fullness, that is they shall come in then more generally than ever before. But whatever this dark Gloss drives at, this is a plain, obvious and intelligible Truth, that though there was a great and notable Conversion both of Gentiles and Jews in the Apostle's time, yet that could not be meant here, because the Apostle speaks of something to come in Future Ages, viz. a Compleat and Vniversal Conversion of those two: And as to the Order of them he lets us know that the Gentiles shall be first Converted, and then the Iews, for (saith he) the Blindness and Hardness of these latter shall not be taken away until the fulness of the other comes in, i. e. until the full number of Gentiles be come into the Church of God, by a hearty imbracing and professing of Christianity. Can any thing be plainer than this? Could the Apostle have used any clearer Words to express this matter, viz. That the Conversion of the great Multitude of the Heathen World will preceed that of the Jews, that it will be a means to remove their Blindness and Hardness, and to cause them to own the Christian Faith. Wherefore I can't submit to this Authors qualifi'd sence, and that for a Reason which himself assigns in [Page 719] another * Place, To force an unusual Signification upon a Word, where the Scope of the Place, and Nature of the Matter where it is used, does not necessarily require it, hath little Authority in it to procure assent. But this Sence which I offer, is further evident from what the Apostle adds in the forenamed Place, So all Israel shall be saved. The [...], so, is very Emphatical and Remarkable here; for it acquaints us, that the General Conversion of Salvation of the Iews shall be such, shall be so, that it shall be the Effect and Consequence of the Gentiles foregoing Conversion. SO they shall be Converted, in this Manner they shall be Saved, and no otherwise. The Jews shall behold that strange Revolution, and sudden Change, in the Pagan World, and thence be stirr'd up to make an Alteration among themselves. A holy Emulation shall possess their Minds, which shall push them on to this great Work. So, i. e. in this Manner and Method all Israel shall be Saved, the whole Body of the Jews shall be received into the Church.
Perhaps this Universal Call may be promoted by some extraordinary Appearance, or Spectacle in the Heavens. Some would infer from that Place beforecited, They shall look on him whom they have pierced, that our Saviour will come, and be seen at that Grand Change of Affairs; but from what I have said already on that Passage, it is manifest that it is not capable of the Sence. As for Rev. 1. 7. Behold, he cometh with Clouds, and every Eye shall see him, and even they which pierced him; and all Kindreds of the Earth shall wail because of him; which is thought by some to be a parallel Place with that which I last named, because there is some likeness in the Words in both Places; I rather think it is spoken of the Last [Page 720] Day, the Day of Judgment, when they shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven, Matth. 24. 30. which is generally acknowledged to the meant of Doomsday. Then all impenitent Sinners, and more especially they that pierced and crucified Christ, and died in their Sins, shall see him to their unspeakable Sorrow.
But those Words (if any) in Dan. 7. 13. may seem to be some proof of Christ's Appearing himself in the Clouds, when his Kingdom on Earth is to be set up anew. One like the Son of Man came in the Clouds of Heaven; and there was given him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom, &c. for I have shew'd before that these Words are a Prediction of the Millennium. Though I cannot be positive here; (for it may be this coming in the Clouds of Heaven, may only refer to the Manner of the Vision which Daniel had; I saw in the Night Visions, saith he, one like the Son of Man, who appeared as if he came in the Clouds) yet, I must needs say, I am rather enclined to think that this Place speaks of a visible Appearance of our Saviour at the Entrance of the Millennary Reign, especially in order to the rouzing and alarming of the Hardned Iews, who will be looking after Signs from Heaven: And therefore at such a time it is likely Christ may appear in the Skies with an amazing Splendor and Glory to these gazing Spectators. I conceive he may Personally Appear above, though he will not Reign Personally on Earth. After he hath shew'd himself, he soon retreats, and remains in Heaven till the Last and Final Day. Mr. Mede, who once thought that our Saviour would make a visible Appearance in the Clouds, in order to the Jews Conversion, afterwards retracted this Opinion; (as may be seen in one of his Letters) because there is no good Foundation for it, viz. in Mat 24. 30. which he had formerly quoted [Page 721] for that purpose. But whether there is any Foundation for such an Apprehension in that Place of Daniel, I leave to the Reader to judge: I only offer'd it as probable, but am perswaded that no Man can Absolutely determine any Thing in this Case, and therefore he is very presumptuous that attempts it.
Chap. XXI.
Universal Righteousness is another Attendant of this Last Dispensation. An Objection doubly answered. It is not a Sinless State. Greater Knowledge than ever shall be at that Time. Religion shall then appear in its Native Purity. The Influence of the Holy Spirit on Mens Lives, shall be more effectual than formerly. Jesus shall in a more eminent Manner be exalted. Other Fruits of this happy Reign. How these great Things shall be wrought. Civil Magistrates shall be made use of. Christ's Reign is not inconsistent with that of Kings and Princes. Ecclesiastical and Spiritual Rulers shall be Instruments in this great Work. All Persons are some Ways capable of promoting it. Universal Peace is another Blessing that attends this Kingdom of Christ. On what account it must needs be so. Scripture attests it. An Objection obviated. A Concurrence of all manner of Temporal Blessings in this happy State. More especially Bodily Health, and Long Life. Also a vast Increase of the Poeple of that Time. The Savage Brates shall become Tame and Gentle. These Earthly Blessings are but Appendages of this Dispensation. They are Inconsiderable, in respect of the Divine Blessings which constitute this State. The Author's Doubtings and Reluctancies. He is not positive as to Particular Circumstances. He cannot determine concerning the Fore-runners of this Revolution. The Freedom which he uses in a Point that is highly Probable. He follows not some late Writers in assigning the particular Time when the Millennary Reign shall commence. The punctual Date is not to be known. The Thing discoursed of is certain, though the Time as to us is not so. The Degeneracy of the present Times is no obstacle to this. The Author leaves a Testimony of his Wishes and Desires.
[Page 722] HAving spoken of Three of the Grand Concomitants of the Reign of Christ, I proceed now to the Fourth, which is Vniversal Righteousness and Holiness. You might have observed, that in some of those Places of Scripture, which I alledged to evince the Future calling of the Jews and Gentiles; and you may observe in several. others besides, which speak of this happy Revolution, and the consummation of the Messias's Kingdom, that there is some mention all along made of the Holiness which shall abound in that Time. This is reckon'd among the Blessings of Christ's Kingdom in several Places of the Prophetick Writings: Thy People shall be all Righteous, Isa. 60. 21. I will sprinkle clean Water upon you, and ye [Page 723] shall be clean, Ezek. 36. 25. I will save you from your Uncleanness, ver. 29. which is the same with cleansing them from their Iniquities, ver. 33. They shall not defile themselves any more with their detestable Things, or any of their Transgressions, Ezek. 37. 23. In those Days HOLINESS TO THE LORD must be engraved on the Bells of the Horses, Zech. 14. 20. There shall be such a Catholick Reformation, that every Thing, even the meanest and commonest, shall share in it. We find it to be the Office of the Messias to bring in everlasting Righteousness, Dan. 9. 24. not only that of his Own, whereby we are to be justified; but an Inherent one in our selves, (though produced by the Holy Spirit) whereby we are sanctified.
If it be said that this, and some of the other Texts, refer to those Times which are past, viz. when Christ came in the Flesh, or when the Apostles made so many Converts to our Holy Religion, or even to the present Times of the Gospel; and therefore they have no respect to what is to come. I answer, That the Consequence is not valid; for though these Prophecies were partly and initially fulfilled before, yet it doth not follow thence, that they shall not be Completely fulfilled hereafter. I grant that they are in part come to pass, for there never was more Holiness than since the Rise of the Gospel; but I assert withal, that the Full Accomplishment is yet behind, for there shall be a larger Effusion of Holiness in the ensuing Dispensation.
Or the former Answer, which I gave in the like Case, may be Satisfactory here; viz. that this kind of Prophetick Passages have a Double Meaning, and therefore, must have a Double Accomplishment. Many of these Predictions which foretold what should be at Christ's first setting up the Kingdom of the Gospel, do also foretel what [Page 724] shall happen at his Coming in the Millennium. This is a safe way of interpreting those Place, and giving an Account of those Prophecies; yea, this solves the Difficulties which occur in this Controversy. This is no groundless Notion, but built upon the Interpretation of Scripture, dictated by the Holy Ghost himself, as I have proved in another Discourse; where I have shew'd, that this is the peculiar Excellency of the Sacred Writings, to have a First, and a Second, or (if you will) a Direct and a Collateral Meaning, which we find in no other Books whatsoever that are Historical. This is applicable here; those Passages in the Prophets concerning an extraordinary Measure of Sanctity and Righteousness, are to be understood not only of the Primitive Times of Christianity, but more especially of those that shall be towards the latter end of the World, viz. in the Blessed Reign of Christ. It is not to be doubted but that the Prophetick Words reach to these Two times, so that they are fulfilled twice. In the Sacred Writings not only different Persons and Things, but different Times and Seasons, are contain'd in the same Words.
And as this Holiness of the future State on Earth is foretold in the Holy Scriptures, so it naturally follows from what hath been said before: For when Babylon shall fall, and the Mystery of Iniquity with it, when those whose grand Design and Business it was to extirpate the Purity of Religion, shall themselves be rooted out, when both Iews and Gentiles shall universally abandon their evil Opinions and wicked Practices, and jointly set themselves to the Study of God's Will, and the observance of their Duty; you cannot but think there will follow upon this an Universal Sanctity in the World. I do not mean a Sinless State; for this is so like Heaven, that I can't be induced to think that [Page 725] we shall have it here on Earth. Those High-fliers, who represent the Millennary State as such, lash out too far; and remember not that our Heaven is not to be here. The binding of Satan, which is spoken of, is not such a Binding as if the Devils were all shut up, and none of them had the least Liberty to solicite and entice us to Sin. I observe, that it was the Chief of these Infernal Spirits that was bound by the Angel, Rev. 20. 1. which I gather from the several Names that are here given him; viz. the Dragon, that old Serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, which are heap'd up on purpose to distinguish this Arch-Daemon from the rest. This is that very Apostate Ghost, it is probable, who wrought the First Mischief in the World, the Fall of the First Man and Woman; by assuming the Shape of a Serpent, or rather, by entring into, and acting a Real Serpent; whence he is called here, the old Serpent. He being the Subtilest and most Malicious of all the Diabolical Crew, is bound, and cast into the bottomless Pit, and shut up, and a Seal is set upon him, that he should deceive the Nations no more. He, who was the Head and Ring-leader of the rest, and by whose order they generally acted, is secured; and thereupon their Power is extremely abated, though they are not chain'd up in the same manner that He is. It is not likely that they forget their old Employment, but they do what they can in it, though it be but little. They shall not be totally, absolutely, and fully bound, till the Last Day, and therefore they will not cease to tempt and deceive Men till that time; but they shall be Restrained in a very great Measure and Degree. However, if we suppose the whole Body of Evil Angels so confin'd, that they are utterly uncapable of Tempting; yet, as long as Men are on this side of Heaven, Corruptions will adhere to them. The Best will Sin to the Worlds end, because they [Page 726] are a Compound of Flesh and Spirit. Their Make and Frame being such, there can be no intire Freedom from Sin in this Life. But this high Degree of the Evangelical State shall set them at as great a Distance from it as they can be capable of, in this lower Region of the World.
For, First, in that happy Restauration, Men shall be Blessed with a greater Knowledge than ever, which is the Ground-work of true Holiness. The Inspired Prophets, who speak of those Days, assure us, That the Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord, as the Waters cover the Sea, Isa. 11. 9. And perhaps this is intended in Isa. 65. 20. The Child shall die an Hundred Years Old; i. e. all Persons shall grow up to maturity of Understanding, even before they have attain'd to any considerable Number of Years: The Children shall have such Knowledge, that if they die in their Childhood, they shall be as Knowing as some of those heretofore that were very Old, that lived an Hundred Years. This is the Privilege of those that are reserved for the New Heavens, and the New Earth, or the New-created Ierusalem, which the Prophet speaks of there, as we learn from ver. 17, 18.
There will be more Knowledge, because there will be a more General Commerce; according to that of Daniel, who prophesied concerning these Times, Many shall run to and fro, and Knowledge shall be increased, Dan. 12. 4. viz. by that free and peaceable Travelling, by Sea and Land, from one Part of the World to the other, which will be the uninterrupted Privilege of those Days. For I am not inclined to submit to that New Hypothesis, * That the Earth in the Millennium will be without a Sea. [Page 727] Which is founded on a wrong Bottom; for the supposes the [...] will be after the Con [...]agration, which [...]e imagines will burn up the Sea; or his Comet (which he fansies) will drink it up. For according to this Gentleman's New Philosophy, as a Comet procured the Universal Flood, so it will bring on the Final Conflagration; and so he makes the Drowning of the World, and the Burning of it up, to be from the same Cause. But leaving this Theorist to his own Inventions, I think we may rationally assert, that the E [...]rth shall not be destitute of Sea in the foresaid Thousand Years, because I shall prove afterwards, that the Firing of the Earth will not happen till after those Years be expired. And consequently we may be perswaded of the Truth of what I before suggested, that a Commerce by Sea, as well as by Land, shall be mightily increased and improved in that Millennary State.
In order to this, it is probable that there will be a Common Language for all the World, a kind of a Lingua Franca, (but much larger) that may be used by all; whereby all Nations will be enabled to hold correspondence with one another at the greatest Distance. Travelling is uneasy now, because we must have a Druggerman to interpret between us and the Foreigners we converse with; but then they will be incourag'd to visit one another, when the Conversation between them is become so easy. By this means the great Principles of Christianity will be soon propagated, and known in the World, especially when I add, that now Mens Minds shall be better disposed than ever to understand the Truth, and to entertain the Doctrine of Iesus. The true Notions of Things shall bear sway, and Men shall not take Pains to Cheat and Delude themselves, as well as others, as hath been their constant Course through all Ages.
[Page 728] Secondly, in this remarkable Renovation of the World which we expect, Religion, shall appear in its Native Purity and Simplicity, and Men shall see and understand the Real Worth of it. Indeed Religion, like the Sun, at its first Rising, made long Shadows; it abounded with Obscurities, and Dusky Representations; and Men were imployed chiefly in external Formalities and Ceremonies: But when it shall be in its Meridian, at its greatest Height, there will be none of these Things; but it shall be chosen for its own Sake, and loved for its intrinsick Value. Even at the first founding of Christianity itself, many imbraced it, because it was attested by such Extraordinary and Miraculous Occurrences as then every Day shew'd themselves; so that they were in a manner thrust upon Christianity, and they were compell'd as it were to receive it. But it shall not be so afterwards; it shall commend itself to the World, by its own Natural Excellency, by the Worthiness of its Noble Principles, which it is furnished with; and thence Men shall serve God Freely, and out of Choice, and the Christian Religion shall then appear more eminently to be a Reasonable Service. This must needs promote a more than usual Holiness in the Hearts and Lives of Men; for when Religion is esteem'd for its Self, and its inward Excellency, it will cease to be measured by mere Words, and outward Shews; by mere Opinion, or by Matters of an indifferent Nature. We live in an Age wherein Men talk and discourse much concerning Religion, and yet the Generality of them have less Religion than any Age ever had. Why? Because they place Religion in Words and Pretences, in some peculiar Sets of Opinions, and in a meer external Shew of some Performances that relate to Devotion. But in that happy Kingdom which we look for, Substantial Religion [Page 729] will take place, and the only Standard of it shall be True and Solid Piety.
Thirdly, A greater Measure of Grace shall be bestowed on the Christian Church, more of that Divine Spirit. Not in the Sense that some mean, that Extraordinary Gifs, and Supernatural Endowments, shall be confer'd, and that the Outward Teachings of Man shall cease, and become useless: But I mean thus; that the effectual Power of the Holy Spirit shall be seen in making Men better; which indeed is the grand Design and Office of the Holy Ghost, and therefore shall take Place in that happy Time. The most admired and glorious Gifts are mean and base, in respect of Real Goodness and Holiness; i. e. a hearty Love of God, and his Ways, and an upright Life resulting from it. Therefore we may infer, that by a more abundant Communication of the Spirit, these shall be advanced in the World. In the Golden Age of Christianity there shall be a mighty Power and Efficacy on Mens Minds, exciting them to worthy and noble Actions, causing them to be zealous for Religion, and to act with Vigour and Concernedness, and to overcome all Difficulties that lie in their way; and (in a Word) to design and bring to pass Great Things, for the Honour of the Supreme Being, and the Good of the World.
Fourthly, IESUS shall then in a more eminent Manner be exalted; his blessed Undertakings for our Redemption and Salvation, his Merits and Perfect Righteousness, shall be more than ever esteem'd, admir'd, and extoll'd. This shall be a more especial Time of magnifying and celebrating the meritorious Transactions of our Lord Christ for the Saving of Mankind. Which must needs produce a very high Degree of Holiness in Mens Lives; for there is not a more genuine Source of it, than the Consideration [Page 730] of what Christ hath done and suffer'd for us. There is not a more effectual Spring of True Obedience, nor a more powerful Motive to it, than the Free and Unmerited Love of God the Father, through his beloved Son Iesus. Wherefore now the Reformed World shall exercise itself more and more, in this true Way that leads to Purity and Holiness; viz. a perpetual valuing and prizing the Grace of God in the Gospel, through the Blood of the New Covenant. This hath not been sufficiently done hitherto; yea, it hath been shamefully neglected in all Ages of Christianity: Therefore now it shall be performed with great Zeal and Application, by all the Inhabitants of the New Ierusalem. Though their Works and Obedience shall exceed all that went before, yet they shall not presume to rely upon them. Though their Lives shall be more strict and blameless than ever, yet they shall entertain no Opinion of their own Worthiness, but confide wholly in the Spotless Obedience of the Lamb of God; and they shall attribute all to Iesus, and his Holy Spirit.
Lastly, to heap up many Things together, in those blessed Days there shall be no New Religion, but New Hearts; that is, more enlightned, more warmed, and more sanctified. There shall then be a continual Striving to excel one another in laudable and vertuous Actions. Religion and Piety shall be Fashionable, and Goodness and Holiness shall be esteemed most Honourable. All Perfidiousness and Fraud, all Lying and Falshood, shall cease; and Truth and Sincerity, Integrity and Open-heartedness, shall universally prevail. Swearing will then be of little Use, unless it be as a meer Act of Solemn Worship, and owning a God; for where there is no distrust of one another, where 'tis known that Persons deal Truly and Uprightly, Oaths are not needful to attest or confirm what they say. In [Page 731] those Days Men shall conciliate an assent to what they speak; they shall perswade others of the Truth of what they assert, or promise, by plain Words, and by an honest Life. Briefly, all-sinister and base Designs; all unworthy Aims, and vitious Ends, shall be laid aside; and the Glory of the Great God, and of his Son Iesus Christ, shall be the main Thing which shall influence upon their Lives.
If it be demanded, How this great Change shall be wrought? I answer; It shall be done by the powerful Aids and Assistances of Heaven, which shall be vouchsafed to Men in a very plentiful Manner. Hereby they shall be inabled, above their own Abilities and Strengths, to subdne their Lusts, to conquer their Vices, and in the most exact manner to conform their Lives to the Rules of the Gospel.
If you further ask, What outward instruments and Means God will make use of, to accomplish this Great Work? I conceive, it shall be effected by Active and Zealous Governors. For we cannot but take Notice, that Persons of that Character have been rai [...]'d up continually, in order to great Revolutions and Alterations in Church and State; as is evident in the Examples of Cyrus, Alexander the Great, Constanti [...] the Great, Charles the Great, and the Electors of Saxony. And in the beginning of our REFORMATION in this Land, what strange Things did a Resolute and Couragious King bring to pass? Much more may be effected here, and all the World over, by God's inspiring the Hearts of some Christian Kings and Princes with Valour and Resolution; especially by adding Goodness and Holiness to these, by blessing them with a real Sense and relish of Religion in their own Minds and Consciences. Being thus qualified, what is there too hard for them to accomplish? What may not be expected from Governors of this Character? Wicked Rulers are the greatest Mischief and Plague of the World; and [Page 732] accordingly it hath been Satan's Stratagem throughout all Ages, to procure such Magistrates as will abett and further his Design; i. e. that will patronize all Vice and Wickedness, and, if it be possible, establish it by a Law. This hath been the Cause and Sourse of that horrid Deluge of Vice, which hath broken in upon all Cities and Countries, and miserably overspread them. Therefore I infer, that when God will vouchsafe to stem this mighty Torrent, he will set up some Eminent Persons in High Places, who by their powerful Laws, as by so many Walls and Ramparts, shall effectually stop its impetuous Course.
I question not in the least, but that those Words in Rev. 20. 4. I saw Thrones, and they sat upon them, and Iudgment was given unto them, refer partly to this; they signify to us, that Power and Authority which shall be at that time: Evil-doers shall be call'd to an Account, and punish'd according to their Offences, and the Earth shall in a manner be cleared of all wilful and stubborn Criminals. This perhaps may be the Meaning of 1 Cor. 6. 2. Do ye not know that the Saints shall judge the World? I offer it to be considered whether we may not interpret it thus; Do you not know that there shall be a time when there shall be a Christian Magistracy in the World, and that especially when Christianity is coming to its Height, there shall be such Godly Rulers, and Iudges, as shall reform all Things that are amiss in the World? And this great Sway and Authority shall make way even for their judging of Angels Afterwards, v. 3.
I am far from abetting in this Discourse the wild Fancy of those Enthusiastick Spirits, who make the Reign of Christ on Earth inconsistent with that of Kings and Princes; who at the same time that they set up King Iesus, pull down all others: Their [Page 733] Fifth-Monarchy brooks no Crowned Heads. But they forget that in the same Place where the Evangelical Prophet saith, Behold, a King shall Reign in Righteousness, (meaning Christ, and this Kingdom which I am now discoursing of) he adds, And Princes shall rule in iudgment, Isa. 32. 1. Though it is said, the Scepter shall depart from Iudah when Shiloh first comes; yet neither then, nor afterwards, is it to be taken out of the Hands of Christian Princes. Their Monarchy, and Christ's Kingdom, are not incompatible. Yea, I am so far from giving any Allowance to this sort of Men, that I confidently aver Christ's Kingdom, whereof I am speaking, shall be set up and maintain'd by the Kings and Rulers of the Earth; Christianity shall arrive to that excellent Pitch, by the Assistance of the Civil Magistrate, by the Incouragement which shall be given to it by the Secular Powers, There is Ground for what I say; for we are expresly told, that those who formerly gave their Kingdom to the Beast, shall afterwards hate the Whore, and shall make her desolate, &c. Rev. 17. 16, 17. These great Things shall be effected by Monarchs, Princes, and States, entirely devoting themselves to the publick Good and Welfare, and to the Glory of Him who is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. The Builders of that Ierusalem shall hold the Trowel with one Hand, and the Sword in the other: They shall at the same time Rear this happy Structure, and severely Punish those who endeavour to hinder them; till at last, by sharply Animadverting on all Wickednesses and Enormities, these be driven out of the World, and Universal Piety and Righteousness come in their room.
Again; This great Work shall be promoted and advanced by the help of Spiritual Pastors and Teachers, whose Care and Faithfulness, whose Courage [Page 734] and Zeal, are as requisite in this present Affair, as that of the Civil Magistrate. The Rulers and Guides of the Church shall then shew themselves true Lovers of Souls, by not refusing any Labour of Love for their Peoples Good; they shall * preach the Word, be instant in Season, out of Season, reprove, rebuke, exhort; with all Long-suffering and Doctrine, they shall Watch in all Things, do the Work of true Evangelizers, make full proof of their Ministry. They shall discharge their Holy Function with all Mildness and Clemency, with all Tenderness and Compassion, and yet with all Fervency and Vigour. They shall let all Men see, that they make the Honour of God, and the Saving of Mens Souls, the Grand Design of their Ministry.
And it is not without great reason that I mention both these great Orders of Men, Magistrates and Ministers; for it is absolutely requisite that they go hand in hand, towards the accomplishing that Great Work which I am discoursing of. Moses and Aaron must befriend each other, Zerubbabel and Ioshua must join in building the Temple. The great Hinderance of the Improvement and Increase of Christianity, hath been the disunion of these Two. The Temporal Rulers, and Spiritual Overseers, have not concurr'd in the promoting the same Religious Designs. The Secular and Ecclesiastical Powers have frequently been divided among themselves, and thereby have retarded and impeded the Common Good. But it shall not be so in those happy Times; there shall be no disagreement between Ecclesiastical the State and Church, no opposition between the State and Civil Laws. The Spiritual and Secular Officers shall be so far from being an Impediment to one another in their particular Charges, that they shall [Page 735] make it their Business to promote the respective Cause and Interest of each other. If Phocas and Boniface held together, and thereby wrought such horrid Mischiefs in the World; it is certain we may experience as great and notable Effects of a contrary Nature, from the unanimous Concurrence of pious Governours in the Church and Commonwealth. When they mutually advise and consult with one another, and act jointly for the Advancement of Religion and Godliness; as in the Times of Constantine the Great, Theodosius, Valentinian, Gratian; when they strive with great Ambition (and no other Ambition) who shall be most serviceable and beneficial to the Christian Community, this will be found to be the true Method for the propagating and establishing of Religion in the World. And seeing Religion is the only unshaken and lasting Basis of Kingdoms, it is the Concern of th [...]se Two Ranks of Persons, to agree to advance this above all Things whatsoever. They are to remember, that even Civil Politicks are best guided by this Conduct; and that if a Nation, or Council, exclude this in any of their Laws and Constitutions, they can't be said to be Wise and Politick: For what is disagreeable to Religion, is unsafe, dangerous, and extremely Impolitick. To be short, all lies in Rulers, both of Church and State, both Spiritual and Civil. These, as I apprehend, will be the special Instruments which God will imploy to work that happy and wonderful Change. When God pleaseth to send such Princes and Leaders as Zerobbabel, such Priests as Ioshua, such Teachers and Scribes as Ezra, the Building of the House of God will soon be finished. Such Great and Noble Spirits being s [...]t on work, will easily bring it to perfection. The Gospel will be completely established, Christianity will be universally propagated, and Evangelical Righteousness will prevail every where in the World.
[Page 736] Yea, All of us are capable of promoting this great Work more or less; and therefore we ought to make it our Concern. Our earnest and constant Prayer should be that this Kingdom may come, and prevail and prosper; that Antichristianism, wheresoever it is, and under what Shape and Guise soever it appears, may be demolished and destroyed; that the Infidelity of Iews and Pagans may have a period; that Vice and Immorality, Irreligion and Prophaneness, may be trod down; and that the Contrary may be set up, and advanced, in all the Regions of the World. And we are obliged to set forward this blessed Design, not only by our Devotions, but our Endeavours; and to hasten the actual Prevailing of it in our Lives and Practices; that Iesus may be seen to Reign among Men, and that Christianity may be at last the Catholick Interest of the World. When it is come to this, you need not doubt but such a State will last long. Being so well founded, it is no wonder that it shall continue so many Years. That Government is most remote from Desolation, which keeps itself most free from Sin and Vice.
Fifthly, and Lastly, VNIVERSAL PEACE AND VNITY crown all the foregoing Blessings. This must needs be part of the Happiness of those Days; because when the Names of Iew and Gentile shall cease, and all other Names of Difference shall be taken away, and turn'd into that of Christian, there will necessarily follow Peace and Concord; all Sidings and Factions will be at an end, all Parties will be reconciled. This will be partly the Effect and Result of that clear Knowledge, which shall be the Blessing of those Times. Isa. 11. 9. They shall not hurt, nor destroy, in all my holy Mountain: For the Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord. It is this that mitigates and pacifies the distemper'd Minds [Page 737] of Men, and brings them to a peaceable and loving Disposition; and thereby prevents unchristian Feuds and Quarrels, whence spring Violence and Bloodshed, and all manner of Evils, in the Lives of Men. It is certain, that one great Sourse of those many Quarrels and Disputes that are in the World, is the Ignorance or Misapprehension of Persons. They form not right Conceptions of Things, or they mistake one another. Especially in Matters of Religion this proves very troublesome, and makes a great Disturbance, and miserably divides Mens Judgments and Affections. But there shall be no such Thing in that happy Age which is to come; because then there will be a greater Light, and Men will have a better Understanding of one another. Which will in part be occasioned by that Vniversal Language which shall be all the World over. We read, that soon after the Flood, a Plurality of Tongues caused a Dispersion, a Division of the Sons of Men: But the Unity of Language will join them together in one Communion. Their speaking the same Words will be one way to unite them in the same Apprehensions: for by this means they may with ease and freedom confer with one another, and compare their Notions together, and thereby come to an entire Agreement. This is so rational to conceive, that we cannot but deem it almost impossible that there should be an universal Converse and Peace without it. When that wish'd for Period comes about, Men being better inform'd of Things, shall lay aside their false and mistaken Opinions; but especially all Misapprehensions touching Religious Affairs shall have an end, and consequently all Controversies relating to them shall vanish: All Distinguishing, but odious Names, whereby Men laboured to brand one another, and to perpetuate their Grudges and Antipathies shall be forgot. They shall no more [Page 738] revile, and (which is worse) persecute one another. They shall not call down Fire from Heaven, of fetch it up from Hell, to devour their Adversaties. In a Word, They shall no longer differ from one another, but be all of one Mind and Perswasion.
This must needs be so upon another Account; viz. because that Wisdom which is from above, is not only [...]re, but Peaceable: Especially where that Purity takes place in a very great Degree, there will be as considerable a Portion of Peace and Amity. True Godliness will extirpate all Rancour and Bitterness, all Dissention and Division, and will cause the Christian Worshippers to be of one Heart. He that purgeth his Church from Error and Vice, will clear it also of all Distractions. This too ought to be remembred, that the principal Disturber of Mankind, the great Incendiary of the World, and who made it his continual Business to soment Quarrels and Divisions, shall be shut up, and imprisoned, all the Time of that expected Reign. And though some of this inferior Agents, who shall remain behind, may be soliciting a Revival of the Ancient Dissentions, yet they shall be repulsed; or if some smaller Disagreements shall at any time arise, they shall but make way for a greater and more lasting Love. The former Bickerings and Disgusts shall be heard of no more, and (as the consequent of this) an universal Calm shall obtain upon Earth.
Of this the Evangelical King speaks, in Psalm 72. which is a lively Description of Christ's Kingdom, and among other Properties and Privileges of it, it is foretold, that there shall be abundance of Peace so long as the Moon endureth, v. 7. Of this the Evangelical Prophet frequently speaks; as in Chap. 2. v. 4. They shall beat their Swords into Plough-shares, and their Spears into Pruning-hooks: Nation shall not lift up Sword against Nation, neither shall they learn War any more. The [Page 739] Messias is call'd the Prince of Peace, Ch. 9. v. 6. of the increase of whose Government and Peace, there shall be no end, v. 7. The Work of Righteousness shall be Peace, and the Effect of Righteousness Quietness and Assurance for ever. And my People shall dwell in a peaceable Habitation, and in sure Dwellings, and in quiet Resting-places. Chap. 32. 17, 18. Thine Eyes shall see Ierusalem a quiet Habitation, Ch. 33. v. 20. The whole 60th. Chapter is a Prophecy of the Peaceable and Prosperous State of Christ's Church. In Ch. 65. 25. there are almost the very same Words which I before recited from Ch. 11. v. 6. 9. To this belongs that of Ieremah, Ch. 32. v. 39. I will give them one heart and one way.
I know it will be said that some of these Prophecies are to be understood of the Times after the Return from the Captivity in Babylon, and others respect those Times of the Gospel which are now past. I do not wholly deny this; for it is my Judgment that they are to be interpreted concerning either of those Times, and likewise concerning that Mill [...]nnial State which is to come. We may truly say, that these and several other Predictions of the like Nature are to be understood in a double sense, and consequently there is a double fulfilling of them. They have in some measure been accomplish'd; but the Full and Utmost Extent of them reacheth to that future Period of the Gospel-Oeconomy, and so they shall be more amply verified then. There shall then be no hurting or destroying; there shall be a Cessation from Wars and Bloodshed, from Violence and Persecution, yea, from all Thoughts and Attempts of them. For in those Halcyon Days Christians shall be inspired with a peaceable and loving Temper, and shall be made like unto their Master, who is the Great Pattern of Love. The Modern Jews acknowledge that it was a Celebrated Saying among the [Page 740] Old Rabbins, that the Days of the Messias shall be one whole perpetual Sabbath. This is the very thing we are speaking of; Christ shall bring with him such a Rest as was never in the World before: They shall enjoy a Sabbath of a Thousand Years. Let us be preparing for this Happy Time, and let us be hast'ning it by what proper Methods and Arts we can. Let us lay the Axe to that Root of Bitterness which hath spread it self among us, and taken such hold of some Men's Earthly Natures. Let us compose our selves into a quiet posture, and effectually promote Peace and Good Will in the World. Let us bring out, and make use of our Juleps to check that fierce, that Feverish Distemper which reigns among too many. Let us endeavour by mild and cooling Applications to accommodate Differences, to reconcile disagreeing Parties (especially in Matters referring to Religion, but so as not to betrary the Truth) to allay all passionate Heats, and to discountenance all wilful Authors of Division.
And as the Word Peace in Scripture signifies, according to the Usage of the Hebrews, all manner of Outward Blessings, so here in the present Case it is to be taken in that comprehensive way. In that Kingdom of Christ on Earth, there shall no kind of Earthly Conveniences and Advantages be wanting which shall be useful to the great Ends and Purposes of that Blessed State. But as for any other; viz. such as are serviceable to Undue Pleasures, to Lust and Wantonness, to Vanity and Pride, to Effeminacy and Luxury, no Man of sober Thoughts can reckon them in the number of those Worldly good Things which the Pious shall hereafter enjoy: And therefore we must condemn that Narrative which some have given of the Millennium, as too sensual and fulsome. But we may with Truth and Soberness assert this, That there shall be a concurrence of all those [Page 741] things which render Men's Lives truly pleasant, comfortable, and joyful. It is part of the Description of that Millennary Jubilee, that they shall come to Sion with Songs, and everlasting joy upon their heads: They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow, and sighing shall flee away, Isai. 35. 10. And again, Ch. 65. v. 17. Behold, I create new Heavens, and a new Earth (which questionless is meant of this Glorious Renovation, and might have been alledged among the other Texts as a Proof of it) and then it follows, I create Ierusalem a rejoicing, and her People a ioy. The voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying, v. 18, 19.
And if we go back to Ch. 9. v. 3. we shall find that this rejoicing and this joy shall be entire. Thou hast multiplied the Nation, and not increased the ioy, i. e. heretofore Joy and Sorrow were mingled; sometimes that Nation of the Jews was visited in Mercy, at other times it tasted of God's Judgments: They ioy before thee according to the ioy in Harvest, and as Men rejoice when they divide the Spoil; i. e. there was in the times past a Medley of Joy and Trouble, of Gladness and Fear, as in the Services of War and Harvest; but when a Child shall be born to us, when a Son shall be given, and the Government shall be upon his Shoulders, v. 6. then there shall be Joy without any allay, then there shall be such a perfect State that nothing shall be able to impair it. I know most Interpreters expound the Place otherwise, and make the Ioy in Harvest to be exceeding Great Joy, surpassing all other. But I crave leave to dissent from the common Exposition, and to understand this Passage after the manner before-mentioned; viz. that whereas heretofore they joy'd according to the Ioy of Harvest, i. e. their Joys were mix'd with Hardships, they were accompanied with Sweat and Toil: And besides, the Joy of Harvest doth not [Page 742] last long; for the Husbandman, as blith and cheary as he is [...] must soon return to his wonted Circle of Pains and Labour;) Whereas under the preceding Dispensations there was no Entire and Undisturbed Joy, now it shall be otherwise, there shall be a Continued and Uninterrupted Serenity, without any dashes of a contrary Nature; for as Christ's Government increases, v. 7. so (as it follows there) the Peace, i. e. the Success and Prosperity of it shall increase, and have no end. This is the Happiness of the Subjects of that Blessed Kingdom, who are under the Sceptre of the Prince of Peace, as he is stiled, v. 6.
This in general; but, more particularly, the Safety and Security of their Habitations, their Success in all their Labours, and their lasting Fruition of them are mentioned as the Attendants of this Happy Time, v. 21, 22, 23. They shall build Houses, and inhabit them: And they shall plant Vineyards, and eat the Fruit of them. Mine Elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labour in vain, &c. These are the Blessings of that Adult State of the Church.
Farther, there will be greater Strength and Soundness of Body than ordinarily. I will not be positive that as in the first Ages of the World, so now, there will be some of a Gigantick Stature; but this is not to be doubted of, that there shall be bodily Strength and Vigour in an unusual degree. It is one of the Privileges of the New Ierusalem (for in the large and extensive sense it is spoken of that Place and State) that the Inhabitants shall not say, I am sick. Isai. 33. 24. Many Exorbitancies before were frequently the Cause of Corporal Weakness, and divers sorts of Maladies and Diseases: But now those shall generally be removed; and a sound and hale Temper shall be given them; for their Bodies shall answer to their Souls. The whole Tour of the Blood [Page 743] shall be laudably performed: There shall be a due and regular Exercise of the natural, vital, and animal Functions: And all Persons shall be healthful and vivacious, brisk and sprightly. This will be the more credible if we consider that the Curse brought upon the Earth by Adam's Fall, and afterwards continued, shall be revers'd. The Soil every where shall become fertile, and give its increase freely and plentifully, and all the Fruits and Products of the Earth shall be (not only numerous, but) wholesome. God made all the Creatures Good at first, as we expresly find in the repeated Approbation of this their Goodness, Gen. 1. And they shall be Good at last; for the World shall be restored to its Premitive State, and the Earth it self shall be renewed. And as for those Living Creatures which are Food for Mankind, they shall arrive to greater degrees of Perfection than formerly, and consequently shall yield more laudable and generous Nourishment than heretofore. Besides that the continued Health of those Times will depend much upon the excellent Temper of the Air, which shall then be agreeable to humane Bodies, and have no ill Ferments from the continual Vicissitudes and Successions of too much Heat or too much Cold. To which may be added that the Heavenly influences, as well as the Temper of the Earth shall be meliorated: And so even in a literal sence there shall be New Heavens, and a New Earth.
As the consequence of all this, the People of those days shall be long-liv'd: Which I gather from Isai. 65. 20. There shall be no more an Infant of days, [...]or an old. Man that hath not fill'd his days. For though this Dispensation be no exemption from Mortality, though Christ's Reign doth not unthrone and depose the King of Terrors, yet it wards off his fatal Blows for a long Season: And perhaps some may reach the [Page 744] long Ages of those that lived before the Flood. And this shall happen not only from the Nature of the thing it self, but by the singular Favour of God: For as before in a judicial way he sometimes short'ned Men's Lives, so now in the way of a Blessing he is pleased to extend them to a great length. Which perhaps is the meaning of what follows in the foresaid Chapter, v. 22. As the days of a Tree (a longliv'd Tree) are the days of my People. But supposing that this is not the strict import of the Text (which I submit to the Thoughts of the Judicious) yet it is certain from the reason of the thing it self that those Happy Ages shall abound with all things that conduce to the Welfare and Happiness of the Body as well as of the Soul, and consequently Longaevity shall be one of the Felicities of those times: And I doubt not but it will be procured by a perfect Knowledge of the true Causes and Springs of Long Life, and of the more immediate Sourses of Diseases. For Natural Philosophy (as well as all other Parts of True Philiosophy) shall be then improved to the utmost, and a Vertuoso shall be no Rarity. Especially the Nature of all Vegetables and Minerals, wherein are laid up the great Restoratives of Life, shall by exquisite Experiments be laid open to the World: And the use of all the Vessels in the body (which now we have but an imperfect insight into, and some of which we know nothing of) shall be exactly discovered. And whatever else, relating either to Nature, or Art, or Morality, shall be conducible to this great End before-mentioned, shall not be wanting; no, not that which is the choicest and most sovereign Conserver of Life, viz. a well-temper'd Joy and Chearfulness, a ferene and placid Spirit, than which nothing can be more serviceable to uphold and maintain the vital Congruity, to nourish the Lamp of Life, and to give a lasting Vivacity to Nature.
[Page 745] And from the several Particulars we may gather this also, that there will be a greater Number of Persons upon the Earth in that Sabbatick Reign than there is now. This follows from what hath been said concerning that Universal Peace, that Extraordinary Measure of Bodily Health and Strength, that Duration of Men's Lives, which shall be the Blessing of those Days. Upon the more Cessation of Wars and Slaughters, of Pestilence and Famine, &c. (which are wont so visibly to diminish the number of Mankind) there must needs be a great length'ning out of Men's Lives, there must be a vast Increase of the People of the World. The whole Earth will be replenish'd and even crowded with Inhabitants.
This will make amends (as I suggested before) for the great multitudes of Men that have in several Ages perished, and gone to the Infernal Regions: For within the compass of this Happy Time wherein we suppose Mankind to be thus extremely multiplied, and all of them (excepting some very few) to be holy and Religious Persons, there will be a larger Stock of Inhabitants for Heaven than there was of those who in all the preceding Times of the World were thrust down to the contrary Place. And thus, which way soever we look, this Blessed Dispensation shall be eminent for the Natural as well as the Moral and Religious Emendation of all Things, for Temporal and Earthly Blessings as well as those that are Spiritual and Heavenly, for the present bettering of the World, and for the Provision it makes for the future. Mankind being free'd from all Dangers, Mischiefs, and Troubles, shall enjoy an undisturbed Peace, Quiet, and Repose, with a Freedom from all Pain and Sickness: And their Bodies shall be more vigorous, and their Beauty more lasting than ever before. Which shall be attended with all outward Conveniencies, Comforts, and [Page 746] Refreshments of what nature soever, together with inward Peace, Pleasure, and Satisfaction.
There is one thing more I will venture to add, as belonging (I verily believe) to this Happy State I have been describing: There shall be a Peace not only between Rational Creatures and their Brethren, but between these and the most Salvage Brutes, i. e. those Brutes which heretofore were so. For now the hurtful Disposition and cruel Nature of all such Animals shall be taken from them, and they shall become mild and gentle, tame and tractable. This I take to be the meaning of that Prophecy, Isai. 11. 6, 7. The Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb, and the Leopard shall lie down with the Kid, and the Calf, and the young Lion, and the Fatling together, and a little Child shall lead them. And the Cow and the Bear shall feed, their young ones shall lie down together: And the Lion shall eat Straw like the Ox; and the sucking Child shall play on the hole of the Asp, and the weaned Child shall put his hand on the Cockatrice-den: They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy Mountain. Which Words seem to me to be a clear Prediction concerning the peaceable Temper which even the fiercest of the Irrational Herd shall be endued with in the last Times of the World: Their former Antipathies, their pristine Enmities shall cease, and they shall be restored to that harmlessness and Innocence which were at the first Creation. I know these Words are generally by Commentators understood of that Inward Change which shall be made in Mens minds and hearts by the powerful Influence of the Gospel: But I see little or no Foundation for this Interpretation; for I go upon this ground (which all sober Interpreters of Scripture acknowledge and own) that there is no reason to fly to a Metaphorical and Mystical Sense of a Text, when it appears that there is a Literal one. So it is here, there is no need of supposing any such [Page 747] thing as Metaphors and Allegories, for the Words in themselves, as interpreted according to the Letter, are very plain and intelligible. The Prophet here gives an Account of the Peaceable Kingdom of Christ, and tells us that this (among other things appertaining to it) is part of it, that there shall be a change in the Nature and Qualities of Brute Animals; the Wolf, Leopard, Lion, Bear, [...]erpent, Adder shall be as t [...]me as Lambs, Kids, Calves; they shall lie down, and dwell, and feed together; they shall neither prey upon one another, nor shall they be hurtful to Men. Nothing could be more plainly said to express the great Blessing and Privilege of those last Days, when the Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord, as the Waters cover the Sea, which are the very next Words to those which I have set down, and shew to what Period of Time they relate.
And that we are to understand the Words in a Literal meaning may be further proved and confirm'd from the brief Repetition of this Prophecy in chap. 65. v. 25. The Wolf and the Lamb shall feed together, and the Lion shall eat Straw like the Bullock, and dust shall be the Serpents Meat, they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy Mountain. It is not probable that the Prophet would have repeated this Prediction, and urged it in the same manner, and on the same occasion, viz. when he was foretelling the Happy Reign of the Messias in the laft Days (for he brings it in under the time of the New Heavens and the New Earth, v. 17. and it is the close of the Description of the State of the New Ierusalem in this Chapter, most part of which I had occasion to mention before) it is not probable, I say, that the Prophet would have reiterated this Prediction in the very same way and circumstances that he mentioned it before; if the Words were a meer Metaphor or [Page 748] Allegory, and not to be understood in a downright Literal Sense, he would have varied the way of expressing, and have let us know that a Spiritual meaning is to be understood. But indeed the very Natural Tenour and Import of the Words themselves acquaint us that they are not Allegorical, but are to be taken according to the obvious signification of the Terms, viz. That in those Happy Times the very Brutes (the most Furious and Implacable of them) shall be reconciled to Man, and likewise to themselves mutually; in order to which they shall have a new way of sustaining themselves, the Wolf and the Lamb shall have the same Food (that's the meaning of Feeding together) such as the Earth affords; the Lion shall have the same Provender with the Bullock; and the Serpent, which used to hurt other Beasts, as well as Men, shall be content with the Food which was at first appointed him, Gen. 3. 14. In short, the Irrational Creatures shall neither devour Men, nor one another (as was usual before) but they shall become Serviceble and Obedient to Man, and shall be at Peace among themselves. This may be censur'd perhaps as a new Interpretation of this Prophecy, but I believe no Wife and Intelligent Man will condemn it for its Novelty, but rather imbrace it because it is so plain, easie and intelligible in it self, because it agrees so exactly with the Context, and because it is so suitable, yea so absolutely requisite to that State which I have Discours'd of, wherein every thing shall be in a better condition that it was, and accordingly the very Nature of the Beasts shall be chang'd, that they may be what they were at first, that is, not Harmful or Terrible; as appears from Eve's Conversing with the Serpent. and in a Word, there shall be such a Catholick change as shall bring with it an accumulation of all Temporal Felicities.
[Page 749] But this must be said (that I may not be mistaken by some Persons) that though these Earthly and Corporeal Coveniencies shall be in the Millennary Reign, yet they are the least part of it, nay, they may be said to be the Attendants rather than Parts of it, for it is the Confluence of Spiritual and Divine Blessings that gives Denomination to this Happy Oeconomy, it is this that makes it chiefly to be Admired and Esteem'd: And those other things which I have mention'd which relate to the Body, and which are but Appendages of this State, are wholly in order to the Better Enjoyments, and are no farther to be regarded than as they are some ways subservient to these. This I insert, that we may not deceive our selves about the Notion of this Happy State which I am speaking of, that we may not fancy it to be merely an Earthly Paradise, that we may not think Christ's Kingdom to be of this World. But notwithstanding this, it is a certain Truth that all manner of Good Things inhanse the Comsort and Pleasure of that Blessed Kingdom.
In fine, that which gives the Value to all things relating to the New Ierusalem is, that the Glory of God Enlightens it, and the Lamh is the Light thereof, Rev. 21. 23. That is, it is the Eternal Father and Son (not excluding the Holy Ghost) and not any Created Being or Enjoyment, though never so exquisite, that can constitute the Blessedness of this State. In which respect it is said, The City hath no need of the Sun, neither of the Moon to shine in it: that is, all Temporal and Mundane Felicities (be they never so bright) are useless and insignificant, in comparison of the fruition of GOD himself. I take this to be the meaning of St. Iohn's Words, and not what is suggested by the late * Th [...]orist, viz. [Page 750] That the Inhabitants of the New Ierusalem on Earth shall be wholly destitute of those great Luminaries of Heaven; there will be no use of the Light of the Sun and Moon, but they shall be supplied by a Supernatural Bodily Light. Which mistaken Interpretation was caused by not attending to the place in the Prophet Isaiah, whence this without doubt was borrowed, Isai. 60. 19. The Sun shall be no more thy Light by Day, neither for Brightness shall be Moon give Light unto thee. And yet in the next Verse it is said, Thy Sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy Moon withdraw it self: Which evidently shews that the former Words are not to be understood Literally, that is, concerning those Celestial Bodies; otherwise there is a plain Contradiction in those Texts. The true intent then of the foresaid Words is no other than this, that the Sun and Moon, and all the other Temporal Blessings of the Millennary Revolution, are Mean and Inconsiderable in respect of the Transcendent Glory, Splendor and Influence of the Divine Majesty, who alone is able to render that State Happy. When that desired Day comes the full Vertue of Shiloh's Name shall shine forth, which denotes not only Salvation (which that Time shall prepare Men for, above any other) but Peace or Tranquility both inward and outward, and (which is much more extensive) Prosperity or Happiness, which comprehends in it all things that are rationally Desireable in the Life of Man upon Earth, as well as in the Mansions above.
Thus I have briefly represented to you those things which may reasonably be suppos'd to be the inseparable Attendants of the Happy Reign of Christ on Earth, which is the highest Exaltation of the Christian Oeconomy. It hath been with some doubting and struggling that I have said so much, for Holy [Page 751] Writ seems some times to say, that * the Condition of the Church is such, that it shall not be wholly free from Trouble and Calamity, but that it shall always, or for the most part, suffer from the Wicked. When I perused those several Predictions concerning the Sufferings and Persecutions of the Church, I stagger'd as to my belief of this Future Quiet State on Earth, I was apt to think that the World is now wearing off, and that we shall have an end of it without any such thing. But then when I consider'd that those Places of Holy Scripture which foretell the Calamities and Distresses of the Church of Christ may have respect only to the Times which preceed those Thousand Years, I was again induced to believe that there shall be such a State as I have represented, that Christ will set up his Kingdom in a more Illustrious and Effectual manner than ever, and that this Kingdom shall be accompanied with lasting Peace and Righteousness, with the General Conversion of Jews and Gentiles, and the Ruin of Anti-christ.
As to some Particular Circumstances, which I have mention'd, relating to this Prosperous State of the Christian Church, I am not Positive. It hath pleased God to deliver things of this Nature Darkly and Mystically; and there are no express places of Scripture on which a certain and unquestionable expectation of them can be grounded, because we have no sure Word to ascertain our Determination. Therefore as to the Particular Way and Manner of the things I have been Discoursing of, I deliver nothing with Confidence. It is the main of the Dispensation that I assert, and which I verily believe; though I [Page 752] censure no Man for thinking or saying otherwise. I am sensible of this, that when we see how the World is at this Day, we may be enclined to think there is no probability of this Great Change. There seems to be little likelihood at present of this Happy Reign in other parts of the World, as well as among our selves; for we seem to be every Day degenerating more and more, and we run further from that excellent Temper and Genius which are required in that Future Paradise. But then I consider, that this is to be accomplish'd by a Divine Arm and Conduct, and shall be the work of Heaven in a singular and particular Degree. The Supreme Arbitrator and Manager of the World can of a sudden dispel all Difficulties, and alter the Course of the Universe, and frame Men's Minds as he pleaseth. When we remember how mean and despicable Christianity was at first, but how strangely it spread it self afterwards, and made its Progress through the whole World against the greatest Opposition imaginable, we may then believe the same may happen again, and that what hath been foretold concerning that Glorious State may be fulfill'd. Thus I will not despair of that happy Time.
Both Popery and Mahometism, or either of them, may for a time decay and grow less, and then recover strength; Or perhaps one or both of them may remain without any Diminution entire. There may be a Superfoetation in the Mother of Harlots, she may conceive and bring forth a New, and replenish the Earth with her Children. It may be the Reformation which hath been begun and set forward in some Parts of the Christian World may be put back: Papal Superstition and Tyranny may return again, and Rome may sit a Queen, and know no Sorrow but what she creates to the true Professors of Religion. [Page 753] One would be apt to think as much upon reading what is said concerning the Two Witnesses, Rev. 11. 7. When they shall have finish'd the Testimony (viz. at the end of 42. Months or 1260 Years, the time of the Anti-christian Reign) the Beast that ascendeth out of the Bottomless Pit shall make War against them, and overcome them, and kill them; whereupon there is great rejoycing over them and making merry, v. 10. It may come to pass that the Seven Hills may be exalted higher than ever, and the Reformed Religion depress'd and trampled on. Christianity may (as Mr. Herbert presaged) hoise Sail for America, the Gospel may leave us to go to them, and we may be half Pagans before it comes to us again. Or, if we hold fast-the Faith, we may be forced to part with every thing else that is dear to us: It may be our lot to undergo all Dangers, Calamities, Outrages and Persecutions before that Blessed Sabbatism arrives. There may be a very Dark Night before that Lightsome Day is seen: But at last it shall appear, yea shine forth, and the World shall be every ways the better for it. Yea, it may (and I hope will) shew it self in God's good time without any such Sad and Tragical Prologue to it as this.
I have ventured to offer my Conjectures about it, and the freedom I have taken will not be disliked, I conceive, by Persons of sober Minds. In my Judgment, that is a very Curious and Notable Saying of Mr. Mede (in his Epistle to the Reader before his Comment on the Apocalypse) speaking of the interpreting of the Prophetical Writings and other Obscure Matters in Scripture, ‘Unless, † saith he, there be liberty given [Page 754] to us to be somewhat free in our Thoughts and Opinions, yea even in our Errors and Mistakes sometimes about these things, we shall never clear our Passage to those Profound and Hidden Secrets of Truth.’ Accordingly I have freely suggested my Thoughts, and if therein I have represented some things amiss, let it be remember'd that it was in the pursuit of Truth, and of that Truth which it was difficult to attain to; or rather let it be examined whether Truth be not here found out by that which some interpret a Mistake. I declare I am not Dogmatical in what I have said, nor will I perswade others to sit down with Peremptory Confidence that this is the certain meaning of all the Prophecies in Scripture before alledged. But then this must be said, there are several things highly Probable, of which we have no Absolute Certainty; and This that I have been Discoursing of is of that Nature. Many Passages in Holy Writ do exceedingly favour it; and there are no Contemptible Reasons to in [...]line us to a belief of it. And when we have both Scripture and Rational Arguments on our side, it is more than half of the Opinions which make a very plausible shew in the World can really lay claim to.
If, after all, you enquire concerning the Particular and Determinate Time when this Sabbatick State shall begin, my Answer in brief is, That I cannot, neither will I attempt to assign any such thing. When I say I cannot, my meaning is that I apprehend no possible way of doing it in a Certain and Satisfactory way; for otherwise I could (as some have done) pretend to present the Reader with a Punctual Calculation of the Time when these things shall happen. Perhaps I might say without Ostentation, that I have made enquiry into the Chronology of the Scriptures as well as others, and have considered all that any Writers of Note have said on this Matter, [Page 755] and have made search into these Mysteries my self; but after all I declare that I find no Foundation for a Precise and Individual Assignation of Time. In general we know Christ's Kingdom on Earth shall commence when the Seventh Angel soundeth his Trumpet, for then the Kingdoms of the World become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ, Rev. 11. 15. But when this Last Angel shall do this Office we are ignorant, though a † Learned Foreigner lately is confident, that this is the Time. But we see he had but little ground for it, for his Calculations have proved false, though he thought he had some more than ordinary Foundation (in the Transactions and Events of these late times) for what he offer'd. And he hath been follow'd by some of our own Countrey Men, who presumed to assign the Punctual and Precise time when those Prophetick Passages in the Book of the Revelation were to be accomplish'd; as if they, above all other Men, had a Key to those Divine Secrets, and were authorized to unlock them. I look upon this as the Product of a well-meant Mistake, of their misapplying some Apocalyptick Texts, which they were betray'd into by apprehending that the Circumstances which the Publick Affairs were in at that time were agreeable to those Prophecies. But certainly this Rashness is very blamable, because it may give occasion to ill-minded Men to disbelieve all the other Prophecies in the Apocalypse, because the Period of these, which was with so great Confidence determin'd, is found to be untrue. Nay, indeed it hath sometimes happen'd that when Positive Men have peremptorily set a certain Year it hath generally proved a worse Time than ordinary, on one account [Page 756] or other; instead of a welcome issue of their Predictions, some very unusual and dismal thing appears upon the Publick Stage, as it were a doom for such rash Prognostications. Here therefore ought to be a great deal of Caution, Prudence and Sincerity. But so it is, we may observe that it is the way of these Apocalyptick Men, like the Clocks of Basil, always to anticipate the time; they are too hasty in fixing the Periods of Prophetick Occurrences, either because they impatiently desire the approach of them, or because they are ambitious of being thought the first Discoverers of these Secrets.
In the Book of the Revelation the Time of the Beasts Reign seems to be determined, viz. 1260. Days, Rev. 11. 3. 12. 6. i. e. (as all grant) so many Years (for that is the Prophetick way of Numbering) which are the same with the Time and Times and half a Time, Dan. 7. 25. Rev. 12. 14. and with the 42. Months (i. e. of Years) Rev. 11. 2. 13. 5. Now if we could tell when the Apocalyptick Beast began, we might, from what is here expresly set down, exactly know its end; but the former being no where mention'd we are at a loss for the latter. A very † Sober and Modest Pen fixes the beginning of the Beasts Reign in the Year of our Lord 456. and consequently by adding 1260. to that number makes the end of it to be A. D. 1716. But according to this way of Computing, the Papal Beast was in being before there was Popery (properly so called) in the World, which is sufficient to invalidate that Calculation. However, if those Numbers refer to the end of the Beast (as it is certain they do) I agree with this Writer that it cannot be very far off. But as [Page 757] to the precise time, we may conjecture, but we cannot be certain: It may be our Chronology is Defective, it may be the Account which we have of Years is not Exact, and consequently our Calculations cannot be accurate: Or suppose they were, yet our Saviour acquaints us, when he speaks of such Affairs, that the time shall be shortned for the Elects sake, Mat. 24. 22. So that our exactest Chronology will not avail us then. I have nothing therefore to say concerning the Punctual Date of this Notable Revolution which hath been the matter of our Disquisition. Yea, perhaps it is impossible for any Man to know it infallibly, I mean without a particular Revelation. Yet I will not, as the Iews, curse those who Calculate these Times, but rather wish that Men would be Sober and Modest in this, as in all other difficult and intricate Points. It is folly to be over-curious and sollicitous here, but it is no less than Presumption and Arrogance to be Peremptory. This should suffice us that there is a time when these things shall be accomplished.
In the mean season, let us comfort our selves with the expectation of that Blessed State of the Church. Let it be remembred that however things go now, there shall be a better Face of them hereafter; and though we may not live to the arrival, much less the fruition of it, yet it is some solace to our Minds, that, with Moses, we have a sight (at a distance) of that Blessed Canaan, the Land of Promise; in which all the Defects and Declensions that have been either in Nature or Morals shall be repair'd and amended. Nor doth the ill posture of things at present in the least retard my hopes or belief of a change for the better; for though it sounds like a Paradox, yet it is an experienced Truth, that things farthest off are nearest. Look into the Calendar and you will see that December, which is at the greatest [Page 758] distance from Ianuary, is the next Month to it. See it in Nature, when the Night is darkest it is nighest break of Day. Look on the Globe of the Earth, and you will find the extream parts of the East bordering on the West. And so it is here, when things seem to be most remote from this Revolution they are nearest to it. Extremity proves successful sometimes. The worst Times introduce the Best. The Condition of the World is like that of some Dis [...]ased Bodies, which must of necessity be brought low before they can arrive to a sound and perfect Constitution. Our weak, languishing and perishing State may by the Divine Disposal make way for our Health, and prove the fore-runner and occasion of our lasting Happiness. Though the World in some Ages is palpably worse than in others, yet (bating the Last Scene of all) when in respect of the Universal prevailing of Vice, it seems to be worst of all, as at this time, even then it is tending to the best; for this hath been always observable since the first Creation, that the greatest Corruptions and Apostasies have made way for the most remarkable Reformations; and accordingly, the horrid Degeneracy of these present times (not only among our selves, but in all Christian Countries) is one Argument to incline me to believe there will be a mighty alteration. Irreligion, Impiety and Atheism are now making their greatest and last Efforts, before that Glorious Day (which I have been describing) arrives. An Universal Prophaneness is to preceed and usher in an Universal Holiness and Purity. Unchristian Wars and Commotions, Divisions and Contentions in Churches and States are the fore-runners of a General Peace and Repose. The World will not go off thus as it is, but a more pleasant and delightful Scene of it will appear; and this so Vitiated and Corrupted Age shall be followed with as [Page 759] Eminent a Restoration. Though we are ignorant of the exact time of it, yet this should content us that the thing it self is undeniable, viz. that the Evangelical Oeconomy is not yet perfect, that great things are yet to be done, that though our Blessed Saviour shall not descend from Heaven till the Day of Judgment (for I am none of those that dream of his Personal Reign upon Earth) yet by his Spirit he shall come and Reign here a Thousand Years, and advance Christianity to its utmost heighth: At which time all [...]ntichristian Doctrines and Powers shall be exploded and destroyed, the Fulness of the Gentiles shall come in, the Dispersed Iews shall be gather'd, and imbrace the Faith of Christ: Universal Righteousness and Holiness shall prevail, and the Peaceable and Philadelp [...]ian Spirit shall be infused into all Churches, so that they shall be of one Heart and of one Mind. This [...]uture Kingdom of Christ, this Happy part of the Evangelical Dispensation is not unworthy of our Assent and Belief.
However, I have entertained my self and the Reader with an Id [...]a of the Delightful and Happy State of Christianity here on Earth. If it be not adjusted to Truth, (though no Man alive, I am sure, can prove it is not) yet it shall remain as a Testimony of my Hearty Desires and Wishes that the Gospel may flourish in a Higher Degree than ever it yet did, that Christianity may be the Religion of the whole World, and that all Mankind every where may know the True God, and Iesus Christ whom he hath sent, and that knowing him they may Universally practise his Law, and do his Will, and that they may all be United and Cemented together in the Bond of Peace and Love.
The Last part of the Evangelical Dispensation, under the loosing of Satan out of his Prison. Who are Gog and Magog. Not only the Mahometan but the Roman Power shall be revived. The Last Days, before the End of the World, shall be extremely Wicked. They shall be exceeding Perillous and Calamitous. Christ comes to Judgment. The Conflagration of the World succeeds this, whatever some have suggested to the contrary. A Particular Answer to a late Writers Arguments on this Subject. It is observed how he resembles Origen. A plain Exposition of those Words, Nevertheless we look for New Heavens and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness. A farther Proof from the same Chapter. The Nature and Design of the Final Conflagration. The Summ of the whole preceeding Discourse.
I Am unwilling to go off from this Pleasant Scene, especially to one that is so Black and Melancholick as that which follows. But the uncontrollable Wisdom and Providence of Heaven leads us to it, and therefore we must be obsequious to their Conduct. I proceed then to the Fourth and Last Part of the Evangelical Dispensation, namely that which immediately preceedeth the Coming of Christ to Judgment. For I have shew'd before that it hath had its Infancy and Childhood, its Youth, its Manhood or Full Growth, and now come its last and feeble Years. Wherefore I call this the Old Age of Christianity, for [Page 761] now it miserably Declineth and grows Weak and Decrepid. Now the World degenerates again, and in a short time it becomes very Wicked and Impious. For we are expresly told, that when the Thousand Years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his Prison, Rev. 20. 7. The Wicked shall again assa [...]lt the Church; for we must know that the World shall not through all the time of the Thousand Years be free of the Ungodly Race of Men. The Tares (i. e. the Children of the Wicked One) are to grow up till the Harvest, Mat. 13. 30. and that will not be till the End of the World, as the same Infallible Teacher hath told us. Every Individual Person shall not be Vertuous and Good ( Heaven only being the place where there are no Sinners) but there s [...]all remain and spring up at last upon Earth some very Bad Men, out of which Brood afterwards, as soon as Satan shall be set at liberty, and come to hatch them, there shall arise a Deadly Generation of Vipers, a Cursed increase of the most profligate Sinners, who will be set upon Mischief, and will invade and wast the Church, and make it their work to Deceive and Seduce the Nations; or rather Satan, who sets them on work, is said here to do it, v. 8, 9. He shall go out to deceive Nations which are in the Four Quarters of the Earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to B [...]ttel; the number of whom is as the Sand of the Sea. And they went up on the breadth of the Earth, and compassed the Camp of the Saints about, and the beloved City.
The plain General meaning of which Words is this, that as of Old God's People the Iews were beset on the North and South with Gog and Magog, their implacable Enemies, (who are meant, but not exclusively of others, in the 38. and 39. Cha [...]t [...]rs of Ezekiel) so the Saints at that time shall be environ'd with their's, who will prove no less Restless and Implacable. And the more [...]articular and Abstruse [Page 762] meaning is this, that the Race of the Turks shall be those that shall cause this Disturbance, for these are meant by Gog and Magog, for the old Gog and Magog, were Scythians, as is Universally agreed by the Learnedest Commentators on Gen. 10. 2. where we find that Magog was one of the Sons of Iaphet, who was the Father of the Getae, Massagetae, Scythians, Sarmaritans, and their Neighbours the Tartars, from whom it is generally asserted that the Turks first Sprung. * Iosephus is positive that Magog was the Father of the Scythians, and tells us that Magogae was the Name that the Scythians were anciently known buy among the Greeks. We learn from † Pliny (who often gives a better account of Places than of Manners, and is very exact in some parts of his Geography) that Magog and Scythopolis were Coincident Names of the same Place. Therefore there is reason to think that Gog and Magog in this place of the Apocalypse are the Turks and Mahometans, who are (as [...]is generally acknowledg'd) descended of the Scythians. And these are that Stock of People who [...] so Molest and Persecute the Saints of the Most High after the expiring of the Thousand Years.
And it is not unlikely that the Papal Beast will begin to lift up his Horn again. I do not mean that any of those individual Persons who acted before shall now appear, for they are secured: The Beast, as well as the False Prophet, is in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, v. 10. But there shall be those that shall revive the old Roman Tyranny and Superstitions, and shall join their Forces with those of the Mahometan Faction. Both these Parties shall arise and [Page 763] shew themselves soon after the thousand years are ended: And the Prince of the Infernal Daemons, who had been imprison'd and chain'd up all that space, shall be Head and Commander of them, and gather them to Battle: Their Numbers shall be exceeding great, even like the Sand of the Sea, insomuch that they shall cover all the Earth as it were: (for that is meant by their going up on the breadth of the Earth) And they shall lay close Siege to the Beloved City, that Place whither the Saints, the Beloved of God, shall fly for Refuge: Or the whole Church of Christ, the Visible Body and Society of the Faithful, which shall be left at that time may be understood by the Beloved City. In a very lamentable and wretched Condition they shall be, you may imagine, all the time of this Gogick and Magogick War, and the Siege which accompanieth it. It cannot be expressed what Streights the Saints are reduced to, what Calamities they undergo, what Miseries they indure.
And This is but agreeable to what our Blessed Lord foretold of the Times immediately preceding the Day of Judgment. He hath assured us that those Days shall be very remarkable both in respect of Sin and Suffering. As to the former, when he compares them to * the Days of Noah, in which the Old World gave themselves up wholly to their Pleasures, and forgat God, and defied his Providence, he sheweth how Corrupt and Wicked the Last Times shall be. So that Interrogatory of our Saviour, Luk. 18. 8. When the Son of Man cometh, shall be find Faith on the Earth? is a downright Negative, and signifies that he shall not find Faith upon Earth: That is, not only (as some interpret it) the Faith even of God's Servants shall be very Weak [Page 764] and Little before the Last Coming of Christ; the Saints themselves having been persecuted and harassed by the Wicked shall faint and flag: They shall scarcely believe the Promise of his Coming; they shall almost despond that Christ will help and deliver them: But the meaning rather seems to be This, that Faithfulness (here called Faith) shall be very rare upon Earth, Sincertiy and Truth shall be bani [...]h'd, and Lying, Perfidiousness, Dissembling, and (which is the Consequent of those) inward Hatred and Malice, and all outward Injustice, Violence, and Oppression shall come in their place. And so in another place * Christ foretells that not long before the Day of Judgment Iniquity shall abound, and the Love of many shall wax cold: For this is to be remarked that the Signs foregoing the Destruction of Ierusalem, and of the Coming of Christ, are intermixed in that Four and twentieth Chapter of St. Matthew: Or we may say, the former Signs were to be repeated, and more fully display'd in the Latter Event.
Our Saviour likewise fets forth the State of the Last Days before the End of the World, not only as extremely Sinful, abounding with great Wickedness and universal Corruption of Life, but as most Afflictive and Dangerous, most Distressed and Calamitous. There shall be (saith he) distress of Nations, with perplexity, the Sea and the Waves roaring, Mens hearts failing them for fear, Luk. 21. 25, 26. Yea, Those Words of Christ in Mat. 24. 21. are applicable here, for the reason beforementioned; Then shall be great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the World to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
[Page 765]And now the Fore-runners of that Great and Notable Day of the Lord, mentioned by our Saviour in this Chapter, shall appear; viz. Wars and great Commotions in Kingdoms and Nations, Signs in the Heavens and in the Earth, Earthquakes, Pestilence, and Famine; with other unusual and extraordinary Occurrences, and tremendous Accidents, which shall give notice of the approaching Judgment. Thus our Saviour not only confirms the Truth of what we read in the Revelation, but he further explains and sets it forth. He plainly suggests unto us what an evil posture the World will be in before he comes to Judgment. He lets us know that the Tribulation as well as the Wickedness of those Days which approach the End of the World shall be more grievous than any that ever were before. At that time the Sins of the Churches Enemies, and the Sufferings of the Godly shall be at the Vertical Point, as high as they can go. Briefly, It will be found true that the World shall be most Wicked and most Perilous at last. The worst State of it will be towards its End. For the Devil will be very wrathful and outrageous, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time, as it is said of him in Rev. 12. 12. And at that time it may more truly be said of him than ever; for the 1000 years being ended he is loosed but for a little season, Rev. 20. 3. He must soon go off the Stage, and that makes him act his part with so much vigour and fierceness. The Iudgment shall come presently after the 1000 years: There shall be a very considerable time between the Mellennium and Doomsday; but it is [...], a small time in comparison of the thousand years: And therefore on this account that malicious Spirit shall bestir himself with a mighty Concernedness. The Tenth and Last Persecution which he raised in the Primitive Times was [Page 766] the Bloodiest: So now he rageth most when he is to take his farewel of this Earthly Stage.
And now behold the Tragical Close of all! Fire came down from God out of Heaven, and devoured these Armies of Gog and Magog, and the Devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, Rev. 20. 9, 10. For now, after all, CHRIST appears from Heaven, and comes to be Avenged of his Enemies, and to Judge the whole World, as you read expresly in ver. 11, 12, of this Chapter. Before his first Coming Satan reigned a long time, as God of this World; he had a kind of an unlimited Rule and Sway: But our Saviour, by his Coming, restrain'd his Power and Lordship, and afterwards, in the Millennary Reign, gives a greater check to them: But, at his Last Coming, he shall wholly deprive him of his Rule and Dominion. Accordingly he comes at that Day, to drive Satan down into his own Place, and there to leave him to be tormented for ever and ever: He comes to take Vengeance on Sinners, and to punish them with the utmost Severity: He comes to rescue the Righteous from the Fury both of Satan and wicked Men. This is the Work of the Last Day.
There is nothing more to be added, unless it be the Conflagration of the World: For this I take to be an evident Truth, that the Firing of the whole Frame of Heaven and Earth, is a Consequent of the Final Iudgment, which is after the Millennium. For to what purpose should this material System be consumed, or rather indeed how can it, till the present Scene of Action in this World be at an end, which will not be till after the Thousand Years are past? I deny not, but there may be some Beginnings of it before, which perhaps is meant in that forenamed Place, Rev. 20. 9. Fire came down from God out of Heaven, and devoured, &c. Here is an Essay of [Page 767] the Last Firing of the World, which is prophesied of by St. Peter, and others; and it appears from this Chapter, that it was after the Devil was loosed, after the Thousand Years Reign of Christ here on Earth, yea towards the Consummation of all Things. This is the true Time of its happening, and therefore we are not to credit the fanciful Conceit of the High [...]flown Spagyrick Tribe, who talk of the Calcining of the Earth by that Fire, and preparing it in a Chymical Way, for the reception of its new Inhabitants after the Resurrection of the Saints. Of Kin to this is what the Author of the New Theory of the Earth asserts, * That the last Conflagration is to alter and dispose the Earth for a New State, to receive the Saints and Martyrs for its Inhabitants, who are at the first Resurrection to enter, and to live and reign a Thousand Years upon it. Before this we were told by † another Writer, that the Millennium shall begin after the beginning of the Conflagration. But ‖ another Learned Gentleman is positive, That the Millennium shall be after the Conflagration is quite past.
Any Man may see that this latter Author misplaceth the World's Conflagration, only to make way for his Paradisiacal Earth, of which he expects a New Edition; for ‡ he fancies that this shall arise, Phoenix-like, out of the Ashes of that other. For this Reason it was necessary to hold, that the blessed Reign of the Thousand Years shall begin after the Conflagration is over; viz. between this and the last Judgment. But, so far as I am able to judge, most of the Places he quotes are rather against [Page 768] him than for him, if they be well scann'd. As to what he lays so great Stress upon, that the Iudgment, and the Reigning of Christ, and joined together in the Apocalypse, Chap. 11. & 20.) he should consider, that the Iudgment is oftentimes introduced in this Book, not as if it were then to happen when it is mentioned, but to strike Terrour into the Minds of the wicked Persecutors of the Church, and to represent to them the Certainty of their future Punishment, viz. when that Day comes: Besides, that it were easy to prove, that not only in this Book, but in other Writings of the Prophets, every great and Notable Revolution is compared to God's judging the World, and is set forth by the Holy Ghost after that manner.
Again, this Learned Writer frequently misinterprets the Places which speak of Christ's Coming, as that in 2 Thes. 2. 8. which is not meant of his Last Coming to Iudgment, but of that which I have been largely treating of; viz. the happy Reign of the Godly when Antichrist shall be destroy'd, which commenceth long before the Final Coming of our Saviour: And therefore when he saith, the Millennium cannot be till Christ's Coming, he deceives himself, and his Readers, by not attending to the true Meaning of Christ's Coming, in those Texts which he refers to. Indeed, most of his Mistakes proceed from this, That whereas the Scripture often mentions the Coming of our Lord to set up a Glorious Church on Earth, before the end of the World, (which likewise he himself acknowledges) he interprets it of another Coming; i. e. he imagines it to be understood of the Last Appearance of our Saviour.
Another great Occasion of his Misapprehensions in the present Point is this, That where-ever almost he finds in the Old or New Testament any [Page 769] Passages concerning Fire and Burning, he applies them (as the Reader may observe through his whole Treatise) to the Last Combustion of the World, which hath unfortunately betray'd him to many Errors.
Likewise, wheresoever New Heavens, and a New Earth, are made mention of in the Bible, he understands them of a New Material World, whenas there was no such Thing intended; for these Terms denote only a new State and Face of Things, viz. that blessed Millennium before treated of. Then there shall be such a great and notable Change, that there shall seem to be a New World. The Inhabitants of this Place shall be so strangely alter'd, that there shall be as it were an Appearance of a New Creation. In this Sense the Apostle uses the Expression, 2 Cor. 5. 17. He that is in Christ is a New Creature. This Author might as well interpret these Words, as the New Heavens, and New Earth, of a New Material Creation, and hold that every Man, when he is made a true Christian, is physically Created again.
But I observe it is with this Learned Gentleman, as it was with Origen of old, who was generally faulty in Allegorizing those Places of Scripture which are to be taken Literally, and yet was so unhappy as to expound a clause in Matth. 19. 12. in this latter way, notwithstanding it is evident that it was spoken in a Mystical one. So we find this Writer turning that part of the Bible which speaks of the Creation of the World, and of the Fall of Man, into Allegory and Metaphor, though they are plain Historical and Literal Passages; but those Texts of Scripture which mention New Heavens, and a New Earth, in a Metaphorical way of speaking, are taken by him in a Literal and proper Sense. The Heavens, and the Earth, with the whole Six days Works of the Creation, [Page 770] in the first Chapter of Genesis, are according to him Allegory and Mystery, not to say a Fable: But the New Heavens and Earth in Isaiah, (where they are interpreted to his hand of * Ierusalem, the the Church of God) and in other Places, are understood by him in a strict and literal Sense, of a New Corporeal System of the World. This is the Perverseness of humane Wit, and it is its own Punishment. I heartily wish the Learned Author were sensible of it; and then he would see, that this Notion of a New Material Earth, and a New Set of heavenly Bodies for Men to inhabit in, is all Romance and Fiction, built only upon some distorted Texts of Scripture, upon some mistaken Passages, for want of comparing them with others in the Sacred Writ; upon some Scraps and Fragments of a few Platonick and Stoick Philosophers; upon the Prepossessions of some of the Fathers of the Church, who had been Admirers of the Platonists Opinions; upon the Rhetorical Flaunts of some others of them; upon the high Flights of some fanciful Poets; and, lastly, on the Dreams of some of the Iewish Rabbins. These are too small, too tender Wires, to hang so great a Weight on, as those New Heavens, and that New Earth, which he fansies.
If it be said, that the New Heaven, and New Earth, are after the Burning of the World; because S. Peter, immediately after he had mentioned this dreadful Event, adds these Words, Nevertheless we, according to his Promise, look for New Heavens, and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness, Epist. 2. Chap. 3. ver. 13. I answer, That this is Inconsequential; for we cannot here argue from the Order of the Apostle's Words, to the Order of the Things spoken of. He relates the Consumption of the World [Page 771] by Fire, and then annexes his Expectations of a new and better state of Things: But it doth not follow thence, that this shall be after that. For the plain Mind of the Apostle seems to me to be this; ‘Notwithstanding that dreadful Dissolution of all Things, which I have been speaking of; you and I, and all good Christians, must comfort and chear our selves with that Expectance and Belief of another State of Things, which shall certainly intervene between this and that. We look for happy Days before that Time comes: These shall present us, as 'twere, with a New-made World; these shall be New Heavens, and New Earth to us; and therefore let us not be discouraged and disheartened, with the Thoughts of that Terrible Conflagration of the material Earth and Heavens. We, according to God's Promise, (recorded in the Prophetick Writings, Isa. 65. 17. 66. 22. Hag. 2. 6.) look for this new Scene of Affairs in the World, viz. a Glorious Church on Earth. And though things look otherwise at present; though there is no Appearance of any such State now, nevertheless I tell you there shall be, before the Day of Judgment, a Time when this shall be fulfilled. And though we of this Age shall not survive to see this blessed Time, yet we rejoice in the firm and certain Belief of it; and we exhort all holy Men, in succeeding Ages, to expect and long for this Day.’ The Sum of these Words then is this; Although this World shall be dissolved by Flames, yet before this amazing Change happens, we are to look for New Heavens, and a New Earth; i. e. such a State wherein universal Holiness shall be Lasting and Permanent, (which is one of the Qualifications, as you have heard, of this happy State I have been treating of;) for that is the meaning of those Words [ wherein dwelleth Righteousness.] This I conceive [Page 772] is the Sense of this Text of St. Peter, which is vouched by the Analogy of it with other Texts, and the natural and facile Scope of the Words, and the Criticism of the Adverb [...], which in many other Places of the New Testament is Synonymous with [...] and [...], sed, attamen, quinetiam. This, I say, I take to be the genuine Sense of this Place, and accordingly the forementioned Objection vanishes. Or if you interpret it, (as some Learned Expositors do) of the Eternal Glory and Happiness of blessed Souls above, which all holy Men look for, the Objection hath no force.
Further, it is intimated in this very Chapter, that the universal Combustion of the World shall be after the Millennium, and after the Iudgment; (whereas this Author places it before them both;) for the setting of the Heavens and the Earth on Fire, is said to be in order to the Perdition of ungodly Men, ver. 7. for presently after the Last Judgment is dispatched, and the Righteous are translated into the Regions of eternal Happiness in the Heaven of Heavens; presently after this, I say, the Earth, and the Elemental Heavens, shall be fired, and those vile Criminals who were adjudged to everlasting Torments, shall be plagued and cruciated in these Flames. This at least is their INCHOATIVE PERDITION, I conceive.
To shut up all, and make a Final Period, (and now it is high Time to do it, when the World it self doth so) As the Earth of old was overwhelm'd with Water, so now it feels an Inundation (if I may so say) of Fire, a Burning Deluge, an Universal Flood, and Torrent of Devouring Flames. Now Nature itself expires, and is laid asleep in her own Vrn, and Bed of Ashes. And as this General Bonfire is as it were to Light the Saints to Heaven; so the loud Blazes of it, its crackling Flames, its [Page 773] horrid Flashes and Eruptions, are to give the Wicked some Foretasts of the contrary State and Place: For they shall pass but from one Fire to another, even to those EVERLASTING BVRNINGS which were prepared of old for them. This Earth, which before was their only Heaven, shall now justly become their Hell; and all the infernal Vaults, which were the former Receptacles of Evil Spirits, shall be set wide open, and make one large and capacious Prison, and Place of Execution, for these Condemned and Tormented Wretches. Therefore this Conflagration must be after the Final Sentence is passed upon them, and not before it. If the World were all on Fire before the Iudgment, (as some assert) it would be a Hinderance to the Trial, and good Men as well as bad would feel the Effects of it. Therefore when the Doom is over, and the former are taken up to Heaven, and safely lodged there, the dreadful Fire-works shall play upon the latter, and the whole World at last shall become one Funeral Pile. Now Hell is enlarged, and the Devils, and other damned Creatures, change their subterraneous Vaults of Fire, for a more capacious Furnace of Flame and Smoke; the whole lower World being converted into one Eternal Hell. This is the Last Catastrophe, the Final Close of the Incorrigible World, the Everlasting Period of all the Churches Enemies, of all her Calamities of what Nature soever. This is the true Order (as I conceive) of the Transactions of this concluding Scene of the World.
Thus I have finished my Task; I have set before you, and explain'd the various Administrations, Discoveries, and Manifestations of the Divine Majesty, and his Will to Mankind in the World; with the true Series and Order of Times belonging to them, with their several Dates, Ages, and Periods. I [Page 774] have presented you with a Scheme of the whole Progress of Religion, since the beginning of the World. Yea, I have made bold to enquire into the Future State of it, and of the Church of Christ: In which, and in all that went before, I have endeavoured to unfold and discover * the Manifold Wisdom of God, (as the Apostle rightly styles it,) the Curious and Admirable Variety which is to be discerned in the Divine Providence; the Consideration of which, induced me to prefix that. Title to this Treatise.