Die Martis, 3. Decemb. 1644.

AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS assembled in PARLIAMENT FOR THE Raising of Money to pay the Charge of the Fortifications and Guards, and for other Necessary Uses:

For the safety of the City, and parts ad­jacent, within the Lines of Communica­tion, and weekly Bills of Mortality.

LONDON, Printed by Richard Cotes, 1644.

[royal blazon or coat of arms]


FOrasmuch as the Fortifications and Guards within the Cities of London and Westminster, and parts adjacent, within the Lines of Communication and weekly Bills of Mortality, are very necessary for the safety and de­fence of the said Cities and places, and preservation of the Parliament in these times of di­straction [Page 2] and danger, and for that the Citizens and Inha­bitants within the said Cities and places have been and are daily at great charges in maintaining the same, For rai­sing of money to pay the charge of the Fortifications and Guards aforesaid, and for satisfying the great debts there­by already incurred, and other necessary uses: The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, have Ordained, And bee it Ordained by the said Lords and Commons, That there shall bee monethly charged and levyed upon the Cities of London and Westminster, The Hamblets of the Tower, and Burrough of Southwark, and all other Parishes and places within the Line of Communication, and week­ly Bills of Mortality, the summe of six thousand nine hundred sixty two pounds foure shillings: That is to say, upon the City of London, five thousand foure hundred eighty two pounds ten shillings three pence. Upon the Ci­ty and Liberty of Westminster, six hundred sixteen pounds ten shillings eight pence halfe penny. Upon the Hamblets, foure hundred ninty three pounds foure shillings seven pence. Upon the Burrough of Southwark, three hundred sixty nine pounds eighteen shillings five pence farthing, for the purposes aforesaid, for six moneths. To commence from the first day of November last past, And to the end the severall summes of money, may bee duly raised, levy­ed, and paid; as hereafter is directed.

Bee it further Ordained, by the said Lords and Com­mons, That the Lord Major and Aldermen of London, shall bee Committees for the City of London and Liber­ties thereof, And the Lord Major and Aldermen of Lon­don, and six such persons of every of the Sub-committees for the Militia, within the Lines of Communication, and weekly Bills of Mortality, as the said severall and respe­ctive Committees shall nominate and appoint, for this [Page 3] service, and the former Committees named in the Ordi­nance for the two last moneths assessements for the City of Westminster, Burrough of Southwarke, Hamblets of the Tower, and other places within the Line of Commu­nication, and Weekly Bills of Mortality, without the Ci­ty of London, and Liberties thereof, shall bee Committees for the said City of Westminster, Burrough of South­warke, Hamblets of the Tower, and places aforesaid without the City of London, and Liberties thereof, within their severall and respective divisions: which said Commit­tees in their severall and respective divisions or any two or more of them respectively are hereby authorized and required to direct their warrants to such number of Per­sons as they shall thinke fit, within their severall and re­spective divisions to bee Assessors for the said Rates, which said Persons are hereby authorized and required to assesse all and every Person and Persons wheresoever they shall live and inhabite, either within the said Limits, or without, having any reall or personall Estate within the Limits, Circuits, and Bounds of their respective Divisions, according to the rate and proportion in this Ordinance mentioned.

An bee it further Ordained by the Lords and Com­mons, That the severall Summes which shall bee hereafter assessed or taken upon the severall Cities and Places afore­said, shall be assessed and taken both for Lands and Goods, upon such Persons and Estates, and in such man­ner and forme, as is directed for the Weekly Assessements in an Ordinance of Parliament of the fourth day of March, 1642. Intituled An Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, For the speedy raising and levying of Money for the maintenance of the Army raised by the Parliament, and other great Affaires of the Common-wealth by a [Page 4] Weekly Assessement: and to the end the said Rates be equally and indifferently assessed, and the Moneys duly Collected, and true accompt thereof made; the said As­sessors are hereby required, within six days after such assessement made, to deliver two Copies of their respective assessements fairly written and subscribed by them unto the said respective Committees, or to any of them; whereof one to remain with the said Committee, and the other to be delivered to the Collectors, with Warrants to levy the said Moneys. And the said severall Committees, or any three of them are hereby respectively authorized from time to time to nominate one or more sufficient and honest Persons in every Division or allotment, to bee Collectors of the said Moneys so assessed and Rated; which said Col­lectors are hereby authorized and required to collect the said Moneys so assessed, and the said respective Commit­tees, or any six of them, are hereby authorized to allow and pay unto the said respective Collectors two pence in the pound for their paines in collecting the said Moneys, and one penny in the pound to their Clerkes for their paines in fair writing the said Assessements: and if any Person or Persons whatsoever, shall refuse or neglect to pay any Summe or Summes of Money, whereat he, or they shall bee Rated and assessed, That then it shall and may be lawfull to, and for the said Collectors, or any of them, to leavy the summe so assessed by Distresse, and the Sale of the Goods of such person or persons so refu­sing or neglecting to pay, deducting the summe assessed, and the reasonable charges of Distraining, and restore the overplus to the owner thereof. And likewise to breake open any House, Chest, Truncks, Boxe, or other thing wherein any such Goods are, and to call to their assistance any of the Trained Bands, Constables, Headboroughs [Page 5] or any other Forces within the Cities and Places where a­ny resistance shall be made, or any other person or persons whatsoever; which said Forces and Persons, are hereby required to bee aiding and assisting in the premises, as they shall answer the contrary at their perills. And if any Question or difference shall happen to arise upon the ta­king such Distresse, betweene the parties distrained and distraining, the same shall be ended and determined by the said Committees, or any two of them: and the said several Committees or any two or more of them are hereby authorized and required to use such other wayes or meanes for the speedy levying of the said Assessements as to them shal be though fit. And if any person or persons shall pur­posely convey away his or their Goods, or any other per­sonall Estate whereby the sum of money so assessed, can­not bee levyed according to this Ordinance: Then the said respective Committees, or any two of them are here­by authorized by themselves, or such other Persons as they shall appoint, to imprison the Persons; and the Sequestra­tors to sequester the Estates of every such Person, for the advancement of the said service. And the Tenants of all Houses and Lands, which shall be rated by vertue of this Ordinance, are hereby required and authorized to pay such summes of money, as shall bee rated upon every such House and Lands, and to deduct out of their Rents so much of the said Rates, as in respect of the Rents of every such House and Lands, the Landlords should or ought to pay, or beare; and the Landlords both medi­ate and immediate, according to their respective Interests, are hereby required to allow such deductions and pay­ments upon the receipt of the residue of their Rents, and to give Acquittances for their whole Rents, as if no deducti­ons had been made. And if any Landlord refuse to make [Page 6] any such deduction or allowance, or to give such acquittan­ces, then the respective Committees for the sequestrations in the Cities and Places aforesaid upon proof therof made be fore them, are hereby authorized for every time they shall so refuse to seize and sequester for the service aforesaid, one full halfe yeeres rent payable to such persons so refusing, allowing out of the same the summe of money so paid by that Tenant as aforesaid. And if any difference shall a­rise between Landlord an Tenant or any other concer­ning the said Rates, the said severall Committees or any two of them in their severall divisions have hereby power to settle the same as they shall thinke fit. And the said Collectors, and every of them are hereby required from time to time to pay such summe and summes of money as shall be by them collected by vertue of this Ordinance, to such Treasurer or Treasurers for the City of London and Liberties thereof, as the Common Councell of the said City shall appoint. And for the Lines of Communica­tion, and within the Weekly Bills of Mortality without the City and Liberties to such Treasurer or Treasurers as the respective Sub-Committees in their severall Divisions shall appoint. And the said severall Committees are here­by required to take speciall care, that the said Monethly Assessements be constantly levyed, collected and paid to the said Treasurer or Treasurers once in every Moneth, during the continuance of the terme mentioned in this Ordinance.

And bee it further Ordained by the said Lords and Com­mons, that if any person or persons shall wilfully neglect or refuse to take upon him any Office or place herein men­tioned incident to this service, or having taken upon him [Page 7] such Office or place shall refuse or neglect to execute or perform the same, or if any other person or persons shall neglect or refuse to perform his duty in the due and spee­dy execution of this present Ordinance, the Lord Major of the said City, for the time being, or any two of the Al­dermen of the same City, for the City of London, and the Liberties thereof, and the said respective Commit­tees without the Liberties of the said City, and within the Lines of Communication and weekly Bills of Mortality, or any five of them, have hereby power to commit such person or persons so refusing or neglecting this service, as aforesaid, to prison, there to remaine without Baile, untill hee shall conform himselfe; or otherwise to impose upon such person or persons so refusing or neglecting the said service or their duties therein, such Fine or Fines as to them shall bee thought fit, and cause the same to bee levyed by distresse, and sale of goods in manner and forme aforesaid.

Provided, That no fine to bee imposed upon any of the said Committees shall for any one offence exceed the summe of five pounds, and that no fine to bee imposed upon any Assessor, Collector, or any other person to bee imployed by the said Committees in the said service, or refusing to bee imployed therein, shall for any offence ex­ceed the summe of five pounds: And that no priviledged place or person, within the Cities and places aforesaid, shall bee exempted from the said Assessements and Taxes.

And bee it further Ordained, That the said severall and respective Committees, and every of them shall from time to time give a true and perfect account of all their [Page 8] doings and proceedings in the execution of this Ordinance, (viz.) The Treasurer or Treasurers for London, and the Liberties to the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common Councell of the said City of London, or to such persons as they shall appoint; And the said Sub-Committees, and their Treasurers to the Committee for the Militia of the said City.

And bee it further Ordained, that the Treasurers appoin­ted to receive the money by vertue of this Ordinance, are appointed and hereby authorized to issue out the said Mo­nies so gathered and received for the purpose aforesaid, and not otherwise, within the City and Liberties, as the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Commons in Common Councell assembled, or such persons as they from time to time shall appoint for that purpose; and without the said City and Liberties and within the Line of Communicati­on, and weekly Bills of Mortality, as the said Sub-Com­mittees within their severall divisions shall appoint for the uses aforesaid, and not otherwise.

And bee it, lastly, by the said Lords and Commons fur­ther Ordained, that all and every the respective Com­mittees, Assessors, Treasurers, and Collectors, of the re­spective Divisions aforesaid, and all that shall assist them in the premisses, shall bee by the power of Parliament Protected and saved harmlesse, both for what according to the true meaning of the Premisses, they have or shall do therein.

Provided alwayes, that such Rates and Assessements as shall bee made by virtue of this Ordinance upon any Peeres of this Kingdome, or Members, Assistants or At­tendants upon either the Houses of Parliament, shall be­fore [Page 9] the same bee levyed, bee presented to the respective Houses, whose Members, Assistants, or Attendants, shall bee concerned therein respectively, and by such respective House allowed and approved of, any thing in this present Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding.

  • Jo. Brown Cleric. Parliamentorum,
  • H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

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