Die Sabbathi, 27. Sept. 1645.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons as­sembled in Parliament, for the further supply of the British Army in IRELAND.

VVHereas the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, have by an Ordinance published the Eighteenth day of October, One thousand six hun­dred fourty and four, Ordained and Declared, That for the support and sup­ply of the Brittish forces of Horse and Foot in the Pro­vinces of Vlster, Munster and Connaught in the Kingdom of Ireland, severall weekly sums of money in the said Or­dinance expressed, should be Charged, Rated, Taxed and leavied, upon all and every the severall Counties, Cities, Towns, Liberties and places of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, to begin from the first of September then last past, and to continue for the space of twelve moneths; which moneys were to be is­sued for the service aforesaid, in such manner as the Com­mittee of both Kingdoms, or such persons as should be by them Authorized by their Order should direct.

In which Ordinance, a speciall Proviso is had and made, that no part of the money, which should be lea­vied or paid in by vertue of, or according to the tenour thereof, should be imployed to any other purpose, but on­ly [Page 2]for providing and sending supplies for the said Brittish forces, and carrying on of that war, until the sum of Four­score thousand pounds had been Leavied, Collected and paid into the Treasurers appointed by that Ordinance to be disposed of for that purpose, as therein is expressed; And then Ordained and Declared, That whatsoever mo­neys should be Leavied, Raised, and paid to the said Treasurers by vertue of that Ordinance, over and above the before mentioned sum of Fourscore thousand pounds, such overplus of money should be disposed of, in such manner as should be further resolved and ordain­ed by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, as in and by the said Ordinance amongst other things more at large doth appear.

And whereas the Committee of both Kingdoms in pursuance of the said Ordinance, and of other Directions from the Houses of Parliament, hath already disposed of, or else designed for the payment of the Commanders, Of­ficers and Souldiers, and for the providing, sending over into Ireland, and paying for Victuals, Cloathes, Armes, Ammunition, and other things necessary for supply and maintenance of the said Brittish Forces, and o­ther necessary occasions incident thereunto, the aforesaid sum of Fourscore thousand pounds, which is to be paid according to the engagements, contracts and agreements by them for that purpose made, and to be made, and not to be otherwise diverted.

And forasmuch as there is now required for the use of the Scotish Army in Ireland, Sixteen thousand Bolle of Oat­meal, Seven thousand Cassocks and Breeches, Seven thou­sand Shirts, Seven thousand pair of shoes, Seven thousand pair of stockings, Seven thousand Caps for the Common Souldiers, & Four thousand pounds worth of Cloth, & o­ther [Page 3]necessaries for the Officers of the said Scottish Army; And that Mr. John Davies of Carrickfergus in Ireland, hath propounded and contracted to furnish the same at certain Rates and Prizes, and upon such conditions as are agreed on betwixt the House of Commons and him the three and twentieth of April last, the whole charge thereof amounting to the sum of Four and twenty thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds, so that he may receive payment and satisfaction in manner following; (that is to say) By advance unto him of the sum of Three thousand pounds within one moneth, Three thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds more within one moneth after that, and by receiving the residue, being Eighteen thousand pounds, out of the Ordinance of Parliament for Ireland, of the Eighteenth of October, One thousand six hundred forty & four, before mentioned, after the said Fourscore thousand pounds by that Ordinance limited, and by the Commit­tee of both Kingdoms, either disposed, or to be by them disposed of for the Brittish forces in Ireland, shall be paid or satisfied: And upon condition that he may out of the remain of the money that shall come in by the said Ordi­nance of the Eighteenth of October, One thousand six hun­dred forty and four, for Ireland, after the aforesaid sums of Fourscore thousand pounds, and, Eighteen thousand pounds are paid, receive satisfaction of the severall sums of Nine thousand forty and five pounds, which appears by his Accompt made the tenth of April, One thousand six hundred forty and three, to be due unto him above two years since, for provisions delivered unto the Brittish and Scottish Regiments in Ulster, by direction of the Par­liament, and contract made with Mr. Nathaniell Fiennes, Sir Philip Stapleton, and Mr. John Hampden; and of Three thousand one hundred and fifty pounds, which he stan­deth [Page 4]engaged for to Mr. Maximiliam Beard, and Mr. Thomas Brown of Cheapside London, for provisions deli­vered in Ireland to that value; and for which they re­ceived Warrants to be paid out of the Adventurers mo­ney, but have not received any of the same, the said War­rants neverthelesse being charged upon him in his Ac­compts: And in case he shall not receive full satisfaction out of the said Ordinance in the way propounded of, the before mentioned Eighteen thousand pounds, and the Twelve thousand, one hundred, ninety and five pounds, so due unto him upon his Accompt, and to Mr. Beard and Mr. Brown, within six months next after his delivery of that quantity of Oat-meal at Carrickfergus, and the Shipping of the other goods from hence, Certificates being retur­ned of the same, some other course and way may be found out to satisfie unto him so much thereof as shall be be­hinde, and cannot be raised by that Ordinance.

The Lords and Commons in this present Parlia­ment, resolving to pursue the aforesaid Contract, made the three and twentieth of April last past, with the said Mr. Davies, for supplying the Stottish Army in Ireland, with the Oat-meal, Clothes, and other necessaries now by them so required, and that payment be made unto him in the manner, and within the time limited; And also to give satisfaction unto the said Mr. Davies for the debt al­ready due unto him; and for his other demands in the the way propounded, as may be for his indempnity and future encouragement to undergo the like good services: They have already taken Order, That the sum of Three thousand pounds is paid or seeured unto him, the said Mr. John Davies, or his Assignes, in lieu and satisfaction of the first Three thousand pounds by him required in his Pro­position, to be advanced within one moneth: And for [Page 5]the same purpose have also settled the payment of Three thousand, seven hundred and fifty pounds more, in lieu and satisfaction of so much propounded, to be paid unto him & his Assignes within another moneth next after the first: And for his further satisfaction and payment of the residue of the moneys, that according to the Rates and Prizes before expressed, shall become due unto him the said John Davies, for the Oat-meal, Clothes, Cloth, and other necessaries, which in performance of this Con­tract he shall deliver at Carrickfergus in Ireland, or Ship from hence for the use of the Scottish Army in Ireland, such residue amounting to Eighteen thousand pounds. The said Lords and Commons have thought fit to Or­dain and Declare, and be it hereby Ordained and Decla­red, That the same shall be paid unto him or his Assignes out of the first of such moneys as shall come to the Trea­surers hands, out of all the Counties, Cities, Towns and places of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, by vertue and means of the before mentioned Or­dinance of Parliament, of the Eighteenth of October last, for relief of the Brittish Armies in Ireland, next and immediatly after the beforesaid sum of Fourscore thou­sand pounds intended by the said Ordinance, and already disposed or designed by the Committee of both King­doms, for relief of those Brittish Armies, is accordingly satisfied and paid.

And it is hereby further Ordained and Declared, That when and as soon as the before mentioned sum of Four score thousand pounds shall be satisfied and paid as afore­said, for the relief of the British Armies in Ireland, and Eighteen thousand pounds as aforesaid, towards the sup­ply of the Scottish Armies in that Kingdom, out of the moneys arising and coming in by means and vertue of the [Page 6]Ordinance of Parliament of the Eighteenth of October last; Then payment and satisfaction shall be made and given out of the remainder of those moneys unto the said John Davies and his assignes, of the before mentioned sum of Nine thousand fourty and five pounds due unto him upon his accompt, for provisions delivered to the Scottish and Brittish Regiments of Horse and Foot in Vlster in Ireland above two years since by direction of the Parliament, and contract made as aforesaid with Na­thaniel Fines Esquire, Sir Philip Stapleton Knight, and John Hampden Esquire; and of Three thousand one hun­dred and fifty pounds more unto him or his Assignes for dis-ingagement of him to Master Maximilian Beard, and Master Thomas Brown of Cheapside, of the respective Sums as aforesaid of Fifteen hundred pounds, and Six­teen hundred and fifty pounds, he procuring them upon payment of the said moneys, to deliver up to be cancelled the Warrants and Orders which they formerly had for the payment of the same; And the present Committee of both Kingdoms, who have now the power of issu­ing out the moneys, arising and coming in by the afore­said Ordinance of Parliament of the Eighteenth of Octo­ber last, or any other Committee that shall be hereafter authorised thereunto, are not to divert or dispose of those moneys, or any part of them, to any other use, or to any other person whatsoever, but for the payment and satis­faction of the said John Davies and his Assignes, the be­fore mentioned sums of money hereby Ordered to be respectively paid unto them: But the said Committees are hereby authorised and required, as it shall be made ap­pear unto them by the Certificate of such person as is in­trusted to receive the same, That the said John Davies or his Assignes, shall ship away from London the Cloth, [Page 7]Suits of Clothes, Shirts, Stockings, Shoes, and Caps, according to the Contract before mentioned, for the use of the Scottish Army in Ireland; and that he shall deliver for their use at Carrickfergus in Ireland, the Oat-meal as is before expressed, To grant and issue forth their Orders and Warrants unto the Treasurers appointed by that Ordinance for payment of the severall and respective sums of money, unto the said John Davies, or his As­signes, in the course and order herein prescribed, which Orders and Warrants the said Treasurers are hereby re­quired to observe accordingly, and to discharge the same: And it is hereby recommended to the said Committee of both Kingdoms, to use all good means for the speedy Leavying, and bringing in out of the severall Counties, Cities, Towns and places of this Kingdom, and the Dominion of Wales, the moneys required by that Ordi­nance, who hereby are authorized to send forth such Let­ters and Warrants, for the better effecting thereof, as they shall think meet; And it is hereby also further Or­dained and Declared, by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That they will from time to time, as occasion shall require, nominate Com­mittees in such places and Counties within this Kingdom and Dominion of Wales as have been hitherto omitted in the aforesaid Ordinance of the Eighteenth of October last; and will also adde to the present respective Com­mittees of any Counties, City, Town and place, such persons as shall be recommended, and be for the better advancement of the service.

And whereas there are not any persons specially named for the Isle of Wight, & some other places and Counties in this Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, as Committees to execute the powers in the said Ordinance [Page 8]of the Eighteenth of October, and in some other Counties and places, some persons of eminent note are omitted, whereby the service therein is neglected; Be it further Ordained, That

For the Isle of Wight.

Sir Henry Worsl [...]y and Sir Robert Lisle, Knights; Robert Dillington, John Lisle, William Bowreman, Edw: Dennis, Thomas Bowreman, William Maynard, Edward Cheek, John Worsley, and John Bunkley, Esquires; Robert Mathews, Alderman; Thomas Kerne Colonell; Captain Man, and Henry Ringwood Gentleman, Mr. Legg, Mr. Oglander.

For the County of Hereford.

Sir Robert Harley Knight of the Bath, Colonell Ed­ward Harley, Iames Kirle Esquire; Colonell Edward Broughton, John Flacet Junior, Henry Jones Gentleman, Captain Thomas Blaney.

For the County of Monmouth.

Herbert Esquire, Knight of the Shire; Thomas Hughes Esquire, John Walter Esquire, Rumsey Gentleman, Christopher Catchman, and William Jones Gentlemen be respective Committees for the purposes in the said Ordinance mentioned; and are required to do and execute all such powers, authorities & things within the said Isle and Counties, to be done as fully as any other persons are authorized by the said Ordinance for any other place in that Ordinance mentioned; And that there shall be added to the present respective Committees in the said re­cited Ordinance named of the Counties and places here­after mentioned, viz.

To the Committees for the County of Middlesex, John Hicks Gentleman.

To the Committees for the County of Essex, Joachim Mathews Esquire, Edward Pickrell Gentleman.

To the Committees for the County of Sussex, William Freeman, Nicholas Shepherd, Richard Gates, Henry Avery, William Waterfield.

To the Committees for the County of Leicester, Cradock Gentleman.

To the Committees for the county of Hertford, George Smith Esquire. And to the Committees for the county of Bedford, Sir VVilliam Butler Knight.

To the Committees of the County of Devon, Christo­pher Savorey of Strilson Esquire in the County of Devon; Philip Crooker and Richard Wood Esquires.

And to the respective Committees of the severall coun­ties of Glocester, VVilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, and counties of the city of Glocester and city of Exon.

Colonell Generall Massey, and Colonell Nicholas Devereux.

And the said persons so added to the said Committees as aforesaid, and every of them are hereby authorized, and required to do and act in every respect, as if they had been originally named and appointed of such Committees by the same Ordinance.

And because it will much concern the said John Davies to have the moneys arising by that Ordinance duly lea­vied, Collected and brought in to the Treasurers hands within the time limited by the contract made with him: It is hereby thought fit and declared that the said John Davies shall have power to nominate and imploy such persons as he shall make choice of, and for whom he will [Page 10]answer to earry the Letters, Warrants, and instructions of the Houses of Parliament, and of the Committee of both Kingdoms to the severall parts of this Kingdom, and Dominion of VVales, and to sollicite the Commit­tees of the Counties, Cities, Towns and places; and the Collectors and other Officers imployed for the Leavy­ing, Collecting and bringing in of those moneys, and to bring from time to time their respective answers and proceedings.

And for the defraying of the charges of such persons and Messengers: It is hereby ordained and declared that an allowance of six pence upon every twenty shillings to be brought in by means or vertue of that Order, after the before mentioned sum of Fourscore thousand pounds, al­ready disposed of, or designed by the Committee of both Kingdoms for the Brittish Army in Ireland shall be sa­tisfied and paid, shall be made and given unto the said John Davies or his Assigns; And the Committee of both Kingdoms are hereby authorized, and required to give order to the Treasurers for payment and allowance there­of, who are according to such orders to pay and allow the same out of those moneys so coming in by the said Ordinance.

And it is hereby further Resolved, Ordained and De­clared by the Lords and Commons in this present Par­liament assembled, That in case the said John Davies or his assignes shall not by and out of the moneys coming in by the said Ordinance, receive full satisfaction of the se­verall sums hereby Ordained to be respectively paid unto them within the space of six moneths next after the deli­very of the full quantities of Oat-meal at Carrickfergus, and the shipping of other goods from hence (due certi­ficate being made and returned to the Speaker of the [Page 11]House of Commons for the time being, or the Commit­tee of both Kingdoms concerning the same by the Com­mander in chief of that army for the Oat-meal, and by such as shall be intrusted to receive the other goods here) And the said John Davies or his assignes making it appear how much at that time is unpaid and due unto him; That then, and in such case the said John Davies his Executors and assignes shall be allowed, and paid damage after the Rate of Eight pounds per Centum, per Annum from the failer of payment at six moneths end as aforesaid, of so much of the said moneys as shall be unpaid and unsatisfied; And that some further and fit way and course for satisfaction thereof, shall be taken by both Houses of Parliament.

And whereas some doubt hath been conceived by some, whether the said Ordinance be to continue one full year, by reason of some expressions which they conceive to be doutfull: It is hereby Ordained and Declared, That the same is to have continuance for the space of one full and entire year (that is to say) from the first day of Sep­tember, One thousand six hundred forty and four, untill the second day of September, One thousand six hundred forty and five, in those Counties, Ci­ties and places, where the said moneys have been already Taxed, Rated, and Assessded, and in those Counties, Cities and places, where no Assessments have as yet been made by vertue of the said recited Ordi­nance, by reason of the present distractions, to begin and have Commencement from such time as they shall be re­duced to the Obedience of the Parliament, and to conti­nue for the space of one entire year, likewise to the end all places may pay their respective shares and proportions towards so good and profitable a work.

And whereas divers sums of money to be raised by vertue of the said recited Ordinance, may after the Col­lecting thereof, peradventure lye and remain in the Col­lectors hands some space of time, before the same can with conveniency and safety be brought to London, which may prove very prejudiciall to the said Mr. John Davies, by occasioning delay in the payment of such moneys as are or shall be assigned unto him out of the money to be raised by vertue of the said Ordinance, in case he might not receive the same untill it be first brought up and paid in to the said Treasurers at Grocers Hall; Be it therefore Ordained and Declared, That if the said Mr. John Davies shall at any time or times hereafter, be willing & desirous to receive and take any part of the moneys to him As­signed, or to be Assigned of any of the Collectors in the severall Counties or places where the same shall be Col­lected, and shall to that end deliver unto the Treasurers at Grocers Hall, in the said Ordinance named, a sufficient Acquittance for the same, as for so much money by him received of them, That then the said Treasurers shall up­on Receipt of every such acquittance, deliver unto the said Mr. John Davies, Acquittances to the severall Col­lectors, for such moneys in like manner, as if the said Collectors had paid in the same to the said Treasurers at Grocers Hall in London, any thing in the said recited Or­dinance to the contrary notwithstanding.

Ioh: Brown, Cleric. Parliamentorum.
H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

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