AN ORDINANCE OF The Lords and Commons assembled in PARLIAMENT;

For and concerning one Tenth part more of Customes and Subsidies, to be paid according to this Ordinance;

For the Defence of the Towns and Ports of Plymouth, the Isle of St. Nicholas, the Towns of Poole, and Lyme, and places neer adjacent.

ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Or­dinance be forthwith printed and published:

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Printed for Edward Husbands, November 20. 1643.

Die Mercurii, 15 Nov. 1643. AN ORDINANCE OF The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, &c.

IN regard of the great necessity of the Town and Port of Plimmouth, and Island of Saint Nicholas, and the Towns of Pool and Lyme, and places neer adjacent;

Be it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That where any Subsidy, Custome, or other duty, on the First day of November, in the yeer of our Lord [Page 4]God, 1643. is or shall be laid or im­posed by Authority, or Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, upon any Goods, VVares, or other Mer­chandizes, of what nature, kinde, or quality soever, to be exported out of, or imported into the Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales; That their one Tenth part more of the Rate of the Custome, Subsidy, or Duties now paid, or according to the Book of Rates now, by such au­thority or Ordinance established, be paid and answered, over and above the said Custome, Subsidy or Duty, from and after the Fifteenth day of November, of and from all and eve­ry such Goods, VVares, and other Merchandize so to bee exported or imported, That is to say, where Ten [Page 5]shillings now is paid, there hereafter shall be paid One shilling more, and after that Rate for more or lesse, to continue till it be otherwise Ordain­ed by both Houses of Parliament; and to be received, collected and ta­ken by Nathan Wright, Francis Lenthall, and George Henly, of Lon­don, Merchants, their Deputy and Deputies, and by them to be paid o­ver to such Treasurer as shall be ap­pointed by both Houses of Parlia­ment, to bee imployed for, in, and about the Defence of the said Town and Port of Plymouth, and Jsland, and the Towns of Pool and Lyme, and places neer there or adjacent, by Order of both Houses of Parliament, or such other persons to whom they shall give Authority in that behalf: [Page 6]And the said Subsidy and Impositi­on to bee paid, under such penalty and seizures as are established by an Ordinance or Act now in being, for other customes and Subsidies already established: And the collectors be se­cured and saved harmlesse, by Au­thority of both Houses of Parlia­ment, in what they shall do in exe­cution of the Premises: Provided al­wayes, That as touching the Duty hereby imposed, there be no dedu­ction or defalcation of 15. l. per. Cent: And it is further Ordered, That the Customers, Comptrollers, and other Officers whom it may concern in the Port of London, and other the out-Ports, Do take particular notice of this Ordinance, who are to passe no Entry, untill the said Duty of one [Page 7]Tenth part over and above the pre­sent custome, be duly satisfied, and paid to the said Collectors or their Deputies, and signified under their hands in writing. And be it further Ordained by the authority aforesaid, That there shalbe allowed 4. d. per lib. out of every Twenty shillings so paid for such collection.


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