An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, enabling the Committee of Oxon, Bucks, and Berks, to take voluntary subscriptions for maintaining of additionall Forces under the Command of MajorGenerall Browne for the taking of Oxford.
IT is this day Ordered and Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, That the Committee of the three Counties of Oxon, Bucks, & Berks, or any two of them, or such persons as that Committee shall appoint so this purpose, shall have authority, and are hereby enabled to take the voluntarie Subscriptions of any persons whatsoever both Members of either House of Parliament and others, for the maintaining of additionall Forces under the Command of Major-Generall Browne, to those Forces he hath already, for four Moneths at the usuall pay, for the taking of Oxford.
And what Forces and monie shall be raised by such voluntary contributions shall be imployed for the taking of Oxford, and not diverted or imployed in any other service whatsoever.
And the said Committee of the three Counties are hereby authorised to Treat and conferre with any Committees or other persons of the City of London or elsewhere, for the better carrying on of this worke; And are to bring in an Ordinance for this purpose.