An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, Concerning The growth and spreading of Errors, Heresies and Blasphemies; Setting apart a Day of publique Humiliation to seek Gods as­sistance for the suppressing and preventing the same.

WE the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England, having entred into a Solemn Covenant, to endeavor sincerely, really and constantly, the Reformation of Re­ligion, in Doctrine, Discipline and VVor­ship, and the extirpation of Popery, Super­stition, Heresie, Schism, Prophanenesse, and whatsoever shall be found contrary to sound Doctrine and the power of godlinesse; and having found the presence of God wonderfully assisting us in this Cause, especially since our said ingagement in pursuance of the said Covenant, Have thought fit (lest we partake in other mens sins, and thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues) to set forth this our deep sence of the great dishonor of God, and perillous condition that this Kingdom is in, through the abominable Blasphemies, and damnable Heresies vented and spread abroad therein, tending to the subversion of the Faith, con­tempt of the Ministery, and Ordinance of Iesus Christ: And as we are resolved to imploy and improve the utmost of our power, that nothing be said or done against the Truth, but for the Truth, so we desire that both our selves and the whole Kingdom may be deeply humbled before the Lord for that great reproach and contempt which hath been cast up­on his [...]e and saving Truths, and for that swift destruction which we may justly fear will fall upon the immortal souls of such who are or may be drawn away, by giving heed to seducing Spirits. In the hearty and tender compassion whereof, VVe the said Lords and Commons do Or­der and Ordain, That VVednesday being the tenth day of March next, be set apart for a day of publique Humiliation for the growth and sprea­ding of Errors, Heresies and Blaphemies, to be observed in all places within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick, and to seek God for his direction and assistance for the sup­pression and preventing the sam. And all Ministers are hereby en­joyned to publish this present Ordinance upon the Lords day preceding the said Tenth day of March.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliam [...]t, That the Ordinance for observing the Tenth of March as a Fast, to be humbled for the growth and s [...]eading of Heresies, be forthwith P [...]t [...]ted; And that the Members of the House that serve for the respec [...]ve Counties, Cities and Boroughs, do send them to the respective Places for wh [...]ch they serve.

H. Elsy [...]ge, Cler. Parl D. Com.

London, Printed for Edw. Husband, P [...]inter to the Hon ble House of Commons.

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