AN ORDINANCE Of The LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT. Concerning the Arch-Bishop of CANTERBURY, who by reason of many great and weighty businesses, cannot as yet be brought to his Tryall.
Die Veneris, 17. Maii, 1643.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that this Ordinance shall be sorthwith Printed and published.
John Browne Cler. Parliamentorum.
LONDON, May 19. Printed for John Wright, in the Old-Bailey. 1643
Die Martis, 16. Maii▪ 1643.
WHereas William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, standeth Impeached in this present Parliament for High Treason, and for divers other great offences and misdemeanours, and by reason of many great and weighty businesses he cannot yet be brought to tryall for the said offences and misdemeanours, and he in respect of his said Archbishopprick of Canterbury, hath power to give and Collate fic Clerks divers Parsonages, Vicaridges, Prebends, and other Ecclesiasticall promotions and preferments, and if any of them should become voyd, and he left to preferre whom he please to the [...]me, the same may prove very inconvenient, he bestowing them upon unfit and unworthy persons; Be it therefore Ordered and Ordained, by the Lords and [Page] Commons in this present Parliament, that in case any of the foresaid Parsonages, Vicaridges, Prebends, or other Ecclesiastical promotions or preferments now be, or shall hereafter and before the tryall of the said Lord Archbishop become voyd, that the said Lord Archbishop of Canterbuty shall forbeare to present or Collate any person or persons thereunto, without the leave and Order of both Houses of Parliament: And it is further Ordered and Ordained, that the said Lord Archbishop shal from time to time untill his said tryall, present and Collate such fit person or persons, to every such Parsonage, Vicaridge, Prebend and other Ecclesiasticall preferment as aforesaid, which now are, or hereafter before his said tryall shall become voyd, as by both Houses of Parliament shall be nominated and appoynted. And it is further Ordered by the said Lords and Commons in Parliament, that al Archdeacons, Registers, and other Officers, Ministers, and persons whatsoever, shall [Page] forbeare to give or make any Admission, Institution, Collation, or Induction of any person or persons whatsoever, which by the said Archbishop shal be presented, in or to any such Parsonage, Vicaridge, Prebend, or other Ecclesiasticall preferment, other then such person and persons as shal be nominated and appoynted by both Houses of Parliament as aforesaid. And it is lastly Ordered, that the said Lord Archbishop, and the Churchwardens of every Parish and other Officers of the Church, where any Parsonage, Viccaridge, Prebend, or other Ec-clesiasticall promotions or preferments, in the Donation or guift of the said Archbishop is, shall within two moneths after the respective avoydance thereof, give notice of such avoydance to the Lord Speaker of the House of Peérs for the time being.