Die Veneris, 21 April, 1648.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons as­sembled in Parliament, that the Bour­sers and Treasurers of the Colledges in Oxforde shall retaine and keepe such mo­nyes as they have received, without making any divident untill they shall re­ceive order from the Commitee of Lords [...]nd Commons for the reformation of the Universitie of Oxon. And that from henceforth, all Tenants, and such [...]thers as are to pay money or other dutyes to any Col­ [...]dge in the Universitie of Oxford, shall pay the same to the heads of houses appointed by authority of Parliament, respectively, or to those whom they shall appoint to receive the same: and to no other. And that the Acquittance, or Acquittances, of such Heads of houses, or of such as they shall appoint to receive the same, shall be a sufficient war­rant and discharge, to the severall Tenants for the pay­ment thereof accordingly: notwithstanding any condi­tion in their Leases to the contrary.

Hen. Elsyng, Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

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