A MESSAGE FROM Both Houses of Parliament, Sent to the King and Queenes Majesties, Touching certain Letters lately intercepted, and (as it may be conjectured,) sent from the Lord Digby, to the Queens Majestie.
Whereunto is added the Answer OF Don Allonso de Cardenas THE Spanish Ambassador, Resident here in England, to the late Message sent to Him from both the said Houses, Touching the Information given them of the Ships at Dunkerk, for the ayde of the Rebels in Ireland.
Febr. 21. London, Printed for Ioseph Hunscott. 1641.
YOur Majesties most Loyall and faithfull Subjects, the Lords and Commons in Parliament, have received Your Message of the 16. of this instant February, sent at the instance of the Queens Majesty. And upon consideration thereof, to our great joy and content, finde therein cleer expressions of Grace and Favour, from both Your Majesties for which we return our most humble thanks, and have here withall sent the Transcript of that Letter required by Your Majesty, as likewise of two other Letters directed to M. Secretary Nicholas, and Sir Lewes Dives, all which were brought to us under one cover indorced to M. Secretary, with Information, that they were written by the Lord Digby; who being a person fled from the Justice of Parliament, and one who had given many evidences of the dis-affection to the publike good; we conceived it necessary to open the two former, and finding sundry expressions in them full of Asperitie and Malignitie to the Parliament. [Page] We thought it very probable, That the like may be contained in that to Her Majesty; and that it would be dishonourable to Her Majesty, and dangerous for the Kingdom if it should not be opened, wherein we were no whit deceived as Your Majesty may well perceive by the Contents thereof.
And although we cannot but be very sensible of the great dishonour therein done to Your Majesties, and the malitious endeavours of fomenting and encreasing the jealousie betwixt Your Majesty and Your people. Yet we are farre from reflecting any thing upon the Queen, or expecting any satisfaction from Her Majesty; But impute all to the bold and envenomed spirit of the man; Only we most earnestly beseech Your Majesty to perswade the Queen, that She will not vouchsafe any countenance to, or correspondency with the Lord Digby or any other of the fugative or Traitors whose offences now depend under the examination and judgement of Parliament, which we assure our selves will be very effectuall to further the removall of all Jealousies and discontents betwixt Your Majesty and Your people, and the setling the great Affairs of Your Majesty, and the Kingdom, in an assured State and condition of Honour, safety, and prosperity.
The Spanish Ambassadors Answer to the Message from a Committee of both Houses of Parliament.
THe Lord Ambassador of Spain, Don Allanso de Cardenas having understood what the Lord Fielding, of the Lords House, and Sir Thomas Barrington Baronet, and Sir Iohn Holland Baronet of the House of Commons, All three Commissaries from the Parliament, have said in behalf of both Houses, concerning the advertisement given them, that in the Haven of Dunkerk there were certain Ships laded with Ammunition, ready to take sail, intended for the relief of the Rebels of Ireland, which they hold contrary to the Articles of Peace between the two Crowns. And that they required he should send to Dunkerk, and all other His Majesties Dominions, And that he should write unto the King His Master to make stay of those and all such Ships, as may cary supply of Powder, Victuals, Money, or any other ayde to His Majesties Subjects, that at this present are in Rebellion in Ireland; because otherwise [Page] it would be understood to be a breach of the Treaties between the two Crowns, and so resented by the Parliament. The said Ambassador of Spain answered, That besides the understanding, which he hath of the King His Masters minde and intention to conserve the friendship which he professeth with His Majesty of great Britain, he hath expresse and most particular notice, that the Ships which are now in Dunkerk Haven laded with Souldiers and Ammunition and ready to sail, neither are for Ireland, nor were they provided for any such purpose, And that this notice was given him by Don Francisco de Melo Earl of Assumar, Governour and Captain Generall of the States of Flaunders, whom the resident of His Majesty of great Britain, that assists in Brussels, assured that he is fully satisfied of their not going for Ireland, as is also His King, who signified so much unto him in a Letter, in which he likewise commanded him to thank the said Don Francisco de Melo, for denying leave, which certain Irish serving in those States, had asked to return to their Countrey, which he denyed; to avoide all suspition, Notwithstanding their end for asking it, was unknown. The same assurance did the same Ambassador give unto the Commissaries aforesaid [Page] of the Parliament, concerning the mentioned Ships in Dunkerk laden with Ammunition, and Souldiers, that they are not for Ireland; And he profered to write to Dunkerk, and all other Parts of Flaunders and Dominions of the King His Master; and particularly to his Catholike Majesty, to the end, That the observance of the Articles of peace, which hitherto have been so religiously observed of the King His Masters part, and His Subjects may be continued; and that new and strait Orders be given, That no Subject of his Catholike Majesty, shall dare violate them, sending any kinde of aydes to foster the insurrection in Ireland, under pain of the punishment imposed upon the transgressors. And the said Ambassador to manifest the sincerity of his heart, profered to solicite it with the readiest and most forcible means that lay in his power, hoping (as in reason he should,) that his Majesty of great Britany, and the Parliament, will for their part punctually observe the same in the aforesaid conformity towards the Rebels of the King his Master, not permitting any kindes of succour or assistance in whatsoever quality to be afforded them, from these Kingdoms. Renewing for this effect all requisite Orders unto the Officers and Ports of the said Kingdoms, chastising [Page] the transgressors of what is setled in [...] Peace, with the punishments contained in [...] Articles of it; that so by reciprocall observan [...] the good correspondency, which is at this p [...] sent betwixt these two Crowns of Spain a [...] England, may be assuredly maintained.