A DECLARATION FROM BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT With the Additionall Reasons last presented to his MAIESTY.
Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that the Declaration with the additionall Reasons last presented to his Majesty, shall be forthwith Printed and published.
Whereunto is annexed, His Maiesties SPEECH to the Committe, the 9 of March, 1641. when they presented the DECLARATION of both Houses of Parliament at New-maket.
London, Printed by R. Oulton [...] ▪ G. Dexter [...]
ALthough the expressions of your Majesties Message, the second of this instant Moneth, doe give just cause of sorrow to Us your Majesties faithfull Subjects, the Lords and Commons in Parliament; yet it is not without some mixture of Confidence and Hope, considering they proceed from the Misapprehensions of our Actions and Intentions, which having no ground of truth or reallity, may, by your Majesties Justice and Wisdome be removed, when your Majesty shall be fully informed, that these feares and jealousies of Ours, which your Majesty thinks to be Causelesse, and without just grounds, doe necessarily and clearly arise from these dangers and distempers, into which the mischievous and evill Councellors about you have brought this Kingdome: and that those other feares and jealousies by which your favour, your Royall presence and Confidence have bin withdrawn from your Parliament, have no foundation or subsistence in any Action, Intention, or Miscarriage of Ours, but are meerly grounded upon the falshood and malice of those, who for the supporting and fomenting their own wicked designes against [Page 2]the Religion and Peace of this Kingdome, doe seek to deprive your Majesty of the strength and affection of your People, them of your Grace and protection; and thereby to subject both your Royall person and the whole Kingdome to ruine and destruction.
To satisfie your Majesties Judgement and Conscience in both these points, We desire to make a cleare and free Declaration, of the Causes of our feares and jealousies, which We offer to your Majestie in these particulars.
1. That the designe of Altering Religion, in this, and in your other Kingdomes, hath bin potently carryed on by those in greatest Authority about you, for divers yeares together; and that the Queens Agent at Rome, and the Popes Agent at Nuncio here, are not only evidences of this designe, but have bin great Actors in it.
2. That the Warres with Scotland was proeured to make way for this Intention, and chiefly incited and fomented by the Papists, and others Popishly affected, wherof we have many evidences, especially their free and generall Contribution to it.
3. That the Rebellion in Ireland was framed and contrived here in England; and that the English Papists should have risen about the same time, We have divers testimonies and Advertisements from Ireland; and that it is a common speech among the Rebells, where with concurre other Evidences and observations of the suspitious Meetings and Consultations; the tumultuary and seditious carriage of those of that Religion, in divers parts of the Kingdome, about the breaking out of the Irish Rebellion; the Deposition of O Conneli; the Information of Mr Cole Minister; the Letter of Prestram Whitcomb; the Deposition of Thomas Crant; and many others, which we may produce doe all agree in this.
4. The publicke Declaration of the Lords, Gentlemen, and others of the [...] that they would joyne with the Rebells, whom they call the Irish Army, or any other, to recover unto his Majesty his Royall Prerogative, wrested from him by the Puritan Faction in the Houses of Parliament in England; and to maintaine the same against all others; as also to maintaine Episcopall jurisdiction, and lawfulnesse thereof, these two being the Quarrells upon which his Majesties late Army in the North should have bin incensed against us.
5. The great Cause we have to doubt, that the late designe, styled The Queens pious Intention, was for the Alteration of Religion in this Kingdome: for successe whereof the Popes Nuncio, and Count Rosetii injoyned Fasting and Praying to be observed every week, by the English Papists, which appeared to Us by one of the Originall Letters directed by him to a Priest in Lancashire.
6. The boldnes of the Rebells in affirming They doe nothing but by Authority from the King; that they call themselves the Queens Army; that the Prey or Booty which they take from the English, they marke with the Queens Marke. That their purpose was to come into England, after they had done in Ireland: and sundry other things of this kind proved by O Conneli, and divers others; especially the aforementioned Letter from Trestram Whitecombe the Major of Kinsaile to his Brother Benjamin Whitecomb, wherin there is this passage, that Many other speeches they utter about Religion and our Court of England, which he dares not commit to paper.
The manifold Attempts to provoke your Majesties late Army, and the Army of the Scots, and to raise a Faction in the City of London and other parts of the Kingdome; that those who have bin Actors in this businesse, have had their [Page 4]Dependance, Countenance and Incouragement from the Court, witnesse the Treason wherof Mr Germin and others stand accused, who were transported beyond Sea by Warrant under your Majesties hand, after your Majesty had given Assurance to your Parliament that your Majesty had layd a strict command upon all your Servants, that none of them should depart from Court; and that dangerous Petition delivered to Captaine Legge by your Majesties owne hand, accompanied with a Direction signed with C. R.
The false and scandalous Accusation against the Lord Kymbolton, and the Five Members of the House of Commons, tendred to the Parliament, by your Majesties owne Command, endeavouring to be justified in the City by your own presence and perswasion; and to be put in execution upon their Persons, by your Majesties demand of them in the House of Commons, in so terrible and violent a manner, as farre exceeded all former breaches of Priviledges of Parliament, acted by your Majesty, or any of your Predecessors: And whatsoever your own Intentions were, divers bloody and desperate persons, which attended your Majesty, discovered their affections and resolutions to have massacred and destroyed the Members of that House; if the absence of those Persons accused, had not by Gods providence stopt the giving of that Word which they expected, for the setting them upon that barbarous and bloody designe.
The Listing of so many Officers, Souldiers and others, putting them into pay, and under Command of Colonells, keeping them at White Hall, Feasting and carousing them in an unusuall manner, thereby maintaining them in the violent Assaults, and other injuries, which they offered to divers of your Subjects, comming that way in a Lawfull [Page 5]and peaceable manner; the carrying them out of the Town, and keeping them in so long a Pay, after which they were told by the Lord Digby that the King removed on purpose they might not be trampled in the durt; and endeavouring to ingage the Gentlemen of the Innes of Court in the same course; the plotting and designing of a perpetuall Guard about your Majesty; the labouring to infuse into your Majesties Subjects an evill opinion of the Parliament throughout the whole Kingdome, and other symptomes of a disposition of raysing Armes, and dividing your People by a Civill Warre, in which Combustion Ireland must needs be lost, and this Realme miserably wasted and consumed, if not wholly ruined and destroyed.
That the Lord Digby should presume to Councell your Majesty to declare your selfe, and to retire to a place of strength in this Kingdome, and to perswade you that you could not be safe among your People, and yet should have such Credit with you as to be sent away by your Warrant to Sir John Pennington, to land him beyond the Sea, where he took that transcendent boldnesse to vent his owne Trayterous conceptions in the Letter to the Queene, offering to entertaine a correspondencie with her Majesty by Cyphers, intimating some service which he might doe in those parts; for which he desired your Majesties Intentions, whereby in all probability he intended the procureing of some Forreigne Forces to strengthen your Majestie in that condition to which hee would have brought: which false and malicious Councell and advice, we have great cause to doubt, made too deep an impression in your Majesty, considering the course you are now pleased to take, of absenting your selfe from your Parliament, ang carrying the Prince with you, which seems to expresse a purpose in your Majesty to keep your self in a Readinesse for the acting of it.
The manifold Advertisements we have had from Rome, Venice, Paris, and other parts, that they still expect that you have some great designe in hand, for the Altering of Religion; the breaking neck of your Parliament; that you will yet find meanes to compasse that designe; that the Popes Nuncio hath sollicited the Kings of France and Spaine to lend your Majesty 4000. men a piece to helpe to maintain your Royalty against the Parliament, and this uf foreigne force seemeth to be the most pernicious and malignant designe of all the rest, because no man can beleeve you will give up your people and your Kingdome to be spoiled by Strangers, if you did not likewise intend both to change your own profession in Religion, and the publicke profession of the Kingdome, that so you might still be more assured of those forreigne states of the Popish Religion for your future supoort and defence; but we hope God will direct your Majestie to better Councells.
These are some of the grounds of our feares and jealousies, which made us so earnestly to implore your royall Authoritie and Protection for our defence and securitie, in all the wayes of humilitie and submission, which being denyed by your Majestie, seduced by evill Councells, We doe with sorrow, for the great and inavoydable miserie, which is like to fall upon your own person, and your Kingdomes, apply our selves to the use of that Power, for the securitie and defence of both, which by the fundamentall Laws and Constitutions of this Kingdome, resides in Us: Yet still resolving to keep our selves within the bounds of Faithfullnesse and Allegeance to your sacred person, and your Crownes: so as to the Second sort of jealousies and feares, of Us exprest by your Majestie, We shall give a shorter, but as true and as faithfull an Answere.
Whereas your Majesty is pleased to say that for your residing [Page]neere your Parliament, you wish it might be so safe and honourable that you had noe cause to absent your selfe from White-hall, this we take as the greatest breach of the priviledges of Parliament that can be offered, the heaviest miserie to your selfe, and juiurie to us, and Impunation upon us, that can be imagined, the most mischeivous effect of evill Counsells, it rootes up the foundation of that safety and honour which the Crowne affords, it seems as much as may be to cast upon the Parliament such a charge as is inconsistent with the nature of your great Counsel being the body wherof your Majesty is the head, it striks at the very being both of King and Parliament depriving our Majesty in your owne apprehension of their fidelity and them of your protection, which are the mutual bonds of Government and subiection.
We have according to your Maiesties desire laid our hands upon our hearts, we have asked our selves in the strictest examination of our Consciences, we have searcht our affections, our thoughts, considered our actions, and we find non that can give your Maiesty nay just occasion to absent your self from White-hall and the Parliament but that you may with more honour and safety continue there then in any other place, your Maiesty laies a generall Taxe uprn us, if you will be graciously pleased to let us konw the particulars wee shall give a cleere and satisfactory answer but what hope can we have of ever giving your Maiesty satisfaction when the particulars which you have bin made beleeve were true yet being produced and made known to us appeared to be false, and your Maiesty notwithstanding will neither punish nor produce the authors, but goe on to contract Jealousies and feares upon generall and uncertaine grounds affording us no meanes or possibility of particular Answer to the cleering of ourselves: For proofe whereof we beseech your Maiesty to consider these Instances.
The speeches alledged to be spoken in a meeting by divers Members of both Houses at Kensington, concerning a purpose of restraining the Qeene and Prince which after it was denied and disavowed, yet your Maiesty refused to Name the Authors though humbly desired of both Houses
The report of Articles framed against the Queene given out by some of neere relation unto the Court, but when it was publiquely and constantly disclaimed, the Credit seemed to bt with-drawn from it but the Authors being kept safe will alwaies be in readinesse for exploits of the same kind where with your Majestie and the Queene will be troubled if this course be taken to cherish and secure them in such wicked and malicious slanders.
The heavy Charge and accusation of the Lord Kimbolton and the five Members of the House of Commons, who refuse no Triall and examination which may stand with the Priviledge of Parliament yet no Author, noe witnesses produced, against whom they may have reparation for that great jujury and infamy cast upon them notwithstanding three severall Petitions of both Houses, the Authority of two Acts of Parliament vouched in the last of these Petitions.
We beseech your Majestie to consider in what estate you are, how easy and faire a way you have to happinesse, honour, greatnesse, plenty and security: If you will joyn with the Parliamentand your faithfull Subjects in defence of the Religion and the publique good of the Kingdom: This is all we expect from you and for this wee shall returne to you our lives and fortunes & utmost endeavours to support your Maiesty, your iust Soveraignty & power over us, but it is not words that can secure us in these our humble desires, we cannot but two well and sorowfully remember what gracious Messages we had from you this Summer, when with your privity the bringing up the Army [Page]was in agitation, we cannot but with the like affection recal to our minds, how not two dayes before you gave direction for the above mentioned accusation and your owne comming unto the Commons House, that house received a Message, that you would alwaies hav care of their Priviledges as of your owne Prerogative, of the safety of their Persons as of your owne Children That which wee expect from you which wilgive us assurance that you have no thoughts but of peace & Iustice to your people, must be some reall effect of your goodnesse to them in graunting those things which the present necessity of the Kingdom do inforce us to desire, and in the first place, that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to put from you those wicked and mischeivous Counsellors which have caused all these dangers and distractions, and continue your own residence and the Princes neer London and the parliament Which we hope wilbe a happy beginning of contentment and considence betwixt your Majesty and your People, and be followed with many succeeding blessings of honour and greatnesse to your Majesty, and of security and prosperity to them.
The Additionall Reasons.
THe Lords and Commons have commanded us to present unto your Majesty this further Addition to their former Declaration.
That your Majesties return and continuance neer the Parliament is a matter in their apprehension of so great necessiy and importance towards the preservation of your Royall Person and your Kingdoms, that they cannot think they have discharged their duties in the single expres-of their desire, unlesse they add some further Reasons to back it with.
- 1. Your Majesties absence will cause men to believe, that it is out of designe to discourage the undertakers; and hinder the other Provisions for raising money for defence of Ireland.
- II. It will very much hearten the Rebells there, and disaflected persons in this Kingdome, as being an evidence, and effect of the jealousie and division betwixt your Majesty, and your people.
- III. That it will much weaken and withdraw the affection of the Subject from your Maiesty, without which a Prince is deprived of his chiefest strength and lustre, and left naked in the greatest dangers and miseries, that can be imagined.
- IIII. That it will invite and encourage the Enemies of our Religion and the State or Forreigne Parts, to the attempting and acting of their evill deisgnes and intenti [...] t [...]wards us.
- V. That it causeth a great, interuption in the proceedings of Parliament.
These considerations threaten so great danger to your Majesties person [Page]they hold it necessary to represent to You, this their land [...] that so whatsoever followeth, they may be excused before God and Man.
His Maiesties Speech to the Committee, the 9. of March▪ 1641. when they presented the Declaration of both Houses of Parliament at New-market.
I Am confident that you expect not I should give you a speedy Answer to this strange and unexpected Declaration. And I am sorry (in the distraction of this Kingdome you should think this way of addresse to be more convenient, than that purposed by my Message of the 20 of Ianuary last to both Houses.
As concerning the grounds of your feares and Iealousies, I will take time to answer particularly, and doubt not but I shall doe it to the satisfaction of the whole world. God in his good time will I hope, discover the secrets of all Plots and Treasons; and then I shall stand right in the eyes of all my people. In the mean time I must tell you, That I rather expected a Vindication for the imputation layd on me in Mr PYMS Speech, than that any more generall Rumors and Discourses should get redit with you
For my feares and doubts, I did not think they should have beene thought so groundlesse or triviall▪ while so many seditious Pamphlets and Sermons are looked upon, and so great Tumults are remembred, unpunished, uninquired into: I still confesse my fears, and call God to witnesse, That they are greater for the true Protestant Prefession, My People and Laws, than for my own Right or safety, though I must tell you, I conceive that none of these are free form danger.
What would you have? Have I violated your Lawes? Have I denyeed to passe any one Bill for the ease and security of my Subjects? I do not aske you what you have done for me.
Have any of my People been transport with Feares and Apprehensions? I have offered as free and generall a Pardon, as your selves can devise. All this considered, There is a Iudgement from Heaven upon this Nation, if these distractions continue.
God so deal with Me and Mine, as all my Thoughts and Intentions are upright for the maintenance of the true Protestant Profession, and for the Observation and Preversation of the Laws of this Land: And I hope. God will blesse and assist those Laws for My preservation.
As for the Additionall Declation, you are to expect an Answer to it, when you shall receive the Answer to the Declaration it selfe.