BE it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That all Monies up­on Bonds entred into in the Court of Wards and Liveries, or due by composition before the late Vote or Ordinance passed both Houses for taking away the said Court, and like­wise all Rents due before the date of the said late Vote or Ordinance, shall be received according to the directions of an Ordinance of Parliament, for the due and orderly re­ceiving and collecting of the Kings, Queenes, and Princes Revenue, and the Arrears thereof, bearing date the one and twentieth day of September, 1643. And all persons whatsoever that doe owe any Monies, or Rents by Bond, or otherwise entred into, or payable in the said late Court of Wards and Liveries, before the date of the said late Vote or Ordinance, are hereby required to pay the said Rents and Monies unto Charles Fleetwood Esq the Receiver thereof, or to the Receiver thereof for the time being, who is hereby required and authorised to give such Acquittance, or Acquit­tances, or Discharges for the same as legally he ought or might have done, if the said late Vote or Or­dinance for taking away the said Court had not been passed. And it is hereby further Ordained, That the said Acquittance, or Acquittances, or Discharges so given, or to be given by the said Receiver as aforesaid, shall be good and sufficient in Law to all intents and purposes to all, and every person and persons which shall pay in any Rents, or other Monies to the said Receiver for every such summe and summes of Money as shall be paid in by them as aforesaid; and that the parties paying in the same shall be respectively saved harmelesse, and kept indempnified for or by reason of the respective Rents, or summes of Money paid, or to be paid, as aforesaid. And in case all, every, or any of the persons that owe Monies by Bond, or otherwise in the said late Court of Wards and Liveries, doe refuse or neg­lect to pay the severall and respective summes of Money by them due to the said Receiver, then Processe shall issue out of the Court of Exchequer for the same, in such manner as is usuall for other His Majesties Rents and Debts; And the Barons of the Exchequer, Officers, and other Mini­sters thereof whom it may concerne, are hereby required and authorised to issue Processe accor­dingly; And the Sheriffes and other Officers concerned are at their perill to execute the same, and pay the Monies leavied respectively to the said Receiver in like manner, as payments have been made upon Processe in like kinde heretofore issued forth of the said late Court of Wards; And the severall Officers and Ministers of the said late Court of Wards and Liveries respectively whom it may concerne are hereby authorised, required, and commanded from time to time according to the directions of the said Committee for the Revenue, to deliver such Schedule and Certificates of the Rents, Fines, Compositions, or other Monies in the late Court of Wards and Liveries up­on Bonds entred into, or due before the said late Vote or Ordinance as thereunto they shall be required; together with all such Bonds for the same as remaine in their hands, or in the hands of any of them; And in case any difference or just exceptions shall arise touching the severall and respective Rents, Debts, Compositions, or other Monies aforementioned, then the hearing and de­termination thereof shall be referred to the Court of Exchequer, who by vertue of this Ordinance shall have power to give reliefe in Law and equity, in such manner as the Court of Wards might have done before the taking away of the same. And it is hereby lastly Ordered and Ordained, That all and every person and persons acting by authority of this present Ordinance, shall by power of Parliament be saved harmelesse and indempnisied, for whatsoever they shall respectively doe in persuance and direction thereof.

  • Jo. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
  • H. Elsyng Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Printed at London for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old Bayley. 1647.

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