BE it Ordained, and it is Ordained by the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, That the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Army, appointed by Ordinance of the eight and twentieth of March, 1645, shall have Power and Authority, and are hereby authorized and enabled, by such ways and means as they or any five of them shall think fit, To cause the Accounts of all the Officers and Souldiers of the Army, now or late under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, as well due to them upon publick Faith, as for their present pay, to be audited and cast up during their service in the said Army: and to allow and determine of such accompts, and to give out Debenters accordingly unto the said Officers and Souldiers. And it is further ordained, That for such Debenters as shall be therupon given out and signed by the said Committee, or any five of them, the State shall be liable to the payment thereof, and shall be paid and satisfied respectively by Warrant from the said Committee or any five of them out of such Monies as the Parliament hath ordained by Ordinance to be paid out of the Grand Excise in course, and out of Delinquents Estates, for the payment of the said Officers and Souldiers of the said army, and out of the remainder of the monies formerly assigned upon Gold-smiths Hall for the army. And it is further ordained, That the said Committee shall have power to call to their assistance any person or persons whatsoever as they shall think fit, for their information touching the said accompts, and of free quarter, or money for free quarter, and monies otherwise levied, and to make up the accompts according to the late instructions for the accompts of the Souldiery of the Kingdome, that defalcation may be made upon the said accompt. And it is lastly ordained, that the Treasurers at Wars and Commissioners appointed by Parliament to reside in the army shall be aiding and assisting to the said Committee in this Service.
Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the House of Commons. 8 Junii 1647.