An ACT for Recognizing King WILLIAM and Queen MARY, and for Avoiding all Questions touching the Acts made in the Parliament Assembled at Westminster the Thirteenth Day of February, One thousand six hundred eighty eight.
WE Your Majesties most Humble and Loyal Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, do beseéch Your most Excellent Majesties, That it may be Published and Declared in this High Court of Parliament, and Enacted by Authority of the [Page 4] same, That we do Recognize and Acknowledge Your Majesties were, are, and of Right ought to be by the Laws of this Realm, our Sovereign Liege Lord and Lady King and Queén of England, France, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, in and to whose Princely Persons the Royal State, Crown and Dignity of the said Realms, with all honours, Stiles, Titles, Regalities, Prerogatives, Powers, Iurisdictions, and Authorities to the same belonging and appertaining, are most fully, rightfully, and intirely Invested and Incorporated, Vnited, and Annexed.
And for the Avoiding of all Disputes and Questions concerning the Being and Authority of the late Parliament Assembled at Westminster the Thirteénth day of February One thousand six hundred eighty eight, We do most humbly beseéch Your Majesties that it may be Enacted; And be it Enacted by the King and Queéns most Excellent Majesties, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, and by Authority of the same, That all and singular the Acts made and Enacted in the said Parliament, were and are Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom, and as such ought to be Reputed, Taken and Obeyed by all the People of this Kingdom.