The Rebels Demands.
WEE in the Name of all the Nobility, Gentry, and Commonalty of Jreland, before God and all the World: as most reasonable in the sight of all good and indifferent men: W [...]e the above-written doe require of the Crowne of England, and that Crown Ministers of State that doe Officiate in this Kingdome in that Kingdomes behalfe, these particulars.
For the Church.
I. BEcause as good Christians wee ought in the first place to have the chiefest care of our soules, which care we can no way [Page]better expresse then in pure and constant profession of Christs ancient, onely true and Catholique Religion, we therefore the Earles, Barons, and Gentlemen under written doe demand the full, free, open, generall, and uncontroulable profession of the ancient and onely true Roman Catholique Religion in this ancient Kingdome and Dominion of Ireland.
II. Knowing that we cannot enjoy our Religion, and the publique profession of it in a universall Nationall way, as by us is ment and intended, except we may likewise have our Churches, Oracles, and convenient Temples and Chappels: We therefore demand all our Churches, Chappels, Oracles, Temples, as well private Parishes, as generall and City Cathedralls to be given up to our use the Native Inhabitants of this Kingdome.
III. Seeing that Religion cannot be enjoyed or exercised but by the men of learning and abilities fitted to that purpose, nor learning cherished, but by maintenance and revenue, [Page]we therefore demand restauration of all Religious houses, whether Abbeyes, Priories, Monasteries, or ancient Vniversities, their ancient Lands and Demeanes.
For the Kingdome.
I. THat all Lands and Livings bee restored unto those owners if yet living or to their undoubted heires, and very neerest of kin that were taken away either in Queene Elizabeths or King Iames his dayes.
II. That the Children and heires of the Nobility, that neither of those foresaid Princes raignes suffered either losse of life or honour, be restored to their former dignities
III. That the Scots be removed out of the North of Ireland, and the right owners which now begge about Ireland in great want and misery, though of most high blood and birth, among the Nobles of that Countrey.
[Page] IIII. That the King intrust with his Magazins, Forts, Castles, and Block-Houses of Jreland, Catholique Commanders, and those that may be well relished and liked of the Countrey, as hee sets over his Militia, of England, and Scotland, Protestants, and Puritans.
V. That the King set over them a Deputy professing the Roman Catholique Religion.
VI. That for what Hostilitie hath beene summoned there, may not onely be a Pardon but an Act of Oblivion.
VII. That the Merchants and Traders of the Irish Nation, may be as free in their Trade, and have as much priviledge and favour in their Customes either in England or Scotland, [Page]as the Scots of late are granted in England, or the English in Scotland.
VIII. That the Earle of Corke in particular, bee caused to render backe, if not all, yet a considerable portion some way valuable toward the maintenance of poore impoverished Children of the Nobility and Gentry vndone by him, it being his vsuall course first to entitle the King, and then to seaze mens estates.
IX. That they may enjoy entirely all the Priviledges and Franchises granted them by Edward the fourth.
X. That no Companies or Troopes of theirs be hindered from going over to serve the King of Spaine, or any other Catholique Prince, the King of England having no need of them; and they not having any employment [Page]or meanes to live upon in the Countrey.
XI. That no Irish passing beyond Sea be forced to take any Oath, containing clauses in it contrary to the profession of his faith, and perswasion of his conscience.
XII. That they may have a Trienniall Parliament as in England, and that the Catholiques may have the choise of their Parliament men.