A DECLARATION Of the several Treasons, Blasphemies and Misdemeanors Acted, spoken and published Against God, the late King, his present Majesty; the Nobility, Clergy, City, Commonalty, &c. By that Grand Wizard and Impostor WILLIAM LILLY Of St Clements Danes; Otherwise called Merlinus Anglicus.

Presented to the Right Honourable the Members of the Houses of Parliament, in order to secure him from acting any further Villanies against His Majesty.

LONDON, Printed for Dan. White, at the seven Stars in St Pauls Church-yard, 1660.

To the Reader.

HEre is a true discovery of the malici­ous and treasonable expressions of William Lilly, published frequent­ly in severall Almanacks and Pam­phlets: Yet notwithstanding, this infamous Fel­low hath the impudence to offer at a Vindication, which is published for him by the Parliamentary Intelligencer; wherein he protests no Subject the King hath, to be more joyful of his arrival into the Throne than himself; unto which Dominion (he saith) he said, and publikely Printed 1644. the King should arrive in the twenty ninth, or thirtieth year of his Age: which though it be most false, nor can Lilly shew any such thing, un­less he mean the Cockeril in his Pamphlet; yet for avoiding of dispute, it shall be admitted he said so; and then by comparing that with the ensuing Observations, it will demonstratively appear how full of lies and devillish malice this vile Wretch [Page] hath alwaies been. The truth is, he was the States Balaam, who for hire would curse and bless for the Rump and Oliver according to their respe­ctive Instructions and Dictates, upon pretence of Art, wherein he hath no more skill than the Beast his Predecessor rid on: There is only this diffe­rence between the two Wizards, that God was pleased to make the former an Instrument of blessing to the Children of Israel; but for our sins, he hath permitted this Pretender to be more Instrumental than any to bring upon the whole Na­tion the greatest curse that ever was. For proof of which assertion, I refer you to the following Dis­course. 1701

Several Treasons, Blasphemies, and Misdemeanors humbly offered to the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament, against William Lilly of S. Clements Danes; styling himself Merlinus Anglicus.

1. THat the said William Lilly, under pretence of his skill in Astrology and his familiarity with De­mons and wicked spirits, did urge on, and further that horrible Murder of our late gracious Soveraign Charles the First; and for lucre, and the base gain of 200 l per annum, which he hath confessed he received from the Murderers by the hands of Mr Frost, did say, publish, and set forth as followeth, viz. In a Book by him pub­lished, and called, Observations on the Life and Death of King Charles, p. 119. he saith, That the Parliament did no other thing but Justice, and what in Conscience they were bound to do, for preservation of this Comonwealth, in cutting off King Charles his head—And presently falls a commending Mr Goodwin, another mercenary Wretch like himself, who had lately writ a Book in defence of [Page 2] that abominable Act; and saith, His Book is unan­swerable.

2. That the said William Lilly did procure, or set on, or knew of the procurement, and setting on, and did personally know that Regicide, whoever he was, that had the savage heart to execute that bloudy fact of be­heading the King: For in his Book, called Monarchy or no Monarchy, p. 51. speaking about the Death of King Charles, he hath these words: Many have curiously en­quired who it was that cut off the Kings head: I have no per­mission to speak of such things; only thus much I say▪ He that did it is as valiant and resolute a man as lives, and one of a competent fortune, &c.

3. That the firmer his Masters might stand, and the longer he enjoy his Salary; he in several Books and Almanacks most traiterously and maliciously did pub­lish many false slanders, lies, and treasons, in deroga­tion of the honour of our King and Nation, viz. In his book called, Observations upon the Life and Death of King Charles, p. 79. That the Original of the Family of the Stuarts were but Bayliffs or Stewards to a Scottish Family. And presently after, in the same page, most falsly avers, That the King left one or two natural Children behind him. And saith,

  • Pag. 81. That the King was never sorrowful for the slaughter of his People.
  • Pa. 85. Taxes his late Majesty as guilty of his Fathers death.
  • Pag. 114. That he cared not for the Nobles in England, and beggered the Prince of Orange.
  • Pag. 116. That he was more lamented as he was a King, than for any affection any one had to his Person as a Man. And many hundreds such venomsome pas­sages as these.

[Page 3]4. That the said William Lilly, hired as abovesaid, the better to secure his Masters Titles, and to raise them monies, Traiterously published in his Almanack 1651 p. 5. That seeing the Bastard Norman had long since over­come our Fore-fathers, by that very Law we had expulsed his Successors, and that we will maintain it for ever. And in the Epistle to the Almanack 1655. The Bastards brood is left for ever. That God Almighty was the Parliaments (viz. the Rumps) loving Patron and Guardian; that all Persons that should endeavour to destroy them, should perish. And for a final Judgement, take his positive opinion, in his Almanack 1650. p. 2. That Providence, and the in­evitable decrees of Heaven, hath at the last produced this Catastrophe, this Innovation, this Change of Monarchy in­to a free State; against which whoever lifts up his hand, must expect divine vengeance from Heaven to fall upon his Car­kass, and a woful destruction upon his earthly possessions in this world. And for obtaining of moneys, whereof he expected part himself, behold, this grand Impostor of­fers to all that party, and to the simple whom he could seduce, his General Warranty for their security of those ill-gotten Lands, in these words, in Almanack 1651. p. 1. in the Epistle: So that now you may safely buy Houses, purchase Lands, either Crown, Bishops, Deans, or Delin­quents, with full confidence of possessing your Purchases untill Doomsday: There is no scruple in the Parliaments Title—Nor shall we have any more Kings to raign over us.

5. That so soon as Oliver Cromwel had turned ( Lil­lies Masters) out of doors, the said William Lilly for 100 l. per annum did then set forth and publish in his Almanack 1654. That that Parliament were unthankful to all that served them; that they had private ends of their own; that no faith was to be given to their Votes; that they [Page 4] Lorded it over others; being the day before their dissolution ho­nourable, but the next day no more worshipful than a—And then in order to settle the said Oliver in his Power, and to derogate from his own Prince, in his Almanack 1655. p. 1. he saith, That the Honourable and high Acti­ons of Oliver are so plainly delivered by him, that unl [...]ss an envious Generation of obstinate people disparage his glo­rious Actions, they must acknowledge our Genius guided by the Providence of God▪ (Oh highest blasphemy!) to have been his Highness Trumpet. And then speaking of the durability of his Highness Government, (as he calls it) and of his Reign, saith, He is a new Progeny, or the first of his Race, who hath enjoyed so vast a Power; and who­ever of the English, or any other Nation, shall set themselves against him, will consume themselves like Chaff against the wind. And along in that Epistle Chaunts out no­thing but high Parasitical Elogiums to his new Prince Cromwel, saying, He is naturally, and supernaturally fit­ted to this great Work: And setting his figure from the Protectors accepting his Sword and Seal, saith, That the Government or Quality thereof at that time taking its first rise or growth, will not in many Ages be determined. And much after this traiterous manner doth he set out Richard, the glorious Sun and hopes (as Lilly saith) of the Nation.

6. The said William Lilly, on purpose trayterously to vilifie and asperse our now gracious Soveraign, and to keep his Subjects from all hopes of his Resto­ration, hath wilfully and maliciously, and by the spirit & instigation of his wicked Demons divulged as follow­eth, viz. Whereas one Grebnerus had formerly writ a Prophesie, which many loyal persons in both Nations (though not trusting much to such old sayings) did [Page 5] suppose his now Majesties Person; wherein was con­tained, that Carolus filius Caroli erit Carolo magno major: this Wizard Lilly in all his writings and discourses wrests it to another sense; as in his Almanack 1652. Ep. p. 1. Or shall we have any more Kings to rule over us? I (saith Lilly) cleared that Point in my Monarchy or no Monarchy 1651. together with Grebnerus his Prophesie, as also, the true State of England for 700 years to come: I have therein fully answered some Prophesies produced by Presbyterians, very simply and untruly, according to their old manner, which, they say, intend the present King of Scot­land shall be greater than Charles the Great. These Priests accursed me with Bell, Book, and Candle, &c. whenas they knew the Scottish King with a Million of Vermyn, and some men in Arms, were in Lancashire, &c. And in his Al­manack 1651. how trayterously and maliciously doth he utter these words! Then, viz. after the white King is dead, shall the Chicken of the Eagle build on the top of the highest Rocks of all the land of Brittain, & rule over nothing but men as rude as Mountains; and that upon undeniable grounds, the Chicken of the Eagle is the present Scottish King, he being the first-born Son of Charles, who was without dispute the true white King, &c. and after scornfully calling him, Titular King, and in a worse case than a Constable, &c. And in his Almanack 1652. he saith, that his Majesties coming into England was an act of madness, and a creeping in, and not of reason, &c. And p. 12. That he should not be established in that year, nor in any year hereafter; and though he did escape (and praised be God evermore for that escape) he may live a wandring life. Let the Orchades suffice or satisfie his hungry Appetite, and those other Moun­tains and cold Islands give him a sufficient Patrimony; and [Page 6] he might think himself happy, if he could enjoy those barren Islands for his Patrimony, without disturbance, &c.

And of such like stuff as this is, are his many Books made of, abusing the Nobility, That they were not to be trusted; The Clergy, calling them Baals Priests, Blind guides and Pseudo-Priests; and on the contrary extolling the Phanaticks and Red-coats, calling the one the Saints of the earth, and vaunting that the other had fought against two Kings, traversed the Heathen high-lands of Scotland, &c. Nay, his boldness did arise to that height, that in many places he hath predicted dangers of death by stab or otherwise to his now Majesty, and hath set a Period in many places to his life: But as the good God hath preserved him from the one, so he will of his great mercy continue his life to us, to his ho­nour and our comfort, maugre all the malice of this mercenary fellow, that for money will say any thing in the world.

All which being truly taken out of his Books, and by him often acknowledged to be his, and will be proved by sufficient witnesses, if need require; and he having se­duced many thousands of people to their ruine, by his false and lying Predictions, in making them believe that the day of our de­liverance should never come; and generally, all good people being much afraid that by his malice he may raise some wicked storms, or [Page 7] do other hurt, which may be prevented if he were in hold, for that the devill leaves his servants when they are secured; And lastly, for that he is looked upon as the only man now in England guilty of all our sufferings: It is therefore referred humbly to the consi­deration of this Right Honorable Parliament, whether it be not very just that he should be excepted as to his estate, which is considera­ble, being the wages of his arch-Villanies, and he himself kept in such security as the good people of England may be secured from his infernal Actings. And God Almighty bless your Consultations.


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