A DECLARATION Of all the WATERMEN In and about the City of LONDON, between GRAVESEND and STANES.
OR, A Hue and Cry after Col.
WHITTON and his Decoys.
VVHereas it hath been seemingly by the insinuations of some few of us, cast on our whole Company, that we would lay our shoulders, and stretch out our helping hands, for the upholding of something, which to our selves is both unknown and uncertain; and may likewise in probability, be a cause of disturbance, if not breaking the peace of the Nation: We, to manifest Our innocency, in the one particular, and vindicate our selves from the scandal thereof, as also to shew our real and hearty concordance, with all other, Noblemen, Gentlemen, Citizens and others, of the several Counties of England, whose Declarations are exposed to the publike view, doe cordially, unanimously, and freely declare.
That the List annexed of our names to a Petition pretended by our consent to be presented to the Members sitting at Westminster, is not at all by us owned, neither do we know any other Authors or Abettors thereof, then some few here under-mentioned, our names in truth being gained by Collonel Whitton, under the pretence to put down Hackny Coachmen; but by him converted to another use, and that so contrary to our thoughts and intentions, that we would sooner have quitted our neerest relations, than have consented to such ebulliences. For the undeceiving therefore of the Gentry of this Nation, to whom many, yea, most of us are oblieged, and consequently not unknown; for the rectifying the judgements of such as know us not, and for the satisfaction of the whole free-born Subjects of England who with us claim a birthright in Magna Charta, and the Petition of right, we doe further, with one consent, declare.
That we conceive it fitting, for the redressing the grievous wants and pressures, that lie upon all the good people of this Nation, that according to Fundamentall Right, the People in Parliament may have their representatives, who may receive their grievances, and present them in their behalf, whereby to obtain a remedy.
And because Faction and Schism, hath already too great a root, that honest and prudential men may be elected, whose Estates (as to temporalls) and Religion (as to spirituals) may obliege them sincerely, to endeavour a settlement both in Church and State.
The onely meanes for attaining of which ends, we conceive by the blessing of God, to be a full and free Parliament, which as we know the Nation groanes for; so we cordially desire, and we shall not acquiesce, till we have regained that our undoubted right, hitherto unquestioned Priviledge, and never to be denied Lawful Demand. In the defence whereof, we shall account nothing too dear to lose, being ready to quit not onely our employments, but to lay aside our relations, and lay our lives at stake.
This Representation is owned by Ten Thousand of us,
(which if desired) shall be acknowledged both with our hands and hearts, against all the malicious underminings of Col. Whitton
the Painter and his Decoys: who upon the tendring that forged Petition to the Watermens Hall, being conscious, that the ranckness of the Trepan would be presently sented, addrest themselves to Mr. Pryn,
to pen their Protest against it, their names are hereunto annexed.
- Wil. Lemond.
- Iosias Smith.
- Wil. Crop.
- Wil. Goodale.
- Thomas Slator.
- Tho. Wasborn.
- Iohn Howard.
- Wil. Bugby.
- Robert Crop.
- Tho. Vincent.
- Iohn Foster.
- Iohn Lee.
- Wil. Sound.
- Iacob Meade.
- Wil. Clerk.
- Martin Craul.
- Roger Phillips.
- Fran. Borrick.
- Richard Thusee.
- Wil. Butler.