The Nature of the drink Kauhi, OR Coffe, and the Berry of which it is made, Described by an Arabian Phisitian.

OXFORD, Printed by Henry Hall, in the yeare of our Lord, 1659.

BUN is a plant in Yaman, which is planted in Adar, and groweth up and is gathered in Ab. It is about a cubit high, on a stalk about the thicknesse of ones thumb. It flowres white, leaving a berry like a small nut, but that sometimes it is broad like a bean; and when it is peeled, parteth in two. The best of it is that which is weighty and yellow; the worst, that which is black. It is hot in the first degree, dry in the second: it is usually reported to be cold and dry, but it is not so; for it is bitter, and whatsoever is bitter is hot. It may be that the scorce is hot, and the Bun it selfe either of equall tem­perature, or cold in the first degree. [Page] That which makes for its coldnsse is its stipticknesse. In summe it is by experi­ence found to conduce to the drying of rheumes, and flegmatick coughes and di­stillations, and the opening of obstructi­ons, and the provocation of urin. It is now known by the name of Kohwah. When it is dried and throughly boyled, it allayes the ebullition of the blood, is good against the small poxe and mea­sles, and bloudy pimples; yet causeth vertiginous headheach, and maketh lean much, occasioneth waking, and the Em­rods, and asswageth lust, and sometimes breeds melancholly. He that would drink it for livelinesse sake, and to discusse sloth­fulnesse, and the other properties that we have mentioned, let him use much sweet meates with it, and oyle of pistac­cioes, and butter. Some drink it with milk, but it is an error, and such as may bring in danger of the leprosy.


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