THE Turkish Secretary, CONTAINING The Art of Expressing ones Thoughts, without Seeing, Speaking, or Writing to one another; With the Circumstances of a Turkish Adventure: As also A most Curious Relation of several particulars of the Serrail that have not before now ever been made publick.

Translated by the Author of the Monthly Account.

Licensed July 3. R. Midgley.

LONDON, Printed by J. B. and sold by Jo. Hindmarsh at the Golden Ball over against the Royal Exchange, and Randal Taylor at Stationer's-Hall, 1688.


THE Book now presented to thee, kind Reader, was written some few Weeks ago in French by a God-son to the most Chri­stian King, and one that had been a Secretary of an Em­bassy of His Majesty at Constantinople. It was dedi­cated to the Grand-Duke of Tuscany, and met with so very kind a Reception at the Courts of France and Florence, that the Author had extraordinary Prais [...] and Presents conferred upon him by the two Soveraign [...] and this his Performance has an universal vogue among the two Nations. As the Translator flatters himself he has done the Original justice; and as no Countrey is more fam'd than Old England for Hospitality, he does not question but the Turkish Secretary will meet with as kind Treatment here as among the French and Italians. He has, at least, the Charm of Novelty. All our other Relations concerning Turkey, treat only of Policy, Fire and Sword, whereas this displays nothing but Flowers, Fruits and Gallantries, which I should think most seasonable; so that I may well expect it to be kindly taken. And as a long Grace to a good Meal and Appetite is unmannerly; so Gracious Reader, adieu.

THE TURKISH SECRETARY: OR, The Art of making ones mind understood without Speaking, Seeing, or Writing to one another.

THere are several Ways of Expressing Love. The first School is that of Nature, and all the Lessons which the Poets have given for this purpose would be useless without the assistance of that Universal Mistress.

All Animals in general make use of it, but it is only for the Conservation of their Species. Man to whom the use of Rea­son is peculiar, never Loves without endeavouring to aug­ment his Pleasures by new Inventions. He Employs all manner of means to make the beloved Objected sensible of, and ac­quainted with his fond thoughts. A Lover full of the Trou­bles which his Love occasions in him, Expresses himself sometimes by Word of Mouth; He makes use of Writing by the liveliest strokes to represent the ardency that burns him, and upon failure of Voice and Writing, he endeavours to make known by the Different motions of his face, the Senti­ments of his heart. This is much the manner of making Love in a free Countrey, where it is easy to communicate, and where you may speak, see, or write to one another.

There are Nations that do not enjoy this advantage. The greater part of the Turks can neither reade nor write, and have not any freedom of communicating with Women. Yet are they not insensible; On the contrary they seem to be more susceptible of Love, than any other of the Eastern Nations, [Page 2] where the Commerce of Women is equally difficult. They a­bandon themselves entirely to this Passion; they make it their Sovereign Pleasure; they push it even to fury. Nay, it has been averr'd to me that there are Turks, both Men and Women, who to prove their Love in their Extravagancies, run Daggers into their Arms, and cause burning Sulphur to be dropt into the Wound; and I have commonly seen them, bite a piece of the flesh from off their Arms, suck and drink the blood of it, and leave a burning Match to consume it self upon the Wound.

Thus it is not to be wonder'd if a People of so hot a Con­stitution, when they want the usual means of making known their Passion, endeavour to invent such as are Extraordinary. Flowers, Fruits, Woods, Odoriferous Simples, Silks, Gold, Silver, Colours, Stuffs, and in short all things that serve to the Commerce of Life, do among the Turks partake in that Love. This Skillfull Master whose Empire, by Establishing it self strongly over all Creatures, proves it self by this maxime of giving Wit to such as have none, of Suggesting Inventions for the bringing about Designs, which it causes to be conceived, does not fail to Exercise its Power in the need Lovers have of it in Turkey, where the more difficult is the frequentation of Men with Women, the more Projects and Enterprizes does this Passion seem there to occasion, particularly in the minds of Women, to overcome the Obstacles they meet withall in their Amours. Surprizing stories are told us upon this Subject, and which seem incredible. Certain it is that this Sex being the most attackt by that Violent Passion, is not the most blame­worthy in the World, if it studies all possible means to pro­cure its satisfaction.

The Custom of a Turk's taking a Young Person for his Wife, without having ever seen or known one another, but only in concert with the Maids Father, or with some other Relation; the usage of Marrying a Maid as soon as she is thirteen or fourteen years Old; the Number of Wives the Turks are allowed to have, and their manner of considering them in that Estate, not otherwise than as being proper to afford them Children, and for all the World as they do their [Page 3] Horses, when they think fitting to use that which pleases them most; All these Reasons and many more that cannot hand­somly be unfolded, are very prevalent to take away from Women the pleasure of their Husbands, and to Excuse them if in spight of the rigour which keeps them penn'd-up and inaccessible, they Employ all sorts of Inventions to revenge themselves of such Injuries and Provocations, by a Commerce of Gallantry with some Lover.

This is a Subject that would lead me too farr, but to come to the manner of their writing to one another without Pen, Ink and Paper, by the means of Flowers, Fruits, Woods, Silks, Colours and other things, we cannot positively affirm that this was invented by the particular Genius of Lovers. There is reason to believe that this comes from the Ancient manner of Explaining ones mind by Cyphers, and by Figures such as were the Hieroglyphicks among the AEgyptians, before Letters were invented. Be it as it will all these things which the Turks call Selam in this use, that is to say Safety, or desire of Peace, have their Naturall or Allegoricall Signification and Worth, insomuch that a little Packet of about an Inch bigg, if you have a regard to what it contains, composes a very Expressive Discourse, which is understood by the Interpretation of the name of Each thing they send.

For Example, a bit of Sugar in Turkish call'd Cheker, will signify seni Madem tcheker, which is as much as to say, My Bosom longs for you, My Heart wishes for you passionately. A Stone which in Tur­kish is called Tach, will be interpreted Koyalum bir yastuga bach, that is to say, let's lay our heads upon one and the same Pillow.

This is also Explain'd by a Phrase, whose first Syllable is like to the first of the Name of the thing which one sends, as Mavi, which signifies Blew, will signify Mail oldum, I am fallen in Love. Karenfil, which is a Pink, or a Clove-Gilliflower, will signify Karenfil sen Kararung yok, ben seni tchoktan severem meyer benden hbaherung yok; Which signifies you are a Pink, a Beauty not to be parallel'd; a long long time have I lov'd you with­out daring to let you know it. A Plum in Turkish call'd Erik will give to understand Eridik, which is as much as to say, We are dissolv'd away in grief, and the like of others, which custom [Page 4] authorizes rather than any certain Rule; for the Turks do not only take the just Explication litterally; but also some­times Metaphorically, and by helping on a little for the Con­nexion of the sense. For Example, they are minded to Express these words.

I am Extremely in Love with you, the Torment my Love makes me suffer makes me faint away and almost run distracted. My Heart breaths after you with passion, wishing you to bring it the ne­cessary Remedy, &c.

They wlll take a Grape, Blew Silk, a Plum, a Pea, a bit of Sugar, and a little Aloes Wood, which is common in Turkey, and they will observe to range all these things well, and bind the Silk in such manner, that each thing may gradually disco­ver it self, and be orderly Explain'd as the following Table will let you see.

Selam, Or a thing that is sent. Aloes Wood. Sugar. A Pea. A Plum. Blew Silk. A Grape.

All this is call'd in Turkish

Names. Eud Agadgi. Cheker. Nohoud. Erik. Mavi. Usum.

Whose Signification is

Significa­tion. Iladgi. Seni ma­dem tcheker. Bachimung Derdunden oldum bei­houd. Eridik. Mail oldum Iki giaizum

Which in English is litterally

Constru­ction. Physiciaen, Remedy of my head. My Bosom longs after you. My torment makes me mad. We dissolve away. I am fall'n in Love. My Eyes.

[Page 5] All these Phrases joyn'd together frame a Letter by tacking them a little for the Connexion of the Sense. Thus when you write,

My Eyes, I am fall'n in Love, We are Disolv'd away, My Tor­ment makes me Mad, My Inclinations, My Bosom attracts you, Phy­sician Remedy of my head.

This is as much as to say, My Heart, My Dear, I am fall'n in Love with you, and the Torment I am under from my Passion, makes me sometimes faint away and then again almost run distracted. My heart passionately desires you to bring it the necessary Remedy.

Though there are Selams to which the Turks give severall Significations, of which they ever take that which sutes best with the Other things that go along, I have only applyed my self to give them one simply, that so I might not occasion a Con­fusion that could be only unravell'd by long practise; But it is to be observed that as the Turks have no Gender, and that they equally say with us, a handsome Man and a handsome Woman, the same Terms and Phrases serve for Lover and for Mistriss.

This way of Expressing a Passion, as Extravagant as it may [...] has, nevertheless, it's prettinesses, and that it only pro­c [...]s from a great want of Liberty, and from the ignorance of the most Common Science which is that of Reading and Writ­ing; Yet is it so Gallant and Ingenious that those who know how to read and write, do not disdain to make use of it. They Phan­cy these Selams to have more efficacy, and to make greater Im­pressions upon the mind, then the Characters that are form'd in a Letter; which besides, being liable to interception, would endanger the two Lovers secret, which is but too usuall in A­morous Commerces.

The Persons that are wont to make use of Selams have ever a little Cabinet full of all the things that compose them, and they know their Significations so well by heart, that they use them with great readyness, either in Writing or making an Answer. Per­haps you may object to me, what I my self sometimes said to the Turks, that with these Selams one cannot act so freely in the search of some quaint turn of Phrase, or of some new Expression which the Wit and Hearts of Lovers may Suggest, so to distin­guish ones self with the beloved Object, and to insinuate our [Page 6] selves into its Affections after a more agreable manner. And in­deed, these Selams being common to all sorts of Persons, The Woman of the least Ingenuity may say as fine things as the most Understanding Man in the World. In answer to this I shall quote what the Turks retorted upon me. Though that the rea­son I have alledg'd may be destroyed, since the Wit does not in some manner leave to employ it self, and express it's-gallan­try and politeness in the Choice and ranging of the Selams that one sends, though it were absolutely true, what necessity is there of spending time in needless words? This is good for Infidells, say the Turks, who have only windy flourishes of Discourse; but for their parts they go directly to the point in all things, particularly in a matter, wherein they hold that all Discourse is Superfluous.

For this reason is it that without making use of Circumlocu­tions or Equivocations, they make no difficulty as well Women as Men to explain their minds freely and express things as they think them, believing (saving some Rules of Decorum) that there is no more harm in the one than the other, since the Sin consists in the Intention. It suffices them that with these Se­lams they give to understand all that can be said and written in a Commerce of Amity and Correspondence as is very feasable, as will be made manifest in the Series of this Discourse.

But that we may the more delightfully introduce the u­sage of those Selams or mute Characters, and give a more perfect understanding of the Turks manner of interpreting them, I will relate a little History that has happen'd in my time, which I learnt from an old Jewess called Boul-Ester, who was the Princi­pal Actress in it, to which I will add a Character of all the Phrases that may be employed, and a little Dictionary of Flowers, Fruits, Stuffs, and other things that serve instead of these same Phrases, such as I had at Constantinopie in Turkish Terms and Characters: I have here retrenched them that so I might not perplex the Reader by words of a Forreign Tongue, wherein he would not be bound to believe me, having only con­tented my self with faithfully Translating them, and with instancing the Approbations thereunto annexed, and which I took upon the places, as well as to my History, which he will allow Credence to if he thinks fitting.

[Page 7] As to the Turkish proper names that may be met withall in this Book, they are to be pronounced exactly in the same man­ner as they are writ in English Characters, and not by Corrupting them, as most of those do, especially the French, who read these sorts of things, out of a meer Fancy of strange Difficulties in pronouncing a Language, against which they are unjustly preju­dic'd. From thence is come the errour of Pronunciation, which is committed when one is obliged to read in English proper Names, and other Turkish words, which it would be much more easy to pronounce naturally as they ought to be pronounced, than after the manner People do pronounce them. For example the name of Murad, as it is pronounced in Turkish is much softer and easier to be read and pronounced in English than is Mourat or Amurat. Sarai which is the true word, would be much smoother and easier than Serraglio. Ahmet is easier than Akho­met, which is often taken for another name than Ahmet, though it be the same. It is the like with a world of others, which Peo­ple seem to have taken delight in maiming and guelding. This would be very blameable, if a too antient usage, and a Com­plaisance for the Publick, which I my self have had, did not render those excusable that have written in this manner; but they too often commit a fault, in which it is convenient to give an explication that will not bevoid of use for those that daily read Gazettes, and the most considerable matters that concern Turkey.

In speaking of the Pacha's, some will absolutely call them Ba­chas, others read Pacas, or Bacas, others write Bassas, and none of all these speak right, confounding together the words of Pa­cha, Bacha, and Bachi. Certain it is that all the world is not bound to know the difference there is between these three words, but those that write concerning them ought not to be ignorant in this point, that so they may make them to be well pronoun­ced, and understood in such manner as they ought to be under­stood and pronounced.

Pacha, which imports Viceroy, is a Diminitive of Padichah which signifies Emperour. This Title is conferred on the Go­vernours of Provinces, as Pacha of Aleppo, Pacha of Cairo, Pa­cha of Candia, &c. It is likewise given to Lieutenant Generals; [Page 8] to the High Admiral Capoudan-Pacha, derived from the word Capitano; to the Controllour General of the Finances Defter­dar-Pacha; to several other great Officers of the Empire, and to those that have stood possess'd of the Dignities to which that Title is annexed. Pacha is subordinate to Vesir, not Visir or Vi­sier, which in its Arabick Etimology signifies Porter, as if one should say the Person in whose Prudence and Conduct is confi­ded the whole weight and Government of the Empire.

Bassa was never said in Turkish; It has been borrow'd from the Greeks, who not being able to pronounce the Ch o­therwise than as two ss, say Passa instead of Pacha, and the change of the P to the B is made by Corr [...]p [...]ion or mistake [...] the word Bacha, which is a very mean Title, and that of [...] which is annex'd to very Honourable Employs, nay ar [...] that are the Principal of the State.

Bacha and Bachi do both derive themselves from the same word Bach, which signifies Head, Chief; But they are extream different in Application: Bachi is bestow'd upon seve [...]al very considerable Officers of the Empire, and to all the Chief Com­manders of any Body, Company, Brigade, or Party.

Bacha is commonly taken for the J [...]nizaries, and for all sorts of People of the lowest Condition whom they call Ibrahim Ba­cha, Osman Bacha, Eumer Bacha, Mustapha Bacha &c. As if we should say in English to People of the lowest Rank, Master Pe­ter, Master John, Master Thomas, &c. And as it would be very ridiculous to confound Master Peter, Master Thomas, Master John, with Master of Accounts, Master of Requests, Master of the Wardrobe, &c. so it is no less ridiculous in regard of the Turks, that one confounds the word Bacha with that of Pacha, which signifies Vice-Roy Governour of a Province, or with that of Bachi, which signifies Master, Chief, Superintendant, or Com­mander, as the Topchi Bachi Grand Master of the Artillery, Chief of the Canonniers; the Bostangi Bachi, Master Gardiner, Lieutenant of the Policy of Constantinople, and Superintendant of the Imperiall Gardens and Houses; the Capidgi Bachi who are as it were the Grand Signiors Gentlemen in Ordinary. The Tcha [...]uch Bachi, Commanding the Companies as it were of Gen­tlemen-Pensioners, and Sundry other considerable Officers of the [Page 9] Port. After this petty Observation which does not ill become the Character of the Turkish Secretary, since it concerns the speaking and Writing well, I proceed to the History of the Old Jewess.


IT is the Custom of the Turks in publick Merriments to spend the three days of the Bairam, which is their feast, of all the year the most Solemn, after a Fast of thirty Days, as is that of Easter among the Christians. The Turkish Princesses and Ladies of the first Quality that have their Palaces and Abodes in the City of Constantinople, and in the Neighbourhood, repair to the Grand Signiors Seraglio to visit the Sultana's, that are not to be seen at another time, and there they spend those three days in sports and Gallantries. The Slaves that are not Employ'd in Singing or dancing, which makes up the Principal Divertisement of the Princesses, with­draw into some By-Apartment where they contribute to each others Mirth and Recreation.

Upon a certain Day that Bournaz Hatidge Sultan, Sister to Sultan Murad, went to the Seraglio to visit the Sultana Valide, Mother to the Grand Signior Mahomet the 4th, now lately Depos'd, these two Sultana's meaning to be private, dismiss'd for a time all their Slaves, out of their Pre­sence. Some that were most Intimate struck off from the rest, that they might discourse with the more freedom, and went to [Page 10] sit in a great Kiochque, or House of Pleasure to take the Air. This Banquetting-house look'd upon the Gardens of the Serag­lio, and upon the open Sea, that washes the great Front of the City of Constantinople, on the sides of the Isles of Princes.

Their Discourse happen'd to fall upon the Amours of Gulbeyaz, which signifies White-Rose. She was the Sultana Valide's Principal Slave, and had some Years ago been taken out of the Seraglio to be given in Marriage to the Son of a rich Pacha, thro' adventures as Whimsical as they were propitious for her.

All the Slaves Mutually entreated their Companions to tell that Story; but as one of them called Fatma, was better ac­quainted with it than the Rest, thro' her having been concern'd in it, and by Gulbeyaz having made her her Confident without Reserve, they earnestly entreated her to relate it, which she did in these terms.

Gulbeyaz had reach'd to Fifteen or Sixteen years of Age, with­out being acquainted with Love, though she had dayly heard the other Maids her Companions discourse of that Passion, which produced such strange effects, that it made them at the same time proceed from joy to sadness, and from Love to Jealousy and Despair, Insomuch that their Countenances chang'd as of­ten as their hearts were ruffled with different Motions.

So pitteous an Estate had made Gulbeyaz afraid of such like Engagements, and she had shunn'd them as much as was possi­ble for her; but at length Love being provok'd by the resistance of so beautifull a Person, constrain'd her to buckle to his Power, and inspir'd her with Sentiments of tenderness for a Young Turk, the Neighbour of a Jew, at whose house she had been boarded with several other Slaves above her Age. She was plac'd in that Family to learn to Read, Write, Sing, Dance, Play upon Instruments, and the other Exercises that are com­monly taught us, so to polish and render her worthy of being introduced into this Seraglio, where Gulbeyaz remain'd for three years, after which she went out hence, with a fortune equal to her Merit, and the greatness of her ove.

This Turk call'd Youssuf-Bey, the Son of Mehemmed Pacha, Seraskier, was the Neighbour and much the friend of the Jew, [Page 11] at whose House Gulbeyaz was plac'd, and he frequently went thither to hear her Sing, and play upon a Psaltery, which she did incomparably better than any Body in the World.

She was then in her Sixteenth year, and Youssuf conceived so much Love for her, that to see and hear her the oftener, he spent Days and Nights in his Garden, which was contiguous to that of the Jew, or at Windows that look'd upon a Place where Gulbeyaz was wont to walk: Nay one day he would needs discourse her upon the Passion she had produced in his heart, but his Amorous Cajolleries made so little Impression upon her mind, that as then she had not the least Sentiment of tenderness.

Some time after, the Person that had plac'd her at the Jews House finding her sufficiently instructed, presented her to the Sultana our Mistress. Absence which is a great Remedy against Love, instead of stifling Youssuf's Passion, did only serve to augment it, while that Gulbeyaz lived very peaceably in the Seraglio, where Love as yet had not disturb'd her Repose.

Youssuf try'd all manner of ways to have some Account of the Dear she he adored. All his Endeavours were in vain; the Doors of the Womens Apartment are inaccessible Places. The Eunuchs that keep them being peevish, and vex'd to see them­selves depriv'd of what might render them agreeable to so many Beauties as they have under their Charge, become jealous of them even to fury, and have piercing Eyes that discover their very least steps.

So many Difficulties had almost pawl'd Youssuf, who had spent near three years in Abortive Endeavours. He gave him­self up to Grief and Complaints, when that one of his friends, who shar'd in all his Afflictions, inform'd him that a Jewess, call'd Boul-Ester, had a free Access into the Seraglio, where she sold a World of Toys to the Sultana's.

Youssuf who had Wit and Money, avail'd himself of his Friends advice, and thence conceived good hopes, both for that he was prodigiously rich, and that he knew with Money the most Difficult Enterprises are brought about, He resolved to entrust his Passion in this Jewess, and to make her his Friend, wherein he found no great Difficulties, because that considera­ble [Page 12] Presents, and the promise of redoubling them in case of good success, immediately engag'd the Jewess to serve Youssuf in his Amour.

He encharged her with a pair of Pendants, which were two Emeraulds of the Pear Cutt, with a pair of Diamond Bracelets and with a Girdle garnished with Rubies enchac'd in enamell'd Gold. He accompanied this Present with a Letter written with his own hand, and with a Selam, contained in a Gold enamell'd Watch Cover enrich'd with Diamonds.

He conjur'd this Toy-woman to use her utmost Industry to make Gulbeyaz sensible of the excess of his Love, and to repre­sent to her the Disorders which this Passion had occasion'd in his Bosom; the State challenging pity to which it had reduced him; that Gulbeyaz had been now near three years in the Ser­raglio, without his having been able to find out an occasion to have the least tydings of her, and that he was ready to dye if all he had suffer'd for her sake was incapable of inspiring her with some Compassion and Acknowledgment for him.

The Jewess, who was extraordinary Sly and Cunning, co­ming to the Serraglio, after her usual manner, watcht the time that the Sultana Valide was not visible, and seeking for an occa­sion to speak conveniently to Gulbeyaz, she entreated her to give her leave to rest a little in her Apartment, which Gulbeyaz could not civilly refuse her, being of all the Maids this Toy-woman was the most familiarly acquainted withall, by reason of her employ of the Sultana's Treasuress, to which she had at­tained in a very little time by her merit, and by that Princess's most peculiar esteem.

Women are naturally curious; Gulbeyaz immediately askt the Jewess what she had new to shew that day, and having told her that she brought Jewells, she extoll'd their Beauty and Per­fection, and taking out of her Bosom a Box wherein they were contain'd, she shew'd them to Gulbeyaz.

The fire and lustre of these Precions Stones which Gulbeyaz ey'd attentively and with a wishing look, put her upon decking her self with them for a moment, and the Jewess did not fail by her flatteries and praises to engage her often to consult her Ta­ble-Glass, which she found by Chance, and which made her [Page 13] observe an Extraordinary flushing in her face, occasion'd by Vexation and Spight, for that fortune had not favour'd her with the like Treasure.

Boul-Ester who plainly perceiv'd all that pass'd in Gulbeyaz heart, and that she was falling into the snare, judg'd that all Moments were precious, and fancy'd it to be now time to play her part, and to discover to this fair one the subject of her Commission; by delivering her Youssufs Letter and Prefent.

Charming Gulbeyaz, (said she to her) I must own t'ye that I cannot but wonder that the Sultan is not taken with so many Beau­ties, and with so many Attractions as I observe in your Person. There is nothing in you, but what is capable of inspiring Love, and if his Highness had seen you thus adorned, the Sultana would be jealous, and I can easily persuade my self of the Truth of what has been affirm'd to me of the passion which a Young Turk, call'd Youssuf had for you.

Tho' since Gulbeyaz had been in the Seraglio, she had neither heard talk of the Jew, at whose house she had been boarded, nor of Youssuf-Bey, yet that name made her change Colour. This young Man's Passion was not unknown to her, since he had discours'd her upon the torments she made him to endure. She did what she could to dissemble her surprize, and conceal the Disorder of her mind, but the poyson that had so long been shed therein, without her perceiving it, discover'd it self in spight of her, by a sigh that broke forth from the bottom of her heart, and which she could not keep in.

Boul-Ester availing her self of the Disorder she knew Gulbeyaz to be in, did so lively represent to her Youssuf's Passion and Merit, that she perfectly insinuated him into her heart, tho' this fair one durst not yet however declare her self openly. The Jewess presented her at the same time with the Box of Dia­monds, and as she fancy'd it to be a thing that she only shew'd her, Curiosity made her open it; but instead of a Watch-movement, she found a letter in it, which oblig'd her to shut it again immediately to restore it to the Toy-woman.

She pretended to be vex'd, though she would willingly have been inform'd of the Contents of the Letter, not doubting but that it was a Declaration of Youssuf's Passion, who began [Page 14] to, please her. The Jewess who had too much Experience to be a stranger to and not understand this feint, press'd her so ear­nestly to take the Box again, that she could not decline it, but she protested to her, that it was only out of Complaisance, and to free her self from her Importunities.

In taking out the Letter Gulbeyaz found underneath a little Pacquet, which contain'd a Selam, but as she was impatient to read, she immediately open'd the Letter, which was conceived In these terms.

To see and Love you, Divine Gulbeyaz, were to me but one and the same thing. Heaven that made you so beauteous, ought to have made you more sensible, or not to have inspir'd me with so much Love with so little hopes. My Passion is as old as the knowledge I have had of your merit, and time which consumes all things has only served to augment it. Now for several years have I not been my self; and only live for you. I spend both days and Nights in that part of my Garden, whence I heard you Sing, and Play upon In­struments, and whence I some times discours'd you. That Place which was the Confident of my Pleasures, is at present of my Tor­ments; and will be quickly that of my Grave, unless you cause my destiny to be chang'd, being no longer able to live without seeing you. I know the difficulty of this Enterprize; but, incomparable Gul­beyaz, if you would have a little Compassion of him that languishes away for you, and grant him the happiness of throwing himself at your feet, leave all things to the Care and Contrivance of the pru­dent Boul-Ester, she'l know how to manage both my good fortune and your Reputation.

The reading the Letter gave Gulbeyaz the Curiosity to open the Selam; It was compos'd of Ginger, with Yellow-Wax, a bit of Cloath, of Coal, Alum, Cypress, wrapt-up in Pearl­colour Silk, whose Signification is;

Feign would I, My Eyes, that you were fully inform'd of the Love I have for you; It robbs me of my self, and if you do not take pitty of the Condition I am in, I shall dye while you enjoy a happy Life. Honour me with an Answer, and put a period to my torments.

Though Gulbeyaz pretended the not being well pleas'd with this Declaration which she found 100 free, yet was her heart Extremely well Satisfy'd with Youssufs Constancy. This Heart of [Page 15] hers spoke to her in his behalf, & there needed no great Endea­vours to persuade her that he lov'd her, and inspire her with tenderness.

The Jewess, who studied Gulbeyaz's Countenance, perceiving the effect of the Letter and Selam, offer'd her at the same time the Jewells with which she was already deck'd. Her reason which was not as yet wholly prepossess'd, made her refuse them flat and plain. She gave her to understand the injury that this would do her Reputation, if the Sultana discover'd it, and that she ought not to accept a Present, much less embrace an In­treague that might be the occasion of her ruine. At the same time she took off those Jewells, and restored them with the Box, only keeping the Letter and Selam.

Boul-Ester, whom long Practice had rendred a Person of large Experience, was persuaded that an over-great Earnestness does sometimes hinder the success of what one most wishes: wherefore without insisting longer to make Gulbeyaz take the Jewells, she contented her self with min [...]ing her of the acknow­ledgment that is owing to Persons that have favourable Senti­ments for us, and that the Law of Nations required that she should at least return an Answer, without which there would be occasion to doubt of the fidelity of her Message.

Gulbeyaz fell happily into the Trap, and fancy'd she should gain a mighty Victory over her self, by returning Youssuff an Answer quite contrary to what her thoughts were for him, nay and to what she had newly done in keeping his Letter and Se­lam: For her Answer was as now follows.

I know you to be a Romancer, and think to expose me to your Rail­lery, Recollect your self, and remember that I am very angry at your temerity, and that I will never consent to your fond Pretensions. This was express'd by a Pepper Corn, a little bit of Parchment, of Velvet, a small Splinter of Box, a Pistacho, a piece of Glass, and all these things made a small Pacquet in a piece of Cloth, by which forsooth she would feign let Youssuff know that Gul­beyaz was weary of his Importunities.

She was too high and arrogant both in Language and Action to continue so long. And this Consideration did in a great mea­sure comfort Youssuff, for otherwise Spite and Vexation would [Page 16] have sent him to his Grave, if his Mistress's over-great Affe­ctation to oppose his Addresses, had not made him guess she would yield in a little time.

Thus, far from being pawl'd, he grew more and more for­tified in his Resolution. The Jewess did more than a little con­tribute thereunto, by giving him a faithfull Account of all the Circumstances of her Conversation with Gulbeyaz, and by en­charging her self with a second Mute Letter, which he gave her for that beauteous Person. He was not willing to make use ei­ther of Ink or Paper, for fear of some Accident, and besides he perceiv'd by experience that she perform'd but too well in the other way of writing. He contented himself with justifying himself after a modest sort of manner, 'till such time as that he had answerable Returns from Gulbeyaz, who he foresaw would not be long in Debt to him.

Some days after did Boul Ester return to the Serraglio, and in entring the Sultana's Apartment, she Embrac'd Gulbeyaz in the presence of her Companions who were there, and told her I give you the good morrow and this also. At the same time she put into her hands a very little Box of Gold, that contained Tow, and a bit of a kind of Coverlet, and took out of her bo­some a pair of Cizars very curiously wrought, and a pocket Looking-Glass, which she pretended to make her a present of. As Gulbeyaz was the she of all the Slaves, who stood the Jewess in most stead with the Princess, this present gave no matter of suspicion to the Rest; on the contrary, they would have been suprized if Gulbeyaz should not have accepted it. Now she interpreted this new Selam in the manner following.

If it is possible, My Dear Mistress, that I have been so unhappy as to displease you, pardon me, I beseech you, that fault, or com­mand me to dye. I am just ready to sacrifice my Life to Express to you the Excess of my Love and of my Obedience.

Boul-Ester staid a long time in the Chamber with the Sul­tana, who consulted her upon the Quality of certain stuffs for a furniture, and in putting up an Extraordinary fine Herons Top which she had shew'd her, she entreated Gulbeyaz to order a Glass of Water to be brought her into the Anti-chamber, for her to drink at her going away, which was as much as to [Page 17] say that she desired an Answer.

The obligation of being always with the Princess, had hin­der'd Gulbeyaz from getting a Selam ready as baughty as the first. This Constraint occasioned her entertaining a secret joy, though otherwise she labour'd under an extraordinary impa­tience to discourse Boul-Ester. Yet had she not the opportunity of doing it that day, by reason of the world of Maids that flock'd from all parts of the Lodgings to see what the Jewess had brought.

All that Gulbeyaz could do was to give her hastily a Selam, in bidding her Adieu in the same manner as the other had bid her good morrow. This Selam was more succinct and much less se­vere than the former, in which Gulbeyaz has told me several times that she pretended so much rigour only on the account that she thought Honour and Decorum engaged her thereunto, that so she might not yield otherwise than in form, and that she might charge to time and the perseverance of her Lover the ex­cuses of a Passion, which she had been but too sensible of from the first Declaration.

Wherefore Gulbeyaz told Boul-Ester just as she was going a­way that she had several Commissions to encharge her with, but wanting the opportunity of unfolding her mind to her, she en­treated her only for that time to take a A Current Piece in Turkey of about a Groat or five pence value. Themen, and with it to buy her Pens to write, like to one she gave her in pressing her hand, to which she added that this was all that time and her Devoir to her Mistress did permit her to tell her; as, indeed, was true.

Her Eyes and the tone of her Voice gave Boul-Ester much more to understand than did the Themen and the Quill, which signified however, that as she had not any proof of the Sincerity of Youssuff's words, she did not advise him to suffer any longer for the love of her.

This was for all the world like casting Oyl into the fire, and does plainly manifest the blindness of those that love. Gulbeyaz would not have her Lover think of her, and yet could not for­bear thinking continually of him. In short, there was no re­sisting Destiny, which treated them both in the manner you are going to hear.

[Page 18] The more Youssuff and the Jewess grew sensible of Gulbeyaz weakness, or rather the violence of her Love, the more did they push things to extremity; though in the up shot, Youssuff was found to deal upon the square. They contrived so well together the means of persuading his Mistress of the truth of this, that she could no longer decline owning that she was convinc'd of his Sincerity, and that she should willingly and delightfully make suitable returns to it, as far forth as her good Fortune would allow her the occasions.

Youssuff redoubled his Presents and his Promises to Boul-Ester, & engag'd her so far in his Interests, that she resolved to watch her opportunity to go to the Serail in the same manner she did the first time, that is to say, when she knew the Sultana not to be visible, that so she might have an occasion of speaking freely to Gulbeyaz, and of using her utmost endeavours to satisfy Youssuff's Love by bringing him some favourable Declaration from his Mistress, which accordingly fell out three days after.

While that the Sultana did, after her usual rate, take her Repose, all the Slaves went into the Gardens to gather Flowers therewithall to adorn their Apartments, saving two, who ac­cording to Custom staid in the Princess's Chamber. During that time, Gulbeyaz out of a kind of fore-knowledge would needs remain alone to take the fresh air in a Balcony that looks upon the Court of the Serrail. There was she pensive and mu­sing upon the Jewells which Boul-Ester had shewn her from Youssuff, and on the Disorder she was brought into by being acquainted with his Passion. Nay she began to repent her having shewn her self so scornfull, when that she perceiv'd the Jewess coming into the Court of the Serrail, and directing her steps towards the Valide's Apartment.

Gulbeyaz went down immediately to meet this Toy-woman, and having askt her without thinking on what she said, thro' what malice on her part, and thro' what fatality for her heart, she came just at a time they might have the leisure to continue a long while together, and discourse in her Chamber; Boul-Ester knowing, by the hurry and quality of this Discourse, what past in the Bosom of that Lovely Person, answer'd her that she was in hopes of gaining that day a great Victory. Be­ing [Page 19] both got into Gulbeyaz Chamber, the Jewess represented to her all that Cunning and Fancy can suggest to bring about what one has undertaken; and as it was easy for her to perceive the Progress that what she said to her made in her heart, by Gulbeyaz fond and hasty way of asking her whether she had a Selam to give her; Yes, answered the Jewess, taking out the Jewells she shew'd her the first time, accompanied with a very large Diamond which Gulbeyaz had not yet seen, and with a little Box made of one sole Emerauld. Here's the Selam I have or­ders to give you with an absolute prohibition of carrying the least part of it back.

Gulbeyaz was agreeably surprized, and beginning to open the Box, she found it to contain a Letter, which she tell imme­diately to u [...]cifring, being much more eager to know what concern'd Youssuffs Person and the Sentiments of his heart, than to view the Jewells, which, however fine they were, much less affected her. This Ticket was the Kernel of a Nut, Sea-green-Colour'd Silk, a Grain of Corn, a little Plum, a bit of Cor­rail, Cherry-Colour'd Silk, Jessamin, and a little Tobacco, wrapt up in Peach-Colour'd Silk: All this was as much as to say,

I ever was in hopes that you would at the long run put a period to your rigours and my torments; but since I see the Impossibility that is met withall in this matter, and that you are inflexible to my Entrea­ties, not withstanding the piteous Estate to which you have reduced me, I abandon to you all I have in the world with my Life, after Swearing to you that I act with the utmost sincerity, and that you are the only cause of my Death.

This Ticket's tenderness and sincerity, which were suffi­ciently proved by Youssuffs Magnificence and Generosity, af­forded Boul-Ester a free Field to tell Gulbeyaz all she was minded. At last after many replies and great Contests on both sides, she fully convinced her by a means she could not resist.

This Toy-woman represented to Gulbeyaz that her Beauty being set off with the Stately Attire and Lustre which these Jewells gave her, she might chance to please the Grand Signior, and, perhaps, come to be Sultana. The pretext which Gulbeyaz used of the Desire of reigning at least in the heart of an Empe­rour, [Page 20] was a mighty help to her, to cover the Complaisance she had for Youssuff, and this reason having prevailed over all her own, she consented to receive the present, and began at length to declare her self for him that sent it.

Boul-Ester could have wisht that she would have become as easy to have received him himself in her Apartment: She men­tioned it to her, and employed her whole Address to make her consent to it. Gulbeyaz heart indeed, was not altogether averse to this Proposal, but the greatness of the Undertaking and the dangers she should have exposed her self to, did absolutely hin­der her from thinking on it, and whatever endeavours the Jeness used to gain her Compliance, she could not as yet obtain any thing further from Gulbeyaz, save that the would place her self at the Windows to see her Lover in the Gardens, provided he could come thither without too much hazzard. She allowed him three days to contrive the means of it.

Boul-Ester would needs have this Permission in writing, that so she might shew it to Youssuff; But though Honour and Re­son made Gulbeyaz refuse this, Love engaged her on the other side to make known to her Gallant by a Selam the true Senti­ments of her heart, and that his Passion had nothing that dis­pleased her. This Selam was put into a Silk Handkerchief Em­broidered with Gold, wrought with her own fair hand, after which the Toy-woman went her ways, pretending before the other Slaves who had caught them in Discourse, that she lest those Jewells with Gulbeyaz to shew them to the Sultana. Youssuff being impatient to learn the success of his Enterprize, waited his Confident's return, who gave him a full Account of what had passed, as also the Handkerchief sent him by his Mistress.

The joy he had in receiving this Pledge of the allowance of his Passion, transported him in such manner, that without minding what it contained, he kissed it a thousand and a thou­sand times, and water'd it with his Tears with the softest Ex­pressions that Love can inspire.

When he was a little recovered from this Extasie, Boul-Ester made him view the Selam. It was of Isabella Silk, a little bit of Spunge, Myrrhe and Mint.

[Page 21] I cannot express to you the excess of joy this afforded Youssuff. It was so great that it robbed him of Speech, and this Ravish­ment had lasted much longer, if Boul-Ester, as curious as he was satisfied, had not pressed him to give her the meaning of this Ticket, which she guess'd to be very propitious. He did so, and it was as much as to say,

I accept of your Vows, and be persuaded of my fidelity, provided you be constant. I pray to Heaven that it would bestow you upon me, and that our Souls may be inseparble.

Is it possible, most Lovely Gulbeyaz, did Youssuff then cry out, that my Passion is pleasing to you? Is it not to amase me, and to laugh at my torment, that you study to ensuare me and engage me further? And kissing the Handkerchief, he said, Dear Pledge of the fidelity of her I adore, will you be also of the Sincerity of her heart? Then addressing himself to the Selam, And you, Mute Mouth, do you assuremt of the Continuance of her budding Passion?

That Wish of his Mistress's put him into a sweet Fit of Res­very and Musing, whence he would not have quickly recollected himself, if the Moments had not been pretious to him to pre­pare for the intended Interview. The Difficulty of this Enter­prize made him more than a little fretfull. He despaired of being able to find in the Serrail a Friend so faithfull as to en­title him to be made a Confident in his Amours, and his Impa­tience augmented sutably as it drew near the so much desired term.

After having tormented himself extreamly about the means of bringing his Design about, he remember'd that there was an Old Chief of the Ga [...]diners called Ousta Mehemmed, who had great Obligations to his Father, and hoping that this considera­tion would dispose him to serve him, he resolved to go find him out.

Ousta Mehemmed, who had a natural Inclination for Youssuff, received him with great estimonies of kindness, and expressed to him a large Sense of Gratitude and Acknowledgment for the Benefits he had received from the Pacha his Father. Though Youssuff was persuaded of Mehemmed's Fidelity, and that he knew that if he could not grant him the favour he meant to ask of him, he would, at least, keep his Secret, he, nevertheless, [Page 22] exacted an Oath from him by the head of the Prophet, that he would never reveal what he had to impart to him. Then he discover'd his flame to his Friend, and did it in such melting terms, that though Mehemmed should not have had a desire to serve him, he could not without much ado have declined it.

I Love, said he to him, but what avails my Love, since I may not speak to her I love? My heart is inflamed by a beauteous Priso­ner. The Inside of the Serrail which is the Guardian of this Trea­sure, is almost impenetrable, or at least the access of it is so difficult, that there is no attempting it without great perils. Yet this is not what witholds me; My Passion which is boundless would make me attempt the utmost, if the Person I love would suffer it. I have only obtain'd to see her from a little Garden of Flowers, which is under the Sulta­na's Appartment. My Dear Mehemmed you must facilitate my Entrance into it, It is on you alone that the Success of this Enter­prize does depend: I have built my hopes on your Friendship, and if you were formerly in Love, you will know the importance of the Ser­vice, and the greatness of the Obligation I shall have to you.

This Discourse affected the Old man, and the Impression it made upon his mind, with the remembrance of the Disorder which the like Passion had formerly wrought in his Bosom, made him easily consent to Youssuff's Request, without consi­dering the danger to which he exposed himself in case the In­trigue came to be discovered. He promised to introduce him in the Habit of a Gardiner, and told him that he needed only to take the time which his Mistress should prescribe to him.

Youssuff immediately dispatcht Boul-Ester to the Serrail. He did not encharge her with any Letter, the joy he felt being too great to permit him to write, and to hazzard his Enterprize by confiding it to Paper. He only sent Gulbeyaz a little Selam composed of a Pomgranate Kernel, of a little bit of Bread, with Lilly-Convally and Cinnamon. Of which the Sense is this.

The Flame which your Love has kindled in my heart, has impos'd an absolute necessity upon me of seeing you. I will do all that is requisite for that purpose, and surmount all the Difficulties that may interpose in this Design.

Though Gulbeyaz had a great share of Love, yet had she Rea­son also. She was detained by the fear that if the Intreague came [Page 23] to be discovered, the Sultana would cause her to be rigorously punished, thus she would and would not. But this notwith­standing there was no help, way she must give to what her Pas­sion exacted. Gulbeyaz promised that the next morning at half an hour past nine a Clock, she would repair into a low-Room which looks upon the Garden, and which is only parted from it by a Wooden Trellis like a Lettice, whence she would open a little Wicket which should be the Signal of her being come; that this was the most convenient time, for that the Sultana took her Repose after Breakfast, as well as all her Maids, and that the Eunuchs were at the outward Gate for fear of making a noise.

After this Declaration Gulbeyaz immediately dispatcht away the Jewess giving her a Box containing a bit of Radish, a Grape-Seed, a little of Brick, twisted Thrid, a Pear, Myrtle and a Flower of Narcissus, of which the Signification is as follows.

My Eyes, it is too difficult for me to repair to you, but come to morrow and take the place which I design you in my heart. I beseech Heaven that the Enterprize may succeed, and that I may be free to express to you upon all occasions that I am wholly yours.

Youssuf was ready to dye of joy upon receiving this Selam. He was nevertheless uneasy through the Apprehension that his ill fortune might make him lose so favourable an Occasion. He spent the Night in cruel Agitations occasion'd in him by Hope and Fear.

At the hour prescribed he repaired to the Serail. His friend Mehemmed made him shift the Sumptuous attire he had on, for that of a Gardiner, which was of Coarse Red Serge, and a Cap a foot long, of a stuff of the same Colour. He put a Spade into his hands, and led him to the Garden, ordering him to dig the Earth, and to work upon a Bed that is under the Win­dows of the Apartment.

At each stroke he gave with his Spade, the Young Gardiner lift up his Eyes, to see if the Wicket of the Lettice did not open, but Unhappily the Sultana falling asleep a little later than or­dinarily, our pretended Gardiner had the leisure to digg almost the whole Bed, before that Gulbeyaz could come to the Assig­nation.

[Page 24] You may judge, my Dear Companions, pursued Fatma, how horribly Youssuf was rack'd with impatience. He sometimes heard certain great Flies, that seeking passage beat against the Lettice. He Phancy'd his Mistress view'd him, and that she laugh'd to see him in that Equipage, and at the Martyrdom she made him suffer.

When that Gulbeyaz drew near the Window, and that through the Trellis she perceiv'd Youssuf with the Spade in his hand, she no longer doubted of the force of his Love, and tho' she could not without a great deal of trouble see a Man of his rank digging the Earth to have a Minutes Satisfaction of seeing her, this afforded her joy, and without considering what the delay of this happiness made him suffer, she took delight in viewing him for some time before she shew'd her self.

As he had been already at work above an hour, and that so harsh an Exercise for so delicate a Body as his, did often oblige him to rest himself upon his Spade, and to cast his Eyes from time to time to the place where his Mistress was to appear, she open'd the Lettice, and plainly perceiv'd her Lovers pain to redouble. The Spade fell from his hands, and he remain'd mo­tionless like a Statue; but happily he was not taken notice of, by reason Mehemmed, who had foreseen the Consequences of this first Interview, had sent out of the way the other Gardi­ners that were to work in the same place.

No Torture greater than to be in the presence of what we Love, without being suffered to discourse the Party. What Youssuf endured in being depriv'd of that Consolation, by rea­son of the nearness of the Sultanas Apartment was no less sen­sible to Gulbeyaz, and what ever scornfull carriage she thought to have affected, she partak'd in all the Vexation that besieg'd him. Luckily the Language by signs, which is much us'd in that Court, and which they both perfectly understand, did so well supply the failure of the voice, that they parted very much satisfied with their Interview.

The Eyes, Motions of the Face, the Finger signs and gestures of the two Lovers, said more than the most Eloquent tongue could have done, which is often Mute in such like occasions, and says nothing by reason it finds too much to say. They so [Page 25] very much delighted in this mute Conversation, that it would have lasted much longer, if Gulbeyaz had not heard a walking in the Sultanas Apartment, which obliged her to tip the Wink upon Youssuf to be gone, and she immediately shut the Wicket.

During all these Intrigues which I was not then acquainted withall, Boul-Ester who was become the Mutual Confident of their Amours, made many and many a journey to the Serrail. Gulbeyaz took no less delight in hearing from her Dear Youssuff, than he from his lovely Mistress. He was extremely rich, and promised her to use his utmost endeavours, and set all his Friends to work to get her out of the Serrail and marry her, as accordingly happen'd at the long run, after they had both ex­posed themselves to tryals of Love, which the more dangerous they were, the more they render'd those two Lovers worthy of each other.

The Jewess came twice or thrice a week to the Serrail, tho' she sold but very little, but she was abundantly rewarded by these Lovers, whose Presents were sufficient to enrich her. Their Passion became boundless. Youssuf being ever impatient and restless that he did not see his Dear Mistress, would needs attempt a second Interview, wherein he might freely and not by Signs, express by word of Mouth the excess of his Love. He laid his Design with his Confident, reiterating to her great pro­mises if she so order'd matters as to accomplish it, and at the same time he gave her a Purse of two hundred Sequins, worth about five hundred Crowns. Gain thus inviting the Toy-wo­man she promised to omit no manner of endeavours for the ma­king him successfull in his undertaking.

She came to the Serrail. and gave Gulbeyaz a Selam contained in a Cup of a most perfect Agath. It must be own'd that as Love gives wit, it borders also upon folly. Youssuf was minded to en­gage his Mistress by a rich Present. This Cup was garnished with Circles of Gold enrich'd with Diamonds, and he endea­vour'd to persuade her of his Passion by a Se­lam composed of the hair of his The Lock which men wear on the Crown of their head. Pertchem, of a little Rose-colour'd Silk, Aloes wood, Antimony, Nutmeg, a sprigg of Broom, a little bit of Cloth, of Coal, of Pearl-colour'd Silk, and of a [Page 26] little Allum; which is as much as to say,

Pretious Crown of all my wishes, Nightingale whose warbling Notes are alone capable of charming the anguish of my Soul, true Re­medy of the evils I endure, consider the tears that flow from my eyes, while that, perhaps, you laugh at my torture; take pity of me, and mind but the Condition you have reduced me to. Dye I must if you do not bless me with a Letter and afford me a certain Answer.

This Selam and the Account Boul-Ester gave Gulbeyaz of Youssuff's piteous Estate, whom she described to her languish­ing and dying for her, affected her so very much, that being egg'd-on with Love and Compassion, she consented to a second Interview; but the place and Maiden Garb for Youssuf which the Jewess propos'd to her perplexed her cruelly. She could not well so far comply with Youssuf's Disguise, as to introduce him into her Apartment, which was next of all to the Princess's. This was a ticklish matter, and which stak'd no less than Honour and Life upon the venture of this Intrigue's being discover'd. All these Considerations were sufficiently prevalent to have broken off such a Design, if Love which was still more prevalent had not absolutely crampt them. In short, Gulbeyaz without further pause gave her self to Boul-Ester's Persuasions, and permitted her to bring Youssuf disguis'd as a Maid. She even gave him the assurance of it by a little Selam composed of a little Cucumber, Barley, twined Silk, a bit of Latin-wire, a Grape, Millet, a lit­tle Tabby, and a little Bean; of which now take the Inter­pretation.

Whatever apprehensions I may harbour that you will tumble us into strange Misfortunes if the least Suspition be conceived of your Enter­prize, yet do I hope that Fortune will not abandon us. Come, my Eyes; I am too sensible of your torments, my heart is yours, be per­suaded of my Eternal Constancy.

It was requisite to deferr it, for five or six days, because that too frequent visits might have been suspected. These wereas so many Ages to the Enamour'd Youssuf, for whom they fitted a very neat Habit, that so his Garb answering the Beauty of his Face, whereon hair did not as yet appear, they might the more easily deceive all the Guards.

On the seventh day Boul-Ester and Youssuf disguised as a Maid [Page 27] repaired to the Serrail. The Toy-woman, who was well known, having said that she who accompanied her was her Daughter, tho' she was not wont to bring any along with her, she deceived the Eunuchs who suffering them to enter, they were conducted to Gulbeyaz's Chamber.

It would be a hard matter for me, my Dear Companions, to express to you Youssuf's concern and trouble when he found that beauteous Person almost dying in Bed, wherein she had been for two days attackt with a Pestilential Feavour, which is so common in that Countrey. You may judge whether the sur­prize of so unforeseen an Accident as this was not capable of breaking all the Measures of this Disguise. Little did it want but that he had made himself known; But Gulbeyaz who kept her judgment entire in the midst of her illness which was of three days standing, entreated her Companions to leave her for one moment alone with this Jewess, to dispatch some business they had together.

When Youssuf saw himself alone near Gulbeyaz, he abandon'd himself to his Grief, and forgetting the place where he was, he snatcht off his Veil, and planting himself at his sick Mistress's Beds-head, he bathed her with his tears, without being able to utter a word. Gulbeyaz on her part received such pressing onsets of Love, besides the violence of her Distemper, that ha­ving made a general Revolution throughout her whole Body, it gave her a Crists that saved her Life, and little did it want but that she had been Youssuff's Death, who being in no wise to be prevailed with to forsake her Pillow, drew in the air of a Malignant Sweat, which struck him to the very heart and made him fall into a Swoon.

Boul-Ester being much perplexed at her pretended Daugh­ter's swooning away, and so much the more through fear of the Consequences that must redound from the unravelling of this Intrigue, if Youssuf's Malady augmenting they should have been sorced to have put him to Bed, called me to help her.

When I enter'd Youssuf began to breath again, and to sigh, turning his eyes towards Gulbeyaz, whose name he utter'd with so melting and so Amorous an Accent, that I wonder I did not take notice of the Disguise. I made no Reflexion either upon [Page 28] giving the Sigh or the uttering of Gulbeyaz name, and I attri­buted to an Amity of a long date, what was only a pure effect of Love.

It was not so with Boul-Ester. She was so surpriz'd that all her Senses having forsaken her, and her face having changed colour she fell into a Fit. I was alone and in a very great per­plexity. I left the Daughter near Gulbeyaz Bed, and I ran to the Mother, who was not long in that condition. After both of them were come to themselves again, I went to prepare a Cor­dial for them.

The amorous Youssuf improved that moment to the enter­taining of his Mistress, which he did with a very weak and lan­guishing voice. Death that pursues me, said he to her, is much less sensible to me, adorable Gulbeyaz, than the grief for your suf­ferings; I should with pleasure embrace it if I thought to ease you. This you may be persuaded of, and that I should dye a thousand times rather than abandon you, if in staying here I did not expose you to a much greater peril than your Malady. I go, and I go to die, being no longer able to stand up under so many Griefs.

Gulbeyaz being dejected by the force of her Distemper, con­cern'd at heart for Youssuf's torment, and weakned by the vehe­mence of her Crisis, could no otherwise answer to such soft as­surances save by tears, which made her faint away. Then was it that Youssuf had occasion for all his Reason to resist so many evils at a time, and do nothing to betray the Secret. Gulbeyaz was a long while in that condition, and having begun to breath again, Boul-Ester, who was afraid of some new Accident, en­deavour'd to get Youssuf away from the sick fair one and take him along with her. He could not resolve upon so harsh a sepa­ration, which he had a dread might become eternal; fain would he have expired before the eyes of her he loved. However he could do no otherwise than obey his Mistress's Orders, who not being able to speak made a sign to him to be gone, and pre­sented him her hand, which he kissed, protesting to her that he would not long survive her.

All the Accidents that had newly accompanied so perillous an Interview, were not sufficient to counter-ballance the happi­ness of these Lovers. For as ill luck would have it upon passing through one of the Gates of the Serrail, where there are Bal­tadgi's, [Page 29] who are the Servants without, one of them suspecting by the Gate of the feigned Maid, which she no longer studied to make answerable to what she represented, by reason of her grief and weakness, that it was a Disguise, stopp'd her by the arm. Boul-Ester who had ever a ready wit, said nothing to the Baltadgi for fear of drawing others thither, but making up to him she gave him a Ring which she took off her Finger, & slipt it secretly into his hand to oblige him to open the other that held Youssuf. Thus she set that poor Lover at Liberty, who thought much less of the present danger than of Gulbeyaz piteous con­dition.

As soon as Youssuf was return'd to his Palace, he went to Bed, where he was seiz'd with a violent Feavour. He was so circumspect in all that concerned his adorable Mistress, that he durst not send for Boul-Ester, out of fear of giving a suspi­cion of their Correspondence, and he could not trust in any of his Domestiques. Four days were spent in this manner, during which our two Lovers suffer'd incomparably more by having no tydings of each other, than by the pangs of their Distemper; but at the long run that of Youssuf coming to Ex­tremity, he would needs make use of the time he sancy'd he had to live, to bid a last farewell to his Mistress, and without thinking of ought else, he caus'd Paper and Ink to be brought him, being not in a Condition to do otherwise. Now this is what he wrote,

I dye for you, Incomparable Gulbeyaz, and Death is so much the more Wellcome to me, for that I hope its Cause which is your Crisis, will be the Prolongation of your Days. If I had a certain assurance of this, I should dye without Concern. My Malady is hastening me away, and I employ the little time I have left, in giving you testi­monies of a Love I shall carry with me to my Grave; happy if that last Moment can better convince you of it, than years of sighs and tears have done. Adieu, Most Lovely of all your Sex, Live and remember that the same Love, which restores you to Life gives me my Death.

As soon as he had finisht his Letter, thinking he was at the last moment of his Life, he sent it to Boul-Ester with the ring he wore on his finger, whereon was Engrav'd her Name and [Page 30] his own, upon a very neat Ruby, and he was seiz'd with new Convulsions and Redoublings of his Feavour, which depriv'd him at the same time both of his Reason and Speech. He con­tinued two days in this Condition, which having occasion'd a General Report of his being Dead, this made Boul-Ester to carry this false and killing News to Gulbeyaz. That Amiable Person whose Crisis had freed from Danger, the sweat having dispers'd the tumours of the Pestilence, was Sicker in Mind than Body. Youssuf's silence, and Boul-Esters deferring to go and give her an Account of all that pass'd since their parting, put into her sad forebodings and mortal Disquiets. She wept all the Day, and spent the Nights either in restless tossings, Dreams or Visions, which seem'd to prognosticate to her the mis­fortune she dreaded. She had chosen me out for her Confident since Youssuf's Interview. I endeavour'd to divert her so to drive away the fatal thoughts that tormented her. Nothing was capable of giving her Comfort, but it was still worse with her when that Boul-Ester came to the Serrail to acquit her self of the Commission given her by Youssuf. As soon as Gulbeyaz saw her, she with Extreme Earnestness inquired how he did; but the Jewess's silence, and the tears she could not keep in, gave that Impatient Fair-One to understand what she had to say to her. Ah, cry'd she, Youssuf is no more; and at the same time she swoon'd away in my Arms.

After she was come to her self, Toussufs Letter and Ring, which Boul-Ester put into her hands, without being able to ut­ter a Word, seem'd a certain Confirmation of the misfortune she had dreaded. Gulbeyaz did several times kiss those dear Pledges of her Lovers Affection; she watered them with her tears, and hung the Ring at her Neck, to shew that she de­voted her self to the Manes of what she loved. Then she re­main'd for a while without speaking. Her face became red, and she burst out into such touching Complaints, as would have mov'd the most insensible to Compassion. And God knows how long she would have continued them, if they had not been interrupted by the coming in of her Companions, and which oblig'd Boul-Ester, to withdraw. The Constraint she put upon her self in curbing her transports, cast her into a [Page 31] new fit of a Feavour and that too so violent, that she could never have recover'd it, but for the happy News. I brought her the next day. Boul-Ester was no sooner got out of the Serrail, but that she ran to Youssufs Palace, where she expected the Confirmation of the Account of his Death. Joy succeeded to Sadness; they told her that he not only breath'd but that he was perfectly recovered from the Condition she had left him in, and that the Pestilence having made its way thro' a great tumour under the Armpit, he was held to be out of Danger; It was impossible however to speak to him as yet, but the Zea­lous Jewess without staying for that, return'd the next Morning as soon as she could, to impart to me this happy News. I fail'd not to acquaint Gulbeyaz with it, who would needs see Boul-Ester for certainty's sake. When she had no longer any reason to doubt of it, she put on a smiling Countenance, and we be­gan from that Moment to perceive in her Eyes all the tokens of an approaching Recovery.

Youssuf on his side no sooner saw his health so well restored as to permit him to bestow his Cares upon his Passion, but that he set his thoughts wholly upon securing to himself the Pos­session of his Mistress. In order to this he made his Address to Gulistan Kadun his Mother in Law, a Woman of Extraordinary Beauty, and an infinite Deal of Wit. She was the Daughter of Sultan Ibrahim, and by Consequence the Grand Signior Reg­nants Sister, but by another Mother than the Valide; and his Highness according to his Custom of thus disposing of his Sisters and Daughters, had given this for a Second Wife to Mehemmed Seraskier Pacha, the Father of Youssuf, on the score of his vast Riches. She was still very young, and dwelt in a Serrail, in the Countrey since the Death of her Husband Me­hemmed Pacha; and as she had ever very much valued Youssufs Merit, and always retain'd a most peculiar regard for him, she immediately became affected at the Confidence he put in her, by imparting to her his Adventures, and promis'd to spare no manner of means that might tend to render him happy.

She so earnestly besought the Valide, and the Grand Signior himself to bestow Gulbeyaz upon her as a Slave, for whom she had a mighty Inclination, without telling them her Design or [Page 32] Youssufs Passion, that she obtain'd her. Thus Gulbeyaz left the Serrail to go to Gulistan Kadun. This Generous Princess to shew the Grand Signior, and the Valide her Gratitude and Acknow­ledgment for their Present, and the Esteem she had for it, gave Gulbeyaz, as of her own accord, and with a rich Portion, to Youssuf-Bey, her Son in Law, who, as you may believe, found no reluctance in himself to give his consent to it, and thus did she take delight in uniting those two Lovers, whom we now know to enjoy all the Sweets and Comforts of a perfect Affection.

Fatma thought she could not better end her History than in telling all her Companions that she wish'd the like happiness might befall them. They unanimously answer'd, Amin. This Cry having been heard by Tacham Sultan, and Bournaz Hatidge Sultan, made them send to inquire what was the matter. Fatma, who had with an admirable readiness of Wit a facetious jocund humour, went to tell them that having tun'd out a lay to their Prosperity, as it is commonly practic'd in the time of great Festivals, her Companions had answer'd all together, and with a zeal equal to her own, Amin. This Extremely pleas'd the two Sultana's, who to reward them distributed among them several pieces of Stuffs, Jewells, and other Gallantries.

This is what the Old Jewess told me of the Adventures of the Beauteous Gulbeyaz. 'Twas she who gave me an Exact Me­morial of all the Selams I have made Fatma to rehearse in the relation of the fore-going History. What is left for me to do is to impart to the Reader the Testimonials I brought from Constantinople, both of the Common use of Selams, and of the Truth of the Story.


HAving seen and Examined the Work of the Turkish Secre­tary, I have found nothing therein but what is conformable to the things whereof it treats, which I affirm thro' my having practis'd them my self, and seen them practis'd by the most Intel­ligent Persons in that matter. At Pera, lez Constantinople the Eighteenth day of April, 1681.

Bekir Tchelebi, the Son of Hassan.

Another from an Officer of the Artillery.

AFter that the Mercifull Creator of the World had bless'd me so far as to suffer me to return from the Campagne of Chehe­rim, in company of many innumerable Legions of Soldiers faithfull to the Law of God, and Slaves, like me, of the Sovereign Emperour of Lands and Seas, King of Kings, Distributer of Crowns, Refuge, Azilum, and Protector of all Nations, who with the Dreadfull Ma­hometan Spear, whose Conduct he had confided to the piercing Eye and invincible Arm of the most High and most glorified Lord the Su­preme V [...]zir Cara Mustafa Pacha, comes from tumbling into the A­byss of Hell, and from dethroning the Infidels from the Throne of Pride and Blasphemy, which they had scandalously erected to them­selves in the inexpugnable Fortress of Cheherim, which we have sub­dued and reduced to Dust, putting to rout and in Confusion all the Infidels that had the temerity to go about to oppose the Exploits of the Tryumphant. After, I say, having seen with my own Eyes all these Prodigi [...]s which appertain only to the sole Nation of the True Belie­vers by the Mercy and infinite Graces of the Almighty, and by the Merit of the Chief of the Prophets, I have recreated my self after the fatigues I underwent during that severe Campagne by an abode of near two years in the Center of Happiness and Pleasures, I mean the Excellent and Antient City of Constantinople, which is at this day, as it was at all times, the Principal and most worthy Subject of the Admiration of Mortals, and the Place of Residence of the most Au­gust and ever-victorious Family of the Ottomans, Head, Founda­tion, and Formidable Support of the Mussulman Law. I have em­ploy'd my self in several Exercizes as well of the Body as of the Mind, but as among these latter I have m [...]t with none that have been more sensible to me than in the practice of the things of which the Turkish Secretary gives an Account as well real as succinct and di­verting, I have found my self obliged without otherwise knowing the Author's Person in any manner, to give my Approbation to his Work, and to the History of Youssuf-Bey, which he has added thereu to, and which has made too much noise in this Country, for a­ny Doubt to be harboured of it. This is what I affirm and certify by the Impression of my Seal. At Tophana of Constantinople the [Page 34] twenty nineth Day of March, One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty.

The Servant of those that fear God, Osman-Chorvadgi the Son of Cara Eyub,


We have examined the History of Gulbeyaz and her Lover, and the rest of the Work of the Turkish Secretary, according to the Re­port and just Interpretation that has been made to Us thereof. Where­fore We give it our Approbation.

The humble Hatidge, the Wife of Hassan-Aga dwelling at Constantinople in the Quarter of Comcapi; the poor Emine, Daughter of Suleiman Bey, in her House at Tophana; the indi­gent Salhe, Wife granted to Mustafa Tchelebi, Son of Emir-Bektach, lodging at Scudaret, near the Grand Mosch; Aiche, the slighted Wife of Abtelrahman-Bey, Son of Hussein, dwelling at Cassompacha, behind the Arsenal of the Gallies; Alime, Nourou, and Rabbie, Wives of Kieur Ibrahim Pacha.

The following Catalogue contains the Phrases which the Turks express in sending or in giving themselves the things that signify them. They would for example note to a Person, that he has the Power to dispose of them as he pleases; they will find this thought in the Number 19. of the Catalogue, and then a Pear which is the Selam, or the thing which they must send to give to understand that one has the Power to dispose of them. Or if you send them Coal, they will seek in the Dictionary which is after the Catalogue for the word Coal, whose explication will be markt to them in the Catalogue by the Cypher 83. and they will find that it signifies, I consent to dye provided you ever enjoy a most happy Life. And the same with all the other things that may be sent or received, whether that there be but one alone or several together according to the more or less of what you have a mind to make known.

It is also to be observed that to supply the things of which they shall have need, having them not at hand, they may write and send upon a bit of Paper just as many Cyphers as are in the [Page 35] Catalogue, as they would signify thoughts that should suit with them, which they would interpret in the usual manner of decyphering Letters, provided that each have a Book at his Elbow.

  • 1. TO give to understand, We are both of the same mind, I ap­prove very much of what you say, they must send an Am­brette Flowe,
  • 2. I weep continually, but you make a mock of my tears. A Rose, either the Leaf or bit of the Rose-Tree.
  • 3. I Swear to you that, &c. Jessemin, either Flower or Leaf.
  • 4. You are a Flower, a Beauty beyond Compare; a long long time have I lov'd you, without daring to let you know it. A Pink or the Stalk of a Pink.
  • 5. The torments you make me suffer are the occasion that my Body is become as dry as a Tooth-pick. A Tulip.
  • 6. Let me partake of your Carsses. A Violet.
  • 7. You must surmount all the Obstacles that may interpose in your Designs. Liricumfancy.
  • 8. I will in all occasions give you proofs that I am your Slave. A Narcissus.
  • 9. Have a care that God do not punish you for the evil you may wish me, as I wish he may reward you for your good intentions. A Hyacinth.
  • [Page 36] 10. I will do for you things which you your self shall be Wit­ness of. A Lilly.
  • 11. I'le Answer to you for all Events. A Wind-Flower.
  • 12. You must be perfectly Discreet. A Dazy.
  • 13. The more pains we shall have, the more we shall relish Plea­sures. A Tuberose.
  • 14. We are cross'd by many People. The Flower Paunsy.
  • 15. Let nothing trouble you. A Mary-Gold.
  • 16. My Constancy is weakned by your InfidelIties. An Orange-Flower.
  • 17. I know that you have sufficiently deceiv'd me. A Peach.
  • 18. Don't think on me. An Apple.
  • 19. You may dispose of me as you please. A Pear.
  • 20. Pish! Your making so much ado is but meer Fooling. A Quince.
  • 21 Why do you torment me at this rate? A Wallnut.
  • 22. We are broke off. A Hasel-nut.
  • 23 I was always in hopes you would have some kindness for me. The Kernel of à Nut.
  • 24. Why are you so scornfull? A Gallnut.
  • 25. I am angry with you. A Pistacho.
  • [Page 37] 26. Bestow some small favour upon us. A Cherry
  • 27. I am quite spent with Anguish and D jection. A Plum.
  • 28. I know how matters stand with you. A Pome-Citron.
  • 29. May all the Mischiefs in the World over-whelm you. An Orange.
  • 30. None has Compassion of Me. A Fig.
  • 31. It is impossible to find any one that Excells you in Beauty and Goodness. An Apricock.
  • 32. I am intoxicated and distracted with my Love. A Chessnut.
  • 33. I very much fear that the Suspicion which People may have of our Concerns, will occasion their being fully detected. A Cowcumber.
  • 34. You'l never attain your Designs. A Date.
  • 35. My Heart burns with Love. A Pomegranate.
  • 36. Draw a little near us. A Sorb Apple.
  • 37. I begin to perceive that if you grow Luke-warm, I shall grow indifferent. An Almond.
  • 38. You have made me endure sufficiently. An Apple or slip of Cyprus.
  • 39. Let your Inclination for me follow its own Dictates. A Jujube Plum.
  • 40. I hope to see your Funeral. An Olive.
  • [Page 38] 41. My Eyes, (as one says my Heart, my Dear Soul) A Green or Dry Grape.
  • 42. Change abode to see us the more conveniently. Rosemary.
  • 43. May God bestow you upon me. Mirrhe.
  • 44. If you act sincerely, so much the better for you. Marjerom.
  • 45. Leave off those ways of yours. Wild Time.
  • 46. I will bring you up in my Bosome. Sweet Bazile.
  • 47. Let's Love with as much passion as sincerity, and let our Souls be inseparable. Mint.
  • 48. Do you dwell by your self? Parsley.
  • 49. Your Slaves, Your Servants, are not they to be suspected? Sorrel.
  • 50. Inconstancy must be punish'd. Fennel.
  • 51. If you study silly Evasions, you will find Numberless Diffi­culties. Lettice.
  • 52. I assure you you are the most in the wrong in the World. Beats.
  • 53. Let's have Condescention for each other. Nettle.
  • 54. Leave me, Perfidious Wretch. Ivy.
  • 55. What reason can you have to authorize all you do against me? Colewort.
  • 56. Do but so much as once glance upon the unhappy Condition I am in. Woollen-Cloath.
  • [Page 39] 57. I grow weary of your Importunities. Linnen.
  • 58. Tell me where your House is? Glaz'd-Callicoe, or Coarsc-Cloth.
  • 59. We shall be together to morrow. Canvas.
  • 60. Methinks you have droll'd sufficiently upon me. Velvet.
  • 61. No Body vouchsafes to look upon me. Satin.
  • 62. My Heart is theirs I Love. Tabby.
  • 63. This Cheat suffices us. Taffety.
  • 64. Your Love has fetter'd me. Cambrick.
  • 65. I leave my Concerns to Destiny. Twisted Silk.
  • 66. You have robb'd me of my very Senses. White Silk.
  • 67. Agreeable Nightingale of my Bosom, who charms the Me­lancholly of my Soul. Rose-Colour'd-Silk.
  • 68. Write me a Letter. Pearl-Colour'd-Silk.
  • 69. I consent that you have your Revenge, your Turn. Issabella Silk.
  • 70. We are fallen out. Grass-Green-Silk.
  • 71. There's no doing what is impossible. Seagreen-Silk.
  • 72. You have chosen a Convenient Place. Gall-green-Silk.
  • 73. You have taken my Liberty, take also my Soul. Cherry Colour'd Silk.
  • [Page 40] 74. Know that you are the cause of my Torments. Peach-Flower Coloured Silk.
  • 75. Rid your self of all ill People. Sulphur-Coloured Silk.
  • 76. You must not think to use me so scornfully. Crimson-Co­loured Silk.
  • 77. Is there any Conscience in using us as you do. A Crimson-Violet Silk.
  • 78. I am fall'n Extremely in Love. Blew-Silk.
  • 79. Since that I love you I am hated and envyed by all the World. Violet-Silk.
  • 80. Let's Embrace. Yellow-Silk.
  • 81. There's a great Difference between your way of Loving and Mine. Musk-Silk.
  • 82. I am ready to sacrifice my self for you. A Mirrour or piece of Glass.
  • 83. I consent to dye provided you ever enjoy a very happy Life. A Coal.
  • 84. Let's lay our heads upon one and the same Pillow. A Stone.
  • 85. I shall cost you a great deal. A Pistol or other piece of Gold.
  • 86. I have not any proof of the sincerity of your Words. A Piece of Money of 5 pence value.
  • 87. Take all due Courses to have me, and come to me. A piece of thres Aspres, or a three pence.
  • [Page 41] 88. Keep always a good Understanding. An Aspre, or a Penny.
  • 89. Don't engage us in a Difficult Bus'ness. Barley.
  • 90. Precious Crown of all my Wishes. Hair.
  • 91. Do not slight those that submit themselves to you in all. The Twig or Wood of a Vine.
  • 92. My Face is like the Earth which is at your Feet; my Sub­mission to you is infinite. A Vine-Leaf.
  • 93. You are a Treasure of Youth and Beauty. A Grape.
  • 94. All my Riches are at your Disposal. Corral.
  • 95. Let's not let slip any occasion of improving our Pleasure as far as we are able. A Spoon.
  • 96. Summons all your Wit together in your Head; Recall all your Senses: do but reflect upon the Course you take. Box.
  • 97. You kill me with laughing. A Pipe.
  • 98. I love you even to Madness. White Wax.
  • 99. D'ye consent to what is just and reasonable? Aniseed.
  • 100. Send me a certain Answer. Pepper.
  • 101. Know that I love you. Ginger.
  • 102. My Heart passionately desires you. Sugar.
  • 103. Though you be cruel to me, I'le be faithfull to you. Sugar-Candy.
  • [Page 42] 104: I suffer much, while you have only Pleasure. Nutmeg.
  • 105. I'le be at all the necessary Charge. Cinnamon.
  • 106. D'you find in your self any kind Disposition for me. A Clove.
  • 107. The Bow of your Love cannot draw, you are inflexible to my Entreaties. Wheat.
  • 108. You are a perpetual inconstancy: You go from fair one to fair one. Bruised Wheat.
  • 109. I am sensible to your Torments. Millet.
  • 110. I have lost my Senses by loving you too much. A Pea.
  • 111. Keep me in your Bosom. A great Bean.
  • 112. Come to our house this Evening, I am wholly yours. A lit­tle Bean.
  • 113. Will not all the Service I have done you in any wise avail? A Leek.
  • 114. Have a care how you expose us to Peoples railleries. Rice.
  • 115. Answer me sincerely and without Affectation. Allum.
  • 116. I desire you to pass a day at our House. Incense.
  • 117. You'l ruine us if you push on your Design. Sulphur, or a Match.
  • 118. We go to the Bath to morrow. A Sweet-Ball.
  • 119. Give me your Soul. Amber.
  • 120. The Difficulties I start are the better to fix our concerns. Musk
  • [Page 43] 121. You are the true Remedy of all my evils. Aloes Wood.
  • 122. The Sun of my Life. A Sugar Cane, or Powder Sugar.
  • 123. You are an Inconstant, you never keep your promise. Common Wood.
  • 124. I in no wise consent to what you propose to me. Glass.
  • 125. I suffer much for that we are at a distance from each other. A Comb.
  • 126. I grow daily leaner and leaner, but your Plumpness does vi­sibly augment. Iron.
  • 127. Come to me. Copper or Lattin Wire.
  • 128. It's easy for you to deceive me. Pewter.
  • 129. I must by all means have the honour of seeing you. Bread.
  • 130. I only breath Revenge. Meal.
  • 131. Come and see us when you have an opportunity. Porce­lain.
  • 132. I have undeniable proofs of your deceiving me, and of your Infidelity. Bone.
  • 133. How d'you do? Carpet-Work.
  • 134. Think no more of your former Inclinations. Earth.
  • 135. Come and see me to morrow. Brick or Tile.
  • 136. I act with all possible Sincerity. Tobacco.
  • [Page 44] 137. Is't possible I'me so unhappy as to have displeas'd you. Tow.
  • 138. You have afforded me mighty satisfaction. Ivory.
  • 139. I'de fain speak with you. Cummin, a small black Grain.
  • 140. I shall ever pride in being your Slave. Matt.
  • 141. I desire nothing of you, and I abandon you to your Destiny. Straw.
  • 142. Take me and carry me along with you. A Tooth-pick.
  • 143. Wherein have I fail'd? Packthread.
  • 144. Have you need of Illustration? Raw Thrid.
  • 145. Take place in my Heart. Common Thrid.
  • 146. I'le stick t'ye as close as the Button to your Vest. A Needle.
  • 147. The more violence you use, the less will you prevail upon my mind. A Pin.
  • 148. Submit to no Body. A Button.
  • 149. I advise you to suffer no longer for the Love of me. A Pen to Write.
  • 150. Get at a distance from those that may perplex you. A Musket Match.
  • 151. I beg of you to pardon me. Marble-Paper.
  • 152. As long as I live I shall wish for nothing else. Linnen.
  • [Page 45] 153. Don't trust in so many People. Paper.
  • 154. All you urge to me as good Reasons, seems to me a meer Imposture▪ Parchment.
  • 155. If you have several Mistresses, it's better to quit them all than to enjoy but one of them. Lime.
  • 156. Turn not your Eyes from me, do not forsake me. Gold-Wire.
  • 157. You are a Person that wears two Faces, you betray me. Gold twisted upon Silk.
  • 158. Command me to dye and I am ready to do it. Cizzars.
  • 159. If you reduce me to Despair, I shall commit some mad thing A Knife.
  • 160. What reason have you to laugh so? Soot.
  • 161. You are a known Lyar. Spanish- Leather.
  • 162. I have not yet sufficiently seen you, and I cannot sate my self with seeing you. A Spiders Web.
  • 163. Come and dwell with us. Cotton.
  • 164. Your Absence kills me, and the Difficulties of seeing you plunge me into Despair. Wool.
  • 165. I should never have thought this of you. Wadd.
  • 166. My Eyes dissolve into tears. Antimony.
  • 167. You have reduced me into a perpetual Languishment. Soap.
  • [Page 46] 168. Come hither, Fair Maid. Mastic.
  • 169. Let's see one another sometimes. Garlick.
  • 170. Never speak to me, you appear hideous to me. Onion.
  • 171. It's a very hard matter to find you. A Radish, or bit of Ra­dish.
  • 172. Remember to keep your word. Spunge.
  • 173. Pity me once at least. A Sprigg of Broom.
  • 174. Rustical, Inhumane, Salvage, Cruel. Humain Nail.
  • 175. You've forgot those happy Moments, when you took delight in listening to my Addresses, and in indulging them. Marble.
  • 176. If Fidelity dies in you, I'le produce Inconstancy in my self; If you change me, I'le change you. White Iron.
  • 177. In giving my self to you, I have robb'd my self of my-self. Yellow Wax.
  • 178. I could not find out where you dwell. A Nail.

A Dictionary of Flowers, Fruits, Stuffs, and all other things that may be sent to express the thoughts that are contained in the fore­going Catalogue.

  • AN Almond. 37.
  • Aloes Wood. 121.
  • Alum. 115.
  • Amber. 119.
  • Ambrette-flower. 1.
  • Anis, 90.
  • Antimony. 167.
  • Apple. 18.
  • Apple of Cyprus. 38.
  • Apricock. 31.
  • BRoom, or bit of a Broom. 174.
  • Button, 149.
  • Brick. 135.
  • Box-Wood, 96.
  • Bean, Great Bean. 111.
  • Bean, Little Bean, 112.
  • Barley, 89.
  • Bone, 133.
  • Bread, 129.
  • Brimstone, 117.
  • Brimstone-Match, 117.
  • CArpet, 133.
  • Cambresine, 84.
  • Canvas, 59.
  • Corn, 107.
  • Corn, Beaten or Malted, 108.
  • Cinamon, 105.
  • Cherry, 26.
  • Coal, 83.
  • Chesnut, 32.
  • Colewort, 55.
  • Cyprus-Wood, 38.
  • Cizars, 159.
  • Cowcumber, 33.
  • Colours, see Silk.
  • Corral, 94.
  • Cotton, 164.
  • [Page 48] Cloth, 56.
  • Cloves, 106.
  • Comb, 125.
  • Cobweb, 163.
  • Crows-toe, or Jacint. 9.
  • Cummin, 140.
  • DAce-fruit, 34.
  • Dazy-flower, 12.
  • EArth. 134.
  • FEnnel, 50.
  • Fig, 30.
  • Franckinsence, 116.
  • GOld-Wyre, 157.
  • Garlick, 170.
  • Gall-Nut, 24.
  • Glazed-Callicoe, 58.
  • Glass, or breaks of a Glass, 124.
  • Ginger, 101.
  • Grain of Raisin, 93.
  • Gold & Silk Thread, 158.
  • Gold Money, See piece of Gold.
  • HAir, 90.
  • Hirse, or Millet, 109.
  • IVory, 139.
  • Iron, 126.
  • Iron, or Lattin-Wire, 127.
  • Jacint, or Crows-Toe, a Flower, 9.
  • Jasmin, 3.
  • Jujubes-fruit, 39.
  • Ivy, 54.
  • KNife, 160.
  • LIne of Flax, 153.
  • Line of Tow, mixt toge­ther, 138.
  • Lilly, 10.
  • Lime, 156.
  • Lemond, 28.
  • Lettice, 51.
  • Looking-Glass, 82.
  • Liricumfancy, 7.
  • Lentil, 113.
  • Linnen Cloth, 57.
  • Leafs of Vine, 92.
  • MArble, 176.
  • Marjerom, 44.
  • Marygold, 15.
  • Marbled Paper, 152.
  • Mastick, a Sweet-Gumm, 169.
  • Mint, 47.
  • [Page 49] Mat, 141.
  • Match, 117.
  • Meal, 104.
  • Millet, or Hirse, 109.
  • Mony of Gold, See piece of Gold.
  • Musk, 120.
  • Myrtle, 43.
  • NAil, Finger Nail, 175.
  • Nail, or Spicker, 179.
  • Narcissus, 8.
  • Needle, 147.
  • Nettle, 33.
  • Nutmeg, 104.
  • OLive, 40.
  • Onion, 171.
  • Orange, or bit of Orange-Tree, 29.
  • Orange-flower. 16.
  • Ordinary Wood, 123.
  • PAck thread, 144.
  • Paper, 154.
  • Parchment, 155.
  • Parsley, 48.
  • Paunsy-flower, 14.
  • Peach, 17.
  • Pear, 19.
  • Pearl, 93.
  • Pease, 110.
  • Pen, or Quill to write with, 150.
  • Penny, See piece of a Penny.
  • Pepper, 100.
  • Perry, Drink. 52.
  • Pewter, 128.
  • Piece of Gold Money, or bits of Gold, 85.
  • Piece of 5 pence, 86.
  • Piece of 3 pence, 87.
  • Piece of a penny, 88.
  • Pin, 148.
  • Pink-flower, 4.
  • Pipe, 97.
  • Pistacho, 25.
  • Pistol, a Gold Pistol, 85.
  • Plum, 27.
  • Pomegranate, 35.
  • Porcelain, 131.
  • Powder-Sugar, 122.
  • QUill to Write with, or Pen. 150.
  • Quince, 20.
  • RAdish, 172.
  • Raisin, 41.
  • Raw (or Undyed) Thread, 145.
  • Rice, 114.
  • Rose, 2.
  • Rosemary, 42.
  • Running (or creeping) Thyme, a Sweet Herb, 45.
  • SAttin, 61.
  • Scent (or Sweet) Ball, 118.
  • Silk of Blew Colour, 78.
  • [Page 50] Silk of Cherry Colour, 73.
  • Silk of Crimson Purple Colour, 77.
  • Silk of Gall green Colour, 72.
  • Silk of Isabella Colour, 69.
  • Silk of Musk Colour, 81.
  • Silk of Peach-flower Colour, 74.
  • Silk of Pearl Colour, 68.
  • Silk of Red Colour, 76.
  • Silk of Rose-Colour, 67.
  • Silk of Sea-green Colour, 71.
  • Silk of Sulphur (or Brimstone-Colour, 75.
  • Silk, that is twisted, 65.
  • Silk of Violet, (or common Purple) Colour, 79.
  • Silk of White Colour, 66.
  • Silk of Yellow Colour, 80.
  • Silk of Young-Grass-green Co­lour, 70.
  • Small-nut, 22.
  • Small-nut, without shell, 23.
  • Soap, 168.
  • Soot, 161.
  • Sorb Apple, 36.
  • Sorrel, 49.
  • Spanish-Leather, 162.
  • Spoon, 95.
  • Spunge, 173.
  • Stone, 84.
  • Straw, 142.
  • Sugar, 102.
  • Sugar-Candy, 103.
  • Sulphur, 117.
  • Sweet-Bazil, 46.
  • TAbby, 62.
  • Taffeta, or Sarsenet, 63.
  • Thread, 146.
  • Thread, undyed Thread, 145.
  • Tile, 135.
  • Tin, 177.
  • Tobacco, 136.
  • Tooth-pick, 143.
  • Tow, 137.
  • Tow and Line-Wax mixt toge­ther, 138.
  • Tubereuse-flower, 13.
  • Tulip, 5.
  • Twigs, Vine-Wood, 91.
  • Twisted Silk, See Silk.
  • VElvet, 60.
  • Vine-Leaf, 92.
  • Vine-Wood, 91.
  • Violet-flower, 6.
  • WAd, 166.
  • White-Wax, 98.
  • Wind-flower, 11.
  • Wood, Common Wood, 123.
  • YEllow-Wax, 178.

[Page 51] After having shewn you in Gulbeyaz History, the strict manner of confining Women in the Serrail, I thought that the Turkish Secretary could not well dispense himself from giving you some knowledge of the place where they spend their Life, though it is no easie matter to attain to such knowledge of it as is certain. For indeed people never go thither to make their Court, nor do they attend at the Sul­tana's Toilets. Nevertheless I cannot but flatter my self that I have got very exact Instructions as well from the Eu­nuchs and Bostangies that were my Friends, and shew'd me the accessible parts of the Serrail, as from several Jewish Women, and others that have been in its most impenetrable parts, or who have exactly learnt what is there done from the Sultana's themselves that had been taken out thence to be put into the Old Serrail after Sultan Ibrahim's Death. As I as well sifted as frequented these various Acquaintances with more ease and convenience than any other could have done during seven years continual abode in Constantinople, and having the Turkish Tongue in pretty good perfection, I would give an ample and large description of all I could be inform'd of even to the least circumstances, if I was not wil­ling to spare the Reader the repetition of what so many o­thers before me have written upon the matters of Turky, and particularly Monsieur Tavernier, and Monsieur de la Croia, formerly Secretary of the Embassy at Constantinople in his Memoirs. Wherefore I shall now only dwell upon the se­crets I could attain to, concerning the Sultana's and Wo­men that serve them.

Of the Women Of the Serrail in general, and of the Sultana's that have partaken in the favours of the Emperour.

THE Harem, or Women's Apartment, is divided into several Chambers, where they are separated and kept with extreme Regularity. All the Maidens, there confi­ned, ought to have been taken in Countries Enemies to the the Ottomans, as Poland, Russia, Moscovy, Circassia, Min­grolia, and others. The Turks, Greeks and Armenians, Sub­jects of the Grand Signior may not be confined there, and His Highness cannot without Adultery admit them to the Imperial Bed, unless he has married them, which is contra­ry to the Laws of the Empire, which forbid the Sultans to ally themselves, or in any wise share the Soveraign Power with Women, but permits them to have as many Slaves as they think convenient. Those Emperours have rather chosen to take this course, and this reason is said to have ob­liged Sultan Murad to cause an Armenian Woman to be strangled, with whom he was desperately in Love, because that she being become with Child, he was oblig'd to exe­cute through a Devoir of Religion what the Law of the Empire forbad him. And thus was he constrain'd to make his Love give way to Reason, so to avoid a popular Com­motion, which might have drawn on his Ruin.

The Dorters where those Unvoluntary Virgins dwell are long and spacious Chambers. There are great Scaffolds on each side, and separations of Curtains that are drawn by [Page 53] day, and by night form a kind of Bed. They are two and two in each little Apartment, lye by themselves, and their Beds are parted by that of the Eunuch who looks to and serves them. The Mattresses, Cushions and Quilts, which are very fine do by day make the Ornament of the place: At their rising they are obliged to range them in form of Sofa, where they work in the day time. Besides the Eu­nuchs, there are ten or twelve old Women in each Cham­ber, who have an eye to the Conduct of these young Wo­men, who are watcht as exactly as if they were Nuns.

These old Women are called Boula', their Functions con­sist in instructing the New-comers in the particular Exer­cises, and all the good Grace and Breeding of the Serrail. They have their Sofa at the further ends of the Chambers, whence they see all that passes there. They rigorously chastise those Maidens upon the least fault, and have no more Indulgence for this fair Sex, than the white Eunuchs have for the Pages. Each Chamber has its particular Of­ficers. The Odabachi commands all the rest; she wears three Poniards at her side, which distinguish her, and shew her Authority. The Bulukbachi's are a sort of Female Brigadieres, and govern a number of Maidens, and wear a Heron's top in their Head-gear which denote their Cha­racter.

All these Maidens are Virgins; and generally perfectly well taught before they are introduc'd into the Serrail. The Jews buy them very young, have them learn'd to Dance, Sing, Embroider, and other things capable of pleasing, and sell them for considerable sums to the Pacha's and other Lords who present them to the Sultan. He sees them all at their coming in, and appoints them what Chamber he pleases, or sometimes he sends them to some one of his Favourites.

It is the greatest Misfortune that can befal a Maiden to enter into the service of a Sultana; not but that their Mistresses Love and Caress them: They raise them up to Places about them, and bestow great advantages upon them: But unluckily the more they render themselves worthy of the [Page 54] Sultana's kindnesses, the less worthy are they of those of the Grand Signior; the years they consume in acquiring the fa­vour of the Ladies, wear out the brightness of their Beau­ty, and all that might render them recommendable to the Sultan.

His Highness maintains them; They have two Habits a year furnish'd by the Treasury, and their food comes out of his Kitchin. Besides this they have twenty five Aspers Pay a day for their small Expences, and Liberalities from time to time. Their hours are regulated as well as those of the Pages. They rise very early to pray, they go not to the Mosch, One of the ancientest of them says Prayers. These old Women are Otourak or Veteranes. They are Maidens that being past the Age of Marrying, devote them­selves absolutely to the service of the Serrail, and renounce going thence; their Pay is augmented, and they mount to the Places of the Chamber.

Their daily Occupation after Prayers and Breakfast, is teaching to Read and Write; which they do with great success. The other hours are appointed for Handy-works, Embroidering, Sowing and Spinning. They are not suf­fer'd to talk. They eat with as much frugality and mo­desty as silence. They are ten to each Dish. One of them has the care of laying the Cloth, of going to receive the Meat from the Eunuchs hands, to whom the Zulufli Balt ad­gis give them, and to wash the Dishes; this is the Office of the Last-comer. They have no other pleasure than that which they take at the Meetings and Assemblies which the Grand Signior causes to be held for his Diversion.

If this Emperour goes to any of his Pallaces either by Land or Sea, he ever takes along some Favourite and Maids. They hang Cloths eight foot high on each side the way, from the Door of the Womens Apartment to the Coaches or Galliotts: The Bostangi's hold them behind, and the Women pass without being seen. The Eunuchs are very careful to shut close up the Boots and Doors of the Coaches, and to keep at the Cabbin Doors of the Galliots, to which the Rowers turn their backs. The [Page 55] Grand Signior does very often go out with them into the Gardens, and in that case a Halvet is made, that is to say, Prohibitions against any Man's coming as near as sight can distinguish an Object. If it be at Constantinople, Guards are plac'd both by Land and Sea. Nay, even those are for­bidden that cry in the Moschs near that place where the Halvet is to mount into the Minurets for fear the height of those Towers might occasion the discovering of something; and if through imprudence any one should mount them, and that he was perceiv'd by the Eunuchs, who with Prospective-Glasses look on all sides, there would be no Pardon for him.

While the Sultan reposes in some Arbour or Grotto with his Favourites, the Maids run, leap and play a thousand Apish Tricks, to divert him, and inspire him with Love. They horribly plague the Eunuchs, who are armed with Bows and Arrows to shoot at the first unhappy wretch that should have the curiosity to peep: They pull off their Turbants, which they throw into the water, and often tread them themselves under foot, as well out of Revenge for the severity of those Monsters, as to make the Sultan laugh.

A Maid having been for several years in the Serrail, and seeing no likelyhood of Fortune for her with the Grand Signior; or the Sultanesses, may request the favour of going out and marrying; she presents a short Petition to his High­ness, who does not refuse it, and if the Sultaness bears her any good will, or that the Maid has, as we say, Friends at Court, she has a Dowry given her; they make her her Bundle, they give her Jewels, which she joyns to all she had been able to get during her abode in the Serrail by her Pay, her Industry, and the Emperours Liberalities. Till then they keep from the Maids all the precious Stones and other Jewels which they have been able to purchase, and leave them only what pleases the Sultan; but they precau­tion themselves by sale, and by sending them underhand to some one to keep them.

If any one on the contrary is so unhappy as to have dis­pleas'd the Grand Signior, or any Favourite, or that she has committed some other fault, they turn her not away as [Page 56] they do a Page, but they banish her to the old Serrail, where the has leisure to deplore her misfortune. The Turks call this Chastisement Surgan, Banishment, Exile. Those who die in the Serrail without Relations, which is common, since they are Slaves from all sorts of Nations, have for their Heiress the Sultaness they serve, if not, their things are sold, and the money thence arising is put into the Treasury of the Chamber.

The Accession of an Emperour to the Throne is imme­diately followed with Presents from all the great Lords, who amongst other things chuse out the handsomest Mai­dens they can find, that so if haply some one should have Charms sufficient to engage their Sultan, He that presented her may have a powerful Protection, and a continual Advo­cate with him. The generality of those great Officers do extreamly want such a Protection to shelter themselves from the Tempests, which the Complaints of their Justices do often bring down upon their heads.

All those who partake in the Grand Signior's Favours, and are admitted to the Imperial Bed; are not thereby Hasseki or Favourites: This is a Title which is only conferr'd upon those that have had Children, the others are barely stiled Odalik, Chamber-Maids or Concubines. The Hasseki and the Odalik have all their Trains, and as many Slaves as they need to serve them. Their happiness is annexed to the Em­perour's Life, and the Quality of Mistress procures them considerable Offerings and Presents, but after his Death they are sent to the Old Serrail, where they bewail the loss of their former Fortune. The Sultaness-Queen only who is become Valide, staies in the Serrail with the Emperour her Son.

If these Sultanesses, who are confined in this honourable Prison have Male-Children, they remain perpetually with a double Anguish occasion'd by the absence of their Children, that are kept in the Serrail, and whom they are in a conti­nual fear of losing, through a cursed Custom, which, how­ever, has begun to be more moderate since Sultan Ahmet. There is but one sole thing which flatters their Ambition, [Page 57] and which a little mollifies the Anguish of their Exile, that is, the hopes of seeing their Son mount the Throne by some unexpected hit, and to become Valide.

The Daughters of the Emperour Dead or Deposed, that are not married, follow the Fortune of their Mothers, whom they accompany to the Old Serrail. This change of Residence neither changes their Quality nor Train: The manner of Living is equal, they keep their Eunuchs and their Slaves, and the Grand Signior takes care to marry them and give them Portions. If the Sultanesses that have no Children are still so-so young, and that having had the sense to avail themselves of His Highnesses Liberalities, they have scrap't up Wealth, they are at liberty to Marry again, so to free themselves from that perpetual Prison; nay, and the Sultan obliges the Pacha's to Marry them, which they avoid as much as they can, by reason that the like Matches render them the Slaves of those Princesses who pretend that the Quality of Widdows of an Emperour renders them Mistresses, and that they do such men a great deal of Honour, whom a harsh necessity of obeying has made their Husbands.

Of the Valide, Mother of the Grand Signior Mahomet the 4th. A Story concerning her.

VAlide Sultan, Mother of the Grand Signior, is a Quali­ty which makes that Princess to be considered both within and without the Serrail, and all the Sultanesses Ho­nour and Respect her, by reason she has commonly a great Influence over her Son. She has a separate Apartment where she is serv'd by the Eunuchs, and by her own Slaves, and a Pallace in the City where her Intendant Lodges, and [Page 58] a world of considerable Officers, who are encharg'd with the gathering in of her Revenues, and with her Ex­pences, both within and without the Serrail.

Haznadar Boula, the Principal Officeress of this Sulta­ness, is her Treasuress, taking care of her Money, Jewels, and most precious Attire; she commands five Maids that are appointed to help her. Okomich Boula is she who reads and writes, and she holds the second rank among the Sul­taness's Maids. Tchamachir Boula is the Laundress, she has the Direction of the Linnen, and those Maids under her. The Intendant of the Bath, the Rubber, the Dresser, the Mistress of Ceremonies, whose Function is to serve at Table, the Intendant of the Offices, the Keeper of the Gold and Silver Plate wherein the Sultaness eats, and she who prepares the Coffee, and gives to wash, are the most considerable of all the Maids that are Attendants of this Princess. They are ever with her, and com­pose the Haz Oda, that is to say, the Chamber. The others endeavour to render themselves worthy to fill the Places that fall.

As soon as the Sultaness is awake, they throw over her shoulders a Furred Night-gown, and they give her to wash in a golden Bason and Ewer. She saies her Prayers and Dresses. Her Winter Cloths and Drawers are of Broc­card of Gold, those for Summer are of Musseline: She wears a Girdle and Bracelets of Massy Gold enriched with Jewels: Her Head-gear called Selam Takie, is a round thing of Past-board in the form of a Plate covered with Cloth of Gold, beset with Pearls and Jewels; it is plac'd upon the top of her Head, sloaping a little upon the front. Her Hair is hid under a Musseline Scarf, embroidered with Gold, and adorned with a Garland of Jewels, with which they surround her Head.

Pearls are not us'd about the Neck, they make them ac­company the Face, they hing on the sides of the Cheeks in the form of a Demy-Circle, and they are fastened by Roses of Diamonds and Emeraulds. Her Shooing is of white Spanish Leather, enriched with Gold; the [Page 59] little Slippers are of the same Matter and Work.

The Sultaness Breakfasts after she is drest. The great Bason, the little Dishes, and the Banquette on which they rest, are of Gold. The Repast consists of new laid Eggs done in a Chaffindish, Pitty-patties, and boiled Chickens serv'd up in their Broth.

The Grand Signior does in the morning send the Trea­suress with a How d'ye to the Sultana; then he visits her himself, (at least this was Mahomet the fourth's Custom) she affects such a Gravity, and the Sultan so great a Re­spect, that he does not sit till his Mother has entreated him three times so to do. He mounts upon the state, and takes his place upon the Carpet that is spread. He sits upon his Knees and Heels without any Cushion, having his Vest close wrapt up, which is the mark of the greater submission. He informs her of what he is to do that day. Coffee is brought, the Sultaness takes it first, and when the Emperour is upon withdrawing, he kisses his Mothers hand▪ asks her Blessing, and she accompanies it only with a nod of her Head.

After the Grand Signior's gone, the Kizlar-Aga asks leave to come in, and though he has full power in the Wo­mens Apartment, he would not dare to shew himself if he were not introduced by the Treasuress. He informs this Sultana Dowager of all that passes: He presents her the Requests with which he is encharg'd concerning that Prin­cess's own Affairs, about the Disposal of Places that are in her Appanage, the renting of her Lands, or the Com­plaints that are brought against her Officers, on which she consults with this Black Intendant, who sends back the Requests with the Sultaness's Deliberations to the Kiahia to have them executed.

This Kiahia, or Intendant abroad, is a great Lord con­sidered by his Mistress, and though all his care be to look after the receiving the Revenues, and to pay upon the Sultaness's Orders, yet is he in great Credit with her. For the most part they chuse some powerful Man to of­ficiate this Place. His Houshold is compos'd of an Inten­dant, [Page 60] a Secretary, a Treasurer, sixty Itchoglans or Pages, ten Aga's or Gentlemen, of a Hodgia, a Preceptor, Chap­lain, a Steward, and twelve Blacks for his Womens Guard. These Aga's and other Principal Officers have each of them three Servants. He has thirty Grooms, and three hundred Horses for his own service, and that of his People. He is oblig'd to give four Meals a year to his Mistress at the end of every three Months: She presents him, besides the Charges of the Houshold, with 1200 Sequins for each Meal, which are about three thousand Crowns.

This Occupation for the Regulation of her Affairs, em­ploys her till Dinner, which is dress'd in the Grand Signior's Kitchin. The Zulufly Baltadgis goes to take the Dishes, and carry them to the Eunuchs, who put them into the Female Officers hands. These Dishes of green Porcelain, with great Covers of White Iron covered with Red-Spanish-Leather, are wrapt up in Clothes and sealed.

The Sultaness does never in eating put her finger to the Dish, her Carver does it, and serves it to her in golden Plates. Her Principal Female Officers eat after her what comes from her Table, and the other Slaves live on the Remnants of these former. The Sultanesses Repast is sea­soned with the Divertisement of She-singers, Dancers and Buffoons, who continue it till after Dinner, and with that of reading some History or a Chapter in the Alcoran.

The Sultana-Queen does commonly about that time go to pay her Devoirs to her Mother-in-law. This Visit is as full of Ceremony and Respect as is that of the Sultan: They are not wanting however to divert themselves in Songs and Dances; Coffee, Sorbet and Perfumes are given to the Sultanesses, being the common Entertainments, but they ve­ry rarely eat together. It is the Custom to sup betimes, and they reserve their fruits to eat them before they go to Bed; they eat them pill'd and cut into pieces.

The Sultaness's Bed is a Cotton Quilt, and Musseline Sheets: The upward one is sow'd to a Coverlid of Gold-Broccard, more or less heavy according to the season. This Bed is surrounded with Cushions and Curtains fasten'd to [Page 61] the Cieling, which they raise or let down like to a Field-bed. A great Flambeau of Wax burns all the night in the midst of the Chamber in a Candlestick of Massy-Gold, enriched with Jewels. Eight Maids are on the Guard at the foot of the Bed. There are as many at her Chamber-door, who lie upon Carpets and have only a plain Coverlet over their backs.

The Valid [...] has eight female Itchoglans clothed like Men with Vestments button'd from the neck to the waste, and Sleeves close at the wrist: Their Head-gear is a long Bon­net border'd with Sable: They have a Ponyard by their side like the Grand Signior's Pages.

This Princess's setled. Revenue is four hundred thousand Crowns, the casual is much more considerable. The Pre­sents which the Tributary Princes continually make, as also those who are willing to share in the Imploys of the Em­pire by the Credit of this Princess, do extraordinarily aug­ment her Income, which she cannot exhaust by the Subsi­stence and Maintenance of those that serve her within and without▪ seeing it is the Grand Signior who is at all these Expences. Thus it is only Extraordinaries, and little petty Expences that draw her Purse. These Princesses most commonly heap up Treasures to be imployed in Pious works, if not, all these Riches return to the Empe­rour.

Tachan Sultan, the Mother of Sultan Mahomet the 4th. who lately was depos'd, died about five years ago, but before her death caused a magnificent Mosch to be built. She had al­most an absolute Power over her Son, who respected and honoured her really: She was a Muscovite, a little lean, and markt with the small Pox, her Eyes blew, her Complexion fair, and her Hair, which the Turks love best, inclining to reddish: Her Wit was nice and piercing, and she made good use of it for the keeping the Empire to her Son du­ring his Nonage. The Tartars took her when she was but twelve years old. But she had the good luck, that having been sold and presented to the Serrail at Sultan Ibrahim's Accession to the Empire, she pleas'd him. He lay with her, had Sultan Mahomet by her, and she was declared Hasseki.

[Page 62] It happened some time after that Tachun Sultan, who was then Sultana-Queen, passing by a Fruit-man's shop in Constantinople, and curiosity putting her upon viewing thorow the Lettice of her Coach what pass'd in the Street, she by chance cast her Eyes upon a young Boy of thirteen years old, handsom enough that was in that Shop: His Master, who had a very great love for him, and had bought him for a hundred and fifty Crowns, had at the very first taken care to have him Circumcised, and to Cloath him pretty neatly according to his condition of a Slave: Nay, he left to his care the Management of his Traffick. The sight of this young Slave, called Youssuf, did so very much affect the Sultaness, that having caus'd her Coach to stop on pretence of buying fruits, she caus'd him to approach, and having view'd him nearer at hand, she order'd the Kizlar-Aga to carry him to the Serrail.

Youssuf was in no small peck of troubles, and did more than a little regret his being taken from that shop, where he lived very well satisfied with his Slavery, and in that he had gain'd his Patrons good will. He was extreamly in pain to think what they meant to do with him, and whatever he could imagine, he thought of nothing less than of what was to befal him. I tormented my self, said he one day to one of his Friends, who told me the story, I was afraid, I intreated them to let me go; I askt pardon, thinking I was accused of some great Crime, and I should have rather chosen to have been in my shop, than in the Ser­rail. In short, he confess'd his having been much more griev'd at his being thus taken away, than at his having been made a Slave.

The Sultaness was no sooner return'd to the Serrail, but that she had him brought into her presence, question'd him about the place of his Birth, the name of his Parents and his Age, and askt him particularly if he had not a Sister, and a mark in his Body; He answer'd pat to all these questions, that he had a Sister that had been taken by the Tartars some years before him, and that he him­self was markt in the side by having been bitten by a [Page 63] Wolf. Joy interrupted the course of these Interrogations▪ The Sultaness found him to be her Brother, and Caress'd him to the highest Degree imaginable. This news was immediately spread about the Serrail, and came to Sultan Ibrahim's Ears, who at the same time sent him a Vest of Samour, which is as much as to say Sable. The Empress caus'd him to be cloath'd; and gave him in charge to the Kislar-Aga.

He continued some days in the Serrail, during which they prepared one for him, adorning and providing it with all things necessary to while away Life pleasantly. All the great Lords made him Presents to please the Sultaness, and He that but a little before was a Slave, and had bounded his Fortune in having a little Fruit-shop, saw himself in a stately Palace surrounded with Domestiques, Slaves and great Men, who make their Court to him, and throng him with Offerings. The Sultaness procured him an Arpa­lix, or Appanage of five and twenty thousand Crowns Re­venue, which is the recompence of those that having done good services to the Empire, are become uncapable of con­tinuin [...] them by being deep stricken in years.

This wa [...] the most stable settlement for Youssuf Aga, and the most suitable to his Inclination, and the Tranquillity of his Spirit. His Sister could have rais'd him to the highest Dignities of the Empire; but she had then expos'd him to the jealousie of the Viziers, who endeavour to ruin those who have over much credit with the Sultan, whereas Youssuf is cherish'd by all his Ministers, who respect him, and pay him the same honours as to Pacha's, though He has not any Place nor other Quality than of Aga, which barely signifies Lord. Besides this Revenue, the Grand Signior furnishes him with all things necessary for his Main­tenance, and that of his Domestiques, and the Sultaness while she liv'd gave him fifteen Purses a Month, for fear that af­ter her Death some Sultan out of Caprice might withdraw his Revenue, and deprive him of the means of subsisting. The Sultaness rewarded her Brothers Patron. Besides the Price of his Redemption, she sent a Gift of a thousand [Page 64] Crowns, and caus'd a Pension of forty pence a day to be assigned him upon the Customs.

Youssuf Aga often saw the Grand Signior during his Non­age, but has not seen him since. He frequently visited his Sister Incognito, and secretly. Not but that the Sul­taness was permitted to see her Brother when she pleased, and the Law authoriz'd it, but they took this course rather out of Policy, and not to give a scandal to the people. He lives as a private Person, at least if he be not dead within these two years, and his greatest pleasure is to spend the Summer and Autumn in Tents in a great Meadow full of Springs, which terminate the Port of Constantinople. He employs his time in Reading, and diverts himself with see­ing his Itchoglans Mount his Horses, and Dart the Javelin.

One may by this Adventure observe the Caprices of For­tune, which in various manners shew themselves through­out the whole World. It's most surprizing effects are seen in Turky where we find Countrey Girls become Queens, Princesses; Slaves, and Men of the lowest Birth rais'd in a moment to the highest Dignities of the Empire.

Of the Sultana-Queen, Hasseki-Sultan.

THE Quality of Hasseki-Sultan, Sultana-Queen, is com­monly conferr'd on Her that brings forth the first Male-child; all the rest, though they have Children, are barely called Hassek Favourites, and the addition of Sultan is only due to the Queen, and makes a particular distinction of the Mother of the Presumptive Heir from the other Fa­vourites. Nor does any besides her wear the Diadem and Imperial Badge. It is a little Crown enrich'd with Jewels, fasten'd upon a Velvet Bonnet, fac'd with Sables.

The Hasseki-Sultan is not only considerable because she represents the Empress, but also because that being the Mother of the Presumptive Heir of the Empire, she is lookt upon as a future Validé. All that I have said of the [Page 65] Valide, is to be understood of the Sultana-Hasseki, only the Revenues are somewhat less. This Sultana-Hasseki did in the late Reign much ballance the others Credit, which occa­sion'd Jealousie in the Valide, but the Sultana-Queen was ob­lig'd to dissemble, that she might not displease the Grand Signior, who would have taken his Mothers part against his Favourite.

I have not yet heard who are the Sultanesses of Soliman the third, who was lately proclaimed Emperour, but his Brother Mahomet's Principal Hasseki, called Guveche Sultan, was a present of the deceased Valide; she was given to her by Bournaz Hatidge Sultan, Sister to Sultan Murad: She is thirty six years old or thereabouts, beautiful, and prettily shap'd, though little, fair complexion'd, though her visage is a little long, blew Eyes, and Chesnut colour'd Hair: She has a great deal of Wit, with an extraordinary gay and jocund humour, which gave her an inconceivable Ascen­dant over the Grand Signior, whom she govern'd absolute­ly, and often through her Intrigues were the most consi­derable Officers of that Empire made and destroyed. She has had four Children, two Princes, and two Princesses.

Guveche Sultan was jealous to the highest degree of his Highness's favours. She lov'd rather he should caress his Male Minions, than his Female Darlings, for fear they should ravish her of what she carefully cultivated, and she hindred, as far as in her lay, Amours prejudicial to her Credit and Repose. And of this I will here give two Examples which have made sufficient noise.

The Valide could in no wise bear with Guveche Sultan's Arrogance, as aiming to stand Candidate with her for the Authority. She was afraid that the Absolute Empire which the Hasseki had over the Grand Signior, might occa­sion some disaster to the Princes his Highness's Brothers, the design of whose Ruine she might have insinuated into him, the better to secure to her Son the Succession of the Empire, and to her self the Quality of Queen-Mother, which might have happen'd in these last disorders of Con­stantinople. This apprehension induc'd the Valide to con­trive [Page 66] the preservation of the two Princes whom the Sol­diery had committed to her Guard, particularly Soliman at present upon the Throne, for whom she was suspected, to have a little too much affection. She judg'd convenient to counterballance the Love the Emperour had for the Sul­tana-Queen, that so she might lessen her Credit, and by this means divert the storm which menac'd the Head of the two Sultans.

A Present had been made her of a Circassian Slave, ve­ry beautiful, well educated, and well instructed in all the exercises that a Maid is capable of. The Grand Signior go­ing one day, after his usual manner, to pay a Visit to his Mother, she told him, that a Maid had been given her equally beauteous, graceful and knowing. The particu­larizing so many merits forthwith inflam'd the Sultan, and gave him the curiosity to see her. The Valide, the better to cover her Intention, oppos'd this desire of his, on pre­tence that he would, perhaps, deprive her of a Maid, that was her whole diversion, but pretending compliance upon the Assurance he gave her, that he would not take her away, she had her call'd into the presence.

The young Slave being well instructed by the Valide and the Old-woman, and egg'd on with Ambition to see her self rais'd in a little time to a station which all others aspire to, and for which they sigh in vain almost all their life long, made it her whole study to inspire Love into the Emperour by her gayety, facetiousness and gallantries. Happy was the success, the Sultan fell into the Trap, and nothing perplex'd him so much as the promise he had pass'd to his Mother of not depriving her of her Slave, whose Charms and Merits he so highly extoll'd; so that the Valide seeing the Affair at the point she had desired it, offer'd her to her Son, who express'd to her a large sense of gratitude, and thus she satisfied the desire she had of traversing the Sultana-Queen's repose, she knowing nothing of all that pass'd.

The change of Apartment, and the preparing a Train for a new Mistress, gave the Sultana-Queen no small mat­ter of disturbance, Jealousie forthwith possess'd her, she [Page 67] made great complaints to the Sultan, curs'd the Validé, and her Passion proceeded so far as reproaches of the Love the Validé had for Sultan Soliman, to the prejudice of her own Son. She said the Validé's design was to dethrone him and introduce another in his stead, whose Mother she was not, and to enjoy at the same time the favours of him she loved, and the pleasure of seeing him Reign. The Sultaness after this caus'd the young Slave to be brought to her, and cruel­ly misus'd her, which put the whole Women's Apartment into a Hub-bub; but the Grand Signior having had notice of it, caus'd his new Mistress to be remov'd to the Serrail of Chataldge; which is in the Neighbourhood of Constantinople, and went thither to recreate himself with another Pleasure after the Fatigues of Hunting.

The Empress perceiving it to be a remediless mischief▪ fear'd lest the increase of the Sultan's new Passion might make her totally lose her credit, which was already much diminish'd. She fancied it her best course to sooth the Em­perour in his new Inclination, and let him know that her extravagance was an effect of the passionate Love she had for him; that, nevertheless, she was minded to Sacrifice her private Interest to his Highnesses Pleasure, and that she should be fully satisfied did she but know that Prince to be content.

The Artifice sped. Whether that the Sultan's Passion that had been augmented by the Sultaness's jealousie, was di­minish'd by her feign'd indifference, or that really he very little minded all these Women, which is most likely, he went again after his usual rate to the Hasseki Sultan, whom the news of her Rivals being with Child did strangely tor­ment. Yet was she forc't to dissemble, and curb her Spirit for fear of spoiling all, and wait the success of the others ly­ing in, who happily for her had a Daughter at Baba in Bul­garia while that the Grand Signior was in his Carminiek Ex­pedition, and this did more than a little solace her. She was very much afraid of her having a Son, which would have confirm'd her in the Grand Signior's Affection, who had designed this young Sultaness his Daughter for the [Page 68] Grand Vizier Cara Mustafa Pacha. He was to have married her at his return from the Siege of Vienna, if he had taken the Place, and if it had not been his ill fate to have perish'd at Belgrade.

The other example of the Sultaness's jealousie is fresh, see­ing the thing pass'd within these four years. Custom will have it that the Grand Viziers at their Accession to the Mi­nistry make Presents to the Emperour. Cara Ibrahim Pa­cha, the Successor of Mustafa, who had been newly strang­led, among other Oblations he made to his Highness, pre­sented him with a young Polish Slave call'd Hatidge; the most perfect that could be found among the Jews who Trade in that Merchandise. She was cull'd from out a vast num­ber. She had an advantageous Shape, round Visag'd, blew Eyes, large, well cleft, her Nose a little turning up, her Mouth and Teeth beautiful to perfection, her Com­plexion of a dazling brightness, and her Hair of an admira­ble Ash-colour. She was then in her eighteenth year.

The Jew got considerably by Hatidge's Charms, selling her for fifteen hundred Crowns, and the Vizier sent her to the Kislar Aga, to present her to the Sultan, who falling in Love with her, ordered the Keeper to observe secresy by reason of the Sultana-Queen, and that she should be brought to him the night following. It is to be believed that this new Mistresses secret Charms compleated what a bare sight had so much advanc'd.

His Highness knowing the Sultaness's Spirit, and fearing the sallies of her Temper, caus'd her to be remov'd from the Grand Serrail to another upon the Channel of the Black-Sea, to see her with the more freedom. She continued there for some time without the Guveches Sultans seeming to take notice of it, or manifesting the least concern or trouble, but she was brooding very different Designs in her Head, and meditated a fatal and cruel Revenge.

Upon a certain time that the Emperour was a Hunting at a days Journey from Constantinople, the Sultaness command­ed the Galliots to be made ready to go take the Air upon the Canal of the Sea. The chief of the Eunuchs having [Page 69] given the necessary Orders, she stole on board with a small number of her most trusty Slaves, and being come near Kan­dil Bakhtchei, so is the name of the Serrail, where this new Odalik was kept she would needs go on shore on pretence of going to divert her self in some one of the Grotto's of the Gardens; when that Hatidgé, who lov'd Fishing was in a Pleasure-House upon the Sea enjoying that innocent Plea­sure. The Maids that were about her went to meet the Sul­taness-Queen, and joining with their Friends, conducted her to the finest Place of the Garden. She staid there with two of her greatest Confidents, the others struck into By-places, to be at the more Liberty.

This Sultaness whom jealousie and the desire of revenge did cruelly torment, lost no time. She stole from the Grotto whence she was followed by two Accomplices of her wick­ed Design, and went directly to the Pleasure-house of the Unfortunate Hatidgé. They surpriz'd her, threw her into the Sea, and went their ways without being perceived, at least so is the Account the Eunuchs give of that matter. Ha­tidgé's Death extremely startled and afflicted the Emperour, who nevertheless dissembled it, and thought fitting to seem to believe it to have happen'd according to the Gloss they gave it in their relating it, though he had been fully inform­ed of the contrary, and that he did not doubt but that it was a trick of the Sultana's, but there was no remedy. He caus'd the Body to be sought for, that he might not lose with a Mistress he loved, a vast quantity of Jewels he also valued.

Of the Grand Signiors Daughters and Sisters; of their Marriages, and Ceremonies therein observed.

THE Sultaness's condition is much happier than that of the Sultan's, the Emperour's Sons. His Highness is ever careful to provide for the Daughters, and the greatest favour the Princes can hope for from him, is the preserva­tion [Page 70] of Life, to pass it, as the Emperour now reigning did, in a perpetual Prison, to be brought up and fed like Wo­men, and serv'd by Old-women, who take care to give them often a certain Conserve proper to extinguish the flames of Concupiscence. The Sultanesses on the contrary are married in their greenest years, and have sometimes had three or four Husbands before they have attain'd to the Age of Wedlock. Nay, this is a stroke of Policy, and a piece of Husbandry in the Court to rid it self of them betimes, and to encharge some rich old Pacha with the keeping of a Princess, who is most commonly the oc­casion of his Downfal; they are not wanting to find Pre­tences to take away his Life, and give the Confiscation of his Estate to his Dowager.

When the Grand Signior is minded to rid himself of a Daughter or Sister, and that he chuses her a Husband, he signifies this his Intention to the Party by a Hatcherif or Royal Command, that he should prepare himself for the Honour he means to do him, and he regulates the Sultana's Dowry, which consists in all sorts of Jewels, Vests of rich Stuff, Furrs of great value, Cushions, Quilts, Carpets and Tapestries of admirable work, a world of Plate, and a bundle of Linnen, Sheets, Shifts, Handkerchiefs embroi­dered with Gold. The Pacha on his part sends Presents, not only to his future Bride, but to the Grand Signior, to the Sultanesses, to the Princess's Nurse, and to the Maids that are about them. If the Bride be the Sultan's Daugh­ter, the sending of these Presents is done with great Pomp, which is also practis'd at the removing of that Princess to her Husband's Serrail.

The Mufty makes the Contract, and settles the Dowry Nekia. Formerly it did not amount to above twenty five thousand Crowns, it now sometimes reaches to a 100000. The day appointed for the Nuptials being come, the Pacha does with his Friends attend in his own Apartments till notice is brought him to enter into that of the Sultaness. As soon as he sees the Kiahia Kaden appear, she being the In­tendant, encharg'd with this Care, he rises, goes to meet [Page 71] her, kisses her hand, and follows her while that his Friends make Vows for his happy Marriage, and for his Prosperity.

The Sultaness being cover'd with a Veil of Red Taffety, which hides her quite, is seated upon a Stool at her Cham­ber Door: As soon as she perceives him she rises, and withdraws into a corner of the Sofa. The Eunuchs take away this Bridegroom's Slippers, and make him stay a while upon the Threshold of the Door, as a mark of Supremacy, and then introduce him into the Chamber. He makes three low Bows at three several times; he falls upon his knees with his face to the ground, and says a short Prayer, which being ended, the Intendant conducts him to the Sultana's feet, joyns their hands, and utters some words which make the Marriage. He sits down upon the Sofa near his Bride, and entreats her to unveil her self: She makes no semblance of hearing him, and affects a haughty, arrogant, scornful Carriage, which nothing is capable to make her recede from, save the considerable Presents he promises her, and she asks for Drink to have a pretence to take off the Veil which hides her face.

The Husband starts up, takes at the same time a China-Cup full of Water that is set there on purpose, and continues standing till such time that the Bride nods to him to draw near. He kneels down at her feet, and presents her the Cup She takes off her Veil, and drinks a little out of Ceremony. The Slaves immediately bring a Bason, on which there are two Plates garnish'd, the one of two rosted Pigeons, and the other of Sugar-candy.

The poor Husband is here forc'd to undergo another Fa­tigue, so to oblige the Sultaness to sit down to Table, and to tast those Meats which are of the essence of the Ceremony. She redoubles her disdainful Carriage, and nothing can sweeten it but the sight of the Presents. Then she suffers the Pacha to take her under the Arms and conduct her to the Table. He serves a Pigeon to her, to let her know by that Bird, which is the symbol of Fidelity and Union, that they ought to live together like two Turtles. She eats, and presents him with Sugar-candy to express her sweetness, [Page 72] which is not over great, seeing that most commonly those Sultanesses continue in their insupportable airs of Arrogance, and availing themselves of their Birth, and the Grand Sig­nior's Authority, treat those Husbands like Slaves, without their having the liberty to complain of their usage.

This Repast ends almost at the same time it begins. The Sultaness goes again to her Place, and the Pacha by her. All the company withdraws, and leaves them at full liberty, though not to consummate the Marriage: It may, indeed, be the season, but 'tis not the mode. The Husband employs those precious moments in expressing to his new Bride the Obligation he has to the Sultan for the honour he has done him in chusing him for the Husband of so charming a Prin­cess. He assures her that he will use his utmost endeavours to render himself worthy of this Blessing by extraordinary Assiduities and Respects, that she is his Patroness, and he her Slave. Those Complements are slightly enough received, and if any returns be made them, 'tis only by a nod of the head, I do not say a kiss; the Pacha would be happy were he but permitted to touch her fingers end, if she has not yet been married. And though she have already been married, yet he thereby finds but little more Indulgence, the fashion being to spend all that time in merriments till the morning.

After the Pacha has discours'd a while with the Sultaness, his Friends come into the Hall, where they set the Instru­ments a playing, to let him know that they expect him; and this is the signal of the Bridegroom's coming out, and of the Lady's return to the Sultaness. The whole night is spent in Feasts, Sports, Musical Divertisements, Dances, and Puppet-plays each apart. The Bridegroom diverts himself with his Friends, and the Bride with the Ladies.

Two hours before Day, they prepare the Nuptial Bed. The Intendants undress the Sultaness, they put her to Bed, and the Ladies withdraw into other Rooms. None stays with her save the Yengue Kaden, Mistress of the Nuptial Ceremonies, who instructs her in what she is to do, that so she may not derogate from her Quality or the Customs. An Eunuch goes to acquaint the Husband that it is time to [Page 73] leave the company, and this is done after a manner pleasant enough, since it is without speaking to him. He only pre­sents him his Papoushes, a kind of Slippers; then gets up, and withdraws into his own Room, and leaves his Friends, in nod­ding to them with his head. The Musick leaves off, the Pacha undresses, and goes in his Night-Gown to his new Wife.

He does not presently flounce into Bed; he kneels at the Sultaness's feet, kisses them, and scratches the sole, and then steals gently under the Quilt; he laies himself at the side of her, but out of respect he would not dare to embrace her; 'tis she must make all the Advances, and kiss him, to give him the boldness to caress her.

If she is a Virgin, he contents himself with these Caresses, & attempts no farther without having a supreme order for his so doing. This is a priviledge which the Grand Signior reserves to himself. One must by a Request let him know that the Princess his Daughter, or Sister, will not consent to the con­summation of the Marriage, and ask his permission to con­strain her to it. His Highness gives a Hatcherif, by which he orders the Pacha to consummate the Marriage, as soon as he shall have receiv'd the blessed command: These are the ve­ry terms. He reads this to his Wife, entreats her anew, and if she does not obey, which is very rare, he has the power to act as Master in the case.

After the Consummation of the Marriage the Husband goes to the Bath, and an Eunuch on behalf of the Sultaness brings him a Shift, a pair of Drawers, and an Handkerchief. At his coming out of the Bath, he returns to his Friends in his own Apartment: They wish him joy upon his new Marriage, and a Meal is serv'd up all of Sheeps Petty-toes. Thus the Day by us call'd the Weddings Good-morrow, is by them called the Day of Petty-toes, Pacha-guni. The Sultaness gives the same entertainment to her Friends. The Diversion of this Day quickly ends by the drinking of Li­quors, and taking of Perfumes. The Guests take their leave of the new Married Couple, and the Pacha shuts himself up for eight days with the Sultaness to accustom her to him, and render her familiar.

Of the Grand Signior's manner of spending His time, and of his Highness's secret Pleasures.

THE Daily Occupations of this Prince are pretty well regulated. He rises an hour before day in Winter, and at break of day in Summer, and sometimes earlier. He washes his Face and Hands, then says his Prayers. This was Maho­met the Fourth's Method.

On the days when the Grand Signior Bathes, he rises an hour sooner than ordinary. If he has lain in his own Chamber, he goes into the Bath of Men, and it is the Hammamdgi-Ba­chi, Master of the Bath that rubs him; If he has lain at the Sultaness's, He goes into that of this Princess. At his getting out of Bed, she puts a little Quilt o'er his Shoulders, she accompanies him with the Treasuress, the Laundress, she who makes the Coffee, and a Female Buffoon for their diver­sion. 'Tis the Sultaness who rubs and washes his Highness; the others prepare the Linnen perfum'd with Amber and Aloes-wood, and at his coming out of the Bath they put up­on his head a great Veil of Goats-hair, finer and more curi­ous than Silk. They call it Chal, and instead of returning to the Ladies Lodgings, he goes to his own Apartment.

After Prayer they serve up Breakfast, consisting of Eggs of all sorts, Sheeps petty-toes, boil'd Chickens and Fruit. Then he assists at the Divan, if it be one of the days appoin­ted for Justice, or confers with the Vizier about Affairs of State; if not, he reposes an hour or two, or else takes Horse. At nine a clock he goes again to Prayers, which is followed with a walk in the Gardens, or some other Divertisement till Dinner time.

Before he sits down to Table they spread a great Indian Carpet of Silk Embroidery, and upon that another smaller one of Gold Broccard, to cover two Cushions between which the Emperour sits. They cover his Knees with an Embroidered Toilet, and they set before him a Banquet gar­nish'd [Page 75] with Plates of Gold, on which they place a very large silver Bason, which is at least four foot in Diameter. The whole is set out with all sorts of Sallads, and the midst of it is empty to receive the Dishes.

The Grand Signior eats always alone in the Hazoda, or in the Gardens. All the Dishes are cover'd and wrapt up in Toilets, and seal'd with the Clark of the Kitchens Seal; and are not unseal'd again but in his Highness's presence. They serve him up but one Dish at a time. During the Re­past, the Mutes and Dwarfs make a thousand pleasant pos­tures to divert the Emperour, who throws Morcels to them to have the pleasure of seeing them scramble and snatch 'em from one another.

It is an errour to say, that the Turks neither eat in Gold nor Silver, and 'tis rather an effect of their Policy than a pro­hibition of the Law. They are afraid lest an over-great use might diminish a Metal, the Mines of which are not over-a­bounding among them. The Grand Signior has Dishes of Gold and Silver which he makes use of in his Progress both in the Field & Army, by reason that the green Porcelain Mertabani, wherein he commonly eats, cannot without danger be car­ried up and down. There is another reason which induces the Turks to make use of this green Porcelain which comes from Tartary; they fancy that it cannot suffer any poyson'd thing without breaking. Their Spoons are of some precious Wood, or of the Beak of a Bird, by reason that Gold and Silver growing hot keep their heat too long, but it is not the same with Wood, whence it is easy to conclude that the little use of Gold and Silver Plate, is less a Superstition than a very wise Reason. The Grand Signior eats with his Fingers which he cleans at each mouthful; he does not drink while he is at Dinner. After they have wash'd his hands with very fine Soap and sweet scented Waters, they serve him up a great Porcelain Cup, full of Sorbet. The Coffee and sweet things follow this Beveridge. After his Highness rises from Table, he reposes again for a while, and then takes the Divertisement of Hunting, Walking, the Exercise of the Itchoglans, Wrestling, Buffoons, Mutes and Dwarfs. He goes very often to eat in the Gardens of the Pachas, and of other [Page 76] considerable Persons, who, besides the Treat, are obliged to make him great Presents of Jewels and Money, which they put under a Cu­shion by that Prince's side, and which the Selictar is careful to take along with them upon their going away.

Every Tuesday the Grand Signior's head and face are shaved amid the sound of Instruments and Voices. This is practised with great Respect. Two Itchoglans hold the Linnen on which falls all the hair which they burn. Formerly they put it into a Gold Box, and the Emperour made a Present of it to his Barber. This Cu­stom was introduced by Sultan Murad, for the abolishing the Bar­ber's Priviledge, who might demand what Boon he pleas'd, while he had the Razor in his hand, without fear of being denyed.

In case the Grand Signior should not go to the Bath all the week long, he is by Religion oblig'd to go into it on the Friday, the better to sanctifie the Day, and to wipe away by this solemn Ablution, in washing extreamly all the parts of the body, what may have sul­lied the soul.

His Highness sups about five a Clock, and goes to Bed about an hour and half after it is night, and after the last Prayer is per­formed. They make his Bed when he is ready to lie down. It is composed of three Quilts lined with a very rich Stuff, and in Win­ter the last is garnish'd with Sables. They spread a Sheet of extra­ordinary fine Cloth, and the second is fasten'd to the Coverlet of Broccard, or Embroidered Sattin. There are a world of little Pil­lows stuff'd with Cotton, and cover'd with Musceline Embroider­ed with Silk. The Bed is surrounded with great Cushions. In the midst of the Chamber are two great Gold Candlesticks with two huge Wax-lights, that burn all the night long, as well as a Per­fume of Amber and Aloes wood. The Sultan sleeps with a little Turbant on his head, a Wast-coat and a pair of Drawers. There are always two Old-women watching by him.

If the Grand Signior means to visit the Sultana-Queen by night, he signifies his Intention to her by the Basch Mascara Beula, the chief Female Buffoon, that diverts her, and prepares her for the Imperial Visit by Stories and Discourses befitting to make her ex­pect that honour. She comes to receive the Sultan at the door of her Apartment, kisses his hands, which she lifts to her fore-head, leads him under the arms, undresses him her self, and goes to Bed after him. The Slaves, who commonly lie in the Sultaness's Room, [Page 77] withdraw; there are only two upon the Guard at the outward door, to enter upon the least signal. His Highness only goes to the Sulta­ness's Apartment, the others go to him in his, which so much the more confirms her Preheminency, and her Quality of first Hasseki.

When the Sultan means to make a new Mistress, he orders the Kiahia Kaden to assemble the Maids. This order is sufficient to cre­ate an Emulation in all those lovely Prisoners, each of them would please, and fits her self out the best she can, to gain the Grand Signior's Affections by displaying all the beauty and finery afforded her by Art and Nature. He goes to the place where they are, and if there be any one has the gift of pleasing him, he throws her his Handkerchief. This most happy creature immediately prostrates her self upon the floor, takes the precious Pledge of her future happiness, kisses it and puts it up safe in her bosom.

In this Court, as in all the others of Europe, the Caresses of the Prince invite the Complements of those that are sometimes the most jealous of the good fortune of those they congratulate. All the other Maids come to partake in the joy of this new Mistress. The Old-wo­men repair immediately to her, lead her to the Bath, dress her up gor­geously, deck her with Jewels, and conduct her at the usual hour to the door of the Imperial Chamber amid the sound of Instruments. The Eunuch on the Guard goes to give notice to the Grand Signior of this new Mistress being come, and to receive his Orders for her intro­duction. If his Commands be for her to enter, as soon as she is over the threshold of the door, she runs to the feet of this Emperour's Bed; the door shuts, and the Musick continues to sing and play Tunes suitable to what is to pass behind the Scenes.

This fair one does not content her self with falling on her knees at the Bed's feet, she lifts up the Coverlet a little, kisses the Sultan's feet, and continues in this posture till he commands her to come to Bed; which she does by stealing in at the feet, and slipping up softly by his Highness's side, who, upon his dismissing her, puts a Handkerchief over her face, for a mark that he has tryed her, and that this Maid's Modesty does not permit her to shew her self before she be purified.

Nevertheless this Ceremony is only a meer Grimace, since she takes off that Handkerchief as soon as she is got out of the Grand Signior's Chamber, where the same Old-woman waits her coming, to conduct her to the Bath. She has then a Place given her in the Ouz [...]un Odes, long Chamber; It is the Apartment of those that have had the [Page 78] favours of the Emperour without having Children, and whom they call Odalick. She has Eunuchs appointed her, and some other Maids for her Attendance. If she proves with Child, and is brought to Bed of a Son, they confer upon her the Quality of Hasseki, first, second, or third, according to her rank. The Emperour lately deposed made but two Hasseki's; The Sultana-Queen did dexterously divert these sorts of In­trigues, to which he was not over-prone, his Inclinations being, indeed, somewhat faint for all things save Hunting, that was his predominant Passion, and he spent the finest Days of his Life in that Recreation with so great an Avidity, that it frequently made him lose his Repose and Eating. In all likelihood Soliman the third, his Brother, will not be so wedded to that Exercise, as well through his Humour and Incli­nations, which are very different from those of Mahomet, as through the necessity of his Affairs.

There was formerly in the Serrail a Chamber of Falconry with Eighty Pages; commanded by the Grand-Falconer called Dongandgi­bachi. They govern'd, fed and clean'd the Grand Signior's Birds. They alone had the Priviledge of walking in the Serrail, under pretence of looking to their Birds, and, indeed, they were oblig'd to carry a Bird upon their fist, if not, they would have been chastis'd. After the sup­pression of this Chamber, there has ever been an Arsagalar, who out of honour bears the name of Grand-Falconer.

The Birds are at present in the hands of three Officers, who no lon­ger dwell in the Serrail; they are called Dogandgi, Tchakirdgi-Bachi and Chakindgi-Bachi: The difference of these three names comes from three different species of Birds which the Turks make use of, namely, of the Dogan, which signifies a Spar-hawk, Tchahir, a Merlin, & Chahin, which signifies Falcon, each Officer governs those whose name he bears, and has a world of Servants appointed to look to, air and exer­cise them. When the Grand Signior means to fly, these three Officers carry the Bird, & are followed by all their servants in the same equipage.

These Officers have considerable Incomes, which they derive from the Haz-arpalick assign'd them for their subsistence, and for the main­tenance of their Equipages, Birds, and the servants that have them in keeping. There are several Villages that pay not any Tax, on con­dition to furnish annually a certain number of Birds for the Falconry. They are bound to teach them, and to put them into the hands of the Officers, from whom they take a Receipt, which exempts them from all sorts of Impositions.

[Page 79] The Grand Signior has above 1200 Greyhounds, Hounds and Ma­stiffs, or Bull-Dogs, the last are for Bull-baiting. They are all fed dif­ferently according to their species. They give the Mastiffs Bread and a Goat's-head a day, half the head in the morning, and as much in the evening. The Greyhounds have two loaves a day, and a Goat's-head a week boil'd, without fleaing it, taking off the hair, or taking out the bones, by reason that this purges them. The Turkish Grey­hounds are the most beautiful Dogs of their kind: Their Tails and Ears are like those of Spaniels, principally those of the Isle of Cyprus; nay, there are some that quest and have a very good Nose.

Sometimes wagers are laid upon the fleetness of these Dogs. The Masters for three days only feed them with the yolks of Eggs. They must be carryed evening and morning, and walk'd out to empty them. The Turks have a great value for this kind of Dogs. The Hounds and Beagles are fed like the others. The Grand Signior has a vast number of Poland-Tygers, which are beautiful, but worth nothing. They have all housses that are of Broccard when his Highness marches in Ceremony.

There are a sort of little Tygers, by the Turks called Ch [...]par, which they make use of in Deer-hunting. It is so fierce an Animal, that if it does not take its Prey in three Leaps, it is pawl'd; and if he that go­verns it does not caress it to comfort it, it would burst with rage. The Falconers that have the care of them, carry them behind them on Horseback, and notwithstanding their fierceness they are so-so docible.

When the Emperour is minded to make a general Hunt, after he has appointed the place, he issues out a Command for the raising of the People that are to beat the Countrey; this Command specifies the number. The Hasseki's of the Bostandgi Bachi, who are encharg'd with the Execution, appoint the number which each Bailywick of the Province where the Hunt is performed is to furnish. They some­times get together full forty thousand, and there would be many more, if the Bostandgis, made the Leavy exact, and did not exact money from those they exempt.

The Grand Signior does not give any maintenance to these Hun­ters, those that are obliged to furnish them, feed them. They surround a vast Countrey, and these Hunters who still march in a Circle, drive all the Game that is within the compass, and which retires into a Wood wherein they shut it up. There they make a number of Glades, which end in a vast empty space, which is in the midst of this [Page 80] Wood, and wherein they erect a little Amphitheatre, whence his Highness views the whole Chace according as it is rouz'd and started. Sometimes the Grand Signior does not mount upon this Amphi­theatre, he continues six or seven hours on Horse-back, spurring on all sides during an excessive Cold, without taking any nourishment, saving some mouth-fulls in passing from one place to another, where Men are set with Basons, which they put upon their heads as soon as they see his Highness appear.

They take Hinds, Fallow Deer, Staggs, Wolves, and particularly, a world of Hares, which they knock on the head, according as they would make their way through the Circle. The hooting of these Hunts is very pleasant, when they are performed in a good season, and it is diverting to see Men, Dogs and Animals Pell-mell within about a Leagues compass, with the shouts of those that form the in­closure to hinder the Game from going out. The manner of tossing Hares in the Plain of St. Dennis is a slight Image of it.


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