The DUTCH Nebuchadnezzar; Or, A Strange DREAM OF THE States-General: With the Interpretation thereof,

And a famous Prophecy of Mr. Powel, Writ in the first Year of the Reign of Queen ELIZABETH of ever blessed Memory; Fore relling the great Warrs betwixt England, France, and Holland, this present Year, 1666. And the displaying of the English Ensigns upon the French Coast; with a great Battel to be fought on the Tenth Day of June next, wherein the English shall become Victorio [...], and twelve French Lords, and many thousands of their men to be killed in this Engagem [...]nt.

Printed for George Roberts. in the Year, 1666.

The Dutch Nebuchadnezzar.

I Nebuchadnezzar, was at rest in my House, and flou­rishing in my Palace, I saw a Dream which did very much affright me, and the Visions of my Head troubled me; I saw a Star of an extraordina­ry Magnitude coming forth out of the Southern Meridian, which appeared first in the Constellation of VIRGO, and there continued some time; its Face was as that of the Flaming Fire in the Burning Bush, which belched forth its angry Rays in great Furie, as far as the Tail of the DRAGON, above Thirty One Degrees, which contains many Thousand miles; it was incompassed with many smaller Stars, having its Beams sometimes divided, sometimes obscured by dark and gloomy Clouds, its Influence seemed to be upon Me and Our Provinces, which, as it was horrible, and dismal in it self, so was it rendred much more ominous by these sad and dread­ful Clouds which alwayes incompassed it. After this there appeared another Star of a far more plea­sant and delightful Countenance; but this disdain­fully turning its Face from Me, cast its more benigne Rays towards the East. This is the Vision which [...] De-wit, Hollands Nebuchadnezzar, saw in the last Moneth of the Year, 166 [...].

The English Daniel's Interpreration.

THE Dream be to them that hate Thee, and the Interpretation thereof to Thine Enemies, High and Mighty Provinces, Thou wert at rest in thy House, and flourishing in thy Palace: The Star appeared first in the Constellation of Virgo, because the Heavens hither­to have been propitious to Thee, and favourably smiled upon all thy Undertakings: But now because thou hast been as a wanton Heffer swerving from the way of the Lord, and because thy Pride hath ascended up to Hea­ven it self, designing to e like the Most Highest, Thou alone intrenching upon Divine Omnipotency, in that baughty Title, (which other Princes blush to assume) High and Mighty. Therefore know, thy Impietie [...] [...] now at the height, and the Face of that Star which Thou sawest as the Flames of [...]ire which came from the Burn­ing Bush, (for the Anger of the Lord is kindled against thee) shall humble and crush Thee in pieces; That thou ma [...]st know that the most High ruleth over all the arth, whose Laws and Precepts Thou hast so contumaciously despised Moreover, that Thou sawest the Rays of that Star extend themselves to the utmost of Thy [...]ominions, Thou hast well soon; for the Lord shall show [...] down his Vengeance up [...]n Thee, by the Force of all the Princes of the Universe, whom Thou hast too often provoked; They shall put a Ring in thy Nostrils, bring Thee back by the way the which thou camest; their strength shall be Lord over thee.

The English Cross shall fall upon thee, because thou wert a President for the shedding of that Royal Blood, which [Page 3] to this day calls to Heaven for Vengeance and afterwards refused to protect his innocent Off-Spring, when flying from the Cruelty of an Usurping Sword, thou banishedst out of thy Territories.

The Hesperian Lyon, viz. the Spaniard, shall also whet his Teeth upon Thee and once more repossess himself of that Right and Dominion, which by the Sword of Rebellion Thou hast so long detained from him; God shall put the Yoak of Bondage upon thy Neck, and make void that Treaty of Peace, which neither thy worth nor Gratitude, can longer m [...]rit.

Those Li [...]ies which so long have been both pleasant and profitable to Thee, shall now wax pale and wither before thine Eyes; they have had too long Experience of thy Fraud and Arrogance, and now shall prove Th [...]rus in thy side, that all men may cl [...]p their hands and hiss at Thee, saying, Where are thy Gods and Naval Foroes in whom thou didst put thy trust.

The German Ea [...]le shall gripe Thee in his Talons, and take thee for his prey dividing thy whole Dominious to his Princes and Allies, because thou hast contemned His Majesty, divided his strength, and unjustly refusedst to restore what was violently taken from Him. Remember how ready Thou hast been to assist the Assyrians, all those that have opposed Him; how didst thou help the Baza­rian, incite the Saxon, and force Count Manifield into thy Service. In fine, Thy power and riches have been al­ways ready to encourage and assist His greatest Enemies,

The Northern Kings will not be more propitious to Thee, for that Thou hast always sown Seeds of Discord amongst them, and by thy wicked Policies and Con [...]ri­vances, [Page 4] hast been the cause that so much innocent blood hath been shed on eithe side.

The Duke of Brandenburgh with his Fellow-Electors, shall sit heavy upon Thee, and take this occasion to revenge themselves upon that Fraud and Hypocrisie, that Pride and Covetousness which now shall be laid open to all the World. The Bishop of Colen, and Duke of Bavaria, will now make bold not onely to recover their own, but di­vest thee of all those borrowed Plumes, which Thou by Force and Injustice hast taken from others.

The West phalian Courser shall praunce over thy Fields, and feed in thy Pastures, because thou didst incite his Subjects against their Liege Lord, and counselled them to tread in those steps of Treason and Rebellion, wherein Thou hast gone before: And not regarding his Function, which is a Bishop annointed with Holy Oil, and consecrated unto the Lord, thy Malevolent Tongue hath aspersed His Per­son with opprobrious Names, and inhumane Calumnies, and such like Provocations, for which thou must expect to be called to an account, but most of all for lifting up thy Hand against Him, and thirsting after His Innocent Blood. And as thou didst see the Rays of the Star divi­ded by divers thick and dark Clouds, behold, so shall thy Dominions be divided, and given to thy Enemies; and because thou trustedst in thy Sword, and in thy Armour, in the strength of thine own Hands, and in the [...]bundance of thy Riches; therefore behold, thy Territories shall be de­stroyed and brought to nothing; and as thou art become a [...]ear­ing Lion, and has learnt to take thy Prey as a devonring Wolf, so shalt thou become a Prey to others.

Remember what Evils thou hast brought upon Jeru­salem, the Church of God, by making Religion it self a [Page 5] gross piece of Hypocrisie, all thy Devotion being as a to Masque conceal the Pharisaisme of thy Heart thy Am­bition, Covetousness, or some such impious Design; and the Charity of other People, intended to Holy Purpo­ses, have been by thee t [...]ansfer [...]d to Worldly and Sacri­legie us Uses.

And as Thou didst see the Star [...] [...] dark and gloomy Cloud, behold, Tho [...]h [...] made others to lament, and Lamentation shall be thy end thou shalt mourn, none shall pity thee.

And as Thou didst see another Star more beautiful and higher then the former, which turned her Face and Rays from Thee towards the East; behold, the Lord shall for­sake thee, and turn away the Face of his Countenance, and make thy Enemies to rejoyce over thee, because in the pride of thy Heart thou hast said, I am comely, and pridest thy self in the beauty of thy Palaces, and in the abun­dance of thy wealth, and there is no end of thy Arrogance; herefore the Beauty of thy Countenance shall fail, and the Lord shall curse the comeliness of thy Face; thy Dominions shall be laid wast before thine Eyes, and another shall take pos­session thereof; therefore thou shalt be left desolate, as a Shade in the Vineyard, and as a Tyle upon the House-Top, and as a City which is laid wase.

All these Evils shall come upon Thee O proud Hol­land because thus saith the Lord, I have begun, and I will persect any Work.

A famous Prophecy, touching the downfal of Great Br [...]ttain's Enemies, having some Coherence with the precedent Interpretation, I shall here recire considering the great Concern it hath in these times, and the memorable effect's and insl [...]ences impend [...]ug on this cars Revolution, As first, a great Overthrow to be given o [...]be French, about the tenth of June next, and three great Battel, to be fou h [...] be­fore Christmas betuixt the French and English: Together with a great Overthrow to the Dutch, Prophetic [...]lly foretold by Jeremiah Powel in the Reign of Q [...]een Elizabeth, and now presented to publike view, according to the Original, in these words following.

WHen One and three times Six do meet,
To reckon for the Year;
The Bloody English Colours shall
On the French Coast appear.
When Sol in Cancer enters first,
June 10.
On that same very Day,
The Ensigns of these mighty Foes
Shall in the Field display.
Twelve Noble Lords that day shall fall.
With thousands by their side;
And then the Fates end and begin
Th French and English Pride.
Three Battels more ei [...] Christmas Eve,
The Lillies fight and lose:
Then Pe [...]ce ensues, and puts an End
Unto the Subjects Woes.
Then High and Mighty look about,
Your Wooden and Stone-Wall
Shall not defend you; But shall then
Begin to sink and fall.

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