A SERMON Preached before THE ARTILLERY COMPANY, AT St. Andrews Ʋndershaft, August the 30 th 1670. And at their earnest Request, PUBLISHED.

By WILLIAM DƲRHAM, B.D. Rector of St. Mildreds Breadstreet, London.

Rei Militaris virtus coeteris praestat virtutibus; Multo plus adfert dignitatis Res Militaris, quam Juris Civilis Gloria. Cicero.
Honestas idoneum militem reddit: Verecundia, dum prohibet fugere, facit esse victorem. Vegetius de re Milit.

LONDON, Printed by T. R. for Samuel Gellibrand, at the Sign of the Golden-Ball in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1671.

TO MY Very worthy, and much Honoured Friends, The Honourable • Sir John Robinson Knight and Baronet, Lievtenant, of his Majesties Tower of London, Alderman, and President of the Artillery Company. , • Sir Joseph Sheldon, Knight and Alderman, Vice-President. , • Sir Thomas Player Knight, Leader. , and • Collonel John Mews, Treasurer.  • Sir John Robinson Knights and Aldermen. Collonel John Mews Stew­ards. , • Sir George Waterman Knights and Aldermen. Capt. George Peryer Stew­ards. , • Sir Thomas Davies Knights and Aldermen. Major Tho. Gunston Stew­ards. , • Sir John Smith Knights and Aldermen. Capt. William Cooper Stew­ards. , and • And to the whole Court of Assistants, Field-Officers, Cap­tains, and Gentlemen, Professing and Exercising Armes in that Famous and Honourable Society. 


' T Was with much Reluctancy that I prevailed with my self, to Preach this Sermon, but with much more, to Print it. Not but that I had a great willingness to serve you [Page]in both; but because I judged my self un­meet for either. I was never, when Youn­ger, fond of such Publique Imployments; Nor valued my self so high, as to think this busy World at leasure to concern themselves with any thing that I could publish. Much less can I cherish such vain thoughts now, when broken (to say nothing of hard usage) with Age and Infirmities. Might I have been left to mine own Beloved Privacies, you had never had the trouble, either to have Heard or Read this. But as I affect not Popularity, so I perfectly hate Incivility and Ingratitude. Your great kindness hath obliged me to gratify you in what I may; and your Importunity hath prevailed to have it Preach't and Publisht. Importunity prevails with God; and what am I that I should stand out against so many Gallant men, and good Friends, who have prest me till I was asham'd?

May it find but the like Acceptance with you in the Reading, as it did in Preaching, it will be incouragement enough to skreen it, against all the Censures it may meet withall.

But I am very little sollicitous for its de­fence, so long as Les Gens d'Armes, the whole Artillery of this Royal City, have invited and undertaken its Patronage. In­deed, not to defend so much it, as their own Judgements, who have pleased by their ap­proving and desiring it, to make it their own. If it prove acceptable to you, and in any measure Serviceable to the Publique, it will be abundant contentment and satisfaction, to

Your much obliged Friend and humble Servant, William Durham.

A SERMON Preached before the Artillery Company, at S t. Andrews Ʋndershaft, August the 30 th. 1670.

I COR. XVI. 13. ‘Watch ye, stand fast in the Faith, quit your selves like men; be strong.’

THough Religion in it self be the sweetest thing in the World, all whose paths are pleasant­ness, and all her wayes are peace; yet the Exercise of it in a Christian life is usually set forth by such things as are accompanied with pains and danger.

A Christians life is compared to that of a Husbandman, who must endure all weather, the Summers heat, and the Winters cold; he must be at pains to Plow and Sow, if he intend to Reap.

To a Travellers, who must expect all wayes; sometimes he meets with high and craggy Rocks, and sometimes with swelling Brooks, and dirty Sloughs.

To a Merchants, who ventures himself on the merciless Waves; now tost as high as Heaven, now tumbled as low as Hell (as David speaks) alwayes within an inch or two of death.

To a Soldiers life, which is ever attended with fears and dangers; he walk [...] perpetually at the points of Swords, and mouth of Cannons, and alwayes bears his life in his hand.

A Christian life, then, is a spiritual Warfare, which is of all Wars the most dangerous; the E­nemy being numerous, potent, subtle, within us; and that which lyes at stake, the Soul, be­ing infinitely more worth then all Alexanders Con­quests; and in this lyes our present Work.

The terms of the Text are Military all, and so, sutable enough to the occasion, however they prove in the handling.

You must not expect that I should deal with you at your own Weapons, having (as David said of Sauls Armour) never proved them.

Not that I should read a Military Lecture, be­ing utterly unacquainted with the Learning of the Tacticks, and never having (that I know of) so much as seen that Book of Jasher, which teaches the use of the Bow.

If I can onely make the Offices and Duties of a Soldier conduce to the illustration of our Chri­stian Warfare, 'tis as much as I aim at, or can be reasonably expected from my Profession.

And if herein I fall short (as 'tis more then probable) you have nothing to blame, but your own misguided choice.

Miles Emeritus, a superannuated Soldier, was by the Law of Arms, exempted from publick ser­vice. But being overruled in this Plea, I have no way left, but being short, to gratifie you or my self: You, in relieving you from the incon­venience of your own Error; and my self, who being by your kindness, adjudged to run the Gauntlope, am obliged to make what haste I can in mine own defence.

There's a Climax or Gradation in the words, each word importing more then that which went before it.

[Page 4]1. Watch ye, be vigilant, which is the least that can be expected of a Soldier; if he faile here, he certainly miscarries.

2. Stand fast; Stand to your Arms, keep your Ground, maintain that Post, that's given you to defend, which is likeliest done by being Watchful.

3. Quit your selves like men; Not onely stand fast, but fight, and worst your Enemies: Keep your own Ground, and win theirs.

4. Be strong; Go on to compleat your Con­quest, and having once subdued your Enemies, keep them under.

I begin with the first of these;

1. [...]. Watch ye; A Metaphor taken from Sentinels in an Army, whose office is to be upon their Watch-Tower, to observe the motions of the Enemy, that there be no sudden assault or irruption into the Camp or City, and to give the Alarum of any ap­proaching danger. Indeed Watchfulness becomes every Soldier upon Duty; he must have his eyes in his head, not sleep at his work.

When an Enemy is neer the Camp, or Belea­gures the Garrison, it becomes every Soldier not [Page 5]only to be awake, but to be circumspect and attend the Motions of the Enemy.

Vigilance is requisite in a Soldier, nothing more. What a great oversight and what a desperate hazard it is to be found sleeping, we may see in the case of Saul and his Army, when David came and took away his Spear and his Pitcher, 1 Sam. 26. while he and his men were all fast asleep: Where we may observe by the way, Though God is sayd to have delivered Saul into Davids hand, and this sleep to have fal­len on the people from the Lord; Vers. 8.12. though David might have stuck him to the Earth with his own Spear, and spilt his blood, as easily as have powred out the water on the Ground, yet he neither would nor durst, but judges them worthy to dye for their negligence, in keeping no better the Lords Anoin­ted.

Had he (as Abishai councel'd him, Vers. 8. and other have done since) followed the Conduct of Provi­dence, he might have quickly eased himself of his Adversary; but he had a more certain Rule to walk by, the unerring word, for who (saith he) can lift up his hand against the Lords Anointed, 9 and be guiltless? but that by the way.

The Church is an Army too, Cant. 6.4. an army with Banners; The Lord of Hoasts is both her Van and Rere; Esa. 52.12. 2 Cor. 10.4. her Soldiers are Angels, Martyrs, A­postles, all Christians; her Weapons are not Carnal, but mighty; her Order and disposition Safe and De­cent: Ezech. 3.17. She hath her Watchmen too. Son of man, I have made thee a Watchman over the House of Israel. These are the Pastors and Ministers that Watch over their Souls; their Office is to foresee dangers, and to give warning; if he do so, and they will not heed it, they shall perish in their sin, but he hath de­livered his own Soul. But if he give no warning, the peoples blood will God require at his hands. When the Church is resembled to an Army, then the Ministers are called Watchmen; when to a Flock, they are stil'd Shepheards. He doth but ill discharge the Office of a Watchman, who is never on the Guard but on Pay-dayes: nor he the Office of a Shepheard, who never sees his Flock but at Shearing time. An Army hath no greater Enemies then such Watchmen; nor can a Flock meet with verier Wolves then such Shepheards.

'Tis these mens Duties in a Special man­ner to Watch, but not theirs only; therefore what [Page 7]I say unto them I say unto all, Watch. Luke 13.37. This is the first thing required of us in our Spiritual Warfare, and that not without the highest reason; For

1. Inimicus obsidet. We are incompast with Enemies which Watch all advantages against us to do us mischief. If you ask, who are they? The same that we abjur'd, when we were first listed into Gods Artillery Ground, the Flesh, the World, and the Devil.

The Flesh, an inbred and secret Enemy, and is thereby capable of doing us more mischief. The World batters us with Cannons on all sides, temptations of all sorts; temptations in our meat, drink, apparel, company, every thing. And the Devil who manages both these to his own advantage; would you know what an Enemy he is? Hear S. Paul, the Major General of the Heathen-Christian Army. Eph. 6.12. We wrestle not against Flesh and Blood, (terms of weakness and diminution) but against Principalities and Powers, a­gainst Spiritual wickedness in high Places. For their Number they are many, the words are all in the Plu­rall, their Name is Legion; for their Condition, they are Great, Principalities and Powers; for their Na­ture, they are Spirits, who have got the advantage of the ground too, they are in high places; where as [Page 8]the Historian once said, Salust. Non solum cum boste, sed cum loco dimicandum est.

The Devil is an Active Enemy; he hath his Methods, wiles and stratagems of War; he is restless and indefatigable; when he is beaten off from one Gate, he assaults us at another; he flyes from one extream to another; when he fails in drawing us to one sin, he offers the contrary. There was much reason then in that Exhortation of St. 1 Pet. 5.8. Peter, Be Vigi­lant and sober, because your adversary the Devil goeth about night and day, like a roaring Lyon, seeking whom be may devour.

2. Sopo obrepit We are apt to be dull and drowsie in our best services. What between this indisposition, and the charms of the Devil, we are apt to sleep at our best duties. In that last and great conflict which the Captain of our Salvation had with the Prince of darkness, those great Commanders, Peter, James, and John, who had the honour and happiness to tryal a Pike under his imediate conduct, were drow­sie and fell asleep; though the spirit was willing, (the searcher of hearts being Judge) yet the flesh was weak, and therefore there was great reason for that following admonition; Mat. 26.41. Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.

[Page 9]3. To which let me add, Imperator inspicit. That the General him­self duly walks the Round, and observes in what posture his Soldiers are. Militibus Imper ator, potius quam he­stis [...]etuendus est. Val. Max. He is alwayes in the midst of the Golden Candlesticks, his Churches. He knows your works, your tribulation, patience, watchfulness, what they are, and will suddenly come to give every Soldier his pay, according to his works. The hour of his coming is uncertain, and therefore it behoves us to be still upon our Watch. He comes like a Thief in the night; and if the good man of the house had known at what hour the thief would have come, he would have watched. Such shall the coming of the Son of Man be. If he find you on your Guard, happy are ye; if not, you must expect what sleepy Soldiers use to suffer: Therefore Watch, because ye know not at what hour the Son of Man cometh, whether at midnight, or at the Cock-crowing, or at the dawning of the Day. Mat. 24.42.

Give me leave only to touch upon the dutyes which are usually joyned with Watching, and I shall dismiss this point.

1. Watch and be sober; the best means to pre­serve our selves is to be vigilant; the best way to [Page 10]be watchfull is to exercise sobriety, sobriety is a most necessary duty for a Soldier. A drunken Sol­dier cannot watch; and a sleepy Watchman betrays himself and his trust. What if the Trumper give an Alarum to Battel, and thou hast not an care to hear it? What if thy Generall should come, and thou hast not an eye to see, nor tongue to answer him? What if the Enemy should approach, and thou hast neither a foo [...] to stand, nor a hand to fight? Take heed therefore least at any time your hearts be o­vercharged with surfetting and drunkenness, and so that day come upon you unawares. Luck. 21.36.Watch ye therefore, that ye may be able to stand before the Son of man.

2. Watch and Pray are usually joyned together, we cannot subsist without prayer, we cannot pray without watchfulness. We stand not by our own strength, but must fetch supplies from him who sets us on work; Psalm 18.29. We never go forth in our own strength but we are worsted; seldome in his, but we prevail. It was by his help that David leapt o­ver the wall, i.e. conquered all difficulties; when his Enemies thrust sore at him that he might fall, God was his strength, Psalm. 118.30. and that supported him. There's no man more obliged to prayer then the [Page 11] Soldier, because none conflicts with greater diffi­culties and dangers; therefore above all men they ought to continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. That's the first part of a Sol­diers Duty, Watch. Coll. 4.2.

2. We come to the second; [Stand fast in the Faith.] [...]: The word imports a firm and stable standing; it behoves the Soldier to keep his ground, to stand stoutly to it, and rather then fly, to dye upon the Turf. A duty, then which nothing is more frequently commanded to a Christian Sol­dier; Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free. Stand fast in one spirit. Gal 5.1. 1. Phil 21.1. Thes. 3.8. Stand fast in the Lord. And here, Stand fast in the Faith.

1. In fide Deodata; In that Faith which ye have given and plighted to God. There was among the Romans a Military Oath given to all their Soldiers, obliging them to be faithfull to their Generals and their Cause. We have all of us taken Sacramentum Militiae; Our Baptismal vow ingages us to be faith­ful Soldiers to God, and to renounce the World the Flesh and the Devil. Contestamur nos Diabolo renun­tiare, pompae & Angelis suis, says Tertull. We have made our publick protestation, and solemnly abjured [Page 12]the delights of the Flesh, the Pomps and Vanities of the World, with the Devil and all his works; and all this we are ingaged to, not only by promise, but by a solemne Vow made to God, before Angels and Men; we were not only unjust but forsworn, if we should not keep it. Remember that the Oath of God is upon you: Who is more odious then a Renegado who is sentenced as a Skellum, and hang'd in effigie? What greater persidiousness then for a Soldier, tran­sire in castra inimicorum, to run from his Colours into the Enemies Camp, and to become a Soldier and Vassal to them, 1 Sam 22.7. whom he hath solemnly: abju­red? What Saul said once to his People, Can the Son of Jesse give you Vineyards, and make you Captains of thousands? I may say on better grounds, Can the Devil give such rewards as God can, that you forsake God to serve him?

What will you answer when the Devil shall plead with Christ for your souls at the last day? as Saint Cyprian brings him in, pleading his title to those who profest themselves Christians, and lived not answerable to their profession; the Question was, Whose they were, Gods or the Devils, and to whom they did belong? The Devil he urges; Lord, they [Page 13]say, that thou art a righteous Judge, and I appeal to thine owne Judgment, whose these Souls are, thine or mine; for my part, Non crucem pectuli, non cruorem fudi, non coelum promisi, &c. I never suffered upon the Cross for these men, never shed one drop of blood for them, never promised them Heaven; nor did they ever promise or ingage to be my Ser­vants. All those things thou hast done for them, and this they have done to thee. Yet no sooner could I hold up my finger, but they would break all thy Laws, forget all their Vows and Obligations, and serve me, before thee: Be thou thy self a just Judge, and give sentence, whose they are, Thine or Mine. Con­sider, I beseech you, what defence you can make against such a Plea!

2. Stand fast] In fide a Deo accepta; In the Faith that was once delivered to the Saints: This is that which is chiefly meant in all the former Scriptures, and which Saint Jude bids us earnestly to contend for. Verse. 3. Be ye stedfast and unmoveable, saith Saint Paul, as to points of Faith; and as to matters of practice, 1 Cor. 15. Ult. al­wayes abounding in the work of the Lord; this is that he presses on the Ephesians, Ch. 4.14. that they be not as Children, tost up and down by every wind of Doctrine; [Page 14]by the slight of men, and canning craftiness whereby they lye in wait to deceive; but grow up into him in all things who is the head, even Christ.

I have read of one Philetas, Symsons Cron [...]ad. An. Mundi 3721. an excellent Poet and Critick (who flourisht in the dayes of Alex­ander the Great, and was School-Master to Ptolo­meus Philadelphus, that great Lover and Advancer of Learning) that he was so thin and spare of body that he was fain to sole his Shoes with thick Plates of Lead, least every puff of wind should overturn him. How many are there that want such a poise and ballance in matters of Religion? Perfect Moons-Men, who hardly appear two days in the same shape, of the same mind. Now they are of this perswasion, then of that, at last, of none; they begin in Scepticism, and (which is the genuine product) end in Atheism: But for you, being rooted and grounded in the Truth and the Love of it, hold fast the profession of your Faith firm unto the end. But,

We must take notice, that 'tis not to be obsti­nate in an Heresie, to be stiff in a Schism that's here injoyned us: A man may be stedfast in his owne opinion, peremptory for his Party, and yet fall [Page 15]short of this Duty; nay, if he happen to be in the wrong, the more tenacious he is, the greater is his sin. Constancy is an excellent thing if well placed; Perseverance an excellent Grace, but must still be ingaged in that which is good.

'Tis no commendation to an old-Thief, that he will not be reclaimed from his former courses and company. Nor do I value the sufferings of a Ro­mish Priest, though he hath the hardiness to dye at Tyburne; he is not punisht for obeying God, but for disobeying the just Lawes of his lawfull Prince. 1 Pet. 4.15. A man may suffer as a Busie-body, or as an Euil-doer, and he hath the amends in his own hands, he hath his reward. 'Tis in vain to talk of sufferings, un­less the Cause will bear it; 'tis not the suffering, but the Cause that makes the Martyr.

3. Stand fast; [...], in that Order, Place, and Station, wherein you are set by your Great Ge­neral; which I add, because I find it joyned with stedfastness of Faith, Col. 2.5. And the Apostle was much pleased to observe their Order, as well as their Stedfastness in the Faith. Elsewhere we find him troubled to see some that did walk disorderly. [...]. 2 Thes. 3.6. 'Tis a Military word; they kept not Rank and File, [Page 16]nor regarded the Word of Command, as Soldiers are obliged to do. (a) Nihil magis in acis custo­diendum est, quam ut omnes milites ordinem incedendi ser­vent: Periculum enim ab ho­stibus semper gra [...]issimuin su­stinet divisus & inordinatus ex­ercitus. — Vegetius de re Milit. l. 7. If through igno­rance, negligence, or perversness, a Soldier forsakes his place, and breaks Discipline, he casts his Division, it may be the whole Company into Confusion, and makes an easier entrance for the Enemy. Mannius Curius, when Consul, was wont to say, Non opus est Reipublicae eo milite qui parere non potest. The Com­mon-Wealth had no need of that Soldier who knew not how to obey Orders. When the Holy Ghost would describe an Army that should be invincible, and bear all before them, Jul. 2.7. he sayes, that they should march every one in his way, and none should break their Ranks.

The Church (as you heard) is an Army, and a terrible one too; Cant. 6.4. but 'tis while shee marches with Banners, while due Order and Discipline is main­tained, and every Soldier keeps his own place and station; so long the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against her. But when these are neglected, or tramp­led under foot, she is quite another thing (like Samson without his looks) she may be a Multitude, a Rout, but will hardly bear the name of an Army.

Believe it, Sirs, Order is a precious thing, and Government a rare Jewel, which we ought to ac­knowledge as the greatest Blessings; without which all things would run into present Confusion, and the whole World would be nothing else, but Mag­num Latrocinium, a great Nest of Thieves and Robbers.

'Tis not in our choice to stand where we will, and do what we list in Gods Army; but must faith­fully discharge that Duty, and manage that par­ticular place, which is committed to our trust. Every private Soldier must not snatch at the Lead­ing-Staff, nor usurp a Command not regularly put into his hand.

Every one that can Moot a Case at Law, may not presently erect a Tribunal, and pass sentence upon mens Lives and Fortunes; but he onely who can answer that Question, Quis te constituit Judicem? Who hath made thee a Judge?

Every one that can Exercise a smal Party, may not presently Beat up his Drums, Array, and lead men to the Field, to destroy whomsoever he fan­cies to be an Enemy, till he have received a Com­mission. And yet how Common hath it been for [Page 18]one that hath gotten but the gift of the Tongue, a knack of talking, with a large stock of Confidence, to invade the Pulpit, and make himself an Officer and Teacher in the Church? He that was never so much as a Corporal in the Schools, will be a Captain in the Church, and every Lansprizado thinks himself a Collonel. He will obey no Orders but those of his own making; nor them long, it being as bad as death to him to be limited and confined. When he is commanded to March, he will Retreat; when to Wheel to the Right, [...]s. Ep 49. he will be sure to do it to the Left. As one once-complained, Ordo Militum nunc est Ordinem non tenere: As if the excellency of a Soldier consisted in contradicting and thwarting the Command of his Superior Officers.

3. But we go on; 'Tis not enough for a Sol­dier to stand his Ground, but he must behave himself valiantly on it; 'tis not enough to defend his own Post, but he must endeavour to force his Enemies from theirs. [...]. He therefore adds, [...], Quit your selves like men; an expression we find 1 Sam. 4.9. where the Philistims encou­raging their Men to Battel, use these words, Be strong, and quit your selves like men, O ye Philistims. [Page 19]Estote Viri, so 'tis usually translated; [...] is tran­slated by Vir, and both Words in their several Languages signifie not any mean or ordinary Person, but a Man of Worth, Valour, and Prowess; so sayes David to Abner, Art not thou a Man, a valiant Man, 1 Sam. 26.15. a worthy Person, there is none like thee?

But the Words import more; and are more properly rendred by others, Estote in Viros, a known Hebraism; As, ero tibi in Deum, I will be unto thee for a God; that is, Truly and effectually to all intents and purposes; so here, Be ye for Men, stand not for Cyphers, fill not up onely the place of Soldiers, but be what you appear to be indeed.

A form of speech, much like those frequently used in Scripture to excite and stirr up, to animate and incourage Soldiers to behave themselves man­fully and with undaunted Resolution. Thus Moses to Joshua, Be strong, and of a good courage; Jos. 1.6. 2 Chr. 32.7. thus Hezekiah to his Captains; Be strong and couragious, be not afraid nor dismayd. There is some thing that is the peculiar vertue of every rank and condition of men, and that in a Soldier is Valour; Viriliter a­gere, to Act like a man, and that two wayes,

  • 1. Passively.
  • 2. Actively.

[Page 20]1. Ferendo, in sufferance and bearing, 1. Hard­ships, 2. the impressions and assaults of his Enemies.

1. He must quit himself like a man in bearing hardships; Sufferance, which is a well compactedness and ability of Body, and a natural stoutness and resol­vedness of mind, to bear hardness, is the first re­quisite to the making of a Compleat Soldier. He must be able to feed low, to lye hard, to endure heat and cold, hunger, thirst, and nakedness. Effe­minacy may sneak in a Court, but must not be ad­mitted into the Camp. He that cannot sleep but in a Feather Bed, not eate but at a French Ordinary, nor break his sleep, will never do much service in a sharp War. He that spends his time between the Comb and the Glass; and (as Seneca said of such Carpet-Knights) Mallet rempublicam turbari quam comam, had rather an Army should be routed, than his Perriwig be discomposed, will do no great feats nor service in the Field.

2. A Soldier must behave himself like a man, in receiving the Assaults, and bearing the Impressions of an Enemy; not like those delicate Youths in the History, who were no sooner toucht in their tender Faces by their Enemies Weapons but they [Page 21]threw downe their owne, and runn away. Psalm. 78.9. Nor like the Children of Ephraim, who being harnas­sed, and carrying Bowes, turned their Backs in the day of Battel. But like that Order of Ancient Knights in France, a part of whose Military Oath it was, That they should never turn their backs upon their Enemies. The Lacedemonian Women were wont to charge their Sons when they went out to Battel, Ʋt aut vivi cum armis in conspectum earum venirent, aut mortui in armis referrentur; that they should either return with their Arms, or dye in them, Val. Max. l. 2. c. 2.

Even the tender Mothers amongst the Romans, would not lament their Sons that fell in Battell, but rejoyced when their Wounds were in their fore parts and not in their backs.

2. Feriendo, Disce feriri, Disce Mori; syllaba una brevis aut lon­gior tua facta variabit, vel occides vel occi­des, ad utrum­libet horis locis­que omnibus te paratum ex­h [...]be. Fr. Pe­trarch. in smiting; He must quit him­self like a Man in Fighting too; he must be as rea­to give as to receive blows: Their Commission runs, To Kill, Destroy, and do to Death: Like Samson, that Smote his Enemies hip and thigh; or like Davids Worthies, whose exploits, Judg. 15, 8. 2 Sam 23. were they not recor­ded in Scripture, would stagger our belief. In these lyes the Gallantry of a Soldier, in Bearing [Page 22]hardship, enduring blows, and hewing down his Ene­mies.

And in all these, the Christian Souldier must shew his valour too.

1. [...] Tim. 2.3. In sufferance of Hardship; Thou therefore endure hardness as a good Souldier of Jesus Christ. They must and will submit to any termes; be fed and cloathed as their General plea­ses. No place so far, no ways so foul, no weather so sharp, but they will March, if their Commander give the word. No severities of Religion, how great soever, whether they be fastings, mortificati­ons, pulling out of Right Eyes, cutting off of right hands, giving up their bodies to torments and to death it self, can terrify or affright them. They can live upon any thing, upon nothing, but a bare promise, and never mutinie for want of present pay.

2. He must shew his valour too, in bearing the Impression of Enemies on every side; they are not daunted with the approach of Enemies but (like David toward Goliah) run half way to meet them. If temptations come, persecution come, death come, welcome what God sends; they stand their ground, [Page 23]receive and bear all with invincible courage. As Tertul. says of his Souldier. Russatus suo sanguine, totus de Apostolo armatus, Donativum Christi in Caelis expectat. Being dyed red in his own blood, Arm'd at all points with the Apostles Armour, he stands ready to encounter all difficulties, expecting his reward from Christ in Heaven.

Lastly, He must shew his valour in fighting too. Ephes. 6.11. A Christian must take to himself the whole Armour of God; He hath his offensive as well as his defensive Weapons; his Sword as well as his Target, the sword of the Spirit as well as the buckler of Faith, and the Helmet of Salvation, whereby he may be able to stand and to withstand in the evil day. 1 Pet. 5.9. 'Tis not enough to defend our selves, but we must also repulse our Ene­mies: Jam. 4.7. not only be vigilant against the wiles of Sa­than, but resist him too. And for our comfort St. James tells us, that he is but a Coward, if we bear up to him; Resist the devil and he will fly. We must fight if we expect the Crown. In all those Epistles to the se­ven Churches where Heaven is promised under se­veral Metaphors, still, Vincenti Dabitur, Rev. 2.3. the hidden Manna, the white stone, &c. is given to him that overcometh.

[Page 24]4. But I hasten to the last thing in the Text, [...], [...]. shew your selves strong by keeping your Enemies under, [...] is fortiter impero, to command and rule, like a man of wisdome and courage. Ha­ving subdued his Enemies, the Souldiers next and greatest care must be to Rule them, and keep them in obedience. 'Tis as much skill to know how to use and enjoy a Victory, as to obtain it. Neither is it less vertue to defend what we have gotten, then to get it.

Hence it hath been the care of all Prudent Com­manders so to settle their new acquisitions, as to take away all possibilities and hopes of future insurrecti­ons and rebellions. When the Philistims had con­quered Israel, 1 Sam. 13.19. they left them neither Sword nor Spear, nor so much as a Smith amongst them to sharpen their Axes or their Ox goads. So Cyrus in Justin, having conquered the Rebellious Lydians, & arma & equos ademit, took away both their Horses and Arms, and effeminated their Spirits, by im­ploying them in mean and sordid work, that they might neither have courage nor advantage to give him further trouble.

And this also must be the great care of the Chri­stian [Page 25]Souldier; Rom. 8.15. Being delivered from the bondage of Corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God, he should stand fast, and not be intangled again with the yoak of Bondage; 2. Pet. 2.19. For if after he hath escaped the pol­lutions of the World, he be again entangled therewith, his latter end is worse then the beginning.

Hast thou been a Swearer, Drunkard, unclean person? hath God opened thine Eyes to see thy faults? Given thee a heart to repent of them, grace to break their yoak from off thy neck? now make use of thy best wisdome and valour to keep them under. Be not again intangled with them, nor overcome by them, 2. [...]et. 2.21. For it had been better not to have known the way of Righteousness, then after thou hast known it, to turn aside from the holy Commandment.

Of all Postures, none so ill becomes the true Con­vert, as Faces about, and as you were, which is but ac­cording to the Proverb, to return with the Dog to his vomit, and with the Sow to her wallowing in the mire.

Keep a watchful eye over your Corruptions, and let not your lusts get head again. Withdraw all in­centives and fewell, keep ammunition and pro­vision, from these Enemies, and starve them out. For these are your greatest Enemies. The Devil [Page 26]indeed is a cunning and sore Enemy, but he could not so eassly hurt us, were there not a false party in our bosomes, which were ready to invite him, and to open the Gates to let him in.

Consider, I beseech you, how unreasonable a thing it is, that Man, a Noble Creature, made after the likeness of God, should so far degenerate, is to have his ear boared, and become a willing slave to the Prince of darkness.

How unseemly a thing it is to see Hercules spin­ning at Omphale's distaffe? Samsons head lolling in Dalilah's lap? and him, who could snap asunder the strongest coards like twine threads, held cap­tive with one of her Locks? how unmanly a sight it is to see him who can command men, to be con­quered by women? and those who have subdued Ar­mies, to be mastred by their own brutish Lusts.

And now me thinks, it should be time to sound a Retreat: Give me leave only to make one run­ning March over the ground, read over my Text a­gain, and then we shall Lodge the Colours.

Gentlemen Souldiers, You who are under God and the King, the Walls and Bulwarks of the City, and that Famous Nursery, whence have sprung so many [Page 27]Noble Souls; and may every year add to their number, that may serve God, their King and Coun­try in the present and Succeeding Generati­on!

1. Watch ye, (as I doubt not but you will) a­gainst whatsoever Enemies to the Publique Peace, Ne aliquid detrimenti capiat respublica, that the Com­mon-weale incur no damage, as far as lyes in your place or power to prevent it.

Be Watchful over your own Hearts and Lives; Beware of the Stratagems and Ambushments of Sa­than; Lest, when you have been Instruments to preserve the Nations Peace, you break your own; and when you have saved others, your selves perish.

Stand fast, in your Faith given to God when you were first listed into the Muster-Roll a­mongst his Souldiers. There's nothing more igno­minious to a Souldier than to break his Paroll.

Stand fast, in that Faith which was once deli­vered to the Saints, which is as purely profest here as in any Nation in the World. Count every Ar­ticle of Religion as well worth contending for as a Crown, and that it would be your honour (should you be call'd to it) to follow the Noble Army of Mar­tyrs, [Page 28]which is march't before you, giving Testimony to the Gospel, by their dearest blood.

Stand fast in your Faith and Allegeance to our Gracious Soveraign, and become not upon any solli­citations or pretences, either Authors or Fauters of any faction. Meddle not with those who are given to change.

Quit your selves like men, in all your under­takings; Let not rashness hurry you to any thing that is unjust or misbecoming you: Nor let pu­sillanimity withhold you from any necessary Duty. Conquer your selves first, (which is the greatest conquest.) And bring down every high thought to the obedience of Christ. Receive the Impressions of your spiritual Enemies with Patience, and repell them with courage; Put on the whole Armour of God, get in­to Gods way, and keep there; and then you may say with David, Though an hoast of men were incamped against me, yet would I not fear, or (as he once) though every Tile in the City were a Devil, you need not be afraid.

And be strong; strong in Faith, strong in Gods grace, and in the power of his might; in Con­quering go on to Conquer. Having once routed your [Page 29]Enemies, let them rally no more; having disman­tled their Garrisons, let them lye under the Curse of Jericho, and never be rebuilt, Judg. 6. Ult. but Rule over them with a Rod of Iron; while you are doing such work (which is purely Gods) to use Hezechias words, you need not be afraid, nor be dismaid, but be strong and couragious, for the Lord your God is with you to help you, and to fight for you.

Thus fighting, you may live with Comfort, and dye with Confidence, and say with St. Paul, I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth is Laid up for me a Crown of righteous­ness; The Conflict may be sharp, but the Reward is great and certain. We must run ere we can win the Garland; Fight and Conquer, ere we can receive the Crown.

There's nothing more August and splendid in the Eyes of men then a Crown. What will not an am­bitious man venture, what will he not do to gain it? He will venture Limbs, Life, Estate, Friends, Body, Soul, all. He will break faith with God and man; he will dig his way to it, through the Bowels of his neerest relations; and swim to it through a Sea of blood.

Yet this is the reward of every good and faith­ful Souldier in Gods Camp.

Every Souldier that fights in Earthly Battels, weares not a Crown, nor must he expect it. There must be many hands to win that Crown, which one only Head must wear. But here every Souldier shall have a Crown. The Crown is not only for me (saith the Apostle) but for every one, that fights and con­quers?

And what manner of Crown is it? 'Tis not,

A Crown or Chaplet of withering Flowers, Tertull. de Coro­nâ Milit. c. 13.14. such as were wont to be given to the Victors in the Graecian Games; Not,

A Crown of Grass, which was to be given (a­mongst the Romans) to him that had raised a Siege and delivered a City; Anlus Gellius. l. 5. c. 6. Not,

A Crown of Oak, which was given to him who had rescued a Roman Citizen when he was taken Captive, and slain him that took him in the place: Not,

A Crown of Myrtle, which was given in their O­vations; Nor of Lawrel, which was given to their greatest Conquerours, in their most stately triumphs: nay further yet. Not,

A Crown of Gold, which is usually bestudded with anxious thoughts, and doth not so much adorn the head, as overburden, with Cares, the heart of him that wears it. But what is it then? 'Tis,

A Crown of Righteousness, a Crown of Life, a Crown of Glory.

To the enjoyment of which Crown, he of his in­finite mercy bring us, who is the Captain of our Sal­vation, who was Crown'd with Thorns, and suffered death for our sakes, even the Lord Jesus Christ, God blessed for ever; to whom with the Father, and the holy Spirit, three Persons and one God, be given, as is due, all Honour and Glory, Now and for Ever. Amen.


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