The Star to the wise.
To the High Court of Parliament, The Honorable House of Commons;
The Lady Eleanor
her Petition, &c.
HAppy Reader and Hearer; for so he who reads, and keeps the words of this last Prophecy, revealed to be at last: The Revelations shewing Things which shall shortly come to passe: And as the golden leaves of that fruitfull Tree, shewed to be for the healing of the Nations, Their Blessed Peace-maker, saying, And there shall be no more curse: So the whole Prophecy directed unto our Nation, provided for these dayes of ours; That Soveraign Plaister, vvhen such unnaturall Division, sowed by the old Serpent; The very foul [Page 4] Disease of the Kings-Evil, &c. saying therefore, I Iesus have sent my Angel. And so, touching Malignant humors, for the most part resorting about the Ears, in which parts, not a little dangerous; wherefore, He that hath Ears to hear, let him hear; being the burthen of every charge, to the Churches, concluded there with; proclaiming his coming to be shewed aforehand to his servants, saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last; The Lord of Sabbath; as evident, by holding the seven stars in his right hand; and That Book sealed with seven Seals, like Pharaohs Dream doubled, even the established time; and so many dayes as from the first Adam to the flood of waters; so from the second Ad [...]m [...]o the fiery Lake, That flood of Fire and Brinstone; And therefore the second Death so called.
And as that Token set in the clouds: The streightned Bow that bound himself thereby, so here crowned with the Bow, bindes it with an Oath, By him that lives for ever, That Time shall be no longer. But as the seventeenth hundred yeer revealed to Noah, shews Times my stery contained in that little open Book; (The shortnesse of Time) also revealed to be before the end: [Page 5] Eyen the days of Baptisme, likewise how long preached, to such disobedient spirits; as farther by his right foot on the waters, and his left on the earth: The times measured, the first Noahs dayes, by the second Noahs dayes: to wit, in the seventeenth Century, his coming in the clouds, who rewards every one according to his service; For the name of a Christian serves not; But his end worse then his beginning. That after the House swept and garnished, with seven foul spirits that goeth and berayeth it. And afar off, as in the one bewrayed, how long the preaching to last of Baptisme, as here in alluding to those dayes; By sevens when every clean, &c. entred into the Ark, By the unclean seven spirits entred into him, whose end worse then his beginning. So he expresly speaks in another place of the worlds begining and end, to know one by another: As the dayes of Noah were, so shall the son of mans dayes be also; As the dayes before the Flood, One thousand seven hundred yeers; as much to say, To both alotted alike. And so in Luke the Eleventh, a touch given going afore, for better discerning the time; when they said, He by the Devil cast out Devils. Much like now, as to beleeve that an [Page 6] army of another Religion should come to defend the true Religion. Where the end of Antichrists Kingdom, shewed also further, By such a King, as it were against himself divided; or a man possest, that goes about to make away himself.
And had the old world warning; and are the last dayes cast out of remembrance; and is his Promise come utterly to an end? Though saying, Ye shall not see me, till ye say, Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the Lord. And behold, I will send you Elias before the great and dreadfull day; as Eli signifying the Name of God, &c.
And so much for those dayes, when the sons of God took them wives of the Daughters of men, taken with their Sorceries.
And this yet held a sencelesse thing, or a fancie to expect it: Though shewed, even thus it shall be when the son of man shall be revealed, (Luke 17) like giving in marriage, and revelling: And with such Buildings and Plantations &c. a fair warning to prepare for it.
And cursed Iericho that burnt with fire seven dayes, or a weeks warning that had, where Rahab saved her Fathers house there, by a Line for token, &c. And was the hand-writing at that [Page 7] Feast, sent to him, He of that first Monarchy, the last of them, who was weighed in the Ballance, &c. and found a lost Body, &c. And by reading the Prophet Ieremiahs Books: He that understood then the number of those yeers, that seventy yeers should be accomplished in Ierusalems desolation: Wherefore not by reading now of that Book, where bidden, Let him that hath understanding, count the number of the Beast, 666. &c. To understand also, how long the Churches captivity under spirituall Babylon: The Antichristian Monarchy, and aged now 43. and 1600. Even as signified in his seven heads, and Ten horns, those crowned: his age, So in her whores forehead, written too that Name of hers: Not of the blessed Virgins giving, of a certain; and so much for that. He ridden, and ruled so long by her, no longer to be indured: and which great Harlots City, not unknown. Beginning here, with the everlasting Gospel, shewing, as coming to passe in Augustus his Taxin dayes, there sending forth his Decrees to have all the world Taxt. That second Caesar, when he the second personin Trinity, came to pay the Ransome of all; Also in his Raign, those Taxing dayes of his, Not over the world unknown: These Burthens [Page 8] never so imposed, before He the second of Great Britains Monarchy: Likewise revealed the se [...]ond coming of our Lord, when that time comes to passe: And good will towards Men, Peace on Earth.
So farther with That past, comparing This troublesome time: When all the city so troubled, and He who mockd with God, faining He would worship him, was himself mockd; after they made of his Counsell, having sent them to Bethlehem, &c. in revenge fell upon poor Innocents, under such an age spared none; who to that Fox returnd not any more, but went another way, supposing before their God they should have obeyed him: Whose Treasure then they laid it at his feet; given as it were to the Churches use; made their Omage there.
And in city and country, early and late, such keeping watch by day and night both, to keep out wolves inwardly, those late Bishops; as when the watchfull Shepherds visited, and were told where they should finde The Lamb of God: And the Churches watchmen likewise assembled. Wherefore as Thou Bethlehem, not the least, so inferior to none of Great Britains [Page 9] Villages, Thou KNIGHTS-BRIDGE by Name; for such service of thine, found worthy to afford such a Plaister, To the Honorable KNIGHTS and BURGESSES in the Commons House, which was delivered by their worthy Speaker; Being made of the root of Iesse and pure Oyl-olive, & from the Hospitall of the diseased and dismembred, not distant far, doubtlesse remembred all those maimed in Gods service and slain, in preferring This place, made the receptacle of His Sacred Oracle, that oyntment.
Where the Spittle and the Bridge, in those Letters signified, the Spirit and the Bride; & as Bethlehem, The House of Bread, signifying, &c. so, Let him that is athirst, come: for here, The wedding of the Lamb, The off-spring of David; Even as the inseparable Witnesses in the Sacrament: Those places where the Word of God resides, like the Bread & Cup.
And thou Hide-Park, none of the greatest, yet makes up the Harmony, before the wedding all rejoycing; The trees of the Wood also utter their ayrie voice, where the Court of Guards service weil worth the marking and observation; those Bulwarks there so watcht round about; and here to proceed with the everlasting Word of God; there the flaming sword also; the Tree of Life [Page 10] guarded thereby, which turns every way on the East of it; and as it were the Cherubims returnd, displaying in the air their golden wings, those Colours of theirs; like as the Man, when droven out to till the ground from whence he was taken; and so the Thorn, and the Thistle, and Herb of the Field, his portion with his Wife, sent away in their Buff-coats and skins, to take their progresse.
In vain neither those Pales pluckt up, laid open that Inclosure; for every one to make their Fuell of it: But the fore-runner of the little Books disclosing, the day of Judgements time discovered, Times race or finishd, &c. and so of those inlarged Horns of the seven-headed Beast, ranging without meane or measure, crownd with so many Crowns, The mystery of Time there but sets forth.
And Britain derived from Brute, having the Beasts Name as it were, and left the good angels, nothing ever since Prospering or Thriving; shewing also how He to Oxford now droven to go, a Prototype or figure of Time, sealed in his very brows or forehead, being aged 43. And thus as he participates of Times age like it. So tyrant Time to be no longer; but in the seventeenth hundred yeer cut off; a copartner with him, of his Estate also and Condition, which in the seventeenth yeer [Page 11] was expelled of his Raigne forborn so long.
And thus, as the way shewed where kept now the Tree of Life; so farthermore of what nature it is; a Tree hard and stony, the Fruit not to be medled with, or toucht at first; though none more mellow and soft then it afterward; and because of a restraining vertue, its good Name taken away, like the Medlars crowned fruit miscalled.
And so another place belonging to the city, in these dayes of such distraction, worthy to be thought upon, Bethlehems Hospitall, Their House of Bread; for the witlesse sent to This, as the Wisemen to the other, those Sages, &c. in some respects to That not inferior, where some Barn or the like, made the Bed-chamber of the blessed Lady; and He there born, our Bread from heaven, and for a signe given the Shepherds, of his racking on the crosse, that was put into the Rack or Manger; and by a Woman aforehand anointed; and other like signes and tokens.
Whether these betoken nothing too, appeal to the wisdom of our age; or to be such an unlikely thing; that he who wrote that brotherly Epistle (going before the Apocalypse) to a Lady, saying, He had many things to write unto her. Whatsoever it was which appears not there, but referred to another [Page 12] time or meeting; That from another Lady, The Revelations Interpretation of her writing, should be sent to Divines for their assent to the same, written by that Divine, &c. where such a meeting of theirs, in a time of so much distraction of the Church.
Where touching or importing an inspiration; what phrase of speech more meet and proper, then that of, Mouth to Mouth; That our joy may be full? for a full expression of our Lords coming to be revealed to a woman; That secret disclosed.
And the wind blowing where it lists; wherefore not serving to bring these about from the Isle of Patmos, to Great Britains Islands, when testified he cometh, he cometh. The Islands may be glad therof, &c. Psal. especially at such a time of perplexity and woe; and for the redemption of wounded prisoners too, so miserably relieved, and others for their hurts and maims, disabled ever to help themselves.
Wherefore then not to be revealed to us, before others in such case: and assoon to his handmaids as his menservants; the spirit of God to be poured on them▪ and so now, as well as then, when she had the first happy sight of him, after his rising, which was sent to tell and inform them [Page 13] where they should meet him first: and what odds between seven Churches visited, or sent unto: and Henry the sevenths Chappell, in such a Church: and in the seventeenth hundred yeer of Grace; where the Assembly of Ministers, &c. sitting in that place, dedicated or consecrated to his memory; whose sons Royall Issue so soon reedified or reformed the Church so much gone to decay; renewed in such a short space of Time, The Scriptures buried in another Language, Life not only infused into them; but sent forth as far West, as even East in former dayes.
And now in the West, to us since this thing to be revealled, (the Misterie of the Lord of Sabbaths Coming) wherefore to Westminster, Not directed too: where the Kingdoms Great Counsell meeting shewed there where they shall meet Him coming in the Clouds.
And of late the Red Rose and the White also, By the scriptures that were delivered out of thraldom, how soon reconciled, being disunited before: The Bread and Cup in the Lords Supper reunited, having been judgled away By the old Serpents policie, becavse bidden to divide it, The Cup amongst them, as other allowance have none for it. So begins with the one first, intending not to forbear [Page 14] the other long: Eves Daughters moved for their sake, layes hold of the fruitfull Uine, whose Embleme, those Branches to keep within their own walls: or because the Spirit first moved upon the waters, And he in hold now himself the very Antichristian▪ Serpent, by whose crooked unluckey, hands kindled this Kingdoms cruell Combustion again: shewed how Gods word first, even that burnt by him, together with the revealed last coming: the Handwriting applied to this Nation, being Sealed therewith, that Seal Manual. To Belshazzar that was sent heretofore. And now whether his Kingdoms: He which was so much incensed hereat, be Divided and Numbred, or he absent and found wanting, or this be proued a false alarme sent to him, who tatken With Belshazers loosenesse, the occasion of this befalne him: as for more proof of it, Moreover, &c.
Moreover of the Holy Oracle, that Handwrighting reinterpreted by her for an express signe, Which in the yeer 1633 was to the Elector Palsegrave Dedicated upon the letters of his naue The palme of the Hand, [Page 15] &c. Charles Be: for Belshazer: bidden beware the Hands of the Medesis: and he being after so imprisoned in France. With the premises referred to the worlds judgement: What mould Pharaohs heart made of, whether the Handwriting hath not been fullfilled and double, Brittains Blowe.
And as of late came to passe these: So let his repentance come to late, when praying it were to do again, give him for his doings, of that Sop his belly full, till his Bowels gush out with that arch Traytor, his fellow Iudas, l et the Executioner be without his fees no longer: his Gown and Girdle, Win it and wear it, who hath drawn this Curse upon us: and for whose cause (with those companions of his) these fleeing the very place where they sat: here repair to the Second House for this Licence for the Lambe and the Bride, She having made her self ready, like Ioseph and Mary, but betroathed as yet, this pair: So the other House of Parliament: Our Saviours second Coming assigned to them, to give Order for this his Licence, In due consideration of a Sihne, or the twelve Signes given rather for a token, as not unknown [Page 16] to both houses, &c. Which was delivered to their Speaker (taken out of the Revelation, Chap. 12.) And there appeared a great signe in Heaven: a woman Clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet: And upon her head a Crown of twelve Stars. Interpreted this way: The Celestiall Woman clothed with the Sun, to wit, the Suns entring in Virgo, the bowels and belly: Shewing the time of the Churches great deliverance, about Michaelmas to give her enemies for ever the overthrowe: as signified by Michaels victory and the Dragons fall, and which piece of Scripture thus expounded, be presented to them in the moneth of August. Not unlike that of Ionas in the Whales belly, that signe of the Resurrection then as this now of the generall time at hand.
And thus his Eexcellencie here, the Generall for the House of Parliamets defence, as that Archangel signifying Ezcellent to omong the Angels, and by War in heaven. The Division of tha high Cout set forth vvhere Saint Iohn ascends a degre higher then the Prophet Daniel speaking likevvise of the troubled time of the end: Thus, And they that turn many to Righteousnesse shall shine as the Stars in the Firmament, the Parliaments signification, [Page 17] The Firmament firm for ever: as much to say, To sit there fixt, &c. as they, Daniel and Iohn, joyned in Commission for these dayes.
And so the day of Judgements Epitomy, This Battell here in heaven amongst us here before his coming, that testifies he rewards every one according to his work; as they have done by others, even served with the same themselves; Their toes pared too, taken lower.
And shall our loins be girt, and lights burning to prevent bodily danger, so much preparation: And shall all be in such security, when that dreadfull time, and no signe at all then on the posts of our doors: But the destroyer coming into houses of his servants also: When as the Devils storming, because he knows he hath but a short time, shews expresly the time is to be foreknown.
And the Nations angry for that time of wrath come; The time of the dead to be judged, (Rev. 11) shews the Churches Intelligence aforehand of that time; far be it from us to be like the deaf Adder; That because once accursed for harkning when forbidden. Therefore to forbear, charm the Word of God never so strongly and sweet; like the blinde Jews under colour of shunning [Page 18] Idolatry, and the like, that fell to be such Blasphemers of God.
Preaching ye have alway, and may hear them when ye please, and their large Dedicatories and Volumns may License them daily: But the little Book, The Spirit of Prophesie, Not alway that.
And lastly, here for testifying the burthen of the Word of the Lord revealed to her, by so many voices with one consent, shewed as follows, touching this Firstling the Word of God, where and when the same came to her: In the first yeer of his Raign, when His first Parliament called at Oxford. Whether he now returnd; a great voice from Heaven then, speaking to her, revealing in what yeer the day of Judgement; and so at what time of the yeer, or how long that time; she the Daughter of the first Peer or Baron, her first Husband the Kings first Sergeant, &c.
And in Berkshire, the first of Shires at her house at Englefield, about the end of July; which moneth, nam [...]d after the first Emperour, heard the voice of God there.
And for publishing the same, from thence went immediatly to Oxford, that first University; To the Parliament then delivering the tydings of the end revealed, &c. in a Writing given to the prime [Page 19] Bishop Abots; which being printed, was afterward burnt by his Successour in his first yeer, 1633. whose Passe given him before, &c. and with this Signe annext to it, That the great Plague presently should cease, which came but to its height the next Week after.
And so came to passe, after that Weeks great Bill, which amounted to Five thousand six hundred or neer, being the first Week of August, 1625. as it were the Worlds age, The mysticall Weeks reckoning.
And then so suddenly vanished, that before a Moneths end, or thereabout, scarse any token or appearance thereof, the City so long shut up, open again in a manner cleer.
Thus from that presaging place or Name of Englands bloody Field: Englefield neer Reading-Town, where the Term kept, that remarkable yeer, for so many Examples of Extraordinaries produced.
[Page 20] ANd now where the day of Judgement, the great Day of Battels approach (as hath hin declared) was proclaimed, &c. There in those two very Shires, of Berkshire or Birchshire) and in Oxfordshire. What we have not so much as heard the half of, others have by wofull experience felt the waight of it. Where two such Bodies of Armies so large, Whose last Blow, after that cruell Fight, was within a bowe-shot of the afore-said House of Englefield: at Theill village: and these belonging to this place of Scripture, wherefore worthy or notice, Luke the 17. Where Lord shall thy Coming be revealed:) when replyed, Where the bodie is the Eagles will resort. As Gods Word without a high and heavy hand never digested, or obtaining passage, but like the Passeover, ever eaten with bitter Herbes, That Fast of the Lambe.
The Raven is sent forth before the Dove, likewise before him: That same that had his raiment of Camels hair, girt with a Letherne girdle coming before him, in whose Coat, not so much as a seam. And Here the still, or sost voice sent with everlasting peace, the last, before the good time bring the trve Olive Leaf.