Malac: 3 Behold I will send my messenger, &c.

Printed in the Yeare, 1644.

A GENERALL PARDON for Reprobate Rebels, all of them: Their restitution, as authoriz'd & affirm'd;

Math.18. ELIAS truly shall first come and restore all things.’

ANd before the great and dreadfull day of the Lords comming: VVhen sent that Prophet which for a signe of it, foreshewing what Plagues with; He will smite them, and truly ne­ver greater knowne, then at this very [Page 4] time: So take this into consideration, as probable as other things, before they come to passe; For Mercy, and Judge­ments going together, in these last dayes reveal'd.

The time being come of the end then and no more occasion to continue threatning any longer, and terrifyings against wickednesse amongst VS here raignning, with that prohibited old proverbe out of date: The fathers have eaten sower grapes, and the childrens teeth set an edge. Shall cansell that oppinion of old, of Hell to be a place or prison without redemption, as it stands not intruth well with Equitie, where mercy is so unmeasurable for the offence of our first deceived parents; Who knew not what they did: That for their cause, so many without compassion, and com­misseration, [Page 5] utterly should be undon & cast away, whereas SODOM for so few, their sakes had beene spair'd when prest, shall not the Judge of all the world doe right?

But, for this redemption of theirs; however seeming a thing of impossibi­litie: Yet nothing unpossible with GOD, or too hard for him in his time.

Take, and receive these misticall words to your comfort all of you: say­ing; Whosoever shall speake a word against the sonne of man, it shall be forgiven: But blaspheming against the Holy-Ghost, nei­ther in this world, nor the world to come shall be forgiven.

But shall be in danger of eternall Hell­fire: To wit, though punishment in­evitable, yet the perpetuitie in suspence; [Page 6] as by the word DANGER, given to understand.

And furthermore, as given under the same hand for their release or new pardon sea [...]'d here with this saying also. Yee have heard it said of old time, Whosoe­ver shall kill, shall be in danger of a judge­ment. But I say unto you, whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause, shall be in danger of a judgement: And whosoever shall say to his brother Racha, shall be in danger of a counsell. And who­soever shall say Foole, shall be in danger of Hell fire. Whereby as here possible sometimes for old sayings to be disa­nul'd and revok'd, so the day of judge­ments very case, how reviled and mena­ced the tidings, with a great councell or high court, faireing both alike, fore­shewed [Page 7] likewise reproachfully stiled by their Enemies, in this most strick and se­vere Sermon, handled, or set forth upon the Mountaine, &c. concluded with mercy being shewed; Neverthelesse, appointed for Reprobates, and Rebells both.

Etsi salutaveritis fratres vestros tan­tum quid amplius facitis & ethnici hoc faciunt, &c. Even their charge, as by the misticall name Racha exprest, how brethren missecalling one another, as it were high treason, and blasphemy no lesse.

And here beati pauperes, beati mites, &c. with GOD in such esteeme, the dispised by the world, and they on the other side receiving their consolation here, such an impossibilitie for them to escape torment, as for an Elephant, or Ca­mell, [Page 8] to goe through the Eye of an needle: Then the least of his words, not lightly to be set by so needfull, where such may be proud, to be the least in that Kingdome or Court, any doore keeper or the like: VVhose word gives light in this darknesse, for that gulfe be­tween US and them, to be a passage to Life through those straits, &c. As hee able to bind and loose, and so with Paul able to say; Sirs, be of good cheere, for GOD is as good ever as His word, yee are but in jeopardie of eternall Hell­fire.

And thus as no light in many dayes apppeared, then in his dangerous voy­age and sayling slowly, even like those pri­soners, though in so much danger, yet escaped drownding and killing, both [Page 16] ( Acts) so in that hopelesse estate of theirs whose Anchors as it were cut off, for that capitall offence, the sin against the Holy Ghost, tis possible with GOD to pardon it, to release them of those chains seeming endlesse.

So againe, this for another, Verily I say unto thee, thou shalt by no meanes come forth thence untill paid the uttermost farthing. The veritie of which place of Scripture: So wrested for Purgatory, those fictions founded or laid thereon overthrowing that principle. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods e­lect? Therefore no other way but this to overthrow that; as in truth concerning utter darkenesse intended the utmost mite paid to be there: and not extended in that grosse manner, for [Page 10] these soules justified by GOD: To make Marchandise of them, cryed up and down, and sold as Romes Kitchin-stuffe, &c.

And thus farre for clearring that mistake of utter darknesse, taken for that third place. So here shall not passe over, his being taken up into the third hea­ven: there heareing things not lawfull to be utterd, that Apostle made of GODS counsell. Beside the Resurrections mistery shewed him, even this very Thing, heard the same, as most probable of Reprobation and Election. The dispute whereof prohibited: VVith what art thou O man, made of clay, to question thy Maker, Quid me fecistisic? And so a thing of too high a Nature then to be [Page 11] publish'd, reserv'd for the worlds last time: And th [...]n as dust thou art, and to dust disolv'd; Likewise all reduced to their first estate, as all things very good in the beginning, therefore returne and live, &c. and in a day the world made, no more times without their determined Bounds and precincts, all things at once manifested, neither the very Disciples forbears to satisfie them in some cases. Saying, He had many things to say unto them, which they could not beare at that time: That in his Fathers House were many Mansions, (to witt) privie Chambers and Closits, and the like, how officious so ever they were to be infor­med, as that for one. VVhen the time of restoreing againe the Kingdome to Isarell, Acts 1 Chap.

[Page 12]And although their last suite yet put backe as it were with these, Yee know not of what spirit yee be, In taking E­LIAS office upon you: Or tis not for you to know times and seasons which the father hath put in his own power. But the power of the Holy Ghost shall come upon you. Linguae tanquam ignis, super sin­gulos, &c.

And againe requested another time to know what should be the signe of his second comming, were put off with those unwellcome tokens, &c. bid­den to watch, because the day and houre unknown, a reserved point; and yet nothing cover'd, which shall not be reveal'd, as much to say, the Apocalyps or Revelation, that sevenfold sealed Booke which no man could so much as [Page 13] looke upon, &c. And his sealed Com­mission he bidden goe thy way Daniel for the words till the end are closed up, &c. even how long twas to end, which he longed so to understand.

And so still prest, Lord are there many that shall be saved; are commanded to strive themselves to enter at the straite gate, sent as it were to Noahs Cabin doore; when saved those few soules, a cold comfort, had it not included the mistery of Noahs time, the Gospells progresse paraleld by those dayes before the flood shortned also or cut off, came short of 2000. yeares, &c.

And thus for those hungry soules, craving the least crumbe or drop of mercy falling from our table, have ga­thered up these multiplied fragments [Page 14] for them, whose multitude as the sand of the sea: GOG and MAGOG, shewing His unlimitted plentifull Re­demption.

And in no wise, So much as a tittle of these blessed words to be lost, or cast away, &c. Blessed is he that hath his part in the first Resurrection, for on such the second death hath no power. Inferring for all such having bin partakers of the se­cond death, to have a second resurre­ction: Therfore return and live, for as I live I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, saith the Lord: Ezekiel, &c. for all soules are mine, &c. So Satans being bound a Thousand yeeres, even seales a finite or fixt time, including beside Hell in the last dayes, (as it were) bro­ken loose, also the generall delivery or loosing of the damned at last.

[Page 15]For above reach, as his Mercy ex­ceeds in height, so his Judgements in depth, difficult to search into them. Let this suffice therefore, from Lazarus finger so much, though much more the Scrip­ture affords, for Ishmaels comfort & his brethren, of the Concubine: and thus as when God opened her eies and she saw a spring, Gen. &c. The free womans sonne being none of them, stands in no need of the water of life with them.

But these their portion falne from the table of Abraham, Isaac, and Ja­cob, sitting in the Kingdome of Heaven, reserv'd for those very Hell-hounds of Cerberus; rathter then Abrahams seed: Although calls Him, Sonne; remember that THOU in thy Life time, &c.

And here one drop more, falne from [Page 8] that Sopp given Him, that Arch­Blood-Sucker Judas, though speaking on this wise, Good had it been for that had he never been borne. Yet HEE ha­ving a being before his birth, is not depri­v'd of that estate, though borne Ne­ver. Therefore not disinherited utterly but in state of Salvation, neverthelesse at last, for whose too late Repentance, Hell of old prepared for Him, where a Million of times Not too many for such, &c.

And thus much for them, whose dole­full language of desperation, that good man whose name was Iob, seemes to borrow and restor'd also: Saying, Shall we receive good from the hand of the Lord, and shall we not receive evill? Borne un­der the same planit, as it were with them [Page 01] or very sencible of their estate, powrs forth like ample, execrations upon the day and houre of his Nativitie, that disinale day, all the maledictions under the Sunne imposed thereon, like the day of Judgement, sentenced to such utter darknesse: testifies, though he knowes his Redeemer livs; and saying: Therefore have I utter'd that which I understand not, Things too wonderfull for me, which I knew not. (Job 42.) And Nebuchadne­zar his excellent Maiestie? That after so many times gon over him, was resto­red, come to be himselfe in the end, as he had come out of Hell in their slavish Condition, and as the day of Judgements Alarme hadbeene affrighted so, that was driven away, &c.

And thus his wayes equale, as this [...] [Page 8] [...] [Page 01] [Page 18] most proper to be done by that Sex: a VVoman being the occasion of the worlds woe and undoeing: Therefore this PLAJSTER or PARDON by a Womans hand; shewing after con­digne punishment, the reward of sin, He the propitiation of the whole world, and not the Elects only, saying: Father forgive them they know not what they doe, as pro­clamed on the crosse, that last Petition or prayer of his. And if they forgiven, the Actors and Authors, of that most horrid crime, and abominable blasphe­my, of all others that could plead igno­rance least: His Brethren the Iewes for so many good turnes, such ungratfullnessere turning, doubtlesse others of seventy times seven forgivenesse better worthy, then they of seven times.

[Page 19]But the light, an evill sight overcom­ming: so he their stumbling Blocke became a rocke of offence: Thus stocke blinde, and stuborne harted the world by Nature: though that day as amazed or ashamed, borrows the nights vayle, and departed Ghosts restlesse; Leaveing their graves below, and comming forth, yet know not what they have done to this day: When Cains murthering his only brother, and Ishmaels deridings and the like; But as a gnate to a Camel or Ele­phant: And like a graine of mustardseed with a Mountaine weigh'd; or to be compar'd.

VVhose figure or prototype ac­cursed Caine sent forth, banished from the presence of GOD saying, his punishment was greater then could be borne, like these

[Page 11]Vagabone fugitive people ever since, Having circumcisions marke. And thus their Pardon folded up first in HIS: That by the LORD had a Marke set upon him also:

And so farre for Marks of a Future forgivenesse, for the whole VVorld, &c. from Adam to the VVorlds end: Even as that Salutation, peace and good will towards men proclaim'd at His first Coming or Arrivall: so a Larges before his second Coming, for such in utter Darknesse, setting in the shadow of E­ternall perdition, for their enlarge­ment at Last, &c.

And Eloi Eloi, as one forsaken &c. not without a twofold signification truly (to wit) Yee shall not see me till yee say, Blessed is he that coms in the Name [Page 15] of the Lord, the name of Elias being not farre from Eli or Lord, as they came very neer it: Saying, Let us see it Elias will come, &c. In whose likenesse or for­lorne estate: of a truth, Lazarus set forth how it fares with the Prophets. John for example put in prison; and others, &c.

And for the gulfe, as in truth signifying a space of time, betweene our Resurection & theirs, so that even the water of life begg'd but to coole his scorched tongue: And thus that Pro­phet, the Lords second messenger, stiled by his name (Elias,) because before the change, not tasting death, but taken up alive, like him the resurections figure: and with Elijah going on saying: As thy soule lives, I will not leave thee, here posting away briefly shewing his pro­gresse: [Page 22] The Prince of life shal relate some­what of his sermon bestowed upon those diso­bedient spirits, imprison'd sometimes in Noahs daies (Peter. 3. chap.) Who cer­tainly wold not have afforded them the high favour of his presence: Had he intended to cast them away utterly, as she told her husband. If the Lord had meant or been pleased to kill us, He would not have she'wd us all these things, Judg. &c.

Thus he the Iudge of quicke and dead, declaring the vayle, &c. not ta­king away of their attonement: then was clothed in a cloude, as this likenesse in most probable did appeare: ( Revel. 10.) Crown'd with the Raine Bow, his Feet as pillars of fire, a little booke in His hand open, the Gospell all fulfilled &c. [Page 23] By whose posture or standing, setting HIS right Foote on the Water, the left on the land: giveing to understand the Gospels pilgrimage, or preaching how long to continue by Sea and Land, be­fore published through the VVorld, and before the flood That time, as a­fore shewed, so the worlds last Age paced forth thereby. The Arke Baptismes figure, when a few saved; wherefore said: So shall the Comming of the sonne of man, be as the dayes of Noah also: According to that paterne, which dayes comming short of two thousand yeares, likewise this assured to be shortned; And therefore no mar­vell Since amongst us such VVatch kept by all. The LORD having watched over US, to bring this evill upon US, even at their wits end: [Page 14] which remember not the end, nor re­gard at all His tokens.

And so decending amongst them those disobedient, &c Haveing in his hand Gods word, as much to say: I am the word of God: Alpha and Omega. And without the word made nothing that was made according to all Equitie, have made good all faylings, to witt, upon his own innocent person, hath taken the faults of all the world, as none but one good: And thus like them: stunge by firy Serpents, by the signe of the Ser­pent were cured and healed: Againe. Our first parent not being letted or hin­dred of the tree of Knowledge, because so requisit to let them know them­selves, though Satan never the more to be excused in the discovery of their na­ked estate.

[Page 25]And so these words at Last, &c. father forgive them &c. Though ex­prest in the voice of that Time present, yet extends to pardoning of all Adams proginie: VVhose ignorance or Errour not imputed to the utter ruine of the whole World.

And as that Apostle heard Things unutterable: Also in this of theirs, (a Thing as difficult to expresse it: viz. Their release, Pardon'd after their be­ing punish'd so:) in respect of the word, Eve lasting and Perpetuall; an ordinary word indeed, as in the Ceri­moniall LAW: those call'd perpetuall Statutes afterward abolished. And so all fulfilled &c.

And thus like that Cloudy robe; these [Page 26] in a Mistery folded up, opened here, or disclosed: Their future estate of Blisse, and Restitution, a Thousand times happie in the End, that shall see GOD; Though a thousand Yeeres, or Times: pu­nishment to indure, in that hot BATH or BOYLING Lake for the purg­ing of their boyles and soares to be clean­sed of them, as Origin that Father part­ly his Opinion, cast out of the Chur­ches favour for his paines, by whom Originall sinnes purgation held by this way expiated, &c.

And Purgatory having thus un­dermined: Yet rests another wall be­tween US and THEM; as requi­sit to be cast down, and one figurative speech opening another: Her's one re­serv'd for ELIAS comming: As [Page 27] bold as a LYON, His riddle: Out of the Eater, came forth MEATE: And out of the Strong, came forth Sweet­nesse: Signifying even the Ovens­mouth: And the Barrell or Butt, its Ribbs or Belly, &c. The bread and wine in the Sacrament, viz: And thus Samson eate of the same spirituall meate, and dranke of the same spirituall drinke.

And also of this Ambiguous word (till) a VVord of it for example, in Matth. the first, not without some reserv'd meaning: knowne to the Holy Ghost by whom SHE conceived, since HEE without doubt did never know Her: Although shewed, HEE knew Her Not, till she had brought forth Her first borne Sonne:

And so againe, in a double sence contrary to the former: Goe thy way [Page 28] DANIEL, for the words are closed up, till the time of the end; where though it rests doubtfull before the end, whe­ther disclosed at all, those words: yet ther's hope left, &c.

Nor stands for a Cypher here either: And his Lord delivered him to the Tor­mentors, till paid all was due, &c. That is to say: till the utmost minuite there, that Mite of time expired, due to Sinne.

Hereupon the Apostles not in vain saying, Lord increase our FAITH: As some new Article were added to their Beleife (Luke 17.) upon that &c. I say unto Thee, Not untill seven times: But untill seventy times seven times: And what yee binde and loose on earth, shall bee bound and loosed in Heaven, &c.

Spoken not to Peter: By him ha­ving the keyes of Death and Hell: For [Page 29] such intent, for this prerogative of His to be wrested: That Legions such of Pardons should bee bought up, as fold by His Successors; able quench at their pleasure that Fire: As many possest with a beliefe thereof, for those keyes of supposed purgatory resting in their pow­er or Custodie.

In truth whereas intended by the Holy Ghost to concerne the Commission of Apostles and Prophets, those words of such Extent and Latitude, the Holy Ghosts meaning being able to explaine it, sent Therefore. Peter 1. And hope to the End, for the Grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

By the Lady ELEANOR:

ANd so to make toward the shore (or end this) these broken peeces offe­red or imparted here, taken out of the flowing Scripture: As when all hope that they should be saved was taken away: Yet in Romes dangerous voyage escaped all, Acts, &c. So making no doubt when in such a fearfull estate so many, but these hopfull WORDES will be no lesse embraced by them whose part in Etnas unquenchable Gulfe so deepe were, although the fire everlast­ing and eternall, And where the never dying VVorme and the like: Never­thelesse implies or proves not their pains to be of like nature, and that God is implacable or not to be intreated, which God forbid.

[Page 31]NOw a larger PARDON: so who can wish, or imagin to make then These? Who so speakes a VVord against the Sonne of man, &c. ALL Blasphemies and Sinnes soever forgiven the Sons of men: Math. 12. Mark. Luke: no doubt able upon true repen­tance made in ashes, mingled with teares: ( That precious gift) for to remit, &c:

And one of the second Table, that Commandement Thou shalt not kill: like as it refined and alter'd: ( Math:) Even he the Law-Maker and fulfil­ler both; what fine soever, or pain impo­sed by old daies but in terror: In former Ages he likewise able, as the second death, That also to change & abate it.

And Nothing then impossible with Him, although in the highest degree; The unspeakable offence against the Holy [Page 32] Ghost, though Left without forme (as it were) and voyde: The pardoning of it yet, verily a Thing not only possi­ble (as appeares) by these words of his added to the former; But shall bee of Eternall damnation in danger: BVT VERY CERTAINE, for Reprobates after due punishment, un­dergon to be released from utterdark­nesse, and pardon all at the Last: since as much given from his mouth, That made every thing so very good in the begin­ning. The least tittle of whose words and sayings Not in vaine, Then dan­gerous not a little, to make Them utterly voyde, as to miscall what GOD hath cleansed out of a dangerousnesse and Nicenesse, to make it a common thing abstaining from it, alike to disalow what the Holy Ghost hath Cleer'd and Licensed.

[Page 33]And now lawfull, that which with­out Blasphemy heretofore, could not be disputed, to wit in iudging of GODS waies, whether equall or no, since the wic­ked ( Adams Children for His diso­bedience:) not left in Hell, but in state of Redemption, as without doubt also: That of the two debtors reflects on all, both frankly forgiven.

Although instanced in ADAM and EVES case those two, &c. VVhen he that charge forgetting himselfe so mu [...], so mildly Him reproved, who as one beholding to none or, no Physition needed, and being displeased for her Re­paire to the House, therefore was bid­den to goe in peace.

Delivered that was at once of so many spirits or DIVELS, that disposessed Wo­man whereby forbids any to murmur [Page 34] and grudge at his goodnesse, HEE gi­ving to the first and last both, Even for­givenesse: So take heed least HEE have somewhat to say unto Thee also: Or should but say, take what thine is, and goe thy way, &c. An non licet mihi? &c. Mat. 20. 15.

NOVV here with this not un­lawfull Newes and Tydings, a degree above their purgatory Pardon: Being not ignorant of old Distinctions, be­tween the Sufficient and Efficient cause, as all constran'd to confesse for the whole worlds sin his suffering alsuffici­ent, whose Soule tasted of very Hell.

Though no corruption saw, Nor of that difference, either unwitting be­tween the cause and the occasion, Nor how straitly Schoole-men beseiged un­willing to yeeld originall sin the only [Page 35] and sole cause of reprobation. And yet if granted ESAU rejected because of some particular or Actuall sin or e­vill foreseen in him: Consequently the others ELECTION from somewhat which GOD foresaw to bee good, &c.

Even so to him who overcomes when he is Iudged, and nothing with him impossible, be ascribed all possi­ble Praise and Thanksgiving, whose Iudgements ( Rom. 11.) unsearchable and VVay past finding out, so even increase our FAITH LORD.

Charitas non ae mulatur; omnia credit.


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