THE Gatehouse Salutation From the Lady ELEANOR.

Revelat. cap. 4.

Serving for Westminsters Cathedral, their old Service.

And Courts of Westminster, those Elders sitting, &c.

February, 1646.

Printed in the Year 1646.

Revel. cap. 4. ‘Post haec vidi, & ecce ostium apertum in Coelo, &c.’


Holy Ghost first knocks, so high extold,
shews the end come, by New writ witnessed and Old;
in whose Kalender the time set out,
a week expired of Centuries there­about:
VVhen as Twenty four from Normand Race sprung,
cast their Crowns down,
Times hour­glasse (as 'twere) run.
So opend the aforesaid gate or door,
what winged Beasts be those four,
what restlesse eyes those day and [Page 4]night;
The first ruff a Lyon like:
The other smooth as a Calfs skin soft:
The fourth an Eagle flying aloft:
Midst them one visag'd as a MAN,
which knot unloose he who can:
what eyes these before and behinde,
Holy, Holy, &c. all of one minde;
Which was, which is, which is to come,
say, Glory to Father, Spirit, Son.
Inthroned, powther'd within whose Robe,
in right hand whose the Starry Globe,
the likenesse of the Iudgment Day,
as Resurrection robes display.
‘Benedicite omnia opera.’

The four Beasts, &c.

Bethlems Manger sometime the Throne,
as its describ'd, where she did grone;
a Feather-bed cald otherwise,
some Dormix curtains wrought with [Page 5]eyes;
their work both sides alike doth shew,
full of holes, besides all eaten so;
A Rug and Blankets thereon laid,
a woful prisoner, the aforesaid,
whose companions tedious hours,
no better Church then prisoners towers:
As Elders white arrayed so shine,
Four and twenty first crownd of time:
Seasons four, also with Feast days,
crowns resign; aloud him praise,
all proclaiming Eternity,
away with ty­rant Time they cry.
All Blessing, Power, Honor, say,
him dedicate a third day;
worship no Throne but his alone,
besides whom King nor Priests is none:
Like as with twain that covered their face,
other twain with flying apace,
their feet covered also with twain,
Time past, present, and futures reign.
So Tabernacles three let us make,
one for Moses, Christs, and Elias sake;
as for those that adore the Beast,
no Sabbath have, day nor nights rest.
Lo Moonday she coelestial virgin Bride,
as Behold, J make all things new, Gates wide,
new Earth, &c. Je­rusalems peaceable rest,
Spouse of the Sun, our splendant new Moons feast,
Monethly, as the golden Tree of life
like renders its fruit, no more pain, prison, strife:
As spar'd a million of Belial Sons,
better then touch one of those sacred ones:
O kisse this pre­cious Altar Coal,
purges division, makes ye whole.
Away with former fashions old and past:
New Lights appear, new Song record at last;
he that is other­wise [Page] [Page 7]at his peril,
as he that righteous is, be he so still.
So Gates and Prison Doors be no more shut,
The King of Glory comes, your souls lift up.

To the Tune of Magnificat.


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