Ezekiel, Cap. 2.

WHereas this Vision, stiled The appearance of the likenes of the glory of the Lord: whereby as appears then a warning-piece of great Baby­lons preparation, reports some grea­ter judgement of more moment or importance then their Captivity: above all his fellow brethren the Pro­phets, though then others he no more timorous; neverthelesse by such seve­ral admonitions given him, doubtless intendeth (no other, or no lesse) then captivity lead captive, attended with innumerable chariots: The Lord of Hosts marching on the wing'd winds, [Page]much rather then the King of Assyria his Army: The great days Alarm sufficiently visible.

And so of these vigilant living creatures in this Vision, This watch­mans Looking-glass, the first visag'd like a Man looking upward, another a Lyons voice, the third the laborious Ox, the fourth for speed to an Eagles swiftness likened; whose faces every way besides full of eyes before and behinde, other motion none but straight forward, requisite; in Pro­phets those watchmen or seers espe­cially, who bend their course that way, the future the mark they shoot at: And having had such a full view of this glorious Vision, every one so many faces, fell on his face, by a voice commanded, Stand upon thy feet (to [Page 3]wit) I am the Resurrections voice, unlike that of the tempter, If thou be the Son of God, cast thy self down: And where the Devil threw him down, when the evil spirit cast out, thus stood up instantly, gives him withall to understand (Verse) I or­dain thee one of the order of Pro­phets, my Spirit I have appointed to to enter into thee, and Jure Divino, no lesse, at all points armd with his commission, he with a writ of Re­bellion to serve them, saith, I send thee to a rebellious Nation, Cap. 2. that have rebelled against me: And they, whe­ther they will hear or forbear, who stop the ear like the deaf Adar, I send thee unto them, say thou thus, Thus saith the Lord, whether they hearken or refrain, chuse them, for they a rebellious house, yet [Page 4]shall they know there hath been a Pro­phet amongst them, verse 5. And thou, be not daunted or dismaid howsoever they look, of their looks be not a­fraid, though they a rebellious house, leave that to him, the Holy Ghost who will not be so answered, pro­testing though Noah, Daniel and Job were present, they should but save themselves.

And line upon line, even the Lords own words again and again expresly, what can be said more plain; then thou shalt speak these my words unto them notwithstanding as aforesaid, whether they will hear or forbear, for they are most rebellious: But thou, hear what J say, Be not re­bellious like that rebellious house, weigh not their favor nor frowns, let them [Page 5]know they have been visited, give them warning howsoever, Open thy mouth, eat what J give thee; stand­ing on thy feet receive it, the Resur­rection tidings, and as expresly com­manded, so to a tittle observed; of which Angelical food, the Evange­list John communicated even the little Book opened, &c. where heard such a noise of Trumpets, an Angel the cryer, stood roaring like a Lyon, so many Thunders uttering their voices, as Drums, a Cryers voice too, he in the Isle of Patmos, in that Desart, crying, He that hath an Ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches, Rev. cap. 2. &c. be­sides, Fighting against the Holy Spirit; forewarning all to beware, proclaims the Iudge of quick and dead his co­ming; [Page 6]and both of these agreeing thus in the sad condition of the time, as it were, not to be awakened, bidden in another place, Son of man, sigh with breaking of thy loins, smite thy hands, &c. an end, the end is come upon the four corners of the earth (or land, as signifies both) now the end; an e­vil, an only evil, behold is come: Thus saith the Lord, Cap. 7. An end is come, it watcheth for thee, behold it is come, as it were, all is accomplished, the day of Iudgements forerunner is come, smothered although by our Over­seers, fast asleep for all, as in this Ci­ty of late, some sleepers (characters of the cariage of the time) women, never the like, awakened not not by the pains of their travel, but as faln asleep many days before, so con­tinued [Page 7]stil sleeping, whilest in the bed the Babe choked, &c. Another whose Arm lay broyling on the fire (lately gone into the Hospital) she in the mean while asleep.

Furthermore for whose commission before this Prophets being dismissed, thus much without aggravation or augmentation he, unto such an unexpected Banquet invited, being not sent fasting away, of Lamenta­tions, Mourning and VVoe spread before him.

Cap. 3.

Moreover saying, having caused him to eat, bidden freely to fill him­self, &c. J send thee not to the Cotages unto Day-laborers, those of a rude [Page 8]speech, them of thick or great lips; surely had J sent thee unto them they would have hearkned unto thee, and have answered.

And with motives and admoni­tions such, this Messenger of his prepared; and this no news, of a Prophet to be least honored where best known; for the most part there dishonored most: Even these the Lords gracious warning, his words expresly shall go on with them.

Saying, Go, get thee to the house, speak with my words unto them: who hardly will hearken to thee, receive thy testimony, whom neither pestilence, the like unheard of; the sword, Bro­ther against Brother, Children a­gainst their Father; Famine, evil Spi­rits grown familiar acquaintance, as [Page 9]though Satan now faln from Hea­ven: And thus mixt new and old like a Scribe in both instructed, &c. proceeding with the Commis­sion saying farther, for as steel they be of a stiff forehead; But thy face I have made strong against their faces, and thy forehead a­gainst their foreheads, as an Ada­mant.

Harder then flint, embrace or salute them not; shake off the dust of their houses, go not amongst them, who say in their hearts, He delays his coming, or, We will not have this man to reign over us; as though of some other nation, we know not what he says, moreover Bring them forth, and slay them before me, as appears by that Prophetical Pa­rable, [Page 10]when as supposed the King­dom of God immediately to appear, as it were, even, Mine eye shall not pity them, though they cry aloud, I will not hear them &c.

And therefore that will by no means incline or hearken to thee, with none of them communicate, for all their looks, see thou be not weak or daunted, though they a re­bellious house, verse 9. receive and take it into thine heart, and hear it with thine ears, For all my words shalt thou speak unto them, &c. Look, see thou forbear them not, having a watchmans care, speak unto them and tell them, Thus saith the Lord &c. ( ver. 11.)

Verse, who then taken up in the Spirit, shews how he heard behind [Page 11]him from its motion, a voice of a great rushing, to remember him; again another warning, as a clock its Alarm before it strikes (cap. 1.) likened to the voice or speech of an Host, those Alarms, or unto the noise of great waters their rush­ing, and the like; as compared to the Almighty voice, coming from Heaven: Their wings and wheels one within another, &c. Thus what before he saw, now his ears witnesse bears of it.

Much like as when all they were sitting or assembled, Penticost when fully come, Acts 2. which filled the House where they were, suddenly such a sound, a rushing of a mighty wind from Heaven.

VVhen Elias like also this Pro­phet [Page 12]ascends, lifted up the King of Glory his fiery chariots from above sent down, drawn by the aforesaid living creatures four; swift as the wind, with their two joynd wings on this side, and on that side sparkling, likened to burnished brass, and bur­ning coals of a brightness unspeak­able, yet not flying, but went or ran: even the workmanship of clocks and watches with their christal covers, so dreadfully exprest; besides the shadow on Dials (these the em­blem of Prophets) not to go back­ward in the least degree, all their motion strait forward, who when they went or ran, returned not, al­though in another place shews they returned; a contradiction easily recō ­ciled: from their recoiling likened to [Page 13]the Heavens perpetual motion, in a moment though as a flash of light­ning, retire at the King of Glory his appearance or presence, Verse 17. They return'd not when they went, &c.

And of this sacred essence; each grain or dram requisit to weigh it, annexed to a charge thus given up­on life and death; whether they will, or will not: as afore declared; much more every fathom and quarter, to sound of this deep: a calling to discharge of more con­sequence then his voyages: or any Belman or VVatchman, shewing what hour of the night, and what past: But let that pass, more­over whose charge, thus (verse 12.) where heard that voice Blessed [Page 14]be the glory of the Lord; from this place, to wit, in the Church, suffi­cienty manifest where the Suns Tabernacle, the clock stands, sha­dowed under the Tabernacle, as from the head to the sole of the foot drawn, the Cherubins by wit­nesses appearing more then one, shews they had round feet; accor­ding to the Hebrew; and strait with faces and hands stretched upward, and what living creatures these, not deemed difficult to discren, adding when those went these went, when those stood these stood, plain e­nough to be understood: besides Ringers no strange creatures: these having under their wings the form of a mans hand; informing clocks their plumits and weights drawn up [Page 15]those feet too: together with Rin­gers their posture stretching their loins, standing on their toes, as by the soles of their feet, &c. the length of which easie to be taken, unto calves feet likened, to wit, Neats lea­ther their shooes, or Calves leather, each exprest, as this Prophet por­tray could, we understand.

And so far for Aarons Bells, these their rushing heard into the utter court: Bells a glory, wherein we surpasse other Nations.

Besides this for another, ( cap. 9.) where those six men standing, be­side the brazen Altar: Amongst whom one with a writers inckhorn by his side: among the wheels, the Sexton or Clerk that keeps it in order: He for one withall, & shew­ing, [Page 16]he reported had the matter as he was commanded or ordered to do, in the next place as refers to the Rolls Office, its six Clerks, those reports of theirs by the said Roll or VVrit, that woful lamentation, &c. likewise certifies with the inck­horn, that slaughter weapon too wit) the penknife, to beware of cut­ting mens throats therewith, such doings, &c.

Cap. 10. Thus running over the words of it, from the beginning of the Book to the end, as the Alpha­bet the literal sence, he that runs may read it, hidden although from Rabbies, Fathers & Modern both, taken with that admiration into consideration, giving thanks to his Father, that had made of his great [Page 17]Counsel: He that shuts and no man o­pens; opens and no man shuts: Be­hold the little book seald with the Seven-stars; which book holds in his right hand, no man worthy, or so wise, for all their libraries, so much as to behold the out side of it; they held at such distance, no look­ing within the shadow of those Hi­erglipical Cherubin Curtains, The Spirit and the Brides bed, there­of to touch a loop, so much edge or selvedg, like the scattered bones out of hope, cap. 37. Though here brought bone to bone, as it were, Live O obstruse Oracle; containing the living creatures, namely, The Holy Ghosts Heralds, betokening not only this terrestrial Taberna­cles clothing of rags, covered with [Page 18]vermin for vermillion, celestial forthwith exchanged, with the whole Creations Restitution, figu­red forth; the renewed estate of men and Angels, each in its or­der.

But even engines of VVar, the great dreadful days likeness, as in his hearing ( cap. 10.) O wheel, cried unto, where he between the wheels, the man in linnen, & match made of linnen, pointing there to great Ord­nance, even gives fire to them; be­ware the brass Piece loud enough, cried whose motions strait forward, whether the head looked, mounted on their beril coloured wheels, all put into a colour, compared to the Almighty thundering voice, when he speaks, plainly spoken, what a [Page 19]noise utters when their monstrous shot discharged, compassed with no little smokes and fire, as the appear­ance of the glory of God, &c. their terror represented by the cloud in the day time, and the fiery pillar by night; these living creatures like­wise in the Brazen serpents likeness, when bitten in that maner, whose souls so much loathed the Manna, could not digest such light meat ( Num. 21.)

And how light­ly soever esteemd; nevertheless with the Prophets last instructions, shall proceed to give a taste of it; where shewd him the forefront of the house eastward, all the form of the house charged to observe it; to be brief, Church-Reformation de­monstrates, [Page 20] cap. 40. with its Cham­bers, inner Chambers, and outer Courts, namely, the several Courts of Iustice likewise to be reformed; as by such exact dimensions for a rule given, with the Temple and in­ner Temple, every corner surveyed, as of late disordered Coledges, cal­led Temples in this City, repaired too, set forth in this Map of Isralites days: The holy waters answering thereto, like one deep calling to an­other, tokens of no inferior conse­quence, when at so low an Ebb, issuing from the threshold that be­came an ocean for fishers, exceed­ing many from Eng. to Engl. &c. not to be circumscribed within so narrow limits, reserved to a larger table.

Have only sounded the trumpet, here given the word, O house hear, Thus saith the Lord, &c. for they a Rebellious, &c. for their standing in contempt, served the subpena: Thus hard and slow of hearing, removed the pillow from their elbows: of some passages and tokens, touching the woful present given a touch to call them from the foreruners of his coming, what an over-turning goes before it, whose voice as the sound of many waters, even the floods voice. Noahs days 1700. VVhen as repented him he made man, as in this present century appears, un pa­ralleld for such surpassing sins and judgements.

But going on with the words of his commission to perfect the same. [Page 22] Cap. 3. Verse. 2.6. Thou shalt not go amongst them, &c. for they a Rebel­lious house; a multiplyed phrase after the maner of clerks, in drawing bills or books; the aforesaid as it were, the word book authorised otherwise, called a bill of divorce, as thus stiled the book of Ezekiel the Prophet, signifying both book and bill.

Cap. 12. verse 2. thus inlarged, Thou dwellest in the midst of a Rebel­lious house (Verse 3.) For they a Re­bellious house: though they a Rebellious house, &c. And hath not the Rebel­lious house said unto thee, &c. conclu­ding the matter thus, For in your days, O Rebellious will I say the word, and perform it saith the Lord, Verse 25. Acts 13. Therefore beware, lest that fall upon you: behold ye despisers, and [Page 23]wonder and perish ye, for I do a work in your days, which ye shall not believe, though one declare it unto you.

VVhere last of all, because if the cause should depend beyond what was expected, before ripe for a hear­ing (Thus) a cloud about breadth of a hand appears, Verse 27. Thus saith the Lord, He that heareth, let him hear; and he that forbeareth (to put in his answer) let him forbear: for they, &c. alters both mood and number, hereby shewing what though some be dumb or willful, yet he at least, let him open his mouth, and not with one voice, Shut him out whilest he made stand at the door knocking, ma­king as they asleep were, bears witness, Revelations 22. he that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he that is fil­thy, [Page 24]&c. and come saith the Spirit and the Bride (revealing before the glorious Throne, our appearing im­mediate) and let him without de­lay answer that heareth, and say come, &c.

The Grace of our Lord, &c. Ezek. cap. 3.


Least that come to pass, Friend, how camest thou in hither, not having a Wedding garment? and he was speech­less &c. without his robe of Parlia­ment, without doubt (in adding there­to) many called, but few chosen, an Item to both Houses. Mat. 22.


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