Apocalyps [...]
And they sung a new Song before the Throne, and before the four Beasts and the Elders; ver. 24. And no MAN could learn that Song, but the 144, &c.

Printed in the Year of our Redemption, Decem. 1649.

The Holy Gospel, According to the Evangelist, By the Lady ELEANOR.

EVen the same, that which was from the Beginning, then believed in, magnified unto the end of the world, as until the consummation of the Age (saying) Lo, I am with you, without end whose Kingdom.

How it came to pass shewing, in the first year of his Reign, first of his Name, Charles of Great Britain, in Berks the first of Shires, she then at her House Englefield Manor, of En­glands Realm, Daughter of the first Peer, Anno 25. the Moneth of July in, so call'd after the first Roman Em­peror, he slain, &c.

VVhere the word of the Lord of [Page 4] Hosts, when came to her, the Hea­venly voyce descending, speaking as through a Trumpet of a most clear sound these words: ‘Nineteen years and a half to the Judgement, and you as the meek Virgin.’

Awakened by which alarm early in the morning, whereof thus, signed with Divisions character, the years being divided, this magnified morn­ing Star, story of Jerusalem of the Gentiles, Great Britains blow fore­shewing, Anno 44. accomplished: The same though come to pass, who nevertheles in stead of their acknow­ledged error, like those Priests and Elders, first who setting a Watch, then underhand by such large Doctrine [Page 5] endeavor to stop the peoples mouths, that do as they are taught, promised to be saved harmless, the old Serpents policy, &c. And with this Revolu­tion thus going on, in the first of his Reign, the beginning in of the year, when a Star within the Horns of the New Moon enclosed, of some judge­ment at hand, the ominous Forerun­ner: First, of the VVise-men coming from the East, as follows; whose flight taken westward, through that heavy hand occasioned; the Cities unparalleld Plague, Bills to be Can­celd never, or drowned in forgetful­ness, encreased to no less then weekly Five thousand five hundred and odde, the Age of the world; decreased as suddenly about the midst of Sum­mer: all one as their being fed, that [Page 6] blessing thought upon, when the five thousand men with those loaves five, &c. no more then the fingers of their hand, any matter made of it, so thank­ful: VVhereupon (the aforesaid Visitation) the Term kept at Reding, County of Berks, other Courts at Maidenhead Town, the Parliament posting to Oxford, doing all homage to this New born BABE, ruling with the iron Scepter, them forewarn­ing all in vain, Be wise, O ye Kings, Be learned, ye Iudges; that in such se­curity held themselves then, and so much first for that, and his powerful word displayed, the priority thereof, thou Britain not the least, &c. And of his wrath then kindled, shewed great Blessings and Corrections in­separable companions: VVhere­with [Page 7] proceeding, namely, without it done nothing that was done, its mouth the Oracle, Beginning and Ending of Monarchies, inheritance whose from East to West extends; concerning the aforesaid golden number, Nineteen years and a half, being in a Manu­script inserted, containing Germanies woful Occurrences, and Great Bri­tains both, with what sign confirmed; shewing further thus, who immedi­ately after with her own hand within two days delivered it to the Archbi­shop Abots, he then at Oxford, of U­niversity the first, in presence of no few; with this for a Token given, the plague presently to cease; of whom took her leave, the Bishops Amen whereto went round.

The Bills obeying the same be­fore [Page 8] the Moneth expired of August, witness when scarce deceased One thousand of all Diseases, whereas afore so infectious, five children dying for one aged, next Term supplyed with others fled returned; so that of its late desolation appearance, no more then of Change or Amendment a­mongst them, none at all.

And so pursuing the Prophetical History in the next place, That it might be fulfilled out of the Low Coun­treys, &c. as the Virgin when under­took her voyage, she fleeing for the Babes preservation thither; also con­strained for printing the same, to go into Holland, those plain swathing­bands for wrapping it in, pretending in her husbands behalf the Spaw ob­tained a License, since none for print­ing [Page 9] to be had here, inquisition and hold such, among them imprisoned about it formerly, till afterward all as free, Cum Privilegio out of date be­come.

VVhere thus passing on the mean while ere her return thence, George Archbishop deceased, Anno 33. un­happily whose hands imbrued in in­nocent blood, Archbishop Laud, 19 of Septemb. translated, &c. reigning in his stead, successor of him, in stead of the Stag who shot the Keeper, pre­saging what Murthers him coming after, when as for another her soul pierced in no mean degree, what ho­nor to be a Prophet amongst their own nation and rank; for example as spe­cified on Record: no sooner arrived then apprehended, of her childe ra­vished, [Page 10] a greater then the Parliament, the Word of God: And how recom­penced for their service, referred, &c. where after a Candle being sent for, about the third hour in the After­noon, that with his own hand had burnt it, saying, She hath taken good long time, till 44. for Dooms-day then; My Lords, I hope I have made you a smother of it: in truth his own fatal hour, those years of Nineteen and a half, reaching to his Execution Mo­neth and Year, Anno 44. January, when parted head and body, like that aforesaid divided year, shewed afore sacrificed by his ungracious hand, Author of this Division or Distracti­on, a cup filled to the brim afterward, as that Iudgement day, June Anno forty four compleat: The restrained [Page 11] four Winds, &c. Apoc. 7. signified by them, extending to forty eight, that Blow January also, all standing at the stroke of FOUR; the foursquare City New Ierusalem wherewith a­grees: Micah the Prophet ( cap. 5.) his alarm to awaken the Age, speak­ing no parable, [...] her goods seized on, wherewith given the Oath, such and such ARTICLES for ans­wering to: In which case not much to seek, of Scandalum Magnatum in that kinde, against those little ones, the penalty of it, touched by whomsoever, a milstone a fitter ornament, &c. she not slow in appearing to receive their wilde Sentence; the Dragon of Lam­beth, Laud, his venom discharging last of all, even Anno Etatis 33. mea­sured out by our Lords age, when [Page 12] as brought to his Arraignment by wicked hands, how sacrificed this Testimony of his; a word also as en­sues.

And [...] like measure October 23. she committed close Prisoner, Ex­communicated, Fined to his Maje­sties use Three thousand pounds, and to make publique Recantation at Pauls Cross, as extant on Record, Twelve Hands Signed by; also Edge Hill fight, and the Irish Massacre 23 of October, and Twelve of them at once Voted to Prison, for that Or­der of theirs nothing to stand of force there done without them: His Ma­jesty lastly Fined his three Kingdoms to the use, &c. As for Pauls, a ha­bitation for Owls, those Noats set up, to set forth the residue, where [Page 13] the time would fail how the first Blow at Edge-Hill in Oxfordshire, the second Newbery, fought within a stones cast of her house at Englefield. And thou Bedlam-House, too little the Thousandth part to contain of them distracted since thence her co­ming, well knowing if the Master of the house called Devil, &c. what the Servant to expect; where so much for this time, accompanied with the Universal Tax, no Inferior Rack set upon in these days C. Stu. his Reign, as sometimes in Caes. August. second of that Monarchy, no small oppres­sion, as the lineage of David a witnes of it: closing it with these from her Name, Rachels, signifying a Sheep, rendring Charles his soil for the Gol­den fleece bearing the Bell: so whom [Page 14] he hath joyned of her Lamentation, [...] Jacobs saying, Some evil Beast hath done it, needs not ask Whose Coat party-coloured? also in pieces rent, since our British Union, &c. not without cause weeping, because they are not; and so all doing they know not what, even forgive, &c. And a­gain thus, since Thus it was written, and thus it behoved to suffer, and to rise again.

The New-Years-Gift to all Na­tions and People, Iubile.


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