A SALUTATION OF MY Endeared Love TO THE FAITHFUL In ALL PLACES, That bear their Testimony for the Lord, and keep in the Lowliness to Truth as it is in JESUS.

THe Blessing of the Lord is with you that have given up your all to the Lord as an acceptable Sacrifice; and if you keep to that pure unchangable Power, that gives domi­nion over Sin, the Lords multiplying Hand will attend you, as it did Faithful Abraham, and make you a blessing a­mong the people, and so you will feel the Lord nearer to you then when you first believed, and Truth more pretious to your Souls then ever; for your beloved will be yours, and you will be his; then in the sence of what he hath done for you, you will be willing to endure whatsoever the Lord [Page 2] permits to come upon you for the tryall of your Faith, Know­ing that the tryall of it is more precious then Gold that perisheth; and therefore have we great cause to count it all Joy, that he hath counted us worthy to suffer for his name; for it is those that have fellowship with the Death and Suffer­ings of our Lord Jesus that come through the great Tribula­tions, and are found worthy to walk with him in white, such have Right to eat of the Tree of Life: Therefore, my dear Friends, let us be wholy given up in our Souls and Bodies to serve the Lord Joyfully and willingly; for it is the free-will Offerers that God accepts at this day, as in Antient Time; when the governours and people of Israell Offered themselves willingly, the Lord Accepted of them, and prospered their undertakings, to the Reviving of their hearts, which caused them to prayse the Lord, and Rehearse his Righteous Acts, in the sence of the great deliverance they had Obtained from him alone; and then they also called to mind what great thoughts of heart they were once in forthem that staid behind, &c. who came not forth to the help of the Lord against the wicked; but the Lord had no need of the help of man at that day, to get himself a name above every name, neither hath he in these latter days, yet he delights in such Instruments that stand up Valiently for his holy Name on the earth, and they shall wax Valient with Spiritual weapons; before their faces many shall be much pained, for the Lord will rore out of Sion and utter his Voice from his holy Habitation; and thou Oh Israel that hast been faithful, and kept to thy first Love, shalt have a Habitation in him, the Rock of Ages, and shalt be as a Royal Diadem in the hand of thy God, and he delights to appear for thee and in thee, because thou [Page 3] hast delighted to appear before him, and to wait for him in the way of his Righteous Judgments, and Kept them till they were brought forth into victory; and though thou art very few in number, and least among the Nations, and dare not medle with Carnal Weapons, yet Great will the Holy one of Israel be in the midst of thee when he marcheth through the Nations to plead with the Heathen round about for thy sake; and the Spiritual Battel is already begun in the Nati­ons, in which the great and mighty God will plead with all Flesh as in the Vally of Jehoasphat, which is the Vally of Judgment, for the honour of his great Name, and delive­rance of his people, which is as near to him as the Apple of his Eye: Therefore let us be Incouraged in our God, as David was when Ziglag was taken, and burnt with Fire, and the living carried away Captives by the hand of the Spoi­ler, and his Friends that should have stood by him talked of Stoning of him, because of the great distress of mind that was on them, which came only for the triall of their Faith; but great was Davids Faith and Confidence in God, and in the same he called upon him in the time of trouble, and the Lord heard, and Answered, and delivered him out of all his Distresses, both on the right hand and one the left, and all the living that the enemy had carried away captive was recover'd again by the help of the Lord to Praise him, neither did he miss any thing; for the great Creator of all things was with him, and gave him Victory over his enemies, and so he di­vided the Spoil; and he is the same to the Faithful this day that have put their trust in him in the midst of difficulties; for he is the same to his people as ever he was, God Almighty and Unchangeable, without Variableness or shadow of tur­ning, [Page 4] therefore my dear Friends let us be ingaged to follow the Lord Fully as Joshua and Caleb did, that so we may press through all Difficulties, and hold out to the end, that so we may be Saved; for this is my hearty desire to the Lord for my own Soul and all the Faithful, that we may be Preserved to the end.

And so dear Friends, keep in true Wachfulness against the enemy, that Seeks to defile and hinder the true access to God, and watch unto Prayer; for the Lord delightes to hear the Prayer of the Faithful, and it prevails much with him, and it shall reach to Heaven and draw down a bles­sing in abundance, when all Babels-Builders shall be thrown down, that have sought to reach Heaven in their vain Imagi­nations, even like Capernaam, who was exalted on high till the Lord cast them down to Hell, and now the day of the Lord is going over the Nation to break down all Images & pleasant Pictures of Religion that are not of his own Appointing and Setting up, & he will dash them in pieces as a Potters Vessel; for he will not give his Honour to any Idol, nor his Glory to Graven Images: and blessed are all those that have a place in the munition of Rocks, while those things are bringing to pass; for they shall be glad to go together to the House of God, as David was, where the Lord does teach his people of his wayes, and gives them power to stand still and see his great Salvation brought to pass for their deliverance from all op­pression; for it is but a very little while and all those that keep to the word of Patience will be delivered out of all Temp­tation; and my Prayer to God is, That he will preserve my Soul in Faithfulness among the living in the Heavenly Jerusalem to the End.

ANd now I have also a deep concern upon my Spirit, as a Faithfull Warning to you in all places that have slighted the Assem­blies of the Lords People, and in so doing have neglected your duty to God both in Private and Publick; for I know right well that those that keep their hearts with all diligence to the Lord, to feel the Issue of life in the Secrets of the heart, dare not neglect their Duty to God in Publick, but must come forth in their places, and stand as Land­marks, that cannot be moved for fear of Man; and for this end did the Lord mark us out, that we should bear his Name in our Foreheads, and ap­pear to others as Living, Monuments of his Mercy; Oh? therefore have a care, you Carless Ones, that have slighted your own Mercyes, which you have in a large manner been Pertakers of among the Faith­ful; for it is those that keep in a living Sence of Gods Dealings with them that do prize it, and receive it with Thanks-giving, and to such the Sure Mercies of David are continued and multiplied Morning by Morning: Oh therefore be concerned for time to come you that have been negligent in the work of the Lord, and work while you have a day; for the Night is hastning upon many, in which there can be no work done for the Lord, for the work of the Lord is to be done while the Light shineth, which gives a true discovery of the Deeds of Dark­ [...]ess; therefore bring your deeds to the Light, that they may be made manifest whether they are wrought in God or no; for the Just Mans Path is a shining Light, that shineth more and more to the Perfect Day; so in tender bowels of true love my heart is open to you, that have tasted of the good Word of God, and the powers of the World to come, to per­swade you to persevere in the work of the Lord, and to wait diligently upon him, that he may perfect his own work in you to his own prayse, that so you may Sanctifie his great name in the sight of the Heathen, and appear to be in deed what you have made a long Profession of; and for this end did God Manifest his unspeakable Love unto us, and give us a Manifestation of his good Spirit that we might profit therewith [Page 6] and be Perfected by it, that so we might come to witness, as the A postle said, that we are able to doe all things through Christ that strengthens us-and as it was said of old, by one that had seen the end of all Perfection, that the commandements of the Lord were exceeding broad, so it is mani­fest to the faithfull this day, and they can keep them with great delight, and they are not grievous to them; for it is such that are in the true pos­session of the true Faith that shall hold fast the Profession without wa­vering, and they do shine as a City set on a Hill, that cannot be hid, and dare not hide their Candle under a Bushel or under a Bed, nor rest in a bare knowledge of the Truth, b [...]t are willing to be Faithful in their measure to what God Requires of them, that so they may feel the in­crease of Gods Love to their Soules, to preserve them; though there be no need to say to some Know the Lord, yet there is great need to say to some Obey the Lord; for Obedience is better then Sacrifice, and to hearken to the Voyce of God then all vain Oblations; and for want of Obe­dience many are become vain in their Imaginations, that were once Englightned, and their Understandings again Darkned, and the Ear that was once open to hear the Voice of the true Shepherd, is again stopped by the Philistian nature; so though the Lord speak once, and again, yet they Regard it not; for the Abomination is yet standing in the hearts of such which are not Faithful to the Lord, and therefore they cannot hear the Voice of him that calls for purity and holiness; this hinders the work of the Lord; that so their Calling & Election is not made sure, but Excuses are made by such, that they are not to be too forward to goe in a Trying time to offer Sacrifice, and so cause the dayly publick Sacrifices to Cease, and see not so much need of the continuance of it as the Apostle did when he spake to the Church in the sence of what Christ had done for them, to offer up Spirituall Sacrifice through him to God; and they were exhorted, not to forsake the Assembling of them selves together, as the manner of some were, that saw not the necessity of it; for those that know the blotting out of Sin, and passing by Iniquity, saw they had as much Need to wait upon the Lord to feel Refreshment from his Presence, and their strength Renewed in him, as they had before to gather together to wait for him in the way of his Judgments; and the travel of my Soul is, that it may be so with all who make a Profession [Page 7] of his name at this day, so that we may press forward toward the mark of the high Calling in Christ Jesus, that the Enemy do not betray us from the Simplicity of the Gospel, that so in the end we may say as the A­postle did, that in Simplicity and Godly Sincerity we have had our Conversation in this World. So blessed are all they that do order their Conversation aright, the promise is to them, that God will shew them his Salvation; for he that hath called us to cease from man, whose breath is in his nostrills hath also commanded us to live in the Spirit and power of holiness, and obey him in all things, lest we be cut off from the True Vine, and cast out as Fruitless Branches, fit for nothing but the Fire; wherefore see­ing and knowing these things, let us take the more heed to our wayes, and consider what manner of Persons we ought to be in all our conver­sation, to the end if we are Christs Disciples the offence of the Cross is not to be ceased from, but a dayly taking it up is to be known by all them that follow the Lord fully, because it crucifies the world to them, and they to the world; and this is the Saints Glory, for they dare not to glory in any thing saving in the Cross of Christ, but must forget what is behind and wait upon the Lord for dayly strength to go forward to perform our reasonable service to him, seeing we can do nothing without him that is acceptable in his Sight, we have great Reason to Wait at the hea­venly Jerusalem, to be indued with power from an high, that we may be carried on in the ark of safety, Christ Jesus, who Vanquished the Tempter when he tryed him with various Temptations, and when he had overcome in all things the Angels Ministred to him, and in the pow­er of the Spirit he was carried into Galile and all places to do his Fathers will, and it was his Delight to please his Father in all things though through Deep Sufferings, and though a Son, yet learned he obedience to his Father, and his Father Delighted in him, and gave him that testimony that in all things he was well pleased with him; and it was for our sakes tha [...] he gave the only begotten Son of his love to Suffer for us, that we might be redeemed to God through his name, and find acceptance to the Father by him, who is the only propitiation for our Sins; and as we live in obedience to his power we shall Receive an answer from God that he accepts of us and our doings, because we live and move and are acted by [Page 8] him in whom his Soul takes pleasure, and therefore hath he made him heir of all things, and put in subjection under him, and anoynted him with Oyle of Joy above his Fellows, that the Virgin Daughter of Sion may love him, because of the preciousness of the Oyntment that pro­ceeds from him, who is the Husband of the true Church, and therefore is her desire after him, and those that do live in the sence of the great love he hath bestowed on them, will prize it, and walk worthy of it; and they are of the same mind the Apostle was when he said, but whose keepeth his word, in him is the Love of God perfected; hereby know we, that we are in him; he that saith he Abideth in him, ought himself also to walk even as he Walked. So in true love to all that make a profession of the Truth my Soul is inlarged beyond what Ink and Paper can demonstrate, desi­ring the prosperity of Sion and welfare of heavenly Jerusalem; and my Prayer to God is, That all might be gathered into that Faith that works by love, and gives Victory over the World; for they shall prosper, that Love Sion.

So having Cleared my self of what lay upon me from the Lord I am a Friend to all that love the Appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Dorcas Dole.

LONDON, Printed by John Bringhurst in Leaden-hall, 1685.

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