WESTMINSTER, 26 Dec. 1688.
DIvers of the Members of the Parliaments in the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, and the Aldermen and Common-Council of the City of London, pursuant to His Highness the Prince of Orange's Desire, meeting at St. James's the 26th of December, 1688.
His Highness spoke to them as followeth.
YOƲ, Gentlemen, that have been Members of the late Parliaments, I have desired you to meet me here, to advise the best manner how to pursue the Ends of my Declaration in calling a Free Parliament, for the preservation of the Protestant Religion, and restoring of the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdom, and setling the same, that they may not be in danger of being again subverted.
And you, the Aldermen and Members of the Common-Council of the City of London, I desire the same of you; and in regard your Numbers are like to be great, you may, if you think fit, divide your selves, and sit in several places.
Upon which they immediately agreed to go to the Commons House at Westminster, where being set, they chose Henry Powle Esq their Chair-man, and upon Debate they resolved upon Heads for an Address to be made to his Highness, and appointed Persons to draw up and prepare the same, and in the Afternoon it was done accordingly, and read and approved.
And his Highness having appointed to receive the same, on the 27th Instant in the Morning, he was then attended accordingly, and the Address was presented and read by the said: Mr. Powle to his Highness, being as followeth.
WE who have served as Members of the Parliaments during the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, together with the Court of Aldermen, and Members of the Common-Council of the City of London, assembled at Your Highness's Desire (in this Extraordinary Conjuncture) do with an unanimous Consent, tender to Your Highness our humble and hearty Thanks for your Coming into this Kingdom, and exposing Your Person to so great Hazards for the Preservation of our Religion, Laws, and Liberties, and rescuing us from the Miseries of Popery and Slavery: And do desire Your Highness, That (in pursuance of those Ends, and for the Preservation of the Peace of the Nation) Your Highness will take upon You the Administration of Publick Affairs, both Civil and Military, and the disposal of the Publick Revenue.
We do also desire that Your Highness will take into Your particular Care the present Condition of Ireland, and endeavour, by the most speedy and effectual means, to prevent the Dangers threatning that Kingdom.
All which we do desire Your Highness to undertake and execute until the meeting of the intended Convention the 22d day of January next.
We do likewise desire Your Highness to cause Letters to be written, and subscribed by Your Highness to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal (being Protestants) and to the several Counties, Universities, Cities, Boroughs and Cinque-Ports of England, Wales, and to the Town of Berwick upon Tweed.
The Letters for the Counties to be directed to the Coroners of their respective Counties, or any one of them, and in default of Coroners, to the Clerk of the Peace of the respective Counties; and the Letters for the Universities to be directed to the respective Vice-Chancellors; and the Letters to the several Cities, Boroughs and Cinque-Ports to be directed to the chief Magistrate of each respective City, Borough and Cinque-Port, containing Directions for the choosing in all such Counties, Cities, Universities, Boroughs and Cinque-Ports, within ten days after the Receipt of the said respective Letters, such a number of Persons to represent them as are of right to be sent to Parliament.
That for such Elections, and the Times and Places thereof, the respective Officer shall give notice in manner following, (that is to say) As to the Elections for the Counties Notice to be published in all Market-Towns in the respective Counties, by the space of Five Days at least before such Election; and notice of the Elections for the Cities, Universities, Boroughs, and Cinque-Ports, to be published in the respective Places, by the space of Three days before at the least.
That the said Letters, and the Execution thereof, be returned by such Officer and Officers who shall execute the same to the Clerk of the Crown in the Court of Chancery; so as the Persons so to be chosen, may meet and fit at Westminster, on the 22d day of January next.
This we humbly offer Your Highness as our best Advice in this Exigency of Affairs, for attaining the Ends of Your Highness▪s Declaration; and as the best means tending to such an Establishment, as that our Religion, Laws and Liberties may not be in danger of being again subverted.
Dated at Westminster, the 26th day of December, 1688.
Whereupon his Highness was pleased to declare to this Effect, That (being a Matter of Weight) he would consider thereof, and give his Answer the next day in the Afternoon.
And accordingly his Highness did give the Answer following, viz.
I Have considered of your Advice, and as far as I am able, I will endeavour to secure the Peace of the Nation, until the meeting of the Convention in January next: For the Election whereof, I will forthwith issue out Letters according to your Desire. I will also take care to apply the Publick Revenue to the most proper Ʋses that the present Affairs require. And likewise endeavour to put Ireland into such a Condition, as that the Protestant Religion, and the English Interest may be maintained in that Kingdom. And I further assure you, that as I came hither for the preservation of the Protestant Religion, and the Laws and Liberties of these Kingdoms, so I shall always be ready to expose my Self to any Hazard for the defence of the same.