DIRECTIONS BY WAY OF ALPHABET, READILY To find out the Principal HEADS or SUBJECTS contained in the Sacred BOOK CALLED DAVID'S PSALMS. TOGETHER With their respective Quotations, in order to the Holy Reading, or Singing of them, to the great Glory of GOD, and Edification of all PIOUS CHRISTIANS. Composed by a great Lover of all the Peo­ple of God in England.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1674.

A Part of Pious and Lear­ned Mr. ROƲS his Preface, before his Version of the Psalms into Meeter, so far as sets forth the most excel­lent Use of them.

THe Experience of Saints, if it should speak what it hath found, it would with an united Voice yield an abundant Testimony of the manifold uses of the Psalms: It would say, that they have in them Instruction to increase Knowledge, Spiritual Fervour, to inflame Zeal, Consolation, to Refresh, and Re­vive Fainting Souls, Petitions to fetch Bles­sings from God, Praises, as thankful Returns to God for his Blessings: Yea, it hath found in them, that Afflictions themselves do yield Con­solation; [Page]because, though deep Afflictions over­whelm excellent Saints, yet even when they are Saints amidst such Afflictions, it finds yet farther, that Afflictions of Saints generally end in Consolations.

The same Psalms beginning, as Jonas his Prayer, in the Belly of Hell, and ending in Heaven: For the Souls of the Saints, being stirred up by sharp Afflictions, to be earnest with God, in Mournful, yet Melodious Sup­plications; God thus earnestly Invoked, turns in unto the Soul, and His Presence makes Heaven, even where an Hell was before: And then according to the Benefit, raiseth the Thanksgiviving, and the Soul mounts up to a heighth of Praises, as it self was mount­ed up from the depth of Grief, to a heighth of Deliverance, Joy, and Consolation.

Briefly, Experience will say, that the Psalms are Characters, and Representations of the Thought, Meditatoon, and Affection of a Sanctified Soul, throughout all the chan­ges of her Pilgrimage: So that a good man can be in no kind of State, but he shall find his own State in a Psalm; and withal, find Thoughts, and Expressions sutable to that State, which may improve, and make it good unto him.

And as the Psalms have their real and inward Excellencies; so being outwardly fit­ted [Page]to Measures, and by Measures to Sing­ing: the Singing carries a delight with it, the delight invites to a more frequent use, and the frequent use increaseth the Profit of them; yea the same delight, and use fasteneth them more pleasantly, and strongly upon the Memo­ry, and being remembred, they are thereby still at hand, and ready for more use, and so for more Profit.

The Authors Epistolatory Preface to his Following Collections and Applications upon the PSALMS.

Dearly Beloved,

THE Reasons inducing me to this work, were, first, the Holy Ʋse and Benefit of the Reading and Singing of the Sacred Songs, commonly Called, David's Psalms. The Super-Excellency of which I desire the Reader to view, in the first of Pious and Lear­ned Mr. Rous his Preface, before annexed to his Version of them into Meeter. (The best ex­tant, witness the Honourable, and Venerable Attestation prefixt in its Commendation.)

Secondly, To allay the Difficulty, and lessen the Expence of time to all Persons, Families, and Congregations. Especially the Women and Children, and to others that are unlearned; as to the ready finding out upon any Holy Subject they desire to Read, or Sing of a proper Psalm, or Portion.

Thirdly, That I might offer a Help to Mi­nisters and Clerks, to readily chuse out fit Seg­ments out of the Psalms, agreable to their Texts, to be sung before or after their Sermons.

Fourthly, That I might humbly offer, I hope (through God's Assistance) the right sence of [Page]Mystical and dark Texts, in that Book; by my brief Notes and Applications of them to some of the Respective Heads in this Work.

In the next place, I desire my Reader to take this Reason for my adding sometimes the whole Psalm, or more, or fewer Verses thereof be­fore or after the Verses Cited, as to the Head sought for ( viz. that it was to make the Seg­ment, or Portion to be read or sung, large e­nough, and fit for the present Exercise, many Subjects, in their respective Psalms, being only mentioned in one or two Verses thereof; so that should I for enlargement of the Subject sought after, cited one, or more verses out of several other Psalms that treat thereof: It would have rendred the Duty and Work very tedious and troublesome in the Practice thereof: Onely I have been careful that all such supplements are fit and convenient to be joyned to, and read, or sung with the Subject enquired for.

And as to the two principal Heads, God, and Jesus Christ, I have conceived it most for Edification, to place the great Attributes of God, and the chief Actings of our Savour, under their respective Heads.

Lastly, I have Alphabetically contracted that Work into about Sixty four Heads, con­taining most of the Doctrinal, Practical, and Prophetical Subjects in the Psalms.

That so the Reader may more readily turn to [Page]the matter he desires to Read or Sing; as under the Letter (G.) [God] the Letter (J.) [Jesus Christ] and so the rest of the Heads are to be speedily found out, together with their se­veral Quotations in Figures; and made use of.

More, was it necessary, I might have added, but for making this Collection too big to be bound up with, and placed after the singing Psalms, in Bibles of all sizes.

My chief, and great design, in thus order­ing and publishing this work, being first, the Glory of the onely true and Infinite One God. Secondly, the Edification in Grace, and Ho­liness of you, my Dear Countrey-men of the Elect of God, in the English Nation; For whose Temporal, Spiritual, and Eternal Sal­vation He constantly, and fervently Prays, who is

Your Faithful Servant in Jesus Christ.

Directions, by way of Al­phabet, readily to find out the Principal Heads, or Subjects, con­tained in the Sacred Book, Called, DAVID'S PSALMS, together with their Respective Quotations, in Order to the Holy Reading, or Singing them, to the great Glory of GOD, and Edification of all PIOUS CHRI­STIANS.


AFflictions of the Saints in Soul. A Psalm for Deli­verance, Psal. 69. verse 1. to the end. Affliction in Body, Psal. 69. verse 1. to the end. Affliction in both, Psal. 77. ver. 1. to the end.

Anger of God against sin, Psal. 90. ver. 7. to ver. 13.

Anger of God against his, and his Churches [Page 2]Enemies, Psal. 21. ver. 8. to the end. Psal. 69. ver. 24. to ver. 29. Anger of God is short against his Saints, Psal. 30. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 85. ver. 1, 2, 3. Anger of God against them for their Sins. Psal. 14. ver. 1. to ver. 10. Anger, or Zeal of the Saints against Sin. Psal. 106. ver. 28. to ver. 32. (See further in Zeal) Anger and Frettings is Evil. The Lord's Counsel against it. Psal. 37. ver. 1. to ver. 12.

Angels, their Nature, Psal. 104. ver. 1. to ver. 5. Their Office. Psal. 34. ver. 1. to ver. 8. Psal. 91. ver. 9, 10, 11, 12.

Angels, Their Office to Execute God's Judgments upon his Enemies, Psal. 35. ver. 1. to ver. 11. Psal. 78. ver. 40. to v. 54.

Angels, their Number, Psal. 68. ver. 14, 15, 16, 17.


Blessedness of the Saints that are Charita­ble to the Poor, Psal. 41. to ver. 4.

Bloody Men, or Murderers, Their Pu­nishments, Psal. 5. ver. 1. to ver. 7. Psal. 9. ver. 11, 12. Psal. 79. ver. 9. to the end. Psal. 94. ver. 20. to the end. Psal. 26. ver. 8. to the end. Psal. 55. ver. 19. to the end. Psal. 5. ver. 1. to ver. 6. Psal. 139. ver. 19. to ver. 23.

Blessedness of the Saints upon Earth, Psal. [Page 3]147. ver. 11. to ver. 15. Psal. 112. ver. 12. to the end. Psal. 115. ver. 13. to ver. 17. Psal. 119. ver. 1, 2, 3. Psal. 1. to ver. 4. Psal. 37. ver. 3. to ver. 12. Psal. 128. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 37. ver. 22. to ver. 27.


Creation, and forming of the Heavens, and the parts thereof, Psal. 19. ver. 1. to v. 7. Psal. 8. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 134. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 148. ver. 1. to the end. All Psalms Indited for the Sabbath day.

Creation of the Earth and Seas, and parts thereof, Psal. 24. ver. 1. to v. 7.

Children and a good Wife, a great Bles­sing to the Saints, Psal. 127. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 128. ver. 1. to the end.

Charity to Mankind, especially to the Saints, The blessing upon such, Psal. 41. ver. 1, 2, 3. See Love.

Constancy in goodness in Men very rare, Psal. 12. ver. 1. to v. 5. The reward of such, Psal. 101. to the end. And to David-like Governors.

Church, Her Prayer for deliverance from Enemies, in Psal. 124. ver. 1. to the end.

The Churches Deprecation against all Ahithophels, and Judas-like Enemies, Psal. 109. ver. 1. to the end. and Psal. 129. ver. 1. to the end.

The Sufferings of Christ and his Church are set down under the Type of David and his Sons, together with God's unchangable Love to them, in Psal. 99. from ver. 19. to the end. And in Psal. 132. ver. 6. to the end.

The Churches Glory, and its Members, in Psal. 87. ver. 1. to the end. The won­derful and secret Providences of God, in the Salvation of his Church, in Psal. 77. ver. 13. to the end. The Churches Excel­lency, in Psal. 45. ver. 9. to the end.


Death. No unconverted Worldling can deliver himself from the Corporal, Spiritu­al, and Eternal Death, Psal. 49. ver. 1. to v. 16. Death no time for Repentance, and the Service of God, Psal. 6. ver. 1. to the end. Being a Psalm for a sick Man.

Death God's Avenger of Sin, Psal. 7. ver. 11. to the end.

Death, Deliverance from Death is at­tained by Prayers to God, Psal. 18. ver. 1. to v. 7. Psal. 116. ver. 1. to v. 16. And in Psal. 22. ver. 14. to v. 27. (Wherein is a Prophesie of our Saviours Passion) read also, Psal. 56. ver. 10. to the end. Psal. 116. ver. 12. to the end. Psal. 118. ver. 14. to v. 22. Psal. 33. ver. 18. to the end. Psal. [Page 5]68. ver. 19. to v. 22. Psal. 9. ver. 9. to v. 15.

Dissimulation and Flatterers, the Punish­ment of it, Psal. 5. verse. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. with Psal. 12. verse. 1. to verse. 6.

Delight in God, and in his Law, Psal. 1. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 119. verse. 1. to the end. Psal. 37. verse 4, 5, 6. Psal. 16. verse 1, 2, 3.

Delight in Evil, their Punishment, Psal. 62. verse 1. to 8. Psal. 68. verse 28. to v. 31.


Enemies of God, and his Saints, their Punishment, Psal. 17. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 70. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 140. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 144. verse 1. to verse 11. Psal. 142. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 143. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 71. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 91. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 13. verse 1. to the end.

A Psalm for a Conqueror over Gods, and the Churches Enemies, in the Person of David, Psal. 18. verse 1. to the end.

A Prayer, or Psalm against the Churches Enemies, Psal. 60. verse 1. to the end. Also, Psal. 31. verse 1. to verse 19.

A Psalm of Praise for Deliverance from great Enemies, Psal. 34. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 44. verse 9. to the end. Psal. 35. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 45. verse 1. to verse 9. [Page 6]And Psal. 54. verse 1. to the end.

Evil Words, God's Counsel to prevent them, Psal. 34. verse 11. to verse 15. Psal. 141. verse 1. to the end.

Evil Words, God's Judgment against them, Psal. 12. verse 1. to verse 6. Psal. 50. verse 16. to the end. Psal. 52. verse 1. to the end.

A Prayer against such, Psal. 64. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 73. verse 1. to verse 21. Psal. 120. verse 1. to the end.


Faith in God, Psal. 17. verse 3. to verse 8. Psal. 55. verse 22, 23. Psal. 57. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 16. verse 1. to verse 6. Psal. 62. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 40. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 63. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 108. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 123. to the end.

Fortitude, or Courage for a good Cause, see the Example of David, in Psal. 18. verse 20. to the end. Psal. 27. verse 1. to the end.

Fear of God, the Rewards, and blessed­ness of such, Psal. 31. verse 19. to the end. Psal. 80. verse 11. to verse 14. Psal. 19. verse 7. to the end. Psal. 111. verse 1. to the end.

Folly, or Foolishness of Wicked men, Psal. 53. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 36. verse 1. [Page 7]to verse 5. Psal. 49. verse 1. to verse 16. Psal. 5. verse 1. to verse 5. Psal. 11. verse 1. to the end.


God is to be Praised and Glorified in all his Infinite Attributes, Psal. 36. verse 5. to the end. Psal. 145. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 147. verse 1. to the end.

God is to be praised, and feared when he speaks to us in his voice of Thunder, Psal. 29. verse 3. to the end.

God's Power declared in the Creation, Psal. 33. verse 6. to verse 12. In His Provi­dences, Psal. 33. verse 12. to the end. Psal. 112. verse 1. to the end, Psal. 114. verse 1. to the end. Ps. 118. v. 1. to the end.

Gods Power in forming of Man in the Womb, Psal. 139 verse 13. to the end. Gods Holiness, Psal. 30. verse 1. to verse 6. Psal. 47. verse 6. to the end. Psal. 60. verse 4, 5, 6. Psal. 89. verse 35, 36, 37. Psal. 93. verse 1. to the end. Psal. 97. verse 10, 11, 12. Psal. 22. verse 3, 4, 5. Psal. 99. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 145. ver. 17. to the end. Psal. 33. ver. 20. to the end. Psal. 103. ver. 1. to v. 6. Psal. 105. ver. 1, 2, 3. Psal. 106. ver. 47, 48: Psal. 111. ver. 6. to the end.

God's Omnipresency, and Omnisciency, Psal. 139. ver. 1. to ver. 13.

God's Wisdome, Psal. 104. ver. 24. to v. 32. Psal. 136. ver. 1. to v. 10. Psal. 94. ver. 8. to v. 12.

Gods Love, Mercy, and Free-Grace to his Saints, Psal. 87. ver. 1 to the end, Psal. 25. ver. 10. to the end. Psal. 118. ver. 1 to the end. Psal. 136. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 146. ver. 5. to the end.

God's Truth & Faithfulness, Ps. 119 v. 137. to v. 145. Ps. 25. v. 8, 9, 10. Ps. 86. v 12. to the end. Ps. 85. v. 16. to the end. Ps. 89 v. 14. to v. 19. Ps. 96. v. 10. to the end. Ps. 98. v 1. to v. 4. Ps. 160. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 117. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 119. ver. 145. to v. 153. Psal. 146. ver. 5 to v. 8. Psal. 91. ver. 1. to the end.

God's Goodness to his Saints, Psal. 31. ver. 19. to the end. Psal. 33. ver. 1 to v. 6. Psal. 121. v. 1. to the end.

God's Patience, and Long-suffering, Psal. 95. ver. 6. to the end.

God's Justice, and Righteousness, Psal. 89. ver. 14. to v. 19. Psal. 51. ver. 1. to v. 5. The Righteousness of his Laws, Psal. 19 ver. 7. to v. 12. Psal. 119. ver. 73 to v. 76. Psal. 45. ver. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Psal. 33. ver. 1. to v. 6. Psal. 7. ver. 8. to the end. Psal. 116. ver. 1. to v. 10. Psal. 48. ver. 8. to the end. Psal. 72. ver. 1. to v. 8. Psal. 85. ver. 10. to the end. Psal. 22. ver. 27. to the end. Psal. 50. ver. 1. to v. 7. Psal. 94. ver. [Page 9]1. to v. 4. Psal. 36. ver. 5. to v. 10.

God is Life, and the Fountain of Life, Psal. 36. ver. 5. to v. 11. Psal. 16. ver. 5. to the end. Psal. 21. ver. 1. to v. 7. Psal. 30. ver. 1. to v. 6. Psal. 66. ver. 7. to v. 10. Psal. 133. ver. 1. to the end.

God is Eternal, Ps. 41. v. 11. to v. 14. Ps. 90 v. 1. to v 7. Ps. 93. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 100. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 103. v. 13. to v. 19. Ps. 136. ver. 47, 48. Psal. 119. ver. 142. to v. 145. Psal. 139. v. 17. to the end. Psal. 145. ver. 10. to v. 14. Psal. 92. ver. 5. to v 9.

God's Glory, and Christ's, Psal. 24. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 79. ver. 9. to the end. Psal. 145. ver. 10. to v. 14. Psal. 19. ver. 1. to v. 7. Psal. 96. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 72. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 97. ver. 1. to v. 7. Psal. 102. ver. 13. to v. 19. Psal. 113 v. 1. to the end. Psal. 104. ver. 31. to the end. Psal. 138. ver. 4. to the end. Psal. 8. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 45. ver. 1. to the end. Psal 63. ver. 1. to v. 6. Psal. 145. ver. 1 to v. 10.

God is the Fountain of all Spiritual Gifts, Light, and Saving Graces, Psal. 97. ver. 7. to the end. Psal. 112. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 84. v. 8. to the end. Psal. 45. v. 1. to v. 9. Psal. 68. v. 15. to v. 21. Psal. 4. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 27. v. 1. to v. 5. Psal 36. v 7. to the end. Psal. 43. v. 3. to the end.

God is to be Praised, Observed and Trust­ed [Page 10]in all his works of Providences, Psal. 127. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 107. ver. 1. to the end. See farther God's Providences, and actings in the Head of Is­rael, Litteral, their Deliverances out of Aegypt, in the Wilderness, and in Canaan.

God's Works of Creation, see Creation.

God's Word, its Excellency, Psal. 12. v. 1. to v. 6. Psal. 119. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 19. v. 7. to the end. Psal. 18. v 30. to v. 37. Psal. 33. v. 1. to v. 13.

God's Works of Temporal Salvation to his Saints, Psal. 3. v. 1. to the end Psal. 35. v. 1. to v. 11. Psal. 65. v. 1. to v. 6. Psal. 68. v. 17. to v. 22.

God's Works of Spiritual Salvation, Psal. 37. v. 37. to the end. Psal. 50. v. 14. to the end. Psal. 79. v. 8. to v. 11. Psal. 95. v. 1. to the end.

God's Eternal Salvation, Psal. 24. v. 3. to v. 7. Psal. 149. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 132. v. 13. to the end. Psal. 62. v. 1. to the end.


Happiness of the Saints, Psal. 65. v. 1. to the end.

Humility, Psal. 16. v. 5. to v. 12. Its Pat­tern in David, Psal. 131. v. 1. to the end. Gods care of humble Saints, Psal. 9. v. 6. to v. 13.

Holiness of the Saints, their Character, and Blessedness, Psal. 112. v. 1. to the end. [Page 11] Psal. 15. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 24. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 23. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 16. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 32. v. 1. to v. 8. Psal. 37. v. 22. to v. 27. The holy Saints Delight, Psal. 84. v. 1. to the end. Their Safety, Psal. 125. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 92. v. 12. to the end.


Idolatry, its Sin, and Punishment, Psal. 135. v. 13. to the end. Psal. 115. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 16. v. 1. to v. 5.

Judgments against wicked Judges, Psal. 58. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 82. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 94. v. 1. to the end.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his Incarnation, and the blessed Fruits thereof, Psal. 85. v. 10. to v. 14.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his Passion, especi­ally upon the Cross, for the sins of the World, Psal. 22. v. 1. to v. 22. Psal. 69. v. 20. to the end. Psal. 88 v. 1. to v. 11.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his Resurrection, Psal. 16. v. 7. to the end.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his first and second Ascention to Heaven, (viz.) from the Old World after his Resurrection, and from the Renewed Earth, after the day of Judgment, Psal. 24. v. 7. to the end.

Jesus Christ our Lord, is our King, our Prophet, and our Priest, Psal. 110. v. 1. to the end.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his Spiritual King­dome, Psal. 45. v. 9. to the end, His Spiritual Kingdom in the Conversion of the whole world after the binding up of Satan for 1000 years Rev. 20.1, 2, 3. set forth in Psal. 66. v. 1. to v. 16. Psal. 67. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 72. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 117. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 128. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 10. v. [...], to the end. Psal. 110. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 149. v. 1. to the end.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his Victorious Kingdom, Psal. 2. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 110. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 149. v. 1 to the end. Ps. 76. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 89. v. 1. to v. 19. Psal. 21. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 45. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 46. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 48. v. 1. to the end. In this Psalm is predicted Litteral Israels great Victory over the Turk, and all other Enemies at their Siege of Jerusalem, Psal. 58 v. 6. to the end. Psal. 68. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 72. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 47. v. 1. to the end.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his peaceable King­dome upon this Earth, by his Saints for 1000 years, the time of Satans binding, Rev. 20.1, 2, 3. Psal. 47. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 72. v. 1. to the end. Psal. 93. v. 1. to the end. Note that the victorious and peaceable King­dome of Christ by his Saints is not only set forth in this 93. Psal. but in all the seven fol­lowing [Page 13]Psalms, from their beginning to the end; ( viz. in Psal. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, & the 100. Psalm.) Ps. 145. v. 10. to v. 14.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his Juditiary Kingdom, before and at the last day of Judg­ment, Ps. 50. v. [...]. to v 7. Ps 89. v. 2. to v. 19. Psal. 72. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 76. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 75. v. 1. to the end.

Jesus Christ our Lord, his glorious King­dome with his Saints first upon the new Earth, and for Eternity in the highest Hea­vens, Ps. 37. v. 1. to v 35. Note that the Sts. glorious Reign with Christ in Person upon the renewed Earth and Heaven is undeniab­ly proved in this 37. Psalm, by 7 Texts or Prophesies, (viz.) in v. 9, 11, 18, 22, 27, 29, & 34. which having not yet been fulfilled, shall certainly then be accomplished, Amen.

Innocency, Ps. 6. v. 1. to v. 8. See farther in the Head of Uprightness.

Israel Litteral, her Excellency before her Defection, and Rejection, Psal. 78. v. 9.

God's Mercies to them, and their Unbe­lief in Aegypt & in the Wilderness, Ps. 78. v. 9 to v. 14. Their Sin in Canaan, v. 14. to v. 65. Ibid. God's Mercies afterwards towards them, & to David in Canaan, v 65. to the end.

Israels, and Jerusalems great Affliction, their Prayer and Praises for their deliverance, Ps. 79. v. 1. to the end.

Israel Litteral, their Forgetfulness of Gods Mercies, Unbelief and Rebellion, and Gods Judgments therefore, Ps. 135. v. 14. to the end. Ps. 106. v. 1. Ps. 137. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 105. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 12. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 81. v. 9. to the end.

Israel Spiritual, God's Church consisting of Gentiles and Israelites, its Excellency here upon Earth, Ps. 122. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 80. v. 1. to the end. Wherein also the Enemies rage is prayed against, Gods former Mercies re­membred.

Jews and Israel Litteral, their Return from the first Babylonish Captivity, and from other Parts, Ps. 53. v. 5. to the end. Ps. 126. v. 1. to the end. And most fully, though Mystically, in Ps. 807. v. 1. to the end. Which Mistery is pointed at by the Holy Ghost in the last ver. in that Psalm, Ps. 14. v. 4. to the end.

Israel Litteral, even all the 12. Tribes, theirs and the Gentiles Conversion to Chri­stianity, Ps. 22. v. 22. to the end.

Israel Litteral, even the 12. Tribes, their Victory over the great Turk, and over all other their open Enemies after their Return to Canaan, and their Conversion, Ps. 48. v. 1. to the end.

Israel Litteral, their happy, blessed, and peaceable State upon this Earth, after their Return to Canaan, and Conversion to Chri­stianity, [Page 15] Ps. 102. v. 13. to v. 23. Ps. 2. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 48. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 69. v. 33. to the end. Ps. 87. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 97. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 132. v. 13. to the end. Ps. 76. v. 1. to the end.


Kings, or Princes, or States, are not sin­fully to be trusted, in Ps. 146. v. 1. to the end. For Kings, a Psalm for Success and Victory, Ps. 20. v. 1. to the end.

Kings & States Counselled by God, in Ps. 2. v. 10, 11, 12. And Psal. 29. v. 1. to v. 3.

Kings, and Governors of Families their Pattern in David, Ps. 101. ver. 1. to the end.


Love to God, that precious Grace. The Blessing and benefits thereof, in Psal. 5. ver. 8. to the end. Psal. 31. ver. 19. to the end. Psal. 40. ver. 11. to the end. Psal. 70. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 69. ver. 30. to the end. Psal. 97. ver. 7. to the end. Psal. 119. ver. 129. to v. 137. Also ver. 161. to v. 169. Psal. 122. ver. 6. to the end. Psal. 145. ver. 17. to the end. Psal. 91. ver. 14. to the end.

Love to the Saints and Church of God held forth to us in the Typical names of Zi­on and Jerusalem, Psal. 122. ver. 6. to the end. Psal. 137. ver. 5. to the end.

Laws of God, their Excellency, Psal. 19. ver. 6. to the end. Ps. 119. ver. 1. to the end.

Life, the brevity and uncertainty of mans Life, Psal. 39. ver. 4. to the end. So in the Song of Moses, Psal. 90. ver. 1. to v. 13.

Lies. The punishment of Lyars, Psal. 120. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 5. ver. 6. to the end.


Meekness, with the Blessings promised to that Grace, Psal. 25. ver. 1. to v. 11.


New Heart, a Prayer for it, Psal. 51. ver. 5. to v. 14.

New Songs upon new and most Excellent Subjects (viz.) the Victorious, peaceable, Juditiary, and glorious Kingdom of Christ concerning which, read and Sing the 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and the 100. Psalms, from ver. 1. to the end.


Old Age; A Psalm to be delivered from sin and danger in Old Age, Psal. 71. ver. 9. to the end.

Oppression and wrong doing, the evil, and the punishment thereof, Psal. 58. ver. 1. to v. 6. Psal. 64. ver. 1. to the end.


Praising of God, the highest, and most Heavenly Ordinance, Psal. 150. ver. 1. to the end. Psal. 92. ver. 1. to v. 6. Psal. 147. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 50. v. 7. to v. 16. Ps. [Page 17]57. v. 7. to the end. Ps. 134. v. 1. to the end.

Prayer for deliverance from great dan­gers, Ps. 40. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 71. v. 19. to the end. Ps. 73. v. 25. to the end. Ps. 116. v. 1. to the end.

Praise to God for many blessings and mer­cies, Ps. 103. v. 1. to the end.

Praise, and a Prayer to God for delive­rance from a great and unrighteous Enemy, such a Man as was great Cush, the Benjamite to David, Ps. 7. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 9. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 35. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 34. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 22. v. 19. to v. 27. Ps. 30. v. 1. to the end.

Praises to God for his Love and gracious providences towards his Saints, Ps. 33. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 48. v. 8. to the end.

Praises to God for his Judgments against his Churches Enemies, Ps. 66. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 98. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 100. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 102. v. 13. to v. 23. Ps. 104. v. 31. to the end.

Peace with God, see the Head of God's Love and Mercy to Men (See Vanity.)

Patience of the Saints under God's will, Afflictions, and other Actings, Ps. 39. v. 9. to the end.

Patience under God's Trials by the Per­secutions of evil Men, Ps. 69. v. 1. to v. 22. Ps. 35. v. 11. to the end. Ps. 38. v. 9. to the end.

Prayer, the power and excellency there­of, as being the manifold Grace of the Spirit of God, and the means to obtain all saving Graces and blessings from God, Ps. 66. v. 8. to the end. Ps. 5. v 1. to v. 4. Ps. 28. v. 6. to the end. A Psalm praising of God for the Answer of Prayer. A Prayer against the Churches Enemies, Ps. 74. v. 1. to the end. The condition and Answer of Prayer, Ps. 85. v. 8. to v. 19. Ps. 86. v. 1. to the end.

Pride against God and his Saints, the Cha­racter of such, their Actings and punishment, Ps. 10. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 31. v. 16. to the end. Ps. 36. v. 10. to the end. Ps. 50. v. 12. to the end. Ps. 73. v. 1. to v. 21. Ps. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 86. v. 14. to the end. Ps. 94. v. 1. to v. 8. Ps. 138. v. 4. to the end. Ps. 140. v. 1. to the end.

Poor in Spirit, their blessedness, see the head of Humility.

Poor in Estate, if godly, their blessedness, and God's care of them, Ps. 9. v. 15. to the end. Ps 10. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 12. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 14. v. 4. to the end. Ps. 35. v. 7. to v. 11. Ps. 37. v. 2. to v. 21. Ps. 40. v. 13. to the end. Ps. 70. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 61. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 68. v. 4. to v. 14. Ps. 69. v. 29. to the end. Ps. 72. v. 1. to v. 15. Ps. 74. v. 18. to the end. Ps. 82. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 86. v. 1. to v. 6. Ps. 107. v. 40. to the end. Ps. 109. v. 21. to the end. Ps. 113. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 132. v. 13. [Page 19]to the end. Ps. 140. v. 7. to the end. Ps. 34. v. 1. to v. 11.

Promises of God to his Saints. Note here, that the whole Book of Psalms is full of Temporal, Spiritual, and Eternal Promises to his Saints, to be found in the several Heads of this Collection; onely observe, Ps. 91. v. 1. to the end, is of all others in this book com­mended to the Reader as the rich Cabinet, wherein are Treasured up these precious Ones (viz.) Perseverance, Protection from, and Victory over Satan, and all other subtile Enemies, and from the Plague of our hearts, from the Pestilence, and all sudden Judg­ments, as also the Guard of Angels, Honour, Long Life. Answer of Prayer and Eternal Life.


Quietness and Peace with God, and in our own Consciences, and with Men. See the head of Peace.

Queen. The Typical name of the Holy Catholick Church, and of particular Holy Churches of Christians, in Ps. 45. v. 6. to the end.


Riches. Or Rich Men, if sanctified ones, their blessedness and happiness, Ps. 45. v. 9. to the end. Ps. 112. v. 1. to the end.

Riches that are unsanctified (viz.) given to wicked Rich Men, their punishments and [Page 20]sad ends, Ps 73. v. 1. to v. 25. Ps. 49. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 39. v. 4. to v. 9. Ps. 52. v. 1. to the end.

Righteousness of God. See the Head of God's Justice and Righteousness.

Righteousness of the Saints. See the head of Justice or Righteousness.

Repentance for sin. What the Grace is, together with the blessing upon true Peni­tents, set forth in David's Repentance for Adultery, and Murder, Ps. 51. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 32. v. 3. to v 8. Ps. 34. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 38. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 95. v. 1. to the end.

Resurrection of the Saints, Ps. 16. v. 5. to the end.


Sorrows under Affliction or Persecution, Ps. 42. v. 5. to the end. Ps. 43. v. 1. to the end.

Sorrow under Desertion and Sickness, Ps. 88. v. 1. to the end.

Sickness, A Prayer for such, Ps. 6. v. 1. to v. 8. Ps. 30. v. 1. to v. 10. The Praises of such for Recovery, Ps. 77. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 41. v. 4. to the end.

Salvation Temporal, Spiritual, Eternal. See in the Head of God the Fountain of all Salvations.

Sacrifices, what Sacrifices are most accep­table to God, both under the Law, and Gos­pel, Ps. 50. v. 7. to v. 16. Ps. 51. v. 15. to v. 18.

Sin. A Prayer for Mercy and forgiveness [Page 21]of sin, Ps. 25. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 40. v. 11. to v. 14. Ps. 130. v. 1. to the end. Ps 51. v. 1. to the end.

Sin. The evil and danger of it, Ps 10. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 11. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 1. v. 4. to the end. Ps. 5. v. 1. to the end. The evil of sins, or presumptuous sins, Ps. 19. v. 12. to the end. A Prayer against wicked men, Ps. 28. v. 5. to v. 6.

Sinners not to be envied, or fretted at, Ps. 37. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 70. v. 1. to the end.

Sinners, their punishments, Ps. 9. v. 15. to 18

Sinners, their prosperity in this world, Ps. 73. v. 3. to v. 13.

Sinners that are Justified, their blessedness, Ps. 32. v. 1. to v. 8.

Sinners, God's Counsel to such, in Ps. 32. v. 8. to v. 11. Ps. 50. v. 16. to the end. Ps. 51. v. 15. to v. 18.

Sincerity; see the head of uprightness.

Slandering, the evil and punishment there­of, Ps. 52. v. 1. to the end.


Tongues that are evil, their punishment, Ps. 39. v. 1. to v. 4.


Unity, the blessedness of Unity and Peace in Families, Churches, and Nations, Ps. 133. v. 1. to the end.

Uprightness and Sincerity, and perfect­ness, so called in the Saints, both under the [Page 22]Law, and Gospel, as the certain sign of a converted Person, the blessedness of this Test, of all graces and Christians, See Ps. 26. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 25. v. 8. to the end. Ps. 37. v. 34. to the end.


VVisdom of the Saints, Kings, or others, Ps. 2. v. 10. to the end. Ps. 19. v. 10. to the end. Ps. 107. v. 40. to the end. Ps. 119. v. 97. to v. 105.

VVord, Law, Statutes, and Ordinances of God; See their Excellency, Ps. 119. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 19. v. 7. to the end.


This Letter X. is not to be found in the whole Scrip­ture.


Years, And time to be considered of, Ps. 90. v. 1. to the end.


Zeal for God's Glory, Ps. 42. v. 1. to v. 5. Ps. 69. v. 1. to v. 20. Ps. 20. Ps. 132. v. 1. to v. 11. Ps. 139. v. 19. to the end.

Zeal For the Churches Prosperity, and against the Enemies thereof, under the Typical Name, Zion and Jerusalem. Ps. 51. v. 15. to the end. Ps. 79. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 122. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 137. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 147. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 68. v. 28. to the end. Ps. 87. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 97. v. 7. to the end. Ps. 126. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 125. v. 13. to the end. Ps. 162. v. 13. to the end. Ps. 116. v. 15. to the end. Ps. 69. v. 30. to the end. Ps. 129. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 146. v. 5. to the end. Ps. 149. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 9. v. 6. to the end. Ps. 65. v. 1. to v. 6. Ps. 76. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 99. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 48. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 74. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 14. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 53. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 50. v. 1. to v. 7. Ps. 20. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 100. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 134. v. 1. to the end. Ps. 135. v. 13. to the end.



Page 2. line 5. read Psalm 74. p. 6. l. 26. for Psal. 80. r. 86. p. 13. l. 6. r. Psal. 89. v. 10. to v. 19. p. 14. l. 17. r. Psal. 107. p. 17. l. 24. for Vanity, r. Ʋnity. p. 18. l. 15. r. Psal. 12. v. 1. to the end. p. 21. l. 6. for the evil of sins, r. the evil of secret. p. 21. l. 13. for v. 3. r. v. 1.

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