For we are not ignorant of his Devices.

2. Cor. 2.11.

For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work.

2 Thessal. 2.7.

LONDON, Printed for Jonathan Robinson at the Golden-Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXIX.


WHEN in the Fulness of time the Son of God (the second Person in the blessed Trinity) did assume humane Nature, uniting it in the same Person with his Divine Nature, that being God-man he might redeem Mankind, and save his People from their Sins, and instate them in a blessed condition to all Eternity; he was born of a Virgin, and with such other wonderful Circumstances, as might well give Satan a just Apprehension that this was He, whom all the Prophets had foretold, and God had from the beginning of the World promised under the notion of the Seed of the Woman, that should break the Serpents Head; disappoint all his malicious Designs against the Glory of God and Mans Salvation, and undo the Work of the Devil; utterly destroying his infernal Kingdom, which he had long exercised over fallen Mankind: Which he being sensible of, thought it concerned him to bestir himself to the utmost; and to stir up all his Malice, Power and Subtlety (if it were possible) to pre­vent it.

And therefore in the first place he sought to take away the Life of our Saviour, and that betimes; that so his being incarnate might signify nothing: This he attempted by Herod's means, putting a Jealousy into his Head, that his Kingdom would be indangered by one, who was at his very Birth bespoken and proclaimed the King of the Jews: that so by Herod's Jealousy for his Kingdom, he might ease himself of the Fears which tormented him of losing his own.

But that Trust being put by through the Providence of God, his real, and the care of Joseph, his reputed Father, Satan found himself so manacled by the Divine Power, that he could make no more Assaults upon his Person, than God was pleased to permit him. Wherefore for above thirty Years we find not that he made any At­tempt [Page 4]upon him. But God did then give way to his boiling Malice to set upon him by Temptations. And though perhaps he had but small hopes of prevailing, yet in a desperate Case he resolved to put it to the push in hopes of a Possibility, and therefore he thought if he could by any means draw him to Sin, then he would be his own in Fetters, and in no Capacity to deliver others out of those Chains of Darkness, wherein himself should be held his Prisoner. But when he saw that no Temptation could enter; but that the blow did ever recoil upon his own head (which was still wounded by that Sword of the Spirit, the same Word of God, which had fatally denounced his Destruction) he then did more sensibly per­ceive that Christ was more than his Match, and more than Man; and consequently the Person designed for the ruine of his Kingdom; and therefore he departed from him for a season, hoping still for a more favourable Conjuncture in time to come: but he found him­self in the mean while going down the Wind apace, being daily dispossessed and cast out of one Garison after another, and that a whole Legion were unable to man one single Man, to hold out against his Almighty Word and Command. He found that Sins were forgiven, Diseases cured, and some Dead were raised, and many believed on him, returning to the Obedience of their Maker, being convinced by his Heavenly Doctrine, and perfectly Holy Conversation, and the unresistible Power of his miraculous Works; against which he found himself unable to bear up. Yet between Rage and Despair he filled the Hearts of the Jews with all Mischief, making them to blaspheme and revile him; charging him in par­ticular to be a Blasphemer against God, i. e. himself; and (which was a notable fetch) that he was confederate with the Devil, by whom yet themselves spake and acted all. This our Saviour did refute, to the confusion of all his Accusers. But the Devils and their Malice ceased not until after many bafflled Attempts, they did at last (according to the determinate Counsel of God, permitting and ordering it) bring him to a cruel and ignominious Death. For He was numbred with the Transgressors.

Now was it that Satan began to triumph, as if he had wholly broken all God's Measures, and secured his own Kingdom from so dangerous an Attack. But the Death of Christ in such a manner was the very way and means, whereby God had fore-appointed to bring about his great Work for his own Glory and Mans Salvation, through the ruin of Satan's Kingdom; to which himself did coope­rate by his own utmost Power, Malice and Subtilty, and by all the [Page 5]Instruments that he could make: Thus the Wisdom of the Father did turn the Subtilty of the Serpent into the greatest piece of Folly that ever was in the World.

And this the Devil soon became apprehensive of; and therefore applied all his Arts to hinder the after-game, and recruit of a Resur­rection; which would prove the greatest Miracle of all, and would at once revive and confirm all the Doctrine which Christ had taught, and so become more dangerous than all the rest, if he should have his Prison, the Grave, broken open (for he had the Power of Death) and the Keys thereof ravished from him by a stronger hand. And when he could not hinder the thing, he in­deavoured to stifle it in silence, that it might not be known unto the World; and for this purpose he retained the Jews to be his Brokers, who suborned the Souldiers with large Mony; but all in vain. For the Sun would rise in despight of Clouds, which seemed to obstruct him; and being up, did soon dispel those Mists which the Devil had raised, and by the powerful Beams of his Doctrine, and the miraculous Works taught and wrought by the Mouths and Hands of his Apostles, did proclaim to all the World that he was risen, and so had led Captivity captive, and both received and dispensed such Gifts unto Men, and Graces also, as were like to lead the whole World in Triumph after him. While Satan's Oracles were non­pluss'd, his Altars cast down, his Worshippers converted, his Schoolmens Books burnt, and all his Cheats laid open to the view of all Men.

Thus Christ went on conquering and to conquer, rescuing his People from their Sins, loosing the Bands and Fetters of Sin, and putting on them other Chains, the Golden Chains of Grace and Gratitude, the most potent Obligations to love God, and to yield him new Obedience.

In the mean while, neither the Devil's Malice nor Subtlety were idle; for in pursuance of the first he resolved never to give over persecuting the Church of Christ, both Teachers and others; making use at first of the Jewish Nation, and by them fermenting the Heathen World into the utmost Rage against the Christian Faith, and the Professors of it. And though he has been much restrained from doing what he desired, yet hath he never wholly ceased Day nor Night from opposing, vexing, tempting, persecuting and ac­cusing them to God and Man.

But in the mean while he summoned up all the Methods and De­vices which his Subtlity and long Experience, whetted with Ma­lice [Page 6]and Rage, could suggest unto him. And at length he thought it a matter feasible, that seeing there was no stemming the Tide of the Gospel, nor preventing the whole World from becoming Christian; he might at least seem to resign his Kingdom, and to be dead of his Wound, by suffering Mankind to comply with the Go­spel in an outward Profession, while they reserved their Lusts and spel in an outward Profession, while they reserved their Lusts and Corruptions immortified; whereby he should still retain them un­der his Power, and as certainly destroy them, as in the times of Paganism he had done. Which he thought he might accomplish the more securely, because under a Cloak and Pretext of Compli­ance with Christ and his Kingdom, he should establish his own in the Hearts and Lives of the far greater part, even of such as should make Profession of the Christian Faith; holding them still fast in Sin and Error, which they should retain in Mystery and Disguise. And which was still more, he hoped so far to prevail himself of the Gospel, and to debauch the Christian Religion and Worship, as to pervert the most Holy Principles and Practices of it, and make them become the most refined and effectual means to carry on a My­stery of Iniquity, which is no other than his own Kingdom new modelled, and of the last Edition.

For he conceived it not altogether impossible, to make some Men, out of a blind Devotion unto Christ, instead of worshipping his Person, to adore and give Divine Honour to every thing that had any relation to him, from the Manger to the Cross; and all this out of the meer Honour, which they should pretend to bear unto him. So should they through a blind mistake, instead of his Per­son, fasten their Devotion on his Garments, thereby losing both their Saviour and their Souls together.

And the subtile Spirit did well understand that the earthly Mind of corrupted Nature, would be very prone to terminate its Acts (even the most Religious) upon some sensible or present Object which it finds it self best able to master and comprehend; and therefore he craftily put Men upon devising other than the true Ob­jects of Worship. Which being their own Creatures, they would easily become so fond of, as to fancy them into God's; and give them Divine Worship; or semi-Divine, and so ill distinguished, as that it should easily slide and melt into it.

He understood well that the way to establish his own Kingdom was to lesson that of Christ's; which might be effected by dividing his Worship, and parcelling it out among many other Participants; whereby his due Honour and Worship (which is his Tribute and Re­venue) [Page 7]would be lessoned and imbezil'd; as is a great River by being sliced into many petty Channels. And therefore he would not only put Men upon worshipping Christ's Appurtenances, instead of his Person: but also make them give their Worship unto Saints, be­cause of their Holiness, and their Sufferings for Jesus Christ: where­in they should make account they paid no small Honour unto Christ himself, while they gave it to others for his Sake. And unto Angels likewise, those menial Servants of his, who minister daily for the good of his Saints. Both these they should make their Mediatours unto Christ, or unto God, next way; and that not only of Prayer and Intercession, but also of Merit and Satisfaction, however they should strive to mince the Matter. For the Honour and Worship they should give, should be no other than that which is due to Christ alone, and to God himself. Jesus Christ is the only high Priest of his Church; who, by the Sacrifice of himself, once offered upon the Cross, hath perfected for ever them that are Sanctified, Heb. 10.14. Yet Sa­tan will have him Crucified again and again, even as often as the Sacrament is celebrated; which Christ had instituted only as a Me­morial of his Death and Passion. And while they did this, they should give Divine Worship to that which by Nature is not God, but Bread; though it be, by being blessed according to Christ's holy Institution, invested with Sacramental and Mystical Privi­ledges, becoming the Sign to represent, a Seal to confirm, and an Instrument to convey Christ and all his Benefits unto believing Souls. But, as if it were the very natural Body of Jesus Christ u­nited, together with his Soul, unto his Divine Nature in the Hy­postaical Union, they should give unto it the Divine Worship proper­ly due unto that Person, for the Sake only of the Godhead dwelling in him, and compounding him.

Now the Devil knew that they being mistaken in their Judgment of the Thing they should Worship, would become guilty of real Idolatry. And thus should be pervert that Ordinance which Christ instituted for his own Honour, and the Union, Comfort, and Sal­vation of his faithful Servants; and turn it unto Christ's Disho­nour, by Idolatry, into Schism and Contention, and the Persecuti­on of the Faithful, and Damnation of many Thousands, who should thereby be made Idolaters.

And while God's Worship is thus given to the Creatures [ Rev. 9.20.] and their Images, and unto God by his Images; Satan knew that however Men might direct and superscribe it, God would never accept of it, having declared his Mind to the contrary; and [Page 8]so of Course all must fall to his Share, as waved and escheated. [1. Cor. 10.20, 21.] For God will be worshipped alone, and he will not give his Honour to another. And Jesus Christ is jealous of his own Prerogative, being the only Mediator between God and Man; and takes himself to be slighted by such as go about to piece out his Satisfaction [as if it were defective, and insufficient] by humane Penances and Merits. He is the only High Priest of his Church; and he is our alone Intercessor, who can by his own Merits, of infinite Value, prevail with his Heavenly Father, and obtain at his Hand all Blessings, and eternal Life for all his elect Members, and recommend their Petitions, put up in his Name, and perfumed by the incense of his own Merits, so that they shall not fail of Ac­ceptance and a gracious Audience. And his love to his Church is so great, that he is very jealous, and takes it ill, that she should wave his Intercession, or not come immediately to him through a kind of diffidence of his Love to Her (though pretending unworthiness, Humility, and to exalt his Honour thereby) but direct her Petiti­ons to her Fellow-Creatures (though to be handed to him) who can neither know nor help her.

And for his Prophetical Office, the Devil contrived to invade that, by stifling the Evangelical Law, locking it up in an unknown Tongue, suppressing part of it, and adding to it by Writing and Oral Tradition, on pretence of its being an insufficient Rule and Direction for Mans Salvation, without the Addition of such Things as should, in Truth, subvert and contradict it; and by giving it such a gloss as should be sure to corrupt the Text, which he hoped to make uncontroulable, if he could so bring it about, as that all Corruptions both in Doctrine and Worship might be made incura­ble by a persuasion in the Minds of Men that the Proposer and Di­rector of them was assisted by an infallible Spirit, and could not Err; and had received a Power of Dispensing with the Law of God it self, and that there were still on Foot a Power of working Divine Miracles employed for the Confirmation of his Doctrines.

And then for his Kingly Office, the Devil would raise up such an one, which should pretend to a Donatio Christi, as well as Constantini, which should invest him with a Power both in Spirituals and Tem­porals equal to that of Christ himself; and therefore make him his Deputy and Plenipotentiary even unto Adoration [2 Thes. 2.4.] or if that should fail, the Devil had one ready sealed, which he had made tenders of to Jesus Christ. Luke 4.6, 7. upon a certain Con­dition; and though he rejected it with Scorn and Abhorrence, yet [Page 9]he doubted not to find one, who would thankfully accept of it; the Draught whereof was already entred among the Divine Records, and his bold Claim to it then made should be a sufficient Evidence of his Right. But because the Men of the World were like to be something stiff and refractory to part with their Temporal Rights and Possessions; therefore he should content himself with what he could get for the present, for fear of Knocks; yet giving away Kingdoms to those, who would adventure for them, (which giving, should prove his Right to retain or dispose of them) and deposing whom he durst of those, who would not allow him Power to dispose of their Temporals in order to his Spirituals, which himself should claim to be the sole Judg of. One that should, in pursuance of this Claim, pretend to pardon Mens Sins against the Law of God, and erect a Purgatory, or Prison, for Offenders, whereof himself should keep the Key on the same Bunch with those of Heaven and Hell, which he should pretend to wear always at his Girdle. One, who should exercise Dominion over Mens Faith and Consciences, minting new Articles of Faith at his Pleasure, to be believed by them under no less pain then eternal Damnation.

Thus Satan thought it a thing not altogether unpossible for him to supplant and defeat Christ in all his Offices, and thereby degrade him from that Honour wherein his Father had invested him; who had given him a Name above every Name, that the Angels of God should worship him, and that to his Power and Authority every Knee should bow; that his Humane Nature, as existing in his Person, and his Person as God-Man, and consisting partly of his humane Na­ture, should become the Object of Divine Adoration, his humane Nature being assumed into that high Priviledg and Prerogative of partaking of that Worship, which God will not suffer to be given to any that is not God; and also that all Acts of Grace should be dispensed unto the Church as the alone purchase of his Merit, and at his sole Instance and Intercession.

And if Satan could but gain this Point and Design upon the Per­son and Offices of Christ, he hoped to lay his Faith and Religion low enough, and in a great measure to defeat the great Design of the Gospel, the Salvation of Mens Souls. Which he should the more easily hereby retain under his Command, and keep them still in their Sins and natural Corruptions. Which that he might che­rish and inflame to the utmost, under the mysterious Covert of the Christian Profession, he cast about how he might make Provision for the Flesh, to improve the Corruptions of Humane Nature unto their utmost Pitch and A [...]m [...].

And therefore he contrived it so, as that the Profession of Reli­gion should not hinder, but rather promote the injoyment of all worldly Honours, Riches, and sensual Pleasures; the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life. That Men might pursue their Pride and Ambition, their Covetousness of Riches and Possessions, and their earthly and carnal Pleasures and Delights; and yet all the while go for good Christians, abusing others, and per­haps themselves also, into a foolish Persuasion, that they were in the first rank of those who should be saved.

The first of these Corruptions is Pride, which being the Devil's first-born, and the principal Master-Lineament of his Image, where­with he had poisoned Humane Nature at the first, and being the main Root of all Rebellion and Apostacy from God, he took a speci­al Care for its Accommodation in this new Model of his Kingdom. And therefore when Men had taken upon them the Profession of the Christian Faith, and brought along with them high thoughts of themselves, of the acuteness of their Reason, and the [...], or uncontroulable Freedom of their Will, (both which the way of believing and taking things upon God's sole Authority, and the necessity of the Grace of God for the Sanctification of the Heart and saving of the Soul, seemed to cross and mortify) the Devil gra­tified them in this by setting up Opinions of Religion to the same effect. Which have proved a Seminary of most of the Heresies, which afterward infected the Church of God for many Ages; as proceed­ing from a corrupt Self-Love, or love of corrupted Self, and setting up Mans Understanding and Will against those of God, whereby Men became [...], & [...], no longer subject to him.

Mens Reason was entertained with Notions contrary to the myste­rious Truths of the Gospel, called by the Apostle the Mystery of Godli­ness; The blessed Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the Divine Es­sence, and the Union of the two Natures in the Person of Jesus Christ; God manifested in the Flesh; Our Redemption by his Death, and Justification by Faith in him; Sanctification by his Word and Spirit; the Resurrection of the Body; and such like. And their proud Wills were stroaked and soothed with an opinion of Merit, and the self-sufficiency of Natures Stock, without being beholden to God for Gospel-Grace.

But the main and top-branch of Pride did shew it self in [...], in the asserting of a Superiority and appearing on the top of other Men.

Therefore to gratify this Ambition, he resolved first to make use of those Eminencies, which he found in the Constitution of the Church. Christ himself gave some Apostles, some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers, Eph. 4.11. So that there wanted not Gifts and Offices, which Men of Demetrius his Complexion, who loved the Preeminency, might pretend and aspire unto.

And if this were not enough to satisfie their Ambition, they might build themselves higher Stories by drawing Disciples after them [ Acts 20.30.] and so heading of Sects and Colonies: or by usurping, and lording it over God's heritage; [1 Pet. 5.3.] and not only over the Plebs Christiana, but also over all those Orders and Powers, which Christ had planted in his Church; and raise them­selves up to a Soveraignty over all others of their Brethren, and be­come Universal Bishops of the whole Church of Christ on Earth, and Oecumenical Rulers in matters relating to Christ and his King­dom.

But the Devil might easily foresee, that, when he should start this game, there were like to be many pretenders; at least many, who thinking themselves of equal Power, and as capable as others, of such a Prelation, would be glad to have it, if there must be one: but all could not be gratified with one place, so that there must needs be a Simultas of more Competitors.

This affectation of Empire should first lift up its Head in the Eastern Church, but at length prevail in the West, after it had been decried and severely censured there as Antichristian.

For so great an Authority to be lodged in one Person, there was no pretext could be made so plausible; as to hold Vicegerent under Christ Jesus; of whom the whole Family of Heaven and Earth is named; who is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: to whom all Power was given by the Father in Heaven and Earth. But that this new Spiritual Mo­narch might not seem to be the first in the Claim, he was to pretend to be the Successor of St. Peter the Apostle, for whose Investiture and Institution he was to combate the Gospel, and to find it out there; though neither Peter himself, nor St. Paul have any thing like it in their Epistles; and the Primitive Fathers and Councils were stiff against it, especially the most ancient of them; who by their Canons, and Carriage, and Writings, seem not to have had any belief that any particular See on Earth was their sole Soveraign Lord and Emperor in Spiritualibus. But to silence all such Gain­sayers, both ancient and modern, in this and all other matters; [Page 12]he should claim the Authority of infallible interpretation of Scrip­tures and Fathers; whom having first garbled, and cut out the Tongues of many of them, that spake against him, he should infal­libly pronounce to be all for him; Notwithstanding that the most considerable part of Christianity might judge and know the con­trary.

But that this his Empire and Soveraign Dominion might not be thought the effect of Pride and Arrogance, so contrary to the pre­cept and example of Jesus Christ, (whose Vicar he should pretend to be) and so expose him to the envy of others; he should cloak it under the humble Title of Servus Servorum (tho he should carry it liker Dominus Dominantium) and in humility seal Annulo Piscatoris, with the Ring and Seal of St. Peter the Fisher-Man Apostle; who yet perhaps never had any such thing.

But be it as it will, it is resolved that a Prince he shall be [ Rev. 13.1, 11, 12, 14.] but alas! what's a Prince in Cuerpo alone, without welt or guard; without a Court, a Council, and a Guard? especially if he want both personal Wisdom, Learning and Vertue to recom­mend him to his Subjects, and protect him from Affront, Envy and Contempt? It was therefore thought fit in the next Consult, That there should be a convenient number raised out of the Clergy to up­hold the Mystery (though of inferiour rank at first) till the state should be formed and come into request, by suitable Power and Riches; and receive some considerable Address from the rest of the World. Hereby the Empire would rise by Degrees, and at length be able to invite Politick Heads from Noble and Princely Families, and entertain the Minds of such of the Clergy, whose Advantages should tempt them to aspire to the supreme Dignity, and for the present quiet their pretentions in hopes of obtaining, when there should a favourable Conjuncture offer it self. And 'ith mean while they would be true to the See, which they might hope in time would be their own; and enjoy all the most sublimated exercises of their Wits and Lusts; and all this under the Mystery and pretence of administring the Spiritual Kingdom of Jesus Christ for the Sal­vation of Mens Souls, and the Glory of God the Father.

And for this end the Revenues of the Church (given and de­voted by pious Christians to God, for the Maintenance of his true Worship and Relief of his poor Children) must be amassed upon these spiritual Courtiers, to enable them to maintain a Port be­coming the Children of Pride, and provide Fuel for their burning Lusts; while the Churches, whose Titles they should wear, would [Page 13]be pilled by them, and the care of Souls neglected, and Religion be­trayed. And because Bishopricks and Ecclesiastical Benefices would prove an insufficient Fund for their occasions; therefore there were other Provisions to be made, as we shall see hereafter.

But neither Court nor State can subsist in Prosperity and Repu­tation without Dependents, Intelligence, Forces, and Means to sup­port them. All which might very easily be supplied by the means of Priests, Missionaries, and other Persons, under the Mystery of Religion.

As for Dependents, the getting into their Hands the Disposal of all Ecclesiastical Benefices, and Church-Revenues, would give them an Opportunity of boring through the Ears of many Millions, and of making them their Vassals; while so many whole Orders in their vast Number of Monasteries, and all their Members, Tenents and Retinue, yea and Revenues also, would, upon occasion, be at their Devotion and Command.

And for Intelligence, there might be a select Number of Priests of choicest Abilities sent into the Courts of Princes; who under pretence of being helpful to their Souls, by preaching, directing, and confessing them, should be able to discover their greatest Se­crets, and most private Counsels; and be under an Oath to disco­ver them unto the Governors of the State Ecclesiastick. And others also in prodigious Numbers might be sent into all Nations, who should be Eye-Witnesses of what is done by Men of all Conditions, and have a Key into their Hearts and Consciences, so that not so much as a Thought should stir, but it should come to their Know­ledg, and be under their Management and Disposal. And all un­der pretence of taking care of their Souls. Others under pretence of voluntary Poverty, should not only abuse the Charity of ignorant People, but as they beg, pry into their Families, observe their private Behaviours, Company and Acquaintance, their Abilities, and the several Degrees of their Devotion to Ecclesiastical Interest. Besides these, those of the mystical Council, being pick'd out as Persons of Interest from several Nations, and some out of Princely Families, whose Secrets and Interests they are acquainted with, or by their Friends and Acquaintance can easily come to the Knowledg of. These, I say, can supply Intelligence, how every Vein and Arte­ry of any State and Kingdom, and almost of every single Person in them, doth beat.

As for Forces, Though the Temporal Princes are too wise to suf­fer this Empire to have its Armies, Garisons, and Castles, its [Page 14]Forts and Citadels in the Heart and Bowels of their Dominions; yet in effect it should have all these in Mystery, in the Monasteries listed under the Banner of Prayers, as if they had no other Wea­pons, which they could or would use. But these would be able to raise their Tenents, and list themselves, when occasion should serve, (as they have done sometimes) and a numerous Swarm of Priests might be ready, at the Signal given, to animate the Subjects against their Prince, and by laying an Interdict or Imbargo upon the pub­lick Worship of God, provoke them to join with them in a Rebel­lion. Whereby all Princes should have but precarious Titles to, and Possessions of their Kingdoms, and no firm footing in the Hearts of their Subjects to trust unto, but lie at the Mercy, Pleasure, and Disposal of this Universal Spiritual Monarch.

And for the support of those mighty Armies, through the cheat­ing of Confessors, and the Ignorance of People, their Charity might be fooled into a conceit of buying Heaven, as it were by Bill of Exchange; and by parting with their Lands to maintain a Company of lazy and vile Persons, who should subsist by a Pretence of the Efficacy of their Prayers to God and special Interest in him.

Whereby a great part of the Revenue of a Nation would be ei­ther exported or mispent at home, or else imployed to the weaken­ing of the Prince and Nation; and sometimes imployed against them both: who would also hereby be enervated both by Supersti­tion, and by the want of those who should defend them.

But to say no more of this Spiritual Monarchy, nor the Ambition and Polity of it; there remained two other Particulars, wherein carnal Minds were to be gratified, in which the Gospel of Christ designed to mortify them; Luxury, and Covetousness, or Worldly-mindedness.

And as for the first of them, a Provision might be made that all the Pleasures of Sense might be enjoyed to the full, and that under a pretence of shunning and disclaiming them, viz. by the Doctrines of a celibate or single Life, and that of Fasting, and such like other pretended Mortifications of the Flesh. But such Restraints being of meer humane Institution, which could not make them confer Grace, would probably but inflame the Disease, instead of curing it, and (like Water on Lime, or Oyl on Fire) increase the Heat, and inrage the Distemper. Yet the Clergy were to be interdicted lawful Marriage, though honourable and of Divine Institution; and that too, as if it were such a defiling thing, and altogether in­consistent with the Holiness of Priests, and the Perfection of Devo­tion, [Page 15]and therefore to be forbidden [1 Tim. 4.3.] and vowed against (but in truth, lest the Expences of a Family should hinder the Subsistence, and so lessen the Multitude of Priests, so necessary a Tool in the Spiritual Monarchy) yet Satan foresaw that thereby they might be let loose to Variety, and therefore the Stews were to be instituted, or at least incouraged, and Concubines to be granted, as necessary in the case (which themselves had made) and be count­ed less impure than Matrimony, though God's own Ordinance and Institution. But to make it amends, it should be advanced into a Sacrament for such as would; and that which could confer Grace to all (excepting Priests and religious Persons.) But for a further Re­lief of the Priests Celibate, they should have wanton Legends, and fair Opportunities of Mortification from the private Confession and secret Converse with the weaker Sex. And though in some Coun­tries the Laity might find a necessity by a Law to abridg them there­in, and to constrain them to keep their Concubines for prevention of Inconveniences to their own Wives and Families: yet for the most part they would have the Law in their own Hands, and ab­solve one another upon easy terms. Though we read indeed of some of late times, who having been so impudent as to demand the tenth night of Wives, and to avouch it unto the Bishop himself to be a legitimate cure for Nuns, did not escape so easily; the one being burnt, and the other immured or buried alive, but more for fear than Justice in those who did it.

But to quit my Hands of this dirty Subject, the other Palliation for Luxury, was to be the pretence of mortifying Men by Fastings, and other voluntary Tormentings of Nature, by scourging and such like Severities. But as the Wip doth not use to quench Sin, when of the Sinners own laying on; nor an hairy Shirt worn next the Skin, to mortify more deep and inward Corruption: So neither would Abstinence from some grosser Meats, much chastise the Ap­petite; which in the mean while might be gratified with more deli­cious Food, and entertained with choicer Junkets. As some have been heard to profess that they were so great Lovers of a Fish-Diet, that in Lent-time they have often made their Meal of roast Beef and Fowls in pure Humiliation and Self-Denial. So that by fasting (as some Men call fasting) the Pleasure of eating is oft time rather refined than restrained, and the Appetite but whetted and quickned for the future.

And as for Clothes, (another point for Luxury to wrap it self in) the Purple and Scarlet, the Splendor and Ornaments of the Sove­raign [Page 16]Court, the rich Jewels, Pearls, and precious Stones, where­with the Temples, together with the Altars and Images in them, would be decked and adorned, might be sufficient Consolation against creeping to the Cross in Sackcloth and Ashes, and washing the Feet of the poor once a Year, that their own may be kissed all the Year after.

And though some Orders should go meanly clad, yet there might be a Pleasure even in that, if affected; and though they might with the Cynick be [...], yet [...]; and their Souls wear Scarlet, while their Bodies were clad in Rags and Russet.

But Covetousness must not be forgot, but be allowed its Place and Appartment in this new Model and Mystery of Iniquity, [2 Pet. 2.3. Rev. 18.11, 12, 13.] The Gospel indeed had spoken severe things against Covetousness and Worldly-mindedness, and having called Men out of the World, required them to leave behind them, and abstract their Minds from all the Riches and Furniture of it, and to set their Minds on things above, to have their Conversations in Heaven, and there to seek after a more enduring Substance, and the true Riches. But this seemed an hard Chapter to worldly and earthly Minds; and therefore a way was to be found out, wherein Men might either possess Wealth under an outward Profession of Poverty, and the having nothing; or else with a bold Face out­brave the Gospel-Rules, and despise the meanness of primitive Christi­anity and deride even St Peter's Folly, and beggerly Motto, Sil­ver and Gold have I none.

They might pretend to run from the World, to decoy it into their Cells; and disclaim it in publick, that they may with the more ease injoy it in a Corner; & fugit and Salices—.

To slake which immortal Thirst after Rices, the Veins of all Eu­rope must be sucked, and those of India come swimming in, (though at second hand) to make that affluence, and Euphrates of Gold and Silver, which might be a sufficient Supply for Babylon the Great.

It would be a Labour worth a good deal, but to reckon up all the several Streams, which empty themselves into this great Channel; But I shall name only some few of them. 1st. It might be foreseen that a great Revenue might be raised by a voluntary Benevolence from Princes, and other great Men of the World, who would be glad to bestow some of their Wealth at parting with the World, that they might thereby make some Amends for the Sins by which they got it, and purchase to themselves an Elbow-Chair in Heaven; which they could believe to be feasible by seeing the Porter St. Peter [Page 17]or hisSuccessor, who kept the Keys. Yea, a Pretence to a Dona­tion would in tract of time create a kind of Title by Custom and Prescription, especially of as much as they could get and keep Possession of; and when this way would reach no further, it might be pieced out, by taking what would not be given; and this might be effected by many ways and means. As for Instance, by Sale of Red-hats to such Princes as had a mind to prefer a Friend, or pro­vide themselves of a Proctor; also by sale of other Court-Offices. By Sainting of some, when any Nation desired to worship their own Country-man and Acquaintance, that he might more naturally su­perintend their particular Concernments. By setting up a Purga­tory to cast Men into a Sweat, that they might be well paid for rub­bing of them dry again, by a Pardon fringed with a Multitude of Masses; by making Penal Laws on purpose to be dispensed with at greater rates. By Sale of Ecclesiastical Benefices in their own be­stowing, which they might charge with annual Pensions, and then release at five Years purchase; and exacting Fees of all other Bene­fices, as First-Fruits, Tenths, and other Perquisites from the smaller sort; but from Bishopricks, for their Palls, Investitures, &c. an un­known Sum might come in from all Countries; as also for Vacancies of Collegiate Churches, and Abbies, and many more, too tedious to be recited.

By such ways and means were the Triumvirate of Pride, Lust and Covetousness to be provided for. But for the perfecting of the Mystery of Iniquity, and the making it work more effectually, there were a couple more of Ingredients to be added, which are indeed the very Cremor Tartari, the Systole and Diastole of the Devil's Heart, and the necessary Instruments of his Polity, Fraud and Cru­elty. And as himself was a Lier and Murderer from the begin­ning; so these two Characters of Antiquity could not be spared, to make the Mystery look like its Author. There are two princi­pal Lineaments of the Image of God, which the Gospel came to repair in Man, Truth and Love; that so he might be renewed after the Image of him that created him, who is called Truth, and cannot lie; and also Love: which two things are especially recom­mended in Scripture, as the main Characters of an Evangelical Spirit and Conversation, and therefore Satan could not make his Mystery enough Antichristian, unless he should extirpate these two out of his Common-Wealth, by implanting their Contraries, Fraud and Cruelty, in the Minds of all his cordial Subjects, but espe­cially those who should have the Management of his Kingdom and Affairs.

The First whereof was indispensibly necessary for carrying on the Mystery, both for keeping it secret, and trapanning Men into Principles and Practices so directly contrary to the Doctrine of the Gospel, and that under a Pretence of complying with it. And therefore the Apostle tells us aforehand, That the coming of the wicked One should be after the working of Satan, with lying Wonders, and all Deceivableness of Ʋnrighteousness, [2 Thess. 2.8, 9.] Speaking Lies in Hyprocrisy [1 Tim. 4.2.] being a seducing Spirit. The Mystery of Iniquity was to be carried on, [...], through the Hypocrisy of Liars; who being Liars, should pretend to Truth: and therefore so long as they made use of her Garment, they were to have no further regard to her self, either in Thought, Word, or Deed; but having feared Consciences, to give up them­selves to believe what they once knew to be false; and to spare no Lies, nor false Oaths, Circumventions, Treacheries nor Trea­sons; having first persuaded themselves, that nothing can be Sin which is serviceable to their Holy Designs. In Pursuance whereof fabulous Legends, new Doctrines, and new Articles of Faith were to be minted, and digged up out of that dark and bottomless Pit of Tradition, and varnished over with a seeming Gloss of wrested Scripture. Councils were to be packed, true Authors corrupted, and false ones suborned. And to warrant all, there should be an Order of Men instituted; who by their disputacious Subtilty should duel all Opposers, and spin out Truth into so fine a Thread, that few Eyes should be able to discern what colour it was of; and then weave it into a Cobweb-Lawn or Spiders Web, rarefying Faith in­to vain Speculations, and snarling the plain Truth into a thousand Perplexities, till it can neither be believed nor understood.

And as for Cruelty, thereby they should fight Satan's Quarrel with the Seed of the Woman, and gratify their own Principle, which he should infuse into them, of Hatred and Revenge. And seeing the Mystery of Iniquity was to be carried on against all Right and Reason, it was like to meet with opposition enough from others, who would adhere to such Principles; and therefore all those soft and foolish Principles of Love, Pity and Humanity, were to be thrown over-board, and all the Methods and Modes of Cruelty were to be devised and made use of for the tormenting, and destruction of all such as should either oppose, or not comply with the great Sil­ver Diana, and the Golden Image which Satan should set up for himself to be worshipped by; who having great Wrath against the Woman, shall make War against the Remnant of her Seed, [Page 19]which keep the Commandments of God, and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ [ Rev. 12.17. chap. 16.6. chap. 17.6. chap. 18.24.]

Thus have we briefly seen how Satan hath contrived his Mystery of Iniquity, so that it should not only dethrone Jesus Christ from his Worship, and supplant him in all his Offices, but also gra­tify and uphold Sin and Corruption; (which he came to save us from, and heal us of) and thereby revive his Kingdom in My­stery and Masquerade, and destroy Millions of precious Souls to all Eternity.

But now perhaps, it will not be amiss to take a short and parti­cular View of several Doctrines of our Christian Faith, and Or­dinances of Christ; and observe how subtily the old Serpent con­trived to pervert them; that he might make them subservient to the several Interests of his Kingdom of Darkness, and the Polices thereof.

First, for Preaching the Gospel, which is the means of the Propa­gation and Edification of the Church, and saving the Souls of Men; this the Devil knew might be made a Gladius Delphicus, and was capable of being turned upon the Gospel it self, by making the Pul­pit a Mortar-Piece to discharge his Granado's from, and to cast his fiery Darts of Sedition, and damnable Heresies, among the People; by taking Care that when it was used, the Doctrine might be corrupted by a preverting Gloss, and by mixing with it Legends and feigned Miracles, and cunningly devised Fables, to keep the People ignorant, and from the sight and knowledg of the Scriptures, lest they should know too much, and discover his Errors; lest they should be wiser than their Priests, and so despise them; who should have neither parts nor means for Learning, which might recom­mend them; but be, like Priest, like People; Priests of the meanest of the People, and the People made pliable to believe any Doctrine that should be offered to them, and readily practise whatsoever Superstition or Idolatry should be injoined; and while Ignorance is the Mother of Devotion, the Devotion must needs prove Blind, and never be able to grope the way to Heaven; and yet so it must needs be, while Prayers are recited in an unknown Tongue.

But because it might be too great a Mortification of Mens Curiosi­ty to let them see no further then their Noses, therefore he re­solved to furnish them with Prophecies of his own dictating, where­by they might be amused, without danger of being made wiser [Page 20]or better by them, as they might be by the Scriptures; And re­membring how his heathen Romans were wont to have their Curi­osity hushed with the lullaby of the Theater; he resolved to entertain Christians with Images and sine Pictures on the Church-Walls and Windows, and Theatrical Representations of Gospel-History, which should be instead of Scripture to them, and were like to be taking with those empty Souls, who knew no better.

Then for the Sacraments, they might be easily laid lower in esteem, by joining others in Commission with them, which should be so slightly grounded, that People might be tempted to suspect the true Coin, as if of no better Metal; or else think that Men could make Sacraments, and add Grace to accompany them. But as for the sealing and assuring Power of them, it should be ener­vated, by suspending their Efficacy upon the Intention of the Priest, which none living but himself could be assured of without a Divine Revelation; and therefore not know but they might be Idolaters in worshipping an unconsecrated Wafer; nor whether they had so much as been baptized or no. And besides, the Sacra­ments were capable of being corrupted by superstitious Ceremo­nies, and by impious Uses and Applications; viz. Baptism might either be totally rejected, as childish and ridiculous, or neg­lected and deferred; or, by misapplying it to Persons against their Wills, or to the Ignorant, or unduly to the Children of Unbelie­vers; or else defiling it, by adding to it Creame or Spittle, and Exorcisms; or shamefully profaning of it, by Christening of Bells, &c.

The Eucharist might be perverted by worshipping of the Ele­ments instead of Christ himself, giving the Priest a power to make his Maker, which would advance the Priesthood into Admiration, and ballance other just Causes of Contempt, and make the People beholden to him for his Intention, which alone could keep them from being gross Idolaters. By abusing it as an Amulet to Preserve, or an Opportunity to Poison; a Charm to Exorcise, or a Pawn for securing a Debt, thereby turning the Host into a Hostage; and the Natural Body of Christ (as they should believe it to be) into Gold or Silver, by a strange kind of Retransubstantiation. (Which a certain Emperor is recorded to have done.)

However, while this sacred or solemn Mystery, instituted by our Saviour's dying Breath, and bequeathed as a Legacy to his beloved Spouse (whom he purchased with his own Blood) as a Divine means of her Comfort and Union, shall become the [...], [Page 21]matter of Contention, and occasion of the most mortal hatred that Satan himself could infuse into the Minds of Men: and while the due Commemoration of Christ's most Precious Death, shall be made to many Men the cause of their own; while, I say, this sacred Mystery shall be thus perverted to contrary Ends, the Devil will triumph, as having turned it into a Mystery of Ini­quity, to the defeating of the Gospel, especially while so many Men, by unworthy receiving, do eat and drink their own Damnati­on, and give possession of themselves unto Satan by the livery and seisin of the Sop.

And as for that Authority and Power of the Keys which Christ left with his Church, Satan knew how to serve himself of it, for excluding out of the visible Church those of the Hous­hold of Faith, and the letting in of Thieves and Robbers. How to make it a Pick-lock to Mens Purses and Consciences, and to imploy it upon trivial and pecuniary Errands; which would render it 'ith' mean while not only useless to its proper End, but also pernicious, by absolving Men into Presumption.

Yea and the Government of the Church, ordained for the Union, Order, Safety, and Edification of it, might be in a great measure defeated, by reducing the choice of the Persons into the Hands of Temporal great Ones, of whom while few would be good Men, the Persons chosen would likely be accordingly; and by intoxicating their Minds with Temporal Riches and Honours, which would make them think their primitive Duty too far below them, and have neither care nor leisure to mind it. And lastly, by making their Precincts so large, that it would be im­possible for any one Man (though never so Good, Able, and Diligent) to administer one of them as he ought. And all this might be brought about under the specious pretence of the flourishing Condition of the Church, and its having Princes for its nursing Fathers. And as for those blessed Ends of this In­stitution, above mentioned; while some should delight themselves in imposing upon others their own Opinions and Commands in matters doubtful or needless; and others please themselves as much in a pertinacious holding and propagating of their con­trary Opinions, and a sturdy noncompliance with what they desire; both Sorts would be so stiffly set upon having their own Wills, and maintaining their own Reputations, as to forget that they were Brethren, and to neglect the Peace of the Church, [Page 22]which Christ their common Saviour purchas'd with his own Blood. But yet in the mean while (even in all Ages) truly gracious, and humble Persons would indeavour to keep their Peace with God, studying and believing plain Truths, and faithfully prac­tising all their known Duties, to have Peace in themselves, and to shew forth a brotherly-Love unto others, yielding as much as is possible for Publick Peace sake. According to St. Paul's Exhorta­tion, Rom. 12.18. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peace­ably with all Men; in patience possessing their own Souls, and so with a silent meekness slip through the World, and lay hold on eter­nal Life, leaving others behind them to question and commune with their own Hearts, about their own Share and Interest in that sweet and blessed Legacy of our dying Lord, John 14.27. Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto you. And to bethink themselves what account they can hereafter give unto him of that great Depo­stitum.

And when all Church-censures, how duly soever dispensed, and the Municipal Laws of particular Nations (whereby the loose Spi­rits of Men were held to their Duty, and to the observance of the Divine Law of both Tables) shall be Suspended and Despensed withal, and thereby Men turned loose, to do every Man what is right (or wrong) in his own Eyes, and to follow the inclination of his own Mind; into how forlorn a Condition the Church and Worship of God must needs be reduced, any considering Man may easily apprehend.

When a justifying Faith shall be reduced to the same form with that of the Devils; Assurance of Salvation be branded for Pre­sumption, and Men discouraged from making their Calling and Election sure, in spight of the Apostle's Exhortation; when Sin shall be pardoned for Money, or of course; when Repentance (which is a godly and hearty sorrow for Sin, joined with an abhorrence and forsaking of it) shall be laid aside, as too harsh for the delicate Flesh, and instead thereof, an hanging down the Head, a pale and distorted Countenance, in a few Grimases, the saying by rote a few Paters and Aves, the chastising of the Body by some outward Severities, rather than part with the Sin of the Soul; a Whip and a lousy Coat; and denying themselves something which they do not much care for, shall be account­ed the only Self-denial and Mortification a-la-mode: When there shall be no Charity left but that of Almes, and that ap­plied for vain Glory, given with the sound of the Trumpet, and [Page 23]to maintain a lazy Superstition, whilst the same Persons shall have so little true Charity or Mercy, as to imbrue their hands in the Blood and Tears of the true Members of Jesus Christ. When Charity shall grow cold, and Persecution hot, and Men become Lovers of themselves, of their Pleasures and Riches more than of God, aban­doning themselves to all manner of Licentiousness, and making it the chief of their care to make Provision for the Flesh: Then may Men come to be assured that the Mystery of Iniquity is busily at work in the World; as the Apostle tells us it had begun in his days. But how much of it hath been since executed and wrought off, and the woful Effects which it hath produced, I shall leave to the Histo­ries of the Church in all Ages to report, and to the Judgment of all wise Men to make the Application.

But let every Nation and Church, and Party of Men, on which any of these Corruptions shall be found, bear its own Burthen; re­pent and reform what it finds amiss in it self, and never dream of excusing it self, by casting all the Blame upon others: for it is most certain that the Mystery of Iniquity is as large as the Dominion of Sin, and Kingdom of Darkness is within the visible Church, and under the Profession of the Christian Religion; and there is not a Nation under Heaven, wherein the Devil hath not ten times more of real Subjects than Jesus Christ.


Some Books newly printed for Jonathan Robinson at the Golden-Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard.

A Third Volume of Sermons, preached by the late Reverend and Learned Dr. Thomas Manton; in two Parts: The first containing sixty six Sermons on the 11th Chapter to the Hebrews; with a Treatise of the Life of Faith. Part the 2d. A Treatise of Self-Denial; with several Sermons on the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup­per, and other Occasions: with an Alphabetical Table to the whole. Folio.

The sure trial of Uprightness, opened in several Sermons upon Psalm 18. ver. 23. I was also upright before him, and have kept my self from mine Iniquity. By William Bates. D. D. Octavo.

—His three Sermons at the Funerals of Mr. Clarksm, Dr. Jacomb, and Mr. Benja­min Arshurst.

Legal Exceptions and lawful Prejudices against Popery; or a large Deduction of Historical Evidences; proving that the Papacy is the real Antichristian Kingdom. By Peter Jureiu. Octavo.

A new Systeme of the Apocalypse, or plain and methodical Illustrations of all the Visions in the Revelation of St John; proving the Pope to be Antichrist. Written by a French Minister in the Year 1685. and finished but two days before the Dragoons Plundered him of all except this Treatise. Faithfully Englished. Twelves.

Primitive Episcopacy, evincing from Scripture and Ancient Records, that a Bishop in the Apostles times, and for the space of the first three Centuries of the Gospel-Church, was no more than a Pastor to one single Church or Congregation. By the the late Pious and Learned David Clarkson, sometime Fellow of Clare-hall, Cam­bridg. Octavo.

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