A Dialogue between IACK KETCH and his Journey-Man; Concerning their Profession and present Affair in the world.
They are affraid they cannot send so many to Heaven, as Baxter, Lobb, and Bull, has sent to HELL.

Come prithee Nick,
Look sharp, be quick,
for now begins our Harvest;
Throw by thy Coat,
Thou'st have a Cloak,
for Charles is now in earnest:
His Friends no more shall hang like dogs to please a bloody Faction;
Our damn'd Phanatick Plotting Rogues,
shall breed no more distraction.
Then use your Art,
And play your part,
and leave your course of Whoring;
Of Axe and Ropes,
Clear all the Shops,
be stocked without scoring:
You must not use three blows at one,
now Trading comes in faster;
Lest you be Hang'd for fumbling John,
and I be made your Master.
O peace good Nick,
A Drunken trick,
but made well for the Saints tho';
For they each drop,
Of Blood lickt up,
and scrap'd the Scaffold also:
To make the factious fools believe,
a Traytor dy'd a Martyr;
But now the Whigs to undeceive,
he dy'd more like a Tartar.
The worst I find,
Yet stays behind,
and hates to hang in order;
His Grace and Peers,
In Towns or Shires,
or sculks upon the Borders:
Argile, and Meluin, Ferguson,
and Rumbold the blind Malster:
Nelthorp Elby, Cocheran,
are all run from the Halter.
Chesteeres and Lobb's,
Two Whigish scabs,
they preached nought but Treason,
At th' end o'th' Farce,
Now hangs an Arse,
at groaning Tyburns Reason:
The roaring Bull throws by his Gown,
and wipes his greasie Whiskers:
While Mother Criswel rubs him down,
and claps him 'twixt two sisters.
Both Gibs and Row
And Norton too,
are run to save their Bacon;
Would I were drunk,
With my sweet Punk,
were they but hang'd or taken:
Charlton of the old Rump,
and Treason still promoting,
He's come to town both Legg and Stump,
we'l spoyl his art of Voting.
By Heavens Iack,
Of all the pack,
he's like to bring us Cole boy,
For all his gang,
He'l Peach and Hang,
to keep out of the Hole boy:
He'l send for's party bundel'd up,
like loads of Kentish Faggots,
Then with the Hatchet and the Rope,
we'l spoil their Fiery Maggots.
If this Trade hold,
We'l want no Gold,
old Stumps their chief Pay Master;
Of Every Rogue,
And Treacherous Dog,
that sought the Kings Disaster:
Five hundred pound I'le have at least,
if e're I take a Prentice,
Come let's go drink, our Trade's the best
we'l make 'um know what Hemp is.

Printed for J. Dean, in Cranborn- Street, in Leicester-Fields near Newport- House, 1683

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