THE WORD OF THE LORD To all children born again of the Immortal Seed As the salutation of the bowels of the unlimitted love of the Father, flowing forth to you in the forcible power of his own life, thorow your Brother and companion in tribulation, and Kingdom of patience in the Lord Jesus Christ.

William Dewsbury

Blessed are they that overcometh through the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony, and love their lives no more to death.

Printed in the Year, 1665.

DEar and honourable brethren and sisters, oh how doth my soul bless the name of the Lord for you, who stands faithful to God in your living testimony for him, in the pure, meek, peaceable spirit of our Lord J [...]sus, with the hazard of the losse of all outward substance; dear and tender wife, and children, and beloved husband, and tender children, to be rent from their dear beloved parents, and also with the hazard of your liberty, and transportation out of your Native country, and not at all love your lives to death to seal your testimony with your blood, in the word of his patience, if the Lord re­quire it at your hands, and when you have done the will of God, in what is before written, your love is so large to the Lord Jesus, that you abhor, loath and detest, and trample up­on every appearance of the arrogant, self-priding, and self­inriching boasting spirit, in what you have done, or suffered for the testimony of the truth of our God, and in true watch­fulnesse, and pure attendancy to the light and councel of the Lord Jesus, you are alwaies kept in a true sensability of your own nothingnesse, cloathed with the garment of everlasting humility, where you sit at the feet of Jesus, as Mary did, chu­sing the good part that shall never be taken away, casting your garments of all self righteousnesse upon the ground, that Jesus may tread upon them, and the cumbred disposition of Martha that would complain of the innocent life, or that would have any eye to self, and rob him of his glory, and for this you children of the most high, is yrur daily waiting, that the Lord Jesus may take you up into him, and cause you to rejoyce, and sing Hosanna to the highest, and to blesse him that comes in the name of the Lord, to cover you with his own righteousnesse, and marry you to himself, as his chosen and beloved bride, in his own faithfulnesse, and give you per­fect victory in overcoming through the blood of the Lamb, and the word of your faithful testimony, in the pure, meek, holy, healing spirit of the Lord our righteousnesse, in whom you shall be as pillars in the Temple of our God, and shall go [Page 3] no more forth, but shall grow as trees of righteousnesse in the midst of the street of the City of our God, bringing forth acceptable fruit to him in due season, and your leaves shall be for the healing of the Nations, where ever the Lord suffers you, to be cast for the testimony of his glorious name, yea the prisoners of hope will be refreshed at the sound of your com­ing, and the mourners will rejoyce in your arising, for the tongue of the learned shall be given unto you all in your measure, to speak a word in due season to every condition for you and all the companions, that can read and under­stand in the true experience, your state as here written shall stand as Saviours upon Mount Sion, which can never be removed, because you have not any eye to self, in what ever you do, but it is your delight to be ord [...]red by the holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus, and in your resignation into his pure will, you shall be translated more and more, into the angelical glo­ry, and by your holy conversations, words, and works, which hath the love of God stamp [...] upon them, you become preachers of the mind of God, to the Nations, and as mini­string Angels, shall reap in his harvest, to the gathering our brethren from far, and our sisters from the ends of the earth, and all the Nations shall confesse, that you are the children of the most high God, the righteous seed, whom the Lord hath blessed, and the hearts of the people shall be changed, in the day determined, by the power of the mighty God, who turns the hearts of men as a river of water, and the people of the Nations in the earth, shall more strive in their fervent desires for y [...]u suffering innocent Lambs to live amongst them, then they now strive and endeavour to send you away from them, the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it, through your brother in the Lord Jesus, whose life hath been of no e­steem to serve you with my faithful brethren, who in true self­denial, through the almighty power of God, indured the heat of the day, that you might be gathered and established, to indure the tryal which were of the Lord determined of, which I was sent in years past to proclaim in your ears, and in the same word which speaketh thorow me to you, of which neither jot nor tittle shall fall to the ground, till all [Page 4] be fulfilled I declare to you this day. Therefore dear and honou­rable Brethren and Sisters, from the highest growth, to the lowest stature in Jesus, let not any consult with flesh and blood, but all in the perfect light and life of Jesus, lift up your heads, that your souls may be inlivened with his quickening vertue, in that eternal hunger which nothing can satisfie, but the Lord of glory in this day of separation, between the precious and the vile, between the true birth and the false birth, as it was in the dayes of old, when they confessed unto him, and followed him beyond the Seas; but when the Lord said, Except ye eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you; All that were the false birth, that stood as the high-way ground, stony and thorny ground hearers, foolish Vir­gins, that had no oyle in their lamps, they said, this is an hard sav­ing, and who can bear it? and they went back and left the Lord of Life, and followed no further. Then the Lord said to the children born of the true birth, will you go away also? They answered, nay, thou hast the words of eternal life, and whither shall we go? Oh dear child, canst thou leave the father that begot thee? or canst thou feed of any thing, but the bread he hath prepared for thee? Though thou maist be beset, and compassed about as Bees with the enemies of thy souls peace, that would hinder thee from walking with thy God, yet can they keep thee from him nay assuredly, thou hangest upon him, as a child upon a father. Though thou be as a little babe, thou abhors all things that would hinder thee from fol­lowing the Lord: Thou saith of thy riches of this world, thou shalt be no snare to me, and to the tender Wife, weep not for me, give me up, for I must forsake thee when the Lord requires me, neither regards the cries and tears of the mournful children, thou comfortest them in what thou maist, but thou freely leaves them for the glory of thy God; and thus is it with Wife concerning tender Husband, and children concerning their dear Parents, in this day of rending one from another. Assuredly I cannot but commiserate your condition, and sympathize with you, being sen­sible of the earnings of bowels, whilst I have been drinking this cup for many years. And now, Oh ye Babes, born of the royal birth, you are the chosen jewels, let no care be upon your hearts for any thing in this world, for you seeking Gods Kingdom, and the righteousness thereof, you shall have all satisfaction in the ful­ness [Page 5] of the love of God, though separated one from another: and let none of your eyes look out at any that deny the Lord of Life before men, who in the profession of his Name, came forth with us, and goes forth from us, because they are not of us, for as I have proclaimed in your ears, many years ago, so I proclaim it again, in the word of hi [...] faithfulness, who liveth for ever, That all that profess the Light and Name of Jesus, and hath an eye to self in what they do, and doth not follow him with a single heart in his work of regeneration, before the trying day be over, they will de­ny him and wither, as though they had never made mention of him; but all you Lambs that fear and dread the Name of the Lord, and freely gives up to be governed by his powerful Spirit, and in the least measure wait in the Light, self to be buried down under his judgement, and your souls raised in the resurrection of Jesus, and born again of the natural seed of God, which cannot depart from him, but must follow him, let the power of darkness over all the face of the earth do what it is permitted, Oh the beholding of you, children of the immortal birth, it is known to the Lord, the earning of bowels, in the meltings and breakings of my heart, and I am streamed into you as a River, in the unexpressable unli­mited love and life of my God, and your God, where feel and taste, and let us solace in the invisible in-dwelling love of a ten­der father, where no vulterous eye can behold, nor any venemous beast shall enter, to sting the beloved Babes begotten of the father any more.

And dearly beloved Brethren and Sisters, where ever the Lord orders you, watch diligently, that in the sweet reserved Spirit, in the heavenly wisdom you walk together, in the loving, meek, holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus, and in the nearest fellowship, and fami­liarity with any one, watch to the Light to be covered alwayes with his spirit of Sanctification, that you may stand before the Throne of the Lamb, with the pure garment of his own righteous­ness, to the glory of his great Name for ever: And in all your words and works, be tender over one another in love, in what you may, and the strong bearing the burthen of the weak, that the holy, meek, lowly, healing Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, may rule in you all, binding up your hearts together in the e [...]ernal unity of the Spirit, and bond of peace, where ever [Page 6] the Lord orders any of you his faithful children, that you with us, and we with you, may be as sinews to the loynes, and marrow to the bones of one another, in the meek lowly spirit of Christ our head, and life, that in him we all may be manifest to the whole world, to be the children of the most high God; through the aboundings of his vertue in and amongst us, who are born again, and is the Church of the first born, the pure bride of the lamb of God, who abhors to live in any thing, that is not of his nature, and in sincerity of heart, have given up our names to him, and in his glo­rious Majestical dominion trampling upon all false births, tain­ed, self-creating, self-serving spirits, who are gone from the innocent life, and make to themselves pleasant pictures, in a voluntary humility, and smooth words and gestures, and out­ward appearances, to enter the affectionate part; and betray the innocent as with a kiss, but in the tryal of the day that is come upon all pleasant things, and pleasant pictures, they are found serving themselves, and Judasis to the innocent life, of those that are regenerated, by the power of the most high, and redeemed from the earth, therefore to you that stand girt up, in the light, thought and will of God, to reign over all the pollutions of this world, I write as to my honourable brethren, and sisters, desiring you all to resign to the faithful­nesse of God, that his alsufficiency may preserve you, [...] and over all the clouding thoughts of your own hearts, that in the pure discerning, you may taste and weigh all spirits, of what nature they are, in what Nation, Country or Island so­ever you are ordered to go, and lay not your hands hastily upon any, neither regard their fained smooth words and be­haviour, but in the life of the Lord Jesus, wait, that he may give you ability, in his pure wisdome to make your passage in the invisible entrance through all outward appearances, to try and taste what they are inwardly to God, in the measure of the heart searching spirit you have rec [...]ived of the father, that so you may all be kept, and preserved, in the intire union, in the sincere life to reigne over all false births, in the dominion to walk with the Lo [...]d, a [...]d one to­wards another, in the eternal, inexpressable, [...], pure, [Page 7] holy, chast, love of our father in the Lord Jesus, who in his unli­mitted love laid down his life for us, and with his blood hath redeemed, washed, and cleansed us, that we might have accesse to the throne of his glory continually, to offer up the living sa­crifice of Halelujahs, and high praises, glory and honour unto the Lord God, and to the Lamb that sits upon the Throne, our light, life, strength and righteousnesse, joy, peace, tran­quility, and everlasting felicity over all God blessed for ever, of whose dominion there is no end.

And in his glorious powerful resurrection, and dominion, keep your state with God, that his tender b [...]wels may be in­larged in you to all, where you feel any true breathings, and heavenly desires, towards the Name of the Lord, though in some outward things they may differ, let not that shut up your bowels, but in the openings of the spirit of the L [...]rd, in what you may, minister to the enlivening of that in them, which the Lord hath begotten to hunger for him; Oh I be­seech you ease my heart in this matter, for I am in travel, till all that hunger for the righteousnesse of God, under what de­nomination soever, be all gathered to the light of Jesus, there to receive an understanding to feel the spirit of the Lord, make a separation in condemning sin in the flesh, and quickning in spirit, in the resurrection, in the powerful life in Christ, that so our little sister, that hath no breast scattered among langu­ages, tongues and p [...]ople in the Nations, by your sweet, and holy conversations in the meek, lowly, and loving chast spirit, of the Lord Jesus, may be gathered in the light and life of Jesus, with us to sit down at the table of our God, to drink continually the Cup of salvation, In which wo [...]k, O my God, bless thy servants with thy prosperous presence where ever thou sends th [...]m; and all you chosen Lambs, comfort my heart in what my soul desires in this thing, that as in the pure discerning of the Spirit of the [...] God, you trample and reign over the greatest s [...]btilty which in the mistery of iniqui­ty transforms it self as is before written, that so you may in the service of love, in the meek, tender, healing compassio­nate spirit of Jesu [...], gather all the tender hearted forth of all sects, form [...], [...]pinions, with all that hath strayed from the [Page 8] footsteps of the flock of the Companions, in the light of the Lord with us to walk, in faithfulnesse all their daies, until their change come, that if it be possible, that not any may be lost, who hunger after righteousnesse, and hath their faces set to­wards Sion, That so in the heavenly harmony, all that have truly sought the face of God may in his pure light, life and do­minion, walk together with us, in the unlimitted bowels of of love in the Lord Iesus, to the confounding of all Sions enemies, who in the time determined of our God, shall come bending to the soles of the feet of the afflicted suffering lambs of my father, who love the Lord better then your lives, and your neighbour as your self, yea, and they that withstand you shall in the day determined of God, confess it is in vain for a­ny to strive, to bring to passe their evil intents, upon a people beloved of God, whom he will carry through by his Almighty power, and save with the arm of his salvation; for every tongue lifted up against you shall fall in judgement, and all weapons formed against you shall not prosper, but come to nought, and you shall see the mighty salvation of God for your joy, which the Lord will hasten more and more, to the asto­nishment of all that withstand the rising of his glory, and you shall certainly know, this is to you the word of the Lord God, declared thorow your brother, and companion in the tribulation, and Kingdome of patience in the Lord Iesus Christ. Farewell.

William Dewsbury.

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