THE DEVIL and the STRUMPET: OR THE Old BAWD Tormented. BEING A True and Amazing Relation of one Jenny Freeman, of Swan-Alley, in East-Smithfield, who having been a Leud, Notorious, and Wicked Liver for many Years, and Bawd to above 20 young Women, to their utter Ruin. The Devil appear'd to her on Wednesday Night last, in a most frightful Shape, bringing her a Knife to cut her own Throat; drag­ging her out of her Bed, and beating her Black and Blue all over her Body, in a Sad and Dismal man­ner, leaving her almost Dead in the place: And at another time standing over her with a flaming Sword, for 3 Hours together, and then vanish'd out at the Window in a Flash of Fire. Being a sad Warning for all Leud Women, and Wick­ed Strumpets whatsoever.

Taken from her own Mouth, and Attested by her at her House, in Swan-Alley, near the May-Pole in East-Smithfield, where she now lies in a Sad and Dreadful Condition.

LONDON: Printed for E. B. near Ludgate.

THE Old Bawd Tormented, &c.

JANE FREEMAN, alias Bristeck, alias Philips, of Swan-Alley, near the May Pole, in East-Smithfield, having for several years been a Hackney Jilt, till her Riders thought her not worth throwing their legs o'er, at last was forc'd to take to that hodge podge of Wickedness for the Lucre of base pence, to delude poor innocent Creatures, to satisfie the Lust of ungrateful Sinners, almost as bad as her self; and was so dexterous in that part of Devilsim, vulgarly call'd a Bawd, that (if I am not Misinform'd) in a matter of Seven years time her Baudship made a shift to ruin above 20 young Vir­gins, whose Maiden-heads rais'd her such vast Con­tribution-Money, that she soon set up for her self an invincible Nanny-House, in the dark Entry, at the lower end of Butcher-Row, where the Trade of Basket-making went on for a considerable time, but at last, as if the Devil ow'd her a Shame, for her past Transgressions, what with old Claps, and new ones on the back of them, her Carcass be­came so obnoxious to her Customers, that she was forced to abandon her Pallace, and seek shelter un­der the Charitable Benevolence of that parish she had done so much damage in, and in order thereto [Page 4]she was plac'd in Swan-Alley, where the Devil, her old Friend, still visits her, tho' in a more ruder man­ner than formerly, for about a Month ago he came to her as she was going to Bed, in the shape of a grim old Gentleman, with a White-hasted knife in his Hand, making signs to her to cut her own Throat; but she being affrighted, happened to cry out (which was a Wonder) Lord have Mercy upon me; at which time, old Nick being amaz'd at such an Expression, from such a Faithful Servant, vanish­ed out of the Window, in a dreadful Flash of Fire; leaving his old Acquaintance in the Dark, to find out the meaning of his uncivil departure; but as an Earnest of his former kindness, he left behind him such a horrid Stink of Brimstone and Smoke, that had not her Nose been well season'd with the perfumes of the Pox many years before, it had been enough to have ended her Days by Suffoca­tion.

And in this manner, his Devilship has since ap­pear'd to her several times; but instead of working a Reformation in her, it makes her worse and worse, insomuch that when any of her Neighbours desir'd her to send for a Minister to pray by her, she Cur­ses and Damns in the dreadfullest manner that ever was heard of, without any Remorse of Conscience for her past Wickedness, the Devil having harden­ed her Heart to such a terrible Degree, that all good Counsel is ineflectual; telling the Ministers that come to visit her, that she has no business with such black disembling Hypocrites as they are.

But the most amazing appearance the Devil made, was a Wednesday Night last, about 12 a Clock in the Night, which I had from her own Mouth, viz. she being in Bed wide awake, saw the Devil stand before her with a Sword drawn, at which time be­ing very much astonish'd at his great Saucer Eyes, that Shin'd like Fire, she shrunk down under the Cloaths, thinking by that means to hide her self from him, she had no sooner done so, but all the Cloaths were pull'd off with such swift Violence, that she thought a Whirl-wind had done it, and at the same time her Devil of a Master took her by the Legs, and dragg'd her about the Room for a considerable time, till she thought the Bones of her Body had been broke in pieces. After which, throwing her with great Violence towards the Chimney Corner, she lay as Dead fro some time; but at last coming to her self, and opening her Eyes, she saw to her Amazement the Gastly Fiend standing over her with a Flaming Sword, grinning and staring in her Face in a strange and frightful manner, continuing in that Devilish Posture, from one of the Clock, till near Four the next Morning, at which time, (to give the Devil his due) he went up stairs, without giving her any more Disturbance but when the Day-light appear'd, the old Bawd was forc'd to call to a Woman who lodg'd in a Garret, to come down and help her into Bed, ha­ving been so Buffetted by Satan, that her Thighs, Belly, Legs, Arms, head, Shoulders, Hips, But­tocks, and all parts of her body, were bruised to such a terrible degree, that we was as black as a [Page 6]Shooe all over; but more especially her Arms and Thighs, where in some places the very Flesh and Skin was pull'd off as if with Pincers, in the sa [...] est manner as ever Eyes beheld, and every thi [...] in the Room which stood in order over Night we [...] turn'd Topsie Turvy, the Chairs which was a [...] ways by the Bed-side were thrown upside down at the Stairs foot, where the Pillow and Bed-cloath were confusedly tumbled together, and every thin [...] disorder'd in such a supernatural and unaccountabl [...] manner, that none but the Devil himself could pos­sibly in one Nights time have laid so few things it such a distracted manner, the very Candlestick [...] standing with the great ends upwards contrary to the order of Nature.

She confess'd to me that she had been a v [...] leud and beastly Woman, and that she had be [...] the Ruin of several young Women, who otherw [...] might have liv'd chaste and modst; and that [...] believ'd the Devil, whom she had so long been a Servant to, was now resolv'd to pay her her VVa­ges; several Charitable Neighbours, and others, comes daily to see her, to whom she freely imparts the Particulars above-Mention'd, and desires all Kienappers of Virginity to take VVarning by her stinking Fate; for she acknowledg'd (which I should have told you of before) that while the Devil stood over her with his infernal VVeapon; it put her great and small Guts into such horrid disor­der with the Fright, that she was obliged to let go at both Holes, for the ease of her rotten Carcass, which then was persum'd with such Natural and [Page 7]Artificial Scents, that if the Devil himself had staid any longer, unless he had lost the Sense of Smelling, he had run the risk of being Poyson'd.

But without Jesting, she is still very strangely haunted with an Infernal Spirit, as she her self Con­fesses, and what that Spirit should be but the De­vil himself, I leave those to judge who are his more intimate Acquaintance; as for this poor VVretch, she has been as great a VVhore and Bawd, as per­haps Tower-Hill, Rosemary-Lane, or East-Smith­sield ever produc'd; and 'tis very well known those parts of the VVorld have not been very thin of such Cattel: However, 'tis hoped some of them by this wicked VVoman's dismal Misfortune, may take warning, and grow better.

For if the Devil, who first deluded them into [...]is Snare, by invisible VViles and alluring Intice­ments can't fright them into good Manners, by his [...]gly and frightful appearance nothing will reclaim [...]ch hardened wretches but a halter, which is com­ [...]only the Consequence of such bruites.

'Tis no wonder for such filthy and lustful Prosti­ [...]utes, who having liv'd to make up the measure of [...]heir VVickedness, to be stung with the Gailt of [...]eir own plute Consciences, and every moment [...]mented with the thoughts of that Devil they we so long served; so that from hence we may in­ [...], that this Infernal Spirit does appear continual before this naked VVoman's Eyes, and that by supernatural Motion, may cause her body to be [...]'d against the ground, and receive manifest uses; as several Histories, both Ancient and Mo­dern [Page 8]hath given us plentiful Instances of; but whether the Devil or her own guilty Conscience doth really produce these strange effects, are Queries not yet decided. But this we are sure of, that she has suffered bodily Affliction; and if we many cre­dit her own words, which she delivers, not like a person out of her Senses, that by Divine Permis­sion, the Devil is suffered to torment her in this Life; in order perhaps to bring her to Repentance when all other means fail.

These are the Comsequences of a vicious and lust ful Life, therefore let Youth and Beauty stan [...] upon their Guard, least they are unnappily sed [...] ­ced by those VVicked and Debauch'd Instrument and consequently share in the same Fate, and b [...] brought to a sorrowful Repentance, under th [...] same Miseries.

Let Whores and Bawds their Lives amen
Least they come to a Wicked end.

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