DENUS TO THE LYON of ENGLAND, AND TRIBE of JUDAH; And to the Covenant, Law, and Testimo­ny: Also, his Calling, Authority, Con­sent, and Office. Together, with the Oracles of God, and his Requiem.


London, printed for H. Hasilwood, 1651.


MAL. 3. VERS. 1. ‘Behold I send my Messenger, and he shall prepare my way before mee.’

NOw to declare this Parable or dark Sentence from above, God hath ever had one fore-going messenger or other, to declare from him the things he hath and will shortly effect; For the time past, those 2 Prophets Elijah & Isaiah did see afar off God manifest in the flesh, & prophesied & decla­red of a Savior to come; & likewise John in the Gospel our Saviour calleth him his messenger: Now there is one more to come which is the messenger of the Covenant; In whom ye delight, he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts; and he is beau­tiful that bringeth glad tydings os salvation. Now in this, Christ appeared as the messenger of God in man, that was manifest in flesh; and we are not to expect him any more as [Page 4] a messenger or Messia; for that expectation, [...] to this pre­sent day, doth over-vail our brethren the Jewes; the Go­spel declared of Moses, who lifted up the brazen Altar in the Wilderness; so we must bear up his Scepter, and hold it forth to all: and this must first be done by a called mes­senger; For, behold, I send my messenger before, he shall prepare the way before me. The Lord saith, John was a burning and sh [...]ning light; but I have a greater Witness then that of John.

Now this last messenger, his Calling and Office, is to stand up for all Christ his Royalties, Dignities, Glories, Majesties, Worships, Honours, Graces, Excellencies, Privi­ledges, Powers, Regal Rights, and Prerogatives; and to proclaim him King upon his Throne.

Secondly, To vindicate his power.

Thirdly, To set up his pure Disciplined Church.

Fourthly, To shun no flesh for favour or affection, but to come near them in judgment.

Fifthly, He is to make known all abominations that ma­keth desolation.

Sixthly, He must give the Beast her deadly wound.

Seventhly, He must make known the feast of Taberna­cles for a tie of peace, community, and rest to come.

Eighthly, He must be a Leader to Jew and Gentile, and shew forth the true way.

Ninthly, He must discover the man of sin, and his falling away, and mystery of iniquity.

Tenthly, He is to declare a visible return of the Jewes cut of their captivity.

Eleventhly, He must shew forth, professe, and declare the visible Kingdom of Christ, which shall be an Ocean of peo­ple, Nations, and Languages, called the Remnant of all the Tribes.

Twelfthly, This messenger is to make known the day of the Lord, and his acceptable year; and that i [...] now in [Page 5] this year declared, by revelation from Him, to his servant: That this is the Year One thousand six hundred and fifty, which hath so appeared to his messenger, by a power re­ceived from him, who is God, and will suddainly come to his Temple, and will recompense all the wrongs done to his people. Behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts; but who may abide the day of his coming.

First, He cometh with his Ordinances of Truth, to let them know, Judgment must first begin at his own house.

Secondly, He will suddenly come to his Temple; he is yet coming, and who shall stand when he appeareth by a more higher shining light: Behold I send my messenger, and he shall gather the people, Gen. 49.8. Judah thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise; thy hand shall be in the neck of thine Ene­mies, thy Fathers children shall bow down before thee; Judah thou art as a Lyon from the prey, and shalt stand up, for the Scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a Law giver from betwixt his feet, untill Shiloah come, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. So that we find this Tribe of the Lyon of Judah, shall gather in all the lost Tribes: That Judah and the whole Israel of God may be one, and one King, one people. Fur­ther we find in Zach. 12. In the last dayes there shall be a great mourning of the Tribes for the restoring of Judah; and their mourning is the greater, being apart from their former enjoy­ments, as they were Tribes, according to their Fathers inheritance: but saith the Lord, Jer. 31.16. Refrain thy voyce from weeping, and thine eyes from tears, for thy works shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; for there is hope in thine, and that thy Children shall come again to their own borders: Behold, he cometh that shall re­deem Israel; he cometh in spiritual brightness, gather your selves together ye scattered Tribes, for now is the day of his appearing; [Page 6] for he will now certainly burn up the earth by a spirituall burning, ye t [...] [...] of Israel that have given your Power [...]o the Beas [...], come out of her, and see the brightness of his coming, and all ye Tribes repair to your Tribe of the Ly­on of Judah, for ye must all grist into it; All the sticks must become one stick in his hand, Ezek. 37.16. There the Word saith; Moreover, thou Son of Man, take unto thy self one stick, and write upon it for Judah, and for the Children of Israel his compa­nions then take another stick, and write upon it for Joseph, and all the house of Israel his companions. Now when all these Tribes are companions of brother-hood, are united to the Son of Man, being one in his hand, then he shall go forth with them, as a mighty Lyon of their Tribe, to rend, and to tear in pieces all the Antichristian powers, and every pow­er that exalteth it self against God. Now this Tribe shall be an invincible Tribe, being of one heart; and God saith, I will make them one Nation in the Land, and will take the children of Israel from the Heathen, whither her they be gone; and I will bring them to their own Land. This God will do by a spiritual power. Behold, he cometh, gather your selves in Troopes, ye holy ones of the Lord, for [...] Tribe Judah, and he shall gather the pe [...]ple, and h [...] is the Messenger of the Covenant [...] whom he de­lights.

Now this is the promise unto all the godly; The Son of Righteousness shall arise unto them with healing in his Wings; but unto the wicked behold he cometh, he cometh in fury and burning; he cometh in brightness to discover all the dark corners of the earth, of sin, and all subtilty, and will try the spirits of men; for, behold, his power shall burn as an Oven, and the wicked shall be burnt up, for I will come neer you to judgment, and will [...] swift witness against all sin and [...]orcer [...], that no man may say I am free from shaking; for he will shake Heaven and Earth so terribly, that his very Elect shall tremble, and the constellations of all things shall [Page 7] fail before him: he will ex [...]e [...] [...] [...]gment upon all to con­vince all the ungodly of their unrighteousness. And Peter saith; The day of the Lord will come, when the Heavens shall passe away, and the Element shall melt with fervent heat, and the Earth, [...] up with a fervent heat: [...] who shall abide his coming, o [...] who shall stand in his sight, when this great God shall revenge himself upon his adversities.

Now take heed all ye Offendors, for He, the Lord, hath appeared to you [...] his one year 1650, & your sorrows are coming, as a Woman in travel; for ye shall consume by an outward burning, for his Wrath is kindled, and who shall stand in his sight. God is now about to change every condi­tion, that his own Object of wisdom and power may be seen; [...] that all the wisdom of the World may be dashed, and every exaltation of the Creature dissolved, that one man should not glory over another: Where is strength, where is honour, where is riches, where is pomp, where is your outward glories? They shall all pass away, fade, and decline. At his appearing behold the Earth-liness of them shall burn and consume; for God will destroy the beauty of them, and it shall pass away as a scrole, and the fashion of the World shall fade away: Behold, I send my Messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me; And the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his Temple by a called messen­ger, which is the messenger of the Covenant: But who this last messenger is we cannot justly tell, but by conjecture it is he to whom God doth first appear to in this great my­stery, whose design is first answered of God. I know who Em­bassadors; neither can I find any lawfull calling, but they of Christ, and his Apostles; which power and disciplying shall [...]g [...]ily be renewed and set up again. Behold he com­eth against all you that call the proud happy, to justifie ini­quity, and set up them that tempt God▪ The Lord will [Page 8] come [...]ear all them that covet an evil covetousness to their house, to set their nest on high; but let not any think to escape Gods hand, or be free from this Earthquake; for as the dayes of Noah were, so shall his coming be: for as in the dayes before the floud they were eating and drinking, and giving in marriage, and his wrath seized upon them: and yet he cometh to his Temple; that is, to measure all things done contrary to his Law and Statutes. Behold, saith the Lord, ye have changed my Ordinances, and shewing of the Priests, and that their hands were both guilty of blond, in that they did buy and sell, give and keep away his Church Rights; and there­fore he will suddenly come; first to reform; and then to restore all the breaches and desolations of his house, saying, I will come neer you to judgment.

First, he will come to measure his Temple, as if he should say, My people are ye afflicted; my poor Remnant let not your hearts be troubled, believe in me, and all things are possible for me to reduce and restore all again; for I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all thine enemies round about thee, saying, City, house, partition, walls, are ye broke down; behold, I will repair all your breaches, for the Churches shall all come bending to your Church.

Beloved, God-will bring back all her spiritual declinings, and will recover the ancient work of his Temple, in the sight of all the remnant of his people: the ungodly shall see it too, and all the Heathen that be left shall behold the great works of God [...]lone in the earth; for he cometh, and Judah is his Tribe, and he shall gather the people: who is he that will engage himself for this cause of God, to act in this new work of Righteousness? Come ye simple-hearted of the Lord, now ingage your selves, your estates, your substance, to bring on this lively work of restoring Gods house; that his latter Temple may be more glorious then all the former. Away with your pride, it is God himself [Page 9] that shall be exalted in your downfal: I beseech you preach no more Christ upon the Crosse; but boldly bear up his Crown for an Ensign to all the people; for he is risen, and behold he is coming, and will be as a Refiners fire to try your spirits, to bring you off your own rugged bottomes; you that are so grounded on every Church-way, and yet ignorant of that true way called Pathmus, which is the foundation of Gods Temple, and that is to unbowel your selves of all inward conspiracies: Cleanse your hearts ye double minded; it is not an outward giving up, that can make you inwardly happy: neither will it be an inward, without the outward, that can fully adorn your professi­on: if ye will be Christs Disciples ye must fully give up and resign up soul and body, state and substance, and then ye shall be meet for his Kingdom; otherwise ye cannot ef­fectually lay this Temple foundation. One will be ready to say, I have married a wife. Another may say, I must go try a yoak of Oxen. A third may mournfully say with the Young­man in the Gospel, I have great possessions, and shall I give all up: and this will be a tryal of thy patience and constancy to Christ; for he will have all before thou canst be a buil­der in this new Work. Thou must go out of all, and make Christ thy free-hold, and Him thy impropriation, and lay down thy worldly honour at his feet; for he is coming, and will discover all thine hypocrisie, to prove who is good sil­ver: and if thou dost not wholly give up to Christ, look to it, for his refining light will find thee but as reprobate coin, and very foul, for this will be the true Church whereunto every one shall give up. For other Churches I know none, nor any thing after the flesh: your Churches are full of mixture and inconstancy, and subject to differ in the Ori­ginal, and shall lie under a beastly power, after the course of the Gentiles, not yet come out from the people; but lie under the veil, not yet seeing that glorious liberty and ful­nesse [Page 10] which doth now shine forth: your Churches he hid under the ashes of the World; come out of her bands, c [...]st out the bondwoman, and her son, that freedom may be in your borders; that ye may throw up all, and act in this new World: it would be a rare thing to see but one faith­ful Restorer of his Temple. I have looked on every side, and cannot see one royal in this thing: if they have out­ward, yet not so in the inward: I see many putting out their heads beholding this Work, and fain would go on with it, but not able, by reason of slavish fear, and needlesse doubtings take off their edge, and damp their spirits, as if one should say, I would give up all, but my wife is not willing. Another may say, Should I do it of my self. A third may say, I would fain see others begin. And thus we stand gazing one upon another, not worthy to be accounted his Disciples: We have many men-pleasers (at this day) which makes the World go so and so, little restoring light, otherwise provided it need not be so; but while plain Paul preached general Doctrine to the unreformed Jewes and Pharisees, they were pleased in that way of Teaching: It was rela­ted by some of them, They could have plucked out their eyes to have done him good: But when he stood up for a primitive power, which was that disciplying Church according to our Saviours appointment; this being too good a doctrine for them to follow, and could not endure so righteous an act; and therefore they railed on him, and caused him to complain, saying; To did run well, who did hinder you that ye did not obey the truth? I am jealous over you with a godly jealousie: I have espoused you to one husband, that I might present you as a choice Virgin to Christ; but I fear, as the Serpent beguilded Eve by his subtilty, so your minds may be cor­rupted from the sincerity of Christ, and so throw off your confi­dence in God; But take heed all you unjust persons, for I will come neer ye, saith the Lord, and will judge all your ungodliness: I will [Page 11] purge your Camps, and your Ordinances too, and will search ye out in every condition: behold, I will do a new thing in the earth, that all the despisers may wonder at God; and behold his coming here is an indictment to you all both high and low, to prepare the way of the Lord, and to see him coming: behold, he cometh with clouds of Witnesses, and they that have pierced him, shall wail and weep before him; for I will be a swift Witness against you, and will try you as gold and silver is tryed, that ye may bring a pure offering in righteousness: And the Lord complaineth in divers places of the Scripture, saying; Ye bring unto me vain obligations, and ye have changed my ordinances, and trod down my sanctuary, and made ordinances to your selves, but my house lies desolate, and not one Restorer of my Temple; but every man goes on in a broken Church-way, and your foundation shall all be scattered, and you shall lay hold on him that is a Jew, saying; We will go with thee; and that must be your calling, Esay 55.4. Behold, I have given him for a Leader, and a Commander, to the people: Then fol­low your Leader, for Judah shall shall gather the people; Christ Jesus will have you all come into his own Tribe Judah, for he cometh, and who may abide his appearing: if he come on a white horse, who can behold his brightness? if he come on a red horse, who shall stay his hand from bloud? or when he cometh on a pale horse, who shall keep Death from their Windows? I desire and beseech you to lay to heart all his appearances, and move your selves to mourn with your Families; and every family apart, look­ing to the Center, saying to one another; Let us go seek the Lord, that others may say, I will go also: Looking to see great inlargments of spiritual comfort in these last times, and that his Kingly power shall pierce the Clouds, and shine in all the dark corners of the earth, and all the Nations shall submit to his Kingly power when it appeareth, and no creature shall withstand God when he shall purge and pu­rifie the earth with his refining fire, when the Sun shall [Page 12] lose her light, and the Moon be turned into bloud: Then who may abide his appearing: Look to it; Watch and pray, for he will suddenly come to his Temple.

The Covenant.

Brethren and Friends,

THis is the new and last Covenant which the Lord Jebo­vah, the Fountain of our peace, and Well-spring of immortality, which he the Lord promised to the seed of Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying in Deut. 4.31. I will n [...]t forsake thee, neither forget the Covenant of thy Fathers which [...] [...]w [...]re to them. This Covenant is a holy tie, from and under th [...] God of Israel, which is a feee gift to all and singular that be [...] the inward Court, and it is an engagement to all that be of the outward house, or court. This is the Record of God, that three in Heaven shall bear the Unity, and three on Earth shall bear Record; the Spirit, the Word, and three persons, which shall make up one Testimony in Unity, with one heart, and one profession, which shall bring us all into one; and one King shall be King to us all, that we may dwel in the Land that he hath sworn to Jacob his servant, to give it him for us; and inheritance where our fathers dwelt in, and their childrens children for ever: And in this we are Testators in his new Covenant, and as our Lord about his suffering said, It is finished: Even so must we finish our te­stimony to hazard our lives, saying; For thy sake we are kil­led all the day long, and are accounted as sheep for the slaughter: Therefore, let us and all the inhabitants of the earth come in to crown this honorable Work, to rebuild Gods house, as he hath spoken, Jer. 50.4, 5. saying, Israel and Judah shall come together, saying; Come and let us joyn our selves unto the [Page 13] Lord in a perpetual Covenant that shall never be forgotten. And this Covenant we must enter into this day. A remarkable place we find in Neh. 10.28, 29. where he saith, All of under­standing cleave to their Brethren, and their Nobles; and entred into a course, and into an Oath, to walk in the Law of God which was given by Moses.

Now their Names that sealed the Covenant, ye shall find from the first verse to the 27. To confirm this work to our sight more cleerly, Josh. 24.25, 26. So Joshua made a covenant that day, and Joshua wrote those words in a book, and took up a great stone, and set it under an Oak that was neer the Sanctuary of the Lord; and Joshua said to all the people, behold this stone shall be a Witness to us, for it hath heard all the words of the Lord which he spake unto us, and it shall be a Witness unto you, lest ye deny your God: So Joshuah let the people depart every man to his inheritance.

Our Consent.

THis is Our grand Consent from the Lord, and the course we and all the Nations must take to joyn and consent all in one Discipled Church, to bring in all such believing persons as shall cast up, or resign up all, to ingage themselves for this Temple-work of the Lord Christ Je­sus; and all such as shall, or can be deemed godly persons, proving them so effectually, in this we are bound, by the love and mercy of God, to bring them into our Temple-work, if it be their desire; and the person or persons being thus qualified with divine Grace, meet for so high an Of­fice thereunto, we ought with care and expedition to re­ceive and disciple them, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, saying; We incorporate thee into the bosome of Christs Church.

I ingage my self, for better or for worse, to all estates to crown the Work with one heart, and one consent; that God may be glo­rified in his testimony, and raise his Temple in the height and rage of the Worlds cruelty; and thereunto I present my self, as a sacrifice unto the holy Altar of God.

Whether man or woman being thus censured by twelve of your Disciples, in what Parish or place soever, both we and they ought, and must receive, and bring in all such per­sons being worthy.

Laying all their hands upon him, saying; We give thee the [Page 15] right hand of fellowship in the Lord for an everlasting Ʋnion of a joynt consent in brotherhood. And this is our Virgin Church Juestical, Divinal, and Apostolical. And this is to fulfil the Vision of all the Prophets.

His Office.

THe Ground-work of a Christian Disciple, ought to be exemplary from Christ to the People, to walk in all singlenesse of life before whom he is to do, or to speak unto: and lying dead to the World, buried with the Lord in Covenant, called Baptism; and being principled with his divine grace from above, is a shewing forth his authori­ty from God, being pure and upright in his place, and not to be a favourite to the World, having neither coat nor cloak to hide it; but freely to say, Wealth get thee home, I will tread thee under foot as dung, to follow my Saviour, in his ex­ample of humility and poverty, and to spit upon pride, and vomit up greatnesse. A ministerial Disciple ought to make the Lord his staff, and not the World too; for that is a trusting upon two staves, as God and Mammon. In a word, the Priests of the Lord ought to bring their Offerings; first, pure; and then in a clean vessel, to shew themselves Leaders of the people. Learn of me, saith Christ, for I am meek and hum­ble: So ought every Pastour to move the people by his harmless conversation, being free from all the degrees of scandal, worshipping God in the top of the Mountains, gi­ving him the highest place in his thoughts, and greatest [Page 16] honour above all things, having his conversation free from covetousness: let it not once be named amongst you the Priests of God, but to shew them the true consolation of a pure life, and the honourable everlasting joy; shewing them a holy example, as a pattern to walk by: The Disci­plers of GOD ought to be precious Seers to incovenant their people, and to be able Pastors for this great Work, to disciple, and bring in all such as are meet for the Kingdom: And under the Discipler,' or twelve other Disciples, shall all Church-Truths be established, for bringing in, and in­corporating all such members me [...]t for a Brotherhood, to be congregated and received into his inward Court, or Tem­ple: The Prophets ought to be men of singularity, walk­ing unspotted, blamelesse, holding out the Truth for the Lords sake: The Pastor ought to magnifie his Office; that is, to walk correspondent to the Lord in all livelyhood of vertue, and amiableness; free from access and all worldly cogitations, as it becometh the Priests or Ministers of God; and to forbear no flesh, for any favour or affection; but to render unto them the Truth, that Jacob and Judah may know their transgressions, and fear not men, who can kill but the body, whose breath is in their nostrils; but cry a­loud, spare them not: And our Lord saith, What I tell ye in darkness, that preach ye in the light; and what you hear in the Ear, that preach ye on the house top; and as you go preach the Kingdom.

His Calling, and Authority; and new Name DENUS.

THis is my Testimony; In the Year 1646. the holy God did wonderfully move me by Vi­sion and Revelation; and by his Spirit did shadow out to me the Jewes Calling and Profession, so ur­gent, that I was not able to withstand, both by a Dream, and outward and inward perswasion, so strong upon my affection, that my conscience pro­mised to God, by a solemn mort, entring into a new Covenant with God, to come out from the peopl [...], and from all the scattered flockes, and to build upon a true foundation, which is, and shall be the true Church; which, unto it, I find my self truly and re­ally called, which is a testimony of Gods shining beauty and saving light; and in that I know my Calling to be warrantable and lawful, to declare and make known the mystery of life; and not to hide my Talent, but to make known the precious things my God hath shewed to me.

Therefore be it known to all, that my Authority is not Earthly but an Heavenly Authority, and cal­led out from the people to a precious life, consent­ing to a pure Language, Zeph. 3.9.

And in this new Work my Conscience beareth me witness, I speak the truth in the Lord; for God hath given me power to plague all flesh, making known the just hand of God to all.

Further, the God of Heaven hath authorized me to speak and declare of all the hideous Cries and Enormities of the Times, which lie buryed in coni­vencie, by flattery; carrying the Work fair away, though foul in effect; And our Diviners heal it over with Balsam; seeing, and will not search out the cause, and lay violent hands upon all such un­reasonable men, which do not uphold the Creation; but carry on the World by a beastly, power, which hindereth a generall freedom to all the Creatures, and causeth some to pine away; and others, too much fat, eating up the good pasture, and treading down the rest with their feet, having abundance of outward wealth, riding on the back of it. This is a sore evil, and yet covered over by our Diviners, which keepeth back the new Work of restauration, and cause the poor of the Creatures to mourn, and much to groan, for a manifestation of an outward [Page 19] and inward fulness. And for this, and divers other good causes, the holy God hath moved me to speak, and declare of, and to give light to the World, that the leading in captivity may no more be.

The Oracles of God.

HErein is comprised and contained the wor­ship of God; and ye ought not to slight his first testimony, which is the Ten Commandements, to shew, That mens Ordinances shall be destroyed by the seventh Violl of Gods wrath; lying under this Ten-fold Curse of Gods Law: And it shall plague all the Ordinances of men, in that it shall make inquisition for bloud. This ten-stringed in­strument, or Law of God, was not utterly destroy­ed or abolished by our Lord his appearing; though some of the moral part abrogated, yet not disanul­led, but standeth in the same force, to command Ju­stice; And it is a cleer testimony against all such as have trod it under-foot; as ye shall find Gods wor­ship [Page 20] in Zach. 14.16. Every one that is left of all the Nations shall once a year go up to keep the feast of Tabernacles, Year by Year, and to worship the Lord of Hosts.

In these words we find two high Ordinances, that shall stand, when every Ordinance shall have an end: these are two Tabernacles;

The first appeared as his own testimony to Mo­ses, which was his first Tabernacle in those times, or a testimony to all, which is the Ten Commande­ments upon Record, which is an undeniable truth; And whosoever addeth or diminisheth, or breaketh any of those Ten Commandements, is guilty of breaking the whole Law of God.

This Law was perfected by our Lord when he appeared in flesh; He changed it from Mount Sinai to Mount Sion; and so it stands in full power over all your offences till this day: Though the moral part of it may fail, yet the morality of it shall endure to the end; which at Christs appearing, then both the Tabernacles met, which was the Law and Go­spel, the Old and New Testimonies, called Mount Sion, under him: And once a Year we must all appear before him for an Offering, of the Tythes of our substance, and so receive the Sacrament: Ye [Page 21] shall keep my Feast of Tabernacles: Ye see, in part, what the Law of God is, Exod. 20.6. The Lord promiseth mercy to all them that keep his Com­mandements.

Now it were good if we could walk so as to obey him; And good David saith; Teares gush from mine eyes, because men keep not thy Law: And so long as we walk contrary to that Rule, we lie in­volved under the Curse.

And in truth I cannot find, but all sorts lie under this Curse, until they come out from the people, to walk correspondent to this well-stringed instru­ment, which is the Law of God, and his Ten Com­mandements, having food and rayment so to possess your Vessels in honour: And an honourable thing it is, so to know God; for otherwise we cannot know him right: For Covetousness is Idolatry and Theft, which is a breach of all those Ten Comman­dements: And the Apostle faith, Let not covetous­ness once be named amongst you. Neither is it law­ful to image out any graven substance to our selves. The Prophet Esay hath a passage, saying, They shal cast away their Idols of Silver and Gold to the Bats and the Moles: And the Apostle James saith, Love of money, is the root of all evil.

And so it is to cloath our selves with others Gar­ments, which is but usurped gain; for God will curse and consume every unjust act, by his seventh Violl of wrath; and judgment shall take hold on every Oppressor. How dare you break his Commande­ments? Take but a spiritual view, and ye shall see the time of mans six days travel is almost at an end, from the Creation; and, by way of Revelation, this is Saturdayes afternoon, which sheweth a preparati­on for the Sabbath; And after 349, or thereupon, about 2000 before the Law; and about 2000 un­der the Law; and almost 2000 since our testimo­ny; and it appeareth, that the time is very short. Up­on this seventh Viol the Constellations do now fail, which is the Stars, Angels, or Ministers of your Churches, under his Sabbaths Viol; and that is by a pure light that shall shine and shew them their Ido­latry, which will slay them either by shame or grief, to see their condition changed; which shall be a cleer discovery of the precious from the vile, Mal. 3. A book of remembrance shall be opened, and God will bring an implacable curse upon all covetous persons, that have clothed themselves with that which is not their own: They must either give up and restore, or else lie under the hand of Gods jea­lousie [Page 23] and wrath by a spiritual burning. Take heed, Gods Judgments are now among us, and will try all our actions, Hosea 4.3. The Land mourneth, and the people languish. And vers. 2. Bloud toucheth bloud, and what not; but all cruelty is used, which is a breach of all these Ten Commandements, Deut. 28. If thou wilt not hearken to the voyce of the Lord thy God, to observe all that I command thee this day, then all these curses shall come upon thee. We be like the people in MOSES his time, to put off the commands of God, as the people said; Speak thou with us; but let not God speak, lest we die.

But MOSES answered them saying; ‘God is come to prove y [...].’

And they were afraid, and drew back: So that when God cometh home to mens consciences, who shall abide his wrath?

I see an appearance; fire, and spiritual fire, vapours, and darkness over the Earth: I declare the seven Eyes upon Joshua's stone, crying, Grace, grace unto it: I go forth by a Vision under the seven great Seales of the little Book, now opened and manifested by [Page 24] the Lord his bright appearing. And in this Year, 1650. Judgment shall appear: The Angel moveth upon the waters, which shal change them into bloud, and hell shall move in the consciences of men, lying under the wrath of God, and censure of men, which shall cause them to cry out, saying; We are undone, sorrows are upon us; our power is eclipsed; the scale is turned, and we be found too light. Hence it is in the Year, 1652. that Freedom shall come and appear.

The dead man is now upon his feet; which shall be manifested by his next Book, called his third Appearance; The Earth shall not stoop to the proud Waters, the Angel moveth, the Waters under the earth are troubled, the Unicorn hath dipt in his horn, the Lyon shall withstand the Dra­gon, the first Dominion shall revive, and the Scepter continue.

His Requiem.

MY eyes desire much to see,
Jerusalem that is most free;
That I in righteousness may sing
With truth and honour there to bring.
I am a stranger in this World,
And truth I am a Pilgrim poor:
I mourn and sorrow for to see
The want of Christianity.
My hearts desire is so bent,
That I can have no true content;
Until I see Jew eminent,
Oh fairest of all mystery!
The Queen of Sheba sought the King,
Declaring Honour for to bring:
With much desire she did enquire
To see the glory of the King.
My watered eyes with mournful teares,
Of discontent and sorrow seen:
Oh when shall I; Oh when shall I,
Obtain an end of mystery.
All Earthly freedom I deny,
Until I see a full supply
Of Jew and Gentiles misery,
With end of all captivity.
The Gentiles breast shall bring success
Unto the Jew that shall possess;
Much glory, honour, and renown,
With blisse and comfort to redoun.
Oh wish to be of inward Court,
To know the secrets of his Will;
To judge the World with equity,
And to destroy all enmity.
DENƲS, that I am, is my name,
Sent of the Lord to shew the same,
The blessed way of Jerusalem,
And to stand up till fulness come.
Jerusalem I come to thee.
And shall behold Mount-scalvery:
Oh when shall I be brought on high,
To view the Temple of the Lord:
Incline thine ear and come to me,
And thou shalt have a name most high;
More cleerer then the Stars so bright,
Which are impure in his sight:
Nations shall joyn unto the Lord,
And come all to one Unity;
And they of Lebanon shall come,
To worship in his Holy Hill.
The power of Babylon shall fall,
All Nations shall abhor the same:
Her furniture and strength secure,
Shall fall unto the nether ground.
The Lord shall utterly destroy
Egyptian Sea that is so stout;
Euphrates streames all seven struck,
And into Waters bloud convert;
Yea, as a fire in Jacob shall
Destroy their power great and small,
To bring down pride
That on doth ride,
And level'd be
A plain to see.
The holy City underfoot
Hath been trod down by wicked root;
But now shall stand on feet so strong,
Free from their cruelty and wrong.
I am a messenger call'd and sent
Unto the place of president,
To shew the honour of the King,
And state of glory for to bring.
Oh Israel most sweet to thee,
A State to be;
Most excellent when I shall see,
Most visibly,
And Judah's land for to behold.
To be substantial is most rare,
A Royalist thou shalt appear;
Minority it used to be
Subject to all inconstancie.
I am a Witness sent to plague,
The Earth's proud water into bloud▪
Witnesses two, called by no mo,
Judah and Israel is my name.
The Red-Rose and the white so fair,
In splendor they be both most rare;
Brought into one, one and the same,
Judah and Israel is my name,
I am an Israel of the Tribes,
Which have been scatter'd and dry'd▪
Called the dry bones of Israel,
Or her dry sticks in Ezekiel.
Vertue is a precious thing,
It doth adorn the soul within:
By honour, glory, and respect,
Thy person pure it shall be deckt.
I am a Jew I do confess,
Which lately was a Gentile born;
Free from mixture, and from wrath,
Yea I am called from the North.
Ye bright shinings of the North,
Our forces they shall come with you;
The forces of the Gentiles shall
Destroy and utterly expel:
Their hearts shall fume,
And flesh consume,
To see the State
Like as a Fountain
We shall spring,
Sweet as a River
Doth come in,
The seven streames
Shal lose their beames,
And eke their power
Shall decay.
Time is precious
To redeem,
An end shall be
To mystery:
When Visions cease, none end possesse
It's beauty in perfection.
Ten men from all the Nation shall
take hold of him that is a Jew:
Alas also for I must go,
Yea I am called to the same;
And I shall have no true content,
Untill I see his Monument:
To end all this that I may tell
That peace in Israel Shall excel.
For saith the Lord of Hosts to me,
Send out the glory Speedily:
To bring them all Into his fold,
Which is most precious to behold.
I shall now the promised land of right in heires,
The Tribes among inheritance Fore-lost so long
Shall now be called back again.
It is not honour to esteem,
Nor Earthly treasure can redeem:
Vertue is a thing most precious, to
Bring to beautifie his house also:
Though former things be passed so rare,
Yet new things do I declare:
Before the Spring I'le tell you of them;
Oh see, O see, ye Sons of men.
Hideous things to me were known,
Something more then three years agone:
One thousand six hundred forty and six,
For then in me this thing was fixt.
Then doth stand up a Royal.
To vindicate in mistery,
That shall redrese and bloud suppress
The rise and fall of Nobles all.
A visible Kingdom did appear,
One thousand six hundred and fifty year;
And this appearance will never cease,
Until his Church do find true rest,
To glory over Babylon,
And eke restore for to enjoy:
To keep the Feast of Tabernacles
Once a year I must appear:
To end all this, that we may tell,
That peace in Israel shall excel:
It is not silver that I deem,
Nor Gold so precious in the esteem.
Venus fair is not so rare;
It cannot satisfie desire:
For I must go,
Yea I must frame,
To Sion's Court
To prove the same.

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