THE Levellers Designe DISCOVERED:

Or the ANATOMIE of the late unhappie MUTINIE:

Presented unto the Souldiery of the ARMY Vnder the Command of his Excel­lency the Lord Fairfax; For prevention of the like in others.

Written by HENRY DENNE, an Actor in this Tragaedy.

LONDON, Printed for Francis Tyton, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the three Daggers in Fleetstreet, neer the inner Temple. 1649.

The Levellers Design discovered, &c.

HOw great and dangerous a Mutinie hapned lately in part of the Army, is not unknown to the Nation. How great, and manifold miseries were thereby threatned unto the languishing Common-Wealth is beyond expression: This mutinous and turbulent spirit that was amongst us, not being in­cluded within the quarters of one Regiment, but diffused (like evill blood through the veines) into many Regiments of the Army: wherein this discontented humor hath infected divers. I having had too much experience, by bearing too great a part in this discontented Rebellion) shall do what I can to discover unto the world both the Causes and effects thereof; that by the manifestation of the weakness of the ground-work, and by the declaration of the hideous consequences: men be­ing undeceived, They who are any way intangled, may be recovered, out of that dangerous and destructive Faction; They who are yet free may have their thoughts prevented, That dangers of like nature may be anticipated, and a right understanding setled. That Peace and Uni­on, Love and Concord, may knit and unite the joynts of this present Army so together, that neither open enemy, or pretended friend, may be able by force or flattery to devide it.

The first, and great occasion of this unexpected Mutiny, was this: Our Regiments, with some others, were by Lot designed for the ser­vice of Ireland. The Service we granted both very honourable, and also necessary, for the prevention of War, and setling of Peace in this Nation: Yet did we beleeve that there stood between us and Ireland, an ingagement made by the Army, at that famous Rendevouz at Trip­loe Heath, June 5. 1647. binding us neither to suffer dividing nor disbanding of this Army: untill such satisfaction were given, as in that ingagement required: It was thought essentially conducing to the sa­tisfaction of the Army, to the reconciliation of differences, to the procuring of Nationall freedom, and to the reliefe of Ireland: To re­quire such a Councel, to be set up again in the Army, consisting of Two Commission Officers, and Two Agitators, chosen by every Regi­ment of Horse or Foot; together with the concurring generall Offi­cers, In this we were very bold, (I do not say wise) propounding to his Excellency this condition, to be performed before we could sub­mit unto his Excellencies order: This performed, we were contented to refer our selves to the censure of this Councell. That which gave us [Page 4] boldnesse herein, and that which beguiled us, was this: That we did not conceive how the engagement, could possibly admit of a dispen­sation.

Such a Councell being by that ingagement appointed, as a represen­tative of the Army, ought (as we did then beleeve to be still continu­ed, unless we would prove perfidious Covenant-breakers. I could not, (I confess) unty this knot: but here I was intangled, and ensnared, and therefore, for that present, thought my self bound in duty to God and men, to prosecute this ingagement: Hence it was (many being of the same minde) That 12. Troopes of Horse were drawn together and looking upon superior Commanders, as Tyrannicall Covenant-breakers. We marched contrary to his Excellencies expresses; being heightned with the zeale of the performance of our engagement.

And touching this thing we were further perswaded, that it did hold forth such strength of reason, That the greatest part of the Army would suddenly have joyned with us: And this was the cause why I joined with that Party, deviding from the Army, notwithstanding there appeared less safety, and greater hazard: And I beleeve this Cord drew on many honest hearted men, who did conscientiously seek to make good that ingagement. But herein I confess a double error: First, had this ingagement been to be prosecuted: yet ought not we to have mo­ved beyond our Sphear; and to break one ingagement by the prosecu­tion of another; to disobey his Excelencies order under any pretence. It is a good thing to yeeld obedience unto that authority under which we are placed. Our second Error was, in not peracquainting his Excellency and his Councel of War, with our grievances, In whom we have found so great meekness and moderation, that we could not have missed ex­pected satisfaction.

But that further answer may be given, and thereby the snare may be broken, and no more be intangled, I shall declare what satisfaction I have received: That so I may give the same satisfaction unto others. Such a Councell indeed, the ingagement required, And such a Coun­cell was constituted in the Army, acting, and transacting of matters pertaining to the discipline of the Army. And so long was this Coun­cell continued; untill the inconvenience thereof was so far manifest; That most of the Regiments of Horse and Foot did Petition his Exelency to send back the severall Agitators, unto their respective Regiments, untill he should be pleased to resummon them: Professing a willing­nesse in themselves, to submit unto his Excellency with his Councel of War, according to the pristine discipline of the Army. His Excelency ha­ving [Page 5] received these Petitions, did not immediatly send back the Agi­tators (as requested) But having first summoned a Councell, and com­municated the Petitions unto them; it was by them concluded, that according to the Petitions of the severall Regiments, the Councell of Agitators should be dissolved, untill his Excel. should fee cause to re­summon them. Now this being so: his Excel. cannot be charged with violation of that ingagement: neither doth th [...]re remain any obligation on his Excel. to have continued or revived any such Councell. Much lesse is it warrantable in the Souldiery of the Army to assume that pow­er to themselves Seeing they suffered a dissolution by the same power, by which they had their first constitution.

And if this had been formerly known unto some of us, I am perswa­ded many had been prevented in this precipitate action.

This that hath been spoken (though now it seems weak) was the first and chief ground of our discontent, which brake forth into irregu­larity and high disobedience. Some other grounds there are which did add fuel to this fire, and blow up the sparkles which did here begin to be kindled. A second ground was, The many aspersions which are cast upon some general Officers of the Army, to the blasting of their fame and reputation, have proved as a whet-stone, to set a rough edg upon the resolutions of many and to stir them up unto further discontent. I need not repeat what is spoken and written by some men. As to my self, I do profess, I did never beleeve them; and I bless God I see less cause to believe them then ever: I have thought strange that men should seek to dishonor them whom the Lord hath honored. But truly I do observe great credulity (the character of Lightness) in very ma­ny, whom I could wish otherwise minded. I desire that diligent search may be made, Whether this proceed not either from jealousie, which always suspecteth the worst, and betrayeth all hope of good, or from envy, repining at the felicity of other men: Yet least some should say, That there is no smoak but some fire; all these accusations cannot be false. I shall plainly shew that much such smoak hath been where no fire was to be found, and that the best men (especially in authority) have been partakers of this portion. And tacitly to answer another Objecti­on, I shall shew, That good men have sometimes been infected with the forenamed Contagion. Moses was the meekest man in his time upon the earth, yet did the Conspirators charge him as fiercely and hainously as any Officer of the present Army is charged this day, in taking too much upon him, lifting up himself, making himself a Prince over the people; and this is not only spoken by sons of Belial, but by those that [Page 6] were men of renown, and famous among the people, yea countenanced, because beleeved by the whole Congregation of Israel. Now unless we will say, That all the Congregation were evil, we must be forced to confess, That good men are sometimes overtaken with this fault, of ac­cusing and condemning others when there is no cause. Experience will teach us, not to be too credulous to give ear to reports, lest we be in­duced to believe that which we have no ground for: if flying reports might be taken for evidence, we should in all ages find very few good men, but we should be ready to condemn the generation of the just.

Another complaint exaspering the minds of some, is, That one Tyrant is pulled down, and a second set up in his room. I confess this complaint were of great weight if it were true: But truly I suppose this ariseth from the want of discerning of true Government from Tyranny: As Flattery was wont of late years to extol Tyranny, as if it had been the perfection of Government; so Ignorance and Envy is ready to brand true and lawful Government with the name of Tyranny. I see the dif­ference between the one and the other, and I desire other men may dis­cern it. A Tyrant makes his Will the Law, the other makes the Law his Will. And truly if we exclaim against Tyranny when our Rulers govern not according to lust, but according to Law and Rule, we shall incur a just suspition, that it is not Tyranny but Magistracy that we com­plain of.

Another thing that hath much disturbed the minds of men, and filled them with discontent is, The slow motion of the Parliament, as to the taking away of oppressions, and easing the grievances of the people. In answer to this, We are to consider the Parliament before, and after, the Armies entrance into London. As to the former consideration, before the Armies entrance into London, I am so far from admiring their slow motion, that it is a wonder to me that they moved at all any o­ther way then backward: And I do admire the great providence of God, who withheld them from turning all things upside down, while the House was filled with so many men of corrupt interests. As to the Parliament in the second Consideration, since the Armies approach to London, we have cause to bless God, that they have done so many things for us, which our eyes have seen; and what is not yet done, is in promise already performed unto us, with assurance of such celerity as matters of so great weight will possibly admit. And for answer unto this Complaint, there needeth not any to a patient spirit, and the impa­tient are not capable of an answer. In conclusion of this I shall declare my thoughts. That although some men do not cease to cast dust in the [Page 7] faces both of Parliament and Councel of the Army, yet hath not that Cloud been thick enough to hinder the appearance of those beams of Justice, Mercy, Pitty, Clemency, Moderation, which shine forth in them, which have drawn me to so reverend an esteem of both, as I cannot conveniently now set forth, lest I should incur suspition of falling from one extream into another.

I shall only say this, That I bless God for them; and it were no small degree of ingratitude, if we should deny it a great mercy to the Nati­on, that God hath raised up such men amongst us. These are the or­dinary Causes of our Discontents, which being weighed in the ballance it will appear, that the greatest of all is the unthankfulness of our hearts and impatiency of our spirits, our want of love to cover offences, and our too much envy, aggravating what may be amiss. I shall now proceed to shew the effects of this Distraction, if it be lawful to judg of the Effects in the Cause; The fruits of this Mutiny would have proved so bitter, that had I many tongues, and great strength of in­vention, I could not sufficiently declare them: But when I shall have done that which I am able, it will appear clearly to the world (though we with faces of brass should deny it,) That the Sentence passed on us all, and the Execution upon some, was very just and righteous; and that his Excellencies Clemency in sparing of us was very great. Let me speak truly of the consequences likely to have attended this Insur­rection, as they were represented unto me upon serious Meditations, af­ter I had received the Sentence of Death, at such time as I judged my self, not only unworthy, but also incapable of Mercy (from men) in respect of my deep crime. And I shall make it appear, that if we had not been prevented, this Mutiny would have proved more dangerous and destructive then the first War raised by the King, with his Caval­ry, or the second revived by the Welsh, the Kentish, the invading Scots, and others.

The first and second War did unite the hearts of the Army together, and caused the well-affected in the Nation, with heart and hand, to joyn in one: But this would have procured a division between the well-affected, and made a breach in this victorious Army, by forcing one part to engage against the other, and one in fury to destroy the o­ther; and thereby Ham-string the sinews of this Nation, rendering all former Victories null; bringing upon us a more desperate condition their ever, re-delivering us up into the hands of our conquered, yet in­sulting, Enemies. Surely hereby great joy had sprung up to the Ma­lignant party: But exceeding sorrow and woe to the well-affected.

[Page 8] I cannot but with shame acknowledg blindness of heart, and a spirit insatuated, when we undertook this desperate and dangerous enter­prize. We have therefore cause to say; Blessed be the Lord who gave us into his Excellencies hand. And blessed be his Excellency of the Lord, who hath been so happy an instrument to withhold our hands from the blood and ruine of our Nation.

The first and second War had some Basis and foundation to build upon, some appearance of visible Authority to countenance it: from which appearance of Authority it derived a Beginning, in which also it did terminate it self; (viz.) in the will and pleasure of a King. But this Mutiny was without any foundation at all: The name of a King we disclaimed: From the Parliament we had neither received nor re­quired Commission: The People knew not our desires, and they were more against us then for us, for ought we knew. Now what Success could be expected from such Confusion? Justly did the Lord dis-own us, to teach all men that he is a God of Order, and not of Confusion, to teach us that he needeth not our disobedience to Superiors, or any evil action, to consummate this determination.

The first and second War was managed by men of one interest, as touching the King, they all aymed at his restitution, at the advancing of his Prerogative: But we were an Heterogenial Body, consisting of parts very diverse one from another, setled upon principles inconsistent one with another. So that although the intentions of some men were good and plausible; yet the major part must needs be far different, unless we think it possible, that light and darkness, good and evil, can be concentrick together, insomuch that had we proved the stronger party, and prevailed, where should we have terminated? Who can imagine otherwise, but that parties amongst us of several dispositions would have every one sought to fulfil his own will? and so should we have run into division, and subdivisions, until we had ended in Confu­sions. These things I have declared for this end, that I may manifest unto my Fellow-Soldiers, that I am ashamed of the late proceedings, and do conceive great indignation against my self, for being accessary un­to such rash attempts; That I may give warning unto others, that they may beware and fear to do any such thing. Oh, how necessary is it at all times to draw neer unto God for wisdom and understanding to guide us and direct us in all our ways. And lastly, I desire all may consider and acknowledg how great the preventing mercy of God hath been towards us at this time, that so we may be incited to offer praise, and honor, and glory to him that liveth for ever and ever.


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