A PROPHECY ON THE Conjunction OF SATURN & JUPITER In this present Year 1682.
THE Voice of the Stars, the Messengers of the Lord, cry aloud in my Ears, declaring the great Troubles and Afflictions and Calamities which are coming on us; Insomuch, that I can no longer refrain from making known unto you People what the Lord is about to do, O Christian Reader, the great God and Creator of all things doth not now show what he is about to doe by Visions, or working Miracles as he was pleased to do to his People formerly, as you may read Joshua 10. 12, 13. Sun stand thou still in Gibeon, and thou Moon in the Valley of Ajalon, and the Sun abode, and the Moon stood still; and in Isaiah 38. vers. 8. the Sun went back ten Degrees [Page 4] and returned again, these things are not to be expected now to manifest unto us the Intention of the Almighty; for the Sun, the Moon and the Stars remain firm in their Courses and Orbs; O you English Men, you that have Ears to hear, and Eyes to see, the Stars and strange Signs in the Heavens, have more Reason to cry out with Admiration than Dyonisius Areopagita, who seeing the strange Eclypse of the Sun and Moon at the Instant hour of our Saviours Passion said, Aut Deus Naturae patitur aut Mundi machina dissolvitur, which is, either the God of Nature suffers, or else the Frame of the World is Dissolved, Saturn and Jupiter are now met together which hath not been almost this Thirty Years. Saturn you must know is lodged in that place of the Heavens, wh [...]ch is by many Learned Men termed Hell, and according to his Station so is his Nature, Evil and Corrupt, Self-ended, Covetous and Malitious, one who hath been an underground worker this many Years in contriving damned Plots to the Ruin and Subversion of Nations, but now meeting with Jupiter, whose Resident place is in the third Heaven (which St. Paul mentions) being by Nature good and upright in all things and Religious, hath convinced Saturn of his wicked designs, so that by this we may have some hopes of a better understanding amongst Men, and after the bitter taste of three Judgments is over, then there will be a blessed day of Peace in the whole Universe, and before the three Judgments are past, viz. War, [Page 5] Famine and Plague, there will arise three Heads, and they will look three ways, two of them will not remain, but one will stand fast; Mavors, one of the Messengers of the Creator informs me, that a rumbling noise af War will sound loud in our Ears from the East, attended with Ruine and Destruction of Building, insomuch that it will make the Miter and Half-Moon to move, and then the four Winds will begin to blow and come from the four cor [...]ers of the Earth, and spread it self through the whole World, but especially in Italy, Scicily, Bohemia, Turkey, Rome, and several other Countreys, and this will be after Falcifer and Mavors have whispered together, which will be in the Year 1684. October the 3d. Then Women will begin to stand in the place of Men, and spread their Wings, as a Hen to save her Young ones. Again, two Messengers more cry aloud to me ( viz.) Titan and Lucina the two great Lights or Lamps of Heaven, informing me that there will be a great and fierce Dispute about Religion, and presently a great Mortality and Pest in most parts of Europe with strange Signs to be seen in the starry Heaven, great Distempers, Hydropical Diseases, &c. with Sedition and the Disease of France, Naples, Spain, and England, and indeed of all the World; let them that are much inclined to Venery have a care, and thus much from the great Eye of Heaven.
The next news is from Lucina the lesser Light, which threatens Rebellion and Tumults amongst People against their Head and Rulers, by reason of [Page 6] a scarcity of Bread and deadness of Trade, these things will be after a dark Day and a dark Night, in which the two great Lights of Heaven will suffer an Eclypse, Visible to us even to Admiration, the dark Day will be July the Second, and the dark Night will be December the 11th beginning at 11 at Night.
Our Saviour tells us, that before the Dissolution of the World, there shall be Wars and rumors of Wars, I can assure you here are coming great Alterations and Changes, here hath appeared a New Star almost visible to the whole World, as was at the Birth of our Saviour, just before whose Birth there was a great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Leo, which is specified by Abraham Judaeus. Likewise, there was a great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, ante exitum Judaeorum de Aegypto, which is likewise mentioned in the same Author, I will lay before your view the Remarkable passages which have followed the Conjunction of the two Superiors Saturn and Jupiter in the Fiery Trigon, viz. being in number 7.
- 1. Enoch's Translation.
- 2. Noah's Eloud.
- 3. Moses's Deliverance.
- 4. Solomon's Glory.
- 5. Christ's Redemption.
- 6. Charles the Great's Greatness.
- 7. The Lambs Marriage with the Bride.
Both in Scripture and History you may find that the Church of God was afflicted before Deliverance, [Page 7] according to the saying of the famous Tycho Brahe, who Writes that the first Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Leo was under Enoch in 800 Years of the World, he walked with God, and lived 365 Years, and so long was the Church of God preserved.
Secondly, The Second Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Leo, was under Noah, in 1600 Years of the World, which World was Destroyed, at what time Noah was a preserver of the Church of God in the Arke.
The Third Revolution fell out in the 2400 Years of the World under Moses, which was a Deliverance of the People of God from the Egyptian Yoak.
The Fourth Revolution fell out in the 3200 Year of the World under Solomon King of Israel, who builded a Temple for the People of God.
The Fifth Revolution fell out in the 4000 Year of the World, at what time Christ came upon the Face of the Earth to work Mankinds Redemption.
The Sixth Revolution fell out in the 4800 Year of the World, which was under Charles the Great, who caused a flourishing State of the Church of God.
The two Superiors Saturn and Jupiter come to a Conjunction in three Numbers of Years, viz. every 800 Years. Secondly, every 200 Years, and Thirdly, every 20 Years, but these forementioned Remarks are taken from the first of these, viz. 800 Years, which is their Revolution from the begining [Page 8] of the World, and this one of these Revolutions under which may be supposed the time in which God will Unite his People together both Jews and Gentiles, and they shall be all of one Minde, and of one Heart, and of one Flock, having onely one Shepherd, this must be says the Scripture before the final end of the World, the time is approaching, we may apprehend it if we but take notice of that Star which Ushered in this Remarkable Conjunction under the next great Revolution in the Fiery Trigon, which will be in 800 Years, will be the Dissolution of this World, every thing returning and Remaining in its former Chaos or Confusion.