HAving shewed that every good work which is to answer to the Commandment of God, must flow from a good spring,
Secondly, As Re-made.
Here is a pure heart in the Text: 'Tis a heart re-made pure. A heart made pure by a gracious Restitution. And mark it, I say, it is a heart
remade. It is not a heart
mended; that will not serve the turn. The heart of man received such a crack in the fall, that there is no mending of it: It must be new made. Therefore I say, the pure heart is a heart
[Page 51] re-made, new made. As we commonly say of a Bell, if a Bell receive a crack, there is no mending of it: You cannot mend a Bell, as you may mend a Brass Pan, by putting a piece to it: There is no way to mend a crackt Bell, but by new casting it; it must to the Founder. Truly thus it is with mans heart; there is no mending it, no putting a patch to it; no repairing it, as you may repair a house that is delapidated. No, it must be new made: and therefore the pure heart which is here spoken of in the Text, in other Texts is called
a new heart, Ezek. 36. 25, 26. It is not a
mended heart, but it is a
new heart. I will take away the heart of stone. The former heart is an
heart of stone; a heart that hath no more of remorse in it; no more of softness or tenderness in it, than a stone: I will
take away the heart of stone. He doth not say, I will
mend the heart of stone, but I will
take it away.
[Page 52] That is, I will take away the heart, so far as it is stony;
And I will give you an heart of flesh: that is a
new heart, an heart of flesh. The
remade heart is a heart made wholly new: It is made wholly new by the power of God; and I may give it you in these four things.
First, Meritoriously by the blood of Christ. For it is by
blood that things are purified and purged; as the Author to the
Hebrews doth discourse at large, especially in the ninth Chapter of the Epistle, Ver. 22.
Almost all things are by the Law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no Remission. The heart is made pure,
Obj. But some may say, Is there any such thing as a pure heart? We find those questions somewhat rife in the Book of Job,
What is man, that he should be clean? So in Chap. 15. 14.
Or how can he be clean, that is born of a woman? Chap. 25. 4. And
Solomon saith expresly, in Prov. 20. 9.
Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin? It is plain then by these Scriptures, that there
[Page 56] is no such thing as a pure heart.
Answ. I answer briefly, in three things to these Scriptures, and to all Scriptures of a like Import. When the Scripture speaks thus, It doth teach us, either,
First, that no man is born with a pure heart; or it teaches us,
Secondly, That no man by his own power hath made his heart pure; or,
Thirdly, it teaches us that no heart is made pure in this world with an absolutely perfect purity. Indeed the best purity which the heart attains to in this world, hath a mixture of much impurity in it: so that thus indeed there is no heart pure. That is, there is no heart
Legally pure,
strictly pure; but there are thousands of hearts through Grace, that are sincerely pure, that are
Evangelically pure, and so esteemed in the thoughts of God, and so exprest in his word.
If any shall say, you tell us there
[Page 57] is an Evangelical purity, what mean you by it? when may the heart be said to be Evangelically pure?
I answer thus, the heart is Evangelically
When the heart may be said to be Evangelically pure. pure, though there be sin dwelling in us, or an in-dwelling sin, and though sin is stirring, hath strong motions in us, makes war in our souls from day to day, though sin doth some times prevail, and give us that foil; yet notwithstanding all this, when,
First, the soul i
[...] free from the Command of every sin,
Secondly, When the soul is freed from the customary practice of every sin; and,
Thirdly, When the soul is free from the love of any sin, then the soul is Evangelically pure. Indeed sin will hide, sin will stirr, and I cannot warrant any man in the world, that is a man of the purest heart in the world, but that his sin may
[Page 58] possibly give him a foil. But this is certain, he that hath an Evangelical purity, is free from the commanding power of sin, and from that constant, and customary practice of sin; and from the love of sin. A man of a pure heart, may have a special sin, that is, a sin to which he is more inclined than to any other. Sometimes through the constitution of his body, sometimes through his occasions, and in the way of his calling; there are many things which do indanger men to some special sin, now though I say a good man may have a special sin, a sin that he finds his heart most running out after, in which sense
David call's some iniquities,
his Iniquity, Psal. 111. 23.
I have kept my self (saith he)
from mine Iniquity, that is, from the Iniquity that did most beset him. A good man then, may have a special sin, which haunts him, which dogs him, and besets him, but yet he hath not a
beloved sin; Evangelical
[Page 59] purity, and the
love of sin, cannot consist together, he that hath a pure heart, cannot play with his sin, cannot sport with his sin, cannot take content in thinking of sin, either past, or what may be to come. As they in the Prophet,
this day is thus with us, and to morrow shall be more abundant. No, he cannot please himself thus, in reference to any sin. So that I conclude it, the pure heart is freed, (if he be Evangelically freed) from sin in all these notions, and so he is the Person here meant in the text, from whom all holy actions may proceed acceptably to the Lord; and that may serve for the opening of this point, for I intend to dispatch it at this time.
I shall make some use of it.
Use. First, To stir up all to consider, whether they have this pure heart yea or no. You see the importance of it, it is one of the springs out of which every action that is
[Page 60] pleasing to God, according to his appointmemt must flow, therefore it stands us much upon, lest we loose all things that we work, To have a good assurance in our own bosoms, that we have a pure heart in our bosoms; and we had need consider it. For,
First, 'tis most sure that many think they have pure hearts, and have them not.
Solomon hath an expression; saith he,
there are a Generation that are pure in their own own eyes, and yet are not cleansed from their wickedness, Chap. 30. 12. It's an easie matter to be pure in our own eyes, and yet remain altogether unclean?
A Generation pure in their own eyes. And St.
Augustin speaks of a sort of people; who would needs be called
Cathorists, and (saith he) they do
call themselves so, they most proudly, and odiously call themselves, the pure ones. But according to his discovery of them, they were not cleansed from their wickedness;
[Page 61] and how many are thus indeed, clean in their own eyes, and yet are unclean. And,
Secondly, There are many that are clean, not only in their own eyes, but in the eyes of other men, yea possibly in very good men, Godly men, clean in their eyes, and yet for all this, they are not cleansed from their filthness. Our Lord Jesus Christ detecting the hypocrisy of the
Pharisees, saith, that they were like
whited sepulchers, which appear fair to men, but within are full of dead mens bones, and rottenness. Thus it is with many, very many in the world, they appear very beautiful, like a brave sepulcher, painted, and gilded, have possibly a very pure
hand, you can see no evil they do; they have possibly a very pure
Tongue, you can hear of no evil they
speak. Speak even as they in
Deut. 5. 28, 29. of whom the Lord saith,
they have well said in all that they have spoken, saith God to
[Page 62] they have well done indeed, in all that they have spoken? I but they did little of that which they had spoken. Many are very good in the sight of other Men, but not so in the sight of God, he doth easily discover their Impurities, and let me tell you, their are many that discover their own Impurity, and of whom we may conclude, that they have no pure heart, while we consider the gross Impurities of their lives. Indeed some carry it closely, and others profainly, and as the Lord speaks in
Jer. 2. 34.
Their sin is in their skirts, you need not dig for it, saith, God;
I have not found it by secret searching, or by digging, their sin is in their skirts. It is so with many, their sin is in their skirts, and you need not dig to find it out, the impurities of their life do plainly shew the impurity of their hearts. The Prophet
Micha puts the question,
Chap. 6. 11.
Shall I count them pure with the wicked ballances, and with the
[Page 63]
bag of deceithful weights? shall I count them pure? do you think he hath a good heart, who hath such a life as this, willing to deceive, and willing to wrong his Brethren, or those that he deals with? so we may carry on the Prophets chiding question to many and many. Shall we count them pure whose eyes are full of Adultery? Shall we count them pure whose hands are full of blood? Shall we count them pure whose houses are full of oppression? Shall we think them pure whose mouths are full of cursing and oaths, of scurility? Shall we count them pure whose mouths and Tongues are often tipt with scofs against purity? why the impurity of these mens hearts breaks out,
the shew of their countenance doth testifie against them, that
they declare their sin as Sodom,
they hide it not. You see then there are a number that want this purity of heart. Consider them first, who are pure in their own eyes, and have
[Page 64] great thoughts of their own purity. Consider, secondly, those that have a great opinion for purity among men, they appear to others so, and yet the Lord sees they are not so. And then, if you go abroad to the profain world, who proclaim their impurities, and glory in their impurity. And therefore to urge that a little further,
How may we know where there is purity of heart, that Evangelical purity which I spake of before? In opening the words, take a few touches as to the discovery of a pure heart.
First, he that Indeed hath a pure heart, is very
Discoveries of a pure heart. sensible that once he had an impure heart, as
David in
Psal. 51.
In sin was I conceived, and brought forth in Iniquity. David was a man of a pure heart. He was very sensible that once his heart was very impure. And,
Secondly, He that hath a pure heart is sensible that to this day there
[Page 65] remains much impurity in his heart, and the purer any ones heart is, the more doth he mourn under his heart impurities. And,
Thirdly, He that hath a pure heart, loves every thing that is pure, and the more pure it is, the more he loves it, the more he approves it. Here's a pure heart;
Phil. 1. 10.
He approves the things that are excellent. Things that
differ, so the word is. That is, things that differ in a way of
excellency, not only things that differ, as
good, and
bad differ, but things that differ as
good and
good differ; for there's a
gradual difference between good and good, as there is a
specifical difference between good and evil; as there is a difference between wheat and cockle, so there is a difference between wheat & wheat: As there is a difference between Gold and Copper, so there is a difference between Gold and Gold. There's the Gold of Ophyr, the most pure
[Page 66] Gold. Now I say, he that hath a pure heart, he loves all that is pure, and the more pure any thing is, the more he loves it. That's the meaning of the Apostle, he approves things that differ in a way of excellency, not only as good differs from evil, but as one good differs from another. If there be any thing which is more excellent than another, he is for that. Here's your pure heart then. And,
Fourthly, A pure heart will be full of pure thoughts, or you will be sure that no impure thoughts shall have any welcome in you; a pure heart converses chiefly with God in purity of thoughts, and good thoughts; as the
wicked are discribed,
Psal. 10. to be such
as have not God in all their thoughts, they have not the pure God, nor the holy God in all there thoughts, that is, God is not at all in their thoughts to any purpose. So we may say of the pure heart, God
[Page 67] is in all his thoughts, or he would fain have his thoughts always upon God. And so those that the Lord accounts his Jewels are discribed,
Mal. 13. 16. Saith he, I will deal thus and thus with them that fear me, and that
think upon my name. Mark, that
think upon my name. A great part of our spiritual purity, is to
[...]he often
thinking upon the pure God: The pure heart (I say) is often full of pure thoughts, and you may take measure of the purity of your hearts very much, by considering what your thoughts are. And,
Fifthly, your heart is full of pure and good desires,
thoughts are single acts and puttings forth of the soul upon such and such objects and subjects, but
desires they are wrought up into such or such a special point: a pure heart is full of good desires, and especially he desires to be more good, to be better, he desires to know more of God, and to honour
[Page 68] God more, he desires to enjoy God more, he hungers and thirsts after God. And what's the hunger and thirst of the soul? 'Tis spiritual desire:
desire is the hunger and thirst of the soul. Now a pure heart is full of these desires, and these are the most spiritual discoveries of him that hath a pure heart. Let him consider what his desires are, what he would have:
Isa. 26.
With my soul have I desired thee. Mark your desires. And then,
Sixthly, If you you have this pure heart, you will not only have many pure desires, but you will have purposes, pure resolves, you will be full of good resolves, and by resolves the heart is fixt, fastened, settled, resolution is the stablishment of the soul; now a pure heart is full of pure resolves, and purposes. The resolves and purposes are of two kinds.
First, He purposes and resolves
[Page 69] to adhere and cleave to that which is good. Thus he doth resolve with himself, fall back, fall edge, let the winds blow high or low, this I am resolved, this is my purpose, to cleave to Christ, and that which is good, as that good man
Barnabas is said to exhort the people,
Acts. 11. 23.
He exhorted them, that with purpose of heart they would cleave to the Lord, with purpose of heart. Holy purposes they are are as the Glew, by which our hearts are fastened to the Lord Jesus Christ, I exhort you with purpose of heart that you would cleave to Christ.
And then there is a purpose in a pure heart, against all that is evil, against all that is Impure:
Daniel 1. That holy man
Daniel, Verse 8. saith the Text,
Daniel purposed in his heart, that he would not defile himself with the portion of the Kings meat; he was resolved
[Page 70] of that, now he hath a pure heart, indeed, who purposes that he will never defile himself, his
heart, nor his
life neither. And indeed, such purposes have they that have pure hearts, of one kind or of another. Yea sometimes we find holy ones heigthening their purposes to
vows, yea to
oaths, I have sworn, saith David,
that I will keep thy righteous Judgements; here were strong purposes indeed. And then,
Seventhly, He that hath this pure heart, certainly hath pure ends in all that he doth, He hath a holy Aim, he hath a single eye, this is a great evidence of a pure heart, when we have pure Aims, Christ calls that the single eye,
Matth. 6. 23.
If thine eye be single, that is, If thy ends, and Aims, that which thou lookest at, If they are single, sincere, pu
the whole body shall be full of light. A pure heart, the ends that he
[Page 71] proposes, are not
self, not selfprofit, not self-applause, not pleasure; But he purposes the profit of many that they may be saved, of the good of all with whom he converses. He proposes these great ends, which he carries quite through all unto the end. And that is, that he may exalt the name of the Lord by all. O look to your ends, the purity of your hearts, will appear in the purity of your Aims, and of your ends: and so much for that first thing, for conviction, and discovery about this purity of heart.
Use. 2. Secondly, Let it be a word of exhortation, and that in two branches.
First, If there be such a thing as a pure heart, and that be of such importance, then weigh it well, whether you have this pure heart, consider it by all that hath been
[Page 72] forespoken concerning an Evangelical pure heart, and the evidences thereof; and I would say this for the urging of it, that we all should look to this matter, the purity of our hearts.
First, The hardest thing that we have to do, is the purifying of our hearts, and the greatest kindness which God can do us, is to cleanse our hearts. The cleansing of the heart is the hardest piece of work, it is comparatively an easie thing to cleanse the hand, comparatively an easie thing to cleanse the
Tongue, and to have that pure, but to have the heart purified, there's the great stick. And then,
Secondly, Look to the purity of your hearts, for they have certainly need of purifying. They whose hearts are still in their first natural state, they have need indeed, and they who are in a spiritual state, have need of daily purifying, look
[Page 73] (I say) therefore to the purifying of your hearts, for they have need to be purified, they are the filthiest part of us: If there be impurity in the
hand, there's much more in the
heart; and then,
'Tis indeed a vain thing▪ to go about to purify the hand, or Tongue, or life, if the heart be Impure. 'Twere a vain thing for any one to go and cleanse a stream, while he know's that there is a Fountain above that sends forth filthy, and unclean, and poysonous water. 'Tis just so in this case; till the heart be made pure, nothing can be pure.
And the great esteem which God hath of us, is with respect to this purity of heart. He is a friend indeed to those who have a pure heart, he hath a great respect for them. There is an expression, in
Prov. 22. 11.
He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips
[Page 74]
the King shall be his friend, mark there; the
pureness of heart, and
grace of lips. By grace of lips, he means, not only
graceful speech, but
gracious speech. Now grace in the lips you see hath its dependance upon the pureness of the heart, and saith he, he that hath such a pureness of heart, as that from it he hath a
[...] graceful lip,
the King shall be his friend. Doubtless
Solomon spake this with reference to himself, shewing what a friend he would be to those that appeared before him in pureness of heart, and this graciousness of their lips. But this is much more true in reference to the King of Heaven. He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of of his lips, the King of Heaven shall be his friend, he shall be accepted of God. And what grace soever that is, gracefulness of speech any one hath, if there be not pureness of heart, he shall have no favour with
[Page 75] the King of Heaven, what ever he may find among any of the Kings of the Earth. O this therefore is the great thing,
my Son faith
Solomon, give me thy heart. That's it which the Lord doth so much delight in,
Prov. 23. 26.
My Son, give me thy heart. What heart must it be? Not an unclean heart, not a filthly heart, not a proud heart, not a covetous heart, not a malitious heart, not an uncharitable heart, but
my Son give me thy heart, give me thy heart purified, purged, cleansed. Or thus, give me thy heart, resign it up to me to be purified, to be purged, to be cleansed, to be made holy. Indeed we may give our proud hearts up to God, and beg of him that he would humble them, But we must not think to keep our hearts proud, and give them up to God proud; and we may give our unclean hearts to God, begging of him that he would cleanse
[Page 70] them, but we must not keep unclean hearts in our bosoms, and then say, we give up our hearts to God. The heart in which God is pleased, and in with he takes delight, is the pure heart; therefore upon all these Considerations, let us be much looking after the purity of our hearts. And then.
Secondly, Do you find that according to Scripture rule, you have a pure heart, Then I have a second word to say. Pray do what you can to keep your hearts pure: For they who have pure hearts may quickly find their hearts very impure, unless they look narrowly to it. A heart that is made pure, will be greatly impured unless we watch, and keep it pure.
Solomon hath that expression, in
Prov. 4. 23.
keep thy heart with all diligence, saith he,
For out of it are the Issues of life: keep thy heart, keep it with all diligence, with all manner of keeping; you
[Page 77] see then, it is not enough to get a pure heart; but we must keep our hearts, and keep them clean. As 'tis in this case with your houses, you do not only
make them clean, but you
keep them clean: and if a house be made never so clean, yet it will contract defilement. Dust will be upon it, unless it be kept clean, unless it be watcht that none throw dirt into it. Indeed we had need in keeping our hearts, to watch them continually: and that's the great business of keeping our hearts, for the Devil if we do not watch our hearts, he will do one of these two things.
He will either steal away our heart: for the Devil comes a heart-stealing continually; and especially when you are at a Sermon, or a holy duty; and if he can but steal away your
hearts, he cares not how many Bodies there are here.
Or he will be throwing dirt into your hearts, suggesting wickedness: He will throw dirt into the inner closet of your hearts, by his Temptations, by his Injections. Therefore if you would keep your hearts clean, you must watch them.
I, and you must often wash your hearts, if you would keep them clean; for your hearts will contract filth, do what you can, unless they are daily washt, and duly searcht.
As it is with a Garden, let a Garden be drest, and made very exact, so that there is not any thing amiss, not a Weed to be seen in it: I, but the Garden must be kept thus, or else in a little time it will be over-run with Weeds again. It is so in our hearts: Suppose we have weeded out this, and that, and the other evil, if we do not keep a continual care of our hearts, the Weeds will grow again; and therefore our hearts must be continually
[Page 79] weeding; and our hearts must be continually washt. We must go daily to the
Fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness: We must wash our hearts by the renewed Acts of Repentance, confessing our sins, bewailing our sins, mortifying our sins. This is a great work for us. If you have pure hearts, look to it that you keep them pure; you may quickly be defiled:
David, a man that had a pure heart; yet got so much defilement upon his heart, that he could not tell what to make of it, but begs of God to
create him a
new heart, and all because he did not watch his heart, but gave way to Temptation, and so was overtaken: then you will find if you do not daily sweep your houses, they will defile; and the cob-webs they will grow; the Spiders will be at work; and though your hearts be never so pure, Spiders will creep into them, this Lust,
[Page 80] and that Corruption, and they will be weaving their Webs there. O what sad Webs we have in the hearts of men, and all because they look not after them! You must sweep down the Cob-webs, and throw out the dirt every day, if you would keep your hearts clean.
And I would press all I have said, by these four Considerations. Look to it that you have pure hearts, and that you keep your hearts pure.
First, Upon this Consideration which you find in Psal. 18. 26.
With the pure, thou wilt shew thy self pure: with the merciful, thou wilt shew thy self merciful: with an upright man thou wilt shew thy self upright.
With the pure thou wilt shew thy self pure. I, but if a man be not pure, Will God shew himself impure towards him? No such thing. Let us be what we will, God is ever the same. Nothing
[Page 81] can turn him out of his purity. But the meaning is, If we are pure, pure in heart, God will shew himself pure to us: that is, he will perform all things; he will be that to us which he hath promised. He will be all that to us which we can desire.
With the pure, thou wilt shew thy self pure. And he saith,
With the froward, thou wilt shew thy self froward. As God knows how to deal with men in wayes of evil, to hit them according to what they are: With the froward thou wilt shew thy self froward. Not that there is any frowardness or passion in the Lord; but men shall be dealt with according to their way. They that will
wrestle with God, as the word there signifies, he will pay them in their own coin: And so with the pure, thou wilt shew thy self pure. And then,
Secondly, Look to this purity,
[Page 82] for then all things are pure to you. As God will shew himself pure to you: So if you are pure, all things will be pure to you, Titus 1. 15.
Unto the pure, all things are pure; but unto them that are defiled, and unbelieving, is nothing pure. Here is a very strong Argument to press you to this purity of heart:
To the pure, all things are pure. To the impure, nothing is pure. Why is it that to the pure all things are pure? What are evil actions pure to them? Is sin pure to them? No: God forbid that any should have such a thought. This liberty have some taken to themselves, as if there were no difference to be made in actions: But, to the pure, all things are pure. They need not trouble themselves about sin, or this or that. No, but
to the pure all things are pure: that is, all things are blessed to them: All their enjoyments, all the Ordinances
[Page 83] of God, all their outward comforts, all their relations, all their duties, all things are pure to them. Whereas, saith he,
To them that are defiled, there is nothing pure. The very holy
Ordinances are not pure to them: Their
Callings, though honest, are not pure to them: their riches, their great possessions in the world, are not pure to them: They have not a pure, nor a holy use of any of these things. This is an awakening consideration, to look after a pure heart,
To the pure, all things are pure; but to the undefiled there is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. And then,
Thirdly, The pure in heart, are only fit for Communion with God, 2
Tim. 2. 22. saith he,
With them that call on the Lord, out of a pure heart. They only are fit to call upon God, who have a pure heart. The Apostle would have them lift
[Page 84] up
clean hands, in 1
Tim. 2. 8. (much more then, pure hearts, who call upon God
out of a pure heart.) And when the Apostle
James had exhorted them to draw nigh to God, with this Promise of Assurance, that he would draw nigh to them, presently he adds,
Cleanse your hands ye sinners, and purifie your hearts ye double minded. You are no wayes fit for Communion with God, for drawing near to God, unless your hearts are thus purified, thus purged, thus cleansed. And then,
Fourthly, Lastly, The pure in heart are those that have that great promise, the promise which concludes all good; namely,
To see God. Matth. 5. 8.
Blessed are the pure in heart. Why? Saith he,
They shall see God. God is a Spirit, God is Invisible, How shall they see him? Him no man hath seen, nor can see. How shall the
[Page 85] pure in heart see him? Why, they shall see him; that is, they shall enjoy him, they shall have sweet communion with him; they shall ascend into the Holy Hill,
Psal. 24. 3, 4.
Who shall ascend into the Holy Hill? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart. They shall be admitted nigh to God, they shall see him, they shall enjoy him.
I may conclude with that of the Prophet,
Hab. 1. 13. he saith, that
God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. And the truth is, Impure eyes cannot behold God: They cannot bear the Glory, the Excellency of his presence: They cannot enjoy God. There is a stop in the very nature of the thing, as well as there is a stop by a Divine Law. Thus the Imposture shall not come into the presence of God; that's the Divine Law. And there is a stop in the very nature of the
[Page 86] thing: they cannot abide in the presence of God. As he is of purer eyes, than to behold evil: so evil ones have such impure eyes, that they cannot behold him, they cannot see God.
Now then, let this be considered, and lay it to heart, what reason you have to look after this
pure heart, which is the first of those three springs, out of which saith the Apostle, all those holy actions, which are the end, and the fulfilling of the Commandment of God must flow, and with which only it is that you may come to have acceptance. And so much now of the first of the Springs, The Pure Heart. The second is, a Good Conscience.