A Curious COLLECTION OF PRINTS AND DRAVVINGS, By the best Engravers and Greatest MASTERS in the WORLD.
Fit only for Persons of Quality and Gentlemen, which are the VIRTUOSO's of the Age. All Fair and Curiously Preserved.
To be sold by Auction, on Wednesday the 12th. of this Instant November, where the late Curious Sale of Paintings was Exposed, next Bedford-Gate in Yorkstreet in Covent Garden.
To be sold by Edward Millinton.
There will be immediately after, a Sale of Paintings much exceeding the last in that Place.
To begin at half an hour past Two of the Clock precisely. To be seen the Tuesday, and each Forenoon before the [...]
VVHereas many Auctions have been kept for the more Indifferent Judgments, we thought fit for the benefit of the Virtuoso's, and more Understanding Gentry, to select out of vast Numbers, such as for their Fairness and rarety of their Blackness will doubtless be admired by all that see them, such persons onely are desired to come. Those which are slight or defaced being reserved for other Time and Place, and another sort of People.
'Tis hop'd therefore a true Estimate will be set upon such valuable Curiosities.
The Conditions of SALE.
- I. HE who bids most is the Buyer: If any Difference arise, the Prints to be put to Sale again.
- II. The Money to be paid at the place of Sale within Three Days after the Sale is ended.
- III. That all Gentlemen give their Names and Places of abode, and Earnest for what they buy, otherwise to pay down the whole Sum.
- 1 ALexanders Triumph of Marc. Antoine after Raphael Urbinas.
- 2 The 3 Graciae of Marc. Antoine after Raphael.
- 3 David and Goliah after Raphael by G. da Carpo.
- —Moses in the Desert after Raphael.
- 4 S. Laurence of Marc. Antoine after Bacci Bandinelli.
- 5 Aeneas and Anchises by Raphael.
- 6 Schola Terrestris. S. Paulus Athenis —
- Epicuraeos docens by Raphael. two sheets.
- 7 Schola Coelestis by Geo. Mantuanus after Raphael. two sheets.
- 8 Christ from the Cross after Raphael by Aug. Venetian
- 9 Mars and Venus after Raphael by Marc. Antoine.
- 10 Two prints after Raphael by Sylvester de Ravennas.
- 11 Nuptiae in Cana Galilaea of the new etching of Paulo Veronese.
- 12 Polycrates upon the Cross by Salvator Rosa.
- 13 S. Rochus by Guido after Annibal Carratz
- 14 Three rare Prints of Guido Rheni
- 15 2 prints of Beatricius
- 16 2 prints of Camillo Procacino
- 17 9 prints of Parmens
- 18 Arches of Mich. Angelo
- 19 2 of Paulo Farinato
- 20 a Madona finely ingraved
- 21 a print of Andrea del Sarto ingraved by Cher. Alberti.
- 22 Christi descensus a cruce by J. Bapt. de Cavalleriis after Pomp. Aquilanus.
- 23 Vastatio Trojae by Aug. Carratz after Barocius.
- 24 Susanna and the 2 Elders by Annibal Carratz
- 25 S. Hieronymus of Annibal Carraccio his new etching A Madona by Aug. Carraccio.
- 26 Venus and Cupid by Annibal Caratz Priapi Sacra
- 27 Venus by Julio Romano. S. Hieronym by Villamena.
- 28 3 prints of Spanpletti
- 29 S. Laurens by Corn. Cort after Titian
- 30 Monoculi or Cyclopes in Lipara Brixiae by Corn. Cort from an Antiq. Marmor. The Lords Supper Livy Folivet.
- 31 Xaverius moriens by Hannibal Carratz Constantinus M. Sylvestro Papae resignans claves caelorum.
- [Page 2] 32 S. Petrus claves tradens Loyolae Crucifixio by Sadelaer
- 33 S. Catharina ditto S. Stephanus by Carratz
- 34 Madona by Edeling a Madona by Natalis
- 35 a Madona by van Schupper
- 36 a Madona after Pousin
- 37 2 prints ditto
- 38 a print of Rouselet
- 39 a print ditto after Mr. le Brun
- 40 S. Maria by Edeling after Champanie
- 41 5 prints ex collectione Ludovici (absit verbo invidia) Magni T.
- 42 S. Caecilia after Raphael by Picart
- 43 The pesthouse of Pousin ditto
- 44 Stephani Lapidatio by Mr. le Brun
- 45 The 4 Evangelists ditto
- 46 a print by Mignard another by Villequin.
- 47 the 2 cheif prints of Van Dyck
- 48 5 Landskips by Rubens
- 49 the 2 cheif prints ditto
- 50 Luciferi lapsus ditto
- 51 2 fine prints ditto
- 52 2 more ditto
- 53 Nativitas principis Hylas a Nymphis raptus per Sul. Roman.
- 54 Bassan fig. 10.
- 55 S. Joannis in deserto a drawing of Mr. le Brun
- 56 Helene raptus a drawing by Camillo Procarcino.
- 57 Harpocrates by Bacci Bandinelli
- 58 a head by Renbrant a boy of Pordenon
- 59 a fine naked piece of a Gentlewomen by the famous Laroen.
- 60 a Sacrifice by La Rosse.
- 61 Chinensium clinopale
- 62 a Cormandel Oliver and Lamberts Wife
- 63 4 of Bantam The Paper Book of Elephants Paper.
- 64 Jacobus 2. by Vander Banck
- — by La Rosse Parcere subjectis.
- — Monmouth in the West by La Rosse
- 65 M. vander Merilen
- 66 Jacobus 2▪ & Maria Modena.
- 67 Guilielmus Rex Britanniae, Hiberniae vero conquestor cum Maria Regina.
- 68 2 Ladies by Mr. Kneller
- [Page 3] 69 M. Lambert and Mr. Richards by Mr. Kneller.
- 70 4 rare Heads by Van Dyck never seen in this Kingd.
- 71 Daniel Delgerut by Fulck very rare.
- 72 the 12 Months by Sadler prints 6.
- 73 5 Landskips by Pousin.
- 74 Nativitas Christi by Goltzium, 6 prints very fair
- 75 2 prints of Vander Meulen
- 76 4 prints of ditto
- 77 Ludovicus G. R. by Edeling after le Brun
- 78 Crucifixio Mr. le Brun ingraven very fine by Edeling
- 79 Luciferi lapsus by Edeling after Mr. le Brun.
- 80 7 Landskips by Pousin.
- 81 4 Cieling pieces of Mr. le Brun.
- 82 A Theset by Edeling.
- 83 A Head by Polly.
- 84 Alexandri Tropaea by Petr. Beretin Cortonensis, ex quasua desumpsit Carl. le Brun.
- — a print by vander Meulen.
- 85 a very fine print by Audran after Mignard.
- 86 4 Heads of Cl. Mellan
- 87 4 select Heads by Cl. Mellan
- 88 D. Paulus in extasi
- 89 3 by the same Mellan.
- 90 3 ditto
- 91 3 ditto
- 92 5 Madona's ditto
- 93 2 ditto
- 94 2 ditto
- 95 The Crucifix by ditto
- 96 3 Muses by the same incomparable Mellan
- 97 3 ditto
- 98 3 ditto
- 99 3 ditto
- 100 a print after Tintret by Mellan
- 101 Petri Testae Historia filii Prodigi 4 prints
- 102 2 prints by Testa
- 103 4 prints ditto
- 104 3 ditto
- 105 2 Madona's ditto
- 106 3 ditto
- 107 3 more and Testa's Head
- 108 3 ditto
- 109 2 very fine
- 110 a print very large well printed
- 111 ditto very fine
- 112 ditto more
- 113 ditto of the same incomparable Testa
- 114 The Emperors and Empresses, 24 by Sadlaer very black curiously preserved.
- [Page 4] 115 Alberti Dureis Effigies, prints 2.
- 116 S Hieronimi temtatio.
- 117 Duae singulares
- 118 4 heads of Albert Durer
- 119 2 more
- 120 2 Nakeds of the same
- 121 Pandora
- 122 1 other print
- 123 S. Hubertus
- 124 Erasmi genuina effigies rariss.
- 125 1 other
- 126 Filius prodigus.
- 127 S. Hieronymus
- 128 Melancholia
- 129 Madona's 5.
- 130 ditto 5 more
- 131 ditto 4 more
- 132 Christi nativitas very curious.
- 133 a Madona by Sadelaar after Albert Durer
- 134 The Passion of Christ fig. 21
- 135 ditto 5 more
- 136 ditto 3 more
- 137 ditto 2 more
- 138 ditto 4 more
- 139 ditto 2 more
- 140 2 more of the same incomparable Albert Durer finer Ingraver than Marc. Antony.
- 141 A Collection of la Rosse, prints 8▪
- 142 ditto of the same prints 12
- 143 ditto prints 3
- 144 ditto 3 more
- 145 ditto 4 more
- 146 ditto 11 more
- 147 ditto 6
- 148 ditto 3
- 149 Guilielmus Magnae Britanniae Monarchus
- 150 the two chief pieces of La Rosse amanach for K. Will.
- 151 3 more of la Rosse
- 152 2 more very fine
- 153 2 more
- 154 Three Bachanalia of La Fage
- 155 6 more of ditto
- 156 ditto 8 more in two sheets
- 157 ditto 4
- 158 ditto 3
- 159 ditto 2 of the same large
- 160 ditto 2 more large
- 161 3 more of the same La Rosse
- [Page 5]162 Two divers Heads of Lucas van Leyden.
- 163 a drawing of himself to the life.
- 164 The prints of ditto
- 165 The 7 Virtues by ditto
- 166 4 divers Adams and Eves
- 167 5 Cain and Abels
- 168 12 Apostles and three others
- 169 The Head of the Duke of Saxonia
- 170 6 prints of the same
- 171 The Passion fig. 14.
- 172 Four Evangelists
- 173 4 prints more
- 174 ditto 12 more
- 175 6 more
- 176 6 more
- 177 ditto 8 more
- 178 ditto 2 more
- 179 ditto 3 more
- 180 3 more of the same
- 181 The Nylespiegel Original and three divers Copies.
- 182 Passio rotunda fig. 6.
- 183 Magorum oblationes
- 184 S. Pauli conversio
- 185 Ecce homo
- 186 Crucifixio
- 187 Magdalenae Salutatio
- 188 Sequentes 5.
- 189 3 more
- 190 Saul Possessus a Diabolo
- 191 Adam & Eva diversae a precedentibus
- 192 7 more of the same
- 193 Passio fig. 14.
- 194 6 more of the same.
- 195 Wood cuts, fig. 14.
- 196 a very fine one
- 197 a Collection of Callot's pcs fig. 400
- 198 a Collection of de la Bella and Sylvester fig. 200
- 199 Hans Sibalbheen fig. 11.
- 200 ditto fig. 20.
- 201 ditto fig. 18.
- 202 ditto fig. 5.
- 203 ditto of the same 25.
- 204 ditto 18 more
- 205 ditto of the same fig. 20.
- 206 fig. 41 more
- 207 Item fig. 10.
- [Page 6] 208 Item of the same prints 35
- 209 Item ditto 11 more
- 210 Item 12
- 211 Item fig. 16
- 212 ditto of the same 4 prints
- 213 of the same fig. 13
- 214 Item 21
- 215 Opuscula Bartel Bheen Heads very rare ditto fig. 9.
- 216 Figure 13 of the same
- 217 ditto 27 more
- 218 Figure 51 seq.
- 219 Item 25 more of the same.
- 220 Fig. 49 of Jacob Binck. Some heads very rare.
- 221 Item 32 of the same
- 222 ditto 29 figures
- 223 Virgilii Solis opera circiter 600.
- 224 Metamorphosis Ovidii per Tempestam fig. 150
- 225 Piae fraudes & officiosa mendacia Ecclesiae Romanae sive Ignatii Loyolae Impostoris famigeratissimi doli manifesti, ficti & editi per Jesuitas. fig. 79.
- 226 Biblia minora Tempestae fig. 240.
- 227 Diaboli varii ad vivu [...]n delineati Martyres rariss. Tempestae, fig. 80.
- 228 Biblia Maxima Tempestae. Originales subjunguntur copiae fig. 48.
- 229 Figurae ejusdem Tempestae rarioris notae fig. 96.
- 230 Landskips by Sadelaar fig. 150.
- 231 of Glaude Landskips 19
- 232 of Fr. de Neve & Grin. Boloynese
- 233 Biskops paradeignata artis graphices fig. 24.
- 234—Statuae 100
- 235 a fine Collection of la Poutre fig. 110.
- 236 ditto 150 fig of the same, an Marroquir
- 237 Venationes, piscationes aucupia var. fig. 50. an Mar.
- 238 Le fontane di Roma da G. Baptista Falda
- 239 Statuae Perierii 100
- 240 Colonna Trajana da P. Santio Bartoli fig. 190 editio ultima Bellorii Romae 1680.
- 241 Aula Bononien. Annib. Carraccii per Tortebat fig. 15.
- 242 Galeria Farnesiana ditto per Aquilam.
- — Item eadem per Cesiur uno vol. in plano fig. 40.
- 243 Several Potifolio's.
- [Page 7] 244 3 Landskips of Rubens
- 245 6 prints of Babtisto Bertano and others
- 246 the Amazonian War in 6 sheets very fine of Rubens
- 247 our Saviour and the Fishermen in 3 parts ditto
- 248 Herods Massacre a curious pc ditto
- 249 4 prints of Permence and others
- 250 20 of Muller and others
- 251 4 of Titian, Poussin and others
- 252 20 of Vandyke, Rubens and others
- 253 the Fall of Lucifer in 2 sheets by Rubens
- 254 2 very fine of ditto
- 255 5 of Raphiel and others
- 256 Michaels War and 2 more of Rubens
- 257 our Saviour bearing the Cross, very fine of ditto
- 258 the Destruction of Idolatry in 2 large sheets ditto
- 259 the Triumph of the Eucharist very fine ditto
- 260 4 large prints ditto
- 261 2 Heads with curious Ornaments ditto
- 262 Vandykes book of Heads numb. 104 very fine
- 263 15 of Hemskirk and other good Masters
- 264 8 of Albert Durer
- 265 20 by several good hands
- 266 11 prospects in Italy very fine
- 267 14 of Rubens and other great Masters
- 268 5 of Sir peter Lilly and others
- 269 5 of Albert Durer and others
- 270 1 of Michael Angelo
- 271 15 of Permence and others
- 272 25 of Hemskirk and others
- 273 20 more of ditto
- 274 25 by several good hands
- 275 10 by Albert Durer and others
- 276 10 by Martin de Voss and others
- 277 12 by several hands
- 278 4 pcs of prospects by good Masters
- 279 15 by several hands
- 280 13 heads of Livens
- 281 6 Landskips of Perrell
- 282 4 heads of Vandykes own hand
- 283 a head by Rubens
- 284 18 heads of Vandyke
- 285 3 prints of Rembrant Van Kine
- 286 our Saviour raising Lazarus very fine of Rubens
- 287 4 curious prints of Rubens, Lilly and others
- 288 2 prints of Rubens
- 289 3 of Taddeo, Zuchero and others
- 290 6 by several good hands
- 291 the 12 Apostles by Lalleman
- 292 4 of Rubens and Italian Masters
- 293 our Saviour in the Gard. wonderful fine of Bourdon
- [Page 8] 294 Two of Titian and Vandyke
- 295 15 by several hands
- 296 22 of Tempest and 5 of others
- 297 3 viz the founder of the 7 Wonders of the World, and 2 of Rubens
- 298 11 Sybils very fine of Rousellet
- 299 10 Good Mezo-Tinto prints
- 300 10 of Travail, Repose and Sports by de Vos & others
- 301 13 good Landskips
- 302 14 Emblems after Brover
- 303 the 7 works of Mercy of Bourdon
- 304 6 heads and a Rape pc of Muller
- 305 12 prints, 8 History and 4 heads
- 306 14 Dutch Mechanicks after Rembrant
- 307 dispossessing a Demoniac of Goltius
- 308 the offering to our Saviour by Jordaens
- 309 a fine Original drawing of Brugel
- 310 Diana and her Nymphs by Rubens,
- 311 31 drawings
- 312 4 prints of Testa, Corregio, Mich Angelo, & Raphie [...]
- 313 8 from Poussin, Bowerman and others
- 314 10 from Bourdon, Tintoret and others
- 315 6 Italian, from Testa, Tintoret and others
- 316 a curious print of Fredericus. Zuccharius
- 317 8 from Carracci, Vandyke, Raphiel and others
- 318 8 from Carracci, Poussin, Bassan and others
- 319 10 from Raphiel and others
- 320 6 of Goltius, Mich. Angelo and others
- 321 10 very fine Italian and French prints
- 322 12 from Barocius, Raphiel and others
- 323 10 from Blomart, Tempest, Titian and others
- 324 6 curious prints from Julio Romano and others
- 325 Moses in the Rushes
- 326 12 of Julius Mautuanus, de Voss and others
- 327 10 of Bassan, Vovet, and other great Masters
- 328 5 of Vovet very fine
- 329 17 of Vander Cabel and others
- 330 15 drawings of Montangre and others
- 331 a curious Drawing of the Nativity
- 332 16 Drawings more
- 333 18 ditto
- 334 17 drawings and Sketches of Flowers
- 335 6 postures of Lilly
- 336 6 more ditto
- 337 6 more of Lilly and others
- 338 20 drawings of Landskips