A Curious Collection OF PAINTINGS, Being most Originals: By the best Masters, both Antient & Modern, Viz.
- Paul Brill.
- Looton.
- Borginon.
- Houndis.
- Fluchshees.
- Melinos.
- Hemskirk.
- Gysbrewe.
- C. Johnson.
- Wyck.
- Vandervene.
- Brugell.
- Vandist.
- Vandervelding.
- Porselus.
- Gilman.
- Blomart.
- Rene:
- Vanderscopen.
- Adama.
Will be Sold by AUCTION, at the Spanish-Coffee-House, at the Corner of Bromley-Street in Holbourn, on Friday the 27th of this Instant November, 1691. The Sale begins at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, and will continue on Saturday, Monday, &c. till all are sold off.
- I. That he or she that bids most, is the Buyer: and if any difference arise, which the Company cannot Decide, then the said Lot so Bought, shall he Exposed to Sale again.
- II. That the Money for the Goods so Bought, is to be paid at the place of Sale within Three Days after the Sale is ended: But for the Conveniency of them that desire them sooner, constant attendance will be given every day at the said place.
- III. That all Gentlemen, Ladies, &c. after the Buying any Lot, will be pleased to give Earnest for them, (if desired) whereupon Payment of the Remainder within the Time limited: The said Goods shall be delivered to them or their Order, they paying Porterage, if they desire to have their Goods carried home.
- IV. That no Person is to Bid less than Six Pence a time for any Lot Exposed to Sale.
Catalogues may be had Gratis at the Place of SALE, and at the Coffee-Houses in London and Westminster.
- 1 A Piece of still Life, by a good Master.
- 2 A print on a deal Board.
- 3 King William, in small.
- 4 A Woman playing on the Musick.
- 5 A Curious Bible Story.
- 6 Another, ditto
- 7 An hunting of the Leopard, fit for a Chimney
- 8 King Charles the first, after Vandyke
- 9 The late Queen by the same Hand
- 10 An hand by the Life.
- 11 Oliver Cromwell
- 12 A fine Bible story of Moses in the Rushes
- 13 A Sea Triumph, by a good Master
- 14 A Sea piece, ditto
- 15 A Frost piece, very fine
- 16 An Oval Landskip, by D' Young
- 17 A Sea piece, by Ottovel
- 18 An Oval Fruit piece, by Fisher
- 19 A fine piece of Still Life
- 20 A Woman and Dog, on Copper
- 21 King Charles the II. by Wonters
- 22 Abraham offering his Son Isaac
- 23 King William and his Queen, after Kneller
- 24 The Dutchess of Portsmouth, ditto
- 25 A Smoaker, by Mason
- 26 An head, supposed by Holbin
- 27 A Madona, very fine
- 28 A Landskip, after Brill
- 29 King James, and Queen Mary
- 30 A Landskip very fine
- 31 A Madona, by an Italian
- 32 A Sea-Fight, an Original, by Sailmaker
- 33 A Bull-baiting, by Houndis
- 34 A fine Winter piece, an Original
- 35 A piece of Fruit, after Boudan
- 36 A piece of Cattle, by Moy
- 37 A Landskip, well done
- 38 A Curious Winter piece
- 39 A Landskip, an Original, by Vandist
- 40 A piece of Fruit, in a fine Frame, by D' Young
- 41 Joseph and his Mistris, by De Rick
- 42 A Feston of Flowers, by a Dutch Master
- 43 A larg Buck-hunting, fit for a Chimney
- 44 A Sea-Triumph, very fine
- 45 A three Quarter Landskip, an Orignal, by Vandi [...]
- 46 A piece of still Life, an Original, by Spanger
- 47 A piece of Drollery
- 48 A piece of Flowers, an Original by H. F.
- [Page 3]49 A Landskip, after the Italian manner
- 50 A piece of Fruit, finely painted
- 51 King William and Queen Mary, by a Dutch Master
- 52 A fine piece of Harvist, by D' Young
- 53 A Conversation, by a Dutch Master
- 54 A Night piece, an Original, by Flushers
- 55 Saint Sebastine, an Original, by an Italian
- 56 A Story in Ovid, by a good hand
- 57 Queen Dowager, well done,
- 58 A Fruit piece, after Poudane
- 59 A Sea piece, well done
- 60 A fruit piece, by a good Master
- 61 A Fools-Head
- 62 A Shepherd and Shepherdess, by Blomart
- 63 Our Saviour, and the Woman of Samaria, ditto
- 64 A Landskip. an Original, by P. Brill
- 65 A Winter piece, an Original, by Vanderstraten in a fine Frame
- 66 A Landskip well done
- 67 A fine Landskip with Figures, an Original
- 68 A Flower piece, by a Disciple of Boudane
- 69 A Fruit piece, by Fisher
- 70 A fine Landskip, by D' Young
- 71 A fine Sea port, an Original, by Sailmaker
- 72 Europia, an Original
- 73 A fine Landskip, an Original
- 74 A piece of Vanity in a fine frame
- 75 King William, well done
- 76 A Sea Haven, very fine
- 78 A Shepherdess by a stood Master
- 79 A Landskip, by an Italian
- 80 A Landskip, very fine, an Original
- 81 A Landskip with Birds, an Original by Devernet
- 82 A Curious Italian Tomb
- 83 A Flower piece, very fine, an Original
- 84 Philip King of France, a fine Head
- 85 A Flower piece, an Original, by Smith
- 86 A fine larg Battle piece, by Stope
- 87 King William in a Oval Frame
- 88 Queen Mary, ditto
- 89 A Frost piece, very fine
- 90 A Naked Venus, after Ticken
- 91 A Garden piece, in fine frame
- 92 A Winter piece, after Brill
- 93 A Sea port, by a good Master
- 94 A Head, an Original, by Hemskirk
- 95 A fine Fruit piece, by Burginon
- 96 A Flower p [...]e, by Deboise
- [Page 4]97 A Sea Coast, by Davis
- 98 Lot and his two Daughters, a fine old piece
- 99 Our Saviour taken from the Cross
- 100 A Sybells Head
- 101 A fine Bible story
- 102 Another, ditto
- 103 A small Landskip
- 104 A fine piece, well done
- 105 An Oval Fruit piece
- 106 A Landskip, by a Dutch Master
- 107 A fine pleasant Landskip, with a Garden
- 108 A Landskip in a black Frame, by an Italian
- 109 A Fire piece, in a fiine Frame
- 110 Parrismus and Thesbe, by Burginon
- 111 A Hare, by the Life
- 112 King William, by a Disciple of Kneller
- 113 Queen Mary, ditto
- 114 A fine Frost piece, an Original, by Vanderscopen
- 115 A Fine hunting piece
- 116 A Landskip, after P. Brill
- 117 A Surgen healing a wound, after Brown
- 118 King James the II.
- 119 A Winter piece, very fine
- 120 A Flower piece, by Depoise
- 121 King James, after Kneller
- 122 A Fruit piece, by Burginon
- 123 My Lord Cravans Head, very fine
- 124 A Swan hunting, by Houndis
- 125 A Womans head, by the Life
- 126 Queen Mary, by a good Master
- 127 A Winter piece, an Original, by Vanderstraten
- 128 A Landskip, in fine Cutthron frame
- 129 A Landskip, an Original, by Devernet
- 130 A Ruin of my Lord Danbey's house, Curiously done
- 131 An Italian Tomb, finely done
- 132 Our Saviour in the Garden, very finely Painted
- 133 King Charles the I. his Queen, after Vandyke
- 134 A fine Flower piece, an Original, in Gold Frame,
- 135 A Sea piece, well done
- 136 A Fools-Head
- 137 An Original piece, by Looton
- 138 A Man and Woman Singing, by Hemskirk
- 139 A fine Landskip, an Original, supposed of Possene
- 140 A Phesant; by the Life, on a Deal-Board
- 141 Mary Magdalenu an Original, by Burginon
- 142 Some Boys Dancing, by Rene
- 143 A Sea piece, an Original, by Fluchshers
- 144 A piece of Still Life, an Original, by a great Master