AT THE Two White Posts, Against the STATUE, AT Charing-Cross, On Thursday the 18 th. Instant at Three in the Afternoon.
Will be Exposed to SALE, A Curious Collection of Original Paintings, and other Excellent Copies, of the best Masters; some fit for Closets, Chimneys, Stair-Cases, &c. Continuing daily, till all be Sold.
By Mr. WRIGHT Junior.
CATALOGUES may be had at Mr. Nott's in the Pall-Mall, at Mr. Playford's near the Temple-Church, and at the place of Sale, Gratis.
The Conditions of SALE.
I. THat he or she that bids most, is the Buyer: And if any difference arise, which the Company cannot decide, then the said Lot so bought shall be exposed to Sale again.
II. That the Money for the Goods so bought, is to be paid at the place of Sale within I hree Days after the Sale is ended; but for the conveniency of them that desire them sooner, constant Attendance will be given every day at the said Place.
III. That all Gentlemen and Ladies, &c. after the Buying any Lot, will be pleased to give in their Names and Lodgings, at the Sale; otherwise to pay the third part of the Price, or the whole Money presently for them, where, upon Payment of the remainder within the time limited, the said Goods shall be delivered to them or their Order; they paying Porterage, if they desire to have their Goods carried home.
IV. That no Person is to bid less than Six Pence a time for any Lot exposed to Sale.
A Curious Collection OF Original Paintings, &c.
- 1 SAint Sebastian, after Van Dyke.
- 2 A Winter and Summer, neatly done.
- 3 A Prospect of a Town, by a Dutch Master.
- 4 An Original Fire-piece.
- 5 The Prince of Orange when newly married
- 6 The Princess of Orange when newly married
- 7 A small Landschape with Cows.
- 8 A Head of Susannah as big as the Life, an Original.
- 9 A Half-length of Sir Peter Lilly, an Original.
- 10 Queen Catharine, after Mr Housman.
- 11 An Original Head of Paulo Veronese.
- 12 A Water-fall, by Knife.
- 13 A Head of King James.
- 14 A Head of Queen Mary.
- 15 A Thistle, well done.
- 16 A Piece of Amphion on a Dolphin.
- 17 Alpheus and Arethusa.
- 18 The Twelve Emperours, after Titian.
- 19 An Original Head, by Cornelius Jonson.
- 20 A small Head in Limning.
- 21 Another duto.
- 22 A Fruit-pieco, well done.
- [Page 2]23 A Head of the present Grand Signior.
- 24 A Head of the Pope.
- 25 A Head of Cromwell, after D [...]pson.
- 26 A Head of the Lady Hamilton.
- 27 The Lady Clapo [...]l, by Mr Wright senior.
- 28 The Dutchess of Monmouth, by Mr. Wright senior.
- 29 A large Piece of the Hunting of a Lion.
- 30 A large Landschape of a Gentlemans house.
- 31 A Man with a Jug, well painted.
- 32 A Head of Sir William Russel, supposed of Van Dyke.
- 33 A large Piece of Paying Tribute to Gaesar, after Ruben's.
- 34 A Piec [...] of the Grown and Sc [...]p [...]er.
- 35 The History of Perseus [...]nd Andromeda.
- 36 A Sea-Triumph.
- 37 A great Dog, after Van Dyke.
- 38 A great piece of Noah with his Family, offering a Sacrifice after the Deluge.
- 39 A Head of King Charles the First in Armour, after Van Dyke.
- 40 An excellent Head in Croyons, of the Lady Strangford, Original; by Mr. Wright Senior.
- 41 A large piece of Ulisses in Storm.
- 42 An excellent Copy of Venus after Tition, the Motto Vanitas.
- 42 An Original Painting of Boys and Goats.
- 43 King Charles the First in Three several Views, after Van Dyke, by Mr. Wright Senior.
- 44 Narcissus and Eccho.
- 45 A Lanskip of Paulo Brill.
- 46 A Lanskip of Grimaldi Bolognes.
- 47 Another of Grimaldi Bolognes.
- 48 A Lanskip of Hannibal Caracci.
- 49 A piece of Rocks of Xavery.
- 50 A little piece of Rocks.
- 51 A piece of a Skeleton treading amongst the Heads of Princes.
- 52 A piece of Mr. John Lacy the Comedian in Three different Postures, as the Life; of Sawney in the Taming of the Sbrow, Parson Scruple in the Cheats, and Monsieur du Vice in the Country Captain.
- 53 A lesser piece of the same.
- [Page 3]54 A Piper Courting of a Woman, after Cornelius Honthost.
- 55 A large piece of Susanna and the Elders, after Schut.
- 56 A piece of the burning of Troy, after Tintoret.
- 57 Achilles amongst the Daughters of Licomedes in a Female Habit, after Van Dyke.
- 58 An Original Painting of Satyrs striving for a Kettle of Wine.
- 59 A little piece of Venus, after Titian and Vanitas.
- 60 A piece of Susanna, after S [...]hut.
- 61 A piece of Lacy the Comedian, the same as the former.
- 62 A Head of Innocent the Eleventh.
- 63 A Head of Cromwel.
- 64 A Head of the Grand Signior.
- 65 A Head of the Queen, after Wisson.
- 66 A little piece of Parrots.
- 67 A little Otangle in Limning.
- 68 Another Ditto.
- 69 A little Dutch piece on Board neatly done
- 70 St. John Evangelist on Allabaster finely done.
- 71 A piece of Boys cut in Tortoiceshell.
- 72 A little Lanskip in Limning with a Pyramid.
- 73 The last Supper in Alabaster.
- 74 A large piece of Jacob going into Egypt with his whole Family, by Jesus.
- 75 The Lady Newport, after Van Dyke.
- 76 A Naked Boy representing Mortality, supposed of Carrat.
- 77 A Lanskip of one of the Brugh.
- 78 A Head by the Life.
- 79 A Turk's Head in Crions.
- 80 Two other Heads.
- 81 A Boys Head.
- 82 The present Queen's Head after Wisson.
- 83 A Crucifix, an Original, done at Rome.
- 84 A Lanskip after the manner of Vouters.
- 85 A Lanskip of the manner of Poloveronese.
- 86 Charity, after Van Dyke.
- 87 Psyche and Cupid of Vouters.
- 88 A large piece of Daphne and Apollo, an Original well Painted.
- 89 A Lanskip of a Town, and Ruine, well Painted.
- [Page 4]90 A Lanskip with Houses, Ditto.
- 91 A Winter and Summer neatly done.
- 92 A large piece of Ulisses tyed to the Mast of his Gally.
- 93 A Storm well done.
- 94 A Lanskip, and As [...] and Cow.
- 95 A piece of Beggars neatly done
- 96 The Angel and Hagar.
- 97 The Angel and the Thrasher.
- 98 King William on Horse back finely done.
- 99 A City on Fire well done.
- 100 A Winter.
- 101 The Road to Black-Heath.
- 102 A Lanskip after Walter Cabers.
- 103 A Head in Crions by the Borgignon.
- 104 Another ditto.
- 105 An Original Storm piece, by Artonell.
- 106 A Droll, by a good Master.
- 107 A Winter and Summer.
- 108 Lot and his two Daughters, well done.
- 109 A small Piece of Flowers.
- 110 A Crucifix in an Ebony Frame.
- 111 A Head of King Charles the 2d of Sir Peter Lilly.
- 112 St. Peter in his Penitence, with a Cock crowing, Original.
- 113 King James, a Half-length.
- 114 Queen Mary, a Half-length.
- 115 A small Sea-storm in a black Frame.
- 116 A Landschape, ditto.
- 117 A small piece in a black Frame, ditto.
- 118 A small piece of St. Francis.
- 119 A Piece of Achilles in a Female habit, among the Daughters of Lecomes, well done.
- 120 A Winter and Summer, by a good Master.
- 121 A Prospect through a Rock, ditto.
- 122 A Droll, after Brower.
- 123 A Winter and Summer, by a Dutch Master.
- 124 A Winter-piece, by a Dutch Master.
- 125 A Landschape, ditto.
- 126 King James, after Wisson.
- [Page 5]127 A Head of the present Grand Signior.
- 128 A Head of Pope Innocent the 11th.
- 129 A Winter and Summer, by a Dutch Master.
- 130 An Original Fire-piece.
- 131 King Charles the First on Horseback, after Van Dyke.
- 132 Bacchus and Philemon.
- 133 Christ and Nicodemus.
- 134 A Prospect through a Rock.
- 135 A Landschape, ditto.
- 136 Winter, ditto.
- 137 Fire-piece, ditto
- 138 A Flower Piece, by Verelse.
- 139 A Lanskip in an Ebony-Frame.
- 140 A Lanskip well done.
- 141 A Lanskip by Vestrado.
- 142 A Flower Piece in Limning, well done.
- 143 General Lambert's Head, well done.
- 144 A Head of King James.
- 145 Two Boys playing with a Goat, an Original Painting.
- 146 A small Piece of the Ascension of Christ.