At the West-end of EXETER CHANGE A Curious COLLECTION Of One Hundred and odd PAINTINGS. Being most Originals by the best MASTERS in Europe, with several fine Copies by very good hands. Will be Sold by Auction, or who bids most, on Monday the 19th. day of May, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.
The Conditions of Sale as usual, and the time of Paying and fetching away the Lots so bought, to be within Three days after at the said place, and paying Porterage. And all Gentlemen that are Strangers to the said place of Sale, shall leave the Third part of the price of such pictures as they shall buy in Earnest.
- 1 A Statues Head
- 2 a small Conversation
- 3 a Sibells head
- 4 Our Saviours head finely done
- 5 a fine sketch of Carmalite Fryars
- 6 A young Womans head
- 7 a curious Sketch of Hunting
- 8 A landskip of London
- 9 An old mans head rarely painted
- 10 a pc of small dutch figures
- [Page 2]11 A Womans head
- 12 A side face of a young Man rarely painted
- 13 A Woman sitting on the Flower
- 14 A fine drawing of a Roman story
- 15 A boyes head neatly done
- 16 A curious gray pc of the Salutation
- 17 A little Landskip neatly painted
- 18 A little pc of still Life, by Mr. Arnett
- 19 A Lobster
- 20 A Dutch Landskip
- 21 a little landskip
- 22 a Spanish conversation playing at Tables
- 23 a Cloth laid for breakfast
- 24 a winter pc landskip
- 25 a landskip by the same hand
- 26 a little landskip by a dutch Master
- 27 a landskip with a Maypole
- 28 King Charles after Sir P. Lilly
- 29 St. Franciscus in Limon by an Italian hand
- 30 a dutch man Reading by Dusart
- 31 a prospective of Ardenburgh
- 32 a prospect of K. James his house by Mr. Knife
- 33 a landskip of old Wick
- 34 another of Seamen
- 35 a pc of still Life Vandermule
- 36 a pc with Birds of Koning floe
- 37 a landskip of 2 naked women by Mr. Henii
- 38 a landskip by Mr. Knife, the figures of Wick
- 39 a History of Cadmas by de Young
- 40 a pc of Fruit of Bolongeer done in Italy
- 41 a landskip of Logoor with Elias
- 42 a pc of still Life, of Mr. Knife
- 43 a landskip with Cattle of Ditto
- 44 another with Cattle ditto
- 45 a landskip of Honderouta
- 46 History pc of Cleopatra by Eliger
- 47 a mans head, by Laris
- 48 a history pc of Mercury & Hersa by a disciple of Laris
- 49 Hist. pc of Aglouras and her Sisters, by Lawrentius
- 50 a dutch wom head & Copper, curiously done, by Leic.
- 51 a landskip of Vandermeer
- 52 a womans posture after Sir P. Lilly of Clook
- 53 a pc of durch Boors, by Valiant
- 54 a pc of Italian Fruit
- 55 a pc with Cattle, by a dutch hand
- 56 a Sea pc by Mollier
- 57 a pc of still Life with a Tankard and a Fiddle
- 58 another pc of still Life by Knife
- 59 another pc of still life of Ditto
- 60 a landskip by ditto.
- [Page 3]61 A Prospect of St. Jame's Park by Knife
- 62 an original Fruit pc by a good hand
- 63 Daphne and Apollo neatly painted
- 64 a large Buckanal
- 65 a pc of Pipers
- 66 a bunch of flowers finely painted, after Mr. Bugdon
- 67 a Fruit pc after of the same hand
- 68 The Virgin Mary and our Saviour flying from Egypt
- 69 St. Peter a Fishing
- 70 a Italian landskip
- 71 a Shepherd and Shepherdess
- 72 Count Tickley in little
- 73 an old mans head
- 74 a little pc of Orion upon Copper
- 75 King William and Queen Mary
- 76 a landskip of Vareledon
- 77 another ditto
- 78 a small flower piece
- 79 a lame man carrying a blind man full length
- 80 a Copy by a very good hand after Mr. Bogdan
- 81 The first Copy after the original after ditto
- 82 a Fruit pc with Wallnuts finely done
- 83 a Monument an original by Mr. Stoak
- 84 a Lambs head and gathers
- 85 an original landskip by a good Master
- 86 an original landskip by de Ʋleger
- 87 an obscene pc an original
- 88 Venus and Cupid curiously painted
- 89 a large Sea pc of Percellis
- 90 a curious drawing of three Souldiers
- 91 an original Frost pc
- 92 a Fruit pc with a basket and Birds
- 93 an original pc of Abraham and Hagar by Blomart [...]
- 94 an original Frost pc
- 95 a curious landskip by a great Master
- 96 The burning of Troy well painted
- 97 a large Kitchin pc neatly painted
- 98 The Duke of Monmouth
- 99 an offering of a sacrifice done by Renbraut
- 100 an original landskip by Mr Vandiest
- 101 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds after- Bassan
- 102 a pc of fish by Robinson
- 103 a pc of still Life
- 104 King William whole length
- 105 a Consultation by an Italian Master
- 106 a woman with two Boys a piping
- 107 a Duck finely painted upon Cloth like a board
- 108 a half length after Titian taken from the picture belonging to Northumberland house
- 109 Dutchess of Somerset half length after Lilly
- 110 Titian Mistriss, after Titian.
- [Page 4]111 A head well painted
- 112 a Buck hunting by Hungies
- 113 King Charles the first praying
- 114 Cupid after Houseman
- 115 D. of Albemarle half length
- 116 Copy after Paul de Vernesa, Alexander, and Statena
- 117 K. Charles half length
- 118 Prince George half length
- 119 a sacrifice by a good hand
- 120 a Madona by Duebar
- 121 K. William and Q. Mary in rich oarved Frames
- 122 a three quarter flower pc by Mr. Montingo
- 123 another of the same
- 124 a landskip after Fr. Mould
- 125 Another of Jupiter and Calista
- 126 another of the Virgin Mary and a little boy
- 127 a Bulls head by a good hand
- 128 a couple of Lyons by the same
- 129 a Fidler with a Rummer of Wine in his hand
- 130 a pc of still Life by a good hand
- 131 a large Buchanal by a good hand
- 132 an original landskip by a good Mr. in a fine frame
- 133 a landskip with a Garden
- 134 a landskip finely painted
- 135 a head curiously painted
- 136 Madona after Coresio
- 137 a Hare and Gun
- 138 Venus and Satyr
- 139 Amadonia finely painted
- 140 Don Schtious
- 141 a flower piece
- 142 Q. Mary half length
- 143 a landskip of Cain and Abel
- 144 D. of Monmouth
- 145 King by Mr. Neller
- 146 King James
- 147 Q. Mary after Lilly
- 148 Orpheus fetching his wife out of Hell, by a good hand
- 149 K. William & Q. Mary in oval Frames by a good Mr.
- 150 The D. of Monmouth by a good hand
- 151 a little piece of Limming neatly done
- 152 a pc after Hemskirk
- 153 a landskip by a good hand
- 154 a piece of Vanity
- 155 a pc of Fruit
- 156 a dutch womans head
- 157 Cleopatra by an Italian Master
- 158 a fine Battel by a dutch Master
- 159 another ditto
- 160 a small pc of K. C. the 2d.
- [Page 5]161 a pc of 2 boys playing with a dog
- 162 A drol painted by a dutch Master
- 163 Three quarter pc of K. William
- 164 A Shepherd and Shepherdess well painted on glass
- 165 A pc of Q. Dowager painted on glass
- 166 A Roman Lady painted on glass
- 167 King Charles
- 168 Queen Katherine
- 169 Dutchess of Richmond
- 170 D. of Albemarle a three quarter piece
- 171 A piece after Rubens
- 172 King William
- 173 A landskip after Breil
- 174 King James
- 175 A landskip of St Sebastian
- 176 A pc after Rubens
- 177 A Landskip of Persis and Andromeda
- 178 A landskip drawn on board
- 179 A Landskip of Shepherd and Shepherdess
- 180 Another Landskip
- 181 Another by the same hand
- 182 Q. Mary half length after Wissing
- 183 K. William after the same, curiously painted
- 184 Q. Mary ditto
- 185 A Festure of Flowers by a good Master
- 186 The last Judgment very well painted
- 187 The prodigal Son, by a good Master
- 188 A Q. Mary in little
- 189 A pc of still Life with a Silver Cup
- 190 A Fidler by a good hand
- 191 Susannah and the 2 Elders by a good hand
- 192 Q. Dowager in small after Houseman
- 193 An original Landskip by Mr. de Ki [...]ser
- 194 K. William after Wisson and Q. by the same hand
- 195 An original Landskip by Mr. de Keiser
- 196 An old mans head
- 197 A landskip by a good hand
- 198 A Lobster with Fruit by Muntingo
- 199 Our Saviour at prayers in the Garden painted on gla
- 200 Our Saviour Baptising painted on glass
- 201 The Countess of Kildare painted on glass
- 202 A Parrot
- 203 A pc of Musmillions and Peaches
- 204 A fine Jappan Standish
- 205 K. Davids head by a great Master
- 206 A dead dog by Bloomant
- 207 A fine old head in black and white
- 208 A dutch Man and his Wife and Child in little
- 209 Grapes and Figs finely done
- 210 A side face of a boy
- [Page 6]211 A landskip on Board
- 212 A fine drawing of a Shepherd and Sheherdess
- 213 A landskip finely done by W. S.
- 214 Another ditto
- 215 Two postures by Rubens
- 216 Ferdinando the Emperour by Anthonio More
- 217 A curious pc of the Judgment of Solomon
- 218 A Spaniel Dog after Hongius
- 219 A landskip
- 220 A pc with some Fowl in it
- 221 A Cock and Hens after Largillier
- 222 Two Geese well painted
- 223 A Landskip by a dutch Master
- 224 A dog and Stork well painted
- 225 Some Ducks by a good hand
- 226 A curious Tobacco Blower
- 227 A pretty pc after Hemskirk
- 228 An original head by old Hemskirk
- 229 Another by the same hand
- 230 A pc of Sheep fine painted
- 231 A Chaist drol pc upon Copper
- 232 Diana Hunting of a Stag by a good Master
- 233 A hunting of a Stag by a great Master
- 234 A man in Armour curiously painted
- 235 A mans head curiously painted by the Life
- 236 A youngs Lads head by the same
- 237 Another Lad painted by the same
- 238 D. of Schomberghs head by the same
- 239 K. Williams head by the same
- 240 A woman leaning on her hand to the Life
- 241 Prodigal Son
- 242 King Solomon, and the Q. of Sheba well done
- 243 Some boys playing a Chimney piece
- 244 A curious Landskip with a fountain
- 245 Adam and Eve neatly painted on board
- 246 K. Henry the Eight neatly painted
- 247 Cupid and Psyche after Vandyck
- 248 An original Landskip by Master Ross
- 249 A curious Landskip with a ruine
- 250 A curious Landskip with a Church
- 251 Another curious Landskip
- 252 A boy with a Bitch and Puppyes after Hungius
- 253 A Gent. hunting upon a white Horse
- 254 A hunting of a Stag
- 255 Andromeda and Persius
- 256 A Landskip with a Rain in it
- 257 Another by the same hand
- 258 A little boy gathering of a Rose
- 259 K. William and Q. Mary in little upon Copper
- 260 A pc of Flowers and Fruit by Mr. Montingo
- [Page 7]261 A night conversation by Hemskirk
- 262 K. William and Q. Mary in little
- 263 A little head by old Hemskirk
- 265 A [...] by the same hand
- 266 K. William by the same hand
- 267 Susannah and the 2 Elders by Mr. Laplass
- 268 Two Phylosophers
- 269 The head of our Saviour
- 270 A Landskip at 3 quarters
- 271 Another of the same
- 272 A Family
- 273 A Sea fight by a good hand
- 274 a pc of Geese and Ducks
- 275 a Fruit pc by Guilliman
- 276 The City of Venice neatly painted
- 277 A small Landskip with ruins well painted
- 278 Autumn and Winter by a good hand
- 279 A battle piece
- 280 a Nuns picture well painted
- 281 a flower pot after Verelst
- 282 a pc of Cocks and Hens by a good hand
- 283 Monkeys at Cards neatly painted
- 284 a large pc Ducks, Partridges and Hares, &c.
- 285 Our Saviour Crowned with Thornes
- 286 Our Saviour and the Virgin Mary
- 287 St. Mark at Venice
- 288 a Sea storm with a Castle
- 289 David and Bathsheba by a great Master
- 290 a Mathematical study by a good hand
- 291 a Venetian Port
- 292 a woman with a Lamp