The Cuckolds Dream. OR, The Comical Vision.

Where in a slumber, Fancy doth impart,
Strange whimseys which disturbs his jealous heart;
Such delusions, Dreams do represent,
To make him think his Wife is evilly bent:
That when he is awake, he makes a pother,
And swears there's none that's honest, not his Mother.
To the Tune of, Your humble Servant Madam.
VVHen Flora with rich Tapestry
The earth had all be-spangled,
And Buds and Blosoms on each Tree,
Most pleasantly they dangled;
I walkt to hear the Cuckow sing
For further observation.
And sate down by a silver Spring,
All for my recreation.
As I lay slumbring on the Plain,
All in that pleasant Season,
Strange F [...]ncies did possess my brain,
Which did disturb my Reason;
Whilst Morpheus with his Leaden Mace,
My senses were intransing,
Methought I saw within that place
Wonders about me dancing.
Brave Troops of Gallants [...]s;t along
And Ladies of fine Feature:
I could not tell within the throng
Which was the comliest Creature;
VVith costly Robes of rich array
They séem'd to be attir'd,
Like Venus on her wedding-day,
When Mars her pomp admir'd.
Amongst the rest, a Spark I spy'd
Which here shall not be named,
And in his hand a lovely Bride
As ever Nature framed.
They were so trim in ever limb,
It much did please my fancy,
I joy'd to find, they were so kind,
Not thinking it was Nancy.
BVt having view'd them narrowly,
I found unto my sorrow,
This Youngster he did well agree
To live upon the borrow.
Since Dreams are Fables as we say,
I'le tell you on my life sir,
The party that was there that day
Was my own married wife sir.
O then thought I, if you be there
I'le watch your water casting,
And still they séemed to draw near,
Not fearing Sparrow blasting.
He did her kiss, and call'd her Miss,
He was both sprite and valiant,
And kindly she, said none but he
Should ever be her Gallant.
Methought I heard him call a Coach,
and servants to attend her,
Vpon my right he did incroach,
So much he did befriend her,
Qouth he, this day, wée'l sée a Play
At the Theatre Royal.
Then up and go, it shall be so,
I must have no denial.
With that I strugl'd in my sléep,
As thinking to prevent them,
Mean time away they slily créep,
I could not discontent them.
Thought I, I'le have you by and by,
when you return at leisure.
And if I can conveniently
I'le fit you for your pleasure.
Methought I saw them both come back,
As plain as I'de béen waking.
And then he had her to the Sack
Which set my heart of aking;
With costly wines, they chéerd their hearts
And thought it was but reason
Of every thing to share their parts
That e're was then in season.
No sooner was the Banquet done,
And that they had said Grace sir,
And none but they were left alone,
He kindly did embrace her.
He gave her Rings which she lik'd well,
And Bracelets made of Amber,
But when his spirits 'gan to swell,
Then hey for a private Chamber.
I could no longer then endure,
My forces I did muster,
And thought that I had slept secure,
Yet when I wak't I curst her.
No more I'de hear the Cuckow sing,
Her note shall not inchaunt me,
Nor sléep by any purling Spring
Where Hobgoblins do taunt me.
Then homeward I did haste amain
In hopes to have some kissing,
But when that I came there again
I found my wife was missing,
Which put me into such a fret,
I fear'd my Dream was true sir,
Therefore my sorrows to forg [...]
I now shall bid adieu sir.

F [...]NIS.

LONDON, Printed for F. Cole, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clark

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