Good News from IRELAND, Being a True and Faithful Account of a Late Signal Victory Gain'd by our English Forces near DUBLIN.

Together with a Report of the taking of that strong City Drogheda, and the speedy Advancing of our Army from thence towards Dublin.

As also an Account of the taking of several Vessels, and abundance of Horses from the Enemy, of which the very Horse King James Rid on in the Fight was one, which is now brought to High-lake; with several other things of great moment.

In a Letter directed from an Officer in the Fight, to Mr. John Cook at the Sheers in Little Lumbard street, where the true Copy is to be seen.

Printed according to Order.


THough occasion has not hitherto per­mitted me to write to you all this time, yet I hope this will not be unwelcome to such a well-wisher of their Majesties and Countreys Interest as your self. We just now Arrived here safe from Dublin Bay, whither our Comman­der Captain John Jennings was ordered out last Week, taking Their Majesties Ship the Dover, Captain Whitaker Commander a­long for our Assistance: we Arrived at Dub­lin Bay about 11 at Night on Friday last, and came to an Anchor, sent our Boats to and a­gain over the Bay all that Night and to Mor­row after, and did take several little Vessels with Prisoners, and Protestants, by whom we were too late informed that four Vessels went richly loaded for France some five or six hours before we Arrived; but our com­fort is that the Ruby and James Galley being sent before us to Cruise over against Water­ford and Saltess, can hardly be supposed to miss of them. Our taking of so many of their Barks and Vessels did so vex the Irish that they planted abundance of Great Guns upon one side of the Bay, and play'd very smartly upon us all Saturday Morning, which our Men were so unconcerned at, that while their Great Shot came very thick about us on all sides, yet all we returned them for some time were some few Hollows of deri­sion after every Volley of the Irish Guns. But at length our Commander orders to weigh Anchor, and coming some nearer to them, returned them so hot Broad-sides that though all the place was full of Men, and convenience to keep our Shot from doing them much hurt, yet of a truth it was plea­sant to see with what pannick fear and con­fusion they run every one almost a different way, in all the World like a company of Mice pursued by Rats, industriously making tryal of every appearance of a hiding place. The Horses run as confusedly and disorderly as the Men, and being madded with noise and disorder, trod down numbers of them, for though there were a great number of Horse­men (for they feared our coming ashore) yet in a little time not a Man was to be seen on Horseback save the late King James en­deavouring to put courage in that Spiritless Crew; but all he could do was with great difficulty to get their Guns carried off, and was forced to quit his Horse; upon which our Commander ordered the Boats ashore, and going himself in Person, took a little Vessel in the eye of several Troops of Dra­goons that had come fresh from Dublin, with whom, as we understood after, the late King James returned; but so soon as our Commander ordered the two Boats [Page]Crews ashore, it was pleasant to see how such as were on Horseback did Scamper, and such as were on Foot did climb upon the Rocks like so many Goats. In fine, it not being safe for so small a Number as our Boats Crews to advance far, our Comman­der was contented to bring some of their Horses on Board of our Ship by the little Vessel he had taken in their eye, for a token of their Cowardize, and the English Cou­rage, amongst which was the late King James's own Horse, which he had quit, it seems, to order and encourage the Dragoons that were on foot. We brought four of the Horses, and specially that which was the late King James's to High-lake, and set them on Shore. In all the Action, though they lost several, as we could visibly see, and Prisoners after taken confirmed, yet we lost not one Man, though yet there wanted not work for your Instruments, which answered my expectation pretty well. There lay a Pri­vateer within the Bar, which we are infor­med does carry Weekly Pacquets to and from some place of England, which we could not come at, our Boats being of too small Force to attack him, and our Ships of too great Burthen to go over the Bar; beside, that we was not allowed so much time by our Orders as to Man and Fit one or two of the Barks we took to attack him, else our Commander had certainly brought him a­long. The Protestants and Prisoners tell us, That all things are so scarce at Dublin, that the French are like to eat up the Irish, and they irritated to see the French pre­ferred and countenanced, severals specially of the Irish are daily killed upon the Score. They expected we were to lye in the Bay to hinder them from any commerce by Sea with France or other parts of Ireland, which terrified, and as the Protestants assure us, would weaken them exceedingly, and make them quit Dublin. 'Tis commonly judged by Papists as well as Protestants at Dublin, that King James has a mind to sub­mit to our King; First, Because he is no­thing so much cast down, sometime since he heard of King William's Design of com­ing to Ireland; and of his little concern how things go with his Army. Others judge that he makes his account to quit Ireland at last, because he is so earnest in sending off for France all the Best things he can, and those also that are near­est to him, in these four Ships I spoke of; they tell us of a vast deal of Plate, Gold, and Silver Money, beside other fine Things; so that hardly any Money but their new Coin is to be seen among them. We brought off a great deal of their Coin at this and other Occasions, whereof I would have sent you a Token, if wo [...]h the pains. Our Army, as the Prisoners tell us, have taken Droghedah, and make haste towards Dublin. All the Prisoners profess themselves willing and glad to be Taken from the Misery that they feared to come upon them. By which you may judge what may be expected if our King were once over. So soon as he goes o­ver, our Ship, with the Monk and St. Al­bans are order'd to attend the great Fleet, whence I may have Occasion to send to you for some Instruments, and my Friends Mr. Hulse and Mr. Thowlt, for some Me­dicines; for our Captain has spoken to me to provide for a bigger Ship. I shall only desire you to Present my most hearty Respects to my very good Friends Mr. Hargrave, and Mr. Couley, Mr. Hulse, and Mr. Thowlt; and to please, if you can hear of us, to write me how they be, and your self; as also how things Rule, especially in Scotland. Our Crui­sers have been so vigilant, that it is great News to hear of a French Ship a­ny where in this Channel. I could write you many more considerable things, but that I forbear to trouble you too much at one time, being,

Your Affectionate Friend and humble Servant, James Crysly.

Books Newly Publisht.

The Bloody Duke; or the Adventures for a Crown: A Tragi-Comedy as it was Acted at the Court at Alba Regalis by se­veral Persons of Great Quality.

The Abdicated Prince; or the Adventures of Four years: A Tragi-Comedy. The Second Edition.

The Late Revolution; or the Happy Change: A Tragi-Comedy, as it was Acted throughou [...] the English Dominions in the year 1688. Written by a Person of Quality.

☞ These three new Plays contain a full Account of the private Intrigues of the Two last Reigns, and of all the most Re­markable Transactions that have happened since.

A Narrative of the Dissenters New Plot, that has made such a great noise in the World by being misunderstood; with the Chief Conspirators Names, and Principal Consults: Written by one who was deeply concern'd therein. To which is added, an Account of the design of it by the same Author.

London, Printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultrey. 1690.

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