A Congratulation, In Honour of the Annual Festival of the Lords, Knights, Esq and Yeomandry of the County of Hertford, at Merchant Taylors Hall, on Thursday Sept. 6. 1655.
The true Description of the County of Hertford, with a Character of the People, their Manners, and Conditions, formerly written by some ancient Chronologers.
THe Country is Champion, the Aire temperate and healthful, the Soyle fertile, and very plentifull, Especially for wheat and Barly; it having 19. Market Towns, and 120. Parish Churches, One main River, (besides divers Rivolets) Bridges 24. Parks 23. The people of this County are generally of Noble dispositions, Courteous and generous, but chiesly noted for true heartedness, valour, and fidelity, Even by Julius Caeser himself who held them in great veneration, sufficiently having made triall of them in his warrs against the Picts and Scots and other invaders of this Nation. There have been 3 Bloody and Mortall Battels fought in this Country; The first at S t Albones, May 23. 1455. between Richard Duke of Yorke, and the Earl of Warick. The second at S t. Albones Feb. 17. 1461. by Queen Margaret against the Duke of Norfolke and Suffolke. The third, at Barnet 14. April 1477, between K. Herauld &c.
The Stewards mames for this present feast 1655. are these Gentlemen following,
- M r William Thomson
- M r John Berresford
- M r John Ellis
- M r Robert Thomson
- M r Robert Waller
- M r Josoph Sibley
- M r Robert Brisco
- M r Thomus Bateman
- M r William Lee
- M r Richard Mead
- M r William Robinson
- M r Robert Warner.