JUSTICE Perverted, AND INNOCENCE & LOYALTY Oppressed. OR, A DETECTION OF THE CORRUPTIONS OF SOME Persons in Places of Great Trust in the Government; which would have been laid open the Last Session of Parliament, according to the Inten­tion of both Houses, had it not been prevented.

London, Printed in the Year MDCXCV.

To the LORDS Spiritual and Temporal, and COMMONS in Parliament Assembled.

IF we look back, and consider how often, and to how high a degree His Majesty hath expos'd His Royal Person this War; and what immense Sums of Money have been rais'd during the same, upon the Success whereof not only the well-being of this Kingdom, but the Happiness of Europe depends; one would then conceive the very Apprehension of these things was sufficient to beget a generous Principle in all Persons in Places of Trust, and an Emulation in every Man to outvy each other in Acts of Duty and Loyalty: But they have had a quite different Effect; for many Persons in whom the King hath repos'd great Trust, (forgetting their Duty) have during the Course of this War misrepresented Persons and Things to His Majesty, and made a Prey of the Pub­lick; and the better to cover and carry on their wicked Designs, have dispensed with the Law, perverted Judgment and Justice, pu­nished innocent Persons for doing their Duty; and preferred Cri­minals, to the great Hazard of the Common Safety: and from whence it is the Nation is now become so much in Debt.

All these Evils would I have twice laid open the last Session of Parliament; but was both times prevented by unjust and illegal Means, which causes me now to address my self to this most August Assembly for Relief: These Corruptions being, I conceive, of much more dangerous Consequence to the Government, (considering what a Faction there's in the Bowels of the Nation) than the War it self; having taken such deep root, and grown to that height, and so strongly supported, as not to be remedied but in Parliament.

I humbly conceive there's no Age can produce greater Instances of Oppression and Injustice, than what the Nation now labours un­der, and which in part are here set forth: But God hath not left us without Means, Ability, and Opportunity of removing these Evils; for there are great and remarkable Instances of Persons (who have been found corrupt, and have made a Breach of their Trust) that have been censur'd in Parliament; and it's they who are truly and properly the Great Council (and Physician) of the Nation; and as the Effect of whose great Wisdom and Prudence, we now en­joy our Religion and Laws, and the Government hath been kept so long upon its Basis. And when God is pleas'd to make publick Examples of some Men, and to punish them for their Cruelty and Oppression, in such Cases he often makes use of weak and mean In­struments for the bringing his Purposes to pass; that so the World may (as it were) visibly see the hand of Providence: But I am not unsensible of my own Inability to manage so great an Ʋnder­taking as that is in which I have engag'd my self, considering the great Interest and Power of my Adversaries: So I have nothing to depend upon but the Justice of my Cause, the Goodness and Sta­bility of our Laws, and the Honour of the Representatives of the Nation; which I humbly conceive will not be wanting to protect me, being able by Substantial Evidence to prove what I have set forth. I am, my Lords and Gentlemen,

Your Honours most obedient Servant, Robert Crosfeild.

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