A Just and Lawful TRYAL OF THE Foxonian Chief Priests: BY A Perfect Proceeding against Them. AND They Condemn'd out of their own Ancient Testimonies. And being brought to the Bar of Justice, their own Ancient Testimonies have judged them Guilty, and to be no Christians of Christ's making.
But these Quakers say, ‘Scripture is not his [Gods] Voice, but Declaration of what he spake to, and by those holy Men, &c. Scorn'd Quaker, page 19. ’Therefore I will give them their own Scripture, ‘Must not Jealousie be stirred up in the Powers of the Earth against them, as they have stirred up the Powers of the Earth against others, Truth's Character, p. 15.’ ‘Having lost that which gave you a true Title to the Name of Christians, you deserve not that Name. E. B.'s Works, p. 419.’
LONDON, Printed for the Author; and to be Sold by B. Aylmer against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1697.
PAg. 11. Lin. 33. for see r. with p. 23. l. 7. the Comma that's at in, should be at it p. 27. l. 17, 18. them words in the Parenthesis be not theirs p. 87. last line but one, after the word justly, r. deserve to be p. 89. l. 25. after the &c. r. of, and the Comma's that be at the should be at they, for, the Protestant Ministers are not their words p. 90. l. 37. after people r. they say p. 96. l. 31. after party r. says p. 111. l. 11. for word r. world. Pages 200. and 201. should be 110. and 111. and there be some words inclosed in Parentheses inserted into some of their sentences, which be not theirs, only added for particular notice or explanation, which although not so well distinguished as ought, yet by the sense of the matter discernable.
THe Design of this following Tryal is, To shew the wickedness of the Foxonian Spirit, and the Chief Priests and Rulers among them: That it's an Antichristian Porphyrian Spirit, appears by their bantering all who confess themselves Sinners: For T. C. having said, I desire my Imperfections, nor these Quakers Revilings, may not prejudice against reading this, &c. for they cannot represent me a greater Sinner than ( I thank God) I think my self to be; but by their villifying me they shew the weakness of their Cause, and the wickedness of their Spirits: For the Controversie between us is not what T. C. is, but whether or no G. Fox, &c. has so printed as I charge, them, and whether those Expressions be not Unchristian, &c. For this, these Quakers thus banter me, A large Confession, I promise you! [Page] say they: Why in good earnest he hath cut off all opportunities of being told of his Faults for the future, by confessing the Indictment, and pleading Guilty to this and all others that may be brought against him now henceforth for ever: Then we may take it for granted, that whatever I have charged him with, &c.—he is conscious—he is guilty of, consequently I have not wronged him in so representing him—nay, nor is it possible for me to wrong him, &c.—Little need be said to shew the Injustice of the Foxonians, besides their Scoff and Banter: But for that they say, How can he ( i. e. T. C.) expect any other but to be banter'd? &c. And not only T. C. but all who confess themselves Sinners, are so dealt with by them. But to take a little notice of these Quakers Injustice (for as to their Bantring, T. C. must expect no other from them) They say of T. C. He hath pleaded Guilty to this and all others that may be brought against him, which is false; for T. C. does not confess (nor have they proved) he is guilty of what they charge him with, but they have wronged him: For altho' the Prophets confessed, [Page] as David, &c. that their iniquities were great; and St. Paul said of himself, I am the chiefest of Sinners, yet they were falsly charged and wronged by your Fore-fathers, and they laid to David's Charge things that he knew not; and Paul was not guilty of them Sins your Forefathers accused him of, Acts 24. But they wronged him, as you have T. C. Nor do I find that any of the cruel Jews (since Paul's confessing himself the chiefest of Sinners) ever made so wicked and Porphyrian a Bantering use of his words as you have done, as to say, They cannot wrong him, nor is it possible to wrong him, ( Paul) for let me represent him how I will, I cannot represent him a chiefer Sinner than he says, he is: Nay, say these Quakers his (i. e. T. C.'s) Concession includes not only all this, i. e. Whoremonger, Swearer, Drunkard, &c. but all other Sins whatsoever: But if they pretend they say, These Sins we hope he is not guilty of; what then? Altho' they hope so, yet by their own Doctrine they may charge him with them, and punish him accordingly, its not possible [ for them] to wrong him.
But now in case that Passage were not so [Page] properly worded as it ought, I see not so much difference between a greater Sinner, and the chief of Sinners, as to be so Unchristianly dealt by: But humble Christian Acknowledgments are so contrary to their proud Pharisaical bragging Prayers (as G. W.' s, at the end of his Judgment fixt, &c.) that causes them to gnash their Teeth so against them; but their own Doctrine in their Book Rabshekah, &c. p. 70. is a proper Answer to them herein, and to most of their Books; say they, I defie the Father of Lies himself to out-do this; and I having proved some part of their Book Rabshekah, &c. was writ or given forth by a wicked Spirit, I suppose you will confess it was all given forth by one Spirit; therefore let the Reader judge what the rest of it can be, E. B. 's Work's, p. 148.
There's some Faults in this Tryal, &c. which I desire the Readers Charity in passing them by, as the smallness of the Letter, because I was desirous to bring it into as few Sheets as possible; and indeed, I did not expect it would have taken up so many; but while it was in Printing, I Inserted several more Proofs (of my Charges) into several [Page] places, as I thought most suitable; which I find, causes it in some places not to Read so smooth as it ought. Also I have shortened it in some partiat the latter end, because I find the same Matters, are fuller and better Treated on in the Second Edition of the Snake in the Grass, &c. And I understand that Worthy Author intends a full Reply to the Quakers pretended Antidote, &c. Whereby, I question not, but he will discover the Poison of Asps from under the Tongue of G. Whitehead, in that pretended Antidote, &c. as well as he has Discovered the Flames of the Pit of Damnation (their own Terms) which came forth out of the Mouth of W. Penn, in p. 171. and 172. in the Snake in the Grass, &c. Whereas, is their said he, W. Penn, is so Blasphemous, and Envious, as to confirm all these Quakers Blasphemous Fury against the Protestant Ministers, as being from the Holy Spirit; and also encourages them to pour forth ten Thousand times more such hellish Fury; for he Implies that (in his Judgment all I have here, following in this Tryal produced, and twenty times as much more (I think) I could produce out of their Ancient Testimonies, is [Page] too little; for he is so Blasphemous, as to make the Holy Spirit the Author thereof; which is a full Proof, that their Foxonian Spirit (which they term God's, Christ's, and the Holy Spirit) is a wicked Spirit; for says he, we ( i. e. Foxonian Quakers) have nothing for them ( i. e. Ministers) but Woes, and Plagues, but the Holy Spirit commanded to Pray for all Men, although the Foxonian Spirit, contrariwise hath no Prayers, but Woes and Plagues for the Protestant Ministers. This is a plain Demonstration of the Pride and Envy of the Foxonian High Priests, or Pope W. Penn &c. And altho' he formerly by such Endeavours (to Defame, in order to destroy the Protestant Ministers) got great Favour and Reward too formerly, so I know not but that by his Hypocrisie, &c. he may get as much Interest and Power now, and effect the same against me, as his Predecessor, Haman intended against Mordicai; yet I bless God, I fear him no more than David did Goliah; but shall, I hope, have Opportunity further to discover them: For surely all true English Protestants, when they have seen all here following, of their Envy against the Ministers, and what is also in the Snake in the [Page] Grass, &c. will conclude that he, W. Penn, hath shewed so little of an English Protestant or Gentleman, that he scarcely deserves such a Character. Yet as he and G. Whitehead have done for their Idol of Jealousie, Fox, exalt and commend him & his wicked works, so there is J. Field, and W. Bingley, &c. to do the same for them; and so Canonize each other as Saints of the highest Form.
But to C. Wade in Great Myst. p. 250. The Devil was in thee, says Fox; Thou say'st thou wast saved by Christ without thee: This so disturbed the envious Fox, that he said to him, And so hast recorded thy self a Reprobate; nay, to be by Fox recorded a Reprobate, was not punishment bad enough for him, but he adjoyns to it, And so ignorant of Christ within; as if to confess Salvation by our Lord Jesus of Nazareth without us, were an infallible mark of ignorance of Christ within; yet they say Christ is not divided: But notwithstanding they print this C. W. as such an ignorant Reprobate, yet he has made sound Confessions to Christ within: But thereby they not only reprobate C. W. but all Christians beside themselves; only the Gentiles, because they do not [Page] pretend to Salvation by him, they have a great deal of Charity for them, and allow them to have faith. Also in a Book, intituled, The Doctrine of Perfection, &c. p. 19. say they, When you come to this [ their Light within, &c.] you will cease remembring his death at Jerusalem, and will come to see how he has been crucified in you, &c. But this their Light or Star, which leads to forget his [i. e. Christ's] death at Jerusalem, cannot be his. Also G. Fox opposes J.J. saying, ‘Christ is to be considered two ways—he is not at a distance from such as truly believe, but—dwells in their hearts by faith;’ but says he, ‘Respecting his Person, or bodily presence, his glorious or glorified Body, so he is considered as being without, not within the Soul.’ Notwithstanding these Acknowledgments and Christian Distinctions, yet Fox opposes this; and altho' they do not in plain express words, yet they do implicitly deny the Ascension and now being of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, as he was a visible or seen Man or Person, by their not allowing him to be Ascended into any Heaven above and without Men; for the Ministers saying, Christ is True God, and True Man; they [Page] blasphemously say, ‘Here sottish Minds, your imagined God beyond the Stars, and your carnal Christ—is utterly testified against, by the Light which comes from Christ.’ And further say, ‘That this Christ—is God and Man in one Person, is a Lye. ’And the Ministers further say, ‘Christ the only God and Man in one Person, remains for ever a distinct Person from all Saints—notwithstanding their union with him.’ The Quakers Answer is, ‘Your words are utterly deny'd, and your distinctions are abominable.’ But these Quakers Contempts are much more abominable to all Christians, altho' not to G. Whitehead, &c. But rather by them their Subjects the Foxonian Quakers injoyn'd to maintain and hold up, as their Antient Testimony, these and their other Scandals they have cast on the Protestant Ministers Government and Nation, for says Fox to those who uphold the Ministers, except you repent you shall all be consumed as the King was, and perish with the same power,—and the Government shall be taken from you pretended Rulers, &c.—All this Tree must be cut down. They threaten hard therefore awake all English Protestants.
- 1. THe Quakers Implacable Rage and Malice against all the Protestant Ministers. Page 1, 2, 7, 9, 12, &c.
- 2. Their Adding to, and Taking from the Works of their Deceased Prophets in their Reprinting them, p. 3, 8, 15, &c.
- 3. Their Policy and Industry to advance their Cause, p. 4, 5, 7.
- 4. Their outrage against D. S. a Dissenting Quaker, &c. p. 8.
- 5. Their wicked Ancient Testimonies not disown'd, p. 10, 51.
- 6. Their not Preaching of Christ without, p. 12, 13, 68. to 77.
- 7. Their Persecuting Spirit, p. 5, 14. to 18.
- 8. They are against Toleration to any but themselves, p. 52, &c.
- 9. Against allowing it to the Church of England, p. 67, 94.
- 10. Their Treasons and Rebellion ▪ p. 18, 27, to 33, 37, 40.
- 11. Their Abetting Popish Books against Protestants, with which their whole Body is chargeable, p. 9, 20, 21, 22, 34.
- 12. Their Rage, and nasty Spirit against others, p. 24, 77, to 83.
- 13. The Deceit of their Pretence against Fighting, p. 3 [...], to 39
- 14. Their accusing other for that Rebellion of which they were guilty themselves, p. 42, 61, 62, 100.
- 15. The danger of owning Quakers as Protestants, p. 46.
- 16. Quakers not sincere unless retract their Errors, p. 47, &c.
- 17. Their Shuffling and Evasive Answers, p. 68, to 77, 115.
- 18. Their Contempt of the holy Scriptures, p. 89, 106.
- 19. Their Magnifying of Themselve, p. 100, to 105.
- 20. Their Pretence to Perfection, p. 73.
- 21. Their Denial if Christ, p. 51, 68, to 77. 116, to 120.
- 22. Their making themselves to be Christ, p. 75.
- 23. That an Evil Spirit possesses them, p. 108, 109.
- 24. Their Pretence to Unity false, shewn by their Divisions amongst themselves, &c. p. 95, 96, 111, to 115.
- 25. George Fox's Great Ignorance, p. 48, &c.
- 26. His Falsifications and Forgery, p. 116, to 122.
- 27. The Quakers Invaders of Property, &c. p. 109.
- 28. That it is especially incumbent on the Church of England to oppose the Quakers, p. 5, 88.
- 29. That Encouragement should be given to that end, p. 123.
- 30. An Exposition of 2 Pet. I.19. p. 128.
A Just and Lawful Tryal of the Foxonian Quaker's Chief Priests, by a perfect proceeding against them, and they condemned out of their own Ancient Testimonies; and being brought to the Bar of Justice, their own Ancient Testimonies and Practices have judged them Guilty, and to be no Christians of Christ's making, and therefore to be testified against by all true Christians; by a Friend to England's Government, Governors, and Laws (which have been contemn'd and despised by them) is this sent abroad.
PRotestant Readers, more especially you who take on you the care and cure of Souls, I desire you would not refuse to read this small Tract, because of its relation to Quakerism, although the Chief Priests and Masters of them have attained to that degree of Perfection, in that art of writing so seditiously scandalous, false, and arrogantly against the Protestant Religion, (especially the Ministers thereof in general) the Government and Governours (especially Monarchy and Episcopacy) and our two late Kings, Charles I. and II. in these and other such envious and destructive Works [Page 2] they have printed so much, and so many Volumes that it bespeaks them, who suppose them ( i. e. these Quakers) to be Men of any good Consciences, or sound Judgment, to have little sense themselves: These Quakers in the numerousness and seditious Printed Pamphlets, having so out-run the bounds of Morality in these things, whereby their seditious Libels are spread over this and other Nations, without due opposition, as being by Men of Learning and Sense, thought to carry in themselves their own Confutation.
For their Ancient Testimony (now revived and injoyned their Subjects by their White-hart-court Conclave in their Act made 1696.) was as Haman's Pride and Envy lead him to endeavour the destruction of the Jews, and to effect it, he maliciously and falsly informed against them to insence the King, as in Esther 3. So these Foxonian Quakers being influenced by the same Spirit of Pride and Envy against the Protestant Ministers in general, their Thirst after their Destruction being so insatiable, that they were so wicked, as to endeavour to incense all the several Governments, from 1642. to 1660. against the Protestant Ministers as being for the King, i. e. both the Charles's I. and II. especially for endeavouring the Restoration, as in the Case of Mr. Love, &c. how did these Quakers, improve that opportunity to incense the then Government and People against them, and assoon as King Charles II. was restored in 1660. they renewed their Prosecution against the Protestant Ministers for their Destruction, and then, whereas they had formerly informed against them as being for him the same King Charles II. they now 1660. change their Charge, and inform against them to him, as being against him, and dangerous to his Person and Government: I say, such was their Bloody Envy against the Protestant Ministers, that they the Foxonian Quakers did accuse them for being for the King, &c. but when times turned, they turn also, and accuse them [Page 3] for being against him, this their unusual Envy and Wickedness is so scandalous to the English Protestants in general, as they go for such, that it deserves to be testified against by all true Protestants; but instead thereof, the now Chief Foxonians W. Penn and G. Whitehead, &c. do reprint their Seditious and Blasphemous Pamphlets in great Volumes in Folio, with high commendations of the wicked Authors Fox their Idol of Jealousie, many have done well, but thou dear George (says W. Penn.) hath excelled them all, excuse, and vindicate their blasphemous Titles, as the Son of God, &c. and these Men and their wicked Works are, by long Epistles of high commendations, from W. Penn and G. Whitehead recommended to the younger Generation, as Prophets of God, and more than a Prophet, and so by their own Doctrine to have equal or greater Authority than the Scripture, their Idol of Jealousie Foxes wicked Works presented to the University of Oxford, also is as a Monument set up in their Quakers publick Meeting at the Savoy in London, and although they pretend they were given forth by special command from the Lord, yet these wicked now Foxonians have altered such, and left out and put in and changed words as they please, as may be proved in a distinct Tract; but its their treasonable and seditious ancient Testimony that they have thus new forged, but for their Contempts and Defamations, Lyes and Scandals they have cast on the Protestant Ministers, them they have to the full reprinted and added, more especially W. Penn, who being acquainted at Court more than others, and an intelligible Person, he quickly found the Papist Interest great there; and there were not wanting in Court Men of judgment, who as quickly espied him as a fit Engine to destroy the Protestant Religion, by defaming their Ministers, and in order thereto, he had favour and encouragement in that wicked Work, as his many Printed Testimonies since the Restoration, where he vents his malice and rage against the Protestant [Page 4] Ministers, as by F. B. and G. K. in print proved, for as I before said, he, rather exceeds thans abate (in defaming the Ministers) his Fathers Fox and Burrows, but not in their Treasons and Seditions; he knew he had great Friends in Court, who could defend and reward him, but I say as to their Reprints or new Editions, they are not to be believed nor trusted, they so fallaciously alter, or where they do not tell down-right untruth, yet they express things in such general and doubtful terms, as make them to appear otherways then they are, as in E. Bs. Works, they say he died a Prisoner and Martyr, now in common acceptation, its as if he dyed in Prison, and by some ill usage there; nay a Dutch Historian Prints it he dyed in Prison; hereby the Government of England is reflected on all over Christendom as cruel, whereas it appears as in Satan disrob'd, &c. that although he was a Prisoner, yet he was not in Prison when he dyed, but in case he had dyed in Prison, it had not been because of ill usage or ill accommodation, for he had a convenient apartment to himself, and was better provided for and fed, than ever he was in his life before he became a Quaker, by the judgment of them that knew him formerly; but thus they abuse Authority and exalt themselves, by such fallacious ways untaken notice of, and while some sleep, or mind not, the Enemies takes advantage, for the Foxonian Quakers are now a very great number, or body of rich politick People, and so purse proud and strong, no one People ( i. e. dissenting Society) is able to deal with them.
They are by their Jesuitical Politick way of Government united as one intire Body, unto one Head or Conclave of Cardinals, of Chief Priests in London, Whitehead, &c. from, and by whose Authority a vast number of their seditious Libels are spread all over England's Dominions and elsewhere; and they are so formidable, that scarce any eminent Magistrate but they can (by some interest or other they have or can [Page 5] make) influence, for if any just complaint be against any of their Priests, they can by their Meetings know who of them have most influence on such in Power most concerned, and so can by their quibbles, smooth and fawning pretences perswade thar they are Innocent, and their Adversaries Malicious, as in the case of F. Bugg's dedicating his Book Quak. Withering, &c. to the Bishop of Glocester, on which G. W. made such interest, or so influenced him, that as Whitehead Prints it, the Bishop rather favoured him G. W. than F. B. but had any of his, i. e. that Bishops Flock left him, and joyned with the Quakers, and wrot but half so much in defence of the Quakers, and discovery of the Church of England, I think the Quakers would not so slightly esteemed it, but this shews what advantage they have, and make by their fawning and confidence, to the damage and scandal of the Protestant Ministers, for their seditious Ancient Testimonies, not only grow by not being pulled up, but they seed and increase; which were there as much care taken to defend the Protestant Religion and Ministers, by duly answering and suppressing their seditious Books, as they do to destroy and suppress them wrot in discovery of their Errors: they indite and excommunicate, and take away Goods, and Imprison, and Fine, for discovery of their Wickedness, and prosecute and complained to the Secretary of State, as in the case of F. B. G. K. and W. B. and is it not as fitting to suppress Error and Sedition, as for them to suppress Truth, also as much care ought to be taken for spreading such Books that are printed in defence of the Protestants against them, as they do to spread theirs; for although there have been some such wrot, yet so few will buy them, that the Booksellers are not willing to undertake to Print them, which if they were encouraged by a common vend for such Books, it might be some check to their Insolency, and help to open the Understandings of People; for how can it be expected, but that the vulgar People and Strangers [Page 6] abroad should believe all their Contempts of the Protestant Ministers be true, because so publick all over the Nation and other Parts without opposition, not only in their small Pamphlets, but also in great Volumes (when them fierce Despisers Fox, &c. be dead,) with such long Epistles or high Commendations of them and their wicked Works, by W. Penn and George Whitehead, &c. and more especially the Quakers being so formidable and great, that as other Foreign Nations have an Agent or Minister residing about the Kings Court, to negotiate and improve their Interest in the favour of the Government, so have these Quakers their Agent a Person who is not the least in favour, (although he hath manifested himself an Enemy to the Protestant Ministers; nay, they Foxonian Quakers, rather than they will want Dirt and Infamy to throw on the Protestant Bible, Religion and Ministers, they will take in aid from the Papists, and forge or fetch News from the Pit of Damnation, as is proved in this following Tryal; and seeing they are so Great, Powerful, and Strong, that no one Society is able to ballance them, if were well all differing Protestants were more united against the common Enemy; for their greatest danger of hurt is from Rome at home, and seeing these Quakers will not endure the least affront (as they think) to their Persons or Papers, but will with the utmost Power and Malice Prosecute and Punish, as in their Indicting and Prosecuting F. Bugg as Seditious, because he Printed the Figure of a Pillory for Twelve of their Chief Priests; how was the Government and Nation alarm'd with it? and in Pensilvania they presented George Keith, as guilty or worthy of Death by their Law, and its to be feared would have dealt accordingly by him, but that Providence took the Power out of their Bloody Priest Jennings's hands, and Imprisoned the Man, and took away his Goods that Printed G. Keith's Plea, Will. Bradford, and say it's Blasphemy to term their Paper Sinful.
[Page 7]Now seeing they will not bear the reproach they justly deserve, then why must the Protestant Bible and Ministers be by them so defamed in Print to Posterity by them; are not these things of higher concernment, and more justly deserving punishment than them Persons they so punished; consider this all you Protestants whom it most especially concerns; if they be so presumptuous now, what may they not attempt, when they can effect their wicked design of destroying the Protestant Ministry? They having already obtained in some measure to confront, or be equal with the Peers of the Realm, who formerly they reproached as well as the Ministers; and this that they have gained may prove a bait to other ambitious Persons to pretend to be Quakers, if but to exempt them from the reach of that Law, its hoped, this will no more reflect on our Governours, if they have been deceived by their false pretences, than it did on Joshua and the Elders of Israel that the Gibeonites deceived; I fear the case is much the same; it may be feared their Pensilvania Pope W. Penn can already, with the help of Twelve more of their London Cardinals, Whitehead, &c. procure more Men or Money to their Interest than any one Subject in England; if these give it as their Testimony or Judgment, that it's for the service of Truth, and by the Spirit of God, (i. e. Fox 's Spirit) there's enough Quakers to give up their whole Concerns, Spiritual and Temporal to that Spirit, as their Barbadoes Church did, whereby they sold Themselves, Bodies, Souls and Estates to that Spirit, as in Babel's Builders, &c. may be seen at large.
Now consider you 25, W. Myers, Tho. Cox, G. Laytey, Tho. Lower, J. Vaughton, N. Mark, W. Bingly, C. Marshall W. Sanders, J Feild, M. Russel, J. Knight, H. Gouldny, D. Whorly, &c. you Foxonian Chief Priests and chief Men of War; this Title and manner of Proceedings, and the Hell-fetch'd Names and Terms are according to your own in print, against the Protestant [Page 8] Ministers in general, and not only formerly in Pamphlets, but now reprinted, and the Author highly applauded and recommended to posterity by your Chief Men of War, in E. Burrows Works, although you were not so extreme shameless as to reprint all his Wickedness, but alter, leave out, and add in, to forge them to your mind, yet this and other Seditious Defamings of the Protestant Ministers you have espoused, and are your Ancient Testimony, and however Wicked and Impudent you may term me, yet know, I here appear in your own Chief Priests Shape or Colours, and whatever herein comes from the Pit of Damnation is not of my fetching thence, but your own; for I have these and many more in your printed Libels. Consider you 24 how outragious you were against that Christian Quaker D. S. for his Answer to F. B. you say of D. S. it was a scandalous malicious Libel, a mere trick put on you by some malicious Adversary to abuse you; but you prove not your black Charge, but you say so, and it must go so, but yours is a more malicious Libel, and where as you say, it was not by any directions or leave from you; where did he say it was? or what occasion had D. S. for your leave; but herein your arrogancy is seen in not allowing D. S. or any to subscribe himself a Christian Quaker without your leave; where got you this Power over others? if you come no honester by your Money its but ill gotten Goods? your Consciences knew, he D. S. did not intend nor mean you as the Persons concern'd in that Name Christian Quakers; for you know that by that Title the dissenting Quakers distinguish themselves from you Foxonians, as W. R. in his Book; therefore the mere trick was yours to deceive People into the Belief that you are the Christian Quakers, when as you are not, and had you your Pensilvanian Power here, as your Dear Brother that Bloody Foxonian Priest Jennings had in Pensilvania: It may be feared D. S. might have faired as W. Bradford did, his Goods taken away and imprisoned, [Page 9] and his life also, if you could had your wicked wills; but that Christian Answer of D. S. had been of more service to you than any thing you ever Printed; could your Pride have let it pass, People might have thought you had been of that number of Christian Quakers, who would not hide Iniquity, nor acquit your guilty Idols of Jealousie, Fox and Whitehead; but now you have shewn your selves to be otherwise, and intitled your selves and all the Foxonian Quakers to all their Errors, wicked Contempts of the Protestant Bible, Religion, and Ministers, which is more than you are able to answer, ot make satisfaction for, for all you be so rich, how can you expect to be thought Men of sincerity, when there are so many scandalous Ancient Testimonies of theirs in Print? yet you dare not disown them, for fear of reflecting on the wicked Authors Fox, &c. here following I prove you guilty of Malice against the Protestant Ministers, in informing against them all along before the Restoration, for being for both the Kings, Charles I. and Charles II. for restoring him; and your thirst after their destruction was so great, that because you were prevented of your design against them, then by the Restoration in 1660. assoon as ever the King was come in, you wickedly alter your charge, and then accuse them for being against him. See J. Coal's Works, The Whore Unvail'd, p. 112. highly commended and espoused by G. Fox and his Margaret the Lamb's Wife, W. Penn and George Whitehead; there you espous'd the Papists defaming the Protestant Bible, Religion and Ministers, as a Brazen-fac'd, Unjust, Corrupt Book. Pope or Devil, if they will but defame the Protestants, you Foxonians will be their Factors to vend and spread such Wares; you cannot but know there are many of your Ancient Testimonies in Print, that much more deserve to be disown'd than that of D. S. and if you would be thought Christian Quakers, prove your selves such by condemning these Blasphemous [Page 10] Treasonable and Seditious Ancient Testimonies; be not so shameless as to think its enough for you to say you believe according to Scriptures, no more than it did your Forefathers in saying they had Abraham to their Father; you could give it as a reason to excommunicate G. K. because he did not call in his Books against your wicked erronious Brethren S. Jennings, &c. you pretend they were of disservice to Truth; but are not these your wicked Actions and Seditious Ancient Testimonies, greater injury to the Protestant Religion than they: for shame you Foxonians, who be not Priests, be not so Priest-ridden by them, will you be so proud and fond of a little Reputation, that rather than you will acknowledge you have been mistaken, or mislead by them wicked Men Fox, &c. that you will rack your Consciences, and sacrifice your Souls; ah, unwise Men! you purchase it at too dear a rate: And if you give not forth some publick Testimony against the Evils of your Chief Priests, you are respecters of Persons, and so Sinners, and then by Foxes Doctrine, of the Devil; and indeed, if the Devil be known by his Teeth, as the old Proverbs say, he is by his Feet, then you have shewn what Teeth you have, when you can come to bite as you did W. Bradford, and would have done by G. K. and seeing you indicted F. Bugg, for not performing that unusual Punctilio of Law to enter his Book in the Stationers Books; are your Meetings and Schools according to Law in all circumstances, if not, if any disadvantage come to any of you, thank your selves, you have shewn the way and given example, how think you to escape the Judgment of God, who condemn others and do worse your selves; how can you have the face as to print such Malicious, Seditious, and Scandalous Ancient, Testimonies, as be in G. F. E. B. and J. Coal's, &c. Works, besides what you have by Forgery alter'd, by leaving out and putting in; says Fox, Let all Fines belonging to Lords of Mannors be taken away and [Page 11] given to the Poor, for they have enough; this Judge of the World Fox can give or take away the Lords Properties; Oh shameless! yet say you many have done well, but thou dear George excellest them all; but pray how liked you it (when a long Periwig and Sword were in fashion with you) when it was like to be your own case; consider this and what follows, and if your can shew any such wicked Testimonies in G. Keith's Books; now if you do not as publickly disown these your Chief Priest's wicked Ancient Testimonies, as you have done D. S. then you are justly chargeable with them; for in case you did not own them you would publish against them, as you have done against D. S. and G. K. and order them to be called in, as you did G. Keith's; some of you W. Sanders the Wine-cooper, in Company with H. Gouldny, on the open Change, in full Change, called Mr. Pennyman an Ancient Upright credible Citizen Impudent Fellow, but are not you worse then Impudent, thus arrogantly to take upon you in Print, to try and condemn the Protestant Ministers, and not content therewith, but to satiate your Spirits of Pride and Malice, and to effect your Bloody Designs against them; you inform the King in Print against them; and if by your own Ancient Testimonies you may be tryed, then are you guilty of Damnable Doctrines of Devils, and Seditious Doctrines, Blasphemy, Persecution, and are Conjurers and Witches, for all these and many more hellish Names I can prove you have given the Protestant Ministers, and not only in your small Libels which you have spread Thousands of, but in reprinting them in great Volumes, with high commendations on the wicked Authors, as more than a Prophet, excelling all, see many Blasphemous Titles, and what can be the intent thereof, but that all these your Blasphemous, Seditious, Scandalous Ancient Testimonies against the Protestant Religion, Ministers, and Bible, which you have the Confidence as to Print as a brazen Fac'd Book. If you now Foxonian Quakers did not approve of that wicked Work of J. Coals, [Page 12] why did not you Print against it, as you did against D. S. Christian Answer to F. Bugg, and as your White-hart-court Parliament did to G. Keith, order it to be called in, but your High Priest W. Penn knew well enough, that whatever Scandal or Falshood he could invent to defame the Protestant Ministers, it would be acceptable to some then in great Power at Court, who were able to defend and reward him (as G. F. and E. B. had in the Army formerly,) he had not Pensilvania for nothing, and although to beguile the Church of England, he tells them, far be it from me to deprive them of their just Rights, but what their just Rights are he tells us elsewhere, that they (the Protestant Ministers) are that abominable Tribe for whom the Theatre of God's most dreadful Vengeance is reserved to act their Eternal Tragedy upon, and that they are the best of Mankind to be spared; these are the just Rights he is not willing to diminish them of, but give them full Cups of his Fury and Envy, and such is his eager Thirst after their destruction, that he cannot be content to leave them until that day, but if J. C. or any other can fetch from the Pope, any thing to help to defame them, W. P. and G. W. will be their Factors to encourage the vend of such Wares, and such wicked Works is a sure way to Preferment among them, they having many Rich Wives and great Trades among them, which E. Pennington and such Runnagadoes as he wanted; and for further proof, that you Foxonians are not Christian Quakers, see Isaac Pennington that Paganish Preacher's contempt of the Person and Blood of our Lord Jesus as a Garment Vessel, &c. as cited by F. B. &c. and this Isaac Pennington takes on him to write to the Jews for their Conversion and Redemption, and in the Discourse do not mention Faith in the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, his Blood and Sufferings as on the Cross, as the Four Evangelists do, as St. Paul 1 Corinthians Chap. 1. and 2. but directs the Jews to a Seed, a Principle within them, as the Redeemer, &c. Now these Foxonian Quakers frame an excuse, why they have not [Page 13] so frequently Preached Faith in that Man or Person our Lord Jesus of Nazareth; because as they pretend all Christendom have that Belief already, and therefore no need for them to Preach it to them, but here to the Unbelieving Jews, who they cannot pretend do believe the outward History of our new Testament concerning him; yet here this Paganish Preacher Isaac Pennington do not Preach him whom their Fathers nailed to the Cross, &c. our Lord Jesus of Nazareth as the Apostle Peter did (therefore he could not be guided by the same Spirit they were,) but a Principle common to all Mankind, and in every Man, but he who brings not the same Gospel but another, he is to be accursed; also their fallaciousness appears, that now of late they have more frequently Preached him as the Apostles did, although there is not so much need of their doing it now, since G. Keith has been raised up to do it, but as their Forefathers did in St. Paul's time, they Preach Christ in Envy; and I believe some of you 24 aforementioned are convinced in your own Consciences, that your Chief Priests Fox and Whitehead, &c. are guilty of Errors in some things of Doctrine and Practice, which according to Foxes own Doctrine is sin, and then by their own judgment they were of the Devil, if they abide not in the Doctrine of Christ they are of the Devil they say.
Now seeing its not only our privilege, but our duty to try Spirits, and in the Tryal of your Foxonian Spirit, I here use your own Printed Method against the Protestant Ministers, also your own Printed Doctrines rather than the Scriptures, because you have contemn'd them, and say its Blasphemy to say they are the word of God, but of yours you say, this is the word of God, &c. and in discharge of my duty not to let sin be upon you unreproved, but to discover the deceivers is the only way to recover the deceived; this is your own Doctrine, and you declare you are contrary to the Ministers in Principle and Practice, and we cannot own both you and them too, but must disown one in [Page 14] your Epistle before E. Burrow's Works, &c. Now, I say, where or when did Christ or his Apostles accuse their Opponents to the Magistrates, and indict them for those things they were worse and more guilty of themselves; or when did they Imprison, Fine, and take away Men's Goods, all which have been done by or for you Foxonian Chief Priests and S. Jennings, &c. they presented G. K. as a subverter of the Government, which was Death by your Law; these and other your wicked doings prove your Foxonian Spirit a Wicked, Bloody, Proud, Envious Spirit, and contrary to the Spirit of Christ and his Apostles; for where do you read they did so, indeed I read in Rev. 2. Chap. 10. v.. its said, that the Devil shall cast some of you into Prison Now let People judge, whether these wicked Actions of your Chief Priests be not more like the Devils, then Christ or the Apostles and these Bloody Actions of your dear Brother Foxonian Chief Priest S. Jenning, was so acceptable to your Pope Penn, that I here he endeavoured to make him his Deputy Governour there, doubtless as a reward for his Good Service in persecuting G. Keith, and imprisoning and taking away W. Bradford's Goods for printing G. Keith's Defence; also to encourage him and others in such Bloody Works, and to deter others from daring to adventure to oppose any of your wicked Foxonian Preachers Errors, as G. Keith had done; now judge, its your own Doctrine, that none should be Ministers that would have Creatures to be Imprisoned; again say you, did Christians ever cast into Prison any, but Foxonian Priests have so done, therefore are by your own Doctrine no Christians of Christ's making.
I could fill a Book with Quotations of your exclaming against going to Law, and imprisoning Creatures, which proves you self-condemned Apostates, as in the second Scourge for G. Whitehead an Apostate Quaker, by W. R. a Christian Quaker is well observ'd, and is not only true on him, but the others also of the Foxonian Priests; but I have staid too long in the [Page 15] entrance of my Work, it's time now to proceed further to prove, that your Foxonian Chief Priests Spirit, which guide and influence you, that you Blasphemously term the Infallible Spirit of Christ, is a Wicked, Proud, Malicious persecuting one, and that you abide not in Christ's Doctrine, therefore by your own Doctrine are of the Devil; In E. Burrows's Works (I find it reprinted to my astonishment) and is your Ancient Testimony, pag. 702. but I quote the Pamphlet it self, for you are such Forgers in reprinting, that you are not to be trusted nor believed, you have so basely alter'd and left out, and added in many places, although in this against the Protestant Ministers, you never abate but increase in defamations of them; the Title of your Seditious Pamphlet is, a Presentation of wholsome Information to the King (who are malicious Informers now, even G. Whitehead who so raved against F. B. for but dedicating a Book to a Country Justice) One G. Witherington having (as you say) complained to the King 1660. that the Protestant Religion was in danger of being rooted out by the Quakers (which is too true) and he I suppose by chance puts Quakers in the midst, between Atheists and Baptists, in your Answer pag. 6. you complain that he hath numbred you with Transgressors and Sinners, (implying you are not Sinners) Oh vile Man! that dare be so impudent, as to reckon the Foxonian Quakers Sinners, if you had him in Pensilvania, I fear your Brother Jennings would deal by him as by the Poor Man and his Boy, Imprison and Whip him soundly, for he more deserved it than they; but to go on with the Quakers Charge against G. Witherington, they say of him, that his Complaint to the King against them was, that they might be destroyed, cut off and crucified (mark that) and say they, he hath proceeded in the same manner, as the Jews did against Christ, they crucified him between two Thieves, implying the Baptist one of the Thieves, and they Christ; Oh abominable Pride and Blasphemy! in arrogating to your selves, for being complained of [Page 16] to the King, to dare compare it to our Lords Crucifying, hereby you undervalue the Dignity of his Sufferings, and exalt your selves Lucifer like; its much worse then F. B. Mock-Pillory was to you) but did the same effects follow on your fictious Crucifying, as on our Lords Matthew 27.51. Behold your Impudence and Blasphemy! and notwithstanding you accuse this Man for endeavouring to have you cut off, yet in the same Pamphlet you justifie his accusing the Baptists pag. 7. you wish they may confess to the Justice, of the Judgments of God in what hath befallen them in this day, &c. see how contrary you are to Christ's Doctrine in Practice, as well as in your Ancient Testimonies, but your Pride and Malice is more fully manifest, in that, notwithstanding you so rail against the Man, and liken his complaining to the King against you, to the Crucifying our Lord; yet in the same Pamphlet, you accuse the Protestant Ministers in general to the King and Nation, and render them more obnoxious than he had done you, which shews your Malice and Thirst after their destruction was very great, that because one Man (I know not whether a Minister or no) had complained against you, therefore you must, Haman like, endeavour to incense the King and Nation against Thousands of Innocent Men, that had no hand in it, nor knew not of it; Oh whether this Spirit of the Foxonian Quakers be Hamans or Christ judge; for in the same Pamphlet pag. 22. say you, the King may say, Alass! shall he find any at all of that fraternity (i. e. Protestant Ministers,) that have not been disloyal, and the same Men been for one Man and his Government, and in a little time contrary, and proved themselves absolute time-serving Politicians, to serve their own sordid Interests; may not the King easily know it, when he considers who it was that first preached and prayed up the War against his Father, and made flattering Addresses to Oliver, and then to Richard, and then changed from that way of Government and cryed up Common-wealth way again, and now is turned to cry up him: ‘ No sort of Men in [Page 17] England are so disloyal, as that Generation’(but the Quakers, although they go on and say) ‘who can now put trust in such that have thus served times;’ (now comes their Malice) say they, ‘and how shall the King ever without great danger, to himself repose confidence in such, &c.’ mark its ever, that is, he must never, &c. and in conclusion, says ‘the general part of Men petitioned for, be changeable Hypocrites, and the oppression of the Kingdom;’ now the Men this Man pleads for seems to be the Episcopal Clergy, for pag. 19. he says, a ‘Learned and Pious Ministry, Loyal and Constant, not time-serving, &c.’ I hope true English Protestants will not think ill of me for the harsh terms herein, because they are mostly the Quakers that they have defamed the Protestant Ministers withal, which I am troubled at, and have been at the pains to rake this filth together, and lay at the Quakers own door, it most properly belonging to them; ‘for I love (as G. Whitehead says to W. R.) to give the Devil his due;’ and this is Printed Principly for the Ministers to induce them to a sense of the power and prevalency of these their Enemies, and of the danger is like to be to the Protestant Religion and themselves thereby, and I desire them to read it twice over. Now its the drift of this Haman Spirit in these Foxonian Priests Whitehead, &c. who are the Espousers and Promoters of this envious design against the Protestant Ministers, to insence the King against them in general, the Church of England as well as Dissenters; if this be your love as you pretend to them in Print, they may bless God they are not (and it greatly concerns all Protestants to pray earnestly, and endeavour by all lawful means that they never come) under your power, for if they should, I fear they will hardly come off as well as F. B. G. K. and W. Bradford did: Now here its proved they accuse the Protestant Ministers, as being for the other Governments, O. and R. C. &c. and against the King: Now I shall prove, that these Foxonian Quakers have also accused them [Page 18] for being for the King, the Book Guilty covered Clergy man, &c. pag. 48. says of the Ministers, ‘mind reader what these Men hunt after, even blood, blood;’ this is because the Ministers say, their Doctrine against Swearing was a fragment of the Germain Anabaptists; but judge Reader, whether this afore of their incensing the King against the Protestant Ministers is not a fuller proof of their hunting after Protestant Ministers Blood, then that saying of the Ministers they so term for in their Book aforementioned pag. 48. Say they, ‘but stay Sirs, was it a Quaker, or was it a Priest that lost his Head on Tower-Hill by the Sword of Justice (mind that) were both your Hands ( i. e. two Ministers) clear of the wickedness of that bloody Design (that Design was as they word it elsewhere, in bringing him i. e. Charles II. into his Father's Throne) but the Quakers go on saying, if they were its well, but there were so many of your Generation concern'd in that piece of Treason ( i. e. to restore Charles II.) had the State disputed it, according to the Provocation they might have found sufficient cause to cut many Priests shorter by the Head; again say they, doth not this show that the Priests have as little mind to the Protector as they have to the Quakers; doth not here appear the Spirit of Chr. Love and his Fellow Traytors, who took on them to treat with C. Stewart the proclaimed Traytor to the Government at Breda, for the putting him into that they call his Fathers Throne, for which and his other Treasons, he ( Chr. Love) lost his Head, see (say they) A short Plea for the Commonwealth, &c. and therein the Priests Treasons, doth not the Spirits of the Bishops appear, &c. in their Book the West answering to the North, &c. pag. 89.’Finding the Quakers here and elsewhere espouse that Book, I got it, and find the drift of it was to incense Ol. Cr. and them then in Power against the Protestant Ministers; again say these Quakers, ‘is Chr. Love, Charles Stewart and the Scots overcome, and the Bishops [Page 19] plucked up Root and Branch, &c.’But since the Restoration said they of the Ministers in R. H. works, when R. C. was made ‘Protector, whom the Priests flocked to, and did cleave unto him as they did unto all them before for their own ends;’ and again in 1674. W. Penn to incense the King against the Ministers, cites one of them saying to former Powers ‘do not I beseech you consent to a toleration of Baal's Worship,’ and for fear it would not inrage them, he adds his aggravating explanation, says he, ‘as much as to say away with the Bishop's, whole Ministry and Worship of the Church of England;’ again this same W. Penn quotes a Minister saying, ‘thus, so many Delinquents, that is to say, Royalists (says the Quaker, fearing it would not effect his Bloody Design without his aggravatings) are in Prison and few brought to Tryal, did he mean to release them? (says Penn) again they quote a Minister saying, what the Word cannot do the Sword shall;’and again, these Quakers upbraid the Ministers in 1660. and say to them, ‘you are forced to creep under the shadow of those whom you called the common Enemy;’ thus Malicious were they when the King came in, although as is afore shewn they used the same Terms; much more I have collected of their Seditious and Malicious Printed Doctrines, again the Protestant Ministers as being for the King to Oliver, and to the King in 1660. for being against him; I am sure, if these Quakers be not the best to be spared, this wicked envious Foxonian Spirit is; and Reader judge, whether these Foxonian Quakers be not more Malicious Informers, than. F. Bugg whom they so persecuted as such for discovering them; for this Book out of which much of this their Envy is taken is falsly titled, A wholsome Information to the King, &c. wherein they do what they can to induce the King to destroy the Protestant Ministers, and were so drunk with Envy and Thirst after their ruin, that you could not see your own Confusion, but [Page 20] made to Copy out your own Condemnation; for in Ol. Crom. time, you espouse and recommend a Book against Monarchy and the Protestant Ministers, because then such Books were in Fashion at Whitehall, but when times turned, and Papists and their Works more in Fashion and Esteem at Court, then you promote and espouse a Papists Book in Defamation of the Protestant Religion and Ministers, and say you are not concern'd to answer it; if Pope or Devil will but defame the Protestant Ministers, G. Whitehead and W. Penn, &c. will be their Factors to help to vend such Wares they shall have their recommendations; nay, these Foxonians can forge or fetch News from the Pit of Damnation to help on that Work as is here shewn, and this Wicked Spirit is that they Blasphemously term Christ; the Spirit and Power of God; but in case they pretend that Book is not theirs, but Printed in theirs as the Papists, yet by their own Rule they are chargeable with it, having Printed Epistles of high recommendations of the Author J. C. and his Works, who Printed it, and these their high Praises are fixed before the Book to encourage the selling and reading of it, of Fox and his Wife both; Penn, Whitehead, and this Wicked Defamation of the Protestant Religion, Bible and Ministers, of the Papists is particularly mentioned in the Title, and printed in a larger Letter than the rest, and the whole Chapter intire together (and not taken in parts) and yet they say they are not concern'd, but could be concern'd to print that more large and full than the rest, to defame the Protestant Ministers, and gratifie their Elder Sister Rome, and is highly commended by the Foxonian Quakers, and the commending of an Author or Publisher of a Book, implies their approbation of it, as you charge 21 Divines with J. Faldees Errors in his Book.
And some Persons having set their names after J. Gilpin's Book, &c. in confirmation of the Truth of the Relation, and say only thus, we believe this Relation [Page 21] to be true, yet in your Answer in your great Mystery, &c. you charge all them Persons (who only attest as to the Truth of the matter of Fact) with the Doctrine in the Book; notwithstanding he J. G. says in his conclusion, he procured several Persons to testifie the probability ( if not the certainty) by what they have seen and heard; notwithstanding they give not every Man such Epistles in recommendation of him, as you do of J. C. the Author of that Book, in which that Wicked and Seditious contempt of the Protestant Reformation, Bible and Ministers; also consider how you testifie against what you like not, as the Christian Quaker D. S. and give it as a reason or cause of excommunicating G. K. for his not calling in or not clearing the Guilty, i. e. Pen and Whitehead, &c. of their Errors; therefore if you had not approved of that Book of J. C. you would disown it, and published against it, as you have done against others less deserving, if you were True Protestants also, you could injoyn Mr. Pennyman publickly to condemn his throwing your Seditious Pamphlets on the ground in the Exchange and burning some wast Paper, and say he was instigated by the Devil, but sure it was a worse Spirit instigated you to print and recommend that wicked Defamation of the Protestant Bible and Ministers; then that G. W. could say his brought a great reproach on Friends; but this wicked action of yours are far greater reproach to the English Protestants, and more justly to be condemn'd; but you knew who you pleased, and that you had them great in Power to stand by and gratifie, and incourage you in defaming the Protestant Ministers; so that it was not then your Interest, and therefore might and did say you were not concerned, no not to vindicate but to defame the Protestants, and although in your last years Foxonian Conclave in White-hart-court, in your Laws then made, you use not the same Terms (because you have been detected) as Tythes and Church Rates, &c. but do in more squinting quibbling terms, that your Design [Page 22] and Presumption may not be so easily seen, impose the same things, saying, ‘we recommend unto you the holding up the Holy Testimony of Truth, and that in all the parts of it, for Truth is one and changes not (and say they) what it convinced us of to be evil in the beginning it reproves still, and so what it justified in the beginning ( i. e. the Actions in 1648. &c.) it justifies still, for say they Truth (i. e. the Foxonian Spirit,) is one and changes not;’ hereby have they confirmed all their former Seditious Doctrines in Print, as well against the King as against the Protestant Ministers; nay, all their contempts of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth's Person, Blood and Sufferings; therefore whatever seeming fair Confessions they may (for to deceive the Government) now make, of owning the present Government, as consisting of King, House of Lords, and Bishops, and Church of England as now Established, and the Scriptures, and Christ, yet they have hereby ( i. e. their Meetings Injunction) not only owned, but also in as plain Terms, as they durst, commanded their Subjects to hold them up, and in order thereto it is, that they do so defend their old Blasphemies and Seditious Printed Ancient Testimonies of their Idol of Jealousie Fox, &c. whilst they pretend to believe and own the contrary: And although this Tryal hath been long wrot, yet had not been now published, but that they instead of disowning these erronious Ancient Testimonies as they ought, if they were True Protestants, they cover and excuse them, and pretend they are such quiet innocent ones in the Land, and therefore that People may not be deceived by their good words, but may see them as they are envious Slanderers and Persecutors of the Protestant Ministers, is this now published, also, because these Foxonian Rabshakes are so shameless, as to challenge it as out-doing the Devil (their own Foxonian Spirit) because after it was proved is said in discovery inlarged, &c. ‘I find their Books stuft with such base Insinuations and Defamations [Page 23] of almost all People, that the chief drift of them seems to be to render the New Testament, and the true Faith in our Lord Jesus, and the Ministers and Professors thereof Infamous and worse than the Papists, and are so bold as to advise and direct to the taking away and destroying Property:’ Now, I say, he the Devil hath out-done it in, and by themselves, as in pages to 38. of that Discovery, and also more fully proved in the Sn. in the Grass, &c. and Satan disrobed, &c. and by George Keith, in several Books printed by him. Also in one Sheet, titled, an Essay to allay G. Foxes Spirit, which may be Printed at large, containing about Twelve Sheets, but in this Citation they are Guilty of that they so defame T.C. for, for they leave out these Words and Defamations, whereby they not only wrong the Citation, but the Sense also; and your own Consciences cannot but know (unless they be seared) that its true, although you are so proud you will not hear; I have forborn naming some Persons and Books, in respect to some concerned, and although the Citations be short, yet they are true, and in your own Printed expressions; I say, ‘if you think these things too hard, with the Light of Christ search your selves, and see if it be not the reward of your own hands, and if you say wherefore am I made publick, (its your own answer) thou ( Foxonian Spirit) hast committed thy lewdness before the Sun, therefore openly art thou reproved, who hast sinned openly; also again you say in Print, must not Jealousie be stirr'd up in the Powers of the Earth against them ( i. e. Professors) as they have again others:’ And although I am sensible your influence and interest is so considerable, that I know not how soon I may feel the tender love of your Spirit as W. Bradford did; yet I am not afraid nor discouraged from discovering you for all your Policy, that who, or what ever Interest govern, you are sure to be of the rising side, for you have some great among you of all sides, and also I [Page 24] know and have proved, that the Foxonian Rabshakes are not Children in Malice, but Men, yea strong and old Men in Malice, and Contempt of the Scriptures and Protestant Ministers, and do more justly deserve to be taken notice of by the Magistrate, than the poor Country Justice did for using an & cetera in his Warrant for Commitment of Fox, or then G. Keith and W. Bradford did; and seeing you term others Rabshakes, let the Reader judge whether that name belongs, not to you Foxonians, Whitehead, &c. who gave these and many more names to Mr. Pennyman to defame him, viz. you called him ‘grinning Dog, barking Cur, the Devils Agent, the Devils Porter, the Devils Drudge-Vassel of Hell, setting open Hell Gates, Bond-slave of Hell, cursed for ever, cursed Serpent, &c.’ Unclean nasty Spirit, &c. although one of the cleanliest neatest Men in London; but to prove the Foxonian Spirit is a nasty one, observe as follows their nasty words, as I find them in Print by one J. Wiggam, who had some controversie with them, they writ this to him, ‘this hath caused thee to spew out on a Paper— for the Dogs to lick up— they take so much of thy filthy spewing it causes them to vomit— thou purges upward and downward— thou needs one to wipe thee— thou mak'st a pitiful stink— through thy vomiting and purging thou besmears every one that comes nigh thee— one may follow thee by the smell, wilt not give over vomiting— thou stinks all the Country over— like a Man with a scall'd Head, and Horse with a gall'd Back— making People Vomit and Spew— that they make such a stink— thou may'st be asham'd with thy filthy spewing, if thou wert not Impudent; also Margaret (Foxes Wife) wrot thus to him, thou hast committed Sacrilege which will never be forgiven thee— thou art accursed and no other Portion canst thou have— thou Infidel— Child of Darkness— the Curse Christ hath pronounced on thee, thou art the Man thou Impudent Lyar— night Owl, wicked Lyar;’ and as I can find the cause of [Page 25] all this nasty and rabshake Language from them, was, because he disputed against them about the Light in every Man, and published something about it; now if you can shew me such nasty Words from J. P. and he to have been the Devils Porter, to spread, fetch, or forge false Intelligence from the Pit of Damnation and the Papists, in Defamation of the Protestant Religion and Ministers, as I have produced of yours, then I grant his Spirit as nasty and as much rabshake as yours; but in case it be so, that will not clear your Spirit from being a nasty and rabshake one, but if you cannot smell this your Foxonian Spirit to be a nasty one, you have lost your senses, else you may follow this nasty Foxonian Spirit by the smell, and herein your Chief Priests be proved to be the Devils Porters, and which they wrongfully charge on others without proof, and this your matchless Pride and Insolency, in accusing the Protestant Ministers to the King for being for Ol. Crom. when you were more guilty, caused J. P. to write out the Quakers Unmask'd, &c. and send to you privately, to make you sensible of your Error, but your Pride cannot bear reproof, but threatned him F. B. and T. C. for mentioning it, but its now in Print; but I think that which encouraged you so to defame the Protestant Ministers was, because you was as sure of encouragement and countenance (if not reward) in that Work from some then great in power, as your Fathers Fox, &c. formerly, they having many of the chief in the then Army, who countenanced them then, as W. Penn, &c. lately. And, I say, in case you do not as publickly testifie against these Wickednesses of your Chief Priests, as you did against the Christian Quaker D. S. then all you Foxonian Quakers are chargeable, as guilty of them and your pretended counterfeit new Confessions ought no more to be believed, or clear you, than a Thief when he is convict of Theft, his saying he really believes the Ten Commandments may clear him; but the Foxonians falsly accusing the Protestant Ministers [Page 26] and endeavouring to render them odious, prove its true as they themselves say, that ‘Runnagadoes are the violentest Enemies against them they have deserted, for none are more implacable Enemies to the Protestants than Fox, Whitehead, &c. who once professed the same, this their own Doctrine is proved true in them Foxonian Chief Priests, G. W. &c.’
For, I think, if all Algier were searched, that of all the Runnagadoes that have been there this Hundred Years, there cannot be found so many Defamations and Contemptious Expressions in Print, of the Person of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, and his Blood shed on the Cross, as there is of these Foxonian Quakers, in their Printed Books in London; its pity that this Protestant City should be the only Garden of the World to breed and nourish such Plants, and send or sell the Seed of such degenerated Plants of a strange Vine; what must London out-do Algier in defaming the Christian Religion, especially the English Protestant Ministers, to encourage loose Atheistical Persons in the same Work, for reprinting these their wicked Works, with such high commendations on the Authors affixed before them, tends to the Destruction of the Protestant Religion, as the Gun-Powder-Treason did, and the chief Actors therein no more deserve commendations than them; and these Quakers have approved of those wicked Actions in their Ancient Printed Testimonies, now under-hand injoyn'd their Subjects to hold them up, for these of theirs were from the Spirit of Truth, or the Spirit of Error, if from the Spirit of Error, its needful they testifie against them as publickly, as they did against the Christian Quaker D. S. for owning Fox and Whitehead Guilty; therefore, in case they do not disown them its Evidence, they do own them as the Testimony of Truth, and so are confirmed and injoyn'd (by their 1696. White-hart-court Conclave) to be maintained and held up, as some part of the Testimony of Truth.
[Page 27]Now consider you Quakers who be honest minded, although deceived by your Priests, G. W. &c. who are so wicked as to accuse this Man, as endeavouring to have them destroyed (nay crucified too) because he justly and truly complaining, the Protestant Religion was in danger by them to be rooted out; and yet they in the same Pamphlet are so wicked, so early as in 1660. to accuse the Ministers in general as dangerous to the King, and for being against him, and for the former Governments, although they themselves were guilty of the same in a higher degree; for says they to the King, Friends then ‘called Cavaleers you are become cursed in all your endeavours— the purpose of your hearts have been known to be always against Truth it self— and though your Kings, &c. have been cut off in wrath (and says) except you repent’(of endeavouring to re-establish the King and that Government) ‘you and your Kings, &c. and lordlly Power (by which you have thought to exercise Lordship over my Heritage) shall be inslaved by the Devil in the Pit of Darkness, where he ( i. e. the Devil) shall Reign your King and Lord for evermore, this they say was from the Lord, and sealed by the Spirit of the Eternal God:’ Yet these Forgers the Foxonians could leave the whole Message out, and great part of these Citations; again says E. B. to O. C. of the King's Friends, ‘I know the Lord hath cursed them— and what thou hast done unto them and their King, should not be reckoned against thee by the Lord, if now thou wert faithful, &c.’ i. e. take away the Ministers and their Maintenance, for that was one of the sins they counted O. C. &c. then guilty of; for say they to O. C's. Council, the same false Prophets (Protestant Ministers) you establish by a Law which deceive the Nations; again says the same E. B. to the Parliament, and that in 1659. but about 6 Months before the Restoration; ‘while thus it hath been in our Nation, that our Kings have attained to the Throne of Government Hereditary, and by the Succession of [Page 28] Birth— as hath been the custom in our Forefathers days, that knew no better— whereby the Inhabitants have been always suffering, and liable to great Oppressions, being under such a Government, falling from Parents to Children after the manner of the Heathen Nations;’again p. 3. ‘the Lord hath begun to appear, and shewed us the bondage our Forefathers lived in, and we our selves been subject too, by reason of the Government standing in a single Person successively— now our Eyes are opened to behold better things,’and pag. 6. say to the Long Parliament, ‘its on me to lay it before you (even as the Contenders for England's Liberty) whom the Lord honoured in the Beginning to remove Tyranny, &c.’ But this whole Libel and other Treasonable Ancient Testimonies of theirs is left out in reprinting E. Bs. Works; but by these and many more of such stuff of theirs as I have collected, the impartial Reader may judge, whether or no these now Foxonian Quakers, Whitehead, &c. are not very shameless and wicked, to accuse the Protestant Ministers (many of whom were not consenting, but against these Proceedings, especially them this Man pleaded for) when as themselves was guilty of the same or worse, in abetting and encouraging them Governments against the King, and incensing them against the Ministers, because they favoured the King and his Interest, had not these Quakers more need with shame, put their Mouthes in the Dust, but they found out a way to make the Papists amends, by helping them to defame the Protestant Ministers; and because these Foxonian Chief Priests be so shameless, as to seemingly deny these things being charged against them, saying, ‘I defie the Father of Lyes himself to out-do this,’ and therefore I will give you some more of their Treasonable Ancient Testimonies, and boasting of their Vindicating in the Field with their Blood, although in Foxes Journal they have left it out, in their Book the West answering to the North, 79. pag. say they, ‘why was [Page 29] Strafford's Head cut off, and Canterbury's, and Charles Stewarts as Traytors, for endeavouring to subvert the Fundamental Laws of England, and what justice was there in all these, if a Sessions may make Laws, &c.’ Now that they may not pretend this is rather a blaming then justifying, its indeed a blaming them for making Orders for Imprisoning Fox, &c. but not for them actions, and farther say they, ‘ Charles Stuart and his Lords committed Men, as Canterbury, &c. and early he heard of it, and was constrained to submit unto the Petition of right, to keep that his wrong doing from being further questioned, and for his other Arbitrary Actions, &c.— and what befell his particular, need not be mentioned,— being recorded in the Blood of the late Wars, and the destruction of him and his Family; the sad examples of his ( i. e. Gods) righteous Judgments, &c. and pag. 89. doth not here appear the Spirit of C. Love Priest, and his Fellow Traytors, who being within the Jurisdiction of this Common-wealth, took on them to commissionate Men to treat with Charles Stewart, i. e. Charles II. the Proclaimed Traytor of the Government at Breda, for the putting him into that they call his Fathers Throne; for which and his other Treasons he lost his Head 1651. See the Plea for the Commonwealth, and therein the Priests Treasons; doth not the Sprouts of the Bishops appear in the etcetera is Chr. Love dead the Scots and Ch. Stewart overcome, — are the Bishops plucked up Root and Branch, &c. again pag. 95. call to mind to whom this Generation ( i.e. Ministers) joyned in 1648. and 1650. even with the common Enemy Charles Stewart, &c. by War and Treason to effect it, see Chr. Love and his Treasons in a Plea for the Commonwealth, &c.’ forget not the wonderful deliverance from them, and they Quakers being Imprisoned, they take it so heinously, that of it they say pag. 96. ‘There is not found one such example in Queen Mary's cruelty, only some such thing was set up at Whitehall Gate, [Page 30] to hinder People from passing— to complain of their Sufferings by the Bishops, which Charles Stewart called Tumults— and by that Guard one was slain, at the place of the shedding of whose Blood was Charles Stewart's Head struck off, and his Blood powered on the ground, a remarkable record of the righteous judgment of God; again pag. 102. they say whom Justice hath cut off for arbitrariness, as in Strafford, Canterbury, Charles Stewart, &c.’ these are the Foxonian Quakers Ancient Testimonies, and implicitly (although not in plain words) now by their last Conclave their Subjects ( i. e. the Foxonian Quakers) are injoyned to hold up, for say they, ‘Truth is one and changes not, and what it convinced us of to be evil in the beginning, it reproves still, therefore Friends be zealous and strict for the Lord's blessed Testimony in your selves, in your Families;’ here you may see what their Spirit, which they term Truth, counted evil and reproved in the beginning 1657. and what it owned and justified; also even the worst of their Actions 1648. and so as their Spirit changes not in what it condemns as evil, nor doth it change in what it owned, vindicated, and justified then, but what it then justified it doth the same still, for it changes not, if they the Foxonians say true, but finding these Foxonian Quakers so commend and espouse the Plea for the Commonwealth, &c. I bought that because I would be fully inform'd what their Ancient Testimony in the beginning was, and find it much agreeable to the others of Fox and E. Burrows, for pag. 2. its said ‘I am sure the late King was not owned in such unwarrantable practises, &c— but for so doing had Justice executed on himself as a Traytor, and pag. 10. Chr. Love would have denyed the Jurisdiction of the Court, if he had not remembred what it cost his Master Charles, against whose Authority Chr. Love was as well as that Traitor was, again pag. 13. say they, when God put by all their (Ministers) mischievous intents, and brought Justice on the King, &c.’ [Page 31] again pag. 16. its said, when the ‘Providence of God— in the Justice of the Nation had brought the King to Execution, and chang'd the Government for the best advantage of Religion and Justice; how did the Men of this Generation ( i.e. Ministers) endeavour the destruction of this Commonwealth; what mourning was there among them for Tames (i. e. the King) fetching deeper sighs for the King's Execution than the purer Cavaleers, and pag. 3. say, for the Treasons Chr. Love was guilty of, they are no less than Combination with the Scots, and Charles Stewart Son to the late Tyrant, to bring him in as King of England, and pag. 20. say, whether any Men within the Jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, taken on them to treat with a Foreign State, and the proclaimed Enemy of this Commonwealth Charles Stewart be not an act of Treason:’ If these Quakers object this Book was not theirs, yet I say its by them espoused and recommended, and the same Principles asserted in theirs, as against the Kings both Charles I. and II. and in owning Oliver, &c. in what they did against them, but its very likely G. Bishop, D. Hollister, and Captain Piot, who were Quakers, and of Foxes chief Men in those days, and actually concern'd with Fox in the Book West answering to the North, &c. were all or one of them chiefly concern'd in this Book, and were great Men with Ol. Crom. then, as in the Snake in the Grass is observ'd of Bishop, and its Foxes method to charge the Persons who recommend a Book, or something in it as well as the Authors, as in his Answer to J. Gilpin and others I find, although not more recommendations thereof, than these Quakers have given of this, but the same Principles is in their other Ancient Testimony, in the beginning which they now injoyn their Subjects to hold up: But judge Reader, if these Foxonian Cardinals Whitehead, &c. were not very Shameless, in that they durst thus maliciously accuse the Protestant Ministers to the King (so soon as 1660.) for being against his Father, and for Oliver [Page 32] and them Governments, when as themselves (that is Foxonian Quakers) were so highly guilty in the same Case; and here I have proved their being out of Christ's Doctrine, and so by their own Doctrine to be of the Devil, for here afore you see how heinous a sin they make it, even as Crucifying our Lord, for saying, ‘the Protestant Religion was in danger to be rooted out by the Quakers;’ here its plain they did not do as they would be done by, for in the same Libel they inform against the Protestant Ministers as dangerous to the King; these Foxonians G. Whitehead, &c. reflect on, and endeavour to incense the King against the Men, the Creatures, they strike at them, therefore their Spirit or Light, which they blasphemously term Truth, and the Spirit of God, &c. cannot be the same Spirit as Christ and the Apostles had by their own judgment; now seeing its not Christ's Spirit, and they say there are but Two Spirits Gods and the Devils, and themselves have judged it; I have now proved them (the Foxonian Chief Priests) so Wicked and Malicious against the Protestant Ministers, that they have informed against them to Oliver, &c. for being for the King, and assoon as ever the King was restored, they were so abominable shameless as to inform against them, for being against him, when themselves were guilty of the same in a higher degree, and were not content, although they had Chr. Love's (a Ministers) Life; but they accuse the Ministers in General, as in pag. 12. its said, ‘for the Parties this Case respects, it runs through generally the whole Ministry of the Nation, and in their Book Information to the Army, &c. pag. 7. say they, when a company of greedy Priests came to tell you they had not engaged with G. Booth in the Rebellion, but your real Friends Quakers, who gave you and the Army intelligence about the Insurrection in Cheshire (i. e. Sir G. Booths for the King) were spoiled by the Rebels, &c.’and in their Book the West to North pag. 102. say they, these Innocent Servants of the Lord ( G. Fox [Page 33] Ed. Piot. ‘Many of them have drawn the Sword and fought in the Field from first to last; ’also p. 16. say they, ‘the Laws, &c. The defence of them we have in the late Wars vindicated in the Field with our Blood.’ But this and many others they have left out, in reprinting the Letter in G. Fox's Journal, as may hereafter be more fully shown. But, in the mean time take this caution, not to trust nor believe these now Foxonian Chief Priests, W. Penn and G. Whitehead, &c. in what they print or recommend to you, as the works of their Fellows, Fox, &c. or as other mens words; they have so altered them in many places, by leaving out and adding, to forge them to their purpose: Therefore you may judge what abominable falshoods they will impose on the World hereafter; when those few now living, who are able to detect them, be dead; but there is a Collection (of as many as are found) to be published, that by that you may judge of the rest of their Works, what grose Forgers they are, and will be. And seeing they say they are contrary in Principle and Doctrine (to the Protestant Ministers,) and ‘we cannot (as they say) own both, but must deny one:’ Therefore, either all the Generations of Protestants in all Ages, to the end of Time, not only Ministers, but Princes, and all Estates and Degrees must be condemned as Antichrists and Apostates (as these Foxonian Quakers have, and do record them to posterity,) except one Thorpe, &c. or else these Foxonian Quakers Blasphemous, Seditious Ancient Testimonies, which their Truth at first taught them, must be condemned and disowned. Now whether is most reasonable, that these few Foxonian Quakers (most of them being dead, except W. Penn and G. Whitehead) come under the deserved blame of false Accusers, and men influenc'd by a wrong Spirit; and their Blasphemous and Seditious Testimonies publickly condemned; or their infamous Contempts and Slanders be recommended to after Ages for Divine Revelations; and the wicked Authors, as the only Prophets [Page 34] of God in this Age. What can be their intent, but that their Blasphemous, Seditious Ancient Testimonies may be of as great or greater Authority than the Holy Scripture.
But as a further proof, that they, these Foxonian Quaker's Spirit is not Christ's, the Apostles and all Protestants, but an avowed Enemy to the Protestant Religion, and Ministers in general. They are not content with their own volumnious defamatious Slanders, they have filled the World with by their printed Libels; but to gratifie the Papist's interest (which then was great, and able to defend and reward them,) therefore they joyn with their elder Sister Rome, and print in 1671▪ with their own in J. C.'s Works (highly extolled by W. Penn and G. Whitehead, Fox and his Wife) A Papist scandalous Libel; wherein they term the Protestant Bible Brazen-fac'd Book, and villifie the beginning of the Reformation; and give the Protestant Ministers the same Hellish Names as their own Books do; and say, ‘to see such stand in a Pulpit with such a Brazen-fac'd Book, as is their unjust Bible; and term it corrupt, and a perverse Book.’ Such Brazen Faces had these Foxonians, when the Papists interest was great. Haman like, improving their interest, to destroy the Protestant Ministers because they would not bow to their blasphemous Spirit. This shews what kind of Protestants they would have proved, if what they then expected had taken effect; even serving the Protestants as they had done all the former Governments from 1648. to 1660. own; and encourage them while they prosper; but when like to fall or gone, then exclaim against them; and would do by the Protestants as they have by the Dissenters, Inform against them, when it's for their interest; and tell the Papist their elder Sister, ‘how shall she ever, without great danger to her self, put confidence in such Hereticks as the English Protestants be.’ And it's not unlikely, but that they printed at large this seditious Libel [Page 35] of the Papists against the Protestants; and put it into their Works, in such a remarkable Character, as an earnest-penny, that they may come in with their elder Sister Rome for a share, when they see it for their interest to pull off their Masks.
Another proof I shall give, that their Light or Spirit is not from Heaven above, but more likely from the Pit of Damnation below; for to Defame the Protestant Ministers, in a Book Entituled, A Serious Warning, &c. they say, ‘could people hear the cry of Thousands out of the Pit of Damnation, they would here others thus lament; Presbyterians and Independants, under the Notion of Gospel-ministers, were the Men that seduced us hither: This is (say they) the cry of Thousands of our dear Countrymen.’ This was in 1675. for the Episcopal Clergy; they had Damned them years before. But this shews you are well acquainted in Hell: but, altho' I dare not pretend to be so conversant with Hell as you; yet, have cause to suspect that you forge false intelligence from thence; for you who are so accustomed to abuse both living and dead, may be thought to do the same here also; and I rather think, there is, and will be more there so crying against your Idols of Jealousie, Fox and Whitehead, &c. and that it's Fox's blasphemous lying Spirit as was in your brother Foxonian Priest, Solomon Eccles (that lying Prophet of yours) that hath influenc'd you to invent and print this envious Slander against the Protestant Ministers, to gratify your elder Sister Rome; and this shews that you are hers (if not, the Devils as you charge Mr. Pennyman) Factors, Porters, and Agents to promote spread and vend her Wares; and that you agree and like well her contempt of the Protestant Bible, and the Ministers; and if all Rome and your own hellish Names be not enough, you will to help out, forge news from the Pit of Damnation also to help; and altho' you seem to envy against your elder Sister Rome, it's for Preheminence, because you must be [Page 36] exalted above all. But you like well, and take her part in defaming the Protestant Religion; Bible and Minister; nay, you are so Brazen-fac'd as to inform against a Protestant Minister G. G. for as you say, praying for Oliver's Army (sent to high Spaniola) thus, ‘Lord bless the Army of the Lamb against the Beast, and give them success; and you term him notorious lying Prophet, possess'd with a Legion of lying Spirits; and in the conclusion, warn People against the Presbyterian and Independant Ministers in general, as the Plague.’ But why are you so angry? I find it's because they had subscribed to an Epistle wrote in recommendation of a Book of J. [...]aldoes, in discovery of your Errors: But have not you here recommended this wicked Work J. C.'s Book wherein is this contempt on the Protestant Religion and Bible, &c. as a Brazen-fac'd, false and perverse, corrupt and unjust Book, and the whole Generation of English Protestants. For, after many of your hellish characters of Witches, &c. given them there; then say you, ‘if the Teachers be such, what must the Protestants themselves be, &c.’ Your espousing and recommending this and your own Defamations are of much worse consequence to the Protestant Religion, than theirs was to Quakerism; or than W. Bradford's printing for G. K. whom you imprisoned, and took away his Goods; but in these afore instances you have proved your selves no Friends, but Enemies to the Protestant Bible and Ministers: And surely it's high time for all Protestants to have a care of Rome at home (i. e. the Foxonian Quakers); for, an Enemy within is much more dangerous than at a distance: But let's examine whether you Foxonian Quakers are not guilty of owning Oliver's Army as well as G. G. (whom you so maliciously inform'd against) or at least what may amount to as much. There is enough afore quoted of yours against Hereditary Government, &c. and to O. C. say you in your Book good counsel, &c. several Soldiers have been turned out, what [Page 37] should they do there, if, as you say, you ‘deny all outward Fightings, with outward weapons for any end or pretence whatsoever;’ compare this and others of yours before 1660. and your fallacious pretence to the King; but you have a reserve in your last yearly White-hart-court Conclave; you may by the Authority of that reassume these, or the contrary, which you please of your Ancient Testimonies again: For indeed, most of your flattering Addresses and pretended ownings of the King, &c. are as fallacious and squinting as your confessions of Faith; for any one may make such a submission to a company of House-breakers, when they have bound him and his Family; or to any Pirates, when by them at Sea overcome and taken, there is something of God in it, and in such fallacious general terms as they would have put of the Parliament with, when their act about Swearing was in hand; but the weakness of it was shewed them, and they advised how to amend it, which was done when they see their squinting one would not do. And I find little in all their ownings of King Charles II. but if ever the 1648 cause should come in fashion, but that they might reassume all their Ancient holy Testimonies against King, Lords and Bishops, in the beginning; their terms are so loose and general, they will serve for the Turk or Pope, &c. as appears by their using their squinting term ( Cesar in Queen Marys Life:) but to shew the Quakers owning Ol.C's power (for which they, inform against the Ministers) say they to him, He (God) ‘gave thee the Necks of Princes to tread on, and their Dominions to inherit, and thou an Instrument in his hand was ordained (mark that) to lead forth a People whom he blessed with thee (was not this the Army) against a cruel People, and Oppressors, — who exercised Tyranny until they were taken away ( the King and his Party) and cast out, and is a reproach unto the Lord and his People ( themselves) unto this day.’ — Much more I could recite, but this proves their [Page 38] owning Ol. Crom. Army as well as G. G. whom they term a lying Prophet possess'd with a Legion of lying Spirits; but he was a Protestant Minister; and they be all such with them: But they may pretend it's not for going against the Spaniards as G. G.'s was, that we owned him Ol. Crom. but it was in his being against the King, Lords and Bishops, which you owned and encourag'd him in, which was as bad; but for your owning of Ol. Crom. against the Spaniards, you say to him ‘concerning the Armies and War in Spain, there is something in it known to the Lord— make no Covenant with Idolators. And again say you, concerning the Armies abroad— is of great concernment to thee to stand or fall thro' them as to man's Account; and the War against Spain, be faithful to God in it;’ a true gipsy Prophet, (and whether he deserved a Prophet or a Gipsy's reward judge.)
But, how this agrees with their novel fallacious pretence 1660. aforementioned, which Fox's Name is to, and 11 more; and yet this Fox encourag'd Oliver, saying to him, ‘Friend, thou should'st have invited all Christians — that are against Popery to thee.— Again, invite all that profess against the Pope in all Nations to joyn with thee against him, &c.’
But these and much more they have left out in the reprint: But it's evident they have Ancient Testimonies against and for War, and so may uphold and maintain either as is most for their sordid Interest, as they have about Swearing; but for their owning and encouraging Oliver, and all them Governments from 1642. to 1660. against the King and Monarchy, especially the Family of Stuarts. I could give a long Book of Citations; altho' soon after the Restoration they were so shameless as to inform against the Ministers therefore; and they were by Mr. Pennyman privately advised of that Error; but their pride and malice was such they would not bear reproof. [Page 39] Now, what great deceit is it in them, after all their complaints, because they were turn'd out of the Army; and boasting how they had fought from first to last, and encouraging Oliver to go on; yet when that interest against the King, which they had so encourag'd and espous'd was defeated, then to be so shameless as to pretend they were against all Fighting, &c. Surely if a Pirate that has taken and robbed a Merchant Man at Sea, and afterwards the Merchant and Seamen again overcome the Pirates, and recover their Ship and Goods, would it excuse the Pirates then to say, ‘they are against, and utterly deny all outward Wars and Fightings with outward Weapons, for any end, or under any pretence whatsoever:’ Surely such a sham would not excuse them, no more should these Quakers he excused. But yet, again for a sloop in Pensilvania, where the Government was in their own hands, they could Fight; nay because G. K. reminded them of their pretended Ancient Testimony against Fighting, they presented him as in p. 6. But it's worthy of consideration whether or no, that if G. K.'s reminding them of their Ancient Testimony were such a high crime, whether or no the Assertors, Promotors, and Holders up of that principle and Ancient Testimony in England, be not as dangerous and punishable as well as by them in Pensilvania, and that to be looked on as a sham, for here afore it's proved they could Fight and can Fight, and have a reserve for it, when their Spirit command them, for in their Declaration, &c. 10 th. Month 1659. a little before the Restoration say they, He (i. e. God) ‘might command thousands of his Saints at this day to Fight in his cause,— and give them Victory over all their Enemies; but again say they, neither can we yet believe (mark that yet) he will make use of us in that way, tho it be his right to Rule in Nations, and our heirship (mark that) to possess the utmost parts of the Earth; but for the present (mind the present) we are given up to suffer; but, [Page 40] how long that present will continue, it were worth knowing. Again say they, as Righteousness appears in any we are ready to joyn with it in our Prayers, —yea and otherwise (mark this otherwise, if it may not be made to mean what they please,) and further say they, when ever it (Righteousness) shall appear, we shall rejoyce—and add our help thereunto that it may prosper, (mark help) for the Establishing of Righteousness in the Earth; our all is not dear unto us, tho hitherto we have been silent, &c..’
But most of this and much more I find they have left out in the reprint of E. B.'s Works, altho' they say the substance of it was given forth by E. B. being moved of the Lord, and signed by 15 of them, in respect to some, I forbear their Names. But it's worth minding, in what squinting 2 Fac'd words they express themselves here; just as they do in their confessions of Faith, and their intended sham owning the Government: (This is a digression,) but to return.
I have here afore prov'd their owning O. C.'s Army against Spain; but it may be objected that I have not proved they term Oliver's Army the Lamb's; but Fox terms Oliver his Dear Friend, (yet in 1660. these Quakers inform against the Ministers for saying they were his real Friends) and bid him stand up in the Lambs Authority; and for their owning of Rich. Crom. to him, they say of themselves, they wish well to thee, — ‘and be established in Righteousness and Peace in thy Government. Again, if thou walk with the Lord, &c. and preserve his People ( Quakers) then shalt thou prosper, and thy Name be greater than thy Fathers; and the numberless number of this People ( Quakers) will stand by thee, and defend thee and thy just Government,’(observe how strong and numerous they thought themselves then in Rich. C.'s time,) ‘and (say they) their Hearts shall cleave unto thee, and thou shalt prosper for their sakes; and none of thy Enemies shall have power over thee to destroy [Page 41] thee, tho' many may seek thy Life. — Live (say they) in God's Wisdom, then none shall touch thee, and all that fear God ( Quakers) will be on thy side and take thy part.’ Here the Father of lyes in G. F. could promise altho' not perform. Again say they to him R. C. ‘thou art now set up in his ( i. e. Olivers) stead;—the hand of the Lord is in the matter, if but to try thee (O profound Prophet or else a Gipsy,) and (say they) it's he (the Lord) hath brought it to pass:’ This shews they owned R. C. in their squinting way, as they did the King.
Next, to prove their owning the Army in turning out R. C. and the Parliament, say they to the Soldiers, in their Information, &c. to the Army; ‘if they ( i. e. the Parliament) cry up their priviledge to do what they list, then it's no Rebellion — to call them away. —Again, if they will not harken to the cry of their Masters (the People) but it may be call them Rebels if they should be turn'd out (mark them words Masters the People) when they are gone from that in which their power stood.’
Again, to encourage the Army they say, ‘the long Parliament counted it no Treason to oppose him ( the King) seeing the end was not answered, he should have satisfied; and God decided the controversy, by overthrowing one, and establishing the other for a season. Again say they, the Army in putting a stop to that which did retard from the end aforesaid ( the good old Cause) in God's sight is no Rebellion:’ Much of this is left out in their reprint, but these prove the Quakers owning the former Powers against the King; and say they to the Soldiers, put no Cavaleers in place, in 1659. and of them Cavaleers say they, ‘thus saith the Lord, you are become cursed in all your hatchings; — the purpose of your Hearts hath been known to be always against my powerful Truth: But in 1660. to the same People say they, You are now justly raised up to correct them ( i. e. the former Usurpers)’ as I afore say, flatter [Page 42] all Powers in being; but, like Rats, fly from a faling House; and exclaim and inform against them, when gone. Their Hypocrisie is great, and to be abhorred, as well as is their Envy against the Protestant Ministers.
And notwithstanding they had so highly owned and encouraged O. C. and R. C. &c. yet they inform against the Ministers for so doing, not only in E. B.'s Works, but in other Pamphlets, as Peaceable Advice, &c. Truth's Character, &c. There they inform against them, for (as they, i. e. the Quakers, say) comparing him to Elijah, and for owning him as their Supream Governour, and because they said they were his real Friends, &c. And say these envious Quakers, If you mean O. C. he was rather like Ahab, who killed and took possession: And (say they) ‘Did not O. C. the like? And you ( i. e. Ministers) (who flattered him) have been like Ahab's four hundred Prophets, that with one accord declared good to that wicked Man (i. e. O. C.)’ Yet you see here before, how the Quakers also owned and encouraged him, even in his 1648 Action; and were far from blaming him then for killing and taking possession: And although I have shewn Fox termed him his Dear Friend, yet they inform against the Ministers for saying they were his Real Friends: From whence it's evident the Foxonian Quakers were more like the four hundred Baal's Prophets than Elijah, for they did not then blame O. C. for killing and taking possession, but like Ahab's Prophets, with a lying Spirit in their Mouths declared good to him with one Mouth. G Fox and E. B. &c. as is before, and more fully in the Snake in the Grass, &c. shewn.
And their own Printed Defamation of the Protestant Ministers to the King, may justly be returned to themselves: ‘Alas for the King! Shall he find any among them (if they be all of one Mind and Judgment, as they pretend) or any at all of that Fraternity ( Foxonian Priests) that have not been disloyal, changeable, and unconstant in their way—And the very [Page 43] self-same Men ( Fox and E.B. &c.) sometimes have been for one Man, and in a little time for another; and so proved themselves absolute time-serving Polititians—to serve their own sordid Interests—May not the King easily know it, when he considers who it was that encouraged and approved, and actually fought from first to last, and justified them in their cruelty to Charles the First, 1648, (even the Foxonians) and who it was (i. e. Fox and E. B. &c.) that writ so many flattering Letters to Oliver, and then to Richard, and then changed from that, and cry'd up a Commonwealth again, and then the Army and Committee of Safety; and presently after the Restoration pretend to own Him (i. e. Charles the Second) by all which it appears that no one sort of Men in England are so disloyal and inconstant as that Generation of Foxonian Priests: And who can put Trust in Such, that have thus served Time, and Dissembled, for their own Ends? And how shall the King ever, without great danger to himself, put Trust in such as the Foxonian Chief Priests?’ And how can they beg the Kings, Lords, and Bishops especially (whom they have so defamed and reviled) to exempt them from the Laws which other Subjects are liable to, without shame to themselves? ‘And its but reasonable, that the King and Parliament should be truly informed what they ( i. e. these Foxonian Chief Priests) are, and what their Practices have been, &c. For peradventure they may think them by their fair Words to be that they are not, and its pity but that such should be better informed; and this innocent Paper is writ, to tell them that know you not so well as your Neighbours do.’
This is your own Printed Doctrine, and is thus turned, home to your selves, you shameless and envious Quakers, against the Protestant Ministers in general. And in their Book, Truth's Character, p. 19. say they, Many joyned with them (i. e. the Ministers) in their Plots, Designs, and Conspiracies, &c. These few Instances I have here given, are but Samples of the Quakers Envy [Page 44] against the Protestant Ministers (as the Grapes the Spies brought) in comparison of what there is in their Printed Books.
And what I have here done is not out of prejudice to the Quakers Persons, but as in Jeremiah 38. the Blackmore; in consideration of the great Evil these Men (the Foxonian Quakers) have done to the Protestant Ministers (and Religion) by condemning (not only one Man) but the whole Generations and Ages past, present and to come, into, not only a Dungeon and Mire, but into the Dungeon of Hell it self, there to stick fast, as is here shewn, I do hereby endeavour to my poor Ability, to draw or help them out.
Here your Spirit is proved more like Haman's than Christ's; and in your own words in the same Libel, I say, Your intent of thus accusing them, must needs be out of Malice, for to incense the King against them to destroy them. Also in the same Pamphlet, say you, I must desire the King and Nation, that such Men be taken notice of; ‘attempting so high to be the Kings Informer against as good Subjects of the Nation ( and better too) as themselves: O how abominable is this both to God, the King, and Kingdom—that these things ( i.e. the Foxonians accusing the Protestant Ministers) should pass unreproved?’ No, by no means, seeing its your own ( i. e. Quakers,) Doctrine; and you will not endure to be termed Quakers, but say in Print, ‘Such an one is an Evil Doer in a high degree, on whom the Sword of the Magistrate is to pass.’ And this Foxonian Spirit in this afore Trial, is proved to be like that 23d. of the Acts, and 21th. who have bound themselves (as they had to destroy Paul) to destroy the Protestant Ministers: So altho' them Quakers immediately concerned, may not be above forty Men; yet consider how many of them there be, that have or will, like their Barbadoes Church, give up their whole Concern, Spiritual and Temporal, to (this wicked Spirit of Fox's, which they term) the Spirit of God in their Womens Meetings.
[Page 45]It's themselves, (or their own Ancient Testimonies in the Beginning) that condemn them; and I only mete to them their own measure.
And that the Design of the Foxonian Spirit is, to defame the Protestant Religion and Ministers, appears in their Printing this Popish scandalous Libel so large and eminent, contrary to their usual manner; for in this Answer to the Papists, they cite but a few Lines together, and take it into pieces; but this that particularly defamed the Protestant Ministers, in which (as they say,) they are not concerned, they Print whole at large, in four Pages: And had they not thought and intended it to scandalize the Protestant Ministers, they might have answered to that Chapter, as in E. B.'s Works, p. 148. ‘As to the rest of thy Book, I suppose you will confess it was all by one Spirit; and it's proved some of it's given forth by a Lying Spirit, then judge what the rest is.’ I say they might have waved it by some such Answer; and not have so remarkably, and at large; printed that, if they had not thought it advantagious to them, to defame the Protestant Ministers, and to get in favour with the Popish Interest. And to this, and other their wicked envious Works and Books, their own Words are a fitting and sufficient enough Answer, ‘I dare defie the Father of Lyes himself, to out-do this, ( Rabshekah, pag. 70.)’
It concerns all Protestants, Ministers and People, to pray to God, and use all lawful means, that they, these fierce Despisers (Foxonian Quakers,) get not into Power here, as they have done in Pensilvania; and as they in Print say, Cursed be every one that riseth not up to help the Lord against the mighty Foxonians: But as they say, ‘Give the Whore double; as she hath done, so let it be done unto her.’ And whereas, they say, they differ in the Root from all People; nay, you agree with your Sister Rome, to defame and destroy the Protestant Ministers.
And if (as you say in Print) ‘The Parliament have Recognized you for Protestants;’ they have not, as it [Page 46] were, Unprotestanted the Protestant Ministers: But I believe the Parliament knew not (but were deceived by your false Pretences, as Joshua and the Elders of Israel were by the Gibeonites) of your Printed Contempts of our Lord Jesus, and the Scriptures, Laws, Kings, Lords, and Protestant Ministers especially.
And it's worthy Consideration, whether or no, if that they have so Recognized these Foxonians as Protestants, whether then all their Errors and Wickednesses may not be charged on the English Protestants in general, and they answerable to any Foreign Adversary, Papist, Jew, or Pagan, for them; and also induce Strangers to believe all their Defamations of the Protestant Ministers to be true, and they the Ministers to be such false Prophets, and Antichrists, and Sorcerers, &c. as these Quakers have in Print published them to the World; more especially when Acts of singular Kindness are passed in their Favour (without their disowning these their Ancient Seditious Testimonies) as to exempt them from the Law, that all other the Commons of England are bound to, and a kind of Peerage granted them above all others; and either these Quakers contemptuous and defaming Doctrines must be condemned, or all the Protestant Ministers and People stand on Record, as such Devils, Sorcerers, and Antichrists, as they have Printed them, not only in Thousands of Seditious small Libels, but in great Volumes, with high Commendations on them and the Authors, affixed to them by G. Whitehead, &c. who is the Common Voucher for them: ‘More than a Prophet, endued with the Almighty Power of God, which reigned in him; Worthy Prophet of God.’ See more of these blasphemous Expressions of, and to Fox, in the Snake in the Grass, &c. and a blasphemous Letter written to Fox, by a Foxonian Preacher, as in T. C.'s Discovery, &c. Now what tends all this to, but to gain their Contempts, Credit or Preference with or before the Scripture? Terming the Doctrine of the Church of England, ‘Doctrine of Devils, Damnable Heresies, a meer Cheat, &c. And the Minister a Teacher [Page 47] of Lasciviousness.’ Now judge, you Protestants, whether it were not better, that W. Penn and G. Whitehead, and some few more of the Chief of the Foxonian Chief Priests, come under the blame or shame of being mislead by Fox, and they condemn or disown those Printed Errors of theirs; or else to gratifie the Pride and Malice of Ten of them, (for I think there is not more of them fierce Despisers now living) to have all this Infamy and Contempt of theirs in Print, of the Protestant Religion and Ministers, so convey'd to Posterity as Divine Oracles; for there can no dammage come to the People Quakers in general, or to these Persons; nor no more desired of them, than that they publish something to clear the Protestants in general (as they required of G. K. and Excommunicated him because he did it not) from their Calumnies; and as them Twenty-four afore-mentioned, did against the Christian Quakers Answer to F. Bugg; and else these Foxonians more justly deserve to be Excommunicated from the Protestants, than G. K. did from them. What! Shall they have such Power and Zeal for Errors, and is there none in Power that have as much Zeal for the Protestant Religion and Ministers?
And these Foxonians, of all People, ought not to refuse to condemn their Errors, because they exact the same from others for faults much less criminal. But let them but observe their own Doctrine to 21 Divines, it's I fear true on themselves; say they, ‘Your credit is a temptation to you; sacrifice it for the sake of your own and others Souls upon the Altar of self-denial;—think not repentance a Work too mean for you, because you have been so long Preachers to others, a just rebuke p. 32.’ Mind this I pray you Foxonians, especially W. P. the Author; and it will be an aggravation of your guilt, in case you practice not what you Preach to others, and a farther proof of the truth of my charge against you.
Therefore be not high minded, but take your own advise G. W. be ingenious and confess thy Error.— I [Page 48] advise thee not to out-face thy own Conscience. And this Spirit of Fox's which now influences G. Whitehead, &c. is the same as was in Corah, &c. For, as then they oppos'd and resisted Moses, so doth this Foxonian Spirit in these Quakers condemn our Spiritual Moses, the Lord Jesus of Nazareth: But this proud Foxonian Spirit, thro' his Instrument Fox, says he, is ‘Christ the Eternal Judge of the World; the Son of God; and as a Father in Christ (say they of Fox) he took care of the whole Houshold of Faith, over which the Lord made him Overseer, and endued him with an excellent Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding; one of the Lords Worthies:’ And many more such Blasphemous Titles have these Foxonian Quakers given to their Idol of Jealousie, Fox, in their Journal, Printed in Folio, and preserved in the Library at Oxford, to spread his Fame, to the Defamation and great Scandal of the many Generations of Protestants, Martyrs and Ministers.
And notwistanding they so Blasphemously exalt him, he was either very wicked, or else such a Blockhead that he understood not common Sense; for five Ministers wrot a Book detecting these Quakers Errors Intituled, The Perfect Pharisee; charging them with 17 Errors; this was answer'd by Fox in his great Mystery, p. 74. but he, as was usual with him, slips the material things, and quarrels with some expressions more insignificant.
They published another Book Titled, A farther Discovery of the Quakers, &c. in vindication of the truth of their Charge on the Quakers. Now of the 17 Errors they charge these Quakers with, the third is in both their Books, that the Quakers hold that the Soul is a part of the Divine Essence; this is rehearsed in their 5 th. p. where they begin to recite all the 17 Errors of the Quakers; afterwards they state these 17 Errors and prove (and then confute) them. Now this 3 d. altho it be recited in their 5 th. pag. yet it's again mentioned in p. 31. Now Fox pretends to answer this [Page 49] Book of the 5 Ministers in his 227. page; and in his beginning says of them and their Book thus: In it are their Principles as follows; and next begins, and for Principle puts generally Pr. and says thus Pr. First that the Soul is a part of the Divine Essence, giving it as the 5 Ministers Words and Principle, and so make a long squinting Answer; and out of all the 30 pages pickt out about six lines of the whole, and quarrels with; but when he comes to p. 31. where the five Ministers again recite the same former Error of the Quakers, then in his page 229. he gives it as their Principle, It is Blasphemy to say the Soul is a part of the Divine Essence ▪ Here he truly states their Principle, altho' not their Words; but in his long side-long squinting Answer, says to them, ‘You five have judged your selves to be Blasphemers, who said the Soul was part of the Divine Essence, and yet 'tis Blasphemy to say so.’ Thus you see this silly Goose of a Fox, here confirms his afore Chargeing the five Ministers, that they said, The Soul was a part of the Divine Essence; whenas they never so said, only recited the Quakers Words and Error: Just as if one hearing a Person speak Treason, and being called to witness it, and rehearsing the Words, the Witness, who only rehearses what he heard, should therefore be charged with the Treason; for this Goose Fox, doth not only in p. 227. give it as their Principle, but in his 229 page, where he owns they term it Blasphemy, he also confirms it, that they said, The Soul was a part of the Divine Essence, whenas they only recite it. But it's to be feared, Fox was not so much ignorant as wicked in this, because he makes his Advantage to render the five Ministers as contradicting themselves: But take it in the best sence, that Fox was so silly a Goose, as to understand no better, but to take what they recite as to be their own Principle, as he here did at best.
Another Instance of Fox's Weakness or Wickedness is in their Books Great Mystery, page 247. Fox falsly says of C. W. ‘He saith God limits the Supream holy One [Page 50] by the inspired Writings of the Apostles, &c.’ And in Answer, Fox says, ‘And the holy One is not limited by the Words of the Apostles, who fulfils them, &c.’ Now by Fox's Answer, and his saying, He saith, &c. it's evident he gives this his Forgery as his Opponents Words, and any one who reads it would so think, but they are not, but are one of Fox's many Forgeries: For C. W.'s Words be thus, pag. 13. ‘Your Quakers Diabolical Spirit in you—he over-powers you Quakers—to deny the Scriptures to be any help in saving Teachings; and as he (i. e. the Diabolical Spirit) thereby (i. e. by perswading them to slight Scripture) limits the Supream holy One, so he over-rules you to acknowledge but one Dispensation of Gods Mind to Men’ —Here it is evident that C. W.'s Word is HE, (and relates to the Diabolical Spirit) which this wicked Fox forges into GOD; and what W. C. says the Diabolical Spirit does, Fox says he (C. W.) says God does; besides the Forgery, hereby it's proved that it's the Diabolical Spirit, which Fox takes for God or Christs Spirit, as also his Forgery proves: This is mention'd in my Essay to allay G. Fox's Spirit, p. 7, 8. with about Twenty more Instances of Fox's wicked Forgeries and Perversions. But they have a Cover for Fox's Wickedness and Ignorance (in W. Penn's Epistle in recommendation of him and his Journal) that it proceeds from one side of his Understanding, which was towards the World, &c. which they there acknowledge was somewhat dark or weak; but such Quibbles shew that the Inventers were not so weak as wicked; and that his (i.e. Fox's) Judgment was not quite round Infallible, but had a Fallible Side.
But I say, This proves these now Foxonian Chief Priests, W. Penn, &c. very false Witnesses, so blasphemously to exalt such a wicked Man or Spirit as Fox and his were; and they, W. Penn and G. Whitehead, &c. are Masters of so much Sence, that it may justly be feared they have (in this exalting and vindicating this wicked Fox) sinned against their own knowledge; and they [Page 51] may be reminded of their own Counsel, ‘Do not go about to out-face thy own Conscience, but confess thy Fault; for you have too highly exalted him; and he hath exalted himself, and must be abased.’
All this proves their now Foxonian Cardinals, Penn, Whitehead, &c. to be as bad as he; I do not mean as silly, but as wicked and false, to say, as they have in Print, ‘God hath endued him with such an Excellent Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding:’ (But be it known, W. Penn understands his own Worldly Interest better than Fox did Divinity.)
But say the Foxonians, of this miserable blasphemous vagrant cobling Wretch, Fox, ‘This holy Man was raised up by God in an extraordinary manner, for an extraordinary Work:’ So was Pharaoh, and other wicked Instruments. But I have here proved them false Witnesses, therefore shall not go unpunished; but ‘who say unto the Wicked (Fox) thou art Righteous,’ are to be Cursed.
But altho' these Foxonian Quakers so deifie and exalt this wicked Spirit of Haman, in their Idol of Jealousie, Fox, yet they can contemn and undervalue the Person of our Lord JESUS,.(and his Blood) as mean and contemptible; and say, ‘Doth not the Name (Christ) belong to every Member, as well as to the Head? Your imagined God beyond the Stars, and your carnal Christ, is utterly denied by the Light: To say this Christ is God and Man in one Person, is a Lye; and the Blood let out of his Side by the Spear on the Cross, after he was dead, was no more than the Blood of another Saint; They are false ( Ministers) that preach Christ without, &c.’ Hereby they make St. Peter a false Minister. And of our Lords Person, say they, It was Mean and Contemptible. And hundreds more such horrid Contempts have they Printed, which are excused and justified by the now Foxonian Quakers, and the wicked Authors not only vindicated, but their wicked Works highly magnified by W. P. and G. W.
And altho' these now Foxonians, to gratifie some then [Page 52] in great Power at Court, left out and altered their Treasonable Ancient Testimonies, yet their Contempts of the Protestants, especially the Ministers, they have not abated, but rather aggravated, especially W. Penn.
And for further proof that this Foxonian Spirit is not Christ's, I shall give you one instance of the arrogancy thereof in G. Whitehead, in a brief Treatise, &c. says he Magistrates that uphold such blind Guides as this (R. Baxter a Protestant Minister) ‘who is in such Errors and Confusion; they grosly abuse their Power, and shall give an account for it one day.’ But, these may quibble it off, that this was against them in Oliver's times, and it's against such as be in Errors, &c. I Answer, that they accounted the Church of England Ministers worse than them, and for Errors, &c. They count them all such, as at large may be seen in the Epistle before E. B.'s Works.
Another proof of the Arrogancy of this Foxonian Spirit, is in their Book Counterfeit Convert, &c. p. 72. They say, ‘That their Testimony against Tythes should be maintained, is not a Law of their own making, but of Christs.’ This is in Answer to something said to them in T. C.'s Animadversions, p. 39. where T. C. objects against their Arrogant and Unchristian Judgment they have passed on all Christendom, (Kings, Lords, Martyrs, and all People who pay Tythes, altho' freely) as is Christianly held in W. R.'s Christian Quaker, and opposed in theirs, intituled, An Antidote, in Answer to W. R. But it's this, the Quakers Imposition and Tyranny over others Consciences, that they will not allow them to be Christians, but Antichrists, and mark them as such, and Deniers of Christ: It was this their Unchristianing all who can freely pay Tythes without constraint, that T. C. objects against; and this they make a Law of Christ's making, thereby positively Judging the Laws of England for Tythes to be opposite to Christ's Laws; and so the Upholders of such Laws, of all Degrees, Deniers of Christ, and Antichrists; and not only [Page 53] the Law-Makers and Maintainers, but those who pay them freely: For, THAT Unchristian Testimony of theirs it was, T. C. termed a Law of their making, &c. In Answer hereto, they do not deny its a Law; but deny it's of Their making, but of Christ's, say they. This Book was by them delivered to the Parliament▪ Here Sentence is past (on all Degrees, past, present, and to the Worlds End) when the Court of our Judges, the Foxonian Cardinals of their Second Days Meeting, will please to order Execution, I know not.
But further, To prove these their Testimonies, as they term them, be Laws, observe also in their Book intituled Rabshekah, &c. page 90. they say, ‘Formerly he ( i. e. T. C.) having transgressed in some matters—Again say they, And by his said Transgressions, &c.’ Now where there is no Law, there is no Transgression; but here they charge and punish for Transgression, for not obeying their Laws, contrary to the Law of the Nation, and say, It's not of their making but of Christ's: This is of very high rnd general Concernment, for it affects, as well as reflects on Laws and Law-Makers, as well as Law-Obeyers; and which is of most force, or which must have preference, either the Law of the Nation, or of the Quakers? Why, if as they say, that theirs against them who can freely pay Tythes, is of Christs making, then the Quakers Law or Testimony is of greatest force, because it's of Christ's (i. e. Fox's) making. This is larger and better treated on, in The Snake in the Grass, &c. the Second Edition, with Additions.
I only say, Either the Quakers are very Arrogant, or else (by their Doctrine) the Law-Makers and Laws of England, are contrary to Christ's: And I think these Quakers Reflections and Scandal they have laid on the Laws, and Religion, and Ministers of England much more deserve to be taken notice of by them in Power, than Francis Bugg's Book with the Picture of a Pillory did, which on the Quakers Complaint against him, as Seditious, was seized by a Messenger, by Order of a Secretary of State; and he ( F. B.) Indicted for [Page 54] three Crimes, Defaming or Scandalizing G. W. &c: Quakers. But the Quakers scandalizes the Laws and Law-Makers, and Observers, in all Ages since the Apostles, until the End of Time, who pay (or uphold) Tythes, altho' freely; and therefore is very Arrogant, as well as Unchristian.
And this proves it is not Liberty of Conscience, but Power over others Consciences, they aim at; and also proves their Deceit, in pretending theirs are but Counsel and Tender Advice; for altho' to deceive, they use such gentle Words as Recommend, or Tender Advice, yet you see they expect exact Obedience, and punish as Transgressors, for not obeying their Orders as the Laws of Christ, or of his making.
Now are not these Quakers very Wicked and Arrogant, in doing as they have? Not only to the Ministers, but defamed the Memories of Kings and Martyrs, ever since Christ, that paid or shall pay Tythes. ‘And they have been so drunk with furious Malice as to violate Sepulchers, and trample on the Graves of the Dead; nay, they have been so ignoble, base, and meanly scurrilous, as to bestow their Billingsgate Rhetorick, not only on other Men, (but Kings, more especially Charles the First) that cannot answer for themselves, because in their Graves.’
‘It is not fit they (i. e. these Arrogant Quakers) should pass without Rebuke; therefore to expose the poorness ( and wickedness) of their Spirit,’ ( which they blasphemously term Christ's) ‘to the view of those of a more Generous ( and Christian) Temper, and to manifest what a kind of Antagonists ( the Ministers) have, I have here collected a part of their Abuses of those good Men, ( some of them) now at rest, who never deserved at these ( Quakers) hands, I am perswaded, these Demonstrations of Rancor against them—These ( Quakers) Malice is so great (against the Protestant Ministers) that I have not offered a third part of the Abusive Expressions they have used against them, both here afore and following.’
[Page 55]All this and more is their own, in their Book Rabshekah, &c. page 68. because G. Fox's and their Wickedness was discover'd; which these now Quakers are so far from disowning, as they ought, that they contrariwise vindicate them, and exalt the Authors, Fox, &c. with high Commendations: A mighty Prophet, and ‘more than a Prophet, endued with the Almighty power of God which lived and reigned in him;’ and this Epistle aforementioned wrot by him, is such a choice Revelation with them, that it's twice printed and put before 2 Books, one of Fox's in 1659. and another since printed by them Foxonian Quakers, 1672. of above 900 pages in Folio, stuft with bitter Revilings and Defamations of the Protestant Ministers, to the great scandal of the English Nation, as following is shown: And it's the Protestant Ministers in general, that fot upholding them he G. W. threatens the Magistrates.
And for further proof that the Foxonian Spirit is not Christ's, but that which influenced Haman to seek the Destruction of the Jews, appears by the Fruits of Malice and Defamation following, that they have v [...]ted against the Protestant Ministers, and it's chiefly the Ministers Support that is their Grievance, and only take that of Tythes for their pretence, as being likely to take with covetous and poor People, &c. For formerly, when some considerations were in hand (on the hideous Noise they made against Tythes) for some other settled Maintenance of Godly Ministers, they opposed that also: In the year 1659, say they to the Committee of Safety, ‘If you should take them ( Tythes) away, and settle anything by way of Compulsion on the People for any Ministry, you leave us in Bondage, and we must declare against that, as against Tythes, and we cannot pay that nor the other, &c.’
And after the Nonconformists that were turned out of Places, had Meetings, and their Hearers gathered by Collection what the People freely gave; G. Whitehead enviously informs against them, saying of them, ‘Who [Page 56] being dismounted from their Parochial Bishopricks, &c. are now for the Ratling of their Platters, which have been very beneficial to many.—Have their Platters rattle more secretly, &c.’ The Nature of Christianity, pag. 5. That the Protestant Ministers live, torments these Quakers, being they have blasphemously prophesied their begging and Starving: And say they, ‘If the King, &c. Repeal the Law inforcing Tythes, and convert them into some necessary Civil Use, it would appear whether we should not pay our parts, and whether the Royal Exchequer would not be conveniently supplied without the Tenth from the Priests, page 50. of The Quakers Case, &c.’ In this case G. Whitehead's Spirit looks more like Haman's than Christ's, as in Esther 3. it's said, If it please the King, let it be written, that they may be destroyed, and I will pay Ten Thousand Talents of Silver into the hands of those that have the Charge of the Business, to be brought into the Kings Treasuries.
And in the Epistle before E. B.'s Works, ‘To all the World ( they say) their difference was not only with some Sects or Persons, but ( say they) with all Sects in these Nations, Priests and Professors, and have just cause to deny their whole Religion:’ And say to the Ministers, ‘In the Name of the Lord, you are contrary to them (i e. the Apostles) in all your Doctrines—in all your Ways and Practices; and say they, Our Spirits were fill'd with Indignation against the Priests; and with and against them we began War, and against them, as the Fountain of all Wickedness—and as being the Issue of Profaneness, from them hath Profaneness gone forth, in all Nations, Deceivers, Antichrists; this was our first Work to thrash down Deceivers ( the Protestant Ministers) false Idle Shepherds; Wo, wo unto these Shepherds, saith the Lord God ( Fox) they shall be confounded, they shall be broken down, and never builded any more; the Lord will pluck them up by the Roots, and they shall never again be planted—Their whole Ministry hath a dependance on Popery—All savours of Popery,— [Page 57] Their whole Religion in all parts thereof degenerated, &c.’
You see it's the whole and every Part that they are against of the Protestant Ministers and Reliligion in these three Nations; and in page 1. they say, It's from the Lord; and they term the Ministers, A cursed deceitful Ministry: And in page 88. to prove the Protestant Ministers false Prophets, charge them that they speak what they have studied for (then surely they would have condemned Timothy for obeying Paul, who bid him study, &c.) ‘Even (say they) a Divination of their own Brain—Take other Mens Words—’( See the Snake in the Grass, first Part, p. 316. where the Quakers are proved to have done the same) ‘Nor have heard the Voice of God, but—take Chapter and Verse.’ But surely then Fox was a very false Prophet, for he took others words, altho' durst not, or could not tell Chapter and Verse, because he usually corrupted it by adding or diminishing, as he pleased.
And in obedience to their Law or Act made by their Conclave of Cardinals, to ‘hold up their ( Holy and Ancient) Testimony of Truth—in the beginning, —and that in all the parts of it, &c.’ Now this afore against taking (or reading) Chapter or Verse, being a part of what their Truth taught them in the Beginning, being since by Re-printing also further confirmed, may be some cause that they are so offended with G. Keith, for, or because he has a Bible before him, and sometimes reads some Scripture-Text therein: And I hear W. Penn did in their Publick Meeting in his Preachment reflect on it, saying, Christ did not preach out of a Book, (or to that effect.) But he might more truly have said, Christ nor his Apostles did not preach in or with Periwigs, as he, &c. does: And altho' he, &c. be so offended at G. Keith's reading in the Bible, and term it Preaching, yet he may read in the 4th of Luke, and 16th, That as his Custom was, he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day, and stood up to read; and there was delivered unto him the Book of Esaias; and when he had opened the [Page 58] Book, he found the Place where it was written, &c. Surely he had less need of the Book, or opening it, than W. P. (or his Master Fox either) yet he did it, altho' these Quakers not only do not follow his Example therein, but are offended, and revile others for so doing, as here shewn; but perhaps this Infallible Fallible Spirit of Fox's in W. Penn, was as ignorant of this Scripture, as he was of the place where our Lord was born: But their preferring Fox's Journal or Work before the Bible, appears by their fixing it ( i. e. Fox's Journal) in their Publick Meeting; and not only W. Penn, but several others of them, have shewed dislike to G. K.'s using the Bible at Turners-Hall.
Again, Pag. 10. Say they, ‘All thy Teachers, O England, are denied by them who are taught of God. O People, your Teachers have beguiled you: Your Reward will be Vengeance, and your Charge will be Murthering Souls—The most innocent among you will be found guilty of Innocent Blood.’ G. W. can you be so ingenuous as to exempt Dr. Stillingfleet from these your Scandals. And page 101. which they say ‘was sealed by the Spirit of the Eternal God to the Priests and Teachers, Thus saith the Lord, ( Fox) My Controversie is against you of all others, and my Judgments shall be on you to the uttermost, for you in Hypocrisie, &c. have exceeded all others—Abominably loathsome is your filthiness, in preaching for hire, &c. They go on against the Ministers, saying, They had made Merchandise of their ( Peoples) Souls. —Prophaneness is gone forth from you into all Corners of the Earth, &c. Again, You have shut the Kingdom of Heaven against Men, to the destruction of Thousands and Ten Thousands—And your Prayers have been to your Idol God for all sorts from whom you could receive a Reward— Original the Womb of Witchcraft. —You pray to your dead Gods—Deceiving Thousands—Whose Blood you are absolutely guilty of.—Your Rebellion is the Crime of Witchcraft —which cannot cease to do Evil, for you have bound [Page 59] your selves in the Covenant with Hell.—My Cup of Indignation is the assured Portion of your Lot, and Blood shall you have to drink, as your Reward from me: My Plagues (i. e. these Quakers) shall remain with you on Earth, and shall follow you to the Lake. My Fire of Indignation is kindled on you, which shall burn for ever more.’ All these Six Lines of their Fury is in the compass of one page of their 900; and of this their Reviling the Protestant Religion and Ministers, his Vouchers, Whitehead, &c. could not afford to abate any thing, but, as they say, pour out full Cups of their Malice against the Ministers.
But out of the same Book, which they say was writ ‘by Command of the Lord, the 31 day of the 10th Month, 1655. unto all sorts of People;’ yet these forging Foxonians have left out one whole Message to one sort of People, called Cavaliers, the Kings Friends, p. 9. And in several places left out and altered, and added Words and Sentences.
They proceed and say of the Ministers, p. 190. ‘Their Doctrines ( it's not Doctrine) are of the Devil—They have filled the World with Damnable Heresies— That Sprinkling Infants with Water is Baptism into the Faith of Christ, and that the Steeple-house is the Church, &c.—These are Damnable Heresies, even to denying the Lord that bought them. —And ( say they) this is the Doctrine of Devils—And Lyes they speak in great numbers. Page 195. These Teachers of this Generation are of them, (i. e. the Beast, Whore, and false Prophet) of their Root and Off-spring, &c. Consider what God did to the Bishops, and their Crew of Persecutors—How the Lord overthew them. P 261. You have been the Fountain of all this wickedness (i. e. the Quakers Sufferings) acted against the Just, &c. P. 162. Have been cursed Precedents to the Rulers and People who have followed your cruel steps of Envy—And they have drunk in your Poysonous Doctrines ( not Doctrine) —Mens hearts have been filled with your Damnable Doctrine of Devils. P. 269. [Page 60] The Time of your Overthrow draws near upon you all, and despisable shall you be to all that fear the Lord.’ The Quakers Throats are open Sepulchres, and not covered ones. For say they,
Page 348. ‘Their Worship and Ministry which stands not in exercise of pure Conscience, but in Superstitious Idolatry. His (the Ministers) Labour is abomination and deceiving of Souls. And page 626. The Controversie hath been held forth between the Ministers of the Church of England on Antichrists part, and the People called Quakers, of the other part.’ Here you see their Envy and Charge is against the Protestant Ministers in general.
Page 674. They say, ‘It's not lawful for the Saints to joyn to your Ordinances, nor own your Ministry.’ No wonder they say their Testimony against Tythes is a Law of Christ's making, for here they say, It's not lawful, &c.
And page 672. To clear the Quakers from the guilt of the King's Sufferings, and to incense the King and Nation against the Protestant Ministers, say they, ‘If it be considered who they are that first raised the War against the King and Nation, and who it was that first preached and prayed up the War, and prosecuted it against his Father, and who it was that cast out the Bishops, and took their Revenues.’ And yet none owned and encouraged Oliver, and justified their Cruelty to King Charles the First, 1648, more than the Quakers; nay, Fox, and this very shameless E. B. condemned the King and his Friends, and hath cast Infamy on his Name and Family, as is before shewn; and yet here have the face to say, ‘Their (i. e. the Quakers) Sufferings, have been more cruel and unjust, than towards them (the King.)’ But they that can so contemn our Lords Sufferings and Blood, and exalt their own as more Cruel and Unjust than His, it's no wonder that they also advance their own Sufferings above the Kings, &c.
But they go on against the Ministers, p. 687, ‘Such [Page 61] as have been your (i. e. the King's) Enemies, and and preach'd, and pray'd, and fought against you— and now pray for you—Can you trust that these will be faithful to you?—And whether thus to deny their former Oaths and Engagements, is commendable?’ Here these Quakers blame them for not keeping the Scotch Covenant or Solemn League, which was against the King and House of Lords, and to utterly extirpate Episcopacy, that dead loathsome Form, as the Quakers elsewhere upbraid the Presbyterians for, as is mentioned in T. C's Animadversions on G.W. 's Book. But all these sufficiently prove the Maliciousness of these Quakers Spirits against the Protestant Ministers, they accuse for not ‘performing their Engagements against the King, Lords, and Bishops; and yet also accuse them for what they did in performance.’ Now were these Quakers, as they falsely pretend they stand to their Principles, and are the Kings Friends, then they should not blame others for not performing, but for engaging; but its plainly shewed they did not blame but encourage Oliver, &c. in what they did against both the Kings, and boasted and bragged that they ‘fought from first to last; and accused Oliver, &c.’ for putting them out of the Army, and it was because they maintained the Protestant Ministers, and suffered Fox and Ed. Piot, &c. to be imprisoned, that they accused and threatened Oliver for, and not for any thing done against the King, &c. But have in this very Book, in their squinting way, justified it; for here you see they say they stand to their Principles of Faith, &c. Oh two-fac'd envious Hypocrites!
Again, p. 766. say they, ‘Antichrists false Ministry and Worship, and Doctrines, God will confound.’ Now if any say this is true, it is so; but it's all the Worship and Ministry of the English Protestants they so term and defame.
And page 730. ‘Ye all have deceived the World, and the Blood of Souls rests on you—ye have been as Canker-Worms, and that have corrupted the whole World; [Page 62] whom have you not deceived by your Lyes, &c.— God is weary of you, and the time is at hand he will pluck you up by the Roots, and visit you with great destruction, and your Names shall be a reproach among Men—the Lord will bring unresistable Destruction upon you.—The Earth is weary of you, which you have corrupted with your false ways; and the Kingdom groans under your Oppressions, and the Earth will spue you out.’
Again, In p. 521. these Quakers are charged to joyn with the Cavalierish Party (i. e. the Kings) In denial of it, say they, ‘That Generation of Priests are joyned with the Prelatical Cavalierish Party; this is known in the Nation, in the North especially.’ Here you see they were then against the Kings Interest, as well as the Ministers, whom they maliciously inform against therefore for.
And p. 523. say the Quakers, ‘They (i. e. Honest People) see that wicked Interest of the Clergy prosper more than the Freedom of the People; and this I say from the Lord, That while that Interest (of this false Priesthood) is so much favoured, you can never prosper, nor the Nations be happy under you.—It is high time to lay aside ( say they) that Interest of this oppressing Clergy.—You know the Spirit of the Romish Clergy was in the late Bishops, whom you cast out for their Wickedness, and the very Spirit of those Bishops is entered into these Priests—And there is the remainder of her Murders in these Mens (i. e. the Ministers) Breasts, and at every opportunity it breaks forth, as of late in this Rebellion you have full Testimony’( it was Sir Geo. Booth 's appearing for King Charles the Second in the North, 1659.) And these Quakers, they go on, and say to the long Parliament, ‘If you do not curb it (i. e. the Spirit of the Bishops) speedily, it will grow over you to your undoing.’
And in page 524. Says to the Parliament, ‘Cast them (the Ministers) off, and let them not lurk under your Wings (but leave them to be worried by the Quakers) [Page 63] for one day they will rebel against you, and another day flatter you, and shew love in hypocrisie, even while they are hatching Mischief against you, even to bring the Nation into Blood.—It appears to many of you a thing hard to forsake your Godly Ministers,—Was it not the same concerning the King and Bishops?—Was it not as terrible to him and his Lords, to think of the Overthrow of the then called Godly Fathers and Bishops? But better had he cast them off, and saved himself, than to have perished with them: And better were it for you to lay them aside, and save your selves, than to perish with them; and one of these will come to pass.—It's decreed of the Lord, if you uphold them ( Ministers) and oppress Peoples Persons, and Estates, and Consciences, on their behalf, and in their evil Cause, for Tythes and Wages, ye shall fall with them; and none shall be able to deliver you nor them.—For the Spirit of the old Idolatrous Bishops, is entered into the hearts of these Men; and there is a great measure of Tyranny, Injustice, and Abomination on these, as was on the Bishops; and these are as nigh ripe for Vengeance, as the other (i. e. Bishops) were, &c.’
By these, and what follows, the Church of England may see that these Quakers Ancient Testimony of their Truth, was as much against them, as against the Dissenters, and more: however they may, to deceive, forbear to treat them now with such hell-fetch'd Names, in express words, as formerly.
But the Quakers go on, saying, in page 477. ‘The Lord is risen to confound this Church and this Ministry, which is Idolatry.’ And P. 477. ‘For you who worship God in Steeple-houses,—God will confound this Church and Ministry, &c. P. 499. We are punished for bearing witness against the false Prophets and Hirelings of these days—And we see and know that they, &c.—shall perish—Their downfall hastens greatly—and all the Powers of the Earth shall not be able to support them; and with them shall fall their Tythes.’
[Page 64]Now this their Rage and Envy is from the Mouth of the Lord, or else these Foxonians, G. Whitehead, &c. were Conjurers by their own Sentence. And altho' I have afore proved they do expect Obedience to their Laws, (as the Laws of Christ) altho' they (to deceive) pretend they be but Advice or Counsel; yet for further proof thereof, observe that for disobeying their Advice against carrying Guns in Ships, they say, It's injurious to their own Souls; and therefore it must be a Law of high Concernment, that the not obeying, or breaking of it, is of such ill consequence to their Souls: And these Foxonians will not suffer nor permit their Papers to be called Mens Edicts, nor Sinful, no, not the very Papers; how sacred then do they think their Ancient Testimonies, therein written be? Surely, as aforesaid, they deem them Laws of Christs making; especially that wherein they Unchristian all who pay Tythes (altho' freely) and record and mark rhem for Antichrists, and Deniers of Christ come in the Flesh.
Now hear also their own Doctrine: Say they, ‘Any Party of Men under a Government, to make Laws, not lawfully Authorized, for binding others, and thereto requiring obedience, be the setting up themselves above the Law, and treading it under their feet, and rendring them whom they so bind their Slaves— and so is TREASON.’ This is worthy of Notice by all, Rulers and People.
And to O. Cromwel, page 557. say they, ‘This is the Word of the Lord to thee—The Ministry of England for which thou seem'st to stand, generally it's not of God, but of Antichrist, and the Lord is against it; and it's the ground of the greatest Oppression of the Poor, in its Maintenance, as any one particular Abomination this day in the Nation; and if thou settest thy self to uphold them—thou shalt fall into Perdition with them.’
And to R. Cromwel, p. 578. Say they of the Publick Ministry ‘As it is now, we testifie from the Lord,—it is wholly degenerated in all things from what the Ministry [Page 65] of Christ was, &c.’ And much more against the Ministers, which they have Re-Printed at large: But in this same Letter, page 574. where they put the words Grievous Cruelty, it was by him Grievous Tyrannies. Also in the same Letter, p. 580. just before the four last Lines, they leave out this following Sentence, ‘As concerning the Armies abroad, let faithful Men (i. e. Quakers) be put in trust—for the Army is of great Concernment to thee, to stand or fall through them, as to Mans Account, and the War against Spain, be faithful to God in it,—the Lord may accomplish something by it, to his honour and thine. — There is something in it known to the Lord, ( a cunning Gypsie Prophet!)’ And altho' they say this was from the Lord, yet they thus alter, and leave out, to hide their hypocritical Pretence after the Restoration, that they ‘were against fighting with outward Weapons for any end whatsoever:’ But this shews their Hypocrisie as well as their Malice, which they continue foaming out against the Protestants, in their Message, as they say, by especial Authority from the Lord, by his Embassador E. B.
In his Works, p. 591, Say they, ‘Tho' he (i. e. the Lord) did in some measure free this Nation from much Tyranny, in casting out Popish Authority, yet the Nation in a few years was near as much violated by Injustice, Tyranny and Cruelty, under the Prelatical Power, as ever it was once under the Papal Power.’ But altho these forging Wretches, the Foxonians, give this as a Message from God, by his Embassador E. B. yet they leave out this word Tyranny, and change Prelatical into Succeeding: Either they are self-condemned Blasphemers, or else deserve the Plagues of adding and diminishing from and to the Word of the Lord. But altho' they leave out their Treasonable Testimonies, yet their Sedition against the Protestant Ministers they have to the full put in; well knowing there was them great in Court they thereby pleased, and would and could defend and reward them. Therefore [Page 66] these Foxonian Humans, G. W. &c. revived all that: For page 595. say they, ‘Them called Ministers, the way of their setting up, sending forth, Maintenance, Standing and Defence, and in every particular of their being such, they are the greatest and woful Oppression in the Nation; the most abominable and unjust Cruelties and Tyrannies are acted through them, as any other thing in the Nation; and they are (as such aforesaid) the woful Cause of the Nations groaning under merciless Dealing; and there is on their account the guilt of Blood, Injustice, and Oppression, on this Nation; their Iniquities cries for Vengeance on their own heads, for they are full, and —near finished; God's Eternal Vengeance is their next Reward from the Eternal God.—The Earth is oppressed by them, the Inhabitants groan under them, and the Righteous God is vexed through them, and they are the Men of high Indignation and fierce Wrath, and all their Practices (as such) are the Eewel of his Anger.—The Nation is weary— and the Lord is weary because of these Men.—If this be the Ministry must be encourag'd by you, you shall never prosper, but bring a Curse on all your doings because hereof.—The hand of my Lord is against them.’ (I believe you G. W. &c. for its him mentioned 2 Thess. 2.4. and from E. B. your Father in Envy against the Protestant Ministers, hadst thou thy such malicious Doctrine: For you go on in your bloody Fury and Malice, saying) ‘And whomsoever shall seek to defend them, shall not prosper, &c.’
And in p. 618. their rage is so inveterate against the Protestant Ministers, that they fall out with the Baptists, because they, Christian-like say, It's their Duty to preserve them (i. e. the Ministers) from all violence, &c. In Answer, say these Foxonians, ‘What are you about to make a League with Antichrist? —Will you now bind your selves to preserve them from all Injury— as they are Ministers too?’
[Page 67]And in R. Huberthorn's Works, these Foxonians have reaked out the same Fury against the Baptists, and say, ‘Can you stand by them, and preserve them (while Baptizing Infants) and not tell them its Antichristian?’ —And say, ‘Do you not say, You will not tolerate Miscarriages in things Religious? — Is not this a Miscarriage in thing Religious, to baptize Infants? And do you not tolerate this Miscarriage, while you stand by to preserve them in it? &c.’
Here you may see the Quakers Envy to the Ministers, and that their Design is not Liberty of Conscience, as they falsly pretend; for here they do not only incense the Nation against them, but revile the Baptists, because they do not run with them into the same Excess of Blood-thirstiness: For these Quakers, G. W. &c. drive on their same wicked defaming the Protestant Ministers in this R. H.'s Works, as in E. B.'s: For say they also to the Baptists— ‘They are not against tolerating Episcopaoy and Presbytery, &c. yet against Popery; why will you not tolerate Popery, as well as Episcopacy?’ (say they:) ‘Have not the Professors of Episcopacy murthered and slain, and do labour to murther and slay, as well as the Papists? And why will you tolerate the Common-Prayer among the Episcopalians, and not the Mass-Book among the Papists?’See their respect to the Church of England!
This was in 1659. when they did not believe the Restoration was so near, for all their pretended Gypsie Prophecies; as is apparent by their encouraging the Army as long as there was any hopes, and informing and exclaiming against Sir George Booth, and quarrelling with Monk's Party.
But to return, and give Audience to this Ambassador E. B. and his Attendants, G. W. &c. They say, p. 621. ‘There is the Guilt of Blood—lying on this Nation in the Case of Tythes, and the hand of the Lord [ Fox] is gone out against it, and against all Contenders for it, &c.’
But all this their Rage is general: Now hear their [Page 68] Loving Answer (as they term it) to one Minister who sent them some Queries to Answer; and behold their Wrath and Bitterness, altho' p. 565. they pretend that what any can object against their Doctrine, let it be stated in plain words, in Queries, &c. a sufficient Answer shall they receive. Again, They make the same Offer in their Epistle, ‘Let the Priests,—or any of them, object what they can against us, &c.—they shall have Liberty for what they alledge—. And by the strength of Christ—we shall confute their Proofs.’ And now hear how they confute this Man, whether by the strength of Christ, or Antichrist, the Foxonian Spirit.
The Minister, P. Bennet's Queries, sent to the Quakers to Answer, and to clear themselves from the guilt of denying Christ that dyed at Jerusalem, I abridge. But know that they can confess and own the same Christ that dyed, suffered, and was crucified on the Cross at Jerusalem, and yet not mean Him, that Man or Person, the Son of Mary, our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, whom Herod saw, who was Nailed to the Cross, &c. But the Spirit in him, and so the same; or the Light in all Men; for they say, ‘He is crucified and suffers now, and so did ever since the Fall, and so he did in Jerusalem:’ And that they do not mean the Person or Man JESUS, but the Light in them and all Men, when they confess to Christ, is evident; for they are charged to deny the Ascending of his Body; and in Answer, say they, p. 42. ‘We witness the same Christ made manifest in us, and his Resurrection; not because Paul said so, but we have seen it, and are Witnesses of it:’ Also in W. Baily's Works, pag. 173. they say the same. Now for a seeing by Faith, it is own'd by all Christians, and that is not the difference between the Quakers and others, but whether that material seen and handled Person by Herod, and them who Nail'd him to the Cross, be the Son of God, and Saviour? This they do in effect, altho' not in plain terms, deny; for they maintain the Jews never see the Saviour: Now Herod see our Lord Jesus; then he was [Page 69] not the Saviour, must be the consequence of their Doctrine, or Herod saw him not. But as to their Answer to the afore Charge in E.B.'s Works, p. 42. If such a seeing as they can pretend to, would serve, then Peter was by their Doctrine, and as they in Print render him, a false Minister; for he told the Saints they had not seen, nor did not see him; but they saw him as these Quakers do▪ Also in Acts 1.21. It's said, Of these Men which have accompanied with us, all the time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, from John's Baptism unto the same Day he was taken from us, must one be ordained to be a Witness of his Resurrection. Now if such Witnesses as these Quakers pretend to be, would have served, then there was no need of such a one as these mentioned, for all the true Believers were Witnesses, as well as the Apostles: Therefore it is plain it was a material personal seeing and handling that the Scripture intends, and not imaginary, as the Quakers. For they in their Rabshekah say, T. C. hath crucified him, (i. e. their Christ.) It's this blasphemous false-accusing Spirit of Fox's, which T. C. opposed, and terms their Christ; therefore their fallacious squinting Confessions; are but deceit, while they will not disown but justifie their Ancient Blasphemous Testimonies, and enjoyn their Subjects to maintain them: But if they meant truly, as the words import, then there needs nothing but Yea or Nay, to most of these Queries, where they make reviling long squinting Answers.
The first Query is, ‘Was the Son of God, or Word, made Flesh, or made of a Woman, more than once?’ I say, Nay. But they say, ‘The Word made Flesh we witness, which dwells among us, and we behold his glory, &c.’ (But the Saints said dwelt, and beheld, as past. Further say they, ‘VVhen thou canst witness the VVord made Flesh once, then thou wilt know whether the Son of God was made of a Woman any more than once.’
The Second Query, ‘Did the Man Christ Jesus— really suffer Death—as on the Cross at Jerusalem, [Page 70] oftener then once?’ I say, Nay. They say, ‘The Man Christ Jesus we own, and witness the Lamb's Book of Life, which was slain from the Foundation of the World, the Lamb of God which taketh away the Sins of the World, &c.’
The third Query, ‘Did the Man Christ suffer in his own Person, for that end, and after that manner, which he did once upon the Cross, before or since the time?’ (i. e. his Crucifixion on the Cross.) I say, Nay. They say, ‘Christ Jesus in his own Person doth suffer by thee,—and by thy Generation he suffered at Jerusalem, and doth suffer where he is manifest by you after the same manner.— (And say they) Wouldst thou have Christ have more ends in suffering than one?’ This Answer plainly proves what I before said, that by owning Christs Suffering and Crucifying at Jerusalem, they mean not his Personal Bodily Sufferings, but inward, as in Abel and Peter, and so in them now; for they say, ‘he doth suffer after the same manner (i. e. as he did at Jerusalem.)’ Now this cannot respect his Bodily Sufferings on the Cross outward, for so he doth not now suffer; but they say, he doth suffer ‘after the same manner.’ Now mind the terms of the Query, and their Answer, and it's plain they do not mean as all other Christians do, but in another sense. This Query and their Answer sufficiently prove their contempt.
Fourth Query, ‘Was not that Death the Man Christ suffered once, and but once, on the Cross, so satisfactory,—that God doth not require any Suffering on that account?’ I say, Yea, it was; and God requires no other. They say, ‘The Death of the Man Christ Jesus, which suffered at Jerusalem, we own and witness (mind that, Witness) the same Christ (say they) that suffered at Jerusalem, we witness made manifest.’ Now this they give as so full and plain a Confession, that they say of it to P. B. the Querist, ‘Here thou Lyar art made manifest, who said that we denied that Christ that dyed at Jerusalem.’ But this is no Answer [Page 71] to the Query, for the Query is not, Whether or no it was Christ that suffered at Jerusalem, but about the Value or Vertue of his Death, to satisfie Gods Justice; to which they reply nothing, but quibble and rail, but dare not Answer plainly Yea or Nay. But it's plain hereby they own not Satisfaction by that one and once offering of himself, as in the Hebrews: But they go on, and cavil, saying, ‘Whereas thou queriest whether the Justice of God be not satisfied for the Sins of the Elect? (say they) Where do'st thou find that God requires satisfaction for the Sins of the Elect, &c?’ Implying the Elect sin not; now they term themselves and Christ also the Elect.
The fifth Query, ‘Be you reconciled to God by any other Obedience than that particular Obedience Christ performed in his own Person—once on the Cross?’ I say, Nay. But they banter, and make no positive Answer.
The sixth Query, ‘Did not the Man Christ suffer as a Publick Person in the Elects stead, &c?’ I say, Yea. They say, ‘For the Redeeming of the Elect from under such Mouths as thine, did and doth Christ suffer.’ 'Here squintingly making his now suffering in them, or any Saint, equal or of the same effect and value, and to the same end as his Personal Suffering without us: For say they, For the Redeeming, &c. did and doth, &c. So that the Work of Redemption was not finished nor perfected, as on Christ's part, by that one and once offering himself, but by his now Sufferings in them.
The seventh Query, ‘Is the Sufferings of Christ now in the Saints all the Satisfaction is made to God for Sins past, present, and to come?’ I say, No. They answer, ‘Is not Christ the same now as ever? And is not the Sufferings of Christ satisfactory where-ever? What wilt thou have to satisfie, if Christs Sufferings do not satisfie?’ Hereby plainly implying Yea, in the Affirmative, that their now Sufferings, which they blasphemously term his, is all the Satisfaction is made to [Page 72] God for Sins, so plainly denied the Lord that bought them, and trampled his Blood under foot; for altho, the Words now and all be not in their Answer, yet they be in the Query, &c. and you must not mind so much their squinting Answer, but also the Terms of the Query.
The eighth Query, ‘Was not that Body of Jesus, consisting of Flesh, Blood, &c. offered on the Cross, the one and only Sacrifice for Sin, and to which alone exclusively, the Saints did before, and since do, look to be Justified by, without any other Works?’ I say, Yea; but they answer neither yea nor nay, but revile.
The ninth Query, ‘Is there not another Righteousness by which Saints are Justified, than that Christ works in and by them? I say, Yea. They answer, Thou preaches another Gospel, and would have another Righteousness than that of Christ, which he works in and by Saints’—We witness Justification by Faith, &c. plainly implying Nay to the Query, and so excluding the Obedience and Sufferings of our Lord, as without us, from being the Righteousness, for the Justification of Believers.
The eleventh Query, ‘Is the Justice of God fully satisfied, for all the Sins of the Elect, ere he appear to their Souls?’ I say, Yea. But they answer neither, but say, ‘Doth the Elect sin? Shall the Elect dye?’ And they, as I said before, term themselves the Elect, and so imply they sin not, therefore have no need of any to make Satisfaction for them, or of asking forgiveness.
The twelfth Query, ‘Is the holy Lives or Works of Saints excluded from the Act of Justification?’ &c. I say, Yea. But they answer squinting, quoting 1 Pet. 1.18. but imply Nay, that the holy Lives and Works of Saints are not excluded.
The thirteenth Query, ‘Is the Righteousness wrought by the Saints every way answerable to the Justice of God?’ I say, Nay. They answer, ‘Is [Page 73] there any Righteousness but that of Jesus Christ? And is not that every way answerable to the Justice of God?—The Righteousness of Christ we own and witness;’hereby squintingly making the Saints obedience to be the Satisfaction to Gods Justice, and so Christ dyed in vain, unless as they say, he was a Figure or Example, or as somtimes they imply, to take away the guilt of Adam's Act.
The fourteenth Query, ‘Is none accounted Righteous in God's sight, in whom there is any failing, or doth not fulfil the Law, and answer every Demand of Justice?’ I answer, Yea, in and for Christ's sake. But they say, ‘God doth not accept any where there is any failing, or that doth not fulfil the Law, and answer every Demand of Justice.’ But this is the directest and plainest Answer I find, of all the twenty: By this Answer, as by some of the former, they seem to me to exclude God's Mercy in forgiving or Pardoning Sin, and also make void or useless the Suffering, Blood and Death of our Lord Jesus on the Cross without us; for if they can and do (as their Answer implies) ‘fulfil the Law, and answer every Demand of Justice, and have not any failing in them,’ what need have they of Forgiveness, or of Christ's Death and Blood, as a Sacrifice for them, or to sanctifie them? For if I am able to pay my own Debts, I have no need of another to do it for me; nay, if I am not, if another is able and willing, if my Creditor will not, or doth not accept his Payment for me, (then I am not benefitted) as their Answer implies: But the first part of their Answer seems to make useless (or that there is no need of) the latter; for if, as they say, ‘God doth not accept any where there is any failing,’ then what hath Justice to do with such? For the Law is not for the Righteous, but for Sinners: Also hereby they maintain as rigid a Satisfaction as any whom they pretend to oppose; and the difference between them and the Protestant Ministers, is chiefly about the Person who makes the Satisfaction, or answers the Demands [Page 74] of Justice—The Quakers imply the Sinner, Man, (for it is such is intended in the Query by the word any, any Man or Person) and the Protestants make our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, as he was both God and Man in one Person without us, to be He who fulfils the Law, and Answers the Demands of Justice for us and in our stead. But if, as they imply by their Answer, they have no failing, they may appear boldly without an Advocate or Mediator, for that within them is the only Principle and Foundation, and admits not of any other, as they say; no, not the Blood nor Offering of the Body of Jesus of Nazareth, shed outwardly on the Cross, but that within, even their not having any failing in them, but answering every Demand of Justice, and their fulfilling the Law themselves, (and not our Christ or our Lord Jesus for them) is their ‘Intercessor, Mediator and Reconciler, and Christ within them;’ and they (as aforesaid) have no need of him, or any thing of his on that account.
The fifteenth Query, ‘Is a Soul Justified by the Non-Imputation of Sin, and the Imputation of the Righteousness of the Person of Christ? Or by a Righteousness wrought by Christ in the Person?’ &c. I say, Not by that wrought in the Person, but by the Non-Imputation, or not charging the Sin, but by the Imputation of the Personal Righteousness of Christ, received or laid hold on by a living Faith. They Answer, ‘I own no Righteousness but what is of Christ, and wrought by him;’ plainly implying, it's that wrought in the Saints is the procuring Cause of Justification, and not Christ's Personal Obedience and Sufferings; for they say, ‘I own no Righteousness but that of Christ wrought by him;’ it's very squinting, but if you consider the terms in the Query, Wrought by him in the Person Justified, now you see their Answer hath that term, Wrought by him, altho' they leave out them words, In the Person Justified; yet their Answer implies that is their meaning, else why do they rail so, and say, It's a heap of Confusion from the bottomless Pit, &c?
[Page 75]The sixteenth Query is, ‘Is Christ in the Saints, in respect of that Nature he suffered in at Jerusalem?’ I say, Nay; understanding it the Manhood: But they revile, and answer nothing to purpose.
The seventeenth Query, ‘How may Christ be said to be in a Saint, and not in a Reprobate?’ I answer, By a lively Faith, Governing the whole Man, and rendring the Faculties and Senses subject to him, Body and Soul and Spirit being his; and so he is not in the Reprobate: But they rail, and not answer.
The eighteenth Query, ‘Doth Christ now take on him—our Flesh?—Doth not this Assumption cause such a perfection of the Godhead and Manhood, that both are United into one Person?’ I say, No. But they answer, ‘Do'st thou limit Christ to Days, in taking on him the form of a Servant? —Is not he now the same as ever he was?—The perfect Union with Christ we witness, who is the same to day, yesterday, and for ever:’ They squintingly imply, That Christ and they be but one Person, as in Jesus of Nazareth, and they God and Man as he was; for, say they, The Perfect Union we witness, as farther appears: For the Ministers say, ‘Far be it from us to think, Christ is equally God incarnate in that Son of Mary, and in all Saints:’ This Fox falsly cites, Great Mystery, p. 22. but opposes, and in answer, says Fox, ‘The Scripture says, He is the Everlasting Father, and his Name is called The Emanuel, God with us:’ And their opposing this Doctrine, and quoting it as an Error, implies that they do believe that they have the same Union of, or in their Natures, as was in, with, or between the Divine Nature and Manhood of our Lord Jesus; and therefore says that Pagan-like Foxonian Preacher, Isaac Penington, ‘Doth not the Name belong to every Member as well as to the Head?’ And Fox's opposing the Ministers, and their now above Answer to this eighteenth Query, implies the same, That Jesus of Nazareth was no other ways Christ, but as they be; only more, because he had more of the Spirit in him. [Page 76] And thus it is that they own Christ, as he was Man, (as they say) that is, as he was in all Ages, and is now in them (the Light) and they one Spirit with him, and he one with them, as he was with all Saints in all Ages; and so by that Oneness he was and is Man, and they by the same Figure be Christ; as appears by Fox's opposing and squintingly Answering to the Ministers, and this their afore Answer to the Query: And on charging them to hold Christ Jesus is in them as Man, and the Man Christ dwells in them: Now in Great Mystery, p. 68. they do not deny the Charge, but in confirmation of it say, ‘Is not Christ in Man? And how can you call him Christ in Man, without the Man be there?’
The nineteenth Query, ‘Is Christ now conversant on Earth, as he was in the Apostles times?’ I say, No. But they say, ‘Did he not appear to his Apostles since his Ascension?—And is he not the same now, as he was then?’ Hereby they imply that Christ was no other ways with his Disciples, but as he is with them now; that is, that our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, that Person or Man whom Herod saw, was not the Christ; for they say, the Jews never saw the Saviour.
The twentieth Query, ‘Did not Christ dwell among his Saints in a more visible manner than now in his Saints?’ I say, Yea. They Answer, ‘He is not, nor never was visible to thy Generation—Them as thou and thy Generation—doth crucifie him— and thou do'st now (i. e. Crucifie him now.)’ So that there now acknowledging the same Christ that was crucified at Jerusalem, is but fallacious; For it's evident they mean not him, the Man or Person, for they say he never was visible to such as this Protestant Minister, and that he is now crucified, as then; so that it's the Light in every Man, and not our Lord Jesus, they ascribe all the Works of Salvation to, and exclude his Person, Blood, and Sufferings outwardly.
The tenth Query I omitted, being about the precedency [Page 77] of Justification and Sanctification, which is first in order; and I thinking it's not so important, have wav'd it, and my Answers are with submission to abler Judgments.
But take notice of what they say of these Sober Queries, in the Answer to the first: Say they, ‘In this first Query thou hast manifested what thou art; thou mightest have spared the other Nineteen—thou hast Conjured them up in thy Black Art out of the bottomless Pit, which is to be turned into Perdition.’ Consonant to this, says G. Whitehead, and his Brother C. Atkinson, to a Minister, ‘Here is (say they) the three Persons thou dream'st of, which thou would'st divide out of one, like a Conjurer, i. e. the Three Persons in the Trinity.’
But whereas these Quakers say they have Answered these twenty Queries Plainly and Lovingly, their Plainness you have seen already, now you shall hear their Loving Answers also.
In their Title Page, they say, the Minister is found a Deceiver— ‘Thy Queries make thee manifest what thou art: Many of thy own Tribe, if they see thy Queries, would be ashamed of thee and thy Queries. —Not worth Answering—lest thou shouldst boast in thy filthy Ignorance & Darkness something in Answer, &c.’ This is, in the Preamble before the Answers. Yet I think them mostly sober and modest Queries, and think this Spirit which despises them cannot be of God: Yet they blasphemously say, ‘We have Answered thy Queries in the Eternal Light and Life of God.’ Truly was it said, If the Light in you be Darkness, how great is that Darkness?
But now comes their Loving Words. In Answer to the first, they term the Minister ‘A Reprobate, a Child of Darkness, one of the Antichrists and Deceivers John speaks of—which Query comes from thy dark polluted Mind—without God in the World— among the false Prophets▪ Deceivers, Antichrists— The Light condemns thee and all thy Generation [Page 78] ( Ministers) eternally.—We witness thee and thy Generation to be in the Sorcery and Witchcraft—deceiving and betraying the simple—Thou art Darkness it self—Thou art the Dragon that wouldst devour the Man-child—Thou the Dragon and thy Angels is cast out into the Earth, and therefore dost thou persecute the Woman—Thou art blind.’ All this is in Answer to the first Query.
And unto the second, they say, ‘Thou Diviner art found adding to Scripture ( its false) thy Divinations of thy own Brain—The Plagues of God is to be added unto thee, and poured on thee, O thou Lyar—and art for Condemnation—thee to be the Beast that makes War with the Lamb we witness, thou Antichrist, which looks at Christ's Death at Jerusalem alone, and cannot witness him no other ways but without thee.’ ( I believe this is a Slander, altho' I knew not the Man.)
To the third, say they, ‘Thou full of all subtilty hath made manifest thy poyson and enmity with the Light of Christ—thou art condemned for ever; Christ Jesus in his own PERSON doth suffer by thee, thou blind Pharisee and Blasphemer.’
And to the fourth, say they, ‘Thou Jesuit art pleading for Christ afar off,—as thy Father at Rome.— That Christ that dyed at Jerusalem did not satisfie for thee, who art an Enemy to him—art under the wo, —and from that wo thou shalt never fly—Thou Lyar, art made manifest to all thy Congregation— Thou Lyar who art of the Lake—blind ignorant Sot.’
And to the fifth, say they, ‘Thou who art an Enemy to God, and a Child of Disobedience, in whom the Prince of the Air rules—the Light in thy Conscience condemns thee—thou art an Enemy to the Cross of Christ, and in the Mystery of Iniquity—in the dark Power and Man of Sin—who art reconciled to thy lust, and Sin reigns in thee.— Thou art blind,—who lives in strife and envy:’ [Page 79] Had not the Quakers need first to pull the Beam out of their own Eyes?
To the sixth, say they, ‘Thou blind Guide—thou manifests thou dost not know the MAN Christ at all. ( See what Man they mean, when they confess he, Christ, became Man) nor his Sufferings; for Death reigns in thee yet, that asks this Query for a Publick Person; Christ is not to thee but a Mystery, which thou knowest nothing of: For the Redeeming the Elect from under such Mouths as thine,—did and doth Christ suffer: Those that are brought to believe, deny such dumb Idol Shepherds as thee, who as yet doth not believe, therefore shalt dye eternally.’
And to the seventh, they say, ‘Thou blasphemously asks thou know'st not what—Let all People take notice what a Blasphemer thou art, or what can they learn of such an one as thee, who knows not the Justice of God, nor the Sufferings of Christ in his Saints.’ But Queries are not a Proof that the Querist knows not the thing he queries; for if it were so, then these Quakers were very Ignorant Sots, (in their own Dialect) for they have propounded hundreds of Queries to others.
And to the eighth, they say, ‘Thou art again replying thy former sottish Query, which rises out of thy dark Mind, concerning the Body of Jesus, as the Devil did about the Body of Moses: Let thy Mouth be stopt here; for the Body of Jesus, and the offering of it up, and the Sacrifice for Sin, thou knows not, and thou art none of the Saints—Blind leading the Blind into the Ditch, and for thee the Body of Jesus is no Satisfaction; thou Reprobate, what hast thou to do to talk of Believing—thou disobedient one, on whom God will render Vengeance in flaming Fire.’
To the ninth, say they,— ‘Thou accursed art made manifest, who preaches another Gospel, and would have another Righteousness than that of Christ, ( a great Slander and Untruth) — Thou Beast, to whom [Page 80] the Plagues of God are due, and upon whom his Wrath must be accomplished.—Thou would'st be Justified, and live in thy Sin, but thou art shut out from God for ever.’
To the tenth, they say, ‘Thou dark blind Hypocrite, hast shut thy self out from the knowledge of God in any measure: O that ever People should be so blind, as to look to learn any thing at such a one as thee ( a Protestant Minister) but Sin and Filthiness! —Let all People judge if thou be not a Teacher of Lasciviousness and Uncleanness: How durst thou mention a holy Life—who know'st neither Justification nor Sanctification? And the Man which art Cain (Mark, it's the Man and Creature he here reflects on, and by their own Doctrine such are not of God) God doth not love nor accept thee nor thy Sacrifice; and thou who art in Envy do'st not love God.’
But I will adventure to query, G W. Did thy Brothers C. Atkinson, J. S. W. and M. B. his Wife, T.B. and H. his Wife, your Travelling Female Agent, I. S. H. F. W. W. J. Moon, (that Croned Brother, and Man of War, with W. Penn, in the Dragon Fox's Army, against J.S.) C. T. R. T. and Archer, mention'd in Satan Disrob'd, and other of your unclean, beastly, Foxonian Brother Preachers, I say did they learn their Uncleanness and Lasciviousness of this Protestant Minister? Or hath he taught such Lasciviousness and Uncleanness, as these thy Brethren and Sisters, Foxonian Preachers, were guilty of? I had not thus digressed, but that they brand the Protestant Minister to teach Lasciviousness and Uncleanness.
To the eleventh Query, they say, ‘Thou full of all subtilty—and with the Life judged and condemned, —Thou Sorcerer, doth the Elect of God sin? Shall the Elect dye?’ Yea, these afore-mentioned sinned and dyed, and were great Preaching Foxonian Quakers, and you term your selves the Elect.
To the twelfth, say they, ‘Thou dead Beast—a stranger from the Life of God, and is excluded from [Page 81] the holy Life of Saints—thee knows nothing of Jesus Christ, but as thou hast heard of him crucified at Jerusalem, and so art unredeemed—and so art not justified before God, nor never shalt be.’ ( A positive irrevocable Sentence! Or these Quakers Conjurers?) ‘—Thou art condemned in the Lake for ever.’
To the thirteenth, say they, ‘Thy Blindness is made manifest—Such polluted filthy Beasts as thou— The Righteousness of Christ we own, which shall be revealed on thee in flames of Fire.’
To the fourteenth, say they, ‘Thou polluted Beast hast made it manifest what thou hast been driving at all this while—that thou wilt have Corruption and Filthiness to be accounted Righteous in God's sight ( But I rather think this is a filthy Lye and Slander) that, so ( say they) thou mightest lie and wallow in thy filthiness.—The Son of God was made manifest to destroy the works of the Devil, and thou Man of Sin wouldst have it to stand—them that walk in the Lust of Uncleanness, and there thou art.’
To the fifteenth, say they, ‘Here stop thy Mouth, thou Sorcerer, which is gathering up a heap of Confusion, which is fit for nothing but to be turned with thee into the bottomless Pit, from whence it comes, (i. e. the Queries)’ ‘—Thy Language is of Egypt, and in the Mystery of Iniquity thou speak'st it, which is condemned into the Lake of Perdition—which Righteousness ( i. e. Christs) shall confound thee, and all thy Unrighteousness and Conjuration; and the same that Justifies us, shall Condemn thee Eternally.’
To the sixteenth, say they, ‘Thou Enemy of Christ, —thou art in that Nature which Judas was in, that betrayed him, and that they were in that crucified him.’
And to the seventeenth, say they, ‘What hast thou to do to inquire after the Divine Nature—who art THE ( i. e. not a) Natural Man, and knows nothing of God, but what thou knows naturally, as a brute [Page 82] Beast—who art a Reprobate, and thou shalt find him thy Eternal Condemnation.’
And to the eighteenth, say they, ‘O thou dark Beast and Conjurer, who art querying with thy Conjured words, that which thou knows nothing of,’( an Untruth to be sure) ‘—Thou Blasphemer, do'st thou limit Christ to Days?—With thee God, nor none of his Children have any Union; for God hath put an utter Enmity between thy Seed (thou Serpent) and the Seed of the Woman.’
And to the nineteenth, say they, ‘Thy Language is the Language of Egypt; thou makes it manifest thou knows not Christ—in the least measure—thou dark sottish Beast, who wouldst be pleading for darkness and ignorance of God.’
To the twentieth, say they, ‘Thou hast shewed thy ignorance of the Scripture—He (i. e. Christ) is not nor never was visible to thee nor thy Generation ( Ministers) for those that professed the Scriptures, as thee and thy Generation do, crucified him—and such as thou art doth now, thou Blasphemer, ( and here they quote ten Lines of Scripture) — but ( say they) these Scriptures are hid from thee, thou art one of them prophesied of, and the Scripture is fulfilled on thee, — He hath blinded their Eyes—and ( say they) now blessed be the Lord, he hath discovered thee, and such blind Guides as thou art: We have answered thy Queries in the Eternal Light and Life of God, and we have given Judgment upon thee and them (i. e. the twenty Queries) which thou shalt eternally witness. ( And say they) These stumbling Queries which we have answered Lovingly and Plainly in Scripture-Language, and with the Eternal Light and Life of God, set thee in thy own place, which thou shalt eternally witness.’And again term them ‘black, dark, stumbling Queries, and thy conjuring words, which thou hast no Scripture for, as Ambiguity, Efficacy, &c.’ And in their Conclusive Preamble, say they, ‘Let People read and consider what they do, who hold up [Page 83] such as thee, who is shut out from God, Scriptures, and Saints Life and Language—thou art to be condemned with the Light.’
And these grievous Wolves, and fierce Despisers, G. W. &c. thus defame, and are in all this deadly fury and malice against the Protestant Ministers, because this one Man P. B. asks these sober Christian Queries of them, according to their own Proposal in the Epistle, and in page 565. But this is like most of their fair pretences, to delude and blind People: for judge how contrary their Practice (in these Answers) is to this pretence, and yet they have the face to say in Print, ‘These Queries are Answered Lovingly and Plainly, and in Scripture-Language, p. 34.’
And that you may see all this their hellish Railing is intended against the Protestant Ministers in general, as well as P. B. say they in conclusion, ‘A horrible thing is committed in the Land, Drunkards, Swearers, Lyars, Strikers, preach: O wonderful! Where are your Eyes? Try your Priests by Scriptures: See if they be not found in the same Generation that all the false Prophets and Deceivers were in.—See if they be not the Antichrists which cannot confess Christ come in the Flesh, preach for Sin against Perfection, and never any that follow them shall come to the knowledge of God.—These blind Guides deny the Prophets which Moses writ of— ( It's a Slander and Untruth) and are found in the Sorcery and Witchcraft, &c.’
Thus they begun and end, reviling the Protestant Ministers; and they not only condemn this Minister to the Lake and Bottomless Pit, but the Queries also: We have given Judgment on thee and them, (say they:) So that it's not only the Protestant Ministers, but the Doctrines of the Protestant Faith, as these twenty Queries contain, have these Quakers also judged to the like condemnation with the Ministers: All this Envy and Fury in seven Pages in Folio, have they Reprinted, whereas two or three Lines might have contained sufficient Answers, had they believed and [Page 84] owned these things, according to the Scriptures, as they pretend. And the Doctrines and Practices of the Protestants, as sprinkling Infants, &c. they say is Damnable, Doctrine of Devils, a meer Cheat, and your singing David's Experiences in Rhime and Meeter, is a very Lye unto you; and say they, ‘The Law which commands to pay Tythes, we cannot be obedient to it; and the Reason they give, is, Because it is contrary to the Law of God, p. 313.’ And say they, ‘If the House (i. e. Publick Churches) were for any good purpose, or honest Practice, as for Poor, &c. the People of God would not deny to uphold it—but because it's ONLY a place to commit Idolatry in,’ ( mark h [...] is Only) P. 347. And say they, ‘All you Churches, by what Name soever you are known, you are the Seed of the great Whore, and she hath brought you forth.’ Here the Church of England may see it's not only the Dissenting Ministers, altho' their Envy is chiefly against them, but all. P. 4416. ‘Have altogether forgotten God — Christians all their Prayings, Preachings, Singings, Baptisms, breaking Bread, and all that you perform as unto God,—is an Abomination unto him. The very practice of those things now by the Christians being degenerated, is become Idolatry, &c. p. 432.’
Again, say they, ‘The Lord shall destroy your Worship and confound it, and no more is the Lord worshipped in Steeple-houses, they are left desolate, &c. —Your worship in Steeple-houses is an Abomination to him. P. 481.’ Again, say they, ‘In the Name and Authority of the Lord, we declare against—your whole Worship, p. 479.’ Again, say they, ‘Sprinkling Infants, and calling it the Baptism into the Faith of Christ, and the Seal of the Covenant, —it's an Institution of the great Whore, p. 489.’
And particularly, of the Ministers of the Church of England, say they, ‘This we say, Their Office nor Call is not from the Lord, nor by the Authority of his Spirit,—nor according to Scriptures—and is not from Heaven, but rather from the Whore of Rome, p. 638.’
[Page 85]All this and much more of their hellish Rage and Envy against the Protestant Religion and Ministers, in one Book, Reprinted in Folio, and in 1672. promoted and espoused by G. W. &c. to bring the Protestant Religion and Ministers into contempt, scorn, and hatred, in future Ages: For to confirm, and seal, and fix it lastingly, say they, ‘You called Christians—you— having lost that which gave you a true Title to the Name Christian, you deserve not that Name: ( and declare it) in the Name of the Lord.’ Here it's plain the English Protestants, and these Quakers, cannot both be Christians, one must quit the Title, p. 419. and say, ‘The Heathen shall see your Nakedness, and your Shame, and shall hiss at you, p. 421.’
But how doth this agree with what W. Penn now pretends to, (as I hear?) He said that they own all except three, of the 39 Articles of the Church of England, and the three they differ'd in were about Discipline, and not Doctrine. And yet here you see they say All the Protestants Doctrine and Practices False, the whole Religion of the English Protestants they Deny: These be their Ancient Testimonies, their Truth in the beginning taught them before 1660, which is now in 1696. under hand enjoyned their Subjects to maintain; and this Noval owning of the Thirty Six Articles, is the Counterfeit Quakers New Testimony. But they say their Truth changes not; but they may now change their Words and Actions, and yet mean the same as they did 1656; for their design was to defame, in order to root out the Protestant Ministers; and if they do not effect it, they prove themselves Lyars and false Prophets, and impudent Blasphemers; therefore in order to drive on their design, they print these Defamations, and say, It's for you and your Children. To plant this Root of Bitterness in after Ages, as well as in other Nations, is the design of this Foxonian Spirit in G. W. &c. And they have great Advantage for this Work in their great Schools or Houses, where they teach their youth, and read to them, or cause them to [Page 86] read, their great Volumes of Fox's, &c. Works, and where these Foxonians are the Masters, Governours, or Teachers, and whither their chief Foxonian Priests resort; and as they say in Print, This is worthy of taking notice of—How abominable is this (say they) that these things should be—much more that they pass unreproved; i. e. their Envy against the Protestant Minister, &c. For altho' they thus Unchristian all English Protestants. Yet the Heathen (who make no Profession, nor have not the knowledge of Salvation by our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, as in the New Testament) these, under the Name of Pious Gentiles, they allow to have Faith, that they may degrade and under-value the Authority of the New Testament, and the Necessity of believing the Relation thereof, concerning the Dignity and Value of the Personal Sufferings and Blood of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth outwardly. And seeing they have so much hatred to the English Protestant Ministers, and so much Charity for the Gentiles, let them, ( i. e. the Foxonians) go for Gentile Preachers. And by these afore, and what follows, it's proved that these Foxonian chief Priests, G. W. &c. are influenc'd by an evil Spirit, if no other matter were proved against them, but their wrathful terms and envious prosecuting the Protestant Ministers, these shew them Uncharitable, and therefore Unchristian.
That theirs is not Christian Charity, is evident by their Partiality; for notwithstanding they Unchristian, for saying they be saved by Christ without them, and recorded such for Reprobates and Ignorant ones too of Christ within; and give it as a sure Mark of the Devil's being in such; and all who pay Tythes, altho' freely, as Deniers of Christ, and mark'd them for Antichrists, yet you see how kind they are to the Gentiles, and to their blasphemous lying Brethren Foxonian Preachers, S. Eccles, notwithstanding he S. E. was proved such a blasphemous Lyar, yet they are so charitable to him, that in Antidote, &c. p. 225. they believe he died in Peace: And to G. Whitehead's Brother, C. Atkinson, that lascivious [Page 87] Blasphemer, his Blasphemy against God▪ and Christ; say they, ‘As to those offensive Words, we do not affect the terms, neither are they proper to the true Christ.’ But by their Charity to him, it may be feared they think them proper enough to our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, his Person, which you term Mean and Contemptible, a Vessel, a Garment: This your Charity to your blasphemous Brethren, and your Uncharitableness to the Protestant Minister, shews your Zeal nor Charity are not Christian: For you say, G. G. the Minister was possessed with a Legion of Lying Spirits. And of J. Faldoe, you say that He and thousands of our dear Countrey-Men were in the Pit of Damnation, crying out on the Ministers: Such a damnable Sin do these Foxonian Priests make it for any to discover and oppose their Errors. But they may blaspheme and deny the Lord, if they w [...]ll but Idolize Fox, as Solomon Eccles did, and they shall dye in Peace, with these charitable Foxonians.
And their Unchristian Spirit further appears in their Excommunicating G. Keith ▪ altho' twelve Months after they had acknowledged they had nothing against his Doctrine nor Conversation; but they pretended he was Apostatized from the Spirit of Meekness and Charity: But he was rather departed from their wrathful uncharitable Spirit against the Protestants, and more come into the Spirit of Charity: And that which they charge on him as Uncharitable, &c. was, because he testified against their Errors, and maintained the Truth; altho' they make other Pretences, as that he on some great Provocations (in Discourse) gave some harsh Names to some of their Erroneous Preachers. Now consider all these afore and after, of their hell-fetch'd terms (and wicked Actions) of theirs to the Protestant Ministers, Kings, &c. and all People; I say, Consider whether all these do not prove them either to be gone from, or rather that they never had the Spirit of Meekness and Charity; and therefore more justly Excommunicated from the Protestant Society, than G. Keith [Page 88] did, according to their own Judgment and Practice: For let Algier be search'd, if all the Runnagadoes there, for this hundred years past, have so villified and defamed the Protestant Religion and Ministers, as these Foxonian Priests have done.
How can you, (especially you Governours of the Church of England) expect to convert any to your Religion and Church, while that and you lye under such foul Scandals so publickly in this and other Nations, without contradiction, and the chief Actors and Promoters in favour and incouraged in Reprinting these Blasphemies, in great Volumes, as in E. B. and Fox's wicked Works, which may have cost near a thousand pounds; and I hear they are Reprinting more of that Blasphemer Fox's, to the value of 2000 l. charge; and this also doubtless intended to be preserved in the Library at Oxford, for a Monument of Infamy to the English Protestant Ministers.
And in the Title Page they put high Titles of the Authors, and term them ‘worthy Prophet, true Prophet, and Servant, and Sufferer for the Testimony of Jesus, dyed a Prisoner for the Word of God; an Ambassador by special Authority, and special Commission from Christ, and say they of the wicked Author, Generations which have not yet a Being, shall count thee blessed; because of the want the Inheritance of the Lord hath of thee; my Substance is almost dissolved,’(but you have taken care his wicked Works shall not be wanted.)
Again say they of him, ‘The first Fruits unto God, since the Apostacy; endowed with the Almighty Power of God, which Lived and Reigned in him.’ (By his Fruits herein produc'd, you may judge what Power and Spirit they, Foxonians, be ruled by, which they term Christ.) It ought to strike Terror and Amazement in all Protestants, to consider how they exalt themselves and defame the Protestant Ministers, and say, ‘At the desire of many Friends, that the Labor and Works of this valiant Soldier of Christ to [Page 89] continue on Record, as Monuments of his Service for the Lords.’
Consider the time of their venting their Fury against the Protestant Ministers, and the time of the French King's dealings with the Protestant Ministers and their Churches there; and this is not only the effect of one Man's passion, but the premeditated Work of these Foxonian Chief Priests, G. Whitehead, and W. Penn especially, who, in his Serious Apology, says, ‘If the Quakers Expressions (against the Ministers) had been Ten Thousand times more significant-and sharp against that cursed bitter stock of Hirelings, they had been but enough; — and (says he) we have nothing for them but Wo's and Plagues, who have made drunk the Nations, &c. — and laid them asleep, — whil'st they have cut their Purses, and pickt their Pockets.’ W. Penn is not in jest here, but serious and in earnest, to confirm, maintain, and hold up the Ancient Testimony their Truth taught them in the beginning, which they now enjoyn their Foxonian Subjects to hold up, and maintain in all the parts of it; for their Truth changes not say they, and therefore W. Penn confirms his Fathers, Fox and E. B.'s cursed Envy against the Protestant Ministers; for further, say they, in their Book, A Brief Discovery, &c. ‘The Protestant Ministers, they are Conjurers, Thieves, Witches, Devils, Lyars, Stewards of the Devil's Magazines,—who go about to Murther the Child Jesus where he is manifest; —even these bloody Herodians they would devour the Child Jesus, &c. —Hold up a Worm-eaten Beastly Form, — yea of the Devil; — fearful Blasphemers, scarlet-colour'd Beasts—selling Beastly-ware; they sell the report of others Riches, the Letter which is Dust and Death, &c.’
Now this cannot be the Paper and Ink as the Quakers now pretend, for the Ministers do not (as they say) sell that, but it's the Doctrines of Scripture they thus condemn; for as afore they say, the report of other Mens Riches: Now the Paper and Ink is not the report, [Page 90] but the Doctrine or Matter signifi'd by the Letters wrot in the Paper with the Ink. This shews the now Quakers fallaciousness, in their now forged excuses for their Ancient Testimonies of their Truth in the beginning: But in this Book they go on, and say of the Ministers, ‘Possessing nothing but Heathenish stuff, &c.’—Really they are Blood-hounds, (but if they be not, to be sure your Foxonian Spirit is) ‘hunting and gasping after their Prey, like the mouth of Hell —still barking and raging like Sodomites, &c. Wo, wo! is their Portion, and of the upholders of that Treacherous Crew, the Protestant Ministers.’Here is the Judgment passed on all, Kings and People, by these Quakers; and all this and much more such Hellish Envy and Scandal in two leaves, besides what's in the rest of the Book; signed by four chief Quakers, one of them T. Lawson, and his Work espoused and recommended by the now Foxonians, and just above this Chapter, in the conclusion of the foregoing, it's said, written from the Spirit of the Lord; and this, where this Hellish stuff is, I think is of Fox's own indicting, the Language and Method being so like his; and was printed 1653.
A Hundred times as much such Hell-fetcht Fury of these Quakers, I can, out of their Ancient Testimonies, produce; but these, and what is afore, and following shews, that if the Protestant Ministers be such as they print them, then, as W. Penn says, ‘What remains, but that the Rabble or the Government Sacrifice them &c. This was because a Minister said, that the Womb of Iniquity was in the Quakers Writings.’ See it in the Quakers set in the true Light, by F. B. p. 2. But then, how much more guilty are these Quakers, W. Penn, and G. Whitehead, &c. not only thus to Defame the Protestant Ministers of this Age, but all past and to come, that pay Tythes or uphold the Ministers; Kings, Martyrs, and all People. Equivocating, deluding Hypocrites: He (i. e. G. W.) hath proved himself and all others (mark it's all others) to be so except Quakers; [Page 91] and page 228. say they, ‘The Priest's work hath been to teach People to keep in, and not to come out of their Lusts to Christ:—And page 267. say they, You, all Priests and Teachers ( mark, it's not some but all) who are inwardly ravened from the Spirit of God, —have turned all People from the Light to the Darkness, and so have kept Thousands, and Millions of Souls in Damnation; —and keeping them in the way to Hell, who are Satan's Ministers; —and this hath been the Work of your Ministry ever since the days of the Apostles, as this Day and the People of the whole Nations witnessed.’
Now, if they think to quibble it off, that it's not all, but them who have ravened from the Spirit (they mean) it's afore shew'd they include all; this by Fox, and so well approved by Penn; and to make it Canonical Scripture, He, Penn, hath printed of him, this wicked Fox; ‘Many have done well, but thou, Dear George hath excelled them all,’ (mark it, not the Light in him, but George) altho' himself has pretty near match'd him; for says he, W. Penn, ‘These idle gormandizing Priests of England run away with 1500000 l. a Year, under pretence of being God's Ministers;— no sort of People have been so universally, through Ages, the bane of Soul and Body of the Universe as that abominable Tribe, for whom the Theatre of God's most dreadful Vengeance is reserved to Act their Eternal Targedy on.’
Again, says W. Penn, ‘There is not any thing so Proud, Railing, and sometimes Ignorant, as a sort of Priests, —who think their Coat will bear out their worst Expressions for Religion: —An Ill-bred and Pedantick Crew, the bane of Reason and pest of the World; the old Incendiaries to mischief, and the best to be spared of Mankind, &c.’
Surely William, altho' He, Fox, excells all as went before him, yet thou hast, if possible, exceeded him, and gone further into the Pit of Darkness than he whil'st alive: But thou had'st not Pensilvania for nothing, [Page 92] but as much as thee could'st do, something for the Devil and the Papists, as I have said, he knew who he pleased, and that there were those in power able to Defend and Reward him for any injury he could do the Protestant Ministers.
Again, say they, in their Book, A Serious Warning, &c. ‘could people hear the cry of Thousands out of the Pit of Damnation, they would intelligibly hear their Idol of Jealousy and Others thus lament, Presbyterians and Independants, under the Notion of Gospel-Ministers and Reverend Divines, were the Men that seduced us hither by their Preaching Peace to us: Had it not been for them, we had—turned from the evil of our ways and never came here: Thus crys (say they) J. Indicot, and this is the dolorous complaints of Thousands of our, but yesterday, Dear Countrymen;—if People were not in a Lethargy, they would beware of you all, as the Plague of the present time, &c. (and in conclusion say) I shall prove these very Men ( i. e. Presbyterians and Independant Ministers) to be the very Men—to be in Doctrine and Practice the very Floodgate of Atheism and Prophaneness, is breaking in as a mighty Torrent upon this miserable Age.’
Is it not evident, by all this Wrath and Reproach, the Quakers vent against the Ministers, that they ( i. e. these Quakers) are more likely possessed with a Legion of lying Spirits than G. G. the Minister, whom they say was so possess'd. For, notwithstanding all this, and a hundred times more such defamatious Ancient Testimonies of theirs in print, yet they now have the confidence to say in print (because their wickedness is discovered, &c.) they are ‘Persecuted with shameful Reproaches and Blasphemies, to murder their Reputations as Men not sparing living nor dead say they;’ but, who of Kings and Martyrs have they spared ever since the Apostles, and to the end of Time: Surely these Foxonians W. P. and G. W. &c. as little read the Second Chapter to the Romans, and are as Ignorant of that as [Page 93] they were of the Second Chapter of Matthew: But they may say of them, and any Scripture, as they do in their Ancient Testimony, ‘Which their Truth taught them in the beginning, in 1654. That is no command from God to me, which he commands to another.’ But this, with the many others, proves that they abide not in the Doctrine of Christ, and so are by their own Doctrine of the Devil; for they are more likely to be them grievous Wolves the Apostle foretold should come, rather than Christ's Lambs, as G. Whitehead, &c. has the Face to Stile themselves.
Now if you, Ministers and Governours of the Church of England, think that all this their Defamations do not affect you, but the Dissenters, yet know, that they have represented you worse than them (if it may be;) Therefore think not your selves unconcern'd, but they were and are for driving that Nail they could easiest make go; and the Dissenting Ministers (in 1672.) were more out of fashion at Court here than you, as the Protestant Ministers were in France.
Now, if it be true as W. Penn says, that they who call Names for Religion, &c. be sure be no Christians of Christ's making, then who made these Foxonian Chief Priests Christians? i. e. W. Penn. and G. Whitehead, to be sure not Christ. And whereas W. Penn, among his many other Defamations, upbraids the Ministers with Ignorance: Sure they are not Ignoranter than Himself and Fox, &c. was, who, as one infallible proof of his Ignorance (as well as the fallibleness of their infallible Foxonian Spirit) print our Lord Jesus as Born at Nazareth, when Scripture says at Bethlehem: But this shews how little they converse with the New Testament.
And they have so intollerably scandalized the English Protestants, that it's (as they say) not fit it should pass without being taken notice of, and that by them it more concerns; but especially the Ministers they vent their Fury against, and set themselves so violently against Tythes, because they thought them a great [Page 94] Support to the Protestant Ministers, and a likely Argument to prevail with the vulgar, covetous, lukewarm and poor People, which are a great Party in the Nation, considered as incouraged by these Quakers, who have printed so many of their envious and wrathful Doctrines against the Ministers, as Prophecies, or by the Eternal Spirit, &c. And they are obliged to drive on the same design, for fear they appear (as they are) proud, envious, blasphemous Lyars.
And for further Proof, that they have no more, (if so much) kindness for the Episcopal Clergy, than for the Dissenters, observe what they say: ‘Did you not once make a Solemn Covenant with God, that you would utterly extirpate Episcopacy, that dead loathsome Form? Did you not spue it up? And will you turn again, and lick up your own Vomit? O do not so; do not run wilfully into destruction:’ (and before I have shewed you how these Quakers blame them for not keeping the Covenant.) By the foulness of the Expressions, you may judge from whence the Spirit came.
Also one having commended Bishop Hall's Works, the Quaker in contempt replies, ‘Thou at last fliest to the muckiest hole of all—Was not Bishops voted down, and some of them put to Death, for the unjust Causes they maintained?’
Therefore be not deceived by their present Flatteries: For the Protestant Religion and Ministers are no better now, but as bad Sorcerers, and false Prophets, and Teachers of Lasciviousness, with them now, as then; and the Magistrates as much in fault now (with G. Whitehead, &c.) for upholding them, as then.
Now G. W. thou said'st to J. P. because he shewed (justly deserved) contempt to some of your seditious Pamphlets, that he was instigated by the Devil; but who but he instigated Thee and W. Penn, &c. thus to vilifie the Protestant Ministers as you have, and to be so arrogant as to threaten the Magistrates, and accuse them for abusing their Power; for, as you say, either the [Page 95] Spirit of Christ, or that of the Devil leads Men. Therefore all these your Blasphemies, and Treasons, and seditious Practices and Doctrines herein mention'd, be some part of your Ancient Truth's Testimony, which it taught you in the beginning, or of Error. Now if it be not the Testimony of the Spirit of Truth, then they ought to be by you disowned, and you were not lead by the Spirit of Christ in reprinting them, and so blasphemously exalt the wicked Authors, but by that of the Devil, by your own Doctrine; and in case you do not disown them, it's a plain proof you do hold them as your Ancient Testimonies, which your Truth taught you in the Beginning, and so are by your last years White-hart-court Conclave of Foxonian Cardinals, G. W. &c. enjoyned your Subjects to maintain and hold up; for say you Truth changes not, but that you do own them, appears by your squinting general Answers and Acknowledgments you now make to deceive the Government with; for, should you answer'd plainly yea, or nay, to the two Queries in the Snake in the Grass, then you had either discovered your Errors, or else contradicted your Ancient Testimonies.
But now, if you have any honesty and plainness, to which you so highly pretend, make known which of these many printed Ancient Testimonies of yours you do disown; for so many of them as you do not disown, as you did D. S.'s Answer to F. B. your are justly chargeable with, as them you enjoyn your Subjects to maintain and hold up as your Ancient Testimonies; for your silence herein will be taken as consent. Now as I have shewn you some of these Quakers rage and of their envy against the Protestant Ministers, I will also give you some Reasons they give to prove the Protestants Apostates, &c. which I think includes themselves, as well as others; in E. B.'s Works, page 835. say they, ‘All you who are divided in your Knowledge and Judgment—about the matters pertaining to God's Kingdom, you are Apostate Christians, and you never yet received the Spirit of Christ, ( mark that) and [Page 96] that is the Reason of all your Divisions in Religious matters, &c.’ —Page 838. ‘As Christians are brought again to receive the Spirit of Christ, and walk therein all Strife and Division about Religion will cease, &c.’ ‘And other Marks of false Ministers be, They have a place they call Church, and observe one day in a week to worship, and a few hours in that day, and an Hour-glass.’ Now if the Quakers be found to have Strife and Divisions about Religion, then by their own Judgment they are condemned, as not to have yet received the Spirit of Christ. (But then by what Spirit they have been moved, and whose Ministers and Embassadors they have been, judge.)
That they have had Divisions among them early, is proved by the Difference between G. Fox, and his Party, and J. Nailor and his Party; also that of G. Fox and his Party, with J. Perrot and his Party; and that Difference between Fox and his Party, and J. Story and J. Wilkinson and their Party in the North and West; as also that between the now Foxonians, and G. Keith and his Party in Pensilvania; besides many more I could mention, as Reading, &c. as abundance of printed Books on both sides proves, especially W. R's Eight Parts of the Christian Quakers, &c. And his second Scourge for G. Whitehead an Apostate Quaker, &c. And whereas G. W. &c. terms G. K. Apostate, G. W. is there made to be one himself▪ and Judgments Signed by many on both sides, one against another. I will give you some passages out of two Letters for proof of their Religious Difference, besides what is in print in hundreds of Books; one Quaker of Fox's Party. ‘Several Papers have come from J. N. since his being in Prison—I hearing and seeing to be justified by several, that what is there writ came from the Spirit of God; and that they are witnesses of the same with him:’ I knowing the contrary writes as follows. — A Parable about a Tree is made, and six Persons named: ‘The fruitless Tree ( says he) that cumbers the ground —in J. N. is the Root. Let his Papers cease to go abroad, [Page 97] for more may be deceived by him than the others; his being secretly covered with words of truth to cover lyes, &c.’
Another Quaker of J. N.'s Party, contrary to this afore, says, ‘One morning being awake in my Bed, the word of the Lord spake to me thus; —go to G.R.'s and speak for James; — and finding that which is Eternal moving me, I went, —after some time one laid a Paper before me pressing me to read it; but finding my Heart pricked as with some sharp thing, I felt it was that Spirit gave it forth ( i. e. the aforementioned Paper;) I denied the reading of it; for in the Life of God that Spirit was judged,— therefore, with the Spirit that is true, is that Spirit judged which called, that the Spirit of the Prince of the Air, which ministred forth that which was titled, How Sin is strengthened, &c.’ and in conclusion says, ‘Therefore with the witness of God in all who live in the sence of it, judged it is according to the Eternal Judgment;’ i. e. the Spirit wrot the first against J. N. I forbear their Names in respect to the Persons, tho' I think they be both dead. Here is both as from God peremptory against one another, and one must be high Blasphemy, if not both.
Many more Instances I could give to prove their being at difference among themselves, or one with another; and therefore, by their own Doctrine, are so far from being guided by the Spirit of Christ, that they have it not, nor never received it; or else G. W. &c. were Conjurers in printing this, if it was not from the Mouth of the Lord. But, if they object they do not differ, but it's some that go or fall off from them and the Truth, that differ and oppose them; no more do any others who agree, for wherein they agree they do not differ; nor do them of the Protestants differ among themselves who be of the same mind, no more than the Quakers, altho' they differ one from another in some lesser matters, yet they all agree and hold one Head and Foundation, and are not so uhcharitable [Page 98] as you ( Foxonian Quakers are.) Now here is one great reason why these modern Quakers so endeavour to excuse, and cover, and vindicate the Errors of their first Founders, Fox, &c. because they will not acknowledge any difference or change in their Judgments; for if they do, they are Self-condemn'd Apostates. Therefore it is that they reprint their old Books in great Volumns and alter, by leaving out and putting in as they see cause; especially their treasonable, seditious Doctrines, because they were afraid to own them.
But it's apparent, that the same Arguments as they use against the Protestants, to prove them not to have the Spirit of Christ, are conclusive against themselves also, and they, the Foxonian Quakers, inexcusable in condemning others, for that they are guilty off themselves; and their saying they are not of them that oppose them, is not more than others may say for themselves; for, if G. W. says W. R. &c. were Apostates; W: R. says G. W. and G. F. were so, and better proves than they G. W. &c. do, and better to believed. But, if there were no other proof of their wickedness but their hellish Fury, &c. against the Protestant Religion, that's enough. And these wicked envious Hypocrites, the Foxonian Quakers, &c. to get in favour with the Papal Interest then in Court, have raked into the Graves and Sepulchers of the Ancient Martyrs and Fathers of the Protestants; nay, have been so presumptious and arrogant, as not to spare the Sepulchers of Kings, but torn them out, and cast as in the open Street, with infamous terms on their Persons and Families, as well as their Power and Government; and yet will not endure to have their Errors discovered and testified against; but will Punish, Fine, Whip, and Imprison, and take away Goods and Life too, if they could have reach'd it.
Now you English Protestants; Surely if the People of Israel were so concern'd for the Levites Concubine, as in the 19 and 20 Chapters of Judges, surely here is some cause of inquiry.
[Page 99]Consider and Remember of good old Tobit; He would not suffer his Brethren to be thrown out in disgrace unburied, but hazarded his Life. But here these Foxonian Quakers do not only condemn them that be unburyed, but barbarously violate the Sepulchers of the Protestant Kings, Lords, &c. Bishops, Martyrs, and Ministers; and cast Infamy on them, to make them hateful and odious to the Young of this Age, as well as future. For, they say it's for their Children ▪ and that the Heathen may see your shame, and hiss at you, Protestant Ministers; that is the very intent and drift of these now Foxonian White-hart-court Conclave of Chief Cardinals, Whitehead and Penn, &c. to bring reproach and infamy on the Protestant Ministers.
Now, as these Quakers say, there is but two Spirits, that of God, or the wicked one. Therefore if the Quaker's be Gods, then the Protestant Ministers in general, especially all who pay or uphold Tythes and the Laws for them; you are all guided by the Spirit of Antichrist, and are denyers of Christ, and under all these Hell-rak'd afore Names and Terms of the Quaker; unless these now Modern Quakers do as G. Whitehead enjoyned Mr. Pennyman, that is, publickly condemn these their mad and wicked printed Defamations of the Protestant, and it's no harm to their Persons nor Estates for the now Quakers so to do, seeing the Persons chiefly concern'd be dead, only Whitehead and Penn. And in case they do not print against these wicked printed Doctrines of their Chief Priests, they are to be looked on as owners thereof, and justly chargeable therewith: For, if they did not own them, they would print against them, as they did against Mr. Pennyman, and D. S.
Think not the reminding you of these your Ancient wicked Testimonies and Actions hard dealing; for, as you say, ‘We do not desire to uncover your Nakedness;—you had not had thus much, if you had not been the occasion of it your selves, E. B.'s p. 617.’ By your so maliciously informing against (and defaming [Page 100] the Ministers when you Quakers were guilty o [...] the same; and besides what is aforementioned, I find in E. B.'s 672. page you there also, to incense tne King against some, you mention some Passages out of a Letter to one, viz. ‘There is more danger in these Quakers to trouble and over-come England, than in the King of Scots, &c.’ And there you to aggravate, comment on these words, thus, ‘It's manifest what the bent of their Spirits was against the King then, tho' now they change their Tale, &c.’ But, I say, let but their ( i. e. these Quakers) own words (here mentioned) be considered, and their Hypocrisie, and the temper of their Spirits, he shall see this is but part of the measure you have meted to others.
Much more I can produce, in further proof of the wickedness of this Foxonian Spirit, if they proceed in their old way of denying the Truth, and slandering them that discover their wickedness, which is very great, even Pride, Envy, and Hypocrisie, who in 1661. say, ‘The Government of King Charles, was set up by the purpose of God.’ Compare this with what is afore, and in the Snake in the Grass against it.
Notwithstanding these Quakers so defame the Protestant Ministers, and accuse them to render them odious, like as Haman did the Jews; yet hear how they deifie and exalt themselves and one another: You have heard how they exalt this fierce Despiser, E. B. Of the Father of their wickedness, George Fox, in their Journal, say they, ‘He was the Instrument in God's hand, to preach the Everlasting Gospel, hid, &c.—The Lord revealed it to him, and made him open the New and Living Way—A Messenger to my House in Swartsmore (say Margaret Fox) whither he brought the blessed Tidings of the Everlasting Gospel. As a Father in Christ, he took care of the whole Houshold of Faith, over which the Lord made him an Overseer, and endued him with such an Excellent Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding’ (and yet knew not the difference between the same degree, and a degree of the [Page 101] same, but puts one, and they now pretend he meant the other.) Nay, W. Penn is so false to his own Conscience and Knowledge, as to exalt him above all, as is before shewed. Also see three blasphemous Letters writ of him by J. Coal, S. Eccles, and J. Audland, (being already in Print) all three Foxonian chief Priests and Preachers.
Also another of their Idolatrous Preachers says of Fox, ‘The Droppings of his tender Words in the Lords Love, was his Soul's Nourishment.’ Where shall you find such a high Character of any of the Words of our Lord JESUS?
And to Oliver Cromwel he titles himself, An Establisher of Righteousness; and says, From him whom the World calls George Fox, who am the Son of God: Now it's not the Light that the World calls G. F. but that Blasphemer or Man and Person G. Fox, the World called so; but this Blasphemy the White-Hart-Court Conclave of Foxonian Quakers, Whitehead, W. Penn, &c. they have forged for this Blasphemy these Words, And I set my Name to it: This is in their Printed Letter of his to Oliver by Captain Drury.
And in Saul's Errand, &c. they do not deny, but vindicate Fox, saying, He was Equal with God; and, he was the Eternal Judge of the World.
And in their Book, News out of the North, on the Title, say they, ‘Written from the Mouth of the Lord ( i. e. that Blasphemous Fox) from one who is naked— cloathed with Righteousness, whose Name is not known in the World ( Yes it was that vagrant blaspheming Cobler, Fox) risen out of the North, which was prophesied off, but now is fulfilled, &c.’ And in p. 41. say, ‘To your Consciences I speak,—who am not of the World, therefore the World knows me not—I am not known to the World, but well known to God—To every one of you I have cleared my Conscience.’ Now hereby it's plain it's not the Light, but Fox, that thus blasphemed.
[Page 102]And in E. B.'s Works, page 64. They say of themselves, Quakers, ‘Whom God, hath—chosen to place his Name in, and to take up his Habitation among, above all the Families of the Earth, the Tabernacle of God is with you—and only among you is God known, &c.—You are God's only Witnesses, &c. —Ye are the Royal Seed and Off-spring of the Lord—All Nations shall call you blessed.’
And in page 66. they say of the North from whence they came, ‘O thou North of England!—Out of thee did the Branch (Fox) spring, and the Star arise, which gives Light unto all the Regions round about. —Out of thee the Terrors of the Lord proceeded, which makes the Earth to tremble—Out of thee Kings, Princes and Prophets ( Fox and Burroughs) came forth in the Power of the most High—Gird on your Swords—Prepare your selves to Battel, for the Nations defie our God (Fox) —Our Enemies are whole Nations,—Rebellious People that will not come under our Law—and will not have our King (Fox) to reign, but despise his Law.—Let the Nations know your power, and the stroke of your hand. Give unto the great Whore (the Protestants) double, (say they) — As she hath loved Blood, give her Blood—Let none of the Heathen Nations, nor their Gods, escape your hands—Your Captains, ( i. e. this E B. Fox, &c.) are mighty Men: Cursed be every one that riseth not up to help the Lord ( Fox) against the Mighty.—The Beast (i. e. Magistrates) is mighty, and the false Prophet (i. e. Ministers) is great, and they keep the Nations under their Power; but, O thou Beast, and thou false Prophet, you shall both be tormented together.’
And in J. Coal's Works, they say, ‘God hath raised us up—according to his purpose, and determination, and fore-knowledge, to be faithful Witnesses.’ And again, to the Quakers, ‘Consider what the Lord hath done for you: Hath he done so for any People on the Earth?’ ( Why? Did Christ dye only for you?) [Page 103] Again, ‘Therefore it may be said that us ( Quakers) hath he known above all the Families of the Earth, page 82, 83.’
And in W.B.'s Works, page 173. ‘The Eternal God hath sworn—this People [i. e. Quakers] only shall prosper, of all the Families of the Earth (who fear his Name, and tremble at his Word)—they that bless them shall be blessed, and they that curse them shall be cursed, &c.’
And in p. 111. they make themselves to be the Assembly prophesied of ( Jer. 50.9.) to come out of the North, as also is afore shewn; and term themselves, the Seed, the Elect; and they say, ‘There is but two Seeds, Christ that never sinned, and the Seed of the Serpent.’ Now they will not own themselves to be the Serpent's Seed, but to be ‘the Elect Seed of Christ,’ as in Huberthorn's Works, ‘the Seed, the Elect, his own Seed, the Arm of the Lord, &c. And to the World he is manifest through us, as being his natural Branches: All the Dominions of the World, are not equal in Treasure and Wisdom unto thee—You hath he chosen of all the Families of the Earth, to place his Name among, &c. — And your Laws shall all the Nations of the Earth become subject unto—All that riseth up in Judgment against you ( Quakers) shall be confounded—thou chiefest Son of his Love.’ By E. B.
And says G. Fox, ‘The Quakers are in the Power of God upon the Throne, p. 318.’ And in W. B.'s Works, say they, ‘We are them of whom Enoch prophesied, the Saints;’ and they are charged to say, They are as pure as God: In Answer, Fox does not deny it, but in justification of it, says, As he is, so are we in this present World, page 232.
And being charged to say, He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and the Eternal Judge of the World; he doth not deny it, but quibble it off, It was not so spoken, he doth not say G. Fox is Christ ▪ as if when any one Answers to a question, and says, I am, &c. yet because [Page 104] they do not pronounce their own Names, but say, I am, &c. therefore they may deny they so said, because of the changing the terms I am, into G. F. (or he) said he was, therefore they deny. Also another quibble they have to excuse Fox's Blasphemy, That it was not Fox, but Christ said, I am Christ, &c. in or by Fox; as they say in one Book, Must we deny him the Mouth to speak by. But surely by this Figure John Baptist need not, when he was asked, to have said, I am not he; for he had the Light i [...] him: But what Blasphemy can be spoken, but may be excused by such Quibbles as they use to excuse the blasphemous Ancient Testimonies their Truth taught them in the beginning? But by the same Rule every one of them may say as Fox did, and take the same blasphemous Titles; and they may be given to any Quaker as well as to Fox.
Also in page 242. Great Myst. they cite one, saying, The Apostles were Eye-Witnesses, &c. In the Answer, says Fox, ‘All may see what you have received—not received the Gospel by the same means the Apostles did, who are not Eye-Witnesses, as the Apostles were;’ hereby implying the Quakers had or did see Christ, in the same manner as the Apostles did: For the seeing by Faith, no Protestants oppose (as I know) therefore that could not be the seeing the Man intended whom Fox opposes; but the Man meant a seeing with bodily Eyes, and it's in this sence G. Fox opposes and banters the Man; and does thereby imply he was not Christ, but someching in him (and so in Fox) was the Christ; and he ( i. e. Jesus) but the Vessel, Garment, or Shell that the Kernel, Christ, dwelt in: And hereby the Foxonian Spirit is proved to be a proud self-exalting Spirit (as well as an envious and contemptuous one) which according to Scripture must be brought down: For altho' they give themselves and one another such high Titles, yet because a Minister termed another Minister Reverend Man, they say, ‘Are you not ashamed to court one another with false and flattering Titles?—Ye shameless and presumptuous ones, who durst assume that Title to [Page 105] your selves, which is appropriated to the Lord alone, &c.’
Now having given some proofs of the Quakers highly exalting themselves and one another, I will shew how they exalt their own Sufferings and Blood also above our Lord's, in this fierce despiser E. B.'s Works, page 273. say they, ‘The Sufferings of the People of God in this Age, is greater Suffering and more Unjust, than in the days of Christ, or of the Apostles;—What was done to Christ and the Apostles, was chiefly done by a Law, and in great part by due execution of a Law, &c.’ Oh horrible Blasphemous undervaluing, of our Lord's Sufferings, and exalting theirs as above His, and justifying or excusing them who Crucified him: Also altho' they so contemn our Lord's, yet of theirs, i. e. the Quakers Blood in print, say they to some Magistrates, ‘Do not rashly draw out your Swords against those harmless Ones, whom your bloody Teachers—represent to you as Deceivers:—be not prevailed on to release Barabbas, and give over Jesus to be Crucified, to gratifie the murderous Appetites of your Priests. Consider, altho' you may with Pilot wash your Hands, and — appear clear from his Blood, yet before the pure Eyes of the Lord will the condemning stain thereof be found on you so fresh, that you will by no means be from thence cleansed, but by the same Blood ( i. e. the Quakers,) which you so cruelly shed.’ Here they Answer that Pagan question of Is. Pennington's, i. e. can outward Blood cleanse? &c. Yes, you see theirs can, altho' our Lord's cannot, as they imply: Theirs is the Blood of cleansing, no other means; not by the Blood of our Lord outwardly shed, but by the same ( i. e. the Quakers) Blood.
Also I shall further prove these Foxonian Quakers lead by an evil Spirit, by their contempt of and undervaluing the Scriptures, and exalting their own above them: Fox on the Titles of his Pamphlets says, ‘To all Friend every where; this is the Word of the [Page 106] Lord unto you all.’ And in another, Entituled, A Message from the Lord, &c. says three times, this is the Word of God; and yet says Great Mystery, 247. ‘The Scriptures they are not the Word of God as thou blasphemously affirm:’ And in the Scorned Quaker, &c. page 19. ‘The Scripture is not his Voice, but (so far as truly Translated) A Declaration of what he spake to, and by those Holy Men that were moved to write, &c.’
Here you see, they not only undervalue our Translation, but render the Scripture as an old Almanack, or Gazette, as to its being binding to us; the Ten Commandments, or Christ's Sermon on the Mount, not God's Voice to us: Yet I have afore prov'd Fox said, his is the Word of God; and G. Whitehead Entituled a little Pamphlet of his, The Voice of Wisdom, &c. Now if G. W.'s be the Voice of Wisdom, then it's Christ's Voice.
Thus you see how they exalt their own Writings above Scripture; and yet have the Arrogance to pretend they prefer Scripture before all other Books; and Fox says in his Message from the Lord, &c. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is the Gospel, — &c. with the Light; all this Doctrine is seen to be false. And in News out of the North &c. ‘So Dust is the Serpents Meat; their original is but Dust, which is but the Letter, which is Death. Their Gospel is Dust; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John which is the Letter: And you say ( says Fox) That Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is the Gospel, which is Carnal, &c.’
Again says Fox, that the Letter is the Word; and that the four Books, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the Gospel, and— all your abominations are discover'd. Now none means them four Words or Names be the Gospel, but the Doctrine in and by them four Books, by them four Evangelists, is the Doctrine of the Gospel; and it's this Fox opposes; for, when Fox put on his, this is the Word of God, it's not supposed he meant the Paper and Ink, but the Doctrine therein, or thereby [Page 107] signified; as when the Quakers will not suffer their Papers to be called Mens Edicts, it's not thought they mean the Paper (abstractly considered) but their Laws therein made for their Subjects to obey: And therefore it's the Doctrines of Scripture, and not the Paper and Ink Fox undervalues and condemns, and his, and Whitehead's Blasphemous Imaginations, they Blasphemously term the Word of God, and the Voice of Wisdom, and make their Preachings and Writings to be God's by them, but all others to be Man's, and outside Teachings, carnal Letter; even the very Scriptures, unless when they as their Fathers did (against our Lord) use them to contemn the Christian Faith; for, altho' they so often use some Scriptures, ‘as Christ in you except you be Reprobates, &c. The Word is nigh in the Heart, &c. thousands of times;’ yet I challenge them to shew me how often, if ever, they press that 15 Chapter of the 1 of Corinth. the first seven verses; or the 9 and 10 verses of the 10 th. Chapter of the Romans, altho' they thousands of times use the foregoing words, yet I remember not that ever I heard them mentioned in any Quakers Meeting before G. Keith did, since his last coming into England, nor in any of their Books; nor remembred I that there was such Expressions in Scripture so Ear-boar'd (as other be) was I to them. Let them produce these aforementioned Scriptures, used by S. C. or any of their printed Sermons or Books, as to the intended service of them in Scripture; I will undertake to produce a hundred, if not a thousand times for one of their using them other. Let this be the touch-stone; and for their undervaluing Scripture I can give hundreds of more contempts of theirs.
These their contempts of our Lord's Person, Blood and Sufferings, and exalting their own. These Foxonian Quakers will not disown, but underhand have approved and confirmed them, and enjoyned their Subjects to maintain and hold them up; for these be their Ancient Testimonies, that their Truth taught them in the [Page 108] beginning, and they say it changes not; so it seems by their so justifying and excusing those Blasphemous fierce Despisers, the Authors and their wicked Works. But for further proof that the Foxonian Spirit is an evil one, appears in the case of J. Gilpin, who relates how he was deluded to Blaspheme, &c. And after it pleased God he was sensible, and acknowledg'd his Delusion by neglect of Hearing, Reading, and Prayer, &c. and harken only to a Voice within me (says J. Gilpin) because what was spoken by it, was seconded by lying Wonders, &c. This Voice, he says, led him to a Fidlers Door, where he knocked and sald, Behold Christ stands at the door and knocks! J. Audland a Foxonian Preacher (who wrot the blasphemous Letter to G. Fex) followed him, and he says, as he went he was moved to proclaim, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.—Again he says, my Hand was carried to take up a Knife, and carried with it towards my Throat; and the Voice said unto me, open a hole there and I will give unto thee the Words of Eternal Life.
Many more prodigious Actions he did by the power of the Voice, or Spirit within him; and he says, ‘many Quakers came to him, and bid him harken to the Voice within.’ Now Fox Answers this Book in Great Mystery, and in citing them words of Gilpins aforementioned, that he confesses his Error by ‘harkening only to a Voice within me’ (says he.) Now G. Fox in page 298. terms this wicked deluding Spirit or Voice ‘The Voice of God within; he saith ( says Fox) he began to consider how he had offended God, by his neglect of external means,—Prayer, &c.—and harken to the Voice of God only within.’
Hereby it's apparent what Spirit, or Voice influenced him, Fox, even the same wicked one that led Gilpin; for he, Fox, terms that, the Voice of God, and so proves himself to be one of them who was given over to Delusion to believe a lye; and as he, Fox, so his Followers, Whitehead, &c. are by the same Spirit guided to vindicate and excuse him. Also in Cumberland, two Women Quakers, and Preachers, charged their [Page 109] own Sister and her Husband to have murdered and buried their own Child, and caused the Man and his Wife to be tryed at an Assizes for it; many wicked blasphemous passages there was in the whole Tragedy (too long to relate here,) in the printed Narrative by the Man himself, Henry Winder, Entituled, The Spirit of Quakerism, &c. worth reading.
This most murderous and blasphemous Spirit thro' these two Women's Preaching, Quakers affirmed this was ‘A message from the Lord—by the Revelation of Jesus Christ.’ The whole Tragedy is most Blasphemous, and when made publick, not disown'd, but rather incourag'd by the Quakers in general, so fat as I can see by the Narrative; and it's this same wicked Spirit which so defame the Protestant Ministers, and which Penn balsphemously calls the Holy Spirit: But, from these few sad Instances it's apparent, that the Quakers when they mention Jesus Christ do not mean that Man or Person, our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, but a Spirit or Light in them and all Men, as their terms of distinction shew. They make Jesus Christ to be a Denomination or Title, which they give to any Spirit they please, as the King doth Titles of Honour. Whereas in your Book Rabshekah, &c. you boast of your Principles, as for you as Hearers, in charity we may believe you; but if you like not these seditious and erronious Ancient Testimonies in Print, of your chief Priest, why do not you publish against them, as against D. S.? Until you do so, you are chargeable therewith.
But if you mean by your Principles, Fox, &c. their Ancient Testimonies, you are very shameless: For that of Fox's in ordering Lords of Mannors Property to be taken away, &c. But whenever that is put in Execution, I advise to begin with his Successor, W. Penn's, &c. and see how they like it; for what Right have you to Fines or Quit-Rents▪ more than Lords have here, or the several under Propriators of Tythes? If you have the Kings Patents or Grants, so have they, or what's as [Page 200] equivalent, being confirmed by sundry Acts of Parliament, more than yours, and by them who had as much Original Right, as them from whom yours was granted.
But the Protestant Ministers are as great an Eyesore to your chief Priests, as the Jews were to Haman. But why may not they enjoy what is granted and given to them, as well as any of you? For W. Penn works no more for his Fines or Quit-Rents, than many of them do, nor so much neither, I think.
But if you say, It's the Compelling you oppose; that's false: For, as in the Snake in the Grass appears, you oppose any freely paying, as is manifest by your opposing W. R. As also Unchristian all who pay Tythes, as Deniers of Christ, and Antichrists; so that you are not for Liberty of Conscience, but for inforcing of Fox's Laws, above the Laws of the Nation, (as is evident in your so charging and reviling T. C. as a Transgressor.) But whoever takes House or Lands Tytheable, does or may know before-hand, it's under such Duties. And whereas your last yearly Paper says, Truth is the same, and changes not; in 1660. you told King Charles you deny'd all outward Fighting for any End or Pretence whatsoever. Now either your chief Priests, Fox and E. B. &c. were of this mind in O. C.'s &c. times, or else changed; Now if not changed, but always of the same mind, then they G. F. &c. failed, to complain of some being put out of the Army: What should they do there? they ought to have voluntarily quitted it: Also G. F, &c. did fail, so to encourage Oliver, as is before shewn.
Therefore either they were and be Changed, since O.C's time, or were Hypocrites; if Hypocrites, not to be believed: If Changed, either your Truth hath changed, or they gone from it; and so that and you (i. e. the Quakers) not the same, and so may change again, as is for your sordid Interest, as in the case of the Sloop in Pensilvania.
Also you are as uncertain and falacious in your [Page 201] main Principle of the Light within, as in the case of Fighting: In Great Mystery. p. 58. you cite one saying, ‘To say the Light in every Man is Christ the Redeemer, is Error.’ Again, ‘They that say the Light in every Man that condemns of Sin, to be Christ the Redeemer, have set up an Idol, &c.’ To both these Fox answers: To the first, he says, ‘Contrary to John, who saith, This is the true Light which enlightens every Man.’ (Here he corrupts the Scripture;) And to the Second, says he, ‘Doth not Christ say, I am the Light of th [...] [...]rd? &c.’ Here he doth not disprove what the M [...] [...]firm'd, but squintingly justifies that as Truth, which the Man opposes as Error, i. e. That the Light in every Man is Christ the Redeemer, and that it's no Error so to affirm, but Truth; and that it's contrary to Scripture to oppose so saying: But in another Book intituled, A Vindication of Truth, &c. by J. N. (in Answer to the same Man, and the same Passage, as is Answer'd to in Great Mystery, p. 58.) In this Vindication, &c. p. 51. there is many Particulars which the Man, as J. N. says, charges on the Quakers, as their Affirmations, of which there you say to the Man, Be ashamed of thy Lyes which thou hast cast on us—which never entered into our hearts to do nor speak, which thou falsly accusest us withal. There is twenty one Particulars: The Ninth is this, say you, That we say the Light in every one is Christ the Redeemer: Then after the mentioning all the twenty Particulars which the Man charges the Quakers as holding, or saying in p. 5 [...]. of your Vindication, &c. you say, ‘Divers more Deceits hast thou made up into Lyes, and laid on us, as if we said them, when it's thy own wickedness &c.’
Here you may see that to the same Man and Sentance in one Book, i. e. The Great Mystery, &c. what the Man opposes as Error is owned as true; and his opposing it made contrary to Scripture. And in the other Book, i. e. A Vindication, &c. the same Words or Sentence disown'd▪ Again, page 4. There J. N. charges the Man for saying that he said, ‘The Light [Page 112] shining in every Man is Christ, a thing not wrot nor intended by me.’ Says J. N. again, page 8. The Man is charged with a Lye, for saying that the Quakers say, the Light within every Man is the Word. Again, page 11. There says J. N. ‘Thou tells thy former lye over again; saying I say the Light within every Man is the Spirit of Truth. Again, says J. N. It's a lye that I say the Light in every Man is God's Righteousness, Perfection, &c. Again, page 12. that a measure of the Eternal Divinity is in every Man, by turning to it out of all Sayings, Operations, Script [...] or Christ, without the same doth purge away Si [...] [...]d redeem unto God. All which is thy own wickedness heaped up from thine own lye. Again, p. 16. says J. N. I do not say the Light in every Man is God's Son, &c. And in unity with this says G. W. As to Christ's being in every Man, that is not our words, &c. Also in page 27. says J. N. thou tells four horrible lyes on me; the second is, that J. N. calls the Light within, the Eternal Spirit.’ Also in your Book, Deceit brought to Day light, &c. You charge the Man with many lyes, one is his saying that you hold— the Light in every Man is Christ, page 5. Also in E. B.'s Works page 298. ‘There E. B. being charged, as saying, that every Man has the Spirit of Christ; in Answer you, by way of denyal, say, I never said, nor thought so. Now if the Light within every Man be not Christ, nor the Spirit of Christ, nor of Truth, nor the Word, nor God's Righteousness, nor God's Son, nor the Eternal Spirit,’ as afore is shew'd you have in your Ancient Testimonies in print, held formerly: How then is it? Or why did you excommunicate G. Keith as an Heretick? for saying. ‘The Light within was not sufficient without something else, i. e. Christ Jesus.’
Either these aforemention'd denyals in your Ancient Testimonies be the Testimonies of Truth or Error; if of Error, then you ought to publish against them, and the Authors; but your not so doing, you are chargeable [Page 113] with owning them; and so either you and your Truth hath changed, or contradict your selves: For, afore I have shewn, that in your Great Mystery you contradict what you say in your Books, A Vindication, &c. and Deceit brought to Day Light, &c. In one passage your Books do contradict each other; one owning the same, the other denies; as also in your excommunicating G. Keith as an Heretick, for asserting the same as some of your own Ancient Testimonies do.
Also, whereas here afore I shewed you deny every Man to have the Spirit of Christ, yet in Great Mystery, &c. p. 9. to the same Person who denies that every Man has the Spirit of Christ, and charges you with an Error for so saying, yet you charge him with it as an Error, to deny every Man has the Spirit of Christ; and in contradiction thereto, you Answer, ‘ John said, Every Man is enlightened, &c.— And the Spirit of Truth he shall reprove the World of Sin, &c. (Mark) ( say you) All People, here is Saints, here is Disciples, here is the World; get from under this how thou canst; for under Reproof thou art come, &c.—And here are all Men, says Fox, to the same Person, and words or Sentence.’ In Great Mystery you oppose him for saying every Man has not the Spirit of Christ; and yet in E. B.'s Works, you term him lying Tongue, for charging you as saying, Every Man has the Spirit of Christ; and say, You never said nor thought so. Why sure, if as in Great Mystery, you imply they have it, then you ought to think and believe so.
And J. Bunyan says, ‘Every Man as he comes into the World, receives a Light from Christ, as he is God, which is Conscience, which some call Christ, tho' falsly—This will shew a Man there is a God, &c.’ This you answer by way of Denial, in E. B.'s Works, p. 143. ‘I do deny them, (i. e. who call the Light Christ) and thee, if thou hast not made a Lye of some body.’ Now in Great Mystery, p. 208. to the same Sentence, in your Answer there, you say, ‘Christ saith, I am the Light of the World, &c. and doth not say [Page 114] its Conscience—you have given Christ a New Name —that calls him Conscience—Will Conscience blot out Sin? — (Christ will.)’ Here by opposing J. B. and in Fox's squinting way, he owns the Light Bunyan calls Conscience, to be Christ; and yet again, in E. B.'s Works, you deny the Doctrine, and them who call that Light Christ; thereby denying G. Fox, nay, and your selves too: For if it be sufficient to Salvation without any thing else, then it must be Christ.
Also about the Seed they seem to write confused, saying, ‘There's but two Seeds, of God, and of the Serpent; and they say, Christ is the one seed, and the seed is Christ; and in the Lip of Truth T. L. says, now Christ is risen for the Elect [ i. e. seed] sake, and it, he is redeeming, page 55.’ And in Love to the lost they say, ‘In this seed as it's redeemed, hath the Saints fellowship, page 47.’ Here they imply the seed is not the Redeemer, but the Redeemed; yet it's either Christ or the seed of the Serpent. Yet in seeming contradiction they say, in Love to the lost, that seed which Man hath sinned against must make the Atonement, page 3. Here again it's the Attoner or Saviour; and to this add their Excommunicating G. K. as an Heretick, because he said, ‘The Light was not sufficient to Salvation without something else,’ ( i. e. the Man Christ Jesus, and what he did and suffered for us without us,) This by S. Jennings in Pensilvania; and yet above three years after this N. Marks publickly acknowledg'd, ‘They had nothing against him for Doctrine or Conversation, or to this effect:’ Thus confusedly contradicting themselves, or one another, they prove themselves to be Babel's Builders.
Now your thus contracting one another, or your selves, owning and disowning the same things, are both your Ancient Testimonies, whereby you have, or may make this deceitful advantage, you can produce either of them, as you see is most for your sordid Interest, and so affirm or deny what you please as your Ancient Testimony, and bring proofs accordingly: But your [Page 115] own Judgment you have passed on the Ministers takes hold on your selves; who have condemned others, and are guilty of the same things. How think you, Foxonians, to escape the Judgment of God? Who condemn others for differing, yet you differ one from another, or contradict your selves; in one Book denying that which in another Book you seem to own; and not only in small matters, but in your main Foundation Principle.
A further proof of the wickedness of the Foxonians and their Spirit, is, in that they shuffle, and quibble, and wave to answer but to two (of the seven) Queries sent them, as in The Snake in the Grass, &c. And they were there urged to it, and reminded of their quibbling, yet they durst not Answer plainly yea nor nay, but use their old Trade of quibbling long squinting Answers. The two Queries were these, i. e. Do you believe in a Christ without you, now in Heaven? And the other is thus; Is Christ now, and for ever to come, really a Man, in true and proper humane Nature, without all other Men?
These Queries be short and plain; therefore if these Quakers truly believe as they now pretend, they might and would have answered yea to both, and that had been satisfaction; but then that had contradicted some of their Ancient Testimonies their Truth taught them in the beginning, which they now enjoyn their Subjects to maintain, and hold up in every part; for their Ancient Books of Fox, and E. B. have opposed and contradicted the Protestant Ministers for affirming these Truths; and therefore if they had answered yea, they had contradicted them, and so changed; and they durst not answer nay plainly, because then they had discovered their Blasphemy and Hypocrisie both: Therefore, to hide themselves and deceive, they make such long squinting two Fac'd general Answers; but it's their own Doctrine and true on themselves, deceit lurks in Generals; and whatever they pretend, yet their opposing and Contradicting others for affirming these [Page 116] Truths, do prove they do not believe in a Christ without them (or in Heaven) any otherwise, but as he is within them only, as in W. S.'s Catechism.
Also in a Book, Entituled, The Deceived Quakers, &c. by Mr. Caffin where in page 29. he says, G. Fox ‘Affirmed that he knew him, ( i. e. Christ) come within him; and he looked for him to come no otherwise.’ This Book G. Fox answers to, and in page 211. cites some of these words, viz. G. Fox said he knew Christ come in him. And in his answer page 142. says, Christ is in you except you be Reprobates, so Reprobates witness it not, &c.
Now M. C. did not deny, but own the Spirit of God dwells in the Saints; but it's the latter part of Fox's Sentence that is objected against (i. e. that he looked for him to come no otherwise) so denying his, i. e. Jesus of Nazareth, that was nailed to the Cross, so coming again: And this latter and chiefest part of the Sentence Fox leaves out, and cites not, but does not deny that he so said. Therefore it's plain, it's their Ancient Testimony of Truth in the beginning; and they say Truth is the same and changes not. This Book of Caffins was printed 1656. Therefore whatever deceitful general Confessions they may now make, unless they disown this of Fox's; it's clear they do not believe nor look for Christ Jesus of Nazareth to come any otherwise than as he is come within them; so no outward coming of an outward Jesus, as was taken away from the Apostles; and therefore no outward or other Day of Judgment, but what they have already within them. And this passage does not only prove Fox's Error in opposing Christ Jesus of Nazareth's coming again without Men, or outwardly (which now the Quakers pretend to own) and thereby plainly implies nay to the six Queries, being the second which they in The Snake in the Grass are again desire'd to answer; which Queries altho' twice put to them, yet they will not answer with plain yea or nay, but in deceitful generals they lurk to hide their Errors, and to avoid the shame of their pride and folly in their pretence [Page 117] to be guided by the infallible Spirit; whenas, they expose themselves to more shame and add wickedness to their former Sins hereby: But I say not only that their Error herein ( i. e. this false citing of Fox's words to Caffin aforementioned is discovered, but more of their wickedness, by their leaving out the latter part of the Sentence, which was the most material and objected part; they falsly represent this M.C. as opposing Christ's Inward or Spiritual coming in his People, which he, M. C. did not; also by this false citing of M. C.'s words they hid their Error; but by this they prove themselves false Accusers and Forgers, to false cite Men's words, to falsly represent their Principles; and that they, or at least Fox did not ‘believe in a Christ, to come really a Man in true and proper humane Nature, without all other Men;’ for, so he was not come in him; and he said, he looked for him to come no otherwise.
Some more Instances I may give (in Fox's opposing J. Bunyan) of their contempt of Jesus of Nazareth, and his Forgery. Also in page 643. J.B. speaks of the Spirit of Delusion, how it deceives People, saying, at last it (i. e. the false Spirit) begins to, &c.— ‘Shewing the Soul a new Christ;—the new and false Christ is a Christ crucified within, Dead, Raised again, Ascended within, —in opposition to the Son of Mary, who was Crucified, Dead, Risen again without, &c.’ Again, says J. B. ‘This false Christ hath a false Faith, &c. to apprehend this Christ ( i. e. the false Christ) Crucified, Dead, Risen again, and Ascended within.’ And says J. B. ‘They have a Scripture to prove their Doctrine, but it's of the Devil's making, &c.’
Now, out of this Sentence of J. B.'s (which I abridg) G. F. forges three several false Sentences; and is so wicked as to say to them all three, they say (i. e. J. Bunyan and J. Burton) when it's his own Forgery, in page 206. says Fox, ‘They say—it's deluding poor Souls to hold forth a crucified Christ within, Risen, Ascended within.’
[Page 118]Again, Fox says. ‘They say, false Christs hath a new false Faith to apprehend this crucified Christ within.’ (Observe, here he forges J. B.'s word Christ singular, into Christs plural; is not this as bad as you, for thou about which he and they have made such a noise.)
Again, says Fox, ‘they say it's a Scripture of the Devil's making, to apprehend this crucified Christ within.’ Here, besides his wronging J. B.'s sense and meaning, by taking his words so in pieces; he, Fox, changes J. B.'s words a Christ crucified within, into a crucified Christ within, by transposing the words, putting the word Crucified first, and the word Christ after, whenas in J. B.'s the word Christ is first, and Crucified last: But however this Forger, Fox, (or them G. W. &c. for him who mended his Blasphemy, in his Letter by Capt. Drury to O. C.) falsly cite; yet observe the Sentence, as J. B. says, and not as they forge it; he J. B. condemns it as Error, to hold out ‘A Christ Crucified within, Dead, Risen again, and Ascended within, in opposition to the Son of Mary, who was Crucified Dead, Risen again, and Ascended without.’ This Fox cites, tho' falsly, and opposes as Error, and do thereby imply it's not Error, but Truth; and that it's Error in J. B. to contradict it; for in the Answer says Fox, ‘Which is contrary to the Faith of the Apostles, which preached Christ that's Crucified within, and not another, him that was raised from the Dead was risen’ (observe it) him that was raised was risen. Doth this shew his extraordinary Wisdom or Ignorance, or rather doth it not prove their extraordinary Failing, who, contrary to their own knowledge, so falsly affirm of him: But to return.
Again, say Fox in his Answer to J. B. ‘If there be any other Christ but he that was Crucified within, he is the false Christ;—he that hath not this Christ that was Risen and Crucified within, is a Reprobate, &c.’ Observe, altho he falsly put it▪ as J. B.'s Crucified Christ three times, too falsly represent J.B. as opposing Christ's being Spiritually in his People (which is false, [Page 119] for he owns it as I shall shew)▪ yet in all his three answers he again transposes the words, and puts the word Christ before Crucified, altho' in his forg'd Sentence as J. B.'s he puts the word Crucified before Christ. Now this could not be an oversight, because it's three times in one page, and answers between to every Citation; in every one of which answers, the word Christ is put first; but in the forged Sentences all three, the word Crucified is put first, and cause they had for it; for else J. B.'s words would not have appear'd to oppose Christ that was crucified, being manifest within, which was their design so to represent him; nor could they had that seeming occasion to oppose him, nor could they have rendered him, J. B. such a Reprobate as they do; for, who that reads this or any such Book of the Quakers, can think any others, but when they say in print, he or they say, &c. that it's the words of the Person they cite; only I having come after them and searcht them, have discovered their wicked forgery, and misrepresenting Mens words to defame them.
But, in this opposing of J. B. Fox does, in his squinting way, contemn the Person of Jesus of Nazareth outwardly (for, as such he is not within) and by imply, makes the Light within every Man to be Christ that's crucified; and so do not as John the Baptist, and St. Peter did, direct to the Man or Person who was Nailed to the Cross, and whom Herod saw; and whom them after Saints had not, nor did not see, because he was taken up from them—out of their sight: I say this Fox not preaching the same Jesus of Nazareth as they did, but opposing them that did so preach him, shews Fox's Spirit or Light was not the same as the Apostles, but a contrary one, so Antichrist.
But further, to prove Fox's contempt: I think as to the terms, Suffered or Crucified they import much the same, when spoke in reference to our Lord's Death; but that of the two, the word Suffered, most properly implies what he in Soul and Spirit, or inwardly, endured, rather than the word Crucified; for that mostly [Page 120] respects the manner, or circumstances of his being put to Death, and Suffering is more extensive to all he underwent inwardly, as well as outwardly. Now whereas one T. M. maintains the value, vertue, and dignity of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth; his Personal Sufferings in his own Person without us in opposition to the Quakers contempt thereof, and setting up something done in their Persons, as is afore shewn G. F. opposes him as he does J. B. and says, page 131. ‘All be in the Fancy, who be out of the state of witnessing Christ (that Suffered) within them, and Rose again.’ Observe the two words that Suffered be in the parenthesis; but in case them two words had not been to put, but been without them Parenthesis, these now Foxonian Quakers say, ‘Now who would have concluded any otherwise, but that G. F. undervaluing the Sufferings of Christ without the Gates of Jerusalem, had published that his Sufferings were within Man only:—But now take it with the Parenthesis, this alters the case.’
Well then, if it be so, here the words that's Crucified needed as much the Parenthesis about them, as the words that Suffered, because Crucified has more relation to his outward Dying than Suffered; and it's twice in this 206 Page; Christ that's Crucified within,—He that was Crucified within; and in neither of these two Sentences, not so much as a Comma to separate them two words that's Crucified from the afore nor following words within.
Therefore I think, seeing there is neither Comma nor Parenthesis to separate them words that's Crucified, from the afore going, and the following word within, as is in page 131. ‘I may conclude that G.Fox undervalues the Crucifying of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth without, and publish that his (i. e. Christ) Crucifying was within Man only.’
Thus, by their own Judgment, Fox is guilty of undervaluing the Crucifying of our Lord Jesus, which I think amounts to as much as contemning them: Therefore [Page 121] they have made him guilty of my Charge: And altho' he Fox's Answers, here and elsewhere, be so squinting and two-fac'd that it's difficult to prove any Charge against him, in plain and clear express words of his, but by what he opposes; but herein not only his contempts of our Lord Jesus, but his wicked Forgery is manifest, and my Charge proved: And by these and a few more proofs I have given in my Essay, to allay G. Fox's Spirit, and my Discovery, &c. inlarged. These Quakers Errors and wicked Forgeries are fully prov'd, (but I hope I shall publish these and many more others. But whereas Fox, by His Forgery, falsly represents this good Christian J. Bunyan as being against Christ's being within his People, to prove that false; and that as I aforesaid, he does not oppose it, but own it: He says in the same Book, ‘The cause of Believers Hope is this, Christ or the Spirit of Christ in them.’ Again, says he, ‘Some looking only on what Christ hath done and suffered without them; resting in an Historical —Faith of it, without looking for the Spirit of Jesus to come into their Hearts, —without which they cannot rightly—believe in Christ without them;’ This proves these Quakers had no cause to oppose him on that score; but his discovering their Errors and bearing witness to, and for our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, as being God's Christ, did torment the wicked Spirit in Fox, &c. And through them cast out Floods of Forgery and false Accusation against him, as in E. B.'s Works, page 139. say they, Thus much is the mind of the Pen-man's Spirit, secretly smiting at the Doctrine of the true Faith, Christ within, and directing altogether without and afar off. But what's afore cited of J. B.'s proves these Quakers wicked Slanderers: This may serve for Answer to their Book, Entituled, An Antidote, &c. A pretended Answer to The Snake in the Grass, &c. But that worthy Author, hath in that Book, and his Satan Disrob'd, &c. drove them out of their lurking holes, only one, i. e. Their Errors are so gross, that it's a shame to confute them.
[Page 122]Now H. Goldny, W. Sanders, &c. do not call me Impudent Fellow, as you did J. Pennyman, on full Change, without his speaking ever a word to you; nor be not so envious against me, as you were against the Christian Quaker D. S. for his Answer to F. B. on your behalf: For in your Book Rabshekah, &c. I have leave to Print. But if this envious Foxonian Spirit should be so powerful in you, as it was in your Pope Penn and Cardinal Whitehead, against G. K. and you should, as they were, be transported with Malice, and declare me an Apostate in the Name of the Lord, and curse me, and blasphemously put to it, Thus saith the Lord, as they did; yet I trust Christ (without me) will save me from your rage, that you will not be suffered to serve me as Mr. Young the Minister lately was serv'd; and that not by Thieves, but some envious one, like you; and I hear he was threatened by one of your Foxonians, and its doubted was accordingly procured to be done to him. Therefore if any such mischief befal me, I am satisfied it will be by some of your procuring, who walk in the steps of your Elder Sister, Rome, in many things, and so may in this, to procure them who discover your wickedness to be served as Justice Arnold was formerly: But otherways, let all your Foxonian Priests and Men of War in the Dragon Fox's Army, Penn and Whitehead, &c. curse me, and cry aloud to your God, that wicked envious Foxonian Spirit, from Morning unto Evening, against me; as your Fore-Fathers did, I fear you not; for my Trust is in my Lord Jesus of Nazareth without me, whom you ( Foxonians) have blasphemously contemned and under-valued, yet I know the vile Person will speak Villany, and his Heart will work Iniquity to practice Hypocrisie, and to utter Error against the Lord; but the great Corruption of Priests, [i. e. Foxonians] is cause sufficient to separate from them. This is their own Doctrine, therefore all who be honest-minded, Depart, I pray you, from the Tents of these wicked Men (W. P. and G. W. &c. your Chief Priests) lest you be consumed in their Sins.
Postscript. I Think it's not unnecessary to give you some Passages out of the Copy of a Letter I have by me, which was wrot about two years since.
I Am glad to find some of our Clergy concerned in the Controversie with the Quakers, considering the high Concernment it is of, it being about the Foundation of the Christian Religion; and as it's the peculiar Duty of the Pastors to earnestly contend for the Faith: And as I hear, Mr Bugg, who hath so eminently expos'd himself to their Fury, is become a Member of our Church, and thereby hath put himself under her Protection, and she ought to take care of him: And altho' the Quakers defame him with many reproachful Characters, but do not, as I find, prove any matter of evil Fact against him, or Heretical Principle, but because he detects their Errors, yet they brand him with the infamous Name of Apostate, &c. whereby I think they not only defame him, but scandalize our Church; and it affects not him only, but all the Members thereof; and the disadvantage [Page 124] thereby, is not only the scandal, but the hinderance it must be to deter others, who may be willing to return to the True Faith and Church also. Therefore I think if some Eminent and Powerful appeared in his behalf, not espousing any miscarriage in his Management (if any such be) it would be a Check to their Insolency, and encourage his Discovery: For in their Answer to the Queries they do not give Dr. Lancaster those foul terms as formerly they had done to Men of his Character on such Occasions; which I cannot ascribe to any change in their Judgment or Spirit, but their Tongues are ty'd by their Interest; they know with whom they have to do.
I take the boldness to impart my thoughts of the Reasonableness and advantage it may be for some Eminent in our Church to concern themselves against the Heresies and Scandals of these Quakers, besides what I have above hinted.
1. They ( i. e. the Quakers) are, as they say in their Book, Intituled, Innocency Triumphant, Printed 1693. page 30. By Divine Providence Recognized by the Government as Protestants, so that the Protestants of England are Answerable and Chargeable by the Papists, (or other Adversaries) with their Heresies and Scandals, and that with a most forcible Argument, as some of your selves have said, m [...]y any Papist, &c. quote, and charge any of their damnable Heresies on us, as too many such be in Print.
2. These Persons engaged against them, viz. [Page 125] Mr. Keith, Bugg, and Crisp, being but private Men, and of little Interest in the Nation have not the Opportunity of spreading their Discoveries so Ʋniversal as is needful; and their Adversaries the Quakers, being a numerous, able, politick, and rich Body of People, and over all England, and the Dominions thereof: For as I hear, they have Meetings in London every Week, called, The Second Days Meetings, whither all or most of their Preachers that be then in London, resort every Sabbath day morning, and every Monday, which Meeting, or the Chief Members thereof, them Preachers, who live in or near London, or are generally there, as G. Fox, (who as I have heard, altho' his Family and Residence was in or at Swartsmore, formerly Judge Fells, whose Widow married this G. Fox) was for several years together in and about London.
These few men, their Chief Preachers, are as the Helme or Rudder of, or to the Ship, to govern it, or by that the Vessel, altho' great, the Pilot turns it as he sees good, so doth this the Quakers second days Meeting, or a few chief men there Influence and Govern that vast Body and Number of Quakers all the World over; they being the leading and ruling men in their yearly Meeting,—and by or from this Meeting they have great advantage to spread their Books, or any thing else; for thither resort Persons from all parts, who communicate to them the Affairs of their several and respective Counties or Circuits [Page 126] they belong to; and there receive information of other matters proper to communicate to their respective Circuits; so that as the Blood hath its constant and fixed Circulation all over, and to the extreamest parts of the Body, from the Heart or Liver, so do their affairs: Their Preachers, as I hear, being mostly Trading Men, and travelling from one Countrey to another, can manage their Affairs of Trade (as well as their Errors) to their Advantage; and they have Orders that their Meetings (which are many) are to have some of all Books they Print. Also I am inform'd they bring them to their Meetings, (Mens and Womens) there to be bought by Particulars, and not without encouraging Invitations, Chapman-like, as they do their other Wares, and their People charged, or enjoyned to read them. By such cunning Contrivances they vend many, and thereby make them much cheaper to them; for the more of any Impression is vended, the more is the Booksellers Encouragement. And indeed there seems to be some Truth in what is said of them, None have the like Correspondency but the Jews and Jesuits.
The Controversie is of Concernment, and these Quakers are more potent, able and numerous than could be imagined; and it's the severity of their Discipline that upholds them, more than Truth and Justice. And if our Bishops would please to take as much, or the same Care and Order for spreading what is writ in Opposition to their Errors, and in Defence of the true Faith, as they do for their Errors; [Page 127] that is, that a Book of each sort may be sent to every Parish, to the Minister, to impart as he sees needful. But that such Books may not be too numerous nor impertinent, care may be taken, that none be printed or sent, but what be (by some appointed therefore) approved.
Also a strict Eye kept over what the Quakers Print, and that not to be left to the management of mean under Officers; for they are such a great and able Body, and have plenty of a sort of Dust that will blind a common Eye: For it's for lack of Encouragement to the Booksellers, that they are unwilling to undertake to Print such Books, unless at the Authors Charge; and it's too great a Disadvantage for any Private Person to manage a Controversie with such a numerous and able Body as they are; for its not one single Person, but their whole Body as one Man. And they have such a common road of Defaming Terms and Insinuations, to reproach any who oppose them, that many are afraid to meddle with them. Their Slanders pass for Truth with many; and altho' Mr. Keith being a Scholar is not under the same Disadvantages as Mr. Bugg and Crisp, yet his Acquaintance being but little besides among them, and his circumstances in the World but indifferent, and they so rich and numerous, do over-power him with Books, too many for him to answer. But were his Labours Encouraged and Espoused by the Heads of our Church, he is the most capable of Detecting their Errors, as being a Scholar, and having so long been a Preacher among them.
An Exposition on the 2 Peter, 1 Chap. 19 Verse.
‘WE have also a more sure word of the Prophets whereunto you do well; that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day Star arise in your Hearts.’ Some say this more sure word is the Light or Spirit within; but I take it here to be meant of the Scriptures or Writings of the Prophets, altho' it's commonly read a more sure word of Prophesy: But in an old Translation I find it translated a more sure word of the Prophets. Therefore I conclude the words will bear to be so read, and I believe the Apostles meaning by a more sure word was a more unquestioned Testimony or Word; as if he had said; if any Doubt or Question what we say, concerning that Voice we heard in the Mount, because their was but three that heard it, and so are witnesses to the Truth thereof; yet the words of the Prophets they own as sure and true, and they all testify to the same Lord Jesus as we do: And therefore you do well to take heed unto them, as St. Paul advised Timothy, to give himself to Reading and Study in the Scriptures; for they, as our Lord said, testifie of me. Also by the next adjoyning words, it seems plain to be the Apostles meaning; for says he, No prophesy of Scripture is of private Interpretation, but (saith he) Holy Men of God speak as they were moved. Also in the third Chapter, says St. Peter, This second Epistle I write unto you,—that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before of the Holy Prophets, &c. And in his first Epistle, first Chapter and tenth Verse, saith he, Of which Salvation the Prophets have enquired—who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you.
Hereby it seems to me that the Apostle did not here in this Scripture direct them to a Light or Word within them, for a proof of his Doctrine (that Jesus was the Christ,) but to the words of the Prophets, as in the Acts in his Sermons, he refers to the Scriptures [Page 129] for proof, as Acts 1. says he, These Scriptures must needs be fulfilled which the Holy Ghost, by the mouth of David spake, Again, Verse 20. saith Peter, This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. Again, St. Peter in proving that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ, and that he was risen, says of David, Seeing he (i. e. David) was a prophet, &c. Again, Chap. 3.18. says he, The things which God had before shewed by the mouth of his prophets that Christ should suffer, he hath fulfilled, &c. and in verse 24. says he, All the prophets from Samuel and thenceforth, as many as have spoken have foretold of this day (even of the Sufferings, Rising, and Ascending of our Lord Jesus) whom (says he) the heavens must contain until the time that all things be restored, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. Also Acts 10.43. Peter Preaching that Jesus whom they had hanged on a tree—was ordained of God to be judge both of quick and dead (saith) to him (i. e. Jesus of Nazareth) gave all the prophets witness, that thro' this man, all that believe in him should receive remission of sins.
Thus it's evident from Scripture, that 'twas St. Peter's Method to prove his Doctrine by, or from the words of the Prophets, and not by directing them to a Light within them; and as it was his former use in his Sermons, so also he continued the same method in his Epistles; and the reason or cause seems plain; forasmuch as the Priests and Rulers of the Jews could perswade the People to believe, that Jesus was not risen; but that his Disciples had stolen him away notwithstanding so many witnesses of his Resurrection, as is mentioned 1 Cor. 15. And was seen forty days, as in Acts 1.
I say, notwithstanding such evident demonstration, if the Jews could perswade the People it was false, much more might the Apostles expect they would contradict and not believe them three Persons ( Peter, James, and John's) Testimony; also considering it was not known to any others, until after his Resurrection, as by our Lord's command, Matth. 17.9. Tell the vision to [Page 130] no man, until the Son of man be risen from the dead? Also Paul preaching at Antioch ▪ he prov'd out of the Scripture, that Jesus was the Christ and said, Because they knew him not, nor the voice of the Prophets read every sabbath day, &c. And Acts 15. saith James, To this agree the words of the Prophets. And Acts 17. Paul reasoning with them of Thessalonica, out of the Scriptures, that Jesus was Christ; and Apollo he mightily convinced the Jews, shewing by the Scriptures that Jesus was Christ, Acts 18. and Acts 26. Paul says he said, None other things then Moses and the Prophets did say should come; King Agrippa believ'st thou the Prophets? I know thou believ'st. Here also, it was not a Light within, but the words of the Prophets Paul appealed to: And in the Parable of Dives and Lazarus, Christ himself prefers the Scriptures, saying, They have Moses and the Prophets, let them hear them; if they will not hear them, neither will they be perswaded altho' one rose from the dead.
Here our Lord does not direct to a Light within, but the Prophets and Moses's words; in conformity to which I suppose Peter did the same, and did not in this place mean a Light within them, but the words of all the Prophets in Scripture was more sure or less questionable than their three Testimony of that Voice that they heard (I mean not as to themselves, but as to other) as to proving the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; to convince and stop the mouths of gainsayers, and false Prophets which Peter said should come, and therefore it was needful for the Apostle to endeavour to strengthen his Testimony and their Faith by the Words of the Prophets, as also further appears in that he says, Whereunto you do well to take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn, and the day Star arise in your hearts: Hereby making the sure word to be something else, besides or more than a Light within them, or then the dawning of the day, or the day Star in their hearts; and the Apostles giving the preference to the words of the Prophets before his own, is a sign of his great Humility and Obedience [Page 131] to our Lord's Doctrine, Luke 18.14. Therefore, as the Apostle said, seeing we are so compassed about with so great a Cloud of Witnesses for the Authority of the Scriptures, also for this expounding this Text, as intending the words of the Prophets, and not a Light within them.
Then how much are they to blame who oppose this Exposition, and make a contrary one, and undervalue the Scripture, and prefer their own Writings before the Scripture, as the Foxonian Quakers do, who say it's Blasphemy to call the Scripture the Word of God, and yet term their own or G. Fox's the Word of God, and give many contemptible Names to the Scripture, as Carnal Letter, Dust, Serpents-Meat, &c. and say the Scripture is not his ( i. e. God's) Voice, &c. But Title their own idle, seditious Pamphlets The Voice of Wisdom, &c. as G.W. does. What, is not the Scripture as much God's Word or Voice as these Blasphemers, Fox and Whitehead's seditious Pamphlets be, which they command and charge their Subjects to read in their Meetings? But let them shew me where-ever they enjoyned the reading any one Chapter in the Bible to confirm their undervaluing of the Scripture: Say they, the Jews had the Scripture and Crucified Christ; and by their own Doctrine the Jews had the Light within them also; therefore their Argument they bring to undervalue the Scriptures, is as much in force against the Light within as against the Scriptures.
But in opposition to this afore Expounding of this Scripture may be objected the words in James 1.21. Receive with meekness the ingrafted word, which is able to save your Souls; that this may refer to the Eternal Word in the beginning I will not oppose; but it may more particularly relate to him as he became Incarnate or made Flesh, born of the Virgin, and was the Son of Mary, even that Person, Jesus of Nazareth; for so he was united or ingrafted into our Nature, like unto us, except Sin; and as the Children partook of Flesh and Blood, so likewise he himself took part of the [Page 132] same as the Children ( make it.)▪ So that, I think it is the receiving him in meekness ( i. e. the Seed of the Woman, made under the Law, made of a Woman) Jesus of Nazareth by Faith, as the Christ of God and Saviour; and as such, relying on him alone for Justification, as well as for Salvation, is the receiving with meekness the ingrafted Word, as the Apostles says, We are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Again, Let Christ dwell in your hearts by faith.
So that, by this ingrafted Word is not meant here the common Illumination in all Mankind, but the peculiar Gift of Christ to those who, thro' Faith in his Blood, receive him into them; and so, altho' the Word or Belief be within, yet Him, the Person or Object of that Faith is in Heaven, a place without Men; and which must receive him until the restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets since the world began, Acts 3.21. which time I think is not yet; for, as says the Apostle, Hebr. 2.8. We see not yet all the things put under him.
But altho' I have here testified against these Quaker's Revilings and Envy to the Ministers, yet I do not justifie them in all thing, many of them being blameable; and I wish they were generally more mindfull of the good Advice of the Apostle Paul, and did not give encouragement to others to be conformable to this World; for example generally hath more influence on People than Doctrine; and we are more apt to fault the mote in another's Eye than the beam in our own. But People being generally too quick-sighted to spy their faults, I would not aggravate them; But these Quakers Defamations being so general, affect all, even the Bishops also, who are eminently concern'd in the Civil Government, being Members of the House of Peers, some of them the King's Privy Council. Therefore these Quakers are very arrogant; and I have Warrant from Scripture, and their own Doctrine and Practice for my thus shewing them their wickedness [which is great] that they may repent.