CHAPTER I. Of the Names and Natures of the Signs, Planets and Aspects.
HE that resolves to be an ingenious Student, or would attain any knowledge in the Sacred Coelestial Sciences of Astronomy and Astrology, must (first) necessarily know that there be twelve Signs (in the Zodiack) whose Names and Natures are as followeth.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitary, Capricorny, Aquary and Pisces.
The nature of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorny, is cold and dry, Earthly.
The nature of Gemini, Libra, Aquary, is hot and moist, Airy.
The nature of Aries, Leo, Sagitary, is hot and dry, Fiery.
The nature of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, is cold and moist, Watry.
The twelve signs are divided into Moveable, Common, Fixed, Masculine and Faeminine.
Aries, Cancer, Libra, are moveable signs.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, are fixed signs.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagitary, Pisces, are common signs.
Masculine signs be Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagitary, Aquary.
Foeinine signs be Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorny, Pisces.
Every one of these twelve signs is said (and found true by experience) to rule certain distinct Members of Mans Body, as Aries rules the Head, Taurus the Neck, Gemini the Shoulders, Cancer the Breast and Ribs, Leo the Heart, Virgo the Belly and Bowels, Libra the Reins, Loyns and Kidneys, Scorpio the secrets of both Sexes, [Page 2] (tis not fitting for me to name them) Sagitary the thighs, Capricorn the Knees and Hams, and Pisces the Feet.
In the twelve signs of the Zodiack, are constantly moving (according to nature) seven Planets, which by reason of their different and various motions from that of the 8 Sphere, (in which the fixed Stars move) are called wandring or erant Stars, whose Names and Natures are these following, viz. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercurius, and the Moon.
Of these 7 Planets, two ( viz. the Sun and Moon) are most perspicuous and universally known, by every vulgar eye, but the other five are carefully observed (only) by the Sons of Wisdom, in all ages throughout the earth.
The seven Planets are of different Natures, for
Saturn is cold and dry, and hath Capricorny and Aquary for his houses.
Jupiter is hot and moist, and hath Sagitary and Pisces for his houses.
Mars is hot and dry, and hath Aries and Scorpio for his houses.
Sol is hot and dry, and hath only Leo for his house.
Venus is cold and moist, and hath Taurus and Libra for her houses.
Mercury is convertible in nature, and hath Gemini and Virgo for his house.
Luna is cold and moist, and hath only Cancer for her house.
These seven Planets moving in the twelve signs, do make several Angles and mutual Aspects, from whose influence, the generation and corruption of all Sublunaries are caused, and they are five especially, whose Names, and Natures are these following, viz.
A Conjunction is either good or bad.
A Sextile is an aspect of imperfect friendship.
A Quartile is imperfect enmity.
A Trine signifies perfect amity.
A Opposition signifies nothing but mischief, &c.
And thus much shall serve for the Names and Natures of the Signs, Planets and Aspects.
CHAP. II. Of several Terms of Art, necessary for all Students to understand.
BEsides the Names and Natures of the Signs, Planets and Aspects, which I shewed you before, there are some other Terms of Art (used by Astronomers) which seem difficult to be understood, unlesse first explained, as Applications, Separations, Prohibitions, Peregrinations, Retrogradations, Combustions, &c. of the Planets.
1. The Aspects of the Planets are either partile or platique. A partile Aspect is when Planets behold one another directly to the same degree and minut, be it either Sextile, Quartile, Trine or Opposition: But a platique Aspect is, when Planets are within the mediety of others Orbs, which Orbs are as followeth.
The Orbs of
- Saturn are 10 deg. 00 min.
- Jupiter are 12 deg. 00 min.
- Mars are 7 deg. 30 min.
- Sol are 17 deg. 00 min.
- Venus are 8 deg. 00 min.
- Mercurius are 7 deg. 00 min.
- Luna are 12 deg. 00 min.
2. Their's Application of Planets, and that 3 wayes.
First, When two Planets (both direct and in motion, and the one a more light and swifter Planet then the other) do apply. As Mercurius in 10 deg. of Aries, and Saturn in 10 deg. of Gemini, here Mercury (being more swift then Saturn) is said to apply to a Sextile of him.
Secondly, When both Planets is Retrograde.
Thirdly, when one Planet is direct (in motion) and the other Retrograde, as Mercury Retrograde in 10 deg. of Aries and Saturn, direct in 15 deg. of Aries, Mercury is [...]aid to apply to the Conjunction of Saturn by Retrogra [...]ation.
Here note, that the Superiour Planets ( Saturn, Jupi [...]er and Mars) never apply (unlesse Retrograde) to the [Page 4] Inferiours; but (just as it is amongst men) the Inferiours alwayes apply unto the Superiours. This Coelestial Oeconomy demonstrates the infinit love of God towards us, who being Superiorum Altissimus, should apply himself to us, his sinful creatures, even when we run Retrograde. O wonderful love!
3. Separation of Planets is, when two Planets having been united by Body or Aspect, and are separated or departed from each other six minuts at least, continuing their separations, untill they be past the mediety of others Orbs.
4. Prohibition of Planets is twofold: First, When two Planets are applying to each other, but before they can come to eithers Body or Aspect, behold another Planet swifter in motion, interposes his Rayes, and so prohibits their Application. Secondly, When a lighter Planet is applying to another (Planet) more ponderous, and before he comes to his Body or Aspect, falls Retrograde, and so is prevented by that Planets refrenation.
5. Translation of light and nature is, when a light Planet shall separate from a more weighty one, and immediatly shall be joyned to a more ponderous one.
6. Reception of Planets is, when they are mutually in others Houses, Exaltations, Triplicities, Terms, or Faces.
7. Peregrime, a Planet is said to be Peregrine, when he is out of all his essential dignities.
8. Frustration is, when a light Planet would joyn with another more ponderous; but before he can come to the Conjunction of him, the ponderous Planet is joyned to another, whereby the Conjunction of the first with him is frustrated.
9. Combustion is, when a Planet is within 8 degrees, 30 minuts of the Suns Body: here note, that a Planet is more afflicted when he is applying to (then separating from) combustion.
10. Cazimini, Planets are said to be in Cazimini or (Cordisolis) heart of the Sun, until they be separated 17 min. from his Body, all Planets in Cazimini are exceedingly fortified.
[Page 5]11. Direction, Planets are said to be direct in motion, when they move a regular progresse in the Sign they are in, as out of one degree into another, and from that to the third, &c.
12. Retrogradation is, when Planets move contrary to their wonted order and succession, and goes backward, as out of the eight degree into the seventh, and so to the sixth, &c.
13. Planets are said to be Stationary, when they move not at all, but stands still in the Heavens.
14. Planets are said to be Oriental, when they rise before the Sun, & Occidental when they set after the Sun.
15. Besieging is, when a Planet is between the Bodies of two other Planets, if the Besiegers be benevolents, its good, otherwise its (almost) as bad as Combustion.
16. Planets are said to be void of Cause, when they are separated from a Planet, and do not apply unto, nor meet with the Body or Aspect of another, during the time they be (and remain) in the Sign wherein they are posited. This accident happens most frequently to the Moon, by reason of her first motion, this much shall serve for the Terms of Art, and their Explanations, that every Young Beginner ought to be acquainted with.
CHAP. III. Of the Systemn of the World, and Motion of the Earth,
THe World (containing all the Visible Creation) is the order and distribution of all things kept and preserved of God, and is vulgarly divided into two parts, viz. Heaven and Earth, of which this Excellent Structure is composed. The Center of which Fabrick is held to be the Sun; but their hath been much controversie amongst the most eminent Mathematicians concerning the Scituation and Motion of the Sun and the [Page 6] Earth. Copernicus and some of the Ancients, before and since Christ, held the Sun to be immovably fixed in the Center of the Universs, and that it was the Earth (only) that moved: Others again denied, affirming that the Sun moves only, and that the Earth stands still. Both produce their Reasons and Demonstrations to prove it. The Judgement of Divines is unanimous, viz. that the Earth is immovably fixed, and that its the Sun that moves. But although the Judgement of Divines concur in it, yet I am not altogether of their Opinion, that saith it is immoveably fixed in the Center. For the equal (or unequal) distribution of the Universal Anima Mundi, alloweth it to have a Life: and consequently Motion (which is the property of Life (and therefore it must be granted, that either their's no such thing, as the Universal Anima Mundi: or else if there be that the Earth is exempt of it and so lifelesse, to affirm either of which is prodigiously absurd and ridiculous, and contrary to the Judgement of the soundest Divines, Philosophers and Mathematicians. But whether the Earths Motion be Central, Circular, or Equilibral, their's the Question, let them whet their Wits upon it, and they will be the sharper. As for me, I shall satisfie my particular friends concerning the Motion thereof; (for I am confident it hath a Motion, though insensible, by reason of the dis-proportion, which our visual senses have to its vast Magnitude) and the World in general in the next Edition.
But I shall now return to give you an account of the several Spheres of Heaven, in their various Situations and Motions, according to the Opinion, Demonstration, and acurate Observations of that Noble Danish Lord, Tycho Brahe.
1. That the Earth is the Center of the World, equidistant in all places from the vast Circumference of the fixed Stars.
2. About the Earth is the Sphere of the Moon, which by reason of its Propinquity and Parvity of her Orbe, She compleateth her Periodical Revolution in a Month.
[Page 7]3. The Sun is the Center of the Planetary Systemn, so that all the Planets respect Him as their common Node and Center, He compleateth His Course through the twelve Signs of the Zodiack in a year.
4. The nearest Planet to the Sun, is the Orbe of Mercury, which by reason of the Parvity of his Circle and Vicinity to the Sun (his greatest Elongation not exceeding 28 degrees) therefore he is rarely seen, he finisheth his Revolution in 88 dayes.
5. In the next Sphere moves Venus, who accomplisheth her Revolution through the 12 Signs of the Zodiack in 225 dayes.
6. The next Sphere above the Orbe of the Sun, is the Orbe of Mars, which Intersects the Suns Orbe twice, he compleateth his Revolution once in two years.
7. The next Sphere above the Orbe of Mars, is Jupiter, he finisheth his Revolution in 12 years.
8. The highest of all the Planetary Spheres, is the Sphere of Saturn, who by reason of his great Remotion from the Earth, and Center of the Universs, compleats his Revolution but once in 30 years.
9. And lastly, Above the Sphere of Saturn, is the Immense Orbe of the Firmament, wherein all the fixed Stars are placed, which compleateth its Revolution it 25920. years.
Having now spoken of the Coelestial Oeconomy of th [...] Planetarie Spheres, even from the Center to the vas [...] Circumference, I am drowned in a Sea of Admiration and Contemplation, to behold, and seriously consider (with a Secret sacred delight) the Proportion, Scituation, Magnitude, Transcendant Glory and Luster, Stupendious and Constant Order of the Visible Coelestial Hosts of Almighty God, Cujus Centrum est ubique, Circumferentia nullubi. I can never behold and contemplate them sooner, then my Heart and Soul is lifted above the Heavens, by the ravishing sight of JEHOVAHS back parts, which conducts me thither by Invisible Lines, and Immortal Beams, am led in to the most Holy Place, where the KING in His Beauty, the ANCIENT [Page 8] of DAYES sits upon His Throne, attended by Infinit Millions of Saints and Angels (whose Glory obscures the Visible Sun) sounding everlasting Anthems to the Primum cus. The first beginning and ultimate end of all Created Beings, The Supreme UNITY of all Perfections. I say, when I consider these things, my souls joy Initiats.
O my dear God, comfort my soul and heart with thy Immortal Rayes, and strengthen the understanding of thy servant with a Light of Glory, that may enable me to bear thy Beatifical Visions. For I am ravished in Contemplation of thy Glorious Works of Creation.
CHAP. IV. Of the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon.
AS there is no part of the Mathematicks so Noble and Excellent as Astronomy: So there is no part of Astronomy so difficult as the Doctrine of the Eclipses (especially when the Calculation of Solar Eclipses is limited and determined to a certain Longitude and Latitude) in regard of the tedious Computation of the Moons Paralaxes in Longitude and Latitude (upon which the Solar Eclipse principally depends. This Peece of Learning is the very Superstructure and Punctilio of Astronomy: and so rare is it to be found amongst men, that not one of 20000. hath attain'd to it, it is the very Crown and highest Pitch (and may justly Challenge to it self the Soveraignty and Precedency) of all Humane Learning whatsoever. 'Tis not only Speculative (for the Ignorant) [...]d Contemplative (for the Ingenious) but also Predictive (because it tells us as well what Eclipses is past, as what's to come) In so much, that an Astronomer is rather an Angel, then a man, and (at least) a Prophet in the Superlative Degree. Is there any Art or Science under Heaven (except Astronomy) that can tell me, Whether [Page 9] there will be any Eclipses of the Luminaries in March, Anno Christi, 1990. Or (I might have said) 5670? (Presupposing the World shall continue so long) Can either Philosophy, Physick, or Logick do 't? No it's impossible, and yet an Astronomer will resolve the Question within one quarter of an hour, almost, Ex tempore. And is not this a rare Art, and Worthy to be Encouraged, but the blind World knows little the Sublimity of the Mathematicks. And hence it is that they alwayes bewray their own Ignorance, by proportioning their Encouragement accordingly. But to return,
1. Eclipses of the Luminaries are (vulgarly accounted) twofold, viz. Solar and Lunar. The Solar Eclipse is caused by the Interposition of the Moon, between the Sun and the Earth, whereby some particular Tract of the Earth is deprived of the Suns Light, during the Eclipse, at which time other places of the World, have the full light of the Sun. The Lunar Eclipse is caused by the Interposition of the Earth, between the Sun and Moon: so that the shaddow of the Earth falls directly upon the Moon, and thence comes the obscurity.
2. Eclipses of the Sun are alwayes happening at the Change of the Moon, and Eclipses of the Moon happen at the full Moon.
3. The Magnitude of every Eclipse depends upon the Propinquity of the Moon to the Ecliptick Dragons Head or Tail.
4. When the new Moon is Central; and falls exactly in either of the Nods, the full Moon next preceeding and succeeding, do alwayes passe without an Eclipse.
5. When there be two Central new Moons, the one before the Suns Apogaeon, the other after, there shall happen no full Moon Eclipse that year.
6. When there are two full Moons in six Months space, in, or near the Ecliptick Line, it usually falls out, that there will be no Eclipses of the Sun that year, or at leastwise, they cannot be of any sensible Magnitude, neither be visible in any part of the World, but only near the Poles.
[Page 10]7. Eclipses of the Moon are Universal, appearing in all places (where it's visible) of a like Quantity and Duration, differing only in Time, according to the Meridian of the place.
8. A Reduction for the difference of Meridians, will give the time of the appearance of a Lunar Eclipse, to any determinate place of the Earth.
9. At the mean time of the full Moon, if the midle Longitude of the Moon shall be different from the Dragons Head or Tail, least then 15 deg. 12 min. either according or contrary to the succession of Signs, then that full Moon will be eclipsed, but if more she will not.
10. Eclipses of the Sun is different in every Climate, so as the neither retain the same Time, Quantity nor Duration in all places alike, and therefore admits not of any Reduction.
11. Eclipses of the Sun will only agree to that determinate place of the Earth, for which they are calculated to a certain Longitude and Latitude, because of the Moons Vicinity to the Earth, and sudden changes of her Paralaxes in Longitude and Latitude.
12. The Conical Shaddow of the Earth, terminating in a Point (in a Lunar Eclipse) is augmented or diminished, according to the Suns Propinquity to, or Remotion from the Earth.
13. At the mean time of a new Moon, if the midle motion of the Moons Latitude shall be distant from the Dragons Head lesse then 20 deg. 40 min. or from the Dragons Tail, lesse then a 11 deg. 22 min. then the Sun will be eclipsed of that Conjunction, but if more he cannot.
Lastly, Eclipses of the Luminaries, forwarns this sinfull World of Drought, Inundation of Waters, Wars, Plagues and Pestilences, Famine, and the Visisitude of all Sublunaries.
I have composed an Almanack for seven years to come, initiating Anno Christi, 1663. terminating 1669. Not a Transcript, but a Calculation de novo, for the Meridian of the most famous City of Glasgow. Whither or no I have had great pains in its Calculation, either in the [Page 11] Eclipses of the Luminaries, or Monthly Lunations, he (only) shall know that shall attempt, to do the like. I have Typified all the Eclipses that wil be Visible in Great Britain, during these seven years, the greatest Eclipse of the Sun that happens within the time (aforesaid) is upon May the 15 day, 1668. The Type whereof as it will appear in the Heavens, in the Meridian of the City of Glasgow, take as followeth.
The Explanation of the Figure is this, H, I, L, representeth the Ecliptique, wherein the Sun continually moves, I, is the Center of the Sun, A, the Center of the Moon at the beginning of the Eclipse, V, is her Center and true Place at the Visible Conjunction: At which time so much of the dark Body of the Moon as covereth the Sun in this Figure: so much of the Suns Body in the Heavens will be covered by the Inrerposition of the Moons dark Body, between the Sun and the Citizens of Glasgow: E, is the place of the Moon at the end of the Eclipse, when the utter Circles of the two Luminaries, lastly touch one another. The Line, A, V E, represents the way of the Moon, during the time of the Eclipse; but for further satisfaction in the Premises, I refer you to the Book it self, which will be ere long Printed and Published.
If you desire to behold an Eclipse of the Sun without damage to the Eyes,
THen take a Burning-glasse, such as men use to light Tobacco with the Sun; or a Spectacle-glasse that is thick in the midle, such as is for the eldest sight, and hold this Glasse in the Sun as if you would burn through it a Pastboard of White-paper-book, or such like; and draw the Glass [...] [...]om the Board or Book, twice so far as you do to burn with it: so by direct holding it nearer or further, as you shall see best, you may behold upon your Board, Paper, or Book, the round body of the Sun, and how the Moon passeth between the Glasse and the Sun during the whole time of the Eclipse.
This mayest thou practise before the time of an Eclipse wherein thou shalt discern any Cloud passing under the Sun; or by another putting or holding a Bullet on his fingers end betwixt the Sun and the Glasse at such time (the Sun shining) as thou holdest the Glasse, as before thou art taught.
CHAP. V. To find how long the Effects of an Eclipse continues, and when they begin and end.
QƲot horas durat Eclipsis Solaris tot annorum duratoris, effectus praenunciat: Quot horas durat Lunaris ut mensem. How many hours the Sun is Eclipsed, so many years will the effects continue, but if it be a Lunar Eclipse, so many Months.
Now to find the time when the effects of some Eclipse begins and ends, observe if the Eclipse falls in the Eastern Horizon, the effects thereof will manifest themselves, about the next four Months following the Eclipse, and will more strongly operate in the first third part of its whole Duration — But if it fall in the Mid-heaven, the Events thereof will begin to appear in the 4th Moneth next following, but most apparent will the effects be in the middle most third part of its whole Duration. — But if it happen in the West part of the Horizon, the effects shall not begin untill about the last four Moneths, and its greatest Operation will be in the last third part of its whole Duration.
Therefore we are to observe at the midle of the Eclipse, how far the Luminary eclipsed is distant from the rising, and how long it continueth above the Horizon: which known, reduce them into minuts (for facility of Operation) and then say by the Golden Rule — if the time of the whole continuance of the Luminary eclipsed above the Horizon, give 365 dayes (or a whole year) What shall the time of the rising give? Multiply and Divide, and the Quotient will yeeld your desire.
As for example, in the Eclipse of the Moon that is to happen the 27 of July 1664. (in the Meridian of the Honourable and Famous City of Glasgow) at a 11 hours, 12 min. 12 seconds. The Moons Nocturnal Arch is 8 hours, 30 min. reduced into minuts is 510.
The Sun sets (in the Latitude of 56 deg.) at 45 min. past 7. which in this case may serve for the time of the Moons rising: so that the distance of the Moon at the greatest Obscuration, is 3 hours, 37 min. which reduced (as aforesaid) into minuts, is 217.
Now 365 (the dayes in a Common Year) multiplied by 217. the product 79205. divided by 510. the Quotient is 155. 31—102. Or you may perform the Operation with more facility and greater expedition by the Logarithmes, which was first invented by the thrice noble and Illistruous Lord, viz. John Lord Nepper, Barron of Marchiston, &c. in Scotland, whose Name and Fame will never Terminate, until the general Dissolution.
The Operations, by his Lagarithmes, is this,
Logarith. | |
Length of the night, 8 h. 30 m. or 510 m. | 2, 707570 |
The Common Year hath 365 dayes. | 2, 562293 |
Distance of the greatest obscuration, 3 h. 37 m. or 217 m. | 2, 336459 |
4, 898752 | |
Dayes or the Effects begin. 155. | 2, 161182 |
And so many dayes it will be, before the Effects begin to operate, and therefore from the day of the Eclipse, ( viz. the 27 of July, 1664.) I number 155 dayes, and it points out the 29. of December following, on which day the Eclipse begins to Operate. And because the Duration of the saids Eclipse is 4 h. 1 m. 8 s. (according to my Doctrine of Eclipses) therefore the Effects will last 4 Months, from the 29 of December 1664. as aforesaid.
Moreover, Ptolomy saith, that how many hours the Sun is distant from the Horoscope (or ascendant, all's one) at the time of his Eclipse, so many years will it be ere the Effects begin to Operate: so that if the Eclipse be in or near the West Angle, it may be 12 whole years, before the Effects take place: But I rather consent to Origanus, who saith, they Inchoate at the very day of the Eclipse. Consentem namque est Eclipses statim operari, & effectus suos aliquasque extendere. Orig. par. 3. cap. 2. de effectibus.
Thus having shown you how to find the time of the beginning and ending of the Effects of the Eclipses and time of continuance, I come next to shew in what Kingdoms and Countreys the Effects will principally manifest themselves.
CHAP. VI. The Names of the Regions, Cities and Towns, subject to the Signs and Planets.
THe Effects of Eclipses are most felt in those Regions and places that are under the eclipsed Sign, and in such places where they are visible, Nil nocet Eclipsis illis Regionibus, in quibus non videtur: They operate more efficaciously in such places where they are Vertical, or where the chief Significator shall passe by their Zenith in the time of the Eclipse. As also upon those men whose Nativities agreeth with the Eclipse, that is to say, upon them in whose Nativity or Revolution have the place of the Horoscope (some ignorant fantastick fools cannot indure this word Horoscope) because it's above the reach of their capacities; for their ignorance outweighs their Wits, as much as a Milstone a Feather: They hate all they understand not, &c. Therefore they may call it (if they please) the Ascendant, for all's one) Sun, Moon, part of Fortune, and other Planets in, or about the degree of the Eclipse, or in Quartile, or Opposition thereof. Especially if there be any Malevolent Direction concuring therewith. But to return,
Under Aries and Mars are these Regions.
England, France, Germany, Swevia, Silesia the higher, Polonia the lesse, Denmark, Syria, Palestina, and of Cities and Towns, Naples and Comia, Capua, Feraria, Florence, Verona, Lindavia, Rajectum, Padua, Brunswick, Cracovia, Vincentium.
Under Taurus and Venus,
Russia, Polonia the Great, Ireland, Lorain, Campania, Helvetia, Rhetia, Franconia, Parthea, Persia, the Islands of Syclades, Cyprus and the Sea Towns of Asia the less; of Cities and Towns, Bononia, Sena, Mantua, Tarentum, Sicilie, Parma, Brixia, Tigor, Lacern, Nantz, Lipsig, Posnania, Guesna.
Under Gemini and Mercuri,
Sardinia, part of Lombardie, Flanders, Brabant, the Dukedome of Wertemberge, Hercania, Armenia, Serenaica, and Egypt the lower; of Cities and Towns, London, Corduba, Turinum, Vercelas, Lovain, Bruges in Flanders, Moguntia, Bamberge, Norrinberge.
Under Cancer and the Moon,
Scotland, Granado, Burgundia, the lower Holland, Zealand, Russia, Numidia, Africa, Bythinia, Phrygia, Colchish, Carthage; of Cities and Towns, Constantinople, Tunnis, Venice, Genoa, Luce, Pisa, Millain, Vinscentia, Bern, York, St. Andrews, Lubeck, Magdeberg, Wittenberg, Gorlick.
Under Leo and the Sun.
Gallia, Togata, the Alps, Italy, Sicily, Apuliae, Bohemia, a part of Turkie, Phenicia, Caldea; and of Cities and Towns, Damascus, Syrabusa, Rome, Ravena, Cremona, Ulms, Confluens, Pragu, Lintz, Cremisum.
Under Virgo and Mercuri,
Achaja, Greece, Crete, Corinthia, Arthesina, a part of Galia, Comata a part of the Rhyne, Silesiia the lower, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria; and of Cities and Towns, Jerusalem, Corinth, Novaria, Brundusium, Papis, Tholos, Lyons, Paris, Basil, Heidlberg, Erphord, Uratislavia.
Under Libra and Venus,
Austria, Alsatia, Livonia, Sabodia, Delphinate, Thuscia, Bactriana, Caspia, Thebys, Togloditica; and of Cities and Towns, Lisborn, Arles, Cajeta, Lauda, Lascentina, Friburg, Argentina, Spires, Frankford upon Moene, Hallinswevia, Heilbrune, Phrysinga, Mosbachum, Vyena in Austria, Antwarp.
Under Scorpia and Mars.
Norway the higher, Bavaria, Comagena, Capadocia, Edumea, Mauritania, Catholinia, the Kingdom of Fess, Getulia; and of Cities and Towns, Algeirs, Valens, Trapezunt, Urbinum, Acquilia, Pistorium, Tervistum, Forum-Julium, Messana, Vienna in France, Monachium, Franckford upon Odar.
Under Sagitary and Jupiter.
Spain, Dalmatia, Slavonia, Hungary, Marravia, Misnia, Seltica, Arabia the happy; of Cities and Towns, Toletum, Voba-Terras, Mutinum, Narbone, Avenion, Colonia, Aggrippina, Slagarde, Buda.
Under Capricorn and Saturn,
Macedonia, Ilyrus, Thratia, Albania, Bulgaria, part of Greece, Musovia, Lituania, Saxania, Hascia, Thuringia, Stiria, India, and the Islands of Arcadias; and of Cities and Towns, Oxford, Juliacum, Clivia, Berges, Mechlin, Gaunt, Vilna, Brandeburge, Augusta, Vindel, Constance, Fervence.
Under Aquary and Saturn.
Amazania, Samaria, Great Tartaria, Valachia, Muscovia, the south-part of Swedland, Westphalia, Mosel, Piemont, part of Bavaria, Ethiopia, Sogdiana, Media, Arabia the Desart; of Cities and Towns, Hamburg, Breme, Monsferat, Pisaurum, Trentim, Golstead.
Under Pisces and Jupiter,
Cilicia, Calabria, Pottugal, Galitia, Normandi, Garomantes, Lydia, Pamphilia, Egypt the higher; of Cities and Towns, Alexandria, Hispalis, Compostella, Worms, Ratisbon, Tevertoun.
CHAP. VII. To Prognosticate the Natural Portents of Eclipses.
FIrst erect your scheme exactly to the time of the midle (or greatest obscuration) of the Eclipse, then [Page 18] consider diligently what Planet is Lord of that Eclipse, by colecting the essential Dignities and Debilities of the Planets from the ascendant, Medium Coeli, and place deficient, &c. And seeing experience in all ages testifieth that Eclipses of the Luminaries hath been attended with some notable events, and sequels, as not only Histories, but even our Times do testifie. I shall therefore insert a few Aphorismes (built upon Experience) by which the natural portents of Eclipses may be foretold.
1. If Saturn shall happen to be Lord of an Eclipse, he portends much evil, Corruption proceeding from cold, tedious diseases, Consumptions, Feavers, Dropsies, Fears, Exiles, &c. and in the Air he engenders thick pitchy Clouds, Snow, Shipwracks, scarcity of Fruit, Penury, damage by Locusts, Hail and violent Storms.
2. If Jupiter be Lord of an Eclipse, he causes things to encrease, giveth good things, and is the general signifier of Peace and Tranquility, when he alone beareth principal rule, &c.
3. If Mars be Lord of an Eclipse, he presageth Wars, Tumults, Dissentions, Violence, Injury, great Heat, Tempests, Lightning and Drynesse; he brings upon men Imprisonments, Captivities, threatens Depopulations and Slaughters of men, besides many sore and grievous Diseases, and much evil in general.
4. If Venus be principal ruler of an Eclipse, it signifieth much good to ensue, and promiseth a delicate and temperate season, &c.
5. If Mercury be Lord of an Eclipse, he doth insinuate himself into the nature of that Planet he is joyned with, or aspected to: Of his own nature, he portends dry Diseases, Coughs, Quotidian Feavers, he signifieth Roberies and Pyratical Invasions, he moveth turbulent Winds, brings Drynesse, Thunders, Lightning, and hurts the Fruits of the Earth.
6. In prognosticating the effects of the Eclipses, the Asterism in which the Eclipse happeneth, is to be warily observed: For if it shall represent the form of men, then the influence will fall chiefly upon men; [...]f of [Page 19] four footed beasts, upon four footed beasts; if Serpents, upon Serpents.
7. If there happen an Eclipse (especially of the Sun) and Mars be the principal ruler thereof, and posited in a fiery or airy sign, Mars being strong and Lord of the year; It threatens House burnings.
8. If Saturn be Lord of the place Eclipsed, and be strong in earthly or watry Signes, Mars being joyned to Stars of Saturns nature, or if he be in Conjunction, Quartile, or Opposition to Saturn, it portends an Earthquake, and Inundations.
9. In Prognosticating the effects of the Eclipses, you are to observe in what House of Heaven the Luminarie Eclipsed (or the Eclipse it self) happens in, for the influence of that Eclipse will most strongly operate upon those men and things signified by that House.
10. Fiunt in mundo multa in commoda quando erit in una mense utriusque Luminaris Eclipsis, & praecipue in his locis quibus est significatio eorum speciales. Herms. Centiloquium 53.
And thus much shall serve for judging the effects of the Eclipses for any time coming. I come next to demonstrate how,
CHAP. VIII. To finde the Lords of the Year, and four Quarters thereof.
THe best way as Origanus saith, is to erect three Figures for every Quarter. viz. one for the Conjunction or Opposition of the Luminaries preceeding the Ingresse, the next for the Ingresse it self, and the third for the Conjunction or Opposition succceding it, notwithstanding Haly himself was of another opinion as appears, Lib. 8. cap. 3. de Jud. Astrorum (to whom Guido assents, part. 4. cap. 24.) Quando introitu solis in arietem fuerit ascendans [Page 20] signum fixum continet enim illa Revolution, in somenes quartas illius anni & sic qui fuerit tunc Dominus omni, erit Dominus totius anni, & totius Revolu [...]ionis illius, sed si fuerit ascendens signum Commune, non durabit illa Revolutio, nisi usque ad introitum Sol in Libram, tunc opportebit te reiterare Revolutionem, &c. When at the Suns ingresse into Aries, if the Sign ascending shall be a fixed Sign, that Revolution comprehends in it self, all the four Quarters of that year, and so he that shall (then) be found Lord, shall be Lord of the whole year, and of that whole Revolution, &c. but I rather adhere to Ptolomy, lib. 2. Quadr. cap. 10. who adviseth us to erect Schems of the four Quarters, and of the preceeding Conjunction and Opposition of the Luminaries, and so raise a judgement of the state and condition of the year; I my self do alwayes follow this Direction: For I erect four Figures for the ingresse of the Sun into the cardinal Signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorny, and to the time of the Lunations preceeding and succeeding the Suns ingresse into these Signs; and so I collect the essentiall Debilities and Dignities of the Planets from the Horoscope Medium Coeli, and places of the Luminaries. Lastly, that Planet which I find to excell in testimonies of Fortitude, I conclude him chief Almuten and Ruler of that Revolution.
In like manner I find out the Lord of an Eclipse, by collecting the essential Dignities and Debilities from the Horoscope, Medium Coeli, and place deficient.
CHAP. IX. Of the signification of the twelve Coelestiall Houses.
THere are four principal parts of the Zodiack, two of which fall equally upon the Horizon, and the other two upon the Meridian, these are called Cardinal [Page 21] Points, or Angles of the Figure, viz. The ascendant Medium Coeli, the Angle of the West, and Imum Coeli; those Houses that next follow these Angles be the second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh, and are called Succedents. The third, sixt, fourth, and twelfth are called Cadents, and does preceed the four Angles.
The first House hath proper signification of any Natives Life, Stature, Form, Shape, Visage, Temperature, Complexion and Colour, and is called the Horoscope, Ascendant, or Angle Orient.
The second House; of Estate, Goods moveable or immoveable, and is called of the Greeks Anaphora, from the continual Ascensions of the Planets (there) to the East.
The third House; of Brethren, Sisters, Kindred, Neighbours, Removals, or in land Journeys, Epistles, Letters, &c.
The fourth House; Lands, Houses, Tenements, Inheritances, Patrimony, the natives Father, &c. its called Imum Coeli.
The fifth House, Children, their condition and qualities, Delights, Musick, Mirth, Banquetings, Playes and Games, Messengers, Ambassadors, the fathers substance, &c.
The sixth House, of all manner of Diseases that our frail Nature is subject to, their Quality and Cause, Curability and Incurability, Servants, smal Beasts.
The seventh House, of Marriage, Law-suits, Publick Enemies, Contests, Duels, Controversies, Partnership, &c.
The eighth House, of Death, Goods of dead Men, Legacies, Wills, Womens Dowries, Nulla divisio circuli tunc pessima tamque crudelis in omnibus quam octava est.
The ninth House, of Religion, long Journeys, Dreams, Visions of all Arts and Sciences, the Wifes Kindred, Church-men and Lawyers, all Ingenious men whatsoever.
The tenth House of Preferment, Office, Honour, Renown, Vocation, or Trade the Mother, &c. It's called [Page 22] Medium Coeli, or Cor Coeli, the mid Heaven, or Heart of Heaven.
The eleventh House of Friends, Favourites and Counsellours, it's called Bonus Genius, or good Daemon, Angel or Spirit.
The twelfth House of Imprisonments, Captivities, Banishments, Private Enemies, great Cattel, as Oxen, Horse, &c.
And this much shall serve for the general signification of the twelve Houses, which is more briefly comprehended in these few Verses.
Or more briefly thus,
CHAP. X. Of the Distances, Magnitudes and Colours of the seven Planets.
THere hath been much controversie amongst the eminent Mathematicians, concerning the Planets just Magnitude and Distance, the very Dimensions of Tycho and Lansberge are much contraverted, and I think not without cause; for it's certain, that the Circumradiancy of the Planets glittering Beams, makes them appear to the eye, much bigger then they (truely) are, a [...] appears by the Telescope, which you may experimen [...] at pleasure, by pricking a little hole in a peece of Pape [...] or Pastboord with the point of a Pin on Needle: an [...] then through that narrow passage, if you observe the [Page 23] Planets and Stars on some clear nights, you will soon find how much they loose of their borrowed lustre.
But I return, The Distances, Magnitudes and Colours of the seven Planets, according to the Dimensions constitute and built upon the acurate Observations of the Ancient and best Modern Astronomers, be as followeth.
The Moon, when she is furthest distant from the earth, is removed 4229 parts, and when nearest the earth, is 3879. Her apparent Semidiamiter (when she is Apogaeon) is 15 min. 21 seconds, she is 48 times lesse then the earth, her colours and several shapes are so vulgarly known and observed, that I need not describe them.
2. Mercuries greatest remotion from the earth, is 146764 parts, his nearest distance is 53236 parts, his apparent Semidiamiter is 10 seconds, he (for I may call him either Masculine or Feminine without any disparagement to his person) is 2800 times lesse then the earth, by reason of the parvity of his Orbe: He is seldome seen, and when he is, he appears a Star of dusky Silver colour.
3. Venus when she is furthest from the earth, is distant 172937 parts, her least distance is 27063. Her apparent Semidiamiter is 26 seconds and a half, she is 157 times lesse then the earth: she appears a Star of a great and bright glory, insomuch, that when she is nearest the earth, and furthest Elongate from the Sun, I have seen thousands of men in Edinburgh (when they beheld her magnitude) admire her as some strange Apparition or Blazing Star: So ignorant were they, that not one of a 1000 could describe her. Oh profound ignorance in Coelestial Sciences!
4. The Sun when he is nearest the earth (which is about the 19 of December) is distant from it 101798 parts, and when furthest from the earth (which is about the 17 day of June) is 98222. His apparent Semidiamiter (when Aphelion) is 16 min. 28 seconds, he is 333 times greater then the earth, his colour is so wel known, that he that cannot see it, will not see to read it, though I should describe it.
[Page 24]5. Mars his greatest distance from the earth, is 266435 parts, his least distance 66435. His apparent Semidiamiter is 18 seconds, he is 150 times lesse then the earth, and appears a Star of a fiery red, sparkling, glowing colour.
6. Jupiter his great distance from the earth, is 644644. parts, his least distance is 444644. His aparent Semidiamiter is 25 seconds, he is lesse then the earth once and a quarter, and appears a Star of a clear, bright, azure colour.
7. Saturn his greatest distance from the earth, is 1108090 parts, his least distance 908090. His apparent Semidiamiter is 18 seconds and a half, and appears (to our sight) a Star of a leaden, swarthy and pale colour.
Being now arrived at the highest of all the Planets, I am now at a stand, to behold the vast and immense distance of the fixed Stars: And while I am thinking upon it, there comes to my rememberance the words of our blessed Saviour, viz. In my Fathers house are many mansions. O Lord, it is most true; but if thou hast created so many Millions of visible Mansions, in these thy visible, and (as to us) inferiour Spheres: What infinit Millions, millions, millions of invisible Mansions is there in those invisible and superiour Spheres, which are comprehended by thy glorious Angels, and they again comprehended by thy Majesty!
Now, if (at any time) ye be desirous to know the distances of these seven Planets from the earth, in Miles, say by the Golden Rule, if 68 and a half give 3436 Italia [...] Scottish Miles: What shall the distance of the Plane [...] from the earth in parts give? Multiply and Divide, an [...] the Quotus will be your answer. But because I woul [...] have you to understand the Premises, I shall therefor [...] add an Example or two for Illustration.
Suppose it were required to know the distance of th [...] Moon from the Earth when she is in her Aphelion, (o [...] greatest remotion from the earth) her distance bei [...] 4229 parts. I say, if 68 and a half give 3436 miles, Wha [...] [Page 25] shall 4229 give? Multiply the second Number by the third, the Product divide by the first, the Quotient is 212129. and so many Miles is the Moon distant from the earth when she is in her Aphelion.
I shall add another Example: The least distance of the Sun from the Earth, is 98222. Now to know how many Miles this is, I say, (as before) if 68 and half give 3436 Miles: What shall 98222 give? Multiply and Divide, and the Quotient is 4926872. and so many Miles is the Sun distant from the Earth when he is nearest.
In like manner, you may calculate the distances of the rest of the Planets from the earth, either at their nearest Vicinity or greatest Remotion, according as I have shown you in these two Examples.
If you would know the Diameters of the seven Planetary Orbs in Miles also, you must first know, that their particular Semidiamiters (in such parts as aforesaid) be as followeth.
- Saturn 952500.
- Mars 152040.
- Venus 72405.
- Moon 4047.
- Jupiter 519500.
- Sun 100000.
- Mercury 38240.
Now, If you double the Planets Semidiameters, the Product is their Diameters, which multiplied by 22 and the Product divided by 7. the Quotient will show you their particular Circumferences (in such parts as their Diameters is) whick known, you may easily compute the Miles contained in the Circles of their several Orbs.
As for Example, The Semidiamiter of the Moons Orb, is 4047. which doubled, is 8094 the Diameter, which multiplied by 22. the Product 178068 divided by 7. the Quotus 25438 is the parts contained in the Circumference of the Moons Orb.
Now if you would know what Miles those parts will give, say, if 68 and a half give 3436. What shall 25438 give? Multiplie and Divide, and the Quotient will be 1275984 for the Miles contained in the Circle of the Moons Orb. Thus having found the Circumference and Diameter of the Circle in Miles, you may easily find the [Page 26] Convex Superficies thereof, by multiplying the one by the other, the Product will be 518048228016 Miles, for the Superficies of the Moons Orb, a vast sum indeed; yea, 'tis so much, that all the men and women that ever yet breathed, if they were assigned to dwell in the saids Orb, should have more for their particular Mansions, then the limits of a Kingdom. O wonderful magnitude! But if there be such regal mansions in the Mons Orb, which is but the least and lowest: What super-infinit Mansions must there be in the rest of the higher and greater Orbs of the other Planets? O what joy is it to contemplate the ravishing Magnitudes and Motions of the Glorious Heavenly Hosts of Almighty God!
To the end that ye may better conceive the Order, Scituations and Various Distances of the several Coelestial Spheres, I shall here add the Type of the Systemn of the Visible World, according to the Opinion and Constitution, Ratified and Confirmed by the acurate Observations of that Noble Danish Lord, Tycho Brahe.
In this annexed Figure, you may behold as in a Glass how excellently great JEHOVAH hath made the Frame and Machina of this Visible World: What a wonderful Oeconomy, Proportion and Coelestial Harmony is there to be seen and heard in this admired and most excellent Fabrick! O man! set thy foot upon earth (it doth so by nature to teach thee not to set thy heart upon it) and lift up thine eyes, and behold the Glorious Hosts of the most High and Almighty TETRAGRAMATON! and Adore with Admiration this Grand ARCHITAS, who hath made all his wondrous works in Number, Weight and Measure! O how admirably hath he made the Creation of the Universs, subordinate and inferiour one part to another. Heaven is a work on which he bestoweth much cost & skill, to make a Throne for himself! The earth is a cheaper and courser peece of work, for a footstool! Hell is his strange work! A work, in which he enstrangeth himself from himself! In which he goeth to the vastest distance, to bring forth a work most unlike himself! In which he [Page 27] hides the workman in the horrour of the work, and shewes him by hiding him so deep! All things created are in their great Creator, Eminently, Psal. 139.12. The night shineth, as the day; the darknesse, and the light are both alike to thee! Darknesse, and light, are both in GOD! Not only representatively, but really! Not in their Ideas only, but their Indentities! Yet not materially, nor formally, but eminently! After a more perfect manner then they are in themselves! As in the Supreme UNITY of all perfections!
I have dig [...]essed a little, but I shall presently wheel into the Road again. The Type of the Mundane Systemn according to the opinion of Tycho Brahe, is as followeth.
In this Figure, the uttermost Great Pricked Circle represents the Firmament (or eighth Sphere whein all the fixed Stars move) The Center whereof is the Earth. Here you see that all the Planets (except the Moon) regard the Sun for their common Node and Center. And that Saturn in opposition to the Sun, is nearer the earth then Venus in Apogeon. And that Mars in opposition, is nearer then the Sun himself. You may also perceive (in this Diagram) a Demonstration of the Planets various distances from the earth. Why they are sometimes more near to, and sometimes more remot from the earth, &c.
To conclude, of the distance of the fixed Stars from the earth, I can say nothing. For Observations tells us, that the Angle of Paralax (by which the distances of the Planets is exactly determined) is altogether insensible, as in relation of this Orb. And from thence it follows, that it is impossible (by the wit of man) to obtain either their Distances or Magnitudes;
CHAP. XI. Of the Trees, Herbs and Planets, under the government of the seven Planets.
THe great wisdom of a Physitian is to know what Planet causes the disease, and whether by Simpathy or Antipathy; for, as the cause is, so must the cure be, viz. Simpathetical, or Antipathetical: Simpathetical cures strengthneth nature, Antipathetical cures in one degree or other weakneth it; But because I am not now to act the part of a Physitian, (although I much honour their Functions) nor to prescribe or medle with their Manual Operations; but as a Mathematician, I may lawfully and acceptably direct my discourse to the Astrological Physitian, who of all others (in that Profession) I esteem most, for he only knows the Influence of the [Page 29] Stars upon humane bodies, and can tell a mans disease by the Sta [...]s, without going to visit the sick, &c. to these Gentlemen therefore I direct my speach. When a Planet ca [...]eth a disease by Simpathy, the best and only way is to cure it by the Simpathetical Herbs under the dominion of the saids Planet; but if he cause the disease by Antipathy, look to what Planet it's to, whether it be to the Sun or Moon, &c. As for example, A young Student in Physick presented an Urine to me, and desired my Judgement what I thought of it, and of the Patient whose it was: I found Mars to be the causer of the disease, and in partile opposition to Venus, and she hard by the Dragons Tail, * I told him the Patient was afflicted in the Instruments of Generation, which was most true (as he confessed) Therefore I concluded that it was by Antipathy to Venus, and so I bade him make use of the Simpathetical Herbs of Venus for cure. I mention this Gentlemen, only for your best advantage in attaining the true causes of the disease, whether it be by the Nativity, Decumbiture, or Urine, that so you may speedily discover what Simpathetical Herbs are fit to cure it.
But to return, the Herbs and Plants under the dominion of Saturn, are, Barley, Redbeets, Byfoil, Birdsfoot, Bistort, Buckhorn-plantane, Clavers, Comfray, Cudweed, Syatica-Cresses, Croswoort, Darnal, Dodar, Epithimum, Elm-tree, Fleawort, Flaxweed, Fumitory, Stinking-Gladwin, Gutwort, Hakweed, Humlock, Hemp, Henbane, Horstail, Knapweed, Knotgrasse, Medlartree, Moss, Mullen, Osmond-royal, Nightshade, Pylewort, Polipodium, Poplartree, Quinstree, Rupturetree, Rushes, Solomonsseal, Sarasens-consound, Servicetree, Splenwort, Tamari, Melancholy-thistle, Blackthorne, Throughwax, Tutsan, Woad.
Herbs under Jupiter, be
Agrimony, Alexander, Asparagus, Avens, Baytree, Whitebeets, Waterbetony, Woodbetony, Bilberries, Burrage, Buglosse, Chervil, Sweetcisly, Cinqfoyl, Costmary, Dandeleon, (or rather Dens-leonis, Lyonstooth,) Docks, Dogsgrasse, Endivy, Hartstongue, Hysop, Housleek, or [Page 30] Seengreen, Lungwort, Liverwoort, Sweetmaudlen, Oaktrees, Redroses, Sage, Sawcealon, Scurvygrasse, Succury, Ladies-thistles, Bloodwort.
Herbs under Mars, be
Ars-mart, Asarabaca, Barberries, Sweetbazil, Bramble, Briony, Brooklime, Butchersbroom, Broom, Broomrape, Crowfoot, Cuckowpint, Cranbil, Cotton-thistle, Flaxweed, Furbush, Garleeks, Hathorn, Hops, Masterwort, Mustard, Hedge-mustard, Nadir, Netles, Onions, Pepperwort, Cardusbenedictus, Radish, Horsradish, Rubarb, Rapontick, Bastard-Rubarb, Thistles, Starthistls, Woolythistle, Tobacco, Treacle, Mustard, Mithridet-mustard, Wold or Weld, Wormwood.
Herbs under the Sun, be
Angelica, Ashtree, Balm, Oneblade, Burnet, Butterbur, Cammomill, Celandine, Centaury, Ibright, Saint-Johns wort, Loveage, Marigolds, Misleto, Peony, Saint Peters wort, Pimpernel, Rosasolis, Rosemary, Rue, Safron, Tormentil, Turnsole, Vipersbuglosse, Walnut-tree.
Herbs under Venus, be
Alhoofe, Aldertree, Apletree, Arach wyld and stinking Archangel, Beans, Ladiesbedstrow, Birchtree, Bishopsweed, Blits, Bugle, Bardock, Chery tree Chickweed, Cichpease, Clary, Cockshead, Coltsfoot, Cowslips, Daisies, Devilsbit, Elder, Eringo, Fetherfew, Figwort, Filipendula, Foxgloves, Goldenrod, Gromwel, Groundsel, Herb-Robert, Herbtrew-love, Kidneyswort, Ladiesmantle, Malows, Mint, Motherwort, Mugwort, Neips, Parsneips, Peachtree, Peartree, Penyroyal, Periwinkle, Plantan, Plumbtree, Primroses, Ragwort, Sorel, Sowthistles, Spignell, Strawberies, garden-Tansie, wyld-Tansie, Tezles, Vervain, Vinetree, Violets, Wheat, Yarow.
Herbs under Mercury, be
Calamint, Carats, Caroways, Dill, Elecompane, Fenel, Fern, Germander, Haslenut-tree, Horehound, Hounds-tongue, Lavender, Liquoris, Walrue, Maidenhair, sweet Marjorum, Melilot, Moneywort, Mulberytree, Oats, Persly, Cowparsnip, Pelitory, of the wall, Groundpine, Restharow, Samphire, Winter and Summer Savory, Scabions, [Page 31] Smalage, Southernwood, Meadowtreefoyl, Gardenvalerian, Woodbin, or Honysuckles.
Herbs under the Moon be,
Aderstongue, Cabages, Coleworts, Columbines, Watercresses, Duckweed, Waterflag, Flowerdeluce, Fluelin, Ivy, Letice, Waterlillies, Losestrise, Moonwort, Monseear, Orpine, Popyes, Purslain, Privet, Ratlegrasse, White-roses, White-saxifrage, Winter-Gilitflowers, the Willowtree.
CHAP. XII. Of the particular Diseases which the Planets signifie.
HAving told you in the preceeding Chapter of the particular Herbs and Planets under the government of the seven Planets, my next Talk is, to show what diseases each particular Planet signifieth, and they are these.
Saturn causeth Toothach, Quartan agues, all diseases of Melancholy, Cold and Drynesse, Leprosie, Rhumes, Consumptions, Black-jaundice, Palsies, Tremblings, Vain fears, Gouts, Hemarhoids, Broken bones, Dislocations, Deafnesse, Ruptures, (if Saturn be in Leo or Scorpio) Iliack passion, Chin-couch, Pains in the Blader, all long Diseases, all madness that comes of Melancholy or Fears of a Hobgoblin, or Brouny.
Jupiter, all infirmities of the Liver and Veins, Inflamations of the Lungs, Plurifies and other Aposthums about the Breast and Ribs, all diseases proceeding of Putrifaction of Blood, Wind, Quinsies and Feavers.
Mars, Pestilences, Burning-Feavers, Tertian and Quotidian agues, Megrim, Carbuncles and Plague sores, Burnings, Scadings, Ringworms, Blisters, Phrensies, Fury, Hairbrains, Sudden distempers of the Head coming of heat, Yellow-jaundice, Bloody-flux, Fistulas, all wounds [Page 32] whatsoever, Diseases in the Instruments of Generation, Stones in the Reins or Bladder, Scars and Pockholls in the Face, all hurts by Iron or Fire, all diseases coming of Choler, Anger or Passion.
The Sun causeth Pimples and Buries in the Face, Afflictions of the Heart, Heart-burning, Trembling, Faintings, Sore eyes, Diseases of the Mouth, all diseases of the heart, Stinking breath, Rotten feavers.
Venus, all diseases of the Womb, as Suffocation, Precipitation, Dislocations, all diseases incident to the Instruments of Generation, the Reins and Navel, running of the Reins, Noli me tangere, Priapismus, all diseases coming by inordinate Love or Lust, &c.
Mercury, all diseases of the Brain, as Vertigos, Madnesse, diseases of the Lungs, as Asthme, Phthisicks, all imperfections of the Tongue, as Stammering, Lisping and Hoarsnesse, Coughs, Snuffling in the Nose, Stoping of the Head, Dumbnesse, Folly and Simplicity (the Epedemical diseases of the Time) and whatsoever hurts the Intellectual Faculty, &c. I shall live Mercury, and come a little lower to the Moon.
The Moon causes, the Cholick, Belly-ach, stoping and overflowing the Terms in Women, all cold and Rhumatick Diseases, Worms in the Belly, hurts in the Eyes, Surfeits, rotten Coughs, Convulsions, Falling-sicknesses, the Kings-evil, Smal-pox, and Measles, all Coagulate and crude humors in any part of the body, Lethargy and Flegmatick Diseases.
CHAP. XIII. Shewing how to rectifie a Nativity by the trutine of herms.
THe first and easiest way of rectifying an Nativity, and reducing it to that moment of time when the Infant made its exit from the dark prison of the Mothers womb, [Page 33] and began to be a visible member of the Creation, is by the trutine or scrutiny of herms (one of the wisest of all mortall men, and as ancient as Moses) who was of this opinion, that the very degree of the same sign wherein the Moon was at the Conception of the Childe, should be the true sign and degree of the ascendant at the Birth; this way of Rectification is far more ancient then the animador of Ptolomy, and allowed by Ptolomy himself, in his 51 Centiloquium, his words are, What sign the Moon is in at the time of the Birth, make that very sign the ascendant at Conception, and what signs the Moon is in at Conception, make that same sign, or the opposite unto it, the sign ascending at the Birth, &c. He therefore that would know the exact time aforesaid (its no matter whither it relate to himself or another,) must first erect a Coelestial Scheme for the estimate time of the Birth, and rectifie the place of the Moon thereto, and place her in the Figure.
Then take the distance of the Moon from the ascendant, if she be Subteranean, (or under the earth) and from the seventh house if she be above the earth, substracting the signs and degrees of the Angles, from the signs and degrees of the Moon (by adding 12 signs if Substraction cannot otherwise be made) and with the distance of the Moon from the Angle, enter the Table, Intituled, A Table of the mansion of the Childe in his Mothers womb. Under the titles of signs and degrees, seeking the nearest Number thereunto, and over against that, under the Columns of the Moon, under, or above the earth, and in the respective Columns, you will find the certain number of dayes, that the Childe remained in the dark prison of its Mothers womb.
This done, consider whither the year of Birth be Common or Bisextile, and what day of the year the Birth is, then Substract the number of dayes that the Childe remained in the womb, from the day of the birth, (by adding 365 or 366 (according as the year of birth is common or Bisextile) if Substraction cannot otherwise be made) and with the residue enter the Table of Moneths, under the year of Birth, and you will find the Moneth [Page 34] and day of the Month, when the Childe was Conceived.
Signs. Degr. | Luna sub terra. | Luna supra terrā. | A Table of the Moneths. | ||
Moneths | Common years. | Bisext. years. | |||
0 0 | 273 | 258 | January | 31 | 31 |
0 12 | 274 | 259 | February | 59 | 60 |
0 24 | 275 | 260 | March | 90 | 91 |
1 6 | 276 | 261 | April | 120 | 121 |
1 18 | 277 | 262 | May | 151 | 152 |
2 0 | 278 | 263 | June | 181 | 182 |
2 12 | 279 | 264 | July | 212 | 213 |
2 24 | 280 | 265 | August | 243 | 244 |
3 6 | 281 | 266 | Septemb. | 273 | 274 |
3 18 | 282 | 267 | October | 304 | 305 |
4 0 | 283 | 268 | Novemb. | 334 | 335 |
4 12 | 284 | 269 | Decemb. | 365 | 366 |
4 24 | 285 | 270 | |||
5 6 | 286 | 271 | dayes | dayes | |
5 18 | 287 | 272 | |||
6 0 | 288 | 273 |
Then observe the place of the Moon, the day of Conception at noon, which if she be not distant from the estimate angle (or ascendant of the Nativity) above 13 degrees, then the day found is the day of Conception, but if she is more remote, you may imagine either the good aspects of the Fortuns put the Birth forwards, or the untoward aspects of the infortuns retarded it.
These things being premised, I come next to practice, and for illustration thereof, I shall adde one Example with as much brevity as I can.
A Childe was born in the famous City of Glasgow, Anno Christi, 1632. upon Sunday the 15 of July, about half an hour past 8 in the morning, as was observed and is reported.
At which estimate time aforesaid, the Cusp of the ascendant is Virgo, 18. deg. 19 min. (in the Latitude of 56. degrees) The Moon is sub terra under the Earth) viz. within the limits of the third House in Scorpio, 10 degrees 25. min. Now to know the Month and day when the Childe was conceived, I marshal the matter according to the following method.
Sig. | deg. | m. | |
True place of the Moon | 7. | 10. | 25 |
Cuspe of the ascendant [...] Substract. | 5. | 18. | 19 |
Rests the distance Moon from the ascendant. | 1. | 22. | 06 |
With which distance, I enter the Table of the Childes Mansion, and the nearest number thereto in signs and degrees, is 1 sign, 18 degrees. Against which (in the Column, Intituled, Sub terra, or the Moon under the Earth) I find 277. intimating that the native was 277 dayes in the obscure prison of his mothers womb.
The native was born in 1632. which divided by four, and nothing remaining, shewes 'tis a Bisextile year.
dayes, | |
Number of the dayes from January 1 to the 15 of July in a Bisextile year, is, | 197 |
For facility of operation I add the number of dayes in a Bisextile year, | 366 |
The Aggregate | 563 |
From which I substract the number of dayes that the Childe was in his Mothers womb, | 277 |
Rests | 286 |
Which in the Table of Moneths (for the Bisextile year) points out the 12 of October 1631. on which day [Page 36] the Childe was conceived. The Moon that day at noon (according to precise Calculation from Keplers Tables) was in Virgo, 20 deg. 56 min. 31 seconds, which is not above 3 degrees distant from the ascendant at birth: And therefore I conclude that the Childe was conceived the 12 of October 1631. as aforesaid. And thus much shall serve, for the Correction of a Nativity by the Trutina Hermetis. There be other wayes of Rectifying the estimate time aforesaid, as the Animodar of Ptolomy, and accidents of the Native, which Latter is most exact, and that which I make practice of next, the Trutine of Herms.
If you desire to know, whither the Childe be likely to live any space after it's born; for many times we see Children live but a few Months; yea, some but a few dayes, hours, or minuts: Sometimes the Mothers womb becomes the Infants Tomb. O how thankful to God should we be, who are preserved to the age of 30. 40. 50, &c. 'Tis a great blessing from God to have a long lease of our life, whose kindnesse and infinit love we should endeavour to requite, by spending it in Divine Contemplations and Adorations, &c. I say, if you would know (from the Hierogliphical Characters of heaven,) whither the Infant will live past his Infancy, then observe these few Aphorisms following.
1. Erect a Coelestial Schem upon the estimative time given, and correct the same by the Trutine of Herms as aforesaid, and then observe.
2. If there be an unfortunate Planet in the Ascendant vitiating the degree thereof, or in Quartile or Opposition unto it.
3. If Saturn or Mars be conjoyned in the Ascendant, or if the light of the time be afflicted.
4. The Lord of the Ascendant Combust, Cadent, or Retrograde.
5. If all the Planets be Subteranean, or if the Birth be upon a new or full Moon.
6. The Moon in Conjunction, Quartile, or Opposition of Saturn or Mars, in the 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th Houses.
[Page 37]7. The Moon besieged between the bodies of Sol and Mars, void of all helps from the Fortunes.
8. The light of the time eclipsed at the moment of birth, is a sure argument of a short life.
9. If the birth be by day ( viz. between the Suns rising and his seting) then have special regard to the Sun; if by night, to the Moon, because he is, Fons vitalis Potentiae, Luna naturalis, according to Ptolomy, Cent. Aphoris. 86. and according to the first Aphorism of Herms Trismegistus, (Sol & Luna post Deum, omnium viventium vita sunt) they are the life of all living creatures. And therefore if the Luminaries be strong or well dignified, or in a good House of Heaven, or in a favourable Aspect of Jupiter or Venus, whither the native be born by day, or by night, 'tis a sure argument that the childe then born may live long, but if otherwise, they deny long life.
10. They who are born upon a full Moon, dye by accesse, or too great abundance of moisture; and upon a new Moon, for want of humidity, or by reason of too much drynesse; usually the most sickly, small and weakest bodies, are brought forth upon the change of the Moon.
11. The Conjunction of many Planets in the Ascendant void of all Essential Dignities, argueth a short life probatum est.
12. The Lord of the Ascendant going to the Conjunction of the Lord of the 8. or if the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 8. or Lord of the 8. in the Ascendant, the same.
13. If the Luminaries separate from a fortune, and apply to a Malevolent, the Childe shall then be in great danger of death, at what time that Luminary (by a just measure of time) comes either to the body, or hath a course to that unhappy Aspect.
14. If you should happen to perceive such an application as aforesaid, and would know the time when the eminent danger will happen, take and resolve the Ark of Direction into Time, by allowing to every degree one [Page 38] year, five dayes, eight hours, and so you will be easily enformed of the time, &c.
These are the general testimonies of a short life, if none of them happen in a nativity, the childe may live until some eminent direction of the Sun, Moon or Ascendant, unto some Malevolent Promittor, prove the cruel Atropos to cut in two the threed of life.
Fac ut experiar, JEHOVA, finem meum, mensura dierum, quid sit; experiar quam durabilis sum.
CHAP. XIV. Of the Year what it is, and the quantity thereof.
A Year is the most principal, ordinary, common and usual part of time, whereby not only the ages of men and other accidents of the world are measured, but also the times of (almost) all our actions in the world, their beginnings, progresse, durations and intervals, are squared and reckoned thereby: and albeit the saids space of time, called (years) are variously accounted according to the custome of diverse Nations, greater in some, and lesser in others; yet hath it (or at least wise should have) its principal dependance upon the true place and motion of the Sun, by which the years are measured, and therefore they are rightly divided into Astronomical and Political.
The Astronomical years are measured, either according to the Periodical motion of the Sun, or the Conjunction of the Moon with the Sun, and therefore twofold, viz. Solar or Lunar.
The Solar year is that space of time, that the Sun (by his proper motion) is departing from some Radical or fixed Point of the Ecliptique, to his return to the same again, and this may be called either Tropical or Syderial.
The Tropical year, is that space of time in which the [Page 39] Sun is departing from one of the Tropical, Equinoctial, or Solstitial Points, and (running through the whole Ecliptique) returns to the same Point again. The true length of this year (according to the acurate Observations of Ancient and Modern Astronomers) is 365 dayes, 5 hours, 49 min. 4 sec.
The Syderal (or Starry year) is that space of time, wherein the Sun is departing from some fixed Star, or determined Point of the 8 Sphere, and returns to the same again: the true Quantity whereof (immutably) is 365 dayes, 6 hours, 9 min. 21 seconds.
The Political or Civil years be such as are every where used for distinction of times, wherein a respect is had to the motions of the Luminaries, Conjunctly or Severally.
The year is usually called either Common or Bisextile, the common year contains (according to the constitution of Julius Caesar) 365 dayes, 6 hours, which 6 hours make every fourth year Leap-year, which contains 366 dayes: it is called Bisextile of Bis and Sex (twice six) because the sixth Calends of March is twice repeated: it is called Intercalar, because of the day that is put in between and Leap-year, because that (by the addition of a day) the fixed holy dayes &c. do, as it were, leap one day further into the week, then it was in the year preceeding.
CHAP. XV. Of the Judgement of the Weather from the Coelestial Bodies.
ALthough the knowledge of the Weather be a thing so common, yet the true Key is exceeding difficult: and therefore I have thought it necessary to write something thereof, that the world may see and know that our Judgement of the Weather in our yearly Almanacks is not built upon a meer conjecture or bare guessing [Page 40] (as Millions of ignorant men think) but upon principles of reason, and that reason ratified and confirmed by many hundreds (if not thousands) of years experiences, and yet it's but counted (amongst ignorant Asses) at best, but guessings: I charge my Readers for the future, that they do not carp at that (in my Book) which they cannot imitate, lest they attain to the honour of being branded for Ignorant Fools, whose dimmer eyes are not able to penetrate the Astral Spheres, &c.
I dave digressed a little, but I shall presently wheel into the Road again, and perform what I have promised, with as much brevity and facility as I can.
1. To the time of the Suns ingresse into Aries, and to the Conjunctions or Oppositions of the Luminaries preceeding the same. Erect Coelestial Schems, then observe whether the place of the Luminaries at the time of their Conjunction or Opposition (preceeding the Ingresse) happened in a moyst, cold or dry Mansions, and of what Planets they are aspected.
2. If Saturn shall be well disposed in an Angle, and in a moist Asterism, without impediment, neither applying to another Planet at the time of the Suns Ingresse, it presageth temperate and seasonable showres, and fills the Heavens with obscure Clouds; but especially in that Lunation wherein he hath the chief dominion. — Bu [...] if Saturn be impedite or evil disposed, it portends turbulent Storms of Wind and Rain, & cold dense thick clouds especially if Mercury or Venus shall be in moist signs, and behold him from an Angle, for in such a case the Astrologer may predict of much Rain.
3. If Jupiter shall be in such a Position, it will produce Winds and Rain, with redish Clouds.
4. Mars so posited, signifies yellow Clouds, Thunder Coruscations and Rain, especially in those times prope [...] and convenient, and the rather if Jupiter or Mercuriu [...] give any testimony thereof.
5. The Sun in such a Position, as aforesaid shewet [...] Red Clouds, and great store of Wet: There are some [...] the best Astologers who wil not Elect the Sun and Moo [...] [Page 41] for Rulers, because they are general significators of the Times.
6. The Moon applying to Venus, and assuming the prerogatives aforesaid, bringeth gentle Rain, or at least wise Clouds, but if the Moon shall apply to Mercury, or if Mercury shall be Lord and Ruler of the Figure with Jupiter, it portends Showres and violent Winds, and a cloudy Air, yet somewhat more violent, and sometime again more remiss in respect of signs, mansions of the Moon, and eratick Stars.
7. If the Panet ruling shall be Oriental, his effects will appear in the end of time, if Occidental, in the beginning whither it be in a Revolution or Solar Ingresse.
8. Many Planets, especially Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, in Northern Signs, argue a hot Summer, and a Temperate Winter. The contrary when many Planets (especially the three aforesaid) are in Southern Signs, for so they signifie a cold and moist Peristasis of the Air, and a colder Winter.
9. Saturn in Southern Signs, and especially in Capricorn or Aquary, argue terrible Winters of Frost and Cold, Summers remiss in heat.
10. In the Revolution of the year, if Mars shall be in Aries or Scorpio, it portends much Rain: if in the houses of Saturn, it sheweth but little, in others a Mediocrity.
11. In the Conjunction or Opposition preceeding the Revolution of the year, if Mars shall behold the same place, it signifies Lightning and Thunder, and sometimes a Comet hath succeeded such a Position.
12. In the Revolution of the year, when Venus, Mercury and the Moon are found in moist Mansions, it portends much Rain.
13. At the Ingresse of the Sun into the Tropick signs, if Venus shall aspect the Moon from a moist place, it's a sign of much Rain: or if Mars from Scorpio shall aspect Venus, it pretends likewise Rain.
14. When the Sun is in Aries or Taurus, if Venus be then Retrograde, the Spring will be moist.
[Page 42]15. Upon a Conjunction or Opposition of the three superiour Planets, either mutually, or with the three inferiours: if the Moon soon after apply unto them by a Quartile or opposite Aspect, then be sure of Rain or Winds, according to the nature of these Planets so Aspected.
16. When the Moon or any other Planet, transits the Angles of the Worlds Revolution, or Angles of the new and full Moon, then look for some change of Air, according to the nature of those Planets and Angles.
CHAP. XVI. How to Prognosticate more particularly of the Weather by the Planets mutual Aspects.
1. THe Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter is a rare Aspect, happening but once in twelve years, and therefore ought acurately to be observed; for it produceth its effects in the mutations of the Air, many dayes before and after, because of the Tardity of their motions, &c. If this Conjunction happen in hot and dry mansions, it will produce drynesse accordingly; it increaseth heat in Summer, and mitigats the cold in Winter, but if it happen in moist signs, it portends Rain and Inundations.
2. If Saturn claim principal dominion in the place of the Conjunction, it signifieth many diseases, and much evil in general; but if Jupiter prevail (as he doth in the year 1663. the Conjunction happening in Sagitary) it's a sign that much good shall follow within few years, and that many unnecessary Customs shall be abolished, and many wholesome Laws established, ere the effects of that Conjunction shall determine.
3. These ponderous Planets in Opposition, Quartile, Trine, or Sextile, is a sign of continuance of seasons; but for the most part, they bring forth temperate storms of [Page 43] Rain and Hail, particularly happening in the Springtime: in moist Asterisms, it produceth turbulent Air, in Summer Thunder, in Autumn Winds and Wet, in Winter thick Clouds and dark Air.
4. Saturn and Mars in Conjunction, Quartile, or Opposition, produceth Winds, Hail, Lightning, Thunder and Coruscations, according to the seasons of the year: In the Spring, Wind, Rain and Thunder: In Summer, Hail and Thunder: In Autumn, violent Rain: And in Winter, diminution of cold.
5. Saturn and Sol in Conjunction, Quartile, or Opposition, is, Apertio portarum, if it happens in moist constellations. In Spring it threatens cold Clouds: in Summer, Hail, Thunder and remission of Heat: in Autumn, Cold and Rain: in Winter, Frost, Snow and cold weather.
6. Saturn and Venus in Conjunction, Quartile, or Opposition, generally produceth cold Rain and Showres. In Spring, Rain: in Summer, sudden and hasty showres: in Autumn, cold Rain: in Winter snow.
7. Saturn and Mercurius in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, In the Spring produceth Winds and Rain, in Summer, winds and showres: in Autumn, winds and clouds: in Winter cold and snow.
8. Saturn and the Moon in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, in moist signs, portends clouds and coldnesse, in Airy signs, cold, especially in dry signs, sharp air, and (if it be Winter) a frosty season.
9. Jupiter and Mars in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, changeth the quality of the air, according to the quality of the Signs and Stars, which they are joyned with or aspected to. If in hot and dry mansions it causeth great heat, in moist signs thunder and rain, &c.
10. Jupiter and the Sun in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, brings forth blasts of wholesome winds and serenity, particularly in Spring, and in Autumn winds, in Summer thunder, in Winter remission of cold.
11. Jupiter and Venus in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, doth generally produce serenity, and temperature of air: in moist signs it promiseth gentle showres, [Page 44] in other signs fair weather, wholesome winds, and fertility of all things.
12. Jupiter and Mercurius, in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, stirreth up winds and rain in fiery signs, begets drynesse and warm winds in airy fair weather, but winds at all times in the year when they are in such mutual Aspects.
13. Jupiter and the Moon in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, alters the quality of the air according to the signs they possesse, but generally a temperate season.
14. Mars and the Sun in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, in fiery signs portends heat and drynesse: In the watry, hail, thunders and lightning, in the airy clouds, and in the earthly, violent winds, &c.
15. Mars and Venus in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, in or from moyst signs, argueth abundance of (if not too much) rain especially in Spring and Autumn: In Summer showres, in Winter remission of cold, and snow if Saturn behold them.
16. Mars and Mercurius in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition: in Winter and Spring argueth snow, in Summer hail and thunder, in Autumn great winds, in fiery and dry signs, excessive drowth and winds.
17. Mars and the Moon in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, in moist signs rain, in fiery, drynesse, red clouds, and sometimes rain, in Summer hail, lightning and coruscations.
18. The Sun and Venus in Conjunction, commonly produceth moisture, in Spring and Autumn rain, in Summer showres and thunder.
19. The Sun and Mercury in Conjunction, in the airy signs produce winds, in the watry rains, in the fiery warm winds.
20. The Sun and the Moon in Conjunction, Quartile or Opposition, in moist signs portends rain, in fiery, fair weather, but generally it alters the air, according to the nature of the season and ruling Planet.
21. When the Sun shall enter the 18 degree of Scorpio, if Venus be (then) in a moist place, it's a sign of rain.
[Page 45]22. In Winter, if Venus be direct and Oriental, it signifies but little rain at the beginning, but more at the end.
23. When Venus applieth to Mars in Scorpio, it brings rain immediatly.
24. When the Sun and the Moon, Venus and Mercury shall be all conjoyned together, it argueth continuall showres that day.
25. At the time of the Conjunction or Opposition of the Luminaries, if Venus shall be in an Angle, it's a certain sign of rain.
26. The Lord of the Ascendant in ( Conjunction or Opposition of the Luminaries) a moist sign produceth rain.
27. When the Moon shall come to the sign ascending of her Quartile, Conjunction or Opposition, the time shall be changed according to the quality and nature of the sign and Asterism.
28. A special regard must be had to the nature of the earth and air you live in (or write for) I mean, peculiar to your Horizon; because that in all places they are not of alike nature, neither do the winds blow alike in all Horizons, some being Tropical and peculiar to one place, others Chronical, which come at a certain time of the year, &c.
CHAP. XVII. Vulgar Observations of the changes of the Weather.
IN the preceeding Chapters, I have given you the choicest Aphorisms, for giving judgement upon the weather: and I am confident, that he which understands them (which I fear will not be many) may not only give a probable conjecture of the weather, for (one) but many years to come; But because the preceeding Aphorisms may happen to (some) to be of difficult understanding to the illiterate, I shall therefore shew (even the most [Page 46] rural) how to foretell the changes of the weather, if he have but the eyes of sense and understanding in his head: and for his greater facility, I shall Marshal the method in these seven Devisions.
- 1. Signs of fair weather.
- 2. Signs of rain.
- 3. Signs of wind.
- 4. Signs of hot weather.
- 5. Signs of drought.
- 6. Signs of cold weather.
- 7. Sings of frosts continuance.
This is the method, now to the matter.
1. Signs of fair weather.
1. The Sun rising and setting clear: 2. The Moon clear three dayes after the Change, or before the Full: 3. Spots appearing in a Full Moon: 4. Clouds with golden edges towards Sun setting: 5. A cloudy sky clearing against the wind: 6. The Rain bow appearing only Red and Yellow: 7. A Red Evening or a Gray Morning.
2. Signs of rain.
1. When the Sun in his rising is hidden with a black cloud: 2. When the Moon (within three or four days after the Change) is blunt on both horns: 3. The Rainbow appearing in a fair day, the greener, the more rain: 4. The extraordinary chattering of the Pyets: 5. Cattell licking their hoofs behind: 6. When the greatest Stars only appear, and that misty: 7. Lute or Violstrings breaking untouched.
3. Signs of wind.
1. Red clouds in a morning. 2. Often shooting of Stars: 3. Clouds flying swiftly in a clear air: 4. The Rain-bow red: 5. Black circles with red strakes about the Sun or Moon: 6. Stars dimn and fiery, it's a sign of winde and showres when the Sun beams appear before he riseth: 7. If the Sun sets pale, or be enclosed with a black circle when he is near the time of his setting.
4. Signs of hot weather.
1. Many Bats flying abroad sooner then ordinary: 2. A white mist rising out of Moores and Waters before the Sun rise: 3. The Kyts (or Gleds) flying high in the air: 4. Crowes or Ravens gaping against the Sun: 5. Great store of Flyes and Midges playing in the Sunshine towards night.
5. Signs of drought.
Stars seeming dimn or fiery red, signifies both drought and wind.
Signs of cold weather,
As frost, snow or hail. 1. Clouds flying low, seeming to touch the tops of hills: 2. Great flocks of small Birds gathered together: 3. If in the Winter the Sun shine clear towards night: 4. The extraordinary twinkling of the Stars: 5. Clouds upon heaps like Rocks: 6. An obscure circle about the Sun or Moon.
7. Signs of frosts continuance.
Snow falling small in the beginning of a frost; but if the snow fall bigg, viz. in great flakes, then it's like to thaw very suddenly, especially if the Southwind blow.
CHAP. XVIII. Of the Winds, their Names and Natures.
DAyly experience sheweth that the disposition of the Air is much varied by the Scituation of Winds, for according to their different bea [...]ing is the Season much inclined, sometime to Wind, Rain, and Snow, and sometime to fair weather.
The wind (it self) is nothing else but an exhalation or earthly humor passing over the Superficies of the Earth; or it is an Elisian, or drawing forth of the Air out of a cold Region.
The four principal or Cardinal Winds which comes from the four Angles of the World, are called, the East, West, North and South, the Latins calls them Septentrio, Auster, Favonius, and Subsolanus.
Septentrio, the North wind, is cold and dry, is very wholsome, bringing serenity, preservating all things from corruption, albeit it be hurtful and pernicious to Flowers, young and tender Plants, by reason of its excessive coldnesse.
Auster, the South wind, is warm and moist, sultry, hurtfull and dangerous, hurts the sight, stuffes the head, makes men slothfull, engenders Diseases, putrid Feavers, Plurisies, Inflamations of the Lungs, and when this wind produceth serenity, it's with great heat.
Favonius, the West wind, (called Zephyrus) is moist and watry, begetting Rain and Thunder, but in Summer fair weather, in Winter and Spring, Snow or Rain.
Subsolanus eurus, the East wind, is temperatly dry, it produceth Rhumes and cold Dewes, it bloweth most commonly at the Suns rising, and (for the most part) little in the night time.
These four are called Venti principalles, the chief winds, the intermediate winds between these, be North-east, South-east, South-west, North-west.
The North-east wind is (for the most part) cold and dry, ingendring clouds, and somtimes Snow; The South-east wind, is weak, moist, and producer of clouds and obscure air: The South-west wind is of a hurtfull quality, sickly, moist, producing clouds and rain: The North-west wind is most tonitruous, tempestuous, violent and hasty, causing a turbulent air.
The Laterall winds, are in number eight, viz. East, north-east, North north-east, North north-west, West, south-west, South south-west, South south-east, West north-west, East south-east.
The Colaterall winds are in number sixteen, viz.
- [Page 49]1. East by North.
- 2. North-east by East.
- 3. North by East.
- 4. Northeast by North.
- 5. North by West.
- 6. Northwest by North.
- 7. West by North.
- 8. Northwest by West.
- 9. Southwest by West.
- 10. West by South.
- 11. Southwest by South.
- 12. South by West.
- 13. South by East.
- 14. Southeast by South.
- 15. Southeast by East.
- 16. East by South.
Thus having demonstrated briefly the Names and Natures of the Winds, I shall in the next Chapter shew you.
CHAP. XIX. How to Prognosticate what winds will blow.
THat this may be known, for 'tis not only possible, but also probable, be pleased to take notice of these few particulars following:
In the Figure of the Suns ingresse into any of the Cardinal Signs, or Conjunction or Opposition of the Luminaries preceeding and succeeding, or any Monthly Lunations; observe carefully what Planet is predominant in the Figure, his position and mutual aspect (if he hes any) which known, do so much but as to take notice what Winds or Quarters of Heaven that Planet (or Planets) signifie (together with the sign he is posited in) & that you may not be mistaken herein; before I go further, I will here show you the principal Quarters of Heaven, which the Planets signifie, by which you may (at all times) be enabled to give a more then probable conjecture, which way the wind will blow, For,
Saturn is mover of the Eastern winds, Jupiter, of the Northern, Mars of the West and Southern, Venus of the Southern, Mercury according to the nature of that or those Planets he is joyned with, or aspected to; the Luminaries are movers of the Western winds, &c.
The quality of the winds and their bearing is also known from Planets positions in the Figure; for those Planets with Latitude and South Declination, from the Medium Coeli moves the Southern winds to blow; from the Imum Coeli with Latitude and Northern Declination, the North winds: The Oriental Planets move the Eastern winds, and the Ocidental the Western wind, and when they be weak, they cause the intermediate winds to blow. —Likewise the Scituation and Quality of the winds is found from the Latitude of the Moon, as she inclines to the North or South.
The Signs do also demonstrate the winds as well as the Planets, although the magnitude of their significations be lesse then the Planets, for they draw down their vertues, and transmits it to the Earth: Aries, Leo and Sagitary excite the North-west winds; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorny the South-east, Gemini, Libra, and Aquary the North-east, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces the South-west.
We may in some measure Prognosticate the quality of the winds, for if Mercurius apply to Saturn, it produceth great winds, clouds and rain; if to Jupiter, sweet winds, if to Mars, warm winds; if to the Sun, warm and hurtfull winds; if to Venus, winds, and so I conclude this Chapter.
CHAP. XX. Of Earth-quakes, Thunders, Lightnings, Comets, &c. their naturall causes and significations.
1. Of the Rain-bow.
THe Rain-bow is the shining and rebounding of beams of light, which turn to the contrary vapour again in the cloud, which is opposite to the Sun; and so according to the diversity of the thinnesse of that cloud do the beams appear, red above, yellow in the midle, and [Page 51] green in the lower parts, but in themselves all this while they have no real colour, that is a true colour. Here note, that the neerer the Sun is to the Horizon, the greater is the Rain-bow.
The effects of the Rain-bow.
If the Rain-bow appear or be visible in the morning it signifies moisture (unlesse great drought of the air work the contrary) if in the evening, fair weather; Moreover, if the Rain-bow appear fair, it betokens foul weather, but if it appear foul, look for fair weather, the greener the more rain, the reder the more wind.
2. Of Rain.
Rain is a cold vapour, and earthly humour or fumosities out of water attracted by the clouds: I omit to speak of prodigious and miraculous rains, as Milk, Blood, Flesh, &c. They who desire to read suck like, see Plinius, lib. 2. cap. 58.
3. Of Frost and Dew.
It is a cold moist vapour, drawn up in the day by the faint heat of the Sun, and descends again in the night, where it is either congealed (as in Winter) or resolved into water (as in Summer) Frost in the Spring or Harvest is a sign of fair weather.
4. Of Snow.
Snow is a moist vapour, drawn up to the midle Region of the Air, then thickened and frozen into the body of a Cloud, and so congealed, descendeth into Fleeces.
5. Of Haill.
Haill is a Cloud resolved into water, congeals in its descension, the higher it comes, and the longer it tarrieth in the Air, the rounder is the Haill.
6. Of Winds.
Winds is a multitude of dry exhalations drawn up from the earth, enforcing it self here and there.
7. Of Earth-quakes.
Plenty of Winds, entered into Holes or Caves of the Earth, which being absent from above the Earth (causeth quietnesse) at last their violent bursting out (the earth sudden by closing again) causeth the Earthquake.
8. Tokens of Earth-quakes to come.
A fiery clould appearing in the Element like a little Pillar. The obscurity and darknesse of the Sun (without Clouds) and strangely coloured, as bloody, &c. is a token of Earthquakes to come. Also when deep Well waters are seen to tremble at the bottome; or if the waters there be infected: Also a great quietnesse by Sea and Land, and especially long absence of Winds. Moreover, strange sights and apparitions in the Air: or the noise and clamours (as it were) of men in the Clouds, rushings of Harnesse, Mournings and Lamentations, &c.
9. Of Thunders.
Thunder is the quenching of fire in a cloud, or a hot and dry exhalation mixed with moisture, carried up to the midle Region, and wrapping it self in a cloud which is moist, there ariseth a strife; the heat beating, and with a mighty violence breaketh the sides of the cloud with a thundering noise; the fire disperses and flashes, thence comes the lightning.
The signification of Thunder.
10. Thunders in the morning signifieth wind, about noon rain, in the evening great tempests. —Some write that Sundayes thunder, signifieth the death of Learned men: Mundayes, the death of women: Tuesdayes, the plenitude of corn and grain: Wednesdayes, the death of harlots, and bloodshed: Thursday, plenty of sheep and corn: Fryday, the slaughter of a great man, and other horrible murders: Saturndayes thunder, a general Pestilent Plague, and great dearth.
Of Comets and their significations.
A Comet is a Flame working in a dry and hot exhalation, drawn up to the highest part of the Air: its matter or substance after it's burnt and dispersed, provoketh winds, it signifieth corruptions in the Air, Earthquakes, Wars, dearth of Corn, a common Death of man and Beast.
12. Of the Whirlewind.
A Whirlewind is a most sudden and violent blast, breaking forth from the narrow passages of the Clouds, as it [Page 53] were winding, is vehemently carried and dashed against the earth, and so riseth back like a Ball, windeth about what it findeth, and bearing aloft all that's within its power.
CHAP. XXI. Containing several Propositions in Astronomy.
THese few Propositions which I intend here to deliver, be such as are of ordinary and frequent use in the practice of the Mathematicks, and such as I hold fit and requisit for all them to know who shall make use of this Treatise.
Proposition 1. To find the Suns Declination.
As the Radius is to the sine of the Suns greatest Declination, so is the fine of his distance from the next Equinoctial Point, to the sine of his Declination required, which is North if the Sun be in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo, and south when he is in Libra, Scorpio, Sagitary, Capricorn, Aquary and Pisces.
Proposition. 2. To find the Suns right Ascension.
As the Radius, is to the Tangent of the Suns Longitude, so the Co-fine of his greatest Declination, to the Tangent of his right Ascension required.
Proposition 3. To find the Ascensional Difference.
As the Co-tangent of the Latitude, is to the Radius, so is the Tangent of his Declination, to the sine of his Ascensional Difference.
Proposition 4. To find the Suns Amplitude.
As the Co-sine of the Latitude, is to the Radius, so is the sine of the Suns Declination, to the sine of the Amplitude required.
Proposition 5. To find the time when the Sun will be due East and West.
As the Tangent of the Latitude, is to the Radius, so the Tangent of the Declination, to the Co-sine of the hour from the Meridian, when he will be due East or West.
Proposition 6. To find the Suns Altitude when he is due East or West.
As the sine of the Latitude, is to the Radius, so is the sine of the Suns Declination, to the sine of his Altitude, when he is due East or West.
Proposition 7. To find the Suns Altitude at the hour of six.
As the Radius, is to the sine of the Latitude, so is the sine of the Suns Declination, to the sine of the Suns Altitude, at the hour of six as was required.
Proposition 8. To find the Suns Altitude at any time assigned.
In this Proposition there be two cases; For,
1. If he be in the Aequator, say, — As the Radius, is to the Co-sine of his distance from the Meridian, so is the Co-sine of the Latitude, to the sine of his Altitude required.
2. When the Sun hath either North or South Declination: As the Radius, is to the Co-tangent of the Latitude, so the Co-sine of his distance from the Meridian, to the Tangent of ane Arch, which substracted from the Suns distance from the Pole, leaveth a second Arch. Then say,
As the Co-sine of the first Arch, is to the Cosine of the second Arch, so is the sine of the Latitude, to the sine of the Suns Altitude, as was required.
Proposition 9. To find the Suns Azimuth.
As the Co-sine of the Suns Altitude, is to the sine of his distance from the Meridian, so is the sine of his distance from the Pole, to the sine of his Azimuth required.
Proposition 10. To find the Declination, right Ascension and Ascensional difference of the Planets or fixed Stars.
Suppose the place of any Planet be given in Longitude and Latitude: As suppose the Moon were the Planet proposed her true place given, let be Leo, 20 d. 49 m. 53 s. and her Latitude 00 d. 22 m. 52 s. North (as at the time of that solar Eclipse, which will happen in July 1684.) which being given with the greatest obliquity of the Ecliptique, 23 d. 31 m. 30 s. we shall enquire for the Moons declination thus.
d. | m. | s. | |
As the Radius, | 90 | 00 | 00 |
Is to the s. of the Moons Longitude ab. Ariete, | 110 | 49 | 53 |
So is the Tangent of the greatest obliq. | 23 | 31 | 30 |
To the Tangent of an Arch. | 22 | 8 | 24 |
Then from the Radius, | 90 | 00 | 00 |
Substract the Moons latitude (because its North) | 00 | 22 | 57 |
Rests distance of the Moon from the Pole | 89 | 37 | 8 |
From which Substract the first Arch | 22 | 8 | 24 |
Rests a second Arch | 67 | 28 | 44 |
Then I say again; | |||
As the Cosine of the first Arch | 22 | 8 | 24 |
Is to the Cosine of the second Arch | 67 | 28 | 44 |
So is the Cosine of the greatest obliq. | 23 | 31 | 30 |
To the sine of the Moons declination required | 22 | 16 | 50 |
2. To find the Moons right ascension, I say, | |||
As the Cosine of the Moons declination | 22 | 16 | 50 |
Is to the Cosine of the Moons longitude, ab Ariete | 110 | 49 | 53 |
So is the sine of her distance from the Pole | 89 | 37 | 8 |
To the sine of an Arch, viz. | 22 | 36 | 2 |
Which added to 90 degrees, because the Moon is in the second Quadrant of the Ecliptique, (and to 180 deg. when in the third Quadrant, &c.) the Aggregate 112 deg. 36 min. 2 sec. is the right ascension of the Moon, as was required.
Lastly, Her ascensional difference is to be found according to the third Proposition aforesaid.
Proposition 11. To find the oblique ascensions and descensions of the Planets and fixed Stars for any time assigned.
In this Proposition there be two Cases.
1. If the declination of the Planet or Star (given) be North, substract the ascensional difference from the right ascension, and the residue will be the Planets (or Stars) oblique ascension, but if you adde them, the aggregate will be his oblique descension.
2. If the Planets declination be South, add the ascensional difference and right ascension together, the sum will be the Planets oblique ascension, but if you substract it, the remainder will be the Planets oblique descension.
As in the former Example, the right ascension of the Moon is 112 deg. 36 min. 2 sec. and her ascensional difference 37 deg. 26 m. 31 sec. Now because the Moons declination is North, I substract the ascensional difference from the right ascension, and the residue 75 deg. 9 min. 31 sec. is the Moons oblique ascension; Likewise, I add the ascensional difference to the right ascension, and the aggregate 150 deg. 2 min. 33 sec. is the Moons oblique descension as was required.
CHAP. XXII. To find the true time of the Suns rising and setting, with the length of the day and night for any day of the Moneth assigned.
ALthough I could prescribe several Rules for the resolution of this Question, yet I shall for your greater facility) make choyce of that which I suppose to be most familiar and easie, as by the Examples following will appear.
Enter the following Table with the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 day of your Month, finding your dayes (aforesaid) on the top, and moneths on the margent, and in the common [Page 57] Angle, you will find (by inspection) the exact time of the Suns rising the said dayes, and by the Rule of Proportion for any other intermediate day.
Names of the Months | The dayes of each Moneth. | |||||
5 day | 10 day | 15 day | 20 day | 25 day | 30 day | |
Ianuary | 8 21 | 8 12 | 8 3 | 7 53 | 7 42 | 7 29 |
February | 7 18 | 7 6 | 6 55 | 6 43 | 6 31 | |
March | 6 12 | 6 0 | 5 48 | 5 36 | 5 24 | 5 10 |
April | 4 58 | 4 48 | 4 36 | 4 26 | 4 15 | 4 5 |
May | 3 55 | 3 47 | 3 39 | 3 32 | 3 26 | 3 21 |
Iune | 3 18 | 3 17 | 3 18 | 3 23 | 3 23 | 3 28 |
Iuly | 3 35 | 3 42 | 3 50 | 3 59 | 4 9 | 4 19 |
August | 4 32 | 4 42 | 4 54 | 5 5 | 5 17 | 5 28 |
September | 5 42 | 5 54 | 6 3 | 6 17 | 6 29 | 6 41 |
October | 6 52 | 7 4 | 7 16 | 7 27 | 7 38 | 7 49 |
November | 8 1 | 8 11 | 8 20 | 8 27 | 8 34 | 8 39 |
December. | 8 42 | 8 43 | 8 42 | 8 40 | 8 36 | 8 31 |
Time of the Suns rising in hours and min. |
Example, I desire to know the exact time of the Suns rising the 15 day of April; I look in the Table for the 15 day, and descends the saids Column, untill I come against the Month given, viz. April, and I find 4. 36. viz. 4 hours, 36. min. past the Suns rises the saids day. In like manner, the 15 day of May the Sun rises 39. min. past 3. in the morning: The 15 of June, 18 min. past 3 in the morning; The 15 of July, 50. min. past 3. in the morning, &c.
But if you would know the time of the Suns rising for any other intermediate day, take the difference, and [Page 58] work by the Golden Rule, and you shall find the proportiall part to be added.
Example, I desire to know what time the Sun rises the 23 of August; I look into the Table, and I find that the Sun rises the 20 day, at 5 min. past 5. and the 25 day, 17 min. past 5. the difference is 12 min. Then I say— if 5 dayes gives 12 min. What will 3. dayes give? Ans. 7. min. which added to 5 h. 5 min. (the time of the Suns rising the 20 day) the aggregate is 5 h. 12 min. for the exact time of the Suns rising the 23 of August, as was required.
If you desire to know the time of the Suns setting, substract the time of the Suns rising from 12 hours, and the remainder will be the time of his setting.
Example, I desire to know the time of the Suns setting the 15 day of July; I find that he rises that day at
h. | m. | |
3 hours 50 min. which known—from | 12 | 00 |
I substract the time of Sun rising (the 15 of July) | 3 | 50 |
Rests the exact time of Sun seting the 15 of July | 8 | 10 |
Lastly, Having thus found the time of the Suns setting, if you double the same, you have the whole length of the day, whose complement to 24 hours, is the length of the night, as in the Example preceeding.
h. | m. | |
The Suns semidiurnal arch, or time of's seting | 8. | 10 |
which doubled, gives the length of the day | 16. | 20 |
Whose Complement to | 24. | 00 |
Is the noctural arch, or length of the night | 7. | 40 |
This is so plain, that he which understands it not, his ignorance out-weighs his wit, as much as a Milston out-weighs a Feather, and consequently incapable of Sublimer Arts and Sciences.
CHAP. XXIII. To find the Golden-Numbers, Epacts, and age of the Moon for any year of God assign'd.
1. TO find the Golden-Number, add 1. to the number of years given, the aggregate divide by 19. the remainder is the Golden Number, required.
2. To find the Epact, multiply the Golden Number (so found as aforesaid) by 11, the Product divide by 30. the remainder is the Epact, required.
Example, Anno Christi, 1698. I demand the Golden Number and Epact for the saids year?
To 1698. I add 1. the aggregate 1699. I divide by 19. rests (by the quotient) 8. for the Golden Number, which multiplyed by a 11. the Product is 88. this divided by 30. the remainder (besides the quotient) is 28. and so much is the Epact of the saids year 1698. as was required.
3. To know the age of the Moon at all times: Find first the Epact for that year, and unto it add the number of the dayes of the Month, and the Moneths from March (counting March for one) and the aggregate (if it be less then 30.) is the age of the Moon, required.
Example, I demand the age of the Moon the 20 day of September 1664. first I find the Epact for that year (either by the former Rule, or by the Table following) to be 12. to which I add 20. (the day of the Moneth assign'd) the sum is 32. to which I add the number of Moneths from March, (calling March one, April two, May three, &c.) which is 7. the aggregate is 39. from which I deduct 29. rests 19. for the age of the Moon the 20 of September 1664. as was required.— The operation.
The day of the given Moneth | 20 dayes |
The number of months from March | 7 dayes |
The Epact of the year assign'd | 12 dayes |
Aggregate | 39 dayes |
The Common Lunar revolution. subst. | 29 dayes |
Rests the age of the Moon, required | 19 dayes |
But because every one cannot Multiply and Divide, that thereby they might find the Golden Numbers and Epacts, and consequently the Age of the Moon: I have therefore composed the following Table, which (by Inspection only) will shew you all the Golden Numbers, Epacts, Sudayes Letters, and Whitsundayes for 51 years to come, beginning Anno 1662. ending Anno 1713.
Years of Christ | Gol. num. | Epact. | Sun. lett. | Whitsunday. |
1662 | 10 | 20 | e | May 18 |
1663 | 11 | 1 | d | June 7 |
1664 | 12 | 12 | cb | May 29 |
1665 | 13 | 23 | a | May 14 |
1666 | 14 | 4 | g | June 3 |
1667 | 15 | 15 | f | May 26 |
1668 | 10 | 26 | ed | May 10 |
1669 | 17 | 7 | c | May 30 |
1670 | 18 | 18 | b | May 22 |
1671 | 19 | 29 | a | June 11 |
1672 | 1 | 11 | gf | May 26 |
1673 | 2 | 22 | e | May 18 |
1674 | 3 | 3 | d | June 7 |
1675 | 4 | 14 | c | May 23 |
1676 | 5 | 25 | ba | May 14 |
1677 | 6 | 6 | g | June 3 |
1678 | 7 | 17 | f | May 19 |
1679 | 8 | 28 | e | June 8 |
1680 | 9 | 9 | dc | May 30 |
1681 | 10 | 20 | b | May 22 |
1682 | 11 | 1 | a | June 4 |
1683 | 12 | 12 | g | May 27 |
1684 | 13 | 23 | fe | May 18 |
1685 | 14 | 4 | d | June 7 |
1686 | 15 | 15 | c | May 23 |
1687 | 16 | 26 | b | May 15 |
1688 | 17 | 7 | ag | June 3 |
1689 | 18 | 18 | f | May 19 |
1690 | 19 | 24 | e | June 8 |
1691 | 1 | 11 | d | May 31 |
1692 | 2 | 22 | cb | May 15 |
1693 | 3 | 3 | a | June 4 |
1694 | 4 | 14 | g | May 27 |
1695 | 5 | 25 | f | May 12 |
1696 | 6 | 6 | ed | May 31 |
1697 | 7 | 17 | c | May 23 |
1698 | 8 | 28 | b | June 12 |
1699 | 9 | 9 | a | May 28 |
1700 | 10 | 20 | gf | May 19 |
1701 | 11 | 1 | e | June 8 |
1702 | 12 | 12 | d | May 24 |
1703 | 13 | 23 | c | May 16 |
1704 | 14 | 4 | ba | June 4 |
1705 | 15 | 15 | g | May 27 |
1706 | 16 | 26 | f | May 12 |
1707 | 17 | 7 | e | June 1 |
1708 | 18 | 18 | dc | May 23 |
1709 | 19 | 29 | b [...] | June 12 |
1710 | 1 | 11 | a | May 28 |
1711 | 2 | 22 | g | May 20 |
1712 | 3 | 3 | fe | June 8 |
1713 | 4 | 14 | d | May 24 |
The use of this Table is this, find the year of God in the Table, and over against it, you have (1) the Golden Number: (2.) The Epact: (3.) The Sunday Letter: And (4.) the Month and Day when Whitsunday falls: I shall Illustrate it by an Example or two.
Suppose the year of Christ given were 1665. against 1665. In the Table I find (1.) 13 for the Golden Number: (2.) 23 for the Epact: (3.) A, for the Sunday Letter: And (4.) May the 14 for Whitsunday. — In like manner, if the years assigned were 1698. the Golden Number is 8. the Epast is 28. the Sunday Letter B. and Whitsunday falls that year on the 12 of June, &c. More Examples were superfluous.
Here note, that where you find two Dominical Letters, it signifieth that year is Leap-year, and therefore you are to take the first of them for January and February, and the second Letter for all the year after.
CHAP. XXIV. To find the time of the Moons rising and setting, and how long She shines.
BY the true places of the Luminaries, find their oblique Ascensions (according to the 21 Chapter, Proposition 11.) Which being known, substract the oblique Ascension of the Sun, from the oblique Ascension of the Moon, and the Arch remaining converted into time, and added to the time of the Suns rising, the Aggregate will be the exact time of the Moon (or Stars) rising as was required. But because every one who peruseth this Book, cannot understand this direction, nor properly apply the same to practice. I shall therefore make choise of that way which I know to be most familiar and easie for the benefit of all men: Wherefore,
First find the Age of the Moon according to the preceeding Chapter: with which enter the following Table, and ye shall find against it the hours and minuts of [Page 62] the Moons shining, which is to be added to the time of the Suns rising, if the Moon be encreasing in light. But to be substracted if she be decreasing, &c. and so the Sum or difference will be the time of the Moons rising.
Example, I demand what time the Moon rises the 5 of January, 1662? the saids day the Moon is 25 dayes old, (according to my Mercurius Coelicus pag. 15. lately emited for the year 1662.) with which I enter the following Table, and I find that the Moon shines 4. h. 00 m. then I look in the 22 Chapter what time the Sun rises the 5. of January, which I find at 8 h. 21 m. Now because the Moon is decreasing in light, therefore I substract 4 h. 00 m. (the time that the Moon shineth) from 8 h. 21 m. (the time of the Suns rising) rests 4 h. 21 m. hence I conclude, that the Moon rises 21 min. 4. in the morning the 5 of January 1662.
Moons Age encreasing. | The time that the Moon shineth. | Moons Age decreasing. |
H. M. | ||
1 | 0 48 | 29 |
2 | 1 36 | 28 |
3 | 2 24 | 27 |
4 | 3 10 | 26 |
5 | 4 0 | 25 |
6 | 4 48 | 24 |
7 | 5 36 | 23 |
8 | 6 24 | 22 |
9 | 7 10 | 21 |
10 | 8 0 | 20 |
11 | 8 48 | 19 |
12 | 9 36 | 18 |
13 | 10 24 | 17 |
14 | 11 10 | 16 |
15 | 12 0 | 15 |
I shall add another example for practice. The 14 day of February 1662. the Moon is 6 dayes old, with which I enter this annexed Table, and I find that the Moon shineth 4 h. 48 min. Then I look for the time of the Suns rising the 14 day of February, which I find (by making proportion) at 6 h. 57 m. And because the Moon is encreasing (in light) therefore I adde 4 h. 48 min. to 6 h. 57 min. The Sum is a 11 h. 45 min. Wherefore I conclude, that the Moon riseth (the 14 day of February 1662.) at 45 m. past a 11 in the forenoon, that is 15 m. Ante meridiem.
If you be desirous to know the time of the Moons setting. [Page 63] Then to the time of the Suns setting, add the time of her shining (if she be encreasing) Or substract the same (if she be decreasing) to; or from the time of the Suns setting, and the sum or difference will be the time of her setting: this is so plain, that an example were superfluous.
CHAP. XXV. To find the Dominical Letters, and dayes of the Week that begins every Moneth, and Moveable Feasts for ever.
TO find the Dominical Letters for ever, I have insert the following Table: Upon each side whereof ye have first the Dominical Letters: And secondly, the years of God respectively, which Inchoats at 1661. and continues till 1688. Where you are to note, that 1688. begins another new Period of years: so that you are to place (if need be) 1689. in stead of 1661. and 1690. in place of 1662. &c. The use of this Table is to find the Dominical Letters, and dayes of the Week that begins every Moneth, and consequently what day of the Week any day of the Moneth happens upon.
As for Example, in the year 1667. I find that the Dominical Letter is F. This Dominical Letter F, I find likewise amongst the lower Dominical Letters, at the bottome of the Table, and under it is M, for Munday: Wherefore I conclude, that the first Munday of Aprile or July falls upon the first day, the second Munday upon the 8 day, &c. So after this manner may be found the time that every Munday falls through the Moneths: As also, the dayes of the Week that any day of the Moneth happens on, by observing the dayes under the respective Moneths through the year.
I told you before, that wherever you find two Dominical Letters, it is Leap year, and that you are to take [Page 64] the first of them for January and February, and the next for all the year after. As for Example, the year 1680. D, directs you to Wednesday for the Months of January and February, and C, to Thursday for all the year after.
Dom. Let. | Year God. | July April | Sept. Dece. | June | mar. feb. no. | August | May | Octob. Jan. | Year God. | Domi. Let. |
AG / F | 1688/1661 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 1674 1675 | D C |
E D | 1662 1663 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 1676 1677 | BA G |
OB A | 1664 1665 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 1678 1679 | F E |
G F | 1666 1667 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 1680 1681 | DC B |
ED C | 1668 1669 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1682 1683 | A G | ||||
B A | 1670 1671 | G | F | E | D | C | B | A | 1684 1685 | FE D |
GF E | 1672 1673 | S | M | T | W | T | F | S | 1686 1687 | C B |
Lastly, to find the Moveable Feasts,
Seek the Change of the Moon in February, for that year in which ye desire to know when any of the Moveable Feasts happens, and not upon what day the Change falls; for the next Tuesday is Shrove-Tuesday, or vulgarly called Fastens. Even; but if the Change of the Moon happen on Tuesday, then the next Tuesday succeeding [Page 65] is it. The next Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent, six Sundayes after is Easter day, commonly called Pasch day, and the seventh Sunday after that is Whitsunday. This is so plain that it needs no Example.
CHAP. XXVI. Of the description of the Quadrant, and how to find the Altitude of the Sun, Moon or Stars thereby.
FIrst, having prepared a peece of Box-wood, Pear-tree, Walnut-tree, or good Plain-tree, well plain'd and smooth'd on both sides, in manner of a Quadrant. Draw thereon the two Semidiamiters, A B, and A C, in such manner as they may cut one another, at right Angles (or Square-wayes) in the Center A. Upon which Center A, set on foot of your Compasses. And
[Page 66] (opening the other to as much a convenient distance as you think fit) with the other describe the Arch, B C. This Arch is called the Limb of the Quadrant, and is divided into 90 equal parts, called degrees thus. First, divide the Arch, B C, into three parts, then every third into three again, so have you nine. Now if ye divide every of those nine into two, so you have 18 parts.
Lastly, If you divide each of these 18 into 5, the total will be 90 degrees. Which (you may sub-divide if quantity will give live) numbred from the left hand towards the right, marking it with 10, 20, 30, 40, &c. unto 90 after the usual manner.
As for the Square within, ye shall draw from either side of your Quadrant a right Line, cutting one another at right Angles at the midle of the Quadrant, which is 45 degrees. This Scale or Square you may divide into 12, 60, 100, or 1000, (the more the better and more commodious) equal parts, all marked from the Center A. That side of the Square next the sights, is called, Ʋmbra recta, or parts of right shaddow. The other side is called, Ʋmbra versa, or points of contrary shaddow.
To this Quadrant (as to all others of this kind in their use) you must place two sights upon the Line A C, with a Line and Plummet, hanging up in the Center A, and so your Quadrant is finished.
Now to find the Altitude of the Sun, Moon or Stars thereby.
HOld up your Quadrant to the Sun (the Threed and Plummet having their free course hanging in the Center A,) moving it up or down, untill you see that both the sights have received the Sun Beams: At which instant mark the fall of the Line and Plummet, for it will cut (upon the Limb of your Quadrant) the degree and minut of the Suns Altitude, at the time of your observation.
But if you desire (in the night time) to find the [Page 67] Altitude of the Planets or fixed Stars, then set the Quadrant to your eye, looking through both the sights, untill you espy that Planet or Star whose Altitude you require, which having found, your Plummer hanging at liberty, mark the fall thereof upon the Quadrants Limb, and it will show you the Altitude of that Coelestial Body, as you required.
CHAP. XXVII. How to finde the Altitude of any Tower, Castle or Steeple, &c.
IF I should endeavour to instruct you by Precept and Example, in every various Scituation and Demonstration that might be proposed, for attaining the true heights of Towers, Castles, Steeples or Hills, &c. by the Quadrant, I should exceed my intention in this place, for it would require a peculiar Treatise by it self (which I may happily publish, if God continue my life) And therefore I shall (here in this Chapter) only shew you, how (by your Quadrant, with, and without Calculation) to know all heights accessible,
First, by Calculation.
Lift up your Quadrant towards the Tower or Steeple whose Altitude you require, untill you behold (through both the sights) the very Summity or Top; which found, mark well the Divisions or Points in your Square, which the Threed and Plummet did fall on: And if they be of right shaddow (that is to say when the Threed and Plummet falls on that side of the Square which is next the sights) Then say, As the Parts out, is to the whole Scale. So is the length of the Base, to the Altitude of the Tower: And therefore multiply the distance from you to the Base by 12. the product divide by the [Page 68] parts cut (by the fall of the Plummet) the Quotient will show you the Altitude required. — But if the Threed fall upon the contrary shaddow, then say, As the whole Scale is to the parts cut, So is the length of the Base, to the Altitude required. And therefore multiply the Base by the parts cut, the product divide by the whole Scale, and the Quotient is your desired Altitude above the Level of your Eye.
Example, Suppose the Threed with the Plummet should happen to fall on 6 parts of contrary shaddow, and the distance from your standing to the Base of the Tower be 120 foot: I say,— As the whole Scale 12, is to the parts cut 6, So is the length of the Base 120 foot, to the Altitude of the Tower 60 foot. Thus multiplying the Base 120, by the parts cut 6, the product 720 divided by 12, the Quotient is just 60, and so many foot high is that Tower or Steeple above the Level of your Eye.
Secondly, Without Calculation.
Because there may be some Ingenious Men, that would know the Altitude of a place, and yet hath no Arithmetick to Multiply and Divide: therefore to satisfie such, I give this Direction. That if the Tower or Steeple, &c. be accessible, then hold your Quadrant up towards it, looking diligently through both the sights, going backward or forward, untill the Line of the Plummet fall on 45 degrees. Which found, Measure the distance between your standing and the Base, for that is the just Altitude of the Tower, above the Level of your Eye, as you required.
CHAP. XXVIII. How to find out the Latitude of a place, or the Poles Elevation above the Horizon.
YOu must diligently attend with your Quadrant about noon, to find the Suns Meridian Altitude, [Page 69] which you may easily do, by observing carefully a little before noon, and a little after, untill you perceive the Sun begin to fall again, then marking what was his greatest Meridian Altitude, reserve it till anone.
Then find the Suns declination according to the first Proposition of the 21 Chapter, and consider whither it be North or South. The declination of the Sun is North, when the day is more then 12 hours long: and South when it's lesse then 12 hours long. And therefore having found the Meridian, Altitude and Declination of the Sun, you may easily find the Latitude of the place after this manner.
If the Sun hath North Declination, then substract his Declination out of his Meridian Altitude, and the remainder will be the Altitude of the Equinoctial, or complement of your Latitude. But if the Sun hath South Declination, then adde it to his Meridian Altitude: the Aggregate will be the heigth of the Equinoctial, which substracted from 90 degrees, there will remain the Latitude of your place, or Altitude of the Pole above your Horizon.
As for Example, Anno Christi 1661. September 21. At Edinburgh I carefully observed the Suns Meridian, Altitude, which I found to be 30 degr. 32 min. At which time the Suns true place was Libra, 8 d. 35 m. 45 s. And his Declination South, 3 d. 25 m. 12 s. Now because the declination is South, I adde it to the Suns Meridian Altitude.
d. | m. | |
The Meridian Altitude of the Sun observed. | 30 | 32 |
The Suns declination (because it's south) add, | 3 | 25 |
The Agg. is the heighth of the Equinoctial. | 33 | 57 |
Which substracted from, | 90 | 00 |
Rests the Latitude of Edinburgh, viz. | 56 | 03 |
Another Example I shall give you. In the saids year, upon the 10th of October, at Edinburgh: I observed the Suns Meridian Altitude to be 23 d. 22 min. at which time his true place was Libra, 27 d. 26 m. having South Declination, 10 d. 35 m. which ordered as aforesaid, it giveth the Latitude of Edinburgh, 56 d. 3 m. as before. [Page 70] In these Examples, I have purposely omittted the Suns Meridian Paralaxis Altitudinis, because I would not trouble you with such Nyceties; neither is such a precisenesse necessary for every common observation; for as it's difficult to obtain (because it requires a peculiar Calculation, which depends upon Trigonometry) so it's as rarely understood amongst the Vulgar. Nevertheless, for the benefit of my Countrey-men, I shall in a Chapter by it self, demonstrate what it is, and also how to calculate it at all times.
CHAP. XXIX. To find the Diameter, Circumference, Solidity and Superficies of any Sphere or Globe.
TO resolve these Geometrical Propositions, I shall use this Method, viz.
The Diameter of any Sphere, Globe, or Circle, being given to find the Circumference thereof.
Multiply the given Diameter by 22. the Product divide by 7. the Quotient will shew the Circumference required.
Example, Suppose I have a Sphere, Globe, or Circle whose Diameter is 14 Inches: I demand how many Inches it is in Circumference? I say, as 7 is to 22. so is the given Diameter 14. to the required Circumference 44 and so many Inches it's round.
2. The Circumference of any Sphere, Globe, or Circle being given to find the Diameter thereof.
Multiply the given Circumference by 7, the Product divide by 12, the Quotient is the Diameter thereof.
Example, The Circumference aforesaid being 44. I demand how much is the Diameter thereof. I say, as 22 is to 7. So is the given Circumference 44 Inches, to the required Diameter 14 Inches.
[Page 71]3. The Diameter and Circumference of any Sphere, or Globe, being given, to find the Superficies thereof.
Multiply the Circumference by the Diameter, the product will be the superficies of the Globe or Sphere, &c.
Example, Let the Diameter be 14 Inches, and the Circumference 44 Inches, the one multiplied by the other, the product is 616 Inches, and so much is the superficies of the saids Globe or Sphere, as was required.
4. The Diameter of any Sphere or Globe being given to find the Crasitude or Solidity thereof.
Multiply the given Diameter cubicaly, the product multiply (again) by a 11. the last product divided by 21. the Quotient will shew the Crasitude required.
Example, The Diameter of a Sphere or Globe being 14 Inches. I demand how many Inches is contained in its solid capacity? — 14 muliplyed cubicaly, the product is 2744. This again by a 11 maketh 30184. which divided by 21. the Quotient is 1437 and 1—3, and so many Inches it is in Solidity, or Crasitude, as was required.
Here note, that a Cubical foot (that is 12 Inches every way) contains in it 1728 solid Inches.
CHAP. XXX. How to find the weight of a Globe or Ball of Mettal or Stone, without weighing them in Ballances.
FIrst, Find the said capacity of the Globe or Ball exactly in Inches, as I desired you in the preceeding Chapter. Secondly, Consider its Mettal, whither it be Gold, Silver, Brasse, Iron, &c. or Marble, or ordinary Free-stone, find the same (whatsoever Mettal it be) in the following Table: and against it on the left hand, you will find a Number, and in the top the common Radius [Page 72] of all these Mettals which known to find the weight of the Globe or Ball in ounces, I use this Analagy.
As the Radius, is to the solid Inches of the Mettal or Stone (named) so is the left hand Number of the saids Mettal or Stone, to the ounces of the weight thereof.
The common Radius is a 1000. | ||
Left hand Number. | Right hand number. | |
13200 | Gold. | 120 |
7880 | Quick-silver. | 140 |
6798 | Lead. | 160 |
6315 | Silver. | 180 |
4958 | Brasse. | 200 |
4333 | Iron. | 230 |
4067 | Tin. | 250 |
1645 | Marble. | 680 |
1420 | Ord. Freeston. | 710 |
Example, I have an Iron Bullet of 8 Inches Diameter which containeth (according to the preceeding Chapter) 268, 1 — 5 solid Inches: I demand how many ounces the saids Bullet weighs? — I say, as the Radius 1000 is to 268, 1 — 5 Inches, so is the left hand Number 4333 to 1162 ounces, that is, 72 pound, 10 ounces, as was required. — If the same Ball had been Silver, I demand the weight thereof?
As the Radius a 1000, is to 268, 1 — 5, so is the left hand number 6315 to 1693 ounces (and something more then a half) that is, 105 pound, 13 ounces (and 683— 1000 part of an ounce.)
In like manner, a round Bullet of ordinary Free-stone of 8 Inches Diameter: I demand how much it wil weigh? I say, as the Radius 1000, is to 268, 1 — 5 (the solid capacity) so is 1420, to 380, 211 —250, that is, 23 pound, 12 ounces, 13 drop. Hence it appears, that a Silver, [Page 73] Iron and ordinary Free-stone Bullet, of equal Diameters, weighs as followeth, viz. Silver 1693 ounces, Iron 1162, and ordinary Free-stone 380, by their differences you may find out their several proportions, which one Mettall bears to another in bodies of equal Magnitudes and Diameters, by these three Examples. You may finde the weight of any material Globe or Bullet of whatsoever bulk, without weighing the same in Scales or Ballances.
This Table hath yet another use; for if the weight of any Globe or Ball be given in ounces, you may find the solid capacity thereof in ounces, thus. As the Radius 1000, is to the weight of the mettall or Stone (named) in ounces, so is the right hand Number, to the solid capacity in Inches.
Example, An Iron Bullet of 8 Inches Diameter aforesaid, weighs 1162 ounces. I demand the number of its solid capacity in Inches.— I say, as the Radius 1000, is to 1162 ounces, so is 230 to 268 ferè, the solid Inches contained therein. More examples (in a thing so plain) were but superfluous.
CHAP. XXXI. Of the Planets Paralaxis Altitudinis, and how to calculate the same at all times.
I Promised in the 28 Chapter preceeding, to show you both a Demonstration of, and also by Examples how, to Calculate the Paralaxis Altitudinis of the Planets, for any time Assign'd: And I am now come to perform what I there promised, with as much brevity and facility as I can. — Which take as followeth.
In this Figure, Z, B, A, I, H, represents the Meridian, K, C, G, the Orbe of the Sun (or any other Planet) D, the Center of the Earth, E, F, the Superficies thereof. Z, the Zenith. E, I, the Horizon, C, the place of the [Page 74] Sun (or any other Planet) in his Orbe. The Line, D, C, B, represents the planets true place, from the Center of the Earth, in the Meridian at, B. The Line, E, C, A, his apparent place, as it appeareth from us at E. The Angle of the Paralax of Altitude, is, A, C, B, (which is equal to E, C, D.) The Angle, A, E, I, is the Angle of the apparent Altitude, of the Planet above the Horizon (which in this Example we suppose to be 27 degr. 40 min.) whose Complement is, Z, E, A, (62 deg. 20 min.) —Here you may see that the apparent Altitude of the Planets, is lesse from the Superficies (or place of Observation at E,) then from the Center of the Earth; (at D,) from which place the Planet in his Orb appears higher in the Meridian at B, then he doth from E, in the Meridian at A, so that the Angle of the Planets Paralaxis Altitudinis, is nothing else but the difference between the true and apparent Altitude, in the Meridian or Circle of Altitude.
Here note, that the nearer a Planet is to the Horizon and Center of the Earth, the greater is the Paralax thereof. And hence it is, that the Moon (because of her Vicinity to the Earth) hath the greatest Paralax of all the other Planets. And that's a main reason why we have so few Solar Eclipses, and those few have so little obscurity. Because frequently her Southern Paralax exceeds her Northern Latitude (the greatest Eclipses happening alwayes when they are equal, and least when her Latitude is South) &c. These things being premised, I come next to practice: And for Illustration, I shall add an Example of either of the Luminaries, for to find their Paralaxis Altitudinis at any time Assign'd.
First, an Example in the Sun.
Suppose the Altitude of the Sun to be (by observation) 27 deg. 40 min. and his distance from the Earth (by calculation) 101798 parts: I demand how much will his Paralax of Altitude (then) be? — To resolve this (and all such like) Questions. I return to this annexed Diagram, for Demonstrations sake, where, In the Triangle, C, D, E, we have known, [1] E, C, [Page 75] the distance of the Sun from the Earth 101798. [2] E, D, the Semidiamiter of the Earth 68, 1—2. [3] The Triangle, C, E, D, 117 d. 40 m. which bisected, gives 58 deg. 50 min. the half sum of the opposite Angles unknown. Hence to find the Paralax of Altitude, A, C, B. Say by this Analagy.
As the sum, is to the difference, so is the Tangent of the half sum of the opposite Angles unknown, To the Tangent of an Arch: whose difference is the Paralaxis Altitudinis required.
E, C. | 101798, | 0-0 |
E, D. | 68, | 1-2 |
Logarithm. | ||||
Sum of E, C, and E, D. | 101866, | 1-2 | 5, 008244 | |
Difference | 101729, | 1-2 | 5, 007658 | |
So is the Tangent of | 58 d. 50 m. 00 s. | 10, 218369 | ||
15, 226027 | ||||
To the Tangent of | 58. 47. 56. | 10, 217783 |
Whose difference 2. 4. is the Angle, A, C, B, or the Suns Paralax of Altitude as was required.
The second Example is of the Moon.
Suppose the Altitude of the Moon were found (by Observation) to be (as before) 27 deg. 40 min. and her distance from the Earth (by Calculation) 3879. I demand what, or how much will her Paralax of Altitude be at the time of the Observation?
In the Triangle C, D, E, the Line C, E, represents the distance of the Moon from the Earth 3879. the sid [...] E, D, and Triangle C, D, E, being the same as before.
The Operation is as followeth.
E, C, | 3879, | 0-0 | ||
E, D, | 68, | 1-2 | ||
Sum of E, C, and E, D, | 3957, | 1-2 | 3,596322 | |
Difference | 3810, | 1-2 | 3, 580982 | |
So is the Tangent of | 58 d. 50 m. 00 s. | 10, 218369 | ||
13, 799351 | ||||
To the Tangent of | 57. 55. 47. | 10, 203029 |
Whose difference 54. 13. is the Angle A, C, B, or Paralaxis Altitudinis of the Moon at the time of the Observation, as was required.
CHAP. XXXII. To find the Lord of the hour for any time assign'd.
FIrst find the time of the Suns rising (for that day wherein you would know the Lord of the Hour) [Page 77] according to the 24 Chapter: Betwixt which, and the Question propounded or assign'd: Find the Intervall of hours and minuts, (which for your greater facility in operation) you may reduce into minuts (by multiplying your hours by 60.) the product shall be your dividend.
Secondly, Enter the Table following, with your Month on the Margent, and the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 day on the top, (taking that day which is neerest) and in the common angle you will find the length of the Planetary hour that day, which is your Divisor, by which you are to divide the dividend aforesaid; the Quotient shal shew you how many Planets compleatly have ruled, and the remainder (if there be any) is the Planet instantly ruling at the time of the Question propounded or assign'd: Which to denominate, consider the day of the week in which the Question is propounded, And,
If the day be Sunday, give the first hour to the Sun, the 2 to Venus, the 3 to Mercury, the 4 to the Moon, &c.
If the day be Munday, give the first hour to the Moon, the 2 to Saturn, the 3 to Jupiter, the 4 to Mars, &c.
If the day be Tuesday, give the first hour to Mars, the 2. to the Sun, the 3 to Venus, the 4 to Mercury, &c.
If the day be Wednesday, give the first hour to Mercury, the 2 to the Moon, the 3 to Saturn, the 4 to Jupiter, &c.
If the day be Thursday, give the first hour to Jupiter, the 2 to Mars, the 3 to the Sun, the 4 to Venus, &c.
If the day be Friday, give the first hour to Venus, the 2 to Mercury, the 3 to the Moon, the 4 to Saturn, &c.
If the day be Saturnday, give the first hour to Saturn, the 2 to Jupiter, the 3 to Mars, the 4 to the Sun, &c. and so you wil easily find that Planet who is Lord of the hour at the time assign'd. For illustration of the Premises, I shall propound an Example, with variety of operations, that you may choose the easiest.
Example, I demand what Planet rules the 5 of August, (the day of the week being Saturnday) at 45. min. past 9 in the morning.
According to the 24 Chapter, I find that the Sun riseth [Page 78] the 5 of August, at 32 min. past 4 in the morning. Now because the Question is propounded in the fore-noon, therefore I substract 4 h. 32 min. (the time of the Suns rising) from 9 h. 45 min. (the time assign'd) rests 5 h. 13 min. (which is the intevall between the Suns rising and time of the Question propounded) which I reduce into min (by multiplying by 60) the product is 313 min. for the dividend.
Secondly, in the Table following, against the 5 of August, I find that the length of the Planetary hour is, 1 h. 15 min. or 75 min. by which I divide 313. the Quotient is 4 and 13 min. remaining; that is, 4 Planets have compleetly ruled, and the 5 is ruling, which to denominate; the day of the Question being Saturnday; I give the first hour to Saturn, the 2 to Jupiter, the 3 to Mars, the 4 to the Sun, and the 13 min. remaining to Venus: Wherefore I conclude, that Venus is Lady of the hour (at the time of the Question propounded) and hath ruled 13 min. of her time.—this is the first.
Names of the Months. | 5 day | 10 day | 15 day | 20 day | 25 day | 30 day |
H. M. | H. M. | H. M. | H. M. | H. M. | H. M. | |
January | 0 36 | 0 37 | 0 39 | 0 41 | 0 43 | 0 45 |
February | 0 47 | 0 49 | 0 51 | 0 53 | 0 55 | 0 |
March | 0 58 | 1 0 | 1 2 | 1 4 | 1 6 | 1 8 |
April | 1 10 | 1 12 | 1 14 | 1 16 | 1 18 | 1 20 |
May | 1 21 | 1 22 | 1 23 | 1 25 | 1 26 | |
June | 1 27 | 1 27 | 1 27 | 1 26 | 1 26 | 1 25 |
July | 1 24 | 1 23 | 1 22 | 1 20 | 1 18 | 1 16 |
August | 1 15 | 1 13 | 1 11 | 1 9 | 1 7 | 1 5 |
September | 1 3 | 0 1 | 0 59 | 0 57 | 0 55 | 0 53 |
October | 0 51 | 1 49 | 0 47 | 0 45 | 0 43 | 0 42 |
November | 0 40 | 0 38 | 0 37 | 0 35 | 0 34 | 0 34 |
December | 0 33 | 0 33 | 0 33 | 0 33 | 0 34 | 0 35 |
Length of the Planetary hour in h. and m. |
Variety in operation, the second is more brief by the Logarithmes, thus:
m. | Logarith. | |
Interval between the Sun rising, and time of the Question propounded: reduced, is | 313 | 2. 495544 |
Length of the Planetary hour in min. | 75 | 1. 875061 |
Rests the number of Planets that have ruled, compleet, viz. 4. | 4. | 0. 620483 |
The third, last, and easiest of all, is this operation following, the day of the week being Saturnday, Saturn begins to rule.
h. | m. | ||
At the Suns rising, viz. | 4. | 32. | |
And continues to rule | 1. | 15 | length Planetary h. |
Untill | 5 | 47 | sum |
Then Jupiter begins | 1 | 15 | add |
And rules till | 7 | 02 | sum |
Then Mars begins | 1 | 15 | add |
and rules till | 8 | 17 | sum |
Then Sol begins | 1 | 15 | add |
and rules till | 9 | 32 | at which time Venus begins to rule. |
This is the most easie way of all others; for it requires neither Multiplication nor Division, but performed only by a continual addition of the length of the Planetary hour, to the time of the Suns rising, untill you come to the time propounded, &c.
CHAP. XXXIII. Shewing what Moon makes full Sea in most Sea-Port Towns in Scotland, England, and Ireland, &c.
1. A South or North Moon makes full sea at Queenborough, Southampton, Ports-mouth, Isle of Wight Beachy, the Spilts, Kentish-knock, half tide at Dunkirk.
2. A South by west, or North by east Moon, makes full [Page 80] sea at Aberdeen, Rochester, Malden, Redban, and west end of the Black-tail.
3. A South southwest, or North northeast Moon, at Graves-end, Downs, Rumney, Tenet, Silly half tide; Blacknesse, Ramkins, Fernhead, Leith.
4. A Southwest by south, or Northeast by north Moon at Dundee, St. Andrews, Lisbane, St. Lucas, Bell Isle, Holy-Isle.
5. A Southwest, or Northeast Moon, at London, Tinmouth, Hartlepole, Whitby, Amsterdam, Gasconygne, Galizia.
6. A Southwest by west, or Northeast by east Moon, at Berwick, Flamboroughhead, Burlington-bay, Ostend, Flushing Burdeaux, Fountnesse.
7. When the Moon is W. S. W, or E. N. E. it's full Sea at Scarburgh, quarter tide, Lawrens, Mountis-bay Seaverin, Kingsail, Cork, Haven, Baltamore, Dungarrin, Callis, Creek, Blay, seven Isles.
8. A W. by S. or E. by N. Moon, at Falmouth, Foy, Humber, Merles, Newcastle, Dartmouth, Forby, Coldby, Gernsey, St. Mallowes, Arbroth, Lisard.
9. An E. or W. Moon makes full sea at Plymouth, Waymouth, Hull, Lin, Lundy, Antwerp, Holines of Bristol, Davids head, Concalo.
10. An E. by S. or W. by N. Moon at Bristol, and at Foulnesse at the Start.
11. An E. S. E. or W. N. W. Moon at Milford, Bridge Water, Ex-water, Lands-end, Waterford, Cupcleer, Aberwarick, Texel.
12. A S. E. by W. or N. W. by W. Moon, at Portland, Peterport, Harflew, Hague, St. Magnes sound, Dublin, Lambay, Macknels Castle.
13. A S. E. or N. W. Moon, at Pool, St. Helens, Isle of Man, Catnesse, Orkney, Fair Isles, Dumbar, Kildren, the Basse Isle, the Casquers deep half tide.
14. A S. W. by S. or N. W. by N. Moon, at Needles, Exford, Laysto, South and North Foreland.
15. A S.S.E. or N. N. W. Moon, at Yarmouth, Dover, Harwich, Firth, Bullein, St. Johns deluce, Calis Road.
16. A S. by E. or N. by W. Moon, at Rye, Winchley, Gorend, Thames Roads.
I have here added a peculiar tide Table for the honourable Cities of Aberdeen and Dundee, the Town of Lieth and Dumbar. For which places, you have no more ado, but enter the Table with the Age of the Moon, and against the respective places, you may know for ever, when it will be full sea in any of them, as by one example I shall demonstrate.
Moons Age | increas. | days | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
decres. | days | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |
Aberdeen. | H. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 12 | |
M. | 33 | 21 | 9 | 57 | 45 | 33 | 21 | 9 | 57 | 45 | 33 | 11 | 9 | 57 | 45 | ||
Dundie and S. Andrews. | H. | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 12 | 1 | 2 | |
M. | 3 | 51 | 39 | 27 | 15 | 3 | 51 | 39 | 27 | 15 | 3 | 51 | 39 | 27 | 15 | ||
Leith. | H. | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 12 | 1 | |
M. | 20 | 8 | 56 | 44 | 32 | 20 | 8 | 56 | 44 | 32 | 10 | 8 | 56 | 44 | 32 | ||
Dumbar | H. | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
M. | 48 | 36 | 24 | 12 | 0 | 48 | 36 | 24 | 12 | 0 | 48 | 36 | 24 | 12 | 12 |
I demand the time of full sea at Leith the 20 day of February, 1662. the said day the Moons Age is 12. With which I enter the Table, and finding 12 the Moons Age on the top of the Table, I descend the Column, until I come against Leith, and I find a 11. 8. viz. a 11 h. 8 m. in the forenoon it's full sea at Leith the 20 of February 1662. as was required. In like manner, the Moon being 12 days old, it will be full sea at Aberdeen at 10 h. at 11 m. past. At Dundie or St. Andrews at 11 h. 51 m. and at Dumbar at 6 h. 36 min.